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QC Meet – 03/11
Ent-ra Quiz
Incognito Browsing
Though it’s undoubtedly a small change but the alert at homepage of
the Chrome Incognito Browser was changed in the beginning of this
What was the change? Put funda.
Old Version
Answer on next slide…
Removed “surveillance by secret agents”
• The complaint by various users was that the implied humour
was “insulting’” and it trivialized real issues such as NSA’s
offensive hacks.
• The newer version reads as:
– “Pages you view in incognito tabs won’t stick around in your
browser’s history, cookie store, or search history after you’ve closed
all of your incognito tabs. Any files you download or bookmarks you
create will be kept. Going incognito doesn’t affect the behavior of
other people, servers, software, or people standing behind you.”
This 1921 car, named the Rumpler Tropfenwagen is important in automobile
history as this was the first streamlined car. It was a commercial flop however,
and only some 100 units were built.
Where have most people seen this car, though?
Answer on next slide…
In the movie, Metropolis.
• He is known to take many forms, previously appearing as a
‘mummified Egyptian god’, ‘a lobotomized patient’ and ‘a
• He was awarded the ‘Icon Award’ at the prestigious Metal
Hammer Golden Gods Awards, 2008
• He starred as the protagonist for the First Person Shooter ‘Ed
Hunter’, and is also an unlockable character in “Tony Hawk’s
Pro Skater 4”
• Who is he?
(Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
Eddie the Head
• X (The protagonist of a game series of the same name, X) is described as a
6’4”, 240 pound, wise cracking, super-masculine tough guy with platinum
blonde hair
• His design, appearance and characteristics are based heavily on Hollywood
Action heroes, especially those portrayed by Jean-Claude Van Damme,
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone and Roddy Piper
• His most famous quote “It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm
all out of gum” is also inspired heavily from a Roddy Piper film ‘They Live’
• Identify X, who has been voted on as ‘The Douchiest Game
Character of All Time’
(Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
Duke Nukem
X was awarded the Light of Truth Award by the Dalai Lama in
2006, the highest possible prize for contributing to the cause of
Tibet with his book. ID X. (Bonus points for the book)
Answer on next slide…
Hergé, for ‘Tintin in Tibet’
Who’s first person to ever turn down a
Nobel Prize in Literature? Bonus for
Answer on next slide…
Jean-Paul Sartre
(“I don’t believe in honors.”)
The Lost World (first published 1912) was the only piece of sci-fi by
an acclaimed author of another genre entirely, recounting the story
of an expedition to a plateau in South America, where dinosaurs
roam the earth. ID the author.
Answer on next slide…
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
In computer terminology, what is the name given to these bugs?
• X - A design or implementation bug in a program that doesn't
manifest until someone reading source or using the program in
an unusual way notices that it never should have worked, at
which point the program promptly stops working for everybody
until fixed.
• Y - A bug that disappears or alters its behaviour when one
attempts to probe or isolate it.
Answer on next slide…
X – Schroedinbug
Y – Heisenbug
X, Y, Z?
• X needed money to finance his divorce so he sold his Graphics
Group to Y.
• Under Y, it was renamed to A. A's first computer-generated short
film was showcased at SIGGRAPH, garnered a standing ovation
there and brought computer-generated animation to the fore. It
also won the Best Animated Short Film Oscar for 1986.
• Z's company B, the company known for animated movies, bought
out A in 2006, making Y the largest shareholder in B.
• Who are X, Y and Z?
Answer on next slide…
• X – George Lucas
• Y – Steve Jobs
• Z – Walt Disney
• Forrest Gump
• The Searchers
• Stagecoach
• Easy Rider
• The Eiger Sanction
• Doctor Who’s 2 Episodes:
– The Impossible Astronaut
– Day of the Moon
• Windows Vista
Answer on next slide…
Appearances of the Monument Valley in Pop-Culture
• David Rossen, an American Air Force officer, set up a 2-minute-photo-
booth business in Tokyo, around 1954. By 1957, Rossen Enterprises
began importing coin-operated games to Japan, and set up a chain of
over 200 arcades
• The only competitor to Rossen Enterprises was ‘Service Games’. David
Rossen orchestrated a merger between the 2 firms, and this resulted
in the birth of X. Over the following years, X went from an importer to
manufacturer of coin-operated games, and began exporting the same
to US and Europe
• X is now primarily a third party software developer, and still owns
rights over many video game franchises, but quit the console
manufacturing market.
• X?
(Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
• X, born Gordon Sumner, does not respond to his birth name.
He once said “My children call me X, my mother calls me X.
Who is this Gordon character?”
• Gordon earned his nick X while performing with a jazz band
Phoenix Jazzmen, because he played in a black and yellow
sweater with hooped stripes, which made him look like a
• X?
(Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
X is a famous novella by Y, whose works on social injustice in
America between the ‘30s and ‘60s have eventually gone on to
win Y a Pulitzer. The title X is from a famous poem ‘To a Field
Mouse’ by Robert Burns. ID X and Y. (Unrelated Fun Fact: The
original manuscript of X was eaten by Y’s dog)
Answer on next slide…
Of Mice and Men, by John
ID the unlikely author of this
piece of erotica
Answer on next slide…
Dr. Seuss (The book is called The
Seven Lady Godivas)
• In the card game Texas Hold ‘em Poker, the combination of an
Ace and a King is named after a sportsperson because it “looks
great but never wins”.
• Who?
