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1. Thì (hiện tại đơn, hiện tại tiếp diễn, hiện tại hoàn thành, quá khứ đơn, quá khứ tiếp diễn, quá khứ hoàn
thành và tương lai đơn)
2. Đại từ (I, you, he, ….)
3. Từ nối
4. Từ loại (danh từ, tính từ, trạng từ …)
5. Giới từ (on, at, in, to, from ….)
6. Mệnh đề tính từ
7. Mệnh đề trạng từ
8. Modal verbs (must, can, should …)
9. Câu điều kiện
1. diễn tả một sự thật hiển nhiên; hoặc một sự việc nói chung
Ex: The earth goes around the sun.
2. diễn tả sự việc lặp đi lặp lại hoặc 1 thói quen
Ex: I usually leave for work at 8 a.m.
3. dùng để miêu tả thực tế hoặc diển tả 1 tình huống cố định ít thay đổi
Ex: My parents live in HCM city.
4. dùng để chỉ lịch trình: phim, sự kiện, trận đấu, phương tiên vận chuyển, giờ mở cửa ....
Ex: According to the schedule, group discussions start at 10 a.m.
5. dùng trong mệnh đề trạng đề chỉ thời gian. Mệnh đề trạng đề chỉ thời gian bắt đầu bằng các từ nối như:
when = as (khi), before, after, as soon as (ngay khi), until (cho tới khi), once (một khi) etc.
Ex1: Before you submit your test, you should check it once again.
6. dùng trong câu điều kiện loại 1. Câu điều kiện thường bắt đầu bằng các từ nối như if, unless, etc.
Ex2: If they complete the project tomorrow, they will have a party.
Các trạng từ thường dùng trong thì HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN:
Trạng từ tần xuất/ sự thường xuyên:
- always: luôn luôn
- usually: thường thường
- often: thường
- sometimes: thỉnh thoảng
- rarely: ít khi; hiếm khi
- seldom: ít khi; hiếm khi
- hardly (ever): hầu như không
- never
Trạng từ thời gian:
+ every morning/day/week/month/year/Monday;
+ in the morning/ afternoon/ evening;
+ at night
BE (am / is / are) + V-ING
1. diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra vào lúc đang nói
Ex: Where’s John? He’s working on the project.
2. diễn tả hành động diễn ra xung quanh thời điểm đang nói. Hành động này chưa chấm dứt và không nhất
thiết xảy ra lúc nói.
Ex: Some of my friends are building their own houses.
3. diễn tả hành động mang tính tạm thời
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Ex: I’m living with some friends until I find an apartment.
4. diễn tả hành động trong tương lai gần đã được sắp xếp trước
Ex: I’m visiting my grandma this weekend.
5. diễn tả sự phàn nàn do hành động lặp đi lặp lại gây khó chịu
Ex: He is always asking me for help whenever he works on computer.
Các trạng từ dùng trong thì HIỆN TẠI TIẾP DIỄN
- (right) now = currently: bây giờ
- at the moment: lúc này
- at this time: lúc này
- at present = presently: bây giờ
- this weekend
- in these days: những ngày này
- Look / Listen
Một số động từ KHÔNG dùng với thì hiện tại tiếp diễn
1. Động từ chỉ cảm xúc, tình cảm:
- love, like, hate, dislike, prefer, want, wish
- admire: ngưỡng mộ
- desire: khát khao, ước ao
- fear: lo sợ
- respect: tôn trọng
- value: có giá trị; coi trọng
2. Động từ chỉ hoạt động nhận thức:
- see, know, understand
- agree # disagree
- remember, forget,
- realize: nhận ra
- believe, think = suppose = assume: cho rằng
- hear: nghe rằng
- trust: tin tưởng
- mean: có ý rằng
- recognize: nhận thấy
- mind: phiền
- doubt: nghi ngờ
- matter: vấn đề
- mean: có ý
3. Linking Verbs:
- feel: cảm thấy
- sound: nghe có vẻ
- look: trông có vẻ
- smell: có mùi
- taste: có vị
4. Động từ chỉ sở hữu:
- have, belong to: thuộc về, own = possess: làm chủ; sở hữu
5. Động từ chỉ trạng thái
- seem = appear: dường như
- depend on: phụ thuộc vào
- contain = include = consist of: bao gồm
- remain = stay = keep: vẫn còn
- be: thì là, ở
- exist: tồn tại
- to become = to get = to turn: trở nên; trở thành
I/You/We/They HAVE + PP / V-ED/-3
He/She/It HAS + PP / V-ED/-3
1. diễn tả hành động bắt đầu trong quá khứ nhưng vẫn kéo dài đến hiện tại và tiếp tục ở tương lai
Ex: I have lived in New York since I was young / for ten years.
2. diễn tả hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng không đề cập đến thời gian cụ thể
Ex: I have (already) read some of Shakespeare’s plays.
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3. dùng chia sẻ kinh nghiệm hoặc trải nghiệm
Ex: Have you ever seen a lion?
4. diễn tả hành động lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần trong quá khứ
Ex: It’s the third time he has called his girlfriend tonight.
5. diễn tả hành động vừa mới xảy ra, hoặc dùng để thông báo thông tin
Ex: Shahin has just won the competition.
Các trạng từ thường dùng trong thì HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH:
1. recently = lately: gần đây
2. so far = until now = up till now: mãi cho đến bây giờ; mãi cho tới gần đây
3. in / over / for / during the last / past few (years): trong những (năm) vừa qua
4. just: vừa mới
5. never …. (before): chưa bao giờ trước đây
6. ever (thường dùng cho câu hỏi): có bao giờ
7. already: rồi (dùng trong câu xác định)
+ thường đứng cuối câu or hoặc đứng trước PP/V-ed
Ex: I’ve (already) finished my homework (already).
8. yet: chưa (dùng trong câu hỏi và phủ định)
+ thường đứng cuối câu (nếu là câu hỏi)
Ex: Have you finished your homework yet?
+ thường đứng cuối câu or hoặc sau NOT (nếu là câu phủ định)
Ex: I have not (yet) finished my homework (yet).
9. since + chỉ một điểm/ mốc thời gian: từ khi
10. for + chỉ một khoảng thời gian: khoảng
Fill in the blanks with “since” or “for”
1. ……….. 2 o’clock
2. ………... 2010
3. ……..… this afternoon
4. …….…. two weeks ago
5. ……….. three hours
6. ……….. a year
1. dùng diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra và kết thúc trong quá khứ với thời gian xác định
Ex: I went to London yesterday.
2. dùng diễn tả hành động lặp đi lặp lại trong quá khứ có thời gian xác định hoặc hành động đã xảy ra trong
quá khứ bây giờ không còn nữa
Ex: Every year when I was a child, we went / used to go to Italy on holiday.
3. diễn tả một loạt các hành động liên tiếp xảy ra trong quá khứ
Ex: I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim.
Các trạng từ thường dùng trong thì QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN:
- yesterday (morning / afternoon …)
- last (night / week …)
- (three days / two months …) ago
- in (1999 / 2001, …) - in the (2000s / 1980s …)
Động từ ở thì quá khứ đơn được chia làm 2 loại:
(1) Động từ theo qui tắc (ta thêm –ed). Ví dụ: dance - danced
(2) Động từ theo bất qui tắc (ta học thuộc lòng cột số 2 trong bảng Động từ bất qui tắc). Ví dụ: see - saw
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I/He/She/It WAS + V-ING
You/We/they WERE + V-ING
1. diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra vào một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ
Ex: At one o’clock yesterday I was having lunch.
2. diễn tả 2 hành động cùng song song xảy ra trong quá khứ; thường có từ nối WHEN / WHILE
Ex: I was doing the shopping while he was parking the car.
3. diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra trong quá khứ thì có một hành động khác cắt ngang/xảy ra. Hành động
đang xảy ra (dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn), hành động cắt ngang (dùng thì quá khứ đơn)
Ex: While I was watching TV, the phone rang.
HAD + PP / V-ED/-3
diễn tả một hành động đã hoàn thành trước một hành động khác hoặc trước một thời điểm trong quá khứ
Ex: I left the theater as soon as the film had finished.
Lưu ý:
1. Ta có thể dùng thì quá khứ đơn thay cho quá khứ hoàn thành khi hai hành động gần như đồng thời xảy ra.
Ex: When I saw a spider, I screamed.
2. Ta có thể dùng thì quá khứ đơn thay cho quá khứ hoàn thành khi trong câu có từ nối AFTER / BEFORE.
Ex: Before I got home, the family had eaten dinner.
OR: Before I got home, the family ate dinner.
1. dùng để diễn tả hành động sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai
Ex: Our company will hold a grand opening ceremony next week.
2. dùng để đưa ra dự đoán về một điều gì đó mà ta nghĩ không thể tránh khỏi (không có sự can thiệp hay sắp
xếp trước)
Ex: In the next few years, everyone will be able to access the Internet with their mobile phone.
3. dùng đưa ra quyết định ngay tại thời điểm nói (hành động này không dự tính trước)
Ex: A: There is someone at the door, but I’m busy talking on the phone.
B: OK. I’ll answer the door.
4. Thường dùng sau các cách nói: I think, I don’t think, I hope ..…
Ex1: I think I'll go to bed now.
Ex2: I don’t think she'll do well in the job.
5. Thường dùng để hứa hẹn
Ex: Don’t worry. I will be there to help you.
- tomorrow (morning, afternoon, …)
- the day after tomorrow
- next (week, month, year …)
- at the end of (May)
- in + year (in 2020)
- in + duration (khoảng thời gian)
Ex: in three years’ time; in two days; in the next three years
Ex: She will be here in ten minutes.
1. Who ……........ food in your family when your Mom is away today?
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A: cooks B: is cooking C: will cook D: cooked
2. Money …………. on trees.
A: didn’t grow B: isn’t growing C: don’t grow D: doesn’t grow
3. As soon as we …….…. from the suppliers, we will let you know when the goods are in stock.
A: hear B: will hear C: heard D: are hearing
4. Where is John? – He ……….. his car in the garage.
A: repairs B: is repairing C: has repaired D: repaired
5. I always ……….. to work by bus. It takes me about forty minutes to get to work by bus.
A: go B: am going C: have gone D: goes
6. I can't leave now. I ……..….. for an important telephone call.
A: wait B: am waiting C: waited D: was waiting
7. The manager can’t talk on the phone because he ………………… a meeting right now.
A: is having B: has C: has had D: had
8. Mr. Caputo usually……..……with a translator.
A: traveled B: travel C: is traveling D: travels
9. There is an LAL flight that leaves Heathrow at 20:30 and ………….. in at 6:00.
A: got B: get C: is getting D: gets
10. Are you going to Lena’s party? – No. I ……….. home tonight. I'm a little tired.
A: will stay B: am staying C: stay D: have stayed
11. The company ……………. . our complaint yet.
A: has not answered B: does not answer C: will not answer D: is not answering
12. I’m sorry. The director …………… for his vacation and will not return until next week.
A: is leaving B: left C: has left D: will leave
13. I …..……… in the café having a drink when the police arrived.
A: sat B: sit C: was sitting D: have sat
14. Mr. Lee ………….. his vacation after the project is completed.
A: will take B: took C: has taken D: takes
15. Mr. Han ………….. his bags when he found out his flight was canceled.
A: packed B: were packing C: was packing D: has packed
16. The secretary …………… night classes for the past three months.
A: is attending B: has attended C: will attend D: had attended
17. How long …..…….. each other when they got married?
A: had they known B: have they known
C: would they know D: did they know
18. Once you get used to our methods, you …….…… the job a lot easier.
A: will find B: have found C: found D: find
19. While I …..…….. home, the solution to the company’s financial problems suddenly came to me.
A: have walked B: was walking C: walked D: am walking
20. I …..……. the approval of three committee members before Bob signed off on the project.
A: did already get B: had already gotten
C: have already gotten D: was already getting
21. The recent survey shows that our consumer base .……….….
A: grows B: is growing C: had grown D: was growing
22. I …………..… for Bank of America from 2011-2013.
A: have worked B: was working C: worked D: had worked
23. I didn't have much to eat at lunch because I …………. a lot at breakfast.
A: have eaten B: had eaten C: was eating D: ate
24. I ………….. long when the alarm went off.
A: have slept B: was sleeping C: am sleeping D: slept
25. Ms. Sirichanya …………… the package when she discovered the address was wrong.
A: had mailed B: has mailed C: will mail D: is mailing
26. Effective next Monday, the interest rate on Hana Bank’s home loan ………….. increased.
A: was B: will be C: to be D: had been
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27. A: Excuse me. I need to talk to someone about our hotel room. I am afraid it is simply too small for four
B: That man at the service counter ……….…… you.
A: will help B: is helping C: has helped D: helps
28. When the shipment …..…….. in, he will dispatch it to the proper department.
A: will come B: is coming C: comes D: come
29. The rent on these offices ………….. up close to fifty percent since we first signed our lease.
A: has gone B: go C: were going D: are going
30. In his first three months at Novotel, Mr. Peet ………….. his colleagues with his diligence and positive
A: has impressed B: impressed C: was impressing D: impresses
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Đại từ được chia làm 3 ngôi (thứ 1, 2, 3) và 2 số (số ít và số nhiều). Đại từ có 5 loại:
1 2 3
Số ít I You He, She, It
Số nhiều We You They
Đại từ làm chủ từ thường đứng trước động từ.
Ex: I go to school every day.
1 2 3
Số ít me you him, her, it
Số nhiều us you them
Đại từ làm túc từ thường đứng sau động từ hoặc sau giới từ (on, in, at, to, with, from, for ...).
Ex1: See you again.
Ex2: I go to school with him every day.
1 2 3
Số ít my your his, her, its
Số nhiều our your their
Tính từ sở hữu thường đứng trước danh từ hoặc danh động từ (gerund: V-ing).
