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Boston Braves Historical Association

            Summer 2012            

            VOLUME 21, ISSUE 2                            A complete list of individuals who performed with
                                                          the Braves during their National League
                                                          championship season of 1948 can be found at
    Visit Our Commemorative Pavers At                     many sources. In fact, full biographies of each
                Fenway Park                               member of this illustrious group were written as
                                                          part of a joint project between the Boston Chapter
!         Thanks to the generosity of our Royal           of the Society for American Baseball Research
Rooters, we have placed three commemorative               (SABR) and the BBHA. The resultant product
bricks at Fenway Park. We took advantage of the           was the highly recommended book, Spahn, Sain
“Fenway Park Etched in History Brick Program” to          and Teddy Ballgame: Bostonʼs almost Perfect
memorialize the Boston Braves and the BBHA.               Baseball Summer of 1948.
Word finally reached us from the Red Sox as to
the location of our memorials. We invite all to           !        Whether that book and other listings are
view and enjoy these markers the next time you            complete depends upon how membership in the
attend a game or take a tour of Fenway Park.              ʼ48 Tribe is defined. A recent inquiry received via
                                                          the BBHA website has caused us to reexamine
!         All of the pavers have been placed in the       our views. A sports historian and writer in Ohio
concourse between Gates B and C under the                 contacted us for assistance in substantiating a
bleacher stands. A site locator map can be found          claim made by the son of a deceased career
at:            minor league ballplayer that his dad had spent
brick_locator.jsp. Our bricks have been placed as         time in the majors with the Boston Braves.
follows:                                                  Although with the big league club, the father
                      “Honoring the                       never appeared in an official game. The sonʼs
                                                          recollection was that his dadʼs experience
                     Boston Braves                        occurred sometime early in the season in the late
              1914 World Series Champs                    1940s. His father was a left-handed pitcher by
                    1948 NL Champs                        the name of Ed Post.
                        1876-1952                         !        The bulk of available records regarding
                   Gate B, Section 12                     major league status, especially of the era in
                Dave Roberts Section                      question, are based on at least a one-time
                                                          appearance in an official regular season box
                         **********                       score. Perhaps the most notable example of a
                    Commemorating                         solo Boston Braves major league appearance is
                    The Annual Pre-                       that of Steve Kuczek who had but one at bat in
                     Season Braves                        his career and made the most of it. Kuczek
                                                          swatted a pinch hit double on September 29,
                       VS. Red Sox                        1949, attaining a perfect lifetime batting average
                        City Series                       of 1.000.
                        1925-1952                         !        Our quest would have to take a more
                   Gate C, Section 2                      difficult path since the name Ed Post never made
                Frank Malzone Section                     it onto a line-up card nor did he otherwise toe the
                         **********                       pitching rubber during an official big league
                     Boston Braves
                         Historical                       !        Ed and his brother Wally starred on the
                                                          diamond at hometown St. Henry High School in
                       Association                        Ohio. They would alternate between pitching and
                   Gate C, Section 1                      playing first base. Wally would go on to become a
               Pedro Martinez Section                     long-ball hitting outfielder with the Reds and
                                                          Phillies and spend 15 years in the majors.
      Lost Member of the ʼ48 Champs                       !        Ed Postʼs career record consisted of four
                                                          seasons in the minors. He spent 1945 and 1947
!                                                         in Class D ball in the Ohio State League. As a

19-year-older just out of high school, Post                Boston Braves family but also part of the ʼ48
achieved a 4-3, 2.88 record with the unaffiliated           pennant winners.
Middleton Rockets, the leagueʼs first place
finisher. After spending 1946 in the Army, Post                         Who Broke The Door?
returned to the same circuit but this time joined
the Muncie Reds who were affiliated with
Cincinnati. His career blossomed in 1947 as he             !         The current baseball season has been
went 19-8 and led the league with a 2.02 ERA.              highlighted by a number of conflicts concerning
The Post brothers were the mound aces for                  questionable calls by umpires. Many arguments
Muncie. 17-year-old right-handed brother Wally             have been intense, involving harsh language and
finished at 17-7 with a 3.33 ERA.                           even physical contact. Suspensions and fines
                                                           have followed as have calls for the institution of
!         Ed Post was the property of the Redsʼ top        more replays and other technical enhancement
farm team, the International League Syracuse               tools to assure accurate decisions. Todayʼs
Chiefs, when the Braves drafted him. The Tribe             commentators would have you believe that an
placed him on its 1948 major league roster and,            exceptional level of conflict has arisen.
liking his chances to stick, included a biography of       Unfortunately, many of these broadcasters and
him in the “Boston Introduces” section of the              scribes possess only a fleeting knowledge of
annual National League Green Book.                         baseball history beyond the current era. Back in
!         According to newspaper articles, Post left       the days when Boston had its Braves, incidents of
the spring training camp in Bradenton and                  extreme bad behavior involving the gameʼs
traveled north to Boston for the start of the ʼ48          arbiters took place on and off the diamond.
campaign. He was assigned uniform number 34,               !         A case in point involves a late season
inherited later in the ʼ48 season by bonus baby            game in 1951 at the Wigwam. Brooklynʼs
Johnny Antonelli. Post achieved a bit of                   Dodgers came to town struggling to maintain their
notoriety when he struck Braves catcher Bill               top spot in the Senior Circuitʼs standings. Their
Salkeld on the head during pre-game practice on            advantage over the second place Giants had
May 8. The backstop suffered headaches for                 evaporated from 13 to 2½ games when they
several days.                                              came to Boston for four contests commencing
!         When the Braves visited the Cubs in              with a September 25 doubleheader.
Chicago on May 13, Post was photographed at                !         It had been another disappointing season
Wrigley Field by one of the picture-takers in the          for the Tribe. The Southworth era ended on a sad
Windy City that specialized in procuring player            note and Jury Box hero, Tommy Holmes was
images for resale.                                         summoned from his managerial post in Hartford
!         Newspaper and photographic evidence of           to take the helm. While the team won more than
Ed Postʼs time in the majors was further                   they lost (48-47) under Kellyʼs lead, the Braves
supported by a notice published in The Sporting            struggled to stay in the first division and fan
News of May 26 that Post had been sent by the              support continued to drastically erode from its NL
Braves to their Hartford Chiefs farm club on May           championship days. In the meanwhile, their
19 as the Tribe made its final cuts to comply with          neighboring American League rivals were in the
roster size restrictions. In all, Post sat on the          midst of another close pennant fight.
Braves bench through the first 24 games of the              !         The series commenced with a twi-night
1948 season.                                               Tuesday doubleheader. The Braves had returned
!         Post made a strong debut with the Chiefs.        home after suffering six straight losses on the
In his first start on May 26, the lefty faced the           road. In seeking his 22nd victory in the opener,
Wilkes-Barre Barons and pitched a two-hit                  Warren Spahn decided to exchange his number
complete game, winning 6-1. On June 25, Post               “21” jersey with teammate George Estock, who
nearly no-hit the Barons. He was one putout                possessed the numeral of Spahnieʼs targeted win
away when an opposition batter singled. Still, he          total of 22. It was “mission accomplished” for the
recorded a complete game 4-0 victory.                      future Hall of Famer as the Braves swept the
Unfortunately, the remainder of the season did not         Dodgers before a gathering of 5,670 fans.
go as well. Post finished with a 4-10 record and            !         Now only a game ahead of the Giants,
ended his association with the Braves. He                  Brooklyn regrouped the following day and
appeared briefly with the independent Greenville            humbled the Braves, 15-5, behind big Don
Majors of the Big State League in 1949 but his             Newcombe. The day contest drew a meager
professional career was over at age 23.                    2,444 to the Wigwam.
!         Postʼs declining performance was                 !         With every game a “must win” for the
attributed to the reoccurrence of an injury suffered       Dodgers, tensions were high on September 27
during obstacle course training while in the               when the Bums sent ace Preacher Roe to the
military service. Ed Post passed away in August            mound to face rookie lefty Chet Nichols. Roe
of 1978 at age 52. Brother Wally was also 52               was seeking his 23rd win of the season while
when he died in 1982. Given the above, we                  Nichols had a shot at capturing the National
believe that Ed Post is not only a member of the           League ERA crown. The Braves were still
                                                           grumbling about Jackie Robinsonʼs “bush” steal

of home the previous day when the Dodgers had             mission resulted in a temporary delay. Terwilliger
already locked up the lopsided victory and                grounded out to third and Nichols struck out Andy
threatened revenge. Despite the drama                     Pafko to secure the win. Only a half-game now
associated with this contest, only 2,086 showed           separated the Senior Circuitʼs top two ball clubs.
up for this Thursday afternoon Ladies Day game,           And the Braves clinched fourth place, securing a
including some 321 female fans. Sportswriter              few hundred dollars for each player.
Gene Mack, Jr. would later comment that it was a          !         The Dodgersʼ anger continued unabated
“crime that only 2086 Bostonians turned out to
witness probably the most exciting game played            after the game. Since the umpiresʼ room was
                                                          closely situated between the playersʼ quarters
in the Hub this season.”                                  beneath the stands at Braves Field, the
!        The hard-fought contest was tied 3-3             disgruntled Bums were provided with a further
heading into the bottom of the eighth. Braves left        opportunity to express their displeasure. What
fielder Bob Addis singled to center, followed by a         followed would later be headlined in the next-
Sam Jethroe single that sent Addis to third. Earl         dayʼs newspapers as a “riot under the stands.“
Torgeson bounced to Jackie Robinson at second             !         Dascoli and his crew had retired to their
and Robinson threw to Roy Campanella at the
plate in an attempt to cut down the runner. Game          dressing room and locked its door. The events
                                                          that followed were steeped in controversy. A park
accounts indicate that Robinsonʼs throw was a bit         attendant claimed that Jackie Robinson kicked
outside, causing Campy to pivot a bit to the right.
This provided an opening for Addis to reach the           the door repeatedly, splintering its upper and
                                                          lower panels, while “screaming unprintable words
plate in a spikes-first slide as the Dodgers catcher       of indignation and resentment.” Campanella, who
made a half-spin tag. Home plate umpire Frank             had returned to his civvies, was said to have been
Dascoli spread his palms to signal that Addis was
safe. Boston scribe John Gillooly remarked in             among others taking part on this incident. Park
                                                          superintendent Al Oliver and six Boston
the next dayʼs newspaper account that “It was a           patrolmen assigned to the Wigwam were promptly
courageous call; one which could cost Brooklyn a
quarter of a million dollars.”                            summoned to the scene but order had already
                                                          been restored.
!        Campanella immediately and vehemently            !         Reporters at the scene indicated that the
protested the call to Dascoli. In doing so, he also       battle had turned verbal behind the locked doors
slammed down his mitt. The home plate arbiter
quickly gave the backstop the heave-ho, further           of the Dodgersʼ and arbitersʼ rooms. “Player--ʻYou
                                                          are a ___ ___ ___.ʼ” “Umpire--ʻThe same goes
incensing Campy and the Dodgers. Dascoli was              for you.ʼ” “Player--ʻYou can go to ___.ʼ”
surrounded by angry visitors. Remarks by coach
Cookie Lavagetto led to his banishment as well.           “Umpire--ʻAnd thatʼs for you.ʼ” Said a Braves
                                                          player, “Iʼve seen fist fights, but Iʼve never seen
Emotions failed to cool and the Dodgers                   anything like those guys pounding on that door. If
continued to ride Dascoli from the dugout bench.          they donʼt get suspended, nobody will ever get
Dascoli spoke to fellow umpire Jocko Conlan
and the latter was ordered by his chief to clear          suspended.”
everyone from the bench and into the clubhouse            !         When questioned, Robinson loudly
with the exception of manager Chuck Dressen               denied the allegations. “Anybody who says I did it
and coach Jake Pitler. The players had to cross           is a damned liar.” “Whenever Iʼm in a crowd and
by Dascoli as they departed their dugout on the           something happens, right away itʼs me.”
first base side of the field to enter the tunnel            Robinson admitted “I know who did it but Iʼm not
situated by the third base home dugout to access          saying who.” Robinson couldnʼt resist adding,
their room. Future Celtics great Bill Sharman,            “He [Dascoli] was run out of the International
who had just been called up, was among the                League he was so bad, and then they let him
Dodgers exiles. He would never appear in a big            work up here.” “He chokes up worse than the
league contest. Writer Gillooly described the             players.”
eviction trek as a “pitiable procession; no doubt
stingingly profane.”                                      !         Preacher Roe also admitted to knowing
                                                          the guilty party and refused to identify the culprit.
