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2NJ0102D0112    2NJ0102D0112 ZALLCALL    11 16:29:41 01/11/10       B


                                                                                                                                                                                  SECTION D
                                                                                                                                                                                  JANUARY 12, 2010
                                                                                                                                                                                  THE NEWS-JOURNAL

                                                  FIND LOCAL EVENTS ONLINE AT NEWS-JOURNALONLINE.COM AND GO386.COM                                                                                ||

         Tom Iacuzio
          FATHERHOOD                                                                                                                                                                hold on
  Baby,                                                                                                                                                                             at No. 1?
waby talk                                                                                                                                                                                   By LYNN ELBER

 good for
                                                                                                                                                                                           ASSOCIATED PRESS
                                                                                                                                                                                        LOS ANGELES — ‘‘American
                                                                                                                                                                                  Idol’’ was the colossus that domi-

widdle one
                                                                                                                                                                                  nated television in the new cen-
                                                                                                                                                                                  tury’s first decade, generating
                                                                                                                                                                                  top ratings, a heady share of buzz
                                                                                                                                                                                  and a handful of bankable stars

        ust this past week,                                                                                                                                                       including Kelly Clarkson, Carrie
                                                                                                                                                                                  Underwood and Jennifer Hud-
       Abigail turned four
       months old.                                                                                                                                                                    ‘‘THIS is ‘American Idol,’ ’’
   Not to pat myself on the                                                                                                                                                       host Ryan Seacrest first intoned
back, but our kid is flying                                                                                                                                                       in 2002, and the singing contest
through this growing up thing.                                                                                                                                                    that was a summer surprise
She’s already on rice cereal.                                                                                                                                                     turned into an annual visitor
She just started pureed                                                                                                                                                           with staying power.
vegetables. She’s rolling over                                                                                                                                                        Whether it can retain its sta-
and to top things off, she’s                                                                                                                                                      tus this year, let alone through
working on her third tooth.                                                                                                                                                       the second decade, is a crucial
   She’s also started to get a                                                                                                                                                    question for its home base, Fox,
little mouthy.                                                                                                                                                                    as well as the network’s compet-
   Now she hasn’t said an                                                                                                                                                         itors and the seemingly bottom-
actual word yet but the                                                                                                                                                           less well of aspiring singers who
babbles and squeals are                                                                                                                                                           see it as a shortcut to discovery.
plentiful. It’s a good thing                                                                                                                                                          It’s a challenge for a series
we’re not in hiding, cause this                                                                                                                                                   that, entering its ninth season at
kid would surely give us away                                                                                                                                                     8 tonight, is
in seconds.                                                                                                                                                                       undergoing
   With all these signs of                                                                                                                                                        i t s b i g g e s t BREAKING
development, our health care                                                                                                                                                      shake-up yet NEWS:
professional told us that we                                                                                                                                                      with Ellen De- ‘Idol’s’ Cowell
could expect her first word                                                                                                                                                       Generes tak- says 9th
any day now.                                                                                                                                                                      ing the place season will be
   But what we didn’t know is                                                                                                                                                     of Paula Ab- his last —
that you can actually help                                                                                                                                                        d u l o n t h e PAGE 2A
your baby along on her path to                                                                                                                                                    judging panel
becoming a coherent human.                                                                                                                                                        that includes
   A while ago someone scolded                                                                                                                                                    Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson
me for ‘‘talking goofy’’ to my                                                                                                                                                    and, back for her sophomore
daughter.                                                                                                                                                                         turn, Kara DioGuardi.
   Well guess what?                                                                                                                                                                   Can ‘‘Idol’’ hang on as the No. 1
   ‘‘Parents often hear that if                                                                                                                                                   series, a spot it’s held for five
they want their infant to grow                                                                                                                                                    years among all viewers and for
up speaking like an adult they                                                                                                                                                    six years among 18-to-49 year
should talk to them like they                                                                                                                                                     olds, a demographic much fa-
are adults,’’ says Dr. Erik                                                                                                                                                       vored by advertisers?
Thiessen of Carnegie Mellon                                                                                                                                                           Yes, said industry analyst Sha-
University. ‘‘But it turns out                                                                                                                                                    ri Anne Brill — for now.
that talking to babies in this                                                                                                                                                        ‘‘It will remain the top-rated
special way, as mothers have                                                                                                                                                      show through this year,’’ said
been doing for centuries, is                                                                                                                                                      Brill of Carat USA. After that,
pretty effective for learning                                                                                                                                                     she said, it’s a guessing game, es-
language.’’                                                                                                                                                                       pecially after uber-judge Cowell
   Recent studies show that                                                                                                                                                       decided Tuesday to exit after this
baby talk can help babies learn                                                                                                                                                   season.
languages faster than if they                                                                                                                                                         The show’s producers and Fox
hear it in a normal voice. As a                                                                                                                                                   pay due respect to the judging
matter of fact, baby talk is                                                                                                                                                      panel but say what counts most
now being referred to as                                                                                                                                                          are the ‘‘kids,’’ their favored
infant-directed speech. It’s                                                                                                                                                      term for the mostly 20-something
recognized as short, simple                                                                                                                                                       contestants angling for a record
words and sentences delivered                                                                                                                          News-Journal/SEAN McNEIL   contract and career, such as last
in a high-pitched, sing-song         Dawn Wandelt wears a Green Dragon embellished cardigan, $129.99, and Michael Stars back-to-front V-neck                                      year’s winner Kris Allen and