Ex1: I call my mother every day after work.
Ex2: Do you mind my opening the window?
1 2 3
Số ít mine yours his, hers, its
Số nhiều ours yours theirs
Đại từ sở hữu dùng thay thế cho tính từ sở hữu + danh từ nhằm tránh sự lặp lại. Đại từ sở hữu có thể đứng
(1) trước động từ (làm chủ từ), (2) sau động từ (làm túc từ) và (3) đứng sau giới từ.
Ex1: My book is heavy, but yours (your book) is light (nhẹ).
Ex2: I left my dictionary home. Can I borrow yours (your dictionary)?
Ex3: My book is different from yours (your book).
1 2 3
Số ít myself yourself himself, herself, itself
Số nhiều ourselves yourselves themselves
1. Được dùng khi chủ từ và túc từ là một
Ex: I love myself.
2. Được dùng để nhấn mạnh cho chủ từ
+ Đứng sau chủ từ hoặc đứng cuối câu
Ex: I (myself) finished the project (myself).
3. Được dùng để nhấn mạnh cho túc từ và đứng liền sau túc từ đó
Ex: I finished the project itself yesterday.
4. Dùng sau giới từ BY có nghĩa là một mình (by oneself = alone)
Ex: The president delivered the document by himself.
Someone/ somebody
Anyone/ anybody
No one/ nobody
1. Someone = somebody / something dùng cho câu xác định.
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Ex1: There is someone at the door.
Ex2: I need something to fix the computer.
2. Anyone = anybody / anything dùng cho câu phủ định và câu hỏi.
Ex1: Is there anyone here who knows the answer for my question?
Ex2: I don’t think of anything new to add to the list.
*Lưu ý: Khi Anyone = anybody / anything dùng trong câu xác định, chúng có nghĩa là bất cứ ….
Ex: Anyone who leaves the office last must be responsible for locking the door.
3. No one = nobody = not …….. anyone/ anybody
Nothing = not ……. Anything
Ex: I see no one in the office. = I do not see anyone in the office.
1. There are many clients in the list and Amy is trying to phone …….……..
- client: khách hàng - to try: cố gắng
A: them B: their C: they D: themselves
2. It would be easy for ………. to give employees advice on how to improve their performance or behavior.
- to improve: cải thiện - performance (n): hoạt động - behavior (n): hành vi; cách cư xử
A: I B: my C: mine D: me
3. I refuse this contract because it might destroy the company’s reputation as well as ………..
- to refuse: từ chối - to destroy: phá hoại; hủy hoại
- reputation (n): danh tiếng - as well as: cũng như
A: I B: my C: mine D: me
4. There was no Internet – we couldn’t get any information at all, just sitting in the office. We had to go out
and do the research by …………….
- not … at all: không một chút - to do research: nghiên cứu
A: us B: ourselves C: our D: we
5. The new project of our company is secret. You mustn’t discuss …………. with anyone.
- project (n): dự án - secret (n): điều bí mật
A: them B: him C: it D: its
6. We had to return the machines because there was something wrong with ……………...
A: them B: him C: it D: its
7. Our designs are on the left bookshelf. Where are …………..?
A: their B: theirs C: them D: themselves
8. I can’t help you, Bob. You’ll have to solve your problem by ………….
A: myself B: yourselves C: ourselves D: yourself
9. I …..……. haven’t seen the new design, but I believe it’s very good. - to believe: tin
A: herself B: myself C: themselves D: himself
10. At the press conference, some reporters didn’t understand the speech of the CEO and ………… kept
asking questions. - Keep + V-ing: liên tục …
A: they B: them C: their D: theirs
11. The new project of our company is secret. You mustn’t discuss it with …………….
A: something B: someone C: anyone D: anything
12. We had to return the machines because there was …………. wrong with them.
A: anything B: everything C: something D: nothing
13. After I checked the prices in more than 5 shops, I decided not to buy ……..….. in the end.
A: anything B: everything C: something D: nothing
14. He said that he was an expert at problem solving, but he knew almost …………… about it.
A: anything B: everything C: something D: nothing
15. If …………. had called me this morning, they would have left a message.
A: anyone B: someone C: no one D: everyone
16. Unfortunately, we can’t find Alice and David …………… in the office.
A: anywhere B: somewhere C: nowhere D: everywhere
17. ………….. in the office went to the party but …………… enjoyed it very much.
A: Someone / no one B: Nobody / no one
C: Everyone / nobody D: Everyone / somebody
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18. There was ………….. to help me with the report, so I had to do it myself.
A: anyone B: someone C: no one D: everyone
BOTH + n AND + n vừa … vừa
NOT ONLY + adj BUT ALSO + adj không những …. mà còn
EITHER + adverb OR + adverb hoặc … hoặc
NOT + verb BUT + verb không phải …. mà là
NEITHER + pronoun NOR + pronoun không ….. cũng không
Ex: A logo must be both distinctive and professional-looking.
adj adj
1. We can ………. fax the document or mail it.
A: both B: either C: neither D: but also
2. The building has ………. an outdoor parking lot and an underground garage.
A: both B: either C: neither D: but also
3. Either Sam ……….. Tom will be sent to the new branch in L.A.
A: and B: or C: but also D: nor
4. I ……….. sent him many letters but also tried to telephone him.
A: not only B: both C: either D: neither
5. Tyrone’s sister Marsha, who I had little faith in at the beginning, has proved to be not only ambitious
….….. hard working.
A: or B: neither C: yet D: but also
6. You have to bring both your passport ……….. flight tickets.
A: and B: or C: nor D: but also
7. Applicants are required to present …………. a reference letter and a photocopy of their social security
A: not only B: both C: either D: neither
8. Neither chatting online ……….. checking personal email is permitted during working hours.
A: or B: and C: nor D: not only
9. For a more effective ad campaign, we need both a new product …….... a creative imaginative director.
A: or B: either C: and D: nor
10. This machine is not only slow ……….. complicated.
A: both B: or C: but also D: and
- For: bởi vì
- And
- Nor / Neither: cũng không 
- But (direct opposites)
- Yet (surprising or unexpected continuation)
- Or
- So: vì thế
Ex1: I want to study art, but my parents want me to study engineering.
Ex 2: I am very bad at maths, yet my parents want me to study engineering.
Ex3: I couldn’t use the pay phone, for I didn’t have any coins with me.
Lưu ý: Phía trước từ nối FANBOYS thường có dấu phẩy.
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1. I want to work as a translator in the future, ………. I am studying English at university.
- translator (n): thông dịch viên
A: but B: so C: and D: or
2. Mr. Smith will work the morning shift, …….….. he prefers to work in the evenings.
A: so B: but C: or D: for
3. Participants were told to arrive by noon, …………. most of them were late.
- participant (n): người tham dự
A: yet B: so C: for D: or
4. The company has a very successful launch for the new kind of detergent, ……....... sales is expected to
boost up strongly in the coming quarter.
- detergent (n): bột giặt - to boost up: tăng trưởng - launch (n): sự giới thiệu
A: yet B: so C: for D: or
5. Research and development are of utmost importance, ......... companies in different industries have
different ways of carrying out these activities.
- utmost (adj): cực kỳ - to carry out: tiến hành; thực hiện
A: yet B: or C: and D: nor
6. It’s a great pity I cannot attend the orientation session this afternoon, …......... can John because he is busy
with his project.
- orientation session (n): buổi định hướng
A: or B: nor C: and D: yet
7. Jack lost his job one year ago ………… he hasn’t found another job yet.
A: or B: nor C: and D: yet
8. He will have to work overtime to finish the project on time, .......... he will have to ask his supervisor to
extend the deadline.
- supervisor (n): người quản lý - to extend: kéo dài
A: so B: or C: but D: and
9. Jenny will have lots of time to spend with her parents in January, ......... she will have quit her job by then.
- to quit – quit - quit: bỏ việc - by then: trước đó
A: so B: but C: for D: nor
10. You may bring your spouse if you wish, ............ you’ll have to pay for an extra ticket.
- spouse (n): vợ / chồng
A: or B: so C: for D: yet
3.3.1. Nhóm cộng thêm
- furthermore
- besides
- in addition
- moreover
- also
Ex: All employees get a four-week paid holiday; moreover, the company provides free medical insurance
for them.
3.3.2. Nhóm đối nghịch
- however
- nevertheless
- in contrast
- still
Ex: Retirement is mandatory at the age of 65; however, employees may retire upon reaching the age of 60.
3.3.3. Nhóm điều kiện
- otherwise, or else: nếu không
Ex: You’d better hurry up; otherwise, you’ll be late for the meeting.
: ngoài ra
: bên cạnh đó
: thêm vào đó
: tuy nhiên
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3.3.4. Nhóm nguyên nhân - kết quả
- consequently
- therefore
- thus
- accordingly
- as a result
Ex: Business practices differ from country to country; therefore, businessmen do not always face the same
Lưu ý: Trước từ nối câu, ta sử dụng dấu chấm phẩy hoặc dấu chấm; sau từ nối câu, ta sử dụng dấu phẩy.
1. I wanted to go to the trade fair;……………., it started to rain and I stayed at home.
- trade fair (n): hội chợ thương mại
A: however B: therefore C: in addition D: besides
2. I would like to spend more time with my family;….........., I have decided to resign as chairman.
- to resign: từ chức
A: otherwise B: in contrast C: however D: therefore
3. Ana came to the meeting; ……………, she had to leave early.
A: moreover B: also C: nevertheless D: thus
4. All employees can get a four-week paid holiday each year; ……..……, the company provides free
medical insurance for them.
A: accordingly B: thus C: however D: besides
- paid holiday (n): nghỉ phép được hưởng lương - to provide: cung cấp
- medical insurance (n): bảo hiểm y tế
5. You can look at the clothes; …………….., you can’t go in and buy them
A: furthermore B: however C: moreover D: also
6. The factory workers worked overtime a lot; …………., they were very tired.
A: thus B: otherwise C: in addition D: however
7. Don’t let him take on too much work; ………………, he will not do anything properly.
- to take on: nhận lãnh; đảm trách - properly (adv): tốt
A: otherwise B: however C: as a result D: accordingly
8. She’s been under a lot of pressure recently; ……………, she’s decided to take time off to relax a little.
- under pressure (n): chịu áp lực - to take time off: nghỉ làm
A: also B: moreover C: however D: therefore
9. Our banking clients want flexibility; ……., we provide ATMs (automated teller machines) for 24-hour
- flexibility (n): tính linh hoạt
A: furthermore B: however C: consequently D: moreover
10. The price for that computer is too high; ……………, Alison is not going to buy it.
A: otherwise B: however C: in addition D: therefore
11. We thought the figures were correct; …………….., we have now discovered some errors.
- figure (n): số liệu - error (n): lỗi
A: therefore B: however C: moreover D: furthermore
12. We do not own the building; ……..……, we can’t make any major change to it.
- to own: sở hữu; làm chủ - major (adj): lớn; quan trọng
A: therefore B: however C: moreover D: nevertheless
13. Suggestions were requested; ………….., none were offered.
- suggestion (n): lời đề nghị - to offer: đưa ra
A: however B: besides C: moreover D: therefore
14. Johnny Pacheco has a creative talent as a manager; ……………, he is a successful negotiator.
- negotiator (n): người thương lượng
A: still B: furthermore C: consequently D: otherwise
15. Mr. Daley is our most skilled speaker; …………….., he is unavailable to give the presentation.
: vì vậy
: do đó
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- unavailable (adj): không rảnh
A: besides B: nevertheless C: moreover D: therefore
1. Đứng trước động từ
Ex: Money cannot buy happiness.
2. Đứng sau động từ
Ex: A woman is emptying the trash can.
3. Đứng sau giới từ (in, on, at, to, from …)
Ex: Mr. McCrae’s registration form for admission to the diploma program arrived the day before the
4. Đứng sau (1) tính từ, (2) tính từ sở hữu (my, her, your, his …) (3) mạo từ (a/an/the)
Ex1: The shopping mall will be closed for two months so that a complete renovation can take place.
Ex2: They are listening to their manager.
Ex3: The registration will be needed in order to take advantage of their good learning materials.
5. Thường đứng sau tính từ chỉ số lượng (a lot of, many, much, a few, a little, some, any ……)
Ex: We bought some clothes from a shop on the way home.
Sự khác nhau giữa danh từ đếm được và danh từ không đếm được
1. Dùng sau mạo từ (a/an)
Ex: a book; an egg
2. Có hình thức số nhiều “S” hoặc “ES”
Ex: books; boxes
3. Dùng với “many”: nhiều
Ex: many books
4. Dùng với “How many”: bao nhiêu
Ex: How many books would you like?
5. Dùng với “few / a few”: rất ít / một vài
Ex: a few friends
6. Dùng với “these / those”: này / kia
Ex: these books / those rooms
1. KHÔNG dùng sau mạo từ (a/an)
2. KHÔNG có hình thức số nhiều “S” hoặc “ES”
3. Dùng với “much”: nhiều
Ex: much money
4. Dùng với “How much”: bao nhiêu
Ex: How much sugar would you like?
