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Table of Contents                                                                                                              Northwood Advertising

                                                                                                                               At Northwood Advertising,
Executive Summary .......................................................................................... 2                 we all have one common
                                                                                                                               goal, and that is to accom-
Situation Analysis .............................................................................................. 3            plish any objective thrown
Research Objectives ......................................................................................... 5                our way. We recognize a
                                                                                                                               unique element within our
Secondary Research ......................................................................................... 6                 agency that promotes cre-
                                                                                                                               ative and precise solutions
Primary Research ............................................................................................... 8
                                                                                                                               to the ever changing world
Target Market ......................................................................................................10         of advertising. It is what
                                                                                                                               drives us to complete a task
Problems/Opportunities (Binge Drinking) ...............................................14                                      no matter what the cost.
                                                                                                                               We have faith in who we
Creative Strategy ...............................................................................................15
                                                                                                                               are and what we do. More
Creative Executions ..........................................................................................16               importantly we have faith in
                                                                                                                               one another.
Creative Evaulation ...........................................................................................26
                                                                                                                               Each of us enter as
Media Strategy ...................................................................................................28
                                                                                                                               individuals but emerge as
Budget ...................................................................................................................29   part of a unified and dedi-
                                                                                                                               cated team. This is what
Campaign Flight Plan.......................................................................................32                  led us to become one team:
                                                                                                                               Northwood Advertising.

Executive Summary
What is a
Tipping Point?           Northwood Advertising has developed an IMC plan that will
                         reinvent the social perception of binge drinking among 18-24 year
Tipping Point            olds. Our campaign will create and shift the tipping point of binge
(tip-ping point) noun
                         drinking from its current perception of being accepted and “cool”
                         to being a negative aspect of a person’s social image. Our cam-
1) The level at which
the momentum for
                         paign will be implemented through digital, both traditional and
change becomes           nontraditional media, as well as through promotional initiatives.
unstoppable.             Instead of interrupting what interests them, our message will be-
                         come what interests them.
2) The culmination
of a build-up of small   Objectives
changes that affects
a big change.            •   To increase awareness of the dangers of binge drinking
                             among our target market

                         •   To have a clear understanding of when and where the
                             problem occurs and execute the message accordingly

                         •   To drive and retain users to the website

                         •   To create a tipping point with the social perception of binge

Situation Analysis
For over 10 years, The Century    Alcohol 101 Plus™ is a pro-
Council has worked with the       gram that has already been
community to create innova-       implemented by The Century
tive strategies to combat drunk   Council. It encourages college
driving and underage drinking     students to make responsible
across the nation. They are now   decisions pertaining to alcohol.
aiming to combat binge drink-     Due to the similar objectives of
ing on campus communites          both our campaign and
and promote responsible deci-     Alcohol 101 Plus™ we decided
sion making regarding alcohol.    to put extra emphasis on
They work with all members of     understanding the Alcohol
the community, including: law     101 Plus™. The following is our
enforcement, public officials,    assessment of the strengths,
educators, parents, and           weaknesses, opportunities, and
students.                         threats of Alcohol 101 Plus™.

Situation Analysis
                    Strengths                                   Opportunities
       NA  LYSI       • Provides information and tips to         • Have direct links to Alcohol 101 Plus

  OT A
                        prepare college students for               from social media website.
SW                      drinking situations.
                      • Broken into four segments; first-year
                                                                 • Provide a sleeker web design,
                                                                   incorporating videos that spark
                        students, greek life, athletes, and        curiosity.
                        judicial policy offenders.               • Providing the user a choice to make
                                                                   a smart decision, instead of telling
                    Weaknesses                                     the user what not to do.
                     • At first glance, the user is              • Interactive virtual campus can be a
                       bombarded with messages about               larger aspect of the website, with
                       drunk driving and underage                  alternative aerial view of the
                       drinking.                                   campus.
                     • Appears to feature two different          • Updated and user created videos for
                       websites                                    user interaction.
                       • One provides information about
                          the initiative, while the other is    Threats
                          the actual “virtual campus”             • Alcohol and liquor commercials
                     • Interactive virtual campus is not a          continue to appeal to younger
                       big enough aspect of the website.            audiences.
                     • Video college skits appear too             • Younger audiences are more
                       staged, and too formal, talking down         attracted to the “thrill” of drinking as
                       to the user.                                 opposed to the dangers of drinking.

Research Objectives

• To obtain a clear definition
  of what binge drinking is.
• To better understand:
  • Where/When/Why
     binge drinking
  • Who is the binge
• To understand the driving
  force of binge drinking.
• To understand the lifestyle
  and mindset of the target
  market and the most
  effective and efficient ways
  to reach them.

Secondary Research
Environmental Factors
                                   WHO:                                    WHEN:
• Students are 11% more            • Greek Organizations:                  • Fall
    likely to binge drink when       • 86% of fraternity residents binge     • Welcome Week
    there is a high                  • 80% of sorority members who live      • Tailgating
    concentration of liquor             in chapter houses binge drink        • Halloween
    retailers in the area.                                                   • Day before Thanksgiving
•   Media heavily influences       • Athletes:
    the social perception of         • Students involved in athletics      • Winter
    drinking within our target          are one and a half times more        • Holidays
    market.                             likely to binge drink than other     • Greek events including:
•   Laws and regulations on             students                                • Pledging
    alcohol affect the                                                          • Rush parties
    community as a whole and       • Students attending sporting events:     • Superbowl Sunday
    can help change social           • Students are more likely to drink
    norms.                              at sporting events                 • Spring
•   Americans are bombarded                                                  • St. Patrick’s Day
    with alcohol advertising.      • Students:                               • March Madness
•   Our target market is             • Peak times for binge drinking         • Spring Break: Florida is the top
    conditioned to believe that         during the school year are:             destination due to price and
    binge drinking is a part            1) Spring Break                         location
    of the college culture and a        2) Weeks of Christmas & New          • End of school year / final exams
    social norm.                           Year’s
•   Drinking is a way of                3) Welcome Weeks (1st three
    celebrating multiple                   weeks of the school year)       • Summer
    holidays and special
                                                                             • Fourth of July
                                                                             • Graduation parties

Secondary Research

WHERE:                                       WHY:
These are the 10 most heavily                According to The Century Council, the top
populated regions of college students in     reasons for binge drinking are:
the United States. These regions include        • Gives people something to do
6 of the top 10 party schools in the na-        • Gives people something to talk
tion according to the 2009 Princeton               about
Review.                                         • Allows people to have more fun
                                                • Facilitates a connection with peers
1)    Los Angeles, CA                           • Facilitates male bonding
2)    Miami, FL                                 • Facilitates sexual opportunities
3)    Boston, MA                                • Facilitates female bonding
4)    Chicago, IL
5)    New York, NY                  Key Research Insights
6)    Philadelphia, PA
7)    Austin, TX                    •   On college campuses 70% of the student body binge drinks.
8)    Columbus, OH                  •   20% of college students are frequent binge drinkers.
9)    San Antonio, TX               •   Binge drinkers consume two-thirds of all alcohol sold in the U.S.
10)   Detroit, MI                   •   Throughout the school year there are specific occasions when students are
                                        more likely to participate in binge drinking.
Drinking Environments               •   Focus should be emphasized on Greek organizations, athletes,
•   Tailgates/Sporting Events           athletic fans, and first year students.
•   Local Bars
•   House/Greek Parties             •   Specific events throughout the year draw larger drinking crowds.
•   Spring Break                    •   There are specific regions where our campaign efforts will have
                                        maximum impact.
                                    •   College drinking prevention efforts have done little to slow the overall trend
                                        nationwide, but efforts which have been successful are those that aim at
                                        changing the entire college drinking culture by simultaneously targeting the
                                        student population as a whole; the college and its surrounding environment;
                                        and the individual at-risk or alcohol-dependent drinker.

