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The Application of Neutral Landscape Models in
Conservation Biology
Department of Biological Sciences, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403, U.S.A.,

Abstract: Neutral landscape models, derived from percolation theory in the field of landscape ecology, are
grid-based maps in which complex habitat distributions are generated by random or fractal algorithms. This
grid-based representation of landscape structure is compatible with the raster-based format of geographical
information systems (GIS), which facilitates comparisons between theoretical and real landscapes. Neutral
landscape models permit the identification of critical thresholds in connectivity, which can be used to predict
when landscapes will become fragmented. The coupling of neutral landscape models with generalized popula-
tion models, such as metapopulation theory, provides a null model for generating predictions about popula-
tion dynamics in fragmented landscapes. Neutral landscape models can contribute to the following applica-
tions in conservation: (1) incorporation of complex spatial patterns in (meta)population models; (2)
identification of species’ perceptions of landscape structure; (3) determination of landscape connectivity; (4)
evaluation of the consequences of habitat fragmentation for population subdivision; (5) identification of the
domain of metapopulation dynamics; (6) prediction of the occurrence of extinction thresholds; (7) determi-
nation of the genetic consequences of habitat fragmentation; and (8) reserve design and ecosystem manage-
ment. This generalized, spatially explicit framework bridges the gap between spatially implicit, patch-based
models and spatially realistic GIS applications which are usually parameterized for a single species in a spe-
cific landscape. Development of a generalized, spatially explicit framework is essential in conservation biol-
ogy because we will not be able to develop individual models for every species of management concern.

Aplicación de Modelos de Paisaje Neutros en la Biología de la Conservación
Resumen: Los modelos de paisajes neutros derivados de la teoría de percolación en el campo de la ecología
de paisaje, consisten en mapas cuadriculados en los que se genera la distribución de hábitats complejos por
medio de algoritmos aleatorios o fractales. Esta representación de la estructura del paisaje es compatible con
el formato de los sistemas de información geográfica (SIG) que facilitan la comparación entre paisajes teóri-
cos y reales. Los modelos de paisaje neutros permiten la identifición de umbrales críticos de conectividad, que
se pueden utilizar para predecir cuando se fragmentarán los paisajes. El acoplamiento de modelos de paisaje
neutros con modelos poblacionales generales, por ejemplo la teoría de metapoblaciones, proporciona un
modelo nulo para generar predicciones de la dinámica poblacional en paisajes fragmentados. Los modelos
de paisaje neutros tienen la siguiente aplicación en la conservación: (1) incorporación de patrones espaciales
complejos en modelos de (meta) poblaciones; (2) identificación de la percepción de la estructura del paisaje
por las especies; (3) determinación de la conectividad del paisaje; (4) evaluación de las consecuencias de la
fragmentación del hábitat en la subdivisión de poblaciones; (5) identificación del dominio de la dinámica
metapoblacional; predicción de umbrales de extinción; (7)determinación de las consecuencias genéticas de la
fragmentación del hábitat y (8) diseño de reservas y manejo de ecosistemas. Este marco de referencia general
y espacialmente explícito llena el vacío entre modelos espacialmente implícitos, basados en parcelas, y aplica-
ciones. SIG espacialmente realistas que generalmente consideran a una sola especie en un paisaje específico.
El desarrollo de un marco de referencia general y espacialmente explícito es esencial en la biología de la con-
servación, ya que no es posible elaborar modelos individuales para cada especie.

Paper submitted June 19, 1996; revised manuscript accepted January 21, 1997.

                                                                                                 Conservation Biology, Pages 1069–1080
                                                                                                 Volume 11, No. 5, October 1997
1070       Applications of Neutral Landscape Models                                                                      With

Introduction                                                   cies confined to a newly fragmented habitat do not
                                                               necessarily function as a metapopulation; poor dispersal
Habitat fragmentation is a central issue in conservation       abilities may prevent the species from recolonizing habi-
biology (Soulé 1986; Rolstad 1991; Harrison 1994; Wiens        tat patches following extinction (Hanski & Gilpin 1991).
1996) and has been implicated in the greatest extinction          “Metapopulation” has become synonymous with any
event on Earth in over 65 million years (Wilcox & Mur-         spatially subdivided population (e.g., Hastings & Harri-
phy 1985). Although loss of habitat poses the greatest         son 1994), which is a broader definition than originally
threat to maintaining biodiversity, the effects of frag-       accommodated by metapopulation theory (Levins 1969;
mentation are more insidious. Fragmentation results in         1970). Spatial subdivision is a necessary, but not sufficient,
the subdivision and decreased area of habitat, increases       condition for metapopulation dynamics. In fact, there
the potential for edge effects, and changes the surround-      are several conditions that are necessary for metapopula-
ing habitat matrix, all of which may reduce the continuity     tion persistence (Hanski et al. 1995). Metapopulations
or connectivity of the landscape and thus threaten the         occupy what Wiens (1997b) refers to as the “Goldilocks
survival of sensitive species (Rolstad 1991). Fragmenta-       Zone.” The notion is that there is a critical patch geome-
tion effects are so evident, so amply documented, that we      try and a critical dispersal rate that is neither too much
appear to have overlooked a rather fundamental question:       (patches are not too isolated, dispersal is not too fre-
when do landscapes become fragmented? This is one of           quent) nor too little, but “just right.” Despite its wide-
the primary concerns of conservationists; yet, conserva-       spread application in conservation, the assumptions or
tion biology offers no formal theory to predict when habi-     conditions underlying metapopulation theory are rarely
tat fragmentation occurs.                                      tested to determine whether the population of manage-
   Instead, theory focuses on the consequences of spatial      ment concern is functioning as a metapopulation (Harri-
subdivision for biodiversity and the persistence of popu-      son 1991; 1994; Doak & Mills 1994; Hastings & Harrison
lations. Metapopulation theory has become a major the-         1994).
oretical underpinning of conservation biology (Hanski &           How do we manage populations that are subdivided
Gilpin 1991; Caughley 1994; Meffe & Carroll 1994; Hanski       but are not, strictly speaking, metapopulations? A broader
& Simberloff 1997). Metapopulation structure—subdi-            modeling framework is needed, one that incorporates
vided populations linked by dispersal that balances ex-        landscape complexity beyond simple patch-based mod-
tinctions and recolonization of patches—figures promi-         els and which can encompass a range of population dy-
nently in the design of reserves (Quinn & Hastings 1987)       namics including metapopulation structure. Landscape
and in the management of threatened populations (e.g.,         ecology has emerged as a discipline whose primary focus
Beier 1993; LaHaye et al. 1994; Hanski et al. 1995). From a    is the analysis of the ecological consequences of envi-
conceptual and analytical standpoint, metapopulation           ronmental heterogeneity or patchiness (Turner & Gard-
models are appealing because they offer a simple way to        ner 1991). Given that metapopulation theory and land-
view and model a spatially complex world. As a legacy of       scape ecology both deal with the consequences of
island biogeographic theory, metapopulation theory holds       patchiness, Hanski and Gilpin (1991) proposed that the
to a binary view of the world, of patches embedded             “fusion of metapopulation studies and landscape ecol-
within an inhospitable, or at least an “ecologically neu-      ogy should make for an exciting scientific synthesis.”
tral” (Wiens et al. 1993), matrix of non-preferred habitat.    Landscape structure may often be an important compo-
Because anthropogenic destruction of habitat dramati-          nent of metapopulation dynamics (Fahrig & Merriam
cally fragments the landscape into small, disconnected         1994; Wiens 1997a). Variation in patch quality, bound-
patches of habitat (e.g., Krummel et al. 1987; Gardner et      aries between patches, the nature of the mosaic (patch
al. 1993), patch-based models would seem apt descriptors       context), and overall landscape connectivity may influ-
of the resulting population dynamics.                          ence the dynamics of local populations and the way in
   The problem is that this patch-based view of the world,     which local populations are linked by dispersal (Wiens
although analytically tractable, does not encompass the        1997a). Dispersal also defines the scale at which individ-
full range of spatial complexity inherent in real systems.     uals perceive landscape structure and whether a land-
Metapopulation models assume populations are contained         scape is connected or whether a species is likely to be
within discrete habitat patches, but this is an over-sim-      affected by fragmentation (Wiens & Milne 1989; Wiens
plification for most systems where it is difficult to delin-   et al. 1993; With 1994; Pearson et al. 1996). Individual
eate population boundaries. Habitat patches are not oce-       movement is thus the most important unifying theme in
anic islands; individuals of many species can move through     both metapopulation dynamics and landscape ecology
the habitats that comprise the matrix, which may differ-       (Wiens 1997a).
entially affect colonization success (e.g., Cummings &            Despite the obvious applications of landscape ecology
Vessey 1994; Gustafson & Gardner 1996). Habitat frag-          for conservation biology, and vice versa, the synthesis
mentation may or may not produce spatial differentia-          between the two disciplines has barely begun (Wiens
tion in the dynamics of populations (Wiens 1997b). Spe-        1997a ). As a first step toward forging a link between these

