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Be Better
2010 JCI
Travel Guide
                                                                                                                                        2010: Issue 1

                                                                                                     In This Issue:
                                                                                                     Be the change you wish to see 2
JCI Members from more than 100 countries are off and running toward                                  Celebrate for a cause on your birthday 3
                                                                                                     Read rave reviews of JCI 3
their goal of creating positive change in the world. As you meet new people                          Test your malaria knowledge 4
and discover new ways to improve your community at the 2010 JCI Area                                 Unearth the roots of partnership 4
Conferences, don't miss anything the host cities have to offer.
JCI Conference of the Americas in Rosario, Argentina                                                 Changing the World in 2010
Between the workshops and forums at the Conference of the Americas, head to one of
                                                                                                     JCI Conference of the Americas
Rosario’s scenic parks or La Florida Beach to enjoy the beautiful Argentine autumn. Be sure
                                                                                                     April 21-24, 2010 • Rosario, Argentina
to catch the Monumento a la Bandera in the city center and then squeeze in some shopping
at the Embarcadero Resort or Córdoba Street. Later on, relax at Costa Alta and discuss the           World Malaria Day – April 25
Millennium Development Goals with your fellow JCI Members over a cup of coffee at a                  Plan now to launch a project to combat malaria
neighborhood café. After the sun goes down, check out the lights of the Rosario-Victoria Bridge      and save lives through JCI Nothing But Nets.
on your way to Rosario’s nightlife and cultural district.
                                                                                                     JCI Africa and Middle East Conference
                                     JCI Africa and Middle East Conference                           May 12-15, 2010 • Abuja, Nigeria
                                     in Abuja, Nigeria
                                                                                                     JCI Asia-Pacific Conference
                                     After a day of top-notch trainings, strap on your hiking
                                                                                                     June 3-6, 2010 • Singapore
                                     boots and head for Aso Rock or Zuma Rock, along the
                                     Abuja-Kaduna highway. For a more relaxing break, visit          JCI European Conference
                                     Millennium Park or the Abuja Plant Nursery. For a taste         June 9-12, 2010 • Aarhus, Denmark
                                     of history, be sure to stop by the National Mosque and
                                                                                                     23rd JCI Academy
                                     National Church, both of which are architectural
                                                                                                     July 15-22, 2010 • Tsukuba, Japan
                                     masterpieces of this diverse nation. Designed to be a
                                     capital city, you'll enjoy Abuja's well-organized districts     JCI World Congress
                                     and modern shopping centers, including the Abuja Metro          November 2-7, 2010 • Osaka, Japan
                                     Plaza, Silverbird Galleria or Ceddi Plaza in the Central
 ABUJA, NIGERIA                      Business District.
                                     JCI Asia-Pacific Conference in Singapore
                                     While at the JCI Asia-Pacific Conference in the city-state
                                     of Singapore, go with your new JCI friends to visit Merlion
                                     Park, which features the national icon, the Merlion. While
                                     Singapore is known for its diverse and cosmopolitan
 SINGAPORE                           population, don't miss the tropical parks, including the
                                     Esplande, where you can stop in the Theatres on the Bay.        2010 JCI Leadership Summit
                                     For dinner, try a restaurant at the Raffles Hotel, a colonial-   at the United Nations
                                     style hotel named for Singapore’s founder, Sir Stamford         June 21-23, 2010 • New York City, USA
                                     Raffles. Test your bartering skills on Orchard Road or at
                                     Clarke Quay, but save enough to donate to the Birthday          With only five years left to reach the UN
 AARHUS, DENMARK                     Campaigns of all your new friends! Read more about the          Millennium Development Goals, the role
                                     JCI Nothing But Nets Birthday Campaign on page 3.               of young active citizens in global development
                                                                                                     has never been more crucial. This June, JCI
JCI European Conference in Aarhus, Denmark                                                           Members from across the globe will unite with
A city of nearly 1.2 million, Aarhus mixes classical European architecture, modern commerce          our powerhouse partners to generate a new
and a rich history of art. Take in the sights of Old Europe at the Viking Museum, Århus              framework for collaboration. The UN Global
Domkirke Cathedral and Moesgard Museum. Art lovers should be sure to check out the Aarhus            Compact, the UN Foundation, the International
Theatre, The Botanisk Have gardens and the ARoS Arhus Kunstmuseum in between JCI                     Chamber of Commerce and leading
programs and panel discussions on global issues. Before heading out for the famous European          corporations are looking to JCI to catalyze
nightlife, stop by the Latin Quarter, Strøget or Frederiksbjerg for some shopping and quick bite     collaboration and drive change on vital social
from a pølsevogn, a popular sausage street vendor.                                                   and economic issues. Mark your calendar now
                                                                                                     and plan to magnify your impact.