!        Campanellaʼs ouster would have a                 “But it wasnʼt Jackie, Iʼll take an oath on that.”
significant bearing on the game and, ultimately,           Another Dodgers player said, “quite a few of our
Brooklynʼs drive for the pennant. The soon-to-be          boys either kicked or pounded it on their way to
1951 NL Most Valuable Player was replaced in              our dressing room.”
the lineup by Rube Walker. In the top of the
ninth, Pee Wee Reese doubled and advanced to              !         Dodger coach Clyde Sukeforth issued
third on a Robinson ground out. Instead of the            damning statements not only against Dascoli but
                                                          also baseball commissioner Ford Frick, then also
clutch-hitting Campanella, Dressen was forced to
call upon little-used Wayne Terwilliger as a              the acting National League president. “Dascoli is
pinch-hitter for the weak-hitting Walker. In order        a bad umpire, thatʼs all. No other umpire would
                                                          have acted so hastily....I donʼt blame Dascoli,
to make the move, Dressen had to send his                 though. He is more to be pitied. Heʼs not big
batboy, Stan Strull, to the distant clubhouse to
retrieve the player. Given the inconvenient               enough for so important an assignment. I lay the
logistics of the ballparkʼs layout, the batboyʼs          blame on Frick. He must know, as everybody
                                                          else does, that Dascoli is incompetent. He never

should have assigned him to a series as                     the Braves drew only 7,091 and 13,209,
important as this.” Chuck Dressen added, “Heʼs              respectively, to their Gaffney Street grounds.
just not competent thatʼs all.” “Weʼve had trouble
with him all year--as far back as spring training.”                 Knot Hole Gang Regulations
!         After Dascoli emerged from the dressing           !         The Boston Braves unique youth-friendly
room, he offered his take on the matter.                    approach traces back to the early days of the
“Campanella didnʼt touch Addis until his feet               Fuchs era and remained in place until the club left
crossed the plate.” Robinsonʼs hurried throw was            for Milwaukee. Thin cardboard membership IDs
sufficiently off the mark to provide the opening to          were often issued to area youth through city
Addis. As to Campanellaʼs ouster, Dascoli waved             recreational departments and YMCAs. During
him out of the game not because of language or              Depression days, the card and a nickel would
physical contact. “He threw his glove. When they            allow its possessor into a left field pavilion section
throw their glove, itʼs automatic. Itʼs got to be. If       of Braves Field. A number of our members were
you didnʼt, the next time theyʼd throw the center           once such “gang” members, ages before the term
field bleacher at you.”                                      took on negative connotations.
!         The Braves supported Dascoliʼs account.           !         Along with the benefits of membership
Addis, a former Brooklyn farmhand, unflinchingly             came obligations in the form of regulations. What
claimed that he was safe. Manager Tommy                     follows is the set of rules in place in 1951:
Holmes stated, “He got in under him. I saw the                      KNOT HOLE GANG REGULATIONS
whole play.” Many of the Braves felt that
Brooklynʼs vehement protest was totally                     !         Members must be between the ages of
unjustified and that Campanellaʼs reaction was               10 and 16 years.
only a gesture to cover up his failed attempt.              !         There must be a leader with every group
!         Respected Boston baseball writer Harold           of ten boys. Leaders must be 18 years of age or
Kaese opined that most observers agreed with                older. They can be male or female. Leaders
Dascoliʼs decision. However, Kaese added that               should come with their boys and must report to
the umpire had the reputation of having “more               the Knot Hole Gang Supervisor, Mr. William
notches in his right thumb than Wyatt Earp ever             Flaherty, at the gate for the purpose of assisting in
had on the butt of his six-shooter.” In the scribeʼs        the supervision of the entire “Gang” as soon as
opinion, the arbiter from Danielson, Connecticut            their members have been seated in the section
had always been too quick to eject players. “He             reserved for them.
is allergic to protests. Players say he has the             !         Boys should not be at Braves Field more
biggest rabbit ears in the business.”                       than one half hour before the game starts.
!         The dayʼs events were reported to the             !         Use the Babcock Street entrance gate
recently anointed commissioner of baseball, Ford            opposite Ashford Street, below the regular third
Frick. For such bad behavior, the National                  base pavilion entrance.
Pastimeʼs top official decided to fine Robinson
and Campanella $100 and Roe $50. Adjusted for               !         Ungentlemanly conduct on the part of
inflation, these “hefty” assessments today would             members admitted will not be tolerated and will
total $830 and $415, respectively. Frick pointed            cause privileges to be revoked. It is up to
out that “these fines are not for actions on the             everyone to be certain that courtesy prevails and
field, but for those in the runway on the way to the         that Knot Hole Gang rules are obeyed.
clubhouse.” Other loose-lipped participants in the          !         Remember the Knot Hole Gang has been
post-game melee escaped punishment.                         enjoying games as guests of the Braves
!         Braves manager Tommy Holmes, a                    Management for 27 years. All they ask in return
resident of the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn,              for their generosity is that you have a good time
received threats against his family during and              and by your good behavior assure everyone else
after the series in the form of letters and                 of having a good time too.
telegrams. He was accused of favoring the                   !         Knot Hole Gang membership privileges
Giants in the pennant race. Before the Dodgers              are a reward of merit for helpfulness and good
games, other conspiracy theorists had speculated            conduct as a member of the organization to which
that the Tribe would roll over for the Dodgers due          you belong.
to lingering animosity towards the Giants.
Ironically, one year later, Holmes would return             NATIONAL LEAGUE KNOT HOLE GANG
home to a spot on Brooklynʼs active roster and              Louis R. Perini, President
play in the World Series against the Yankees.
                                                            Alvin G. Kenney, Secretary
!         The Braves werenʼt through influencing
the 1951 Senior Circuit pennant race. They                                Braves Field Trilogy
finished the season at home against the Giants.              Movies-Jazz-Dancing-Fireworks!
Despite their best efforts, the Tribe could not stop
the New York juggernaut and lost both contests,             !      The hunger for revenue during the Great
setting the stage for the “Shot Heard ʻRound The            Depression/Prohibition era led to some creative
World.” Despite the importance of these games,              non-sports uses of Braves Field. One of the more

unique events took place during the early days of           !         A sale price for the ten acre site housing
the Judge Emil Fuchs regime.                                the Wigwam was arrived at in early 1949, causing
                                                            the construction industry magnates to abandon
!         At night, the Wigwam would have                   consideration of a venue change. The Trust
otherwise been empty at the onset of the summer             would receive approximately three-quarters of a
of 1923 since evening baseball in the Hub was               million dollars to relinquish its interest in Braves
still many years away. Given Braves Fieldʼs                 Field. The land and ballpark had an assessed
convenient location and easy access via streetcar           value of $450,000. The Three Little Steam
to its own in-park station, the facility offered an         Shovels would now be able claim the diamond as
attractive venue where open air entertainment               the clubʼs permanent home and be free to make
could be staged under one roof to entice the                immediate improvements and plan longer term
weary public to part with some hard-earned cash.            enhancements. Many years later, a similar
!         A weekend gala was set for June 25-27 at          situation would arise when the John Henry-led
the Gaffney Street ballpark. Posters were                   ownership group acquired the Red Sox and
distributed throughout the Boston area to promote           Fenway Park from the Yawkey Estate and many
this large scale event. The June dates were billed          of their actions would mirror Periniʼs announced
as “opening nights” and tickets went on sale on             formula.
June 16 at Jordan Marsh, Shepardʼs and Fileneʼs             !         From the office of his construction
stores.                                                     company in Framingham, MA, Lou Perini outlined
!         The Loews theatrical organization put             three immediate steps and ten longer term
together a program starting at 8 p.m. each                  renovation efforts. Boston sportswriter Roger
evening that featured “dancing for 10,000”                  Birtwell called Periniʼs briefing, “Braves Field--as
followed by a motion picture and fireworks. Music            I see it--in 1955.”
was provided by Alex Hydeʼs 40-piece jazz band.             !         For 1949, Perini pledged the addition of
As an additional attraction, the promoter promised          600 more box seats, “with comfortable chairs.” In
the in-person appearances of 40 motion picture              essence, temporary seating of this sort that was
and stage stars. All of this could be had by                assembled for use during the 1948 World Series
purchasing a 50¢ admission ticket.                          would be made permanent. The effect would
!         The dance floor consisted of a canvas              render the parkʼs seating capacity to above
that stretched from the Braves dugout over that             39,000. In addition, more “powder rooms” would
portion of the field where Braves infielders Stuffy           be added. A similar much welcomed supplement
McInnis, Hod Ford, Bob Smith and Tony                       would be instituted by the new regime decades
Boekel would ply their trade during the day.                later at Fenway Park! Lastly, Perini indicated that
Signs were posted along a roped-in boundary                 the team would assume management over all
imploring dancers not to wander off of the tarp.            previously leased out park snack counters and
                                                            make menu changes.
!         A large portable screen was positioned in
the vicinity of second base, providing customers            !         Longer term modifications would be
sitting in the grandstands running from first to             phased in over the course of the following six
third base with an adequate view. The grand                 years. Perini listed the ten targets as follows:
finale consisted of a fireworks display that                  1. Increase seating capacity to 50,000.
competed with the noxious smoke that emanated
from the locomotives in the rail yard beyond the            2. Construct a foot bridge over the Boston and
parkʼs left and centerfield borders.                            Albany Railroad yards to connect the ballpark
                                                               to the auto parkway along the Charles River.
Braves Field As I See It In 1955
                                                            3. Build a large parking lot by the Charles River.
!         With their team fresh off of a World Series
appearance, Lou Perini and his fellow “Steam                4. Establish a Braves Field railroad station on the
Shovels” next sought to resolve the status of the              Boston & Albany route. The facility would be
Bravesʼ home field. The ball club had been                      located at the end of Babcock Street adjacent
tenants of the original builder James Gaffney and              to the left field foul pole.
later, his estate.                                          5. Remove the Jury Box and extend the first base
!         Once the Perini-Rugo-Maney triumvirate               pavilion to center field.
took over control of the Braves, the new owners
examined potential ballpark sites in the greater            6. Shift the third base side pavilion close to the
                                                               left field foul line and bring some seating in
Boston area as an alternative to the continued                 back of fair territory in left field.
rental of their facilities from the Commonwealth
Realty Trust. The principals of the Trust were              7. Place roofs over both pavilions.
Essie Gaffney, widow of the later former Braves
owner and Robert H. Davis, whose father was a               8. Decrease the number of grandstand seats to
                                                               create greater comfort for fans.
stockholder and close Gaffney associate. An
outright purchase of the Trustʼs ownership of               9. Add a restaurant in the park.
Braves Field was viewed as the preferred
alternative if a reasonable price could be                  10.Seek to have the Boston & Albany Railroad
                                                               increase the use of diesel engines by Braves

Field to reduce smoke and ash emission                     in and of itself would further compound the path of
    entering the park.                                         vision issues of first and third base spectators due
                                                               to the sharper new angles that it would create.
!         Osborn Engineering, the original                     Perini saw two less than optimum options to
architects of Braves Field, had been                           resolve the dilemma: “One is to jack up the infield.
commissioned to prepare blueprints reflecting the               The other is to jack up the seats.”
desired changes. Many of the alterations would
require that the work be conducted during the off-             !         A raised infield would cause fans in the
season.                                                        front rows to have an impaired view of the
                                                               opposite side of the diamond. Pouring concrete
!         The Braves president cautioned,                      to heighten the lower seats would most likely lead
however, that “These plans will be carried out only            to a “domino effect” throughout the affected areas
if conditions warrant it.”! Still basking in the glow          of the ballpark. As Perini put it, “Youʼd run into
of the ʼ48 season, Perini emphasized that “We                  heavy expense, and the point could be reached
have a lot of plans for Braves Field but our                   where you might as well build a new park.” At this
primary objective doesnʼt concern new stands,                  point in time, the Tribe president indicated that
foot bridges or powder rooms. Our No. 1                        “thinking, figuring and planning” would continue
objective is a worldʼs championship pennant flying              but the season might open with the parkʼs
from the center field fence.”                                   configuration unaltered.