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Volume 11, No. 5, October 1997
With                                                                            Applications of Neutral Landscape Models    1071

fields, my objective in this paper is to introduce conser-    understand the statistical properties and connectivity of
vation biologists to a recent theoretical development in      heterogeneous systems (Feder 1988). For ecological ap-
the field of landscape ecology. Neutral landscape models      plications, artificial landscapes were conceived as perco-
(Gardner et al. 1987; Gardner & O’Neill 1991) show prom-      lation maps in which habitat could be assigned to oc-
ise of providing a spatially explicit framework for model-    cupy some proportion, h, of cells (Gardner et al. 1987;
ing (meta)population dynamics. Landscape maps are             Gardner & O’Neill 1991). These landscapes are gener-
constructed as grids in which cells are identified by hab-    ated with analytical algorithms and thus are “neutral” to
itat type or some other landscape feature; this raster for-   the biological and physical processes that shape real
mat is therefore compatible with management applica-          landscape patterns. Neutral landscapes provide a useful
tions tied to geographical information systems (GIS).         model for the study of ecological responses to landscape
Neutral landscapes are constructed with simple algo-          patterns because they are based on the movement, flow,
rithms that generate complex habitat distributions. When      or rate of spread that characterize a diverse array of bi-
coupled with generalized population models, such as           ological processes (e.g., resource utilization by species,
metapopulation theory, neutral landscapes provide a           O’Neill et al. 1988; Lavorel et al. 1995; species coexist-
spatially explicit framework for modeling population dy-      ence, Gardner et al. 1991; Lavorel et al. 1994; Palmer 1992;
namics in fragmented landscapes. Currently, population        spread of disturbance, Turner et al. 1989). They are thus
models are coupled with GIS-generated landscapes (spa-        well suited for providing a spatially explicit framework
tially “realistic” models, Hanski 1994a) to understand how    for modeling population responses to landscape change.
actual or projected land-use change affects some threat-
ened or endangered species (e.g., Bachman’s Sparrow,
                                                              Simple Random Landscapes
[Aimophila aestivalis]; Pulliam et al. 1992). These spe-
cies-specific models are thus a special case of the more      The first generation of neutral landscapes were simple
general modeling framework I propose; neutral land-           random maps created by randomly assigning habitat to a
scapes provide null models for predicting when habitat        proportion, h, of the grid map (Gardner et al. 1987;
fragmentation occurs and is expected to affect popula-        Gardner & O’Neill 1991; Fig. 1). The number of available
tion dynamics. The development of a generalized, spa-         habitat cells on a particular landscape is thus hm2,
tially explicit framework in conservation biology is es-      where m is the number of cells along one side of the
sential given that we will be unable to develop individual    landscape grid (number of rows or columns). Although
models for every species of management concern. I de-         patch structure is not explicitly defined in the construc-
scribe the different types of neutral landscape models        tion of such landscapes, it emerges nonetheless from the
that have been generated and how these have been used         aggregation of habitat cells to form clusters or patches.
in various ecological applications. I then outline a proto-   Patches are defined by aggregation size or “neighbor-
col for coupling these landscape models with metapopu-        hood rule” (Fig. 2). For example, the simplest definition
lation models. Finally, I discuss the implications of neu-    of a patch is determined by the “nearest-neighbor rule;”
tral landscape models for conservation biology.               the neighborhood includes the four adjacent cells (Rule
                                                              1, Fig. 2). The “next-nearest neighbor” rule includes the
                                                              nearest neighbors, plus the four diagonal cells; each cell
Neutral Landscape Models                                      thus has eight neighboring cells (Rule 2, Fig. 2). Larger
                                                              neighborhood rules include cells that are not immedi-
Neutral landscape models are derived from percolation         ately adjacent, but are still considered part of the “neigh-
theory, which developed from the study of the flow of         borhood” in defining patch structure (e.g., Rule 3, Fig.
liquids through lattices of material aggregates (Orbach       2). The rationale behind this is that highly vagile species
1986). Neutral landscape models have been applied to          or those with good dispersal abilities are able to cross

                                                                                              Figure 1. Examples of neu-
                                                                                              tral landscape models. The
                                                                                              proportion of available
                                                                                              habitat ( h) is 0.33 in all
                                                                                              maps (shaded cells). For
                                                                                              the hierarchical random
                                                                                              map, h varies across three
                                                                                              levels as h1 ϭ 0.85, h2 ϭ
                                                                                              0.75, and h3 ϭ 0.50 ( h1 ϫ
                                                                                              h2 ϫ h3 ϭ 0.33).

                                                                                                   Conservation Biology
                                                                                                   Volume 11, No. 5, October 1997
1072       Applications of Neutral Landscape Models                                                                        With

                                                                                               Figure 2. Connectivity of a
                                                                                               landscape comprised of
                                                                                               35% habitat using differ-
                                                                                               ent neighborhood rules.
                                                                                               The landscape is con-
                                                                                               nected and contains a sin-
                                                                                               gle cluster that “perco-
                                                                                               lates” across the map only
                                                                                               when neighborhood Rule 3
                                                                                               is used as in this example.

“gaps” in available habitat and thus might link non-adja-        threshold, landscape connectivity is disrupted and the
cent cells in a neighborhood of utilized habitat (e.g.,          landscape is dominated by small, isolated clusters of habi-
Dale et al. 1994; With & Crist 1995; Pearson et al. 1996).       tat; the landscape is fragmented.
   The use of neighborhood rules provides a species-cen-            The threshold value, and thus whether or not the land-
tered definition of landscape structure, permitting patch        scape is fragmented, depends upon the scale at which
structure to be identified at a scale appropriate to the or-     species perceive patch structure. Highly vagile species
ganism in question. This is analogous to the concept of          are represented with larger neighborhood rules and per-
“ecological neighborhoods” (Addicott et al. 1987) and is         ceive the landscape as connected across a greater range
based on dispersal distances, movement rates through             of habitat loss (Gardner et al. 1991; With & Crist 1995;
habitat, or the “willingness” of individuals to cross gaps       Pearson et al. 1996). The critical threshold for these spe-
of nonhabitat. This information can be difficult to obtain       cies will thus be lower. For example, hcrit ϭ 0.30 for spe-
in the field, but neighborhood rules provide a means of          cies able to cross gaps of unsuitable habitat (Rule 3);
modeling animal movement in a reasonable fashion and             such a species would not perceive the landscape as frag-
can be used to compare the effects of land-use practices         mented until habitat comprised Ͻ30% (Plotnick & Gard-
and habitat fragmentation on various groups of species           ner 1993).
that differ in dispersal ability.                                   Percolation theory strictly deals with binary systems—
   In discussions of fragmentation effects, it is not clear      habitat versus nonhabitat—just like metapopulation the-
at what point the landscape became fragmented, partic-           ory, thus providing a common framework for linking
ularly from the standpoint of the target species. One of         these modeling approaches. Neutral landscapes need
the most significant contributions of neutral landscape          not be restricted to a single habitat type, however, and
models has been the identification of critical thresholds        proportions of multiple habitat types can be specified
in landscape connectivity, which defines quantitatively          (h1 ϩ h2 ϩ ϭ 1, where n ϭ number of habitat types).
the point at which the landscape becomes fragmented.             On random maps each habitat will percolate at the cor-
Imagine a completely forested landscape. If forest habi-         responding hcrit for the specified neighborhood rule.
tat is randomly removed a cell at a time, the landscape be-      Such heterogeneous landscape maps more closely ap-
comes riddled with gaps, but the landscape remains con-          proximate environmental complexity (e.g., Fig. 4). Het-
nected as long as habitat cells are adjacent (if the nearest-    erogeneous landscape maps permit the modeling of
neighbor rule is used) and form a continuous cluster that        complex interactions between species characteristics,
stretches from one end of the landscape to the other (Fig.       such as habitat affinity, and features of the landscape,
3). With continued deforestation the removal of a single         such as the abundance and quality of different habitat
cell is enough to break the continuous cluster into two          types (With & Crist 1995; With et al. 1997). Critical
separate clusters. At this point, the landscape is suddenly      thresholds in species’ responses to habitat fragmenta-
disconnected. This is the critical threshold (hcrit), which is   tion result from the interaction of species characteristics
predicted by percolation theory to occur on a random             with landscape structure. For example, habitat special-
landscape when h ϭ 0.59 for the nearest-neighbor rule            ists, regardless of dispersal abilities, are more likely to be
(Fig. 2). Above the threshold, habitat destruction merely        affected by loss of habitat than a disruption of landscape
results in a loss of habitat area (Andrén 1994). Below the       connectivity (With & Crist 1995). Simulation experiments

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                                                                                                Figure 3. Critical threshold
                                                                                                in landscape connectivity.
                                                                                                As the proportion of avail-
                                                                                                able habitat (shaded cells)
                                                                                                is reduced, connectivity—
                                                                                                the occurence of a percolat-
                                                                                                ing cluster—is disrupted,
                                                                                                producing small, isolated
                                                                                                clusters of habitat across
                                                                                                the landscape. The largest
                                                                                                patches (defined by the
                                                                                                nearest-neighbor Rule 1,
                                                                                                see Fig. 2) are the dense
                                                                                                black areas in each land-

on neutral landscapes help identify scenarios where             Wiens 1990). Natural landscapes exhibit scale-depen-
threshold effects could occur for a given species or group      dent changes in pattern (Krummel et al. 1987; O’Neill et
of species that share similar life-history characteristics or   al. 1991). Species may respond to resource distribution
dispersal strategies. Simulation experiments, conducted         at different levels within the hierarchical patch structure
as a factorial design for all levels of the model parame-       of the landscape, as determined by their perceptual
ters, permit the exploration of the model state space and       grain—the finest scale at which they respond to hetero-
provide a simple means of identifying statistically signifi-    geneity—and their spatial extent—the broadest scale at
cant factors, or combinations of variables, that affect pop-    which the species interacts with heterogeneity, usually
ulation distributions and persistence (With et al. 1997).       determined by dispersal distances (Kotliar & Wiens
This makes it possible to tease apart the specific land-        1990; With 1994). Thus, it is important to identify the
scape features that affect the structure and dynamics of        spatial scaling of habitat across the landscape and to de-
populations.                                                    termine the scales at which species are interacting with
                                                                landscape structure. For example, habitat fragmentation
Hierarchical Random Landscapes                                  may have different consequences for biodiversity if it oc-
                                                                curs at fine versus broad scales. Fine-scale fragmentation
Much of the conceptual appeal of metapopulation the-            poses a greater risk to landscape connectivity than the
ory lies in its recognition of hierarchical structure in nat-   same reduction of habitat at a coarser scale (Rolstad
ural systems (“population of populations,” Levins 1970).        1991; Pearson et al. 1996). Habitat destruction at a broad
Resources are generally patchy in distribution and this         scale obviously produces gaping holes in the landscape,
patch structure may be manifested across scales in a            but some large, contiguous tracts of habitat are left in-
nested hierarchy of patches within patches (Kotliar &           tact which helps promote overall landscape connectiv-

                                                                                      Figure 4. Application of
                                                                                      neutral landscape models
                                                                                      to various conservation
                                                                                      scenarios. Management of
                                                                                      small, discretely patchy
                                                                                      populations (“island” pop-
                                                                                      ulations) might be mod-
                                                                                      eled with simple random
                                                                                      maps. For the study of frag-
                                                                                      mentation effects or popu-
                                                                                      lations that have a spa-
                                                                                      tially complex distribution
(patchy populations), fractal landscapes provide more appropriate models. Edge effects can also be addressed in
fractal landscapes by designating a “habitat halo” around the primary habitat. In addition, heterogeneous land-
scapes comprised of Ͼ1 habitat type or source/sink population can be modeled with neutral landscapes ( fractal
landscape example shown here).

