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Dr. Manish Tiwari,
Professor and H.O.D.,
Department of Paediatrics,
G.M.C., Gondia.
Dr. L.S. Deshmukh,
Professor and H.O.D.,
Department of Neonatology,
G.M.C., Aurangabad.
 To know the epidemiology of COVID 19 in children in
 To understand the wide range of signs and
symptoms with which COVID 19 can manifest in
children .
 Classify children in various category as per
 Management of COVID 19 and its complications in
 Follow up care after discharge.
 Prevention and vaccination strategy.
 In India children and young adults under 20
years of age account for 34.8 percent of the
total population.
 The next wave of COVID-19 in India .
 Though majority asymptomatic but
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in
Children (MIS-C) .
 Among the confirmed cases of COVID-19 in India,
less than 12 percent were children and young
adults under the age of 20 years and 3-4 percent
were children under the age of 10 years.
 Data is only available on the proportion of
paediatric cases in the total confirmed cases
 No Data regarding specifications on clinical
presentations, hospitalization rates, severity of
disease, outcomes, MIS-C cases, or sero-
surveillance/outbreaks in children.
 No National Database.
 Mortality rates amongst hospitalized COVID-19
positive children below the age of 10 years
(excluding neonates) was 2.4 percent
 About 40 percent of children who died had co-
 Only 9 percent of all hospitalized COVID
positive children presented with severe illness,
under 10 years of age.
Types of COVID-19
presentation in children
 Neonatal Covid
 Acute Covid
 Post Covid
Case Definition -Neonate
● Suspected COVID-19 neonate
- Born to mother with a history of COVID-19 infection
between 14 days before and 28 days after delivery,
- The newborn directly exposed to those infected with
COVID-19(including members, caregivers, medical staff,
and visitors).
● Confirmed COVID-19 neonate: RT-PCR positive
Potential modes of
transmission in Neonates
Neonatal manifestations
 History of exposure to a contact or infection in
mother are clues.
 Asymptomatic presentation in a major proportion
 Milder illness, and hastened recovery in infants
-- passive transfer of maternal IgG antibodies, and
- lower ACE-2 expression
- Immune system not developed.
 Symptomatic – three types of presentation
Clinical Presentation
Early onset
(onset of illness between 2 to 7 days after birth)
Clinical Presentation
late-onset neonatal COVID-19
(> 7 days)
Clinical Presentation
 Blood Sugar, CBC, CRP, Blood Culture
 D-dimer
 Antibody levels in Mother & Baby
 If MIS suspicion: Use of ECG, ECHO and Pro-
BNP/Trop T
 Other inv. As per need. (ABG, Electrolytes, Ferritin,
Treatment for severe Covid 19
in Newborn
 Need NICU Care
 Use of Incubator preferable
 Babies with Pneumonia
– Appropriate Respiratory support
- May use IV Steroids (Dexa/MPS)
- No recommendation of Remdesivir
-If d-Dimer is raised, ?use of heparin/enoxaparin
with caution
- No role of plasma
 If features/suspicion of MIS, IVIG may be used.
Covid Pneumonia : Respiratory
 Mild respiratory distress: nasal canula oxygen
 Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) as first line - CPAP is
 High flow nasal cannula (HFNC) as per availability
 Early intubation and mechanical ventilation should be
 Endotracheal intubation - by a skilled person.
Discharge Policy
 COVID 19 Positive newborns-
 Asymptomatic or mild/moderate clinical course-
Discharge after 10 days without repeating RT PCR
 Severe cases- Document single negative RT PCR
after resolution of symptoms
 Asymptomatic neonates- RTPCR Negative
 If mother stable: discharge with mother
 If mother is sick: discharged with care taker at 24-
48 hrs
Children with suspected COVID-19 to be
kept together with caregivers where
Confirm COVID-19 before determining severity.
Some children may present with symptoms of
acute abdomen or other GI symptoms or rarely
CNS symptoms.
