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      WEDNESDAY                                                                                                                                                                        SECTION D
concerns are fueling a boom in                                                                                                                                                         FEBRUARY 23, 2010
natural sweeteners. Check it out
in Wednesday’s Accent.                                                                                                                                                                 THE NEWS-JOURNAL

                                                       FIND LOCAL EVENTS ONLINE AT NEWS-JOURNALONLINE.COM AND GO386.COM

                                                                                                                                                                                        It’s work,
           Tom Iacuzio

                                                                                                                                                                                       but church
   Options                                                                                                                                                                             right move
    abound                                                                                                                                                                                     By EILEEN ZAFFIRO
                                                                                                                                                                                                   STAFF WRITER
                                                                                                                                                                                        News-Journal reporter Eileen

   for extra
                                                                                                                                                                                        Zaffiro will periodically write
                                                                                                                                                                                        about her upcoming wedding
                                                                                                                                                                                        and her experiences. Here’s
                                                                                                                                                                                        another installment:

    incomeBy TOM IACUZIO
                                                                                                                                                                                            DAYTONA BEACH — Almost
                                                                                                                                                                                        every time my fiance and I get
                                                                                                                                                                                        overwhelmed by the rather gar-
                                                                                                                                                                                        gantuan list of things we have to
             STAFF WRITER
                                                                                                                                                                                        do before our wedding day, we

                                                                                                                                                                                        escape with a joke about quickie
          he thing I remember most                                                                                                                                                      weddings.
         about my days as a college                                                                                                                                                        Maybe those leather-clad peo-
         student is something a pro-                                                                                                                                                    ple who sit on Harleys through-
fessor once said to me. With all                                                                                                                                                        out their Las Vegas drive-
the sincerity he could muster, he                                                                                                                                                       through weddings have the
looked at me and said ‘‘Tom, if                                                                                                                                                         right idea.
you want to make money, don’t                                                                                                                                                              Or maybe
seek out a career in journalism.’’                                                                                                                                                      we should
   Like a typical kid who knows                                                                                                                                                         find a quiet
it all, I didn’t listen.                                                                                                                                                                little stretch
   Now, years later, I find myself,                                                                                                                                                     of beach be-
like many other parents in this                                                                                                                                                         hind a sand
dreadful economy, looking for                                                                                                                                                           dune at sun-
ways to make extra money for                                                                                                                                                            se t, and be-
my family.                                                                                                                                                                              c o m e
   My situation is a generic one: a                                                                                                                                                     husband and
house payment, a car payment,                                                                                                                                                           wife with only ZAFFIRO
student loans and utilities. To                                                                                                                                                         a small hand-
that list, add groceries, gas mon-                                                                                                                                                      ful of people
ey, an out-of-work wife, baby                                                                                                                                                           beside us.
food and the need for a never-                                                                                                                                                             Then we re-
ending supply of diapers and un-                                                                                                                                                        member what
less your last name is Gates or                                                                                                                                                         we’re really
Buffett, you’ve got a problem on                                                                                                                                                        doing: Join-
your hands.                                                                                                                                                                             ing together
   But no matter how bad things                                                                                                                                                         forever.
get, having a child means that                                                                                                                                                             I think of it
failure is not an option.                                                                                                                                                               as even more KEAN
   So outside of hitting the lot-                                                                                                                                                       than till death
tery or waiting on a rich relative                                                                                                                                                     do us part. I fully expect to hang
to go on to their final reward,                                                                                                                                                        out with my husband-to-be, Don
what can you do to scrape togeth-                                                                                                                                                      Kean, in the Great Hereafter,
er a few bucks? Let’s take a look                                                                                                                                                      and I expect we’ll have a blast
at some options.                                                                                                                                                                       flitting around the clouds.
   Amazon: Take your old video                                                                                                                                                            ‘‘Hey, Don, let’s go over to
games, textbooks or movies and
                                                                                                                                                                                       cloud No. 1,793 and find out who
trade them in for credit on Am-
azon purchases. And guess                                                                                                                                                              shot JFK and why. Then why
what? The trade-in prices are ac-                                                                                                                                                      don’t we grab a few doughnuts
tually pretty good. A recent                                                                                                                                                           off the Krispy Kreme tree before
trade of 14 DVDs netted me just                                                                                                                                                        we ride some shooting stars?’’
over $60. And what can you do                                                                                                                                                             To be joined in the spiritual
with that money? Amazon sells                                                                                                                                                          sense, not just the legal sense,
diapers, baby formula, baby                                                                                                                                                            we’ve chosen to be married in a
toys, clothes and anything else                                                                                                                                                        full Catholic Mass, in church.
you might need.                                                                                                                                                                           I’m basically a live-and-let-live
   eBay: What do you do with the                                                                                                                                                       person, so all of you drawn to
stuff that Amazon won’t take?                                                                                                                                                          City Hall civil ceremonies and
Sell it on eBay, of course. Every-                                                                                                                                                     hotel banquet room weddings,
one has some things around the                                                                                                                                                         may you be happy together until
house that they don’t need, nev-                                                                                                                                                       you’re 112.
er use or might be worth some                                                                                                                                            stock.xchng      For us, church was the way to
money. And on eBay, there’s a              New research shows that puberty alters sleep cycles, making sleeping late natural for teens. Now many schools                               go.
market for everything. Yes, even                                                                                                                                                          Does the Catholic Church de-
                                           are rolling back start times in hopes of having more energetic students.

