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1) ABATE ➫ (কামান া ) Syn:-Decrease, Reduce Ant:-Intensify, Enhance
2) ABDICATE ➫ (পদ ত্যাগ করা ) Syn:-Renounce, Relinquish Ant:-Claim,
3) ABHOR ➫ (ঘৃণা করা ) Syn:-Detest, Loathe Ant:-Love, Adore
4) ABOLISH ➫ (ন নিহ্ন করা ) Syn:-Eradicate, Obliterate Ant:-Establish, Validate
5) ABORTIVE ➫ (ব্যর্থ ) Syn:-Vain, Futile Ant:-Fruitful,
6) ABRIDGE ➫ (সংনেপ করা ) Syn:-Shorten, Condense Ant:-Expand, Enlarge
7) ABROGATE ➫ (ল াপ করা ) Syn:-Abolish, Countermand Ant:-Enact,
8) ABSURD ➫ (অন ৌনিক ) Syn:-Unreasonable , Illogical Ant:-Sensible , Reasonable
9) ACCUMULATE ➫ (একনিত্ করা ) Syn:-Heap Up , Amass Ant:-Disperse , Scatter
10) ACME ➫ (চূড়া ) Syn:-Pinnacle, Apex Ant:-Nadir,
11) ACUMEN ➫ (ত্ীক্ষ্ণ ব্ুনি ) Syn:-Sagacity, Cleverness Ant:-Ignorance,
12) ADAMANT ➫ (লগায়ার ) Syn:-Insistent, Ant:-Flexible,
13) ADEPT ➫ (অত্যান্ত দে ) Syn:-Skillful , Master Ant:-Inept , Unskilled
14) ADMIRE ➫ (উচু ধার করা ) Syn:-Respect , Praise Ant:-Have A Low Opinion Of ,
15) ADROIT ➫ (দে ) Syn:-Adept, Deft Ant:-Awkward, Clumsy
16) ADULTERATE ➫ (লেজা নমশান া ) Syn:-Pollute , Contaminate Ant:-Purify , Clean
17) ADVERSARY ➫ (নব্পে ) Syn:-Foe, Enemy Ant:-Support, Advocate
18) ADVERSE ➫ (প্রনত্কূ ) Syn:-Unfavorable, Antagonistic Ant:-Beneficial,
19) ADVOCATE ➫ (কারও পনে ব্ া ) Syn:-Support, Ant:-Oppose, Attack
20) AFFLUENT ➫ (ধ ব্া ) Syn:-Rich, Wealthy Ant:-Impoverished,
21) AGGRAVATE ➫ (অব্ নত্ হওয়া ) Syn:-Worsen, Intensify Ant:-Improve, Mitigate
22) AGITATE ➫ (নব্েু ি করা ) Syn:-Excite, Incite Ant:-Pacify,
23) ALIENATE ➫ (নব্নরাধ সৃনি করা ) Syn:-Estrange, Ant:-Reconcile,
24) ALLEVIATE ➫ (ত্ীব্রত্া হ্রাস করা ) Syn:-Mitigate, Allay Ant:-Aggravate, Worsen
25) ALTRUISM ➫ (পনরাপকানরত্া ) Syn:-Benevolence, Generosity Ant:-Selfishness,
26) AMBIGUOUS ➫ (দ্ব্যর্থনব্াধক ) Syn:-Equivocal, Ant:-Definite, Clear
27) AMBIVALENT ➫ (একই ব্যনিনত্ নব্পরীত্ অ ুেূ নত্র ুগপৎ অব্স্থা ) Syn:-Contradictory,
Mixed Ant:-Definite,
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28) AMELIORATE ➫ (উন্ননত্ হওয়া ) Syn:-Improve, Get Better Ant:-Deteriorate,
29) AMITY ➫ (ব্ন্ধু ত্ব ) Syn:-Friendship, Harmony Ant:-Enmity, Hostility
30) ANARCHY ➫ (ন রাজয ) Syn:-Absence Of Government, Ant:-Order, Discipline
31) ANEMIC ➫ (রিাল্পত্াগ্রস্ত ) Syn:-Hemoglobin Deficiency, Ant:-Florid,
32) ANIMOSITY ➫ (শত্রুত্া ) Syn:-Antagonism, Hostility Ant:-Amity, Harmony
33) ANNOY ➫ (জ্বা াত্ ) Syn:-Disturb, Irritate Ant:-Clam, Please
34) ANONYMOUS ➫ (রচনয়ত্ার ামহী ) Syn:-Nameless, Unnamed Ant:-Named,
35) ANTAGONIST ➫ (প্রনত্দ্ব্ন্দ্বী ) Syn:-Opponent, Adversary Ant:-Ally,
36) ANUNDANT ➫ (প্রচুর ) Syn:-Plenty , Ample Ant:-Scarce , Insufficient
37) ANXIOUS ➫ (উদ্ব্নি ) Syn:-Worried , Alarmed Ant:-Assured,
38) APATHY ➫ (লকৌত্ূহ শূ যত্া ) Syn:-Indifference, Ant:-Attention, Concern
39) APEX ➫ (আগা ) Syn:-Summit, Pinnacle Ant:-Bottom, Base
40) APOCRYPHAL ➫ (কৃ নিম ) Syn:-Foke, Spurious Ant:-Genuine,
41) APPEASE ➫ (শান্ত করা ) Syn:-Pacify, Placate Ant:-Annoy, Irritate
42) APPLAUSE ➫ (প্রশংসা ) Syn:-Praise, Compliments Ant:-Criticism,
43) APPREHEND ➫ (আশঙ্কা ) Syn:-Anxiety, Misgiving Ant:-Unconcern,
44) ARCHAIC ➫ (প্রাচী ) Syn:-Obsolete, Ant:-New, Nove
45) ARROGANCE ➫ (অ র্া গব্থ ) Syn:-Haughtiness, Ant:-Humility,
46) ARTICULATE ➫ (স্পষ্ঠ উচ্চার করা ) Syn:-Enunciate, To Say Clearly Ant:-Mumble,
47) ASCEND ➫ (আনরাহণ করা ) Syn:-Climb, Mount Ant:-Descent,
48) ASCETIC ➫ (কন ার আত্ন-সং মী ) Syn:-Austere, Ant:-Hedonistic,
49) ASSENT ➫ (একমত্ হওয়া ) Syn:-Agree, Concur Ant:-Dissent, Disagree
50) ASSIST ➫ (সহন ানগত্া করা ) Syn:-Help, Aid Ant:-Oppose, Obstruct
51) ASSUAGE ➫ (শান্ত করা ) Syn:-Pacify, Calm Ant:-Exacerbate, Aggravate
52) ASTUTE ➫ (চত্ুর ) Syn:-Keen, Sly Ant:-Unintelligent, Dull
53) AUDACIOUS ➫ (দুুঃসাহসী ) Syn:-Bold, Daring Ant:-Timid, Cowardly
54) AUSPICIOUS ➫ (অ ুকূ ) Syn:-Propitious, Favorable Ant:-Unfavorable,
55) AUTHENTIC ➫ (খাাঁনি ) Syn:-Genuine, Real Ant:-Fake, Inaccurate
56) AVARICE ➫ (ল াে ) Syn:-Lust For Money, Ant:-Generosity,
57) AVER ➫ (ন িয়ত্াসহকানর ব্ া ) Syn:-Assert, Ant:-Repudiate, Deny
58) AVERSE ➫ (নব্রূপ ) Syn:-Disinclined, Reluctant Ant:-Eager, Avid
59) AVERSION ➫ (নব্রূপত্া ) Syn:-Unwillingness, Reluctance Ant:-Eagerness,
60) AWKWARD ➫ (আ ানড় ) Syn:-Clumsy, Gauch Ant:-Dexterous, Adept
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61) BALEFUL ➫ (েীনত্কর ) Syn:-Ominous, Malevolent Ant:-Saultary, Benevolent
62) BANAL ➫ (গত্া ুগনত্ক ) Syn:-Trite, Hackneyed Ant:-New, Novel
63) BARREN ➫ (ব্ন্ধা ) Syn:-Infertile , Unproductive Ant:-Productive, Fertile
64) BELITTLE ➫ (লহয় ) Syn:-Deride, Scorn Ant:-Praise, Magnify
65) BELLICOSE ➫ (মারমুনখা ) Syn:-Belligerent, Martial Ant:-Peaceful, Pacific
66) BELLIGERENT ➫ (সমরনপ্রয় ) Syn:-Bellicose, Ant:-Friendly,
67) BENEFACTOR ➫ (দাত্া ) Syn:-Donor, Patron Ant:-Malefactor,
68) BENEFICIAL ➫ (উপকারী ) Syn:-Useful, Healthful Ant:-Useless, Harmful
69) BENEVOLENT ➫ (দয়া ু ) Syn:-Kind, Unselfish Ant:-Cruel, Selfish
70) BIGOTRY ➫ (লগাাঁড়ানম ) Syn:-Intolerance, Narrow-Mindedness Ant:-Broad-
71) BLAM ➫ (ন ন্দ ীয় ) Syn:-Responsible, Guilty Ant:-Spotless,
72) BLAME ➫ (লদাষ লদয়া ) Syn:-Hold Responsible, Ant:-Praise, Admire
73) BOAST ➫ (দম্ভ করা ) Syn:-Show Off , Brag Ant:-Be Ashamed ,
74) BOISTEROUS ➫ (নহচচ পূণথ ) Syn:-Clamorous, Uproarious Ant:-Peaceful, Tranquil
75) BONA-FIDE ➫ (প্রকৃ ত্ ) Syn:-Genuine, Authentic Ant:-Bogus, Counterfeit
76) BRIEF ➫ (সংনেপ্ত ) Syn:-Short , Temporary Ant:-Lengthy, Prolong
77) BRITTLE ➫ (েঙ্গুর ) Syn:-Fragile, Friable Ant:-Strong, Tranquil
78) BRUTAL ➫ (পাশনব্ক ) Syn:-Cruel, Inhuman Ant:-Kind , Soft Hearted
79) CACOPHONOUS ➫ (লব্সুনরা ) Syn:-Inharmanious, Harsh Ant:-Euphonious,
80) CALAMITY ➫ (চরম নব্প থয় ) Syn:-Disaster, Catastrophe Ant:-Blessing,
81) CALLOUS ➫ (ন দথয় ) Syn:-Unsympathetic, Crue Ant:-Compassionate,
82) CANDID ➫ (অকপি ) Syn:-Frank , Sincere Ant:-Artful ,
83) CANDOR ➫ (সর ত্া ) Syn:-Frankness, Sincerity Ant:-Diplomacy, Dishonesty
84) CAPABLE ➫ (দে ) Syn:-Adept, Expert Ant:-Inept , Unskilled
85) CARELESS ➫ (অসত্কথ ) Syn:-Negligent, Careful Ant:-Attentive ,
86) CAUTIOUS ➫ (সত্কথ ) Syn:-Careful, Alert Ant:-Careless, Inattentive
87) CHAOS ➫ (নব্শৃঙ্খ া ) Syn:-Disorder, Mess Ant:-Order,
88) CHARITABLE ➫ (দা শী ) Syn:-Generous, Ant:-Miserly ,
89) CIRCUMSPECT ➫ (নব্চেণ ) Syn:-Prudent, Discreet Ant:-Rash, Reckless
90) CLANDESTINE ➫ (গুপ্ত ) Syn:-Secret, Covert Ant:-Open, Frank
91) CLARIFY ➫ (লব্াধগময করা ) Syn:-Elucidate, Ant:-Obscure ,
92) CLUMSY ➫ (আ াড়ী ) Syn:-Inept, Awkward Ant:-Adroit, Defat
93) COAL ➫ (একি হওয়া ) Syn:-Unity, Unite Ant:-Separate, Divide
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94) COERCION ➫ (জব্রদনস্ত ) Syn:-Compulsion, Pressure Ant:-Voluntary, By Choice
95) COMMENCE ➫ (আরম্ভ হওয়া ) Syn:-Begin, Inaugurate Ant:-Finish, Terminate
96) COMMEND ➫ (প্রশংসা করা ) Syn:-Praise, Extol Ant:-Criticize, Censure
97) COMPETENT ➫ (দে ) Syn:-Skilled, Proficient Ant:-Incompetent, Unfit
98) COMPLIANT ➫ (কর্া লমন চ া ) Syn:-Obedient, Docile Ant:-Recalcitrant,
99) COMPLY ➫ (লমন চ া ) Syn:-Conform, Obey Ant:-Disobey, Resist
100) COMPOSURE ➫ (নস্থরত্া ) Syn:-Poise, Aplomb Ant:-Discomposure, Hot-
101) COMPULSORY ➫ (ব্াধযত্ামূ ক ) Syn:-Mandatory, Obligatory Ant:-Voluntary,
102) CONCEAL ➫ (গুপ্ত রাখা ) Syn:-Hide, Cover Ant:-Reveal, Disclose
103) CONCERN ➫ (দুনিন্তা ) Syn:-Anxiety, Apprehension Ant:-Indifference,
104) CONCUR ➫ (একমত্ হওয়া ) Syn:-Agree, Coincide Ant:-Disagree, Diverge
105) CONSIDERATE ➫ (সুনব্নব্চক ) Syn:-Thoughtful, Ant:-Thoughtless,
106) CONSTRUCTIVE ➫ (গ মূ ক ) Syn:-Beneficial, Productive Ant:-Destructive,
107) CONTAMINATE ➫ (দূনষত্ করা ) Syn:-Pollute , Adulterate Ant:-Purify ,
108) CONTAMINATION ➫ (দূষণ ) Syn:-Pollution, Adulteration Ant:-Purity ,
109) CONTRADICT ➫ (অস্বীকার করা ) Syn:-Refute, Ant:-Corroborate,
110) CONVERSANT ➫ (পনরনচত্ ) Syn:-Acquainted, Familiar Ant:-Ignorant,
111) CONVICT ➫ (লদাষী ব্ন রায় লদয়া ) Syn:-Find Guilty, Ant:-Find Innocent ,
112) CONVICTION ➫ (দৃঢ় নব্শ্বাস ) Syn:-Firm Belif, Ant:-Doubt,
113) COPIOUS ➫ (প্রচুর ) Syn:-Plentiful, Profuse Ant:-Skimpy, Meager
114) COUNTERFEIT ➫ (জা ) Syn:-Fake , Bogus Ant:-Genuine , Authentic
115) CRAMPED ➫ (গাদাগানদ ) Syn:-Crowded, Ant:-Spacious,
116) CRASS ➫ (অমানজথত্ ) Syn:-Coarse, Crude Ant:-Refined, Polished
117) CRESTFALLEN ➫ (ম মরা ) Syn:-Downcast, Dejected Ant:-Elated, Glad
118) CRISIS ➫ (সনন্ধেণ ) Syn:-Climax, Critical Stage Ant:-********,
119) CRUEL ➫ (ন ষ্ঠু র ) Syn:-Brutal, Ruthless Ant:-Benevolent ,
120) CRUELTY ➫ ( ৃশংসত্া ) Syn:-Ruthlessness, Ant:-Kindness,
121) CULPABLE ➫ (ন ন্দ ীয় ) Syn:-Blameworthy, Censurable Ant:-Innocent,
122) CURSORY ➫ (দ্রুত্ লচাখ ব্ু ান া ) Syn:-Quick, Hasty Ant:-Careful,
123) CURTAIL ➫ (সংনেপ্ত করা ) Syn:-Shorten, Ant:-Lengthen,
124) DASTARD ➫ (কাপুরুষ ) Syn:-Coward, Craven Ant:-Brave, Gallant
125) DAUNT ➫ (েীত্ ) Syn:-Intimidate, Frighten Ant:-Encourage,
126) DEARTH ➫ (দুষ্প্রাপযত্া ) Syn:-Scarcity, Paucity Ant:-Abundance, Plethora
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127) DEBACLE ➫ (ধ্বংস ) Syn:-Disaster, Collapse Ant:-Success, Victory
128) DECRY ➫ (ন ন্দা করা ) Syn:-Censure, Disparage Ant:-Extol, Laud
129) DEFAMATORY ➫ (ন ন্দামূ ক ) Syn:-Libelous, Slanderous Ant:-Complimentary,
130) DEJEECTED ➫ (হত্াশা ) Syn:-Dispirited, Despondent Ant:-Happy, Elated
131) DELETERIOUS ➫ (েনত্কর ) Syn:-Detrimental, Harmful Ant:-Beneficial, Helpful
132) DELIBERATE ➫ (সুনচনন্তত্ ) Syn:-Preplanned , Intentional Ant:-Rash, Hurried
133) DENOUNCE ➫ (লদাষানরাপ করা ) Syn:-Condemn, Vilify Ant:-Commend, Extol
134) DENY ➫ (আগ্রহ ) Syn:-Contradict, Refute Ant:-Confirm,
135) DEPRECATE ➫ (নব্রুনি ব্ া ) Syn:-Disapprove, Condemn Ant:-Endorse, Approve
136) DEPRESSED ➫ (ম মরা ) Syn:-Dejected, Ant:-Elated, Cheerful
137) DESPISE ➫ (ঘৃণা করা ) Syn:-Scorn, Loathe Ant:-Admire, Esteem
138) DESULTORY ➫ (এন ানমন া ) Syn:-Discursive, Ant:-Planned, Organized
139) DETER ➫ (ব্াধা লদয়া ) Syn:-Prevent, Obstruct Ant:-Assist, Aid
140) DETRIMENTAL ➫ (েনত্কর ) Syn:-Harmful, Injurious Ant:-Beneficial,
141) DIDACTIC ➫ (নশোমূ ক ) Syn:-Educational, Ant:-,
142) DILIGENT ➫ (পনরশ্রমী ) Syn:-Industrious, Assiduous Ant:-Lazy, Indolent
143) DIMINISH ➫ (হ্রাস করা ) Syn:-Reduce , Abate Ant:-Enlarge, Magnify
144) DIN ➫ (নহ নচ ) Syn:-Clamor, Uproar Ant:-Quiet, Silence
145) DISCONTENTED ➫ (অত্ৃপ্ত ) Syn:-Dissatisfied, Unhappy Ant:-, Satisfed
146) DISCORD ➫ (লব্সুনরা ) Syn:-Cacophony, Ant:-Consonance,
147) DISDAIN ➫ (অব্জ্ঞা করা ) Syn:-Loathe, Detest Ant:-Admire, Esteem
148) DISHEVELED ➫ (অনব্ যস্ত ) Syn:-Unkempt, Ruffled Ant:-Unruffled,
149) DISINTERESTED ➫ (ন রনপে ) Syn:-Impartial, Unbiased Ant:-Biased,
150) DISPARAGE ➫ (অব্জ্ঞা ) Syn:-Criticize, Belittle Ant:-Applaud, Praise
151) DISPARATE ➫ (অসদৃশ ) Syn:-Dissimilar, Different Ant:-Similar, Like
152) DISPARITY ➫ (অসমত্া ) Syn:-Inequality, Dissimilarity Ant:-Harmony, Accord
153) DISPERSE ➫ (ছানড়নয় লদয়া ) Syn:-Scatter, Spread Ant:-Amass,
154) DISPUTE ➫ (ত্কথ করা ) Syn:-Challenge, Ant:-Agree,
155) DISSENT ➫ (মত্নেদ করা ) Syn:-Disagree, Oppose Ant:-Agree, Concur
156) DISTINGUISHED ➫ (সম্মান ত্ ) Syn:-Famous, Celebrated Ant:-Unknown,
157) DIVULGE ➫ (প্রকাশ ) Syn:-Disclose, Reveal Ant:-Conceal,
158) DOCILE ➫ (ব্াধয ) Syn:-Obedient, Compliant Ant:-Unruly, Disobedient
159) DORMANT ➫ (সুপ্ত ) Syn:-Inactive, Sleeping Ant:-Active, Awake
160) DREADFUL ➫ (েয়ঙ্কর ) Syn:-Terrible, Tragic Ant:-Delightful,
161) DULCET ➫ (সুনর া ) Syn:-Mellifluous, Melodious Ant:-Harsh,
162) DUPLICITY ➫ (কপিত্া ) Syn:-Deceit, Ant:-Condor,
163) DURABLE ➫ (স্থায়ী ) Syn:-Enduring, Ant:-Fragile,
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164) ECCENTRIC ➫ (অদ্ভুত্ ) Syn:-Peculiar, Odd Ant:-Common, Ordinary
165) ECSTASY ➫ (পরমা ন্দ ) Syn:-Excessive Joy, Rapture Ant:-Unhappy ,
166) EFFORTLESS ➫ (সহজ ) Syn:-Facile, Easy Ant:-Hard, Difficult
167) ELATED ➫ (অত্যন্ত উ নসত্ ) Syn:-Overjoyed, Jubilant Ant:-Dejected,
168) ELIGIBLE ➫ (ল াগয ) Syn:-Fit To Be Chosen, Suitable Ant:-Ineligible,
169) ELOQUENT ➫ (ব্াক পিু ) Syn:-Persuasive, Ant:-Inarticulate,
170) ENCOMIUM ➫ (প্রশংসা ) Syn:-Eulogy, Panegyric Ant:-Criticism,
171) ENDANGER ➫ (নব্পন্ন করা ) Syn:-Put In Danger, Ant:-Protect , Defend
172) ENDURANCE ➫ (নধ থ ) Syn:-Stamina, Durability Ant:-Frailty ,
173) ENGENDER ➫ (উৎপাদ করা ) Syn:-Generate, Produce Ant:-Destroy, Obliterate
174) ENHANCE ➫ (উন্নত্ ) Syn:-Heighten, Raise Ant:-Dimirish, Lessen
175) ENMITY ➫ (শক্রত্া ) Syn:-Animus, Hostility Ant:-Amity, Friendship
176) ENTHUSLASM ➫ (প্রব্ আগ্রহ ) Syn:-Eagerness, Ant:-Apathy,
177) EPHEMERAL ➫ (েণস্থায়ী ) Syn:-Passing, Temporary Ant:-Lasting, Perpetual
178) EQUIVOCAL ➫ (অন নিত্ ) Syn:-Ambiguous, Vague Ant:-Precise, Definite
179) ERRATIC ➫ (লখয়ান ) Syn:-Capricious, Odd Ant:-Stable, Consistent
180) ESSENTIAL ➫ (অপনরহা থ ) Syn:-Necessary, Crucial Ant:-Unimportant,
181) ETERNAL ➫ (নচরস্থায়ী ) Syn:-Endless, Everlasting Ant:-Temporary,
182) EULOGY ➫ (প্রশংসাপূণথ উনি ) Syn:-Encomium, Ant:-Criticism,
183) EVANESCENT ➫ (েণস্থায়ী ) Syn:-Fleeting, Temporary Ant:-Enduring,
184) EVERLASTING ➫ (নচরস্থায়ী ) Syn:-Eternal, Ant:-Ephemeral,
185) EXAGGERATE ➫ (অনত্রনিত্ করা ) Syn:-Hyberbolize, Ant:-Understate,
186) EXCESS ➫ (ব্াড়নত্ ) Syn:-Surplus, Excessive Ant:-Inadequate, Scarce
187) EXEMPLARY ➫ (অ ুকরণীয় ) Syn:-Worthy Of Imitation, Ant:-Blameworthy,
188) EXONERATE ➫ (অনেন াগ হনত্ মুনি লদয়া ) Syn:-Exculpate, Vindicate Ant:-Prove
189) EXORBITANT ➫ (অত্যনধক ) Syn:-Excessive, Ant:-Native, Indigent
190) EXPLOIT ➫ (কৃ নত্ত্ব ) Syn:-Feat, Ant:-Failure,
191) EXPOSE ➫ (প্রকাশ করা ) Syn:-Reveal, Disclose Ant:-Hide, Conceal
192) EXTOL ➫ (প্রশংসা করা ) Syn:-Praise, Eulogize Ant:-Belittle, Criticize
193) EXTRANEOUS ➫ (নব্নদশী ) Syn:-Foreign, Alien Ant:-Indigenous,
194) EXTRAVAGANT ➫ (অপব্যয়ী ) Syn:-Prodigal, Spendthrift Ant:-Thrifty, Frugal
195) FACETIOUS ➫ (সরস ) Syn:-Humorous, Jocular Ant:-Solemn,
196) FACILITATE ➫ (সহজত্র করা ) Syn:-Expedite, Make Easier Ant:-Hinder,
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197) FAMILIAR ➫ (প্রচন ত্ ) Syn:-Well Known, Ant:-Unknown , Rare
198) FASCINATE ➫ (লমানহত্ করা ) Syn:-Charm, Ant:-Bore,
199) FASTIDIOUS ➫ (রুনচব্াগীশ ) Syn:-Fussy, Particular Ant:-Uncritical,
200) FATUOUS ➫ (লব্াকা ) Syn:-Inane, Vapid Ant:-Prudent, Sage
201) FAVORITISM ➫ (পেপানত্ত্ব ) Syn:-Partiality, Bias Ant:-Neutrality,
202) FEASIBLE ➫ (ব্াস্তব্ায় ন াগয ) Syn:-Practicable, Workable Ant:-Impossible,
203) FERTILE ➫ (ফ প্রসু ) Syn:-Productive, Fruitful Ant:-Barren, Infertile
204) FEVERISH ➫ (অনত্ ব্যাকু ) Syn:-Zealous, Ardent Ant:-Nonchalant,
205) FEVOR ➫ (উৎসাহ ) Syn:-Ardor, Zeal Ant:-Apathy,
206) FICKLE ➫ (লখয়া ী ) Syn:-Mercurial, Capricious Ant:-Firm,
207) FIDELITY ➫ (অ ুগত্য ) Syn:-Loyalty, Integrity Ant:-Perfidy,
208) FLAMBOYANT ➫ (আড়ম্বরপূণথ ) Syn:-Showy, Ornate Ant:-Simple,
209) FLATTER ➫ (লত্াষানমাদ করা ) Syn:-Over Praise, Ant:-Censure,
210) FLAUNT ➫ (জানহর করা ) Syn:-Show Off, Ant:-Conceal,
211) FLEXIBLE ➫ ( ম ীয় ) Syn:-Easily, Bent Ant:-Stiff, Rigid
212) FLIMSY ➫ (পাত্ া ) Syn:-Thin, Delicate Ant:-Strong, Brawny
213) FLOURISHING ➫ (উন্ননত্ ) Syn:-Prospering, Thriving Ant:-Declining, Failing
214) FLUCTUATE ➫ (ম নস্থর া হওয়া ) Syn:-Waver, Vacillate Ant:-Be Resolute,
215) FOLLY ➫ (লব্াকামী ) Syn:-Foolishness, Idiocy Ant:-Prudence,
216) FORMIDABLE ➫ (েীনত্কর ) Syn:-Dreadful, Ant:-Enjoyable,
217) FRAGILE ➫ (োঙ্গুর ) Syn:-Frangible, Brittle Ant:-Durable,
218) FRUGAL ➫ (নহনসব্ী ) Syn:-Economical, Thrifty Ant:-Spendthrift,
219) FSCINATING ➫ (মন ারম ) Syn:-Charming, Interesting Ant:-Boring, Dull
220) FUMBLE ➫ (আ ানড়র মত্ করা ) Syn:-Bungle, Ant:-Manipulate,
221) FURTIVE ➫ (লগাপন কৃ ত্ ) Syn:-Stealthy, Clandestine Ant:-Unconcealed,
222) FUTILE ➫ (ব্যর্থ ) Syn:-Ineffective, Vain Ant:-Effective, Successful
223) GALLANT ➫ (সাহসী ) Syn:-Brave, Valiant Ant:-Caravan, Fearful
224) GARGANTUAN ➫ (প্রকান্ড ) Syn:-Gigantic, Colossal Ant:-Minuscule,
225) GARRULOUS ➫ (ব্াচা ) Syn:-Talkative, Loquacious Ant:-Reticent,
226) GENUINE ➫ (খাাঁনি ) Syn:-Authentic, Bonafide Ant:-Counterfeit, Fake
227) GERMANE ➫ ( র্া র্ ) Syn:-Pertinent, Relevant Ant:-Extraneous, Irrelevant
228) GLAMOUROUS ➫ (লমাহ ীয় ) Syn:-Fascinating, Ant:-Unattractive, Dull
229) GLOOM ➫ (অন্ধকার ) Syn:-Darkness, Ant:-Light, Brightness
230) GLUT ➫ (লপিপুনর খাওয়া ) Syn:-Overeat, Ant:-Starve,
231) GLUTTONY ➫ (অনত্নোজ ) Syn:-Voracity, Ant:-Dieting,
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232) GRACIOUS ➫ (সদয় ) Syn:-Courteous, Ant:-Haughty,
233) GRANDILOQUENT ➫ (ব্াগাড়ম্বরপূণথ ) Syn:-Pompous, Showy Ant:-Simple, Humble
234) GREEDY ➫ (প্রচন্ড অর্থ ল ােী ) Syn:-Money-Hungry, Ant:-Generous, Benevolent
235) GREGARIOUS ➫ (নমশুক ) Syn:-Sociable, Friendly Ant:-Reclusive,
236) GULLIBLE ➫ (নব্শ্বাসপ্রব্ণ ) Syn:-Credulous, Ant:-Suspicious, Hard To Convince
237) GULLIBLE ➫ (নব্সশ্বাসপ্রব্ণ ) Syn:-Over Trusting, Credulous Ant:-Suspicious,
238) HACKNEYED ➫ ( ীরস ) Syn:-Commonplace, Banal Ant:-Novel, New
239) HAPHAZARD ➫ (এন ানমন া ) Syn:-Unmethodical, Chaotic Ant:-Organized,
240) HARMONIOUS ➫ (শ্রুনত্মধুর ) Syn:-Melodious, Mellifluous Ant:-Harsh,
241) HARMONY ➫ (নম ) Syn:-Agreement, Compatibility Ant:-Disagreement,
242) HAUGHTY ➫ (উিত্ ) Syn:-Arrogant, Disdainful Ant:-Humble, Modest
243) HAZARD ➫ (নব্পদ ) Syn:-Danger, Risk Ant:-Protection, Safety
244) HAZY ➫ (কু য়াশাচ্ছন্ন ) Syn:-Misty, Foggy Ant:-Sunny,
245) HEADSTRONG ➫ (একগুাঁনয় ) Syn:-Willful, Ant:-Obedient, Docile
246) HEALTHFUL ➫ (স্বাস্থযকর ) Syn:-Beneficial, Wholesome Ant:-Deleterious,
247) HETEROGENEOUS ➫ (নব্নব্ধ উপাদান র নমশ্রণ ) Syn:-Mixed, Motley Ant:-
Homogeneous, Uniform
248) HILARIOUS ➫ (হানস খুশী ) Syn:-Very Funny, Joyous Ant:-Sad, Gloomy
249) HINDER ➫ (ব্াধা লদয়া ) Syn:-Hamper, Impede Ant:-Facilitate, Expedite
250) HINDRANCE ➫ (ব্াধা ) Syn:-Impediment, Obstacle Ant:-Support, Aid
251) HINT ➫ (ইনঙ্গত্ লদয়া ) Syn:-Imply, Suggest Ant:-Assert,
252) HOMOGENEOUS ➫ (সমপ্রকৃ নত্ ) Syn:-Uniform, All Alike Ant:-Heterogeneous,
253) HONORARY ➫ (অচব্ত্ন ক ) Syn:-Voluntary, Ant:-Salaried,
254) HOSTILE ➫ (শত্রুত্াপূণথ ) Syn:-Spiteful, Ant:-Friendly,
255) HUMANE ➫ (দয়া ু ) Syn:-Benevolent, Sympathetic Ant:-Cruel Ruthless, Brutal
256) HUMBLE ➫ ( ম্র ) Syn:-Modest, Unassuming Ant:-Proud, Boastful
257) HUMILITY ➫ ( ম্রত্া ) Syn:-Modesty, Humbleness Ant:-Arrogance,
258) HUMOROUS ➫ (লকৌত্ুকপূণথ ) Syn:-Funny, Amusing Ant:-Grave, Setious
259) HUSBAND ➫ (ব্ুনে শুন খরচ করা ) Syn:-Conserve, Preserve Ant:-Waste,
260) HYGIENIC ➫ (স্বাস্থযকর ) Syn:-Sanitary, Healthful Ant:-Harmful,
261) HYPOCRISY ➫ (েন্ডামী ) Syn:-Insincerity, Candor Ant:-Sincerity,
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262) IGNOBLE ➫ (হী ) Syn:-Despicable, Ant:-Laudable,
263) IGNORANT ➫ (অনশনেত্ ) Syn:-Uneducated, Stupid Ant:-Literate, Wise
264) ILLICIT ➫ (ন নষি ) Syn:-Unlawful, Illegal Ant:-Licit, Legal
265) ILLUSORY ➫ (নমধযা ) Syn:-Deceptive, Ant:-Real, True
266) IMMACULATE ➫ (খূাঁত্হী ) Syn:-Impeccable, Spotless Ant:-Unclean, Impure
267) IMMENSE ➫ (নব্শা ) Syn:-Vast, Massive Ant:-Small , Tiny
268) IMMUTABLE ➫ (পনরব্ত্থ াত্ীত্ ) Syn:-Unchangeable, Ant:-Alterable,
269) IMPECCABLE ➫ (ন খূাঁত্ ) Syn:-Flawless, Immaculate Ant:-Defective,
270) IMPERIL ➫ (নব্পদগ্রস্থ করা ) Syn:-Jeopardize, Ant:-Project,
271) IMPERISHABLE ➫ (অনব্ শ্বর ) Syn:-Ever Lasting, Durable Ant:-Evanescent,
272) IMPERTINENT ➫ (উিত্ ) Syn:-Impudent, Arrogant Ant:-Polite,