Mild Disease
o Home isolation.
o Supportive care; monitoring at home.
o Adequate hydration and feeding.
o Paracetamol 10-15 mg/kg/dose for fever.
o Use MDI and spacer if any inhaled medications
indicated. Avoid nebulization.
o No role of any blood investigation & Imaging.
Parents to report if worsening of symptoms (Danger
 Persistent fever for ≥ 5 days.
 Recurrence of fever.
 Reduction in oral intake.
 Dehydration
 Decreased urine output
 Lethargy
 Shortness of breath
 SpO2<94%.
Children with Co- morbidities
 If home monitoring/ isolation not possible, admit children with
mild illness particularly those with co- morbidities such as
 Chronic lung disease
 Symptomatic heart disease
 Chronic kidney disease
 Neurological disorder
 Malignancies on chemotherapy
 Diabetes
 Morbid obesity
 Immunodeficiency, or on immunosuppressants due to pre-
existing conditions etc.
Duration of home isolation
 10 days after symptom onset and no fever for 3
days. [This is followed by further 7 days of
home isolation and self monitoring]
 Documentation of negative RT-PCR/
CBNAAT no longer recommended
Moderate disease
 Supportive care: Adequate hydration and feeding
(may need nasogastric feeding), ORS (avoid
dehydration and overhydration), monitor vitals.
 Symptomatic care: Paracetamol 10-15 mg/kg/dose
for fever (minimum 4 hours gap between two doses),
 Children who have wheezing use Salbutamol ±
Ipratropium MDI +Spacer
 Avoid Nebulisation
Moderate disease
Supportive/Specific Therapy
 Oral antibiotics- only if bacterial infection suspected.
 If SpO2<94%, start supplemental oxygen therapy
 Consider steroids:
If there is very rapid progression and when other causes of fever
are ruled out,
If saturation is below 94% on supplemental oxygen therapy
beyond 5 days of illness,
Fever persisting beyond 7 days with high inflammatory markers.
 Watch for progression to severe disease.
Severe disease
 Supportive care: Maintain adequate hydration
(avoid over hydration). Start early enteral
feeding. Monitor vitals.
 Symptomatic Care Paracetamol 10-15
mg/kg/dose through NG tube or IV for fever;
Severe disease
 Supportive/Specific Therapy
 Empiric antimicrobials
 Oxygen therapy:
 Start with NRBM (10 L/min); if no response
 Step-up to HFNC with a flow of 0.5 to 2 L/kg/min and FiO2 of
40%- 100% to target SpO2 92 to 96% and then titrate
according to response.
 If no response – step up to NIV. SpO2 target > 94% during
resuscitation (once stable, target SpO2> 90%).
 Awake proning in children >8 years.
Severe Disease
 Dexamethasone 0.15 mg/kg per dose (max. 6 mg) for 1-2
times a day, 5 days (duration may be extended up to 10
days depending on clinical response) is preferred.
 Alternatively, Prednisone (1–2 mg/kg/day per dose,
maximum dose 60 mg) or Methylprednisolone (1–2
mg/kg/day IV, maximum dose 60 mg) can be used.
 Evaluate for thrombosis, HLH, organ failure.
Management of ARDS
 Elective intubation if GCS persistently below 8/ refractory
 Conservative fluid management strategy, sedation. Oxygen
therapy/ respiratory support:
 Mild ARDS: HFNC/NIV initially
 Severe ARDS: Mechanical ventilation: Low tidal volume (6
ml/kg), high PEEP, cuffed endotracheal tube.
 Prone if feasible. If poor response, consider HFOV, ECMO.
Management of shock/
myocardial dysfunction
 Crystalloid bolus 10-20 ml/kg over 30-60
min; to be administered fast if child is
hypotensive, while monitoring closely.
Avoid/ administer carefully if myocardial
dysfunction suspected.
 Monitor for fluid overload.
 Early inotrope support- epinephrine first-
line treatment
Drugs used for COVID-19
 Anticoagulants (LMWH) are not recommended for
prophylaxis in any disease severity. It should be used
only for establishedthrombosis.
