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VOL 07 I ISSUE 02 I 2023
Unlocking New Possibili es
Leveraging Advancements in
Quantum Compu ng and
DevOps for DataOps
Streamlining Data Integra on
and Management
Unveiling the Blueprint to Success in
the Era of Digital Transforma on
Ma er g
Ma er g
Ma er g
Futur tic
Futur tic
Futur tic
the DevOps
Marc Hornbeek,
CEO and Principal Consultant,
Engineering DevOps Consulting
When the
is Clear,
the Results
Will Appear
is Clear,
When the
Abhishek Joshi
n the age of rapid digital transformation, the
IDevOps methodology has emerged as the linchpin
of success for companies navigating the
complexities of modern software development. With a
profound understanding of this paradigm shift, the
leaders have not only embraced DevOps principles but
have also molded them into bespoke solutions that
align seamlessly with their organizational objectives.
From streamlining development pipelines to
automating testing and deployment, these visionaries
have redefined the limits of what's possible,
transcending traditional boundaries and ushering in a
new era of software delivery. Through their unwavering
commitment to fostering collaboration between
development and operations teams, they've
demonstrated that a harmonious synergy can drive
innovation and efficiency, leading to faster time-to-
market and superior customer experiences.
As we delve into the stories of these luminaries, you'll
witness firsthand the strategic acumen and technical
prowess that have elevated them to the vanguard of
their industries. Their journeys are a testament to the
power of holistic thinking, where technological
breakthroughs go hand in hand with leadership
In the following pages of 10 Futuristic Leaders
Mastering the DevOps Universe, 2023, CIOLook
uncovers the strategies they've employed to conquer
challenges, the technologies they've harnessed to
automate and optimize, and the cultural shifts they've
championed to cultivate a DevOps-centric mindset
across their organizations. Their insights offer a
blueprint for organizations striving to stay competitive
in an era where innovation is non-negotiable and
adaptability is paramount.
Join us as we celebrate the achievements of these
leaders who are not only mastering the DevOps
universe but are actively shaping its trajectory. Their
stories inspire, educate, and illuminate the path
forward for all of us who are navigating the uncharted
waters of modern technology leadership. As we dive
into their experiences, may their journeys embolden
you to chart your course in the ever-expanding
universe of DevOps.
Flip through the pages and have a delightful read!
Unveiling the Blueprint to Success in
the Era of Digital Transforma on
Unlocking New Possibili es
Leveraging Advancements in
Quantum Compu ng and DevOps
DevOps for DataOps
Streamlining Data Integra on
and Management
20 28
On the Course to Re-define Upskilling and Reskilling
A Ground-Breaking Leader Bridging Humanity
and Technology
A Catalyst for Disrup on in the Tech World
Senior Editor Alan Swann
Executive Editors AbhishekJoshi
Alex Spellman
Visualizer Dave Bates
Art & Design Director Revati Badkas
Associate Designer Ankita Pandharpure
Senior Sales Manager Sihanee M., Rouniyar A.
Customer Success Manager Linde. M, Ankush
Sales Executives Alan, Tom
Technical Head Prachi Mokashi
Technical Consultant Victor Collins
July, 2023
Copyright © 2023 CIOLOOK, All
rights reserved. The content
and images used in this
magazine should not be
reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without prior
permission from CIOLOOK.
Reprint rights remain solely
For Subscription
Pooja M Bansal
Research Analyst Eric Smith
SEO Executive ×ι ш
ι Ҽ
ι Ш
Company Name
Rafik Harabi
Senior Customer
Solutions Architect
Travis Gosselin
Distinguished Software
Engineer, Developer
Ebru Cucen
Data Consultant
Moira Cheng
Sr. Manager EU IT
Operations Experience
Ebru is a very conscientious and talented developer. She works
very hard and is always keen to investigate and push forward
new technologies.
Rafik is an experienced leader in multidisciplinary
architectures, including business, data & information, technical
infrastructure, cloud and software development.
Travis is an accomplished software developer, architect, and
Moira is passionate about bringing people, processes,
technology and experiences together to deliver new products or
solutions and implementing changes to ways of working.
Daniel Bull
Cloud Architect for
Currently a Senior Technical Advisor at Couchbase, Daniel has
a wealth of knowledge in enterprise organisations looking to
accelerate their digital transformation journey.
Ciara Carey
Developer Relations
Ciara is a true advocate for developers and believes the
emphasis to Shift Left with quality and security puts too much
responsibility on developers.
Reservix GMBH
Nikolaus works as a software architect at Reservix GmbH and,
in addition to application development and its technological
aspects, is also interested in optimizing the software delivery
SPS Commerce
Eveline Oehrlich
Chief Research
Officer (CRO)
Eveline is a successful industry analyst and business leader
with a strong track record of success in technology industry
market research and advisory for enterprise clients and
technology vendors.
Engineering DevOps
Marc Hornbeek is CEO and Principal Consultant at
Engineering DevOps Consulting and author of the book
'Engineering DevOps.’
Marc Hornbeek
CEO and Principal
Ori Bendet
VP of Product
Ori brings more than 15 years of experience to his role as Head
of Product Management, SAST & Engines at Checkmarx.
Featured Person
Nikolaus Huber
Software Architect
CEO and Principal Consultant,
Engineering DevOps Consulting
Unveiling the Blueprint to Success in
Unveiling the Blueprint to Success in
the Era of Digital Transforma on
the Era of Digital Transforma on
Unveiling the Blueprint to Success in
the Era of Digital Transforma on
n the ever-evolving world of digital
Itransformations, one name stands out as the
guiding force behind a multitude of success
stories. Meet Marc, the visionary CEO and
Principal Consultant of Engineering DevOps
Consulting, a company he founded over eight and
a half years ago in January 2015. Marc's expertise
in Continuous Testing, DevOps, DevSecOps, and
SRE practices has propelled him to the forefront
of the industry.
With an unwavering commitment to excellence,
Marc has become a true specialist in his field. His
groundbreaking methodologies and unique
approach have earned him accolades as a thought
leader, evidenced not only by his consultancy's
impressive track record but also by his bestselling
book, "Engineering DevOps.”
Marc's secret lies in his ability to apply his deep
knowledge and understanding of the intricacies of
DevOps to transform organizations. Leveraging his
comprehensive Engineering Blueprints, Seven-Step
DevOps Transformation Blueprint, and 9 DevOps
Pillars discovery and assessment tools, he crafts
actionable and comprehensive DevOps transformation
roadmaps and strategic plans.
But Marc's impact goes beyond theory and planning.
Through targeted workshops and hands-on guidance,
he empowers teams to embrace change and drive
tangible results. His passion for nurturing talent and
fostering a culture of innovation has become a hallmark
of his consultancy, enabling companies to thrive in an
increasingly competitive landscape.
Leading the Way in Transformation
Engineering DevOps Consulting, under the guidance of
Marc, widely recognized in the industry as
"DevOps_the_Gray," boasted a multitude of distinctive
qualities. With an impressive background spanning 48
years, Marc brought a wealth of practical experience in
the realms of DevOps, DevSecOps, SRE, and
Continuous Quality Engineering.
The company prided itself on a remarkable track record
of facilitating successful outcomes for clients,
supported by numerous testimonials and prestigious
accolades. Most notably, Engineering DevOps
Consulting had recently been honored as the DevOps
Strategic Advisor for the esteemed "Best DevOps
Implementation of 2022" award.
Operating as a boutique consulting firm, Engineering
DevOps Consulting cateres to a wide range of
contracting arrangements. They are available for small
contracts based on hourly rates as well as large multi-
year contracts with fixed prices for deliverables. Clients
have the flexibility to engage directly with the company
or through their existing consulting partners, with
Engineering DevOps Consulting serving as a sub-
contractor when necessary.
Geographical boundaries isno constraint for the
company, as the work with clients globally, around the
clock. Leveraging a well-established network of
experts, Engineering DevOps Consulting had access to
additional resources whenever the need arose.
Despite their exceptional expertise, the company
maintained relatively low consulting rates compared to
others operating at the same level. This was made
possible due to their unique capabilities, internal cost
advantages, and a proven set of accelerator tools.
Setting themselves apart with a unique prescriptive
engineering-centric approach and a set of proprietary
tools, the company excelled at accelerating digital
transformations. Marc elaborated on these
methodologies and techniques in his book, titled
"Engineering DevOps ... from Chaos to Continuous
Improvement ... and Beyond." In recognition of his
lifetime of accomplishments and contributions to the
field of software and systems process automation,
Marc had been awarded the IEEE Outstanding
Engineer title in 2016.
Marc's leadership philosophy could be succinctly
summarized as follows: “As a leader I facilitate
measurable outcomes for all stakeholders by respectfully
injecting and engaging expert engineering practices to guide
strategy, execution support and performance monitoring.”
Comprehensive Service Offerings
Engineering DevOps Consulting offers three types of
services for organizations undergoing digital
transformations that include at least one of four topics:
DevOps, DevSecOps, Site Reliability Engineering and
Continuous Quality Engineering. All four of these
topics are critical for organizations to master to
accomplish high performance DevOps.
Ÿ The first service, “Strategic Consulting Services”
constitutes most of the business. This consists of
executive level consulting for large organizations
including enterprises, institutions, manufacturers,
and service providers.
Ÿ expert role guiding and advising executive clients,
conducting assessments, creating strategic
roadmaps, and guiding implementation of
transformation projects.
Ÿ The second service, “Training and Education
Services," approximately one quarter of the business,
consists of creating course materials and instructing
clients, typically in a remote classroom or on-site
environment. For example, we are accredited to
teach nine of the courses offered to global learning
partners of the DevOps Institute and People Cert.
Ÿ The third service, “Marketing and Sales Support
Services," approximately one quarter of the business,
consists of creating original content for marketing
campaigns (blogs, eBooks, Webinars, white papers
and speaking engagements) and for pre-sales
support such as commercial RFPs. We publish
regularly on for example which has a
global audience of hundreds of thousands of
Building Trust and Inspiring Growth
Marc strongly believes that demonstrating respect at a
personal level, encompassing oneself, the team, and the
clients, is of utmost importance in building trust and
inspiration. According to Marc, establishing a
foundation of respect paves the way for setting an
inspiring vision and effectively evangelizing the
principles of DevOps, DevSecOps, SRE, and CQE. Marc
emphasizes the wealth of success stories, industry data,
and company-specific data that showcase
extraordinary results when these practices are
implemented with precision.
In Marc's view, the field of DevOps and related
disciplines presents abundant opportunities for
organizations, teams, and individuals to thrive
competitively, technically, and professionally. As an
inspirational leader, Marc recognizes the responsibility
to honor and respect the diverse needs of everyone
involved, ensuring that they can fully leverage these
opportunities for growth and development.
The Holistic Approach
Based on his extensive experience, Marc asserts that
the challenges faced in transformation projects are
multi-faceted, primarily encompassing three
dimensions: people, process, and technology. The
nature of these challenges varies depending on the
existing maturity level of the organization and the goals
they aim to achieve. Marc emphasizes that a holistic
and strategic approach is crucial for the success of
transformation initiatives, as without it, projects are
prone to stalling or failing.
One common pitfall observed by Marc is the tendency
of many organizations to hastily adopt new
technologies without adequately considering the
strategic roadmap. He stresses the importance of giving
equal weight to people and process transformations
alongside technology implementation. Neglecting these
crucial aspects can undermine the overall effectiveness
of the transformation and hinder its long-term success.
To overcome these challenges, Marc advocates for a
thoughtful and comprehensive approach that
addresses people, process, and technology in an
integrated manner. By recognizing the
interdependencies among these dimensions and
developing a strategic roadmap that accounts for each,
organizations can navigate the complexities of
transformation and increase their likelihood of
achieving their desired outcomes.