Primary Research
    During Alcohol Awareness Week, our research team created a root beer pong
    tournament available to everyone on campus. The theme and the opportunity to win
    prizes drew a large crowd. We viewed this event as a great way to generate
    awareness about binge drinking, as well as a perfect opportunity to gather research
    about our target market. All participants completed surveys which focused on their
    drinking habits.

    Males:                                      Females:
     • Drink 1-3 days a week                      • Drink 1-3 days a week
     • Majority drink: beer, mixed                •	 Majority drink: mixed drinks, wine,
        drinks, and shots                            shots, and beer
     • Very indifferent about drinking            •	 Majority say they don’t drink to get
        games                                        drunk
     • Think that pre-drinking is                 •	 Drink the same amount as friends
        essential before going out                •	 Use drinking games to accelerate
     • Think that socializing is easier              the drinking process
        when drunk                                •	 Think socializing is easier when
     • Days to drink: Thursday, Friday, and          drunk
        Saturday                                  •	 Days to drink: Thursday, Friday, and
     •	 While drunk: drunk dialing and               Saturday
        getting sick                              •	 While drunk: drunk dialing, getting
                                                     sick, and crying

Primary Research
                                                                                          Key Insights

Focus Groups                                 When do you drink?                           Our definition of binge
We conducted five focus groups               •		 Most binge drinking occurs in the        drinking: “Someone who
composed of various college students             months of August, December, and          drinks to get drunk.”
within our target market. After fully            May.
analyzing the results we were able to        •		 Binge drinking is most prevalent on      There are minor
obtain a definition of what a binge              Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights.   differences in drinking
drinker is to our target market. The                                                      habits between males
following are some of our key findings:      Why do you drink?                            and females. However,
                                             •		 The primary reason to drink is for       these differences are not
Who or what is a binge drinker to you?           social acceptance and a positive         significant enough to
• After aggregating our results, we were         image among peers. The target            alter our strategy to aim
  able to generate a concise definition          market wants to be perceived as fun      at both genders as
  of who our target market views as a            and fit in amongst their peers.          separate market
  binge drinker; “Someone who drinks         •	 Other motivations are: to have            segments.
  to get drunk.”                                 fun, relax, get away from stress,
                                                 hang out with friends, or because        We found that our
Where do you drink?                              of boredom.                              primary research insights
•	 Most binge drinking occurs at                                                          reinforced our secondary
   sporting events, Greek life activities,                                                research findings.
   bars, house parties, and on college

Target Market

     The target market is comprised of
     unique and diverse individuals 18 - 24
     who pride themselves on self-image,
     relationships, independence, and bright
     futures. Their lives are busy and clut-
     tered, leaving them in a constant state
     of partial attention.

     The target market has grown up in a
     fast-paced, ever changing world where         Conscious
                                                   Key holder to
     staying connected to family, friends,
     school, you name it, could not be more
     significant. Social networking, relation-
     ships, and the presence of peer pressure
     have a deep impact on their lives.               the future
     The target market has become accus-
     tomed to having their needs met quick-
     ly with little patience for delay. Our tar-
     get market research has led us to name
     our target market the SLICKs. A SLICK is
     a socially linked, image conscious, key
     holder to the future.

Target Market

Party Animals                             opportunity to get drunk and at times
Our extensive research allowed us to      can be found drinking alone. Monkeys
obtain a clearer definition of how a      are often unaware of the fact that they
SLICK perceives a binge drinker. Due to   have a problem; therefore they do not
the diversity of our target market we     know they need help. You can find a
have decided that the best way to un-     Monkey at just about every party, sport-
derstand them was to differentiate them   ing event, and social function on college
into three different market segments of   campuses.
Party Animals. The three types of party
animals are...                            Sheep
                                          The Sheep are the portion of the target
Monkeys                                   market who are social drinkers. Sheep
The Monkeys are the portion               most often drink to get a buzz or “loosen
of the target market who are the          up” around peers. Sheep claim to be
heavy binge drinkers. The Monkeys         more sociable and friendly when they
do not need a reason to drink and they    have alcohol in their system, and they
consume alcohol beyond their limits.      are the type of drinkers who tend to
They drink to get drunk. Their drinking   follow what their peers are doing but
begins to negatively affect other as-     can also influence what others do. The
pects of their lives. Monkeys encourage   Sheep make up the largest portion of
drinking wherever they go and do not      the Party Animals. Their drinking habits
know many other ways of having fun.       are mostly under control and they know
They have the tendency to pull Sheep      how to drink responsibly; however, that
and Turtles into the binge-drinking       is not to say that they aren’t at risk of
problem. Monkeys rarely turn down the     binge drinking. Sheep are very image

Target Market

     conscious and can be easily herded by           Primary Target Market: Sheep
     Monkeys to turn a social night of drink-        Our research has concluded that the
     ing into binge drinking, depending on           primary target market of our campaign
     the occasion. Sheep believe that since          will be the Sheep. Due to the potentially
     they do not drink alone or in excess,           influential persona, a message would
     they do not have an alcohol problem.            need to be created to reach them.
     You can also find the Sheep at every
                                                     Our goal for reaching the primary target
     party, sporting event, and social func-
                                                     market is to create the tipping point
     tion around a college campus.
                                                     when the Sheep shift from the influ-
                                                     enced to the influencers.
     The turtles are the portion of the target       This goal is obtainable because they are
     market who rarely drink, and when they          already willing to participate in both
     do it is in safe moderation. Their life-        extremes of drinking. Making the non-
     styles, values, past experiences, etc. have     dangerous side of drinking more attrac-
     taught them other means of having fun           tive will pull the Sheep from the influ-
     and spending their time without drink-          enced to the influencers.
     ing. Turtles tend to shy away and hide          The Sheep are involved on and off cam-
     in their shells when dangerous binge            pus both academically and socially.
     drinking is occurring. Turtles are at a low     Once we reach them, the others will
     risk of being persuaded by Monkeys and          follow. The Sheep’s importance is their
     Sheep, but are still at risk in certain situ-   ability to spread our message both ef-
     ations and on special occasions. Turtles        ficiently and effectively.
     are all over college campuses, but are less
     likely to be in binge drinking settings.

Target Market

Secondary Target Market:
Monkeys & Turtles
The Monkeys dangerous drinking
behavior is a habit. Our research has
shown us that aiming our campaign
at the Monkeys as our primary target
would be ineffective. The habits of a
Monkey cannot be changed with mes-
sages directed at them, but only with a
change in the way they are perceived
by their peers. In order to reinvent this
perception, we must first shift the tip-
ping point from the influenced to the

Keeping the Turtles on board with our
message will only help shift the tipping
point towards a new social perception
of binge drinking. Our message is con-
sistent with their current drinking habits
and lifestyles.

     Problem: Over consumption of alcohol       Opportunity: To create a tipping point
     has become a “social norm” on college      with the social perception of binge
     campuses.                                  drinking.

     Problem: First year students find          Opportunity: Our research indicates
     themselves influenced by a culture and     the most frequent drinking periods
     environment that promotes alcohol          throughout the year for a first year stu-
     consumption.                               dent. This research allows us to target
                                                SLICKs at the most crucial times of the
                                                school year.

