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Consumer Guide:
10 Things Your Letting
Agent ‘Should’ be Doing...

in order to let your property
to the best possible tenant in
the shortest possible time

Thank you very much for downloading this guide, we hope
you find it helpful. If you have any questions or comments or
perhaps you would like to organise a free consultation so that
we can help you let your property to the best possible tenant,
then please click here.
  Page 1: 	Finding a tenant ‘you’ want and on ‘your’ terms

  Page 1: 	Advising you on your legal obligations

  Page 2: 	Increased marketing on all the major property portals

  Page 2: 	Reacting quickly

  Page 3: 	Being available all of the time and NEVER missing an enquiry 	
     	     ensuring your property is let quickly

  Page 3: Carrying out strict, in-depth references on potential tenants

  Page 4: 	Ensuring professionally prepared inventory, check in and check 	
     	     out reports are carried out (at no extra cost)

  Page 4: Protecting you against non-payment of rent (at no extra cost)

  Page 5: 	Forwarding your rent promptly

  Page 5: 	Managing your property satisfactory, 24/7, to ensure you AND
           your tenants are happy, and carrying out thorough periodic
           checks on the property

  Page 6: 	Comparison tick sheet

		 A very dynamic and
refreshingly responsive         “
letting agent
Mike, Professional Landlord
1. Finding a tenant ‘you’ want                               2. Advising you on your legal
and on ‘your’ terms                                          obligations
There are a whole range of reasons why you maybe             When it comes to renting out property, there are lots
thinking of renting out your property; maybe you             of legal obligations that the landlord must adhere
are a professional landlord, maybe your property             to, such as the safety of the gas appliances in the
has failed to sell and you are thinking of letting until     property. It is crucial that your letting agent works with
the sales market improves, maybe you are moving              you to ensure that you satisfy these obligations as the
overseas. With each reason comes a different goal.           penalties can be huge, including imprisonment, if any
A professional landlord may only be concerned                of them are overlooked.
about the maximum rent he or she can achieve, an
overseas landlord’s main concern may be the type
of tenant living in their property, i.e. shares, a family,
a couple or single professional. If your letting agent
understands the motivation behind your wish to rent
the property out, then they will be able to give you
tailored advice. If the maximum possible rent is not
the priority and you would prefer to have a slightly
lower rent but with the choice of numerous possible
tenants, the asking price would need to reflect as
this will ultimately determine the types and amount
of tenants who apply. The first tenant who would like
to rent the property may not be best suited to you.
                                                             How we do it: Have a thorough meeting with the
                                                             landlord detailing all of the legal obligations and help
                                                             to satisfy these obligations.

How we do it: Ensure our advice is in line with what
you want to achieve. We ensure you have the final
decision on the tenant we let your property to.

                                                                                    | 01
3. Increased marketing on all                             4. Reacting quickly
the major property portals                                It’s all very well being on the major portals, having
It’s not enough for your letting agent to say ‘we         a board outside your property and so on, but
are on the main property portals’. You should be          how quickly are the leads that the advertising is
asking, ‘Which ones do you advertise on’? How is          generating being dealt with? If they are never
my property going to be advertised? How often will        dealt with, you won’t see any benefit, if they are
it be reviewed? How and when will the enquiries           dealt with (by telephone) within 1 hour when
be handled? The UK’s number 1 property portal,            your property is still fresh in their mind, you will see, have ‘premium packages’              massive benefit. There is a whole process that
available to all letting agents. A ‘premium listing’ on   should be going on behind the scenes when a
rightmove will increase the amount of people who          potential tenant clicks or calls to request more
click to see more details of your property by 34%*        details or a viewing. How and how quickly are
and will increase the request for further details/a       the leads which are generated being dealt with?
viewing, by 21%*. A ‘featured property’ listing on        Does your letting agent just reply by email? (The will mean that every time a tenant        enquirer may be away from their computer). Does
searches for a property like yours, yours will be right   your agent just call them? What if they don’t
at the very top of the page (above the long list of       answer? Do they leave a voicemail? How many
search results). All of these benefits are available to   times do they follow up on that person? These are
every letting agent who advertises on rightmove.          all very important questions because, don’t forget, but very few actually use them. We do, and          your property may not be the only one they have
the results are massive.                                  enquired about.


   on average these generate
   34% more views than standard listings
   21% more enquiries than standard listings

                                                          How we do it: Each and every enquiry is dealt
                                                          with within 1 working hour, initially by telephone
                                                          and if there is no answer, we leave a voicemail
                                                          and follow up with an email, if we haven’t had a
                                                          response within 24 hours, we do the same process
                                                          all over again (as many times as we need to until
How we do it: Market all properties with a ‘premium       we get a reply).