Continuous Learning and Metrics
DevOps, DevSecOps, SRE, and Continuous Quality
Engineering practices and technologies are in a
constant state of evolution. Recognizing the
importance of continuous learning and upskilling, active
participation in industry events like the DevOps
Enterprise Summit,, and the DevOps
Institute's SKILup events is crucial. In addition,
engagement with clients, vendor reviews, and
partnering with networks contribute to staying
updated on the latest developments in the field.
evOps is a complex maze that has
many leaders frustrated. In many
large enterprises, ‘DevOps’ is simply
a buzzword they are striving to achieve but
struggle with what the end state looks like or
even where to start. There are many layers
across the organization that are
instrumental to truly executing on DevOps.
DevOps is not something you go get a quote
for and simply buy. It’s an evolving journey.
Hornbeek takes you on the journey in a
prescriptive way that leaders and
practitioners can execute upon. I’ve seen
Hornbeek lead F500 Enterprises on this
multiyear journey firsthand. Hornbeek takes
a complex web and breaks it down into an
executable approach. He is adamant that
engineering is critical on this journey, and
drives the focus from that perspective.
Marc’s insights will be of incredible value to
you on your personal DevOps journey.”
—Ryan Harmon, Strategic Account
Executive, Trace3
“Before you hire your next DevOps
consultant, I strongly recommend you first
get a copy of Engineering DevOps by Marc
Hornbeek. This is one of most impactful,
well-articulated DevOps management
toolkits you wished you had years ago.
Marc’s multidimensional models of DevOps
really help organizations understand how to
engineer and scale a truly agile enterprise.”
— Patrick Johnson, General Manager of
Automation Platform Technologies, Spirent
“When I first founded six-plus years ago, there were a lot of people talking about DevOps but not a lot
of people who really understood DevOps. Marc Hornbeek was one of the people who understood DevOps. Marc
understood DevOps from many different viewpoints as well, from a long, distinguished career in test engineering to
managing a team and all the way to how DevOps could best be implemented across an entire enterprise. In his book,
Engineering DevOps, Marc brings all of this together. Whether you are a single engineer looking to further your
career with some DevOps knowledge or a C-level executive seeking to make your organization more competitive via
digital transformation, this is a mustread book for you.” —Alan Shimel, Founder, Editor-in-Chief,
“An engineering mindset must carry through every aspect of software delivery from ideation to value creation to
compete in a digital landscape. Marc Hornbeek, a well-known and award-winning IEEE engineer, provides solid
guidance on adopting DevOps with an engineering perspective.” —Jayne Groll, CEO, The DevOps Institute.
When it comes to measuring the effectiveness and
success of DevOps implementations for clients, several
metrics come into play. Primary metrics prescribed by
DORA include lead time, release frequency, failure
rates, and recovery rates. Additionally, end-to-end flow
metrics provide insights into the overall efficiency of
the implementation. To ensure reliable solutions that
meet Service Level Objectives for the CI/CD pipeline,
SRE metrics like availability are necessary.
Furthermore, capability maturity metrics and
assessments play a vital role in helping organizations
understand their current standing and identify areas
for improvement. DevOps offers a range of assessment
tools that evaluate the maturity and current state of
the nine pillars of DevOps, nine pillars of DevSecOps,
nine pillars of SRE, ten pillars of Continuous Quality
Engineering, and other specialized topics. These tools
leverage a database of industry practices that are
continually updated to reflect the latest research,
allowing organizations to identify gaps and prioritize
their improvement efforts accordingly.
The Role of Leadership in DevOps Transformation
To foster a collaborative and DevOps-oriented culture,
Marc believes that leadership plays a crucial role.
According to him, leaders must take the initiative to set
and evangelize the vision, big picture goals, and success
measures that encompass people, process, and
technologies. This holistic approach ensures that the
transformation journey moves cohesively from the
current state towards the envisioned future state.
By actively promoting a shared vision, setting clear
goals, and recognizing the efforts and achievements of
team members, leaders can cultivate a collaborative
and DevOps-oriented culture. This not only encourages
teamwork and collaboration but also fosters an
environment where individuals are inspired to learn,
grow, and contribute to the organization's success.
Accelerating DevOps Evolution
AI is driving the evolution of DevOps. Marc highlights
its impact on all pillars of DevOps, DevSecOps, SRE, and
CQE. With the need for faster continuous deliveries
escalating, AI-powered tools like ChatGPT play a vital
role in automating processes, enhancing efficiency, and
making data-driven decisions.
They enable organizations to streamline their practices
and achieve greater scalability and predictive
capabilities. AI is essential for navigating the
complexities of digital transformations and ensuring
successful and efficient DevOps implementations. | 202 |
July 3
Evel e Oehrlich
On the Course to Re-define Upskilling and Reskilling
he rapid pace of digital transformation is helping
Tto meet changing business needs. IT organiza-
tions worldwide are challenged by insufficient
skills or resources, managing technical debt, and
dealing with budget and funding issues that impact the
pace of digital.
In addition, technological advances, continuous
evolution around existing best practice models, new
processes and frameworks, demographic shifts and
hybrid working models, and intelligent automation are
exacerbating the IT talent crisis. IT organizations’ most
significant challenge is the need for more skilled
With IT organizations not hiring their way out of this
skill crunch, IT leaders and professionals must target
expanding, developing, and learning skills, since
upskilling and reskilling play an essential role in
addressing the IT talent and skill crisis.
Recognizing this need, PeopleCert, the global leader in
the delivery of examination and accreditation services,
is fortunate to have Eveline Oehrlich as Business & IT
Research Director, embodying the essence of effective
leadership around helping IT to upskill and reskill for
now and the future.
At the core of Eveline’s leadership style is a strong
focus on innovation and forward-thinking. She antici-
pates industry trends, identifies emerging opportuni-
ties, and developsstrategic plans to position PeopleCert
at the forefront of the upskilling, education, and
certification sectors.
One essential leadership quality demonstrated by
Eveline is her commitment to collaboration and
alignment to achieve outcomes, with a deep under-
standing of the challenges IT faces (from her past work
as an Industry Analyst at Forrester Research). As
Eveline puts it:
“Digital environments work differently and depend on
resources with emerging skills. Influential IT leaders
must integrate people, processes, and technologyto
deliver outcomes for the business and its ecosystem.
During rapid and complex change, we sometimes
sacrifice this principle and focus on one thing that will
take us to the next step.”
With this understanding, she has worked to instil a
culture of collaboration within PeopleCert, setting high
standards and expectations for every aspect of the
research and strategy work she is part of. Eveline
inspires those around her to strive for continuous
improvement, encouraging innovation and embracing
creativity and new ideas.
Moreover, she possesses exceptional strategic thinking
abilities with a holistic perspective on the IT industry,
identifying opportunities beyond the immediate scope
of PeopleCert's services. She actively seeks partner-
ships and collaborations with ecosystem partners such
as industry experts, thought leaders, software and
service providers, communities, educational institu-
tions, and government bodies to create mutually
beneficial alliances that drive innovation and thought
leadership around people, processes, and technology.
About PeopleCert:
We are trusted by organisations, government entities,
and professionals across more than 200 countries and
territories, including 82% of Fortune 500, to unlock
potential through learning. Our market-leading
certifications transform lives and businesses with | July 2023 |
cutting-edge technology and a comprehensive
approach to exam management. We benefit multina-
tional organisations through exam design and develop-
ment, sophisticated platforms for qualifications’
management, global and secure test delivery, and post-
exam services.
In a significant development, PeopleCert has acquired
Axelos, a joint venture established in 2013 by the UK
Cabinet Office and Capita plc. Axelos plays a vital role
in developing, enhancing, and promoting various best
practice methodologies employed worldwide by
professionals primarily involved in project, program,
and portfolio management, IT service management, and
cyber resilience. Notably, this includes renowned
programs such as ITIL® and PRINCE2®.
CIOLook recently interviewed Eveline about her
strategic insight and the importance of collaboration
and alignment, helping people feel empowered and
inspired to contribute to their best!
Let’s delve into the insights of the interview!
Brief our audience about your journey as a dynamic
leader until your current position at PeopleCert. What
challenges have you had to overcome to reach where
you are today?
Throughout my professional journey, which includes
working in IT, Marketing, and Business Development as
an Industry Analyst, CTO, and Chief Research Officer, I
have always focusedon helping IT people solve
problems, including difficulties around process
efficiency and automation, technology adoption issues,
and upskilling, shaping, and changing the culture and
measurements. The challenges are not about what
technology, process, or best practice framework models
should be leveraged towards, but rather how we work
together to achieve the goals of those we serve –
whether patients, customers, or citizens.
The main challenge I had to overcome to reach where I
am today is ensuring that I listen more than I speak.
Listening helps to understand. When one understands,
one has empathy and can start developing an action
Enlighten us on how you have impacted the dynamic
industry through your expertise in the market.
There are three things I like to mention:
Ÿ Being a smart collaborator, aiming to break down
silos among teams, within companies, across
partners, across geographies, cultures, and more.
Ÿ Researching and sharing my findings and experience
through syndicatedresearch on essential topics such
as ITSM, DevOps, APM, AIOps, Observability, and
more. I contributed significantly to shaping the
understanding and adoption of these practices
across IT organizations.
Ÿ I have helped a variety of prominent
software/automation vendors adjust, modify,
accelerate, or change their product and solution
strategies toward success, which means improved
go- to-market strategies, better solutions or
services, and a better roadmap to meet customer
Describe in detail the Mission, Vision, Values, and
Culture that drive your organization.
From its inception, PeopleCert’s vision has been to be
the global leader in exam delivery and certifications of
Stay focused, manage
your situation, determine
your tasks, take action,
and show results – then
return to your focus and
expand. | 202 |
July 3
persons, following the vision of the company’s CEO and
Founder Byron Nicolaides who has always been an
advocate for the importance of continued education.
To achieve this aim, PeopleCert has made it its mission
to develop and deliver best-in-class exam and
certification programs that enhance the
lives and careers of people all around the world.
To meet this mission and demonstrate our commitment
to quality and integrity in everything we do, PeopleCert
applies the following four 4 core values in all aspects of
its operation:
Ÿ Quality: Committed to consistently providing
products & services that meet and exceed customer
Ÿ Innovation: Delivering cutting-edge technology to
streamline, enhance and revolutionize our
customers’ digital experience.
Ÿ Passion: Dedicated to empowering professionals,
partners, and businesses to realize their ambitions
and goals.
Ÿ Integrity: Building relationships based on trust,
reliability, and quality to deliver operational and
business excellence.
PeopleCert essentially has a culture of collaboration,
ideation, and entrepreneurship. The values ensure that
team members are enabled and feel part of the journey.
Undeniably, technology plays a significant role in
almost every sector. How are you advancing towards
technological innovations to make your solutions
As we are in the certification, learning, and upskilling
business, we need to focus on value and outcomes for
our community of learners and our ecosystem partners.
While technologicalinnovations are essential, if they do
not solve real problems and deliver significant value to
the different stakeholders, they do not matter.
What, according to you, could be the next significant
change in your sector? How is your company
preparing to be a part of that change?
The transformation towards digital is changing
everything, from our conception of the learning journey
evolving to that of a constant journey (life-long
learning) to making learning more interactive, and it
teaches us that failures are opportunities, that learners
need an agile and flexible way of learning, and that the
community becomes a significant body of support and
reflection. At the same time, content creation and
learner interactions are impacted by the continuous
evolution of our readers. Their role changes quickly,
which means they need new and different upskilling
material, better and faster.
Where do you envision yourself to be in the long run,
and what are your future goals for the organization?
I envision myself in the same role, as I love what I do.
My role has a strategic component; I can ideate, create,
roll up my sleeves, and deliver outcomes. One wish is to
improve our feedback loop on what improvements we
could make and delight our ecosystem.
What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs
who aspire to venture into the dynamic industry?
Stay focused, manage your situation, determine your
tasks, act, and show results – then go back to your focus
and expand. That is my mantra of continuous
improvement, and I live and practice it daily. | July 2023 |
in Quantum Computing
he convergence of quantum computing and DevOps is a major development in the field
Tof technology. Quantum computing is a new type of computing that uses the principles
of quantum mechanics to solve problems that are intractable on traditional computers.
DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations
(Ops) to shorten the development lifecycle and improve the quality of software.
The convergence of quantum computing and DevOps has the potential to revolutionize many
industries. For example, quantum computing could be used to develop new drugs and
materials, design new financial products and improve the efficiency of transportation systems.
DevOps could be used to automate the deployment of software and infrastructure, which
could lead to faster time to market and improved customer satisfaction.
The convergence of quantum computing and DevOps is still in its early stages, but it has the
potential to usher in a new era of innovation and possibility. By combining the power of
quantum computing with the agility of DevOps, organizations can solve problems that were
previously impossible to solve and create new products and services that can change the
This article delves into the symbiotic relationship between these two domains, revealing how their
synergy is shaping the landscape of technology and ushering in a future where new possibilities are
not just imagined but realized.
A Paradigm Shift in Computation
Quantum Mechanics at the Core
Quantum computing leverages the principles of quantum mechanics, harnessing the unique
behavior of quantum bits or qubits. Unlike classical bits, qubits can exist in multiple states
simultaneously, exponentially increasing computational power and enabling complex
problem-solving at unprecedented speeds.
Quantum Supremacy and Applications
Advancements in quantum computing have led to the concept of quantum supremacy, where
quantum computers outperform classical computers in specific tasks. From cryptography and | 202 |
July 3
Unlocking New Possibilities | July 2023 |
optimization to drug discovery and material science,
quantum computing holds the potential to
revolutionize industries by solving problems that were
previously unsolvable within feasible timeframes.
DevOps: A Paradigm for Agile Software Development
DevOps Principles
DevOps encompasses a cultural shift in software
development, emphasizing collaboration, automation,
continuous integration and continuous delivery
(CI/CD). By breaking down silos between development
and operations teams, DevOps streamlines the
software development lifecycle, enhancing efficiency
and delivering faster and more reliable results.
Accelerating Innovation
DevOps is synonymous with agility. Its iterative
approach allows developers to deliver software
updates more frequently, responding swiftly to
changing user needs and market demands. This
accelerated pace of innovation aligns seamlessly with
the dynamic nature of the technology landscape.
Synergy Unveiled
Enhancing Complex Simulations
The amalgamation of quantum computing and DevOps
offers a quantum leap in performing complex
simulations. Quantum computers can model intricate
systems with a degree of accuracy that classical
computers struggle to achieve, enabling rapid
simulations that drive insights and innovation.
Optimization and Decision-Making
Quantum computing's prowess in optimization aligns
with DevOps' focus on efficient processes. Together,
they can optimize resource allocation, deployment
strategies and infrastructure management, culminating
in more effective decision-making and resource
A Quantum-Resistant Future
Quantum Cryptography and Post-Quantum Security
Quantum computing's potential to break current
encryption methods poses a security challenge.
However, the synergy with DevOps facilitates the
adoption of quantum-resistant encryption methods,
ensuring that as quantum computing advances, security
remains intact, safeguarding sensitive data and digital
Challenges and Considerations
Quantum Computing's Current Limitations
While promising, quantum computing is still in its
infancy. The technology faces challenges such as qubit
stability, error rates and scalability. DevOps
methodologies can aid in managing these challenges by
enabling iterative development and rapid testing of
quantum algorithms.
Skills and Expertise
The convergence of quantum computing and DevOps
demands a skilled workforce with expertise in both
domains. Addressing this need requires training and
upskilling programs that bridge the gap between
quantum mechanics and software engineering.
Quantum DevOps Odyssey
As quantum computing and DevOps journey hand in
hand, a realm of new possibilities emerges. Their
symbiotic alliance holds the key to solving complex
problems, accelerating innovation, ensuring security
and redefining the boundaries of technological
advancement. The marriage of quantum computing and
DevOps marks a transformative chapter in technology,
unveiling novel possibilities that reshape computation,
innovation and security paradigms.
In the future, the synergy between quantum computing
and DevOps is poised to deepen. Quantum algorithms
optimized through DevOps methodologies will drive
breakthroughs in fields like materials science, artificial
intelligence and climate modeling. Quantum-resistant
encryption and secure DevOps practices will safeguard
data integrity in an increasingly quantum-powered
world. The integration of quantum simulators and
emulators into DevOps pipelines will accelerate
quantum application development. As quantum
hardware matures, quantum DevOps will play a pivotal
role in harnessing its potential, revolutionizing
industries and shaping a future where the impossible
becomes achievable. | 202 |
July 3
The trick is to
come up with a
solu on or
product that
can be easily
integrated and
work with
other tools in
the ecosystem.
Snr Mgr. EU IT
Opera ons Experience
& DevSecOps
Programme Manager
Vodafone Group
Services Limited
MoiraCheng | 202 |
July 3
A Ground-Breaking Leader Bridging Humanity
and Technology
n a world where technology plays an increasingly
prominent role, it is also being witnessed in
telecommunication. This is due to the development
of new technologies, such as 5G, fiber optic networks
and cloud computing. These technologies are making it
possible to transmit data faster, more efficiently and
over longer distances.
Vodafone stands out as a telecommunications company
that recognizes the power of technology and humanity.
With the global pandemic raising important questions
for tech brands, Vodafone understands the crucial role
it must play. Vodafone firmly believes that by merging
humanity and technology, it can find solutions and
create a brighter future for all.
At Vodafone, Moira Cheng spearheads the EU IT
Operations Experience and serves as the DevSecOps
Programme Manager. With a deep understanding of
the transformative potential of technology, Moira is
passionate about helping people feel ready to embrace
new advancements. Whether it's bringing connectivity
to remote locations, aiding families in disaster zones, or
demonstrating the practical applications of
smartphones to young people, Vodafone is committed
to making a positive impact on society.
We at CIOLook interviewed Moira on empowering
individuals and creating a world where technology
serves humanity's greatest aspirations.
Let’s delve into the intercepts of the interview!
Brief our audience about your journey as a dynamic
leader until your current position at your company.
What challenges have you had to overcome to reach
where you are today?
Well, I truly believe that every single role I’ve
experienced throughout my career has had a part to
play in influencing my journey as a Leader. I graduated
from University in Australia and started my career in
Public Relations, Corporate Communications and
Advertising in Malaysia where I grew up.
In my mid-20s, I decided to move back to England
(where I was born) and being in a country where I had
no media knowledge or background, I found it really
hard to secure a role in that industry.
As one does, I swiveled into working at a Call Centre for
a large financial firm and after a year or so progressed
into a Central Call Centre Operations team, managing
Incidents and Changes for 15 call centres across the
This experience brought me into the
Telecommunications world. Besides the adjustment to
moving countries and industries, and learning different
cultures and ways of working, I learned to have
confidence and believe in myself, to be resilient, and to
grasp opportunities as they come.
For about a year, I pondered whether to move my
career further into Project Management or a Business
Analyst and Service Design role. I was fortunate to have
had the opportunity to try both roles for a year (50/50)
and made the decision to venture properly into Service
Design, modeling how we would Sell, Build and Run our
new products from a Customer Experience and Internal
Business Process perspective.
The challenges here were more to do with gaining a
vast amount of knowledge required to do the role well.
I needed to know enough about all layers of the
solutions we were building-Networks, IT, people and
the organization, processes and tools. It was by far the
role that offered the best visibility and breadth and it
was rewarding in itself when you could work out how
everything worked together.
MoiraCheng | July 2023 |
In this role, I also started being a Manager and a Leader
who led, motivated, coached, mentored and guided my
team. The decision to move from Service Design into
leading a Programme focused on DevOps education,
culture and transformation was the next significant
move for me about 2 1/2 years ago. I had been familiar
with DevOps and we had some early adopters in IT who
gave me insight into DevOps tools, culture and ways of
It was more of a personal challenge for me in moving
away from a role I’d been doing for a decade, into
something new, learning to be comfortable with not
knowing everything, building new relationships, setting
up a programme from scratch and building a team to
deliver it with colleagues who had other day jobs and
roles. But everyone in my team had the desire to grow,
learn and evolve, we were motivated by knowing that
what we were doing was ‘By us, and For Us’.
Enlighten us on how you have been impacting the
dynamic industry through your expertise in the
Broadly if you look across social media, blogs, or
publications on DevOps, there is a lot of focus on
CI/CD, specific tooling and quite a lot on culture and
ways of working. During my initial research into the
topic, I saw a lot of it focused on the ‘Dev’ of DevOps. It
dawned on me that there wasn’t really much said on the
‘Ops side of DevOps’.
I had an opportunity to speak at the DevOps Enterprise
Summit in 2022 (Virtual in Europe) and in person in Las
Vegas. I shared what we were doing in our IT Ops-
driven DevOps Programme, namely:
Ÿ Getting Ops colleagues involved and familiar with
DevOps & Agile ways of working,
Ÿ Educating our colleagues on what DevOps is and
Ÿ Reassuring Ops colleagues that there is room to
evolve from a pure ‘Traditional’ Operations way of
working, to an Operations Engineering mindset.
We encouraged our teams to learn through
experimentation of DevOps tool adoption, culture and
practices and share their success stories. Importantly
this shift-left mindset also means that Operations
teams need to be engaged early in the Project delivery
lifecycle and collaborate with the Development and
Delivery teams to build sustainable and reliable
engineering into our Products and Services from the
start–which is essentially what Site Reliability
Engineering (SREs) skills bring. We were also thrilled to
be recognized in the industry and win the DASA
(DevOps Agile Skills Association) Awards for Best
Cultural Transformation Programme in May 2023.
Describe in detail the values and culture that drives
your organization.
Vodafone’s Purpose is to connect for a better future by
enabling inclusive and sustainable digital societies. This
serves as the framework for what we do at Vodafone.
Underpinning our Purpose are the Spirit & Inclusion
The Spirit behaviours are a unifying language shared by
our global network, enabling us to deliver our strategy
including our aspiration of helping to build a digital
society for all. We must demonstrate our Spirit
behaviors consistently when working with each other,
our customers and the communities in which we
operate. | 202 |
July 3
The Spirit Behaviours include earning customer loyalty,
Creating the Future, Experimenting, Learn Fast and
Getting it Done, together.
Undeniably, technology is playing a significant role in
almost every sector. How are you advancing towards
technological innovations to make your solutions
Vodafone is on a journey to transform into a New
Generation Telco, with the aim to become a Technology
Communications Company. With this, there are 3 key
areas of focus:
Ÿ Building customer trust through service excellence
Ÿ Delivering simplicity, operational effectiveness &
Ÿ Evolving Technology to drive sustainable revenue
and profit growth.
With our Tech2025 strategy and in particular in Digital
& IT, we have come together across Europe and are
looking to harmonise on tooling choices, have recently
launched a Technology as a Service (TaaS) Platform for
our Software Engineering Developer community. We
are leveraging our Global scale by collaborating and
sharing the latest innovations, knowledge and expertise
across Guilds, Communities of Practice and Centres of
What, according to you, could be the next significant
change in your sector? How is your company
preparing to be a part of that change?
DevOps as a mindset and culture is growing in our
organization. As we move more of our technology to
the Cloud, this enables us to modernize more easily,
adopt SaaS concepts, and implement more APIs
between our various solutions.
Large Enterprises face the challenge of keeping up the
pace of developing front-end digital cloud-native
solutions and at the same time, integrating with
middleware and backend OSS/BSS systems (which
often need modernizing). We’re clashing the new, with
the old so automating processes and ensuring we have
integration layers that can orchestrate data from
multiple tools to support our business processes is the
key first step.
AI and Machine learning comes next but we’d only reap
the benefits if we do the legwork to streamline and
simplify processes (for example through process mining
activities) and increase automation to reduce manual
Where do you envision yourself to be in the long run
and what are your future goals for the organization?
