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2 3
	 4 	 Introduction
	 6 	 30 years of experience
	 8	 Close Protection
	10	 Residential Security Team
	12	 Close Protection Driver		
	14	 Masters of our craft
	16	 Tour and Artist Security
	18	 Protection beyond expectation
	20	 Surveillance
	22	 Private Investigation
	24	 Nobody goes further
26	 Staff Screening
28	 Due Diligence
30	 Asset Tracing
32	 Secured from within
34	 Covert Technical Surveillance
36	 Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM)
38	 Penetration Testing
40	 Secure Communications
42	 Personal Operating Security
44	 Managing your threats
46	 Digital Forensics
48	 Computer and Mobile Phone Monitoring
50	 Feel at ease
	52	 Focused around you
54	Contact
Whether you are jetting across
the Atlantic, sailing around the
Mediterranean or dining out in
Central London; if you require our
assistance, we will be there.
We are able to deploy any number of
our team of specialists worldwide at
a moment’s notice, enabling you to
live and work with complete
peace of mind.
Peace of mind –
the ultimate luxury
6 7
The 3e International team are drawn
from Government, Intelligence and
Specialist Military backgrounds.
All of whom have been trained and
operated to the highest echelons
within the UK and worldwide.
With a combined active experience
of 30 years, the 3e International team
provide a professional and personal
service to international corporations,
private individuals and high profile
celebrities with specific and
varied requirements.
An exclusive team of experts
8 9
In the current climate,
personal safety and security
is of the utmost importance.
3e provide in-depth risk and
threat assessments, carefully
researched and planned for each
client. This allows for a bespoke
security solution for you, your
family and your assets.
Depending on your
requirements, 3e can provide
high profile close protection to
act as a deterrent to potential
threats. If a less intrusive option
is preferred, we can supply a low
profile ‘protective surveillance
solution’ which allows you to
conduct your life in complete
privacy with the assurance
that protection is always close
at hand.
Our team are of the highest integrity, calibre and
renowned for their discretion at all times
Have the
freedom you desire –
we are always there
Security Team
10 11
Feeling safe in your own
home is a right which often
needs protection.
A Residential Security Team
can give you the peace of
mind of total protection,
every minute of every day.
3e International offers both
covert and overt security
management and will deploy
as many highly trained,
Security Industry Authority
(SIA) licensed, close
protection operatives as
necessary to ensure safety
and security.
Part of your family
Protect your loved ones and
assets whilst you are away
12 13
3e International will get you where you
need to go, in complete safety
Getting from A to B isn’t always
as straightforward as it should be.
With careful planning and
preparation including
reconnaissance, route-planning
and risk assessments, 3e
International can ensure that
you get to your destination,
in complete safety.
All of 3e International’s personnel
have completed Advanced
Specialist Driver training and
are registered with the Security
Industry Authority (SIA).
14 15
Close Protection
Our main objective is to facilitate
your needs without interruption
from any unwanted third parties.
3e International offer bespoke
solutions to meet your risk
management and close protection
By analysing the risks to you,
your company or your assets, in
relation to both current or future
circumstances, we can protect
against violence, kidnapping or
any other situation that may be
detrimental to your health and
Security Team
We can provide you with the total
protection you deserve with a
customised Residential Security
Team. The teams are hand selected
to complement your profile, lifestyle
and requirements.
3e International are able to offer
a sympathetic, low profile security
management or a high profile show
of presence. Detailed security
surveys will allow cost effective
solutions depending on your needs.
CCTV, manned protection, alarm
systems and access control are all
services which 3e provide.
Protection Driver
The everyday duties of a Close
Protection Driver include: driving
you to a requested venue
and ensuring you reach your
destination with total confidence,
without any untoward accidents,
distress or anxiety.
Our Close Protection Drivers are
highly trained and experienced
members of the Close Protection
Team. All close protection drivers
possess Advanced Specialist
Driving qualifications and
operational experience.MASTERS
16 17
As your presence in the national
and international arenas
increases, so does the potential
threat to your safety and privacy.
3e International has a wealth of
experience in detailed scenario
planning to avoid any unwanted
encounters with the press or to
minimise threats to your work or
private life.
Whether you require high profile
protection or a low key solution,
3e will be present by your side
or in the background. We will
ensure you make the right
moves to avoid any potential
risks or threats, so you are able
to concentrate on doing what
you do best.
Sometimes you are
an easy target
No place to hide
when you are in
the public eye
Tour & Artist
18 19
Tour & Artist
Our artist security experts will take
care of you throughout your entire
tour and will cater for your personal
requirements and preferences at
all times.