                                                                              | 02
5. Being available all of the time 6. Carrying out strict, in-depth
and NEVER missing an enquiry       references on potential tenants
ensuring your property is let      Once a potential tenant is found, it is crucial that
quickly                            they are referenced to the highest possible level.
                                                      This will include a credit search, previous and
Typically, letting agents open at 9am and close
                                                      current landlord references, previous, current and
at 6pm on weekdays, 4pm on Saturdays and
                                                      future employer references, current address search
are closed on Sundays and bank holidays,
                                                      and if necessary, an overseas reference. There are
inconveniently when most people are not at work
                                                      specialist companies who carry out these searches
and so available to view properties. When the
                                                      with strict pass criteria. If your letting agent does
agents are closed, the caller gets a pre recorded
                                                      the references themselves/in-house, there is only
voicemail message telling them ‘we are closed’.
                                                      a certain amount of information which can be
Isn’t it our job as an agent to be available when
                                                      gleaned and critical information can be missed.
potential tenants and our clients are too? How
                                                      Check that your agent uses a specialist company.
many potential viewings are you missing out on
because your letting agent says ‘sorry, we can’t do
Thursday at 7pm because we are closed’? This is
even more important if your ideal tenant would be
a single professional or professional couple when
evenings and weekends are likely to be the only
time they are able to view.


How we do it: We are open between 8am – 8pm
7 days a week (on average 33 hours per week
longer than most letting agents), 364 days a year     How we do it: We use a leading referencing
to ensure we never miss an opportunity to let our     company to ensure no stone goes unturned when
clients’ property, and on top of that, when we are    finding out the history of a potential tenant.
‘closed’ (after 8pm), we have a specialist team
who answer our calls 24/7. How many letting
agents can honestly say that they will NEVER
miss an opportunity to let your property? This
also means that we let property quicker than our

                                                                         | 03
7. Ensuring professionally                             8. Protecting you against
prepared inventory, check                              non-payment of rent (at no
in and check out reports are                           extra cost)
carried out (at no extra cost)                         For every landlord, receiving the rent each and
With the recent change in tenancy deposit              every month is crucial, whether it is to cover a
protection law, it is crucial that professionally      mortgage or provide an income for a professional
prepared inventory, check in and check out             landlord. Even the most highly paid professionals
reports are carried out. Without this, the landlord    can lose their job or have an injury which means
is unlikely to be able to deduct damages from          they are unable to work and so have no income
the tenant’s deposit at the end of the tenancy         - no income means no rent. When a tenant
if necessary. The purpose of these reports are to      stops paying their rent, it’s important that they
ensure there is no room for doubt at the end of the    are politely asked to leave so you can find a
tenancy and helps to prevent disputes. If there is a   new tenant who can pay. This can also cause a
dispute, then the matter has to be passed across       problem as in most cases the landlord would need
to the deposit resolution service to be resolved       to seek a court order. This can be very expensive
and in cases where there was no professional           and cannot be avoided. However, there is
inventory prepared, the dispute resolution             ‘landlords rent warranty and legal expenses cover’
service are likely to rule in the tenant’s favour,     available. This cover normally costs around £300.00
potentially leaving the landlord heavily out of        for a year.
pocket because he or she did not carry out their
due diligence by arranging for a professionally
prepared inventory. The cost for these reports is
around £300.00


                                                       How we do it: Every tenant we move into a
                                                       property comes backed with a ‘landlords rent
                                                       warranty and legal expenses cover’ policy. What’s
                                                       more, there is no excess, which means you retain
                                                       the full 6 week security deposit in case there is also
                                                       remedial work to be carried out at the end of the
How we do it: Professionally prepared
                                                       tenancy. Again, this is included in the monthly fee
inventories,check in reports and check out reports
                                                       we retain from the rent.
are included in our fee which is taken monthly
from the rent received.