If only I had a crystal ball. The industry and
opportunities for career growth are evolving so fast, it’s
honestly difficult to picture. But what’s important to me
is that we use technology for the greater good, always
keeping humanity, socio-responsibility and customer
interactions at the forefront of what we do.
With more of a Digital presence with our customer
base, it’s easy to just completely rely on technology and
think of things as transactions rather than Customer
Experiences–I want to ensure we do not lose sight of
the value and personal touch we provide customers
through all channels (be it web, app, phone, in person)
and we use our Technology to make our Customer and
Employees live better.
What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs
who aspire to venture into the dynamic industry?
The industry is really competitive. There are a lot of
start-ups providing various capabilities, solutions and
tools. If you just look at the SDLC (Software Delivery
Lifecycle) and DevOps, there are so many combinations
of tools one could use to deliver the outcomes needed.
The trick is to come up with a solution or product that
can be easily integrated and work with other tools in
the ecosystem. But again, it’s not just about tools; it’s
about how to deliver value, quicker, faster and easier
than others and that means focusing on the problem
statement or challenge the offering is solving for the
So, in short, have a compelling offering, make it easy to
integrate & use, and be resilient and ready for knock-
backs. | July 2023 |
Integration and
DevOps for DataOps | 202 |
July 3
n the digital age, data is the new currency. It is the
Iraw material that businesses use to create new
products and services, make better decisions and
target their marketing more effectively. Data is also
used to track and predict customer behavior, which can
help businesses to stay ahead of the competition. As a
result of the increasing value of data, businesses are
now investing heavily in data collection and analysis.
They are also developing new ways to use data to
improve their operations and create new revenue
The value of data is only going to increase in the future.
As the world becomes more interconnected, businesses
will have access to even more data. This data will be
used to create even more innovative products and
services and to make even better decisions.
The exponential growth of data has presented
organizations with unprecedented opportunities and
challenges. As data becomes increasingly vital, the need
to manage, integrate and derive insights from it
efficiently becomes paramount. Enter DevOps for
DataOps–a revolutionary approach that blends the
principles of DevOps with the intricacies of data
integration and management.
This article dives into the world of streamlining data
operations, exploring the synergy between DevOps and
DataOps and how it's shaping the future of data-driven
Data's Ascendance
The Data-Driven Landscape
In today's business landscape, data is at the core of
strategic decision-making. Organizations gather data
from myriad sources, ranging from customer
interactions to IoT devices, resulting in a deluge of
information that requires effective management to
derive actionable insights.
Challenges in Data Integration and Management
The challenges of data integration and management are
multifaceted. These include data silos, inconsistent
formats, security concerns and the need to process and
analyze data at a rapid pace. Traditional approaches
struggle to keep up with the complexity and scale of
modern data operations.
A Catalyst for Efficiency
DevOps Methodology
DevOps, a fusion of development and operations,
emphasizes collaboration, automation, and continuous | July 2023 |
delivery. It has transformed software development,
streamlining processes, improving collaboration
between teams and enhancing the quality of software
Extending DevOps to Data Operations
Recognizing the parallels between software
development and data operations, DevOps principles
are being applied to DataOps. This extension aims to
bring similar efficiencies to data integration,
preparation and management, creating a seamless flow
of data within organizations.
Streamlining Data Operations
Automation for Data Pipelines
Automation is at the heart of both DevOps and
DataOps. By automating data pipelines, organizations
reduce manual interventions, enhance data quality and
ensure consistent data integration across different
systems and platforms.
Collaborative Environments
Just as DevOps fosters collaboration between
development and operations teams, the application of
DevOps practices in DataOps creates a collaborative
environment where data engineers, analysts and data
scientists work together seamlessly, sharing insights
and expertise.
Agile Data Management: Iterative and Responsive
Agile Data Governance
DevOps for DataOps introduces the concept of agile
data governance, allowing organizations to adapt to
changing data landscapes while maintaining data
quality, security and compliance. Agile practices
facilitate the incorporation of new data sources and
changes in data requirements.
Iterative Data Preparation
The iterative nature of DevOps is invaluable in data
preparation. Just as software development benefits
from continuous improvement, DataOps embraces
iterative data preparation, allowing for faster response
to changing business needs and the incorporation of
Ensuring Data Security and Compliance
Secure DevOps for DataOps
Data security is paramount and Secure DevOps
practices play a crucial role in ensuring data protection.
By integrating security measures into the data
operations process, organizations can guard against
breaches and vulnerabilities.
Compliance and Auditing
DevOps for DataOps extends its benefits to compliance
and auditing. Automated tracking of data lineage,
access controls and auditing logs simplifies compliance
processes, ensuring adherence to data regulations and
industry standards.
Charting a Data-Driven Future
As data continues to grow in volume and significance,
the marriage of DevOps and DataOps emerges as a
transformative force. Streamlining data integration and
management through DevOps principles creates a
dynamic ecosystem where data flows seamlessly,
insights are derived swiftly and decisions are made with
confidence. The fusion of DevOps and DataOps
pioneers a paradigm shift in data operations, propelling
organizations toward efficient data integration,
management and analysis, ultimately enabling
informed and strategic decision-making.
In the future, DevOps for DataOps will continue to
evolve. Automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will
play increasingly critical roles in data pipeline
orchestration, data quality assessment and anomaly
detection. The integration of machine learning models
into data operations will lead to real-time insights,
enabling organizations to respond rapidly to changing
conditions. Moreover, the convergence of edge
computing and DevOps for DataOps will empower
organizations to process and analyze data closer to its
source, enabling faster decision-making and reduced
latency. The future holds a data-driven landscape
where DevOps and DataOps coalesce to create an
agile, efficient and insightful data ecosystem. | 202 |
July 3
Ori Bendet
VP of Product
Checkmarx | July 2023 |
n 2011, Marc said that software is
eating the world. 12 years later, we can’t see our
lives without software. Software is now in every
single aspect of our lives from banking to medical to
transportation. With Covid being the catalyst for an
accelerated digital transformation in many industries,
almost every company is now a software company.
More software means more risks. More risks means
business need to protect and prevent against attacks
targeted against their applications. This is what
application security is all about. Checkmarx, the leading
application security provider and one of the veteran
players in the industry is helping enterprises secure
their applications. Leading the product management
team at Checkmarx is Ori Bendet, the Vice President
of Product Management. With over 17 years of
experience in the field, Ori brings a wealth of expertise
and knowledge to his role.
Checkmarx is the leading application security provider,
offering the industry’s most comprehensive and
innovative cloud-native platform, Checkmarx One™.
Fueled by intelligence from Checkmarx’s industry-
leading AppSec security research team, Checkmarx’s
products and services enable enterprises to shift
everywhere in order to secure every phase of
development for every application while
simultaneously balancing the dynamic needs of CISOs,
security teams, and development teams.
We at CIOLook interviewed Ori on his leadership and
expertise continuing to be instrumental in driving
Checkmarx's success.
Let’s delve into the intercepts of the interview!
Brief our audience about your journey as a dynamic
leader until your current position at your company.
What challenges have you had to overcome to reach
where you are today?
I started my career in engineering after earning a
degree in computer science. I joined HP’s student
program, following one of their largest acquisitions in
Israel (Mercury Inc.). After two years I was promoted to
team leader and led a team that grew to 12 people in
three territories. After four years in engineering, I
started to ask myself ‘What do I want to do when I grow
up,’ and was drawn to the business and product side of
the house. I joined the Global Innovation program at HP
Software and received seed funding to start my own
idea. This is when I knew I was hooked. I knew this is
what I wanted to do.
After a year, I moved to become a product manager and
was given the goal of modernizing one of HP’s most
successful products and moving it to the cloud. After
almost eight years I decided to move on and joined
another Israeli startup called ‘Time to Know,’ whose
founders had a vision of revolutionizing digital learning
by utilizing advanced technologies.
Checkmarx is the leading
application security
provider, offering the
industry’s most
comprehensive and
innovative cloud-native
Checkmarx One™ | July 2023 |
After two years, I joined Checkmarx, right on the eve of
Covid in early 2020 and then started to climb the
organizational ladder until late 2021, when I was
appointed the VP of Product Management, overseeing
the entire product portfolio and strategy at Checkmarx.
I think the biggest challenge was always to ‘pivot’ my
career. People usually tend to ‘go with the flow.’ I always
asked myself, ‘Is this what I want to do?’ and if the answer
was negative, I knew it was time to change directions. It
happened at university (I started studying biotech and
ended up in computer science) and with my career
direction, moving from engineering to product
Enlighten us on how you have been impacting the
dynamic industry through your expertise in the market.
As a product executive, I have one main goal and one
superpower. I refer to my role as ‘the guardian of focus.’
There are a lot of great ideas in innovative companies
and leading a distributed and global product
management (PM) team means that I must provide
enough freedom and autonomy to each PM while also
ensuring that everything is tied to our strategy. Teams
tend to drift and work on other things.
My main goal is to keep focus. I keep telling my team
about the famous story of Southwest’s CEO and the
chicken salad. It really explains the importance of focus.
My superpower is the ability to listen. I listen to
everyone because great ideas can come from anyone. It
can be a customer call, an analyst briefing, or just a
kitchen talk. Everyone has a seat at the table and I will
always listen. In the end, I will need to decide but only
after I have listened to every relevant stakeholder.
Describe in detail the values and culture that drives
your organization.
The way I look at product management organizations,
it’s about being at the crossroads of business,
engineering and our customers. Each can drive in a
different direction with sometimes little overlap. In the
end, it’s about solving a problem worth solving, which
means solving problems customers are willing to pay
for. The operational guidelines I give my teams are
Ÿ Transparency: we share everything we know. From
roadmap to customers’ feedback. Whatever we
know, the rest of the organization should know.
Every win, every loss. Every part of our plans. This
also ties in with always being brutally honest and
delivering bad news over surprises.
Ÿ Customer-Centric: everything that we do is to make
our customers successful. If we don’t always keep
our customers top of mind, we will lose sight of
what’s important.
Ÿ Product Vision: bring a strong product vision with a
flexible mindset to change as we go while supporting
the business as much as possible.
Undeniably, technology is playing a significant role in
almost every sector. How are you advancing towards
technological innovations to make your solutions
Checkmarx has been the leader in application security
for over a decade. We pioneered modern application
security beginning in 2006 with a proven track record
of innovations. With over 17 years of application
security knowledge and expertise, in 2022 we
transitioned from a product company into a platform
company and from on-premise into a cloud-first
company. Our innovations and roadmap are driven by 4
main factors:
Ÿ Our customer base with a strategic focus on
mission-critical enterprises’ needs and pains.
Ÿ Application security market trends; what we see,
hear and feel in the market.
Ÿ Competition and what we hear from prospects
based on win/loss analysis.
Ÿ Our vision of the product and where we want to get
An exercise I really enjoy conducting is ‘Checkmarx
2025,’ where all of Checkmarx’s PM leaders discuss
where we want to be on a product level in three years
and begin building the plan on how to get there.
What, according to you, could be the next significant
change in your sector? How is your company preparing
to be a part of that change?
By now, everyone understands that AI and more
importantly GenAI is going to disrupt our lives, our
work and specifically how we build software. I’ve
always been a fan of AI (I was a member of the AI for
Education 2019 Initiative working to better understand
how AI can change education in 2019) and GenAI is | July 2023 |
here and already disrupting
everything we do.
Specifically, at Checkmarx, we are
looking at GenAI in two ways: the
first one is how we can utilize GenAI
solutions to better drive adoption
among our customers and the
second is how can we help our
customers protect against the new
types of risks that GenAI introduces.
Where do you envision yourself to
be in the long run and what are your
future goals for the organization?
I’ve been in the high-tech industry
for almost 20 years. I built products
from scratch, managed enterprise
software and created successful
product teams and organizations.
I’ve made mistakes, had failures, and
had great successes. I learned from
every experience I had.
While I don’t want to rush anything,
my next step is moving toward a
CPO (chief product officer) role. For
Checkmarx, we are on track to
continue our ‘shift-everywhere’
journey, helping our customers with
cloud-native application security,
from the first line of code to the first
alert in production.