273) IMPERTURBABLE ➫ (উনেনজত্ হয় া এম ) Syn:-Unexcitable, Calm Ant:-
274) IMPERVIOUS ➫ (অনেদয ) Syn:-Impermeable, Impenetrable Ant:-Vulnerable,
275) IMPROMPTU ➫ (পূব্থপ্রস্তুনত্হী ) Syn:-Improvised, Extemporaneous Ant:-
Preplanned ,
276) IMPROVISE ➫ (পূব্থপ্রস্তুনত্ ছাড়া করা ) Syn:-Perform Without Preparation, Ant:-
277) IMPRUDENT ➫ (হ কারী ) Syn:-Rash, Reckless Ant:-Judicious,
278) INADVERTENT ➫ (অন চ্ছাকৃ ত্ ) Syn:-Uninentional, Ant:-Deliberate,
279) INANE ➫ (মূনখথর মত্ ) Syn:-Foolish, Senseless Ant:-Meaningful, Sensible
280) INCENSE ➫ (রানগনয় লদয়া ) Syn:-Anger, Infuriate Ant:-Pacify,
281) INCESSANT ➫ (নব্রামহী ) Syn:-Ceaseless, Increasing Ant:-Intermittent,
282) INCONGRUOUS ➫ (লব্খাপ্পা ) Syn:-Inappropriate, Ant:-Suitable,
283) INCREDIBLE ➫ (অনব্শ্বাসয ) Syn:-Unbelievable, Absurd Ant:-Believable, Usual
284) INDIFFERENT ➫ (ন রনপে ) Syn:-Apathetic, Neutral Ant:-Enthusiastic, Biased
285) INDIGENOUS ➫ (লদশীয় ) Syn:-Native, Ant:-Foreign, Exotic
286) INDIGENT ➫ (অোব্ী ) Syn:-Impoverished, Poor Ant:-Wealthy, Affluent
287) INDIGNATION ➫ (লক্রাধ ) Syn:-Anger, Ire Ant:-Pleasure,
288) INDISPENSABLE ➫ (অপনরহা থ ) Syn:-Essential, Mandatory Ant:-Unnecessary,
289) INDOLENT ➫ (অ স ) Syn:-Lazy, Idle Ant:-Industrious,
290) INDOMITABLE ➫ (অদময ) Syn:-Unconquerable, Ant:-Weak,
291) INEBRIATED ➫ (মাত্া ) Syn:-Drunk, Intoxicated Ant:-Sober,
292) INELUCTABLE ➫ (অন ব্া থ ) Syn:-Inevitable, Inexorable Ant:-Avoidable,
293) INEPT ➫ (অদে ) Syn:-Unskilled, Unsuitable Ant:-Skillful, Appropriate
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294) INEVITABLE ➫ (অন ব্া থ ) Syn:-Inescapable, Ineluctable Ant:-Preventable,
295) INFAMOUS ➫ (জঘ য ) Syn:-Notorious, Ant:-Honorable, Glorious
296) INFINITESIMAL ➫ (অনত্ েু দ্র ) Syn:-Tiny, Microscopic Ant:-Huge,
297) INGENIOUS ➫ (উদ্ভাব্ন দে ) Syn:-Inventive, Resourceful Ant:-Maladroit,
298) INGENUOUS ➫ (অকপি ) Syn:-Artless, Guileless Ant:-Tricky,
299) INHIBT ➫ (ব্াধা লদয়া ) Syn:-Hinder, Prevent Ant:-Allow, Permit
300) INIMICAL ➫ (শত্রুোব্াপন্ন ) Syn:-Hostile, Antagonistic Ant:-Friendly, Amiable
301) INJURIOUS ➫ (েনত্কর ) Syn:-Damaging, Harmfl Ant:-Beneficial, Helful
302) INNOCUOUS ➫ (অেনত্কর ) Syn:-Harmless, Ant:-Deleterious, Harmful
303) INNUMERABLE ➫ (অত্যানধক ) Syn:-Excessive, Immoderate Ant:-Moderate,
304) INSIDIOUS ➫ (ছ াপূণথ ) Syn:-Deceitful, Tricky Ant:-Ingenuous, Frank
305) INSIPID ➫ (স্বাদহী ) Syn:-Tasteless, Savorless Ant:-Tasty, Palatable
306) INSOLENT ➫ (উিত্ ) Syn:-Arrogant, Haughty Ant:-Respectful,
307) INSOUCIANT ➫ (অ ুনদ্ব্ি ) Syn:-Carefree, Ant:-Perturbed,
308) INSTIGATE ➫ (উস্কা ী লদয়া ) Syn:-Provoke, Incite Ant:-Discourage,
309) INTEGRITY ➫ (সত্ত্া ) Syn:-Honesty, Probity Ant:-Corruption,
310) INTELLIGIBLE ➫ (লব্াধগময ) Syn:-Comprehensible, Lucid Ant:-Vague,
311) INTENSE ➫ (চরম ) Syn:-Extreme, Powerful Ant:-Weak, Mild
312) INTENSIFY ➫ (ত্ীব্রত্া ব্ৃনি করা ) Syn:-Increase, Heighten Ant:-Diminish, Abate
313) INTIMIDATE ➫ (েয় লদখান া ) Syn:-Frighten, Daunt Ant:-Encourage,
314) INTOLERANCE ➫ (পরমত্ অসনহষ্ণু ত্া ) Syn:-Bigotry, Ant:-Broad Minded,
315) INTREPID ➫ (ন েথীক ) Syn:-Fearless, Dauntless Ant:-Coward, Craven
316) IRE ➫ (লক্রাধ ) Syn:-Anger, Wrath Ant:-Goodwill,
317) IRREGULAR ➫ (ন য়মব্নহেূ থত্ ) Syn:-Unconventional, Usual Ant:-Normal Niform,
318) IRRELEVANT ➫ (অপ্রাসনঙ্গক ) Syn:-Impertinent, Extraneous Ant:-Germane,
319) IRRELEVANT ➫ (অপ্রাসনঙ্গক ) Syn:-Unrelated, Impertinent Ant:-Pertinent,
320) IRRITABLE ➫ (নখিনখনি ) Syn:-Ill-Tempered, Peevish Ant:-Genial, Affable
321) JEOPARDY ➫ (নব্পদ ) Syn:-Danger, Peril Ant:-Security, Safety
322) JERR ➫ (নব্দ্রপ করা ) Syn:-Deride, Mock Ant:-Applaud,
323) JOCUND ➫ (হানসখুশী ) Syn:-Jolly, Cheerful Ant:-Sober, Grave
324) JOLLY ➫ (হানসখুশী ) Syn:-Jocund, Ant:-Grave,
325) JUDICIOUS ➫ (জ্ঞা ী ) Syn:-Sage, Prudent Ant:-Rash, Foolhardy
326) KEEN ➫ (ব্যগ্র ) Syn:-Eagerness, Enthusiastic Ant:-Indifferent,
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327) LACKLUSTER ➫ (ন স্প্রাণ ) Syn:-Drab, Humdrum Ant:-Vivacious,
328) LACONIC ➫ (সংনেপ্ত ) Syn:-Succinct, Terse Ant:-Voluble, Verbose
329) LANGUID ➫ (ন নস্তজ ) Syn:-Feeble, Weak Ant:-Energetic,
330) LASTING ➫ (লিকসই ) Syn:-Enduring, Permanent Ant:-Momentary,
331) LAUDATORY ➫ (প্রশংসামূ ক ) Syn:-Pasting, Complimentary Ant:-Blameworthy,
332) LAVISH ➫ (অনমত্ব্যয়ী ) Syn:-Extravagant, Prodigal Ant:-Thrifty,
333) LAZY ➫ (অ স ) Syn:-Idle, Indolent Ant:-Energetic, Active
334) LICENTIOUS ➫ (অসচ্চনরি ) Syn:-Immoral, Ant:-Moral,
335) LINGER ➫ (লদরীনত্ াওয়া ) Syn:-Tarry, Loiter Ant:-Leave Hastily,
336) LOATH ➫ (নব্রূপ ) Syn:-Averse, Disinclined Ant:-Enthusiastic, Avid
337) LOATHE ➫ (অত্যন্ত অপছন্দ করা ) Syn:-Abhor, Despise Ant:-Like, Adore
338) LOQUACOOUS ➫ (ব্াচা ) Syn:-Talkative, Garrulous Ant:-Taciturn, Reticent
339) LOYALTY ➫ (নব্শ্বস্থত্া ) Syn:-Fidelity, Trustworthiness Ant:-Disloyalty, Falseness
340) LUSTER ➫ (ঔজ্জ্ব য ) Syn:-Brightness, Ant:-Dullness,
341) MAGNIFY ➫ (প্রশংসা করা ) Syn:-Englarge, Amplify Ant:-Diminish, Reduce
342) MALICE ➫ (অপকানরর ইচ্ছা ) Syn:-Malevolcence, Spite Ant:-Benevolence,
343) MALICIOUS ➫ (নব্নদ্ব্ষ পরায়ণ ) Syn:-Spiteful, Malevolent Ant:-Friendly,
344) MANDATORY ➫ (অত্যাব্াশযক ) Syn:-Compulsory, Obligatory Ant:-Voluntary,
345) MASSIVE ➫ (প্রকান্ড ) Syn:-Colossal, Vast Ant:-Minute, Diminutive
346) MASSIVE ➫ (ব্ৃহদায়ত্ ) Syn:-Titanic, Signatory Ant:-Voluntary,
347) MEAGER ➫ (অল্প ) Syn:-Scanty, Paltry Ant:-Copious, Plentiful
348) MEDLEY ➫ (নব্নেন্ন ব্স্তুর নমশ্রণ ) Syn:-Assortment, Conglomeration Ant:-
349) MELANCHOLY ➫ (ম মরা ) Syn:-Gloomy, Dejected Ant:-Vivacious, Happy
350) MELLIFLUOUS ➫ (শ্রুনত্মধুর ) Syn:-Euphonious, Dulcet Ant:-Harsh, Raucous
351) MENDACITY ➫ (নমর্যাব্ানদত্া ) Syn:-Deceit, Falsehood Ant:-Veracity,
352) MENTOR ➫ (নব্জ্ঞ পরামশথদাত্া ) Syn:-Adviser, Guide Ant:-,
353) MESSY ➫ (ল াংরা ) Syn:-Littered, Ant:-Neat, Tidy
354) METICULOUS ➫ (খুাঁত্খুাঁনত্ ) Syn:-Painstaking, Fastidious Ant:-Careless,
355) MICROSCOPIC ➫ (েু দ্রানত্েু দ্র ) Syn:-Infinitesimal, Minute Ant:-Large, Immense
356) MISERABLE ➫ (অত্যান্ত দুুঃখী ) Syn:-Crestfallen, Despondent Ant:-Joyous, Happy
357) MISERY ➫ (অত্যান্ত দুুঃখ ) Syn:-Crestfallen, Despondent Ant:-Joyous, Happy
358) MITIGATE ➫ (উপশম করা ) Syn:-Palliate, Ameliorate Ant:-Increase, Intensity
359) MODERATE ➫ (ত্ীব্রত্া হ্রাস করা ) Syn:-Temper, Ant:-Intensify,
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360) MOLLIFY ➫ (শান্ত ) Syn:-Appease, Assuage Ant:-Exasperate,
361) MOLLIFY ➫ (শান্ত করা ) Syn:-Appease, Calm Ant:-Exasperate,
362) MOMENTOUS ➫ (অনত্ গুরুত্ব পূণথ ) Syn:-Significant, Important Ant:-Trivial,
363) MONOTONOUS ➫ (একনঘাঁনয় ) Syn:-Boring, Dull Ant:-Intesting,
364) MONSTROUS ➫ (নব্রাি ) Syn:-Huge, Titanic Ant:-Tiny, Minute
365) MONUMENTAL ➫ (প্রকান্ড ) Syn:-Colossal, Massive Ant:-Tiny,
366) MOTLEY ➫ (নব্নব্ধ ব্স্তুর নমশ্রণ ) Syn:-Different, Heterogeneous Ant:-Uniform,
367) MUNDANE ➫ (পানর্থব্ ) Syn:-Worldly, Earthly Ant:-Heavenly,
368) NADIR ➫ (ন ম্নত্ম ব্ুন্দু ) Syn:-Lowest, Point Ant:-Apex, Peak
369) NAIVE ➫ (সাদানসধা ) Syn:-Simple, Ingenuous Ant:-Artful,
370) NEFARIOUS ➫ (দুিনরি ) Syn:-Wicked, Vile Ant:-Honest, Good
371) NEGLIGENT ➫ (অমন ান াগী ) Syn:-Careless, Inattentive Ant:-Thoughtful,
372) NEUTRAL ➫ (ন রনপে ) Syn:-Impartial, Unbiased Ant:-Biased, Interested
373) NIMBLE ➫ (চিপনি ) Syn:-Agile, Light Ant:-Lethargic,
374) NOCTURNAL ➫ (ন শ ) Syn:-Night, Nighttime Ant:-Diurnal, Daily
375) NOTORIOUS ➫ (কু খযাত্ ) Syn:-Infamous, Disreputable Ant:-Noble,
376) NOVEL ➫ (অনে ব্ ) Syn:-New, Original Ant:-Ordinary, Common
377) NOVICE ➫ ( ব্নশোর্ী ) Syn:-Tyro, Learner Ant:-Master,
378) NOXIOUS ➫ (েনত্কর ) Syn:-Deleterious, Pernicious Ant:-Wholesome,
379) NUMEROUS ➫ (প্রচুর ) Syn:-Many, Copious Ant:-Few, Scarce
380) OBDURATE ➫ (একগুাঁনয় ) Syn:-Obstinate, Intractable Ant:-Obedient, Docile
381) OBLIGATORY ➫ (ব্াধযত্ামূ ক ) Syn:-Compulsory, Imperative Ant:-Voluntary ,
382) OBLITERATE ➫ (ন নিহ্ন করা ) Syn:-Eradicate, Wipe Out Ant:-Create, Construct
383) OBSOLETE ➫ (লসনকন ) Syn:-Archaic, Anitque Ant:-Modern,
384) OBSTACLE ➫ (ব্াধা ) Syn:-Impediment, Help Ant:-Aid,
385) OBSTINATE ➫ (লজদী ) Syn:-Stubborn, Obdurate Ant:-Compliant, Docile
386) OMINOUS ➫ (েীনত্কার ) Syn:-Threatening, Ant:-Propitious,
387) OMNIPOTENT ➫ (সব্থশনিমা ) Syn:-All-Powerful, Ant:-Powerless, Impotent
388) OPAQUE ➫ (অস্বচ্ছ ) Syn:-Non-Transparent, Ant:-Transparent,
389) OPPORTUNE ➫ (সমনয়ানচত্ ) Syn:-Timely, Well-Timed Ant:-Untimely,
390) OPPOSTION ➫ (নব্নরানধত্া ) Syn:-Resistance, Antagonism Ant:-Support, Backing
391) OPTIMISTIC ➫ (আশাব্াদী ) Syn:-Hopeful, Sanguine Ant:-Support, Backing
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392) OPULENCE ➫ (ধ াঢ্যত্া ) Syn:-Affluence, Ant:-Poverty,
393) OUT-OF-DATE ➫ (লসনকন ) Syn:-Outmoded, Old Fashioned Ant:-Modern,
394) OVERT ➫ (দৃনিনগাচর ) Syn:-Unconcealed, Public Ant:-Covert, Concealed
395) PACIFIC ➫ (শান্ত ) Syn:-Calm, Placid Ant:-Agitated,
396) PACIFY ➫ (শান্ত করা ) Syn:-Appease, Placate Ant:-Enrage,
397) PAINSTAKING ➫ (কানজ ন্তশী ) Syn:-Thorough, Meticulous Ant:-Negligent,
398) PALATABLE ➫ (স্বাদু ) Syn:-Delicious, Tasty Ant:-Disgusting,
399) PALLIATE ➫ (প্রশনমত্ করা ) Syn:-Alleviate, Mitigate Ant:-Intensify,
400) PALTRY ➫ ( গ য ) Syn:-Petty, Trufling Ant:-Significant,
401) PAROCHIAL ➫ (আঞ্চন ক ) Syn:-Local, Provinccial Ant:-Worldwide,
402) PARSIMONIOUS ➫ (নমত্ব্যয়ী ) Syn:-Frugal, Sparing Ant:-Extravagant,
403) PARTISAN ➫ (সমর্থক ) Syn:-Supporter, Advocate Ant:-Adversary,
404) PECULIAR ➫ (অদ্ভুত্ ) Syn:-Odd, Strange Ant:-Usual, Expected
405) PEDESTRIAN ➫ ( ীরস ) Syn:-Prosaic, Ant:-Exciting,
406) PENURY ➫ (দানরদ্রয ) Syn:-Poverty, Indigence Ant:-Opulence,
407) PERENNIAL ➫ (নচরস্থায়ী ) Syn:-Perpetual, Everlasting Ant:-Temporary,
408) PERFUNCTORY ➫ (োসা-োসা ) Syn:-Cursory, Superficial Ant:-Thorough,
409) PERILOUS ➫ (নব্পদজ ক ) Syn:-Risky, Hazardous Ant:-Safe,
410) PERISHABLE ➫ (পচ শী ) Syn:-Short-Lived, Ant:-Lasting,
411) PERMANENT ➫ (নচরস্থায়ী ) Syn:-Perpetual, Eternal Ant:-Momentary,
412) PERPETUATE ➫ (নচরস্থায়ী করা ) Syn:-Eternalise, Ant:-Obliterate,
413) PERTINENT ➫ (প্রাসনঙ্গক ) Syn:-Germane, Relevant Ant:-Irrelevant,
414) PERTURB ➫ (নব্েু ি করা ) Syn:-Disturb, Upset Ant:-Calm, Pacific
415) PESSIMISM ➫ (হত্াশা ) Syn:-Gloom, Hopelessness Ant:-Optimism,
416) PETULANT ➫ (নখাঁিনখাঁনি ) Syn:-Peevish, Fretful Ant:-Agreeable,
417) PHILANTHROPY ➫ (পনরাপকার ) Syn:-Charity, Munificence Ant:-Miserly ,
418) PINNACLE ➫ (শীষথ নব্ন্দু ) Syn:-Acme, Apex Ant:-Nadir, Lowest Point
419) PLACID ➫ (শান্ত ) Syn:-Calm , Serene Ant:-Turbulent,
420) PLETHORA ➫ (আনধকয ) Syn:-Excess, Surplus Ant:-Shortage,
421) POLLUTE ➫ (দূনষত্ করা ) Syn:-Contaminate, Adulterate Ant:-Purify , Cleanse
422) POTENT ➫ (শনি শা ী ) Syn:-Powerful, Formidable Ant:-Weak, Impotent
423) PRAGMATIC ➫ (ব্াস্তব্সম্মত্ ) Syn:-Practical, Realistic Ant:-Idealistic,
424) PRAISE ➫ (প্রশংসা করা ) Syn:-Loud, Extol Ant:-Blame, Censure
425) PRECARIOUS ➫ (অন নিত্ ) Syn:-Uncertain, Ant:-Certain,
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426) PRECISE ➫ (স্পিোনব্ ন নদথি ) Syn:-Exact, Definite Ant:-Vague,
427) PREDICAMENT ➫ (নব্পজ্জ ক অব্স্থা ) Syn:-Dilemma, Ant:-,
428) PREPOSTEROUS ➫ (সম্পপূণথ অন ৌনিক ) Syn:-Ridiculous, Ludicrous Ant:-
429) PROBITY ➫ (সত্ত্া ) Syn:-Integrity, Honesty Ant:-Duplicity,
430) PRODIGAL ➫ (অপব্যয়ী ) Syn:-Spendthrift, Wanton Ant:-Temperate,
431) PRODIGIOUS ➫ (অস্বাোনব্ক ) Syn:-Extraordinary, Ant:-Ordinary, Common
432) PROFICIENT ➫ (দে ) Syn:-Adroit, Deft Ant:-Inept , Clumsy
433) PROFOUND ➫ (গেীর জ্ঞা পূণথ ) Syn:-Wise, Sage Ant:-Stupid, Lnane
434) PROFUSE ➫ (প্রচুর ) Syn:-Copious, Abundant Ant:-Inadequate, Scarce
435) PROLIFIC ➫ (প্রচুর উৎপাদ শী ) Syn:-Proliferous, Proliferative Ant:-Sterile,
436) PROMINENT ➫ (প্রনসি ) Syn:-Illustrious, Clebrated Ant:-Unimportant,
437) PROMPT ➫ (চিপনি ) Syn:-Alert, Ant:-Sunfish,
438) PROPAGATE ➫ (প্রচার করা ) Syn:-Disseminate, Ant:-Hush Up ,
439) PROSAIC ➫ (গত্া ুগনত্ক ) Syn:-Humdrum, Dull Ant:-Fascinating, Exciting
440) PROSPERITY ➫ (উন্নত্ ) Syn:-Success, Proress Ant:-Poverty, Misfortune
441) PUERILE ➫ (নশশুসু ে ) Syn:-Childish, Foolish Ant:-Mature, Intelligent
442) PUGNACIOUS ➫ (েগড়ানি ) Syn:-Quarrelsome, Ant:-Peaceful, Friendly
443) PUNCTUAL ➫ (সময়ন ষ্ঠ ) Syn:-On Time, Timely Ant:-Late, Irregular
444) PUNY ➫ (েু দ্র ) Syn:-Small And Weak, Ant:-Robust,
445) PURIFY ➫ (নব্শুি ) Syn:-Make Pure, Ant:-Contaminate, Pollute
446) PUSILLANIMOUS ➫ (েীরু ) Syn:-Cowardly, Timorous Ant:-Valorous, Brave
447) RAGE ➫ (প্রচন্ড নেপ্তাব্স্থা ) Syn:-Voilent, Anger Ant:-Calmness, Joy
448) RANDOM ➫ (এন ানমন া ) Syn:-Haphazard, Unplanned Ant:-Deliberate,
449) RANSACK ➫ (ত্ন্ন ত্ন্ন কনর লখাাঁজা ) Syn:-Rummage, Ant:-Leave Undisturbed,
450) RASH ➫ (হ কারী ) Syn:-Reckless, Ant:-Prudent,
451) RAUCOUS ➫ (ককথশ ) Syn:-Harsh, Cacophonous Ant:-Dulcet,
452) REBELLIOUS ➫ (অব্াধয ) Syn:-Disobedient, Nruly Ant:-Obedient,
453) RECKLESS ➫ (লব্পনরায়া ) Syn:-Rash, Foolhardy Ant:-Wary, Careful
454) RECONCILE ➫ (আনপাষ ) Syn:-Conciliate, Restore Friendship Ant:-Alienate,
455) REFRESHING ➫ (সজীব্কারক ) Syn:-Invigorating, Reviving Ant:-Tiring,
456) REFUTE ➫ ( ুনি খন্ড করা ) Syn:-Disprove, Confute Ant:-Prove, Confirm
457) RELEVANT ➫ (প্রাসনঙ্গক ) Syn:-Pertinent, Germane Ant:-Unrelated,
458) RELINQUISH ➫ (দাব্ী ) Syn:-Give Up, Abdicate Ant:-Retain,
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459) RELUCTANT ➫ (অন চ্ছুক ) Syn:-Loath, Averse Ant:-Enthusiastic,
460) REMORSE ➫ (অ ুনশাচ া ) Syn:-Regret, Ant:-Satisfaction,
461) RENOUNCE ➫ (দাব্ী ) Syn:-Give Up, Abdicate Ant:-Retain,
462) RENOVATE ➫ (লমরামত্ কনর ত্ুন র মত্ কনর ) Syn:-To Make New Again, Revamp
Ant:-Damage, Destroy
463) REPENT ➫ (অ ুনশাচ া করা ) Syn:-Be Penitent , Be Contrite Ant:-Remorseless,
464) REPREHENSIBLE ➫ (নত্রস্কারন াগয ) Syn:-Culpable, Blameworthy Ant:-
465) REPROVE ➫ (নত্রস্কার করা ) Syn:-Rebuke, Chide Ant:-Praise, Applaud
466) REPUDIATE ➫ (অস্বীকার করা ) Syn:-Disclaim, Disavow Ant:-Accept, Recognize
467) REPUGNANT ➫ (ঘৃণা ) Syn:-Repellent, Ant:-Attractive,
468) RESERVATION ➫ (নদ্ব্ধা দ্ব্ন্ব ) Syn:-Hesitancy, Uncertainty Ant:-Confidence,
469) RESOLUTION ➫ (দৃঢ় সংকল্প ) Syn:-Determination, Ant:-Vacillation,
470) RESOURCEFUL ➫ (সৃজ শনিসম্পন্ন ) Syn:-Inventive, Creative Ant:-Uninventive,
471) RETICENT ➫ (স্বল্পোষী ) Syn:-Taciturn, Ant:-Talkative,
472) RETREAT ➫ (নপনছনয় আসা ) Syn:-Withdrow, Move Back Ant:-Advance,
473) REVOKE ➫ (ব্ানত্ ) Syn:-Repeal, Annul Ant:-Validate,
474) RISK ➫ (নব্পদ ) Syn:-Jeopardy, Danger Ant:-Safety,
475) RUMMAGE ➫ (ত্ন্নত্ন্ন কনর লখাাঁজা ) Syn:-Search Thoroughly, Ant:-Leave
476) RUTHLESS ➫ (ন মথম ) Syn:-Callous, Merciless Ant:-Kind, Tender
477) SALIENT ➫ (প্রধা ) Syn:-Prominent, Ant:-Trifling,
478) SALUBRIOUS ➫ (স্বাস্থযকর ) Syn:-Salutary, Healthful Ant:-Deleterious,
479) SALUTARY ➫ (স্বাস্থযকর ) Syn:-Salubrious, Wholesome Ant:-Deleterious,
480) SANGUINE ➫ (আশাব্াদী ) Syn:-Optimistic, Hopeful Ant:-Pessimistic,
481) SCANDAL ➫ (ক ঙ্ক ) Syn:-Dishonor, Disgrace Ant:-Honorable, Esteem
482) SCANTY ➫ (স্বল্প ) Syn:-Sparse, Scant Ant:-Copious, Plentiful
483) SCARCITY ➫ (ঘািনত্ ) Syn:-Rarity, Insufficiency Ant:-Abundance,
484) SCORN ➫ (অব্জ্ঞা ) Syn:-Despise, Disdain Ant:-Admire, Esteem
485) SCORN ➫ (অব্জ্ঞা করা ) Syn:-Despise, Disdain Ant:-Esteem, Admire
486) SERENE ➫ (শান্ত ) Syn:-Tranquil, Placid Ant:-Rough,
487) SHABBY ➫ (জীণথ শীণথ ) Syn:-Thereadbare, Ant:-New , Neat
488) SINCERE ➫ (অকৃ নিম ) Syn:-Unfeigned, Ant:-Feigned,
489) SLANDER ➫ (কু ৎসা রি া করা ) Syn:-Vilify, Defame Ant:-Eulogize, Extol
490) SLUMP ➫ (কনম াওয়া ) Syn:-Dip, Decline Ant:-Increase, Rise
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491) SOPHISTICATED ➫ (জনি ) Syn:-Complicated, Compels Ant:-Simple, Old-
492) SORDID ➫ (ল াংরা ) Syn:-Filthy, Squalid Ant:-Clean,
493) SPACIOUS ➫ (জায়গাব্হু ) Syn:-Commodious, Capacious Ant:-Small,
494) SPACIOUS ➫ (নব্স্তৃত্ ) Syn:-Commodious, Capacious Ant:-Cramped, Crowded
495) SPURIOUS ➫ (জা ) Syn:-Fake, Sham Ant:-Genuine, Real
496) SQUALID ➫ (ল াংরা ) Syn:-Dirty, Filthy Ant:-Clean, Tidy
497) SQUANDER ➫ (অব্চয় করা ) Syn:-Waste, Dissipate Ant:-Save, Hoard
498) STAGNANT ➫ (নস্থর ) Syn:-Motionless, Ant:-Flowing,
499) STAMINA ➫ (পনরশ্রম সহয করার শনি ) Syn:-Endurance, Energy Ant:-Weakness,
500) STATIC ➫ (ন ি ) Syn:-Stagnant, Immobile Ant:-Mobile, Moving
501) STATIONARY ➫ (নস্থর ) Syn:-Motionless, Standing Ant:-Mobile, Moving
502) STEADFAST ➫ (অি ) Syn:-Unwavering, Ant:-Wavering,
503) STERILIZE ➫ (জীব্া ুমুি করা ) Syn:-Disinfect, Ant:-Pollute,
504) STINGY ➫ (কৃ পণ ) Syn:-Miserly, Ant:-Munificent,
505) STUBBORN ➫ (একগুাঁনয় ) Syn:-Obstinate, Ant:-Flexible,
506) SUCCINCT ➫ (সংনেপ্ত ও র্া র্ ) Syn:-To The Point, Ant:-Discursive,
507) SUMPTUOUS ➫ (নব্ াসব্হু ) Syn:-Expensive, Luxurious Ant:-Cheap, Ordinary
508) SUPERFICIAL ➫ (োসা োসা ) Syn:-Cursory, Perfunctory Ant:-Thorough,
509) SUPERFLUOUS ➫ (প্রনয়াজ ানত্নরি ) Syn:-Unnecessary, Surplus Ant:-
510) SURFEIT ➫ (আনধকয ) Syn:-Glut, Excess Ant:-Shortage, Scarcity
511) SURMISE ➫ (অ ুমা ) Syn:-Conjecture, Guess Ant:-Certainty,
512) SURREPTITIOUS ➫ (গুপ্ত ) Syn:-Secret, Ant:-Open,
513) SWIFT ➫ (চিপনি ) Syn:-Hasty, Rapid Ant:-Sluggish,
514) TACIT ➫ (অকনর্ত্ ) Syn:-Unspoken, Unexpressed Ant:-Spoken,
515) TACITURN ➫ (স্বল্পোষী ) Syn:-Reticent, Laconic Ant:-Loquacious,
516) TANGIBLE ➫ (ধরা-নছাাঁয়া ায় এম ) Syn:-Palpable, Touchable Ant:-Intangible,
517) TARDY ➫ (ধীরগনত্ ) Syn:-Sluggish, Ant:-Speedy,
518) TEDIOUS ➫ (ক্লানন্তকর ) Syn:-Tiring, Exhausting Ant:-Stimulating,
519) TEMPORARY ➫ (অস্থায়ী ) Syn:-Fleeting, Evanescent Ant:-Everlasting, Durable
520) TENTAIVE ➫ (চূড়ান্ত ) Syn:-Flattered, Fawner Ant:-Dignified Person,
521) TERMINATE ➫ (লশষ করা ) Syn:-End, Finish Ant:-Begin, Commence
522) TERSE ➫ (সংনেপ্ত ) Syn:-To The Point, Succint Ant:-Verbose,
523) THRIFTY ➫ (নমত্ব্যয় ) Syn:-Economical, Frugal Ant:-Extravagant,
524) TIDY ➫ (পনরপানি ) Syn:-Neat, Ant:-Messy,
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525) TIMOROUS ➫ (েীরু ) Syn:-Timid, Pusillanimous Ant:-Intrepid, Fearless
526) TOLERATE ➫ (সহয করা ) Syn:-Endure, Bear Ant:-Forbid, Prohibit
527) TORPID ➫ (ন নস্তজ ) Syn:-Lethargic, Listless Ant:-Energetic, Vigorous
528) TORTUOUS ➫ (সনপথ ) Syn:-Wending, Sinuous Ant:-Straight, Direct
529) TRACTABLE ➫ (ব্শ মান এম ) Syn:-Docile, Amenable Ant:-Refractory, Unruly
530) TRANQUIL ➫ (শান্ত ) Syn:-Unruffled, Calm Ant:-Restless,
531) TRANSIENT ➫ (েণস্থায়ী ) Syn:-Transitory, Evanescent Ant:-Permanent,
532) TRANSPARENT ➫ (স্বচ্ছ ) Syn:-Lucid, Limpid Ant:-Opaque,
533) TREACHERY ➫ (নব্শ্বাসঘাত্কত্া ) Syn:-Perfidy, Betrayal Ant:-Loyalty,
534) TRIFLING ➫ (ত্ুচ্ছ ) Syn:-Trivial, Paltry Ant:-Significant,
535) TRITE ➫ ( ীরস ) Syn:-Pedestrian, Banal Ant:-Novel,
536) TRUCE ➫ (সামনয়ক ুি নব্রনত্ ) Syn:-Cease-Fire, Armistice Ant:-War, Fighting
537) TURBID ➫ (কদথমাি ) Syn:-Murky, Muddy Ant:-Limpid, Clear
538) UNANIMOUS ➫ (সব্থসম্মত্ ) Syn:-Showing Full Agreement, Ant:-Dissent,
539) UNAVOIDABLE ➫ (অব্শযম্ভাব্ী ) Syn:-Inevitable, Inleuctable Ant:-Doubtfull,
540) UNCONSCIOUS ➫ (অজ্ঞা ) Syn:-Senseless, Insensate Ant:-Conscious,
541) UNDISTURBED ➫ (শান্ত ) Syn:-Unruffled, Serene Ant:-Upset, Ruffled
542) UNFRIENDLY ➫ (প্রনত্কূ ) Syn:-Antagonistic, Ant:-Hospitable,
543) UNKEMPT ➫ (অপনরপানি ) Syn:-Tousled, Disheveled Ant:-Tidy, Orderly
544) UNWARY ➫ (অসাব্ধা ) Syn:-Heedless, Rash Ant:-Circumspect, Discreet