5. Dùng với “little / a little”: rất ít / một vài
Ex: a little money
6. KHÔNG dùng NOT use with these/ those
Một số danh từ không đếm được thường dùng
- access: sự truy cập
- machinery: máy móc
- information: thông tin
- luggage = baggage: hành lý
- research: cuộc nghiên cứu
- advice: lời khuyên / tips
- clothing: quần áo
- furniture: đồ gỗ
- equipment: thiết bị
- news: tin tức
- stationery: văn phòng phẩm
- change: tiền lẻ
- cash: tiền mặt
Cách đổi danh từ số ít sang danh từ số nhiều
Muốn danh từ số ít sang danh từ số nhiều ta lấy danh từ số ít + S
N (singular) + s  N (plural)
Ex1: book + s  books Ex2: table + s  tables
Chú ý:
1. Nếu danh từ số ít tận cùng bằng o, s, ch, sh, x, z + ES
Ex1: potato + es  potatoes Ex2: watch + es  watches
2. Nếu danh từ số ít tận cùng bằng Y và trước Y là phụ âm, ta đổi Y sang I và thêm ES
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Ex: lorry  lorri + es  lorries
BUT: Ex: key + s  keys
3A. Nếu danh từ số ít tận cùng bằng F, ta đổi F sang V và thêm ES
Ex: shelf  shelv + es  shelves
3B. Nếu danh từ số ít tận cùng bằng FE, ta đổi FE sang VE và thêm S
Ex: wife  wive + s  wives
4. Danh từ bất qui tắc:
- child  children
- man  men
- businessman  businessmen: doanh nhân
- woman  women
- person  people: người ta
- salesperson  salespeople: người bán hàng
- foot – feet: bàn chân
- tooth – teeth: cái răng
- ox – oxen: con bò
- sheep – sheep: con cừu
5. Danh từ chỉ môn học luôn ở số ít mặc dù chúng tận cùng bằng ‘S’
 economics: kinh tế học
 mathematics: toán học
 linguistics: ngôn ngữ học
 physics: vật lý
 statistics: môn thống kê
 politics: chính trị
 headquarters: trụ sở chính
 news: tin tức
6. Các danh từ luôn ở số nhiều.
- assets: tài sản
- earnings: tiền kiếm được
- savings: tiền tiết kiệm
1. Đứng trước danh từ: Ex: a special plan
2. Sau linking verbs: Ex: The workshop sounds boring.
- to look: trông có vẻ
- to feel: cảm thấy
- to smell: có mùi
- to taste: có vị
- to sound: nghe có vẻ
3. Sau động từ chỉ trạng thái: Ex: She becomes beautiful.
- to be: thì, là, ở
- to seem = to appear: dường như
- to remain = to keep = to stay: vẫn còn
- to become: trở nên; trở thành = to get, to turn
4. Đứng sau túc từ của các động từ như: find (nhận thấy/nhận ra), prove (chứng minh); consider (xem/ xem
như), keep (giữ), make (làm cho)
 Find
 Prove
 Consider
 Keep
 Make
Ex: We find English important for our job.
+ O + ADJ
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Ex: slow + ly  slowly
happy + ly  happily
+ bổ nghĩa cho động từ, đứng trước hoặc đứng sau động từ
Ex1: I strongly agree with it. Ex2: He spoke clearly.
Trạng từ bất qui tắc
Adjective  Adverb
- good  well: giỏi; tốt
- late  late: trễ # lately: gần đây
- hard  hard: chăm chỉ; siêng năng # hardly: hầu như không
- early  early
- fast  fast
1. This shop provides electrical cables, switches and security …….….. for all customers.
A: alarm B: alarms C: alarmes D: alarming
2. I’d like to order five …………. of red pens for my office.
A: box B: boxs C: boxes D: boxing
3. We also offer hire of glasses for weddings and socialized ………….. after work.
A: party B: partys C: partyes D: parties
4. Economics …………… one of the most difficult subjects at school.
A: be B: am C: is D: are
5. We need some ………….. for the new project in the marketing department.
A: new equipment B: new equipments C: equipment new D: equipment new
6. Our boss should contact a consultant to ask for some ………. to overcome the crisis.
A: advice B: advices C: advise D: advises
7. If you have a ………….. business plan, you are sure to succeed.
A: care B: careful C: carefully C: caring
8. I'm sure these problems can be …………… resolved.
A: satisfy B: satisfied C: satisfactory D: satisfactorily
9. I hear Joe has just ..……… passed the language exam in Portuguese. How excellent he is!
A: succeed B: successful C: successfully D: success
10. We are selling these toys at a very ..………… price.
A: competitors B: competition C: competing D: competitive
11. David …..…… told a cruel joke that really hurt Nancy.
A: intend B: intention C: intentional D: intentionally
12. Deb is an …..…… person. She rides a bike to school instead of a motorbike.
A: economical B: economic C: economy D: economically
13. Mr. Han is ………… awaiting the report on his yearly evaluation.
A: anxious B: anxiety C: anxiously D: anxiousness
14. She got bored because she never found shop-keeping …………
A: interest B: interested C: interesting D: interestingly
15. I am afraid you are not suitably …..……… for the job.
A: qualified B: qualify C: qualification D: qualifying
16. I like my work because I have the ………… to make my own decision.
A: freed B: freely C: freedom D: free
17. At his office he talks to customers and makes plans for …….………..
A: organizational B: organizing C: organize D: organizations
18. A doctor’s ……..…… manner makes patients feel comfortable.
A: friendship B: friend C: friendly D: friendliness
19. As is the case with the parking garage entrance, the front doors are run ……….., not manually.
A: electric B: electronically C: electrical D: electricity
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20. Because she ……….. in systems analysis, we sometimes call on her to speak at client workshops as
A: specialist B: specialization C: specials D: specializes
1. IN: vào
+ year: năm
+ month: tháng
+ season: mùa
+ time of a day: buổi trong ngày
+ decade (thập niên/ century (thế kỷ)
2. ON: vào
+ day: thứ + date (ngày tháng) + holidays: ngày lễ
- birthday
- New Year Day
- Christmas Day
- Valentine Day
3. AT: vào
+ specific time: giờ
+ time expressions: cách diễn đạt về thời gian
- at night / midnight
- at noon / midday
- at Christmas
- at New Year
- on / at weekend
- at Easter: lễ phục sinh
4. FROM ….. TO / BETWEEN … AND: từ …. đến
Ex: I work from 9:00 to 5:00.
5. FOR + a period of time: khoảng (thời gian)
Ex: She has been working for Coca-Cola for 8 months.
6. DURING + Noun: trong suốt
Ex: I traveled abroad during my vacation.
7. UNTIL = up to: cho tới
Ex: The bank is open until 5 p.m.
8. BY: trước
Ex: You have to come back by 10 p.m.
9. WITHIN: trong vòng
Ex: This soft drink should be consumed within a month.
1. IN: ở trong
Ex: The fax machine is in an office.
2. ON: ở trên
Ex1: Please bring me the document on the table.
Ex2: The company is on Pine Street.
3. AT: ở tại
Ex: We saw Mr. Green at the station.
4. BETWEEN … AND: ở giữa … và
Ex: I lost my passport somewhere between the department store and the airport.
5. BEHIND: đằng sau
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Ex: Alex led, and I followed along behind.
6. NEAR = BY = BESIDE: bên cạnh; ở gần
Ex1: Is there a good restaurant near here?
Ex2: He wanted to keep his wallet by him always.
Ex3: Our school was built right beside a river.
7. ABOVE/ OVER: bên trên
Ex1: She's rented a room above a shop.
Ex2: The sign over the door said "Exit".
8. OVER / ACROSS: ngang qua
Ex1: She is always chatting with her neighbour over the garden fence.
Ex2: She is walking across the street.
9. UNDER: bên dưới
Ex: They stood under a tree (= below its branches) to avoid getting wet.
10. BELOW: bên dưới
Ex: From the top of the skyscraper the cars below us looked like insects.
11. IN FRONT OF: trước; phía trước
Ex: Why did you have to embarrass me in front of all those people?
1. The mail carrier left the mail ……………. the secretary’s desk.
A: to B: on C: at D: above
2. The software company offers training …………… Atlanta.
A: at B: on C: by D: in
3. There will be a holiday ………… Monday.
A: on B: from C: at D: in
4. The presentation starts …………. 9.30 A.M in the conference room.
A: on B: at C: in D: for
5. The interviewer will not give the candidate the interview results ……..…….. tomorrow.
A: on B: until C: from D: at
6. That clerk stands …………. a counter all day.
A: on B: in C: behind D: above
7. Please hand in that report …….….. Friday afternoon.
A: at B: by C: in D: to
8. There is an international company …………… my family-owned company.
A: over B: among C: next to D: between
9. James will be in his office ………… 10.30 to 2.00
A: by B: at C: in D: from
10. The bank usually opens …………….. 8.30 sharp.
A: at B: on C: during D: on
11. The manager will be on a business trip ……..….. December 21st and December 31st.
A: between B: from C: until D: by
12. I will wait for you ……………. the office.
A: between B: in front of C: over D: on
13. The CEO of our parent company arrived ….……… HCM city just in time for our meeting.
A: in B: at C: into D: on
14. The Annual General Meeting of shareholders is taking place next week …………… the events hall on
the 18th floor.
A: on B: to C: in D: under
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15. Journalists ………... the world welcomed the announcement that the HLB Media Institute would remain
A: on B: over C: around D: through
Bắt đầu các từ nối mệnh đề quan hệ sau: (1) WHO, (2) WHOM, (3) WHICH (4) THAT (5) WHOSE
6.1. WHO: dùng thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người làm chủ từ trong mệnh đề tính từ
……….. N (people) + WHO + V + …
Ex: The accountants were very good. They advised me.
 The accountants WHO/THAT advised me were very good.
6.2. WHOM: dùng thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người làm túc từ trong mệnh đề tính từ
………. N (people) + WHOM + S + V + …
Ex: I talked to an economist. You saw him yesterday.
 I talked to an economist WHOM / THAT you saw yesterday.
Chú ý:
1. Ta có thể dùng WHO thay cho WHOM
Ex: I talked to an economist WHOM / WHO you saw yesterday.
2. ‘Whom’ có thể được bỏ đi nếu nó không đứng sau giới từ
Ex: I met with an economist WHOM you saw yesterday.
Ex: I met with an economist TO WHOM you talked yesterday.
6.3. WHICH: dùng thay thế cho danh từ chỉ vật làm chủ từ hoặc túc từ trong mệnh đề tính từ
A. ……….. N (thing) + WHICH + V + ….
Ex: She looked at the letter. The letter was sent by her mother.
 She looked at the letter WHICH / THAT was sent by her mother.
B. ……. N (thing) + WHICH + S + V + ……
Ex: She showed me the letter. She talked about the letter yesterday.
 She showed me the letter WHICH / THAT she talked about yesterday.
Chú ý:
‘Which’ có thể được bỏ đi nếu nó làm túc từ trong mệnh đề tính từ và nó không đứng sau giới từ
Ex: She showed me the letter. She talked about the letter yesterday.
 She showed me the letter WHICH she talked about yesterday.
6.4. THAT: dùng thay thế cho danh từ chỉ vật hoặc chỉ người làm chủ từ hoặc túc từ trong mệnh đề tính từ
Lưu ý: Các trường hợp không được dùng THAT thay cho WHO, WHOM / WHICH
1. THAT không được dùng sau dấu phẩy.
Ex: My brother, Jim, who / that lives in London is a doctor.
2. THAT không được dùng sau giới từ (to, from, on, in, at …).
Ex: Mr. Smith, to whom / that I talked on the phone last night, is a nice person.
3. THAT không được dùng sau các chỉ số lượng như
- all of # none of (not .. any of): tất cả # không ai
- both of: cả hai # neither of (not … either of): không ai trong số hai người
- much of / many of / some of
- each of / one of / two of: một trong những
Ex: I have three brothers, all of whom / that are married.
6.5. WHOSE: chỉ sự sở hữu
……… N + WHOSE + N + V + ………
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Ex: Our company is looking for candidates. Their degrees are proper.
 Our company is looking for candidates WHOSE degrees are proper.
1. We drew up a short-list of candidates …….……. CVs were very good.
- to draw (up) – drew – drawn: lập ra; soạn ra
- short-list candidate (n): người xin việc được sơ tuyển
A: whom B: whose C: which D: who
2. Mr. Smith, ………..……. I was talking to, is the head of AT&T.
- head (n): người đứng đầu
A: which B: whose C: whom D: that
3. The company for …………. she works has a very good reputation.
- reputation (n): danh tiếng
A: which B: that C: who D: whom
4. The new accounts program, …………. cost a lot of money, is working very well.
- to cost – cost – cost: có giá
A: that B: whose C: which D: whom
5. Managers ………..… have time to fill in for sick employees will be respected.
- to fill in for: thay thế; làm thay - to respect: tôn trọng; kính nể
A: who B: ,who C: whose D: which
6. Glaxo, ………. products include Zantac, is the biggest drug producer in Europe.
- to include; bao gồm - drug producer (n): công ty dược phẩm
A: that B: whose C: which D: whom
7. Kart Motors has recently built a factory in Arizona, …….…… will become operational next week.
- operational (adj): đi vào hoạt động
A: who B: that C: whom D: which
8. Please ensure that you have to return goods ………… has defects within a week of purchase.
- defect (n): có lỗi; bị lỗi - purchase (n): mua
A: that B: who C: whose D: whom
9. Peter has found the invoice for ………. you were looking.
- invoice (n): hóa đơn
A: that B: which C: who D: whom
10. The client from ……..……. we have received this complaint wishes us to take action immediately.
A: whom B: who C: that D: which
- to take action: hành động - immediately (adv): ngay lập tức
11. You may return for a full refund any merchandise with ……….. you are not satisfied.
- full refund (n): hoàn tiền đầy đủ - merchandise (n): hàng hóa
A: who B: whom C: which D: whose
12. We hope to become partners with the insurance company ………… products and services meet our
needs. – partner (n): đối tác
A: which B: that C: what D: whose
13. The advertising campaign ……………Lucy generated was very profitable.
- advertising campaign (n): chiến dịch quảng cáo - to generate: tạo ra - profitable (adj): có lời
A: who B: that C: ,which D: whose
14. There are many companies ………….. are working on new technologies.
A: whom B: which C: ,which D: whose
15. I have always found that it's helpful to have a few wise and trusted people to ………….. you can turn for
information and advice.