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                                                                                                     Volume 11, No. 5, October 1997
1074       Applications of Neutral Landscape Models                                                                               With

ity. Small, isolated “clear cuts” are more insidious be-                   els of landscape patterns with simple control over spa-
cause these whittle away at the percolating cluster. The                   tial autocorrelation (Petigen & Saupe 1988; Palmer 1992;
removal of a single critical cell of habitat breaks the per-               With et al. 1997; Fig. 1). Although two-dimensional frac-
colating cluster into two separate clusters and results in                 tals may be generated in various ways, we have used the
a disconnected landscape.                                                  midpoint displacement algorithm outlined in Saupe
   Hierarchically structured landscape models reflect the                  (1988) to generate fractal landscapes. For the purposes
inherent patch structure of natural landscapes (O’Neill                    of this discussion, it will suffice to understand that a
et al. 1992; Lavorel et al. 1993; Gardner et al. 1993; Fig.                3-dimensional surface—a topographical map—is created.
1). Hierarchical neutral landscapes are generated using a                  The “ruggedness” of the topography depends upon the
fractal algorithm referred to as “curdling” (Mandelbrot                    degree of correlation among habitat cells, H. The fractal
1983). The number of scales across which pattern varies                    dimension of the landscape is D ϭ 3-H; landscapes with
is set by specifying a number of hierarchical levels, L,                   little spatial autocorrelation (low H) will have an ex-
within the map. The proportion of habitat that occurs                      tremely variable surface (sharp peaks adjacent to deep
within each level is set independently as h1...hL. This is a               valleys) that is more volume-filling and hence D → 3 (Fig.
recursive procedure; the availability of habitat at one                    5). Extremely complex landscapes can thus be gener-
level constrains the availability of habitat at finer scales.              ated in a systematic fashion, just by varying H. As a con-
For example, 60% of the landscape could be covered by                      sequence, the effects of habitat fragmentation can be as-
forest at the coarsest scale (h1), and 80% of those cells                  sessed across a gradient of habitat clumping (H) and
could contain forest at an intermediate level (h2), and                    abundance (h).
perhaps 40% of the L2 cells will contain forest at the fin-                   Habitat is assigned to the continuously varying surface
est scale (h3). The available habitat across the landscape                 of fractal landscapes by making slices along an “eleva-
is thus the combined probabilities, P ϭ h1 ϫ ...hL; in the                 tional gradient” and assigning the range of elevations
previous example, P ϭ 0.6 ϫ 0.8 ϫ 0.4 ϭ 0.192. If habi-                    (which are the cell values) encompassed by the slice to
tat is absent at the coarsest scale, it will not be found at               a particular habitat type. The proportion of a particular
finer scales either. Subtle patterns of landscape fragmen-                 habitat represented on the landscape is determined by
tation can be created by adding “whey” to the “curds”                      the range of elevations encompassed in each slice; if
and seeding habitat with a proportion, q, at each of the                   40% of the elevational range is captured by the slice,
finer levels (Pearson et al. 1996). Available habitat is                   then 40% of the landscape will be comprised of that hab-
now calculated as:                                                         itat. This produces a contour map. Habitat is assigned
                                                                           along a gradient and thus certain habitat types will al-
  P = [ h1 × h2 × h3 ] + [ h1 × ( 1 – h2 ) × q3 ] +
                                                                           ways be adjacent (e.g., habitats 1 and 2, habitats 2 and 3,
      [ ( 1 – h 1 ) × q 2 × h 3 ] + [ ( 1 – h 1 ) × ( 1 – q 2 ) × q 3 ].
                                                                           but not habitats 1 and 3). This models the transition of
                                                                           ecotones in natural landscapes or can be used to explore
                                                                           edge effects by designating a small proportion of habitat
Fractal Landscapes
                                                                           adjacent to a primary habitat (e.g., h2 ϭ 0.05 and h3 ϭ
The neutral landscapes assumed complete spatial inde-                      0.35 in Fig. 4).
pendence among cells; habitat types exhibited no spatial                      Fractal landscapes have been applied to the conse-
autocorrelation, although h obviously affects the proba-                   quences of fragmentation for biodiversity (Palmer 1992)
bility that adjacent cells will be similar. In reality habitat             and subdivided populations (With et al. 1997). Scale-
is distributed with some degree of spatial contagion across                dependent effects on species coexistence were found in
landscapes. Fractal algorithms can generate neutral mod-                   fractal landscapes. In extremely fragmented landscapes

                                                                                                        Figure 5. Topography of
                                                                                                        fractal landscapes. These
                                                                                                        maps illustrate how chang-
                                                                                                        ing the spatial autocorrela-
                                                                                                        tion among habitat cells
                                                                                                        (H) affects the spatial pat-
                                                                                                        terning and hence the frac-
                                                                                                        tal dimension (D) of land-
                                                                                                        scapes ( D ϭ 3-H).

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With                                                                                Applications of Neutral Landscape Models    1075

(high D), more plant species were able to coexist at the          number of parameters so that the model is analytically
finest scale (within individual cells) than in more clumped       tractable. With computer-based simulation modeling,
landscapes (Palmer 1992). Species richness at the scale           the number of parameters under simultaneous consider-
of the entire landscape was lower in fragmented than in           ation can be greatly increased and more complex prob-
clumped landscapes, however. Factors that operate at              lems addressed. Metz and Diekmann (1986) character-
different scales may affect population distributional pat-        ized different population modeling approaches based on
terns. Populations were more likely to be subdivided at           the “p-state, i-state” framework, one of which they clas-
the landscape scale on fractal maps (with intermediate            sified as “i-state configuration models,” which refer par-
levels of spatial dependence, H ϭ 0.5), and population            ticularly to simulation models that take into consider-
distributions were determined primarily by species’ hab-          ation the life-history characteristics of individuals in
itat affinities and habitat quality (With et al. 1997). At        heterogeneous environments (DeAngelis & Gross 1992).
finer scales on fractal landscapes, however, population
structure was influenced by the relative abundance of
habitat and the interaction of species’ habitat affinities
with habitat quality.                                             Coupling Metapopulation Models and Neutral
                                                                  Landscape Models
A Generalized, Spatially Explicit Framework                       Lande (1987) adapted the phenomonological metapopu-
                                                                  lation model of Levins (1969) to territorial populations
Because metapopulation models define a narrow range               on a random landscape. This model is spatially implicit;
of population dynamics (i.e., the “Goldilocks Zone”),             the landscape is assumed to be binary, in which suitable
Hastings and Harrison (1994) formulated a more general            territories of a fixed size are randomly distributed in an
theoretical framework called the “p-state, i-state model,”        unsuitable matrix. By incorporating demographic parame-
which was initially developed by Metz and Diekmann                ters and the dispersal range of individuals searching for
(1986). Parameters that describe the condition of indi-           territories, Lande derived the “demographic potential”
viduals (i-state) could be numbers of individuals or allele       of the population, a single parameter that described the
frequencies, and the state of the population as a whole           maximum occupancy of territories at equilibrium. Terri-
(p-states) could be described as the fraction of patches          torial populations exhibited extinction thresholds, de-
that are in particular i-states. The model is among the           termined by their demographic potential and the pro-
most general models in population biology—virtually all           portion of suitable territories available on the landscape.
models in population biology are among its special cases—         Species with high demographic potential (good dispers-
and the point of defining a model at this level of general-       ers, high reproductive output), for example, can with-
ity is that it provides a single framework for integrating        stand considerable habitat loss before the population
and comparing different population models. Neverthe-              crashes. The application for conservation biology is ob-
less, this model is spatially implicit; the spatial arrange-      vious and Lande’s model has been used to illustrate how
ment of habitat is ignored, but allows for very general as-       habitat fragmentation would impact the Northern Spot-
sumptions about patch sizes and dispersal.                        ted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina). The population is
   Conceptually, then, one might extend this framework            predicted to go extinct once old-growth forest covers
to an “l-state, p-state, i-state” model. In this case, l is a     Ͻ20% of the landscape (Lande 1988; Lamberson et al.
landscape containing a group of populations under con-            1992).
sideration or fraction of landscape in various p-states, p           Lande’s model has the basic form of an l-state, p-state,
is an individual population (or a local site, such as a grid      i-state model, where the equilibrium occupancy of terri-
cell) on the landscape, and i is an individual organism.          tories (local sites or patches) across the landscape (p*,
Functions at higher levels constrain parameter states at          an l-state) was determined for a single (meta)population.
lower levels (e.g., habitat distribution, an l-state, affects     In this application individual territories or “patches” are
habitat of individual cells, a p-state), and patterns at higher   p-states that can be occupied by a single breeding pair
levels may be obtained by aggregating information from            with proportion p (a p-state). The demographic poten-
lower levels. This facilitates the translation of patterns        tial of the (meta)population (k, an l-state) is based on in-
and processes across levels of organization. In the model,        dividual parameters such as the lifetime reproductive
functions can be derived that describe the relations              output of individual females (Ro,’ a function of i-state pa-
among l-, p-, and i-states; for example, an l-state describ-      rameters such as age-specific birth and death rates, and
ing the mean population size is a function of a p-state           age at first reproduction) and the dispersal range (m, an-
variable (number of individuals in each population). The          other i-state) of juveniles searching for a suitable, unoc-
state parameters specified at each level depend upon              cupied territory. Persistence of the population on the
the question of interest. The utility of such a model lies        landscape (p*) depends upon the availability of suitable
in its versatility. In practice, it is necessary to limit the     habitat (h, an l-state) and the demographic potential of