The Meaning of Change                                                                                “To improve
                                                                                                      is to change;
2010 is a year of change in JCI. Inspired by the words of Mahatma
Gandhi, 2010 JCI President Roland Kwemain has challenged young
people around the world to be the change they want to see in the
                                                                                                      to be perfect is to
world. But what does change mean to you?                                                              change often.”
The last decade brought unprecedented challenges across the world: the outbreak of wars,
refugee crises, the outbreak of disease, corruption, increasing climate change and a failure                              – Winston Churchill
of the global economy. Hardly any predictions foresaw these crises at a time when the world
witnessed an expansion in technological know-how, increased globalization and dramatic
socio-political changes.
Seeking Perfection
The changing environment of today – political, social, economic, climate and technological –
must include a change in human behavior. Certainly the world is not perfect, and neither is our
organization. But as young people, we must strive to make our world perfect, and the same
is true for our organization. The future belongs to young people, and as the world navigates
increasingly complicated circumstances, we must take part in the important debates. Young
people must actively participate to determine their own destiny.
 This desire to find perfection is the real meaning of change. As Winston Churchill said,
“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.”
Change Begins with You
Change in this new decade means taking responsibility for the future. It means improving
ourselves, our community and, to a larger extent, our world. Change means not seeking only
personal benefit from an organization, a position or a job, but bringing value to improve the
organization, the position or the job.
What does this mean to JCI Members? It means challenging the status quo and not settling
for the mundane things of the past, but reaching for the extraordinary things that will build the   New JCI External Web Site
future of JCI. Single-handedly, our scope is limited, but by extending a hand and working with
people of difference races, cultures, religions and ethnicity, we can overcome the common           JCI is embracing many changes in 2010,
challenges of mankind. It means standing for the values of this organization and questioning        including a new way to reach out.
any action to the contrary.
                                                                                                    You may have
Membership in JCI is not sufficient. We need to act by targeting solutions to community              noticed JCI’s new
problems and taking action to create impact. In 2010, JCI is going back to basics with the JCI      external website,
Mission and the Values as guiding principles for our action at every level of the organization.     aimed at providing
JCI will empower young people around the world to create positive change, and we will set out       nonmembers with
on our journey to be the leading network of young active citizens.                                  access to
                                                                                                    information about
The Impact of One                                                                                   JCI and its Mission
Sometimes it may seem as though one person cannot make a difference. But just as ripples            in a simple, easy-
from a single drop of water spread and grow until they reach the entire pond, so do you have        to-use format.
the potential to make a real impact.                                                                The site features links to recent JCI News stories,
                                                                                                    the most recent Be Better E-newsletter and information
JCI President Kwemain is calling JCI Members and young people around the world                      on how prospective members can join the organization.
to embrace the Impact of One and take the future of the world into their own hands.
                                                                                                    The new portal also features an interactive global map
He’s calling on you to take ownership of this organization and make it the best it can be.