A: that B: who C: where D: whom
Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 19
7.1. Adverb clause of time: Mệnh đề phụ trạng từ chỉ thời gian bắt đầu bằng các từ nối mệnh đề như:
 When = as: khi
 While: trong khi
 Until: cho tới khi
 As soon as: ngay khi
 After: sau khi
 Before: trước khi
 Since: từ khi
 Once: một khi
Sự phối hợp về thì trong mệnh đề phụ trạng từ chỉ thời gian
Mệnh đề phụ trạng từ chỉ thời gian Mệnh đề chính
1. Thì hiện tại đơn / Thì hiện tại hoàn thành 1. Thì tương lai đơn
Ex1: When I see him, I will inform him of the news.
2. Thì quá khứ đơn 2. Thì quá khứ hoàn thành
Ex2: When I arrived, he had left.
3. Thì quá khứ đơn 3. Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn
Ex3: When I arrived, he was watching TV.
4. Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn 4. Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn
Ex4: While he was watching TV, I was reading books.
5. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành 4. SINCE + S + V (thì quá khứ đơn)
Ex5: He has worked for the same company since he graduated from university.
7.2. Adverb clause of manner: Mệnh đề phụ trạng từ chỉ thể cách bắt đầu bằng các từ nối mệnh đề như:
 As: như
 As if = as though: như thể là
Ex1: You talk as if / as though you were my father.
Ex2: Do as I told you.
7.3. Adverb clause of reason: Mệnh đề phụ trạng từ chỉ lý do bắt đầu bằng các từ nối mệnh đề như:
 because / as / since: bởi vì
Ex: They were not able to get the money from the bank because their documents did not meet the terms of
the Letter of credit.
7.4. Adverb clause of result / cause and effect: Mệnh đề phụ trạng từ chỉ nguyên nhân kết quả bắt đầu
bằng các từ nối mệnh đề như:
 S + V + So + / ADJ / ADV + that + Clause (S + V + …): quá đến nỗi mà
 S + V + Such [a(n)] + (adj) + N + that + Clause: quá đến nỗi mà
Ex1: The program has been so organised that none of the talks overlap.
Ex2: He places orders for computer parts so regularly that we can offer him 10% off the list price.
7.5. Adverb clause of purpose: Mệnh đề phụ trạng từ chỉ mục đích bắt đầu bằng các từ nối mệnh đề như:
 so that / in order that: để mà
Ex: I wrote the date in my diary so that I don’t forget the meeting this morning.
7.6. Adverb clause of concession: Mệnh đề phụ trạng từ chỉ sự nhượng bộ bắt đầu bằng các từ nối mệnh đề
 Although = Though: mặc dù
 Even though: thậm chí mặc dù
Ex: Although both imports and exports may fall next year, the levels are likely to be different.
Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 20
1. ………..…. you are a regular customer, we can give you a ten-percent discount.
- regular customer (n): khách hàng thường xuyên
A: While B: Although C: Since D: So that
2. …………. the company had made every effort, it continued to lose market share to its competitors.
- to make effort: nổ lực; cố gắng - to lose – lost - lost: mất
- market share (n): thị phần - competitor (n): đối thủ
A: When B: Before C: As D: Even though
3. The company is going to introduce new machines ………..……. productivity can increase.
- productivity (n): năng suất - to increase: tăng
A: although B: that C: until D: so that
4. I would like to know about the interest rate ………….. I can agree to the loan.
- interest rate (n): lãi suất - loan (n): khoản vay
A: when B: after C: before D: since
5. The savings banks had such bad interest rates …………. they switched to financial institutions.
- to switch to: chuyển sang - financial institution (n): tổ chức tài chính
A: than B: though C: as if D: that
6. Mr. Laurier is ………. a reliable customer that we have never had any trouble getting payment from him.
A: such B: so C: since D: as
7. ………….. the shippers handles the consignment carefully, all the machines were damaged beyond repair.
- to handle: xử lý - consignment (n): hàng gởi đi
- to damage: hư hỏng - beyond repair: không thể sửa chữa được
A: So that B: Although C: Since D: Because
8. We will have breakfast in the hotel …………. we go to the office.
A: until B: before C: as D: although
9. They opened an office in the US ……….…. they wanted to concentrate on the stock market.
- to concentrate (on): tập trung (vào) - stock market (n): thị trường chứng khoán
A: although B: even though C: so that D: because
10. There was such a suspicious amount of account activity …………. we had to call the customer.
- suspicious (adj): đáng nghi; khả nghi
A: since B: while C: that D: unless
11. Please answer the phone ……..…… it rings.
A: even though B: as soon as C: since D: before
12. ………… Mr. Park worked for us, he had received training abroad.
A: Before B: As soon as C: Unless D: When
13. We have decided to give her the job ………….. Ms. Clark has an excellent background.
A: because B: even though C: so that D: before
14. You will feel more comfortable at your new job ……….. you have been working there for a while.
A: after B: before C: while D: as if
15. What Ms. Jones meant to say was that e-mail cannot be sent …………. the network is operational.
- operational (adj): hoạt động
A: since B: until C: when D: that
16. Many people have started coming to work by bus …………. the parking fees have gotten so high.
A: unless B: since C: while D: so that
17. …………… the power went out, the clerks were photocopying the reports for the meeting.
- power (n): điện - to go out: cúp điện - clerk (n): người thư ký
A: When B: Until C: If D: After
18. The musicians began playing “Happy Birthday” …………. the president entered in the room.
A: while B: so that C: as though D: as soon as
19. I always watch TV with English subtitles …………….. I can improve my vocabulary.
- subtitle (n): phụ đề - to improve: cải thiện
A: after B: when C: so that D: while
20. I need to take out a loan: vay mượn from a finance company …………….. I want to buy a new car.
A: so that B: as C: while D: unless
Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 21
MODAL VERBS + V0/ BARE INFINITIVE (động từ nguyên mẫu KHÔNG ‘TO’)
1. MUST/HAVE TO / NEED - HAD TO: phải, cần phải (chỉ sự bắt buộc)
Ex: You must wear suit to the meeting.
* MUSTN’T: cấm; không được # don’t have to/ doesn’t have to/ don’t need to/ doesn’t need to/ needn’t:
không phải, không cần
Ex: You mustn’t drive over 100 km/h in the city center.
2. CAN - COULD: có thể (chỉ khả năng)
Ex: The secretary can type very fast.
3. SHOULD / OUGHT TO / HAD BETTER: nên (lời khuyên)
Ex: You should look for information about that company first.
4. MAY / MIGHT: có lẽ (chỉ sự phỏng đoán; giả thuyết, không chắc chắn)
Ex: The seminar may finish late.
1. Mary is a bilingual secretary because she ……………. speak English and French.
- bilingual (adj): biết hai thứ tiếng
A: may B: could C: can D: should
2. I don’t think you ……………. accept the offer, which is not good for your career development.
- to accept: chấp nhận - career development (n): việc phát triển nghề nghiệp
A: should B: may C: could D: ought
3. You ………………….. tell anyone about our new project. It’s a secret.
- project (n): dự án - secret (n): bí mật
A: needn’t B: don’t have to C: mustn’t D: don’t need to
4. He ………… a better job if he spends more time sending C.V. to many more companies.
A: may B: mays get C: may gets D: may get
5. I ………… go to the post office this morning.
A: ought B: must B: have D: should to
6. Here's the application form you …………… fill out and send it soon; otherwise, it’s too late.
- application form: đơn xin việc - to fill out / in: điền vào
A: can B: should C: will D: could
7. It ………… be possible to change the meeting to next month. You should check with the director for sure.
- possible (adj): có lẽ
A: might B: must C: can D: should
8. You …………… focus more on your family and less on work. You have never had dinner at home.
A: had better B: should to C: must D: can
9. It is said that China …………… become a major economic leader, but this is not certain.
- major economic leader (n): nước dẫn dầu về kinh tế - certain (adj): chắc chắn
A: must B: may C: ought to D: can
10. He gave up his old job so he ……………. have time to work for us.
A: can B: must C: should D: could
Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 22
Thường bắt đầu bằng các từ nối mệnh đề như:
- if
- as long as: nếu; miễn là
- provided / providing (that): miễn là; nếu
- unless: nếu không
Câu điều kiện có 3 loại:
Loại 1: Điều kiện có thật trong tương lai
Diễn tả 1 hành động có thật và sẽ xảy ra ở tương lai. Ta dùng cấu trúc:
Simple present (thì hiện tại đơn) + Future simple (thì tương lai đơn)
+ Simple tense (hiện tại đơn)
+ Imperative (mệnh lệnh)
+ Modal Verbs (must, can, may, should …)
Ex1: If you send your order by fax, we will deliver the goods immediately.
Ex2: If you order in bulk, you usually get a discount.
Ex3: If you need my help, just call me.
Ex4: If you want to cancel your order, you can tell us at any time.
* Imperative (câu mệnh lệnh): thường bắt đầu bằng động từ.
+ Positive: xác định
Please + V + … = V + …, please
Please be quiet. = Be quiet, please
+ Negative: phủ định
Please + DON’T + V + … = DON’T + V + …, please
Please don’t make noise. = Don’t make noise, please
Loại 2: Điều kiện không có thật ở hiện tại
Diễn tả 1 sự việc không có thật ở hiện tại. Ta dùng cấu trúc:
Simple past (thì quá khứ đơn) would / could / might + bare inf
Ex: If there were/was not my help, he might not establish his own business.
Loại 3: Điều kiện không có thật ở quá khứ
Diễn tả 1 sự việc không có thật ở quá khứ. Ta dùng cấu trúc:
Past perfect (thì quá khứ hoàn thành: had + pp) would / could / might + have + PP/V-ed
Ex: If I had had money, I would have bought the car.
1. If Sheila ..………….. the money she has owed me, I won’t be able to pay my rent.
- to owe: nợ
A: did not return B: does not return
C: would not return D: had not returned
2. If the airline hadn’t been on strike, his flight ……..….. delayed.
- to be on strike: đình công
A: wouldn’t have been B: was not
C: would not be D: had not been
3. If the city ………….. the parking lot space downtown, we would not have to park so far away from the
movie theatre.
- parking lot space (n): bãi đậu xe - downtown (n): trung tâm thành phố
- to expand: mở rộng
Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 23
A: expands B: doesn’t expand C: will be expanded D: expanded
4. We ……….. on the beach in Mexico if we had been able to get our visas on time.
- to lie – lay – lain - lying: nằm, nằm dài
A: are lying B: would have lain C: would be lying D: lay
5. If you send your order by fax, we ………….. the goods immediately.
- immediately (adv): ngay lập tức
A: would deliver B: will deliver C: are delivering D: delivered
6. If the government ………….. that companies should reduce the legal work week to 35 hours, many small
companies would go bankrupt.
- to reduce: giảm - legal work week (n): tuần làm việc theo qui định
- to go bankrupt: phá sản - to announce: thông báo
A: announces B: is announced C: has announced D: announced
7. If more subway lines and roads were built for suburban commuters, it is likely that they ……….. their
vehicles much less frequently.
- subway line (n): tuyến đường xe điện ngầm - suburban commuter (n): người ở vùng ngoại ô
- vehicle (n): xe cộ - frequently (adv): thường xuyên
A: use B: will use C: used D: would use
8. If you had executed the order carefully, they ……..…….. another order with you.
- to execute an order: thực hiện đơn hàng - to place an order: đặt hàng
A: would place B: placed C: will place D: would have placed
9. Please don’t hesitate to contact us directly for clarification if you ………….. the assembly directions in
the manual.
- to hesitate: do dự - to contact: liên hệ
- directly (adv): trực tiếp - clarification (n): giải thích; việc làm cho rõ
- assembly direction (n): hướng dẫn lắp ráp - manual (n): sách hướng dẫn
A: hadn’t understood B: didn’t understand
C: don’t understand D: won’t understand
10. If employees ………. to take vacation time, they must inform their supervisor in writing at least 2 weeks
prior to the first day off.
- supervisor (n): người quản lý - in writing: bằng văn bản
- prior to (prep): trước
A: will plan B: plan C: would plan D: will have planned
11. Where …………… choose to go, if you got a job in any city in the world?
A: will you B: did you C: can you D: would you
12. If I can speak English, I …………. for a job in a multinational company.
- multinational company (n): công ty đa quốc gia
A: would apply B: apply C: will apply D: applied
13. It would have been a much more serious loss if we ………….. doing business with that company.
- serious loss (n): việc thua lỗ nghiêm trọng
A: would continue B: would have continued C: had continued D: continued
14. A: “Can I borrow your car for this evening?”
B: “Sure, but Nora’s using it right now. If she ……… it back in time, you’re welcome to borrow it.”