     Problem: Studet organizations are a        Opportunity: By working with the dean
     leading contributor to dangerous binge     of academics, we can provide incentives
     drinking on college campuses.              for studets to promote our case and join
                                                our cause.

     Problem: Athletic events provide col-      Opportunity: Because of the large scale
     lege students with a socially acceptable   of collegiate sporting events we can eas-
     reason to drink with peers.                ily place promotional staff throughout
                                                these events.

     Problem: Specific events throughout        Opportunity: By promoting a lifestyle
     the school year have become a desig-       that glorifies responsibility, we can
     nated dangerous drinking day.              decrease the dangers of these drinking

Creative Strategy

From our research consisting of surveys, focus groups, interviews, and observational      Are you the ONE who
research, we discovered the most effective way to make an impact on a SLICKs life         held your friends hair?
and mindset. Instead of talking down to the target market and telling them what to
do, we learned that the best way is to relate and to give the target market the choice    Are you the ONE who
to form their own opinions. They told us to let them form their own decisions rather      made it to class after a
than to tell them how to feel.                                                            late night?

                                                                                          Are you the ONE that got

                                                                                          Are you the one that is on
                                                                                          the news?

                                                                                          Are you the one that col-
                                                                                          lected the keys?
Our target market research led us to the message Are You the One? The message em-         Are you the one whose
powers SLICKs to form new feelings and different mindsets when choosing between a         car is wrapped around a
positive and negative drinking scenario. If they believe that their decisions determine   tree?
their social image, they will become more responsive to our message. Whichever situ-
ation SLICKs finds themselves in, our tagline “Are You the One?” will subconsciously      Are you the one drunk
affect their decision making.                                                             dialing?


     Are You The One Street Teams                  Promotion Specifics:
     The Are You The One street teams will         • Five street teams/undercover
     kick off the campaign. During the day,           partiers consisting of 7-10 members
     street teams will interact directly with      • Each street team will cover a geo-
     SLICKS on college campuses in order to           graphic area (southern California,
     create awareness of the campaign as              the Northwest, the Midwest, the
     well as drive SLICKS to the website. In          South/Southeast, and the Northeast)
     order to create this awareness and drive      • It will run for 10 consecutive
     these individuals to the website, these          weekends throughout the football
     street teams will be distributing Are You        tailgate season, including Halloween
     The One magnetic slap bracelets printed       • T-shirts will be given to those who
     with local taxi numbers. Additionally,           fill out a Business Response Card
     T-shirts with the Are You The One logo        • The BRC’s will be used to obtain
     and website will also be distributed and         contact information for monthly
     will be color specific to the university in      newsletters
     which the street teams are located.           • Pictures taken of those individuals
                                                      partying responsibility will be
     During the evening the street teams will         posted to the website to promote
     become undercover partiers by visiting           this behavior and highlight individu-
     their various college parties in search          al universities
     of SLICKS who are partying responsibly.
     Those that are partying responsibly will
     be rewarded with gifts and premiums
     valued from $50 to $100.


Campus Organizations Initiative – School Competition
A school competition has been introduced to create and spread
awareness of the “Are you the One?” campaign.
• Plastic beer/liquor bottles will be mailed to the deans of student
    bodies of the top 100 schools (according to population)
• The bottles will have a label containing a brief synopsis
    introducing the binge drinking campaign.
• The deans will implement the significant steps to provide
    binge-drinking awareness on their campus.
• Groups will provide user-generated videos and will compete for a
    grand prize. Each month a different video will be displayed
    recognizing the efforts of students around the country.
• Grand prize for winning the contest will be a concert by N.E.R.D.

Creative Execution                         2. Scene transitions to an bar where the
Television                                                             narrator is now behind the bar. The two
                                                                       scenarios are presented when a drunken
The inspiration for                                                    woman spills her drink on herself and then
our commercial is                                                      her responsible friend tells her she is cut off.
that there are always
positive and negative
decisions to be made
when drinking. Our
commercial will por-
tray both and leave
the obvious decision
of which “one” to be
up to the viewer.

                        1. Narrator begins monologue while lean-
                        ing against a pool table in a red jacket and
                        explaining the concept of the two drinking

4. Another scene transition to a college house party with the
                             narrator now dressed like a student. Two scenarios are presented
                                 with a student who is too drunk to recognize he’s mistaken
                                   a long-haired guy for his girlfriend. Across the room
                                      is sober student pulling in all the ladies to
                                          give them a safe ride home.

3. Another scene transitions to a rowdy                                                5. Final scene transitions back to the
tailgate with narrator now dressed in a                                             narrator leaning against the pool table his
jersey. Portrayed is a fan that is too drunk                                   red jacket. The narrator closes the TV spot by
and spilling beer all over everyone in sight.                             reiterating the concept that no matter where drink-
Next to him is a responsible tailgater who looks like he is             ing is occurring it’s inevitable that you will encoun-
ready to throw on a helmet and run onto the field.                      ter both scenarios. You have to choose your actions
                                                                        wisely and ask yourself “Are You the One?”

Print Execution

     For our print execution we decided to use a simple, yet catchy theme that was consistent with each of our marketing ve-
     hicles. Our advertisements direct SLICKs to make responsible decisions by presenting them with a positive and negative
     scenario in each advertisement.

     These ads show that being responsible brings positive attention and overdrinking brings negative attention. By taking
     on both sides, it presents the viewer with an obvious choice without forcing a decision.
Interactive Digital Billboard

                                              We chose to incorporate an “Are You the One?” Twitter
                                              profile to an automatic feed that will be instantly dis-
                                              played on digital billboards. This will show real time
                                              updates of consumer generated comments.

                                              Bathroom Ad (Campus and bars)

                                              We have created peel-off “Are You the One?” decals to
                                              be placed onto toilet seats and urinals across college
Billboards                                    campuses and
                                              popular bars.
Our billboard executions will be straight
to the point presenting a positive or
negative scenario consistent with our
message throughout the entire

Bus Signage

Bus signage will introduce the “Are You the
One?” message used to kick off the cam-
paign. Bus signage will create buzz and
name recognition among SLICKs within
urban populations.

Creative Execution
                              Rich Media
tweet (tweet) noun
                              Our rich media ads will compliment our online community. Similar to our TV spot,
1) a post or status update
                              they will feature short videos strategically placed on key websites. Due to our large
on twitter, a microblog-
                              digital budget and the low price of online advertising, we will be able to reach a
ging service.
                              larger percentage of our target market for less money.

                              Our Homepage Roadblock on YouTube will feature various individuals walking and
tweet (tweet) verb
                              interacting with the content on the home page. One or several individuals will be
2) to post a status update
                              too intoxicated and fall over knocking content from the page down and causing a
on twitter; brief and short
                              scene. Other individuals in this “party” scene will help the person who fell down or is
in length
                              passed out, showing that they are the responsible “one”. this will lead to our YouTube
                              branded channel of all our Are You the One videos. This roadblock will be February
                              9, 2010, as many SLICKS browse YouTube following the Superbowl in search of com-
re-tweet (re-tweet) verb
                              mercials and highlights
1) to post a comment, sta-
tus update, or response to
another’s tweet
                              Our twitter account will be focused on having users finish the sentence “Are You the
                              One who…” Quality responses will be “re-tweeted” and shared among followers pro-
                              viding more exposure to the “tweeter” and creating buzz. This will ultimately drive
                              more traffic to our website.

                              A Facebook Connect page will provide us with a presence on one of the most popu-
                              lar websites among SLICKs. Facebook Connect will enable us to integrate any up-
                              dates, notifications, comments, and news from to our Facebook

Creative Execution
Connect page. This will increase awareness and our reach to SLICKs. The power of Facebook
Connect will be the ability to spread awareness through our visitors’ friends and their connec-
tions to others. Facebook Connect has the powerful ability to spread news and trends quickly
and efficiently.