                                                                                                       Conservation Biology
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1076       Applications of Neutral Landscape Models                                                                     With

the population (k). The equilibrium occupancy of suit-        Davies 1995). These models however, are typically pa-
able habitat is positive ( p* Ͼ 0) only if h exceeds the      rameterized for a specific management application (e.g.,
threshold value determined by the life-history and dis-       LaHaye et al. 1994; Liu et al. 1995; Hanski et al. 1995;
persal abilities of the species. The extinction threshold     Hanski et al. 1996), which may ultimately limit their gen-
is the minimum proportion of suitable habitat required        erality in other systems or even other species within the
for population persistence on the landscape; below this,      same system (e.g., Liu et al. 1995). The coupling of (meta)
the population goes extinct. Species with low reproduc-       population models with neutral landscape models shows
tive output and poor dispersal abilities (low k) are pre-     promise of providing a generalized, spatially explicit frame-
dicted to go extinct much sooner (at higher values of h)      work, thus cultivating the synthesis envisioned by Han-
than species with high demographic potentials. For ex-        ski and Gilpin (1991). Neutral landscape models can
ample, a species with k ϭ 0.2 is only able to occupy 20%      contribute to the following applications in conservation
of habitat patches even when the landscape is entirely        biology.
suitable (h ϭ 1.0). Such a species is predicted to go ex-
tinct when 20% of the landscape has been destroyed (h ϭ
0.8). A species with k ϭ 0.6, on the other hand, would        Representation of Complex Spatial Patterns in
persist on the landscape until h ϭ 0.4.                       (Meta)Population Models
   This model, while analytically tractable, can not deal
with the spatial complexity of real systems. Thus, Lande      Algorithms used to generate artificial landscapes provide
suggested that “the prediction of extinction thresholds       a simple means of generating environmental complexity
for real populations may be most accurately accom-            in a number of ways (e.g., Figs. 1 and 4). Neutral land-
plished by incorporating these principles into computer       scape models enable one to vary systematically aspects
models that explicitly account for habitat quality and        of landscape structure such as relative habitat abun-
spatial distribution and the influence of these factors on    dance, spatial contagion (“clumping” of pattern and thus
the dispersal behavior and life history parameters of indi-   patch-size distributions), or amount of edge. This per-
viduals” (Lande 1987:634). We are now in the process of       mits the exploration of the effects of fragmentation across
linking neutral landscapes and metapopulation models          a range of severity and spatial complexity. Neutral land-
(K. A. With and A. W. King, unpublished data). Because        scapes offer a more holistic view of landscape structure
landscape structure affects dispersal success (the prob-      by dealing with the intact landscape (Pearson et al.
ability of successfully colonizing unoccupied habitat         1996). Landscapes are not dissected into discrete ele-
patches or territories in Lande’s model), the introduc-       ments such as patches, matrix, and corridors. Rather, patch
tion of spatial complexity (e.g., a function of h and H for   structure emerges from the interaction (e.g., movement
fractal landscapes; Fig. 5) should affect the predicted       responses) of organisms with environmental complexity,
value of extinction thresholds. Preliminary results sug-      enabling “species’ perceptions” of landscape structure.
gest that populations persist longer on fractal landscapes
than predicted by Lande’s model. Fractal landscapes are
inherently more clumped than random landscapes and            Identification of Species’ Perceptions of Landscape Structure
thus remain connected across a greater range of habitat
loss. Dispersal success is thus higher on fractal land-       The patch-structure of the landscape is defined by spe-
scapes, even when habitat is scarce, and populations are      cies’ area requirements and their propensity for move-
able to persist across across a greater range of habitat      ment (Wiens et al. 1993; Dale et al. 1994; With & Crist
loss than populations on random landscapes.                   1995; Pearson et al. 1996). This permits an organism-cen-
                                                              tered definition of landscape structure, which is necessary
                                                              if we are to adopt meaningful and effective conservation
                                                              strategies (Hansen & Urban 1992). The consequences of
Applications for Conservation Biology                         land-use change and fragmentation can be simulta-
                                                              neously addressed on the same landscape for a multi-
What new insights can be gained by developing a syn-          tude of species with different dispersal capabilities and
thesis between conservation biology and landscape ecol-       life-history traits. For example, Dale et al. (1994) identi-
ogy? The importance of landscape pattern and connec-          fied species likely to be extirpated following forest frag-
tivity in structuring metapopulation dynamics suggests        mentation in the tropics based on the area requirements
that current metapopulation theory could be enhanced          and the “gap-crossing” ability of these species (i.e., their
by incorporating spatially explicit theory from landscape     willingness to cross areas of unsuitable habitat). Not only
ecology (Wiens 1996). The challenge of modeling meta-         can the effects on target species be addressed, but it
population dynamics in a spatially complex environment        might then be possible to identify the circumstances un-
has been tackled by a variety of modeling approaches,         der which other populations, not currently of manage-
(e.g., Wu & Levin 1994; Hanski 1994b; Possingham &            ment concern, become threatened.

Conservation Biology
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With                                                                               Applications of Neutral Landscape Models    1077

Determination of Landscape Connectivity                          landscape may function as a single population, in which
                                                                 case, metapopulation theory is no longer relevant (Wiens
The key to metapopulation persistence is to maintain
                                                                 1997a). At the other extreme, if the landscape is highly
landscape connectivity, a functional cohesion among hab-
                                                                 fragmented and populations are subdivided, it may be
itat patches across the landscape. Neutral landscape
                                                                 possible to treat each patch as a separate unit (e.g., indi-
models predict the occurrence of critical thresholds in
                                                                 vidual reserves). Thus, the domain of metapopulation
habitat fragmentation, abrupt transition ranges where
                                                                 dynamics may fall somewhere in the vicinity of the per-
small losses of habitat have dramatic, and potentially
                                                                 colation threshold, where the explicit spatial arrange-
dire, ecological consequences (Gardner et al. 1993; With
                                                                 ment of patches and inter-patch movements are most
& Crist 1995; Pearson et al. 1996). Threshold effects are
“a major unsolved problem facing conservationists” (Pul-
liam & Dunning 1994:193). The potential for threshold
effects should be a principal concern in the evaluation          Prediction of Extinction Thresholds
of management strategies in fragmented landscapes.
                                                                 Far from enhancing population persistence, spatial sub-
                                                                 division may drive some species to extinction if they do
Evaluation of the Consequences of Habitat Fragmentation for      not have the demographic potential and dispersal abili-
Population Subdivision                                           ties to exploit patchy habitats. Extinction thresholds are
                                                                 determined by the interaction between landscape struc-
Habitat fragmentation does not always produce meta-              ture, demography, and dispersal; it is not yet clear to
population structure, but may nevertheless have impor-           what extent extinction thresholds are related to critical
tant implications for the spatial structure of populations.      thresholds in landscape structure and population subdi-
The most obvious effects of landscape structure are on           vision. The ability to predict which species will go ex-
dispersal among habitat patches. Dispersal affects colo-         tinct, and when, under various scenarios of land-use
nization rates, whether patches are connected, and thus          change may ultimately be the most critical application of
whether subpopulations function as a metapopulation.             neutral landscape models in conservation. As outlined
Thus, predicting “exactly how the translation from indi-         previously, this can be accomplished by coupling neu-
vidual movements to population distribution and inter-           tral landscapes with metapopulation models, such as
actions should be accomplished is one of the most vex-           that derived by Lande (1987) for territorial populations.
ing problems confronting a metapopulation-landscape
synthesis” (Wiens 1997a:52–53). We have modeled indi-
                                                                 Determination of the Genetic Consequences of Habitat
vidual movement in heterogeneous, simple random land-
scapes (i.e., mosaics of three habitats) as a percolation
process to identify the point at which populations be-           Dispersal is not the only process affected by landscape
came subdivided (With & Crist 1995). The results of this         structure. As individuals move, they take their genes
simulation exercise demonstrated that this “threshold”           with them and thus ultimately gene flow among popula-
between continuously distributed and patchy populations          tions can be affected by habitat fragmentation. Green
depended upon the relative abundance of preferred habi-          (1994) used a simple random landscape to demonstrate
tat, the relative habitat affinities of species (e.g., whether   that genetic variability within a population was highly
a habitat generalist or specialist), and the dispersal range     sensitive to changes in landscape connectivity. Below
of the species. Subsequent modeling work on heteroge-            the critical threshold, a regional population became sub-
neous fractal landscapes, with habitats of varying quality,      divided and genetic drift increased genetic variability
indicated that different factors may simultaneously oper-        among populations. Again, the critical region where this
ate at both fine and broad scales that affect population         occurred depended upon the neighborhood function
distributional patterns (With et al. 1997). It is important      (area of gene flow) and pattern of dispersal.
to remember that patchiness does not always matter, par-
ticularly if habitat is abundant, dispersal distances are
                                                                 Guide Reserve Design and Ecosystem Management
greater than the scale of fragmentation, the species is a
generalist, the species has a myopic view of the landscape       At the landscape scale, patch-based theory (i.e., theory
and can only detect patches over short distances, or if          of island biogeography) is being used to design reserve
habitat patches are ephemeral (Fahrig 1988; With & Crist         networks and in the management of entire ecosystems.
1995; Wiens 1997b).                                              Corridors have been implemented as an obvious solu-
                                                                 tion to the problem of maintaining connectivity in an in-
Identification of the Domain of Metapopulation Dynamics          creasingly fragmented world. Why then have corridors
                                                                 become one of the most hotly debated issues in conser-
Where is the “Goldilocks Zone?” In highly connected              vation (Mann & Plummer 1995)? Although habitat corri-
landscapes (e.g., above the critical threshold), the entire      dors linking populations or individual reserves may facil-

