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[00:06:59] Sophia Collins has joined the chat the Fri 17 Jul 2009 - 0:06

[00:07:12] Sophia Collins :

[00:07:24] Sophia Collins : hello!

[00:07:36] Sophia Collins : nice to see u

[00:07:40] Amy du Prés Collins has joined the chat the Fri 17 Jul 2009 - 0:07

[00:07:46] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hey

[00:08:14] Sophia Collins :

[00:08:20] Sophia Collins : hey

[00:08:24] @ Amy du Prés Collins : nice to see you again stranger hehee

[00:08:57] @ Amy du Prés Collins : I wrote nikki a few minutes ago to come so hopefullly she will pop

[00:09:33] Sophia Collins : kinda tired my friend, im on a fringe area w/poor recept!...i like chatting
w/u u n NAIK

[00:09:53] Sophia Collins : NIAK>?????? nikki

[00:10:11] Sophia Collins : she wrote me back like u do,

[00:10:16] Sophia Collins : we are great

[00:10:31] Sophia Collins :

[00:10:38] @ Amy du Prés Collins : oh good good

[00:11:43] @ Amy du Prés Collins : are you still working on a response I know you had one ready

[00:11:51] @ Amy du Prés Collins : eek

[00:12:06] @ Amy du Prés Collins : my prayers are with you dear

[00:12:35] Sophia Collins : dear! indeed, Rule Britania

[00:13:14] Sophia Collins :

[00:13:14] @ Amy du Prés Collins : if so alright have no fear
[00:13:50] Sophia Collins : so out of body right now

[00:14:12] Sophia Collins : i cherish our times

[00:14:18] @ Amy du Prés Collins : oh its alright dear I understand

[00:14:36] @ Amy du Prés Collins : im glad

[00:16:18] Sophia Collins : i will try and redo my lines, in a way it was too scary....too stephen king

[00:16:55] Sophia Collins :

[00:16:57] @ Amy du Prés Collins : ah right

[00:17:08] @ Amy du Prés Collins : as you wish you are the writer

[00:18:07] Sophia Collins : its true...girl i rewrote all night bthen published it under my dvid

WAS the mona lisa 2 is missing.

[00:18:24] Sophia Collins : it was good

[00:18:33] Sophia Collins : i can make ut better.

[00:18:37] Sophia Collins : it

[00:18:49] Sophia Collins : sorry im lxdeclic

[00:18:55] @ Amy du Prés Collins : ok thats fine

[00:19:08] @ Amy du Prés Collins : I understand dear

[00:19:19] @ Amy du Prés Collins : doesn't bother me

[00:19:44] Sophia Collins has joined the chat the Fri 17 Jul 2009 - 0:19

[00:19:51] Amy du Prés Collins has joined the chat the Fri 17 Jul 2009 - 0:19

[00:19:56] Sophia Collins : Amy, us there nyway to retreave it my bhome laptop

[00:20:30] Sophia Collins : my lines for the rpg i did...

[00:20:41] Sophia Collins : it was so good girl!

[00:20:57] Sophia Collins : ...was... sad face.
[00:21:01] @ Amy du Prés Collins : Im sure it was

[00:21:16] @ Amy du Prés Collins : im sorry

[00:23:04] Kathryn Collins has joined the chat the Fri 17 Jul 2009 - 0:23

[00:23:06] Sophia Collins : please trust me, on it , not my time on the board if you can for that night
erly day....sis i had a great one,...i took dictatede notes on my mp4 recorder/player

[00:23:22] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hi kate

[00:23:37] Kathryn Collins : hi, what's up?

[00:23:40] @ Amy du Prés Collins : oh good

[00:23:41] Sophia Collins : hey hello I'm Sophia nice to meet you Kate!

[00:24:03] Kathryn Collins : Sophia, we've met....

[00:24:05] @ Amy du Prés Collins : Kate is Julia hehee

[00:24:10] @ Amy du Prés Collins : you have met

[00:24:20] Kathryn Collins : kind of....Julia Hoffman?

[00:24:35] Sophia Collins : NICE TO BE WITH OUR MUCH MISSED aMY TOO!                 oopsy caps.

[00:24:38] Kathryn Collins : I play Liz and Mrs. Johnson too..

[00:24:43] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee

[00:24:44] Sophia Collins : Amy

[00:24:52] Sophia Collins : eeeeeeeeeeeeek

[00:25:04] @ Amy du Prés Collins : thank you Sophia glad I was missed

[00:25:06] Kathryn Collins : Soph, you sent Elizabeth a nice welcome...

[00:25:13] Kathryn Collins : eeeek?

[00:25:35] Sophia Collins : im the resident nut ball...hope u still will like me later on...

[00:25:56] Kathryn Collins : you're fine....don't worry...

[00:26:17] Sophia Collins : good
[00:26:20] Sophia Collins : ty

[00:26:47] Kathryn Collins : I wanted to stay in character in chat.....but sometimes want to
ummm.....find out what is going on here....

[00:27:02] Kathryn Collins : easily distracted I am...

[00:27:19] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee

[00:27:30] @ Amy du Prés Collins : tis nice to be in character

[00:27:41] Kathryn Collins : when I would pick Amy's brains about how to rpg it was hard to be

[00:28:19] Sophia Collins : Nikki's coming right my country gal Amy....oh heavens yes... by the way
you missed the greatest lines I had ever composed as David...sadly the server atew it up, eh Amy?

[00:28:20] Kathryn Collins : should I read back your chat here to find out about the meeting?

[00:28:28] @ Amy du Prés Collins : yeah Im glad you joined the Collins

[00:29:05] Sophia Collins : listen, and be are cool Kate, plus read our old gossup

[00:29:05] @ Amy du Prés Collins : nothing much has happend Kate

[00:29:20] Sophia Collins : its all good!

[00:29:27] Sophia Collins : yup

[00:29:49] Kathryn Collins : O.k., thought it was about the rpg plot or something...

[00:29:58] @ Amy du Prés Collins : Nikki hopefully is comming and sorries about the server

[00:30:17] @ Amy du Prés Collins : It was going to be when everyone has shown up

[00:30:22] Kathryn Collins : server? more problems?

[00:30:39] @ Amy du Prés Collins : no talking about the previous

[00:30:40] Sophia Collins : but we should agree on the next lines, sometimes for story continuty we
cannot always go in rotating order..imho.

[00:31:06] @ Amy du Prés Collins : true no need to go in order

[00:31:11] Sophia Collins : what do u think Amy, Kate?
[00:31:13] @ Amy du Prés Collins : no order in RPG

[00:31:20] Kathryn Collins : I'm gonna take a quick look at the story....

[00:31:33] @ Amy du Prés Collins : go ahead dear

[00:32:41] Sophia Collins : YEAH..that was why i held back untill the night i practiced wrtiting for an
rpg..hee hee Amy my love!

[00:32:56] Kathryn Collins : O.K.....well Liz will be thinking at Collinwood while the other 3 move
ahead .

[00:32:59] Sophia Collins : so ho was trip!???

[00:33:17] Sophia Collins : did you have fun nd do amazing things?

[00:33:45] Kathryn Collins : I'm gonna check out Amy's post and also Willie Loomis....brb...

[00:34:07] @ Amy du Prés Collins : I had a wonderful time

[00:34:23] Sophia Collins : i will be putting in a particuarly horrific dAVID SUB - STORY! GUYS..LOOK

[00:34:44] @ Amy du Prés Collins : yay very excited

[00:35:00] Sophia Collins : Make that David..ahhh typing in the colours!

[00:35:25] @ Amy du Prés Collins : nice

[00:35:47] Sophia Collins : i need a lamp for my co9rner and my beanybaggy sleep things!

[00:35:55] Sophia Collins : CORNER

[00:36:05] @ Amy du Prés Collins : heehee

[00:36:33] Sophia Collins : uhg sorry to bore or boar or boor anyone? :O

[00:36:51] Sophia Collins : j/k!

[00:37:00] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee your fine dear

[00:38:17] Sophia Collins : you always this kind to a late teen I went in a club btw and ordered a
drink, i got a 7-up and ice!

[00:38:17] Kathryn Collins : ah, Amy is Willie Loomis.
[00:38:33] Sophia Collins : I love

[00:38:35] @ Amy du Prés Collins : indeed I am hehee

[00:38:59] Sophia Collins : WILLIE tantalizing Adam w/a piece of Chicken wing!!!

[00:39:11] Sophia Collins :

[00:39:13] @ Amy du Prés Collins : LOL

[00:39:44] Sophia Collins : CARDBOARD set wall almost fell.....

[00:39:50] Sophia Collins :

[00:40:05] @ Amy du Prés Collins : they do wabble

[00:40:19] Sophia Collins : GREAT ALL THE WAY AROUND SERIES

[00:40:25] Kathryn Collins : Willie wearing an apron...

[00:40:58] Sophia Collins : madamoselle willie?

[00:41:20] Kathryn Collins : heehee......poor Willie...