Seeking A “Chummier” Wigwam In 1953                            !         The plate-shift proposal was not intended
!         As late as January of 1953, Lou Perini               to make the Wigwam more or less homer-friendly.
was seeking permission to make enhancements                    Since the movement would have caused the foul
at Braves Field to benefit Tribe fans. Was the                  lines to meet the stands at a shorter distance and
denial of his request one of the “straws that broke            make the outfield barriers 23 feet farther away,
the camelʼs back,” leading to the spring move to               Perini would have built new outfield fences to
Milwaukee?                                                     keep the lengths consistent with the present
                                                               configuration. The old outfield perimeter fence
!         Over the years, Braves ownership                     would have been retained to create a footpath for
recognized the need to improve customersʼ views                fans to enter from Gaffney Street and walk around
of the diamond from low-slanted stadium stands.                the outfield to access seating along the left field
In what would prove to be a final attempt, the ball             foul line.
club petitioned National League President Warren
Giles to move home plate at Braves Field 23 feet               !         The proposed move of home plate would
nearer the grandstand. The shift would bring the               have impaired the view of the inhabitants of the
plate to within 37 feet of the grandstand and,                 rooftop press box. Perini, however, was optimistic
quoting Boston sports scribe Roger Birtwell,                   in this regard. “I believe I can make alterations in
“extend Walker Cooperʼs catching career                        the press box that would give the baseball writers,
indefinitely.”                                                  radio men and photographers the vision they
!         Giles denied the Bravesʼ petition, citing
the fact that home plate at the Wigwam was                     !         It would seem, given the above, that a
already closer to grandstand seating than in any               franchise shift had yet to become a fait accompli
existing Senior Circuit ballpark.                              in the early days of 1953. However, intervening
                                                               events would soon doom National League
!         Gilesʼ ruling left Perini with a seemingly           baseball in Boston.
untenable alternative -- move the plate 23 feet
nearer the stands by cutting away 300-400 seats                             Spahnʼs Restaurant
in the grandstand front portion to comply with the             "        In our Summer, 2011 newsletter, we
“60-foot” requirement. While willing to undertake
such a seating loss, the Tribe owner                           included in our printed edition, a photograph of
acknowledged that the fundamental problem of                   Warren Spahn in a chefʼs hat and apron,
poor sight lines for fans in the first and third base           supposedly laboring at his Commonwealth
                                                               Avenue diner in January, 1954. Intended to
lower rows would be compounded by this choice.                 service crowds coming from and going to Braves
!         When James Gaffney constructed the                   Field, the eatery opened in the spring of 1953
stadium, he took advantage of the bowl-like                    without such customer traffic and without Spahn,
topography. This led to what Birtwell described as             who had abruptly relocated to Milwaukee along
a “striking characteristic” of Braves Field, “the              with the team.
long slant of the grandstand.” Per Birtwell again,
“The result is that a fan in, say, the thirtieth row, is       !        Another historic photograph of Spahnʼs
                                                               Diner recently has surfaced. This March 21, 1953
farther from the front of the grandstand than a fan
in the thirtieth row at most other parks.” The                 picture shows another of the restaurantʼs
slope back is more gradual row to row, which also              investors, Leon Greenberg, preparing a lunch
created viewing issues at the lower tiers.                     counter setting, with utensils and a coffee cup
                                                               surrounding a placemat featuring a portrait of
!         If the Braves removed the grandstand                 Spahnie, an image of Braves Field and the motto,
seats to conform to Gilesʼ desires and thereby                 “The Best in Baseball, The Best in Food.” Weʼve
achieve the “chummier” objective, that alteration              reproduced the placemat in past BBHA

newsletters, the most recent inclusion being in the         page:
fall of 2010. In the picture, in back of Greenberg          Maria-Island-Historical-Society/106135255307
is a large photograph of Spahn in Boston Braves
togs. Greenberg appears glum since the photo                             Braves Field Trolley
was taken after the Braves had announced their              !        Weʼre pleased to be able to include with
shift to Milwaukee.                                         this newsletter mailing our third commemorative
                                                            postcard. The shot was taken at around 4:05
                Spahnʼs Cottage                             p.m. in the late ʻ40s and shows a Braves Field
!         A humble 832-square-foot vacation                 streetcar rumbling into the Kenmore Square
cottage sits at 203 Spruce Avenue on Anna Maria             tunnel towards Park Street. As can be seen on
Island in Florida. The single story, flat-roofed,            the back of the postcard, while the tunnel and
whitewashed cinderblock bungalow contains two               tracks have not changed, the environment in the
bedrooms, a living room, kitchen and screened-in            surrounding area certainly has.
porch. A large baseball-shaped sign, bearing the            !        Since ballgames were played much
name “Infield” is attached to a side wall. A short           quicker back then, we suspect that the car was
distance from Bradenton, the residence served as
the spring training home for Warren Spahn and               one of several picking up Tribe fans at the
                                                            Wigwam shortly after the last out in the ninth
his family in the late 1940s to the early ʻ50s.             inning. Usually, three-car center entrance
!         Spahn had a great affinity for this part of        motorcars (CEMs) would be parked in the Braves
the Sunshine State and built or bought several              Field loop and lined up on the third track at
other cottages that he named using baseball                 Blandford Street, standing at the ready for the
terms. In addition to the “Infield,” the crafty lefty        departing crowd. These linked units had the
possessed other properties on the northern end of           capacity to carry upwards of 450 people at a time.
the island in what he called his “Baseball Zone” --         Called “people-eaters” and “cattle cars,” they
the “Outfield,” “The Diamond,” “Home Plate,”                 would roll into the Wigwam as patrons surged
“Catcherʼs Mitt” and “Shortstop.” Spahn later               through the Fieldʼs prepayment stations. Their
moved into a larger beachfront home nearby that             large doors would slide open and quickly swallow
he christened, “The Mound.” Several of his                  the assembled humanity. These elongated trolley
bungalows housed other major leaguers during                cars would perform the same service for
their Grapefruit League stay. Most of Spahnʼs               attendees at Red Sox, Bruins and Celtics games
Anna Maria holdings have been demolished or                 as well as for those attending major events at
sold to other families.                                     Boston Garden such as the Ice Capades or the
                                                            Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Circus.
!         Spahnʼs son Greg of Broken Arrow, OK
held onto the “Infield” and recently placed the real         !        Despite the introduction of the
estate for sale. Greg Spahn decided to donate               streamlined PCC streetcars in the mid-1940s, the
the building to the Anna Maria Island Historical            CEMs endured because of their crowd-servicing
Society since “a new owner will tear it down and            capacity. The Braves shift to Milwaukee in 1953
build anew....It would be wonderful to save it and          was a key factor in expediting the demise of the
turn it into a museum for people to see. Iʼd be             now antiquated vehicles shortly thereafter. The
proud of it.”                                               tracks to the Braves Field link were paved over
                                                            but occasionally resurface as the covering asphalt
!         The Historical Society hopes to raise             wears off. You can view a segment of such rails
sufficient funds to move the building several                today on the Babcock Street side of the old
blocks to its land that currently houses its local          entryway into the Wigwam.
history museum, a restored cottage that once
resided on a city pier and remnants of the old city         !        Weʼve been asked if extra postcards in
jail. After the move and refurbishment, the                 our historic series are available. The BBHA prints
cottage would be used for a baseball museum.                a limited amount to meet the needs of our
To provide a sneak preview of what could be, the            membership and does not offer the postcards to
Society put on a photo exhibition, “Boys of                 the general public. We do have still available a
Winter,” featuring Spahn and other major leaguers           very limited supply of postcards from the three
such as Birdie Tebbetts and Bill McKechnie,                 issued to date. They will not be reprinted. Until
who also had connections to the island.                     our stock is exhausted, members may purchase
                                                            any of the three for $2 each postpaid or the set of
!         To fund this effort, the Historical Society       three for $5 postpaid. Checks should be made
needs to raise around $30,000. The fundraising              out to the BBHA and sent to our mailing address
campaign is slowly moving toward its target and             at P.O. Box 67195, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-0002.
the Society is optimistic that their goal will be           Please specify your selections: the set of three,
achieved. Society president Melissa Williams                #1 (the Scoreboard), #2 (Right Field Pavilion) or
declared, “Itʼs important to preserve the memory            #3 (Braves Field Trolley). Orders will be filled first
of this man.”                                               come, first served. To be fair to all members, we
!         To learn more about the Historical Society        reserve the right to limit quantities.
and this project, visit its web site at http:// and/or its Facebook

Retiring Number 29                           collegiate basketball referee for over 40 years.
                                                          Veigel was inducted into the Ohio Officials Hall of
!        On June 8, 2012 the Atlanta Braves               Fame in Columbus, OH.
retired uniform number 29 in honor of their
outstanding former right-hander, John Smoltz.                           Minor League Passings
Smoltz has a tenuous link to the Boston Braves.             !      Many thanks to member Len Levin, who
When inter-league play was inaugurated by major           continues to provide us with invaluable
league baseball in 1997, the Braves journeyed             information on the passings of Boston Braves
back to Boston for their first regular season              farmhands.
contest in the Hub since September 21, 1952.
Smoltz took to Fenway Parkʼs mound in a 1912              !        Vincent “Red” Palumbo of Medfield, MA
replica uniform of the Boston Beaneaters during a         died on March 29, 2012 at 93 years of age. He
“Turn Back The Clock” game.                               had a two year minor league career from 1939-40
                                                          before entering the Army Air Corps. As a 20-year-
!        The retirement of a Braves numeral led           older, Palumbo briefly played for the Bradford
us to trace its history while worn by the Boston          Bees of the PONY League in 1939. Later that
version of this venerable franchise. While no             season, the port-sider pitched for the independent
“star” player donned the number during the                Salem-Roanoke Friends of the Class D Virginia
Boston years, a beloved member of our Braves              League. Palumbo led the latter circuit in wins with
Family, Art “Lefty” Johnson, claimed “29” for             18, including a no-hitter.
two (1941-42) of his three seasons at the
Wigwam. While his on-the-field record was                  !        During the war, Palumbo served as a
unremarkable (7-16), his commitment to the                bombardier with the 306th Bomb Group and flew
Boston Braves lasted a lifetime. Johnson was              32 combat missions over Germany and occupied
one of the founders of the BBHA and a popular             countries. He was the recipient of the
regular attendee at our reunions. He would                Distinguished Flying Cross. While in the service,
always be found surrounded by former fans,                Palumbo pitched for the Camp Edwards team and
chatting and meticulously signing autographs.             faced Ted Williams. He was the owner of
                                                          Palumbo Liquors in Medfield and Walpole, MA for
!        During the Bees/Braves days, number 29           over 60 years.
was handed out to 17 different individuals. Of that
total, five were pitchers, four were infielders, four       !        On April 30, 2012, 87-year-old Donald
were catchers, three were outfielders and one              Schmidt passed away. He had a six year minor
was a coach. The numeral was first issued to               league career from 1946-52 and finished with a
pitcher Flint “Shad” Rhem in 1934 and last worn           two season stint in the Boston Braves system
by pitcher Dave Cole in 1952. It was                      pitching for Hartford and Milwaukee. His record
consecutively used by the club from 1936-52.              for the Chiefs in 1951 was 6-14 followed by a
From Flint Rhem in 1934, number 29 was passed             7-12 performance in Hartford in ʼ52. Schmidtʼs
on to Art “Moose” Doll (1936), Eddie “Hotshot”            brief record for the 1952 Brewers was 1-1 in his
Mayo (1937), Jim Hitchcock (1938), Tom                    last year of professional baseball. He was
“Sugar” Kane (1938), Joe “Tweet” Walsh                    elected to the Union County (NJ) Baseball Hall of
(1938), Stan “Polo” Andrews (1939), Ray                   Fame. A WW II veteran, Schmidt spent over 40
Berres (1940), Art “Lefty” Johnson (1941-42),             years in the oil delivery business.
