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Meeting of the Segreteriat Teens for Unity
Castelgandolfo, 27 - 30 november 2008
Role of an animator
Walter Kostner
Me with you altogether will draw the figure of an animator. ( We speak of the adult,
because the first animators are the gen 3 girls and boys ) going back on how Chiara has told
us – her way of seeing and building rapport with the teenagers- and the experience that
we’re doing. We have tried to expand some points but after with the communion among us,
we could combine your observations.
It is important to have in hand what we have said last year on a community that forms
underlining Jesus in the midst as the teacher. Only on that foundation we could speak on the
features of an animator.
Love and teach to love. Love which brings the other to love. It follows the mutual love which
is fruit of Jesus in our midst. This is what Chiara has said in synthesis, in the different ways
as much a teacher would do, an assistant, an animator of the teens to whom are entrusted.
This is not a strategy or a tactic neither a methodology, but above all a consequence:
An animator is a person who discovered and continue to discover how he is loved immensely
by God, experiencing the real love, and moved to love the one passes beside him, and
shares the treasure he discovered.
And if he is entrusted a group of teens, it could be a school class, or a group of
cathecumens , or teens for unity, he will be the reflection of that sun, God who is love, which
illuminates and give warmness. Tries to involve all those whom are entrusted in this
discovery and will help to be like small sun near the sun.
An animator in fact not worries much on articulate programs on formation, following
precise and definite steps. He knew clearly the scope and finality. The program will be an in
depth orientation but, everyday with a vigilant love and attention trying to gather the events
and circumstances of life has to offer, an occasion to make step ahead towards a goal
increasing the love in each one and for all.
Love that warms and brightens. An animator sees Jesus in every teenager he met, a
Jesus at times that needs to be awaken and grow always. For instance, a new group of
teenagers, maybe a class in school where they have to start at zero. An animator goes near
to these teens with interests, just like “caring by a glance”, listening with attention, gathers
that is good and beautiful and knows how to give. Flying over in the beginning on false notes
on eventual languages learned on the streets or aggressive gestures.
An animator reads and sense immediately what is hidden in every silence, anxiety,
unfriendliness, and patiently waits for the right moment in which the boy or girl feels surely of
the love and opens and confide their worries. Sometimes certain boys “provoke” to attract
attention or put into trial our love because of the empty emotions they carries within,
wounded or disvalued: those faces of JF that an animator are called in a way particular and
embraced to heal everything primarily among us, then with a love without measure in them.
Also means not to be scandalized but to have that love that everyone believes and look
at Jesus- at times hidden – in them. (see “The Resurrection of Rome by Chiara). Meaning to
have a great openness to discover the beauty and newness, in so much in the beginning
could be bothered by an attitude of a generation which differs from the precedent.
An animator knows how to listen, not only when there are problems but always, even
on small matters the teenagers are saying: they become important just like us for them. Like
the sun that gives warmth to the earth and give life to the seed. An animator must be empty
to be only of love to become the other and recognize the seed of goodness, hidden talents,
unexpressed inspirations that every teenager brings in him and put into light, to develop and
If we are empty and only love as Chiara often says, Jesus lives in us, and Jesus loves
them, as when a boy or girl felt loved by everyone without pretending to be exclusive or
jealous. And for our part without having shadows of jealousy, only love without interests
leaves the other completely free.
It’s all in the art of an animator that shapes and build the love among the teenagers,
gradually developing the self esteem among them loosening dislikes and small jealousies, to
others. The Golden Rule and the art of loving is an excellent training camp. The animator
must be the first to live the rule whether in group or with other persons surround him credible
in as much to what he proposes to live.
As soon as the teenagers makes and share their first experiences, an animator must
put in light immediately the things they did sharing their happiness and amazement. Giving
encouragement and to re-start all over for those who make mistakes or in difficulties, giving
double celebrations when making big steps.
Could also invent games in getting to know each other helping especially those who
are timid to speak spontaneously and to open up. The more we get to know each other the
more we understand and like each other. A mindful animator knows how to catch moments
which is favourable to go in depth with each one through talks and must always be
spontaneous, maybe asked but not forced. The teens have an extreme need of somebody
who knows how to listen and also help in solving a problem or thoughts that at times
confused and carries within.