                                                                                                    of JCI National Organizations, allowing users to locate the
Believing in change is important, but being the change is what will change our organization.        organization nearest to them to learn more about
Each JCI Member is challenged to reach out to friends, colleagues and neighbors and invite          becoming a Member. Additionally, the new site features
just one of them to join forces with us to increase our impact. It is when many drops come          information on local and international events and JCI
                                                                                                    programs and partnerships.
together that a powerful ocean is formed.
                                                                                                    While JCI Members still have expanded access
It is not the leaders who will change JCI, but the hundreds of thousands of young people            to resources through the Members website, the new
who believe in our core values and are making tremendous sacrifices every day. In this               external portal was designed from the ground-up with
new decade, JCI Members will lead their communities, their countries and the world                  nonmembers in mind, organizing information in an easily-
to a better place.                                                                                  accessible format for wider consumption. Development
                                                                                                    will continue on the new site throughout
Change begins with you, today.                                                                      the year, with the focus on translation into French,
                                                                                                    Spanish and Japanese. Visit or sign
                                                                                                    out of your JCI web account to view the new portal.
Give a Gift on
Your Birthday
Birthdays are for celebrating, and this year JCI Members have
a new reason to party thanks to the JCI Nothing But Nets Birthday
Campaign. Learn how you can celebrate not only all the gifts
in your life, but also the lives you’ve saved.
It’s a new decade and a new opportunity to improve your community and communities across                    Join the campaign now.
the world. Start a new tradition this year of giving back on your birthday to those who need                1. Create your own team by setting up your own
it most. The JCI Nothing But Nets Birthday Campaign provides an easy way to help others and                    page on the Junior Chamber International sponsor
give the gift of life on your big day.                                                                         page on the Nothing But Nets website. Find the
                                                                                                               link at
Malaria: The Facts
In Sub-Saharan Africa, malaria is the largest single cause of death among children under the age            2. Click “Join this Team" to get started.
of five, killing one child every 30 seconds, more than 800,000 per year. Malaria alone accounts              3. Under “Affiliation,” select “Junior Chamber
for 40 percent of public health expenditures.                                                                  International.”
Insecticide-treated bed nets are a form of personal protection that reduces severe disease and              4. Register. Fill out your registration information.
mortality due to malaria in endemic regions. Studies have shown that use of insecticide-treated                Welcome to the team!
bed nets can reduce transmission as much as 90% in areas with high coverage rates.
The JCI Nothing But Nets Birthday Campaign                                                                  Get the word out.
Since 2008, JCI has been committed to raising awareness of the Nothing But Nets project,                    • Use e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, and any other
which provides insecticide-treated bed nets to affected areas, and has committed to providing                 creative method to tell your friends about how they
one million bed nets by 2015. To reach this ambitious goal and contribute to the eradication                  can help make a difference on your birthday.
of malaria in Africa, JCI is asking you to forego typical birthday presents this year and put bed           • Host a birthday party for your friends and ask for
nets on your birthday list.                                                                                   donations instead of presents to raise funds and
One of the first JCI birthdays this year belongs to 2010 JCI Executive Vice President Bertolt                  have fun at the same time. All of the funds raised
Daems, who is using his birthday to raise nets. He established a goal of 365 nets – one for each              not only go to a great cause, but help celebrate
day of the year – or $3,650. Daems is already a quarter of the way to his goal and is sending out             your birthday and are given in your honor.
the message to fellow Members, friends and family throughout the Netherlands and across the                 • Be creative and work towards making your special
globe. It's easy to create your own campaign, just follow the steps on the right.                             day in 2010 special for others too.

Look Who’s Talking: Partnering for Change
JCI’s relationship with the United Nations dates back to 1954, and representatives of the UN, the UN Global
Compact, and the UN Foundation regularly rave about their partnerships with JCI. Check out what some
of the biggest names in the organizations had to say about JCI's global community of young active citizens.
                “The United Nations and JCI share a long history                                    “JCI and the Global Compact share a lot in common. We both
                 of partnership at many levels – from headquarters                                   were founded in the idea that business can make an active
                 to the grassroots. In fact, we are major allies… As young                           contribution to address global challenges…It’s unique, there
                 leaders, you hold a key to solving some of the most                                 is no other organization with such a global presence as JCI.”
                 oppressing challenges of our time.”