[00:41:20] @ Amy du Prés Collins : Willita at your service

[00:41:33] Kathryn Collins : he so hated to dig up graves.....

[00:41:45] @ Amy du Prés Collins : poor kid

[00:42:01] Sophia Collins : i love3d it when he fixed trasks final resting place episode, the stage duy
walked in the shot!!!

[00:42:15] Kathryn Collins : it doesn't pay to be a jewel thief

[00:42:18] Sophia Collins : in the 20th century

[00:42:36] @ Amy du Prés Collins : nope

[00:42:45] Kathryn Collins : or a grave robber....

[00:42:49] Sophia Collins : agreed

[00:42:53] Sophia Collins : .

[00:43:33] Sophia Collins : I like the funky leviathans so much the zombies are so bad they are good
[00:44:13] Kathryn Collins : leviathans....not my favorite...

[00:44:14] Sophia Collins : but the one who was maggies friend and regreated being dead to her....

[00:44:32] Sophia Collins : sad unrequited love!

[00:45:27] Sophia Collins : u must watch my david and the leviathans short subject m ay
find a treasure...froma certain aspect!?

[00:45:40] Sophia Collins : isnt it good Amy?

[00:45:46] Kathryn Collins : on youtube?

[00:45:47] @ Amy du Prés Collins : quite good

[00:45:57] Sophia Collins : yes

[00:46:26] Kathryn Collins : I think you mentioned that before.....haven't been on youtube for

[00:46:52] Kathryn Collins : isn't there kind of a link on your introduction post here?

[00:47:42] Sophia Collins : i am running a david henesy tribute site...i had such ba crush on him when
i was 12-13, still loved the teen he became, i just over 18 in the early 21st century now.

[00:47:47] Sophia Collins : yes

[00:47:54] Sophia Collins : sorry to be longwinded

[00:48:16] Sophia Collins : long day for this girl in the city, hot too!

[00:49:07] Sophia Collins : Hey feel free to chat us up!

[00:49:12] Kathryn Collins : I will check it out sometime.....the vids don't play on my laptop very well

[00:49:12] Sophia Collins :

[00:49:43] Sophia Collins : great join as a friend if you wish, i hope!

[00:49:53] Kathryn Collins : so I avoid youtube...need to upload a new flashplayer or some such thing
I don't know much about...

[00:50:06] Kathryn Collins : well, I don't have an account....

[00:50:20] Sophia Collins : i love to meet new people from all over I am from Laval Quebec.
[00:50:38] Kathryn Collins : I liked to watch in 2006 but not as good anymore....

[00:50:55] Sophia Collins : lol just watch or join girl

[00:51:09] Sophia Collins :

[00:51:34] Kathryn Collins : I will look at the videos.....I won't join....too many user names and
passwords all over the place...

[00:51:44] Kathryn Collins : have to write them all down....

[00:52:03] Kathryn Collins : so I didn't miss much in chat before I got here....

[00:52:23] Kathryn Collins : tried to read but the scroll screen jumps around...

[00:52:28] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee I know the feeling

[00:52:44] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hmm

[00:52:53] Sophia Collins : I can watch all the shows on my dvds set...thanks to my dear old half bro!

[00:53:31] Sophia Collins : well, gee Amy why so quiet, please feel free to join in?

[00:53:39] Kathryn Collins : Amy, the site is O.K. now after the weirdness the other night?

[00:53:46] Sophia Collins :

[00:54:00] @ Amy du Prés Collins : As far as I know

[00:54:04] Kathryn Collins : nice you have the DVD's Soph..

[00:54:08] Sophia Collins : I LOST MY STORY ty other night...

[00:54:23] Sophia Collins : portion of...i ment to say...

[00:54:28] @ Amy du Prés Collins : it was very strange indeed everything that occured that night

[00:54:29] Sophia Collins : meant

[00:54:47] Kathryn Collins : did you write it in Word first?

[00:54:48] Sophia Collins : ahhh the fun of typing in a black room.
[00:55:29] Sophia Collins : no , i went crazy in here...typing and revising furiously..but...saved it on

[00:55:36] Sophia Collins : yaaay

[00:55:48] Sophia Collins : now back to the keyboard

[00:55:52] @ Amy du Prés Collins : ah well thats something then

[00:56:06] Sophia Collins : i learned better Kathyrn

[00:56:17] Sophia Collins : now back up as i go along.

[00:56:30] @ Amy du Prés Collins : best to

[00:57:03] Sophia Collins : ...ALWAYS.... ty Amjy and Kate.

[00:57:16] Kathryn Collins : yeah, the first time I wrote in the story I lost started using Word...

[00:57:25] Sophia Collins : Amjjjy?

[00:57:34] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee

[00:57:55] @ Amy du Prés Collins : sounds like a jungle name hehee

[00:57:55] Kathryn Collins : I see you have your lovers story posted again Amy...

[00:58:11] Sophia Collins : oh girl i now know how u feel.... sad isnt it?

[00:58:17] @ Amy du Prés Collins : yes and edited

[00:58:34] @ Amy du Prés Collins : mmhm

[00:58:45] Kathryn Collins : and thanks for deleting my Julia intro and doing the list of characters

[00:59:14] Kathryn Collins : it soothes my OCD tendencies to have that taken care of...

[00:59:16] @ Amy du Prés Collins : no problem

[00:59:26] Sophia Collins : Where Amy?, you know I have been sick, what did I miss of your brilliant

[00:59:28] @ Amy du Prés Collins : I understand

[00:59:50] @ Amy du Prés Collins : ehmm...
[01:00:00] Sophia Collins : lol several conversations...good!

[01:00:44] Sophia Collins : You are Julia!? wonderful character if so!

[01:01:01] Sophia Collins : hmmmm...

[01:01:16] @ Amy du Prés Collins : indeed

[01:01:17] Sophia Collins : i must go to the wc brb

[01:01:24] Kathryn Collins : I am Julia, Elizabeth and Mrs. Johnson...

[01:01:43] @ Amy du Prés Collins : ok

[01:01:59] Kathryn Collins : I have to put leftovers in the fridge....brb...

[01:02:03] Sophia Collins : <---- is Jenny and David

[01:02:08 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : brb

[01:05:18 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : don't want to waste food or get food poisoning...

[01:05:29 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : no best not

[01:06:11 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : who will post next on the frightful night?

[01:06:16 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : say amy how may i make a long icon like on your page here.....

[01:06:35 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : on your rpg page i mean

[01:06:47 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : ehmm.. well its ether David or Vicki

[01:06:57 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : your signature bottom image

[01:07:00 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : yeah its done by a banner maker

[01:07:17 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : i need....that.

[01:07:28 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : however somehow I can't seem to get on the website

[01:07:48 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : Nikki or you posted it to me i lost it in the emails

[01:07:48 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : I did Willie

[01:07:55 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I just checked...I am still "forbidden" too...

[01:08:01 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : on another system and doesnt look as good
[01:08:07 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : yeah

[01:08:22 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : forbidden? where/whya?

[01:08:32 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins :

[01:08:38 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : amy

[01:08:53 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : i need the banner maker addy..

[01:08:58 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : u got it ?

[01:09:01 17/07/09] Sophia Collins :

[01:09:56 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : excellent smithers ( the sounds of two hands rubbing together)

[01:10:03 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : well you can use this system which i used for Willie

[01:10:36 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : oh? do tell!

[01:10:43 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins :

[01:11:12 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : gee, i wont go wrong now...., lol

[01:11:16 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : when you are finnished copy the code that is for a
forum on to your signature and it will work

[01:13:29 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Sophia, what are you planning for the bike ride?

[01:13:54 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : Im curious myself

[01:14:52 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.well i will be on but i have 2
things a short paragraph section nd a video comeback of sorts for me....i will stay on if you want to chat
i'll be here in a sec, if im not, write m

[01:16:15 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : what?

[01:16:19 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : theres a terror both new and old about to show their face of
horror in Collinwood

[01:16:26 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : ehmmm..ok?

[01:16:42 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : O.K...

[01:17:33 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : I can only say..."There a new Terror returning to Collinwood, and
someone will die.."
[01:17:44 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : bbs

[01:17:49 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : .........

[01:18:16 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hmm ok then

[01:18:22 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : no more clues frrom my theory

[01:18:36 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : on our ply as it unflds

[01:19:04 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : im hate to do this soph but unless its your character
you have to ask the persons character if they can die

[01:19:06 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : i see a challenge...i embrace it!

[01:19:16 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : someone will die?

[01:19:20 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : you misunderstaqnd

[01:20:34 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : no i have a plan....a fancy to turn the story...of course all will
have thier say as to the eventul OUTCOME.

[01:20:51 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : their

[01:20:59 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : Alright Sophi

[01:21:15 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : talk to you guys l8tr

[01:21:39 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : Vicki!!

[01:21:45 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : YAY!!

[01:21:47 17/07/09] Victoria Winters : Hey hold on!!!