                                                                                                      Conservation Biology
                                                                                                      Volume 11, No. 5, October 1997
1078       Applications of Neutral Landscape Models                                                                                  With

itate the dispersal of some species (e.g., large carnivores   the grid cells to be square or hexagonal?), and what the
or ungulates), the presumed effectiveness of corridors        underlying assumptions are regarding movement that
remains controversial (Hobbs 1992). The notion of land-       are ultimately used to define landscape structure. For ex-
scape connectivity is perhaps being taken too literally.      ample, determination of the critical threshold depends
Connectivity need not entail physical linkages between        on the lattice geometry of the neutral landscape (Plot-
patches; it is the functional connectivity—patches linked     nick & Gardner 1993), the specific algorithm used to
by dispersal—that is ultimately important. In a patch-        generate the landscape (random vs fractal; With et al.
based view of the world, corridors are appealing because      1997), and the way dispersal is modeled (e.g., different
they provide a physical bridge linking habitat islands        neighborhood rules; Plotnick & Gardner 1993; With &
across a matrix sea. Given that landscapes are habitat        Crist 1995; Pearson et al. 1996). These assumptions all
mosaics and that species can traverse the “matrix,” corri-    have the potential to affect one’s assessment of the con-
dors may not be discrete structures. Gustafson and Gard-      sequences of habitat fragmentation for populations. The
ner (1996) used hierarchical random neutral landscapes        best application is to make “comparative and qualitative
to model the effects of dispersal on patch colonization       statements about the likely population responses to a set
rates across heterogeneous landscapes. Areas that facili-     of potential or real landscape alterations” (Dunning et al.
tated movement, and thus functioned effectively as cor-       1995:9). Although we still may be unable to make quan-
ridors, tended to be diffuse and difficult to identify from   titative predictions about the effects of landscape
structural features of the landscape. Another holdover        change on populations, the development of a general-
from patch-based theory is the assumption that flows be-      ized spatially explicit framework by integrating metapo-
tween patches are linear and symmetrical. Spatial com-        pulation theory with neutral landscape models may lead
plexity may reduce colonization success when individu-        to new insights in the conservation management of
als must follow convoluted pathways or are trapped in         threatened populations.
“cul-de-sacs” (Gustafson & Gardner 1996). Asymmetry in
dispersal between patches arises because of patch con-
text; an isolated patch may have a high proportion of dis-
persers which successfully reach a neighboring patch,
but if the neighbor is part of a network of patches, only a   Final drafting of the paper has been facilitated by a grant
small fraction of dispersers from this neighboring patch      from the Faculty Research Committee at Bowling Green
may reach the more isolated one. These applications from      State University and by NSF grant DEB-9532079. I thank
neutral landscape models underscore the importance of         L. Fahrig, J. Day, and two anonymous reviewers, whose
elaborating reserve design from the standpoint of overall     comments on the initial version have vastly improved
landscape connectivity and within the context of entire       the presentation of this paper.
landscape mosaics rather than isolated patches (Pressey
et al. 1993; Hobbs et al. 1993).
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Conservation Biology
Volume 11, No. 5, October 1997

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1997 with the application of neutral landscape models in conservation biology