What would be your advice to
budding entrepreneurs who aspire
to venture into the dynamic
I’d combine two famous sayings into
one piece of advice. The first one is
‘without a goal, it’s hard to score,’ so
you’ll need to set a goal for yourself.
The second is ‘a goal without a plan is just a wish.’ You
need a plan. A lot of people have dreams but they rarely
execute them. To me, strategy and vision are important,
but if you don’t have a plan on how to execute them,
both are useless. You need to have a dream, a vision, a
goal and then build a plan on how to execute it.
An important tip for leaders is to find time for yourself.
Create your own boundaries. Do one thing every day
that makes you happy, makes you smile, or laugh. If you
will not create your own ‘happy hours’ no one will and
your calendar will consume you alive. You can meditate,
read a book, or just watch Netflix. For me, it’s spending
time with my kids and on a rare occasion, building a new
Lego set. | July 2023 |

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10 Futuristic Leaders Mastering the DevOps Universe, 2023.pdf

  • 1. VOL 07 I ISSUE 02 I 2023 Unlocking New Possibili es Leveraging Advancements in Quantum Compu ng and DevOps DevOps for DataOps Streamlining Data Integra on and Management Unveiling the Blueprint to Success in the Era of Digital Transforma on Hornbeek 1 Ma er g Ma er g Ma er g Leaders Futur tic Futur tic Futur tic the DevOps DevOps DevOps 2023 2023 2023 Universe, Marc Hornbeek, CEO and Principal Consultant, Engineering DevOps Consulting
  • 2.
  • 3. When the Vision is Clear, the Results Will Appear Vision is Clear, Results Appear When the
  • 5. Hire character. Trainskill. Abhishek Joshi AbhishekJoshi n the age of rapid digital transformation, the IDevOps methodology has emerged as the linchpin of success for companies navigating the complexities of modern software development. With a profound understanding of this paradigm shift, the leaders have not only embraced DevOps principles but have also molded them into bespoke solutions that align seamlessly with their organizational objectives. From streamlining development pipelines to automating testing and deployment, these visionaries have redefined the limits of what's possible, transcending traditional boundaries and ushering in a new era of software delivery. Through their unwavering commitment to fostering collaboration between development and operations teams, they've demonstrated that a harmonious synergy can drive innovation and efficiency, leading to faster time-to- market and superior customer experiences. As we delve into the stories of these luminaries, you'll witness firsthand the strategic acumen and technical prowess that have elevated them to the vanguard of their industries. Their journeys are a testament to the power of holistic thinking, where technological breakthroughs go hand in hand with leadership prowess. In the following pages of 10 Futuristic Leaders Mastering the DevOps Universe, 2023, CIOLook uncovers the strategies they've employed to conquer challenges, the technologies they've harnessed to automate and optimize, and the cultural shifts they've championed to cultivate a DevOps-centric mindset across their organizations. Their insights offer a blueprint for organizations striving to stay competitive in an era where innovation is non-negotiable and adaptability is paramount. Join us as we celebrate the achievements of these leaders who are not only mastering the DevOps universe but are actively shaping its trajectory. Their stories inspire, educate, and illuminate the path forward for all of us who are navigating the uncharted waters of modern technology leadership. As we dive into their experiences, may their journeys embolden you to chart your course in the ever-expanding universe of DevOps. Flip through the pages and have a delightful read!
  • 6. 08 Unveiling the Blueprint to Success in the Era of Digital Transforma on Hornbeek COVER STORY
  • 7. Unlocking New Possibili es Leveraging Advancements in Quantum Compu ng and DevOps DevOps for DataOps Streamlining Data Integra on and Management A R T I C L E S 20 28 EvelineOehich On the Course to Re-define Upskilling and Reskilling A Ground-Breaking Leader Bridging Humanity and Technology MoiraCheng OriBendet A Catalyst for Disrup on in the Tech World 16 24 32 C O N T E N T S
  • 8. CONTENT Senior Editor Alan Swann Executive Editors AbhishekJoshi Alex Spellman DESIGN Visualizer Dave Bates Art & Design Director Revati Badkas Associate Designer Ankita Pandharpure SALES Senior Sales Manager Sihanee M., Rouniyar A. Customer Success Manager Linde. M, Ankush Sales Executives Alan, Tom TECHNICAL Technical Head Prachi Mokashi Technical Consultant Victor Collins July, 2023 Copyright © 2023 CIOLOOK, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from CIOLOOK. Reprint rights remain solely with CIOLOOK. FOLLOW US ON WE ARE ALSO AVAILABLE ON Email For Subscription CONTACT US ON Pooja M Bansal Editor-in-Chief SME-SMO Research Analyst Eric Smith SEO Executive ×ι ш ι Ҽ đ pэђ ш ι Ш Ь
  • 9. Brief Company Name Rafik Harabi Senior Customer Solutions Architect Travis Gosselin Distinguished Software Engineer, Developer Experience Ebru Cucen Data Consultant Moira Cheng Sr. Manager EU IT Operations Experience Ebru is a very conscientious and talented developer. She works very hard and is always keen to investigate and push forward new technologies. Rafik is an experienced leader in multidisciplinary architectures, including business, data & information, technical infrastructure, cloud and software development. Travis is an accomplished software developer, architect, and speaker. Moira is passionate about bringing people, processes, technology and experiences together to deliver new products or solutions and implementing changes to ways of working. Daniel Bull Cloud Architect for Emea Currently a Senior Technical Advisor at Couchbase, Daniel has a wealth of knowledge in enterprise organisations looking to accelerate their digital transformation journey. Couchbase OpenCredo Vodafone Ciara Carey Developer Relations Ciara is a true advocate for developers and believes the emphasis to Shift Left with quality and security puts too much responsibility on developers. Cloudsmith Reservix GMBH Nikolaus works as a software architect at Reservix GmbH and, in addition to application development and its technological aspects, is also interested in optimizing the software delivery process. SPS Commerce Eveline Oehrlich Chief Research Officer (CRO) Eveline is a successful industry analyst and business leader with a strong track record of success in technology industry market research and advisory for enterprise clients and technology vendors. PeopleCert Sysdig Engineering DevOps Consulting Marc Hornbeek is CEO and Principal Consultant at Engineering DevOps Consulting and author of the book 'Engineering DevOps.’ Marc Hornbeek CEO and Principal Consultant Ori Bendet VP of Product Management Ori brings more than 15 years of experience to his role as Head of Product Management, SAST & Engines at Checkmarx. Featured Person Nikolaus Huber Software Architect Checkmarx
  • 10. CEO and Principal Consultant, Engineering DevOps Consulting
  • 11. Marc Unveiling the Blueprint to Success in Unveiling the Blueprint to Success in the Era of Digital Transforma on the Era of Digital Transforma on Unveiling the Blueprint to Success in the Era of Digital Transforma on n the ever-evolving world of digital Itransformations, one name stands out as the guiding force behind a multitude of success stories. Meet Marc, the visionary CEO and Principal Consultant of Engineering DevOps Consulting, a company he founded over eight and a half years ago in January 2015. Marc's expertise in Continuous Testing, DevOps, DevSecOps, and SRE practices has propelled him to the forefront of the industry. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, Marc has become a true specialist in his field. His groundbreaking methodologies and unique approach have earned him accolades as a thought leader, evidenced not only by his consultancy's impressive track record but also by his bestselling book, "Engineering DevOps.” Hornbeek
  • 12. Marc's secret lies in his ability to apply his deep knowledge and understanding of the intricacies of DevOps to transform organizations. Leveraging his comprehensive Engineering Blueprints, Seven-Step DevOps Transformation Blueprint, and 9 DevOps Pillars discovery and assessment tools, he crafts actionable and comprehensive DevOps transformation roadmaps and strategic plans. But Marc's impact goes beyond theory and planning. Through targeted workshops and hands-on guidance, he empowers teams to embrace change and drive tangible results. His passion for nurturing talent and fostering a culture of innovation has become a hallmark of his consultancy, enabling companies to thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape. Leading the Way in Transformation Engineering DevOps Consulting, under the guidance of Marc, widely recognized in the industry as "DevOps_the_Gray," boasted a multitude of distinctive qualities. With an impressive background spanning 48 years, Marc brought a wealth of practical experience in the realms of DevOps, DevSecOps, SRE, and Continuous Quality Engineering. The company prided itself on a remarkable track record of facilitating successful outcomes for clients, supported by numerous testimonials and prestigious accolades. Most notably, Engineering DevOps Consulting had recently been honored as the DevOps Strategic Advisor for the esteemed "Best DevOps Implementation of 2022" award. Operating as a boutique consulting firm, Engineering DevOps Consulting cateres to a wide range of contracting arrangements. They are available for small contracts based on hourly rates as well as large multi- year contracts with fixed prices for deliverables. Clients have the flexibility to engage directly with the company or through their existing consulting partners, with Engineering DevOps Consulting serving as a sub- contractor when necessary. Geographical boundaries isno constraint for the company, as the work with clients globally, around the clock. Leveraging a well-established network of experts, Engineering DevOps Consulting had access to additional resources whenever the need arose. Despite their exceptional expertise, the company maintained relatively low consulting rates compared to others operating at the same level. This was made possible due to their unique capabilities, internal cost advantages, and a proven set of accelerator tools. Setting themselves apart with a unique prescriptive engineering-centric approach and a set of proprietary tools, the company excelled at accelerating digital transformations. Marc elaborated on these methodologies and techniques in his book, titled "Engineering DevOps ... from Chaos to Continuous Improvement ... and Beyond." In recognition of his lifetime of accomplishments and contributions to the field of software and systems process automation, Marc had been awarded the IEEE Outstanding Engineer title in 2016. Marc's leadership philosophy could be succinctly summarized as follows: “As a leader I facilitate measurable outcomes for all stakeholders by respectfully injecting and engaging expert engineering practices to guide strategy, execution support and performance monitoring.” Comprehensive Service Offerings Engineering DevOps Consulting offers three types of services for organizations undergoing digital transformations that include at least one of four topics: DevOps, DevSecOps, Site Reliability Engineering and Continuous Quality Engineering. All four of these topics are critical for organizations to master to accomplish high performance DevOps. Ÿ The first service, “Strategic Consulting Services” constitutes most of the business. This consists of executive level consulting for large organizations including enterprises, institutions, manufacturers, and service providers.
  • 13.
  • 14. Ÿ expert role guiding and advising executive clients, conducting assessments, creating strategic roadmaps, and guiding implementation of transformation projects. Ÿ The second service, “Training and Education Services," approximately one quarter of the business, consists of creating course materials and instructing clients, typically in a remote classroom or on-site environment. For example, we are accredited to teach nine of the courses offered to global learning partners of the DevOps Institute and People Cert. Ÿ The third service, “Marketing and Sales Support Services," approximately one quarter of the business, consists of creating original content for marketing campaigns (blogs, eBooks, Webinars, white papers and speaking engagements) and for pre-sales support such as commercial RFPs. We publish regularly on for example which has a global audience of hundreds of thousands of readers. Building Trust and Inspiring Growth Marc strongly believes that demonstrating respect at a personal level, encompassing oneself, the team, and the clients, is of utmost importance in building trust and inspiration. According to Marc, establishing a foundation of respect paves the way for setting an inspiring vision and effectively evangelizing the principles of DevOps, DevSecOps, SRE, and CQE. Marc emphasizes the wealth of success stories, industry data, and company-specific data that showcase extraordinary results when these practices are implemented with precision. In Marc's view, the field of DevOps and related disciplines presents abundant opportunities for organizations, teams, and individuals to thrive competitively, technically, and professionally. As an inspirational leader, Marc recognizes the responsibility to honor and respect the diverse needs of everyone involved, ensuring that they can fully leverage these opportunities for growth and development. The Holistic Approach Based on his extensive experience, Marc asserts that the challenges faced in transformation projects are multi-faceted, primarily encompassing three dimensions: people, process, and technology. The nature of these challenges varies depending on the existing maturity level of the organization and the goals they aim to achieve. Marc emphasizes that a holistic and strategic approach is crucial for the success of transformation initiatives, as without it, projects are prone to stalling or failing. One common pitfall observed by Marc is the tendency of many organizations to hastily adopt new technologies without adequately considering the strategic roadmap. He stresses the importance of giving equal weight to people and process transformations alongside technology implementation. Neglecting these crucial aspects can undermine the overall effectiveness of the transformation and hinder its long-term success. To overcome these challenges, Marc advocates for a thoughtful and comprehensive approach that addresses people, process, and technology in an integrated manner. By recognizing the interdependencies among these dimensions and developing a strategic roadmap that accounts for each, organizations can navigate the complexities of transformation and increase their likelihood of achieving their desired outcomes. Continuous Learning and Metrics DevOps, DevSecOps, SRE, and Continuous Quality Engineering practices and technologies are in a constant state of evolution. Recognizing the importance of continuous learning and upskilling, active participation in industry events like the DevOps Enterprise Summit,, and the DevOps Institute's SKILup events is crucial. In addition, engagement with clients, vendor reviews, and partnering with networks contribute to staying updated on the latest developments in the field.