 Favipiravir, Remdesivir, Tocilizumab,
Hydroxychloroquine, Chloroquine, Ivermectin,
Azithromycin and Lopinavir/ ritonavir are not
recommended for routine use in COVID-19 in
children with any diseaseseverity.
 None of the drugs including Ivermectin,
Hydroxychloroquine have any role in prophylaxis.
Discharge Criteria
 Minimum after 10 days of symptom onset,
 Clinical resolution of symptoms,
 SpO2 > 95%, off oxygen for 3 days
 Followed by home isolation and self-monitoring for
7 days
Diagnostic Criteria for MIS-C [WHO]:
 Children and adolescents 0–19 years of age with fever ≥ 3 days
AND two of these:
 Rash or bilateral non-purulent conjunctivitis or muco- cutaneous
inflammation signs (oral, hands or feet).
 Hypotension or shock.
 Features of myocardial dysfunction, pericarditis, valvulitis, or coronary
abnormalities (including ECHO findings or elevated Troponin/NT-pro
 Evidence of coagulopathy (elevated PT, PTT, elevated d- Dimers).
 Acute gastrointestinal problems (diarrhoea, vomiting, or abdominal
 Elevated markers of inflammation such as ESR, C-reactive protein, or
 No other obvious microbial cause of inflammation, including bacterial
sepsis, staphylococcal or streptococcal shock syndromes.
 Evidence of COVID-19 (RT-PCR, antigen test or serology positive), or
likely contact with patients with COVID-19.
Evaluation of MIS-C
All of the
1. Unremitting
> 38 C
1. Epidemiologi
cal Link to
2. Clinical
of MIS-C
If no alternate
etiology, are
Simultaneous Tier 1
and 2 test
Tier 1
Tier 2
Evaluate for alternate
Monitor for features
of MIS-C
Tier 1:
SARS-CoV-2 PCR and serology AND
Both of the following should be present:
 CRP> 5 mg/L and/or ESR > 40 mm in the first hour.
 At least one of these:
◦ ALC < 1000/µL,
◦ Platelet < 150,000/µL,
◦ Na < 135 mEq/L,
◦ Neutrophilia (ANC>7700/µL),
◦ Hypoalbuminemia (<3 g/dL)
Tier 2:
 Echocardiogram
 Pro BNP (>400 pg/mL)
 Elevated Troponin T
Inflammatory markers
 Raised Procalcitonin,
 Ferritin (>500 ng/ml),
 Prolonged PT or PTT,
 D-dimer (>0.55 mg/L),
 Fibrinogen(>400 mg/dL),
 High LDH,
 Triglyceride,
 IL-6
 Blood Smear.
MILD (Non-life threatening)
Fever and stable vital signs. Absence of shock or organ
threatening disease.
 IV Methylprednisolone (1-2 mg/kg day) for 3 days
followed by course of oral steroids tapered over 2–3-
 For thromboprophylaxis Aspirin 3 - 5 mg/kg/day; max 75
mg/day (contraindication- platelets <80,000/ µL or active
 If no improvement or worsening of symptoms
 Consider IVIG after ruling out alternative diagnoses.
SEVERE MIS-C/ Myocardial/
coronary involvement
 Shock, respiratory distress, MOD, cardiac
manifestations (myocardial dysfunction/ coronary
 IVMP - (Methylprednisolone 1-2 mg/kg/d) and
 IVIG (2 g/kg within 12-24 hrs; Slower
administration may be needed in patients with
cardiac failure/ fluid overload)
 Antimicrobials- based on clinical judgement
and microbiological data if child presents
with shock.
 If no improvement or worsening of symptoms,
 Methylprednisolone 10-30 mg/kg/day for 3-5 days, max 1
g / day).
 If unresponsive to above, may consider high dose
Infliximab for < 5 years with Kawasaki like illness.
 Consult an expert for further therapy e.g.: Anakinra
 Taper steroids over 2-3 weeks while monitoring
inflammatory markers (CRP).
 Early vasoactive medication in children with shock/
myocardial dysfunction.