[01:22:12 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : hey

[01:22:26 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : thats better

[01:22:29 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : hello

[01:22:47 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : LOL1!! now i just wish that i didn't add the 100

[01:22:58 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : I can change it

[01:22:59 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : hey i'm Nikki
[01:23:01 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Is Soph going to post her story now?

[01:23:05 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : nice to meet you

[01:23:13 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : Just want Nikki Collins?

[01:23:13 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : and you can that would be great!!!

[01:23:19 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : yup

[01:23:19 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : i am trying to rewrite over a story within whatever other storys
develop....I want a Stephen King thing with David in an aspect ...i cant sau about it yhough, already sais
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much to

[01:23:22 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : thanks Amy

[01:23:31 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : tonight?

[01:23:33 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Nikki....I am Julia and Elizabeth and Mrs. Johnson....

[01:23:38 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : no problem

[01:23:41 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : sorry, i am tired...

[01:23:46 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : we have met....I gave you sedatives...

[01:23:50 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : brb

[01:23:54 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : OMG!!! LOL!!!!

[01:24:02 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : must get in the light to do any work.

[01:24:11 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : OWW!!! sedatives

[01:24:17 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : lol

[01:24:23 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : yes Sophia

[01:24:28 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : LOL!!!!

[01:24:48 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : all is well

[01:24:54 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : Barnabas likes sedatives

[01:24:56 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : yeah, I needed to have a name so when I was in character I
could stay in character...
[01:24:59 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : might need to sign back in

[01:25:11 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : ok BRB

[01:25:38 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : omg NIKKI!

[01:25:47 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : lol

[01:25:54 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : There is a g-d.

[01:26:09 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

[01:26:12 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : NIKKI

[01:26:14 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : hey

[01:26:17 17/07/09] Sophia Collins :

[01:26:18 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : all better?

[01:26:18 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : !!!

[01:26:21 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : surprise

[01:26:25 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : yay

[01:26:27 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Collins family reunion...

[01:26:27 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : yup

[01:26:31 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : world

[01:26:36 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : thanks you

[01:26:47 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : Sophia!!!!

[01:26:54 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : it's been awhile

[01:26:58 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hang about how is Vicki here too?

[01:27:05 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hmm

[01:27:18 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : she's away now LOL!!!

[01:27:29 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : Hey we have a Willie

[01:27:34 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : !!!!!
[01:27:38 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : yes! it surely is great to see so many brite faces.....get her, gee
how u doin Nikk

[01:27:42 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : ??

[01:28:08 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : Great Soph!!!

[01:28:11 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : Thanks

[01:28:16 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : brb again for a sec

[01:28:26 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : oks

[01:28:40 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : OMG!!!

[01:28:45 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : as Kate said a Collins family get together!

[01:28:55 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i almost had to delete my youtube account

[01:29:04 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : omg? lol.

[01:29:17 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : ok

[01:29:20 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[01:29:20 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : what

[01:29:37 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : happened

[01:30:27 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : well my mom was like you need to talk to people your own age

[01:30:41 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : duh

[01:30:42 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : oh triffic

[01:30:46 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : and then i was like DS isn't known too much to people my age

[01:31:01 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : um we are

[01:31:03 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : and i said that's what makes us a DS family

[01:31:43 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : and then i said that we talk nothin but DS which we do ^_^

[01:31:51 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : and i saved myself

[01:32:02 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I'm stayin out of this one...
[01:32:03 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : phewwww

[01:32:05 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : nice save

[01:32:06 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : doh, i watched it on canada sci fi ch in 2002 or 03, for the first
time..thats dumb.

[01:32:29 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!!

[01:32:35 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : i was almost 13

[01:32:59 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : I was like 10 or 11

[01:34:23 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : kathryn u might agree

[01:34:48 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : agree what?

[01:34:53 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : i loved David, he was smart, alot more so that some silly people
not knowing better wrongly said in the past..i have proved otherwise, so have you Nikki and others.

[01:34:53 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : yeah my mom is just tryin to protect me and i told her don't worry
i can do it

[01:35:28 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : Yes he is a very intelligant boy

[01:35:31 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : you americans are

[01:35:50 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!! it happens alot here though

[01:36:10 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Nikki, I think you are smart enough to take care of yourself

[01:36:26 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : we aere in Canada too though...yeah, its stupid!

[01:36:31 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : are

[01:37:43 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : on my beanie bagg & typin in the dark about David tight
now!!!...a bad dream.....................

[01:37:44 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : nikki?

[01:37:46 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!! yes i can

[01:38:01 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!!

[01:38:13 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : everyone here is your age but me.....
[01:38:16 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : rotflmao

[01:38:25 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : and I am not a gross old guy

[01:38:35 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : not quite me

[01:38:43 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : I am

[01:38:43 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : yeah i know LOL!!!!

[01:38:49 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee

[01:39:13 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : your mom can e-mail about this site if she wants....just send
me a pm

[01:39:37 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I have time to do this because I am recovering my
health....can't travel or work right now....

[01:39:54 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : in case anyone things it's weird...

[01:39:55 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : she would if she knew how to work it

[01:40:13 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : right she can't type

[01:40:17 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : my half brother is a fan and he is almost like 50, my father
remarried late I was 4 when he died! i dont judge anyone on anything, age, race, gender, whatever!

[01:40:23 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!! she would actually jump on and chat w/ you guys

[01:40:36 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : hello

[01:40:54 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : hello i'm Nikki

[01:40:58 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!!

[01:41:08 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : none of my friends are fans of don't even want to
know what they're into....

[01:41:26 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : ahem anyway Nikki my dear girl....whats newz

[01:41:26 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : believe me....hello soph and nikki...

[01:42:05 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : nothin much

[01:42:10 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : hey you are so gooooooooooooooood Kate!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[01:42:20 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : ooohh did you guys get the link for my GIFs

[01:42:36 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : yes they were brilliant Nikki

[01:42:45 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : oik but u were going to lose your yt site? wth?

[01:42:57 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : okay...

[01:43:02 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : thank you Sophia....

[01:43:21 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : Thanks Amy

[01:43:29 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : and yeah Soph it's true

[01:43:41 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : Kate, there was a new Barnabas on twitter?

[01:44:03 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : there is?

[01:44:19 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : there are two vicki' confusing...

[01:44:24 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : sure prolly use the BandJ for my myspace account

[01:44:45 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : hehe Barnabas

[01:44:46 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : yeah your following him

[01:44:55 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : keeps showin up as Barnabas

[01:44:57 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : talks in character (how nice)

[01:45:01 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Oh......

[01:45:22 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i would follow him anywhere:heart:

[01:45:28 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : yeah, I only like to follow the ones that talk in character....

[01:45:36 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : lol Nikki..

[01:45:37 17/07/09] Nikki Collins :

[01:45:39 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : same

[01:45:45 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee

[01:45:50 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : yeah sorry

[01:46:04 17/07/09] Nikki Collins :
[01:46:18 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : a lot of my "followers" on twitter are spammers or
ummm...nasty people...

[01:46:28 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!! i like to think outloud sometimes

[01:46:51 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : yes I am getting them too

[01:46:54 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : there's a Jamison Collins on there too...

[01:47:08 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!!!

[01:47:15 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : there would be

[01:47:22 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : thinking why would they be interested only follow those
and YTers I know

[01:47:58 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : mmhmm following him heeehee saw you seemed very
popular there

[01:48:13 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : lotts of people talking to you

[01:48:27 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I just started doing it because it made me laugh....yeah, I
actually laughed....

[01:49:45 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : the first Barn doesn't tweet much...

[01:50:20 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : guess not

[01:50:27 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : Barnabas doesn't like turning into the bat on the string

[01:50:30 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!!

[01:50:30 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : doing stuff on twitter is easier than the stuff you all do on YT ...

[01:50:38 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : simple

[01:50:47 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : simple yes

[01:50:57 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : that bat.....

[01:51:07 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i hope he didn't fly to Mexico

[01:51:16 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : squeaking...

[01:51:23 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : they porbably would've mistaken him for a pinata
[01:51:35 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!!

[01:51:51 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : then he'll really need sedatives

[01:52:00 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : yeah....

[01:52:17 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : sheesh

[01:52:33 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : the close up of the bat in the dream curse is kind of hideous...

[01:52:54 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : I know

[01:53:09 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : those teeth...

[01:53:25 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : way to go Julia u buried barnabas alive LOL!! JK

[01:53:55 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : so Amy, I am confused....Sophia is going to post the next

[01:54:12 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : well, Doctors sometimes make mistakes...

[01:54:23 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : that is true holds arm

[01:54:27 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : I think she is in the process of it

[01:54:27 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!!!

[01:54:36 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Quentin got buried alive too....

[01:54:59 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : oh yeah zombie!!!

[01:55:16 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : but they never seemed to get brain damage from lack of

[01:55:23 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i like how Barnabas was all like he's a zombie and this is what we

[01:55:34 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!! i'm like wow!!!

[01:55:49 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : everyone always recovered rapidly...

[01:56:10 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : yeah, Barnabas knew a lot of occult stuff...