We can deploy covert security
operatives and overt bodyguards
as well as organise low profile,
small operations and high profile,
worldwide tours and public
We also offer corporate event
security for other types of high-profile
occasions, including red carpet,
white/black tie banquets, private
parties, conferences, conventions,
product launches and sporting
events in the UK and abroad.
Tour security includes:
•	 Full threat and risk assessments
•	 Protected travel, including
professional chauffeur service
•	 Managed hotel check-in
and departure
•	 Airport security
•	 On-stage and back-stage security
and crowd management
•	 Overt and/or covert
security teams
•	 Safety and protection for
all events
•	 Fully trained and SIA
licensed operatives
•	 Perimeter security
•	 Controlled VIP areas
•	 Health and Safety issues
20 21
Sometimes you need that something
extra to confirm or negate a
suspicion. At 3e International,
we understand that surveillance
requires a skilled and dedicated
team of operatives.
We have years of experience in all
types of covert surveillance – from
personal and corporate surveillance
to fraud investigation and vehicle
tracking, delivering accurate and
thorough evidence that enables our
clients to resolve crucial individual or
commercial matters.
We know that decision-making isn’t
always easy. With careful planning,
the latest equipment and perfect
execution, we’re able to provide one
of the most effective information
gathering services available. We
supply you with the highest quality
evidence and a solid basis to make
an informed decision.
All evidence obtained by 3e
International is admissible in court.
We also attend hearings and trials
as witnesses when necessary.
Retrieving the
information you need
Make informed decisions based
on the highest quality evidence
22 23
We understand the difficulties
and tensions behind a private
matrimonial problem or an industrial
crisis. Our highly trained male
and female operatives allow us to
conduct smaller scale investigations.
Alternatively our extensive resources
and logistics enable 3e to conduct
the most complex, demanding cases
and tasks.
We provide a confidential service
focusing on your objectives and
keeping you updated at every stage
of the investigation.
Our professional surveillance teams
fully understand the need to obtain
answers as well as the sensitivity of
individual circumstances.
When we receive instructions from
our clients we proceed in the most
efficient and appropriate manner for
each individual situation. 3e use the
most up to date technology including
data forensics. 3e also provides
detailed reports, including date-and-
time stamped audio-video evidence,
high quality photographs and written
We will help find the
facts so that you can
make the right choices
Don’t let questions
go unanswered
24 25
Effective surveillance isn’t simply
about good technique and having
the latest technology. Preparation,
research and planning are integral to
running a successful operation.
We can provide all forms of
surveillance: conventional, rural
and electronic. We have dedicated
surveillance teams throughout the
UK and internationally, in order to
offer the very best services to our
Our agents provide high quality
footage no matter where surveillance
is required, utilising state of the art
equipment and technology including
global tracking systems, high
powered photographic and covert
video equipment.
Clients who instruct private
investigators are looking for answers
whether for:
•	 Matrimonial/private problems:
matrimonial or partner
investigation will either restore
confidence, or at least give you
the facts to put you in control and
enable you to choose the action
you wish to take.
•	 Corporate problems:
which may include espionage,
investigating due diligence for an
individual or company. Without
answers informed decisions
cannot be made.
The investigation work we do
is carried out with complete
confidentiality, providing swift
and accurate results.
Before you confront someone with
your suspicions you need to have all
the facts. This applies whether your
relationship is personal or business.
3e will provide the facts.
3e believe in ongoing reviews of
current staff in order to protect
against risk of theft, fraud, litigation,
reputation damage, industrial
espionage, investigative journalism,
sabotage and terrorism. These risks
can have serious repercussions on
a company’s reputation and finances
not to mention the additional
cost and time spent facilitating
the dismissal and replacement of
unsuitable staff.
3e Group Screening checks include:
•	 A minimum of 5 years
employment history
•	 Gap verifications
•	 Immigration status
•	 Full identity confirmation
•	 Criminal Records (DBS –
Disclosure Barring Service
formerly known as CRB)
•	 Education and qualifications
•	 Personal references
•	 Employment references
Screening is an
integral part of
a company’s
recruitment process
Keeping an eye on
the risks around you
26 27
Relevant intelligence is critical in
order to make measured, strategic,
business decisions, confirmation
of all the facts and risks must be
obtained in order to do so. 3e
International provide in-depth Due
Diligence for clients before they
enter into any financial investments,
mergers and acquisitions or trace
Conducted in order to confirm the
facts as well discover undisclosed
information such as fraud and
financial irregularity, conflicts of
interest, hidden agendas, pending
litigation, rumoured defections
and staff despondency prior to
contractual commitment.