                                                                                                     — UN Global Compact Public Affairs Officer
                 — UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon                                                    Matthias Stausberg

                “There is, in JCI, a common cause, and that is responsible                          “We’re very excited about JCI because of all the different
                 leadership, making a difference, joining forces, and                                JCI Local Organizations across the world that have the ability
                 reaching across boarders… The possibility of achieving                              to give back. Literally any JCI Member from any part of the
                 a world where peace and health and hope and opportunity                             world has the ability to send a net and save a life.”
                 exist for everyone is very real.”
                                                                                                    — UN Foundation Executive Director
                 — United Nations Foundation Senior Advisor                                           Elizabeth McKee Gore
                   Gillian Martin Sorensen
Kodama’s Essential Facts and Figures
                      JCI Secretary General Edson A. Kodama usually practices key words and phrases in local languages
                      to prepare for the JCI Area Conferences. But this time, with JCI’s committment to fight malaria
                      through JCI Nothing But Nets, he’s putting aside his dictionary and taking out his calculator
                      to understand the impact of this devastating disease. Measure your knowledge below.
1. What percent of the world’s population                                    5. What percent of malaria-related deaths             9. By what percentage have insecticide-
is affected by malaria?                                                      occur in Sub-Saharan Africa?                          treated bed nets reduced malaria
                                                                                                                                   transmission in areas of high coverage?
a. 6%                                                                        a. 36%
b. 24%                                                                       b. 52%                                                a. 60%
c. 32%                                                                       c. 78%                                                b. 75%
d. 41%                                                                       d. 90%                                                c. 83%
                                                                                                                                   d. 90%
2. Malaria is transmitted by which                                           6. About what percentage of children
animal?                                                                      in urban areas of Sub-Saharan Africa are              10. What percentage of antimalarial
                                                                             currently protected by insecticide-treated            pharmaceutical medicines are counterfeit,
a. Bats
                                                                             bed nets?                                             distributed by criminal scam artists?
b. Mosquitoes
c. Flies                                                                     a. 2%                                                 a. 12%
d. Dogs                                                                      b. 19%                                                b. 33%
                                                                             c. 31%                                                c. 40%
3. How much money do JCI Members need
                                                                             d. 44%                                                d. 62%
to raise for insecticide-treated bed nets
to meet our pledge to the Nothing But                                        7. Why is a malaria vaccine not more                  11. How long does it take to set up an
Nets program?                                                                widely used?                                          account with JCI’s Birthday Campaign
                                                                                                                                   to recruit friends to donate money to fight
a. USD $500,000                                                              a. No highly effective vaccine is available yet.
                                                                                                                                   malaria in your name?
b. USD $1,000,000                                                            b. Most residents of affected areas cannot
c. USD $10,000,000                                                           afford a vaccine.                                     a. 2 seconds
d. USD $100,000,000                                                          c. Vaccines do not provide a long-term solution       b. 2 minutes
                                                                             and must be taken several times.                      c. 2 hours
4. How many cases of malaria occur
                                                                             d. All of the above.                                  d. 2 months
each year?
                                                                             8. How much does malaria cost all African             See page 3 of this newsletter for step-by-step
a. Between 50,000 and 100,000
                                                                             economies each year combined?                         instructions on how to set up your Birthday
b. Between 500,000 and 1 million
                                                                                                                                   Campaign page today!
c. Between 50 million and 250 million                                        a. USD $750 million
d. Between 350 million and 500 million                                       b. USD $2 billion
                                                                             c. USD $12 billion
                                                                             d. USD $32 billion                                    Answers: 1-d, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d, 5-d, 6-a, 7-d, 8-c, 9-d, 10-c, 11-b

A Look Back:
The Roots of Partnership
JCI and the UN have a long history of partnership. Through
working with the UN Global Compact, the UN Foundation and
UNESCO, JCI Members magnify their impact around the world.