“Butch” Nieman (1943), Stew Hofferth (1944),              !        Bob Barbeau was 86 when he died on
Bill “Square Jaw” Ramsey (1945), Mike                     May 5, 2012. After serving in the Pacific Theater
“Slugs” Ulisney (1945), Jake Flowers (1946),              with the Navy in WW II, he received a baseball
Ernie White (1947-48), Jimmy Brown (1949-51)              scholarship to the University of San Francisco.
and Dave Cole (1952).                                     Barbeau entered the Braves farm system in 1949
                 In Memoriam                              with the Pawtucket Slaters in their final year in the
                                                          Class B New England League. The outfielder
!        Former Boston Bees right-handed hurler           batted .197 over 42 games. While there, Barbeau
Al Veigel passed away at age 95 on April 8,               did rub shoulders with a future Boston Brave,
2012. He was 22 when he was called up in                  George Crowe, and a Milwaukee Brave, Don
September of 1939. Veigel earned a promotion              Liddle. Released, he split his final professional
after going 10-10 with the Class B Evansville             season with a couple of unaffiliated ball clubs in
Bees of the Three-I League. Veigel started two            the low minors before calling it quits. Barbeau
games late in the season and went 0-1 with a              spent over 30 years working for a mechanical and
6.75 ERA over 2.2 innings pitched. He never               electrical contractor.
again performed in the majors. WW II service in
the Army Air Force from 1941-45 effectively ended         !        Charles “Chuck” Doehler, who passed
his professional career. According to our records,        away at age 77 on June 19, 2012, had a number
Veigelʼs death leaves only one surviving player           of baseball related accomplishments during his
from the Bees era, pitcher Art Kenney who                 lifetime. As a youth of 14, he was tapped by Mrs.
appeared in two games in 1938.                            Babe Ruth to participate in the Bambinoʼs funeral
                                                          as a representative of the local Babe Ruth
!        Veigel worked as a sporting goods                League. Doehler placed a baseball that carried
salesman until his retirement. He was best                the message, “Safe at Home,” in Ruthʼs coffin.
known in Ohio as a respected high school and

!         Signed by the Boston Braves at age 18,           !        We are offering The Bees of Boston to
he split the 1952 season as an outfielder with              our membership at the purchase price of $9.00
brief appearances for the Class D Harlan                   postpaid. Our print run was very limited given its
Smokies of the Mountain States League and the              cost and the sales price was set at slightly less
Class C Eau Claire Braves of the Northern                  than break-even when considering associated
League. While with the Wisconsin farm club,                postal and packaging expenses. Please consider
Doehler had the good fortune to team up with               adding this chronicle of Boston Braves history to
Hank Aaron and Wes Covington.                              your baseball library and as a gift to family
                                                           members and friends. We do not intend to go
!         He finished his professional career the           back to the printer once our supply of the
following year as Milwaukee Braves chattel.                publication becomes exhausted, so act quickly.
Again he performed for two clubs, both at the              Send your check made out to the Boston Braves
Class D level -- the Sandersville Wacos of the             Historical Association to the BBHA, Post Office
Georgia State League and the Wellsville Braves             Box 67195, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-0002. Thank
of the PONY League.                                        you and enjoy!
!         Doehler later was the freshman baseball
coach at Seton Hall University for 15 years. He                          One That Got Away
was inducted into the universityʼs Hall of Fame in         !        When researching the history of any
1997. Doehler served an insurance sales                    team, one usually will find examples of where a
representative and sales manager for thirty years.         ballplayer slipped through its hands and later
                                                           achieved fame with another club. A classic case
    New BBHA Publication-The Bees of                       with the Braves involved Johnny Vander Meer,
               Boston                                      who would hurl the first of his two consecutive no-
!         Bostonʼs Bees days have been chronicled          hitters against the Bees and anchor the Cincinnati
in the Associationʼs latest publication, The Bees of       Reds pitching staff for many years. Judge Emil
Boston: Baseball At The Hive, 1936-1940. A                 Fuchsʼ son Bob was running the clubʼs NY-Penn
thorough review of this brief era in the history of        League Harrisburg Senators affiliate in 1934
Bostonʼs National League franchise can be found            when he observed the “Dutch Master” in action for
within the bookʼs 54 pages. The Braves became              the Scranton Miners. Seeing the left-handerʼs
the Bees when J.A. Robert Quinnʼs syndicate                potential, the younger Fuchs recommended that
assumed control of the club after Judge Emil               the big league club acquire the young lefty. The
Fuchs was forced to throw in the towel.                    Braves did so, but sold the farmhand to the Reds
                                                           in 1935 as the Fuchs regime ended.
!         Quinn played an important transitional
role in the history of both of Bostonʼs baseball           !        In compiling the history of the Boston
franchises. Before the Bees, he had led a group            Bees years mentioned in the preceding section of
that acquired the Red Sox from Harry Frazee and            the newsletter, the author uncovered a similar
that later sold out to Tom Yawkey. With the                situation. This time, the ball club briefly held on
Braves, Quinn was the bridge from Fuchs to the             its roster a pitcher who would achieve a degree of
glory days of the Three Little Steam Shovels.              immortality based on one unique pitch to Ted
Coincidently, in both instances, he took over after        Williams during an All Star contest in Boston.
fateful incidents involving Babe Ruth -- the               !        In 1937, the Bees took a chance on a 29-
Bambinoʼs sale to the Yankees and the Sultan of            year-old right-handed hurler who had gone 10-10
Swatʼs ill fated and short-lived return to Boston          with the International League Buffalo Bisons in
with the Braves. Robert “Bob” Quinn was also the           1936. Then referred to as “Red,” Truett Banks
patriarch of a family that produced generations of         Sewell was placed on the Bees major league
successful baseball front office executives.                roster and given a spring chance to make the
!         Included within the publication are              club. He possessed enough potential for the
photographs of the players that performed for the          team to have him listed in the 1937 National
Bees during each of the seasons that the team              League Green Book in the section that introduced
carried its insect nickname. In addition to year-          prospects having a shot at the majors during the
by-year season summaries from the pages of the             upcoming season.
Reach and Spalding Guides, The Bees of Boston              !        The brief Green Book biography noted
contains sections on The Birth of the Bees,                that “Red” Sewell was a “Kappa Sig from
National League Baseball Field, Uniforms,                  Vanderbilt” and that heʼd started out as an
Bostonʼs First All Star Game, the City                     outfielder but was quickly converted into a pitcher.
Championship Series, Nicknames, Broadcasters,              After a brief trial with the Detroit Tigers in 1932,
Hall of Famers, Spring Training “Hives,” Minor             Sewell drifted from club to club in the minors. A
League Affiliates and the eventual “Extermination”          high point mentioned in this career summary
of the Bees. The season summaries include the              involved an “Iron Man” stint while with the Seattle
annual new player mini-biography “introductions”           Indians of the Pacific Coast League in 1933. On
that were contained in the respective pre-season           Labor Day, Sewell pitched two nine-inning
National League Green Books. Season Notes                  victories (9-5 and 3-0) against the San Francisco
and Player Transactions sections complete the              Seals.
yearly summaries.

!        Sewell did not sufficiently impress                  would go on to greater fame with the Milwaukee
manager Bill McKechnie in spring training                    edition of the Tribe.
enough to earn a spot on the pitching staff when             !          A very popular BBHA reunion guest,
the club headed north. Instead, he returned to               Johnny Antonelli has collaborated with author
Buffalo where his 16-12 1937 record resulted in a
shot with the Pittsburgh Pirates. Picking up the             Scott Pitoniak in a recently published book
                                                             entitled Johnny Antonelli: A Baseball Memoir.
nickname, “Rip,” Sewell would remain on the                  Now an octogenarian, the former Boston Braves
Pirates mound staff through 1949 when he was
42. He would visit the Wigwam on many                        bonus baby chronicles his personal and baseball
                                                             life in this Rochester Institute of Technology Press
occasions as an “enemy.” Sewell recorded 21-                 offering. Antonelli and his wife, Gail, split their
win seasons in 1943 and 1944. In 1949, his                   time between homes in Rochester, NY and Santa
winning percentage of .813 (13-3) led the Senior
Circuit.                                                     Fe, NM.
                                                             !          This summer, BBHA member and Braves
!        A hunting accident in 1941 caused                   Field expert, Ralph Evans, has continued his
Sewellʼs to develop his famed “eephus” or blooper            commitment to preserve the memory of the
pitch. He would arc the backspinning baseball
some 25 feet into the air towards the plate.                 Wigwam and share his knowledge of the site with
                                                             others. On June 24, he led a group of Atlanta
Sewellʼs use of the eephus enhanced his pitching             Braves 400 Club members on a tour of the
repertoire and also made him a gate attraction.              remains of our beloved ballpark. The Georgians
!        One of the most notable occurrences in              were in town to attend the latest iteration of the
All Star game history took place during the July 9,          Braves-Red Sox City Series. On July 22, Ralphʼs
1946 Mid Summer Classic at Fenway Park when                  Braves Field tour closed out a three-day Boston
Sewell faced Ted Williams in the eighth inning.              University-sponsored program, “Baseball: An
After fouling off a blooper and taking a fastball for        Interdisciplinary Summer Institute.”
a strike, the Splendid Splinter anticipated another          !          Virgil Jester, a pitcher for the 1952
eephus offering and took a mighty swing to send
the ball into the bullpen. Sewell claimed that               Boston Braves, was the subject of an article
                                                             appearing in the May 30, 2012 Denver Post. The
Williamsʼ blast was the only homer that he ever              85-year-old Colorado native signed with Boston in
yielded using the blooper.                                   1947 for a “bonus” of $2,500. Jester performed
!        Rip Sewell was the cousin of major                  for hometown fans with the Bravesʼ Denver Bears
leaguers Joe, Luke and Tommy Sewell. He                      affiliate in 1949-50. He noted that he still receives
passed away in 1989 at the age of 82.                        occasional autograph requests from Braves fans.
            Sittinʼ In The Jury Box                          !          Patrick L. Kennedy of BU Today did a
                                                             commendable job alerting the Boston University
!        Longtime BBHA member Al Rocci was                   community of the historic baseball park
honored by the Red Sox as part of their “Fenway              incorporated into their campus. His on-line,
at 100” commemoration this season. The 95-                   interactive two-part article, “Remembering the
year-old Medford, MA resident is the oldest known            Wigwam” appeared on the web on April 12-13,
former Red Sox employee. Rocci began as an                   2012. Itʼs well worth visiting.
usher in 1936, earning $2 a game and $3 for                  today/2012/braves-field-remembering-the-
doubleheaders. He also ushered at Braves Field,              wigwam/ and
taking advantage of the alternating home and                 braves-field-remembering-the-wigwam-2/
away schedules of Bostonʼs American and
National League representatives. He concluded                !          In the Summer 2009 BBHA newsletter, we
his ushering career with the Bosox with the final             told the tale of how a Boston Braves autographed
two games of the 1975 World Series that included             baseball found its way to Australia. The ball had
the iconic Carlton Fisk extra inning game winning            been brought Down Under by Bravesʼ farm
homer of off what is now the “Fisk Pole.” Rocci              director Harry Jenkins. The family that received
maintained friendships with a number of Sox                  the ball from him contacted us through our
players including Ted Williams, Johnny Pesky                 website to learn more about the players who had
and Bill Monbouquette. We suspect that Al                    signed the souvenir. They had become close
Rocci holds the similar title for the Boston Braves          friends of Jenkins through our Aussie inquirerʼs
and we salute him and thank him for his years of             mother who had become godmother to Jenkinʼs
loyalty to the BBHA.                                         son, Coleman. Despite several attempts over the
                                                             years, the family had been unable to get in touch
!        BBHA member Gary Caruso kindly                      with Harry Jenkinsʻ offspring.
informed us that Lou Burdetteʼs grandson, Nolan
Fontana was the 61st overall pick in this yearʼs             !          Vacationing in Australia, your editor met
First Year Player Draft. The University of Florida           the family and was presented with the baseball as
shortstop was the first selection in the second               a donation to the BBHA. That seemed to be the
round by the Houston Astros. As we all know, Lou             end of the story until we recently received an
(his preferred first name spelling) Burdette came             email via our website from Hugh Jenkins, a
to the Boston Braves in a deal that sent Johnny              grandson of Harryʼs. He discovered our story on
Sain to the Yankees in 1951. Grandpa Burdette                his grandfather while exploring the internet. Hugh
                                                             informed us that Coleman was alive and well and

welcomed the chance to get in contact with his             reminisces and new discoveries to fill the pages
long lost godmother and her family. Weʼve                  of the newsletter. This has been the case since I
provided contact information to all parties and            took over the editorship of the publication in the
hope that weʼve facilitated a happy reunion.               fall of 1993. In addition to the newsletter, we have
Thus, another chapter has been added to saga of            an informative website, an active Facebook page
a baseball that traveled from Boston to Australia          and an eNewsletter. Please also take advantage
and back!                                                  of these offerings to enhance your membership
                                                           enjoyment. Contact me to be added to our
!         Byron Magrane, our webmaster, has                eNewsletter email list. Itʼs free to members! Bob
constructed a simplified address to access our              Brady, BBHA Newsletter Editor, 25 McAndrew
Facebook page. This shortcut was needed                    Road, Braintree, MA 02184-8245
because the original was long and complex. To
get to the page, enter
If already registered with Facebook, you can also
find our site by using the Facebook search
!         Thanks to longtime loyal member John
Materazzo, we now have two new BBHAers with
ties to the Boston Braves. John enrolled two
brothers, Lenahan and Diarmuid OʼConnell. He
had been introduced to them by Lenahanʼs son,
Brendan. The brothersʼ father, Joseph
OʼConnell owned shares in the team going back
to the Fuchs days. Lenahan once was a next
door neighbor to the Judge. When Joseph
OʼConnell passed away in 1942, he willed his
stock holdings to Diarmuid and his sister. They
held on to their Tribe securities even as the Three
Little Steam Shovels consolidated their ownership
position. Finally, in late 1952, Lou Perini and his
brothers, through the Perini & Sons company,
obtained the right to buy out the remaining eight
minority stockholders who held approximately
45% of the club. The OʼConnell siblings were
reluctant to the end but eventually handed over
their Class A and Class B stock for an aggregate
$12,000. The Perini-led transaction also
eliminated the interests of C. Joseph Maney,
Leon and Joseph Rugo, Frank McCourt , Jay
Cole, the estate of former Massachusetts
Governor Frank Allen and Daniel Marr.