[01:56:11 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : oh i like how Barnabas has Shakespeare books on his bookshelf
hmmm... who studied Shakespeare himself
[01:56:36 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : very cultured...

[01:57:50 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i always loved Barnabas ever since i was 6 and when someone
tried to kill him i would throw a lollipop at the TV

[01:58:00 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!!

[01:58:18 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : JK

[01:58:27 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : how cute....

[01:58:52 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I thought he was quite attractive when I was in my early

[01:59:19 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : very different from the oafish men in my home town...

[01:59:29 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!!!

[01:59:45 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : hmm.. i don't know if my Mom does

[01:59:55 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : that's a good question

[02:00:06 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : like Barnabas?

[02:00:16 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : yes

[02:00:21 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : hmmmm...

[02:00:37 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : not everyone does...

[02:00:49 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : that's sad

[02:01:17 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I kind of don't care for any of the Roger Davis characters...

[02:01:46 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : wait that's?

[02:01:56 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : on the tip of my ongue

[02:01:56 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Charles Delaware Tate was O.K....but not so much the others..

[02:02:01 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : tongue

[02:02:09 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : oh ok

[02:02:28 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Peter Bradford and Dirk somebody...Wilkins..
[02:02:29 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : yeah Vicki finds him attractive

[02:02:32 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : but i don't

[02:02:36 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!!

[02:02:45 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : and Ned Stuart....

[02:03:00 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : he was always yelling...

[02:03:07 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!!! that name is so funny

[02:03:35 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : and I think I've mentioned he wore those weird wide ties..

[02:03:46 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : distracting...

[02:03:50 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!!

[02:04:16 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i remember Barnabas w/ suspenders

[02:04:21 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL! so funny

[02:04:34 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I wish Rachel Drummond hadn't died...

[02:04:40 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i know

[02:04:50 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : yes, he had some strange outfits...

[02:04:51 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : that was sad when Barnabas found out

[02:05:12 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : but he shouldn't be surprised

[02:05:22 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : Josette of any from

[02:05:29 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : form shall

[02:05:35 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : die

[02:05:40 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I know....and it was awful the way Ben Stokes died.....damn
that disembodied head...

[02:05:43 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : according to Angelique

[02:05:56 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Barnabas liked the younger women...

[02:06:20 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : always moping around after sad and depressed...
[02:06:25 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i know i would've been perfect:heart:

[02:06:32 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : drama

[02:06:38 17/07/09] Nikki Collins :

[02:06:38 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : hi

[02:06:44 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Hi Sophia...

[02:06:50 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : SOPHIA!!!!

[02:07:02 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : Tacles!!!

[02:07:06 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : what's up?

[02:07:10 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : tackles

[02:07:11 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : the video i wished you to see Kate?

[02:07:22 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : yes?

[02:07:34 17/07/09] Sophia Collins :

[02:07:41 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : yeah Amy

[02:07:47 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : !!!!

[02:08:03 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : sigh rotten system

[02:08:15 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : Maggie Evans is missing as forces of Evil again enter the
northeastern U.S. seaboard town of Collinsport Maine. David and Barnabas Collins must stop The
Leviathans in order to save her from these evil ones t

[02:08:46 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : ...these evil ones trying to take control of Collinwood through
both the living innocents, and the Zombies made from fresh corpses by the Leviathans!

[02:09:01 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : lol

[02:09:11 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : that link doesn't work....what's the name of your channel and
the name of the vid?

[02:09:12 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : enough self promotion....

[02:09:28 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : the link works fine here...
[02:09:31 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : gee

[02:09:46 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I'll look for it tomorrow

[02:09:59 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : it doesn't work on my computer...

[02:10:12 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : aww!! i haven't got up to the leviathans yet

[02:10:17 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : works

[02:10:22 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : l)

[02:10:43 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : CUTE face

[02:10:55 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I'll be indoors the next three days (a lot) because it will be over
100 degrees here....

[02:10:59 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : works on mine

[02:11:09 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I'll put in on my list of things to do...

[02:11:11 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : fine here

[02:11:28 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : roger that LOL!!!

[02:11:30 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : hmmm....not here...

[02:11:41 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : sad face

[02:11:51 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins :

[02:12:28 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I can find it tomorrow...if I write a reminder....

[02:12:41 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : notes all over my apt. about things...

[02:13:02 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : crying, Amy?

[02:13:08 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : Right so on to RPG, Sophi, its your turn and you are
working on your scene??

[02:13:12 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : nah

[02:13:29 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee

[02:13:40 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : yes, I am going through rpg withdrawal...
[02:14:28 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : yes...and some people are not going to very pleased with David
Collins in the more clues darn it!!!

[02:14:45 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : sorry I have some RPG meeting notes got to take care

[02:14:53 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : ok good

[02:15:00 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I thought they were out of the house by now...

[02:15:45 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Mrs. Johnson won't be pleased if they track mud in....

[02:15:55 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : good thing she's not in the story...

[02:15:58 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : m&ms are good LOL!!1

[02:16:04 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : but sweet

[02:16:22 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i wanna see DS m&ms

[02:16:31 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : that'd be tight

[02:16:38 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : it irks me i am redoing this ALL over again...yet maybe a better
scene from my digi record im taking it fm.

[02:17:08 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : why are you redoing something?

[02:17:24 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : are you a perfectionist....?

[02:17:28 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : it was lost after the system crash

[02:17:39 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : that hurts my head

[02:17:53 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : oooohhh always save every five min.

[02:17:56 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : system crash? did I miss something?

[02:18:11 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : and back it up to your hardrive and or flashdrive

[02:18:31 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i learned LOL!!!

[02:18:35 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : or simple ms word is fine

[02:18:38 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : nice talking w/u all got two big projects going my rpg lines..and
(gulp!) the video comeback! "the return of the turn of the screw"
[02:18:44 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : ttyl xoxoxoxo

[02:18:56 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : oh, computer stuff....

[02:19:30 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : it's fun though, isn't it?

[02:19:40 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : absolutly

[02:20:58 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : see you three! i'll
be prouder 2-morrow with all this.. nites

[02:21:42 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : goodnight

[02:21:59 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : hugs to all and specially for Amy for making it all a reality! xo
nite all.

[02:22:01 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : night Sophi

[02:22:18 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : my pleasure dear

[02:22:19 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : yaaa

[02:22:21 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i have to go to

[02:22:31 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : goodnight everyone

[02:22:33 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : good night Sophia and Nikki....

[02:22:35 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : !!!!!

[02:22:37 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : night dear friends old and new!

[02:22:38 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : night nikki

[02:23:00 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : my bro wants to play call of duty

[02:23:03 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!!

[02:23:11 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i'll be watching DS

[02:23:17 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : Drinking soda

[02:23:20 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : so nice to talk and have fun...

[02:23:36 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : yup it was fun
[02:23:36 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : yes, I must go too......

[02:23:46 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : bye guys!!!!

[02:23:54 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : looking forward to checking out your vids Sophia....

[02:24:00 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : meeting adjurned hehee

[02:24:10 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : bye everyone

[02:24:16 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!! Collins are out

[02:24:16 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : bye...

[02:24:27 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : bye

[02:24:48 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i'm makin more GIFs they're fun and maybe a vid while i'm at it

[02:24:51 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!!

[02:24:56 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : goodnight guys

[02:24:56 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : ACK! MISTAKE...glad we hanged tho lol

[02:25:14 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : goodnight Soph

[02:25:19 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : ^_^

[02:25:23 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : nikki! silly hobbit!!!

[02:25:36 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i'm what now

[02:25:37 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : JK

[02:25:53 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : goodnight

[02:25:56 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : tell yer mum to stop worring , we are all peoper girls and stuff,

[02:27:06 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : i will be happy to talk to anyone, haay Amy you gotr my number

[02:27:39 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : actually I got a new phone and lost hte number

[02:27:49 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : good evening...are you type -a, or type -o?? lol vamprire
[02:28:05 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : heehee indeed

[02:28:56 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : welp! i know you are 20 , im 18, and Niki's 16, a perfect trio!!!!!

[02:29:16 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : yes

[02:30:16 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : this chat will be in the log

[02:30:27 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : lets always have fun, i notice so called adults are very cautious
in thier words, nothing wrong there but , its like they got to loosen up...i writing two
seperate things lol!!!</< span>

[02:30:51 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee

[02:31:34 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : plus got my video maker on the computer working from a
working edition of my new video on a disc i made today of it!

[02:32:27 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : i was sick as you know Amy, Nikki, I have a mild form
of lukemia, i'll be ok!

[02:32:40 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : i will be a-ok

[02:32:55 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : ok good dear

[02:32:57 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : the meds make me feel great at 230 M

[02:33:00 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : AM

[02:33:08 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee

[02:33:14 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : a.m.

[02:33:16 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : lol

[02:34:22] Sophia Collins :       hugs mt friend..and all the rest too of course, i got to give you credit
Amy, for sticking with this group...and us all through thick and thin!