Today, JCI Members across the globe work towards the UN
Millennium Development Goals locally and have the opportunity
to discuss crucial topics of the day at JCI Leadership Summits
at the UN.
In June 2009, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon visited the JCI
World Headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, where he
discussed the two organizations’ mutual goals, and called the
young active citizens of JCI to action. In 2010, JCI Members will
meet JCI’s partners at the United Nations in New York to seek
new modes of collaboration and generate a new framework for
partnership in the 21st century.
                                                                                                              1981 JCI President Gary Nagao visits UN Secretary-General Waldheim

      Do you have a story to share about your experience
      at a JCI International Event? E-mail story and photos to
      for consideration for upcoming newsletter issues. Not all submissions will be included.
      © 2010 Junior Chamber International (JCI) Inc. All rights reserved.
      15645 Olive Blvd. Chesterfield, MO 63017, USA
      Tel: +1-636-4493100 • Fax: +1-636-4493107 •
      Printed on recycled paper.

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2010 jci bebetternewsletterissue1

  • 1. Be Better NEWSLETTER 2010 2010 JCI Travel Guide 2010: Issue 1 In This Issue: Be the change you wish to see 2 JCI Members from more than 100 countries are off and running toward Celebrate for a cause on your birthday 3 Read rave reviews of JCI 3 their goal of creating positive change in the world. As you meet new people Test your malaria knowledge 4 and discover new ways to improve your community at the 2010 JCI Area Unearth the roots of partnership 4 Conferences, don't miss anything the host cities have to offer. JCI Conference of the Americas in Rosario, Argentina Changing the World in 2010 Between the workshops and forums at the Conference of the Americas, head to one of JCI Conference of the Americas Rosario’s scenic parks or La Florida Beach to enjoy the beautiful Argentine autumn. Be sure April 21-24, 2010 • Rosario, Argentina to catch the Monumento a la Bandera in the city center and then squeeze in some shopping at the Embarcadero Resort or Córdoba Street. Later on, relax at Costa Alta and discuss the World Malaria Day – April 25 Millennium Development Goals with your fellow JCI Members over a cup of coffee at a Plan now to launch a project to combat malaria neighborhood café. After the sun goes down, check out the lights of the Rosario-Victoria Bridge and save lives through JCI Nothing But Nets. on your way to Rosario’s nightlife and cultural district. JCI Africa and Middle East Conference JCI Africa and Middle East Conference May 12-15, 2010 • Abuja, Nigeria in Abuja, Nigeria JCI Asia-Pacific Conference After a day of top-notch trainings, strap on your hiking June 3-6, 2010 • Singapore boots and head for Aso Rock or Zuma Rock, along the Abuja-Kaduna highway. For a more relaxing break, visit JCI European Conference ROSARIO, ARGENTINA Millennium Park or the Abuja Plant Nursery. For a taste June 9-12, 2010 • Aarhus, Denmark of history, be sure to stop by the National Mosque and 23rd JCI Academy National Church, both of which are architectural July 15-22, 2010 • Tsukuba, Japan masterpieces of this diverse nation. Designed to be a capital city, you'll enjoy Abuja's well-organized districts JCI World Congress and modern shopping centers, including the Abuja Metro November 2-7, 2010 • Osaka, Japan Plaza, Silverbird Galleria or Ceddi Plaza in the Central ABUJA, NIGERIA Business District. JCI Asia-Pacific Conference in Singapore While at the JCI Asia-Pacific Conference in the city-state of Singapore, go with your new JCI friends to visit Merlion Park, which features the national icon, the Merlion. While Singapore is known for its diverse and cosmopolitan SINGAPORE population, don't miss the tropical parks, including the Esplande, where you can stop in the Theatres on the Bay. 2010 JCI Leadership Summit For dinner, try a restaurant at the Raffles Hotel, a colonial- at the United Nations style hotel named for Singapore’s founder, Sir Stamford June 21-23, 2010 • New York City, USA Raffles. Test your bartering skills on Orchard Road or at Clarke Quay, but save enough to donate to the Birthday With only five years left to reach the UN AARHUS, DENMARK Campaigns of all your new friends! Read more about the Millennium Development Goals, the role JCI Nothing But Nets Birthday Campaign on page 3. of young active citizens in global development has never been more crucial. This June, JCI JCI European Conference