The cost of not conducting effective
Due Diligence for many companies
has been hugely detrimental and the
implied repercussions are far more
reaching financially than the initial
cost of the Due Diligence not to
mention reputational damage.
In the current climate, the
safety and security of your
business and its assets is
of the utmost importance
Protecting your business
is our business
Due Diligence
28 29
30 31
Recovering what you
need to progress
The requirement to trace
assets can range from
misappropriated funds,
property recovery or the
enforcement of a legal
judgement of financial
damages. Offshore banking,
complex company structures
and modern day global
business can often hinder
the locating and recovery of
these assets.
3e’s investigation team’s
combined specialist
knowledge and experience
has accrued us with a
broad range of unique
resources, network of
contacts and operational
methods. 3e is able to
identify transaction paths,
decipher complex company
structures and finances,
locate hidden and strategic
assets and verify ownership
details by integrating our
comprehensive range of
techniques and resources.
In modern business,
assets can become
well-hidden. Seeking
them out, at speed, for
your benefit is a priority
Asset Tracing
32 33
Staff Screening
When it comes to staff, you can
be assured that the suitability of
your people has been taken as
seriously as it should be. Saving you
valuable time and money within the
recruitment process.
Protecting you from the risks
of employing the wrong people,
staff screening exposes any
foreseeable issues. Including criminal
background, immigration status,
references and qualifications. 3e
help to ensure that you get it right
first time.
Due Diligence
Protecting the safety and security of
your business is what we do. Your
reputation could be at risk from
a range of areas such as fraud,
financial irregularity, conflicts of
interest, hidden agendas, pending
litigation, rumoured defections and
staff despondency.
Investing in the future of your
company through due diligence can
prove to be crucial. Providing you
with information to make a more
informed decision regarding any
financial investments, mergers,
acquisitions or trace investigations.
Asset Tracing
With specialist knowledge and
experience, 3e are able to efficiently
trace and recover company’s
assets that prove harder to track
down. Outside influence can make
the tracing of assets difficult, with
offshore banking, complex company
structures and modern day global
business affecting this area.
Covert Technical
34 35
Rest assured when it
comes to your people
Technical surveillance is
the use of covert devices
such as CCTV cameras,
listening devices and GPS
trackers deployed in order
to gain intelligence without
the subject’s knowledge.
Intelligence gained in this
manner can be highly
Technical surveillance is
often deployed for numerous
reasons such as:
•	 To confirm processes
and procedures are being
adhered to
•	 Identify the source of
information leaks or
internal issues
•	 Monitor staff or
•	 To gain evidence of an
activity or crime
Your process matters, which is
why we help to protect it
36 37
Covert technical surveillance
is often used illegally against
individuals, companies and
corporations in order to
gain private and confidential
Reasons for requiring this
intelligence is normally for:
•	 Industrial espionage
•	 Intellectual property theft
•	 Criminal intent such
as fraud, extortion,
blackmail, kidnap, identity
theft and burglary
3e International’s TSCM
surveys are conducted by
our qualified technicians on
any premises, property or
vehicle by means of visual,
electronic and physical
examination in order to
detect the presence of
technical surveillance
devices from the most
basic ‘quick plant’ device
to a highly professional
‘deep plant’ installation.
Using current methods and
equipment, our teams will
deploy and conduct these
surveys covertly to ensure
maximum results.
On discovery of a covert
surveillance device, 3e can
provide various solutions in
order to prove identification
and evidence of the end
user and any personnel
associated with the device.
Protecting your information
from illegal surveillance
We’re wary of the ways in which
you could be vulnerable
38 39
Penetration testing exposes
weaknesses in a company’s
security measures and
Cyber penetration testing:
•	 Online open source
information gathering
can reveal vast amounts
of information about a
company or person that
can be detrimental to
their security.
•	 Online intrusion
assessment. 3e can
expose an organisations’
weaknesses to hacking
over the internet.
‘Hacking’ can be used to
retrieve sensitive company
or personal information or
launch a denial of service
attack against their
•	 Wireless infiltration/
intelligence gathering.
This technique involves
remotely attacking a
router in order to obtain
sensitive data which would
allow for further breaches
in their cyber security.
Note: this service can only
be conducted with the
legal owner’s permission.
Physical penetration testing:
•	 Covert physical
surveillance conducted
against key employees or
people can often reveal
valuable intelligence.
•	 Physical infiltration
to test and negate
present physical security
procedures such as
access control in order to
gain entry into restricted
or controlled areas
such as senior executive
offices, board rooms,
server rooms.
•	 Assessment of overall
physical security
•	 Evaluation of response
process, speed, and
effectiveness to a breach
•	 Social engineering is
the act of influencing
someone to obtain
confidential and privileged
information, or to gain
access to restricted
and premises.