  • 15. D evOps is a complex maze that has many leaders frustrated. In many large enterprises, ‘DevOps’ is simply a buzzword they are striving to achieve but struggle with what the end state looks like or even where to start. There are many layers across the organization that are instrumental to truly executing on DevOps. DevOps is not something you go get a quote for and simply buy. It’s an evolving journey. Hornbeek takes you on the journey in a prescriptive way that leaders and practitioners can execute upon. I’ve seen Hornbeek lead F500 Enterprises on this multiyear journey firsthand. Hornbeek takes a complex web and breaks it down into an executable approach. He is adamant that engineering is critical on this journey, and drives the focus from that perspective. Marc’s insights will be of incredible value to you on your personal DevOps journey.” —Ryan Harmon, Strategic Account Executive, Trace3 “Before you hire your next DevOps consultant, I strongly recommend you first get a copy of Engineering DevOps by Marc Hornbeek. This is one of most impactful, well-articulated DevOps management toolkits you wished you had years ago. Marc’s multidimensional models of DevOps really help organizations understand how to engineer and scale a truly agile enterprise.” — Patrick Johnson, General Manager of Automation Platform Technologies, Spirent Communications “When I first founded six-plus years ago, there were a lot of people talking about DevOps but not a lot of people who really understood DevOps. Marc Hornbeek was one of the people who understood DevOps. Marc understood DevOps from many different viewpoints as well, from a long, distinguished career in test engineering to managing a team and all the way to how DevOps could best be implemented across an entire enterprise. In his book, Engineering DevOps, Marc brings all of this together. Whether you are a single engineer looking to further your career with some DevOps knowledge or a C-level executive seeking to make your organization more competitive via digital transformation, this is a mustread book for you.” —Alan Shimel, Founder, Editor-in-Chief, “An engineering mindset must carry through every aspect of software delivery from ideation to value creation to compete in a digital landscape. Marc Hornbeek, a well-known and award-winning IEEE engineer, provides solid guidance on adopting DevOps with an engineering perspective.” —Jayne Groll, CEO, The DevOps Institute.
  • 16. When it comes to measuring the effectiveness and success of DevOps implementations for clients, several metrics come into play. Primary metrics prescribed by DORA include lead time, release frequency, failure rates, and recovery rates. Additionally, end-to-end flow metrics provide insights into the overall efficiency of the implementation. To ensure reliable solutions that meet Service Level Objectives for the CI/CD pipeline, SRE metrics like availability are necessary. Furthermore, capability maturity metrics and assessments play a vital role in helping organizations understand their current standing and identify areas for improvement. DevOps offers a range of assessment tools that evaluate the maturity and current state of the nine pillars of DevOps, nine pillars of DevSecOps, nine pillars of SRE, ten pillars of Continuous Quality Engineering, and other specialized topics. These tools leverage a database of industry practices that are continually updated to reflect the latest research, allowing organizations to identify gaps and prioritize their improvement efforts accordingly. The Role of Leadership in DevOps Transformation To foster a collaborative and DevOps-oriented culture, Marc believes that leadership plays a crucial role. According to him, leaders must take the initiative to set and evangelize the vision, big picture goals, and success measures that encompass people, process, and technologies. This holistic approach ensures that the transformation journey moves cohesively from the current state towards the envisioned future state. By actively promoting a shared vision, setting clear goals, and recognizing the efforts and achievements of team members, leaders can cultivate a collaborative and DevOps-oriented culture. This not only encourages teamwork and collaboration but also fosters an environment where individuals are inspired to learn, grow, and contribute to the organization's success. Accelerating DevOps Evolution AI is driving the evolution of DevOps. Marc highlights its impact on all pillars of DevOps, DevSecOps, SRE, and CQE. With the need for faster continuous deliveries escalating, AI-powered tools like ChatGPT play a vital role in automating processes, enhancing efficiency, and making data-driven decisions. They enable organizations to streamline their practices and achieve greater scalability and predictive capabilities. AI is essential for navigating the complexities of digital transformations and ensuring successful and efficient DevOps implementations.
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  • 19. Evel e Oehrlich On the Course to Re-define Upskilling and Reskilling he rapid pace of digital transformation is helping Tto meet changing business needs. IT organiza- tions worldwide are challenged by insufficient skills or resources, managing technical debt, and dealing with budget and funding issues that impact the pace of digital. In addition, technological advances, continuous evolution around existing best practice models, new processes and frameworks, demographic shifts and hybrid working models, and intelligent automation are exacerbating the IT talent crisis. IT organizations’ most significant challenge is the need for more skilled professionals. With IT organizations not hiring their way out of this skill crunch, IT leaders and professionals must target expanding, developing, and learning skills, since upskilling and reskilling play an essential role in addressing the IT talent and skill crisis. Recognizing this need, PeopleCert, the global leader in the delivery of examination and accreditation services, is fortunate to have Eveline Oehrlich as Business & IT Research Director, embodying the essence of effective leadership around helping IT to upskill and reskill for now and the future. At the core of Eveline’s leadership style is a strong focus on innovation and forward-thinking. She antici- pates industry trends, identifies emerging opportuni- ties, and developsstrategic plans to position PeopleCert at the forefront of the upskilling, education, and certification sectors. One essential leadership quality demonstrated by Eveline is her commitment to collaboration and alignment to achieve outcomes, with a deep under- standing of the challenges IT faces (from her past work as an Industry Analyst at Forrester Research). As Eveline puts it: “Digital environments work differently and depend on resources with emerging skills. Influential IT leaders must integrate people, processes, and technologyto deliver outcomes for the business and its ecosystem. During rapid and complex change, we sometimes sacrifice this principle and focus on one thing that will take us to the next step.” With this understanding, she has worked to instil a culture of collaboration within PeopleCert, setting high standards and expectations for every aspect of the research and strategy work she is part of. Eveline inspires those around her to strive for continuous improvement, encouraging innovation and embracing creativity and new ideas. Moreover, she possesses exceptional strategic thinking abilities with a holistic perspective on the IT industry, identifying opportunities beyond the immediate scope of PeopleCert's services. She actively seeks partner- ships and collaborations with ecosystem partners such as industry experts, thought leaders, software and service providers, communities, educational institu- tions, and government bodies to create mutually beneficial alliances that drive innovation and thought leadership around people, processes, and technology. About PeopleCert: We are trusted by organisations, government entities, and professionals across more than 200 countries and territories, including 82% of Fortune 500, to unlock potential through learning. Our market-leading certifications transform lives and businesses with | July 2023 | 17
  • 20. cutting-edge technology and a comprehensive approach to exam management. We benefit multina- tional organisations through exam design and develop- ment, sophisticated platforms for qualifications’ management, global and secure test delivery, and post- exam services. In a significant development, PeopleCert has acquired Axelos, a joint venture established in 2013 by the UK Cabinet Office and Capita plc. Axelos plays a vital role in developing, enhancing, and promoting various best practice methodologies employed worldwide by professionals primarily involved in project, program, and portfolio management, IT service management, and cyber resilience. Notably, this includes renowned programs such as ITIL® and PRINCE2®. CIOLook recently interviewed Eveline about her strategic insight and the importance of collaboration and alignment, helping people feel empowered and inspired to contribute to their best! Let’s delve into the insights of the interview! Brief our audience about your journey as a dynamic leader until your current position at PeopleCert. What challenges have you had to overcome to reach where you are today? Throughout my professional journey, which includes working in IT, Marketing, and Business Development as an Industry Analyst, CTO, and Chief Research Officer, I have always focusedon helping IT people solve problems, including difficulties around process efficiency and automation, technology adoption issues, and upskilling, shaping, and changing the culture and measurements. The challenges are not about what technology, process, or best practice framework models should be leveraged towards, but rather how we work together to achieve the goals of those we serve – whether patients, customers, or citizens. The main challenge I had to overcome to reach where I am today is ensuring that I listen more than I speak. Listening helps to understand. When one understands, one has empathy and can start developing an action plan. Enlighten us on how you have impacted the dynamic industry through your expertise in the market. There are three things I like to mention: Ÿ Being a smart collaborator, aiming to break down silos among teams, within companies, across partners, across geographies, cultures, and more. Ÿ Researching and sharing my findings and experience through syndicatedresearch on essential topics such as ITSM, DevOps, APM, AIOps, Observability, and more. I contributed significantly to shaping the understanding and adoption of these practices across IT organizations. Ÿ I have helped a variety of prominent software/automation vendors adjust, modify, accelerate, or change their product and solution strategies toward success, which means improved go- to-market strategies, better solutions or services, and a better roadmap to meet customer demands. Describe in detail the Mission, Vision, Values, and Culture that drive your organization. From its inception, PeopleCert’s vision has been to be the global leader in exam delivery and certifications of Stay focused, manage your situation, determine your tasks, take action, and show results – then return to your focus and expand. | 202 | July 3 18
  • 21. persons, following the vision of the company’s CEO and Founder Byron Nicolaides who has always been an advocate for the importance of continued education. To achieve this aim, PeopleCert has made it its mission to develop and deliver best-in-class exam and certification programs that enhance the lives and careers of people all around the world. To meet this mission and demonstrate our commitment to quality and integrity in everything we do, PeopleCert applies the following four 4 core values in all aspects of its operation: Ÿ Quality: Committed to consistently providing products & services that meet and exceed customer expectations. Ÿ Innovation: Delivering cutting-edge technology to streamline, enhance and revolutionize our customers’ digital experience. Ÿ Passion: Dedicated to empowering professionals, partners, and businesses to realize their ambitions and goals. Ÿ Integrity: Building relationships based on trust, reliability, and quality to deliver operational and business excellence. PeopleCert essentially has a culture of collaboration, ideation, and entrepreneurship. The values ensure that team members are enabled and feel part of the journey. Undeniably, technology plays a significant role in almost every sector. How are you advancing towards technological innovations to make your solutions resourceful? As we are in the certification, learning, and upskilling business, we need to focus on value and outcomes for our community of learners and our ecosystem partners. While technologicalinnovations are essential, if they do not solve real problems and deliver significant value to the different stakeholders, they do not matter. What, according to you, could be the next significant change in your sector? How is your company preparing to be a part of that change? The transformation towards digital is changing everything, from our conception of the learning journey evolving to that of a constant journey (life-long learning) to making learning more interactive, and it teaches us that failures are opportunities, that learners need an agile and flexible way of learning, and that the community becomes a significant body of support and reflection. At the same time, content creation and learner interactions are impacted by the continuous evolution of our readers. Their role changes quickly, which means they need new and different upskilling material, better and faster. Where do you envision yourself to be in the long run, and what are your future goals for the organization? I envision myself in the same role, as I love what I do. My role has a strategic component; I can ideate, create, roll up my sleeves, and deliver outcomes. One wish is to improve our feedback loop on what improvements we could make and delight our ecosystem. What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the dynamic industry? Stay focused, manage your situation, determine your tasks, act, and show results – then go back to your focus and expand. That is my mantra of continuous improvement, and I live and practice it daily. | July 2023 | 19