in Aarhus, Denmark Members from across the globe will unite with A city of nearly 1.2 million, Aarhus mixes classical European architecture, modern commerce our powerhouse partners to generate a new and a rich history of art. Take in the sights of Old Europe at the Viking Museum, Århus framework for collaboration. The UN Global Domkirke Cathedral and Moesgard Museum. Art lovers should be sure to check out the Aarhus Compact, the UN Foundation, the International Theatre, The Botanisk Have gardens and the ARoS Arhus Kunstmuseum in between JCI Chamber of Commerce and leading programs and panel discussions on global issues. Before heading out for the famous European corporations are looking to JCI to catalyze nightlife, stop by the Latin Quarter, Strøget or Frederiksbjerg for some shopping and quick bite collaboration and drive change on vital social from a pølsevogn, a popular sausage street vendor. and economic issues. Mark your calendar now and plan to magnify your impact.
  • 2. The Meaning of Change “To improve is to change; 2010 is a year of change in JCI. Inspired by the words of Mahatma Gandhi, 2010 JCI President Roland Kwemain has challenged young people around the world to be the change they want to see in the to be perfect is to world. But what does change mean to you? change often.” The last decade brought unprecedented challenges across the world: the outbreak of wars, refugee crises, the outbreak of disease, corruption, increasing climate change and a failure – Winston Churchill of the global economy. Hardly any predictions foresaw these crises at a time when the world witnessed an expansion in technological know-how, increased globalization and dramatic socio-political changes. Seeking Perfection The changing environment of today – political, social, economic, climate and technological – must include a change in human behavior. Certainly the world is not perfect, and neither is our organization. But as young people, we must strive to make our world perfect, and the same is true for our organization. The future belongs to young people, and as the world navigates increasingly complicated circumstances, we must take part in the important debates. Young people must actively participate to determine their own destiny. This desire to find perfection is the real meaning of change. As Winston Churchill said, “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” Change Begins with You Change in this new decade means taking responsibility for the future. It means improving ourselves, our community and, to a larger extent, our world. Change means not seeking only personal benefit from an organization, a position or a job, but bringing value to improve the organization, the position or the job. What does this mean to JCI Members? It means challenging the status quo and not settling for the mundane things of the past, but reaching for the extraordinary things that will build the New JCI External Web Site future of JCI. Single-handedly, our scope is limited, but by extending a hand and working with people of difference races, cultures, religions and ethnicity, we can overcome the common JCI is embracing many changes in 2010, challenges of mankind. It means standing for the values of this organization and questioning including a new way to reach out. any action to the contrary. You may have Membership in JCI is not sufficient. We need to act by targeting solutions to community noticed JCI’s new problems and taking action to create impact. In 2010, JCI is going back to basics with the JCI external website, Mission and the Values as guiding principles for our action at every level of the organization. aimed at providing JCI will empower young people around the world to create positive change, and we will set out nonmembers with on our journey to be the leading network of young active citizens. access to information about The Impact of One JCI and its Mission Sometimes it may seem as though one person cannot make a difference. But just as ripples in a simple, easy- from a single drop of water spread and grow until they reach the entire pond, so do you have to-use format. the potential to make a real impact. The site features links to recent JCI News stories, the most recent Be Better E-newsletter and information JCI President Kwemain is calling JCI Members and young people around the world on how prospective members can join the organization. to embrace the Impact of One and take the future of the world into their own hands. The new portal also features an interactive global map He’s calling on you to take ownership of this organization and make it the best it can be. of JCI National Organizations, allowing users