Rich media advertisements will be featured on the MySpace music homepage. The ads will
entertain viewers and drive them to our website and increasing campaign awareness.

Mobile Application
We have chosen to develop a mobile application that will be compatible with the iPhone
and other smart phones. The application will continue to use the Century Council’s B4UDrink
Educator concept, but with some additional improvements. Our mobile application will al-
low users to interact with the website as well as have fun playing with
the B4UDrink Educator. The B4U Drink application will effectively engage SLICKs and educate
them on alcohol over consumption, all the while increasing campaign awareness.

All our online video commercial will be available through YouTube. Our research showed
that YouTube is one of the most visited video websites by SLICKs so this can only lead to
additional campaign awareness and reach.

Google/Yahoo Search Optimization
If users attempt to Google search any kind of drinking term such as beer bongs, beer pong,
drinking games, etc. the “Are You the One?” website will be at the top of the results.

Creative Execution

    The website is the foundation of our campaign. All of our advertising
    will be focused on drawing SLICKs to the website. will be an interactive “college style” living room
    where visitors can learn all about our campaign and binge drinking.
    Users will sign in, either as a guest, or by creating a username. Once
    signed in, users will be able to navigate around the interactive room
    and have the option to join chat rooms, watch videos, follow our pro-
    motions, and learn facts about dangerous binge drinking.

    Features of the will include:
    •     Public and private chat features
    •     A ticker displaying user generated “Are You the One…?” tweets
          streamed directly from our Twitter followers
    •     Updates of current and upcoming Are You the One? events
    •     Viral commercials and videos which can be shared among
    •     Facts and statistics to educate visitors about binge drinking
    •     Subscription links enabling visitors to engage in mobile and/or
          email updates
    •     Pages specifically describing both of our promotion initiatives.

Creative Evaluation

     Why Our Message Works

     •   SLICKs pride themselves on their        •   Our message will work because it
         self image. Being accepted by peers         is directed towards each of the three
         and recognized as “cool” or part of         types of Party Animals and not just
         the crowd is of the utmost impor            the Monkeys. Our research has
         tance. Our tagline “Are You the One?”       shown that although many prior
         directly relates to this emotion of         anti-binge drinking campaigns have
         belonging and maintaining a                  been unsuccessful, the campaigns
         positive self image.                        that have had a positive impact
                                                     were the ones aimed towards the
     •   The awareness among SLICKs that             entire population as a whole instead
         binge drinking negatively affects           of those who are the source of the
         their self image will be in the back        problem.
         of every SLICKs’ mind when they
         are in drinking situations. This will
         not prevent them from drinking, but
         it will heighten their awareness of
         which “one” they will choose to be.

Creative Evaluation

In order to gain some measurement as to how successful our campaign will be we conducted
a series of blind focus groups and distributed over 300 surveys. We knew that the only way to
gauge our success would be to throw our message and creative executions right at our target
market to see how they feel.

    Focus Groups Insights
    • There was an overwhelming approval of our tagline “Are You the One?” A majority of the
       students liked the tagline because it didn’t focus on the negative aspects of binge drinking
       and it wasn’t a command telling them not to drink.
    • We presented our logo with several color schemes and variations to the focus groups. A ma-
       jority of the students liked the one we ultimately chose for the campaign.
    • Various types of non-traditional media ideas were presented to the focus groups. The types
       we chose were the ones most students believed would have the greatest impact and increase
       the most awareness.
    • Several website concepts were also presented to the focus groups. Our idea of an interactive
       living room which would include chat, video, and educational information on binge drinking
       was the overriding favorite.
    Evaluation Survey and Insights
    • When asked to rank five taglines from best to worst, 71% ranked “Are You the One?” as #1.
    • When asked to rank five logos from best to worst, 83% ranked the circle logo as #1.
    • When asked to assess the color schemes of the logos from best to worst, the orange, black,
       and white was #1.
    • When asked whether seeing our tagline through various types of media would create enough
       curiosity and buzz to drive them to our website for more information, 88% said it would

Media Strategy
     The “Are You the One?” campaign is designed
     to effectively reach SLICKs through diverse,
     relevant, and cost effective media vehicles.
     The media plan is rooted in digital and non-
     traditional vehicles, but uses traditional media
     to launch and reinforce the messages to the
     majority of SLICKs. “Are You the One?” will
     break through the clutter of the thousands of
     message SLICKs are exposed to on a daily basis.
     Instead of interrupting what interests them, we
     will become what interests them.                   Minnesota        St. Paul/ Minneapolis,
                                                                         St. Cloud
     Geographic Focus                                   Missouri         St. Louis, Springfield,
     Our media strategy will geographically focus                        Columbia
     on the largest markets of SLICKs. Here are our     New York         New York, Brooklyn,
     main regions of focus…                                              Rochester, Buffalo
                                                        North Carolina   Charlotte, Greenville,
     California        Sacramento, Los Angeles,                          Raleigh, Chapel Hill,
                       San Diego                                         Greensboro
     Florida           Tallahassee, Jacksonville,       Ohio             Cleveland, Columbus,
                       Gainesville, Orlando, Tampa,                      Oxford, Toledo, Cincinnati,
                       Miami                                             Dayton,
     Georgia           Atlanta, Athens                  Pennsylvania     Philadelphia, Pittsburgh,
     Illinois          Chicago, Bloomington                              University Park
     Indiana           Indianapolis, Bloomington,       Texas            Austin, El Paso, San Antonio,
                       Fort Wayne                                        Huston, Arlington, Dallas,
     Massachusetts     Amherst, Boston Area             Virginia         Fairfax, Harrisonburg,
     Michigan          Warren, Detroit, Lansing,                         Richmond, Petersburg,
                       Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids,                          Charlottesville, Annandale
                       Mt. Pleasant

Media Budget
               Selections: MTV

               Rationale: SLICKS are 203% more likely to watch MTV than any
                          other network, with 47.9% of 18-24 college students
                          watching MTV on a daily basis

               Selections: Rolling Stone, Maxim, Cosmopolitan, Glamour

               Rationale: SLICKS are less likely to multi-task while reading
                          magazines. The selected publications have high
                          circulation rates for 18-24 college students

               Street Team Promotion
               Locations: Top 10 party and populated universities in each of the
                          5 geographic regions.

               Rationale: By targeting the most populated campuses during
                          welcome weeks and tailgating seasons, we’ll be able
                          to put a face to the AreYouTheONE campaign and
                          begin the WOM that is essential for our tipping point.
               Campus Competition
               Locations: Initially targeting top 150 universities, this promotion
                          will be available to all accredited universites.

               Rationale: It’s a win-win situation. Schools will use the incentive
                          to have students combatting binge drinkin on their
                          campus, and students will compete against other
                          schools for the concert, and money for their organiza-

Media Budget
Out of Home
Selections: Transit Shelters, Traditional/
            Digital Billboards, Bath-
            room ads, Bus Signage

Rationale:    In order to effectively begin
              the momentium needed
              for a tipping point, a strong
              public awareness of the
              message is needed. Out of
              Home executions will
              create curiousity and
              awareness throughout the
              year. 51% of 18-24 take
              action after seeing digital

Media Budget
                                                                                                       These ad units and impressions
                                                                                                       will be purchased through vari-
                                                                                                       ous ad networks in order to gain
                                                                                                       the most possible reach at a cost
                                                                                                       effective rate. These networks
                                                                                                               • Specific Media
                                                                                                               • Google Ad Network
                                                                                                               • Yahoo! Network
                                                                                                               • Video Egg

                                                                                                       Utilizing these networks will
                                                                                                       allow us to behaviorally target,
                                                                                                       demographically target, contex-
                                                                                                       tually target and geographically
                                                                                                       target the SLICKs and optimize
                                                                                                       our display campaign on the fly,
                                                                                                       with immediate results.