Designed to test and
compromise security
Identifying strength and
strengthening any weakness
40 41
When privacy
is crucial
We can provide techniques
and solutions to ensure
sensitive data remains
secure whether on a laptop
or mobile phone.
•	 Hidden and encrypted
drives that will keep data
hidden and undetectable.
The encryption will ensure
that the data is not
retrievable if stolen or
•	 Encrypted emails:
ensuring that
communications from
your device are protected.
•	 Malware resilience
to negate infection of
malware attacks from a
range of sources.
Mobile Phones
•	 3e can provide a truly
secure voice, video and
text communications
which include real time
Embedding solutions
to keep sensitive
information under wraps
42 43
3e can provide bespoke
cyber security training and
advice to companies and
individuals that are easy to
use, effective and suited to
their IT capabilities.
Online Investigation:
Our online investigations
team utilise their extensive
operational experience and
techniques to analyse data
and information from the
internet for intelligence and
risk assessment purposes.
Online/open source
intelligence gathering
•	 Analysis of online
information can be
used to ascertain what
information is openly
available about yourself or
your company.
•	 Online data analysis to
conduct an in-depth
investigation against a
subject often for Due
Diligence reporting
•	 Modern techniques that
can provide the physical
location of a person via
their internet and mobile
phone use.
Revealing what is out there,
waiting to be discovered
Personal Operating
Uncover and utilise
the data you need
44 45
Covert Technical
Gaining intelligence is a highly
effective way of ensuring that your
rules and regulations are being
adhered to. 3e go the extra mile to
see that no dangers are lingering.
Providing beneficial insights into the
source of internal issues, leaks, or
criminal activity can prevent any
larger scale future issues.
Illegal surveillance techniques
are widely used, putting sensitive
information at risk. 3e International
are able to survey areas of concern
and to identify, with sufficient
evidence, the source of any such
surveillance devices.
With smarter methods being
deployed constantly, the security of
your systems is vital. Penetration
testing seeks to highlight any
weaknesses in your company’s
security, with the aim to tighten the
areas most at risk.
Ensuring that sensitive data remains
secure through the most intelligent
methods leaves you with the peace
of mind you need to continue
progressing as an organisation.
Our online investigations team
utilise their extensive operational
experience to uncover the availability
of data. Using modern techniques
to pinpoint the details that are of
46 47
We store vast amounts
of data and information,
both commercial and
personal on computers,
tablets and mobile
phones. Loss or
compromise of any of
these devices can have
a huge effect on our
businesses and personal
In case of a lost, stolen
or compromised device,
an assessment of that
device can be conducted
to determine what
information could be
extracted and used,
which would allow us to
implement the necessary
changes to security
Malicious software
•	 Examination of devices
in order to identify
any possible implants,
Trojans, spyware or
malicious software.
Source integrity
•	 This is the ability to
confirm if the source of
an email corresponds
with the claims of the
sender, identifies bogus
emails used to extract
sensitive information.
Data Recovery
•	 Often used on devices
discovered during an
investigation or on
former employees
company PC’s and
mobile phones, the
retrieval of hard and
soft media can be
extracted to provide
intelligence such as call
logs, text messages,
emails, websites,
locations, voicemails,
photographs & videos.
The safety and security
of your office is our focus
Managing your needs
when issues arise
Computer and Mobile
Phone Monitoring
48 49
Stay informed in
matters of interest
Monitoring of computers
and mobile phones can be
conducted both covertly and
Monitoring will provide:
•	 Live monitoring
•	 Key word triggers
•	 Internet activity
•	 Emails
•	 Chat
•	 Documents produced
•	 Mobile phone text
messages, emails and
internet browsing
•	 GPS locations
3e will also supply analytical
and full technical support
For safety, peace of mind
or commercial protection
50 51
Digital Forensics
Through digital forensics, 3e are
able to help you to prepare for the
unknown. Recovering data from lost,
stolen or compromised files as well
as ensuring that malicious software
is detected.
We store vast amounts of data
on our devices and the retrieval of
this data can be extracted through
soft and hard media, allowing for a
quick response to any unpredicted
Computer and
Mobile Phone
Monitoring of computers and
mobile phones can be both covertly
and overtly carried out. Providing
information around the use of key
words, internet activity, emails,
documents, messaging and
location, which can be beneficial
to the ongoing wellbeing of the
From the smallest task to the
most complex investigation, the 3e
International team ensures that
the very best service is always
delivered with integrity, discretion
and understanding.
The best way to deal with threats is
ultimately the avoidance of them –
whether they’re threats to yourself,
your loved ones or your assets.