545) URGENT ➫ (জরুরী ) Syn:-Pressing, Critical Ant:-Trivial, Paltry
546) VACILLATE ➫ (নদ্ব্ধা করা ) Syn:-Hesitate, Waver Ant:-Determined, Steadfast
547) VAGUE ➫ (অস্পি ) Syn:-Indefinite, Imprecate Ant:-Clear-Cut, Specific
548) VALIANT ➫ (সাহসী ) Syn:-Courageous, Dintless Ant:-Craven, Fearful
549) VALOR ➫ (সাহস ) Syn:-Bravery, Fortitude Ant:-Cowardice,
550) VAPID ➫ (স্বাদহী ) Syn:-Dull, Insipid Ant:-Lively,
551) VENERATE ➫ (শ্রিা করা ) Syn:-Esteem, Honor Ant:-Scorn, Despise
552) VENGEANCE ➫ (প্রত্নহংসা ) Syn:-Revenge, Ant:-Pardon,
553) VERACIOUS ➫ (সত্যব্াদী ) Syn:-Truthful, Honest Ant:-Mendacious,
554) VERBOSE ➫ (শব্দব্হু ) Syn:-Prolix, Wordy Ant:-Laconic, Pithy
555) VEX ➫ (জ্বা াত্ করা ) Syn:-Irritate, Irk Ant:-Please,
556) VICIOUS ➫ (দুিনরি ) Syn:-Wicked, Ant:-Virtuous,
557) VIGILANT ➫ (সত্কথ প্রহরারত্ ) Syn:-Watchful, Alert Ant:-Negligent, Remiss
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558) VIGOR ➫ (জীব্ ীশনি ) Syn:-Vive, Vim Ant:-Lethargy,
559) VILIFY ➫ (ন ন্দা করা ) Syn:-Defame, Disparage Ant:-Praise, Commend
560) VIRTUOUS ➫ (ন নত্ক সদগুণসম্পন্ন ) Syn:-Morally Good, Moral Ant:-Wicked, Evil
561) VIRULENT ➫ (নব্ষাি ) Syn:-Poisonous, Deleterious Ant:-Innocuous,
562) VITAL ➫ (প্রাণব্ন্ত ) Syn:-Lively, Vibrant Ant:-Lethargic,
563) VOLUNTARY ➫ (স্বচ্ছা প্রদে ) Syn:-Volunteered, Free Will Ant:-Forced,
564) VULGAR ➫ (অেদ্র ) Syn:-Impolite, Plebeian Ant:-Refined, Aristocrat
565) VULNERABLE ➫ (েনত্ করা ায় এম ) Syn:-Susceptible, Defeterious Ant:-
566) WAVER ➫ (লদািা ায় পড়া ) Syn:-Vacillate, Ant:-Be Determined,
567) WEARY ➫ (শ্রান্ত ) Syn:-Tired, Exhausted Ant:-Energetic,
568) WHIMSICAL ➫ (লখয়া ী ) Syn:-Capricious, Fickle Ant:-Steady,
569) WILT ➫ (শুনকনয় াওয়া ) Syn:-Wither, Droop Ant:-Bloom,
570) WITHER ➫ (শুনকনয় াওয়া ) Syn:-Wilt, Dry Up Ant:-Flower,
571) WORDY ➫ (শব্দ ব্হু ) Syn:-Verbose, Prolix Ant:-Succinct, To The Point
572) WRINKLE ➫ (োাঁজ পড়া ) Syn:-Crease, Pucker Ant:-Smooth,
573) ZEAL ➫ (প্রব্ আগ্রহ ) Syn:-Fervor, Enthusiasm Ant:-Apathy,
574) ZENITH ➫ (শীষথ নব্ন্দু ) Syn:-Pinnacle, Acme Ant:-Nadir,
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1) ABILITY ➫ (সক্ষমতা) Synonym:-Worthy
Example:- Your performance is praise worthy
2) ABRUPT ➫ (আকস্মিক) Synonym:-Sudden
Example:- We became astonished at his sudden change
3) ABUSIVE ➫ (অপমানজনক) Synonym:-Derogatory
Example:- They made a derogatory remark about our performance
4) ACCOMMODATION ➫ (আবাসন) Synonym:-Shelter
Example:- Some political leaders shelter terrorists
5) ACCURATELY ➫ (যথাযথভাবব) Synonym:-Properly
Example:- We have done the work properly
6) ACHIEVE ➫ (অজজন করা) Synonym:-Earn
Example:- He earns much money every month
7) ACQUIRE ➫ (অজজন করা) Synonym:-Obtain
Example:- He has obtained good marks
8) ADEPT ➫ (দক্ষ) Synonym:-Expert
Example:- Our principal is adept in English
9) ADMIRE ➫ (প্রশংসা করা) Synonym:-Praise
Example:- We praised her performance highly
10) ADULT ➫ (প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক) Synonym:-Mature
Example:- You are mature enough to understand it
11) ALARMING ➫ (ত্রাসজনক) Synonym:-Terrible
Example:- Our experience about the matter was terrible in a word
12) ALARMINGLY ➫ (ত্রাসজনকভাবব) Synonym:-Frighteningly
Example:- Population is increasing frighteningly
13) ALTOGETHER ➫ (একবত্র) Synonym:-Totally
Example:- You are totally unaware about the matter
14) ANCIENT ➫ (পুরবনা) Synonym:-Old
Example:- Kader is an old man
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15) ANGUISH ➫ (স্মনদারুণ যন্ত্রণা) Synonym:-Agony
Example:- He has been suffering from mental agony
16) ANNOYED ➫ (স্মবরক্ত) Synonym:-Irritated
Example:- We were irritated at their behaviour
17) ANXIETY ➫ (উস্মিগ্নতা) Synonym:-Nervousness
Example:- He felt nervousness in the viva board
18) APPEAR ➫ (উপস্মিত হওয়া) Synonym:-Present
Example:- He presented himself before the court
19) APPROACH ➫ (আগমন করা) Synonym:-Come Near
Example:- Eid is coming near
20) ARROGANT ➫ (উদ্ধত) Synonym:-Haughty
Example:- A few people are haughty
21) ASSIST ➫ (সহায়তা করা) Synonym:-Co-Operate
Example:- I will co-operate you doing this work
22) ASTRINGENT ➫ (কব ার) Synonym:-Severe
Example:- I have faced severe traffic jam today
23) ATTENTION ➫ (মনবযাগ) Synonym:-Notice
Example:- The matter escaped our notice
24) AVOID ➫ (বজজন করা) Synonym:-Shun
Example:- We must shun this bad habit
25) BASEMENT ➫ (স্মভস্মি, স্মভত) Synonym:-Celler
Example:- He rented a celler
26) BENEFICIAL ➫ (উপকাস্মর) Synonym:-Helpful
Example:- Physical exercise is helpful for our health
27) BEWITCH ➫ (মুগ্ধ করা) Synonym:-Fascinate
Example:- The beauty of the young lady fascinated them
28) BIG ➫ (বড়) Synonym:-Large
Example:- They have a large playground
29) BLAME ➫ (অস্মভযুক্ত করা) Synonym:-Accuse
Example:- Why are you accusing me?
30) BOOKISH ➫ (পুস্মথগত) Synonym:-Studious
Example:- He is a studious boy
31) BOW ➫ (নত করা) Synonym:-Bend
Example:- A accused person is to bend his/her head down while entering jail
32) BRIBE ➫ (ঘুষ) Synonym:-Dishonest Money
Example:- He has vast amount of dishonest money
33) BRIGHT ➫ (আনন্দময়) Synonym:-Cheerful
Example:- You look cheerful today
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34) BRITTLE ➫ (ভঙ্গুর) Synonym:-Fragile
Example:- Her health is fragile
35) BRUTAL ➫ (স্মনষ্ঠু র) Synonym:-Cruel
Example:- The man is very cruel
36) BURDEN ➫ (ববাঝা) Synonym:-Load
Example:- He cannot carry so much load
37) CAREER ➫ (বপশা) Synonym:-Profession
Example:- Teaching is a dignified profession
38) CERTAINLY ➫ (স্মনস্মিতভাবব) Synonym:-Surely
Example:- They will surely come
39) CHAOS ➫ (স্মবশংখলা) Synonym:-Disorder
Example:- There was huge disorder there
40) CHEAP ➫ (সস্তা) Synonym:-Inexpensive
Example:- My dress in inexpensive one
41) CHIEF ➫ (প্রধান) Synonym:-Main
Example:- What is the main problem of Dhaka city?
42) CHOOSY ➫ (খুুঁতখুুঁবত) Synonym:-Fastidious
Example:- The girl is very choosy
43) CLEVER ➫ (চালাক) Synonym:-Intelligent
Example:- The man is very intelligent
44) COMBINE ➫ (সংযুক্ত করা বা হওয়া) Synonym:-Join
Example:- Mr. Toufiq has joined the army
45) COMBUSTIBLE ➫ (স্মববফারক) Synonym:-Explosive
Example:- Some militants have been arrested with explosive thing
46) COMMUNICATE ➫ (বযাগাবযাগ করা) Synonym:-Converse
Example:- They conversed to solve the matter
47) COMPLETELY ➫ (পুরাপুস্মর) Synonym:-Fully
Example:- We have fully done the work
48) COMPLEX ➫ (জস্মিল) Synonym:-Complicated
Example:- The matter is very complicated
49) COMPULSORY ➫ (বাধযতামূলক) Synonym:-Mandatory
Example:- Exercise is mandatory for players
50) CONCEPT ➫ (ধারণা) Synonym:-Idea
Example:- It was a good idea
51) CONDUCIVE ➫ (সহায়ক) Synonym:-Beneficial
Example:- Exercise is beneficial for our health
52) CONFUSION ➫ (স্মবভ্রাস্মি) Synonym:-Uncertainty
Example:- I have huge uncertainty about the matter
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53) CONSCIENCE ➫ (স্মবববক) Synonym:-Ethics
Example:- He is a man of strong ethics
54) CONSCIOUS ➫ (সবচতন) Synonym:-Aware
Example:- We are aware of the matter
55) CONSEQUENCE ➫ (ফলাফল) Synonym:-Result
Example:- He couldn’t make good result in English
56) CONSUMPTION ➫ (বযবহার) Synonym:-Use
Example:- We have to use our resources property
57) CONTAMINATE ➫ (দূস্মষত হওয়া) Synonym:-Pollute
Example:- Water is polluted in many ways
58) CONTAMINATION ➫ (দূষণ) Synonym:-Pollution
Example:- We have to stop water pollution
59) CONTEMPLATE ➫ (গভীরভাবব স্মচিা করা) Synonym:-Cogitate
Example:- We should cogitate on the matter
60) CONTENTMENT ➫ (সন্তুস্মি) Synonym:-Satisfaction
Example:- Mental satisfaction is a great thing
61) CONVEY ➫ (বপৌঁবে দদওয়া) Synonym:-Carry
Example:- Who will carry this load?
62) CORDIAL ➫ (আিস্মরক) Synonym:-Friendly
Example:- They behaved friendly with us
63) CORRECT ➫ (সস্ম ক) Synonym:-Flawless
Example:- He is a man of flawless character
64) COURAGE ➫ (সাহস) Synonym:-Bravery
Example:- He is famous for his bravery
65) COURTESY ➫ (স্মশিাচার) Synonym:-Modesty
Example:- I love him for his modesty
66) CREATIVITY ➫ (নতুনত্ব) Synonym:-Innovation
Example:- We praise your innovation
67) CUSTOM ➫ (প্রথা) Synonym:-Tradition
Example:- This is our age-old tradition
68) DARE ➫ (সাহস করা) Synonym:-Challenge
Example:- He challenged them over the matter
69) DEARTH ➫ (সংঙ্কি) Synonym:-Crisis
Example:- Dhaka dwellers suffer from pure water crisis
70) DECLINE ➫ (কমা) Synonym:-Decrease
Example:- Temperature decreases at night
71) DELICATE ➫ (দুবজল) Synonym:-Weak
Example:- His health is very weak
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72) DELICIOUS ➫ (সুস্বাদু) Synonym:-Tasty
Example:- Summer fruits are very tasty
73) DEPENDENCE ➫ (স্মনভজরশীলতা) Synonym:-Reliance
Example:- Self-reliance is needed for development
74) DEPICT ➫ (স্মচস্মিত করা) Synonym:-Narrate
Example:- The man narrated the story
75) DESIRE ➫ (প্রতযাশা করা) Synonym:-Expect
Example:- I expect you to attend all classes
76) DESPAIR ➫ (স্মনরাশা) Synonym:-Disappointment
Example:- His disappointment discouraged him to do the work
77) DESTROY ➫ (ধ্বংস করা) Synonym:-Damage
Example:- The flood of 1998 damaged this road
78) DESTROY ➫ (ধ্বংস করা) Synonym:-Abolish
Example:- The authority has abolished the unauthorized structure
79) DETER ➫ (স্মনরুৎসাস্মহত করা) Synonym:-Discourage
Example:- We did not discourage them
80) DETRIMENTAL ➫ (ক্ষস্মতকর) Synonym:-Harmful
Example:- Smoking is harmful for health
81) DIMINISH ➫ (কমা) Synonym:-Reduce
Example:- The government is trying to reduce the price of essential goods
82) DISCOVERY ➫ (আস্মবষ্কার) Synonym:-Finding
Example:- What is the finding of the research?
83) DISCRIMINATION ➫ (ববষময) Synonym:-Disparity
Example:- We should raise our voice against disparity
84) DISGUSTING ➫ (স্মবরস্মক্তকর) Synonym:-Irritating
Example:- We felt irritating at their house
85) DISPUTE ➫ (স্মবতকজ) Synonym:-Debate
Example:- There is no debate about him
86) DIVINE ➫ (স্বগজীয়) Synonym:-Sacred
Example:- They retained sacred relationship between them
87) DROUGHT ➫ (খরা/অনাবস্মি) Synonym:-Rainless
Example:- The winter is mainly rainless in our country
88) DULL ➫ (নীরস) Synonym:-Boring
Example:- The class was boring
89) DWELLER ➫ (বাস্মসন্দা) Synonym:-Resident
Example:- They are residents of Dhaka
90) EDUCATION ➫ (স্মশক্ষা) Synonym:-Learning
Example:- Is it easy to learn English?
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91) ELEGANT ➫ (রুস্মচশীল) Synonym:-Excellent
Example:- Your performance was excellent
92) ELEMENT ➫ (উপাদান) Synonym:-Ingredient
Example:- What is the ingredient of ice-cream?
93) EMBELLISH ➫ (অলংকত করা) Synonym:-Adorn
Example:- Her hair was adorned with flowers
94) ENHANCE ➫ (বস্মদ্ধ করা) Synonym:-Increase
Example:- Fuel price has increased
95) ENMITY ➫ (শত্রুতা) Synonym:-Hostility
Example:- There was open hostility between the two brothers
96) ENNOBLE ➫ (মযজাদা সম্পন্ন করা) Synonym:-To Make Noble
Example:- It is not easy to make one noble
97) ENTIRE ➫ (সম্পূণজ) Synonym:-Whole
Example:- Where did the stay the whole night?
98) ESSENTIAL ➫ (গুরুত্বপূণজ) Synonym:-Important
Example:- This information is very important for us
99) ETERNAL ➫ (স্মচরিায়ী) Synonym:-Unending
Example:- This world is not unending
100) EVIL ➫ (খারাপ) Synonym:-Bad
Example:- A snatcher is a bad man who is your best friend?
101) EXERT ➫ (প্রবয়াগ করা) Synonym:-Apply
Example:- They didn’t apply this law equally
102) EXPENSIVE ➫ (বযয়বহুল) Synonym:-Costly
Example:- She bought a costly phone-set
103) EXPORT ➫ (রপ্তানী করা) Synonym:-Sell Abroad
Example:- Bangladesh exports garment products
104) EXPOSE ➫ (প্রকাশ করা) Synonym:-Reveal
Example:- At last the accused revealed the truth
105) FACTUAL ➫ (বস্ত্িস্মনষ্ঠ) Synonym:-Accurate
Example:- We need accurate information
106) FAITHFUL ➫ (স্মবশ্বাসী) Synonym:-Loyal
Example:- Loyal people are honoured at long last
107) FAITHFUL ➫ (স্মবশ্বাসী) Synonym:-Loyal
Example:- The man is loyal to his master
108) FAME ➫ (খযাস্মত) Synonym:-Reputation
Example:- As a punctual and hard working man, he has repulation
109) FAMOUS ➫ (স্মবখযাত) Synonym:-Renowned
Example:- Their university is very nenowred
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110) FAVOUR ➫ (পক্ষ অবলম্বন করা) Synonym:-Support
Example:- They supported us to do the work
111) FINANCE Synonym:-Funding
Example:- They have taken some steps to arrange funding for the project
112) FINE ➫ (সুন্দর) Synonym:-Beautiful
Example:- Today’s weather is beautiful
113) FINITE ➫ (সীস্মমত) Synonym:-Limited
Example:- Our capacity is limited
114) FREE ➫ (স্বাধীন) Synonym:-Independent
Example:- Bangladesh is an independent nation
115) FREQUENTLY ➫ (ঘন ঘন) Synonym:-Often
Example:- He often comes here
116) GARBAGE ➫ (আবজজনা) Synonym:-Waste
Example:- We shouldn’t dump waste here and there
117) GENERALLY ➫ (সাধারণত) Synonym:-Ordinarily
Example:- He ordinarily comes here every week
118) GENUINE ➫ (আস্মদ) Synonym:-Original
Example:- This is original copy
119) GENUINE ➫ (খাুঁস্মি) Synonym:-Real
Example:- These flowers are real
120) GIVE ➫ (বদওয়া) Synonym:-Offer
Example:- The Chairman offered her a good job
121) GRADUAL ➫ (পযজায়ক্রস্মমক) Synonym:-Regular
Example:- We have to be regular in our class
122) GREAT ➫ (মহৎ) Synonym:-Noble
Example:- Mr. Abu Syed is a noble minded man
123) GRIEF ➫ (দু:খ) Synonym:-Sorrow
Example:- This is a matter of great sorrow
124) GROTESQUE ➫ (বনাংরা) Synonym:-Ugly
Example:- A dog without a tail looks ugly
125) GUESS ➫ (অনুমান করা) Synonym:-Predict
Example:- I cannot predict anything about the matter
126) HANDSOME ➫ (সুন্দর) Synonym:-Beautiful
Example:- Rani is a beautiful lady
127) HARD ➫ (কস্ম ন) Synonym:-Difficult
Example:- It is very difficult to climb up Everest
128) HARMONIOUS ➫ (শ্রুস্মতমধুর) Synonym:-Melodious
Example:- The girl sang us a song in a melodious voice
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129) HARSH ➫ (ককজশ) Synonym:-Unkind
Example:- Their unkind behaviour hurt us
130) HATE ➫ (ঘণা করা) Synonym:-Abhor
Example:- We abhor all sorts of cheating
131) HIGH ➫ (উচু) Synonym:-Tall
Example:- This tower is big and tall
132) HORROR ➫ (আতঙ্ক) Synonym:-Dismay
Example:- To my utter dismay, I discovered that I had lost my passport
133) IGNOBLE ➫ (নীচ জঘনয) Synonym:-Mean
Example:- He is a mean minded man
134) IGNORANT ➫ (অজ্ঞ) Synonym:-Illiterate
Example:- Illiterate people are burden for a country
135) IMPLEMENT ➫ (বাস্তবায়ন করা) Synonym:-Materialize
Example:- We have materialized the decision
136) INCENTIVE ➫ (উদ্দীপনা) Synonym:-Motivation
Example:- Motivation inspires us to work more
137) INDUSTRIOUS ➫ (পস্মরশ্রমী) Synonym:-Diligent
Example:- Runa is diligent
138) INFLUENCE ➫ (প্রভাব) Synonym:-Impact
Example:- Climate change has negative impact on our life
139) INFORMATION ➫ (তথয) Synonym:-Data
Example:- I do not have enough data about the matter
140) INITIAL ➫ (প্রাথস্মমক) Synonym:-Primary
Example:- They do not have primary knowledge of English
141) INSUFFICIENT ➫ (অপযজাপ্ত) Synonym:-Inadequate
Example:- We had inadequate food
142) INTERESTED ➫ (উৎসাহী) Synonym:-Curious
Example:- We are curious to learn more
143) INTRODUCE ➫ (অবতারণা করা) Synonym:-Insert
Example:- It has been inserted
144) JUDGE ➫ (স্মবচার করা) Synonym:-Assess
Example:- They will give you a test to assess your position
145) KEEN ➫ (তীব্র) Synonym:-Dedicated
Example:- He is dedicated to his work
146) KIND ➫ (দয়ালু) Synonym:-Affectionate
Example:- My parents are very affectionate to me
147) KNOWLEDGE ➫ (জ্ঞান) Synonym:-Intelligence
Example:- She has intelligence
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148) LEAD ➫ (বনতত্ব দদওয়া) Synonym:-Guide
Example:- He guided us there
149) LESSEN ➫ (কমাবনা) Synonym:-Reduce
Example:- We have to reduce traffic jam
150) LITERACY ➫ (সাক্ষরতা) Synonym:-Ability To Read And Write
Example:- He has ability to read and write
151) LITERATE ➫ (স্মশস্মক্ষত) Synonym:-Educated
Example:- He is an educated man
152) LITTLE ➫ (বোি) Synonym:-Small
Example:- The man lives in a small house
153) LOYALTY ➫ (স্মবশ্বস্ততা) Synonym:-Dedication
Example:- He has strong dedication to serve the poor
154) MEDIATE ➫ (মধযিতা করা) Synonym:-Arbitrate
Example:- The leader arbitrated and settled the dispute
155) MEDICINE ➫ (ঔষধ) Synonym:-Drug
Example:- Drug is essential for our life
156) MEDITATE ➫ (স্মচিা করা, ভাবা) Synonym:-Think
Example:- We will think of the matter
157) MILD ➫ (হাল্কা) Synonym:-Soft
Example:- My mother’s mind is very soft
158) MIRACLE ➫ (অবলৌস্মকক ঘিনা) Synonym:-Wonder
Example:- His survival from the plane crash is a wonder
159) MISTAKE ➫ (ভু ল) Synonym:-Error
Example:- It was a great error
160) MOURN ➫ (দশাক করা) Synonym:-Grieve
Example:- The whole nation grieved over his death
161) MUSICAL ➫ (সুবরলা) Synonym:-Melodious
Example:- The singer was singing in a melodious voice
162) NATURAL ➫ (প্রাকস্মতক) Synonym:-Real
Example:- freedom fighters are the real heroes
163) NECESSARILY ➫ (আবস্মশযকভাবব) Synonym:-Essentially
Example:- It does not essentially mean that he is a bad man
164) NERVOUS ➫ (স্মবচস্মলত) Synonym:-Afraid
Example:- Are you afraid of them?
165) NOISY ➫ (বগালবযাগপূণজ) Synonym:-Chaotic
Example:- Chaotic situation is prevailing there
166) OPPORTUNITIES ➫ (সুস্মবধা) Synonym:-Amenities
Example:- People of Dhaka city enjoy many amenities
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167) OPPOSITE ➫ (স্মববরাধী) Synonym:-Against
Example:- They raised voice against us
168) OPTIMISM ➫ (আশাবাদ) Synonym:-Hopefulness
Example:- Their hopefulness encouraged us to continue
169) PAIN ➫ (বযথা) Synonym:-Sufferings
Example:- Whimsical decision brings much sufferings
170) PANTHEISM ➫ (সবজবদবতার উপাসনা, সববজশ্বরবাদ) Synonym:-Belief In Many Or All
Example:- Wordsworth believed in pantheism
171) PARTICIPATION ➫ (অংশগ্রহণ) Synonym:-Involvement
Example:- The police didn’t find his involvement in the murder
172) PARTICULAR ➫ (সুস্মনস্মদজি) Synonym:-Specific
Example:- There is no specific reason
173) PATH ➫ (পথ) Synonym:-Route
Example:- This route leads to Gulistan
174) PATTERN ➫ (ধরণ) Synonym:-Manner
Example:- Their manner is praise worthy
175) PATTERN ➫ (কারুকাজ) Synonym:-Decoration
Example:- The decoration of their drawing room is really beautiful
176) PEACE ➫ (শাস্মি) Synonym:-Calm
Example:- The weather of their area is calm
177) PEAK ➫ (শীষজ) Synonym:-Top
Example:- Your name is on the top of the list
178) PECULIAR ➫ (অদ্ভুদ) Synonym:-Strange
Example:- His behaviour was strange
179) PERENNIAL ➫ (িায়ী) Synonym:-Permanent
Example:- What is your permanent address?
180) PERSEVERANCE ➫ (অধযাবসায়) Synonym:-Firmness
Example:- Her firmness to do the work attracted us
181) PIERCE ➫ (স্মেদ্র করা) Synonym:-Stab
Example:- The robber stabbed the man with a knife
182) PLAYWRIGHT ➫ (নািযকার) Synonym:-Dramatist
Example:- Shakespeare was a noted dramatist
183) PLEASANT ➫ (আনন্দঘন) Synonym:-Happy
Example:- We spent happy time there
184) PRETTY ➫ (আকষজণীয়) Synonym:-Attractive
Example:- Her appearance is very attractive
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185) PRIMITIVE ➫ (প্রাচীন) Synonym:-Ancient
Example:- This tradition was seen in ancient society
186) PRINCIPAL ➫ (প্রধান) Synonym:-Main
Example:- Main verb is important part of a sentence
187) PROCESS ➫ (প্রস্মক্রয়া) Synonym:-System
Example:- This is no doubt a good system
188) PROFESSION ➫ (বপশা) Synonym:-Job
Example:- What’s your job?