                                                                                                                 Total Digital Spend:
Additional funds will be for optimizing search campaigns                                                          $2,995,000
          Search Engine Spend Avg. CPC                     Homepage Rich Media Roadblock on YouTube:
          Google        $175,000 $0.20                                   $200,000
          Yahoo!        $175,000 $0.20
           Budget Alotted for SEO: $350,000

                    Media Summary
                         Spend       Weight
                                                     Media Summary
Television               1,190,000     11.9%
Print                      793,511       7.9%        The media strategy succesfully incorporates tradtional and nontraditional with digital to
Out of Home              2,820,620     28.2%         show SLICKs how “Are You the One” fits into their social lifestyle and will subconsciously
Digital Display          2,995,000     30.0%         affect their drinking decisions. Northwood Advertising’s media schedule begins with a
Promotions                 944,000       9.4%        heavy blitz of messaging through almost all of our channels as SLICKs begin their academ-
Production                 950,000       9.5%        ic year in the fall. Our messaging will continue throughout the year in non-traditional and
Contingency                306,869       3.1%        digital for retention of the message “Are You the One.”
Total                  $10,000,000      100%

                           Aug’09    Sep’09     Oct’09   Nov’09    Dec’09     Jan’10    Feb’10    Mar’10     Apr’10   May’10     Jun’10    Jul’10
    Traditional Media




  Transit Shelter

  Traditional Billboards

  Digital Billboards

  Bathroom Ads

  Bus Signage




  Rich Media


  Street Teams

AAF NSAC District 6 Northwood University chapter plans book

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AAF NSAC District 6 Northwood University chapter plans book