To discuss how we can successfully
plan and execute the avoidance of
any risks or threats you may be
facing now or in the future, contact
a member of the 3e International
team to arrange a meeting at a time
and location convenient to you.
Intelligent protection tailored
around your lifestyle
+44 (0) 207 043 9890
32 Curzon Street, Mayfair,
London W1J 7TS
Morgan House, Gilbert Drive,
Boston, Lincolnshire PE21 7TQ
3e International is a trading style of 3e Global Ltd.
Company No. 9049429

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3e International brochure

  • 1.
  • 2. 2 3 4 Introduction 6 30 years of experience 8 Close Protection 10 Residential Security Team 12 Close Protection Driver 14 Masters of our craft 16 Tour and Artist Security 18 Protection beyond expectation 20 Surveillance 22 Private Investigation 24 Nobody goes further 26 Staff Screening 28 Due Diligence 30 Asset Tracing 32 Secured from within 34 Covert Technical Surveillance 36 Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM) 38 Penetration Testing 40 Secure Communications 42 Personal Operating Security 44 Managing your threats 46 Digital Forensics 48 Computer and Mobile Phone Monitoring 50 Feel at ease 52 Focused around you 54 Contact CONTENTS
  • 3. 54 Whether you are jetting across the Atlantic, sailing around the Mediterranean or dining out in Central London; if you require our assistance, we will be there. We are able to deploy any number of our team of specialists worldwide at a moment’s notice, enabling you to live and work with complete peace of mind. Peace of mind – the ultimate luxury
  • 4. 6 7 The 3e International team are drawn from Government, Intelligence and Specialist Military backgrounds. All of whom have been trained and operated to the highest echelons within the UK and worldwide. With a combined active experience of 30 years, the 3e International team provide a professional and personal service to international corporations, private individuals and high profile celebrities with specific and varied requirements. 3 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE An exclusive team of experts
  • 5. Close Protection 8 9 In the current climate, personal safety and security is of the utmost importance. 3e provide in-depth risk and threat assessments, carefully researched and planned for each client. This allows for a bespoke security solution for you, your family and your assets. Depending on your requirements, 3e can provide high profile close protection to act as a deterrent to potential threats. If a less intrusive option is preferred, we can supply a low profile ‘protective surveillance solution’ which allows you to conduct your life in complete privacy with the assurance that protection is always close at hand. Our team are of the highest integrity, calibre and renowned for their discretion at all times Have the freedom you desire – we are always there
  • 6. Residential Security Team 10 11 Feeling safe in your own home is a right which often needs protection. A Residential Security Team can give you the peace of mind of total protection, every minute of every day. 3e International offers both covert and overt security management and will deploy as many highly trained, Security Industry Authority (SIA) licensed, close protection operatives as necessary to ensure safety and security. Part of your family Protect your loved ones and assets whilst you are away
  • 7. 12 13 3e International will get you where you need to go, in complete safety Getting from A to B isn’t always as straightforward as it should be. With careful planning and preparation including reconnaissance, route-planning and risk assessments, 3e International can ensure that you get to your destination, in complete safety. All of 3e International’s personnel have completed Advanced Specialist Driver training and are registered with the Security Industry Authority (SIA). Door-to-door protection Close Protection Driver
  • 8. 14 15 Close Protection Our main objective is to facilitate your needs without interruption from any unwanted third parties. 3e International offer bespoke solutions to meet your risk management and close protection concerns. By analysing the risks to you, your company or your assets, in relation to both current or future circumstances, we can protect against violence, kidnapping or any other situation that may be detrimental to your health and safety. Residential Security Team We can provide you with the total protection you deserve with a customised Residential Security Team. The teams are hand selected to complement your profile, lifestyle and requirements. 3e International are able to offer a sympathetic, low profile security management or a high profile show of presence. Detailed security surveys will allow cost effective solutions depending on your needs. CCTV, manned protection, alarm systems and access control are all services which 3e provide. Close Protection Driver The everyday duties of a Close Protection Driver include: driving you to a requested venue and ensuring you reach your destination with total confidence, without any untoward accidents, distress or anxiety. Our Close Protection Drivers are highly trained and experienced members of the Close Protection Team. All close protection drivers possess Advanced Specialist Driving qualifications and operational experience.MASTERS OF OUR CRAFT
  • 9. 16 17 As your presence in the national and international arenas increases, so does the potential threat to your safety and privacy. 3e International has a wealth of experience in detailed scenario planning to avoid any unwanted encounters with the press or to minimise threats to your work or private life. Whether you require high profile protection or a low key solution, 3e will be present by your side or in the background. We will ensure you make the right moves to avoid any potential risks or threats, so you are able to concentrate on doing what you do best. Sometimes you are an easy target No place to hide when you are in the public eye Tour & Artist Security