                                           School Daze
that 36-inch inflatable penguin
                                                                                                                                                                                       mand more pre-marriage scruti-
that you bought at a yard sale.
(Guilty.)                                                                                                                                                                              ny and preparation than other
   Turn your hobbies into cash: We all                                                                                                                                                 religions? Yup. And for us it’s ab-
have something we love to do                                                                                                                                                           solutely been worth it.
and what better way to get paid                                                                                                                                                           Back in November, we at-
than by doing what you love? En-                                                                                                                                                       tended an all-day marriage pre-
joy fixing computers? Like build-                                                                                                                                                      paration class in Orlando at the
ing stuff? Maybe you’re a fan of                                                                                                                                                       Catholic Church diocese head-
mowing lawns? Well take out an                                                                                                                                                         quarters. Not only did Don rave
ad in your local newspaper (hint,                                                                                                                                                      about the tasty mini muffins, he
hint) and offer your services for                                                                                                                                                      was also amazed at how close he
a price.

                                                Should start times change for sleepy teens?
                                                                                                                                                                                       felt to me by the end of the day.
   Opinions are like . . . everybody has                                                                                                                                                  I felt it, too. Something hap-
one: Why not get paid for yours?                                                                                                                                                       pened in that room as we and a
Granted it’s not much, but                                                                                                                                                             dozen other engaged couples sat
sometimes filling out online sur-                                                                                                                                                      close all day listening to a witty
veys can net you an average of                 By MARISSA CEVALLOS                                                                                 school day would cause              marriage counselor give us great
$5-$15 for a few minutes of your               SAN JOSE MERCURY NEWS                                                                               chaos at San Jose Unified, be-
time. But be wary of scam art-                                                Emerging research shows that puberty upends sleep                    cause the large school dis-
                                                                                                                                                                                       advice and a priest explain the
                                              When Glorianna Klyce’s                                                                                                                   special bond we’re going to form.
ists. Check out reputable sites            radio blasts hip-hop at 5:45      cycles, making snoozing into the late hours as natural                trict would need to
like and                                                                                                                       reschedule buses for 40                My favorite moment was
                                           a.m., the 17-year-old rolls                                                                                                                 when the lights were turned                                                               for teens as hairy armpits and embarrassing                      schools. Officials fear that af-
                                           over and hits snooze. If it                                                                                                                 down and we lit small white
   Sell other people’s stuff: Remem-                                                                                                               ter-school activities, sports,
                                           weren’t for the second alarm                                                                                                                ‘‘marriage candles’’ they gave
ber Tupperware parties? They
                                           clock that goes off at 6, she                         voice squeaks.                                    and jobs will suffer, accord-
                                                                                                                                                                                       us. By the flicker of that tiny
are on their way back in, but this                                                                                                                 ing to Karen Fuqua of the San
time they are being joined by              might have a much harder                                                                                                                    flame, Don and I each said an im-
                                                                             Unified, which pushed back          much the same for years,          Jose Unified School District.
Avon, PartyLite and a slew of              time getting to Kennedy High                                                                                                                promptu prayer for our mar-
                                                                             its morning bell to 8:40 in         with high schools starting          Kennedy senior Andrew
other companies allowing you to            School in Fremont, Calif., for                                                                          Vardas admits he occasional-        riage to one another.
sell their merchandise for a cut           the 7:35 a.m. first block bell.   2007. But a few parents com-        generally around 7:29 a.m.,                                              We’v e also sa t down and
                                                                             plain that sports and extra-        and middle schools at 8:56        ly spaces out in his morning
of the profit. And it’s not just              When she’s running late,                                                                             classes. Cross country or           talked to our priest a few times,
kitchenware and makeup. You                she skips breakfast and           curriculars can spill into din-     a.m.
                                                                                                                                                   swimming has him sweating           we took a 190-question quiz to
can sell anything from candles             doesn’t do her hair. ‘‘I          nertime, and in the winter,            It sounds obvious: Stu-