                                                                         | 04
9. Forwarding your rent promptly 10. Managing your property
The second most important thing once the tenant     satisfactory, 24/7, to ensure you
has paid their rent is that you receive it without  AND your tenants are happy,
delay. Most letting agents’ terms of business will  and carrying out thorough
state that you will receive your rent (sometimes by periodic checks on the property
cheque) within 10 working days from the day it is
received by the letting agent. There is no reason   Many tenants (more so professional tenants),
for this delay.                                     perhaps having had a bad experience in the
                                                    past, will only rent properties that are managed
                                                    by a professional managing agency. We feel that
                                                    the service the tenant receives is just as important
                                                    as the service that our clients receive. A happy
                                                    tenant is likely to stay longer, reducing the wear
                                                    and tear on your property caused by a regular
                                                    change in tenant and also avoids any void
                                                    periods. It is important that any issues/concerns
                                                    the tenants have are dealt with promptly and
                                                    efficiently. It is also important that the property is
                                                    inspected on a regular basis to ensure it is being
                                                    maintained by the tenants correctly and that there
                                                    are no breaches of the tenancy agreement terms.
                                                    This also gives the tenant an opportunity to raise
                                                    any queries they have.

                                                       S        M      T      W        T       F      S
                                                                1     x
                                                                      2       x
                                                                              3       x
                                                                                      4       x
                                                                                              5       x
                                                      7          8     9      10      11      12      13
How we do it: We will forward you your rent by
BACS within 24 hours of receiving it.
                                                      14        15    16      17      18      19      20
                                                      21        22    23      24      25      26      27
                                                      28        29    30      31

                                                    How we do it: We operate a 24 hour a day, 7 day
                                                    a week property management service to our
                                                    landlords and tenants to ensure that emergencies
                                                    are dealt with promptly. We respond to any issues
                                                    the tenant may have within one working hour
                                                    and carry out regular mid-term inspections on
                                                    the property and send a full written report to the

                                                                         | 05
We feel that everything mentioned in this consumer guide is absolutely crucial when it comes to letting
your property to the best possible tenant in the shortest possible time. Below, we have put together a
check list to help you compare the services of the various estate agents you will probably be meeting
over the coming weeks.

10 Things your letting agent ‘should’ be doing

  Letting agent name
  Finding a tenant ‘you’ want and on ‘your’
  terms                                                                                    a
  Advising you on your legal obligations
  Increased marketing on all the major
  property portals                                                                         a
  Reacting quickly
  Being available all of the time and NEVER
  missing an enquiry ensuring your property
  is let quickly
  Carrying out strict, in-depth references on
  potential tenants                                                                        a
  Ensuring professionally prepared inventory,
  check in and check out reports are
  carried out (at no extra cost)
  Protecting you against non-payment of
  rent (at no extra cost)                                                                  a
  Forwarding your rent promptly
  Managing your property satisfactory,
  24/7, to ensure you AND your tenants are
  happy and carrying out thorough periodic
  checks on the property
Thank you very much for downloading this guide, we hope
you found it helpful. If you have any questions or comments or
perhaps you would like to organise a free consultation so that
we can help you let your property to the best possible tenant,
then please click here.
Many thanks
Perry Power & Paul O’shea

                                                                       | 06

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10 things your letting agent 'should' be doing