 Cautious fluid resuscitation
 Antiplatelet and anticoagulation therapy (in patients without
active bleeding or significant bleeding risk):
 Aspirin 3 - 5 mg/kg/day; max 75 mg/day (Indications: KD like
features; coronary artery Z score>=2.5; thrombocytosis;
contraindication- platelets <80,000/ µL)
 Enoxaparin (indications: Coronary aneurysm (Z-score > 10)
or Thrombosis or LVEF < 35%) Dosage: 1 mg/kg twice daily
Discharge criteria
 Afebrile for more than 3 days
 CRP, ferritin, and d-dimer improving or below the MIS-C
 Blood cultures sterile,
 ECG without arrhythmia,
 Tolerating oral feeds,
 Not requiring supplemental oxygen.
Ensure adequate follow ups:
 Paediatric review: one week (repeat CBC, CRP, and others,
if not normalized prior to discharge)
Cardiac specific
 ECG repeated 48 hourly
 Echo repeated at 7-14 days and 4-6 weeks
 Repeat at 1 year if initial echo is abnormal
 Optional- Cardiac MRI at 2-6 months (if
initially LVEF < 50%
Post Covid Care
 Isolation for 15 days from first symptoms
 Remain at home for 3 weeks
 Follow Covid Appropriate Behaviour
 Wear Mask and Social Distancing
 Healthy Diet
 Regularly Exercise specially in adolescence
 Plenty of Fluids
 Checking saturation twice daily for 10 days in co-
morbid patients
Post Covid Care
Look for following symptoms till 3 months / Early
Diagnosis of MIS
 Recurrance of High grade fever / persisstance cough
 Rash over body
 Redness of eyes
 Severe weakness
 Pain in Abdomen with or without Loose motions / vomiting
 Any abnormal symptoms / sign / mental changes /

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2. pediatric covid Dr manish.pptx

  • 1. PAEDIATRIC COVID-19 CLINICAL PRESENTATION AND MANAGEMENT Presenter: Dr. Manish Tiwari, Professor and H.O.D., Department of Paediatrics, G.M.C., Gondia. Acknowledgement: Dr. L.S. Deshmukh, Professor and H.O.D., Department of Neonatology, G.M.C., Aurangabad.
  • 2. OBJECTIVES ?  To know the epidemiology of COVID 19 in children in India.  To understand the wide range of signs and symptoms with which COVID 19 can manifest in children .  Classify children in various category as per presentation.  Management of COVID 19 and its complications in children.  Follow up care after discharge.  Prevention and vaccination strategy.
  • 3. WHY?  In India children and young adults under 20 years of age account for 34.8 percent of the total population.  The next wave of COVID-19 in India .  Though majority asymptomatic but Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) .
  • 4. CASE BURDEN?  Among the confirmed cases of COVID-19 in India, less than 12 percent were children and young adults under the age of 20 years and 3-4 percent were children under the age of 10 years.
  • 5. BLINDSPOT?  Data is only available on the proportion of paediatric cases in the total confirmed cases  No Data regarding specifications on clinical presentations, hospitalization rates, severity of disease, outcomes, MIS-C cases, or sero- surveillance/outbreaks in children.  No National Database.
  • 6. KEY OBSERVATION WITH AVAILABLE DATA  Mortality rates amongst hospitalized COVID-19 positive children below the age of 10 years (excluding neonates) was 2.4 percent  About 40 percent of children who died had co- morbidities  Only 9 percent of all hospitalized COVID positive children presented with severe illness, under 10 years of age.