Answer on next slide…
Anna Kournikova
• Ashwatthama Balir Vyaso ___________ cha Vibhishana
Krupacharya cha Parashuramam Saptaita ______________
Answer on next slide…
Hanuman, Chiranjeevi
X, Y, Z?
Considered the nicest guy in rock and roll and the front man of X – Y said
after some years at the top of the rock music tree, he had some sympathy for
new bands who immediately struck it big, knowing the pressure of handling
early fame and success.
"I actually have sympathy for Justin Bieber sometimes,” Y said.
"I mean, you give a 16-year-old kid $100 million, what do you think he's
gonna do?"
However, Y said he was hugely grateful for his career and his life.
He said getting a "second chance" after Z's rise and fall following the suicide
of lead singer, was unbelievable.
Answer on next slide…
• X – Foo Fighters
• Y – Dave Grohl
• Z – Nirvana
• ID the blank and what
pop-culture reference
does this cover make?
Answer on next slide…
• China, King Kong
• X is a best-seller by Dennis Lehane, published by
Harper-Collins in 2003.
• Lehane said X was intended to be a homage to
Gothic settings, Pulp and B-movies
• He wanted to have X set in a time and place
where they would not have modern day
technologies like radio communication
• The setting for X was reportedly inspired by Long
Island Health Campus facility, in the middle of
Boston Harbour
• X?
(Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
Shutter Island
• This robot was created by Hank Pym, and based on Pym’s brain
patterns. However, he soon develops his own intelligence and
• The first Marvel character to wield Adamantium, he decides to
turn on humanity. Each time he is defeated, he seems to return
as a redesign
• Name the robot, which is trending again ‘due to Hydra’
(Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
Author X once quipped:“Archaeologists make the best
husbands.The older you get, the more they’re interested”.
Married to an archeologist herself, his work sees its influence
on several of her novels. ID X.
Answer on next slide…
Agatha Christie (Death on the Nile, Murder
in Mesopotamia, Murder on the Orient
When it was first published in September 1964, it sold 10,000
copies in the first week. The New York Times called it ‘sheer joy’.
After discovering that Maurice Sendak was too busy to illustrate
it, the author went instead to Quentin Blake. After initially facing
allegations of racism, the author changed some of the most
memorable characters from African Pygmies and moved them to
a fictional location. The book was recently in the news because
Penguin decided to republish it with a new cover, that met with a
lot of social media disapproval. ID the book.
Answer on next slide…
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by
Roald Dahl
In 1991, 20 Kuwaitis died while celebrating the end of
the Gulf War.
According to the CDC, in Puerto Rico, about two people
die and about 25 more are injured each year on New
Year's Eve the same way.
More than 20 people were reported killed in Iraq while
celebrating the deaths of Saddam Hussein’s sons Uday
and Qusay in 2003.
At least four people were reported killed and 17 others
wounded in the capital city of Baghdad, Iraq, following
the victory of the national football team in the AFC
Asian Cup.
Answer on next slide…
Celebratory Gunfire
• K. G. Ambegaonkar was the fifth Governor of the RBI. He was a
member of the Indian Civil Service, and served as Finance
Secretary before his appointment as Deputy Governor of the RBI.
On the resignation of B Rama Rao, he took over as the Governor
in January, 1957.
• His was the third shortest tenure (45 days) after B.N.Adarkar (42)
and Amitav Ghosh (20).
• There’s something unique to him as Governor of RBI. What?
Answer on next slide…
He is the only Governor whose signature does not
make an appearance on any Indian Rupee note.
‘Mix your music’
• Print Ad by DDB
Brazil, a Brazilian
music channel.
• Identify the four
musicians who
have been‘mixed’
in this picture.
Answer on next slide…
• Amy Winehouse
• Freddie Mercury / Queen
• Paul Stanley / KISS
• Madonna
The Other Print Ad
Id X.
The X was designed for maximum strength and durability at the cost of reduced
mobility. As the name suggests it was specifically designed for raging battles with
____. The concept of X was introduced in the fictional universe long time back
however it came to light in media with a recent trailer release. Its capabilities are
the following:
• Superhuman Strength
• Enhanced Durability
• Flight
• Repulsor Gauntlets
• Unibeam
• Rocket Launchers
• Gatling Guns
Answer on next slide…
Hulkbuster Armour
• He is described as a round old man, with a mustachio and a top
• The identity of the artist who created the character is a
mystery, but the first appearance was in a game called ‘Dig’
• He has appeared in numerous games like ‘Advance to
Boardwalk’, ‘Free Parking’ and ‘Don’t go to jail’
• He is now known as the mascot for another board game. Who
is he?
(Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
Rich Uncle Pennybags or Mr. Monopoly
Connect the following. Very specific, and exhaustive list
• It happened One Night (1934)
• One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)
• The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
(Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
The only three movies to win all the Big 5 Academy
• Best Picture
• Best Director
• Best Actor (Male)
• Best Actor (Female)
• Best Screenplay
X is the only daughter of a Scottish Presbyterian Minister,
and a Hogwarts-trained witch. The Sorting Hat vacillated
between sorting her into Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, but
chose the latter, making history as it were. She was a
gifted Quidditch player, although a nasty fall in her final
year left her with concussion, several broken ribs and a
lifelong desire to see Slytherin crushed on the Quidditch
pitch. She spent the years after her schooling working for
the Ministry of Magic (Department of Magical Law
Enforcement). ID X.