A: brought B: would bring C: will bring D: brings
15. If you ……….. to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this trouble now.
A: listen B: would listen C: had listened D: listened
Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 24

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2. Grammar revision AVDR T 9 2021 - gui SV.docx

  • 1. Nội dung ôn tập AVDR T9 2021 Page 1 NỘI DUNG ÔN TẬP AVDR T9 2021 A. PHẦN NGỮ PHÁP 1. Thì (hiện tại đơn, hiện tại tiếp diễn, hiện tại hoàn thành, quá khứ đơn, quá khứ tiếp diễn, quá khứ hoàn thành và tương lai đơn) 2. Đại từ (I, you, he, ….) 3. Từ nối 4. Từ loại (danh từ, tính từ, trạng từ …) 5. Giới từ (on, at, in, to, from ….) 6. Mệnh đề tính từ 7. Mệnh đề trạng từ 8. Modal verbs (must, can, should …) 9. Câu điều kiện 1. TENSES: THÌ 1.1. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE: THÌ HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN 1. diễn tả một sự thật hiển nhiên; hoặc một sự việc nói chung Ex: The earth goes around the sun. 2. diễn tả sự việc lặp đi lặp lại hoặc 1 thói quen Ex: I usually leave for work at 8 a.m. 3. dùng để miêu tả thực tế hoặc diển tả 1 tình huống cố định ít thay đổi Ex: My parents live in HCM city. 4. dùng để chỉ lịch trình: phim, sự kiện, trận đấu, phương tiên vận chuyển, giờ mở cửa .... Ex: According to the schedule, group discussions start at 10 a.m. 5. dùng trong mệnh đề trạng đề chỉ thời gian. Mệnh đề trạng đề chỉ thời gian bắt đầu bằng các từ nối như: when = as (khi), before, after, as soon as (ngay khi), until (cho tới khi), once (một khi) etc. Ex1: Before you submit your test, you should check it once again. 6. dùng trong câu điều kiện loại 1. Câu điều kiện thường bắt đầu bằng các từ nối như if, unless, etc. Ex2: If they complete the project tomorrow, they will have a party. Các trạng từ thường dùng trong thì HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN: Trạng từ tần xuất/ sự thường xuyên: - always: luôn luôn - usually: thường thường - often: thường - sometimes: thỉnh thoảng - rarely: ít khi; hiếm khi - seldom: ít khi; hiếm khi - hardly (ever): hầu như không - never Trạng từ thời gian: + every morning/day/week/month/year/Monday; + in the morning/ afternoon/ evening; + at night 1.2 PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE: THÌ HIỆN TẠI TIẾP DIỄN BE (am / is / are) + V-ING 1. diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra vào lúc đang nói Ex: Where’s John? He’s working on the project. 2. diễn tả hành động diễn ra xung quanh thời điểm đang nói. Hành động này chưa chấm dứt và không nhất thiết xảy ra lúc nói. Ex: Some of my friends are building their own houses. 3. diễn tả hành động mang tính tạm thời
  • 2. Nội dung ôn tập AVDR T9 2021 Page 2 Ex: I’m living with some friends until I find an apartment. 4. diễn tả hành động trong tương lai gần đã được sắp xếp trước Ex: I’m visiting my grandma this weekend. 5. diễn tả sự phàn nàn do hành động lặp đi lặp lại gây khó chịu Ex: He is always asking me for help whenever he works on computer. Các trạng từ dùng trong thì HIỆN TẠI TIẾP DIỄN - (right) now = currently: bây giờ - at the moment: lúc này - at this time: lúc này - at present = presently: bây giờ - this weekend - in these days: những ngày này - Look / Listen Một số động từ KHÔNG dùng với thì hiện tại tiếp diễn 1. Động từ chỉ cảm xúc, tình cảm: - love, like, hate, dislike, prefer, want, wish - admire: ngưỡng mộ - desire: khát khao, ước ao - fear: lo sợ - respect: tôn trọng - value: có giá trị; coi trọng 2. Động từ chỉ hoạt động nhận thức: - see, know, understand - agree # disagree - remember, forget, - realize: nhận ra - believe, think = suppose = assume: cho rằng - hear: nghe rằng - trust: tin tưởng - mean: có ý rằng - recognize: nhận thấy - mind: phiền - doubt: nghi ngờ - matter: vấn đề - mean: có ý 3. Linking Verbs: - feel: cảm thấy - sound: nghe có vẻ - look: trông có vẻ - smell: có mùi - taste: có vị 4. Động từ chỉ sở hữu: - have, belong to: thuộc về, own = possess: làm chủ; sở hữu 5. Động từ chỉ trạng thái - seem = appear: dường như - depend on: phụ thuộc vào - contain = include = consist of: bao gồm - remain = stay = keep: vẫn còn - be: thì là, ở - exist: tồn tại - to become = to get = to turn: trở nên; trở thành 1.3. PRESENT PERFECT TENSE: THÌ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH I/You/We/They HAVE + PP / V-ED/-3 He/She/It HAS + PP / V-ED/-3 1. diễn tả hành động bắt đầu trong quá khứ nhưng vẫn kéo dài đến hiện tại và tiếp tục ở tương lai Ex: I have lived in New York since I was young / for ten years. 2. diễn tả hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng không đề cập đến thời gian cụ thể Ex: I have (already) read some of Shakespeare’s plays.
  • 3. Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 3 3. dùng chia sẻ kinh nghiệm hoặc trải nghiệm Ex: Have you ever seen a lion? 4. diễn tả hành động lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần trong quá khứ Ex: It’s the third time he has called his girlfriend tonight. 5. diễn tả hành động vừa mới xảy ra, hoặc dùng để thông báo thông tin Ex: Shahin has just won the competition. Các trạng từ thường dùng trong thì HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH: 1. recently = lately: gần đây 2. so far = until now = up till now: mãi cho đến bây giờ; mãi cho tới gần đây 3. in / over / for / during the last / past few (years): trong những (năm) vừa qua 4. just: vừa mới 5. never …. (before): chưa bao giờ trước đây 6. ever (thường dùng cho câu hỏi): có bao giờ 7. already: rồi (dùng trong câu xác định) + thường đứng cuối câu or hoặc đứng trước PP/V-ed Ex: I’ve (already) finished my homework (already). 8. yet: chưa (dùng trong câu hỏi và phủ định) + thường đứng cuối câu (nếu là câu hỏi) Ex: Have you finished your homework yet? + thường đứng cuối câu or hoặc sau NOT (nếu là câu phủ định) Ex: I have not (yet) finished my homework (yet). 9. since + chỉ một điểm/ mốc thời gian: từ khi 10. for + chỉ một khoảng thời gian: khoảng Fill in the blanks with “since” or “for” 1. ……….. 2 o’clock 2. ………... 2010 3. ……..… this afternoon 4. …….…. two weeks ago 5. ……….. three hours 6. ……….. a year 1.4. SIMPLE PAST TENSE: THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN 1. dùng diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra và kết thúc trong quá khứ với thời gian xác định Ex: I went to London yesterday. 2. dùng diễn tả hành động lặp đi lặp lại trong quá khứ có thời gian xác định hoặc hành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ bây giờ không còn nữa Ex: Every year when I was a child, we went / used to go to Italy on holiday. 3. diễn tả một loạt các hành động liên tiếp xảy ra trong quá khứ Ex: I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim. Các trạng từ thường dùng trong thì QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN: - yesterday (morning / afternoon …) - last (night / week …) - (three days / two months …) ago - in (1999 / 2001, …) - in the (2000s / 1980s …) Động từ ở thì quá khứ đơn được chia làm 2 loại: (1) Động từ theo qui tắc (ta thêm –ed). Ví dụ: dance - danced (2) Động từ theo bất qui tắc (ta học thuộc lòng cột số 2 trong bảng Động từ bất qui tắc). Ví dụ: see - saw
  • 4. Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 4 1.5. PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE: THÌ QUÁ KHỨ TIẾP DIỄN I/He/She/It WAS + V-ING You/We/they WERE + V-ING 1. diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra vào một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ Ex: At one o’clock yesterday I was having lunch. 2. diễn tả 2 hành động cùng song song xảy ra trong quá khứ; thường có từ nối WHEN / WHILE Ex: I was doing the shopping while he was parking the car. 3. diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra trong quá khứ thì có một hành động khác cắt ngang/xảy ra. Hành động đang xảy ra (dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn), hành động cắt ngang (dùng thì quá khứ đơn) Ex: While I was watching TV, the phone rang. 1.6. PAST PERFECT TENSE: THÌ QUÁ KHỨ HOÀN THÀNH HAD + PP / V-ED/-3 diễn tả một hành động đã hoàn thành trước một hành động khác hoặc trước một thời điểm trong quá khứ Ex: I left the theater as soon as the film had finished. Lưu ý: 1. Ta có thể dùng thì quá khứ đơn thay cho quá khứ hoàn thành khi hai hành động gần như đồng thời xảy ra. Ex: When I saw a spider, I screamed. 2. Ta có thể dùng thì quá khứ đơn thay cho quá khứ hoàn thành khi trong câu có từ nối AFTER / BEFORE. Ex: Before I got home, the family had eaten dinner. OR: Before I got home, the family ate dinner. 1.7. FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE: THÌ TƯƠNG LAI ĐƠN WILL / SHALL + BARE INF 1. dùng để diễn tả hành động sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai Ex: Our company will hold a grand opening ceremony next week. 2. dùng để đưa ra dự đoán về một điều gì đó mà ta nghĩ không thể tránh khỏi (không có sự can thiệp hay sắp xếp trước) Ex: In the next few years, everyone will be able to access the Internet with their mobile phone. 3. dùng đưa ra quyết định ngay tại thời điểm nói (hành động này không dự tính trước) Ex: A: There is someone at the door, but I’m busy talking on the phone. B: OK. I’ll answer the door. 4. Thường dùng sau các cách nói: I think, I don’t think, I hope ..… Ex1: I think I'll go to bed now. Ex2: I don’t think she'll do well in the job. 5. Thường dùng để hứa hẹn Ex: Don’t worry. I will be there to help you. ADVERBS OF TIME FOR THE FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE - tomorrow (morning, afternoon, …) - the day after tomorrow - next (week, month, year …) - at the end of (May) - in + year (in 2020) - in + duration (khoảng thời gian) Ex: in three years’ time; in two days; in the next three years Ex: She will be here in ten minutes. PRACTICE 1. Who ……........ food in your family when your Mom is away today?
  • 5. Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 5 A: cooks B: is cooking C: will cook D: cooked 2. Money …………. on trees. A: didn’t grow B: isn’t growing C: don’t grow D: doesn’t grow 3. As soon as we …….…. from the suppliers, we will let you know when the goods are in stock. A: hear B: will hear C: heard D: are hearing 4. Where is John? – He ……….. his car in the garage. A: repairs B: is repairing C: has repaired D: repaired 5. I always ……….. to work by bus. It takes me about forty minutes to get to work by bus. A: go B: am going C: have gone D: goes 6. I can't leave now. I ……..….. for an important telephone call. A: wait B: am waiting C: waited D: was waiting 7. The manager can’t talk on the phone because he ………………… a meeting right now. A: is having B: has C: has had D: had 8. Mr. Caputo usually……..……with a translator. A: traveled B: travel C: is traveling D: travels 9. There is an LAL flight that leaves Heathrow at 20:30 and ………….. in at 6:00. A: got B: get C: is getting D: gets 10. Are you going to Lena’s party? – No. I ……….. home tonight. I'm a little tired. A: will stay B: am staying C: stay D: have stayed 11. The company ……………. . our complaint yet. A: has not answered B: does not answer C: will not answer D: is not answering 12. I’m sorry. The director …………… for his vacation and will not return until next week. A: is leaving B: left C: has left D: will leave 13. I …..……… in the café having a drink when the police arrived. A: sat B: sit C: was sitting D: have sat 14. Mr. Lee ………….. his vacation after the project is completed. A: will take B: took C: has taken D: takes 15. Mr. Han ………….. his bags when he found out his flight was canceled. A: packed B: were packing C: was packing D: has packed 16. The secretary …………… night classes for the past three months. A: is attending B: has attended C: will attend D: had attended 17. How long …..…….. each other when they got married? A: had they known B: have they known C: would they know D: did they know 18. Once you get used to our methods, you …….…… the job a lot easier. A: will find B: have found C: found D: find 19. While I …..…….. home, the solution to the company’s financial problems suddenly came to me. A: have walked B: was walking C: walked D: am walking 20. I …..……. the approval of three committee members before Bob signed off on the project. A: did already get B: had already gotten C: have already gotten D: was already getting 21. The recent survey shows that our consumer base .……….…. A: grows B: is growing C: had grown D: was growing 22. I …………..… for Bank of America from 2011-2013. A: have worked B: was working C: worked D: had worked 23. I didn't have much to eat at lunch because I …………. a lot at breakfast. A: have eaten B: had eaten C: was eating D: ate 24. I ………….. long when the alarm went off. A: have slept B: was sleeping C: am sleeping D: slept 25. Ms. Sirichanya …………… the package when she discovered the address was wrong. A: had mailed B: has mailed C: will mail D: is mailing 26. Effective next Monday, the interest rate on Hana Bank’s home loan ………….. increased. A: was B: will be C: to be D: had been
  • 6. Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 6 27. A: Excuse me. I need to talk to someone about our hotel room. I am afraid it is simply too small for four people. B: That man at the service counter ……….…… you. A: will help B: is helping C: has helped D: helps 28. When the shipment …..…….. in, he will dispatch it to the proper department. A: will come B: is coming C: comes D: come 29. The rent on these offices ………….. up close to fifty percent since we first signed our lease. A: has gone B: go C: were going D: are going 30. In his first three months at Novotel, Mr. Peet ………….. his colleagues with his diligence and positive attitude. A: has impressed B: impressed C: was impressing D: impresses
  • 7. Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 7 2. PRONOUNS: ĐẠI TỪ Đại từ được chia làm 3 ngôi (thứ 1, 2, 3) và 2 số (số ít và số nhiều). Đại từ có 5 loại: 4.1. SUBJECT PRONOUNS: ĐẠI TỪ LÀM CHỦ TỪ/ CHỦ NGỮ 1 2 3 Số ít I You He, She, It Số nhiều We You They Đại từ làm chủ từ thường đứng trước động từ. Ex: I go to school every day. 4.2. OBJECT PRONOUNS: ĐẠI TỪ LÀM TÚC TỪ/ TÂN NGỮ 1 2 3 Số ít me you him, her, it Số nhiều us you them Đại từ làm túc từ thường đứng sau động từ hoặc sau giới từ (on, in, at, to, with, from, for ...). Ex1: See you again. Ex2: I go to school with him every day. 4.3. POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES: TÍNH TỪ SỞ HỮU 1 2 3 Số ít my your his, her, its Số nhiều our your their Tính từ sở hữu thường đứng trước danh từ hoặc danh động từ (gerund: V-ing). Ex1: I call my mother every day after work. Ex2: Do you mind my opening the window? 4.4. POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS: ĐẠI TỪ SỞ HỮU 1 2 3 Số ít mine yours his, hers, its Số nhiều ours yours theirs Đại từ sở hữu dùng thay thế cho tính từ sở hữu + danh từ nhằm tránh sự lặp lại. Đại từ sở hữu có thể đứng (1) trước động từ (làm chủ từ), (2) sau động từ (làm túc từ) và (3) đứng sau giới từ. Ex1: My book is heavy, but yours (your book) is light (nhẹ). Ex2: I left my dictionary home. Can I borrow yours (your dictionary)? Ex3: My book is different from yours (your book). 4.5. REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS: ĐẠI TỪ PHẢN THÂN 1 2 3 Số ít myself yourself himself, herself, itself Số nhiều ourselves yourselves themselves 1. Được dùng khi chủ từ và túc từ là một Ex: I love myself. 2. Được dùng để nhấn mạnh cho chủ từ + Đứng sau chủ từ hoặc đứng cuối câu Ex: I (myself) finished the project (myself). 3. Được dùng để nhấn mạnh cho túc từ và đứng liền sau túc từ đó Ex: I finished the project itself yesterday. 4. Dùng sau giới từ BY có nghĩa là một mình (by oneself = alone) Ex: The president delivered the document by himself. 4.6. INDEFINITE PRONOUNS: ĐẠI TỪ BẤT ĐỊNH Someone/ somebody Anyone/ anybody No one/ nobody Something Anything Nothing Somewhere Anywhere Nowhere 1. Someone = somebody / something dùng cho câu xác định.