                                     LAYERING 101
voice.                               tank, $56.99, both at Adornments.                                                                                                            runner-up Adam Lambert.
   Thiessen says that this type                                                                                                                                                       In focus groups with viewers,
of talk catches your baby’s                                                                                                                                                       it’s about contestants that pro-
attention and the simpleness of                                                                                                                                                   voke the most emotion, said Fox
it helps them grasp words                                                                                                                                                         executive Preston Beckman,
easier.                                                                                                                                                                           adding, ‘‘They want to root for
   But if you really feel stupid                                                                                                                                                  someone and see someone win.’’
using baby talk, never fear.                                                                                                                                                          DeGeneres brings ‘‘something
   ‘‘It isn’t that babies can’t                                                                                                                                                   unique and will be the nurturing
learn from adult-directed                                                                                                                                                         person on the show and create
speech,’’ he tells WebMD.                                                                                                                                                         an interesting dynamic with Si-
‘‘They will figure it out                                                                                                                                                         mon. But at the end of the day,

                                        Follow these rules to combine separates stylishly
eventually no matter how they                                                                                                                                                     it’s not on her shoulders to carry
are talked to. They just tend to                                                                                                                                                  the show,’’ he said.
learn a little faster with infant-                                                                                                                                                    Cecile Frot-Coutaz, CEO of se-
                                                                                                                                                                                  ries producer FremantleMedia