Welcome aboard, gentlemen!
!         On September 15, 1948, the great uncle
of John Manning shot a color home movie at
Braves Field of the Braves-Cubs game. Manning
recently has digitized the film and placed it on
YouTube. While grainy and dark in spots, you can
make out Johnny Sain and Tommy Holmes as
well as Warren Spahn on the mound. The
scoreboard and outfield signs appear in glorious
color. Youʼll even see a shot of locomotive smoke
from the rail yard wafting in the outfieldʼs
background. The clip is embedded at the 5
minute mark of a family home movie. You can
fast forward to that point. Manningʼs home movie
can be found at:
v=5MAy5N6qOsE&feature=plcp The game
account can be accessed at: http://
                  Last of the Ninth
"         Despite the absence of our hometown
National League club for the past sixty years, I
still have no trouble finding interesting tales,


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2012 summer

  • 1. Boston Braves Historical Association Newsletter Summer 2012 _____________________________________________________ VOLUME 21, ISSUE 2 A complete list of individuals who performed with the Braves during their National League championship season of 1948 can be found at Visit Our Commemorative Pavers At many sources. In fact, full biographies of each Fenway Park member of this illustrious group were written as part of a joint project between the Boston Chapter ! Thanks to the generosity of our Royal of the Society for American Baseball Research Rooters, we have placed three commemorative (SABR) and the BBHA. The resultant product bricks at Fenway Park. We took advantage of the was the highly recommended book, Spahn, Sain “Fenway Park Etched in History Brick Program” to and Teddy Ballgame: Bostonʼs almost Perfect memorialize the Boston Braves and the BBHA. Baseball Summer of 1948. Word finally reached us from the Red Sox as to the location of our memorials. We invite all to ! Whether that book and other listings are view and enjoy these markers the next time you complete depends upon how membership in the attend a game or take a tour of Fenway Park. ʼ48 Tribe is defined. A recent inquiry received via the BBHA website has caused us to reexamine ! All of the pavers have been placed in the our views. A sports historian and writer in Ohio concourse between Gates B and C under the contacted us for assistance in substantiating a bleacher stands. A site locator map can be found claim made by the son of a deceased career at: minor league ballplayer that his dad had spent brick_locator.jsp. Our bricks have been placed as time in the majors with the Boston Braves. follows: Although with the big league club, the father “Honoring the never appeared in an official game. The sonʼs recollection was that his dadʼs experience Boston Braves occurred sometime early in the season in the late 1914 World Series Champs 1940s. His father was a left-handed pitcher by 1948 NL Champs the name of Ed Post. 1876-1952 ! The bulk of available records regarding Gate B, Section 12 major league status, especially of the era in Dave Roberts Section question, are based on at least a one-time appearance in an official regular season box ********** score. Perhaps the most notable example of a Commemorating solo Boston Braves major league appearance is The Annual Pre- that of Steve Kuczek who had but one at bat in Season Braves his career and made the most of it. Kuczek swatted a pinch hit double on September 29, VS. Red Sox 1949, attaining a perfect lifetime batting average City Series of 1.000. 1925-1952 ! Our quest would have to take a more Gate C, Section 2 difficult path since the name Ed Post never made Frank Malzone Section it onto a line-up card nor did he otherwise toe the ********** pitching rubber during an official big league contest. Boston Braves Historical ! Ed and his brother Wally starred on the diamond at hometown St. Henry High School in Association Ohio. They would alternate between pitching and Gate C, Section 1 playing first base. Wally would go on to become a Pedro Martinez Section long-ball hitting outfielder with the Reds and Phillies and spend 15 years in the majors. Lost Member of the ʼ48 Champs ! Ed Postʼs career record consisted of four seasons in the minors. He spent 1945 and 1947 ! in Class D ball in the Ohio State League. As a 1
  • 2. 19-year-older just out of high school, Post Boston Braves family but also part of the ʼ48 achieved a 4-3, 2.88 record with the unaffiliated pennant winners. Middleton Rockets, the leagueʼs first place finisher. After spending 1946 in the Army, Post Who Broke The Door? returned to the same circuit but this time joined the Muncie Reds who were affiliated with Cincinnati. His career blossomed in 1947 as he ! The current baseball season has been went 19-8 and led the league with a 2.02 ERA. highlighted by a number of conflicts concerning The Post brothers were the mound aces for questionable calls by umpires. Many arguments Muncie. 17-year-old right-handed brother Wally have been intense, involving harsh language and finished at 17-7 with a 3.33 ERA. even physical contact. Suspensions and fines have followed as have calls for the institution of ! Ed Post was the property of the Redsʼ top more replays and other technical enhancement farm team, the International League Syracuse tools to assure accurate decisions. Todayʼs Chiefs, when the Braves drafted him. The Tribe commentators would have you believe that an placed him on its 1948 major league roster and, exceptional level of conflict has arisen. liking his chances to stick, included a biography of Unfortunately, many of these broadcasters and him in the “Boston Introduces” section of the scribes possess only a fleeting knowledge of annual National League Green Book. baseball history beyond the current era. Back in ! According to newspaper articles, Post left the days when Boston had its Braves, incidents of the spring training camp in Bradenton and extreme bad behavior involving the gameʼs traveled north to Boston for the start of the ʼ48 arbiters took place on and off the diamond. campaign. He was assigned uniform number 34, ! A case in point involves a late season inherited later in the ʼ48 season by bonus baby game in 1951 at the Wigwam. Brooklynʼs Johnny Antonelli. Post achieved a bit of Dodgers came to town struggling to maintain their notoriety when he struck Braves catcher Bill top spot in the Senior Circuitʼs standings. Their Salkeld on the head during pre-game practice on advantage over the second place Giants had May 8. The backstop suffered headaches for evaporated from 13 to 2½ games when they several days. came to Boston for four contests commencing ! When the Braves visited the Cubs in with a September 25 doubleheader. Chicago on May 13, Post was photographed at ! It had been another disappointing season Wrigley Field by one of the picture-takers in the for the Tribe. The Southworth era ended on a sad Windy City that specialized in procuring player note and Jury Box hero, Tommy Holmes was images for resale. summoned from his managerial post in Hartford ! Newspaper and photographic evidence of to take the helm. While the team won more than Ed Postʼs time in the majors was further they lost (48-47) under Kellyʼs lead, the Braves supported by a notice published in The Sporting struggled to stay in the first division and fan News of May 26 that Post had been sent by the support continued to drastically erode from its NL Braves to their Hartford Chiefs farm club on May championship days. In the meanwhile, their 19 as the Tribe made its final cuts to comply with neighboring American League rivals were in the roster size restrictions. In all, Post sat on the midst of another close pennant fight. Braves bench through the first 24 games of the ! The series commenced with a twi-night 1948 season. Tuesday doubleheader. The Braves had returned ! Post made a strong debut with the Chiefs. home after suffering six straight losses on the In his first start on May 26, the lefty faced the road. In seeking his 22nd victory in the opener, Wilkes-Barre Barons and pitched a two-hit Warren Spahn decided to exchange his number complete game, winning 6-1. On June 25, Post “21” jersey with teammate George Estock, who nearly no-hit the Barons. He was one putout possessed the numeral of Spahnieʼs targeted win away when an opposition batter singled. Still, he total of 22. It was “mission accomplished” for the recorded a complete game 4-0 victory. future Hall of Famer as the Braves swept the Unfortunately, the remainder of the season did not Dodgers before a gathering of 5,670 fans. go as well. Post finished with a 4-10 record and ! Now only a game ahead of the Giants, ended his association with the Braves. He Brooklyn regrouped the following day and appeared briefly with the independent Greenville humbled the Braves, 15-5, behind big Don Majors of the Big State League in 1949 but his Newcombe. The day contest drew a meager professional career was over at age 23. 2,444 to the Wigwam. ! Postʼs declining performance was ! With every game a “must win” for the attributed to the reoccurrence of an injury suffered Dodgers, tensions were high on September 27 during obstacle course training while in the when the Bums sent ace Preacher Roe to the military service. Ed Post passed away in August mound to face rookie lefty Chet Nichols. Roe of 1978 at age 52. Brother Wally was also 52 was seeking his 23rd win of the season while when he died in 1982. Given the above, we Nichols had a shot at capturing the National believe that Ed Post is not only a member of the League ERA crown. The Braves were still grumbling about Jackie Robinsonʼs “bush” steal 2
  • 3. of home the previous day when the Dodgers had mission resulted in a temporary delay. Terwilliger already locked up the lopsided victory and grounded out to third and Nichols struck out Andy threatened revenge. Despite the drama Pafko to secure the win. Only a half-game now associated with this contest, only 2,086 showed separated the Senior Circuitʼs top two ball clubs. up for this Thursday afternoon Ladies Day game, And the Braves clinched fourth place, securing a including some 321 female fans. Sportswriter few hundred dollars for each player. Gene Mack, Jr. would later comment that it was a ! The Dodgersʼ anger continued unabated “crime that only 2086 Bostonians turned out to witness probably the most exciting game played after the game. Since the umpiresʼ room was closely situated between the playersʼ quarters in the Hub this season.” beneath the stands at Braves Field, the ! The hard-fought contest was tied 3-3 disgruntled Bums were provided with a further heading into the bottom of the eighth. Braves left opportunity to express their displeasure. What fielder Bob Addis singled to center, followed by a followed would later be headlined in the next- Sam Jethroe single that sent Addis to third. Earl dayʼs newspapers as a “riot under the stands.“ Torgeson bounced to Jackie Robinson at second ! Dascoli and his crew had retired to their and Robinson threw to Roy Campanella at the plate in an attempt to cut down the runner. Game dressing room and locked its door. The events that followed were steeped in controversy. A park accounts indicate that Robinsonʼs throw was a bit attendant claimed that Jackie Robinson kicked outside, causing Campy to pivot a bit to the right. This provided an opening for Addis to reach the the door repeatedly, splintering its upper and lower panels, while “screaming unprintable words plate in a spikes-first slide as the Dodgers catcher of indignation and resentment.” Campanella, who made a half-spin tag. Home plate umpire Frank had returned to his civvies, was said to have been Dascoli spread his palms to signal that Addis was safe. Boston scribe John Gillooly remarked in among others taking part on this incident. Park superintendent Al Oliver and six Boston the next dayʼs newspaper account that “It was a patrolmen assigned to the Wigwam were promptly courageous call; one which could cost Brooklyn a quarter of a million dollars.” summoned to the scene but order had already been restored. ! Campanella immediately and vehemently ! Reporters at the scene indicated that the protested the call to Dascoli. In doing so, he also battle had turned verbal behind the locked doors slammed down his mitt. The home plate arbiter quickly gave the backstop the heave-ho, further of the Dodgersʼ and arbitersʼ rooms. “Player--ʻYou are a ___ ___ ___.ʼ” “Umpire--ʻThe same goes incensing Campy and the Dodgers. Dascoli was for you.ʼ” “Player--ʻYou can go to ___.ʼ” surrounded by angry visitors. Remarks by coach Cookie Lavagetto led to his banishment as well. “Umpire--ʻAnd thatʼs for you.ʼ” Said a Braves player, “Iʼve seen fist fights, but Iʼve never seen Emotions failed to cool and the Dodgers anything like those guys pounding on that door. If continued to ride Dascoli from the dugout bench. they donʼt get suspended, nobody will ever get Dascoli spoke to fellow umpire Jocko Conlan and the latter was ordered by his chief to clear suspended.” everyone from the bench and into the clubhouse ! When questioned, Robinson loudly with the exception of manager Chuck Dressen denied the allegations. “Anybody who says I did it and coach Jake Pitler. The players had to cross is a damned liar.” “Whenever Iʼm in a crowd and by Dascoli as they departed their dugout on the something happens, right away itʼs me.” first base side of the field to enter the tunnel Robinson admitted “I know who did it but Iʼm not situated by the third base home dugout to access saying who.” Robinson couldnʼt resist adding, their room. Future Celtics great Bill Sharman, “He [Dascoli] was run out of the International who had just been called up, was among the League he was so bad, and then they let him Dodgers exiles. He would never appear in a big work up here.” “He chokes up worse than the league contest. Writer Gillooly described the players.” eviction trek as a “pitiable procession; no doubt stingingly profane.” ! Preacher Roe also admitted to knowing the guilty party and refused to identify the culprit. ! Campanellaʼs ouster would have a “But it wasnʼt Jackie, Iʼll take an oath on that.” significant bearing on the game and, ultimately, Another Dodgers player said, “quite a few of our Brooklynʼs drive for the pennant. The soon-to-be boys either kicked or pounded it on their way to 1951 NL Most Valuable Player was replaced in our dressing room.” the lineup by Rube Walker. In the top of the ninth, Pee Wee Reese doubled and advanced to ! Dodger coach Clyde Sukeforth issued third on a Robinson ground out. Instead of the damning statements not only against Dascoli but also baseball commissioner Ford Frick, then also clutch-hitting Campanella, Dressen was forced to call upon little-used Wayne Terwilliger as a the acting National League president. “Dascoli is pinch-hitter for the weak-hitting Walker. In order a bad umpire, thatʼs all. No other umpire would have acted so hastily....I donʼt blame Dascoli, to make the move, Dressen had to send his though. He is more to be pitied. Heʼs not big batboy, Stan Strull, to the distant clubhouse to retrieve the player. Given the inconvenient enough for so important an assignment. I lay the logistics of the ballparkʼs layout, the batboyʼs blame on Frick. He must know, as everybody else does, that Dascoli is incompetent. He never 3