  • 8. Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 8 Ex1: There is someone at the door. Ex2: I need something to fix the computer. 2. Anyone = anybody / anything dùng cho câu phủ định và câu hỏi. Ex1: Is there anyone here who knows the answer for my question? Ex2: I don’t think of anything new to add to the list. *Lưu ý: Khi Anyone = anybody / anything dùng trong câu xác định, chúng có nghĩa là bất cứ …. Ex: Anyone who leaves the office last must be responsible for locking the door. 3. No one = nobody = not …….. anyone/ anybody Nothing = not ……. Anything Ex: I see no one in the office. = I do not see anyone in the office. PRACTICE 1. There are many clients in the list and Amy is trying to phone …….…….. - client: khách hàng - to try: cố gắng A: them B: their C: they D: themselves 2. It would be easy for ………. to give employees advice on how to improve their performance or behavior. - to improve: cải thiện - performance (n): hoạt động - behavior (n): hành vi; cách cư xử A: I B: my C: mine D: me 3. I refuse this contract because it might destroy the company’s reputation as well as ……….. - to refuse: từ chối - to destroy: phá hoại; hủy hoại - reputation (n): danh tiếng - as well as: cũng như A: I B: my C: mine D: me 4. There was no Internet – we couldn’t get any information at all, just sitting in the office. We had to go out and do the research by ……………. - not … at all: không một chút - to do research: nghiên cứu A: us B: ourselves C: our D: we 5. The new project of our company is secret. You mustn’t discuss …………. with anyone. - project (n): dự án - secret (n): điều bí mật A: them B: him C: it D: its 6. We had to return the machines because there was something wrong with ……………... A: them B: him C: it D: its 7. Our designs are on the left bookshelf. Where are …………..? A: their B: theirs C: them D: themselves 8. I can’t help you, Bob. You’ll have to solve your problem by …………. A: myself B: yourselves C: ourselves D: yourself 9. I …..……. haven’t seen the new design, but I believe it’s very good. - to believe: tin A: herself B: myself C: themselves D: himself 10. At the press conference, some reporters didn’t understand the speech of the CEO and ………… kept asking questions. - Keep + V-ing: liên tục … A: they B: them C: their D: theirs 11. The new project of our company is secret. You mustn’t discuss it with ……………. A: something B: someone C: anyone D: anything 12. We had to return the machines because there was …………. wrong with them. A: anything B: everything C: something D: nothing 13. After I checked the prices in more than 5 shops, I decided not to buy ……..….. in the end. A: anything B: everything C: something D: nothing 14. He said that he was an expert at problem solving, but he knew almost …………… about it. A: anything B: everything C: something D: nothing 15. If …………. had called me this morning, they would have left a message. A: anyone B: someone C: no one D: everyone 16. Unfortunately, we can’t find Alice and David …………… in the office. A: anywhere B: somewhere C: nowhere D: everywhere 17. ………….. in the office went to the party but …………… enjoyed it very much. A: Someone / no one B: Nobody / no one C: Everyone / nobody D: Everyone / somebody
  • 9. Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 9 18. There was ………….. to help me with the report, so I had to do it myself. A: anyone B: someone C: no one D: everyone 3. CONJUNCTIONS: TỪ NỐI 3.1. TỪ NỐI CẶP BOTH + n AND + n vừa … vừa NOT ONLY + adj BUT ALSO + adj không những …. mà còn EITHER + adverb OR + adverb hoặc … hoặc NOT + verb BUT + verb không phải …. mà là NEITHER + pronoun NOR + pronoun không ….. cũng không Ex: A logo must be both distinctive and professional-looking. adj adj PRACTICE 1. We can ………. fax the document or mail it. A: both B: either C: neither D: but also 2. The building has ………. an outdoor parking lot and an underground garage. A: both B: either C: neither D: but also 3. Either Sam ……….. Tom will be sent to the new branch in L.A. A: and B: or C: but also D: nor 4. I ……….. sent him many letters but also tried to telephone him. A: not only B: both C: either D: neither 5. Tyrone’s sister Marsha, who I had little faith in at the beginning, has proved to be not only ambitious ….….. hard working. A: or B: neither C: yet D: but also 6. You have to bring both your passport ……….. flight tickets. A: and B: or C: nor D: but also 7. Applicants are required to present …………. a reference letter and a photocopy of their social security card. A: not only B: both C: either D: neither 8. Neither chatting online ……….. checking personal email is permitted during working hours. A: or B: and C: nor D: not only 9. For a more effective ad campaign, we need both a new product …….... a creative imaginative director. A: or B: either C: and D: nor 10. This machine is not only slow ……….. complicated. A: both B: or C: but also D: and 3.2. TỪ NỐI FANBOYS - For: bởi vì - And - Nor / Neither: cũng không  - But (direct opposites) - Yet (surprising or unexpected continuation) - Or - So: vì thế Ex1: I want to study art, but my parents want me to study engineering. Ex 2: I am very bad at maths, yet my parents want me to study engineering. Ex3: I couldn’t use the pay phone, for I didn’t have any coins with me. Lưu ý: Phía trước từ nối FANBOYS thường có dấu phẩy. PRACTICE FANBOYS
  • 10. Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 10 1. I want to work as a translator in the future, ………. I am studying English at university. - translator (n): thông dịch viên A: but B: so C: and D: or 2. Mr. Smith will work the morning shift, …….….. he prefers to work in the evenings. A: so B: but C: or D: for 3. Participants were told to arrive by noon, …………. most of them were late. - participant (n): người tham dự A: yet B: so C: for D: or 4. The company has a very successful launch for the new kind of detergent, ……....... sales is expected to boost up strongly in the coming quarter. - detergent (n): bột giặt - to boost up: tăng trưởng - launch (n): sự giới thiệu A: yet B: so C: for D: or 5. Research and development are of utmost importance, ......... companies in different industries have different ways of carrying out these activities. - utmost (adj): cực kỳ - to carry out: tiến hành; thực hiện A: yet B: or C: and D: nor 6. It’s a great pity I cannot attend the orientation session this afternoon, …......... can John because he is busy with his project. - orientation session (n): buổi định hướng A: or B: nor C: and D: yet 7. Jack lost his job one year ago ………… he hasn’t found another job yet. A: or B: nor C: and D: yet 8. He will have to work overtime to finish the project on time, .......... he will have to ask his supervisor to extend the deadline. - supervisor (n): người quản lý - to extend: kéo dài A: so B: or C: but D: and 9. Jenny will have lots of time to spend with her parents in January, ......... she will have quit her job by then. - to quit – quit - quit: bỏ việc - by then: trước đó A: so B: but C: for D: nor 10. You may bring your spouse if you wish, ............ you’ll have to pay for an extra ticket. - spouse (n): vợ / chồng A: or B: so C: for D: yet 3.3. TỪ NỐI CÂU (TỪ NỐI 4 NHÓM) 3.3.1. Nhóm cộng thêm - furthermore - besides - in addition - moreover - also Ex: All employees get a four-week paid holiday; moreover, the company provides free medical insurance for them. 3.3.2. Nhóm đối nghịch - however - nevertheless - in contrast - still Ex: Retirement is mandatory at the age of 65; however, employees may retire upon reaching the age of 60. 3.3.3. Nhóm điều kiện - otherwise, or else: nếu không Ex: You’d better hurry up; otherwise, you’ll be late for the meeting. : ngoài ra : bên cạnh đó : thêm vào đó : tuy nhiên
  • 11. Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 11 3.3.4. Nhóm nguyên nhân - kết quả - consequently - therefore - thus - accordingly - as a result Ex: Business practices differ from country to country; therefore, businessmen do not always face the same risks. Lưu ý: Trước từ nối câu, ta sử dụng dấu chấm phẩy hoặc dấu chấm; sau từ nối câu, ta sử dụng dấu phẩy. PRACTICE 1. I wanted to go to the trade fair;……………., it started to rain and I stayed at home. - trade fair (n): hội chợ thương mại A: however B: therefore C: in addition D: besides 2. I would like to spend more time with my family;….........., I have decided to resign as chairman. - to resign: từ chức A: otherwise B: in contrast C: however D: therefore 3. Ana came to the meeting; ……………, she had to leave early. A: moreover B: also C: nevertheless D: thus 4. All employees can get a four-week paid holiday each year; ……..……, the company provides free medical insurance for them. A: accordingly B: thus C: however D: besides - paid holiday (n): nghỉ phép được hưởng lương - to provide: cung cấp - medical insurance (n): bảo hiểm y tế 5. You can look at the clothes; …………….., you can’t go in and buy them A: furthermore B: however C: moreover D: also 6. The factory workers worked overtime a lot; …………., they were very tired. A: thus B: otherwise C: in addition D: however 7. Don’t let him take on too much work; ………………, he will not do anything properly. - to take on: nhận lãnh; đảm trách - properly (adv): tốt A: otherwise B: however C: as a result D: accordingly 8. She’s been under a lot of pressure recently; ……………, she’s decided to take time off to relax a little. - under pressure (n): chịu áp lực - to take time off: nghỉ làm A: also B: moreover C: however D: therefore 9. Our banking clients want flexibility; ……., we provide ATMs (automated teller machines) for 24-hour use. - flexibility (n): tính linh hoạt A: furthermore B: however C: consequently D: moreover 10. The price for that computer is too high; ……………, Alison is not going to buy it. A: otherwise B: however C: in addition D: therefore 11. We thought the figures were correct; …………….., we have now discovered some errors. - figure (n): số liệu - error (n): lỗi A: therefore B: however C: moreover D: furthermore 12. We do not own the building; ……..……, we can’t make any major change to it. - to own: sở hữu; làm chủ - major (adj): lớn; quan trọng A: therefore B: however C: moreover D: nevertheless 13. Suggestions were requested; ………….., none were offered. - suggestion (n): lời đề nghị - to offer: đưa ra A: however B: besides C: moreover D: therefore 14. Johnny Pacheco has a creative talent as a manager; ……………, he is a successful negotiator. - negotiator (n): người thương lượng A: still B: furthermore C: consequently D: otherwise 15. Mr. Daley is our most skilled speaker; …………….., he is unavailable to give the presentation. : vì vậy : do đó
  • 12. Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 12 - unavailable (adj): không rảnh A: besides B: nevertheless C: moreover D: therefore 4. WORD FORMS: TỪ LOẠI 4.1. NOUN: DANH TỪ 1. Đứng trước động từ Ex: Money cannot buy happiness. 2. Đứng sau động từ Ex: A woman is emptying the trash can. 3. Đứng sau giới từ (in, on, at, to, from …) Ex: Mr. McCrae’s registration form for admission to the diploma program arrived the day before the deadline. 4. Đứng sau (1) tính từ, (2) tính từ sở hữu (my, her, your, his …) (3) mạo từ (a/an/the) Ex1: The shopping mall will be closed for two months so that a complete renovation can take place. Ex2: They are listening to their manager. Ex3: The registration will be needed in order to take advantage of their good learning materials. 5. Thường đứng sau tính từ chỉ số lượng (a lot of, many, much, a few, a little, some, any ……) Ex: We bought some clothes from a shop on the way home. *DANH TỪ ĐẾM ĐƯỢC (CN) VÀ DANH TỪ KHÔNG ĐẾM ĐƯỢC (UN) Sự khác nhau giữa danh từ đếm được và danh từ không đếm được DANH TỪ ĐẾM ĐƯỢC (CN) 1. Dùng sau mạo từ (a/an) Ex: a book; an egg 2. Có hình thức số nhiều “S” hoặc “ES” Ex: books; boxes 3. Dùng với “many”: nhiều Ex: many books 4. Dùng với “How many”: bao nhiêu Ex: How many books would you like? 5. Dùng với “few / a few”: rất ít / một vài Ex: a few friends 6. Dùng với “these / those”: này / kia Ex: these books / those rooms DANH TỪ KHÔNG ĐẾM ĐƯỢC (UN) 1. KHÔNG dùng sau mạo từ (a/an) 2. KHÔNG có hình thức số nhiều “S” hoặc “ES” 3. Dùng với “much”: nhiều Ex: much money 4. Dùng với “How much”: bao nhiêu Ex: How much sugar would you like? 5. Dùng với “little / a little”: rất ít / một vài Ex: a little money 6. KHÔNG dùng NOT use with these/ those Một số danh từ không đếm được thường dùng - access: sự truy cập - machinery: máy móc - information: thông tin - luggage = baggage: hành lý - research: cuộc nghiên cứu - advice: lời khuyên / tips - clothing: quần áo - furniture: đồ gỗ - equipment: thiết bị - news: tin tức - stationery: văn phòng phẩm - change: tiền lẻ - cash: tiền mặt Cách đổi danh từ số ít sang danh từ số nhiều DANH TỪ SỐ ÍT + S = DANH TỪ SỐ NHIỀU Muốn danh từ số ít sang danh từ số nhiều ta lấy danh từ số ít + S N (singular) + s  N (plural) Ex1: book + s  books Ex2: table + s  tables Chú ý: 1. Nếu danh từ số ít tận cùng bằng o, s, ch, sh, x, z + ES Ex1: potato + es  potatoes Ex2: watch + es  watches 2. Nếu danh từ số ít tận cùng bằng Y và trước Y là phụ âm, ta đổi Y sang I và thêm ES
  • 13. Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 13 Ex: lorry  lorri + es  lorries BUT: Ex: key + s  keys 3A. Nếu danh từ số ít tận cùng bằng F, ta đổi F sang V và thêm ES Ex: shelf  shelv + es  shelves 3B. Nếu danh từ số ít tận cùng bằng FE, ta đổi FE sang VE và thêm S Ex: wife  wive + s  wives 4. Danh từ bất qui tắc: - child  children - man  men - businessman  businessmen: doanh nhân - woman  women - person  people: người ta - salesperson  salespeople: người bán hàng - foot – feet: bàn chân - tooth – teeth: cái răng - ox – oxen: con bò - sheep – sheep: con cừu 5. Danh từ chỉ môn học luôn ở số ít mặc dù chúng tận cùng bằng ‘S’  economics: kinh tế học  mathematics: toán học  linguistics: ngôn ngữ học  physics: vật lý  statistics: môn thống kê  politics: chính trị  headquarters: trụ sở chính  news: tin tức 6. Các danh từ luôn ở số nhiều. - assets: tài sản - earnings: tiền kiếm được - savings: tiền tiết kiệm 4.2. ADJECTIVE: TÍNH TỪ 1. Đứng trước danh từ: Ex: a special plan 2. Sau linking verbs: Ex: The workshop sounds boring. - to look: trông có vẻ - to feel: cảm thấy - to smell: có mùi - to taste: có vị - to sound: nghe có vẻ 3. Sau động từ chỉ trạng thái: Ex: She becomes beautiful. - to be: thì, là, ở - to seem = to appear: dường như - to remain = to keep = to stay: vẫn còn - to become: trở nên; trở thành = to get, to turn 4. Đứng sau túc từ của các động từ như: find (nhận thấy/nhận ra), prove (chứng minh); consider (xem/ xem như), keep (giữ), make (làm cho)  Find  Prove  Consider  Keep  Make Ex: We find English important for our job. 4.3. ADVERB: TRẠNG TỪ + O + ADJ