to locate the Believing in change is important, but being the change is what will change our organization. organization nearest to them to learn more about Each JCI Member is challenged to reach out to friends, colleagues and neighbors and invite becoming a Member. Additionally, the new site features just one of them to join forces with us to increase our impact. It is when many drops come information on local and international events and JCI programs and partnerships. together that a powerful ocean is formed. While JCI Members still have expanded access It is not the leaders who will change JCI, but the hundreds of thousands of young people to resources through the Members website, the new who believe in our core values and are making tremendous sacrifices every day. In this external portal was designed from the ground-up with new decade, JCI Members will lead their communities, their countries and the world nonmembers in mind, organizing information in an easily- to a better place. accessible format for wider consumption. Development will continue on the new site throughout Change begins with you, today. the year, with the focus on translation into French, Spanish and Japanese. Visit or sign out of your JCI web account to view the new portal. 2
  • 3. Give a Gift on Your Birthday Birthdays are for celebrating, and this year JCI Members have a new reason to party thanks to the JCI Nothing But Nets Birthday Campaign. Learn how you can celebrate not only all the gifts in your life, but also the lives you’ve saved. It’s a new decade and a new opportunity to improve your community and communities across Join the campaign now. the world. Start a new tradition this year of giving back on your birthday to those who need 1. Create your own team by setting up your own it most. The JCI Nothing But Nets Birthday Campaign provides an easy way to help others and page on the Junior Chamber International sponsor give the gift of life on your big day. page on the Nothing But Nets website. Find the link at Malaria: The Facts In Sub-Saharan Africa, malaria is the largest single cause of death among children under the age 2. Click “Join this Team" to get started. of five, killing one child every 30 seconds, more than 800,000 per year. Malaria alone accounts 3. Under “Affiliation,” select “Junior Chamber for 40 percent of public health expenditures. International.” Insecticide-treated bed nets are a form of personal protection that reduces severe disease and 4. Register. Fill out your registration information. mortality due to malaria in endemic regions. Studies have shown that use of insecticide-treated Welcome to the team! bed nets can reduce transmission as much as 90% in areas with high coverage rates. The JCI Nothing But Nets Birthday Campaign Get the word out. Since 2008, JCI has been committed to raising awareness of the Nothing But Nets project, • Use e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, and any other which provides insecticide-treated bed nets to affected areas, and has committed to providing creative method to tell your friends about how they one million bed nets by 2015. To reach this ambitious goal and contribute to the eradication can help make a difference on your birthday. of malaria in Africa, JCI is asking you to forego typical birthday presents this year and put bed • Host a birthday party for your friends and ask for nets on your birthday list. donations instead of presents to raise funds and One of the first JCI birthdays this year belongs to 2010 JCI Executive Vice President Bertolt have fun at the same time. All of the funds raised Daems, who is using his birthday to raise nets. He established a goal of 365 nets – one for each not only go to a great cause, but help celebrate day of the year – or $3,650. Daems is already a quarter of the way to his goal and is sending out your birthday and are given in your honor. the message to fellow Members, friends and family throughout the Netherlands and across the • Be creative and work towards making your special globe. It's easy to create your own campaign, just follow the steps on the right. day in 2010 special for others too. Look Who’s Talking: Partnering for Change JCI’s relationship with the United Nations dates back to 1954, and representatives of the UN, the UN Global Compact, and the UN Foundation regularly rave about their partnerships with JCI. Check out what some of the biggest names in the organizations had to say about JCI's global community of young active citizens. “The United Nations and JCI share a long history “JCI and the Global Compact share a lot in common. We both of partnership at many levels – from headquarters were