  • 10. 18 19 Tour & Artist Security Our artist security experts will take care of you throughout your entire tour and will cater for your personal requirements and preferences at all times. We can deploy covert security operatives and overt bodyguards as well as organise low profile, small operations and high profile, worldwide tours and public appearances. We also offer corporate event security for other types of high-profile occasions, including red carpet, white/black tie banquets, private parties, conferences, conventions, product launches and sporting events in the UK and abroad. Tour security includes: • Full threat and risk assessments • Protected travel, including professional chauffeur service • Managed hotel check-in and departure • Airport security • On-stage and back-stage security and crowd management • Overt and/or covert security teams • Safety and protection for all events • Fully trained and SIA licensed operatives • Perimeter security • Controlled VIP areas • Health and Safety issues PROTECTION BEYOND EXPECTATION
  • 11. 20 21 Sometimes you need that something extra to confirm or negate a suspicion. At 3e International, we understand that surveillance requires a skilled and dedicated team of operatives. We have years of experience in all types of covert surveillance – from personal and corporate surveillance to fraud investigation and vehicle tracking, delivering accurate and thorough evidence that enables our clients to resolve crucial individual or commercial matters. We know that decision-making isn’t always easy. With careful planning, the latest equipment and perfect execution, we’re able to provide one of the most effective information gathering services available. We supply you with the highest quality evidence and a solid basis to make an informed decision. All evidence obtained by 3e International is admissible in court. We also attend hearings and trials as witnesses when necessary. Retrieving the information you need Make informed decisions based on the highest quality evidence Surveillance
  • 12. 22 23 We understand the difficulties and tensions behind a private matrimonial problem or an industrial crisis. Our highly trained male and female operatives allow us to conduct smaller scale investigations. Alternatively our extensive resources and logistics enable 3e to conduct the most complex, demanding cases and tasks. We provide a confidential service focusing on your objectives and keeping you updated at every stage of the investigation. Our professional surveillance teams fully understand the need to obtain answers as well as the sensitivity of individual circumstances. When we receive instructions from our clients we proceed in the most efficient and appropriate manner for each individual situation. 3e use the most up to date technology including data forensics. 3e also provides detailed reports, including date-and- time stamped audio-video evidence, high quality photographs and written information. We will help find the facts so that you can make the right choices Don’t let questions go unanswered Private Investigation
  • 13. 24 25 Surveillance Effective surveillance isn’t simply about good technique and having the latest technology. Preparation, research and planning are integral to running a successful operation. We can provide all forms of surveillance: conventional, rural and electronic. We have dedicated surveillance teams throughout the UK and internationally, in order to offer the very best services to our clients. Our agents provide high quality footage no matter where surveillance is required, utilising state of the art equipment and technology including global tracking systems, high powered photographic and covert video equipment. Private Investigation Clients who instruct private investigators are looking for answers whether for: • Matrimonial/private problems: matrimonial or partner investigation will either restore confidence, or at least give you the facts to put you in control and enable you to choose the action you wish to take. • Corporate problems: which may include espionage, investigating due diligence for an individual or company. Without answers informed decisions cannot be made. The investigation work we do is carried out with complete confidentiality, providing swift and accurate results. Before you confront someone with your suspicions you need to have all the facts. This applies whether your relationship is personal or business. 3e will provide the facts. NOBODY GOES FURTHER
  • 14. 3e believe in ongoing reviews of current staff in order to protect against risk of theft, fraud, litigation, reputation damage, industrial espionage, investigative journalism, sabotage and terrorism. These risks can have serious repercussions on a company’s reputation and finances not to mention the additional cost and time spent facilitating the dismissal and replacement of unsuitable staff. 3e Group Screening checks include: • A minimum of 5 years employment history • Gap verifications • Immigration status • Full identity confirmation • Criminal Records (DBS – Disclosure Barring Service formerly known as CRB) • Education and qualifications • Personal references • Employment references Screening is an integral part of a company’s recruitment process Keeping an eye on the risks around you Staff Screening 26 27
  • 15. Relevant intelligence is critical in order to make measured, strategic, business decisions, confirmation of all the facts and risks must be obtained in order to do so. 3e International provide in-depth Due Diligence for clients before they enter into any financial investments, mergers and acquisitions or trace investigations. Conducted in order to confirm the facts as well discover undisclosed information such as fraud and financial irregularity, conflicts of interest, hidden agendas, pending litigation, rumoured defections and staff despondency prior to contractual commitment. The cost of not conducting effective Due Diligence for many companies has been hugely detrimental and the implied repercussions are far more reaching financially than the initial cost of the Due Diligence not to mention reputational damage. In the current climate, the safety and security of your business and its assets is of the utmost importance Protecting your business is our business Due Diligence 28 29