  • 1. Consumer Guide: 10 Things Your Letting Agent ‘Should’ be Doing... in order to let your property to the best possible tenant in the shortest possible time Thank you very much for downloading this guide, we hope you find it helpful. If you have any questions or comments or perhaps you would like to organise a free consultation so that we can help you let your property to the best possible tenant, then please click here.
  • 2. contents Page 1: Finding a tenant ‘you’ want and on ‘your’ terms Page 1: Advising you on your legal obligations Page 2: Increased marketing on all the major property portals Page 2: Reacting quickly Page 3: Being available all of the time and NEVER missing an enquiry ensuring your property is let quickly Page 3: Carrying out strict, in-depth references on potential tenants Page 4: Ensuring professionally prepared inventory, check in and check out reports are carried out (at no extra cost) Page 4: Protecting you against non-payment of rent (at no extra cost) Page 5: Forwarding your rent promptly Page 5: Managing your property satisfactory, 24/7, to ensure you AND your tenants are happy, and carrying out thorough periodic checks on the property “ Page 6: Comparison tick sheet A very dynamic and refreshingly responsive “ letting agent Mike, Professional Landlord
  • 3. 1. Finding a tenant ‘you’ want 2. Advising you on your legal and on ‘your’ terms obligations There are a whole range of reasons why you maybe When it comes to renting out property, there are lots thinking of renting out your property; maybe you of legal obligations that the landlord must adhere are a professional landlord, maybe your property to, such as the safety of the gas appliances in the has failed to sell and you are thinking of letting until property. It is crucial that your letting agent works with the sales market improves, maybe you are moving you to ensure that you satisfy these obligations as the overseas. With each reason comes a different goal. penalties can be huge, including imprisonment, if any A professional landlord may only be concerned of them are overlooked. about the maximum rent he or she can achieve, an overseas landlord’s main concern may be the type of tenant living in their property, i.e. shares, a family, a couple or single professional. If your letting agent understands the motivation behind your wish to rent the property out, then they will be able to give you tailored advice. If the maximum possible rent is not the priority and you would prefer to have a slightly lower rent but with the choice of numerous possible tenants, the asking price would need to reflect as this will ultimately determine the types and amount of tenants who apply. The first tenant who would like to rent the property may not be best suited to you. How we do it: Have a thorough meeting with the landlord detailing all of the legal obligations and help to satisfy these obligations. How we do it: Ensure our advice is in line with what you want to achieve. We ensure you have the final decision on the tenant we let your property to. | 01
  • 4. 3. Increased marketing on all 4. Reacting quickly the major property portals It’s all very well being on the major portals, having It’s not enough for your letting agent to say ‘we a board outside your property and so on, but are on the main property portals’. You should be how quickly are the leads that the advertising is asking, ‘Which ones do you advertise on’? How is generating being dealt with? If they are never my property going to be advertised? How often will dealt with, you won’t see any benefit, if they are it be reviewed? How and when will the enquiries dealt with (by telephone) within 1 hour when be handled? The UK’s number 1 property portal, your property is still fresh in their mind, you will see, have ‘premium packages’ massive benefit. There is a whole process that available to all letting agents. A ‘premium listing’ on should be going on behind the scenes when a rightmove will increase the amount of people who potential tenant clicks or calls to request more click to see more details of your property by 34%* details or a viewing. How and how quickly are and will increase the request for further details/a the leads which are generated being dealt with? viewing, by 21%*. A ‘featured property’ listing on Does your letting agent just reply by email? (The will mean that every time a tenant enquirer may be away from their computer). Does searches for a property like yours, yours will be right your agent just call them? What if they don’t at the very top of the page (above the long list of answer? Do they leave a voicemail? How many search results). All of these benefits are available to times do they follow up on that person? These are every letting agent who advertises on rightmove. all very important questions because, don’t forget, but very few actually use them. We do, and your property may not be the only one they have the results are massive. enquired about. *Source: on average these generate 34% more views than standard listings 21% more enquiries than standard listings How we do it: Each and every enquiry is dealt with within 1 working hour, initially by telephone and if there is no answer, we leave a voicemail and follow up with an email, if we haven’t had a response within 24 hours, we do the same process all over again (as many times as we need to until How we do it: Market all properties with a ‘premium we get a reply). listing’ | 02
  • 5. 5. Being available all of the time 6. Carrying out strict, in-depth and NEVER missing an enquiry references on potential tenants ensuring your property is let Once a potential tenant is found, it is crucial that quickly they are referenced to the highest possible level. This will include a credit search, previous and Typically, letting agents open at 9am and close current landlord references, previous, current and at 6pm on weekdays, 4pm on Saturdays and future employer references, current address search are closed on Sundays and bank holidays, and if necessary, an overseas reference. There are inconveniently when most people are not at work specialist companies who carry out these searches and so available to view properties. When the with strict pass criteria. If your letting agent does agents are closed, the caller gets a pre recorded the references themselves/in-house, there is only voicemail message telling them ‘we are closed’. a certain amount of information which can be Isn’t it our job as an agent to be available when gleaned and critical information can be missed. potential tenants and our clients are