  • 1. The Application of Neutral Landscape Models in Conservation Biology KIMBERLY A. WITH Department of Biological Sciences, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403, U.S.A., email Abstract: Neutral landscape models, derived from percolation theory in the field of landscape ecology, are grid-based maps in which complex habitat distributions are generated by random or fractal algorithms. This grid-based representation of landscape structure is compatible with the raster-based format of geographical information systems (GIS), which facilitates comparisons between theoretical and real landscapes. Neutral landscape models permit the identification of critical thresholds in connectivity, which can be used to predict when landscapes will become fragmented. The coupling of neutral landscape models with generalized popula- tion models, such as metapopulation theory, provides a null model for generating predictions about popula- tion dynamics in fragmented landscapes. Neutral landscape models can contribute to the following applica- tions in conservation: (1) incorporation of complex spatial patterns in (meta)population models; (2) identification of species’ perceptions of landscape structure; (3) determination of landscape connectivity; (4) evaluation of the consequences of habitat fragmentation for population subdivision; (5) identification of the domain of metapopulation dynamics; (6) prediction of the occurrence of extinction thresholds; (7) determi- nation of the genetic consequences of habitat fragmentation; and (8) reserve design and ecosystem manage- ment. This generalized, spatially explicit framework bridges the gap between spatially implicit, patch-based models and spatially realistic GIS applications which are usually parameterized for a single species in a spe- cific landscape. Development of a generalized, spatially explicit framework is essential in conservation biol- ogy because we will not be able to develop individual models for every species of management concern. Aplicación de Modelos de Paisaje Neutros en la Biología de la Conservación Resumen: Los modelos de paisajes neutros derivados de la teoría de percolación en el campo de la ecología de paisaje, consisten en mapas cuadriculados en los que se genera la distribución de hábitats complejos por medio de algoritmos aleatorios o fractales. Esta representación de la estructura del paisaje es compatible con el formato de los sistemas de información geográfica (SIG) que facilitan la comparación entre paisajes teóri- cos y reales. Los modelos de paisaje neutros permiten la identifición de umbrales críticos de conectividad, que se pueden utilizar para predecir cuando se fragmentarán los paisajes. El acoplamiento de modelos de paisaje neutros con modelos poblacionales generales, por ejemplo la teoría de metapoblaciones, proporciona un modelo nulo para generar predicciones de la dinámica poblacional en paisajes fragmentados. Los modelos de paisaje neutros tienen la siguiente aplicación en la conservación: (1) incorporación de patrones espaciales complejos en modelos de (meta) poblaciones; (2) identificación de la percepción de la estructura del paisaje por las especies; (3) determinación de la conectividad del paisaje; (4) evaluación de las consecuencias de la fragmentación del hábitat en la subdivisión de poblaciones; (5) identificación del dominio de la dinámica metapoblacional; predicción de umbrales de extinción; (7)determinación de las consecuencias genéticas de la fragmentación del hábitat y (8) diseño de reservas y manejo de ecosistemas. Este marco de referencia general y espacialmente explícito llena el vacío entre modelos espacialmente implícitos, basados en parcelas, y aplica- ciones. SIG espacialmente realistas que generalmente consideran a una sola especie en un paisaje específico. El desarrollo de un marco de referencia general y espacialmente explícito es esencial en la biología de la con- servación, ya que no es posible elaborar modelos individuales para cada especie. Paper submitted June 19, 1996; revised manuscript accepted January 21, 1997. 1069 Conservation Biology, Pages 1069–1080 Volume 11, No. 5, October 1997
  • 2. 1070 Applications of Neutral Landscape Models With Introduction cies confined to a newly fragmented habitat do not necessarily function as a metapopulation; poor dispersal Habitat fragmentation is a central issue in conservation abilities may prevent the species from recolonizing habi- biology (Soulé 1986; Rolstad 1991; Harrison 1994; Wiens tat patches following extinction (Hanski & Gilpin 1991). 1996) and has been implicated in the greatest extinction “Metapopulation” has become synonymous with any event on Earth in over 65 million years (Wilcox & Mur- spatially subdivided population (e.g., Hastings & Harri- phy 1985). Although loss of habitat poses the greatest son 1994), which is a broader definition than originally threat to maintaining biodiversity, the effects of frag- accommodated by metapopulation theory (Levins 1969; mentation are more insidious. Fragmentation results in 1970). Spatial subdivision is a necessary, but not sufficient, the subdivision and decreased area of habitat, increases condition for metapopulation dynamics. In fact, there the potential for edge effects, and changes the surround- are several conditions that are necessary for metapopula- ing habitat matrix, all of which may reduce the continuity tion persistence (Hanski et al. 1995). Metapopulations or connectivity of the landscape and thus threaten the occupy what Wiens (1997b) refers to as the “Goldilocks survival of sensitive species (Rolstad 1991). Fragmenta- Zone.” The notion is that there is a critical patch geome- tion effects are so evident, so amply documented, that we try and a critical dispersal rate that is neither too much appear to have overlooked a rather fundamental question: (patches are not too isolated, dispersal is not too fre- when do landscapes become fragmented? This is one of quent) nor too little, but “just right.” Despite its wide- the primary concerns of conservationists; yet, conserva- spread application in conservation, the assumptions or tion biology offers no formal theory to predict when habi- conditions underlying metapopulation theory are rarely tat fragmentation occurs. tested to determine whether the population of manage- Instead, theory focuses on the consequences of spatial ment concern is functioning as a metapopulation (Harri- subdivision for biodiversity and the persistence of popu- son 1991; 1994; Doak & Mills 1994; Hastings & Harrison lations. Metapopulation theory has become a major the- 1994). oretical underpinning of conservation biology (Hanski & How do we manage populations that are subdivided Gilpin 1991; Caughley 1994; Meffe & Carroll 1994; Hanski but are not, strictly speaking, metapopulations? A broader & Simberloff 1997). Metapopulation structure—subdi- modeling framework is needed, one that incorporates vided populations linked by dispersal that balances ex- landscape complexity beyond simple patch-based mod- tinctions and recolonization of patches—figures promi- els and which can encompass a range of population dy- nently in the design of reserves (Quinn & Hastings 1987) namics including metapopulation structure. Landscape and in the management of threatened populations (e.g., ecology has emerged as a discipline whose primary focus Beier 1993; LaHaye et al. 1994; Hanski et al. 1995). From a is the analysis of the ecological consequences of envi- conceptual and analytical standpoint, metapopulation ronmental heterogeneity or patchiness (Turner & Gard- models are appealing because they offer a simple way to ner 1991). Given that metapopulation theory and land- view and model a spatially complex world. As a legacy of scape ecology both deal with the consequences of island biogeographic theory, metapopulation theory holds patchiness, Hanski and Gilpin (1991) proposed that the to a binary view of the world, of patches embedded “fusion of metapopulation studies and landscape ecol- within an inhospitable, or at least an “ecologically neu- ogy should make for an exciting scientific synthesis.” tral” (Wiens et al. 1993), matrix of non-preferred habitat. Landscape structure may often be an important compo- Because anthropogenic destruction of habitat dramati- nent of metapopulation dynamics (Fahrig & Merriam cally fragments the landscape into small, disconnected 1994; Wiens 1997a). Variation in patch quality, bound- patches of habitat (e.g., Krummel et al. 1987; Gardner et aries between patches, the nature of the mosaic (patch al. 1993), patch-based models would seem apt descriptors context), and overall landscape connectivity may influ- of the resulting population dynamics. ence the dynamics of local populations and the way in The problem is that this patch-based view of the world, which local populations are linked by dispersal (Wiens although analytically tractable, does not encompass the 1997a). Dispersal also defines the scale at which individ- full range of spatial complexity inherent in real systems. uals perceive landscape structure and whether a land- Metapopulation models assume populations are contained scape is connected or whether a species is likely to be within discrete habitat patches, but this is an over-sim- affected by fragmentation (Wiens & Milne 1989; Wiens plification for most systems where it is difficult to delin- et al. 1993; With 1994; Pearson et al. 1996). Individual eate population boundaries. Habitat patches are not oce- movement is thus the most important unifying theme in anic islands; individuals of many species can move through both metapopulation dynamics and landscape ecology the habitats that comprise the matrix, which may differ- (Wiens 1997a). entially affect colonization success (e.g., Cummings & Despite the obvious applications of landscape ecology Vessey 1994; Gustafson & Gardner 1996). Habitat frag- for conservation biology, and vice versa, the synthesis mentation may or may not produce spatial differentia- between the two disciplines has barely begun (Wiens tion in the dynamics of populations (Wiens 1997b). Spe- 1997a ). As a first step toward forging a link between these Conservation Biology Volume 11, No. 5, October 1997
  • 3. With Applications of Neutral Landscape Models 1071 fields, my objective in this paper is to introduce conser- understand the statistical properties and connectivity of vation biologists to a recent theoretical development in heterogeneous systems (Feder 1988). For ecological ap- the field of landscape ecology. Neutral landscape models plications, artificial landscapes were conceived as perco- (Gardner et al. 1987; Gardner & O’Neill 1991) show prom- lation maps in which habitat could be assigned to oc- ise of providing a spatially explicit framework for model- cupy some proportion, h, of cells (Gardner et al. 1987; ing (meta)population dynamics. Landscape maps are Gardner & O’Neill 1991). These landscapes are gener- constructed as grids in which cells are identified by hab- ated with analytical algorithms and thus are “neutral” to itat type or some other landscape feature; this raster for- the biological and physical processes that shape real mat is therefore compatible with management applica- landscape patterns. Neutral landscapes provide a useful tions tied to geographical information systems (GIS). model for the study of ecological responses to landscape Neutral landscapes are constructed with simple algo- patterns because they are based on the movement, flow, rithms that generate complex habitat distributions. When or rate of spread that characterize a diverse array of bi- coupled with generalized population models, such as ological processes (e.g., resource utilization by species, metapopulation theory, neutral landscapes provide a O’Neill et al. 1988; Lavorel et al. 1995; species coexist- spatially explicit framework for modeling population dy- ence, Gardner et al. 1991; Lavorel et al. 1994; Palmer 1992; namics in fragmented landscapes. Currently, population spread of disturbance, Turner et al. 1989). They are thus models are coupled with GIS-generated landscapes (spa- well suited for providing a spatially explicit framework tially “realistic” models, Hanski 1994a) to understand how for modeling population responses to landscape change. actual or projected land-use change affects some threat- ened or endangered species (e.g., Bachman’s Sparrow, Simple Random Landscapes [Aimophila aestivalis]; Pulliam et al. 1992). These spe- cies-specific models are thus a special case of the more The first generation of neutral landscapes were simple general modeling framework I propose; neutral land- random maps created by randomly assigning habitat to a scapes provide null models for predicting when habitat proportion, h, of the grid map (Gardner et al. 1987; fragmentation occurs and is expected to affect popula- Gardner & O’Neill 1991; Fig. 1). The number of available tion dynamics. The development of a generalized, spa- habitat cells on a particular landscape is thus hm2, tially explicit framework in conservation biology is es- where m is the number of cells along one side of the sential given that we will be unable to develop individual landscape grid (number of rows or columns). Although models for every species of management concern. I de- patch structure is not explicitly defined in the construc- scribe the different types of neutral landscape models tion of such landscapes, it emerges nonetheless from the that have been generated and how these have been used aggregation of habitat cells to form clusters or patches. in various ecological applications. I then outline a proto- Patches are defined by aggregation size or “neighbor- col for coupling these landscape models with metapopu- hood rule” (Fig. 2). For example, the simplest definition lation models. Finally, I discuss the implications of neu- of a patch is determined by the “nearest-neighbor rule;” tral landscape models for conservation biology. the neighborhood includes the four adjacent cells (Rule 1, Fig. 2). The “next-nearest neighbor” rule includes the nearest neighbors, plus the four diagonal cells; each cell Neutral Landscape Models thus has eight neighboring cells (Rule 2, Fig. 2). Larger neighborhood rules include cells that are not immedi- Neutral landscape models are derived from percolation ately adjacent, but are still considered part of the “neigh- theory, which developed from the study of the flow of borhood” in defining patch structure (e.g., Rule 3, Fig. liquids through lattices of material aggregates (Orbach 2). The rationale behind this is that highly vagile species 1986). Neutral landscape models have been applied to or those with good dispersal abilities are able to cross Figure 1. Examples of neu- tral landscape models. The proportion of available habitat ( h) is 0.33 in all maps (shaded cells). For the hierarchical random map, h varies across three levels as h1 ϭ 0.85, h2 ϭ 0.75, and h3 ϭ 0.50 ( h1 ϫ h2 ϫ h3 ϭ 0.33). Conservation Biology Volume 11, No. 5, October 1997