  • 16. 30 31 Recovering what you need to progress The requirement to trace assets can range from misappropriated funds, property recovery or the enforcement of a legal judgement of financial damages. Offshore banking, complex company structures and modern day global business can often hinder the locating and recovery of these assets. 3e’s investigation team’s combined specialist knowledge and experience has accrued us with a broad range of unique resources, network of contacts and operational methods. 3e is able to identify transaction paths, decipher complex company structures and finances, locate hidden and strategic assets and verify ownership details by integrating our comprehensive range of techniques and resources. In modern business, assets can become well-hidden. Seeking them out, at speed, for your benefit is a priority Asset Tracing
  • 17. 32 33 SECURED FROM WITHIN Staff Screening When it comes to staff, you can be assured that the suitability of your people has been taken as seriously as it should be. Saving you valuable time and money within the recruitment process. Protecting you from the risks of employing the wrong people, staff screening exposes any foreseeable issues. Including criminal background, immigration status, references and qualifications. 3e help to ensure that you get it right first time. Due Diligence Protecting the safety and security of your business is what we do. Your reputation could be at risk from a range of areas such as fraud, financial irregularity, conflicts of interest, hidden agendas, pending litigation, rumoured defections and staff despondency. Investing in the future of your company through due diligence can prove to be crucial. Providing you with information to make a more informed decision regarding any financial investments, mergers, acquisitions or trace investigations. Asset Tracing With specialist knowledge and experience, 3e are able to efficiently trace and recover company’s assets that prove harder to track down. Outside influence can make the tracing of assets difficult, with offshore banking, complex company structures and modern day global business affecting this area.
  • 18. Covert Technical Surveillance 34 35 Rest assured when it comes to your people Technical surveillance is the use of covert devices such as CCTV cameras, listening devices and GPS trackers deployed in order to gain intelligence without the subject’s knowledge. Intelligence gained in this manner can be highly beneficial. Technical surveillance is often deployed for numerous reasons such as: • To confirm processes and procedures are being adhered to • Identify the source of information leaks or internal issues • Monitor staff or employees • To gain evidence of an activity or crime Your process matters, which is why we help to protect it
  • 19. Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM) 36 37 Covert technical surveillance is often used illegally against individuals, companies and corporations in order to gain private and confidential intelligence. Reasons for requiring this intelligence is normally for: • Industrial espionage • Intellectual property theft • Criminal intent such as fraud, extortion, blackmail, kidnap, identity theft and burglary 3e International’s TSCM surveys are conducted by our qualified technicians on any premises, property or vehicle by means of visual, electronic and physical examination in order to detect the presence of technical surveillance devices from the most basic ‘quick plant’ device to a highly professional ‘deep plant’ installation. Using current methods and equipment, our teams will deploy and conduct these surveys covertly to ensure maximum results. On discovery of a covert surveillance device, 3e can provide various solutions in order to prove identification and evidence of the end user and any personnel associated with the device. Protecting your information from illegal surveillance techniques We’re wary of the ways in which you could be vulnerable
  • 20. 38 39 Penetration testing exposes weaknesses in a company’s security measures and procedures. Cyber penetration testing: • Online open source information gathering can reveal vast amounts of information about a company or person that can be detrimental to their security. • Online intrusion assessment. 3e can expose an organisations’ weaknesses to hacking over the internet. ‘Hacking’ can be used to retrieve sensitive company or personal information or launch a denial of service attack against their organisation. • Wireless infiltration/ intelligence gathering. This technique involves remotely attacking a router in order to obtain sensitive data which would allow for further breaches in their cyber security. Note: this service can only be conducted with the legal owner’s permission. Physical penetration testing: • Covert physical surveillance conducted against key employees or people can often reveal valuable intelligence. • Physical infiltration to test and negate present physical security procedures such as access control in order to gain entry into restricted or controlled areas such as senior executive offices, board rooms, server rooms. • Assessment of overall physical security countermeasures. • Evaluation of response process, speed, and effectiveness to a breach incident. • Social engineering is the act of influencing someone to obtain confidential and privileged information, or to gain access to restricted resources and premises. Designed to test and compromise security Penetration Testing Identifying strength and strengthening any weakness