  • 7. Types of COVID-19 presentation in children  Neonatal Covid  Acute Covid  Post Covid
  • 8. Case Definition -Neonate ● Suspected COVID-19 neonate - Born to mother with a history of COVID-19 infection between 14 days before and 28 days after delivery, OR - The newborn directly exposed to those infected with COVID-19(including members, caregivers, medical staff, and visitors). ● Confirmed COVID-19 neonate: RT-PCR positive
  • 10. Neonatal manifestations  History of exposure to a contact or infection in mother are clues.  Asymptomatic presentation in a major proportion  Milder illness, and hastened recovery in infants -- passive transfer of maternal IgG antibodies, and - lower ACE-2 expression - Immune system not developed.  Symptomatic – three types of presentation
  • 11. Clinical Presentation Early onset (onset of illness between 2 to 7 days after birth)
  • 14. Investigations  Blood Sugar, CBC, CRP, Blood Culture  CXR  D-dimer  LFT, RFT  Antibody levels in Mother & Baby  If MIS suspicion: Use of ECG, ECHO and Pro- BNP/Trop T  Other inv. As per need. (ABG, Electrolytes, Ferritin, IL6, LDH)
  • 15. Treatment for severe Covid 19 in Newborn  Need NICU Care  Use of Incubator preferable  Babies with Pneumonia – Appropriate Respiratory support - May use IV Steroids (Dexa/MPS) - No recommendation of Remdesivir -If d-Dimer is raised, ?use of heparin/enoxaparin with caution - No role of plasma  If features/suspicion of MIS, IVIG may be used.
  • 16. Covid Pneumonia : Respiratory support  Mild respiratory distress: nasal canula oxygen  Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) as first line - CPAP is preferred  High flow nasal cannula (HFNC) as per availability  Early intubation and mechanical ventilation should be considered.  Endotracheal intubation - by a skilled person.
  • 21. CPAP
  • 24. Discharge Policy  COVID 19 Positive newborns-  Asymptomatic or mild/moderate clinical course- Discharge after 10 days without repeating RT PCR  Severe cases- Document single negative RT PCR after resolution of symptoms  Asymptomatic neonates- RTPCR Negative  If mother stable: discharge with mother  If mother is sick: discharged with care taker at 24- 48 hrs
  • 25. DISEASE SPECTRUM OF COVID INFECTION IN CHILDREN: Children with suspected COVID-19 to be kept together with caregivers where possible. Confirm COVID-19 before determining severity. Some children may present with symptoms of acute abdomen or other GI symptoms or rarely CNS symptoms.
  • 26.
  • 27. Mild Disease o Home isolation. o Supportive care; monitoring at home. o Adequate hydration and feeding. o Paracetamol 10-15 mg/kg/dose for fever. o Use MDI and spacer if any inhaled medications indicated. Avoid nebulization. o No role of any blood investigation & Imaging.
  • 28. Parents to report if worsening of symptoms (Danger signs)  Persistent fever for ≥ 5 days.  Recurrence of fever.  Reduction in oral intake.  Dehydration  Decreased urine output  Lethargy  Shortness of breath  SpO2<94%.
  • 29. Children with Co- morbidities  If home monitoring/ isolation not possible, admit children with mild illness particularly those with co- morbidities such as  Chronic lung disease  Symptomatic heart disease  Chronic kidney disease  Neurological disorder  Malignancies on chemotherapy  Diabetes  Morbid obesity  Immunodeficiency, or on immunosuppressants due to pre- existing conditions etc.
  • 30. Duration of home isolation  10 days after symptom onset and no fever for 3 days. [This is followed by further 7 days of home isolation and self monitoring]  Documentation of negative RT-PCR/ CBNAAT no longer recommended
  • 31. Moderate disease ADMIT IN DEDICATED COVID FACILITY  Supportive care: Adequate hydration and feeding (may need nasogastric feeding), ORS (avoid dehydration and overhydration), monitor vitals.  Symptomatic care: Paracetamol 10-15 mg/kg/dose for fever (minimum 4 hours gap between two doses),  Children who have wheezing use Salbutamol ± Ipratropium MDI +Spacer  Avoid Nebulisation
  • 32. Moderate disease Supportive/Specific Therapy  Oral antibiotics- only if bacterial infection suspected.  If SpO2<94%, start supplemental oxygen therapy  Consider steroids: If there is very rapid progression and when other causes of fever are ruled out, OR If saturation is below 94% on supplemental oxygen therapy beyond 5 days of illness, OR Fever persisting beyond 7 days with high inflammatory markers.  Watch for progression to severe disease.