Answer on next slide…
(P.S. She’s a fan of cats)
Professor Minerva McGonagall
Green - Crime
Cerise - Travel and Adventure
Red - Drama
Orange - Fiction
Dark Blue - Autobiographies
Purple - Essays
Grey - World Affairs
Yellow - Miscellaneous
What am I talking about?
Answer on next slide…
Penguin book covers
• A note which was found on
the window of whose house in
New Jersey, in 1932?
Answer on next slide…
Charles Lindbergh’s kids getting kidnapped
On March 2nd, 1955, a young black woman (A) was arrested for refusing to give up her
seat on a bus to a white person in Alabama. Civil rights leaders and the ACLU
(American Civil Liberties Union) rushed to her side and she would be a symbol of the
struggle against segregation. Because she was a teenager (15 years old) and became
pregnant while unmarried, it was decided by the same civil leaders and ACLU that A is
not the best foot forward (because given the social norms of the time and her youth,
they worried about using her to represent their movement) so stood down. Nine
months later, a similar event involving B occurred, and during those nine months, C got
the attention of the community and is chosen to lead the bus boycotts.
A, B, C?
Answer on next slide…
A – Claudette Colvin
B – Rosa Parks
C – Martin Luther King Jr.
Pliss to put fundaes.
Answer on next slide…
Air New Zealand’s “The Most Epic Safety Video Ever Made”
starring Elijah Wood and Sir Peter Jackson.
Ad for/by?
Answer on next slide…
The Axe effect
• In Finnish, the song was released as “Viisitoista kesää“, which
translates to ‘Fifteen Summers’
• In Norwegian, it was released as "I 24 år har jeg bodd i samme
gård som Anne”
• In German, it was released “Tür an Tür mit Alice“
• In Czech, the title was "Alenka v říši divů“, or “Alice in
• How do we know this song in English?
(Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
Living Next Door to Alice
• X, as with most of his films, features Alfred Hitchcock in
the thirteenth minute, in a black and white reunion
photograph sitting at a banquet table
• The TV series ‘ 77 Sunset Strip’, recreated X, under the
episode name ‘The Fifth Stair’
• X is often confused with a 1960 movie called ‘Midnight
Lace’ due to similarity in plot and setting. Midnight
Lace follows the story of a woman (played by Doris
Day) who receives harassing phone calls that escalate
till she is in physical danger. It is later revealed that the
culprit was in fact her husband
• X?
(Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
Dial M for Murder
The 1958 translation of this iconic children’s
book became the first non-English book to
feature on the New York Times’ Best Seller List,
and to this day, is the only Latin book to have
made this list. Which book?
(Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
Winnie the Pooh
• In Dante’s Inferno, Satan is portrayed as a giant demon, frozen
mid-breast in ice at the center of Hell.
• He has three mouths, each of which chews on a person each.
Name the three.
Answer on next slide…
Judas, Brutus and Cassius.
• Mouse in Manhattan is a 1945 one-reel animated
cartoon and is the 19th Tom and Jerry short released in
American theaters on July 7, 1945 and reissued in 1953. It is
one of the few episodes that only one of the duo plays a
major role.
• With respect to what happens (or doesn’t) during the short,
what is so unique about this film?
Answer on next slide…
Tom and Jerry don’t fight during this short
There is no animosity shown between the two!
• One of the biggest Scottish football upsets (Caledonian 3 -
Celtic 1) in 2004 resulted in The Sun publishing the story under
the headline ‘Super Caley Go Ballistic, Celtic are Atrocious’
• The Guardian rated this as the 5th greatest headline of all time.
• What was this headline a reference to, or why is it considered
so cool?
(Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
• When the writers thought up the character X, who is a Y, they had
Bugs Bunny and Groucho Marx in mind as influences
• The actor who portrayed the character X, however, based him off
Keith Richards (Rolling Stones) because “Y were like the 18th
century version of modern rockstars”
• Keith Richards made cameo appearances in later films of the series,
playing the role of X’s father
• Keith’s character is also shown as the master of the Jailhouse Dog.
When X asks him how the dog got off Pelegostos, he tells X “Sea
Turtles, mate.”
• X?
(Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
Jack Sparrow
X and the movie?
• X is accused of having produced much of the footage for Apollo 11 and 12.
It has been claimed that in early 1968, NASA secretly approached X to
produce the first three Moon landings. The launch and splashdown would
be real but the spacecraft would remain in Earth orbit and fake footage
broadcast as "live" from the Moon's surface.
• The theory was ‘Busted’ as a myth in an episode of ‘Mythbusters’ in
August, 08 which was dedicated to NASA.
• However, a recent movie went a step ahead and denounced all news of
space travel or moon landings have ever happened in reality.
Answer on next slide…
Stanley Kubrick and Interstellar
• The following slides contains visuals from about halfway
from “Asterix in Belgium”. Rain is drawn into the comic for
the rest of the album. It serves to mark the point of
something and also as a spoof of the Belgian weather.
• Why is rain suddenly drawn into the comic at this point?
Answer on next slide…
Uderzo’s tribute to Goscinny on his death
• If you view the wikipedia article for X on a desktop browser,
you will see an image of two rabbits and a hedgehog
• The image caption reads: When viewed on the Wikipedia
website, this picture reveals a hidden “X” if the user clicks on
or hovers their mouse pointer over the hedgehog.
• The term X was supposedly coined at Atari, where game
designer Warren Robinett hid his name in-game as he wasn’t
officially credited for the development of The Adventure.
(Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
Easter Egg
• X are a race of semi-human, semi-magical humanoids, and
are described as ravishingly beautiful. Their look, and their
dance is extremely seductive and almost all male humans
will try desperately to get closer to them, as if in a trance
• The hair of a(n) X is a magical substance, and can be used as
the core for wands, but legend has it that if a single starnd
of hair is plucked from a(n) X’s head, the X will deform and
• Y is described as ‘quarter-X’ because her grandmother was
a(n) X. Her wand core happens to be a strand of hair from
her grandmother.
• X? Y?
(Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
Fleur Delacour
• It means to selfishly take or keep something.
• In one context, it means to smoke a cigarette or a joint in such a
way as to leave the end wet with spit, thus making it something
no one wants to toke on.
• For e.g. Hey, man, don't X that joint!
Answer on next slide…
A __________ planet is a planet that falls within a star’s
habitable zone and follows the __________ Principle. It is
neither too close nor too far from a star to rule out liquid
water on its surface and thus life on the planet. So, conditions
are ‘just right’ for life to possibly be sustainable on the planet.
Planets within a habitable zone that are unlikely to host life
(e.g., gas giants) may also be called this.
The best example of such a planet, of course, is the Earth.
Answer on next slide…
Goldilocks Planet
• X, though famous for other reasons, was
considered a very fine author. He had penned
numerous poems in Latin, in addition to pieces
like funeral orations and articles.
• Only his firsthand accounts of the wars he waged
survive to this date. These include: Commentarii
de Bello Gallico (The Gallic wars) and Comentarii
de Bello Civilii (The Civil Wars)
• Other works, like ‘On the Alexandrine War’, ‘On
the African War’ and ‘On the Hispanic War’ are
also credited to him, but the authorship has been
doubted due to contradicting evidence
(Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
Julius Caesar
• She was named after the apprentice devil in CS
Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters
• She teaches first grade, and appears almost
invariably in a Polka-Dot dress, wearing glasses
• She seems weary and depressed, and is possibly a
heavy smoker. A certain student of hers once
claimed “2 packs a day. Unfiltered.”
• No mention of her family is ever made, and it is
assumed that she has none, because of the title
‘Miss’ that everyone uses when referring to her
• Who is she?
(Empty, in case an alien and a tiger are waiting to
jump us)
Miss Wormwood
Former flag of which country?
Answer on next slide…
• Sidney Paget (1860 – 1908) was a British illustrator of
the Victorian era. So influential was his work that it has affected
interpretations of X in fiction, film and drama. After his death in
1908, other illustrators found that they had to imitate Paget's
style when drawing X.
• The two-handed clasp that Paget shows X using on Y in a certain
illustration was used by X for the same scene in a 2011 film.
• What is Sidney Paget best known for?
Answer on next slide…
Illustrations for Sir ACD’s Sherlock Holmes
ID the film.
The character Alan in the 2008 film “The Hangover” learns how to
count cards from a book and mentions he’s like ___ in this film. Later,
Alan and the character Phil play the blackjack tables in the casino at
Caesar’s Palace, the scene playing homage to this film from the way
two stand on the escalator to the song “Iko Iko”.
This critically acclaimed film is also known for popularizing
misconceptions about people on the autism spectrum and that
counting cards is illegal in the United States.
Answer in the next slide…
• This family was supposedly based on the Borgia family of
Renaissance Italy. It also seems to draw heavy inspiration from
the Genovese and Bonnano families.
• This family rose to prominence following the founding of the
Genco Pura Olive Oil Company, and the Olive Oil War of the
• Which family is being discussed here?
(One slide, and that slide may never come, You will
see the answer)
• Anatoli Bugorski is a Russian scientist. As a researcher at the Institute for
High Energy Physics in Protvino, Bugorski worked with the ‘U-70
• On 13 July 1978, Bugorski was checking a malfunctioning piece of
equipment when the safety mechanisms failed. Then this happened.
• Bugorski was taken to a clinic in Moscow where the doctors could
observe his expected demise. However, he survived and also completed
his Ph.D. There was virtually no damage to his intellectual capacity, but
the fatigue of mental work increased markedly. He completely lost
hearing in the left ear. The left half of his face was paralyzed, due to the
destruction of nerves. He was able to function well, except for the fact
that he had occasional complex partial seizures and rare tonic-clonic
• What unique incident happened with Anatoli Bugorski?
Answer on next slide…
He was struck by a particle accelerator beam
Considered by many to be the greatest
game of chess ever played, this match
was played for over four months. The
host and promoter of the match was a
wing of MSN, with sponsorship from the
bank First USA.
In X’s words: "It is the greatest game in
the history of chess. The sheer number
of ideas, the complexity, and the
contribution it has made to chess make
it the most important game ever
In 2000, X published a book about the match:
________ _______ ___ _____ : The Story of the Greatest
______ Challenge, co-written with Grandmaster Daniel
King. The 202-page book holds the record for the longest
analysis devoted to a single chess game.
Answer on next slide…
Kasparov vs. The World

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3rd Nov'14, Quiz Club Meet, IIT Madras

  • 1. QC Meet – 03/11 Ent-ra Quiz Sukruth Kavya SeGa Silicon
  • 2. Incognito Browsing Though it’s undoubtedly a small change but the alert at homepage of the Chrome Incognito Browser was changed in the beginning of this year. What was the change? Put funda.