                                                                             into the dark. ‘‘That is a con-     dents don’t test well at the      until 5 or 6 p.m., and then he      evaluate our compatibility and
and wine to jewelry and ‘‘adult’’          wouldn’t care what color                                                                                has homework in his AP              communication, and we’ve met
products.                                  socks I pick out,’’ said Klyce.   cern,’’ she says. ‘‘It’s not per-   crack of dawn. In one Illinois
                                                                             fect, but you can’t please          study, every high school          classes before hitting the          twice with a couple from our
   Use your smarts: If you’ve got          ‘‘Yesterday, I wore cat                                                                                 sack at 11 p.m. He has a love-      church who’ve been married for
some spare time and a good head            striped on one foot and pink      everybody.’’                        senior performed better
                                                                                Proponents of accommo-           when tests were given in the      hate relationship with his 6        25 years.
on your shoulders, you could al-           flowers on the other.’’                                                                                 a.m. alarm.                            We still have to go through 32
ways look into tutoring. Check                Emerging research shows        dating the pubescent sleep          afternoon than the morning.
                                                                             cycle cite research that teens      But most standardized tests,        ‘‘Sometimes I’ll switch off       Bible excerpts, and choose three
out Web sites like              that puberty upends sleep cy-                                                                           my alarm clock and be late
to sign up and offer your services                                           perform better on tests, get in     like the SAT, start at 8 a.m.                                         for our wedding ceremony. We
                                           cles, making snoozing into                                                                              for school,’’ said Vardas. Or       also have to make several other
to prospective students young                                                fewer car crashes and enjoy            ‘‘Their brains just aren’t
                                           the late hours as natural for                                                                           one morning, he was still           decisions for the wedding Mass.
and old.                                                                     more shut-eye when allowed          awake then,’’ said Sullivan.
                                           teens as hairy armpits and        to function on their biologi-       ‘‘Young people are so horrifi-    snoozing while his friends             Don joked that it’s a shame
   Sit for something: Plants, ani-         embarrassing voice squeaks.
mals, houses, children. All these                                            cal clock.                          cally sleep-deprived.’’           were piling into buses to Sac-      someone hasn’t come up with
                                           When teens hit puberty, their        ‘‘Momentum is building,’’           More sleep means fewer         ramento.                            CliffsNotes for the reading we
things need looking after some-            internal circadian clock
times. So offer to keep an eye out                                           said Shannon Sullivan, a pe-        drowsy drivers, suggests an-        ‘‘I was the only one to miss      have to do.
                                           winds forward 1-3 hours, and      diatric sleep specialist at         other study. Car crashes          the field trip to our state’s          We didn’t choose the easy way.
and watch your wallet grow.
   While there are plenty more             they need 9 hours of sleep on     Stanford Sleep Medicine             dropped 16.5 percent among        capital,’’ said Vardas.             But as I’ve told him several
possible ways to make a buck,              average, and a couple more        Center who sees sleep de-           17- and 18-year-olds in a Kan-      Vardas is all in favor of         times, I wouldn’t really feel mar-
the biggest key is diligence. You          hours than their younger sib-     prived teens every week. In         sas county after schools          moving the school bell for-         ried, at least not the way I want
know you want to provide the               lings.                            2005, almost one-fifth of           there moved their start times     ward. But not every student
                                                                                                                                                                                       to be married, if we had chosen
best life you can for your family             Now a growing number of        schools nationwide had con-         forward by one hour, while        minds the morning alarm or-
                                                                                                                                                                                       another road.
and unfortunately no one is gon-           schools are pushing back the      sidered chiming the start bell      the rest of the state saw a 7.8   deal — Glorianna Klyce
                                                                                                                                                                                          I love him in a way I almost
na hand it to you.                         morning bell so class times       later in the morning.               percent increase in car           wouldn’t trade it.
                                                                                                                                                     ‘‘I like getting out earlier,’’   don’t have words for. And I know
   But no matter what your fi-             and students’ energy are bet-        Flagler County changed           crashes. Most teen deaths are
                                                                                                                                                   said Klyce.                         as we stand together in church
nancial situation, don’t let mon-          ter aligned.                      their school start times in         in car crashes, and about a
                                              ‘‘The good side is, students                                                                                                             on Oct. 30 and vow to love each
ey determine your family’s                                                   2009, with high schools and         fifth of auto accidents can be
                                           are more awake,’’ says prin-      middle schools beginning at 8                                                                             other eternally, God’s going to
happiness. The struggle is part                                                                                  traced to drowsiness.             News-Journal reporter
of life. And besides, how would            cipal Amy McNamara of Log-        a.m. Volusia school start              Not everyone is pushing                                            thank us for inviting him by tak-
                                                                                                                                                   Linda Trimble contributed
we recognize the great times if            an High in New Haven              times have remained pretty          back the clock. Shifting the      to this report.                     ing us to a place of love we can’t
we didn’t fight through the bad?                                                                                                                                                       even imagine yet.                                                                                                                                                   