too? How Check that your agent uses a specialist company. many potential viewings are you missing out on because your letting agent says ‘sorry, we can’t do Thursday at 7pm because we are closed’? This is even more important if your ideal tenant would be a single professional or professional couple when evenings and weekends are likely to be the only time they are able to view. 24/7 How we do it: We are open between 8am – 8pm 7 days a week (on average 33 hours per week longer than most letting agents), 364 days a year How we do it: We use a leading referencing to ensure we never miss an opportunity to let our company to ensure no stone goes unturned when clients’ property, and on top of that, when we are finding out the history of a potential tenant. ‘closed’ (after 8pm), we have a specialist team who answer our calls 24/7. How many letting agents can honestly say that they will NEVER miss an opportunity to let your property? This also means that we let property quicker than our competitors. | 03
  • 6. 7. Ensuring professionally 8. Protecting you against prepared inventory, check non-payment of rent (at no in and check out reports are extra cost) carried out (at no extra cost) For every landlord, receiving the rent each and With the recent change in tenancy deposit every month is crucial, whether it is to cover a protection law, it is crucial that professionally mortgage or provide an income for a professional prepared inventory, check in and check out landlord. Even the most highly paid professionals reports are carried out. Without this, the landlord can lose their job or have an injury which means is unlikely to be able to deduct damages from they are unable to work and so have no income the tenant’s deposit at the end of the tenancy - no income means no rent. When a tenant if necessary. The purpose of these reports are to stops paying their rent, it’s important that they ensure there is no room for doubt at the end of the are politely asked to leave so you can find a tenancy and helps to prevent disputes. If there is a new tenant who can pay. This can also cause a dispute, then the matter has to be passed across problem as in most cases the landlord would need to the deposit resolution service to be resolved to seek a court order. This can be very expensive and in cases where there was no professional and cannot be avoided. However, there is inventory prepared, the dispute resolution ‘landlords rent warranty and legal expenses cover’ service are likely to rule in the tenant’s favour, available. This cover normally costs around £300.00 potentially leaving the landlord heavily out of for a year. pocket because he or she did not carry out their due diligence by arranging for a professionally prepared inventory. The cost for these reports is around £300.00 Rent How we do it: Every tenant we move into a property comes backed with a ‘landlords rent warranty and legal expenses cover’ policy. What’s more, there is no excess, which means you retain the full 6 week security deposit in case there is also remedial work to be carried out at the end of the How we do it: Professionally prepared tenancy. Again, this is included in the monthly fee inventories,check in reports and check out reports we retain from the rent. are included in our fee which is taken monthly from the rent received. | 04
  • 7. 9. Forwarding your rent promptly 10. Managing your property The second most important thing once the tenant satisfactory, 24/7, to ensure you has paid their rent is that you receive it without AND your tenants are happy, delay. Most letting agents’ terms of business will and carrying out thorough state that you will receive your rent (sometimes by periodic checks on the property cheque) within 10 working days from the day it is received by the letting agent. There is no reason Many tenants (more so professional tenants), for this delay. perhaps having had a bad experience in the past, will only rent properties that are managed by a professional managing agency. We feel that the service the tenant receives is just as important as the service that our clients receive. A happy tenant is likely to stay longer, reducing the wear and tear on your property caused by a regular change in tenant and also avoids any void periods. It is important that any issues/concerns the tenants have are dealt with promptly and efficiently. It is also important that the property is inspected on a regular basis to ensure it is being maintained by the tenants correctly and that there are no breaches of the tenancy agreement terms. This also gives the tenant an opportunity to raise any queries they have. S M T W T F S x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 How we do it: We will forward you your rent by BACS within 24 hours of receiving it. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 How we do it: We operate a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week property management service to our landlords and tenants to ensure that emergencies are dealt with promptly. We respond to any issues the tenant may have within one working hour and carry out regular mid-term inspections on the property and send a full written report to the landlord. | 05
  • 8. We feel that everything mentioned in this consumer guide is absolutely crucial when it comes to letting your property to the best possible tenant in the shortest possible time. Below, we have put together a check list to help you compare the services of the various estate agents you will probably be meeting over the coming weeks. 10 Things your letting agent ‘should’ be doing Letting agent name Finding a tenant ‘you’ want and on ‘your’ terms a Advising you on your legal obligations a Increased marketing on all the major property portals a Reacting quickly a Being available all of the time and NEVER missing an enquiry ensuring your property is let quickly a Carrying out strict, in-depth references on potential tenants a Ensuring professionally prepared inventory, check in and check out reports are carried out (at no extra cost) a Protecting you against non-payment of rent (at no extra cost) a Forwarding your rent promptly a Managing your property satisfactory, 24/7, to ensure you AND your tenants are happy and carrying out thorough periodic checks on the property a Thank you very much for downloading this guide, we hope you found it helpful. If you have any questions or comments or perhaps you would like to organise a free consultation so that we can help you let your property to the best possible tenant, then please click here. Many thanks Perry Power & Paul O’shea | 06