directed speech.’’
   Bottom line is that no matter          ’ll admit it. I used to be terrible at                                                   sleeved crewneck tee in assorted neu-          North America and an ‘‘Idol’’ ex-
                                         layering. Maybe that’s because I have                                                     trals work well to layer underneath            ecutive producer, said she’s
how you do it, talk to your
child. If you’re taking off              so few ‘‘basics’’ in my closet. It’s hard         Splurges and Steals                     sweaters, cardigans and hoodies, with-         nothing but bullish on the fu-
baby’s outfit, let them know it.     to layer a sequined shell over an embroi-                                                     out bunching up or drawing too much at-        ture.
‘‘Taking off our shoes.’’ ‘‘Off      dered one. You need somewhere for the               SPLURGES: DKNY Colorblock                 tention to themselves.                             ‘‘Thank God it’s an event, like
with our onesie!’’                   eye to rest.                                        Cozy cardigan, $119, in shades of            Buy the best tees you can afford —          a sporting event, so it rises above
   Another interesting fact?            Fortunately, I’m getting better. As a            gray and hot pink, worn with              they look fabulous and last forever. My        the crowd,’’ she said.
Thiessen says that this idea of      Floridian, and a perpetually cold one at            Gianni Bini ‘‘Jenny’’ knit tank in        favorites are from Michael Stars and               Its ad rates are a cut above,
baby talk might be able to                                                               fuchsia, $18, Dillard’s; Ella Moss        James Perse. I find tanks to be more ver-      too: A 30-second commercial on
                                                         that, I learned quickly                                                   satile than camis, as they keep your un-
explain why adults have such                             that if I was going to          tie wrap, $148, worn over James                                                                   SEE ‘IDOL’, PAGE 3D
                                                                                                                                   dergarments hidden from view, but if
a hard time learning new                                 spend any time in the           Perse long rib tank, $45, Red
                                                                                                                                   you choose a cami, try one with built-in
languages.                                               air-conditioned indoors,        Square; textured cropped                  support.
   ‘‘There may be something                              I needed a cardigan over        cardigan in white, $88, over black
about the simplified way that                            that tank. Layering has         twist long-sleeved top, $58, White
                                                                                                                                      LONG OVER SHORT, SHORT OVER LONG: For                 If You Watch
                                                                                                                                   maximum impact, vary the lengths of
people talk to infants that                              become a fashion surviv-        House Black Market; Ascot ruched          your layers. Wear a long tank under a          WHAT: ‘‘American Idol’’
makes it easier to break into a                          al skill.                       tee in ruby, $49, and flyaway knit        shorter tee or a tunic-length cami under       season nine
new language and figure out                                 There are other practi-      cardigan in ivory, $49.50                 your cardigan. This works with sleeve
what is going on,’’ he says.
                                                                                                                                                                                  WHEN: 8 p.m. Tuesdays on
                                       Nada Manley cal reasons to learn to               STEALS: Polka dot cardigan,               lengths as well. A short-sleeved, swing        Fox, Channel 35
   And now that we conquered                             layer. It doubles your                                                    cardigan looks chic over a skinny long-
talking, the next question is                                                            $26.50, worn with lace cami,
                                       THE STYLE FILE wardrobe, and can make             $10.50, Body Central; pleated lace        sleeved top, or try a sleeveless tank or
what will they say?                                                                                                                vest over a tee.
                                                         an old favorite look fresh