  • 22. LeveragingAdvancements in Quantum Computing andDevOps he convergence of quantum computing and DevOps is a major development in the field Tof technology. Quantum computing is a new type of computing that uses the principles of quantum mechanics to solve problems that are intractable on traditional computers. DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to shorten the development lifecycle and improve the quality of software. The convergence of quantum computing and DevOps has the potential to revolutionize many industries. For example, quantum computing could be used to develop new drugs and materials, design new financial products and improve the efficiency of transportation systems. DevOps could be used to automate the deployment of software and infrastructure, which could lead to faster time to market and improved customer satisfaction. The convergence of quantum computing and DevOps is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to usher in a new era of innovation and possibility. By combining the power of quantum computing with the agility of DevOps, organizations can solve problems that were previously impossible to solve and create new products and services that can change the world. This article delves into the symbiotic relationship between these two domains, revealing how their synergy is shaping the landscape of technology and ushering in a future where new possibilities are not just imagined but realized. A Paradigm Shift in Computation Quantum Mechanics at the Core Quantum computing leverages the principles of quantum mechanics, harnessing the unique behavior of quantum bits or qubits. Unlike classical bits, qubits can exist in multiple states simultaneously, exponentially increasing computational power and enabling complex problem-solving at unprecedented speeds. Quantum Supremacy and Applications Advancements in quantum computing have led to the concept of quantum supremacy, where quantum computers outperform classical computers in specific tasks. From cryptography and | 202 | July 3 20
  • 24. optimization to drug discovery and material science, quantum computing holds the potential to revolutionize industries by solving problems that were previously unsolvable within feasible timeframes. DevOps: A Paradigm for Agile Software Development DevOps Principles DevOps encompasses a cultural shift in software development, emphasizing collaboration, automation, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD). By breaking down silos between development and operations teams, DevOps streamlines the software development lifecycle, enhancing efficiency and delivering faster and more reliable results. Accelerating Innovation DevOps is synonymous with agility. Its iterative approach allows developers to deliver software updates more frequently, responding swiftly to changing user needs and market demands. This accelerated pace of innovation aligns seamlessly with the dynamic nature of the technology landscape. Synergy Unveiled Enhancing Complex Simulations The amalgamation of quantum computing and DevOps offers a quantum leap in performing complex simulations. Quantum computers can model intricate systems with a degree of accuracy that classical computers struggle to achieve, enabling rapid simulations that drive insights and innovation. Optimization and Decision-Making Quantum computing's prowess in optimization aligns with DevOps' focus on efficient processes. Together, they can optimize resource allocation, deployment strategies and infrastructure management, culminating in more effective decision-making and resource utilization. A Quantum-Resistant Future Quantum Cryptography and Post-Quantum Security Quantum computing's potential to break current encryption methods poses a security challenge. However, the synergy with DevOps facilitates the adoption of quantum-resistant encryption methods, ensuring that as quantum computing advances, security remains intact, safeguarding sensitive data and digital transactions. Challenges and Considerations Quantum Computing's Current Limitations While promising, quantum computing is still in its infancy. The technology faces challenges such as qubit stability, error rates and scalability. DevOps methodologies can aid in managing these challenges by enabling iterative development and rapid testing of quantum algorithms. Skills and Expertise The convergence of quantum computing and DevOps demands a skilled workforce with expertise in both domains. Addressing this need requires training and upskilling programs that bridge the gap between quantum mechanics and software engineering. Quantum DevOps Odyssey As quantum computing and DevOps journey hand in hand, a realm of new possibilities emerges. Their symbiotic alliance holds the key to solving complex problems, accelerating innovation, ensuring security and redefining the boundaries of technological advancement. The marriage of quantum computing and DevOps marks a transformative chapter in technology, unveiling novel possibilities that reshape computation, innovation and security paradigms. In the future, the synergy between quantum computing and DevOps is poised to deepen. Quantum algorithms optimized through DevOps methodologies will drive breakthroughs in fields like materials science, artificial intelligence and climate modeling. Quantum-resistant encryption and secure DevOps practices will safeguard data integrity in an increasingly quantum-powered world. The integration of quantum simulators and emulators into DevOps pipelines will accelerate quantum application development. As quantum hardware matures, quantum DevOps will play a pivotal role in harnessing its potential, revolutionizing industries and shaping a future where the impossible becomes achievable. | 202 | July 3 22
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  • 26. The trick is to come up with a solu on or product that can be easily integrated and work with other tools in the ecosystem. Snr Mgr. EU IT Opera ons Experience & DevSecOps Programme Manager Vodafone Group Services Limited MoiraCheng | 202 | July 3 24
  • 27. A Ground-Breaking Leader Bridging Humanity and Technology I n a world where technology plays an increasingly prominent role, it is also being witnessed in telecommunication. This is due to the development of new technologies, such as 5G, fiber optic networks and cloud computing. These technologies are making it possible to transmit data faster, more efficiently and over longer distances. Vodafone stands out as a telecommunications company that recognizes the power of technology and humanity. With the global pandemic raising important questions for tech brands, Vodafone understands the crucial role it must play. Vodafone firmly believes that by merging humanity and technology, it can find solutions and create a brighter future for all. At Vodafone, Moira Cheng spearheads the EU IT Operations Experience and serves as the DevSecOps Programme Manager. With a deep understanding of the transformative potential of technology, Moira is passionate about helping people feel ready to embrace new advancements. Whether it's bringing connectivity to remote locations, aiding families in disaster zones, or demonstrating the practical applications of smartphones to young people, Vodafone is committed to making a positive impact on society. We at CIOLook interviewed Moira on empowering individuals and creating a world where technology serves humanity's greatest aspirations. Let’s delve into the intercepts of the interview! Brief our audience about your journey as a dynamic leader until your current position at your company. What challenges have you had to overcome to reach where you are today? Well, I truly believe that every single role I’ve experienced throughout my career has had a part to play in influencing my journey as a Leader. I graduated from University in Australia and started my career in Public Relations, Corporate Communications and Advertising in Malaysia where I grew up. In my mid-20s, I decided to move back to England (where I was born) and being in a country where I had no media knowledge or background, I found it really hard to secure a role in that industry. As one does, I swiveled into working at a Call Centre for a large financial firm and after a year or so progressed into a Central Call Centre Operations team, managing Incidents and Changes for 15 call centres across the UK. This experience brought me into the Telecommunications world. Besides the adjustment to moving countries and industries, and learning different cultures and ways of working, I learned to have confidence and believe in myself, to be resilient, and to grasp opportunities as they come. For about a year, I pondered whether to move my career further into Project Management or a Business Analyst and Service Design role. I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to try both roles for a year (50/50) and made the decision to venture properly into Service Design, modeling how we would Sell, Build and Run our new products from a Customer Experience and Internal Business Process perspective. The challenges here were more to do with gaining a vast amount of knowledge required to do the role well. I needed to know enough about all layers of the solutions we were building-Networks, IT, people and the organization, processes and tools. It was by far the role that offered the best visibility and breadth and it was rewarding in itself when you could work out how everything worked together. MoiraCheng MoiraCheng | July 2023 | 25
  • 28. In this role, I also started being a Manager and a Leader who led, motivated, coached, mentored and guided my team. The decision to move from Service Design into leading a Programme focused on DevOps education, culture and transformation was the next significant move for me about 2 1/2 years ago. I had been familiar with DevOps and we had some early adopters in IT who gave me insight into DevOps tools, culture and ways of working. It was more of a personal challenge for me in moving away from a role I’d been doing for a decade, into something new, learning to be comfortable with not knowing everything, building new relationships, setting up a programme from scratch and building a team to deliver it with colleagues who had other day jobs and roles. But everyone in my team had the desire to grow, learn and evolve, we were motivated by knowing that what we were doing was ‘By us, and For Us’. Enlighten us on how you have been impacting the dynamic industry through your expertise in the market. Broadly if you look across social media, blogs, or publications on DevOps, there is a lot of focus on CI/CD, specific tooling and quite a lot on culture and ways of working. During my initial research into the topic, I saw a lot of it focused on the ‘Dev’ of DevOps. It dawned on me that there wasn’t really much said on the ‘Ops side of DevOps’. I had an opportunity to speak at the DevOps Enterprise Summit in 2022 (Virtual in Europe) and in person in Las Vegas. I shared what we were doing in our IT Ops- driven DevOps Programme, namely: Ÿ Getting Ops colleagues involved and familiar with DevOps & Agile ways of working, Ÿ Educating our colleagues on what DevOps is and means Ÿ Reassuring Ops colleagues that there is room to evolve from a pure ‘Traditional’ Operations way of working, to an Operations Engineering mindset. We encouraged our teams to learn through experimentation of DevOps tool adoption, culture and practices and share their success stories. Importantly this shift-left mindset also means that Operations teams need to be engaged early in the Project delivery lifecycle and collaborate with the Development and Delivery teams to build sustainable and reliable engineering into our Products and Services from the start–which is essentially what Site Reliability Engineering (SREs) skills bring. We were also thrilled to be recognized in the industry and win the DASA (DevOps Agile Skills Association) Awards for Best Cultural Transformation Programme in May 2023. Describe in detail the values and culture that drives your organization. Vodafone’s Purpose is to connect for a better future by enabling inclusive and sustainable digital societies. This serves as the framework for what we do at Vodafone. Underpinning our Purpose are the Spirit & Inclusion Behaviours. The Spirit behaviours are a unifying language shared by our global network, enabling us to deliver our strategy including our aspiration of helping to build a digital society for all. We must demonstrate our Spirit behaviors consistently when working with each other, our customers and the communities in which we operate. | 202 | July 3 26
  • 29. The Spirit Behaviours include earning customer loyalty, Creating the Future, Experimenting, Learn Fast and Getting it Done, together. Undeniably, technology is playing a significant role in almost every sector. How are you advancing towards technological innovations to make your solutions resourceful? Vodafone is on a journey to transform into a New Generation Telco, with the aim to become a Technology Communications Company. With this, there are 3 key areas of focus: Ÿ Building customer trust through service excellence Ÿ Delivering simplicity, operational effectiveness & efficiency Ÿ Evolving Technology to drive sustainable revenue and profit growth. With our Tech2025 strategy and in particular in Digital & IT, we have come together across Europe and are looking to harmonise on tooling choices, have recently launched a Technology as a Service (TaaS) Platform for our Software Engineering Developer community. We are leveraging our Global scale by collaborating and sharing the latest innovations, knowledge and expertise across Guilds, Communities of Practice and Centres of Excellence. What, according to you, could be the next significant change in your sector? How is your company preparing to be a part of that change? DevOps as a mindset and culture is growing in our organization. As we move more of our technology to the Cloud, this enables us to modernize more easily, adopt SaaS concepts, and implement more APIs between our various solutions. Large Enterprises face the challenge of keeping up the pace of developing front-end digital cloud-native solutions and at the same time, integrating with middleware and backend OSS/BSS systems (which often need modernizing). We’re clashing the new, with the old so automating processes and ensuring we have integration layers that can orchestrate data from multiple tools to support our business processes is the key first step. AI and Machine learning comes next but we’d only reap the benefits if we do the legwork to streamline and simplify processes (for example through process mining activities) and increase automation to reduce manual tasks. Where do you envision yourself to be in the long run and what are your future goals for the organization? If only I had a crystal ball. The industry and opportunities for career growth are evolving so fast, it’s honestly difficult to picture. But what’s important to me is that we use technology for the greater good, always keeping humanity, socio-responsibility and customer interactions at the forefront of what we do. With more of a Digital presence with our customer base, it’s easy to just completely rely on technology and think of things as transactions rather than Customer Experiences–I want to ensure we do not lose sight of the value and personal touch we provide customers through all channels (be it web, app, phone, in person) and we use our Technology to make our Customer and Employees live better. What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the dynamic industry? The industry is really competitive. There are a lot of start-ups providing various capabilities, solutions and tools. If you just look at the SDLC (Software Delivery Lifecycle) and DevOps, there are so many combinations of tools one could use to deliver the outcomes needed. The trick is to come up with a solution or product that can be easily integrated and work with other tools in the ecosystem. But again, it’s not just about tools; it’s about how to deliver value, quicker, faster and easier than others and that means focusing on the problem statement or challenge the offering is solving for the business. So, in short, have a compelling offering, make it easy to integrate & use, and be resilient and ready for knock- backs. | July 2023 | 27