  • 4. should have assigned him to a series as the Braves drew only 7,091 and 13,209, important as this.” Chuck Dressen added, “Heʼs respectively, to their Gaffney Street grounds. just not competent thatʼs all.” “Weʼve had trouble with him all year--as far back as spring training.” Knot Hole Gang Regulations ! After Dascoli emerged from the dressing ! The Boston Braves unique youth-friendly room, he offered his take on the matter. approach traces back to the early days of the “Campanella didnʼt touch Addis until his feet Fuchs era and remained in place until the club left crossed the plate.” Robinsonʼs hurried throw was for Milwaukee. Thin cardboard membership IDs sufficiently off the mark to provide the opening to were often issued to area youth through city Addis. As to Campanellaʼs ouster, Dascoli waved recreational departments and YMCAs. During him out of the game not because of language or Depression days, the card and a nickel would physical contact. “He threw his glove. When they allow its possessor into a left field pavilion section throw their glove, itʼs automatic. Itʼs got to be. If of Braves Field. A number of our members were you didnʼt, the next time theyʼd throw the center once such “gang” members, ages before the term field bleacher at you.” took on negative connotations. ! The Braves supported Dascoliʼs account. ! Along with the benefits of membership Addis, a former Brooklyn farmhand, unflinchingly came obligations in the form of regulations. What claimed that he was safe. Manager Tommy follows is the set of rules in place in 1951: Holmes stated, “He got in under him. I saw the KNOT HOLE GANG REGULATIONS whole play.” Many of the Braves felt that Brooklynʼs vehement protest was totally ! Members must be between the ages of unjustified and that Campanellaʼs reaction was 10 and 16 years. only a gesture to cover up his failed attempt. ! There must be a leader with every group ! Respected Boston baseball writer Harold of ten boys. Leaders must be 18 years of age or Kaese opined that most observers agreed with older. They can be male or female. Leaders Dascoliʼs decision. However, Kaese added that should come with their boys and must report to the umpire had the reputation of having “more the Knot Hole Gang Supervisor, Mr. William notches in his right thumb than Wyatt Earp ever Flaherty, at the gate for the purpose of assisting in had on the butt of his six-shooter.” In the scribeʼs the supervision of the entire “Gang” as soon as opinion, the arbiter from Danielson, Connecticut their members have been seated in the section had always been too quick to eject players. “He reserved for them. is allergic to protests. Players say he has the ! Boys should not be at Braves Field more biggest rabbit ears in the business.” than one half hour before the game starts. ! The dayʼs events were reported to the ! Use the Babcock Street entrance gate recently anointed commissioner of baseball, Ford opposite Ashford Street, below the regular third Frick. For such bad behavior, the National base pavilion entrance. Pastimeʼs top official decided to fine Robinson and Campanella $100 and Roe $50. Adjusted for ! Ungentlemanly conduct on the part of inflation, these “hefty” assessments today would members admitted will not be tolerated and will total $830 and $415, respectively. Frick pointed cause privileges to be revoked. It is up to out that “these fines are not for actions on the everyone to be certain that courtesy prevails and field, but for those in the runway on the way to the that Knot Hole Gang rules are obeyed. clubhouse.” Other loose-lipped participants in the ! Remember the Knot Hole Gang has been post-game melee escaped punishment. enjoying games as guests of the Braves ! Braves manager Tommy Holmes, a Management for 27 years. All they ask in return resident of the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn, for their generosity is that you have a good time received threats against his family during and and by your good behavior assure everyone else after the series in the form of letters and of having a good time too. telegrams. He was accused of favoring the ! Knot Hole Gang membership privileges Giants in the pennant race. Before the Dodgers are a reward of merit for helpfulness and good games, other conspiracy theorists had speculated conduct as a member of the organization to which that the Tribe would roll over for the Dodgers due you belong. to lingering animosity towards the Giants. Ironically, one year later, Holmes would return NATIONAL LEAGUE KNOT HOLE GANG home to a spot on Brooklynʼs active roster and Louis R. Perini, President play in the World Series against the Yankees. Alvin G. Kenney, Secretary ! The Braves werenʼt through influencing the 1951 Senior Circuit pennant race. They Braves Field Trilogy finished the season at home against the Giants. Movies-Jazz-Dancing-Fireworks! Despite their best efforts, the Tribe could not stop the New York juggernaut and lost both contests, ! The hunger for revenue during the Great setting the stage for the “Shot Heard ʻRound The Depression/Prohibition era led to some creative World.” Despite the importance of these games, non-sports uses of Braves Field. One of the more 4
  • 5. unique events took place during the early days of ! A sale price for the ten acre site housing the Judge Emil Fuchs regime. the Wigwam was arrived at in early 1949, causing the construction industry magnates to abandon ! At night, the Wigwam would have consideration of a venue change. The Trust otherwise been empty at the onset of the summer would receive approximately three-quarters of a of 1923 since evening baseball in the Hub was million dollars to relinquish its interest in Braves still many years away. Given Braves Fieldʼs Field. The land and ballpark had an assessed convenient location and easy access via streetcar value of $450,000. The Three Little Steam to its own in-park station, the facility offered an Shovels would now be able claim the diamond as attractive venue where open air entertainment the clubʼs permanent home and be free to make could be staged under one roof to entice the immediate improvements and plan longer term weary public to part with some hard-earned cash. enhancements. Many years later, a similar ! A weekend gala was set for June 25-27 at situation would arise when the John Henry-led the Gaffney Street ballpark. Posters were ownership group acquired the Red Sox and distributed throughout the Boston area to promote Fenway Park from the Yawkey Estate and many this large scale event. The June dates were billed of their actions would mirror Periniʼs announced as “opening nights” and tickets went on sale on formula. June 16 at Jordan Marsh, Shepardʼs and Fileneʼs ! From the office of his construction stores. company in Framingham, MA, Lou Perini outlined ! The Loews theatrical organization put three immediate steps and ten longer term together a program starting at 8 p.m. each renovation efforts. Boston sportswriter Roger evening that featured “dancing for 10,000” Birtwell called Periniʼs briefing, “Braves Field--as followed by a motion picture and fireworks. Music I see it--in 1955.” was provided by Alex Hydeʼs 40-piece jazz band. ! For 1949, Perini pledged the addition of As an additional attraction, the promoter promised 600 more box seats, “with comfortable chairs.” In the in-person appearances of 40 motion picture essence, temporary seating of this sort that was and stage stars. All of this could be had by assembled for use during the 1948 World Series purchasing a 50¢ admission ticket. would be made permanent. The effect would ! The dance floor consisted of a canvas render the parkʼs seating capacity to above that stretched from the Braves dugout over that 39,000. In addition, more “powder rooms” would portion of the field where Braves infielders Stuffy be added. A similar much welcomed supplement McInnis, Hod Ford, Bob Smith and Tony would be instituted by the new regime decades Boekel would ply their trade during the day. later at Fenway Park! Lastly, Perini indicated that Signs were posted along a roped-in boundary the team would assume management over all imploring dancers not to wander off of the tarp. previously leased out park snack counters and make menu changes. ! A large portable screen was positioned in the vicinity of second base, providing customers ! Longer term modifications would be sitting in the grandstands running from first to phased in over the course of the following six third base with an adequate view. The grand years. Perini listed the ten targets as follows: finale consisted of a fireworks display that 1. Increase seating capacity to 50,000. competed with the noxious smoke that emanated from the locomotives in the rail yard beyond the 2. Construct a foot bridge over the Boston and parkʼs left and centerfield borders. Albany Railroad yards to connect the ballpark to the auto parkway along the Charles River. Braves Field As I See It In 1955 3. Build a large parking lot by the Charles River. ! With their team fresh off of a World Series appearance, Lou Perini and his fellow “Steam 4. Establish a Braves Field railroad station on the Shovels” next sought to resolve the status of the Boston & Albany route. The facility would be Bravesʼ home field. The ball club had been located at the end of Babcock Street adjacent tenants of the original builder James Gaffney and to the left field foul pole. later, his estate. 5. Remove the Jury Box and extend the first base ! Once the Perini-Rugo-Maney triumvirate pavilion to center field. took over control of the Braves, the new owners examined potential ballpark sites in the greater 6. Shift the third base side pavilion close to the left field foul line and bring some seating in Boston area as an alternative to the continued back of fair territory in left field. rental of their facilities from the Commonwealth Realty Trust. The principals of the Trust were 7. Place roofs over both pavilions. Essie Gaffney, widow of the later former Braves owner and Robert H. Davis, whose father was a 8. Decrease the number of grandstand seats to create greater comfort for fans. stockholder and close Gaffney associate. An outright purchase of the Trustʼs ownership of 9. Add a restaurant in the park. Braves Field was viewed as the preferred alternative if a reasonable price could be 10.Seek to have the Boston & Albany Railroad increase the use of diesel engines by Braves negotiated. 5
  • 6. Field to reduce smoke and ash emission in and of itself would further compound the path of entering the park. vision issues of first and third base spectators due to the sharper new angles that it would create. ! Osborn Engineering, the original Perini saw two less than optimum options to architects of Braves Field, had been resolve the dilemma: “One is to jack up the infield. commissioned to prepare blueprints reflecting the The other is to jack up the seats.” desired changes. Many of the alterations would require that the work be conducted during the off- ! A raised infield would cause fans in the season. front rows to have an impaired view of the opposite side of the diamond. Pouring concrete ! The Braves president cautioned, to heighten the lower seats would most likely lead however, that “These plans will be carried out only to a “domino effect” throughout the affected areas if conditions warrant it.”