   According to a survey by the
British newspaper, The               and new again. And it offers an opportu-
                                                                                         cardigan, $22.99, and scoop neck
                                                                                         cami with shelf bra, $9.99,
                                                                                                                                      You should also pay attention to neck-
                                                                                                                                   lines, varying them for added interest: A
London Telegraph, ‘‘Dadda’’
was the most common first
                                     nity to express your personal style. After
                                     all, no one else puts things together quite
                                     the way you do.
                                                                                         Charlotte Russe; cable knit swing
                                                                                         cardigan in marshmallow white,
                                                                                                                                   V-neck sweater over a tee, for example,
                                                                                                                                   or a wide-open neck sweater worn off
word for babies. Other words                                                             $32.50, and light turtleneck in           one shoulder, with a tank underneath.
on the list? ‘‘Mamma,’’ (of             When I wrote the last column, entitled
                                                                                         edamame, $15, Old Navy; Rodarte              MAKE THE TOP LAYER COUNT: Light-
course) ‘‘cat’’ and strangely        ‘‘Sweater Weather,’’ I was anticipating
                                                                                         for Target juniors mesh lace              weight cardigans and this season’s su-
enough, ‘‘beer.’’                    the cool days ahead, but it’s hard to get
                                                                                         cardigan in ochre, $29.99, and            per-trendy open front and wrap style
   Babies speak these words          inspired to write about cozy cardigans                                                        cardigans make ideal top layers for most
                                     and cuddly cashmere when it’s a scorch-             cami with lace
because it’s what they hear the                                                                                                    Florida days. Make them count, style-
most. This got me thinking. I        ing 80 degrees outside. Now that the                                                          wise, with beautiful details, such as se-
bet that in most first-time          weather has cooled down, I’m getting                                                          quins, embroidery, or lace, or go for a
parent households, these words       more and more questions about how to             example, for inspiration on how to mix       bold color choice.
are not the words baby hears         layer stylishly. As I’ve discovered,             the most unlikely pieces to produce the         THROW ON A TERRIFIC TOPPER: Go for an
first. So what will Abby’s first     through trial and error, it all comes            most individual, and stylish, effect.        unexpected outer layer, if you need addi-
word or sentence be? Here are        down to a few simple rules:                         KEEP THE LOWER LAYERS LIGHT: The light-   tional warmth. A denim jacket over a
some potential candidates:              STUDY YOUR SUBJECT: Layering is very          er and leaner your bottom layers are, the    hoodie, for example, or a slouchy blazer
  P ‘‘Remote.’’                      trendy right now, and fashion mag-               sleeker you’ll look. Go for tees and tanks   over a cardigan.
  P ‘‘Go (Insert Beloved Sports      azines offer dozens of ideas for mixing          in thin knits with some stretch to hug          On rare, cold days, choose a beautiful
Team Here)!’’                        and matching pieces to create a unique           the body, so they won’t bulk up under        jacket or coat. It should either complete-
  P ‘‘(Insert Hated Sports Team      look.                                            upper layers. For maximum versatility,       ly conceal what’s underneath, and make            CURRY IN FAVOR: Indian
Here) sucks!’’                          Catalogs are also a great source of in-       a snug, short-sleeved crewneck tee, a        its own fashion statement, or work with           food is having its
  P Any form of expletive.           spiration. Study the J. Crew catalog, for        basic ribbed tank and a fitted, long-        the rest of the look.                             ‘‘Slumdog Millionaire’’