  • 4. Answer on next slide…
  • 5. Removed “surveillance by secret agents” • The complaint by various users was that the implied humour was “insulting’” and it trivialized real issues such as NSA’s offensive hacks. • The newer version reads as: – “Pages you view in incognito tabs won’t stick around in your browser’s history, cookie store, or search history after you’ve closed all of your incognito tabs. Any files you download or bookmarks you create will be kept. Going incognito doesn’t affect the behavior of other people, servers, software, or people standing behind you.”
  • 6. This 1921 car, named the Rumpler Tropfenwagen is important in automobile history as this was the first streamlined car. It was a commercial flop however, and only some 100 units were built. Where have most people seen this car, though?
  • 7. Answer on next slide…
  • 8. In the movie, Metropolis.
  • 9. • He is known to take many forms, previously appearing as a ‘mummified Egyptian god’, ‘a lobotomized patient’ and ‘a cyborg’ • He was awarded the ‘Icon Award’ at the prestigious Metal Hammer Golden Gods Awards, 2008 • He starred as the protagonist for the First Person Shooter ‘Ed Hunter’, and is also an unlockable character in “Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 4” • Who is he?
  • 10. (Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
  • 12. • X (The protagonist of a game series of the same name, X) is described as a 6’4”, 240 pound, wise cracking, super-masculine tough guy with platinum blonde hair • His design, appearance and characteristics are based heavily on Hollywood Action heroes, especially those portrayed by Jean-Claude Van Damme, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone and Roddy Piper • His most famous quote “It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all out of gum” is also inspired heavily from a Roddy Piper film ‘They Live’ • Identify X, who has been voted on as ‘The Douchiest Game Character of All Time’
  • 13. (Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
  • 15. X was awarded the Light of Truth Award by the Dalai Lama in 2006, the highest possible prize for contributing to the cause of Tibet with his book. ID X. (Bonus points for the book)
  • 16. Answer on next slide…
  • 17. Hergé, for ‘Tintin in Tibet’
  • 18. Who’s first person to ever turn down a Nobel Prize in Literature? Bonus for why.
  • 19. Answer on next slide…
  • 20. Jean-Paul Sartre (“I don’t believe in honors.”)
  • 21. The Lost World (first published 1912) was the only piece of sci-fi by an acclaimed author of another genre entirely, recounting the story of an expedition to a plateau in South America, where dinosaurs roam the earth. ID the author.
  • 22. Answer on next slide…
  • 24. In computer terminology, what is the name given to these bugs? • X - A design or implementation bug in a program that doesn't manifest until someone reading source or using the program in an unusual way notices that it never should have worked, at which point the program promptly stops working for everybody until fixed. • Y - A bug that disappears or alters its behaviour when one attempts to probe or isolate it.
  • 25. Answer on next slide…
  • 27. X, Y, Z? • X needed money to finance his divorce so he sold his Graphics Group to Y. • Under Y, it was renamed to A. A's first computer-generated short film was showcased at SIGGRAPH, garnered a standing ovation there and brought computer-generated animation to the fore. It also won the Best Animated Short Film Oscar for 1986. • Z's company B, the company known for animated movies, bought out A in 2006, making Y the largest shareholder in B. • Who are X, Y and Z?
  • 28. Answer on next slide…
  • 29. Answer • X – George Lucas • Y – Steve Jobs • Z – Walt Disney
  • 30. Connect. • Forrest Gump • The Searchers • Stagecoach • Easy Rider • The Eiger Sanction • Doctor Who’s 2 Episodes: – The Impossible Astronaut – Day of the Moon • Windows Vista
  • 31. Answer on next slide…
  • 32. Appearances of the Monument Valley in Pop-Culture
  • 33. • David Rossen, an American Air Force officer, set up a 2-minute-photo- booth business in Tokyo, around 1954. By 1957, Rossen Enterprises began importing coin-operated games to Japan, and set up a chain of over 200 arcades • The only competitor to Rossen Enterprises was ‘Service Games’. David Rossen orchestrated a merger between the 2 firms, and this resulted in the birth of X. Over the following years, X went from an importer to manufacturer of coin-operated games, and began exporting the same to US and Europe • X is now primarily a third party software developer, and still owns rights over many video game franchises, but quit the console manufacturing market. • X?
  • 34. (Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
  • 35. SEGA
  • 36. • X, born Gordon Sumner, does not respond to his birth name. He once said “My children call me X, my mother calls me X. Who is this Gordon character?” • Gordon earned his nick X while performing with a jazz band Phoenix Jazzmen, because he played in a black and yellow sweater with hooped stripes, which made him look like a bumblebee • X?
  • 37. (Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
  • 38. Sting
  • 39. X is a famous novella by Y, whose works on social injustice in America between the ‘30s and ‘60s have eventually gone on to win Y a Pulitzer. The title X is from a famous poem ‘To a Field Mouse’ by Robert Burns. ID X and Y. (Unrelated Fun Fact: The original manuscript of X was eaten by Y’s dog)
  • 40. Answer on next slide…
  • 41. Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck
  • 42. ID the unlikely author of this piece of erotica
  • 43.
  • 44. Answer on next slide…
  • 45. Dr. Seuss (The book is called The Seven Lady Godivas)
  • 46. • In the card game Texas Hold ‘em Poker, the combination of an Ace and a King is named after a sportsperson because it “looks great but never wins”. • Who?