  • 33. Severe disease Admit in COVID HDU/ PICU  Supportive care: Maintain adequate hydration (avoid over hydration). Start early enteral feeding. Monitor vitals.  Symptomatic Care Paracetamol 10-15 mg/kg/dose through NG tube or IV for fever;
  • 34. Severe disease  Supportive/Specific Therapy  Empiric antimicrobials  Oxygen therapy:  Start with NRBM (10 L/min); if no response  Step-up to HFNC with a flow of 0.5 to 2 L/kg/min and FiO2 of 40%- 100% to target SpO2 92 to 96% and then titrate according to response.  If no response – step up to NIV. SpO2 target > 94% during resuscitation (once stable, target SpO2> 90%).  Awake proning in children >8 years.
  • 35. Severe Disease Steroids:  Dexamethasone 0.15 mg/kg per dose (max. 6 mg) for 1-2 times a day, 5 days (duration may be extended up to 10 days depending on clinical response) is preferred.  Alternatively, Prednisone (1–2 mg/kg/day per dose, maximum dose 60 mg) or Methylprednisolone (1–2 mg/kg/day IV, maximum dose 60 mg) can be used.  Evaluate for thrombosis, HLH, organ failure.
  • 36. Management of ARDS  Elective intubation if GCS persistently below 8/ refractory shock  Conservative fluid management strategy, sedation. Oxygen therapy/ respiratory support:  Mild ARDS: HFNC/NIV initially  Severe ARDS: Mechanical ventilation: Low tidal volume (6 ml/kg), high PEEP, cuffed endotracheal tube.  Prone if feasible. If poor response, consider HFOV, ECMO.
  • 37. Management of shock/ myocardial dysfunction  Crystalloid bolus 10-20 ml/kg over 30-60 min; to be administered fast if child is hypotensive, while monitoring closely. Avoid/ administer carefully if myocardial dysfunction suspected.  Monitor for fluid overload.  Early inotrope support- epinephrine first- line treatment
  • 38. Drugs used for COVID-19  Anticoagulants (LMWH) are not recommended for prophylaxis in any disease severity. It should be used only for establishedthrombosis.  Favipiravir, Remdesivir, Tocilizumab, Hydroxychloroquine, Chloroquine, Ivermectin, Azithromycin and Lopinavir/ ritonavir are not recommended for routine use in COVID-19 in children with any diseaseseverity.  None of the drugs including Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine have any role in prophylaxis.
  • 39. Discharge Criteria  Minimum after 10 days of symptom onset, AND  Clinical resolution of symptoms, AND  SpO2 > 95%, off oxygen for 3 days  Followed by home isolation and self-monitoring for 7 days
  • 40. Diagnostic Criteria for MIS-C [WHO]:  Children and adolescents 0–19 years of age with fever ≥ 3 days AND two of these:  Rash or bilateral non-purulent conjunctivitis or muco- cutaneous inflammation signs (oral, hands or feet).  Hypotension or shock.  Features of myocardial dysfunction, pericarditis, valvulitis, or coronary abnormalities (including ECHO findings or elevated Troponin/NT-pro BNP),  Evidence of coagulopathy (elevated PT, PTT, elevated d- Dimers).  Acute gastrointestinal problems (diarrhoea, vomiting, or abdominal pain). AND  Elevated markers of inflammation such as ESR, C-reactive protein, or procalcitonin. AND  No other obvious microbial cause of inflammation, including bacterial sepsis, staphylococcal or streptococcal shock syndromes. AND  Evidence of COVID-19 (RT-PCR, antigen test or serology positive), or likely contact with patients with COVID-19.