  • 21. Secure Communications 40 41 When privacy is crucial We can provide techniques and solutions to ensure sensitive data remains secure whether on a laptop or mobile phone. Laptop • Hidden and encrypted drives that will keep data hidden and undetectable. The encryption will ensure that the data is not retrievable if stolen or lost. • Encrypted emails: ensuring that communications from your device are protected. • Malware resilience to negate infection of malware attacks from a range of sources. Mobile Phones • 3e can provide a truly secure voice, video and text communications which include real time geo-locating. Embedding solutions to keep sensitive information under wraps
  • 22. 42 43 3e can provide bespoke cyber security training and advice to companies and individuals that are easy to use, effective and suited to their IT capabilities. Online Investigation: Our online investigations team utilise their extensive operational experience and techniques to analyse data and information from the internet for intelligence and risk assessment purposes. Online/open source intelligence gathering • Analysis of online information can be used to ascertain what information is openly available about yourself or your company. • Online data analysis to conduct an in-depth investigation against a subject often for Due Diligence reporting purposes. Geolocating • Modern techniques that can provide the physical location of a person via their internet and mobile phone use. Revealing what is out there, waiting to be discovered Personal Operating Security Uncover and utilise the data you need
  • 23. 44 45 MANAGING YOUR THREATS Covert Technical Surveillance Gaining intelligence is a highly effective way of ensuring that your rules and regulations are being adhered to. 3e go the extra mile to see that no dangers are lingering. Providing beneficial insights into the source of internal issues, leaks, or criminal activity can prevent any larger scale future issues. Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM) Illegal surveillance techniques are widely used, putting sensitive information at risk. 3e International are able to survey areas of concern and to identify, with sufficient evidence, the source of any such surveillance devices. Penetration Testing With smarter methods being deployed constantly, the security of your systems is vital. Penetration testing seeks to highlight any weaknesses in your company’s security, with the aim to tighten the areas most at risk. Secure Communications Ensuring that sensitive data remains secure through the most intelligent methods leaves you with the peace of mind you need to continue progressing as an organisation. Personal Operating Security Our online investigations team utilise their extensive operational experience to uncover the availability of data. Using modern techniques to pinpoint the details that are of interest.
  • 24. 46 47 We store vast amounts of data and information, both commercial and personal on computers, tablets and mobile phones. Loss or compromise of any of these devices can have a huge effect on our businesses and personal life. In case of a lost, stolen or compromised device, an assessment of that device can be conducted to determine what information could be extracted and used, which would allow us to implement the necessary changes to security procedures. Malicious software • Examination of devices in order to identify any possible implants, Trojans, spyware or malicious software. Source integrity verification • This is the ability to confirm if the source of an email corresponds with the claims of the sender, identifies bogus emails used to extract sensitive information. Data Recovery • Often used on devices discovered during an investigation or on former employees company PC’s and mobile phones, the retrieval of hard and soft media can be extracted to provide intelligence such as call logs, text messages, emails, websites, locations, voicemails, photographs & videos. The safety and security of your office is our focus Digital Forensics Managing your needs when issues arise
  • 25. Computer and Mobile Phone Monitoring 48 49 Stay informed in matters of interest Monitoring of computers and mobile phones can be conducted both covertly and overtly. Monitoring will provide: • Live monitoring • Key word triggers • Internet activity • Emails • Chat • Documents produced • Mobile phone text messages, emails and internet browsing • GPS locations 3e will also supply analytical and full technical support services. For safety, peace of mind or commercial protection
  • 26. 50 51 FEEL AT EASE Digital Forensics Through digital forensics, 3e are able to help you to prepare for the unknown. Recovering data from lost, stolen or compromised files as well as ensuring that malicious software is detected. We store vast amounts of data on our devices and the retrieval of this data can be extracted through soft and hard media, allowing for a quick response to any unpredicted incidents. Computer and Mobile Phone Monitoring Monitoring of computers and mobile phones can be both covertly and overtly carried out. Providing information around the use of key words, internet activity, emails, documents, messaging and location, which can be beneficial to the ongoing wellbeing of the organisation.
  • 27. 52 From the smallest task to the most complex investigation, the 3e International team ensures that the very best service is always delivered with integrity, discretion and understanding. The best way to deal with threats is ultimately the avoidance of them – whether they’re threats to yourself, your loved ones or your assets. To discuss how we can successfully plan and execute the avoidance of any risks or threats you may be facing now or in the future, contact a member of the 3e International team to arrange a meeting at a time and location convenient to you. Intelligent protection tailored around your lifestyle FOCUSED AROUND YOU 53
  • 28. 54 +44 (0) 207 043 9890 32 Curzon Street, Mayfair, London W1J 7TS Morgan House, Gilbert Drive, Boston, Lincolnshire PE21 7TQ E. W. Contact 3e International is a trading style of 3e Global Ltd. Company No. 9049429