                                                                                  Magenta                                       Cyan                   Yellow Black

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2 Nj0100 D0223

  • 1. Accent 2NJ0100D0223 2NJ0100D0223 ZALLCALL 11 14:53:11 02/22/10 B ï COMING WEDNESDAY SECTION D MATTER OF TASTE: Health TUESDAY concerns are fueling a boom in FEBRUARY 23, 2010 natural sweeteners. Check it out in Wednesday’s Accent. THE NEWS-JOURNAL FIND LOCAL EVENTS ONLINE AT NEWS-JOURNALONLINE.COM AND GO386.COM It’s work, Tom Iacuzio but church FATHERHOOD wedding Options right move abound By EILEEN ZAFFIRO STAFF WRITER News-Journal reporter Eileen for extra Zaffiro will periodically write about her upcoming wedding and her experiences. Here’s another installment: incomeBy TOM IACUZIO DAYTONA BEACH — Almost every time my fiance and I get overwhelmed by the rather gar- gantuan list of things we have to STAFF WRITER do before our wedding day, we T escape with a joke about quickie he thing I remember most weddings. about my days as a college Maybe those leather-clad peo- student is something a pro- ple who sit on Harleys through- fessor once said to me. With all out their Las Vegas drive- the sincerity he could muster, he through weddings have the looked at me and said ‘‘Tom, if right idea. you want to make money, don’t Or maybe seek out a career in journalism.’’ we should Like a typical kid who knows find a quiet it all, I didn’t listen. little stretch Now, years later, I find myself, of beach be- like many other parents in this hind a sand dreadful economy, looking for dune at sun- ways to make extra money for se t, and be- my family. c o m e My situation is a generic one: a husband and house payment, a car payment, wife with only ZAFFIRO student loans and utilities. To a small hand- that list, add groceries, gas mon- ful of people ey, an out-of-work wife, baby beside us. food and the need for a never- Then we re- ending supply of diapers and un- member what less your last name is Gates or we’re really Buffett, you’ve got a problem on doing: Join- your hands. ing together But no matter how bad things forever. get, having a child means that I think of it failure is not an option. as even more KEAN So outside of hitting the lot- than till death tery or waiting on a rich relative do us part. I fully expect to hang to go on to their final reward, out with my husband-to-be, Don what can you do to scrape togeth- Kean, in the Great Hereafter, er a few bucks? Let’s take a look and I expect we’ll have a blast at some options. flitting around the clouds. Amazon: Take your old video ‘‘Hey, Don, let’s go over to games, textbooks or movies and cloud No. 1,793 and find out who trade them in for credit on Am- azon purchases. And guess shot JFK and why. Then why what? The trade-in prices are ac- don’t we grab a few doughnuts tually pretty good. A recent off the Krispy Kreme tree before trade of 14 DVDs netted me just we ride some shooting stars?’’ over $60. And what can you do To be joined in the spiritual with that money? Amazon sells sense, not just the legal sense, diapers, baby formula, baby we’ve chosen to be married in a toys, clothes and anything else full Catholic Mass, in church. you might need. I’m basically a live-and-let-live eBay: What do you do with the person, so all of you drawn to stuff that Amazon won’t take? City Hall civil ceremonies and Sell it on eBay, of course. Every- hotel banquet room weddings, one has some things around the may you be happy together until house that they don’t need, nev- you’re 112. er use or might be worth some stock.xchng For us, church was the way to money. And on eBay, there’s a New research shows that puberty alters sleep cycles, making sleeping late natural for teens. Now many schools go. market for everything. Yes, even Does the Catholic Church de- are rolling back start times in