  • 47. Answer on next slide…
  • 49. • Ashwatthama Balir Vyaso ___________ cha Vibhishana Krupacharya cha Parashuramam Saptaita ______________
  • 50. Answer on next slide…
  • 52. X, Y, Z? Considered the nicest guy in rock and roll and the front man of X – Y said after some years at the top of the rock music tree, he had some sympathy for new bands who immediately struck it big, knowing the pressure of handling early fame and success. "I actually have sympathy for Justin Bieber sometimes,” Y said. "I mean, you give a 16-year-old kid $100 million, what do you think he's gonna do?" However, Y said he was hugely grateful for his career and his life. He said getting a "second chance" after Z's rise and fall following the suicide of lead singer, was unbelievable.
  • 53. Answer on next slide…
  • 54. Answer • X – Foo Fighters • Y – Dave Grohl • Z – Nirvana
  • 55.
  • 56. • ID the blank and what pop-culture reference does this cover make?
  • 57. Answer on next slide…
  • 59. • X is a best-seller by Dennis Lehane, published by Harper-Collins in 2003. • Lehane said X was intended to be a homage to Gothic settings, Pulp and B-movies • He wanted to have X set in a time and place where they would not have modern day technologies like radio communication • The setting for X was reportedly inspired by Long Island Health Campus facility, in the middle of Boston Harbour • X?
  • 60. (Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
  • 62. • This robot was created by Hank Pym, and based on Pym’s brain patterns. However, he soon develops his own intelligence and rebels • The first Marvel character to wield Adamantium, he decides to turn on humanity. Each time he is defeated, he seems to return as a redesign • Name the robot, which is trending again ‘due to Hydra’
  • 63. (Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
  • 65. Author X once quipped:“Archaeologists make the best husbands.The older you get, the more they’re interested”. Married to an archeologist herself, his work sees its influence on several of her novels. ID X.
  • 66. Answer on next slide…
  • 67. Agatha Christie (Death on the Nile, Murder in Mesopotamia, Murder on the Orient Express)
  • 68. When it was first published in September 1964, it sold 10,000 copies in the first week. The New York Times called it ‘sheer joy’. After discovering that Maurice Sendak was too busy to illustrate it, the author went instead to Quentin Blake. After initially facing allegations of racism, the author changed some of the most memorable characters from African Pygmies and moved them to a fictional location. The book was recently in the news because Penguin decided to republish it with a new cover, that met with a lot of social media disapproval. ID the book.
  • 69. Answer on next slide…
  • 70. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald Dahl
  • 71. In 1991, 20 Kuwaitis died while celebrating the end of the Gulf War. According to the CDC, in Puerto Rico, about two people die and about 25 more are injured each year on New Year's Eve the same way. More than 20 people were reported killed in Iraq while celebrating the deaths of Saddam Hussein’s sons Uday and Qusay in 2003. At least four people were reported killed and 17 others wounded in the capital city of Baghdad, Iraq, following the victory of the national football team in the AFC Asian Cup.
  • 72. Answer on next slide…
  • 74. • K. G. Ambegaonkar was the fifth Governor of the RBI. He was a member of the Indian Civil Service, and served as Finance Secretary before his appointment as Deputy Governor of the RBI. On the resignation of B Rama Rao, he took over as the Governor in January, 1957. • His was the third shortest tenure (45 days) after B.N.Adarkar (42) and Amitav Ghosh (20). • There’s something unique to him as Governor of RBI. What?
  • 75. Answer on next slide…
  • 76. He is the only Governor whose signature does not make an appearance on any Indian Rupee note.
  • 77. ‘Mix your music’ • Print Ad by DDB Brazil, a Brazilian music channel. • Identify the four musicians who have been‘mixed’ in this picture.
  • 78. Answer on next slide…
  • 79. • Amy Winehouse • Freddie Mercury / Queen • Paul Stanley / KISS • Madonna The Other Print Ad
  • 80. Id X. The X was designed for maximum strength and durability at the cost of reduced mobility. As the name suggests it was specifically designed for raging battles with ____. The concept of X was introduced in the fictional universe long time back however it came to light in media with a recent trailer release. Its capabilities are the following: • Superhuman Strength • Enhanced Durability • Flight • Repulsor Gauntlets • Unibeam • Rocket Launchers • Gatling Guns
  • 81. Answer on next slide…
  • 83. • He is described as a round old man, with a mustachio and a top hat • The identity of the artist who created the character is a mystery, but the first appearance was in a game called ‘Dig’ • He has appeared in numerous games like ‘Advance to Boardwalk’, ‘Free Parking’ and ‘Don’t go to jail’ • He is now known as the mascot for another board game. Who is he?
  • 84. (Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
  • 85. Rich Uncle Pennybags or Mr. Monopoly
  • 86. Connect the following. Very specific, and exhaustive list • It happened One Night (1934) • One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975) • The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
  • 87. (Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
  • 88. The only three movies to win all the Big 5 Academy Awards • Best Picture • Best Director • Best Actor (Male) • Best Actor (Female) • Best Screenplay
  • 89. X is the only daughter of a Scottish Presbyterian Minister, and a Hogwarts-trained witch. The Sorting Hat vacillated between sorting her into Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, but chose the latter, making history as it were. She was a gifted Quidditch player, although a nasty fall in her final year left her with concussion, several broken ribs and a lifelong desire to see Slytherin crushed on the Quidditch pitch. She spent the years after her schooling working for the Ministry of Magic (Department of Magical Law Enforcement). ID X.