  • 14. Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 14 *ADVERBS OF MANNER: TRẠNG TỪ CHỈ THỂ CÁCH ADJ + -LY  ADV OF MANNER Ex: slow + ly  slowly happy + ly  happily + bổ nghĩa cho động từ, đứng trước hoặc đứng sau động từ Ex1: I strongly agree with it. Ex2: He spoke clearly. Trạng từ bất qui tắc Adjective  Adverb - good  well: giỏi; tốt - late  late: trễ # lately: gần đây - hard  hard: chăm chỉ; siêng năng # hardly: hầu như không - early  early - fast  fast PRACTICE 1. This shop provides electrical cables, switches and security …….….. for all customers. A: alarm B: alarms C: alarmes D: alarming 2. I’d like to order five …………. of red pens for my office. A: box B: boxs C: boxes D: boxing 3. We also offer hire of glasses for weddings and socialized ………….. after work. A: party B: partys C: partyes D: parties 4. Economics …………… one of the most difficult subjects at school. A: be B: am C: is D: are 5. We need some ………….. for the new project in the marketing department. A: new equipment B: new equipments C: equipment new D: equipment new 6. Our boss should contact a consultant to ask for some ………. to overcome the crisis. A: advice B: advices C: advise D: advises 7. If you have a ………….. business plan, you are sure to succeed. A: care B: careful C: carefully C: caring 8. I'm sure these problems can be …………… resolved. A: satisfy B: satisfied C: satisfactory D: satisfactorily 9. I hear Joe has just ..……… passed the language exam in Portuguese. How excellent he is! A: succeed B: successful C: successfully D: success 10. We are selling these toys at a very ..………… price. A: competitors B: competition C: competing D: competitive 11. David …..…… told a cruel joke that really hurt Nancy. A: intend B: intention C: intentional D: intentionally 12. Deb is an …..…… person. She rides a bike to school instead of a motorbike. A: economical B: economic C: economy D: economically 13. Mr. Han is ………… awaiting the report on his yearly evaluation. A: anxious B: anxiety C: anxiously D: anxiousness 14. She got bored because she never found shop-keeping ………… A: interest B: interested C: interesting D: interestingly 15. I am afraid you are not suitably …..……… for the job. A: qualified B: qualify C: qualification D: qualifying 16. I like my work because I have the ………… to make my own decision. A: freed B: freely C: freedom D: free 17. At his office he talks to customers and makes plans for …….……….. A: organizational B: organizing C: organize D: organizations 18. A doctor’s ……..…… manner makes patients feel comfortable. A: friendship B: friend C: friendly D: friendliness 19. As is the case with the parking garage entrance, the front doors are run ……….., not manually. A: electric B: electronically C: electrical D: electricity
  • 15. Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 15 20. Because she ……….. in systems analysis, we sometimes call on her to speak at client workshops as well. A: specialist B: specialization C: specials D: specializes 5. PREPOSITIONS: GIỚI TỪ 5.1. GIỚI TỪ CHỈ THỜI GIAN 1. IN: vào + year: năm + month: tháng + season: mùa + time of a day: buổi trong ngày + decade (thập niên/ century (thế kỷ) 2. ON: vào + day: thứ + date (ngày tháng) + holidays: ngày lễ - birthday - New Year Day - Christmas Day - Valentine Day 3. AT: vào + specific time: giờ + time expressions: cách diễn đạt về thời gian - at night / midnight - at noon / midday - at Christmas - at New Year - on / at weekend - at Easter: lễ phục sinh 4. FROM ….. TO / BETWEEN … AND: từ …. đến Ex: I work from 9:00 to 5:00. 5. FOR + a period of time: khoảng (thời gian) Ex: She has been working for Coca-Cola for 8 months. 6. DURING + Noun: trong suốt Ex: I traveled abroad during my vacation. 7. UNTIL = up to: cho tới Ex: The bank is open until 5 p.m. 8. BY: trước Ex: You have to come back by 10 p.m. 9. WITHIN: trong vòng Ex: This soft drink should be consumed within a month. 5.2. GIỚI TỪ CHỈ NƠI CHỐN 1. IN: ở trong Ex: The fax machine is in an office. 2. ON: ở trên Ex1: Please bring me the document on the table. Ex2: The company is on Pine Street. 3. AT: ở tại Ex: We saw Mr. Green at the station. 4. BETWEEN … AND: ở giữa … và Ex: I lost my passport somewhere between the department store and the airport. 5. BEHIND: đằng sau
  • 16. Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 16 Ex: Alex led, and I followed along behind. 6. NEAR = BY = BESIDE: bên cạnh; ở gần Ex1: Is there a good restaurant near here? Ex2: He wanted to keep his wallet by him always. Ex3: Our school was built right beside a river. 7. ABOVE/ OVER: bên trên Ex1: She's rented a room above a shop. Ex2: The sign over the door said "Exit". 8. OVER / ACROSS: ngang qua Ex1: She is always chatting with her neighbour over the garden fence. Ex2: She is walking across the street. 9. UNDER: bên dưới Ex: They stood under a tree (= below its branches) to avoid getting wet. 10. BELOW: bên dưới Ex: From the top of the skyscraper the cars below us looked like insects. 11. IN FRONT OF: trước; phía trước Ex: Why did you have to embarrass me in front of all those people? PRACTICE 1. The mail carrier left the mail ……………. the secretary’s desk. A: to B: on C: at D: above 2. The software company offers training …………… Atlanta. A: at B: on C: by D: in 3. There will be a holiday ………… Monday. A: on B: from C: at D: in 4. The presentation starts …………. 9.30 A.M in the conference room. A: on B: at C: in D: for 5. The interviewer will not give the candidate the interview results ……..…….. tomorrow. A: on B: until C: from D: at 6. That clerk stands …………. a counter all day. A: on B: in C: behind D: above 7. Please hand in that report …….….. Friday afternoon. A: at B: by C: in D: to 8. There is an international company …………… my family-owned company. A: over B: among C: next to D: between 9. James will be in his office ………… 10.30 to 2.00 A: by B: at C: in D: from 10. The bank usually opens …………….. 8.30 sharp. A: at B: on C: during D: on 11. The manager will be on a business trip ……..….. December 21st and December 31st. A: between B: from C: until D: by 12. I will wait for you ……………. the office. A: between B: in front of C: over D: on 13. The CEO of our parent company arrived ….……… HCM city just in time for our meeting. A: in B: at C: into D: on 14. The Annual General Meeting of shareholders is taking place next week …………… the events hall on the 18th floor. A: on B: to C: in D: under
  • 17. Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 17 15. Journalists ………... the world welcomed the announcement that the HLB Media Institute would remain open. A: on B: over C: around D: through 6. ADJECTIVE CLAUSE: MỆNH ĐỀ PHỤ TÍNH TỪ Bắt đầu các từ nối mệnh đề quan hệ sau: (1) WHO, (2) WHOM, (3) WHICH (4) THAT (5) WHOSE 6.1. WHO: dùng thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người làm chủ từ trong mệnh đề tính từ ……….. N (people) + WHO + V + … Ex: The accountants were very good. They advised me.  The accountants WHO/THAT advised me were very good. 6.2. WHOM: dùng thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người làm túc từ trong mệnh đề tính từ ………. N (people) + WHOM + S + V + … Ex: I talked to an economist. You saw him yesterday.  I talked to an economist WHOM / THAT you saw yesterday. Chú ý: 1. Ta có thể dùng WHO thay cho WHOM Ex: I talked to an economist WHOM / WHO you saw yesterday. 2. ‘Whom’ có thể được bỏ đi nếu nó không đứng sau giới từ Ex: I met with an economist WHOM you saw yesterday. Ex: I met with an economist TO WHOM you talked yesterday. 6.3. WHICH: dùng thay thế cho danh từ chỉ vật làm chủ từ hoặc túc từ trong mệnh đề tính từ A. ……….. N (thing) + WHICH + V + …. Ex: She looked at the letter. The letter was sent by her mother.  She looked at the letter WHICH / THAT was sent by her mother. B. ……. N (thing) + WHICH + S + V + …… Ex: She showed me the letter. She talked about the letter yesterday.  She showed me the letter WHICH / THAT she talked about yesterday. Chú ý: ‘Which’ có thể được bỏ đi nếu nó làm túc từ trong mệnh đề tính từ và nó không đứng sau giới từ Ex: She showed me the letter. She talked about the letter yesterday.  She showed me the letter WHICH she talked about yesterday. 6.4. THAT: dùng thay thế cho danh từ chỉ vật hoặc chỉ người làm chủ từ hoặc túc từ trong mệnh đề tính từ Lưu ý: Các trường hợp không được dùng THAT thay cho WHO, WHOM / WHICH 1. THAT không được dùng sau dấu phẩy. Ex: My brother, Jim, who / that lives in London is a doctor. 2. THAT không được dùng sau giới từ (to, from, on, in, at …). Ex: Mr. Smith, to whom / that I talked on the phone last night, is a nice person. 3. THAT không được dùng sau các chỉ số lượng như - all of # none of (not .. any of): tất cả # không ai - both of: cả hai # neither of (not … either of): không ai trong số hai người - much of / many of / some of - each of / one of / two of: một trong những Ex: I have three brothers, all of whom / that are married. 6.5. WHOSE: chỉ sự sở hữu ……… N + WHOSE + N + V + ………
  • 18. Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 18 Ex: Our company is looking for candidates. Their degrees are proper.  Our company is looking for candidates WHOSE degrees are proper. PRACTICE 1. We drew up a short-list of candidates …….……. CVs were very good. - to draw (up) – drew – drawn: lập ra; soạn ra - short-list candidate (n): người xin việc được sơ tuyển A: whom B: whose C: which D: who 2. Mr. Smith, ………..……. I was talking to, is the head of AT&T. - head (n): người đứng đầu A: which B: whose C: whom D: that 3. The company for …………. she works has a very good reputation. - reputation (n): danh tiếng A: which B: that C: who D: whom 4. The new accounts program, …………. cost a lot of money, is working very well. - to cost – cost – cost: có giá A: that B: whose C: which D: whom 5. Managers ………..… have time to fill in for sick employees will be respected. - to fill in for: thay thế; làm thay - to respect: tôn trọng; kính nể A: who B: ,who C: whose D: which 6. Glaxo, ………. products include Zantac, is the biggest drug producer in Europe. - to include; bao gồm - drug producer (n): công ty dược phẩm A: that B: whose C: which D: whom 7. Kart Motors has recently built a factory in Arizona, …….…… will become operational next week. - operational (adj): đi vào hoạt động A: who B: that C: whom D: which 8. Please ensure that you have to return goods ………… has defects within a week of purchase. - defect (n): có lỗi; bị lỗi - purchase (n): mua A: that B: who C: whose D: whom 9. Peter has found the invoice for ………. you were looking. - invoice (n): hóa đơn A: that B: which C: who D: whom 10. The client from ……..……. we have received this complaint wishes us to take action immediately. A: whom B: who C: that D: which - to take action: hành động - immediately (adv): ngay lập tức 11. You may return for a full refund any merchandise with ……….. you are not satisfied. - full refund (n): hoàn tiền đầy đủ - merchandise (n): hàng hóa A: who B: whom C: which D: whose 12. We hope to become partners with the insurance company ………… products and services meet our needs. – partner (n): đối tác A: which B: that C: what D: whose 13. The advertising campaign ……………Lucy generated was very profitable. - advertising campaign (n): chiến dịch quảng cáo - to generate: tạo ra - profitable (adj): có lời A: who B: that C: ,which D: whose 14. There are many companies ………….. are working on new technologies. A: whom B: which C: ,which D: whose 15. I have always found that it's helpful to have a few wise and trusted people to ………….. you can turn for information and advice. A: that B: who C: where D: whom
  • 19. Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 19 7. ADVERB CLAUSE: MỆNH ĐỀ PHỤ TRẠNG TỪ 7.1. Adverb clause of time: Mệnh đề phụ trạng từ chỉ thời gian bắt đầu bằng các từ nối mệnh đề như:  When = as: khi  While: trong khi  Until: cho tới khi  As soon as: ngay khi  After: sau khi  Before: trước khi  Since: từ khi  Once: một khi Sự phối hợp về thì trong mệnh đề phụ trạng từ chỉ thời gian Mệnh đề phụ trạng từ chỉ thời gian Mệnh đề chính 1. Thì hiện tại đơn / Thì hiện tại hoàn thành 1. Thì tương lai đơn Ex1: When I see him, I will inform him of the news. 2. Thì quá khứ đơn 2. Thì quá khứ hoàn thành Ex2: When I arrived, he had left. 3. Thì quá khứ đơn 3. Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn Ex3: When I arrived, he was watching TV. 4. Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn 4. Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn Ex4: While he was watching TV, I was reading books. 5. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành 4. SINCE + S + V (thì quá khứ đơn) Ex5: He has worked for the same company since he graduated from university. 7.2. Adverb clause of manner: Mệnh đề phụ trạng từ chỉ thể cách bắt đầu bằng các từ nối mệnh đề như:  As: như  As if = as though: như thể là Ex1: You talk as if / as though you were my father. Ex2: Do as I told you. 7.3. Adverb clause of reason: Mệnh đề phụ trạng từ chỉ lý do bắt đầu bằng các từ nối mệnh đề như:  because / as / since: bởi vì Ex: They were not able to get the money from the bank because their documents did not meet the terms of the Letter of credit. 7.4. Adverb clause of result / cause and effect: Mệnh đề phụ trạng từ chỉ nguyên nhân kết quả bắt đầu bằng các từ nối mệnh đề như:  S + V + So + / ADJ / ADV + that + Clause (S + V + …): quá đến nỗi mà  S + V + Such [a(n)] + (adj) + N + that + Clause: quá đến nỗi mà Ex1: The program has been so organised that none of the talks overlap. Ex2: He places orders for computer parts so regularly that we can offer him 10% off the list price. 7.5. Adverb clause of purpose: Mệnh đề phụ trạng từ chỉ mục đích bắt đầu bằng các từ nối mệnh đề như:  so that / in order that: để mà Ex: I wrote the date in my diary so that I don’t forget the meeting this morning. 7.6. Adverb clause of concession: Mệnh đề phụ trạng từ chỉ sự nhượng bộ bắt đầu bằng các từ nối mệnh đề như:  Although = Though: mặc dù  Even though: thậm chí mặc dù Ex: Although both imports and exports may fall next year, the levels are likely to be different.