Many teens in the western world lives a life deprive of sense basing only on
consumption and entertainment that destroys and deviates the essentiality of life leaving an
emptiness that push and search for satisfaction in further consumptions.
But we know the antidote of a life that’s empty is “to be” and it’s true when you love.
We need therefore to look for ways, to give possibility for the teenagers to be in the act of
giving, To let them know persons who are in need concretely, in the vicinity or other parts of
the world. It’s better if they could easily determined to face a reality, to ask or in any case
suggest any action to help such persons.
The joy in giving, new for many, will be surprised and be push to give and do more. An
animator demonstrates all his enthusiasm as much the teenagers does, praising everyone
and not weighing those who haven’t done nothing , but will find means to involve them more.
Then while going ahead, the animator could bring the examples of other group of teens
for unity who lives the same adventure bringing their experiences. The insertions of teens for
unity presents the beautiful and significance all over the world.
In the zone level, could organize group meetings, There is the Mariapolis, projects,
forum, school for teens4unity, all occasions to let them discover that there are many
teenagers like them who lives the culture of giving, living for a united world.
Following the itinerary on what we have proposed: The Golden Rule and Art of Loving
will spontaneously live and for a certain time will discover that the root is in the Gospel.
Taking from the concrete experiences, and with a gradual process, an animator knows how
to make the teenagers encounter the words of Jesus, starting from the simplest, concrete
things they do bringing them little by little to meet God himself.
Then will know how to take occasions of offering one’s life. If there’s a quarrel? Will
come out forgiveness, to forgive seventy times seven. To experience the joy of giving? Could
mention what Jesus has said: “ There’s more joy in giving than receiving!”. Arrives the
hundredfold? Could bring his promises. Happens an accident, To a very sick person, War:
will introduce Time out explaining what Jesus said to pray and ask for unity. And other words
of Him. Also for the non believers, Jesus as a person could be a reference and a model of
Will also come moments of tiredness, here the art is to introduce something new, as to
an event, something that will excite a new wave of generosity and enthusiasm. Or proposing
an objective that could attract, a special trip, participation in a big event of teens 4 unity,
something out of the ordinary. It needs once in a while something special to attend, in which
to prepare, and live together and to live for a while after.
The instruments of the collective spirituality could also be live in a way spontaneous
and adapted to the group.
In communicating experiences, facts and discoveries that is lived shall be
spontaneous, but also be stimulated by an animator especially for those who are timid and
What is lacking in most teens is the self esteem that brings and close themselves in
defense or to be aggressive and domineering. Could invent some games in which the teens
have the possibility to say the beautiful side of the other ( see “positive game”, in line of of
Piriporo which Chiara does in the early times). This helps every teenagers to discover the
best side and strengthens him. He in his turn will try to discover and says the good side of
the other. All of these will make and increase the quality of mutual loving. ( meaning the
moment of truth).
In the course of time occasions and moments come to ask the teenagers the things to
improve among themselves. If necessary, inviting someone particularly for a face to face
conversation with gentleness and with calmness and only when it is sure of our love.
( with the teenagers especially with the boys, certain things resolve making jokes on
the reality. After all it is also the philosophy of the first Mariapolis that was based on laughing
on the fixations of the old man).
An animator seeks personal rapport ( conversation) with each one and will be the time
where one finds someone who knows to listen till the end, where to give an advice, to heal a
wound, to help to go ahead.
There will be in the group someone who is active and more sensible to unity: with him
makes an implied pact, and will be the hidden heart of the group, an incentive and model of
the others. These teens at times reveal and attracted to the vocation of a gen3.
In the groups where there are gen3 could have the pact of mutual love explicitly inviting
also the active ones in due time. The pact also have the worth of a commitment when facing
the others, helps in increasing the sense of responsibility and to learn to be faithful to his own
Speaking of spontaneity or directness: this should be the characteristic of the teens for
unity. Whereas for the gen3 could have programs on formation to follow but being attentive
to the needs of the moment. With the teens for unity everything must come out from life, and
everything must be spontaneous.