                                                                               Magenta                                     Cyan                   Yellow Black

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  • 1. Accent 2NJ0102D0112 2NJ0102D0112 ZALLCALL 11 16:29:41 01/11/10 B ï SECTION D TUESDAY JANUARY 12, 2010 THE NEWS-JOURNAL FIND LOCAL EVENTS ONLINE AT NEWS-JOURNALONLINE.COM AND GO386.COM || Tom Iacuzio Can ‘Idol’ FATHERHOOD hold on Baby, at No. 1? waby talk By LYNN ELBER good for ASSOCIATED PRESS LOS ANGELES — ‘‘American Idol’’ was the colossus that domi- widdle one nated television in the new cen- tury’s first decade, generating top ratings, a heady share of buzz and a handful of bankable stars J ust this past week, including Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood and Jennifer Hud- Abigail turned four son. months old. ‘‘THIS is ‘American Idol,’ ’’ Not to pat myself on the host Ryan Seacrest first intoned back, but our kid is flying in 2002, and the singing contest through this growing up thing. that was a summer surprise She’s already on rice cereal. turned into an annual visitor She just started pureed with staying power. vegetables. She’s rolling over Whether it can retain its sta- and to top things off, she’s tus this year, let alone through working on her third tooth. the second decade, is a crucial She’s also started to get a question for its home base, Fox, little mouthy. as well as the network’s compet- Now she hasn’t said an itors and the seemingly bottom- actual word yet but the less well of aspiring singers who babbles and squeals are see it as a shortcut to discovery. plentiful. It’s a good thing It’s a challenge for a series we’re not in hiding, cause this that, entering its ninth season at kid would surely give us away 8 tonight, is in seconds. undergoing With all these signs of i t s b i g g e s t BREAKING development, our health care shake-up yet NEWS: professional told us that we with Ellen De- ‘Idol’s’ Cowell could expect her first word Generes tak- says 9th any day now. ing the place season will be But what we didn’t know is of Paula Ab- his last — that you can actually help d u l o n t h e PAGE 2A your baby along on her path to judging panel becoming a coherent human. that includes A while ago someone scolded Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson me for ‘‘talking goofy’’ to my and, back for her sophomore daughter. turn, Kara DioGuardi. Well guess what? Can ‘‘Idol’’ hang on as the No. 1 ‘‘Parents often hear that if series, a spot it’s held for five they want their infant to grow years among all viewers and for up speaking like an adult they six years among 18-to-49 year should talk to them like they olds, a demographic much fa- are adults,’’ says Dr. Erik vored by advertisers? Thiessen of Carnegie Mellon Yes, said industry analyst Sha- University. ‘‘But it turns out ri Anne Brill — for now. that talking to babies in this ‘‘It will remain the top-rated special way, as mothers have show through this year,’’ said been doing for centuries, is Brill of Carat USA. After that, pretty effective for learning she said, it’s a guessing game, es- language.’’ pecially after uber-judge Cowell Recent studies show that decided Tuesday to exit after this baby talk can help babies learn season. languages faster than if they The show’s producers and Fox hear it in a normal voice. As a pay due respect to the judging matter of fact, baby talk is panel but say what counts most now being referred to as are the ‘‘kids,’’ their favored infant-directed speech. It’s term for the mostly 20-something recognized as short, simple contestants angling for a record words and sentences delivered News-Journal/SEAN McNEIL contract and career, such as last in a high-pitched, sing-song Dawn Wandelt wears a Green Dragon embellished cardigan, $129.99, and Michael Stars back-to-front V-neck year’s winner Kris Allen and LAYERING 101 voice. tank, $56.99, both at Adornments. runner-up Adam Lambert. Thiessen says that this type In focus groups with viewers, of talk catches your baby’s it’s about contestants that pro- attention and the simpleness of voke the most emotion, said Fox it helps them grasp words executive Preston Beckman, easier. adding, ‘‘They want to root for But if you really feel stupid someone and see someone win.’’ using baby talk, never fear. DeGeneres brings ‘‘something ‘‘It isn’t that babies can’t unique and will be the nurturing learn from adult-directed person on the show and create speech,’’ he tells WebMD. an interesting dynamic with Si- ‘‘They will figure it out mon. But at the end of the day, Follow these rules to combine separates stylishly eventually no matter how they it’s not on her shoulders to carry are talked to. They just tend to the show,’’ he said. learn a little faster with infant- Cecile Frot-Coutaz, CEO of se- ries producer FremantleMedia I directed speech.’’ Bottom line is that no matter ’ll admit it. I used to be terrible at sleeved crewneck tee in assorted neu- North America and an ‘‘Idol’’ ex- layering. Maybe that’s because I have trals work well to layer underneath ecutive producer, said she’s how you do it, talk to your child. If you’re taking off so few ‘‘basics’’ in my closet. It’s hard Splurges and Steals sweaters, cardigans and hoodies, with- nothing but bullish on the fu- baby’s outfit, let them know it. to layer a sequined shell over an embroi- out bunching up or drawing too much at- ture. ‘‘Taking off our shoes.’’ ‘‘Off dered one. You need somewhere for the SPLURGES: DKNY Colorblock tention to themselves. ‘‘Thank God it’s an event, like with our onesie!’’ eye to rest. Cozy cardigan, $119, in shades of Buy the best tees you can afford — a sporting event, so it rises above Another interesting fact? Fortunately, I’m getting better. As a gray and hot pink, worn with they look fabulous and last forever. My the crowd,’’ she said. Thiessen says that this idea of Floridian, and a perpetually cold one at Gianni Bini ‘‘Jenny’’ knit tank in favorites are from Michael Stars and Its ad rates are a cut above, baby talk might be able to fuchsia, $18, Dillard’s; Ella Moss James Perse. I find tanks to be more ver- too: A 30-second commercial on that, I learned quickly satile than camis, as they keep your un- explain why adults have such that if I was going to tie wrap, $148, worn over James SEE ‘IDOL’, PAGE 3D dergarments hidden from view, but if a hard time learning new spend any time in the Perse long rib tank, $45, Red you choose a cami, try one with built-in languages. air-conditioned indoors, Square; textured cropped support. ‘‘There may be something I needed a cardigan over cardigan in white, $88, over black about the simplified way that that tank. Layering has twist long-sleeved top, $58, White LONG OVER SHORT, SHORT OVER LONG: For If You Watch maximum impact, vary the lengths of people talk to infants that become a fashion surviv- House Black Market; Ascot ruched your layers. Wear a long tank under a WHAT: ‘‘American Idol’’ makes it easier to break into a al skill. tee in ruby, $49, and flyaway knit shorter tee or a tunic-length cami under season nine new language and figure out There are other practi- cardigan in ivory, $49.50 your cardigan. This works with sleeve what is going on,’’ he says. WHEN: 8 p.m. Tuesdays on Nada Manley cal reasons to learn to STEALS: Polka dot cardigan, lengths as well. A short-sleeved, swing Fox, Channel 35 And now that we conquered layer. It doubles your cardigan looks chic over a skinny long- talking, the next question is $26.50, worn with lace cami, THE STYLE FILE wardrobe, and can make $10.50, Body Central; pleated lace sleeved top, or try a sleeveless tank or what will they say? vest over a tee. an old favorite look fresh According to a survey by the British newspaper, The and new again. And it offers an opportu- cardigan, $22.99, and scoop neck cami with shelf bra, $9.99, You should also pay attention to neck- lines, varying them for added interest: A COMING London Telegraph, ‘‘Dadda’’ was the most common first nity to express your personal style. After all, no one else puts things together quite the way you do. Charlotte Russe; cable knit swing cardigan in marshmallow white, V-neck sweater over a tee, for example, or a wide-open neck sweater worn off WEDNESDAY word for babies. Other words $32.50, and light turtleneck in one shoulder, with a tank underneath. on the list? ‘‘Mamma,’’ (of When I wrote the last column, entitled edamame, $15, Old Navy; Rodarte MAKE THE TOP LAYER COUNT: Light- course) ‘‘cat’’ and strangely ‘‘Sweater Weather,’’ I was anticipating for Target juniors mesh lace weight cardigans and this season’s su- enough, ‘‘beer.’’ the cool days ahead, but it’s hard to get cardigan in ochre, $29.99, and per-trendy open front and wrap style Babies speak these words inspired to write about cozy cardigans cardigans make ideal top layers for most and cuddly cashmere when it’s a scorch- cami with lace because it’s what they hear the Florida days. Make them count, style- most. This got me thinking. I ing 80 degrees outside. Now that the wise, with beautiful details, such as se- bet that in most first-time weather has cooled down, I’m getting quins, embroidery, or lace, or go for a parent households, these words more and more questions about how to example, for inspiration on how to mix bold color choice. are not the words baby hears layer stylishly. As I’ve discovered, the most unlikely pieces to produce the THROW ON A TERRIFIC TOPPER: Go for an first. So what will Abby’s first through trial and error, it all comes most individual, and stylish, effect. unexpected outer layer, if you need addi- word or sentence be? Here are down to a few simple rules: KEEP THE LOWER LAYERS LIGHT: The light- tional warmth. A denim jacket over a some potential candidates: STUDY YOUR SUBJECT: Layering is very er and leaner your bottom layers are, the hoodie, for example, or a slouchy blazer P ‘‘Remote.’’ trendy right now, and fashion mag- sleeker you’ll look. Go for tees and tanks over a cardigan. P ‘‘Go (Insert Beloved Sports azines offer dozens of ideas for mixing in thin knits with some stretch to hug On rare, cold days, choose a beautiful Team Here)!’’ and matching pieces to create a unique the body, so they won’t bulk up under jacket or coat. It should either complete- P ‘‘(Insert Hated Sports Team look. upper layers. For maximum versatility, ly conceal what’s underneath, and make CURRY IN FAVOR: Indian Here) sucks!’’ Catalogs are also a great source of in- a snug, short-sleeved crewneck tee, a its own fashion statement, or work with food is having its P Any form of expletive. spiration. Study the J. Crew catalog, for basic ribbed tank and a fitted, long- the rest of the look. ‘‘Slumdog Millionaire’’ moment. ï Magenta Cyan Yellow Black