[02:34:46] @ Amy du Prés Collins : absolutely

[02:34:58] @ Amy du Prés Collins : must be the Collins in me

[02:35:32] Sophia Collins : ok im putting all on standby....please check in w/me later on today dear

[02:35:50] @ Amy du Prés Collins : will do
[02:36:00] @ Amy du Prés Collins : best of luck with your projects

[02:36:22] Sophia Collins : c u 2-mmorow night! scary David....tsk tsk...

[02:36:31] Sophia Collins :

[02:36:46] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee ok till then

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16th July 2009

  • 1. [00:06:59] Sophia Collins has joined the chat the Fri 17 Jul 2009 - 0:06 [00:07:12] Sophia Collins : [00:07:24] Sophia Collins : hello! [00:07:36] Sophia Collins : nice to see u [00:07:40] Amy du Prés Collins has joined the chat the Fri 17 Jul 2009 - 0:07 [00:07:46] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hey [00:08:14] Sophia Collins : [00:08:20] Sophia Collins : hey [00:08:24] @ Amy du Prés Collins : nice to see you again stranger hehee [00:08:57] @ Amy du Prés Collins : I wrote nikki a few minutes ago to come so hopefullly she will pop in [00:09:33] Sophia Collins : kinda tired my friend, im on a fringe area w/poor recept!...i like chatting w/u u n NAIK [00:09:53] Sophia Collins : NIAK>?????? nikki [00:10:11] Sophia Collins : she wrote me back like u do, [00:10:16] Sophia Collins : we are great [00:10:31] Sophia Collins : [00:10:38] @ Amy du Prés Collins : oh good good [00:11:43] @ Amy du Prés Collins : are you still working on a response I know you had one ready [00:11:51] @ Amy du Prés Collins : eek [00:12:06] @ Amy du Prés Collins : my prayers are with you dear [00:12:35] Sophia Collins : dear! indeed, Rule Britania [00:13:14] Sophia Collins : [00:13:14] @ Amy du Prés Collins : if so alright have no fear
  • 2. [00:13:50] Sophia Collins : so out of body right now [00:14:12] Sophia Collins : i cherish our times [00:14:18] @ Amy du Prés Collins : oh its alright dear I understand [00:14:36] @ Amy du Prés Collins : im glad [00:16:18] Sophia Collins : i will try and redo my lines, in a way it was too scary....too stephen king shockish! [00:16:55] Sophia Collins : [00:16:57] @ Amy du Prés Collins : ah right [00:17:08] @ Amy du Prés Collins : as you wish you are the writer [00:18:07] Sophia Collins : its true...girl i rewrote all night bthen published it under my dvid WAS the mona lisa 2 is missing. [00:18:24] Sophia Collins : it was good [00:18:33] Sophia Collins : i can make ut better. [00:18:37] Sophia Collins : it [00:18:49] Sophia Collins : sorry im lxdeclic [00:18:55] @ Amy du Prés Collins : ok thats fine [00:19:08] @ Amy du Prés Collins : I understand dear [00:19:19] @ Amy du Prés Collins : doesn't bother me [00:19:44] Sophia Collins has joined the chat the Fri 17 Jul 2009 - 0:19 [00:19:51] Amy du Prés Collins has joined the chat the Fri 17 Jul 2009 - 0:19 [00:19:56] Sophia Collins : Amy, us there nyway to retreave it my bhome laptop [00:20:30] Sophia Collins : my lines for the rpg i did... [00:20:41] Sophia Collins : it was so good girl! [00:20:57] Sophia Collins : ...was... sad face.
  • 3. [00:21:01] @ Amy du Prés Collins : Im sure it was [00:21:16] @ Amy du Prés Collins : im sorry [00:23:04] Kathryn Collins has joined the chat the Fri 17 Jul 2009 - 0:23 [00:23:06] Sophia Collins : please trust me, on it , not my time on the board if you can for that night erly day....sis i had a great one,...i took dictatede notes on my mp4 recorder/player [00:23:22] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hi kate [00:23:37] Kathryn Collins : hi, what's up? [00:23:40] @ Amy du Prés Collins : oh good [00:23:41] Sophia Collins : hey hello I'm Sophia nice to meet you Kate! [00:24:03] Kathryn Collins : Sophia, we've met.... [00:24:05] @ Amy du Prés Collins : Kate is Julia hehee [00:24:10] @ Amy du Prés Collins : you have met [00:24:20] Kathryn Collins : kind of....Julia Hoffman? [00:24:35] Sophia Collins : NICE TO BE WITH OUR MUCH MISSED aMY TOO! oopsy caps. [00:24:38] Kathryn Collins : I play Liz and Mrs. Johnson too.. [00:24:43] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee [00:24:44] Sophia Collins : Amy [00:24:52] Sophia Collins : eeeeeeeeeeeeek [00:25:04] @ Amy du Prés Collins : thank you Sophia glad I was missed [00:25:06] Kathryn Collins : Soph, you sent Elizabeth a nice welcome... [00:25:13] Kathryn Collins : eeeek? [00:25:35] Sophia Collins : im the resident nut ball...hope u still will like me later on... [00:25:56] Kathryn Collins : you're fine....don't worry... [00:26:17] Sophia Collins : good
  • 4. [00:26:20] Sophia Collins : ty [00:26:47] Kathryn Collins : I wanted to stay in character in chat.....but sometimes want to ummm.....find out what is going on here.... [00:27:02] Kathryn Collins : easily distracted I am... [00:27:19] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee [00:27:30] @ Amy du Prés Collins : tis nice to be in character [00:27:41] Kathryn Collins : when I would pick Amy's brains about how to rpg it was hard to be Julia.... [00:28:19] Sophia Collins : Nikki's coming right my country gal Amy....oh heavens yes... by the way you missed the greatest lines I had ever composed as David...sadly the server atew it up, eh Amy? [00:28:20] Kathryn Collins : should I read back your chat here to find out about the meeting? [00:28:28] @ Amy du Prés Collins : yeah Im glad you joined the Collins [00:29:05] Sophia Collins : listen, and be are cool Kate, plus read our old gossup [00:29:05] @ Amy du Prés Collins : nothing much has happend Kate [00:29:20] Sophia Collins : its all good! [00:29:27] Sophia Collins : yup [00:29:49] Kathryn Collins : O.k., thought it was about the rpg plot or something... [00:29:58] @ Amy du Prés Collins : Nikki hopefully is comming and sorries about the server [00:30:17] @ Amy du Prés Collins : It was going to be when everyone has shown up [00:30:22] Kathryn Collins : server? more problems? [00:30:39] @ Amy du Prés Collins : no talking about the previous [00:30:40] Sophia Collins : but we should agree on the next lines, sometimes for story continuty we cannot always go in rotating order..imho. [00:31:06] @ Amy du Prés Collins : true no need to go in order [00:31:11] Sophia Collins : what do u think Amy, Kate?
  • 5. [00:31:13] @ Amy du Prés Collins : no order in RPG [00:31:20] Kathryn Collins : I'm gonna take a quick look at the story.... [00:31:33] @ Amy du Prés Collins : go ahead dear [00:32:41] Sophia Collins : YEAH..that was why i held back untill the night i practiced wrtiting for an rpg..hee hee Amy my love! [00:32:56] Kathryn Collins : O.K.....well Liz will be thinking at Collinwood while the other 3 move ahead . [00:32:59] Sophia Collins : so ho was trip!??? [00:33:17] Sophia Collins : did you have fun nd do amazing things? [00:33:45] Kathryn Collins : I'm gonna check out Amy's post and also Willie Loomis....brb... [00:34:07] @ Amy du Prés Collins : I had a wonderful time [00:34:23] Sophia Collins : i will be putting in a particuarly horrific dAVID SUB - STORY! GUYS..LOOK OUT!!! [00:34:44] @ Amy du Prés Collins : yay very excited [00:35:00] Sophia Collins : Make that David..ahhh typing in the colours! [00:35:25] @ Amy du Prés Collins : nice [00:35:47] Sophia Collins : i need a lamp for my co9rner and my beanybaggy sleep things! [00:35:55] Sophia Collins : CORNER [00:36:05] @ Amy du Prés Collins : heehee [00:36:33] Sophia Collins : uhg sorry to bore or boar or boor anyone? :O [00:36:51] Sophia Collins : j/k! [00:37:00] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee your fine dear [00:38:17] Sophia Collins : you always this kind to a late teen I went in a club btw and ordered a drink, i got a 7-up and ice! [00:38:17] Kathryn Collins : ah, Amy is Willie Loomis.
  • 6. [00:38:33] Sophia Collins : I love [00:38:35] @ Amy du Prés Collins : indeed I am hehee [00:38:59] Sophia Collins : WILLIE tantalizing Adam w/a piece of Chicken wing!!! [00:39:11] Sophia Collins : [00:39:13] @ Amy du Prés Collins : LOL [00:39:44] Sophia Collins : CARDBOARD set wall almost fell..... [00:39:50] Sophia Collins : [00:40:05] @ Amy du Prés Collins : they do wabble [00:40:19] Sophia Collins : GREAT ALL THE WAY AROUND SERIES [00:40:25] Kathryn Collins : Willie wearing an apron... [00:40:58] Sophia Collins : madamoselle willie? [00:41:20] Kathryn Collins : heehee......poor Willie... [00:41:20] @ Amy du Prés Collins : Willita at your service [00:41:33] Kathryn Collins : he so hated to dig up graves..... [00:41:45] @ Amy du Prés Collins : poor kid [00:42:01] Sophia Collins : i love3d it when he fixed trasks final resting place episode, the stage duy walked in the shot!!! [00:42:15] Kathryn Collins : it doesn't pay to be a jewel thief [00:42:18] Sophia Collins : in the 20th century [00:42:36] @ Amy du Prés Collins : nope [00:42:45] Kathryn Collins : or a grave robber.... [00:42:49] Sophia Collins : agreed [00:42:53] Sophia Collins : . [00:43:33] Sophia Collins : I like the funky leviathans so much the zombies are so bad they are good
  • 7. [00:44:13] Kathryn Collins : leviathans....not my favorite... [00:44:14] Sophia Collins : but the one who was maggies friend and regreated being dead to her.... [00:44:32] Sophia Collins : sad unrequited love! [00:45:27] Sophia Collins : u must watch my david and the leviathans short subject m ay find a treasure...froma certain aspect!? [00:45:40] Sophia Collins : isnt it good Amy? [00:45:46] Kathryn Collins : on youtube? [00:45:47] @ Amy du Prés Collins : quite good [00:45:57] Sophia Collins : yes [00:46:26] Kathryn Collins : I think you mentioned that before.....haven't been on youtube for awhile..... [00:46:52] Kathryn Collins : isn't there kind of a link on your introduction post here? [00:47:42] Sophia Collins : i am running a david henesy tribute site...i had such ba crush on him when i was 12-13, still loved the teen he became, i just over 18 in the early 21st century now. [00:47:47] Sophia Collins : yes [00:47:54] Sophia Collins : sorry to be longwinded [00:48:16] Sophia Collins : long day for this girl in the city, hot too! [00:49:07] Sophia Collins : Hey feel free to chat us up! [00:49:12] Kathryn Collins : I will check it out sometime.....the vids don't play on my laptop very well anymore..... [00:49:12] Sophia Collins : [00:49:43] Sophia Collins : great join as a friend if you wish, i hope! [00:49:53] Kathryn Collins : so I avoid youtube...need to upload a new flashplayer or some such thing I don't know much about... [00:50:06] Kathryn Collins : well, I don't have an account.... [00:50:20] Sophia Collins : i love to meet new people from all over I am from Laval Quebec.
  • 8. [00:50:38] Kathryn Collins : I liked to watch in 2006 but not as good anymore.... [00:50:55] Sophia Collins : lol just watch or join girl [00:51:09] Sophia Collins : [00:51:34] Kathryn Collins : I will look at the videos.....I won't join....too many user names and passwords all over the place... [00:51:44] Kathryn Collins : have to write them all down.... [00:52:03] Kathryn Collins : so I didn't miss much in chat before I got here.... [00:52:23] Kathryn Collins : tried to read but the scroll screen jumps around... [00:52:28] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee I know the feeling [00:52:44] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hmm [00:52:53] Sophia Collins : I can watch all the shows on my dvds set...thanks to my dear old half bro! [00:53:31] Sophia Collins : well, gee Amy why so quiet, please feel free to join in? [00:53:39] Kathryn Collins : Amy, the site is O.K. now after the weirdness the other night? [00:53:46] Sophia Collins : [00:54:00] @ Amy du Prés Collins : As far as I know [00:54:04] Kathryn Collins : nice you have the DVD's Soph.. [00:54:08] Sophia Collins : I LOST MY STORY ty other night... [00:54:23] Sophia Collins : portion of...i ment to say... [00:54:28] @ Amy du Prés Collins : it was very strange indeed everything that occured that night dissapeared [00:54:29] Sophia Collins : meant [00:54:47] Kathryn Collins : did you write it in Word first? [00:54:48] Sophia Collins : ahhh the fun of typing in a black room.
  • 9. [00:55:29] Sophia Collins : no , i went crazy in here...typing and revising furiously..but...saved it on audeo! [00:55:36] Sophia Collins : yaaay [00:55:48] Sophia Collins : now back to the keyboard [00:55:52] @ Amy du Prés Collins : ah well thats something then [00:56:06] Sophia Collins : i learned better Kathyrn [00:56:17] Sophia Collins : now back up as i go along. [00:56:30] @ Amy du Prés Collins : best to [00:57:03] Sophia Collins : ...ALWAYS.... ty Amjy and Kate. [00:57:16] Kathryn Collins : yeah, the first time I wrote in the story I lost started using Word... [00:57:25] Sophia Collins : Amjjjy? [00:57:34] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee [00:57:55] @ Amy du Prés Collins : sounds like a jungle name hehee [00:57:55] Kathryn Collins : I see you have your lovers story posted again Amy... [00:58:11] Sophia Collins : oh girl i now know how u feel.... sad isnt it? [00:58:17] @ Amy du Prés Collins : yes and edited [00:58:34] @ Amy du Prés Collins : mmhm [00:58:45] Kathryn Collins : and thanks for deleting my Julia intro and doing the list of characters update [00:59:14] Kathryn Collins : it soothes my OCD tendencies to have that taken care of... [00:59:16] @ Amy du Prés Collins : no problem [00:59:26] Sophia Collins : Where Amy?, you know I have been sick, what did I miss of your brilliant mind. [00:59:28] @ Amy du Prés Collins : I understand [00:59:50] @ Amy du Prés Collins : ehmm...