  • 30. Streamliningta Integration and Management DevOps for DataOps | 202 | July 3 28
  • 31. n the digital age, data is the new currency. It is the Iraw material that businesses use to create new products and services, make better decisions and target their marketing more effectively. Data is also used to track and predict customer behavior, which can help businesses to stay ahead of the competition. As a result of the increasing value of data, businesses are now investing heavily in data collection and analysis. They are also developing new ways to use data to improve their operations and create new revenue streams. The value of data is only going to increase in the future. As the world becomes more interconnected, businesses will have access to even more data. This data will be used to create even more innovative products and services and to make even better decisions. The exponential growth of data has presented organizations with unprecedented opportunities and challenges. As data becomes increasingly vital, the need to manage, integrate and derive insights from it efficiently becomes paramount. Enter DevOps for DataOps–a revolutionary approach that blends the principles of DevOps with the intricacies of data integration and management. This article dives into the world of streamlining data operations, exploring the synergy between DevOps and DataOps and how it's shaping the future of data-driven decision-making. Data's Ascendance The Data-Driven Landscape In today's business landscape, data is at the core of strategic decision-making. Organizations gather data from myriad sources, ranging from customer interactions to IoT devices, resulting in a deluge of information that requires effective management to derive actionable insights. Challenges in Data Integration and Management The challenges of data integration and management are multifaceted. These include data silos, inconsistent formats, security concerns and the need to process and analyze data at a rapid pace. Traditional approaches struggle to keep up with the complexity and scale of modern data operations. A Catalyst for Efficiency DevOps Methodology DevOps, a fusion of development and operations, emphasizes collaboration, automation, and continuous | July 2023 | 29
  • 32. delivery. It has transformed software development, streamlining processes, improving collaboration between teams and enhancing the quality of software releases. Extending DevOps to Data Operations Recognizing the parallels between software development and data operations, DevOps principles are being applied to DataOps. This extension aims to bring similar efficiencies to data integration, preparation and management, creating a seamless flow of data within organizations. Streamlining Data Operations Automation for Data Pipelines Automation is at the heart of both DevOps and DataOps. By automating data pipelines, organizations reduce manual interventions, enhance data quality and ensure consistent data integration across different systems and platforms. Collaborative Environments Just as DevOps fosters collaboration between development and operations teams, the application of DevOps practices in DataOps creates a collaborative environment where data engineers, analysts and data scientists work together seamlessly, sharing insights and expertise. Agile Data Management: Iterative and Responsive Agile Data Governance DevOps for DataOps introduces the concept of agile data governance, allowing organizations to adapt to changing data landscapes while maintaining data quality, security and compliance. Agile practices facilitate the incorporation of new data sources and changes in data requirements. Iterative Data Preparation The iterative nature of DevOps is invaluable in data preparation. Just as software development benefits from continuous improvement, DataOps embraces iterative data preparation, allowing for faster response to changing business needs and the incorporation of feedback. Ensuring Data Security and Compliance Secure DevOps for DataOps Data security is paramount and Secure DevOps practices play a crucial role in ensuring data protection. By integrating security measures into the data operations process, organizations can guard against breaches and vulnerabilities. Compliance and Auditing DevOps for DataOps extends its benefits to compliance and auditing. Automated tracking of data lineage, access controls and auditing logs simplifies compliance processes, ensuring adherence to data regulations and industry standards. Charting a Data-Driven Future As data continues to grow in volume and significance, the marriage of DevOps and DataOps emerges as a transformative force. Streamlining data integration and management through DevOps principles creates a dynamic ecosystem where data flows seamlessly, insights are derived swiftly and decisions are made with confidence. The fusion of DevOps and DataOps pioneers a paradigm shift in data operations, propelling organizations toward efficient data integration, management and analysis, ultimately enabling informed and strategic decision-making. In the future, DevOps for DataOps will continue to evolve. Automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will play increasingly critical roles in data pipeline orchestration, data quality assessment and anomaly detection. The integration of machine learning models into data operations will lead to real-time insights, enabling organizations to respond rapidly to changing conditions. Moreover, the convergence of edge computing and DevOps for DataOps will empower organizations to process and analyze data closer to its source, enabling faster decision-making and reduced latency. The future holds a data-driven landscape where DevOps and DataOps coalesce to create an agile, efficient and insightful data ecosystem. | 202 | July 3 30
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  • 34. Ori Bendet VP of Product Management Checkmarx | July 2023 | 32
  • 35. I n 2011, Marc said that software is Andreessen eating the world. 12 years later, we can’t see our lives without software. Software is now in every single aspect of our lives from banking to medical to transportation. With Covid being the catalyst for an accelerated digital transformation in many industries, almost every company is now a software company. More software means more risks. More risks means business need to protect and prevent against attacks targeted against their applications. This is what application security is all about. Checkmarx, the leading application security provider and one of the veteran players in the industry is helping enterprises secure their applications. Leading the product management team at Checkmarx is Ori Bendet, the Vice President of Product Management. With over 17 years of experience in the field, Ori brings a wealth of expertise and knowledge to his role. Checkmarx is the leading application security provider, offering the industry’s most comprehensive and innovative cloud-native platform, Checkmarx One™. Fueled by intelligence from Checkmarx’s industry- leading AppSec security research team, Checkmarx’s products and services enable enterprises to shift everywhere in order to secure every phase of development for every application while simultaneously balancing the dynamic needs of CISOs, security teams, and development teams. We at CIOLook interviewed Ori on his leadership and expertise continuing to be instrumental in driving Checkmarx's success. Let’s delve into the intercepts of the interview! Brief our audience about your journey as a dynamic leader until your current position at your company. What challenges have you had to overcome to reach where you are today? I started my career in engineering after earning a degree in computer science. I joined HP’s student program, following one of their largest acquisitions in Israel (Mercury Inc.). After two years I was promoted to team leader and led a team that grew to 12 people in three territories. After four years in engineering, I started to ask myself ‘What do I want to do when I grow up,’ and was drawn to the business and product side of the house. I joined the Global Innovation program at HP Software and received seed funding to start my own idea. This is when I knew I was hooked. I knew this is what I wanted to do. After a year, I moved to become a product manager and was given the goal of modernizing one of HP’s most successful products and moving it to the cloud. After almost eight years I decided to move on and joined another Israeli startup called ‘Time to Know,’ whose founders had a vision of revolutionizing digital learning by utilizing advanced technologies. Checkmarx is the leading application security provider, offering the industry’s most comprehensive and innovative cloud-native platform, Checkmarx One™ | July 2023 | 33
  • 36. After two years, I joined Checkmarx, right on the eve of Covid in early 2020 and then started to climb the organizational ladder until late 2021, when I was appointed the VP of Product Management, overseeing the entire product portfolio and strategy at Checkmarx. I think the biggest challenge was always to ‘pivot’ my career. People usually tend to ‘go with the flow.’ I always asked myself, ‘Is this what I want to do?’ and if the answer was negative, I knew it was time to change directions. It happened at university (I started studying biotech and ended up in computer science) and with my career direction, moving from engineering to product management. Enlighten us on how you have been impacting the dynamic industry through your expertise in the market. As a product executive, I have one main goal and one superpower. I refer to my role as ‘the guardian of focus.’ There are a lot of great ideas in innovative companies and leading a distributed and global product management (PM) team means that I must provide enough freedom and autonomy to each PM while also ensuring that everything is tied to our strategy. Teams tend to drift and work on other things. My main goal is to keep focus. I keep telling my team about the famous story of Southwest’s CEO and the chicken salad. It really explains the importance of focus. My superpower is the ability to listen. I listen to everyone because great ideas can come from anyone. It can be a customer call, an analyst briefing, or just a kitchen talk. Everyone has a seat at the table and I will always listen. In the end, I will need to decide but only after I have listened to every relevant stakeholder. Describe in detail the values and culture that drives your organization. The way I look at product management organizations, it’s about being at the crossroads of business, engineering and our customers. Each can drive in a different direction with sometimes little overlap. In the end, it’s about solving a problem worth solving, which means solving problems customers are willing to pay for. The operational guidelines I give my teams are threefold: Ÿ Transparency: we share everything we know. From roadmap to customers’ feedback. Whatever we know, the rest of the organization should know. Every win, every loss. Every part of our plans. This also ties in with always being brutally honest and delivering bad news over surprises. Ÿ Customer-Centric: everything that we do is to make our customers successful. If we don’t always keep our customers top of mind, we will lose sight of what’s important. Ÿ Product Vision: bring a strong product vision with a flexible mindset to change as we go while supporting the business as much as possible. Undeniably, technology is playing a significant role in almost every sector. How are you advancing towards technological innovations to make your solutions resourceful? Checkmarx has been the leader in application security for over a decade. We pioneered modern application security beginning in 2006 with a proven track record of innovations. With over 17 years of application security knowledge and expertise, in 2022 we transitioned from a product company into a platform company and from on-premise into a cloud-first company. Our innovations and roadmap are driven by 4 main factors: Ÿ Our customer base with a strategic focus on mission-critical enterprises’ needs and pains. Ÿ Application security market trends; what we see, hear and feel in the market. Ÿ Competition and what we hear from prospects based on win/loss analysis. Ÿ Our vision of the product and where we want to get it. An exercise I really enjoy conducting is ‘Checkmarx 2025,’ where all of Checkmarx’s PM leaders discuss where we want to be on a product level in three years and begin building the plan on how to get there. What, according to you, could be the next significant change in your sector? How is your company preparing to be a part of that change? By now, everyone understands that AI and more importantly GenAI is going to disrupt our lives, our work and specifically how we build software. I’ve always been a fan of AI (I was a member of the AI for Education 2019 Initiative working to better understand how AI can change education in 2019) and GenAI is | July 2023 | 34
  • 37. here and already disrupting everything we do. Specifically, at Checkmarx, we are looking at GenAI in two ways: the first one is how we can utilize GenAI solutions to better drive adoption among our customers and the second is how can we help our customers protect against the new types of risks that GenAI introduces. Where do you envision yourself to be in the long run and what are your future goals for the organization? I’ve been in the high-tech industry for almost 20 years. I built products from scratch, managed enterprise software and created successful product teams and organizations. I’ve made mistakes, had failures, and had great successes. I learned from every experience I had. While I don’t want to rush anything, my next step is moving toward a CPO (chief product officer) role. For Checkmarx, we are on track to continue our ‘shift-everywhere’ journey, helping our customers with cloud-native application security, from the first line of code to the first alert in production. What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the dynamic industry? I’d combine two famous sayings into one piece of advice. The first one is ‘without a goal, it’s hard to score,’ so you’ll need to set a goal for yourself. The second is ‘a goal without a plan is just a wish.’ You need a plan. A lot of people have dreams but they rarely execute them. To me, strategy and vision are important, but if you don’t have a plan on how to execute them, both are useless. You need to have a dream, a vision, a goal and then build a plan on how to execute it. An important tip for leaders is to find time for yourself. Create your own boundaries. Do one thing every day that makes you happy, makes you smile, or laugh. If you will not create your own ‘happy hours’ no one will and your calendar will consume you alive. You can meditate, read a book, or just watch Netflix. For me, it’s spending time with my kids and on a rare occasion, building a new Lego set. | July 2023 | 35
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