  • 90. Answer on next slide… (P.S. She’s a fan of cats)
  • 92. Green - Crime Cerise - Travel and Adventure Red - Drama Orange - Fiction Dark Blue - Autobiographies Purple - Essays Grey - World Affairs Yellow - Miscellaneous What am I talking about?
  • 93. Answer on next slide…
  • 95. • A note which was found on the window of whose house in New Jersey, in 1932?
  • 96. Answer on next slide…
  • 97. Charles Lindbergh’s kids getting kidnapped
  • 98. On March 2nd, 1955, a young black woman (A) was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white person in Alabama. Civil rights leaders and the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) rushed to her side and she would be a symbol of the struggle against segregation. Because she was a teenager (15 years old) and became pregnant while unmarried, it was decided by the same civil leaders and ACLU that A is not the best foot forward (because given the social norms of the time and her youth, they worried about using her to represent their movement) so stood down. Nine months later, a similar event involving B occurred, and during those nine months, C got the attention of the community and is chosen to lead the bus boycotts. A, B, C?
  • 99. Answer on next slide…
  • 100. A – Claudette Colvin B – Rosa Parks C – Martin Luther King Jr.
  • 101. Pliss to put fundaes.
  • 102. Answer on next slide…
  • 103. Air New Zealand’s “The Most Epic Safety Video Ever Made” starring Elijah Wood and Sir Peter Jackson.
  • 105. Answer on next slide…
  • 107. • In Finnish, the song was released as “Viisitoista kesää“, which translates to ‘Fifteen Summers’ • In Norwegian, it was released as "I 24 år har jeg bodd i samme gård som Anne” • In German, it was released “Tür an Tür mit Alice“ • In Czech, the title was "Alenka v říši divů“, or “Alice in wonderland” • How do we know this song in English?
  • 108. (Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
  • 109. Living Next Door to Alice
  • 110. • X, as with most of his films, features Alfred Hitchcock in the thirteenth minute, in a black and white reunion photograph sitting at a banquet table • The TV series ‘ 77 Sunset Strip’, recreated X, under the episode name ‘The Fifth Stair’ • X is often confused with a 1960 movie called ‘Midnight Lace’ due to similarity in plot and setting. Midnight Lace follows the story of a woman (played by Doris Day) who receives harassing phone calls that escalate till she is in physical danger. It is later revealed that the culprit was in fact her husband • X?
  • 111. (Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
  • 112. Dial M for Murder
  • 113. The 1958 translation of this iconic children’s book became the first non-English book to feature on the New York Times’ Best Seller List, and to this day, is the only Latin book to have made this list. Which book?
  • 114. (Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
  • 116. kolstylz • In Dante’s Inferno, Satan is portrayed as a giant demon, frozen mid-breast in ice at the center of Hell. • He has three mouths, each of which chews on a person each. Name the three.
  • 117. Answer on next slide…
  • 118. Judas, Brutus and Cassius.
  • 119. • Mouse in Manhattan is a 1945 one-reel animated cartoon and is the 19th Tom and Jerry short released in American theaters on July 7, 1945 and reissued in 1953. It is one of the few episodes that only one of the duo plays a major role. • With respect to what happens (or doesn’t) during the short, what is so unique about this film?
  • 120. Answer on next slide…
  • 121. Tom and Jerry don’t fight during this short There is no animosity shown between the two!
  • 122. • One of the biggest Scottish football upsets (Caledonian 3 - Celtic 1) in 2004 resulted in The Sun publishing the story under the headline ‘Super Caley Go Ballistic, Celtic are Atrocious’ • The Guardian rated this as the 5th greatest headline of all time. • What was this headline a reference to, or why is it considered so cool?
  • 123. (Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
  • 125. • When the writers thought up the character X, who is a Y, they had Bugs Bunny and Groucho Marx in mind as influences • The actor who portrayed the character X, however, based him off Keith Richards (Rolling Stones) because “Y were like the 18th century version of modern rockstars” • Keith Richards made cameo appearances in later films of the series, playing the role of X’s father • Keith’s character is also shown as the master of the Jailhouse Dog. When X asks him how the dog got off Pelegostos, he tells X “Sea Turtles, mate.” • X?
  • 126. (Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
  • 128. X and the movie? • X is accused of having produced much of the footage for Apollo 11 and 12. It has been claimed that in early 1968, NASA secretly approached X to produce the first three Moon landings. The launch and splashdown would be real but the spacecraft would remain in Earth orbit and fake footage broadcast as "live" from the Moon's surface. • The theory was ‘Busted’ as a myth in an episode of ‘Mythbusters’ in August, 08 which was dedicated to NASA. • However, a recent movie went a step ahead and denounced all news of space travel or moon landings have ever happened in reality.
  • 129. Answer on next slide…
  • 130. Stanley Kubrick and Interstellar
  • 131. • The following slides contains visuals from about halfway from “Asterix in Belgium”. Rain is drawn into the comic for the rest of the album. It serves to mark the point of something and also as a spoof of the Belgian weather. • Why is rain suddenly drawn into the comic at this point?
  • 132.
  • 133.
  • 134. Answer on next slide…
  • 135. Uderzo’s tribute to Goscinny on his death
  • 136. • If you view the wikipedia article for X on a desktop browser, you will see an image of two rabbits and a hedgehog • The image caption reads: When viewed on the Wikipedia website, this picture reveals a hidden “X” if the user clicks on or hovers their mouse pointer over the hedgehog. • The term X was supposedly coined at Atari, where game designer Warren Robinett hid his name in-game as he wasn’t officially credited for the development of The Adventure.