  • 41. Evaluation of MIS-C All of the following: 1. Unremitting Fever > 38 C 1. Epidemiologi cal Link to SARS-CoV-2 2. Clinical features suggestive of MIS-C Yes If no alternate etiology, are shock/life- threatening manifestations present? Yes Simultaneous Tier 1 and 2 test No Tier 1 evaluation Tier 2 evaluation Evaluate for alternate diagnosis Monitor for features of MIS-C No Negative Screen Positive Screen
  • 42. Investigations Tier 1: SARS-CoV-2 PCR and serology AND Both of the following should be present:  CRP> 5 mg/L and/or ESR > 40 mm in the first hour.  At least one of these: ◦ ALC < 1000/µL, ◦ Platelet < 150,000/µL, ◦ Na < 135 mEq/L, ◦ Neutrophilia (ANC>7700/µL), ◦ Hypoalbuminemia (<3 g/dL)
  • 43. Tier 2: Cardiac  ECG  Echocardiogram  Pro BNP (>400 pg/mL)  Elevated Troponin T Inflammatory markers  Raised Procalcitonin,  Ferritin (>500 ng/ml), Coagulopathy  Prolonged PT or PTT,  D-dimer (>0.55 mg/L),  Fibrinogen(>400 mg/dL), Other  High LDH,  Triglyceride,  IL-6  Blood Smear.
  • 44. MILD (Non-life threatening) MIS-C Fever and stable vital signs. Absence of shock or organ threatening disease.  IV Methylprednisolone (1-2 mg/kg day) for 3 days followed by course of oral steroids tapered over 2–3- week.  For thromboprophylaxis Aspirin 3 - 5 mg/kg/day; max 75 mg/day (contraindication- platelets <80,000/ µL or active bleeding)  If no improvement or worsening of symptoms  Consider IVIG after ruling out alternative diagnoses.
  • 45. SEVERE MIS-C/ Myocardial/ coronary involvement  Shock, respiratory distress, MOD, cardiac manifestations (myocardial dysfunction/ coronary abnormalities).  IVIG + IVMP  IVMP - (Methylprednisolone 1-2 mg/kg/d) and  IVIG (2 g/kg within 12-24 hrs; Slower administration may be needed in patients with cardiac failure/ fluid overload)  Antimicrobials- based on clinical judgement and microbiological data if child presents with shock.
  • 46.  If no improvement or worsening of symptoms,  Methylprednisolone 10-30 mg/kg/day for 3-5 days, max 1 g / day).  If unresponsive to above, may consider high dose Infliximab for < 5 years with Kawasaki like illness.  Consult an expert for further therapy e.g.: Anakinra  Taper steroids over 2-3 weeks while monitoring inflammatory markers (CRP).  Early vasoactive medication in children with shock/ myocardial dysfunction.  Cautious fluid resuscitation
  • 47.  Antiplatelet and anticoagulation therapy (in patients without active bleeding or significant bleeding risk):  Aspirin 3 - 5 mg/kg/day; max 75 mg/day (Indications: KD like features; coronary artery Z score>=2.5; thrombocytosis; contraindication- platelets <80,000/ µL)  Enoxaparin (indications: Coronary aneurysm (Z-score > 10) or Thrombosis or LVEF < 35%) Dosage: 1 mg/kg twice daily SC.
  • 48. Discharge criteria  Afebrile for more than 3 days AND,  CRP, ferritin, and d-dimer improving or below the MIS-C thresholds,  Blood cultures sterile,  ECG without arrhythmia,  Tolerating oral feeds,  Not requiring supplemental oxygen. Ensure adequate follow ups:  Paediatric review: one week (repeat CBC, CRP, and others, if not normalized prior to discharge)
  • 49. Cardiac specific recommendations  ECG repeated 48 hourly  Echo repeated at 7-14 days and 4-6 weeks  Repeat at 1 year if initial echo is abnormal  Optional- Cardiac MRI at 2-6 months (if initially LVEF < 50%
  • 50. Post Covid Care  Isolation for 15 days from first symptoms  Remain at home for 3 weeks  Follow Covid Appropriate Behaviour  Wear Mask and Social Distancing  Healthy Diet  Regularly Exercise specially in adolescence  Plenty of Fluids  Checking saturation twice daily for 10 days in co- morbid patients
  • 51. Post Covid Care Look for following symptoms till 3 months / Early Diagnosis of MIS  Recurrance of High grade fever / persisstance cough  Rash over body  Redness of eyes  Severe weakness  Pain in Abdomen with or without Loose motions / vomiting  Any abnormal symptoms / sign / mental changes / behavior.