  • 1.
  • 2. Table of Contents Northwood Advertising At Northwood Advertising, Executive Summary .......................................................................................... 2 we all have one common goal, and that is to accom- Situation Analysis .............................................................................................. 3 plish any objective thrown Research Objectives ......................................................................................... 5 our way. We recognize a unique element within our Secondary Research ......................................................................................... 6 agency that promotes cre- ative and precise solutions Primary Research ............................................................................................... 8 to the ever changing world Target Market ......................................................................................................10 of advertising. It is what drives us to complete a task Problems/Opportunities (Binge Drinking) ...............................................14 no matter what the cost. We have faith in who we Creative Strategy ...............................................................................................15 are and what we do. More Creative Executions ..........................................................................................16 importantly we have faith in one another. Creative Evaulation ...........................................................................................26 Each of us enter as Media Strategy ...................................................................................................28 individuals but emerge as Budget ...................................................................................................................29 part of a unified and dedi- cated team. This is what Campaign Flight Plan.......................................................................................32 led us to become one team: Northwood Advertising. 1
  • 3. Executive Summary What is a Tipping Point? Northwood Advertising has developed an IMC plan that will reinvent the social perception of binge drinking among 18-24 year Tipping Point olds. Our campaign will create and shift the tipping point of binge (tip-ping point) noun drinking from its current perception of being accepted and “cool” to being a negative aspect of a person’s social image. Our cam- 1) The level at which the momentum for paign will be implemented through digital, both traditional and change becomes nontraditional media, as well as through promotional initiatives. unstoppable. Instead of interrupting what interests them, our message will be- come what interests them. 2) The culmination of a build-up of small Objectives changes that affects a big change. • To increase awareness of the dangers of binge drinking among our target market • To have a clear understanding of when and where the problem occurs and execute the message accordingly • To drive and retain users to the website • To create a tipping point with the social perception of binge drinking 2
  • 4. Situation Analysis For over 10 years, The Century Alcohol 101 Plus™ is a pro- Council has worked with the gram that has already been community to create innova- implemented by The Century tive strategies to combat drunk Council. It encourages college driving and underage drinking students to make responsible across the nation. They are now decisions pertaining to alcohol. aiming to combat binge drink- Due to the similar objectives of ing on campus communites both our campaign and and promote responsible deci- Alcohol 101 Plus™ we decided sion making regarding alcohol. to put extra emphasis on They work with all members of understanding the Alcohol the community, including: law 101 Plus™. The following is our enforcement, public officials, assessment of the strengths, educators, parents, and weaknesses, opportunities, and students. threats of Alcohol 101 Plus™. 3
  • 5. Situation Analysis Strengths Opportunities S NA LYSI • Provides information and tips to • Have direct links to Alcohol 101 Plus OT A prepare college students for from social media website. SW drinking situations. • Broken into four segments; first-year • Provide a sleeker web design, incorporating videos that spark students, greek life, athletes, and curiosity. judicial policy offenders. • Providing the user a choice to make a smart decision, instead of telling Weaknesses the user what not to do. • At first glance, the user is • Interactive virtual campus can be a bombarded with messages about larger aspect of the website, with drunk driving and underage alternative aerial view of the drinking. campus. • Appears to feature two different • Updated and user created videos for websites user interaction. • One provides information about the initiative, while the other is Threats the actual “virtual campus” • Alcohol and liquor commercials • Interactive virtual campus is not a continue to appeal to younger big enough aspect of the website. audiences. • Video college skits appear too • Younger audiences are more staged, and too formal, talking down attracted to the “thrill” of drinking as to the user. opposed to the dangers of drinking. 4
  • 6. Research Objectives • To obtain a clear definition of what binge drinking is. • To better understand: • Where/When/Why binge drinking occurs. • Who is the binge drinker? • To understand the driving force of binge drinking. • To understand the lifestyle and mindset of the target market and the most effective and efficient ways to reach them. 5
  • 7. Secondary Research Environmental Factors WHO: WHEN: • Students are 11% more • Greek Organizations: • Fall likely to binge drink when • 86% of fraternity residents binge • Welcome Week there is a high • 80% of sorority members who live • Tailgating concentration of liquor in chapter houses binge drink • Halloween retailers in the area. • Day before Thanksgiving • Media heavily influences • Athletes: the social perception of • Students involved in athletics • Winter drinking within our target are one and a half times more • Holidays market. likely to binge drink than other • Greek events including: • Laws and regulations on students • Pledging alcohol affect the • Rush parties community as a whole and • Students attending sporting events: • Superbowl Sunday can help change social • Students are more likely to drink norms. at sporting events • Spring • Americans are bombarded • St. Patrick’s Day with alcohol advertising. • Students: • March Madness • Our target market is • Peak times for binge drinking • Spring Break: Florida is the top conditioned to believe that during the school year are: destination due to price and binge drinking is a part 1) Spring Break location of the college culture and a 2) Weeks of Christmas & New • End of school year / final exams social norm. Year’s • Drinking is a way of 3) Welcome Weeks (1st three celebrating multiple weeks of the school year) • Summer holidays and special • Fourth of July occasions. • Graduation parties 6
  • 8. Secondary Research WHERE: WHY: These are the 10 most heavily According to The Century Council, the top populated regions of college students in reasons for binge drinking are: the United States. These regions include • Gives people something to do 6 of the top 10 party schools in the na- • Gives people something to talk tion according to the 2009 Princeton about Review. • Allows people to have more fun • Facilitates a connection with peers 1) Los Angeles, CA • Facilitates male bonding 2) Miami, FL • Facilitates sexual opportunities 3) Boston, MA • Facilitates female bonding 4) Chicago, IL 5) New York, NY Key Research Insights 6) Philadelphia, PA 7) Austin, TX • On college campuses 70% of the student body binge drinks. 8) Columbus, OH • 20% of college students are frequent binge drinkers. 9) San Antonio, TX • Binge drinkers consume two-thirds of all alcohol sold in the U.S. 10) Detroit, MI • Throughout the school year there are specific occasions when students are more likely to participate in binge drinking. Drinking Environments • Focus should be emphasized on Greek organizations, athletes, • Tailgates/Sporting Events athletic fans, and first year students. • Local Bars • House/Greek Parties • Specific events throughout the year draw larger drinking crowds. • Spring Break • There are specific regions where our campaign efforts will have maximum impact. • College drinking prevention efforts have done little to slow the overall trend nationwide, but efforts which have been successful are those that aim at changing the entire college drinking culture by simultaneously targeting the student population as a whole; the college and its surrounding environment; and the individual at-risk or alcohol-dependent drinker. 7
  • 9. Primary Research During Alcohol Awareness Week, our research team created a root beer pong tournament available to everyone on campus. The theme and the opportunity to win prizes drew a large crowd. We viewed this event as a great way to generate awareness about binge drinking, as well as a perfect opportunity to gather research about our target market. All participants completed surveys which focused on their drinking habits. Males: Females: • Drink 1-3 days a week • Drink 1-3 days a week • Majority drink: beer, mixed • Majority drink: mixed drinks, wine, drinks, and shots shots, and beer • Very indifferent about drinking • Majority say they don’t drink to get games drunk • Think that pre-drinking is • Drink the same amount as friends essential before going out • Use drinking games to accelerate • Think that socializing is easier the drinking process when drunk • Think socializing is easier when • Days to drink: Thursday, Friday, and drunk Saturday • Days to drink: Thursday, Friday, and • While drunk: drunk dialing and Saturday getting sick • While drunk: drunk dialing, getting sick, and crying 8
  • 10. Primary Research Key Insights Focus Groups When do you drink? Our definition of binge We conducted five focus groups • Most binge drinking occurs in the drinking: “Someone who composed of various college students months of August, December, and drinks to get drunk.” within our target market. After fully May. analyzing the results we were able to • Binge drinking is most prevalent on There are minor obtain a definition of what a binge Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. differences in drinking drinker is to our target market. The habits between males following are some of our key findings: Why do you drink? and females. However, • The primary reason to drink is for these differences are not Who or what is a binge drinker to you? social acceptance and a positive significant enough to • After aggregating our results, we were image among peers. The target alter our strategy to aim able to generate a concise definition market wants to be perceived as fun at both genders as of who our target market views as a and fit in amongst their peers. separate market binge drinker; “Someone who drinks • Other motivations are: to have segments. to get drunk.” fun, relax, get away from stress, hang out with friends, or because We found that our Where do you drink? of boredom. primary research insights • Most binge drinking occurs at reinforced our secondary sporting events, Greek life activities, research findings. bars, house parties, and on college campuses. 9
  • 11. Target Market The target market is comprised of unique and diverse individuals 18 - 24 who pride themselves on self-image, Socially relationships, independence, and bright futures. Their lives are busy and clut- Linked Image tered, leaving them in a constant state of partial attention. The target market has grown up in a fast-paced, ever changing world where Conscious Key holder to staying connected to family, friends, school, you name it, could not be more significant. Social networking, relation- ships, and the presence of peer pressure have a deep impact on their lives. the future The target market has become accus- tomed to having their needs met quick- ly with little patience for delay. Our tar- get market research has led us to name our target market the SLICKs. A SLICK is a socially linked, image conscious, key holder to the future. 10