  • 20. Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 20 PRACTICE 1. ………..…. you are a regular customer, we can give you a ten-percent discount. - regular customer (n): khách hàng thường xuyên A: While B: Although C: Since D: So that 2. …………. the company had made every effort, it continued to lose market share to its competitors. - to make effort: nổ lực; cố gắng - to lose – lost - lost: mất - market share (n): thị phần - competitor (n): đối thủ A: When B: Before C: As D: Even though 3. The company is going to introduce new machines ………..……. productivity can increase. - productivity (n): năng suất - to increase: tăng A: although B: that C: until D: so that 4. I would like to know about the interest rate ………….. I can agree to the loan. - interest rate (n): lãi suất - loan (n): khoản vay A: when B: after C: before D: since 5. The savings banks had such bad interest rates …………. they switched to financial institutions. - to switch to: chuyển sang - financial institution (n): tổ chức tài chính A: than B: though C: as if D: that 6. Mr. Laurier is ………. a reliable customer that we have never had any trouble getting payment from him. A: such B: so C: since D: as 7. ………….. the shippers handles the consignment carefully, all the machines were damaged beyond repair. - to handle: xử lý - consignment (n): hàng gởi đi - to damage: hư hỏng - beyond repair: không thể sửa chữa được A: So that B: Although C: Since D: Because 8. We will have breakfast in the hotel …………. we go to the office. A: until B: before C: as D: although 9. They opened an office in the US ……….…. they wanted to concentrate on the stock market. - to concentrate (on): tập trung (vào) - stock market (n): thị trường chứng khoán A: although B: even though C: so that D: because 10. There was such a suspicious amount of account activity …………. we had to call the customer. - suspicious (adj): đáng nghi; khả nghi A: since B: while C: that D: unless 11. Please answer the phone ……..…… it rings. A: even though B: as soon as C: since D: before 12. ………… Mr. Park worked for us, he had received training abroad. A: Before B: As soon as C: Unless D: When 13. We have decided to give her the job ………….. Ms. Clark has an excellent background. A: because B: even though C: so that D: before 14. You will feel more comfortable at your new job ……….. you have been working there for a while. A: after B: before C: while D: as if 15. What Ms. Jones meant to say was that e-mail cannot be sent …………. the network is operational. - operational (adj): hoạt động A: since B: until C: when D: that 16. Many people have started coming to work by bus …………. the parking fees have gotten so high. A: unless B: since C: while D: so that 17. …………… the power went out, the clerks were photocopying the reports for the meeting. - power (n): điện - to go out: cúp điện - clerk (n): người thư ký A: When B: Until C: If D: After 18. The musicians began playing “Happy Birthday” …………. the president entered in the room. A: while B: so that C: as though D: as soon as 19. I always watch TV with English subtitles …………….. I can improve my vocabulary. - subtitle (n): phụ đề - to improve: cải thiện A: after B: when C: so that D: while 20. I need to take out a loan: vay mượn from a finance company …………….. I want to buy a new car. A: so that B: as C: while D: unless
  • 21. Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 21 8. MODAL VERBS MODAL VERBS + V0/ BARE INFINITIVE (động từ nguyên mẫu KHÔNG ‘TO’) 1. MUST/HAVE TO / NEED - HAD TO: phải, cần phải (chỉ sự bắt buộc) Ex: You must wear suit to the meeting. * MUSTN’T: cấm; không được # don’t have to/ doesn’t have to/ don’t need to/ doesn’t need to/ needn’t: không phải, không cần Ex: You mustn’t drive over 100 km/h in the city center. 2. CAN - COULD: có thể (chỉ khả năng) Ex: The secretary can type very fast. 3. SHOULD / OUGHT TO / HAD BETTER: nên (lời khuyên) Ex: You should look for information about that company first. 4. MAY / MIGHT: có lẽ (chỉ sự phỏng đoán; giả thuyết, không chắc chắn) Ex: The seminar may finish late. PRACTICE 1. Mary is a bilingual secretary because she ……………. speak English and French. - bilingual (adj): biết hai thứ tiếng A: may B: could C: can D: should 2. I don’t think you ……………. accept the offer, which is not good for your career development. - to accept: chấp nhận - career development (n): việc phát triển nghề nghiệp A: should B: may C: could D: ought 3. You ………………….. tell anyone about our new project. It’s a secret. - project (n): dự án - secret (n): bí mật A: needn’t B: don’t have to C: mustn’t D: don’t need to 4. He ………… a better job if he spends more time sending C.V. to many more companies. A: may B: mays get C: may gets D: may get 5. I ………… go to the post office this morning. A: ought B: must B: have D: should to 6. Here's the application form you …………… fill out and send it soon; otherwise, it’s too late. - application form: đơn xin việc - to fill out / in: điền vào A: can B: should C: will D: could 7. It ………… be possible to change the meeting to next month. You should check with the director for sure. - possible (adj): có lẽ A: might B: must C: can D: should 8. You …………… focus more on your family and less on work. You have never had dinner at home. A: had better B: should to C: must D: can 9. It is said that China …………… become a major economic leader, but this is not certain. - major economic leader (n): nước dẫn dầu về kinh tế - certain (adj): chắc chắn A: must B: may C: ought to D: can 10. He gave up his old job so he ……………. have time to work for us. A: can B: must C: should D: could
  • 22. Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 22 9. IF CLAUSE: CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN Thường bắt đầu bằng các từ nối mệnh đề như: - if - as long as: nếu; miễn là - provided / providing (that): miễn là; nếu - unless: nếu không Câu điều kiện có 3 loại: Loại 1: Điều kiện có thật trong tương lai Diễn tả 1 hành động có thật và sẽ xảy ra ở tương lai. Ta dùng cấu trúc: IF-CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE Simple present (thì hiện tại đơn) + Future simple (thì tương lai đơn) + Simple tense (hiện tại đơn) + Imperative (mệnh lệnh) + Modal Verbs (must, can, may, should …) Ex1: If you send your order by fax, we will deliver the goods immediately. Ex2: If you order in bulk, you usually get a discount. Ex3: If you need my help, just call me. Ex4: If you want to cancel your order, you can tell us at any time. * Imperative (câu mệnh lệnh): thường bắt đầu bằng động từ. + Positive: xác định Please + V + … = V + …, please Please be quiet. = Be quiet, please + Negative: phủ định Please + DON’T + V + … = DON’T + V + …, please Please don’t make noise. = Don’t make noise, please Loại 2: Điều kiện không có thật ở hiện tại Diễn tả 1 sự việc không có thật ở hiện tại. Ta dùng cấu trúc: IF-CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE Simple past (thì quá khứ đơn) would / could / might + bare inf Ex: If there were/was not my help, he might not establish his own business. Loại 3: Điều kiện không có thật ở quá khứ Diễn tả 1 sự việc không có thật ở quá khứ. Ta dùng cấu trúc: IF-CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE Past perfect (thì quá khứ hoàn thành: had + pp) would / could / might + have + PP/V-ed Ex: If I had had money, I would have bought the car. PRACTICE 1. If Sheila ..………….. the money she has owed me, I won’t be able to pay my rent. - to owe: nợ A: did not return B: does not return C: would not return D: had not returned 2. If the airline hadn’t been on strike, his flight ……..….. delayed. - to be on strike: đình công A: wouldn’t have been B: was not C: would not be D: had not been 3. If the city ………….. the parking lot space downtown, we would not have to park so far away from the movie theatre. - parking lot space (n): bãi đậu xe - downtown (n): trung tâm thành phố - to expand: mở rộng
  • 23. Nội dung ôn tập LTDV Page 23 A: expands B: doesn’t expand C: will be expanded D: expanded 4. We ……….. on the beach in Mexico if we had been able to get our visas on time. - to lie – lay – lain - lying: nằm, nằm dài A: are lying B: would have lain C: would be lying D: lay 5. If you send your order by fax, we ………….. the goods immediately. - immediately (adv): ngay lập tức A: would deliver B: will deliver C: are delivering D: delivered 6. If the government ………….. that companies should reduce the legal work week to 35 hours, many small companies would go bankrupt. - to reduce: giảm - legal work week (n): tuần làm việc theo qui định - to go bankrupt: phá sản - to announce: thông báo A: announces B: is announced C: has announced D: announced 7. If more subway lines and roads were built for suburban commuters, it is likely that they ……….. their vehicles much less frequently. - subway line (n): tuyến đường xe điện ngầm - suburban commuter (n): người ở vùng ngoại ô - vehicle (n): xe cộ - frequently (adv): thường xuyên A: use B: will use C: used D: would use 8. If you had executed the order carefully, they ……..…….. another order with you. - to execute an order: thực hiện đơn hàng - to place an order: đặt hàng A: would place B: placed C: will place D: would have placed 9. Please don’t hesitate to contact us directly for clarification if you ………….. the assembly directions in the manual. - to hesitate: do dự - to contact: liên hệ - directly (adv): trực tiếp - clarification (n): giải thích; việc làm cho rõ - assembly direction (n): hướng dẫn lắp ráp - manual (n): sách hướng dẫn A: hadn’t understood B: didn’t understand C: don’t understand D: won’t understand 10. If employees ………. to take vacation time, they must inform their supervisor in writing at least 2 weeks prior to the first day off. - supervisor (n): người quản lý - in writing: bằng văn bản - prior to (prep): trước A: will plan B: plan C: would plan D: will have planned 11. Where …………… choose to go, if you got a job in any city in the world? A: will you B: did you C: can you D: would you 12. If I can speak English, I …………. for a job in a multinational company. - multinational company (n): công ty đa quốc gia A: would apply B: apply C: will apply D: applied 13. It would have been a much more serious loss if we ………….. doing business with that company. - serious loss (n): việc thua lỗ nghiêm trọng A: would continue B: would have continued C: had continued D: continued 14. A: “Can I borrow your car for this evening?” B: “Sure, but Nora’s using it right now. If she ……… it back in time, you’re welcome to borrow it.” A: brought B: would bring C: will bring D: brings 15. If you ……….. to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this trouble now. A: listen B: would listen C: had listened D: listened
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