hopes of having more energetic students. School Daze that 36-inch inflatable penguin mand more pre-marriage scruti- that you bought at a yard sale. (Guilty.) ny and preparation than other Turn your hobbies into cash: We all religions? Yup. And for us it’s ab- have something we love to do solutely been worth it. and what better way to get paid Back in November, we at- than by doing what you love? En- tended an all-day marriage pre- joy fixing computers? Like build- paration class in Orlando at the ing stuff? Maybe you’re a fan of Catholic Church diocese head- mowing lawns? Well take out an quarters. Not only did Don rave ad in your local newspaper (hint, about the tasty mini muffins, he hint) and offer your services for was also amazed at how close he a price. Should start times change for sleepy teens? felt to me by the end of the day. Opinions are like . . . everybody has I felt it, too. Something hap- one: Why not get paid for yours? pened in that room as we and a Granted it’s not much, but dozen other engaged couples sat sometimes filling out online sur- close all day listening to a witty veys can net you an average of By MARISSA CEVALLOS school day would cause marriage counselor give us great $5-$15 for a few minutes of your SAN JOSE MERCURY NEWS chaos at San Jose Unified, be- time. But be wary of scam art- Emerging research shows that puberty upends sleep cause the large school dis- advice and a priest explain the When Glorianna Klyce’s special bond we’re going to form. ists. Check out reputable sites radio blasts hip-hop at 5:45 cycles, making snoozing into the late hours as natural trict would need to like and reschedule buses for 40 My favorite moment was a.m., the 17-year-old rolls when the lights were turned for teens as hairy armpits and embarrassing schools. Officials fear that af- over and hits snooze. If it down and we lit small white Sell other people’s stuff: Remem- ter-school activities, sports, weren’t for the second alarm ‘‘marriage candles’’ they gave ber Tupperware parties? They clock that goes off at 6, she voice squeaks. and jobs will suffer, accord- us. By the flicker of that tiny are on their way back in, but this ing to Karen Fuqua of the San time they are being joined by might have a much harder flame, Don and I each said an im- Unified, which pushed back much the same for years, Jose Unified School District. Avon, PartyLite and a slew of time getting to Kennedy High promptu prayer for our mar- its morning bell to 8:40 in with high schools starting Kennedy senior Andrew other companies allowing you to School in Fremont, Calif., for Vardas admits he occasional- riage to one another. sell their merchandise for a cut the 7:35 a.m. first block bell. 2007. But a few parents com- generally around 7:29 a.m., We’v e also sa t down and plain that sports and extra- and middle schools at 8:56 ly spaces out in his morning of the profit. And it’s not just When she’s running late, classes. Cross country or talked to our priest a few times, kitchenware and makeup. You she skips breakfast and curriculars can spill into din- a.m. swimming has him sweating we took a 190-question quiz to can sell anything from candles doesn’t do her hair. ‘‘I nertime, and in the winter, It sounds obvious: Stu- into the dark. ‘‘That is a con- dents don’t test well at the until 5 or 6 p.m., and then he evaluate our compatibility and and wine to jewelry and ‘‘adult’’ wouldn’t care what color has homework in his AP communication, and we’ve met products. socks I pick out,’’ said Klyce. cern,’’ she says. ‘‘It’s not per- crack of dawn. In one Illinois fect, but you can’t please study, every high school classes before hitting the twice with a couple from our Use your smarts: If you’ve got ‘‘Yesterday, I wore cat sack at 11 p.m. He has a love- church who’ve been married for some spare time and a good head striped on one foot and pink everybody.’’ senior performed better Proponents of accommo- when tests were given in the hate relationship with his 6 25 years. on your shoulders, you could al- flowers on the other.’’ a.m. alarm. We still have to go through 32 ways look into tutoring. Check Emerging research shows dating the pubescent sleep afternoon than the morning. cycle cite research that teens But most standardized tests, ‘‘Sometimes I’ll switch off Bible excerpts, and choose three out Web sites like that puberty upends sleep cy- my alarm clock and be late to sign up and offer your services perform better on tests, get in like the SAT, start at 8 a.m. for our wedding ceremony. We cles, making snoozing into for school,’’ said Vardas. Or also have to make several other to prospective students young fewer car crashes and enjoy ‘‘Their brains just aren’t the late hours as natural for one morning, he was still decisions for the wedding Mass. and old. more shut-eye when allowed awake then,’’ said Sullivan. teens as hairy armpits and to function on their biologi- ‘‘Young people are so horrifi- snoozing while his friends Don joked that it’s a shame Sit for something: Plants, ani- embarrassing voice squeaks. mals, houses, children. All these cal clock. cally sleep-deprived.’’ were piling into buses to Sac- someone hasn’t come up with When teens hit puberty, their ‘‘Momentum is building,’’ More sleep means fewer ramento. CliffsNotes for the reading we things need looking after some- internal circadian clock times. So offer to keep an eye out said Shannon Sullivan, a pe- drowsy drivers, suggests an- ‘‘I was the only one to miss have to do. winds forward 1-3 hours, and diatric sleep specialist at other study. Car crashes the field trip to our state’s We didn’t choose the easy way. and watch your wallet grow. While there are plenty more they need 9 hours of sleep on Stanford Sleep Medicine dropped 16.5 percent among capital,’’ said Vardas. But as I’ve told him several possible ways to make a buck, average, and a couple more Center who sees sleep de- 17- and 18-year-olds in a Kan- Vardas is all in favor of times, I wouldn’t really feel mar- the biggest key is diligence. You hours than their younger sib- prived teens every week. In sas county after schools moving the school bell for- ried, at least not the way I want know you want to provide the lings. 2005, almost one-fifth of there moved their start times ward. But not every student to be married, if we had chosen best life you can for your family Now a growing number of schools nationwide had con- forward by one hour, while minds the morning alarm or- another road. and unfortunately no one is gon- schools are pushing back the sidered chiming the start bell the rest of the state saw a 7.8 deal — Glorianna Klyce I love him in a way I almost na hand it to you. morning bell so class times later in the morning. percent increase in car wouldn’t trade it. ‘‘I like getting out earlier,’’ don’t have words for. And I know But no matter what your fi- and students’ energy are bet- Flagler County changed crashes. Most teen deaths are said Klyce. as we stand together in church nancial situation, don’t let mon- ter aligned. their school start times in in car crashes, and about a ‘‘The good side is, students on Oct. 30 and vow to love each ey determine your family’s 2009, with high schools and fifth of auto accidents can be are more awake,’’ says prin- middle schools beginning at 8 other eternally, God’s going to happiness. The struggle is part traced to drowsiness. News-Journal reporter of life. And besides, how would cipal Amy McNamara of Log- a.m. Volusia school start Not everyone is pushing thank us for inviting him by tak- Linda Trimble contributed we recognize the great times if an High in New Haven times have remained pretty back the clock. Shifting the to this report. ing us to a place of love we can’t we didn’t fight through the bad? even imagine yet. ï Magenta Cyan Yellow Black