  • 12. Target Market Party Animals opportunity to get drunk and at times Our extensive research allowed us to can be found drinking alone. Monkeys obtain a clearer definition of how a are often unaware of the fact that they SLICK perceives a binge drinker. Due to have a problem; therefore they do not the diversity of our target market we know they need help. You can find a have decided that the best way to un- Monkey at just about every party, sport- derstand them was to differentiate them ing event, and social function on college into three different market segments of campuses. Party Animals. The three types of party animals are... Sheep The Sheep are the portion of the target Monkeys market who are social drinkers. Sheep The Monkeys are the portion most often drink to get a buzz or “loosen of the target market who are the up” around peers. Sheep claim to be heavy binge drinkers. The Monkeys more sociable and friendly when they do not need a reason to drink and they have alcohol in their system, and they consume alcohol beyond their limits. are the type of drinkers who tend to They drink to get drunk. Their drinking follow what their peers are doing but begins to negatively affect other as- can also influence what others do. The pects of their lives. Monkeys encourage Sheep make up the largest portion of drinking wherever they go and do not the Party Animals. Their drinking habits know many other ways of having fun. are mostly under control and they know They have the tendency to pull Sheep how to drink responsibly; however, that and Turtles into the binge-drinking is not to say that they aren’t at risk of problem. Monkeys rarely turn down the binge drinking. Sheep are very image 11
  • 13. Target Market conscious and can be easily herded by Primary Target Market: Sheep Monkeys to turn a social night of drink- Our research has concluded that the ing into binge drinking, depending on primary target market of our campaign the occasion. Sheep believe that since will be the Sheep. Due to the potentially they do not drink alone or in excess, influential persona, a message would they do not have an alcohol problem. need to be created to reach them. You can also find the Sheep at every Our goal for reaching the primary target party, sporting event, and social func- market is to create the tipping point tion around a college campus. when the Sheep shift from the influ- enced to the influencers. Turtles The turtles are the portion of the target This goal is obtainable because they are market who rarely drink, and when they already willing to participate in both do it is in safe moderation. Their life- extremes of drinking. Making the non- styles, values, past experiences, etc. have dangerous side of drinking more attrac- taught them other means of having fun tive will pull the Sheep from the influ- and spending their time without drink- enced to the influencers. ing. Turtles tend to shy away and hide The Sheep are involved on and off cam- in their shells when dangerous binge pus both academically and socially. drinking is occurring. Turtles are at a low Once we reach them, the others will risk of being persuaded by Monkeys and follow. The Sheep’s importance is their Sheep, but are still at risk in certain situ- ability to spread our message both ef- ations and on special occasions. Turtles ficiently and effectively. are all over college campuses, but are less likely to be in binge drinking settings. 12
  • 14. Target Market Secondary Target Market: Monkeys & Turtles The Monkeys dangerous drinking behavior is a habit. Our research has shown us that aiming our campaign at the Monkeys as our primary target would be ineffective. The habits of a Monkey cannot be changed with mes- sages directed at them, but only with a change in the way they are perceived by their peers. In order to reinvent this perception, we must first shift the tip- ping point from the influenced to the influencers. Keeping the Turtles on board with our message will only help shift the tipping point towards a new social perception of binge drinking. Our message is con- sistent with their current drinking habits and lifestyles. 13
  • 15. Problems/Opportunities Problem: Over consumption of alcohol Opportunity: To create a tipping point has become a “social norm” on college with the social perception of binge campuses. drinking. Problem: First year students find Opportunity: Our research indicates themselves influenced by a culture and the most frequent drinking periods environment that promotes alcohol throughout the year for a first year stu- consumption. dent. This research allows us to target SLICKs at the most crucial times of the school year. Problem: Studet organizations are a Opportunity: By working with the dean leading contributor to dangerous binge of academics, we can provide incentives drinking on college campuses. for studets to promote our case and join our cause. Problem: Athletic events provide col- Opportunity: Because of the large scale lege students with a socially acceptable of collegiate sporting events we can eas- reason to drink with peers. ily place promotional staff throughout these events. Problem: Specific events throughout Opportunity: By promoting a lifestyle the school year have become a desig- that glorifies responsibility, we can nated dangerous drinking day. decrease the dangers of these drinking events. 14
  • 16. Creative Strategy Examples: From our research consisting of surveys, focus groups, interviews, and observational Are you the ONE who research, we discovered the most effective way to make an impact on a SLICKs life held your friends hair? and mindset. Instead of talking down to the target market and telling them what to do, we learned that the best way is to relate and to give the target market the choice Are you the ONE who to form their own opinions. They told us to let them form their own decisions rather made it to class after a than to tell them how to feel. late night? Are you the ONE that got sick? Are you the one that is on the news? Are you the one that col- lected the keys? Message Our target market research led us to the message Are You the One? The message em- Are you the one whose powers SLICKs to form new feelings and different mindsets when choosing between a car is wrapped around a positive and negative drinking scenario. If they believe that their decisions determine tree? their social image, they will become more responsive to our message. Whichever situ- ation SLICKs finds themselves in, our tagline “Are You the One?” will subconsciously Are you the one drunk affect their decision making. dialing? 15
  • 17. Promotions Are You The One Street Teams Promotion Specifics: The Are You The One street teams will • Five street teams/undercover kick off the campaign. During the day, partiers consisting of 7-10 members street teams will interact directly with • Each street team will cover a geo- SLICKS on college campuses in order to graphic area (southern California, create awareness of the campaign as the Northwest, the Midwest, the well as drive SLICKS to the website. In South/Southeast, and the Northeast) order to create this awareness and drive • It will run for 10 consecutive these individuals to the website, these weekends throughout the football street teams will be distributing Are You tailgate season, including Halloween The One magnetic slap bracelets printed • T-shirts will be given to those who with local taxi numbers. Additionally, fill out a Business Response Card T-shirts with the Are You The One logo • The BRC’s will be used to obtain and website will also be distributed and contact information for monthly will be color specific to the university in newsletters which the street teams are located. • Pictures taken of those individuals partying responsibility will be During the evening the street teams will posted to the website to promote become undercover partiers by visiting this behavior and highlight individu- their various college parties in search al universities of SLICKS who are partying responsibly. Those that are partying responsibly will be rewarded with gifts and premiums valued from $50 to $100. 16
  • 18. Promotions Campus Organizations Initiative – School Competition A school competition has been introduced to create and spread awareness of the “Are you the One?” campaign. • Plastic beer/liquor bottles will be mailed to the deans of student bodies of the top 100 schools (according to population) • The bottles will have a label containing a brief synopsis introducing the binge drinking campaign. • The deans will implement the significant steps to provide binge-drinking awareness on their campus. • Groups will provide user-generated videos and will compete for a grand prize. Each month a different video will be displayed recognizing the efforts of students around the country. • Grand prize for winning the contest will be a concert by N.E.R.D. 17
  • 19. Creative Execution 2. Scene transitions to an bar where the Television narrator is now behind the bar. The two scenarios are presented when a drunken The inspiration for woman spills her drink on herself and then our commercial is her responsible friend tells her she is cut off. that there are always positive and negative decisions to be made when drinking. Our commercial will por- tray both and leave the obvious decision of which “one” to be up to the viewer. 1. Narrator begins monologue while lean- ing against a pool table in a red jacket and explaining the concept of the two drinking scenarios. 18
  • 20. 4. Another scene transition to a college house party with the narrator now dressed like a student. Two scenarios are presented with a student who is too drunk to recognize he’s mistaken a long-haired guy for his girlfriend. Across the room is sober student pulling in all the ladies to give them a safe ride home. 3. Another scene transitions to a rowdy 5. Final scene transitions back to the tailgate with narrator now dressed in a narrator leaning against the pool table his jersey. Portrayed is a fan that is too drunk red jacket. The narrator closes the TV spot by and spilling beer all over everyone in sight. reiterating the concept that no matter where drink- Next to him is a responsible tailgater who looks like he is ing is occurring it’s inevitable that you will encoun- ready to throw on a helmet and run onto the field. ter both scenarios. You have to choose your actions wisely and ask yourself “Are You the One?” 19
  • 21. Print Execution For our print execution we decided to use a simple, yet catchy theme that was consistent with each of our marketing ve- hicles. Our advertisements direct SLICKs to make responsible decisions by presenting them with a positive and negative scenario in each advertisement. 20 These ads show that being responsible brings positive attention and overdrinking brings negative attention. By taking on both sides, it presents the viewer with an obvious choice without forcing a decision.
  • 22. Interactive Digital Billboard We chose to incorporate an “Are You the One?” Twitter profile to an automatic feed that will be instantly dis- played on digital billboards. This will show real time updates of consumer generated comments. Bathroom Ad (Campus and bars) We have created peel-off “Are You the One?” decals to be placed onto toilet seats and urinals across college Billboards campuses and popular bars. Our billboard executions will be straight to the point presenting a positive or negative scenario consistent with our message throughout the entire campaign. Bus Signage Bus signage will introduce the “Are You the One?” message used to kick off the cam- paign. Bus signage will create buzz and name recognition among SLICKs within urban populations. 21