  • 10. [01:00:00] Sophia Collins : lol several conversations...good! [01:00:44] Sophia Collins : You are Julia!? wonderful character if so! [01:01:01] Sophia Collins : hmmmm... [01:01:16] @ Amy du Prés Collins : indeed [01:01:17] Sophia Collins : i must go to the wc brb [01:01:24] Kathryn Collins : I am Julia, Elizabeth and Mrs. Johnson... [01:01:43] @ Amy du Prés Collins : ok [01:01:59] Kathryn Collins : I have to put leftovers in the fridge....brb... [01:02:03] Sophia Collins : <---- is Jenny and David [01:02:08 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : brb [01:05:18 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : don't want to waste food or get food poisoning... [01:05:29 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : no best not [01:06:11 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : who will post next on the frightful night? [01:06:16 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : say amy how may i make a long icon like on your page here..... [01:06:35 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : on your rpg page i mean [01:06:47 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : ehmm.. well its ether David or Vicki [01:06:57 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : your signature bottom image [01:07:00 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : yeah its done by a banner maker [01:07:17 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : i need....that. [01:07:28 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : however somehow I can't seem to get on the website [01:07:48 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : Nikki or you posted it to me i lost it in the emails [01:07:48 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : I did Willie [01:07:55 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I just checked...I am still "forbidden" too... [01:08:01 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : on another system and doesnt look as good
  • 11. [01:08:07 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : yeah [01:08:22 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : forbidden? where/whya? [01:08:32 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : [01:08:38 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : amy [01:08:53 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : i need the banner maker addy.. [01:08:58 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : u got it ? [01:09:01 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : [01:09:56 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : excellent smithers ( the sounds of two hands rubbing together) [01:10:03 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : well you can use this system which i used for Willie [01:10:36 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : oh? do tell! [01:10:43 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : [01:11:12 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : gee, i wont go wrong now...., lol [01:11:16 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : when you are finnished copy the code that is for a forum on to your signature and it will work [01:13:29 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Sophia, what are you planning for the bike ride? [01:13:54 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : Im curious myself [01:14:52 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.well i will be on but i have 2 things a short paragraph section nd a video comeback of sorts for me....i will stay on if you want to chat i'll be here in a sec, if im not, write m [01:16:15 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : what? [01:16:19 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : theres a terror both new and old about to show their face of horror in Collinwood [01:16:26 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : ehmmm..ok? [01:16:42 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : O.K... [01:17:33 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : I can only say..."There a new Terror returning to Collinwood, and someone will die.."
  • 12. [01:17:44 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : bbs [01:17:49 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : ......... [01:18:16 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hmm ok then [01:18:22 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : no more clues frrom my theory [01:18:36 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : on our ply as it unflds [01:19:04 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : im hate to do this soph but unless its your character you have to ask the persons character if they can die [01:19:06 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : i see a challenge...i embrace it! [01:19:16 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : someone will die? [01:19:20 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : you misunderstaqnd [01:20:34 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : no i have a plan....a fancy to turn the story...of course all will have thier say as to the eventul OUTCOME. [01:20:51 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : their [01:20:59 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : Alright Sophi [01:21:15 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : talk to you guys l8tr [01:21:39 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : Vicki!! [01:21:45 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : YAY!! [01:21:47 17/07/09] Victoria Winters : Hey hold on!!! [01:22:12 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : hey [01:22:26 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : thats better [01:22:29 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : hello [01:22:47 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : LOL1!! now i just wish that i didn't add the 100 [01:22:58 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : I can change it [01:22:59 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : hey i'm Nikki
  • 13. [01:23:01 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Is Soph going to post her story now? [01:23:05 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : nice to meet you [01:23:13 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : Just want Nikki Collins? [01:23:13 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : and you can that would be great!!! [01:23:19 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : yup [01:23:19 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : i am trying to rewrite over a story within whatever other storys develop....I want a Stephen King thing with David in an aspect ...i cant sau about it yhough, already sais waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much to [01:23:22 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : thanks Amy [01:23:31 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : tonight? [01:23:33 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Nikki....I am Julia and Elizabeth and Mrs. Johnson.... [01:23:38 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : no problem [01:23:41 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : sorry, i am tired... [01:23:46 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : we have met....I gave you sedatives... [01:23:50 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : brb [01:23:54 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : OMG!!! LOL!!!! [01:24:02 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : must get in the light to do any work. [01:24:11 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : OWW!!! sedatives [01:24:17 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : lol [01:24:23 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : yes Sophia [01:24:28 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : LOL!!!! [01:24:48 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : all is well [01:24:54 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : Barnabas likes sedatives [01:24:56 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : yeah, I needed to have a name so when I was in character I could stay in character...
  • 14. [01:24:59 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : might need to sign back in [01:25:11 17/07/09] NikkiCollins100 : ok BRB [01:25:38 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : omg NIKKI! [01:25:47 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : lol [01:25:54 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : There is a g-d. [01:26:09 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! [01:26:12 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : NIKKI [01:26:14 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : hey [01:26:17 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : [01:26:18 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : all better? [01:26:18 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : !!! [01:26:21 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : surprise [01:26:25 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : yay [01:26:27 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Collins family reunion... [01:26:27 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : yup [01:26:31 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : world [01:26:36 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : thanks you [01:26:47 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : Sophia!!!! [01:26:54 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : it's been awhile [01:26:58 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hang about how is Vicki here too? [01:27:05 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hmm [01:27:18 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : she's away now LOL!!! [01:27:29 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : Hey we have a Willie [01:27:34 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : !!!!!
  • 15. [01:27:38 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : yes! it surely is great to see so many brite faces.....get her, gee how u doin Nikk [01:27:42 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : ?? [01:28:08 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : Great Soph!!! [01:28:11 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : Thanks [01:28:16 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : brb again for a sec [01:28:26 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : oks [01:28:40 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : OMG!!! [01:28:45 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : as Kate said a Collins family get together! [01:28:55 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i almost had to delete my youtube account [01:29:04 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : omg? lol. [01:29:17 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : ok [01:29:20 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : !!!!!!!!!!!!!! [01:29:20 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : what [01:29:37 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : happened [01:30:27 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : well my mom was like you need to talk to people your own age [01:30:41 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : duh [01:30:42 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : oh triffic [01:30:46 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : and then i was like DS isn't known too much to people my age [01:31:01 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : um we are [01:31:03 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : and i said that's what makes us a DS family [01:31:43 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : and then i said that we talk nothin but DS which we do ^_^ [01:31:51 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : and i saved myself [01:32:02 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I'm stayin out of this one...