189) PROMINENCE ➫ (খযাস্মত) Synonym:-Fame
Example:- Mr. mannan has a huge fame in his locality
190) PROSPECTIVE ➫ (সম্ভাবনাময়) Synonym:-Promising
Example:- He is a promising boy
191) PROSPEROUS ➫ (সফল) Synonym:-Successful
Example:- He is a successful man
192) QUICK ➫ (দ্রুত) Synonym:-Fast
Example:- We should walk fast to get the train
193) QUITE ➫ (পুরাপুস্মর) Synonym:-Absolutely
Example:- You are absolutely right
194) RAISE ➫ (উ াবনা) Synonym:-Enhance
Example:- They will enhance their investment
195) REALIZE ➫ (উপলস্মি করা) Synonym:-Understand
Example:- I didn’t understand the structure
196) RECREATION ➫ (স্মববনাদন) Synonym:-Entertainment
Example:- Entertainment is needed for life
197) REDUCE ➫ (কমাবনা) Synonym:-Decrease
Example:- The price of vegetables decreases in winter
198) REGAIN ➫ (পুনরায় লাভ করা) Synonym:-Revive
Example:- The soldier revived his strength and fought bravely
199) REMAIN ➫ (থাকা) Synonym:-Contain
Example:- Tea contains sugar and water
200) REMOTE ➫ (দূরবতজী) Synonym:-Distant
Example:- They went to distant places to help flood affected people
201) RESPONSIBILITY ➫ (দাস্ময়ত্ব) Synonym:-Duty
Example:- It is our duty to respect our parents
202) REVOLT ➫ (স্মববদ্রাহ) Synonym:-Rebellion
Example:- The army brought the rebellion under control successfully
203) RUBBISH ➫ (বজজয) Synonym:-Waste
Example:- Unconscious people dump their waste here and there
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204) RUDE ➫ (রুঢ়) Synonym:-Impolite
Example:- He was very impolite that day
205) RUIN ➫ (ধ্বংস) Synonym:-Destruction
Example:- Destruction of forest is dreadful for us
206) SAFE ➫ (স্মনরাপদ) Synonym:-Secure
Example:- We don’t feel quite secure in Dhaka
207) SELFISH ➫ (স্বাথজপর) Synonym:-Unhelpful
Example:- I don’t like unhelpful people
208) SELFISHNESS ➫ (স্বাথজপরতা) Synonym:-Meanness
Example:- Her meanness astonished us
209) SERENE ➫ (শাি) Synonym:-Calm
Example:- The sea was calm
210) SHARP ➫ (তীক্ষ্ণ) Synonym:-Pointed
Example:- The pointed part of the machine is used to cut papers
211) SIGNIFICANT ➫ (গুরুত্বপূণজ) Synonym:-Important
Example:- This information is very important to take decision
212) SKILLED ➫ (দক্ষ) Synonym:-Efficient
Example:- We need efficient people
213) SLOW ➫ (দদস্মর) Synonym:-Sluggish
Example:- The pulse of the patient was sluggish
214) SOBER ➫ (শাি) Synonym:-Calm
Example:- The sea was calm that time
215) STARVATION ➫ (দুস্মভজক্ষ) Synonym:-Hunger
Example:- Many people die of hunger
216) STENCH ➫ (দুগজন্ধ েড়াবনা) Synonym:-Stink
Example:- Your hand stinks of onion
217) STRIFE ➫ (স্মববাদ) Synonym:-Conflict
Example:- The two groups are in perpetual strife
218) STRUGGLE ➫ (সংগ্রাম করা) Synonym:-Fight
Example:- We should fight against stalking
219) SUBTERFUGE ➫ (েল-চাতুরী) Synonym:-Cheat
Example:- He cheated us
220) SUCCESS ➫ (সফলতা) Synonym:-Prosperity
Example:- Everyone wants to achieve prosperity
221) SUCCESSFUL ➫ (সফল) Synonym:-Winning
Example:- Winning team will receive five lakh taka
222) SURREPTIOUSLY ➫ (চুস্মপসাবর) Synonym:-Secretly
Example:- He left the place secretly
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223) TEMPORARY ➫ (ক্ষণিায়ী) Synonym:-Transient
Example:- Many transient workers are working in that company
224) THROUGHOUT ➫ (সবজত্র) Synonym:-Everywhere
Example:- His name and fame reached everywhere
225) TIE ➫ (বাধা) Synonym:-Bind
Example:- Bind the book carefully
226) TRADITIONALLY ➫ (প্রথাগতভাবব) Synonym:-Customarily
Example:- It is becoming popular customarily
227) TRANQUIL ➫ (শাি) Synonym:-Serene
Example:- The environment was serene
228) TRAVELING ➫ (ভ্রমণ) Synonym:-Tour
Example:- Her father is in an official tour
229) TROUPE ➫ (সঙ্গী) Synonym:-Company
Example:- We should avoid bad company
230) UGLY ➫ (দনাংরা) Synonym:-Messy
Example:- We don’t do any messy job
231) UNCERTAIN ➫ (অস্মনস্মিত) Synonym:-Unsure
Example:- His return from abroad is unsure
232) UNDAUNTED ➫ (অকু বতাভয়) Synonym:-Fearless
Example:- Freedom fighters were fearless to fight against enemies
233) UNFORTUNATELY ➫ (দুভজাগযবশত) Synonym:-Unluckily
Example:- He couldn’t pass unluckily
234) UNMINDFUL ➫ (অমনবযাগী) Synonym:-Inattentive
Example:- The student was inattentive in his class
235) UPLIFT ➫ (উন্নত করা) Synonym:-Develop
Example:- Bangladesh is developing day by day
236) VAGRANT ➫ (ভবঘুবর) Synonym:-Vagabond
Example:- Some people live in vagabond centre
237) VARIOUS ➫ (স্মবস্মভন্ন) Synonym:-Different
Example:- We bought different categories of books
238) VEHICLE ➫ (যানবাহন) Synonym:-Car
Example:- Cars are mostly responsible for traffic jam
239) VENTURE ➫ (উবদযাগ) Synonym:-Endeavour
Example:- This is an excellent endeavour
240) VIRTUOUS ➫ (ধাস্মমজক) Synonym:-Pious
Example:- The pious are always happy
241) VITAL ➫ (অতযাবশযক) Synonym:-Essential
Example:- Oxygen is essential for our life
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242) VITAL ➫ (প্রধান) Synonym:-Major
Example:- We have taken it as a major subject
243) WARSHIP ➫ (যুদ্ধ জাহাজ) Synonym:-War Vessel
Example:- The USA sent war vessel to fight against the enemies
244) WEALTH ➫ (সম্পদ) Synonym:-Property
Example:- Mr. Rakib has vast property
245) WEAVER ➫ (দদাদুলযমান বযস্মক্ত) Synonym:-Dither
Example:- A dither man cannot take decision easily
246) WONDER ➫ (আিযজ হওয়া) Synonym:-Surprise
Example:- I was surprised hearing the news
247) WORRIED ➫ (স্মচস্মিত) Synonym:-Anxious
Example:- We were anxious about his success
248) WORRY ➫ (দুস্মিিা) Synonym:-Tension
Example:- He can’t sleep due to tension
249) WRITE ➫ (বলখা) Synonym:-Note
Example:- I will note down the important points
250) WRONG ➫ (ভু ল) Synonym:-Mistaken
Example:- You are mistaken
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1) ABIDE ➫ (দমবন চলা) Antonym:-Disobey
Example:- We don’t disobey law of the land
2) ABOLISH ➫ (ধ্বংস করা) Antonym:-Create
Example:- It is very tough to create something
3) ABOUND ➫ (প্রচুর) Antonym:-Shortage
Example:- There is huge shortage of fund
4) ACCEPT ➫ (গ্রহণ করা) Antonym:-Refuse
Example:- The girl refused the proposal
5) ACCESSIBLE ➫ (প্রববশবযাগয) Antonym:-Inaccessible
Example:- Their room is fully inaccessible for us
6) ADAMANT ➫ (অনড়) Antonym:-Flexible
Example:- Their position is flexible
7) ADEPT ➫ (দক্ষ) Antonym:-Weak
Example:- Ratul is weak in English
8) ADEQUATE ➫ (পযজাপ্ত) Antonym:-Inadequate
Example:- I had inadequate information
9) ADMIRE ➫ (প্রশংসা করা) Antonym:-Hate
Example:- We hate a liar
10) ADULTERATE ➫ (দভজাল স্মমশাবনা) Antonym:-Purify
Example:- We have to purify our hearts
11) AMBIGUOUS ➫ (অস্পি) Antonym:-Clear
Example:- This matter is not clear to me
12) ANARCHY ➫ (বনরাজয) Antonym:-Peace
Example:- Our life in this world is not full of peace
13) APPEAR ➫ (আস্মবভূ জত হওয়া) Antonym:-Disappear
Example:- The thief quickly disappeared from the scene
14) APPRECIATE ➫ (প্রশংসা করা) Antonym:-Criticise
Example:- He has been nakedly criticised
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15) APPROPRIATE ➫ (উপযুক্ত) Antonym:-Inappropriate
Example:- Their conduct was inappropriate
16) APPROPRIATE ➫ (উপযুক্ত) Antonym:-Wrong
Example:- They gave me wrong information
17) APPROXIMATELY ➫ (প্রায়) Antonym:-Exact
Example:- Do you know the exact figure
18) ARREST ➫ (দগ্রফতার করা) Antonym:-Release
Example:- The police did not release the culprit
19) ASSET ➫ (সম্পদ) Antonym:-Liability
Example:- ABC company’s liability is higher than its asset
20) ATTAIN ➫ (অজজন করা) Antonym:-Lose ➫ (হারাবনা)
Example:- Have you lost anything?
21) ATTRACTIVE ➫ (আকষজনীয়) Antonym:-Repulsive
Example:- Her behaviour was repulsive
22) AUTHENTIC ➫ (খাুঁস্মি) Antonym:-Inauthentic
Example:- The news of their divorce is inauthentic
23) AUTOCRATIC(একনায়কতাস্মন্ত্রক) Antonym:-Democratic
Example:- Democatic system is better for people
24) AWARD ➫ (পুরষ্কার) Antonym:-Blame
Example:- We won’t blame them for this
25) AWARENESS ➫ (সবচতনতা) Antonym:-Unconscious-Ness
Example:- They suffered a lot due to their unconsciousness
26) BAGGY ➫ (দ ালা) Antonym:-Tight
Example:- Your dress has been very tight
27) BEAUTIFUL ➫ (সুন্দর) Antonym:-Ugly
Example:- The dog is an ugly animal
28) BEFOREHAND ➫ (সবার আবগ) Antonym:-Previous
Example:- He was a minister of previous government
29) BELIEF ➫ (স্মবশ্বাস) Antonym:-Disbelief ➫ (অস্মবশ্বাস)
Example:- There are some people who have disbelief in Allah
30) BENEFIT ➫ (উপকার) Antonym:-Harm
Example:- Addiction brings a great harm for us
31) BLEAK ➫ (হতাশাবযঞ্জক) Antonym:-Bright
Example:- Your future is bright
32) BLESSING ➫ (আশজীবাদ) Antonym:-Curse
Example:- A mother never curses her children
33) BLIGHT ➫ (অস্মনি) Antonym:-Blessings
Example:- The rain came as blessings
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34) BLITHE ➫ (হাস্মসখুস্মশ) Antonym:-Anxious
Example:- Rais was anxious about his result
35) BONNY ➫ (সুশ্রী) Antonym:-Ugly
Example:- The crow is an ugly bird
36) BRAVE ➫ (সাহসী) Antonym:-Coward
Example:- He was a coward
37) BRIEF ➫ (সংবক্ষপ) Antonym:-Long
Example:- It was a long story
38) BRIEF ➫ (সংবক্ষপ) Antonym:-Elaborate
Example:- You have to make elaborate discussion
39) BROAD ➫ (প্রশস্ত) Antonym:-Narrow
Example:- Most of the roads of old Dhaka are narrow
40) BUSY ➫ (বযস্ত) Antonym:-Free
Example:- Are you free this evening?
41) CALM ➫ (শাি) Antonym:-Agitated
Example:- The police threw tear gas to disperse agitated mob
42) CALM(শাি) Antonym:-Excited
Example:- Why are you so excited?
43) CANCEL ➫ (বাস্মতল করা) Antonym:-Enforce
Example:- Law enforcing agency enforces law
44) CAREFULLY ➫ (সাবধাবন) Antonym:-Carelessly
Example:- The man handled the materials carelessly
45) CEASE ➫ (থামা) Antonym:-Start
Example:- Our class will start after a few days
46) CHEAP ➫ (সস্তা) Antonym:-High
Example:- The price of vegetables is very high
47) CHILDISH ➫ (স্মশশু সুলভ) Antonym:-Mature
Example:- You aren’t mature in habits
48) CHOOSY ➫ (খুুঁত খুুঁবত) Antonym:-Indifferent
Example:- The boy is indifferent to his study
49) CLOSE ➫ (স্মনকবি) Antonym:-Far
Example:- They live far away from Dhaka
50) CLOSE(স্মনকবি) Antonym:-Distant
Example:- They came here from a distant place
51) CLUMSY ➫ (অমাস্মজজত) Antonym:-Decent
Example:- She came wearing a decent dress
52) COMEDY ➫ (হাসযরসাত্মক) Antonym:-Tragedy
Example:- He had a great tragedy in his life
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53) COMPLY ➫ (অনুসরণ করা) Antonym:-Disagree
Example:- I will disagree with you
54) CONFIDENT ➫ (আিাশীল) Antonym:-Doubtful
Example:- I am doubtful about your eagerness
55) CONFIRM ➫ (স্মনস্মিত করা) Antonym:-Cancel
Example:- We have cancelled our programme
56) CONSTRUCTION ➫ (গ ন) Antonym:-Destruction
Example:- We should refrain from all sorts of destruction
57) COURAGE ➫ (সাহস) Antonym:-Fear
Example:- You have no fear here
58) CREDIBLE ➫ (স্মবশ্বাসবযাগয) Antonym:-Incredible
Example:- The man narrated an incredible story
59) DAMAGE ➫ (ক্ষস্মত) Antonym:-Profit
Example:- Many businessmen earn higher profit
60) DANGER ➫ (স্মবপদ) Antonym:-Safety
Example:- Social safety is a must for people
61) DARING ➫ (সাহসী) Antonym:-Timid
Example:- Sakib is not a timid person
62) DARK ➫ (অন্ধকার) Antonym:-Light
Example:- There was no light there at that dark night
63) DECLARE ➫ (দঘাষণা করা) Antonym:-Hide
Example:- He will hide information
64) DECLARE ➫ (দঘাষনা করা) Antonym:-Hide
Example:- We did not hide the truth
65) DECLINE ➫ (প্রতযাখান করা) Antonym:-Agree
Example:- Do you agree with us?
66) DEFEAT ➫ (পরাজয়) Antonym:-Win
Example:- Bangladesh could not win the match
67) DELETE ➫ (মুবে দফলা) Antonym:-Undelete
Example:- Undelete the line
68) DELICATE ➫ (দুবজল) Antonym:-Strong
Example:- We are in favour of strong family bondage
69) DELIGHT ➫ (আনন্দ) Antonym:-Sorrow
Example:- There is none to see her sorrow
70) DELIGHT ➫ (আনন্দ) Antonym:-Sorrow
Example:- There is none to see the sorrow of the widow
71) DEPARTURE ➫ (প্রিান) Antonym:-Arrival
Example:- These shoes are new arrival
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72) DEVELOPMENT ➫ (উন্নয়ন) Antonym:-Backwardness
Example:- They suffered a lot due to their backwardness
73) DEVIATE ➫ (স্মবচুযত হওয়া) Antonym:-Adhere To
Example:- We will adhere to our principles
74) DIMINISH ➫ (কমা/হ্রাস পাওয়া) Antonym:-Increase
Example:- Problems of Dhaka city are increasing day by day
75) DISPARITY ➫ (অসমতা) Antonym:-Parity
Example:- Parity should be established in the society
76) DISTRESS ➫ (স্মনদারুণ যন্ত্রণা) Antonym:-Pleasure
Example:- We should read books for pleasure
77) DIVINE ➫ (স্বগজীয়) Antonym:-Hellish
Example:- Many people suffer from helish pain in this world
78) DRY ➫ (শুকনা) Antonym:-Wet
Example:- Place the wet clothes in the sun
79) DULL ➫ (দভাতা) Antonym:-Sharp
Example:- Mr. Ruhul’s brain is very sharp
80) EARLY ➫ (তাড়াতাস্মড়) Antonym:-Late
Example:- He was late by two hours
81) EARNEST ➫ (আিস্মরক) Antonym:-Insincere
Example:- They seemed to be insincere
82) EFFEMINATE(বমবয়স্মল স্বভাব) Antonym:-Manly
Example:- Being a man, you should behave manly
83) ELDERLY ➫ (দপ্রৌঢ়) Antonym:-Younger
Example:- Do you have any younger brother?
84) EMINENT ➫ (প্রখযাত) Antonym:-Unknown
Example:- The man is unknown here
85) EMPTY ➫ (খাস্মল) Antonym:-Replete/Full
Example:- The shop is replete with various items
86) ENMITY ➫ (শত্রুতা) Antonym:-Friendship
Example:- Do you have friendship with them?
87) ENORMOUS ➫ (স্মবশাল) Antonym:-Trivial
Example:- Slum dwellers quarrel over trivial matters
88) EXCESS ➫ (অস্মতস্মরক্ত) Antonym:-Deficiency
Example:- We have huge deficiency in fund
89) EXCLUDE ➫ (বাদ দদওয়া) Antonym:-Include
Example:- Your name has been included in the list
90) EXCLUSIVE ➫ (বজজনকর) Antonym:-Inclusive
Example:- This is inclusive figure
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91) EXHIBIT ➫ (প্রদশজন করা) Antonym:-Hide
Example:- Do not hide the truth
92) EXISTANCE ➫ (অস্মস্তত্ব) Antonym:-Extinction
Example:- People are responsible for the extinction of many animals
93) EXTRAVAGANT ➫ (অপবযয়ী) Antonym:-Economical
Example:- We should be economical in our life
94) FAITHFUL ➫ (স্মবশ্বাসী) Antonym:-Unfaithful
Example:- Some people are unfaithful
95) FAME ➫ (খযাস্মত) Antonym:-Notoriety
Example:- People hate the terrorist for his notoriety
96) FAMILIAR ➫ (পস্মরস্মচত) Antonym:-Unfamiliar
Example:- The man is unfamiliar here
97) FAMOUS ➫ (স্মবখযাত) Antonym:-Notorious
Example:- Ershad Shikdar was a notorious man
98) FERTILE ➫ (উবজর) Antonym:-Barren
Example:- In costal area, land is becoming barren due to saline water
99) FLATTER ➫ (বতাষাবমাদ করা) Antonym:-Censure
Example:- Mass people censured the leader for wrong decision
100) FLEXIBLE ➫ (নমনীয়) Antonym:-Rigid
Example:- Our position will be rigid
101) FOLLOW ➫ (অনুসরণ করা) Antonym:-Retreat
102) (পিািাবন করা)
Example:- The Pakistani forces retreated seeing the freedom fighters
103) FRIEND ➫ (বন্ধু ) Antonym:-Foe
Example:- Beaware of your foe
104) GENUINE ➫ (খাুঁস্মি) Antonym:-Fake
Example:- The police have recovered some fake currency
105) GIGANTIC ➫ (স্মবশাল) Antonym:-Small
Example:- They live in a small house
106) GLOOMY ➫ (মন মরা) Antonym:-Cheerful
Example:- They seemed to be cheerful
107) GOOD ➫ (ভাল) Antonym:-Bad
Example:- We should shun bad companies
108) GREAT ➫ (মহৎ) Antonym:-Unkind
Example:- Some rich people are unkind to the poor
109) HAPPY ➫ (সুখী) Antonym:-Unhappy
Example:- Many people are unhappy in this world
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110) HARD ➫ (শক্ত) Antonym:-Soft
Example:- Mr. Sajid is a soft-minded man
111) HARSH ➫ (ককজশ) Antonym:-Sweet
Example:- The cuckoo sings with its sweet voice
112) HATE ➫ (ঘণা করা) Antonym:-Love
Example:- Do you love your country?
113) HATEFUL ➫ (ঘণয) Antonym:-Loveable
Example:- The baby is very loveable
114) HIDEOUS ➫ (অস্মত কু ৎস্মসত) Antonym:-Beautiful
Example:- She is a beautiful lady
115) HOLY ➫ (পস্মবত্র) Antonym:-Unholy
Example:- Unholy alliance is always harmful
116) HONEST ➫ (সৎ) Antonym:-Dishonest
Example:- Many people are dishonest in our society
117) HOPE ➫ (আশা) Antonym:-Despair
Example:- His hope has turned into despair
118) HOSTILE ➫ (শত্রুভাবাপন্ন) Antonym:-Friendly
Example:- We have friendly relationship with them
119) HUGE ➫ (বযাপক) Antonym:-Little
Example:- There is a little milk in the glass
120) HUMAN ➫ (মানস্মবক) Antonym:-Inhuman
Example:- They committed inhuman work
121) HUMANE ➫ (পরদুুঃখকাতর) Antonym:-Cruel
Example:- Are you a cruel man?
122) HUMBLE ➫ (স্মবনয়ী) Antonym:-Proud
Example:- Do you have anything to feel proud?
123) HYGIENIC ➫ (স্বািযকর) Antonym:-Unhygienic
Example:- Road side food is unhygienic for health
124) IDLE ➫ (অলস) Antonym:-Active
Example:- Masuda is an active person
125) IGNORANT ➫ (অস্মশস্মক্ষত) Antonym:-Educated
Example:- Mr. Ruhul is highly educated
126) IGNORE ➫ (অবজ্ঞা করা) Antonym:-Accept
Example:- They did not accept our proposal
127) IMMENSE ➫ (বযাপক) Antonym:-Limited
Example:- The resource of this world is limited
128) IMMORTALITY ➫ (অমরত্ব) Antonym:-Mortality
Example:- Mortality is the nature of human beings
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129) IMPEDE ➫ (বযাহত করা) Antonym:-Expedite
130) (ত্বরাস্মিত করা)
Example:- Professional degree expedites one’s career
131) INCREASE ➫ (বস্মদ্ধ পাওয়া) Antonym:-Decrease
Example:- Temperature decreases in winter
132) INNOCENT ➫ (স্মনষ্পাপ) Antonym:-Guilty
Example:- A guilty soul always fears
133) INNOCENT ➫ (স্মনষ্পাপ) Antonym:-Sinner
Example:- Sinner will be punished today or tomorrow
134) ISSUE ➫ (োড়া) Antonym:-Stop
Example:- Stop doing your nonsense work
135) KIND ➫ (দয়ালু) Antonym:-Cruel
Example:- As a man he is very cruel
136) LAME ➫ (দখাড়া) Antonym:-Strong
Example:- Yousuf is a strong man
137) LAME ➫ (দখাড়া) Antonym:-Convincing
Example:- Their arguments are convincing
138) LEGAL ➫ (ববধ) Antonym:-Illegal
Example:- Illegal money often invites many problems
139) LICENCE ➫ (অনুমস্মত) Antonym:-Veto
Example:- The USA put a veto on the bill
140) LOUND ➫ (উচ্চ স্বর) Antonym:-Slow
Example:- He told it in a slow voice
141) LOYALTY ➫ (স্মবশ্বস্ততা) Antonym:-Disloyalty
Example:- There is no room for disloyalty in the army
142) MAGNANIMOUS ➫ (পবরাপকাস্মর) Antonym:-Selfish
Example:- A student should be selfish about his/her study
143) MAGNIFICENT ➫ (জাুঁক-জমক পূণজ) Antonym:-Ordinary
Example:- It was an ordinary programme
144) MANDATORY ➫ (বাধযতামূলক) Antonym:-Optional
Example:- This task is optional for you
145) MARRIAGE ➫ (স্মববয়) Antonym:-Separation
Example:- Separation between spouses is not good for children
146) MASSIVE ➫ (বযাপক) Antonym:-Tiny
Example:- They live in a tiny house
147) MAXIMUM ➫ (সববজাচ্চ) Antonym:-Minimum
Example:- Their minimum target is to earn twenty thousand taka
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148) MEEK ➫ (নম্র ও বধযজশীল) Antonym:-Impolite
Example:- The boy is impolite
149) MERCIFUL ➫ (ক্ষমাশীল) Antonym:-Cruel
Example:- As a person he is very cruel
150) MERIT ➫ (দযাগযতা) Antonym:-Disqualification
Example:- Any sort of recommendation will be treated as disqualification
151) MERITORIOUS ➫ (বমধাবী) Antonym:-Dull
Example:- As a student he is very dull
152) MISERABLE ➫ (দশাচনীয়) Antonym:-Comfortable
Example:- Man hankers after a comfortable life
153) MISERY ➫ (দুরবিা) Antonym:-Happiness
Example:- Her happiness did not last long
154) MOCKING ➫ (স্মবদ্রুপকর) Antonym:-Respectful
Example:- We are respectful to law
155) MODERN ➫ (আধুস্মনক) Antonym:-Ancient
Example:- Her thinking is very ancient
156) MORAL ➫ (বনস্মতক) Antonym:-Immoral
Example:- Their immoral behaviour hurt us
157) NATIVE ➫ (দদস্মশ) Antonym:-Foreign
Example:- Mijan lives in a foreign country
158) NATURAL ➫ (প্রাকস্মতক) Antonym:-Unnatural
Example:- To rain heavily in winter is unnatural
159) NAUGHTY ➫ (দুি) Antonym:-Good
Example:- She is a good girl
160) NEUTRAL ➫ (স্মনরবপক্ষ) Antonym:-Partial
Example:- He is partial to the people of his own locality
161) NULLIFY ➫ (বাস্মতল করা) Antonym:-Accept
Example:- Your proposal has been accepted
162) OBEY ➫ (মানয করা) Antonym:-Disobey
Example:- We shouldn’t disobey our elders
163) OBSOLETE ➫ (দসবকবল) Antonym:-Advanced
Example:- They are learning advanced English
164) OBVIOUS ➫ (অবশযম্ভাবী) Antonym:-Unsure
Example:- Her return is unsure
165) OPPOSITION ➫ (স্মববরাধী) Antonym:-Friendliness
Example:- Their friendliness charmed us
166) OPTIMISTIC ➫ (আশাবাদী) Antonym:-Pessimist
Example:- We should not be pessimist
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167) PARDON ➫ (ক্ষমা করা) Antonym:-Punish
Example:- The thief has been punished
168) PATIENCE ➫ (বধযজ) Antonym:-Impatience
Example:- The result of impatience isn’t good
169) PETTY(ক্ষু দ্র) Antonym:-Big
Example:- This is a big task
170) PLEASURE ➫ (আনন্দ) Antonym:-Sorrow
Example:- It is a matter of great sorrow that many young people are drug
171) PRIMITIVE ➫ (প্রাচীন) Antonym:-Modern
Example:- Modern science has developed a lot
172) PROFICIENT ➫ (দক্ষ) Antonym:-Incompetent
Example:- He is an incompetent person
173) PROFOUND ➫ (গভীর) Antonym:-Light ➫ (হালকা)
Example:- They have been given heavy punishment for light offence
174) PROFUSE ➫ (মাত্রাস্মতস্মরক্ত) Antonym:-Meager
Example:- Our class was not held due to meager attendance
175) PROSPER ➫ (উন্নস্মত করা) Antonym:-Deteriorate
Example:- Flood situation is deteriorating
176) PROTECT ➫ (রক্ষা করা) Antonym:-Endanger
Example:- A bad friend may endanger your life
177) PROVE ➫ (প্রমাণ করা) Antonym:-Refute
Example:- Have you refuted their arguments?
178) PUBLIC ➫ (সরকাস্মর) Antonym:-Private
Example:- He works for a private company
179) PUGNACIOUS ➫ (কলহস্মপ্রয়) Antonym:-Peaceful
Example:- He is a peaceful man
180) PURE ➫ (খাুঁস্মি) Antonym:-Impure
Example:- Many people drink impure water
181) RARE ➫ (কদাস্মচৎ) Antonym:-Common
Example:- This is a common error
182) RECKLESS ➫ (দবপবরায়া) Antonym:-Cautious ➫ (সতকজ)
Example:- We are very cautious about our responsibilities
183) RECLINE ➫ (বহলান দদওয়া) Antonym:-Straighten
Example:- Straighten the bedsheet
184) REJOICE ➫ (আনন্দ) Antonym:-Sorrow
Example:- This is a matter of great sorrow
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185) RESPECT ➫ (শ্রদ্ধা) Antonym:-Disrespect
Example:- Their behaviour indicated their disrespect on us
186) REVEAL ➫ (প্রকাশ করা) Antonym:-Conceal
Example:- Do not conceal the fact
187) ROBUST ➫ (দমািাবসািা) Antonym:-Weak
Example:- The man is physically very weak
188) RUSH ➫ (তীব্র দববগ েুবি যাওয়া) Antonym:-Lag
Example:- We are lagging behind day by day
189) SCARCITY ➫ (স্বল্পতা) Antonym:-Plenty
Example:- Plenty of jute grows in Bangladesh
190) SELFISH ➫ (স্বাথজপর) Antonym:-Unselfish
Example:- Mother’s love is unselfish
191) SENSIBLE ➫ (স্পশজকাতর) Antonym:-Irrational
Example:- This is an irrational demand
192) SHALLOW ➫ (অগভীর) Antonym:-Deep
Example:- This sea is very deep
193) SHARP ➫ (ধারাবলা) Antonym:-Blunt
Example:- The knife was blunt
194) SIGNIFICANT(গুরুত্বপূণজ) Antonym:-Insignificant
Example:- This information is insignificant
195) SOFT ➫ (নরম) Antonym:-Hard
Example:- Asad is a hard hearted man
196) SPACIOUS ➫ (চওড়া) Antonym:-Narrow
Example:- Most of the roads of Dhaka are very narrow
197) SPLENDID ➫ (মুগ্ধকর) Antonym:-Unimpressive
Example:- His way of talking was unimpressive
198) START ➫ (শুরু করা) Antonym:-Finish
Example:- Have you finished the work?
199) STRONG ➫ (শস্মক্তশালী) Antonym:-Weak
Example:- The man is too weak to walk
200) (বলাকস্মি এত দুবজল দয হাুঁিবত পাবর না)
201) SUCCESS ➫ (সফল) Antonym:-Failure
Example:- Failure is the pillar of success
202) SYMPATHY ➫ (সহানুভূ স্মত) Antonym:-Ruthlessness ➫ (স্মনমজমতা)
Example:- Their ruthlessness stunned us
203) TAME ➫ (দপাষা) Antonym:-Wild ➫ (বনয)
Example:- Some wild animals are ferocious
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204) THEIST ➫ (আস্মস্তক) Antonym:-Atheist
Example:- There are a few atheists in our city
205) THICK ➫ (দমািা) Antonym:-Thin
Example:- The baby is very thin and sickly
206) TIE ➫ (বাধা) Antonym:-Untie
Example:- Untie the parcel
207) TRUST ➫ (স্মবশ্বাস) Antonym:-Distrust
Example:- Distrust is one of the reasons of conjugal conflict
208) UNIQUE ➫ (অননয) Antonym:-Common
Example:- Trafficjam is a common phenomenon in Dhaka
209) URBANE ➫ (মাস্মজজত) Antonym:-Impolite
Example:- Shafin is an impolite man
210) UTTER ➫ (পুরাপুস্মর) Antonym:-Partial
Example:- Your answer is partial
211) VACANT ➫ (খাস্মল) Antonym:-Engaged
Example:- Rahul is engaged in business
212) VACILATE(স্মিধাস্মিত হওয়া) Antonym:-Determine
Example:- We are determined to learn English
213) VISIBLE ➫ (দদখা যায় এমন) Antonym:-Invisible
Example:- Air is invisible but can be felt
214) VITAL ➫ (গুরুত্বপূণজ) Antonym:-Unimportant
Example:- We should not kill time for unimportant work
215) WAVER ➫ (স্মিধাগ্রস্ত বযস্মক্ত) Antonym:-Rigid
Example:- Their position was rigid
216) WEAKNESS ➫ (দুবজলতা) Antonym:-Strength
Example:- What is your strength?