! Still basking in the glow of the ballpark. As Perini put it, “Youʼd run into of the ʼ48 season, Perini emphasized that “We heavy expense, and the point could be reached have a lot of plans for Braves Field but our where you might as well build a new park.” At this primary objective doesnʼt concern new stands, point in time, the Tribe president indicated that foot bridges or powder rooms. Our No. 1 “thinking, figuring and planning” would continue objective is a worldʼs championship pennant flying but the season might open with the parkʼs from the center field fence.” configuration unaltered. Seeking A “Chummier” Wigwam In 1953 ! The plate-shift proposal was not intended ! As late as January of 1953, Lou Perini to make the Wigwam more or less homer-friendly. was seeking permission to make enhancements Since the movement would have caused the foul at Braves Field to benefit Tribe fans. Was the lines to meet the stands at a shorter distance and denial of his request one of the “straws that broke make the outfield barriers 23 feet farther away, the camelʼs back,” leading to the spring move to Perini would have built new outfield fences to Milwaukee? keep the lengths consistent with the present configuration. The old outfield perimeter fence ! Over the years, Braves ownership would have been retained to create a footpath for recognized the need to improve customersʼ views fans to enter from Gaffney Street and walk around of the diamond from low-slanted stadium stands. the outfield to access seating along the left field In what would prove to be a final attempt, the ball foul line. club petitioned National League President Warren Giles to move home plate at Braves Field 23 feet ! The proposed move of home plate would nearer the grandstand. The shift would bring the have impaired the view of the inhabitants of the plate to within 37 feet of the grandstand and, rooftop press box. Perini, however, was optimistic quoting Boston sports scribe Roger Birtwell, in this regard. “I believe I can make alterations in “extend Walker Cooperʼs catching career the press box that would give the baseball writers, indefinitely.” radio men and photographers the vision they need.” ! Giles denied the Bravesʼ petition, citing the fact that home plate at the Wigwam was ! It would seem, given the above, that a already closer to grandstand seating than in any franchise shift had yet to become a fait accompli existing Senior Circuit ballpark. in the early days of 1953. However, intervening events would soon doom National League ! Gilesʼ ruling left Perini with a seemingly baseball in Boston. untenable alternative -- move the plate 23 feet nearer the stands by cutting away 300-400 seats Spahnʼs Restaurant in the grandstand front portion to comply with the " In our Summer, 2011 newsletter, we “60-foot” requirement. While willing to undertake such a seating loss, the Tribe owner included in our printed edition, a photograph of acknowledged that the fundamental problem of Warren Spahn in a chefʼs hat and apron, poor sight lines for fans in the first and third base supposedly laboring at his Commonwealth Avenue diner in January, 1954. Intended to lower rows would be compounded by this choice. service crowds coming from and going to Braves ! When James Gaffney constructed the Field, the eatery opened in the spring of 1953 stadium, he took advantage of the bowl-like without such customer traffic and without Spahn, topography. This led to what Birtwell described as who had abruptly relocated to Milwaukee along a “striking characteristic” of Braves Field, “the with the team. long slant of the grandstand.” Per Birtwell again, “The result is that a fan in, say, the thirtieth row, is ! Another historic photograph of Spahnʼs Diner recently has surfaced. This March 21, 1953 farther from the front of the grandstand than a fan in the thirtieth row at most other parks.” The picture shows another of the restaurantʼs slope back is more gradual row to row, which also investors, Leon Greenberg, preparing a lunch created viewing issues at the lower tiers. counter setting, with utensils and a coffee cup surrounding a placemat featuring a portrait of ! If the Braves removed the grandstand Spahnie, an image of Braves Field and the motto, seats to conform to Gilesʼ desires and thereby “The Best in Baseball, The Best in Food.” Weʼve achieve the “chummier” objective, that alteration reproduced the placemat in past BBHA 6
  • 7. newsletters, the most recent inclusion being in the page: fall of 2010. In the picture, in back of Greenberg Maria-Island-Historical-Society/106135255307 is a large photograph of Spahn in Boston Braves togs. Greenberg appears glum since the photo Braves Field Trolley was taken after the Braves had announced their ! Weʼre pleased to be able to include with shift to Milwaukee. this newsletter mailing our third commemorative postcard. The shot was taken at around 4:05 Spahnʼs Cottage p.m. in the late ʻ40s and shows a Braves Field ! A humble 832-square-foot vacation streetcar rumbling into the Kenmore Square cottage sits at 203 Spruce Avenue on Anna Maria tunnel towards Park Street. As can be seen on Island in Florida. The single story, flat-roofed, the back of the postcard, while the tunnel and whitewashed cinderblock bungalow contains two tracks have not changed, the environment in the bedrooms, a living room, kitchen and screened-in surrounding area certainly has. porch. A large baseball-shaped sign, bearing the ! Since ballgames were played much name “Infield” is attached to a side wall. A short quicker back then, we suspect that the car was distance from Bradenton, the residence served as the spring training home for Warren Spahn and one of several picking up Tribe fans at the Wigwam shortly after the last out in the ninth his family in the late 1940s to the early ʻ50s. inning. Usually, three-car center entrance ! Spahn had a great affinity for this part of motorcars (CEMs) would be parked in the Braves the Sunshine State and built or bought several Field loop and lined up on the third track at other cottages that he named using baseball Blandford Street, standing at the ready for the terms. In addition to the “Infield,” the crafty lefty departing crowd. These linked units had the possessed other properties on the northern end of capacity to carry upwards of 450 people at a time. the island in what he called his “Baseball Zone” -- Called “people-eaters” and “cattle cars,” they the “Outfield,” “The Diamond,” “Home Plate,” would roll into the Wigwam as patrons surged “Catcherʼs Mitt” and “Shortstop.” Spahn later through the Fieldʼs prepayment stations. Their moved into a larger beachfront home nearby that large doors would slide open and quickly swallow he christened, “The Mound.” Several of his the assembled humanity. These elongated trolley bungalows housed other major leaguers during cars would perform the same service for their Grapefruit League stay. Most of Spahnʼs attendees at Red Sox, Bruins and Celtics games Anna Maria holdings have been demolished or as well as for those attending major events at sold to other families. Boston Garden such as the Ice Capades or the Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Circus. ! Spahnʼs son Greg of Broken Arrow, OK held onto the “Infield” and recently placed the real ! Despite the introduction of the estate for sale. Greg Spahn decided to donate streamlined PCC streetcars in the mid-1940s, the the building to the Anna Maria Island Historical CEMs endured because of their crowd-servicing Society since “a new owner will tear it down and capacity. The Braves shift to Milwaukee in 1953 build anew....It would be wonderful to save it and was a key factor in expediting the demise of the turn it into a museum for people to see. Iʼd be now antiquated vehicles shortly thereafter. The proud of it.” tracks to the Braves Field link were paved over but occasionally resurface as the covering asphalt ! The Historical Society hopes to raise wears off. You can view a segment of such rails sufficient funds to move the building several today on the Babcock Street side of the old blocks to its land that currently houses its local entryway into the Wigwam. history museum, a restored cottage that once resided on a city pier and remnants of the old city ! Weʼve been asked if extra postcards in jail. After the move and refurbishment, the our historic series are available. The BBHA prints cottage would be used for a baseball museum. a limited amount to meet the needs of our To provide a sneak preview of what could be, the membership and does not offer the postcards to Society put on a photo exhibition, “Boys of the general public. We do have still available a Winter,” featuring Spahn and other major leaguers very limited supply of postcards from the three such as Birdie Tebbetts and Bill McKechnie, issued to date. They will not be reprinted. Until who also had connections to the island. our stock is exhausted, members may purchase any of the three for $2 each postpaid or the set of ! To fund this effort, the Historical Society three for $5 postpaid. Checks should be made needs to raise around $30,000. The fundraising out to the BBHA and sent to our mailing address campaign is slowly moving toward its target and at P.O. Box 67195, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-0002. the Society is optimistic that their goal will be Please specify your selections: the set of three, achieved. Society president Melissa Williams #1 (the Scoreboard), #2 (Right Field Pavilion) or declared, “Itʼs important to preserve the memory #3 (Braves Field Trolley). Orders will be filled first of this man.” come, first served. To be fair to all members, we ! To learn more about the Historical Society reserve the right to limit quantities. and this project, visit its web site at http:// and/or its Facebook 7
  • 8. Retiring Number 29 collegiate basketball referee for over 40 years. Veigel was inducted into the Ohio Officials Hall of ! On June 8, 2012 the Atlanta Braves Fame in Columbus, OH. retired uniform number 29 in honor of their outstanding former right-hander, John Smoltz. Minor League Passings Smoltz has a tenuous link to the Boston Braves. ! Many thanks to member Len Levin, who When inter-league play was inaugurated by major continues to provide us with invaluable league baseball in 1997, the Braves journeyed information on the passings of Boston Braves back to Boston for their first regular season farmhands. contest in the Hub since September 21, 1952. Smoltz took to Fenway Parkʼs mound in a 1912 ! Vincent “Red” Palumbo of Medfield, MA replica uniform of the Boston Beaneaters during a died on March 29, 2012 at 93 years of age. He “Turn Back The Clock” game. had a two year minor league career from 1939-40 before entering the Army Air Corps. As a 20-year- ! The retirement of a Braves numeral led older, Palumbo briefly played for the Bradford us to trace its history while worn by the Boston Bees of the PONY League in 1939. Later that version of this venerable franchise. While no season, the port-sider pitched for the independent “star” player donned the number during the Salem-Roanoke Friends of the Class D Virginia Boston years, a beloved member of our Braves League. Palumbo led the latter circuit in wins with Family, Art “Lefty” Johnson, claimed “29” for 18, including a no-hitter. two (1941-42) of his three seasons at the Wigwam. While his on-the-field record was ! During the war, Palumbo served as a unremarkable (7-16), his commitment to the bombardier with the 306th Bomb Group and flew Boston Braves lasted a lifetime. Johnson was 32 combat missions over Germany and occupied one of the founders of the BBHA and a popular countries. He was the recipient of the regular attendee at our reunions. He would Distinguished Flying Cross. While in the service, always be found surrounded by former fans, Palumbo pitched for the Camp Edwards team and chatting and meticulously signing autographs. faced Ted Williams. He was the owner of Palumbo Liquors in Medfield and Walpole, MA for ! During the Bees/Braves days, number 29 over 60 years. was handed out to 17 different individuals. Of that total, five were pitchers, four were infielders, four ! On April 30, 2012, 87-year-old Donald were catchers, three were outfielders and one Schmidt passed away. He had a six year minor was a coach. The numeral was first issued to league career from 1946-52 and finished with a pitcher Flint “Shad” Rhem in 1934 and last worn two season stint in the Boston Braves system by pitcher Dave Cole in 1952. It was pitching for Hartford and Milwaukee. His record consecutively used by the club from 1936-52. for the Chiefs in 1951 was 6-14 followed by a From Flint Rhem in 1934, number 29 was passed 7-12 performance in Hartford in ʼ52. Schmidtʼs on to Art “Moose” Doll (1936), Eddie “Hotshot” brief record for the 1952 Brewers was 1-1 in his Mayo (1937), Jim Hitchcock (1938), Tom last year of professional baseball. He was “Sugar” Kane (1938), Joe “Tweet” Walsh elected to the Union County (NJ) Baseball Hall of (1938), Stan “Polo” Andrews (1939), Ray Fame. A WW II veteran, Schmidt spent over 40 Berres (1940), Art “Lefty” Johnson (1941-42), years in the oil delivery business. “Butch” Nieman (1943), Stew Hofferth (1944), ! Bob Barbeau was 86 when he died on Bill “Square Jaw” Ramsey (1945), Mike May 5, 2012. After serving in the Pacific Theater “Slugs” Ulisney (1945), Jake Flowers (1946), with the Navy in WW II, he received a baseball Ernie White (1947-48), Jimmy Brown (1949-51) scholarship to the University of San Francisco. and Dave Cole (1952). Barbeau entered the Braves farm system in 1949 In Memoriam with the Pawtucket Slaters in their final year in the Class B New England League. The outfielder ! Former Boston Bees right-handed hurler batted .197 over 42 games. While there, Barbeau Al Veigel passed away at age 95 on April 8, did rub shoulders with a future Boston Brave, 2012. He was 22 when he was called up in George Crowe, and a Milwaukee Brave, Don September of 1939. Veigel earned a promotion Liddle. Released, he split his final professional after going 10-10 with the Class B Evansville season with a couple of unaffiliated ball clubs in Bees of the Three-I League. Veigel started two the low minors before calling it quits. Barbeau games late in the season and went 0-1 with a spent over 30 years working for a mechanical and 6.75 ERA over 2.2 innings pitched. He never electrical contractor. again performed in the majors. WW II service in the Army Air Force from 1941-45 effectively ended ! Charles “Chuck” Doehler, who passed his professional career. According to our records, away at age 77 on June 19, 2012, had a number Veigelʼs death leaves only one surviving player of baseball related accomplishments during his from the Bees era, pitcher Art Kenney who lifetime. As a youth of 14, he was tapped by Mrs. appeared in two games in 1938. Babe Ruth to participate in the Bambinoʼs funeral as a representative of the local Babe Ruth ! Veigel worked as a sporting goods League. Doehler placed a baseball that carried salesman until his retirement. He was best the message, “Safe at Home,” in Ruthʼs coffin. known in Ohio as a respected high school and 8