  • 16. [01:32:03 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : phewwww [01:32:05 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : nice save [01:32:06 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : doh, i watched it on canada sci fi ch in 2002 or 03, for the first time..thats dumb. [01:32:29 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!! [01:32:35 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : i was almost 13 [01:32:59 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : I was like 10 or 11 [01:34:23 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : kathryn u might agree [01:34:48 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : agree what? [01:34:53 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : i loved David, he was smart, alot more so that some silly people not knowing better wrongly said in the past..i have proved otherwise, so have you Nikki and others. [01:34:53 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : yeah my mom is just tryin to protect me and i told her don't worry i can do it [01:35:28 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : Yes he is a very intelligant boy [01:35:31 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : you americans are [01:35:50 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!! it happens alot here though [01:36:10 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Nikki, I think you are smart enough to take care of yourself online... [01:36:26 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : we aere in Canada too though...yeah, its stupid! [01:36:31 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : are [01:37:43 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : on my beanie bagg & typin in the dark about David tight now!!!...a bad dream..................... [01:37:44 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : nikki? [01:37:46 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!! yes i can [01:38:01 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!! [01:38:13 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : everyone here is your age but me.....
  • 17. [01:38:16 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : rotflmao [01:38:25 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : and I am not a gross old guy [01:38:35 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : not quite me [01:38:43 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : I am [01:38:43 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : yeah i know LOL!!!! [01:38:49 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee [01:39:13 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : your mom can e-mail about this site if she wants....just send me a pm [01:39:37 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I have time to do this because I am recovering my health....can't travel or work right now.... [01:39:54 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : in case anyone things it's weird... [01:39:55 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : she would if she knew how to work it [01:40:13 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : right she can't type [01:40:17 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : my half brother is a fan and he is almost like 50, my father remarried late I was 4 when he died! i dont judge anyone on anything, age, race, gender, whatever! [01:40:23 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!! she would actually jump on and chat w/ you guys [01:40:36 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : hello [01:40:54 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : hello i'm Nikki [01:40:58 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!! [01:41:08 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : none of my friends are fans of don't even want to know what they're into.... [01:41:26 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : ahem anyway Nikki my dear girl....whats newz [01:41:26 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : believe me....hello soph and nikki... [01:42:05 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : nothin much [01:42:10 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : hey you are so gooooooooooooooood Kate!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 18. [01:42:20 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : ooohh did you guys get the link for my GIFs [01:42:36 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : yes they were brilliant Nikki [01:42:45 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : oik but u were going to lose your yt site? wth? [01:42:57 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : okay... [01:43:02 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : thank you Sophia.... [01:43:21 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : Thanks Amy [01:43:29 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : and yeah Soph it's true [01:43:41 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : Kate, there was a new Barnabas on twitter? [01:44:03 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : there is? [01:44:19 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : there are two vicki' confusing... [01:44:24 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : sure prolly use the BandJ for my myspace account [01:44:45 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : hehe Barnabas [01:44:46 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : yeah your following him [01:44:55 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : keeps showin up as Barnabas [01:44:57 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : talks in character (how nice) [01:45:01 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Oh...... [01:45:22 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i would follow him anywhere:heart: [01:45:28 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : yeah, I only like to follow the ones that talk in character.... [01:45:36 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : lol Nikki.. [01:45:37 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : [01:45:39 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : same [01:45:45 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee [01:45:50 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : yeah sorry [01:46:04 17/07/09] Nikki Collins :
  • 19. [01:46:18 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : a lot of my "followers" on twitter are spammers or ummm...nasty people... [01:46:28 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!! i like to think outloud sometimes [01:46:51 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : yes I am getting them too [01:46:54 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : there's a Jamison Collins on there too... [01:47:08 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!!! [01:47:15 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : there would be [01:47:22 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : thinking why would they be interested only follow those and YTers I know [01:47:58 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : mmhmm following him heeehee saw you seemed very popular there [01:48:13 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : lotts of people talking to you [01:48:27 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I just started doing it because it made me laugh....yeah, I actually laughed.... [01:49:45 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : the first Barn doesn't tweet much... [01:50:20 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : guess not [01:50:27 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : Barnabas doesn't like turning into the bat on the string [01:50:30 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!! [01:50:30 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : doing stuff on twitter is easier than the stuff you all do on YT ... [01:50:38 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : simple [01:50:47 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : simple yes [01:50:57 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : that bat..... [01:51:07 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i hope he didn't fly to Mexico [01:51:16 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : squeaking... [01:51:23 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : they porbably would've mistaken him for a pinata
  • 20. [01:51:35 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!! [01:51:51 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : then he'll really need sedatives [01:52:00 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : yeah.... [01:52:17 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : sheesh [01:52:33 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : the close up of the bat in the dream curse is kind of hideous... [01:52:54 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : I know [01:53:09 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : those teeth... [01:53:25 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : way to go Julia u buried barnabas alive LOL!! JK [01:53:55 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : so Amy, I am confused....Sophia is going to post the next story.... [01:54:12 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : well, Doctors sometimes make mistakes... [01:54:23 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : that is true holds arm [01:54:27 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : I think she is in the process of it [01:54:27 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!!! [01:54:36 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Quentin got buried alive too.... [01:54:59 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : oh yeah zombie!!! [01:55:16 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : but they never seemed to get brain damage from lack of oxygen.... [01:55:23 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i like how Barnabas was all like he's a zombie and this is what we do [01:55:34 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!! i'm like wow!!! [01:55:49 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : everyone always recovered rapidly... [01:56:10 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : yeah, Barnabas knew a lot of occult stuff... [01:56:11 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : oh i like how Barnabas has Shakespeare books on his bookshelf hmmm... who studied Shakespeare himself
  • 21. [01:56:36 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : very cultured... [01:57:50 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i always loved Barnabas ever since i was 6 and when someone tried to kill him i would throw a lollipop at the TV [01:58:00 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!! [01:58:18 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : JK [01:58:27 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : how cute.... [01:58:52 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I thought he was quite attractive when I was in my early teens... [01:59:19 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : very different from the oafish men in my home town... [01:59:29 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!!! [01:59:45 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : hmm.. i don't know if my Mom does [01:59:55 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : that's a good question [02:00:06 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : like Barnabas? [02:00:16 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : yes [02:00:21 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : hmmmm... [02:00:37 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : not everyone does... [02:00:49 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : that's sad [02:01:17 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I kind of don't care for any of the Roger Davis characters... [02:01:46 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : wait that's? [02:01:56 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : on the tip of my ongue [02:01:56 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Charles Delaware Tate was O.K....but not so much the others.. [02:02:01 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : tongue [02:02:09 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : oh ok [02:02:28 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Peter Bradford and Dirk somebody...Wilkins..
  • 22. [02:02:29 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : yeah Vicki finds him attractive [02:02:32 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : but i don't [02:02:36 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!! [02:02:45 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : and Ned Stuart.... [02:03:00 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : he was always yelling... [02:03:07 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!!! that name is so funny [02:03:35 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : and I think I've mentioned he wore those weird wide ties.. [02:03:46 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : distracting... [02:03:50 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!! [02:04:16 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i remember Barnabas w/ suspenders [02:04:21 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL! so funny [02:04:34 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I wish Rachel Drummond hadn't died... [02:04:40 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i know [02:04:50 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : yes, he had some strange outfits... [02:04:51 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : that was sad when Barnabas found out [02:05:12 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : but he shouldn't be surprised [02:05:22 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : Josette of any from [02:05:29 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : form shall [02:05:35 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : die [02:05:40 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I know....and it was awful the way Ben Stokes died.....damn that disembodied head... [02:05:43 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : according to Angelique [02:05:56 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Barnabas liked the younger women... [02:06:20 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : always moping around after sad and depressed...