217) WISDOM ➫ (প্রজ্ঞা) Antonym:-Ignorance
Example:- Their ignorance brought danger for them
218) WITHDRAW ➫ (প্রতযাহার করা) Antonym:-Put In
Example:- I will put your name in the list
219) ZENITH ➫ (চূড়া) Antonym:-Nadir
Example:- His position is at nadir
220) ZIGZAG ➫ (আকাবাকা) Antonym:-Straight
Example:- The road that leads to Gagipur is straight
1000 synonyms and antonyms
1000 synonyms and antonyms

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1000 synonyms and antonyms

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  • 2. Want more Updates  1) ABATE ➫ (কামান া ) Syn:-Decrease, Reduce Ant:-Intensify, Enhance 2) ABDICATE ➫ (পদ ত্যাগ করা ) Syn:-Renounce, Relinquish Ant:-Claim, 3) ABHOR ➫ (ঘৃণা করা ) Syn:-Detest, Loathe Ant:-Love, Adore 4) ABOLISH ➫ (ন নিহ্ন করা ) Syn:-Eradicate, Obliterate Ant:-Establish, Validate 5) ABORTIVE ➫ (ব্যর্থ ) Syn:-Vain, Futile Ant:-Fruitful, 6) ABRIDGE ➫ (সংনেপ করা ) Syn:-Shorten, Condense Ant:-Expand, Enlarge 7) ABROGATE ➫ (ল াপ করা ) Syn:-Abolish, Countermand Ant:-Enact, 8) ABSURD ➫ (অন ৌনিক ) Syn:-Unreasonable , Illogical Ant:-Sensible , Reasonable 9) ACCUMULATE ➫ (একনিত্ করা ) Syn:-Heap Up , Amass Ant:-Disperse , Scatter 10) ACME ➫ (চূড়া ) Syn:-Pinnacle, Apex Ant:-Nadir, 11) ACUMEN ➫ (ত্ীক্ষ্ণ ব্ুনি ) Syn:-Sagacity, Cleverness Ant:-Ignorance, 12) ADAMANT ➫ (লগায়ার ) Syn:-Insistent, Ant:-Flexible, 13) ADEPT ➫ (অত্যান্ত দে ) Syn:-Skillful , Master Ant:-Inept , Unskilled 14) ADMIRE ➫ (উচু ধার করা ) Syn:-Respect , Praise Ant:-Have A Low Opinion Of , 15) ADROIT ➫ (দে ) Syn:-Adept, Deft Ant:-Awkward, Clumsy 16) ADULTERATE ➫ (লেজা নমশান া ) Syn:-Pollute , Contaminate Ant:-Purify , Clean 17) ADVERSARY ➫ (নব্পে ) Syn:-Foe, Enemy Ant:-Support, Advocate 18) ADVERSE ➫ (প্রনত্কূ ) Syn:-Unfavorable, Antagonistic Ant:-Beneficial, Auspicious 19) ADVOCATE ➫ (কারও পনে ব্ া ) Syn:-Support, Ant:-Oppose, Attack 20) AFFLUENT ➫ (ধ ব্া ) Syn:-Rich, Wealthy Ant:-Impoverished, 21) AGGRAVATE ➫ (অব্ নত্ হওয়া ) Syn:-Worsen, Intensify Ant:-Improve, Mitigate 22) AGITATE ➫ (নব্েু ি করা ) Syn:-Excite, Incite Ant:-Pacify, 23) ALIENATE ➫ (নব্নরাধ সৃনি করা ) Syn:-Estrange, Ant:-Reconcile, 24) ALLEVIATE ➫ (ত্ীব্রত্া হ্রাস করা ) Syn:-Mitigate, Allay Ant:-Aggravate, Worsen 25) ALTRUISM ➫ (পনরাপকানরত্া ) Syn:-Benevolence, Generosity Ant:-Selfishness, 26) AMBIGUOUS ➫ (দ্ব্যর্থনব্াধক ) Syn:-Equivocal, Ant:-Definite, Clear 27) AMBIVALENT ➫ (একই ব্যনিনত্ নব্পরীত্ অ ুেূ নত্র ুগপৎ অব্স্থা ) Syn:-Contradictory, Mixed Ant:-Definite,
  • 3. Want more Updates  28) AMELIORATE ➫ (উন্ননত্ হওয়া ) Syn:-Improve, Get Better Ant:-Deteriorate, Worsen 29) AMITY ➫ (ব্ন্ধু ত্ব ) Syn:-Friendship, Harmony Ant:-Enmity, Hostility 30) ANARCHY ➫ (ন রাজয ) Syn:-Absence Of Government, Ant:-Order, Discipline 31) ANEMIC ➫ (রিাল্পত্াগ্রস্ত ) Syn:-Hemoglobin Deficiency, Ant:-Florid, 32) ANIMOSITY ➫ (শত্রুত্া ) Syn:-Antagonism, Hostility Ant:-Amity, Harmony 33) ANNOY ➫ (জ্বা াত্ ) Syn:-Disturb, Irritate Ant:-Clam, Please 34) ANONYMOUS ➫ (রচনয়ত্ার ামহী ) Syn:-Nameless, Unnamed Ant:-Named, Signed 35) ANTAGONIST ➫ (প্রনত্দ্ব্ন্দ্বী ) Syn:-Opponent, Adversary Ant:-Ally, 36) ANUNDANT ➫ (প্রচুর ) Syn:-Plenty , Ample Ant:-Scarce , Insufficient 37) ANXIOUS ➫ (উদ্ব্নি ) Syn:-Worried , Alarmed Ant:-Assured, 38) APATHY ➫ (লকৌত্ূহ শূ যত্া ) Syn:-Indifference, Ant:-Attention, Concern 39) APEX ➫ (আগা ) Syn:-Summit, Pinnacle Ant:-Bottom, Base 40) APOCRYPHAL ➫ (কৃ নিম ) Syn:-Foke, Spurious Ant:-Genuine, 41) APPEASE ➫ (শান্ত করা ) Syn:-Pacify, Placate Ant:-Annoy, Irritate 42) APPLAUSE ➫ (প্রশংসা ) Syn:-Praise, Compliments Ant:-Criticism, 43) APPREHEND ➫ (আশঙ্কা ) Syn:-Anxiety, Misgiving Ant:-Unconcern, 44) ARCHAIC ➫ (প্রাচী ) Syn:-Obsolete, Ant:-New, Nove 45) ARROGANCE ➫ (অ র্া গব্থ ) Syn:-Haughtiness, Ant:-Humility, 46) ARTICULATE ➫ (স্পষ্ঠ উচ্চার করা ) Syn:-Enunciate, To Say Clearly Ant:-Mumble, 47) ASCEND ➫ (আনরাহণ করা ) Syn:-Climb, Mount Ant:-Descent, 48) ASCETIC ➫ (কন ার আত্ন-সং মী ) Syn:-Austere, Ant:-Hedonistic, 49) ASSENT ➫ (একমত্ হওয়া ) Syn:-Agree, Concur Ant:-Dissent, Disagree 50) ASSIST ➫ (সহন ানগত্া করা ) Syn:-Help, Aid Ant:-Oppose, Obstruct 51) ASSUAGE ➫ (শান্ত করা ) Syn:-Pacify, Calm Ant:-Exacerbate, Aggravate 52) ASTUTE ➫ (চত্ুর ) Syn:-Keen, Sly Ant:-Unintelligent, Dull 53) AUDACIOUS ➫ (দুুঃসাহসী ) Syn:-Bold, Daring Ant:-Timid, Cowardly 54) AUSPICIOUS ➫ (অ ুকূ ) Syn:-Propitious, Favorable Ant:-Unfavorable, 55) AUTHENTIC ➫ (খাাঁনি ) Syn:-Genuine, Real Ant:-Fake, Inaccurate 56) AVARICE ➫ (ল াে ) Syn:-Lust For Money, Ant:-Generosity, 57) AVER ➫ (ন িয়ত্াসহকানর ব্ া ) Syn:-Assert, Ant:-Repudiate, Deny 58) AVERSE ➫ (নব্রূপ ) Syn:-Disinclined, Reluctant Ant:-Eager, Avid 59) AVERSION ➫ (নব্রূপত্া ) Syn:-Unwillingness, Reluctance Ant:-Eagerness, Inclination 60) AWKWARD ➫ (আ ানড় ) Syn:-Clumsy, Gauch Ant:-Dexterous, Adept
  • 4. Want more Updates  61) BALEFUL ➫ (েীনত্কর ) Syn:-Ominous, Malevolent Ant:-Saultary, Benevolent 62) BANAL ➫ (গত্া ুগনত্ক ) Syn:-Trite, Hackneyed Ant:-New, Novel 63) BARREN ➫ (ব্ন্ধা ) Syn:-Infertile , Unproductive Ant:-Productive, Fertile 64) BELITTLE ➫ (লহয় ) Syn:-Deride, Scorn Ant:-Praise, Magnify 65) BELLICOSE ➫ (মারমুনখা ) Syn:-Belligerent, Martial Ant:-Peaceful, Pacific 66) BELLIGERENT ➫ (সমরনপ্রয় ) Syn:-Bellicose, Ant:-Friendly, 67) BENEFACTOR ➫ (দাত্া ) Syn:-Donor, Patron Ant:-Malefactor, 68) BENEFICIAL ➫ (উপকারী ) Syn:-Useful, Healthful Ant:-Useless, Harmful 69) BENEVOLENT ➫ (দয়া ু ) Syn:-Kind, Unselfish Ant:-Cruel, Selfish 70) BIGOTRY ➫ (লগাাঁড়ানম ) Syn:-Intolerance, Narrow-Mindedness Ant:-Broad- Mindedness, 71) BLAM ➫ (ন ন্দ ীয় ) Syn:-Responsible, Guilty Ant:-Spotless, 72) BLAME ➫ (লদাষ লদয়া ) Syn:-Hold Responsible, Ant:-Praise, Admire 73) BOAST ➫ (দম্ভ করা ) Syn:-Show Off , Brag Ant:-Be Ashamed , 74) BOISTEROUS ➫ (নহচচ পূণথ ) Syn:-Clamorous, Uproarious Ant:-Peaceful, Tranquil 75) BONA-FIDE ➫ (প্রকৃ ত্ ) Syn:-Genuine, Authentic Ant:-Bogus, Counterfeit 76) BRIEF ➫ (সংনেপ্ত ) Syn:-Short , Temporary Ant:-Lengthy, Prolong 77) BRITTLE ➫ (েঙ্গুর ) Syn:-Fragile, Friable Ant:-Strong, Tranquil 78) BRUTAL ➫ (পাশনব্ক ) Syn:-Cruel, Inhuman Ant:-Kind , Soft Hearted 79) CACOPHONOUS ➫ (লব্সুনরা ) Syn:-Inharmanious, Harsh Ant:-Euphonious, 80) CALAMITY ➫ (চরম নব্প থয় ) Syn:-Disaster, Catastrophe Ant:-Blessing, 81) CALLOUS ➫ (ন দথয় ) Syn:-Unsympathetic, Crue Ant:-Compassionate, 82) CANDID ➫ (অকপি ) Syn:-Frank , Sincere Ant:-Artful , 83) CANDOR ➫ (সর ত্া ) Syn:-Frankness, Sincerity Ant:-Diplomacy, Dishonesty 84) CAPABLE ➫ (দে ) Syn:-Adept, Expert Ant:-Inept , Unskilled 85) CARELESS ➫ (অসত্কথ ) Syn:-Negligent, Careful Ant:-Attentive , 86) CAUTIOUS ➫ (সত্কথ ) Syn:-Careful, Alert Ant:-Careless, Inattentive 87) CHAOS ➫ (নব্শৃঙ্খ া ) Syn:-Disorder, Mess Ant:-Order, 88) CHARITABLE ➫ (দা শী ) Syn:-Generous, Ant:-Miserly , 89) CIRCUMSPECT ➫ (নব্চেণ ) Syn:-Prudent, Discreet Ant:-Rash, Reckless 90) CLANDESTINE ➫ (গুপ্ত ) Syn:-Secret, Covert Ant:-Open, Frank 91) CLARIFY ➫ (লব্াধগময করা ) Syn:-Elucidate, Ant:-Obscure , 92) CLUMSY ➫ (আ াড়ী ) Syn:-Inept, Awkward Ant:-Adroit, Defat 93) COAL ➫ (একি হওয়া ) Syn:-Unity, Unite Ant:-Separate, Divide
  • 5. Want more Updates  94) COERCION ➫ (জব্রদনস্ত ) Syn:-Compulsion, Pressure Ant:-Voluntary, By Choice 95) COMMENCE ➫ (আরম্ভ হওয়া ) Syn:-Begin, Inaugurate Ant:-Finish, Terminate 96) COMMEND ➫ (প্রশংসা করা ) Syn:-Praise, Extol Ant:-Criticize, Censure 97) COMPETENT ➫ (দে ) Syn:-Skilled, Proficient Ant:-Incompetent, Unfit 98) COMPLIANT ➫ (কর্া লমন চ া ) Syn:-Obedient, Docile Ant:-Recalcitrant, 99) COMPLY ➫ (লমন চ া ) Syn:-Conform, Obey Ant:-Disobey, Resist 100) COMPOSURE ➫ (নস্থরত্া ) Syn:-Poise, Aplomb Ant:-Discomposure, Hot- Headedness 101) COMPULSORY ➫ (ব্াধযত্ামূ ক ) Syn:-Mandatory, Obligatory Ant:-Voluntary, Optional 102) CONCEAL ➫ (গুপ্ত রাখা ) Syn:-Hide, Cover Ant:-Reveal, Disclose 103) CONCERN ➫ (দুনিন্তা ) Syn:-Anxiety, Apprehension Ant:-Indifference, 104) CONCUR ➫ (একমত্ হওয়া ) Syn:-Agree, Coincide Ant:-Disagree, Diverge 105) CONSIDERATE ➫ (সুনব্নব্চক ) Syn:-Thoughtful, Ant:-Thoughtless, 106) CONSTRUCTIVE ➫ (গ মূ ক ) Syn:-Beneficial, Productive Ant:-Destructive, Useless 107) CONTAMINATE ➫ (দূনষত্ করা ) Syn:-Pollute , Adulterate Ant:-Purify , 108) CONTAMINATION ➫ (দূষণ ) Syn:-Pollution, Adulteration Ant:-Purity , 109) CONTRADICT ➫ (অস্বীকার করা ) Syn:-Refute, Ant:-Corroborate, 110) CONVERSANT ➫ (পনরনচত্ ) Syn:-Acquainted, Familiar Ant:-Ignorant, 111) CONVICT ➫ (লদাষী ব্ন রায় লদয়া ) Syn:-Find Guilty, Ant:-Find Innocent , 112) CONVICTION ➫ (দৃঢ় নব্শ্বাস ) Syn:-Firm Belif, Ant:-Doubt, 113) COPIOUS ➫ (প্রচুর ) Syn:-Plentiful, Profuse Ant:-Skimpy, Meager 114) COUNTERFEIT ➫ (জা ) Syn:-Fake , Bogus Ant:-Genuine , Authentic 115) CRAMPED ➫ (গাদাগানদ ) Syn:-Crowded, Ant:-Spacious, 116) CRASS ➫ (অমানজথত্ ) Syn:-Coarse, Crude Ant:-Refined, Polished 117) CRESTFALLEN ➫ (ম মরা ) Syn:-Downcast, Dejected Ant:-Elated, Glad 118) CRISIS ➫ (সনন্ধেণ ) Syn:-Climax, Critical Stage Ant:-********, 119) CRUEL ➫ (ন ষ্ঠু র ) Syn:-Brutal, Ruthless Ant:-Benevolent , 120) CRUELTY ➫ ( ৃশংসত্া ) Syn:-Ruthlessness, Ant:-Kindness, 121) CULPABLE ➫ (ন ন্দ ীয় ) Syn:-Blameworthy, Censurable Ant:-Innocent, 122) CURSORY ➫ (দ্রুত্ লচাখ ব্ু ান া ) Syn:-Quick, Hasty Ant:-Careful, 123) CURTAIL ➫ (সংনেপ্ত করা ) Syn:-Shorten, Ant:-Lengthen, 124) DASTARD ➫ (কাপুরুষ ) Syn:-Coward, Craven Ant:-Brave, Gallant 125) DAUNT ➫ (েীত্ ) Syn:-Intimidate, Frighten Ant:-Encourage, 126) DEARTH ➫ (দুষ্প্রাপযত্া ) Syn:-Scarcity, Paucity Ant:-Abundance, Plethora
  • 6. Want more Updates  127) DEBACLE ➫ (ধ্বংস ) Syn:-Disaster, Collapse Ant:-Success, Victory 128) DECRY ➫ (ন ন্দা করা ) Syn:-Censure, Disparage Ant:-Extol, Laud 129) DEFAMATORY ➫ (ন ন্দামূ ক ) Syn:-Libelous, Slanderous Ant:-Complimentary, Laudatory 130) DEJEECTED ➫ (হত্াশা ) Syn:-Dispirited, Despondent Ant:-Happy, Elated 131) DELETERIOUS ➫ (েনত্কর ) Syn:-Detrimental, Harmful Ant:-Beneficial, Helpful 132) DELIBERATE ➫ (সুনচনন্তত্ ) Syn:-Preplanned , Intentional Ant:-Rash, Hurried 133) DENOUNCE ➫ (লদাষানরাপ করা ) Syn:-Condemn, Vilify Ant:-Commend, Extol 134) DENY ➫ (আগ্রহ ) Syn:-Contradict, Refute Ant:-Confirm, 135) DEPRECATE ➫ (নব্রুনি ব্ া ) Syn:-Disapprove, Condemn Ant:-Endorse, Approve 136) DEPRESSED ➫ (ম মরা ) Syn:-Dejected, Ant:-Elated, Cheerful 137) DESPISE ➫ (ঘৃণা করা ) Syn:-Scorn, Loathe Ant:-Admire, Esteem 138) DESULTORY ➫ (এন ানমন া ) Syn:-Discursive, Ant:-Planned, Organized 139) DETER ➫ (ব্াধা লদয়া ) Syn:-Prevent, Obstruct Ant:-Assist, Aid 140) DETRIMENTAL ➫ (েনত্কর ) Syn:-Harmful, Injurious Ant:-Beneficial, 141) DIDACTIC ➫ (নশোমূ ক ) Syn:-Educational, Ant:-, 142) DILIGENT ➫ (পনরশ্রমী ) Syn:-Industrious, Assiduous Ant:-Lazy, Indolent 143) DIMINISH ➫ (হ্রাস করা ) Syn:-Reduce , Abate Ant:-Enlarge, Magnify 144) DIN ➫ (নহ নচ ) Syn:-Clamor, Uproar Ant:-Quiet, Silence 145) DISCONTENTED ➫ (অত্ৃপ্ত ) Syn:-Dissatisfied, Unhappy Ant:-, Satisfed 146) DISCORD ➫ (লব্সুনরা ) Syn:-Cacophony, Ant:-Consonance, 147) DISDAIN ➫ (অব্জ্ঞা করা ) Syn:-Loathe, Detest Ant:-Admire, Esteem 148) DISHEVELED ➫ (অনব্ যস্ত ) Syn:-Unkempt, Ruffled Ant:-Unruffled, 149) DISINTERESTED ➫ (ন রনপে ) Syn:-Impartial, Unbiased Ant:-Biased, 150) DISPARAGE ➫ (অব্জ্ঞা ) Syn:-Criticize, Belittle Ant:-Applaud, Praise 151) DISPARATE ➫ (অসদৃশ ) Syn:-Dissimilar, Different Ant:-Similar, Like 152) DISPARITY ➫ (অসমত্া ) Syn:-Inequality, Dissimilarity Ant:-Harmony, Accord 153) DISPERSE ➫ (ছানড়নয় লদয়া ) Syn:-Scatter, Spread Ant:-Amass, 154) DISPUTE ➫ (ত্কথ করা ) Syn:-Challenge, Ant:-Agree, 155) DISSENT ➫ (মত্নেদ করা ) Syn:-Disagree, Oppose Ant:-Agree, Concur 156) DISTINGUISHED ➫ (সম্মান ত্ ) Syn:-Famous, Celebrated Ant:-Unknown, 157) DIVULGE ➫ (প্রকাশ ) Syn:-Disclose, Reveal Ant:-Conceal, 158) DOCILE ➫ (ব্াধয ) Syn:-Obedient, Compliant Ant:-Unruly, Disobedient 159) DORMANT ➫ (সুপ্ত ) Syn:-Inactive, Sleeping Ant:-Active, Awake 160) DREADFUL ➫ (েয়ঙ্কর ) Syn:-Terrible, Tragic Ant:-Delightful, 161) DULCET ➫ (সুনর া ) Syn:-Mellifluous, Melodious Ant:-Harsh, 162) DUPLICITY ➫ (কপিত্া ) Syn:-Deceit, Ant:-Condor, 163) DURABLE ➫ (স্থায়ী ) Syn:-Enduring, Ant:-Fragile,
  • 7. Want more Updates  164) ECCENTRIC ➫ (অদ্ভুত্ ) Syn:-Peculiar, Odd Ant:-Common, Ordinary 165) ECSTASY ➫ (পরমা ন্দ ) Syn:-Excessive Joy, Rapture Ant:-Unhappy , 166) EFFORTLESS ➫ (সহজ ) Syn:-Facile, Easy Ant:-Hard, Difficult 167) ELATED ➫ (অত্যন্ত উ নসত্ ) Syn:-Overjoyed, Jubilant Ant:-Dejected, 168) ELIGIBLE ➫ (ল াগয ) Syn:-Fit To Be Chosen, Suitable Ant:-Ineligible, 169) ELOQUENT ➫ (ব্াক পিু ) Syn:-Persuasive, Ant:-Inarticulate, 170) ENCOMIUM ➫ (প্রশংসা ) Syn:-Eulogy, Panegyric Ant:-Criticism, 171) ENDANGER ➫ (নব্পন্ন করা ) Syn:-Put In Danger, Ant:-Protect , Defend 172) ENDURANCE ➫ (নধ থ ) Syn:-Stamina, Durability Ant:-Frailty , 173) ENGENDER ➫ (উৎপাদ করা ) Syn:-Generate, Produce Ant:-Destroy, Obliterate 174) ENHANCE ➫ (উন্নত্ ) Syn:-Heighten, Raise Ant:-Dimirish, Lessen 175) ENMITY ➫ (শক্রত্া ) Syn:-Animus, Hostility Ant:-Amity, Friendship 176) ENTHUSLASM ➫ (প্রব্ আগ্রহ ) Syn:-Eagerness, Ant:-Apathy, 177) EPHEMERAL ➫ (েণস্থায়ী ) Syn:-Passing, Temporary Ant:-Lasting, Perpetual 178) EQUIVOCAL ➫ (অন নিত্ ) Syn:-Ambiguous, Vague Ant:-Precise, Definite 179) ERRATIC ➫ (লখয়ান ) Syn:-Capricious, Odd Ant:-Stable, Consistent 180) ESSENTIAL ➫ (অপনরহা থ ) Syn:-Necessary, Crucial Ant:-Unimportant, 181) ETERNAL ➫ (নচরস্থায়ী ) Syn:-Endless, Everlasting Ant:-Temporary, 182) EULOGY ➫ (প্রশংসাপূণথ উনি ) Syn:-Encomium, Ant:-Criticism, 183) EVANESCENT ➫ (েণস্থায়ী ) Syn:-Fleeting, Temporary Ant:-Enduring, 184) EVERLASTING ➫ (নচরস্থায়ী ) Syn:-Eternal, Ant:-Ephemeral, 185) EXAGGERATE ➫ (অনত্রনিত্ করা ) Syn:-Hyberbolize, Ant:-Understate, 186) EXCESS ➫ (ব্াড়নত্ ) Syn:-Surplus, Excessive Ant:-Inadequate, Scarce 187) EXEMPLARY ➫ (অ ুকরণীয় ) Syn:-Worthy Of Imitation, Ant:-Blameworthy, 188) EXONERATE ➫ (অনেন াগ হনত্ মুনি লদয়া ) Syn:-Exculpate, Vindicate Ant:-Prove Guilty, 189) EXORBITANT ➫ (অত্যনধক ) Syn:-Excessive, Ant:-Native, Indigent 190) EXPLOIT ➫ (কৃ নত্ত্ব ) Syn:-Feat, Ant:-Failure, 191) EXPOSE ➫ (প্রকাশ করা ) Syn:-Reveal, Disclose Ant:-Hide, Conceal 192) EXTOL ➫ (প্রশংসা করা ) Syn:-Praise, Eulogize Ant:-Belittle, Criticize 193) EXTRANEOUS ➫ (নব্নদশী ) Syn:-Foreign, Alien Ant:-Indigenous, 194) EXTRAVAGANT ➫ (অপব্যয়ী ) Syn:-Prodigal, Spendthrift Ant:-Thrifty, Frugal 195) FACETIOUS ➫ (সরস ) Syn:-Humorous, Jocular Ant:-Solemn, 196) FACILITATE ➫ (সহজত্র করা ) Syn:-Expedite, Make Easier Ant:-Hinder,
  • 8. Want more Updates  197) FAMILIAR ➫ (প্রচন ত্ ) Syn:-Well Known, Ant:-Unknown , Rare 198) FASCINATE ➫ (লমানহত্ করা ) Syn:-Charm, Ant:-Bore, 199) FASTIDIOUS ➫ (রুনচব্াগীশ ) Syn:-Fussy, Particular Ant:-Uncritical, 200) FATUOUS ➫ (লব্াকা ) Syn:-Inane, Vapid Ant:-Prudent, Sage 201) FAVORITISM ➫ (পেপানত্ত্ব ) Syn:-Partiality, Bias Ant:-Neutrality, 202) FEASIBLE ➫ (ব্াস্তব্ায় ন াগয ) Syn:-Practicable, Workable Ant:-Impossible, Impractical 203) FERTILE ➫ (ফ প্রসু ) Syn:-Productive, Fruitful Ant:-Barren, Infertile 204) FEVERISH ➫ (অনত্ ব্যাকু ) Syn:-Zealous, Ardent Ant:-Nonchalant, 205) FEVOR ➫ (উৎসাহ ) Syn:-Ardor, Zeal Ant:-Apathy, 206) FICKLE ➫ (লখয়া ী ) Syn:-Mercurial, Capricious Ant:-Firm, 207) FIDELITY ➫ (অ ুগত্য ) Syn:-Loyalty, Integrity Ant:-Perfidy, 208) FLAMBOYANT ➫ (আড়ম্বরপূণথ ) Syn:-Showy, Ornate Ant:-Simple, 209) FLATTER ➫ (লত্াষানমাদ করা ) Syn:-Over Praise, Ant:-Censure, 210) FLAUNT ➫ (জানহর করা ) Syn:-Show Off, Ant:-Conceal, 211) FLEXIBLE ➫ ( ম ীয় ) Syn:-Easily, Bent Ant:-Stiff, Rigid 212) FLIMSY ➫ (পাত্ া ) Syn:-Thin, Delicate Ant:-Strong, Brawny 213) FLOURISHING ➫ (উন্ননত্ ) Syn:-Prospering, Thriving Ant:-Declining, Failing 214) FLUCTUATE ➫ (ম নস্থর া হওয়া ) Syn:-Waver, Vacillate Ant:-Be Resolute, 215) FOLLY ➫ (লব্াকামী ) Syn:-Foolishness, Idiocy Ant:-Prudence, 216) FORMIDABLE ➫ (েীনত্কর ) Syn:-Dreadful, Ant:-Enjoyable, 217) FRAGILE ➫ (োঙ্গুর ) Syn:-Frangible, Brittle Ant:-Durable, 218) FRUGAL ➫ (নহনসব্ী ) Syn:-Economical, Thrifty Ant:-Spendthrift, 219) FSCINATING ➫ (মন ারম ) Syn:-Charming, Interesting Ant:-Boring, Dull 220) FUMBLE ➫ (আ ানড়র মত্ করা ) Syn:-Bungle, Ant:-Manipulate, 221) FURTIVE ➫ (লগাপন কৃ ত্ ) Syn:-Stealthy, Clandestine Ant:-Unconcealed, 222) FUTILE ➫ (ব্যর্থ ) Syn:-Ineffective, Vain Ant:-Effective, Successful 223) GALLANT ➫ (সাহসী ) Syn:-Brave, Valiant Ant:-Caravan, Fearful 224) GARGANTUAN ➫ (প্রকান্ড ) Syn:-Gigantic, Colossal Ant:-Minuscule, 225) GARRULOUS ➫ (ব্াচা ) Syn:-Talkative, Loquacious Ant:-Reticent, 226) GENUINE ➫ (খাাঁনি ) Syn:-Authentic, Bonafide Ant:-Counterfeit, Fake 227) GERMANE ➫ ( র্া র্ ) Syn:-Pertinent, Relevant Ant:-Extraneous, Irrelevant 228) GLAMOUROUS ➫ (লমাহ ীয় ) Syn:-Fascinating, Ant:-Unattractive, Dull 229) GLOOM ➫ (অন্ধকার ) Syn:-Darkness, Ant:-Light, Brightness 230) GLUT ➫ (লপিপুনর খাওয়া ) Syn:-Overeat, Ant:-Starve, 231) GLUTTONY ➫ (অনত্নোজ ) Syn:-Voracity, Ant:-Dieting,
  • 9. Want more Updates  232) GRACIOUS ➫ (সদয় ) Syn:-Courteous, Ant:-Haughty, 233) GRANDILOQUENT ➫ (ব্াগাড়ম্বরপূণথ ) Syn:-Pompous, Showy Ant:-Simple, Humble 234) GREEDY ➫ (প্রচন্ড অর্থ ল ােী ) Syn:-Money-Hungry, Ant:-Generous, Benevolent 235) GREGARIOUS ➫ (নমশুক ) Syn:-Sociable, Friendly Ant:-Reclusive, 236) GULLIBLE ➫ (নব্শ্বাসপ্রব্ণ ) Syn:-Credulous, Ant:-Suspicious, Hard To Convince 237) GULLIBLE ➫ (নব্সশ্বাসপ্রব্ণ ) Syn:-Over Trusting, Credulous Ant:-Suspicious, Untrusting 238) HACKNEYED ➫ ( ীরস ) Syn:-Commonplace, Banal Ant:-Novel, New 239) HAPHAZARD ➫ (এন ানমন া ) Syn:-Unmethodical, Chaotic Ant:-Organized, Planned 240) HARMONIOUS ➫ (শ্রুনত্মধুর ) Syn:-Melodious, Mellifluous Ant:-Harsh, 241) HARMONY ➫ (নম ) Syn:-Agreement, Compatibility Ant:-Disagreement, Conflict 242) HAUGHTY ➫ (উিত্ ) Syn:-Arrogant, Disdainful Ant:-Humble, Modest 243) HAZARD ➫ (নব্পদ ) Syn:-Danger, Risk Ant:-Protection, Safety 244) HAZY ➫ (কু য়াশাচ্ছন্ন ) Syn:-Misty, Foggy Ant:-Sunny, 245) HEADSTRONG ➫ (একগুাঁনয় ) Syn:-Willful, Ant:-Obedient, Docile 246) HEALTHFUL ➫ (স্বাস্থযকর ) Syn:-Beneficial, Wholesome Ant:-Deleterious, 247) HETEROGENEOUS ➫ (নব্নব্ধ উপাদান র নমশ্রণ ) Syn:-Mixed, Motley Ant:- Homogeneous, Uniform 248) HILARIOUS ➫ (হানস খুশী ) Syn:-Very Funny, Joyous Ant:-Sad, Gloomy 249) HINDER ➫ (ব্াধা লদয়া ) Syn:-Hamper, Impede Ant:-Facilitate, Expedite 250) HINDRANCE ➫ (ব্াধা ) Syn:-Impediment, Obstacle Ant:-Support, Aid 251) HINT ➫ (ইনঙ্গত্ লদয়া ) Syn:-Imply, Suggest Ant:-Assert, 252) HOMOGENEOUS ➫ (সমপ্রকৃ নত্ ) Syn:-Uniform, All Alike Ant:-Heterogeneous, 253) HONORARY ➫ (অচব্ত্ন ক ) Syn:-Voluntary, Ant:-Salaried, 254) HOSTILE ➫ (শত্রুত্াপূণথ ) Syn:-Spiteful, Ant:-Friendly, 255) HUMANE ➫ (দয়া ু ) Syn:-Benevolent, Sympathetic Ant:-Cruel Ruthless, Brutal 256) HUMBLE ➫ ( ম্র ) Syn:-Modest, Unassuming Ant:-Proud, Boastful 257) HUMILITY ➫ ( ম্রত্া ) Syn:-Modesty, Humbleness Ant:-Arrogance, 258) HUMOROUS ➫ (লকৌত্ুকপূণথ ) Syn:-Funny, Amusing Ant:-Grave, Setious 259) HUSBAND ➫ (ব্ুনে শুন খরচ করা ) Syn:-Conserve, Preserve Ant:-Waste, 260) HYGIENIC ➫ (স্বাস্থযকর ) Syn:-Sanitary, Healthful Ant:-Harmful, 261) HYPOCRISY ➫ (েন্ডামী ) Syn:-Insincerity, Candor Ant:-Sincerity,
  • 10. Want more Updates  262) IGNOBLE ➫ (হী ) Syn:-Despicable, Ant:-Laudable, 263) IGNORANT ➫ (অনশনেত্ ) Syn:-Uneducated, Stupid Ant:-Literate, Wise 264) ILLICIT ➫ (ন নষি ) Syn:-Unlawful, Illegal Ant:-Licit, Legal 265) ILLUSORY ➫ (নমধযা ) Syn:-Deceptive, Ant:-Real, True 266) IMMACULATE ➫ (খূাঁত্হী ) Syn:-Impeccable, Spotless Ant:-Unclean, Impure 267) IMMENSE ➫ (নব্শা ) Syn:-Vast, Massive Ant:-Small , Tiny 268) IMMUTABLE ➫ (পনরব্ত্থ াত্ীত্ ) Syn:-Unchangeable, Ant:-Alterable, 269) IMPECCABLE ➫ (ন খূাঁত্ ) Syn:-Flawless, Immaculate Ant:-Defective, 270) IMPERIL ➫ (নব্পদগ্রস্থ করা ) Syn:-Jeopardize, Ant:-Project, 271) IMPERISHABLE ➫ (অনব্ শ্বর ) Syn:-Ever Lasting, Durable Ant:-Evanescent, 272) IMPERTINENT ➫ (উিত্ ) Syn:-Impudent, Arrogant Ant:-Polite, 273) IMPERTURBABLE ➫ (উনেনজত্ হয় া এম ) Syn:-Unexcitable, Calm Ant:- Perturbable, 274) IMPERVIOUS ➫ (অনেদয ) Syn:-Impermeable, Impenetrable Ant:-Vulnerable, 275) IMPROMPTU ➫ (পূব্থপ্রস্তুনত্হী ) Syn:-Improvised, Extemporaneous Ant:- Preplanned , 276) IMPROVISE ➫ (পূব্থপ্রস্তুনত্ ছাড়া করা ) Syn:-Perform Without Preparation, Ant:- Rehearsed, 277) IMPRUDENT ➫ (হ কারী ) Syn:-Rash, Reckless Ant:-Judicious, 278) INADVERTENT ➫ (অন চ্ছাকৃ ত্ ) Syn:-Uninentional, Ant:-Deliberate, 279) INANE ➫ (মূনখথর মত্ ) Syn:-Foolish, Senseless Ant:-Meaningful, Sensible 280) INCENSE ➫ (রানগনয় লদয়া ) Syn:-Anger, Infuriate Ant:-Pacify, 281) INCESSANT ➫ (নব্রামহী ) Syn:-Ceaseless, Increasing Ant:-Intermittent, Periodic 282) INCONGRUOUS ➫ (লব্খাপ্পা ) Syn:-Inappropriate, Ant:-Suitable, 283) INCREDIBLE ➫ (অনব্শ্বাসয ) Syn:-Unbelievable, Absurd Ant:-Believable, Usual 284) INDIFFERENT ➫ (ন রনপে ) Syn:-Apathetic, Neutral Ant:-Enthusiastic, Biased 285) INDIGENOUS ➫ (লদশীয় ) Syn:-Native, Ant:-Foreign, Exotic 286) INDIGENT ➫ (অোব্ী ) Syn:-Impoverished, Poor Ant:-Wealthy, Affluent 287) INDIGNATION ➫ (লক্রাধ ) Syn:-Anger, Ire Ant:-Pleasure, 288) INDISPENSABLE ➫ (অপনরহা থ ) Syn:-Essential, Mandatory Ant:-Unnecessary, 289) INDOLENT ➫ (অ স ) Syn:-Lazy, Idle Ant:-Industrious, 290) INDOMITABLE ➫ (অদময ) Syn:-Unconquerable, Ant:-Weak, 291) INEBRIATED ➫ (মাত্া ) Syn:-Drunk, Intoxicated Ant:-Sober, 292) INELUCTABLE ➫ (অন ব্া থ ) Syn:-Inevitable, Inexorable Ant:-Avoidable, 293) INEPT ➫ (অদে ) Syn:-Unskilled, Unsuitable Ant:-Skillful, Appropriate