  • 137. (Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
  • 139. • X are a race of semi-human, semi-magical humanoids, and are described as ravishingly beautiful. Their look, and their dance is extremely seductive and almost all male humans will try desperately to get closer to them, as if in a trance • The hair of a(n) X is a magical substance, and can be used as the core for wands, but legend has it that if a single starnd of hair is plucked from a(n) X’s head, the X will deform and die • Y is described as ‘quarter-X’ because her grandmother was a(n) X. Her wand core happens to be a strand of hair from her grandmother. • X? Y?
  • 140. (Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
  • 142. X? • It means to selfishly take or keep something. • In one context, it means to smoke a cigarette or a joint in such a way as to leave the end wet with spit, thus making it something no one wants to toke on. • For e.g. Hey, man, don't X that joint!
  • 143. Answer on next slide…
  • 144. Bogart
  • 145. A __________ planet is a planet that falls within a star’s habitable zone and follows the __________ Principle. It is neither too close nor too far from a star to rule out liquid water on its surface and thus life on the planet. So, conditions are ‘just right’ for life to possibly be sustainable on the planet. Planets within a habitable zone that are unlikely to host life (e.g., gas giants) may also be called this. The best example of such a planet, of course, is the Earth. FITB.
  • 146. Answer on next slide…
  • 148. • X, though famous for other reasons, was considered a very fine author. He had penned numerous poems in Latin, in addition to pieces like funeral orations and articles. • Only his firsthand accounts of the wars he waged survive to this date. These include: Commentarii de Bello Gallico (The Gallic wars) and Comentarii de Bello Civilii (The Civil Wars) • Other works, like ‘On the Alexandrine War’, ‘On the African War’ and ‘On the Hispanic War’ are also credited to him, but the authorship has been doubted due to contradicting evidence
  • 149. (Empty, in case I cup it and go a slide too far)
  • 151. • She was named after the apprentice devil in CS Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters • She teaches first grade, and appears almost invariably in a Polka-Dot dress, wearing glasses • She seems weary and depressed, and is possibly a heavy smoker. A certain student of hers once claimed “2 packs a day. Unfiltered.” • No mention of her family is ever made, and it is assumed that she has none, because of the title ‘Miss’ that everyone uses when referring to her • Who is she?
  • 152. (Empty, in case an alien and a tiger are waiting to jump us)
  • 154. Former flag of which country?
  • 155. Answer on next slide…
  • 157. • Sidney Paget (1860 – 1908) was a British illustrator of the Victorian era. So influential was his work that it has affected interpretations of X in fiction, film and drama. After his death in 1908, other illustrators found that they had to imitate Paget's style when drawing X. • The two-handed clasp that Paget shows X using on Y in a certain illustration was used by X for the same scene in a 2011 film. • What is Sidney Paget best known for?
  • 158. Answer on next slide…
  • 159. Illustrations for Sir ACD’s Sherlock Holmes
  • 160. ID the film. The character Alan in the 2008 film “The Hangover” learns how to count cards from a book and mentions he’s like ___ in this film. Later, Alan and the character Phil play the blackjack tables in the casino at Caesar’s Palace, the scene playing homage to this film from the way two stand on the escalator to the song “Iko Iko”. This critically acclaimed film is also known for popularizing misconceptions about people on the autism spectrum and that counting cards is illegal in the United States.
  • 161. Answer in the next slide…
  • 162.
  • 163. • This family was supposedly based on the Borgia family of Renaissance Italy. It also seems to draw heavy inspiration from the Genovese and Bonnano families. • This family rose to prominence following the founding of the Genco Pura Olive Oil Company, and the Olive Oil War of the 1930’s • Which family is being discussed here?
  • 164. (One slide, and that slide may never come, You will see the answer)
  • 165.
  • 166. • Anatoli Bugorski is a Russian scientist. As a researcher at the Institute for High Energy Physics in Protvino, Bugorski worked with the ‘U-70 synchrotron’. • On 13 July 1978, Bugorski was checking a malfunctioning piece of equipment when the safety mechanisms failed. Then this happened. • Bugorski was taken to a clinic in Moscow where the doctors could observe his expected demise. However, he survived and also completed his Ph.D. There was virtually no damage to his intellectual capacity, but the fatigue of mental work increased markedly. He completely lost hearing in the left ear. The left half of his face was paralyzed, due to the destruction of nerves. He was able to function well, except for the fact that he had occasional complex partial seizures and rare tonic-clonic seizures. • What unique incident happened with Anatoli Bugorski?
  • 167.
  • 168. Answer on next slide…
  • 169. He was struck by a particle accelerator beam
  • 170. Considered by many to be the greatest game of chess ever played, this match was played for over four months. The host and promoter of the match was a wing of MSN, with sponsorship from the bank First USA. In X’s words: "It is the greatest game in the history of chess. The sheer number of ideas, the complexity, and the contribution it has made to chess make it the most important game ever played.”
  • 171. In 2000, X published a book about the match: ________ _______ ___ _____ : The Story of the Greatest ______ Challenge, co-written with Grandmaster Daniel King. The 202-page book holds the record for the longest analysis devoted to a single chess game.
  • 172. Answer on next slide…