  • 23. [02:06:25 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i know i would've been perfect:heart: [02:06:32 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : drama [02:06:38 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : [02:06:38 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : hi [02:06:44 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Hi Sophia... [02:06:50 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : SOPHIA!!!! [02:07:02 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : Tacles!!! [02:07:06 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : what's up? [02:07:10 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : tackles [02:07:11 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : the video i wished you to see Kate? [02:07:22 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : yes? [02:07:34 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : [02:07:41 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : yeah Amy [02:07:47 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : !!!! [02:08:03 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : sigh rotten system [02:08:15 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : Maggie Evans is missing as forces of Evil again enter the northeastern U.S. seaboard town of Collinsport Maine. David and Barnabas Collins must stop The Leviathans in order to save her from these evil ones t [02:08:46 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : ...these evil ones trying to take control of Collinwood through both the living innocents, and the Zombies made from fresh corpses by the Leviathans! [02:09:01 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : lol [02:09:11 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : that link doesn't work....what's the name of your channel and the name of the vid? [02:09:12 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : enough self promotion.... [02:09:28 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : the link works fine here...
  • 24. [02:09:31 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : gee [02:09:46 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I'll look for it tomorrow [02:09:59 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : it doesn't work on my computer... [02:10:12 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : aww!! i haven't got up to the leviathans yet [02:10:17 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : works puuuurfect! [02:10:22 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : l) [02:10:43 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : CUTE face [02:10:55 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I'll be indoors the next three days (a lot) because it will be over 100 degrees here.... [02:10:59 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : works on mine [02:11:09 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I'll put in on my list of things to do... [02:11:11 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : fine here [02:11:28 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : roger that LOL!!! [02:11:30 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : hmmm....not here... [02:11:41 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : sad face [02:11:51 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : [02:12:28 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I can find it tomorrow...if I write a reminder.... [02:12:41 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : notes all over my apt. about things... [02:13:02 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : crying, Amy? [02:13:08 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : Right so on to RPG, Sophi, its your turn and you are working on your scene?? [02:13:12 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : nah [02:13:29 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee [02:13:40 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : yes, I am going through rpg withdrawal...
  • 25. [02:14:28 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : yes...and some people are not going to very pleased with David Collins in the more clues darn it!!! [02:14:45 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : sorry I have some RPG meeting notes got to take care of.. [02:14:53 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : ok good [02:15:00 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : I thought they were out of the house by now... [02:15:45 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : Mrs. Johnson won't be pleased if they track mud in.... [02:15:55 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : good thing she's not in the story... [02:15:58 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : m&ms are good LOL!!1 [02:16:04 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : but sweet [02:16:22 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i wanna see DS m&ms [02:16:31 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : that'd be tight [02:16:38 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : it irks me i am redoing this ALL over again...yet maybe a better scene from my digi record im taking it fm. [02:17:08 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : why are you redoing something? [02:17:24 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : are you a perfectionist....? [02:17:28 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : it was lost after the system crash [02:17:39 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : that hurts my head [02:17:53 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : oooohhh always save every five min. [02:17:56 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : system crash? did I miss something? [02:18:11 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : and back it up to your hardrive and or flashdrive [02:18:31 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i learned LOL!!! [02:18:35 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : or simple ms word is fine [02:18:38 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : nice talking w/u all got two big projects going my rpg lines..and (gulp!) the video comeback! "the return of the turn of the screw"
  • 26. [02:18:44 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : ttyl xoxoxoxo [02:18:56 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : oh, computer stuff.... [02:19:30 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : it's fun though, isn't it? [02:19:40 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : absolutly [02:20:58 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : see you three! i'll be prouder 2-morrow with all this.. nites [02:21:42 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : goodnight [02:21:59 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : hugs to all and specially for Amy for making it all a reality! xo nite all. [02:22:01 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : night Sophi [02:22:18 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : my pleasure dear [02:22:19 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : yaaa [02:22:21 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i have to go to [02:22:31 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : goodnight everyone [02:22:33 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : good night Sophia and Nikki.... [02:22:35 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : !!!!! [02:22:37 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : night dear friends old and new! [02:22:38 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : night nikki [02:23:00 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : my bro wants to play call of duty [02:23:03 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!! [02:23:11 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i'll be watching DS [02:23:17 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : Drinking soda [02:23:20 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : so nice to talk and have fun... [02:23:36 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : yup it was fun
  • 27. [02:23:36 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : yes, I must go too...... [02:23:46 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : bye guys!!!! [02:23:54 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : looking forward to checking out your vids Sophia.... [02:24:00 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : meeting adjurned hehee [02:24:10 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : bye everyone [02:24:16 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!! Collins are out [02:24:16 17/07/09] Kathryn Collins : bye... [02:24:27 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : bye [02:24:48 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i'm makin more GIFs they're fun and maybe a vid while i'm at it [02:24:51 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : LOL!!! [02:24:56 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : goodnight guys [02:24:56 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : ACK! MISTAKE...glad we hanged tho lol [02:25:14 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : goodnight Soph [02:25:19 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : ^_^ [02:25:23 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : nikki! silly hobbit!!! [02:25:36 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : i'm what now [02:25:37 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : JK [02:25:53 17/07/09] Nikki Collins : goodnight [02:25:56 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : tell yer mum to stop worring , we are all peoper girls and stuff, [02:27:06 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : i will be happy to talk to anyone, haay Amy you gotr my number call [02:27:39 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : actually I got a new phone and lost hte number [02:27:49 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : good evening...are you type -a, or type -o?? lol vamprire humour!
  • 28. [02:28:05 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : heehee indeed [02:28:56 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : welp! i know you are 20 , im 18, and Niki's 16, a perfect trio!!!!! [02:29:16 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : yes [02:30:16 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : this chat will be in the log [02:30:27 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : lets always have fun, i notice so called adults are very cautious in thier words, nothing wrong there but , its like they got to loosen up...i writing two seperate things lol!!!</< span> [02:30:51 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee [02:31:34 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : plus got my video maker on the computer working from a working edition of my new video on a disc i made today of it! [02:32:27 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : i was sick as you know Amy, Nikki, I have a mild form of lukemia, i'll be ok! [02:32:40 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : i will be a-ok [02:32:55 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : ok good dear [02:32:57 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : the meds make me feel great at 230 M [02:33:00 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : AM [02:33:08 17/07/09] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee [02:33:14 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : a.m. [02:33:16 17/07/09] Sophia Collins : lol [02:34:22] Sophia Collins : hugs mt friend..and all the rest too of course, i got to give you credit Amy, for sticking with this group...and us all through thick and thin! [02:34:46] @ Amy du Prés Collins : absolutely [02:34:58] @ Amy du Prés Collins : must be the Collins in me [02:35:32] Sophia Collins : ok im putting all on standby....please check in w/me later on today dear [02:35:50] @ Amy du Prés Collins : will do
  • 29. [02:36:00] @ Amy du Prés Collins : best of luck with your projects [02:36:22] Sophia Collins : c u 2-mmorow night! scary David....tsk tsk... [02:36:31] Sophia Collins : [02:36:46] @ Amy du Prés Collins : hehee ok till then