  • 4. 1072 Applications of Neutral Landscape Models With Figure 2. Connectivity of a landscape comprised of 35% habitat using differ- ent neighborhood rules. The landscape is con- nected and contains a sin- gle cluster that “perco- lates” across the map only when neighborhood Rule 3 is used as in this example. “gaps” in available habitat and thus might link non-adja- threshold, landscape connectivity is disrupted and the cent cells in a neighborhood of utilized habitat (e.g., landscape is dominated by small, isolated clusters of habi- Dale et al. 1994; With & Crist 1995; Pearson et al. 1996). tat; the landscape is fragmented. The use of neighborhood rules provides a species-cen- The threshold value, and thus whether or not the land- tered definition of landscape structure, permitting patch scape is fragmented, depends upon the scale at which structure to be identified at a scale appropriate to the or- species perceive patch structure. Highly vagile species ganism in question. This is analogous to the concept of are represented with larger neighborhood rules and per- “ecological neighborhoods” (Addicott et al. 1987) and is ceive the landscape as connected across a greater range based on dispersal distances, movement rates through of habitat loss (Gardner et al. 1991; With & Crist 1995; habitat, or the “willingness” of individuals to cross gaps Pearson et al. 1996). The critical threshold for these spe- of nonhabitat. This information can be difficult to obtain cies will thus be lower. For example, hcrit ϭ 0.30 for spe- in the field, but neighborhood rules provide a means of cies able to cross gaps of unsuitable habitat (Rule 3); modeling animal movement in a reasonable fashion and such a species would not perceive the landscape as frag- can be used to compare the effects of land-use practices mented until habitat comprised Ͻ30% (Plotnick & Gard- and habitat fragmentation on various groups of species ner 1993). that differ in dispersal ability. Percolation theory strictly deals with binary systems— In discussions of fragmentation effects, it is not clear habitat versus nonhabitat—just like metapopulation the- at what point the landscape became fragmented, partic- ory, thus providing a common framework for linking ularly from the standpoint of the target species. One of these modeling approaches. Neutral landscapes need the most significant contributions of neutral landscape not be restricted to a single habitat type, however, and models has been the identification of critical thresholds proportions of multiple habitat types can be specified in landscape connectivity, which defines quantitatively (h1 ϩ h2 ϩ ϭ 1, where n ϭ number of habitat types). the point at which the landscape becomes fragmented. On random maps each habitat will percolate at the cor- Imagine a completely forested landscape. If forest habi- responding hcrit for the specified neighborhood rule. tat is randomly removed a cell at a time, the landscape be- Such heterogeneous landscape maps more closely ap- comes riddled with gaps, but the landscape remains con- proximate environmental complexity (e.g., Fig. 4). Het- nected as long as habitat cells are adjacent (if the nearest- erogeneous landscape maps permit the modeling of neighbor rule is used) and form a continuous cluster that complex interactions between species characteristics, stretches from one end of the landscape to the other (Fig. such as habitat affinity, and features of the landscape, 3). With continued deforestation the removal of a single such as the abundance and quality of different habitat cell is enough to break the continuous cluster into two types (With & Crist 1995; With et al. 1997). Critical separate clusters. At this point, the landscape is suddenly thresholds in species’ responses to habitat fragmenta- disconnected. This is the critical threshold (hcrit), which is tion result from the interaction of species characteristics predicted by percolation theory to occur on a random with landscape structure. For example, habitat special- landscape when h ϭ 0.59 for the nearest-neighbor rule ists, regardless of dispersal abilities, are more likely to be (Fig. 2). Above the threshold, habitat destruction merely affected by loss of habitat than a disruption of landscape results in a loss of habitat area (Andrén 1994). Below the connectivity (With & Crist 1995). Simulation experiments Conservation Biology Volume 11, No. 5, October 1997
  • 5. With Applications of Neutral Landscape Models 1073 Figure 3. Critical threshold in landscape connectivity. As the proportion of avail- able habitat (shaded cells) is reduced, connectivity— the occurence of a percolat- ing cluster—is disrupted, producing small, isolated clusters of habitat across the landscape. The largest patches (defined by the nearest-neighbor Rule 1, see Fig. 2) are the dense black areas in each land- scape. on neutral landscapes help identify scenarios where Wiens 1990). Natural landscapes exhibit scale-depen- threshold effects could occur for a given species or group dent changes in pattern (Krummel et al. 1987; O’Neill et of species that share similar life-history characteristics or al. 1991). Species may respond to resource distribution dispersal strategies. Simulation experiments, conducted at different levels within the hierarchical patch structure as a factorial design for all levels of the model parame- of the landscape, as determined by their perceptual ters, permit the exploration of the model state space and grain—the finest scale at which they respond to hetero- provide a simple means of identifying statistically signifi- geneity—and their spatial extent—the broadest scale at cant factors, or combinations of variables, that affect pop- which the species interacts with heterogeneity, usually ulation distributions and persistence (With et al. 1997). determined by dispersal distances (Kotliar & Wiens This makes it possible to tease apart the specific land- 1990; With 1994). Thus, it is important to identify the scape features that affect the structure and dynamics of spatial scaling of habitat across the landscape and to de- populations. termine the scales at which species are interacting with landscape structure. For example, habitat fragmentation Hierarchical Random Landscapes may have different consequences for biodiversity if it oc- curs at fine versus broad scales. Fine-scale fragmentation Much of the conceptual appeal of metapopulation the- poses a greater risk to landscape connectivity than the ory lies in its recognition of hierarchical structure in nat- same reduction of habitat at a coarser scale (Rolstad ural systems (“population of populations,” Levins 1970). 1991; Pearson et al. 1996). Habitat destruction at a broad Resources are generally patchy in distribution and this scale obviously produces gaping holes in the landscape, patch structure may be manifested across scales in a but some large, contiguous tracts of habitat are left in- nested hierarchy of patches within patches (Kotliar & tact which helps promote overall landscape connectiv- Figure 4. Application of neutral landscape models to various conservation scenarios. Management of small, discretely patchy populations (“island” pop- ulations) might be mod- eled with simple random maps. For the study of frag- mentation effects or popu- lations that have a spa- tially complex distribution (patchy populations), fractal landscapes provide more appropriate models. Edge effects can also be addressed in fractal landscapes by designating a “habitat halo” around the primary habitat. In addition, heterogeneous land- scapes comprised of Ͼ1 habitat type or source/sink population can be modeled with neutral landscapes ( fractal landscape example shown here). Conservation Biology Volume 11, No. 5, October 1997
  • 6. 1074 Applications of Neutral Landscape Models With ity. Small, isolated “clear cuts” are more insidious be- els of landscape patterns with simple control over spa- cause these whittle away at the percolating cluster. The tial autocorrelation (Petigen & Saupe 1988; Palmer 1992; removal of a single critical cell of habitat breaks the per- With et al. 1997; Fig. 1). Although two-dimensional frac- colating cluster into two separate clusters and results in tals may be generated in various ways, we have used the a disconnected landscape. midpoint displacement algorithm outlined in Saupe Hierarchically structured landscape models reflect the (1988) to generate fractal landscapes. For the purposes inherent patch structure of natural landscapes (O’Neill of this discussion, it will suffice to understand that a et al. 1992; Lavorel et al. 1993; Gardner et al. 1993; Fig. 3-dimensional surface—a topographical map—is created. 1). Hierarchical neutral landscapes are generated using a The “ruggedness” of the topography depends upon the fractal algorithm referred to as “curdling” (Mandelbrot degree of correlation among habitat cells, H. The fractal 1983). The number of scales across which pattern varies dimension of the landscape is D ϭ 3-H; landscapes with is set by specifying a number of hierarchical levels, L, little spatial autocorrelation (low H) will have an ex- within the map. The proportion of habitat that occurs tremely variable surface (sharp peaks adjacent to deep within each level is set independently as h1...hL. This is a valleys) that is more volume-filling and hence D → 3 (Fig. recursive procedure; the availability of habitat at one 5). Extremely complex landscapes can thus be gener- level constrains the availability of habitat at finer scales. ated in a systematic fashion, just by varying H. As a con- For example, 60% of the landscape could be covered by sequence, the effects of habitat fragmentation can be as- forest at the coarsest scale (h1), and 80% of those cells sessed across a gradient of habitat clumping (H) and could contain forest at an intermediate level (h2), and abundance (h). perhaps 40% of the L2 cells will contain forest at the fin- Habitat is assigned to the continuously varying surface est scale (h3). The available habitat across the landscape of fractal landscapes by making slices along an “eleva- is thus the combined probabilities, P ϭ h1 ϫ ...hL; in the tional gradient” and assigning the range of elevations previous example, P ϭ 0.6 ϫ 0.8 ϫ 0.4 ϭ 0.192. If habi- (which are the cell values) encompassed by the slice to tat is absent at the coarsest scale, it will not be found at a particular habitat type. The proportion of a particular finer scales either. Subtle patterns of landscape fragmen- habitat represented on the landscape is determined by tation can be created by adding “whey” to the “curds” the range of elevations encompassed in each slice; if and seeding habitat with a proportion, q, at each of the 40% of the elevational range is captured by the slice, finer levels (Pearson et al. 1996). Available habitat is then 40% of the landscape will be comprised of that hab- now calculated as: itat. This produces a contour map. Habitat is assigned along a gradient and thus certain habitat types will al- P = [ h1 × h2 × h3 ] + [ h1 × ( 1 – h2 ) × q3 ] + ways be adjacent (e.g., habitats 1 and 2, habitats 2 and 3, [ ( 1 – h 1 ) × q 2 × h 3 ] + [ ( 1 – h 1 ) × ( 1 – q 2 ) × q 3 ]. but not habitats 1 and 3). This models the transition of ecotones in natural landscapes or can be used to explore edge effects by designating a small proportion of habitat Fractal Landscapes adjacent to a primary habitat (e.g., h2 ϭ 0.05 and h3 ϭ The neutral landscapes assumed complete spatial inde- 0.35 in Fig. 4). pendence among cells; habitat types exhibited no spatial Fractal landscapes have been applied to the conse- autocorrelation, although h obviously affects the proba- quences of fragmentation for biodiversity (Palmer 1992) bility that adjacent cells will be similar. In reality habitat and subdivided populations (With et al. 1997). Scale- is distributed with some degree of spatial contagion across dependent effects on species coexistence were found in landscapes. Fractal algorithms can generate neutral mod- fractal landscapes. In extremely fragmented landscapes Figure 5. Topography of fractal landscapes. These maps illustrate how chang- ing the spatial autocorrela- tion among habitat cells (H) affects the spatial pat- terning and hence the frac- tal dimension (D) of land- scapes ( D ϭ 3-H). Conservation Biology Volume 11, No. 5, October 1997
  • 7. With Applications of Neutral Landscape Models 1075 (high D), more plant species were able to coexist at the number of parameters so that the model is analytically finest scale (within individual cells) than in more clumped tractable. With computer-based simulation modeling, landscapes (Palmer 1992). Species richness at the scale the number of parameters under simultaneous consider- of the entire landscape was lower in fragmented than in ation can be greatly increased and more complex prob- clumped landscapes, however. Factors that operate at lems addressed. Metz and Diekmann (1986) character- different scales may affect population distributional pat- ized different population modeling approaches based on terns. Populations were more likely to be subdivided at the “p-state, i-state” framework, one of which they clas- the landscape scale on fractal maps (with intermediate sified as “i-state configuration models,” which refer par- levels of spatial dependence, H ϭ 0.5), and population ticularly to simulation models that take into consider- distributions were determined primarily by species’ hab- ation the life-history characteristics of individuals in itat affinities and habitat quality (With et al. 1997). At heterogeneous environments (DeAngelis & Gross 1992). finer scales on fractal landscapes, however, population structure was influenced by the relative abundance of habitat and the interaction of species’ habitat affinities with habitat quality. Coupling Metapopulation Models and Neutral Landscape Models A Generalized, Spatially Explicit Framework Lande (1987) adapted the phenomonological metapopu- lation model of Levins (1969) to territorial populations Because metapopulation models define a narrow range on a random landscape. This model is spatially implicit; of population dynamics (i.e., the “Goldilocks Zone”), the landscape is assumed to be binary, in which suitable Hastings and Harrison (1994) formulated a more general territories of a fixed size are randomly distributed in an theoretical framework called the “p-state, i-state model,” unsuitable matrix. By incorporating demographic parame- which was initially developed by Metz and Diekmann ters and the dispersal range of individuals searching for (1986). Parameters that describe the condition of indi- territories, Lande derived the “demographic potential” viduals (i-state) could be numbers of individuals or allele of the population, a single parameter that described the frequencies, and the state of the population as a whole maximum occupancy of territories at equilibrium. Terri- (p-states) could be described as the fraction of patches torial populations exhibited extinction thresholds, de- that are in particular i-states. The model is among the termined by their demographic potential and the pro- most general models in population biology—virtually all portion of suitable territories available on the landscape. models in population biology are among its special cases— Species with high demographic potential (good dispers- and the point of defining a model at this level of general- ers, high reproductive output), for example, can with- ity is that it provides a single framework for integrating stand considerable habitat loss before the population and comparing different population models. Neverthe- crashes. The application for conservation biology is ob- less, this model is spatially implicit; the spatial arrange- vious and Lande’s model has been used to illustrate how ment of habitat is ignored, but allows for very general as- habitat fragmentation would impact the Northern Spot- sumptions about patch sizes and dispersal. ted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina). The population is Conceptually, then, one might extend this framework predicted to go extinct once old-growth forest covers to an “l-state, p-state, i-state” model. In this case, l is a Ͻ20% of the landscape (Lande 1988; Lamberson et al. landscape containing a group of populations under con- 1992). sideration or fraction of landscape in various p-states, p Lande’s model has the basic form of an l-state, p-state, is an individual population (or a local site, such as a grid i-state model, where the equilibrium occupancy of terri- cell) on the landscape, and i is an individual organism. tories (local sites or patches) across the landscape (p*, Functions at higher levels constrain parameter states at an l-state) was determined for a single (meta)population. lower levels (e.g., habitat distribution, an l-state, affects In this application individual territories or “patches” are habitat of individual cells, a p-state), and patterns at higher p-states that can be occupied by a single breeding pair levels may be obtained by aggregating information from with proportion p (a p-state). The demographic poten- lower levels. This facilitates the translation of patterns tial of the (meta)population (k, an l-state) is based on in- and processes across levels of organization. In the model, dividual parameters such as the lifetime reproductive functions can be derived that describe the relations output of individual females (Ro,’ a function of i-state pa- among l-, p-, and i-states; for example, an l-state describ- rameters such as age-specific birth and death rates, and ing the mean population size is a function of a p-state age at first reproduction) and the dispersal range (m, an- variable (number of individuals in each population). The other i-state) of juveniles searching for a suitable, unoc- state parameters specified at each level depend upon cupied territory. Persistence of the population on the the question of interest. The utility of such a model lies landscape (p*) depends upon the availability of suitable in its versatility. In practice, it is necessary to limit the habitat (h, an l-state) and the demographic potential of Conservation Biology Volume 11, No. 5, October 1997