  • 11. Want more Updates  294) INEVITABLE ➫ (অন ব্া থ ) Syn:-Inescapable, Ineluctable Ant:-Preventable, Avoidable 295) INFAMOUS ➫ (জঘ য ) Syn:-Notorious, Ant:-Honorable, Glorious 296) INFINITESIMAL ➫ (অনত্ েু দ্র ) Syn:-Tiny, Microscopic Ant:-Huge, 297) INGENIOUS ➫ (উদ্ভাব্ন দে ) Syn:-Inventive, Resourceful Ant:-Maladroit, 298) INGENUOUS ➫ (অকপি ) Syn:-Artless, Guileless Ant:-Tricky, 299) INHIBT ➫ (ব্াধা লদয়া ) Syn:-Hinder, Prevent Ant:-Allow, Permit 300) INIMICAL ➫ (শত্রুোব্াপন্ন ) Syn:-Hostile, Antagonistic Ant:-Friendly, Amiable 301) INJURIOUS ➫ (েনত্কর ) Syn:-Damaging, Harmfl Ant:-Beneficial, Helful 302) INNOCUOUS ➫ (অেনত্কর ) Syn:-Harmless, Ant:-Deleterious, Harmful 303) INNUMERABLE ➫ (অত্যানধক ) Syn:-Excessive, Immoderate Ant:-Moderate, 304) INSIDIOUS ➫ (ছ াপূণথ ) Syn:-Deceitful, Tricky Ant:-Ingenuous, Frank 305) INSIPID ➫ (স্বাদহী ) Syn:-Tasteless, Savorless Ant:-Tasty, Palatable 306) INSOLENT ➫ (উিত্ ) Syn:-Arrogant, Haughty Ant:-Respectful, 307) INSOUCIANT ➫ (অ ুনদ্ব্ি ) Syn:-Carefree, Ant:-Perturbed, 308) INSTIGATE ➫ (উস্কা ী লদয়া ) Syn:-Provoke, Incite Ant:-Discourage, 309) INTEGRITY ➫ (সত্ত্া ) Syn:-Honesty, Probity Ant:-Corruption, 310) INTELLIGIBLE ➫ (লব্াধগময ) Syn:-Comprehensible, Lucid Ant:-Vague, 311) INTENSE ➫ (চরম ) Syn:-Extreme, Powerful Ant:-Weak, Mild 312) INTENSIFY ➫ (ত্ীব্রত্া ব্ৃনি করা ) Syn:-Increase, Heighten Ant:-Diminish, Abate 313) INTIMIDATE ➫ (েয় লদখান া ) Syn:-Frighten, Daunt Ant:-Encourage, 314) INTOLERANCE ➫ (পরমত্ অসনহষ্ণু ত্া ) Syn:-Bigotry, Ant:-Broad Minded, 315) INTREPID ➫ (ন েথীক ) Syn:-Fearless, Dauntless Ant:-Coward, Craven 316) IRE ➫ (লক্রাধ ) Syn:-Anger, Wrath Ant:-Goodwill, 317) IRREGULAR ➫ (ন য়মব্নহেূ থত্ ) Syn:-Unconventional, Usual Ant:-Normal Niform, 318) IRRELEVANT ➫ (অপ্রাসনঙ্গক ) Syn:-Impertinent, Extraneous Ant:-Germane, Relevant 319) IRRELEVANT ➫ (অপ্রাসনঙ্গক ) Syn:-Unrelated, Impertinent Ant:-Pertinent, Germane 320) IRRITABLE ➫ (নখিনখনি ) Syn:-Ill-Tempered, Peevish Ant:-Genial, Affable 321) JEOPARDY ➫ (নব্পদ ) Syn:-Danger, Peril Ant:-Security, Safety 322) JERR ➫ (নব্দ্রপ করা ) Syn:-Deride, Mock Ant:-Applaud, 323) JOCUND ➫ (হানসখুশী ) Syn:-Jolly, Cheerful Ant:-Sober, Grave 324) JOLLY ➫ (হানসখুশী ) Syn:-Jocund, Ant:-Grave, 325) JUDICIOUS ➫ (জ্ঞা ী ) Syn:-Sage, Prudent Ant:-Rash, Foolhardy 326) KEEN ➫ (ব্যগ্র ) Syn:-Eagerness, Enthusiastic Ant:-Indifferent,
  • 12. Want more Updates  327) LACKLUSTER ➫ (ন স্প্রাণ ) Syn:-Drab, Humdrum Ant:-Vivacious, 328) LACONIC ➫ (সংনেপ্ত ) Syn:-Succinct, Terse Ant:-Voluble, Verbose 329) LANGUID ➫ (ন নস্তজ ) Syn:-Feeble, Weak Ant:-Energetic, 330) LASTING ➫ (লিকসই ) Syn:-Enduring, Permanent Ant:-Momentary, 331) LAUDATORY ➫ (প্রশংসামূ ক ) Syn:-Pasting, Complimentary Ant:-Blameworthy, 332) LAVISH ➫ (অনমত্ব্যয়ী ) Syn:-Extravagant, Prodigal Ant:-Thrifty, 333) LAZY ➫ (অ স ) Syn:-Idle, Indolent Ant:-Energetic, Active 334) LICENTIOUS ➫ (অসচ্চনরি ) Syn:-Immoral, Ant:-Moral, 335) LINGER ➫ (লদরীনত্ াওয়া ) Syn:-Tarry, Loiter Ant:-Leave Hastily, 336) LOATH ➫ (নব্রূপ ) Syn:-Averse, Disinclined Ant:-Enthusiastic, Avid 337) LOATHE ➫ (অত্যন্ত অপছন্দ করা ) Syn:-Abhor, Despise Ant:-Like, Adore 338) LOQUACOOUS ➫ (ব্াচা ) Syn:-Talkative, Garrulous Ant:-Taciturn, Reticent 339) LOYALTY ➫ (নব্শ্বস্থত্া ) Syn:-Fidelity, Trustworthiness Ant:-Disloyalty, Falseness 340) LUSTER ➫ (ঔজ্জ্ব য ) Syn:-Brightness, Ant:-Dullness, 341) MAGNIFY ➫ (প্রশংসা করা ) Syn:-Englarge, Amplify Ant:-Diminish, Reduce 342) MALICE ➫ (অপকানরর ইচ্ছা ) Syn:-Malevolcence, Spite Ant:-Benevolence, 343) MALICIOUS ➫ (নব্নদ্ব্ষ পরায়ণ ) Syn:-Spiteful, Malevolent Ant:-Friendly, 344) MANDATORY ➫ (অত্যাব্াশযক ) Syn:-Compulsory, Obligatory Ant:-Voluntary, 345) MASSIVE ➫ (প্রকান্ড ) Syn:-Colossal, Vast Ant:-Minute, Diminutive 346) MASSIVE ➫ (ব্ৃহদায়ত্ ) Syn:-Titanic, Signatory Ant:-Voluntary, 347) MEAGER ➫ (অল্প ) Syn:-Scanty, Paltry Ant:-Copious, Plentiful 348) MEDLEY ➫ (নব্নেন্ন ব্স্তুর নমশ্রণ ) Syn:-Assortment, Conglomeration Ant:- Homogeneous, 349) MELANCHOLY ➫ (ম মরা ) Syn:-Gloomy, Dejected Ant:-Vivacious, Happy 350) MELLIFLUOUS ➫ (শ্রুনত্মধুর ) Syn:-Euphonious, Dulcet Ant:-Harsh, Raucous 351) MENDACITY ➫ (নমর্যাব্ানদত্া ) Syn:-Deceit, Falsehood Ant:-Veracity, 352) MENTOR ➫ (নব্জ্ঞ পরামশথদাত্া ) Syn:-Adviser, Guide Ant:-, 353) MESSY ➫ (ল াংরা ) Syn:-Littered, Ant:-Neat, Tidy 354) METICULOUS ➫ (খুাঁত্খুাঁনত্ ) Syn:-Painstaking, Fastidious Ant:-Careless, 355) MICROSCOPIC ➫ (েু দ্রানত্েু দ্র ) Syn:-Infinitesimal, Minute Ant:-Large, Immense 356) MISERABLE ➫ (অত্যান্ত দুুঃখী ) Syn:-Crestfallen, Despondent Ant:-Joyous, Happy 357) MISERY ➫ (অত্যান্ত দুুঃখ ) Syn:-Crestfallen, Despondent Ant:-Joyous, Happy 358) MITIGATE ➫ (উপশম করা ) Syn:-Palliate, Ameliorate Ant:-Increase, Intensity 359) MODERATE ➫ (ত্ীব্রত্া হ্রাস করা ) Syn:-Temper, Ant:-Intensify,
  • 13. Want more Updates  360) MOLLIFY ➫ (শান্ত ) Syn:-Appease, Assuage Ant:-Exasperate, 361) MOLLIFY ➫ (শান্ত করা ) Syn:-Appease, Calm Ant:-Exasperate, 362) MOMENTOUS ➫ (অনত্ গুরুত্ব পূণথ ) Syn:-Significant, Important Ant:-Trivial, Interesting 363) MONOTONOUS ➫ (একনঘাঁনয় ) Syn:-Boring, Dull Ant:-Intesting, 364) MONSTROUS ➫ (নব্রাি ) Syn:-Huge, Titanic Ant:-Tiny, Minute 365) MONUMENTAL ➫ (প্রকান্ড ) Syn:-Colossal, Massive Ant:-Tiny, 366) MOTLEY ➫ (নব্নব্ধ ব্স্তুর নমশ্রণ ) Syn:-Different, Heterogeneous Ant:-Uniform, Homogenous 367) MUNDANE ➫ (পানর্থব্ ) Syn:-Worldly, Earthly Ant:-Heavenly, 368) NADIR ➫ (ন ম্নত্ম ব্ুন্দু ) Syn:-Lowest, Point Ant:-Apex, Peak 369) NAIVE ➫ (সাদানসধা ) Syn:-Simple, Ingenuous Ant:-Artful, 370) NEFARIOUS ➫ (দুিনরি ) Syn:-Wicked, Vile Ant:-Honest, Good 371) NEGLIGENT ➫ (অমন ান াগী ) Syn:-Careless, Inattentive Ant:-Thoughtful, 372) NEUTRAL ➫ (ন রনপে ) Syn:-Impartial, Unbiased Ant:-Biased, Interested 373) NIMBLE ➫ (চিপনি ) Syn:-Agile, Light Ant:-Lethargic, 374) NOCTURNAL ➫ (ন শ ) Syn:-Night, Nighttime Ant:-Diurnal, Daily 375) NOTORIOUS ➫ (কু খযাত্ ) Syn:-Infamous, Disreputable Ant:-Noble, 376) NOVEL ➫ (অনে ব্ ) Syn:-New, Original Ant:-Ordinary, Common 377) NOVICE ➫ ( ব্নশোর্ী ) Syn:-Tyro, Learner Ant:-Master, 378) NOXIOUS ➫ (েনত্কর ) Syn:-Deleterious, Pernicious Ant:-Wholesome, 379) NUMEROUS ➫ (প্রচুর ) Syn:-Many, Copious Ant:-Few, Scarce 380) OBDURATE ➫ (একগুাঁনয় ) Syn:-Obstinate, Intractable Ant:-Obedient, Docile 381) OBLIGATORY ➫ (ব্াধযত্ামূ ক ) Syn:-Compulsory, Imperative Ant:-Voluntary , 382) OBLITERATE ➫ (ন নিহ্ন করা ) Syn:-Eradicate, Wipe Out Ant:-Create, Construct 383) OBSOLETE ➫ (লসনকন ) Syn:-Archaic, Anitque Ant:-Modern, 384) OBSTACLE ➫ (ব্াধা ) Syn:-Impediment, Help Ant:-Aid, 385) OBSTINATE ➫ (লজদী ) Syn:-Stubborn, Obdurate Ant:-Compliant, Docile 386) OMINOUS ➫ (েীনত্কার ) Syn:-Threatening, Ant:-Propitious, 387) OMNIPOTENT ➫ (সব্থশনিমা ) Syn:-All-Powerful, Ant:-Powerless, Impotent 388) OPAQUE ➫ (অস্বচ্ছ ) Syn:-Non-Transparent, Ant:-Transparent, 389) OPPORTUNE ➫ (সমনয়ানচত্ ) Syn:-Timely, Well-Timed Ant:-Untimely, 390) OPPOSTION ➫ (নব্নরানধত্া ) Syn:-Resistance, Antagonism Ant:-Support, Backing 391) OPTIMISTIC ➫ (আশাব্াদী ) Syn:-Hopeful, Sanguine Ant:-Support, Backing
  • 14. Want more Updates  392) OPULENCE ➫ (ধ াঢ্যত্া ) Syn:-Affluence, Ant:-Poverty, 393) OUT-OF-DATE ➫ (লসনকন ) Syn:-Outmoded, Old Fashioned Ant:-Modern, 394) OVERT ➫ (দৃনিনগাচর ) Syn:-Unconcealed, Public Ant:-Covert, Concealed 395) PACIFIC ➫ (শান্ত ) Syn:-Calm, Placid Ant:-Agitated, 396) PACIFY ➫ (শান্ত করা ) Syn:-Appease, Placate Ant:-Enrage, 397) PAINSTAKING ➫ (কানজ ন্তশী ) Syn:-Thorough, Meticulous Ant:-Negligent, Careless 398) PALATABLE ➫ (স্বাদু ) Syn:-Delicious, Tasty Ant:-Disgusting, 399) PALLIATE ➫ (প্রশনমত্ করা ) Syn:-Alleviate, Mitigate Ant:-Intensify, 400) PALTRY ➫ ( গ য ) Syn:-Petty, Trufling Ant:-Significant, 401) PAROCHIAL ➫ (আঞ্চন ক ) Syn:-Local, Provinccial Ant:-Worldwide, 402) PARSIMONIOUS ➫ (নমত্ব্যয়ী ) Syn:-Frugal, Sparing Ant:-Extravagant, Spendthrift 403) PARTISAN ➫ (সমর্থক ) Syn:-Supporter, Advocate Ant:-Adversary, 404) PECULIAR ➫ (অদ্ভুত্ ) Syn:-Odd, Strange Ant:-Usual, Expected 405) PEDESTRIAN ➫ ( ীরস ) Syn:-Prosaic, Ant:-Exciting, 406) PENURY ➫ (দানরদ্রয ) Syn:-Poverty, Indigence Ant:-Opulence, 407) PERENNIAL ➫ (নচরস্থায়ী ) Syn:-Perpetual, Everlasting Ant:-Temporary, 408) PERFUNCTORY ➫ (োসা-োসা ) Syn:-Cursory, Superficial Ant:-Thorough, 409) PERILOUS ➫ (নব্পদজ ক ) Syn:-Risky, Hazardous Ant:-Safe, 410) PERISHABLE ➫ (পচ শী ) Syn:-Short-Lived, Ant:-Lasting, 411) PERMANENT ➫ (নচরস্থায়ী ) Syn:-Perpetual, Eternal Ant:-Momentary, 412) PERPETUATE ➫ (নচরস্থায়ী করা ) Syn:-Eternalise, Ant:-Obliterate, 413) PERTINENT ➫ (প্রাসনঙ্গক ) Syn:-Germane, Relevant Ant:-Irrelevant, 414) PERTURB ➫ (নব্েু ি করা ) Syn:-Disturb, Upset Ant:-Calm, Pacific 415) PESSIMISM ➫ (হত্াশা ) Syn:-Gloom, Hopelessness Ant:-Optimism, 416) PETULANT ➫ (নখাঁিনখাঁনি ) Syn:-Peevish, Fretful Ant:-Agreeable, 417) PHILANTHROPY ➫ (পনরাপকার ) Syn:-Charity, Munificence Ant:-Miserly , 418) PINNACLE ➫ (শীষথ নব্ন্দু ) Syn:-Acme, Apex Ant:-Nadir, Lowest Point 419) PLACID ➫ (শান্ত ) Syn:-Calm , Serene Ant:-Turbulent, 420) PLETHORA ➫ (আনধকয ) Syn:-Excess, Surplus Ant:-Shortage, 421) POLLUTE ➫ (দূনষত্ করা ) Syn:-Contaminate, Adulterate Ant:-Purify , Cleanse 422) POTENT ➫ (শনি শা ী ) Syn:-Powerful, Formidable Ant:-Weak, Impotent 423) PRAGMATIC ➫ (ব্াস্তব্সম্মত্ ) Syn:-Practical, Realistic Ant:-Idealistic, 424) PRAISE ➫ (প্রশংসা করা ) Syn:-Loud, Extol Ant:-Blame, Censure 425) PRECARIOUS ➫ (অন নিত্ ) Syn:-Uncertain, Ant:-Certain,
  • 15. Want more Updates  426) PRECISE ➫ (স্পিোনব্ ন নদথি ) Syn:-Exact, Definite Ant:-Vague, 427) PREDICAMENT ➫ (নব্পজ্জ ক অব্স্থা ) Syn:-Dilemma, Ant:-, 428) PREPOSTEROUS ➫ (সম্পপূণথ অন ৌনিক ) Syn:-Ridiculous, Ludicrous Ant:- Reasonable, 429) PROBITY ➫ (সত্ত্া ) Syn:-Integrity, Honesty Ant:-Duplicity, 430) PRODIGAL ➫ (অপব্যয়ী ) Syn:-Spendthrift, Wanton Ant:-Temperate, 431) PRODIGIOUS ➫ (অস্বাোনব্ক ) Syn:-Extraordinary, Ant:-Ordinary, Common 432) PROFICIENT ➫ (দে ) Syn:-Adroit, Deft Ant:-Inept , Clumsy 433) PROFOUND ➫ (গেীর জ্ঞা পূণথ ) Syn:-Wise, Sage Ant:-Stupid, Lnane 434) PROFUSE ➫ (প্রচুর ) Syn:-Copious, Abundant Ant:-Inadequate, Scarce 435) PROLIFIC ➫ (প্রচুর উৎপাদ শী ) Syn:-Proliferous, Proliferative Ant:-Sterile, Infertile 436) PROMINENT ➫ (প্রনসি ) Syn:-Illustrious, Clebrated Ant:-Unimportant, 437) PROMPT ➫ (চিপনি ) Syn:-Alert, Ant:-Sunfish, 438) PROPAGATE ➫ (প্রচার করা ) Syn:-Disseminate, Ant:-Hush Up , 439) PROSAIC ➫ (গত্া ুগনত্ক ) Syn:-Humdrum, Dull Ant:-Fascinating, Exciting 440) PROSPERITY ➫ (উন্নত্ ) Syn:-Success, Proress Ant:-Poverty, Misfortune 441) PUERILE ➫ (নশশুসু ে ) Syn:-Childish, Foolish Ant:-Mature, Intelligent 442) PUGNACIOUS ➫ (েগড়ানি ) Syn:-Quarrelsome, Ant:-Peaceful, Friendly 443) PUNCTUAL ➫ (সময়ন ষ্ঠ ) Syn:-On Time, Timely Ant:-Late, Irregular 444) PUNY ➫ (েু দ্র ) Syn:-Small And Weak, Ant:-Robust, 445) PURIFY ➫ (নব্শুি ) Syn:-Make Pure, Ant:-Contaminate, Pollute 446) PUSILLANIMOUS ➫ (েীরু ) Syn:-Cowardly, Timorous Ant:-Valorous, Brave 447) RAGE ➫ (প্রচন্ড নেপ্তাব্স্থা ) Syn:-Voilent, Anger Ant:-Calmness, Joy 448) RANDOM ➫ (এন ানমন া ) Syn:-Haphazard, Unplanned Ant:-Deliberate, Intentional 449) RANSACK ➫ (ত্ন্ন ত্ন্ন কনর লখাাঁজা ) Syn:-Rummage, Ant:-Leave Undisturbed, 450) RASH ➫ (হ কারী ) Syn:-Reckless, Ant:-Prudent, 451) RAUCOUS ➫ (ককথশ ) Syn:-Harsh, Cacophonous Ant:-Dulcet, 452) REBELLIOUS ➫ (অব্াধয ) Syn:-Disobedient, Nruly Ant:-Obedient, 453) RECKLESS ➫ (লব্পনরায়া ) Syn:-Rash, Foolhardy Ant:-Wary, Careful 454) RECONCILE ➫ (আনপাষ ) Syn:-Conciliate, Restore Friendship Ant:-Alienate, 455) REFRESHING ➫ (সজীব্কারক ) Syn:-Invigorating, Reviving Ant:-Tiring, 456) REFUTE ➫ ( ুনি খন্ড করা ) Syn:-Disprove, Confute Ant:-Prove, Confirm 457) RELEVANT ➫ (প্রাসনঙ্গক ) Syn:-Pertinent, Germane Ant:-Unrelated, 458) RELINQUISH ➫ (দাব্ী ) Syn:-Give Up, Abdicate Ant:-Retain,
  • 16. Want more Updates  459) RELUCTANT ➫ (অন চ্ছুক ) Syn:-Loath, Averse Ant:-Enthusiastic, 460) REMORSE ➫ (অ ুনশাচ া ) Syn:-Regret, Ant:-Satisfaction, 461) RENOUNCE ➫ (দাব্ী ) Syn:-Give Up, Abdicate Ant:-Retain, 462) RENOVATE ➫ (লমরামত্ কনর ত্ুন র মত্ কনর ) Syn:-To Make New Again, Revamp Ant:-Damage, Destroy 463) REPENT ➫ (অ ুনশাচ া করা ) Syn:-Be Penitent , Be Contrite Ant:-Remorseless, 464) REPREHENSIBLE ➫ (নত্রস্কারন াগয ) Syn:-Culpable, Blameworthy Ant:- Praiseworthy, 465) REPROVE ➫ (নত্রস্কার করা ) Syn:-Rebuke, Chide Ant:-Praise, Applaud 466) REPUDIATE ➫ (অস্বীকার করা ) Syn:-Disclaim, Disavow Ant:-Accept, Recognize 467) REPUGNANT ➫ (ঘৃণা ) Syn:-Repellent, Ant:-Attractive, 468) RESERVATION ➫ (নদ্ব্ধা দ্ব্ন্ব ) Syn:-Hesitancy, Uncertainty Ant:-Confidence, 469) RESOLUTION ➫ (দৃঢ় সংকল্প ) Syn:-Determination, Ant:-Vacillation, 470) RESOURCEFUL ➫ (সৃজ শনিসম্পন্ন ) Syn:-Inventive, Creative Ant:-Uninventive, 471) RETICENT ➫ (স্বল্পোষী ) Syn:-Taciturn, Ant:-Talkative, 472) RETREAT ➫ (নপনছনয় আসা ) Syn:-Withdrow, Move Back Ant:-Advance, 473) REVOKE ➫ (ব্ানত্ ) Syn:-Repeal, Annul Ant:-Validate, 474) RISK ➫ (নব্পদ ) Syn:-Jeopardy, Danger Ant:-Safety, 475) RUMMAGE ➫ (ত্ন্নত্ন্ন কনর লখাাঁজা ) Syn:-Search Thoroughly, Ant:-Leave Undisturbed, 476) RUTHLESS ➫ (ন মথম ) Syn:-Callous, Merciless Ant:-Kind, Tender 477) SALIENT ➫ (প্রধা ) Syn:-Prominent, Ant:-Trifling, 478) SALUBRIOUS ➫ (স্বাস্থযকর ) Syn:-Salutary, Healthful Ant:-Deleterious, 479) SALUTARY ➫ (স্বাস্থযকর ) Syn:-Salubrious, Wholesome Ant:-Deleterious, Harmful 480) SANGUINE ➫ (আশাব্াদী ) Syn:-Optimistic, Hopeful Ant:-Pessimistic, 481) SCANDAL ➫ (ক ঙ্ক ) Syn:-Dishonor, Disgrace Ant:-Honorable, Esteem 482) SCANTY ➫ (স্বল্প ) Syn:-Sparse, Scant Ant:-Copious, Plentiful 483) SCARCITY ➫ (ঘািনত্ ) Syn:-Rarity, Insufficiency Ant:-Abundance, 484) SCORN ➫ (অব্জ্ঞা ) Syn:-Despise, Disdain Ant:-Admire, Esteem 485) SCORN ➫ (অব্জ্ঞা করা ) Syn:-Despise, Disdain Ant:-Esteem, Admire 486) SERENE ➫ (শান্ত ) Syn:-Tranquil, Placid Ant:-Rough, 487) SHABBY ➫ (জীণথ শীণথ ) Syn:-Thereadbare, Ant:-New , Neat 488) SINCERE ➫ (অকৃ নিম ) Syn:-Unfeigned, Ant:-Feigned, 489) SLANDER ➫ (কু ৎসা রি া করা ) Syn:-Vilify, Defame Ant:-Eulogize, Extol 490) SLUMP ➫ (কনম াওয়া ) Syn:-Dip, Decline Ant:-Increase, Rise
  • 17. Want more Updates  491) SOPHISTICATED ➫ (জনি ) Syn:-Complicated, Compels Ant:-Simple, Old- Fashioned 492) SORDID ➫ (ল াংরা ) Syn:-Filthy, Squalid Ant:-Clean, 493) SPACIOUS ➫ (জায়গাব্হু ) Syn:-Commodious, Capacious Ant:-Small, 494) SPACIOUS ➫ (নব্স্তৃত্ ) Syn:-Commodious, Capacious Ant:-Cramped, Crowded 495) SPURIOUS ➫ (জা ) Syn:-Fake, Sham Ant:-Genuine, Real 496) SQUALID ➫ (ল াংরা ) Syn:-Dirty, Filthy Ant:-Clean, Tidy 497) SQUANDER ➫ (অব্চয় করা ) Syn:-Waste, Dissipate Ant:-Save, Hoard 498) STAGNANT ➫ (নস্থর ) Syn:-Motionless, Ant:-Flowing, 499) STAMINA ➫ (পনরশ্রম সহয করার শনি ) Syn:-Endurance, Energy Ant:-Weakness, 500) STATIC ➫ (ন ি ) Syn:-Stagnant, Immobile Ant:-Mobile, Moving 501) STATIONARY ➫ (নস্থর ) Syn:-Motionless, Standing Ant:-Mobile, Moving 502) STEADFAST ➫ (অি ) Syn:-Unwavering, Ant:-Wavering, 503) STERILIZE ➫ (জীব্া ুমুি করা ) Syn:-Disinfect, Ant:-Pollute, 504) STINGY ➫ (কৃ পণ ) Syn:-Miserly, Ant:-Munificent, 505) STUBBORN ➫ (একগুাঁনয় ) Syn:-Obstinate, Ant:-Flexible, 506) SUCCINCT ➫ (সংনেপ্ত ও র্া র্ ) Syn:-To The Point, Ant:-Discursive, 507) SUMPTUOUS ➫ (নব্ াসব্হু ) Syn:-Expensive, Luxurious Ant:-Cheap, Ordinary 508) SUPERFICIAL ➫ (োসা োসা ) Syn:-Cursory, Perfunctory Ant:-Thorough, 509) SUPERFLUOUS ➫ (প্রনয়াজ ানত্নরি ) Syn:-Unnecessary, Surplus Ant:- Indispensable, 510) SURFEIT ➫ (আনধকয ) Syn:-Glut, Excess Ant:-Shortage, Scarcity 511) SURMISE ➫ (অ ুমা ) Syn:-Conjecture, Guess Ant:-Certainty, 512) SURREPTITIOUS ➫ (গুপ্ত ) Syn:-Secret, Ant:-Open, 513) SWIFT ➫ (চিপনি ) Syn:-Hasty, Rapid Ant:-Sluggish, 514) TACIT ➫ (অকনর্ত্ ) Syn:-Unspoken, Unexpressed Ant:-Spoken, 515) TACITURN ➫ (স্বল্পোষী ) Syn:-Reticent, Laconic Ant:-Loquacious, 516) TANGIBLE ➫ (ধরা-নছাাঁয়া ায় এম ) Syn:-Palpable, Touchable Ant:-Intangible, 517) TARDY ➫ (ধীরগনত্ ) Syn:-Sluggish, Ant:-Speedy, 518) TEDIOUS ➫ (ক্লানন্তকর ) Syn:-Tiring, Exhausting Ant:-Stimulating, 519) TEMPORARY ➫ (অস্থায়ী ) Syn:-Fleeting, Evanescent Ant:-Everlasting, Durable 520) TENTAIVE ➫ (চূড়ান্ত ) Syn:-Flattered, Fawner Ant:-Dignified Person, 521) TERMINATE ➫ (লশষ করা ) Syn:-End, Finish Ant:-Begin, Commence 522) TERSE ➫ (সংনেপ্ত ) Syn:-To The Point, Succint Ant:-Verbose, 523) THRIFTY ➫ (নমত্ব্যয় ) Syn:-Economical, Frugal Ant:-Extravagant, 524) TIDY ➫ (পনরপানি ) Syn:-Neat, Ant:-Messy,
  • 18. Want more Updates  525) TIMOROUS ➫ (েীরু ) Syn:-Timid, Pusillanimous Ant:-Intrepid, Fearless 526) TOLERATE ➫ (সহয করা ) Syn:-Endure, Bear Ant:-Forbid, Prohibit 527) TORPID ➫ (ন নস্তজ ) Syn:-Lethargic, Listless Ant:-Energetic, Vigorous 528) TORTUOUS ➫ (সনপথ ) Syn:-Wending, Sinuous Ant:-Straight, Direct 529) TRACTABLE ➫ (ব্শ মান এম ) Syn:-Docile, Amenable Ant:-Refractory, Unruly 530) TRANQUIL ➫ (শান্ত ) Syn:-Unruffled, Calm Ant:-Restless, 531) TRANSIENT ➫ (েণস্থায়ী ) Syn:-Transitory, Evanescent Ant:-Permanent, 532) TRANSPARENT ➫ (স্বচ্ছ ) Syn:-Lucid, Limpid Ant:-Opaque, 533) TREACHERY ➫ (নব্শ্বাসঘাত্কত্া ) Syn:-Perfidy, Betrayal Ant:-Loyalty, Faithfulness 534) TRIFLING ➫ (ত্ুচ্ছ ) Syn:-Trivial, Paltry Ant:-Significant, 535) TRITE ➫ ( ীরস ) Syn:-Pedestrian, Banal Ant:-Novel, 536) TRUCE ➫ (সামনয়ক ুি নব্রনত্ ) Syn:-Cease-Fire, Armistice Ant:-War, Fighting 537) TURBID ➫ (কদথমাি ) Syn:-Murky, Muddy Ant:-Limpid, Clear 538) UNANIMOUS ➫ (সব্থসম্মত্ ) Syn:-Showing Full Agreement, Ant:-Dissent, 539) UNAVOIDABLE ➫ (অব্শযম্ভাব্ী ) Syn:-Inevitable, Inleuctable Ant:-Doubtfull, 540) UNCONSCIOUS ➫ (অজ্ঞা ) Syn:-Senseless, Insensate Ant:-Conscious, 541) UNDISTURBED ➫ (শান্ত ) Syn:-Unruffled, Serene Ant:-Upset, Ruffled 542) UNFRIENDLY ➫ (প্রনত্কূ ) Syn:-Antagonistic, Ant:-Hospitable, 543) UNKEMPT ➫ (অপনরপানি ) Syn:-Tousled, Disheveled Ant:-Tidy, Orderly 544) UNWARY ➫ (অসাব্ধা ) Syn:-Heedless, Rash Ant:-Circumspect, Discreet 545) URGENT ➫ (জরুরী ) Syn:-Pressing, Critical Ant:-Trivial, Paltry 546) VACILLATE ➫ (নদ্ব্ধা করা ) Syn:-Hesitate, Waver Ant:-Determined, Steadfast 547) VAGUE ➫ (অস্পি ) Syn:-Indefinite, Imprecate Ant:-Clear-Cut, Specific 548) VALIANT ➫ (সাহসী ) Syn:-Courageous, Dintless Ant:-Craven, Fearful 549) VALOR ➫ (সাহস ) Syn:-Bravery, Fortitude Ant:-Cowardice, 550) VAPID ➫ (স্বাদহী ) Syn:-Dull, Insipid Ant:-Lively, 551) VENERATE ➫ (শ্রিা করা ) Syn:-Esteem, Honor Ant:-Scorn, Despise 552) VENGEANCE ➫ (প্রত্নহংসা ) Syn:-Revenge, Ant:-Pardon, 553) VERACIOUS ➫ (সত্যব্াদী ) Syn:-Truthful, Honest Ant:-Mendacious, 554) VERBOSE ➫ (শব্দব্হু ) Syn:-Prolix, Wordy Ant:-Laconic, Pithy 555) VEX ➫ (জ্বা াত্ করা ) Syn:-Irritate, Irk Ant:-Please, 556) VICIOUS ➫ (দুিনরি ) Syn:-Wicked, Ant:-Virtuous, 557) VIGILANT ➫ (সত্কথ প্রহরারত্ ) Syn:-Watchful, Alert Ant:-Negligent, Remiss
  • 19. Want more Updates  558) VIGOR ➫ (জীব্ ীশনি ) Syn:-Vive, Vim Ant:-Lethargy, 559) VILIFY ➫ (ন ন্দা করা ) Syn:-Defame, Disparage Ant:-Praise, Commend 560) VIRTUOUS ➫ (ন নত্ক সদগুণসম্পন্ন ) Syn:-Morally Good, Moral Ant:-Wicked, Evil 561) VIRULENT ➫ (নব্ষাি ) Syn:-Poisonous, Deleterious Ant:-Innocuous, 562) VITAL ➫ (প্রাণব্ন্ত ) Syn:-Lively, Vibrant Ant:-Lethargic, 563) VOLUNTARY ➫ (স্বচ্ছা প্রদে ) Syn:-Volunteered, Free Will Ant:-Forced, 564) VULGAR ➫ (অেদ্র ) Syn:-Impolite, Plebeian Ant:-Refined, Aristocrat 565) VULNERABLE ➫ (েনত্ করা ায় এম ) Syn:-Susceptible, Defeterious Ant:- Invincible, 566) WAVER ➫ (লদািা ায় পড়া ) Syn:-Vacillate, Ant:-Be Determined, 567) WEARY ➫ (শ্রান্ত ) Syn:-Tired, Exhausted Ant:-Energetic, 568) WHIMSICAL ➫ (লখয়া ী ) Syn:-Capricious, Fickle Ant:-Steady, 569) WILT ➫ (শুনকনয় াওয়া ) Syn:-Wither, Droop Ant:-Bloom, 570) WITHER ➫ (শুনকনয় াওয়া ) Syn:-Wilt, Dry Up Ant:-Flower, 571) WORDY ➫ (শব্দ ব্হু ) Syn:-Verbose, Prolix Ant:-Succinct, To The Point 572) WRINKLE ➫ (োাঁজ পড়া ) Syn:-Crease, Pucker Ant:-Smooth, 573) ZEAL ➫ (প্রব্ আগ্রহ ) Syn:-Fervor, Enthusiasm Ant:-Apathy, 574) ZENITH ➫ (শীষথ নব্ন্দু ) Syn:-Pinnacle, Acme Ant:-Nadir,