  • 9. ! Signed by the Boston Braves at age 18, ! We are offering The Bees of Boston to he split the 1952 season as an outfielder with our membership at the purchase price of $9.00 brief appearances for the Class D Harlan postpaid. Our print run was very limited given its Smokies of the Mountain States League and the cost and the sales price was set at slightly less Class C Eau Claire Braves of the Northern than break-even when considering associated League. While with the Wisconsin farm club, postal and packaging expenses. Please consider Doehler had the good fortune to team up with adding this chronicle of Boston Braves history to Hank Aaron and Wes Covington. your baseball library and as a gift to family members and friends. We do not intend to go ! He finished his professional career the back to the printer once our supply of the following year as Milwaukee Braves chattel. publication becomes exhausted, so act quickly. Again he performed for two clubs, both at the Send your check made out to the Boston Braves Class D level -- the Sandersville Wacos of the Historical Association to the BBHA, Post Office Georgia State League and the Wellsville Braves Box 67195, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-0002. Thank of the PONY League. you and enjoy! ! Doehler later was the freshman baseball coach at Seton Hall University for 15 years. He One That Got Away was inducted into the universityʼs Hall of Fame in ! When researching the history of any 1997. Doehler served an insurance sales team, one usually will find examples of where a representative and sales manager for thirty years. ballplayer slipped through its hands and later achieved fame with another club. A classic case New BBHA Publication-The Bees of with the Braves involved Johnny Vander Meer, Boston who would hurl the first of his two consecutive no- ! Bostonʼs Bees days have been chronicled hitters against the Bees and anchor the Cincinnati in the Associationʼs latest publication, The Bees of Reds pitching staff for many years. Judge Emil Boston: Baseball At The Hive, 1936-1940. A Fuchsʼ son Bob was running the clubʼs NY-Penn thorough review of this brief era in the history of League Harrisburg Senators affiliate in 1934 Bostonʼs National League franchise can be found when he observed the “Dutch Master” in action for within the bookʼs 54 pages. The Braves became the Scranton Miners. Seeing the left-handerʼs the Bees when J.A. Robert Quinnʼs syndicate potential, the younger Fuchs recommended that assumed control of the club after Judge Emil the big league club acquire the young lefty. The Fuchs was forced to throw in the towel. Braves did so, but sold the farmhand to the Reds in 1935 as the Fuchs regime ended. ! Quinn played an important transitional role in the history of both of Bostonʼs baseball ! In compiling the history of the Boston franchises. Before the Bees, he had led a group Bees years mentioned in the preceding section of that acquired the Red Sox from Harry Frazee and the newsletter, the author uncovered a similar that later sold out to Tom Yawkey. With the situation. This time, the ball club briefly held on Braves, Quinn was the bridge from Fuchs to the its roster a pitcher who would achieve a degree of glory days of the Three Little Steam Shovels. immortality based on one unique pitch to Ted Coincidently, in both instances, he took over after Williams during an All Star contest in Boston. fateful incidents involving Babe Ruth -- the ! In 1937, the Bees took a chance on a 29- Bambinoʼs sale to the Yankees and the Sultan of year-old right-handed hurler who had gone 10-10 Swatʼs ill fated and short-lived return to Boston with the International League Buffalo Bisons in with the Braves. Robert “Bob” Quinn was also the 1936. Then referred to as “Red,” Truett Banks patriarch of a family that produced generations of Sewell was placed on the Bees major league successful baseball front office executives. roster and given a spring chance to make the ! Included within the publication are club. He possessed enough potential for the photographs of the players that performed for the team to have him listed in the 1937 National Bees during each of the seasons that the team League Green Book in the section that introduced carried its insect nickname. In addition to year- prospects having a shot at the majors during the by-year season summaries from the pages of the upcoming season. Reach and Spalding Guides, The Bees of Boston ! The brief Green Book biography noted contains sections on The Birth of the Bees, that “Red” Sewell was a “Kappa Sig from National League Baseball Field, Uniforms, Vanderbilt” and that heʼd started out as an Bostonʼs First All Star Game, the City outfielder but was quickly converted into a pitcher. Championship Series, Nicknames, Broadcasters, After a brief trial with the Detroit Tigers in 1932, Hall of Famers, Spring Training “Hives,” Minor Sewell drifted from club to club in the minors. A League Affiliates and the eventual “Extermination” high point mentioned in this career summary of the Bees. The season summaries include the involved an “Iron Man” stint while with the Seattle annual new player mini-biography “introductions” Indians of the Pacific Coast League in 1933. On that were contained in the respective pre-season Labor Day, Sewell pitched two nine-inning National League Green Books. Season Notes victories (9-5 and 3-0) against the San Francisco and Player Transactions sections complete the Seals. yearly summaries. 9
  • 10. ! Sewell did not sufficiently impress would go on to greater fame with the Milwaukee manager Bill McKechnie in spring training edition of the Tribe. enough to earn a spot on the pitching staff when ! A very popular BBHA reunion guest, the club headed north. Instead, he returned to Johnny Antonelli has collaborated with author Buffalo where his 16-12 1937 record resulted in a shot with the Pittsburgh Pirates. Picking up the Scott Pitoniak in a recently published book entitled Johnny Antonelli: A Baseball Memoir. nickname, “Rip,” Sewell would remain on the Now an octogenarian, the former Boston Braves Pirates mound staff through 1949 when he was 42. He would visit the Wigwam on many bonus baby chronicles his personal and baseball life in this Rochester Institute of Technology Press occasions as an “enemy.” Sewell recorded 21- offering. Antonelli and his wife, Gail, split their win seasons in 1943 and 1944. In 1949, his time between homes in Rochester, NY and Santa winning percentage of .813 (13-3) led the Senior Circuit. Fe, NM. ! This summer, BBHA member and Braves ! A hunting accident in 1941 caused Field expert, Ralph Evans, has continued his Sewellʼs to develop his famed “eephus” or blooper commitment to preserve the memory of the pitch. He would arc the backspinning baseball some 25 feet into the air towards the plate. Wigwam and share his knowledge of the site with others. On June 24, he led a group of Atlanta Sewellʼs use of the eephus enhanced his pitching Braves 400 Club members on a tour of the repertoire and also made him a gate attraction. remains of our beloved ballpark. The Georgians ! One of the most notable occurrences in were in town to attend the latest iteration of the All Star game history took place during the July 9, Braves-Red Sox City Series. On July 22, Ralphʼs 1946 Mid Summer Classic at Fenway Park when Braves Field tour closed out a three-day Boston Sewell faced Ted Williams in the eighth inning. University-sponsored program, “Baseball: An After fouling off a blooper and taking a fastball for Interdisciplinary Summer Institute.” a strike, the Splendid Splinter anticipated another ! Virgil Jester, a pitcher for the 1952 eephus offering and took a mighty swing to send the ball into the bullpen. Sewell claimed that Boston Braves, was the subject of an article appearing in the May 30, 2012 Denver Post. The Williamsʼ blast was the only homer that he ever 85-year-old Colorado native signed with Boston in yielded using the blooper. 1947 for a “bonus” of $2,500. Jester performed ! Rip Sewell was the cousin of major for hometown fans with the Bravesʼ Denver Bears leaguers Joe, Luke and Tommy Sewell. He affiliate in 1949-50. He noted that he still receives passed away in 1989 at the age of 82. occasional autograph requests from Braves fans. Sittinʼ In The Jury Box ! Patrick L. Kennedy of BU Today did a commendable job alerting the Boston University ! Longtime BBHA member Al Rocci was community of the historic baseball park honored by the Red Sox as part of their “Fenway incorporated into their campus. His on-line, at 100” commemoration this season. The 95- interactive two-part article, “Remembering the year-old Medford, MA resident is the oldest known Wigwam” appeared on the web on April 12-13, former Red Sox employee. Rocci began as an 2012. Itʼs well worth visiting. usher in 1936, earning $2 a game and $3 for today/2012/braves-field-remembering-the- doubleheaders. He also ushered at Braves Field, wigwam/ and taking advantage of the alternating home and braves-field-remembering-the-wigwam-2/ away schedules of Bostonʼs American and National League representatives. He concluded ! In the Summer 2009 BBHA newsletter, we his ushering career with the Bosox with the final told the tale of how a Boston Braves autographed two games of the 1975 World Series that included baseball found its way to Australia. The ball had the iconic Carlton Fisk extra inning game winning been brought Down Under by Bravesʼ farm homer of off what is now the “Fisk Pole.” Rocci director Harry Jenkins. The family that received maintained friendships with a number of Sox the ball from him contacted us through our players including Ted Williams, Johnny Pesky website to learn more about the players who had and Bill Monbouquette. We suspect that Al signed the souvenir. They had become close Rocci holds the similar title for the Boston Braves friends of Jenkins through our Aussie inquirerʼs and we salute him and thank him for his years of mother who had become godmother to Jenkinʼs loyalty to the BBHA. son, Coleman. Despite several attempts over the years, the family had been unable to get in touch ! BBHA member Gary Caruso kindly with Harry Jenkinsʻ offspring. informed us that Lou Burdetteʼs grandson, Nolan Fontana was the 61st overall pick in this yearʼs ! Vacationing in Australia, your editor met First Year Player Draft. The University of Florida the family and was presented with the baseball as shortstop was the first selection in the second a donation to the BBHA. That seemed to be the round by the Houston Astros. As we all know, Lou end of the story until we recently received an (his preferred first name spelling) Burdette came email via our website from Hugh Jenkins, a to the Boston Braves in a deal that sent Johnny grandson of Harryʼs. He discovered our story on Sain to the Yankees in 1951. Grandpa Burdette his grandfather while exploring the internet. Hugh informed us that Coleman was alive and well and 10
  • 11. welcomed the chance to get in contact with his reminisces and new discoveries to fill the pages long lost godmother and her family. Weʼve of the newsletter. This has been the case since I provided contact information to all parties and took over the editorship of the publication in the hope that weʼve facilitated a happy reunion. fall of 1993. In addition to the newsletter, we have Thus, another chapter has been added to saga of an informative website, an active Facebook page a baseball that traveled from Boston to Australia and an eNewsletter. Please also take advantage and back! of these offerings to enhance your membership enjoyment. Contact me to be added to our ! Byron Magrane, our webmaster, has eNewsletter email list. Itʼs free to members! Bob constructed a simplified address to access our Brady, BBHA Newsletter Editor, 25 McAndrew Facebook page. This shortcut was needed Road, Braintree, MA 02184-8245 because the original was long and complex. To get to the page, enter If already registered with Facebook, you can also find our site by using the Facebook search feature. ! Thanks to longtime loyal member John Materazzo, we now have two new BBHAers with ties to the Boston Braves. John enrolled two brothers, Lenahan and Diarmuid OʼConnell. He had been introduced to them by Lenahanʼs son, Brendan. The brothersʼ father, Joseph OʼConnell owned shares in the team going back to the Fuchs days. Lenahan once was a next door neighbor to the Judge. When Joseph OʼConnell passed away in 1942, he willed his stock holdings to Diarmuid and his sister. They held on to their Tribe securities even as the Three Little Steam Shovels consolidated their ownership position. Finally, in late 1952, Lou Perini and his brothers, through the Perini & Sons company, obtained the right to buy out the remaining eight minority stockholders who held approximately 45% of the club. The OʼConnell siblings were reluctant to the end but eventually handed over their Class A and Class B stock for an aggregate $12,000. The Perini-led transaction also eliminated the interests of C. Joseph Maney, Leon and Joseph Rugo, Frank McCourt , Jay Cole, the estate of former Massachusetts Governor Frank Allen and Daniel Marr. Welcome aboard, gentlemen! ! On September 15, 1948, the great uncle of John Manning shot a color home movie at Braves Field of the Braves-Cubs game. Manning recently has digitized the film and placed it on YouTube. While grainy and dark in spots, you can make out Johnny Sain and Tommy Holmes as well as Warren Spahn on the mound. The scoreboard and outfield signs appear in glorious color. Youʼll even see a shot of locomotive smoke from the rail yard wafting in the outfieldʼs background. The clip is embedded at the 5 minute mark of a family home movie. You can fast forward to that point. Manningʼs home movie can be found at: v=5MAy5N6qOsE&feature=plcp The game account can be accessed at: http:// B09150BSN1948.htm Last of the Ninth " Despite the absence of our hometown National League club for the past sixty years, I still have no trouble finding interesting tales, 11