  • 8. 1076 Applications of Neutral Landscape Models With the population (k). The equilibrium occupancy of suit- Davies 1995). These models however, are typically pa- able habitat is positive ( p* Ͼ 0) only if h exceeds the rameterized for a specific management application (e.g., threshold value determined by the life-history and dis- LaHaye et al. 1994; Liu et al. 1995; Hanski et al. 1995; persal abilities of the species. The extinction threshold Hanski et al. 1996), which may ultimately limit their gen- is the minimum proportion of suitable habitat required erality in other systems or even other species within the for population persistence on the landscape; below this, same system (e.g., Liu et al. 1995). The coupling of (meta) the population goes extinct. Species with low reproduc- population models with neutral landscape models shows tive output and poor dispersal abilities (low k) are pre- promise of providing a generalized, spatially explicit frame- dicted to go extinct much sooner (at higher values of h) work, thus cultivating the synthesis envisioned by Han- than species with high demographic potentials. For ex- ski and Gilpin (1991). Neutral landscape models can ample, a species with k ϭ 0.2 is only able to occupy 20% contribute to the following applications in conservation of habitat patches even when the landscape is entirely biology. suitable (h ϭ 1.0). Such a species is predicted to go ex- tinct when 20% of the landscape has been destroyed (h ϭ 0.8). A species with k ϭ 0.6, on the other hand, would Representation of Complex Spatial Patterns in persist on the landscape until h ϭ 0.4. (Meta)Population Models This model, while analytically tractable, can not deal with the spatial complexity of real systems. Thus, Lande Algorithms used to generate artificial landscapes provide suggested that “the prediction of extinction thresholds a simple means of generating environmental complexity for real populations may be most accurately accom- in a number of ways (e.g., Figs. 1 and 4). Neutral land- plished by incorporating these principles into computer scape models enable one to vary systematically aspects models that explicitly account for habitat quality and of landscape structure such as relative habitat abun- spatial distribution and the influence of these factors on dance, spatial contagion (“clumping” of pattern and thus the dispersal behavior and life history parameters of indi- patch-size distributions), or amount of edge. This per- viduals” (Lande 1987:634). We are now in the process of mits the exploration of the effects of fragmentation across linking neutral landscapes and metapopulation models a range of severity and spatial complexity. Neutral land- (K. A. With and A. W. King, unpublished data). Because scapes offer a more holistic view of landscape structure landscape structure affects dispersal success (the prob- by dealing with the intact landscape (Pearson et al. ability of successfully colonizing unoccupied habitat 1996). Landscapes are not dissected into discrete ele- patches or territories in Lande’s model), the introduc- ments such as patches, matrix, and corridors. Rather, patch tion of spatial complexity (e.g., a function of h and H for structure emerges from the interaction (e.g., movement fractal landscapes; Fig. 5) should affect the predicted responses) of organisms with environmental complexity, value of extinction thresholds. Preliminary results sug- enabling “species’ perceptions” of landscape structure. gest that populations persist longer on fractal landscapes than predicted by Lande’s model. Fractal landscapes are inherently more clumped than random landscapes and Identification of Species’ Perceptions of Landscape Structure thus remain connected across a greater range of habitat loss. Dispersal success is thus higher on fractal land- The patch-structure of the landscape is defined by spe- scapes, even when habitat is scarce, and populations are cies’ area requirements and their propensity for move- able to persist across across a greater range of habitat ment (Wiens et al. 1993; Dale et al. 1994; With & Crist loss than populations on random landscapes. 1995; Pearson et al. 1996). This permits an organism-cen- tered definition of landscape structure, which is necessary if we are to adopt meaningful and effective conservation strategies (Hansen & Urban 1992). The consequences of Applications for Conservation Biology land-use change and fragmentation can be simulta- neously addressed on the same landscape for a multi- What new insights can be gained by developing a syn- tude of species with different dispersal capabilities and thesis between conservation biology and landscape ecol- life-history traits. For example, Dale et al. (1994) identi- ogy? The importance of landscape pattern and connec- fied species likely to be extirpated following forest frag- tivity in structuring metapopulation dynamics suggests mentation in the tropics based on the area requirements that current metapopulation theory could be enhanced and the “gap-crossing” ability of these species (i.e., their by incorporating spatially explicit theory from landscape willingness to cross areas of unsuitable habitat). Not only ecology (Wiens 1996). The challenge of modeling meta- can the effects on target species be addressed, but it population dynamics in a spatially complex environment might then be possible to identify the circumstances un- has been tackled by a variety of modeling approaches, der which other populations, not currently of manage- (e.g., Wu & Levin 1994; Hanski 1994b; Possingham & ment concern, become threatened. Conservation Biology Volume 11, No. 5, October 1997
  • 9. With Applications of Neutral Landscape Models 1077 Determination of Landscape Connectivity landscape may function as a single population, in which case, metapopulation theory is no longer relevant (Wiens The key to metapopulation persistence is to maintain 1997a). At the other extreme, if the landscape is highly landscape connectivity, a functional cohesion among hab- fragmented and populations are subdivided, it may be itat patches across the landscape. Neutral landscape possible to treat each patch as a separate unit (e.g., indi- models predict the occurrence of critical thresholds in vidual reserves). Thus, the domain of metapopulation habitat fragmentation, abrupt transition ranges where dynamics may fall somewhere in the vicinity of the per- small losses of habitat have dramatic, and potentially colation threshold, where the explicit spatial arrange- dire, ecological consequences (Gardner et al. 1993; With ment of patches and inter-patch movements are most & Crist 1995; Pearson et al. 1996). Threshold effects are important. “a major unsolved problem facing conservationists” (Pul- liam & Dunning 1994:193). The potential for threshold effects should be a principal concern in the evaluation Prediction of Extinction Thresholds of management strategies in fragmented landscapes. Far from enhancing population persistence, spatial sub- division may drive some species to extinction if they do Evaluation of the Consequences of Habitat Fragmentation for not have the demographic potential and dispersal abili- Population Subdivision ties to exploit patchy habitats. Extinction thresholds are determined by the interaction between landscape struc- Habitat fragmentation does not always produce meta- ture, demography, and dispersal; it is not yet clear to population structure, but may nevertheless have impor- what extent extinction thresholds are related to critical tant implications for the spatial structure of populations. thresholds in landscape structure and population subdi- The most obvious effects of landscape structure are on vision. The ability to predict which species will go ex- dispersal among habitat patches. Dispersal affects colo- tinct, and when, under various scenarios of land-use nization rates, whether patches are connected, and thus change may ultimately be the most critical application of whether subpopulations function as a metapopulation. neutral landscape models in conservation. As outlined Thus, predicting “exactly how the translation from indi- previously, this can be accomplished by coupling neu- vidual movements to population distribution and inter- tral landscapes with metapopulation models, such as actions should be accomplished is one of the most vex- that derived by Lande (1987) for territorial populations. ing problems confronting a metapopulation-landscape synthesis” (Wiens 1997a:52–53). We have modeled indi- Determination of the Genetic Consequences of Habitat vidual movement in heterogeneous, simple random land- Fragmentation scapes (i.e., mosaics of three habitats) as a percolation process to identify the point at which populations be- Dispersal is not the only process affected by landscape came subdivided (With & Crist 1995). The results of this structure. As individuals move, they take their genes simulation exercise demonstrated that this “threshold” with them and thus ultimately gene flow among popula- between continuously distributed and patchy populations tions can be affected by habitat fragmentation. Green depended upon the relative abundance of preferred habi- (1994) used a simple random landscape to demonstrate tat, the relative habitat affinities of species (e.g., whether that genetic variability within a population was highly a habitat generalist or specialist), and the dispersal range sensitive to changes in landscape connectivity. Below of the species. Subsequent modeling work on heteroge- the critical threshold, a regional population became sub- neous fractal landscapes, with habitats of varying quality, divided and genetic drift increased genetic variability indicated that different factors may simultaneously oper- among populations. Again, the critical region where this ate at both fine and broad scales that affect population occurred depended upon the neighborhood function distributional patterns (With et al. 1997). It is important (area of gene flow) and pattern of dispersal. to remember that patchiness does not always matter, par- ticularly if habitat is abundant, dispersal distances are Guide Reserve Design and Ecosystem Management greater than the scale of fragmentation, the species is a generalist, the species has a myopic view of the landscape At the landscape scale, patch-based theory (i.e., theory and can only detect patches over short distances, or if of island biogeography) is being used to design reserve habitat patches are ephemeral (Fahrig 1988; With & Crist networks and in the management of entire ecosystems. 1995; Wiens 1997b). Corridors have been implemented as an obvious solu- tion to the problem of maintaining connectivity in an in- Identification of the Domain of Metapopulation Dynamics creasingly fragmented world. Why then have corridors become one of the most hotly debated issues in conser- Where is the “Goldilocks Zone?” In highly connected vation (Mann & Plummer 1995)? Although habitat corri- landscapes (e.g., above the critical threshold), the entire dors linking populations or individual reserves may facil- Conservation Biology Volume 11, No. 5, October 1997
  • 10. 1078 Applications of Neutral Landscape Models With itate the dispersal of some species (e.g., large carnivores the grid cells to be square or hexagonal?), and what the or ungulates), the presumed effectiveness of corridors underlying assumptions are regarding movement that remains controversial (Hobbs 1992). The notion of land- are ultimately used to define landscape structure. For ex- scape connectivity is perhaps being taken too literally. ample, determination of the critical threshold depends Connectivity need not entail physical linkages between on the lattice geometry of the neutral landscape (Plot- patches; it is the functional connectivity—patches linked nick & Gardner 1993), the specific algorithm used to by dispersal—that is ultimately important. In a patch- generate the landscape (random vs fractal; With et al. based view of the world, corridors are appealing because 1997), and the way dispersal is modeled (e.g., different they provide a physical bridge linking habitat islands neighborhood rules; Plotnick & Gardner 1993; With & across a matrix sea. Given that landscapes are habitat Crist 1995; Pearson et al. 1996). These assumptions all mosaics and that species can traverse the “matrix,” corri- have the potential to affect one’s assessment of the con- dors may not be discrete structures. Gustafson and Gard- sequences of habitat fragmentation for populations. The ner (1996) used hierarchical random neutral landscapes best application is to make “comparative and qualitative to model the effects of dispersal on patch colonization statements about the likely population responses to a set rates across heterogeneous landscapes. Areas that facili- of potential or real landscape alterations” (Dunning et al. tated movement, and thus functioned effectively as cor- 1995:9). Although we still may be unable to make quan- ridors, tended to be diffuse and difficult to identify from titative predictions about the effects of landscape structural features of the landscape. Another holdover change on populations, the development of a general- from patch-based theory is the assumption that flows be- ized spatially explicit framework by integrating metapo- tween patches are linear and symmetrical. Spatial com- pulation theory with neutral landscape models may lead plexity may reduce colonization success when individu- to new insights in the conservation management of als must follow convoluted pathways or are trapped in threatened populations. “cul-de-sacs” (Gustafson & Gardner 1996). Asymmetry in dispersal between patches arises because of patch con- text; an isolated patch may have a high proportion of dis- Acknowledgments persers which successfully reach a neighboring patch, but if the neighbor is part of a network of patches, only a Final drafting of the paper has been facilitated by a grant small fraction of dispersers from this neighboring patch from the Faculty Research Committee at Bowling Green may reach the more isolated one. These applications from State University and by NSF grant DEB-9532079. I thank neutral landscape models underscore the importance of L. Fahrig, J. Day, and two anonymous reviewers, whose elaborating reserve design from the standpoint of overall comments on the initial version have vastly improved landscape connectivity and within the context of entire the presentation of this paper. landscape mosaics rather than isolated patches (Pressey et al. 1993; Hobbs et al. 1993). Literature Cited Conclusions Addicott, J. F., J. M. Aho, M. F. 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