  • 20. Want more Updates  1) ABILITY ➫ (সক্ষমতা) Synonym:-Worthy Example:- Your performance is praise worthy 2) ABRUPT ➫ (আকস্মিক) Synonym:-Sudden Example:- We became astonished at his sudden change 3) ABUSIVE ➫ (অপমানজনক) Synonym:-Derogatory Example:- They made a derogatory remark about our performance 4) ACCOMMODATION ➫ (আবাসন) Synonym:-Shelter Example:- Some political leaders shelter terrorists 5) ACCURATELY ➫ (যথাযথভাবব) Synonym:-Properly Example:- We have done the work properly 6) ACHIEVE ➫ (অজজন করা) Synonym:-Earn Example:- He earns much money every month 7) ACQUIRE ➫ (অজজন করা) Synonym:-Obtain Example:- He has obtained good marks 8) ADEPT ➫ (দক্ষ) Synonym:-Expert Example:- Our principal is adept in English 9) ADMIRE ➫ (প্রশংসা করা) Synonym:-Praise Example:- We praised her performance highly 10) ADULT ➫ (প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক) Synonym:-Mature Example:- You are mature enough to understand it 11) ALARMING ➫ (ত্রাসজনক) Synonym:-Terrible Example:- Our experience about the matter was terrible in a word 12) ALARMINGLY ➫ (ত্রাসজনকভাবব) Synonym:-Frighteningly Example:- Population is increasing frighteningly 13) ALTOGETHER ➫ (একবত্র) Synonym:-Totally Example:- You are totally unaware about the matter 14) ANCIENT ➫ (পুরবনা) Synonym:-Old Example:- Kader is an old man
  • 21. Want more Updates  15) ANGUISH ➫ (স্মনদারুণ যন্ত্রণা) Synonym:-Agony Example:- He has been suffering from mental agony 16) ANNOYED ➫ (স্মবরক্ত) Synonym:-Irritated Example:- We were irritated at their behaviour 17) ANXIETY ➫ (উস্মিগ্নতা) Synonym:-Nervousness Example:- He felt nervousness in the viva board 18) APPEAR ➫ (উপস্মিত হওয়া) Synonym:-Present Example:- He presented himself before the court 19) APPROACH ➫ (আগমন করা) Synonym:-Come Near Example:- Eid is coming near 20) ARROGANT ➫ (উদ্ধত) Synonym:-Haughty Example:- A few people are haughty 21) ASSIST ➫ (সহায়তা করা) Synonym:-Co-Operate Example:- I will co-operate you doing this work 22) ASTRINGENT ➫ (কব ার) Synonym:-Severe Example:- I have faced severe traffic jam today 23) ATTENTION ➫ (মনবযাগ) Synonym:-Notice Example:- The matter escaped our notice 24) AVOID ➫ (বজজন করা) Synonym:-Shun Example:- We must shun this bad habit 25) BASEMENT ➫ (স্মভস্মি, স্মভত) Synonym:-Celler Example:- He rented a celler 26) BENEFICIAL ➫ (উপকাস্মর) Synonym:-Helpful Example:- Physical exercise is helpful for our health 27) BEWITCH ➫ (মুগ্ধ করা) Synonym:-Fascinate Example:- The beauty of the young lady fascinated them 28) BIG ➫ (বড়) Synonym:-Large Example:- They have a large playground 29) BLAME ➫ (অস্মভযুক্ত করা) Synonym:-Accuse Example:- Why are you accusing me? 30) BOOKISH ➫ (পুস্মথগত) Synonym:-Studious Example:- He is a studious boy 31) BOW ➫ (নত করা) Synonym:-Bend Example:- A accused person is to bend his/her head down while entering jail 32) BRIBE ➫ (ঘুষ) Synonym:-Dishonest Money Example:- He has vast amount of dishonest money 33) BRIGHT ➫ (আনন্দময়) Synonym:-Cheerful Example:- You look cheerful today
  • 22. Want more Updates  34) BRITTLE ➫ (ভঙ্গুর) Synonym:-Fragile Example:- Her health is fragile 35) BRUTAL ➫ (স্মনষ্ঠু র) Synonym:-Cruel Example:- The man is very cruel 36) BURDEN ➫ (ববাঝা) Synonym:-Load Example:- He cannot carry so much load 37) CAREER ➫ (বপশা) Synonym:-Profession Example:- Teaching is a dignified profession 38) CERTAINLY ➫ (স্মনস্মিতভাবব) Synonym:-Surely Example:- They will surely come 39) CHAOS ➫ (স্মবশংখলা) Synonym:-Disorder Example:- There was huge disorder there 40) CHEAP ➫ (সস্তা) Synonym:-Inexpensive Example:- My dress in inexpensive one 41) CHIEF ➫ (প্রধান) Synonym:-Main Example:- What is the main problem of Dhaka city? 42) CHOOSY ➫ (খুুঁতখুুঁবত) Synonym:-Fastidious Example:- The girl is very choosy 43) CLEVER ➫ (চালাক) Synonym:-Intelligent Example:- The man is very intelligent 44) COMBINE ➫ (সংযুক্ত করা বা হওয়া) Synonym:-Join Example:- Mr. Toufiq has joined the army 45) COMBUSTIBLE ➫ (স্মববফারক) Synonym:-Explosive Example:- Some militants have been arrested with explosive thing 46) COMMUNICATE ➫ (বযাগাবযাগ করা) Synonym:-Converse Example:- They conversed to solve the matter 47) COMPLETELY ➫ (পুরাপুস্মর) Synonym:-Fully Example:- We have fully done the work 48) COMPLEX ➫ (জস্মিল) Synonym:-Complicated Example:- The matter is very complicated 49) COMPULSORY ➫ (বাধযতামূলক) Synonym:-Mandatory Example:- Exercise is mandatory for players 50) CONCEPT ➫ (ধারণা) Synonym:-Idea Example:- It was a good idea 51) CONDUCIVE ➫ (সহায়ক) Synonym:-Beneficial Example:- Exercise is beneficial for our health 52) CONFUSION ➫ (স্মবভ্রাস্মি) Synonym:-Uncertainty Example:- I have huge uncertainty about the matter
  • 23. Want more Updates  53) CONSCIENCE ➫ (স্মবববক) Synonym:-Ethics Example:- He is a man of strong ethics 54) CONSCIOUS ➫ (সবচতন) Synonym:-Aware Example:- We are aware of the matter 55) CONSEQUENCE ➫ (ফলাফল) Synonym:-Result Example:- He couldn’t make good result in English 56) CONSUMPTION ➫ (বযবহার) Synonym:-Use Example:- We have to use our resources property 57) CONTAMINATE ➫ (দূস্মষত হওয়া) Synonym:-Pollute Example:- Water is polluted in many ways 58) CONTAMINATION ➫ (দূষণ) Synonym:-Pollution Example:- We have to stop water pollution 59) CONTEMPLATE ➫ (গভীরভাবব স্মচিা করা) Synonym:-Cogitate Example:- We should cogitate on the matter 60) CONTENTMENT ➫ (সন্তুস্মি) Synonym:-Satisfaction Example:- Mental satisfaction is a great thing 61) CONVEY ➫ (বপৌঁবে দদওয়া) Synonym:-Carry Example:- Who will carry this load? 62) CORDIAL ➫ (আিস্মরক) Synonym:-Friendly Example:- They behaved friendly with us 63) CORRECT ➫ (সস্ম ক) Synonym:-Flawless Example:- He is a man of flawless character 64) COURAGE ➫ (সাহস) Synonym:-Bravery Example:- He is famous for his bravery 65) COURTESY ➫ (স্মশিাচার) Synonym:-Modesty Example:- I love him for his modesty 66) CREATIVITY ➫ (নতুনত্ব) Synonym:-Innovation Example:- We praise your innovation 67) CUSTOM ➫ (প্রথা) Synonym:-Tradition Example:- This is our age-old tradition 68) DARE ➫ (সাহস করা) Synonym:-Challenge Example:- He challenged them over the matter 69) DEARTH ➫ (সংঙ্কি) Synonym:-Crisis Example:- Dhaka dwellers suffer from pure water crisis 70) DECLINE ➫ (কমা) Synonym:-Decrease Example:- Temperature decreases at night 71) DELICATE ➫ (দুবজল) Synonym:-Weak Example:- His health is very weak
  • 24. Want more Updates  72) DELICIOUS ➫ (সুস্বাদু) Synonym:-Tasty Example:- Summer fruits are very tasty 73) DEPENDENCE ➫ (স্মনভজরশীলতা) Synonym:-Reliance Example:- Self-reliance is needed for development 74) DEPICT ➫ (স্মচস্মিত করা) Synonym:-Narrate Example:- The man narrated the story 75) DESIRE ➫ (প্রতযাশা করা) Synonym:-Expect Example:- I expect you to attend all classes 76) DESPAIR ➫ (স্মনরাশা) Synonym:-Disappointment Example:- His disappointment discouraged him to do the work 77) DESTROY ➫ (ধ্বংস করা) Synonym:-Damage Example:- The flood of 1998 damaged this road 78) DESTROY ➫ (ধ্বংস করা) Synonym:-Abolish Example:- The authority has abolished the unauthorized structure 79) DETER ➫ (স্মনরুৎসাস্মহত করা) Synonym:-Discourage Example:- We did not discourage them 80) DETRIMENTAL ➫ (ক্ষস্মতকর) Synonym:-Harmful Example:- Smoking is harmful for health 81) DIMINISH ➫ (কমা) Synonym:-Reduce Example:- The government is trying to reduce the price of essential goods 82) DISCOVERY ➫ (আস্মবষ্কার) Synonym:-Finding Example:- What is the finding of the research? 83) DISCRIMINATION ➫ (ববষময) Synonym:-Disparity Example:- We should raise our voice against disparity 84) DISGUSTING ➫ (স্মবরস্মক্তকর) Synonym:-Irritating Example:- We felt irritating at their house 85) DISPUTE ➫ (স্মবতকজ) Synonym:-Debate Example:- There is no debate about him 86) DIVINE ➫ (স্বগজীয়) Synonym:-Sacred Example:- They retained sacred relationship between them 87) DROUGHT ➫ (খরা/অনাবস্মি) Synonym:-Rainless Example:- The winter is mainly rainless in our country 88) DULL ➫ (নীরস) Synonym:-Boring Example:- The class was boring 89) DWELLER ➫ (বাস্মসন্দা) Synonym:-Resident Example:- They are residents of Dhaka 90) EDUCATION ➫ (স্মশক্ষা) Synonym:-Learning Example:- Is it easy to learn English?
  • 25. Want more Updates  91) ELEGANT ➫ (রুস্মচশীল) Synonym:-Excellent Example:- Your performance was excellent 92) ELEMENT ➫ (উপাদান) Synonym:-Ingredient Example:- What is the ingredient of ice-cream? 93) EMBELLISH ➫ (অলংকত করা) Synonym:-Adorn Example:- Her hair was adorned with flowers 94) ENHANCE ➫ (বস্মদ্ধ করা) Synonym:-Increase Example:- Fuel price has increased 95) ENMITY ➫ (শত্রুতা) Synonym:-Hostility Example:- There was open hostility between the two brothers 96) ENNOBLE ➫ (মযজাদা সম্পন্ন করা) Synonym:-To Make Noble Example:- It is not easy to make one noble 97) ENTIRE ➫ (সম্পূণজ) Synonym:-Whole Example:- Where did the stay the whole night? 98) ESSENTIAL ➫ (গুরুত্বপূণজ) Synonym:-Important Example:- This information is very important for us 99) ETERNAL ➫ (স্মচরিায়ী) Synonym:-Unending Example:- This world is not unending 100) EVIL ➫ (খারাপ) Synonym:-Bad Example:- A snatcher is a bad man who is your best friend? 101) EXERT ➫ (প্রবয়াগ করা) Synonym:-Apply Example:- They didn’t apply this law equally 102) EXPENSIVE ➫ (বযয়বহুল) Synonym:-Costly Example:- She bought a costly phone-set 103) EXPORT ➫ (রপ্তানী করা) Synonym:-Sell Abroad Example:- Bangladesh exports garment products 104) EXPOSE ➫ (প্রকাশ করা) Synonym:-Reveal Example:- At last the accused revealed the truth 105) FACTUAL ➫ (বস্ত্িস্মনষ্ঠ) Synonym:-Accurate Example:- We need accurate information 106) FAITHFUL ➫ (স্মবশ্বাসী) Synonym:-Loyal Example:- Loyal people are honoured at long last 107) FAITHFUL ➫ (স্মবশ্বাসী) Synonym:-Loyal Example:- The man is loyal to his master 108) FAME ➫ (খযাস্মত) Synonym:-Reputation Example:- As a punctual and hard working man, he has repulation 109) FAMOUS ➫ (স্মবখযাত) Synonym:-Renowned Example:- Their university is very nenowred
  • 26. Want more Updates  110) FAVOUR ➫ (পক্ষ অবলম্বন করা) Synonym:-Support Example:- They supported us to do the work 111) FINANCE Synonym:-Funding Example:- They have taken some steps to arrange funding for the project 112) FINE ➫ (সুন্দর) Synonym:-Beautiful Example:- Today’s weather is beautiful 113) FINITE ➫ (সীস্মমত) Synonym:-Limited Example:- Our capacity is limited 114) FREE ➫ (স্বাধীন) Synonym:-Independent Example:- Bangladesh is an independent nation 115) FREQUENTLY ➫ (ঘন ঘন) Synonym:-Often Example:- He often comes here 116) GARBAGE ➫ (আবজজনা) Synonym:-Waste Example:- We shouldn’t dump waste here and there 117) GENERALLY ➫ (সাধারণত) Synonym:-Ordinarily Example:- He ordinarily comes here every week 118) GENUINE ➫ (আস্মদ) Synonym:-Original Example:- This is original copy 119) GENUINE ➫ (খাুঁস্মি) Synonym:-Real Example:- These flowers are real 120) GIVE ➫ (বদওয়া) Synonym:-Offer Example:- The Chairman offered her a good job 121) GRADUAL ➫ (পযজায়ক্রস্মমক) Synonym:-Regular Example:- We have to be regular in our class 122) GREAT ➫ (মহৎ) Synonym:-Noble Example:- Mr. Abu Syed is a noble minded man 123) GRIEF ➫ (দু:খ) Synonym:-Sorrow Example:- This is a matter of great sorrow 124) GROTESQUE ➫ (বনাংরা) Synonym:-Ugly Example:- A dog without a tail looks ugly 125) GUESS ➫ (অনুমান করা) Synonym:-Predict Example:- I cannot predict anything about the matter 126) HANDSOME ➫ (সুন্দর) Synonym:-Beautiful Example:- Rani is a beautiful lady 127) HARD ➫ (কস্ম ন) Synonym:-Difficult Example:- It is very difficult to climb up Everest 128) HARMONIOUS ➫ (শ্রুস্মতমধুর) Synonym:-Melodious Example:- The girl sang us a song in a melodious voice
  • 27. Want more Updates  129) HARSH ➫ (ককজশ) Synonym:-Unkind Example:- Their unkind behaviour hurt us 130) HATE ➫ (ঘণা করা) Synonym:-Abhor Example:- We abhor all sorts of cheating 131) HIGH ➫ (উচু) Synonym:-Tall Example:- This tower is big and tall 132) HORROR ➫ (আতঙ্ক) Synonym:-Dismay Example:- To my utter dismay, I discovered that I had lost my passport 133) IGNOBLE ➫ (নীচ জঘনয) Synonym:-Mean Example:- He is a mean minded man 134) IGNORANT ➫ (অজ্ঞ) Synonym:-Illiterate Example:- Illiterate people are burden for a country 135) IMPLEMENT ➫ (বাস্তবায়ন করা) Synonym:-Materialize Example:- We have materialized the decision 136) INCENTIVE ➫ (উদ্দীপনা) Synonym:-Motivation Example:- Motivation inspires us to work more 137) INDUSTRIOUS ➫ (পস্মরশ্রমী) Synonym:-Diligent Example:- Runa is diligent 138) INFLUENCE ➫ (প্রভাব) Synonym:-Impact Example:- Climate change has negative impact on our life 139) INFORMATION ➫ (তথয) Synonym:-Data Example:- I do not have enough data about the matter 140) INITIAL ➫ (প্রাথস্মমক) Synonym:-Primary Example:- They do not have primary knowledge of English 141) INSUFFICIENT ➫ (অপযজাপ্ত) Synonym:-Inadequate Example:- We had inadequate food 142) INTERESTED ➫ (উৎসাহী) Synonym:-Curious Example:- We are curious to learn more 143) INTRODUCE ➫ (অবতারণা করা) Synonym:-Insert Example:- It has been inserted 144) JUDGE ➫ (স্মবচার করা) Synonym:-Assess Example:- They will give you a test to assess your position 145) KEEN ➫ (তীব্র) Synonym:-Dedicated Example:- He is dedicated to his work 146) KIND ➫ (দয়ালু) Synonym:-Affectionate Example:- My parents are very affectionate to me 147) KNOWLEDGE ➫ (জ্ঞান) Synonym:-Intelligence Example:- She has intelligence
  • 28. Want more Updates  148) LEAD ➫ (বনতত্ব দদওয়া) Synonym:-Guide Example:- He guided us there 149) LESSEN ➫ (কমাবনা) Synonym:-Reduce Example:- We have to reduce traffic jam 150) LITERACY ➫ (সাক্ষরতা) Synonym:-Ability To Read And Write Example:- He has ability to read and write 151) LITERATE ➫ (স্মশস্মক্ষত) Synonym:-Educated Example:- He is an educated man 152) LITTLE ➫ (বোি) Synonym:-Small Example:- The man lives in a small house 153) LOYALTY ➫ (স্মবশ্বস্ততা) Synonym:-Dedication Example:- He has strong dedication to serve the poor 154) MEDIATE ➫ (মধযিতা করা) Synonym:-Arbitrate Example:- The leader arbitrated and settled the dispute 155) MEDICINE ➫ (ঔষধ) Synonym:-Drug Example:- Drug is essential for our life 156) MEDITATE ➫ (স্মচিা করা, ভাবা) Synonym:-Think Example:- We will think of the matter 157) MILD ➫ (হাল্কা) Synonym:-Soft Example:- My mother’s mind is very soft 158) MIRACLE ➫ (অবলৌস্মকক ঘিনা) Synonym:-Wonder Example:- His survival from the plane crash is a wonder 159) MISTAKE ➫ (ভু ল) Synonym:-Error Example:- It was a great error 160) MOURN ➫ (দশাক করা) Synonym:-Grieve Example:- The whole nation grieved over his death 161) MUSICAL ➫ (সুবরলা) Synonym:-Melodious Example:- The singer was singing in a melodious voice 162) NATURAL ➫ (প্রাকস্মতক) Synonym:-Real Example:- freedom fighters are the real heroes 163) NECESSARILY ➫ (আবস্মশযকভাবব) Synonym:-Essentially Example:- It does not essentially mean that he is a bad man 164) NERVOUS ➫ (স্মবচস্মলত) Synonym:-Afraid Example:- Are you afraid of them? 165) NOISY ➫ (বগালবযাগপূণজ) Synonym:-Chaotic Example:- Chaotic situation is prevailing there 166) OPPORTUNITIES ➫ (সুস্মবধা) Synonym:-Amenities Example:- People of Dhaka city enjoy many amenities
  • 29. Want more Updates  167) OPPOSITE ➫ (স্মববরাধী) Synonym:-Against Example:- They raised voice against us 168) OPTIMISM ➫ (আশাবাদ) Synonym:-Hopefulness Example:- Their hopefulness encouraged us to continue 169) PAIN ➫ (বযথা) Synonym:-Sufferings Example:- Whimsical decision brings much sufferings 170) PANTHEISM ➫ (সবজবদবতার উপাসনা, সববজশ্বরবাদ) Synonym:-Belief In Many Or All Gods Example:- Wordsworth believed in pantheism 171) PARTICIPATION ➫ (অংশগ্রহণ) Synonym:-Involvement Example:- The police didn’t find his involvement in the murder 172) PARTICULAR ➫ (সুস্মনস্মদজি) Synonym:-Specific Example:- There is no specific reason 173) PATH ➫ (পথ) Synonym:-Route Example:- This route leads to Gulistan 174) PATTERN ➫ (ধরণ) Synonym:-Manner Example:- Their manner is praise worthy 175) PATTERN ➫ (কারুকাজ) Synonym:-Decoration Example:- The decoration of their drawing room is really beautiful 176) PEACE ➫ (শাস্মি) Synonym:-Calm Example:- The weather of their area is calm 177) PEAK ➫ (শীষজ) Synonym:-Top Example:- Your name is on the top of the list 178) PECULIAR ➫ (অদ্ভুদ) Synonym:-Strange Example:- His behaviour was strange 179) PERENNIAL ➫ (িায়ী) Synonym:-Permanent Example:- What is your permanent address? 180) PERSEVERANCE ➫ (অধযাবসায়) Synonym:-Firmness Example:- Her firmness to do the work attracted us 181) PIERCE ➫ (স্মেদ্র করা) Synonym:-Stab Example:- The robber stabbed the man with a knife 182) PLAYWRIGHT ➫ (নািযকার) Synonym:-Dramatist Example:- Shakespeare was a noted dramatist 183) PLEASANT ➫ (আনন্দঘন) Synonym:-Happy Example:- We spent happy time there 184) PRETTY ➫ (আকষজণীয়) Synonym:-Attractive Example:- Her appearance is very attractive
  • 30. Want more Updates  185) PRIMITIVE ➫ (প্রাচীন) Synonym:-Ancient Example:- This tradition was seen in ancient society 186) PRINCIPAL ➫ (প্রধান) Synonym:-Main Example:- Main verb is important part of a sentence 187) PROCESS ➫ (প্রস্মক্রয়া) Synonym:-System Example:- This is no doubt a good system 188) PROFESSION ➫ (বপশা) Synonym:-Job Example:- What’s your job? 189) PROMINENCE ➫ (খযাস্মত) Synonym:-Fame Example:- Mr. mannan has a huge fame in his locality 190) PROSPECTIVE ➫ (সম্ভাবনাময়) Synonym:-Promising Example:- He is a promising boy 191) PROSPEROUS ➫ (সফল) Synonym:-Successful Example:- He is a successful man 192) QUICK ➫ (দ্রুত) Synonym:-Fast Example:- We should walk fast to get the train 193) QUITE ➫ (পুরাপুস্মর) Synonym:-Absolutely Example:- You are absolutely right 194) RAISE ➫ (উ াবনা) Synonym:-Enhance Example:- They will enhance their investment 195) REALIZE ➫ (উপলস্মি করা) Synonym:-Understand Example:- I didn’t understand the structure 196) RECREATION ➫ (স্মববনাদন) Synonym:-Entertainment Example:- Entertainment is needed for life 197) REDUCE ➫ (কমাবনা) Synonym:-Decrease Example:- The price of vegetables decreases in winter 198) REGAIN ➫ (পুনরায় লাভ করা) Synonym:-Revive Example:- The soldier revived his strength and fought bravely 199) REMAIN ➫ (থাকা) Synonym:-Contain Example:- Tea contains sugar and water 200) REMOTE ➫ (দূরবতজী) Synonym:-Distant Example:- They went to distant places to help flood affected people 201) RESPONSIBILITY ➫ (দাস্ময়ত্ব) Synonym:-Duty Example:- It is our duty to respect our parents 202) REVOLT ➫ (স্মববদ্রাহ) Synonym:-Rebellion Example:- The army brought the rebellion under control successfully 203) RUBBISH ➫ (বজজয) Synonym:-Waste Example:- Unconscious people dump their waste here and there
  • 31. Want more Updates  204) RUDE ➫ (রুঢ়) Synonym:-Impolite Example:- He was very impolite that day 205) RUIN ➫ (ধ্বংস) Synonym:-Destruction Example:- Destruction of forest is dreadful for us 206) SAFE ➫ (স্মনরাপদ) Synonym:-Secure Example:- We don’t feel quite secure in Dhaka 207) SELFISH ➫ (স্বাথজপর) Synonym:-Unhelpful Example:- I don’t like unhelpful people 208) SELFISHNESS ➫ (স্বাথজপরতা) Synonym:-Meanness Example:- Her meanness astonished us 209) SERENE ➫ (শাি) Synonym:-Calm Example:- The sea was calm 210) SHARP ➫ (তীক্ষ্ণ) Synonym:-Pointed Example:- The pointed part of the machine is used to cut papers 211) SIGNIFICANT ➫ (গুরুত্বপূণজ) Synonym:-Important Example:- This information is very important to take decision 212) SKILLED ➫ (দক্ষ) Synonym:-Efficient Example:- We need efficient people 213) SLOW ➫ (দদস্মর) Synonym:-Sluggish Example:- The pulse of the patient was sluggish 214) SOBER ➫ (শাি) Synonym:-Calm Example:- The sea was calm that time 215) STARVATION ➫ (দুস্মভজক্ষ) Synonym:-Hunger Example:- Many people die of hunger 216) STENCH ➫ (দুগজন্ধ েড়াবনা) Synonym:-Stink Example:- Your hand stinks of onion 217) STRIFE ➫ (স্মববাদ) Synonym:-Conflict Example:- The two groups are in perpetual strife 218) STRUGGLE ➫ (সংগ্রাম করা) Synonym:-Fight Example:- We should fight against stalking 219) SUBTERFUGE ➫ (েল-চাতুরী) Synonym:-Cheat Example:- He cheated us 220) SUCCESS ➫ (সফলতা) Synonym:-Prosperity Example:- Everyone wants to achieve prosperity 221) SUCCESSFUL ➫ (সফল) Synonym:-Winning Example:- Winning team will receive five lakh taka 222) SURREPTIOUSLY ➫ (চুস্মপসাবর) Synonym:-Secretly Example:- He left the place secretly
  • 32. Want more Updates  223) TEMPORARY ➫ (ক্ষণিায়ী) Synonym:-Transient Example:- Many transient workers are working in that company 224) THROUGHOUT ➫ (সবজত্র) Synonym:-Everywhere Example:- His name and fame reached everywhere 225) TIE ➫ (বাধা) Synonym:-Bind Example:- Bind the book carefully 226) TRADITIONALLY ➫ (প্রথাগতভাবব) Synonym:-Customarily Example:- It is becoming popular customarily 227) TRANQUIL ➫ (শাি) Synonym:-Serene Example:- The environment was serene 228) TRAVELING ➫ (ভ্রমণ) Synonym:-Tour Example:- Her father is in an official tour 229) TROUPE ➫ (সঙ্গী) Synonym:-Company Example:- We should avoid bad company 230) UGLY ➫ (দনাংরা) Synonym:-Messy Example:- We don’t do any messy job 231) UNCERTAIN ➫ (অস্মনস্মিত) Synonym:-Unsure Example:- His return from abroad is unsure 232) UNDAUNTED ➫ (অকু বতাভয়) Synonym:-Fearless Example:- Freedom fighters were fearless to fight against enemies 233) UNFORTUNATELY ➫ (দুভজাগযবশত) Synonym:-Unluckily Example:- He couldn’t pass unluckily 234) UNMINDFUL ➫ (অমনবযাগী) Synonym:-Inattentive Example:- The student was inattentive in his class 235) UPLIFT ➫ (উন্নত করা) Synonym:-Develop Example:- Bangladesh is developing day by day 236) VAGRANT ➫ (ভবঘুবর) Synonym:-Vagabond Example:- Some people live in vagabond centre 237) VARIOUS ➫ (স্মবস্মভন্ন) Synonym:-Different Example:- We bought different categories of books 238) VEHICLE ➫ (যানবাহন) Synonym:-Car Example:- Cars are mostly responsible for traffic jam 239) VENTURE ➫ (উবদযাগ) Synonym:-Endeavour Example:- This is an excellent endeavour 240) VIRTUOUS ➫ (ধাস্মমজক) Synonym:-Pious Example:- The pious are always happy 241) VITAL ➫ (অতযাবশযক) Synonym:-Essential Example:- Oxygen is essential for our life