founded in the idea that business can make an active to the grassroots. In fact, we are major allies… As young contribution to address global challenges…It’s unique, there leaders, you hold a key to solving some of the most is no other organization with such a global presence as JCI.” oppressing challenges of our time.” — UN Global Compact Public Affairs Officer — UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Matthias Stausberg “There is, in JCI, a common cause, and that is responsible “We’re very excited about JCI because of all the different leadership, making a difference, joining forces, and JCI Local Organizations across the world that have the ability reaching across boarders… The possibility of achieving to give back. Literally any JCI Member from any part of the a world where peace and health and hope and opportunity world has the ability to send a net and save a life.” exist for everyone is very real.” — UN Foundation Executive Director — United Nations Foundation Senior Advisor Elizabeth McKee Gore 3 Gillian Martin Sorensen
  • 4. Kodama’s Essential Facts and Figures JCI Secretary General Edson A. Kodama usually practices key words and phrases in local languages to prepare for the JCI Area Conferences. But this time, with JCI’s committment to fight malaria through JCI Nothing But Nets, he’s putting aside his dictionary and taking out his calculator to understand the impact of this devastating disease. Measure your knowledge below. 1. What percent of the world’s population 5. What percent of malaria-related deaths 9. By what percentage have insecticide- is affected by malaria? occur in Sub-Saharan Africa? treated bed nets reduced malaria transmission in areas of high coverage? a. 6% a. 36% b. 24% b. 52% a. 60% c. 32% c. 78% b. 75% d. 41% d. 90% c. 83% d. 90% 2. Malaria is transmitted by which 6. About what percentage of children animal? in urban areas of Sub-Saharan Africa are 10. What percentage of antimalarial currently protected by insecticide-treated pharmaceutical medicines are counterfeit, a. Bats bed nets? distributed by criminal scam artists? b. Mosquitoes c. Flies a. 2% a. 12% d. Dogs b. 19% b. 33% c. 31% c. 40% 3. How much money do JCI Members need d. 44% d. 62% to raise for insecticide-treated bed nets to meet our pledge to the Nothing But 7. Why is a malaria vaccine not more 11. How long does it take to set up an Nets program? widely used? account with JCI’s Birthday Campaign to recruit friends to donate money to fight a. USD $500,000 a. No highly effective vaccine is available yet. malaria in your name? b. USD $1,000,000 b. Most residents of affected areas cannot c. USD $10,000,000 afford a vaccine. a. 2 seconds d. USD $100,000,000 c. Vaccines do not provide a long-term solution b. 2 minutes and must be taken several times. c. 2 hours 4. How many cases of malaria occur d. All of the above. d. 2 months each year? 8. How much does malaria cost all African See page 3 of this newsletter for step-by-step a. Between 50,000 and 100,000 economies each year combined? instructions on how to set up your Birthday b. Between 500,000 and 1 million Campaign page today! c. Between 50 million and 250 million a. USD $750 million d. Between 350 million and 500 million b. USD $2 billion c. USD $12 billion d. USD $32 billion Answers: 1-d, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d, 5-d, 6-a, 7-d, 8-c, 9-d, 10-c, 11-b A Look Back: The Roots of Partnership JCI and the UN have a long history of partnership. Through working with the UN Global Compact, the UN Foundation and UNESCO, JCI Members magnify their impact around the world. Today, JCI Members across the globe work towards the UN Millennium Development Goals locally and have the opportunity to discuss crucial topics of the day at JCI Leadership Summits at the UN. In June 2009, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon visited the JCI World Headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, where he discussed the two organizations’ mutual goals, and called the young active citizens of JCI to action. In 2010, JCI Members will meet JCI’s partners at the United Nations in New York to seek new modes of collaboration and generate a new framework for partnership in the 21st century. 1981 JCI President Gary Nagao visits UN Secretary-General Waldheim Do you have a story to share about your experience at a JCI International Event? E-mail story and photos to for consideration for upcoming newsletter issues. Not all submissions will be included. © 2010 Junior Chamber International (JCI) Inc. All rights reserved. 15645 Olive Blvd. Chesterfield, MO 63017, USA Tel: +1-636-4493100 • Fax: +1-636-4493107 • Printed on recycled paper.