  • 23. Creative Execution TWEET Rich Media tweet (tweet) noun Our rich media ads will compliment our online community. Similar to our TV spot, 1) a post or status update they will feature short videos strategically placed on key websites. Due to our large on twitter, a microblog- digital budget and the low price of online advertising, we will be able to reach a ging service. larger percentage of our target market for less money. Our Homepage Roadblock on YouTube will feature various individuals walking and tweet (tweet) verb interacting with the content on the home page. One or several individuals will be 2) to post a status update too intoxicated and fall over knocking content from the page down and causing a on twitter; brief and short scene. Other individuals in this “party” scene will help the person who fell down or is in length passed out, showing that they are the responsible “one”. this will lead to our YouTube branded channel of all our Are You the One videos. This roadblock will be February 9, 2010, as many SLICKS browse YouTube following the Superbowl in search of com- re-tweet (re-tweet) verb mercials and highlights 1) to post a comment, sta- tus update, or response to Twitter another’s tweet Our twitter account will be focused on having users finish the sentence “Are You the One who…” Quality responses will be “re-tweeted” and shared among followers pro- viding more exposure to the “tweeter” and creating buzz. This will ultimately drive more traffic to our website. Facebook A Facebook Connect page will provide us with a presence on one of the most popu- lar websites among SLICKs. Facebook Connect will enable us to integrate any up- dates, notifications, comments, and news from to our Facebook 22
  • 24. Creative Execution Connect page. This will increase awareness and our reach to SLICKs. The power of Facebook Connect will be the ability to spread awareness through our visitors’ friends and their connec- tions to others. Facebook Connect has the powerful ability to spread news and trends quickly and efficiently. MySpace Rich media advertisements will be featured on the MySpace music homepage. The ads will entertain viewers and drive them to our website and increasing campaign awareness. Mobile Application We have chosen to develop a mobile application that will be compatible with the iPhone and other smart phones. The application will continue to use the Century Council’s B4UDrink Educator concept, but with some additional improvements. Our mobile application will al- low users to interact with the website as well as have fun playing with the B4UDrink Educator. The B4U Drink application will effectively engage SLICKs and educate them on alcohol over consumption, all the while increasing campaign awareness. YouTube All our online video commercial will be available through YouTube. Our research showed that YouTube is one of the most visited video websites by SLICKs so this can only lead to additional campaign awareness and reach. Google/Yahoo Search Optimization If users attempt to Google search any kind of drinking term such as beer bongs, beer pong, drinking games, etc. the “Are You the One?” website will be at the top of the results. 23
  • 25. 24
  • 26. Creative Execution The website is the foundation of our campaign. All of our advertising will be focused on drawing SLICKs to the website. will be an interactive “college style” living room where visitors can learn all about our campaign and binge drinking. Users will sign in, either as a guest, or by creating a username. Once signed in, users will be able to navigate around the interactive room and have the option to join chat rooms, watch videos, follow our pro- motions, and learn facts about dangerous binge drinking. Features of the will include: • Public and private chat features • A ticker displaying user generated “Are You the One…?” tweets streamed directly from our Twitter followers • Updates of current and upcoming Are You the One? events • Viral commercials and videos which can be shared among visitors. • Facts and statistics to educate visitors about binge drinking • Subscription links enabling visitors to engage in mobile and/or email updates • Pages specifically describing both of our promotion initiatives. 25
  • 27. Creative Evaluation Why Our Message Works • SLICKs pride themselves on their • Our message will work because it self image. Being accepted by peers is directed towards each of the three and recognized as “cool” or part of types of Party Animals and not just the crowd is of the utmost impor the Monkeys. Our research has tance. Our tagline “Are You the One?” shown that although many prior directly relates to this emotion of anti-binge drinking campaigns have belonging and maintaining a been unsuccessful, the campaigns positive self image. that have had a positive impact were the ones aimed towards the • The awareness among SLICKs that entire population as a whole instead binge drinking negatively affects of those who are the source of the their self image will be in the back problem. of every SLICKs’ mind when they are in drinking situations. This will not prevent them from drinking, but it will heighten their awareness of which “one” they will choose to be. 26
  • 28. Creative Evaluation In order to gain some measurement as to how successful our campaign will be we conducted a series of blind focus groups and distributed over 300 surveys. We knew that the only way to gauge our success would be to throw our message and creative executions right at our target market to see how they feel. Focus Groups Insights • There was an overwhelming approval of our tagline “Are You the One?” A majority of the students liked the tagline because it didn’t focus on the negative aspects of binge drinking and it wasn’t a command telling them not to drink. • We presented our logo with several color schemes and variations to the focus groups. A ma- jority of the students liked the one we ultimately chose for the campaign. • Various types of non-traditional media ideas were presented to the focus groups. The types we chose were the ones most students believed would have the greatest impact and increase the most awareness. • Several website concepts were also presented to the focus groups. Our idea of an interactive living room which would include chat, video, and educational information on binge drinking was the overriding favorite. Evaluation Survey and Insights • When asked to rank five taglines from best to worst, 71% ranked “Are You the One?” as #1. • When asked to rank five logos from best to worst, 83% ranked the circle logo as #1. • When asked to assess the color schemes of the logos from best to worst, the orange, black, and white was #1. • When asked whether seeing our tagline through various types of media would create enough curiosity and buzz to drive them to our website for more information, 88% said it would 27
  • 29. Media Strategy The “Are You the One?” campaign is designed to effectively reach SLICKs through diverse, relevant, and cost effective media vehicles. The media plan is rooted in digital and non- traditional vehicles, but uses traditional media to launch and reinforce the messages to the majority of SLICKs. “Are You the One?” will break through the clutter of the thousands of message SLICKs are exposed to on a daily basis. Instead of interrupting what interests them, we will become what interests them. Minnesota St. Paul/ Minneapolis, St. Cloud Geographic Focus Missouri St. Louis, Springfield, Our media strategy will geographically focus Columbia on the largest markets of SLICKs. Here are our New York New York, Brooklyn, main regions of focus… Rochester, Buffalo North Carolina Charlotte, Greenville, California Sacramento, Los Angeles, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, San Diego Greensboro Florida Tallahassee, Jacksonville, Ohio Cleveland, Columbus, Gainesville, Orlando, Tampa, Oxford, Toledo, Cincinnati, Miami Dayton, Georgia Atlanta, Athens Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Illinois Chicago, Bloomington University Park Indiana Indianapolis, Bloomington, Texas Austin, El Paso, San Antonio, Fort Wayne Huston, Arlington, Dallas, Massachusetts Amherst, Boston Area Virginia Fairfax, Harrisonburg, Michigan Warren, Detroit, Lansing, Richmond, Petersburg, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, Charlottesville, Annandale Mt. Pleasant 28
  • 30. Media Budget Televison Selections: MTV Rationale: SLICKS are 203% more likely to watch MTV than any other network, with 47.9% of 18-24 college students watching MTV on a daily basis Magazine Selections: Rolling Stone, Maxim, Cosmopolitan, Glamour Rationale: SLICKS are less likely to multi-task while reading magazines. The selected publications have high circulation rates for 18-24 college students Street Team Promotion Locations: Top 10 party and populated universities in each of the 5 geographic regions. Rationale: By targeting the most populated campuses during welcome weeks and tailgating seasons, we’ll be able to put a face to the AreYouTheONE campaign and begin the WOM that is essential for our tipping point. Campus Competition Locations: Initially targeting top 150 universities, this promotion will be available to all accredited universites. Rationale: It’s a win-win situation. Schools will use the incentive to have students combatting binge drinkin on their campus, and students will compete against other schools for the concert, and money for their organiza- tion. 29
  • 31. Media Budget Out of Home Selections: Transit Shelters, Traditional/ Digital Billboards, Bath- room ads, Bus Signage Rationale: In order to effectively begin the momentium needed for a tipping point, a strong public awareness of the message is needed. Out of Home executions will create curiousity and awareness throughout the year. 51% of 18-24 take action after seeing digital signage. 30
  • 32. Media Budget These ad units and impressions will be purchased through vari- ous ad networks in order to gain the most possible reach at a cost effective rate. These networks include: • Specific Media • Google Ad Network • Yahoo! Network • Video Egg Utilizing these networks will allow us to behaviorally target, demographically target, contex- tually target and geographically target the SLICKs and optimize our display campaign on the fly, with immediate results. Total Digital Spend: Additional funds will be for optimizing search campaigns $2,995,000 Search Engine Spend Avg. CPC Homepage Rich Media Roadblock on YouTube: Google $175,000 $0.20 $200,000 Yahoo! $175,000 $0.20 Budget Alotted for SEO: $350,000 31
  • 33. Media Media Summary Spend Weight Media Summary Television 1,190,000 11.9% Print 793,511 7.9% The media strategy succesfully incorporates tradtional and nontraditional with digital to Out of Home 2,820,620 28.2% show SLICKs how “Are You the One” fits into their social lifestyle and will subconsciously Digital Display 2,995,000 30.0% affect their drinking decisions. Northwood Advertising’s media schedule begins with a Promotions 944,000 9.4% heavy blitz of messaging through almost all of our channels as SLICKs begin their academ- Production 950,000 9.5% ic year in the fall. Our messaging will continue throughout the year in non-traditional and Contingency 306,869 3.1% digital for retention of the message “Are You the One.” Total $10,000,000 100% Aug’09 Sep’09 Oct’09 Nov’09 Dec’09 Jan’10 Feb’10 Mar’10 Apr’10 May’10 Jun’10 Jul’10 Traditional Media Television Print Out-of-Home Transit Shelter Traditional Billboards Digital Billboards Bathroom Ads Bus Signage Digital Search Standard Rich Media Promotions Street Teams 32