  • 33. Want more Updates  242) VITAL ➫ (প্রধান) Synonym:-Major Example:- We have taken it as a major subject 243) WARSHIP ➫ (যুদ্ধ জাহাজ) Synonym:-War Vessel Example:- The USA sent war vessel to fight against the enemies 244) WEALTH ➫ (সম্পদ) Synonym:-Property Example:- Mr. Rakib has vast property 245) WEAVER ➫ (দদাদুলযমান বযস্মক্ত) Synonym:-Dither Example:- A dither man cannot take decision easily 246) WONDER ➫ (আিযজ হওয়া) Synonym:-Surprise Example:- I was surprised hearing the news 247) WORRIED ➫ (স্মচস্মিত) Synonym:-Anxious Example:- We were anxious about his success 248) WORRY ➫ (দুস্মিিা) Synonym:-Tension Example:- He can’t sleep due to tension 249) WRITE ➫ (বলখা) Synonym:-Note Example:- I will note down the important points 250) WRONG ➫ (ভু ল) Synonym:-Mistaken Example:- You are mistaken
  • 34. Want more Updates  1) ABIDE ➫ (দমবন চলা) Antonym:-Disobey Example:- We don’t disobey law of the land 2) ABOLISH ➫ (ধ্বংস করা) Antonym:-Create Example:- It is very tough to create something 3) ABOUND ➫ (প্রচুর) Antonym:-Shortage Example:- There is huge shortage of fund 4) ACCEPT ➫ (গ্রহণ করা) Antonym:-Refuse Example:- The girl refused the proposal 5) ACCESSIBLE ➫ (প্রববশবযাগয) Antonym:-Inaccessible Example:- Their room is fully inaccessible for us 6) ADAMANT ➫ (অনড়) Antonym:-Flexible Example:- Their position is flexible 7) ADEPT ➫ (দক্ষ) Antonym:-Weak Example:- Ratul is weak in English 8) ADEQUATE ➫ (পযজাপ্ত) Antonym:-Inadequate Example:- I had inadequate information 9) ADMIRE ➫ (প্রশংসা করা) Antonym:-Hate Example:- We hate a liar 10) ADULTERATE ➫ (দভজাল স্মমশাবনা) Antonym:-Purify Example:- We have to purify our hearts 11) AMBIGUOUS ➫ (অস্পি) Antonym:-Clear Example:- This matter is not clear to me 12) ANARCHY ➫ (বনরাজয) Antonym:-Peace Example:- Our life in this world is not full of peace 13) APPEAR ➫ (আস্মবভূ জত হওয়া) Antonym:-Disappear Example:- The thief quickly disappeared from the scene 14) APPRECIATE ➫ (প্রশংসা করা) Antonym:-Criticise Example:- He has been nakedly criticised
  • 35. Want more Updates  15) APPROPRIATE ➫ (উপযুক্ত) Antonym:-Inappropriate Example:- Their conduct was inappropriate 16) APPROPRIATE ➫ (উপযুক্ত) Antonym:-Wrong Example:- They gave me wrong information 17) APPROXIMATELY ➫ (প্রায়) Antonym:-Exact Example:- Do you know the exact figure 18) ARREST ➫ (দগ্রফতার করা) Antonym:-Release Example:- The police did not release the culprit 19) ASSET ➫ (সম্পদ) Antonym:-Liability Example:- ABC company’s liability is higher than its asset 20) ATTAIN ➫ (অজজন করা) Antonym:-Lose ➫ (হারাবনা) Example:- Have you lost anything? 21) ATTRACTIVE ➫ (আকষজনীয়) Antonym:-Repulsive Example:- Her behaviour was repulsive 22) AUTHENTIC ➫ (খাুঁস্মি) Antonym:-Inauthentic Example:- The news of their divorce is inauthentic 23) AUTOCRATIC(একনায়কতাস্মন্ত্রক) Antonym:-Democratic Example:- Democatic system is better for people 24) AWARD ➫ (পুরষ্কার) Antonym:-Blame Example:- We won’t blame them for this 25) AWARENESS ➫ (সবচতনতা) Antonym:-Unconscious-Ness Example:- They suffered a lot due to their unconsciousness 26) BAGGY ➫ (দ ালা) Antonym:-Tight Example:- Your dress has been very tight 27) BEAUTIFUL ➫ (সুন্দর) Antonym:-Ugly Example:- The dog is an ugly animal 28) BEFOREHAND ➫ (সবার আবগ) Antonym:-Previous Example:- He was a minister of previous government 29) BELIEF ➫ (স্মবশ্বাস) Antonym:-Disbelief ➫ (অস্মবশ্বাস) Example:- There are some people who have disbelief in Allah 30) BENEFIT ➫ (উপকার) Antonym:-Harm Example:- Addiction brings a great harm for us 31) BLEAK ➫ (হতাশাবযঞ্জক) Antonym:-Bright Example:- Your future is bright 32) BLESSING ➫ (আশজীবাদ) Antonym:-Curse Example:- A mother never curses her children 33) BLIGHT ➫ (অস্মনি) Antonym:-Blessings Example:- The rain came as blessings
  • 36. Want more Updates  34) BLITHE ➫ (হাস্মসখুস্মশ) Antonym:-Anxious Example:- Rais was anxious about his result 35) BONNY ➫ (সুশ্রী) Antonym:-Ugly Example:- The crow is an ugly bird 36) BRAVE ➫ (সাহসী) Antonym:-Coward Example:- He was a coward 37) BRIEF ➫ (সংবক্ষপ) Antonym:-Long Example:- It was a long story 38) BRIEF ➫ (সংবক্ষপ) Antonym:-Elaborate Example:- You have to make elaborate discussion 39) BROAD ➫ (প্রশস্ত) Antonym:-Narrow Example:- Most of the roads of old Dhaka are narrow 40) BUSY ➫ (বযস্ত) Antonym:-Free Example:- Are you free this evening? 41) CALM ➫ (শাি) Antonym:-Agitated Example:- The police threw tear gas to disperse agitated mob 42) CALM(শাি) Antonym:-Excited Example:- Why are you so excited? 43) CANCEL ➫ (বাস্মতল করা) Antonym:-Enforce Example:- Law enforcing agency enforces law 44) CAREFULLY ➫ (সাবধাবন) Antonym:-Carelessly Example:- The man handled the materials carelessly 45) CEASE ➫ (থামা) Antonym:-Start Example:- Our class will start after a few days 46) CHEAP ➫ (সস্তা) Antonym:-High Example:- The price of vegetables is very high 47) CHILDISH ➫ (স্মশশু সুলভ) Antonym:-Mature Example:- You aren’t mature in habits 48) CHOOSY ➫ (খুুঁত খুুঁবত) Antonym:-Indifferent Example:- The boy is indifferent to his study 49) CLOSE ➫ (স্মনকবি) Antonym:-Far Example:- They live far away from Dhaka 50) CLOSE(স্মনকবি) Antonym:-Distant Example:- They came here from a distant place 51) CLUMSY ➫ (অমাস্মজজত) Antonym:-Decent Example:- She came wearing a decent dress 52) COMEDY ➫ (হাসযরসাত্মক) Antonym:-Tragedy Example:- He had a great tragedy in his life
  • 37. Want more Updates  53) COMPLY ➫ (অনুসরণ করা) Antonym:-Disagree Example:- I will disagree with you 54) CONFIDENT ➫ (আিাশীল) Antonym:-Doubtful Example:- I am doubtful about your eagerness 55) CONFIRM ➫ (স্মনস্মিত করা) Antonym:-Cancel Example:- We have cancelled our programme 56) CONSTRUCTION ➫ (গ ন) Antonym:-Destruction Example:- We should refrain from all sorts of destruction 57) COURAGE ➫ (সাহস) Antonym:-Fear Example:- You have no fear here 58) CREDIBLE ➫ (স্মবশ্বাসবযাগয) Antonym:-Incredible Example:- The man narrated an incredible story 59) DAMAGE ➫ (ক্ষস্মত) Antonym:-Profit Example:- Many businessmen earn higher profit 60) DANGER ➫ (স্মবপদ) Antonym:-Safety Example:- Social safety is a must for people 61) DARING ➫ (সাহসী) Antonym:-Timid Example:- Sakib is not a timid person 62) DARK ➫ (অন্ধকার) Antonym:-Light Example:- There was no light there at that dark night 63) DECLARE ➫ (দঘাষণা করা) Antonym:-Hide Example:- He will hide information 64) DECLARE ➫ (দঘাষনা করা) Antonym:-Hide Example:- We did not hide the truth 65) DECLINE ➫ (প্রতযাখান করা) Antonym:-Agree Example:- Do you agree with us? 66) DEFEAT ➫ (পরাজয়) Antonym:-Win Example:- Bangladesh could not win the match 67) DELETE ➫ (মুবে দফলা) Antonym:-Undelete Example:- Undelete the line 68) DELICATE ➫ (দুবজল) Antonym:-Strong Example:- We are in favour of strong family bondage 69) DELIGHT ➫ (আনন্দ) Antonym:-Sorrow Example:- There is none to see her sorrow 70) DELIGHT ➫ (আনন্দ) Antonym:-Sorrow Example:- There is none to see the sorrow of the widow 71) DEPARTURE ➫ (প্রিান) Antonym:-Arrival Example:- These shoes are new arrival
  • 38. Want more Updates  72) DEVELOPMENT ➫ (উন্নয়ন) Antonym:-Backwardness Example:- They suffered a lot due to their backwardness 73) DEVIATE ➫ (স্মবচুযত হওয়া) Antonym:-Adhere To Example:- We will adhere to our principles 74) DIMINISH ➫ (কমা/হ্রাস পাওয়া) Antonym:-Increase Example:- Problems of Dhaka city are increasing day by day 75) DISPARITY ➫ (অসমতা) Antonym:-Parity Example:- Parity should be established in the society 76) DISTRESS ➫ (স্মনদারুণ যন্ত্রণা) Antonym:-Pleasure Example:- We should read books for pleasure 77) DIVINE ➫ (স্বগজীয়) Antonym:-Hellish Example:- Many people suffer from helish pain in this world 78) DRY ➫ (শুকনা) Antonym:-Wet Example:- Place the wet clothes in the sun 79) DULL ➫ (দভাতা) Antonym:-Sharp Example:- Mr. Ruhul’s brain is very sharp 80) EARLY ➫ (তাড়াতাস্মড়) Antonym:-Late Example:- He was late by two hours 81) EARNEST ➫ (আিস্মরক) Antonym:-Insincere Example:- They seemed to be insincere 82) EFFEMINATE(বমবয়স্মল স্বভাব) Antonym:-Manly Example:- Being a man, you should behave manly 83) ELDERLY ➫ (দপ্রৌঢ়) Antonym:-Younger Example:- Do you have any younger brother? 84) EMINENT ➫ (প্রখযাত) Antonym:-Unknown Example:- The man is unknown here 85) EMPTY ➫ (খাস্মল) Antonym:-Replete/Full Example:- The shop is replete with various items 86) ENMITY ➫ (শত্রুতা) Antonym:-Friendship Example:- Do you have friendship with them? 87) ENORMOUS ➫ (স্মবশাল) Antonym:-Trivial Example:- Slum dwellers quarrel over trivial matters 88) EXCESS ➫ (অস্মতস্মরক্ত) Antonym:-Deficiency Example:- We have huge deficiency in fund 89) EXCLUDE ➫ (বাদ দদওয়া) Antonym:-Include Example:- Your name has been included in the list 90) EXCLUSIVE ➫ (বজজনকর) Antonym:-Inclusive Example:- This is inclusive figure
  • 39. Want more Updates  91) EXHIBIT ➫ (প্রদশজন করা) Antonym:-Hide Example:- Do not hide the truth 92) EXISTANCE ➫ (অস্মস্তত্ব) Antonym:-Extinction Example:- People are responsible for the extinction of many animals 93) EXTRAVAGANT ➫ (অপবযয়ী) Antonym:-Economical Example:- We should be economical in our life 94) FAITHFUL ➫ (স্মবশ্বাসী) Antonym:-Unfaithful Example:- Some people are unfaithful 95) FAME ➫ (খযাস্মত) Antonym:-Notoriety Example:- People hate the terrorist for his notoriety 96) FAMILIAR ➫ (পস্মরস্মচত) Antonym:-Unfamiliar Example:- The man is unfamiliar here 97) FAMOUS ➫ (স্মবখযাত) Antonym:-Notorious Example:- Ershad Shikdar was a notorious man 98) FERTILE ➫ (উবজর) Antonym:-Barren Example:- In costal area, land is becoming barren due to saline water 99) FLATTER ➫ (বতাষাবমাদ করা) Antonym:-Censure Example:- Mass people censured the leader for wrong decision 100) FLEXIBLE ➫ (নমনীয়) Antonym:-Rigid Example:- Our position will be rigid 101) FOLLOW ➫ (অনুসরণ করা) Antonym:-Retreat 102) (পিািাবন করা) Example:- The Pakistani forces retreated seeing the freedom fighters 103) FRIEND ➫ (বন্ধু ) Antonym:-Foe Example:- Beaware of your foe 104) GENUINE ➫ (খাুঁস্মি) Antonym:-Fake Example:- The police have recovered some fake currency 105) GIGANTIC ➫ (স্মবশাল) Antonym:-Small Example:- They live in a small house 106) GLOOMY ➫ (মন মরা) Antonym:-Cheerful Example:- They seemed to be cheerful 107) GOOD ➫ (ভাল) Antonym:-Bad Example:- We should shun bad companies 108) GREAT ➫ (মহৎ) Antonym:-Unkind Example:- Some rich people are unkind to the poor 109) HAPPY ➫ (সুখী) Antonym:-Unhappy Example:- Many people are unhappy in this world
  • 40. Want more Updates  110) HARD ➫ (শক্ত) Antonym:-Soft Example:- Mr. Sajid is a soft-minded man 111) HARSH ➫ (ককজশ) Antonym:-Sweet Example:- The cuckoo sings with its sweet voice 112) HATE ➫ (ঘণা করা) Antonym:-Love Example:- Do you love your country? 113) HATEFUL ➫ (ঘণয) Antonym:-Loveable Example:- The baby is very loveable 114) HIDEOUS ➫ (অস্মত কু ৎস্মসত) Antonym:-Beautiful Example:- She is a beautiful lady 115) HOLY ➫ (পস্মবত্র) Antonym:-Unholy Example:- Unholy alliance is always harmful 116) HONEST ➫ (সৎ) Antonym:-Dishonest Example:- Many people are dishonest in our society 117) HOPE ➫ (আশা) Antonym:-Despair Example:- His hope has turned into despair 118) HOSTILE ➫ (শত্রুভাবাপন্ন) Antonym:-Friendly Example:- We have friendly relationship with them 119) HUGE ➫ (বযাপক) Antonym:-Little Example:- There is a little milk in the glass 120) HUMAN ➫ (মানস্মবক) Antonym:-Inhuman Example:- They committed inhuman work 121) HUMANE ➫ (পরদুুঃখকাতর) Antonym:-Cruel Example:- Are you a cruel man? 122) HUMBLE ➫ (স্মবনয়ী) Antonym:-Proud Example:- Do you have anything to feel proud? 123) HYGIENIC ➫ (স্বািযকর) Antonym:-Unhygienic Example:- Road side food is unhygienic for health 124) IDLE ➫ (অলস) Antonym:-Active Example:- Masuda is an active person 125) IGNORANT ➫ (অস্মশস্মক্ষত) Antonym:-Educated Example:- Mr. Ruhul is highly educated 126) IGNORE ➫ (অবজ্ঞা করা) Antonym:-Accept Example:- They did not accept our proposal 127) IMMENSE ➫ (বযাপক) Antonym:-Limited Example:- The resource of this world is limited 128) IMMORTALITY ➫ (অমরত্ব) Antonym:-Mortality Example:- Mortality is the nature of human beings
  • 41. Want more Updates  129) IMPEDE ➫ (বযাহত করা) Antonym:-Expedite 130) (ত্বরাস্মিত করা) Example:- Professional degree expedites one’s career 131) INCREASE ➫ (বস্মদ্ধ পাওয়া) Antonym:-Decrease Example:- Temperature decreases in winter 132) INNOCENT ➫ (স্মনষ্পাপ) Antonym:-Guilty Example:- A guilty soul always fears 133) INNOCENT ➫ (স্মনষ্পাপ) Antonym:-Sinner Example:- Sinner will be punished today or tomorrow 134) ISSUE ➫ (োড়া) Antonym:-Stop Example:- Stop doing your nonsense work 135) KIND ➫ (দয়ালু) Antonym:-Cruel Example:- As a man he is very cruel 136) LAME ➫ (দখাড়া) Antonym:-Strong Example:- Yousuf is a strong man 137) LAME ➫ (দখাড়া) Antonym:-Convincing Example:- Their arguments are convincing 138) LEGAL ➫ (ববধ) Antonym:-Illegal Example:- Illegal money often invites many problems 139) LICENCE ➫ (অনুমস্মত) Antonym:-Veto Example:- The USA put a veto on the bill 140) LOUND ➫ (উচ্চ স্বর) Antonym:-Slow Example:- He told it in a slow voice 141) LOYALTY ➫ (স্মবশ্বস্ততা) Antonym:-Disloyalty Example:- There is no room for disloyalty in the army 142) MAGNANIMOUS ➫ (পবরাপকাস্মর) Antonym:-Selfish Example:- A student should be selfish about his/her study 143) MAGNIFICENT ➫ (জাুঁক-জমক পূণজ) Antonym:-Ordinary Example:- It was an ordinary programme 144) MANDATORY ➫ (বাধযতামূলক) Antonym:-Optional Example:- This task is optional for you 145) MARRIAGE ➫ (স্মববয়) Antonym:-Separation Example:- Separation between spouses is not good for children 146) MASSIVE ➫ (বযাপক) Antonym:-Tiny Example:- They live in a tiny house 147) MAXIMUM ➫ (সববজাচ্চ) Antonym:-Minimum Example:- Their minimum target is to earn twenty thousand taka
  • 42. Want more Updates  148) MEEK ➫ (নম্র ও বধযজশীল) Antonym:-Impolite Example:- The boy is impolite 149) MERCIFUL ➫ (ক্ষমাশীল) Antonym:-Cruel Example:- As a person he is very cruel 150) MERIT ➫ (দযাগযতা) Antonym:-Disqualification Example:- Any sort of recommendation will be treated as disqualification 151) MERITORIOUS ➫ (বমধাবী) Antonym:-Dull Example:- As a student he is very dull 152) MISERABLE ➫ (দশাচনীয়) Antonym:-Comfortable Example:- Man hankers after a comfortable life 153) MISERY ➫ (দুরবিা) Antonym:-Happiness Example:- Her happiness did not last long 154) MOCKING ➫ (স্মবদ্রুপকর) Antonym:-Respectful Example:- We are respectful to law 155) MODERN ➫ (আধুস্মনক) Antonym:-Ancient Example:- Her thinking is very ancient 156) MORAL ➫ (বনস্মতক) Antonym:-Immoral Example:- Their immoral behaviour hurt us 157) NATIVE ➫ (দদস্মশ) Antonym:-Foreign Example:- Mijan lives in a foreign country 158) NATURAL ➫ (প্রাকস্মতক) Antonym:-Unnatural Example:- To rain heavily in winter is unnatural 159) NAUGHTY ➫ (দুি) Antonym:-Good Example:- She is a good girl 160) NEUTRAL ➫ (স্মনরবপক্ষ) Antonym:-Partial Example:- He is partial to the people of his own locality 161) NULLIFY ➫ (বাস্মতল করা) Antonym:-Accept Example:- Your proposal has been accepted 162) OBEY ➫ (মানয করা) Antonym:-Disobey Example:- We shouldn’t disobey our elders 163) OBSOLETE ➫ (দসবকবল) Antonym:-Advanced Example:- They are learning advanced English 164) OBVIOUS ➫ (অবশযম্ভাবী) Antonym:-Unsure Example:- Her return is unsure 165) OPPOSITION ➫ (স্মববরাধী) Antonym:-Friendliness Example:- Their friendliness charmed us 166) OPTIMISTIC ➫ (আশাবাদী) Antonym:-Pessimist Example:- We should not be pessimist
  • 43. Want more Updates  167) PARDON ➫ (ক্ষমা করা) Antonym:-Punish Example:- The thief has been punished 168) PATIENCE ➫ (বধযজ) Antonym:-Impatience Example:- The result of impatience isn’t good 169) PETTY(ক্ষু দ্র) Antonym:-Big Example:- This is a big task 170) PLEASURE ➫ (আনন্দ) Antonym:-Sorrow Example:- It is a matter of great sorrow that many young people are drug addict 171) PRIMITIVE ➫ (প্রাচীন) Antonym:-Modern Example:- Modern science has developed a lot 172) PROFICIENT ➫ (দক্ষ) Antonym:-Incompetent Example:- He is an incompetent person 173) PROFOUND ➫ (গভীর) Antonym:-Light ➫ (হালকা) Example:- They have been given heavy punishment for light offence 174) PROFUSE ➫ (মাত্রাস্মতস্মরক্ত) Antonym:-Meager Example:- Our class was not held due to meager attendance 175) PROSPER ➫ (উন্নস্মত করা) Antonym:-Deteriorate Example:- Flood situation is deteriorating 176) PROTECT ➫ (রক্ষা করা) Antonym:-Endanger Example:- A bad friend may endanger your life 177) PROVE ➫ (প্রমাণ করা) Antonym:-Refute Example:- Have you refuted their arguments? 178) PUBLIC ➫ (সরকাস্মর) Antonym:-Private Example:- He works for a private company 179) PUGNACIOUS ➫ (কলহস্মপ্রয়) Antonym:-Peaceful Example:- He is a peaceful man 180) PURE ➫ (খাুঁস্মি) Antonym:-Impure Example:- Many people drink impure water 181) RARE ➫ (কদাস্মচৎ) Antonym:-Common Example:- This is a common error 182) RECKLESS ➫ (দবপবরায়া) Antonym:-Cautious ➫ (সতকজ) Example:- We are very cautious about our responsibilities 183) RECLINE ➫ (বহলান দদওয়া) Antonym:-Straighten Example:- Straighten the bedsheet 184) REJOICE ➫ (আনন্দ) Antonym:-Sorrow Example:- This is a matter of great sorrow
  • 44. Want more Updates  185) RESPECT ➫ (শ্রদ্ধা) Antonym:-Disrespect Example:- Their behaviour indicated their disrespect on us 186) REVEAL ➫ (প্রকাশ করা) Antonym:-Conceal Example:- Do not conceal the fact 187) ROBUST ➫ (দমািাবসািা) Antonym:-Weak Example:- The man is physically very weak 188) RUSH ➫ (তীব্র দববগ েুবি যাওয়া) Antonym:-Lag Example:- We are lagging behind day by day 189) SCARCITY ➫ (স্বল্পতা) Antonym:-Plenty Example:- Plenty of jute grows in Bangladesh 190) SELFISH ➫ (স্বাথজপর) Antonym:-Unselfish Example:- Mother’s love is unselfish 191) SENSIBLE ➫ (স্পশজকাতর) Antonym:-Irrational Example:- This is an irrational demand 192) SHALLOW ➫ (অগভীর) Antonym:-Deep Example:- This sea is very deep 193) SHARP ➫ (ধারাবলা) Antonym:-Blunt Example:- The knife was blunt 194) SIGNIFICANT(গুরুত্বপূণজ) Antonym:-Insignificant Example:- This information is insignificant 195) SOFT ➫ (নরম) Antonym:-Hard Example:- Asad is a hard hearted man 196) SPACIOUS ➫ (চওড়া) Antonym:-Narrow Example:- Most of the roads of Dhaka are very narrow 197) SPLENDID ➫ (মুগ্ধকর) Antonym:-Unimpressive Example:- His way of talking was unimpressive 198) START ➫ (শুরু করা) Antonym:-Finish Example:- Have you finished the work? 199) STRONG ➫ (শস্মক্তশালী) Antonym:-Weak Example:- The man is too weak to walk 200) (বলাকস্মি এত দুবজল দয হাুঁিবত পাবর না) 201) SUCCESS ➫ (সফল) Antonym:-Failure Example:- Failure is the pillar of success 202) SYMPATHY ➫ (সহানুভূ স্মত) Antonym:-Ruthlessness ➫ (স্মনমজমতা) Example:- Their ruthlessness stunned us 203) TAME ➫ (দপাষা) Antonym:-Wild ➫ (বনয) Example:- Some wild animals are ferocious
  • 45. Want more Updates  204) THEIST ➫ (আস্মস্তক) Antonym:-Atheist Example:- There are a few atheists in our city 205) THICK ➫ (দমািা) Antonym:-Thin Example:- The baby is very thin and sickly 206) TIE ➫ (বাধা) Antonym:-Untie Example:- Untie the parcel 207) TRUST ➫ (স্মবশ্বাস) Antonym:-Distrust Example:- Distrust is one of the reasons of conjugal conflict 208) UNIQUE ➫ (অননয) Antonym:-Common Example:- Trafficjam is a common phenomenon in Dhaka 209) URBANE ➫ (মাস্মজজত) Antonym:-Impolite Example:- Shafin is an impolite man 210) UTTER ➫ (পুরাপুস্মর) Antonym:-Partial Example:- Your answer is partial 211) VACANT ➫ (খাস্মল) Antonym:-Engaged Example:- Rahul is engaged in business 212) VACILATE(স্মিধাস্মিত হওয়া) Antonym:-Determine Example:- We are determined to learn English 213) VISIBLE ➫ (দদখা যায় এমন) Antonym:-Invisible Example:- Air is invisible but can be felt 214) VITAL ➫ (গুরুত্বপূণজ) Antonym:-Unimportant Example:- We should not kill time for unimportant work 215) WAVER ➫ (স্মিধাগ্রস্ত বযস্মক্ত) Antonym:-Rigid Example:- Their position was rigid 216) WEAKNESS ➫ (দুবজলতা) Antonym:-Strength Example:- What is your strength? 217) WISDOM ➫ (প্রজ্ঞা) Antonym:-Ignorance Example:- Their ignorance brought danger for them 218) WITHDRAW ➫ (প্রতযাহার করা) Antonym:-Put In Example:- I will put your name in the list 219) ZENITH ➫ (চূড়া) Antonym:-Nadir Example:- His position is at nadir 220) ZIGZAG ➫ (আকাবাকা) Antonym:-Straight Example:- The road that leads to Gagipur is straight