( Maybe could give light the life in a family where one tries to live the ideal, where
education is not made by courses or themes or other programs, but fruit of the everyday life
interwoven by the rapport within the family and surroundings. In a family communion is
spontaneous, each one helps mutually, sharing what has been lived, the parents put in light
the positive of the children and call them when necessary for spontaneous talks).
As we have said in the beginning, an animator will have in mind the goal to reached
and also the itinerary of formation, but attentive of the worries to follow a program that could
constrains or limit the vitality of the group.
The fruit and end of this reciprocal love is the presence of Jesus in the midst. Even if
this reality is not always explicit. The teens will learn to live, rejoice and will experience all its
effect. Like the disciple of Emmaus which felt in their hearts the presence of Jesus without
knowing the cause. For instance a boy of 15 years old who is new and was able to lived and
experienced stated “today was the happiest day of my life and I don’t know why!” and a girl of
12 years who lives the golden rule in her class intensely said: When we live the golden rule I
felt my heart burns!”.
An animator never brings ahead a group alone but in the family of the movement who
lives in a local community. In the first place he is a part of a nucleus, a focolare, a gen unit, a
group of the new family, adherent, etc… in which who lives the spirituality of communion and
the task to follow the teens he shows and brings into light.
Poi, nel gruppo ci sono i gen 3 e le gen 3 che sono i primi animatori del gruppo. Se non
ci sono, si cercherà almeno di metterli in contatto. Dal gruppo stesso poi, se va avanti,
nasceranno dei gen 3 e delle gen 3.
Then, in the group there are the gen 3 boy and girls who are the prime animators. If
there’s no gen 3 boy and girl could invite from other unit and if continues to go ahead from
the same group will give rise to new gen 3 girls and boys.
The group is inserted in a local community, at times active and numerous and at times
small. At times none but can bring birth due to the presence of the teenagers in which we are
very thankful. They especially the small ones, return back home and share their new
experience to their parents, sisters and brothers, relatives.. seeing their changes and
enthusiasm, wanted to know more and also want do something, giving a hand. An animator
will try to look also for ways to cultivate these persons involving and bringing them in contact
with the family or other persons of the movement.
At times an animator finds himself alone in bringing ahead the teens even if there are
other persons of the movement in a particular city. Maybe these person don’t feel capable or
not having time to bring a group, but maybe could give a hand. A lady volunteer who works
as a tailor could help in making a costume for a skit, another could help in every meeting or
for transportation, another who is an expert in any field could lead a workshop or forum on
certain topics. And maybe will discover the beauty of the teenagers and involve themselves
to offer and do more.
How much important a community that forms is easier to understand all the reasons
written in the corresponding chapter, but also to a more concrete and well set up.
At times an animator don’t have anymore the possibility to follow the group, maybe for
the reason the teens changed their class or school, or the animator changed his task in the
Opera or for other reasons: Could even lose the whole group. What was constructed in them
will remain for life, but also a pity to lose contact with the world that surrounds and who
knows where they will end. With this intention, we remember that continuity is important. The
teenagers are not yet in a degree to go ahead alone, with our love to Jesus Forsaken what
could we do to have this continuity when meetings don’t have a certain regularity and not to
lose contact.
We don’t have to be surprise if a group is not stable as we would like to be: There will
always who comes and go, who gets tired, occupied by other things but there will always be
new ones who arrive in which we could re-start from the beginning. It was also stated that
around Jesus there were also who comes and go of the heart. Maybe a group will always
have this kind of characteristic being a vast movement with different branches.
For some will go ahead and could give all the treasures of the ideal, for others we just
plant some seeds and time will arrive to mature. Certainly in our hearts we should not leave
anyone. We go to search, pray, and putting them in the hearts of Jesus to find the way and
realize His project of love for each of them.
An animator could achieve in persevering his task that is so fascinating and important,
but also delicate and demanding if it’s only rooted in Jesus Forsaken,. Tiredness will always
be felt, delusions when one disappears suddenly; discouragement comes because of lack of
answers and difficulty in unity to whom we bring this task together. Only seeing His faces to
love and entrusting to God our worries, will find the strength and light to go ahead with our

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1 the role of the animator

  • 1. Meeting of the Segreteriat Teens for Unity Castelgandolfo, 27 - 30 november 2008 Role of an animator Walter Kostner Me with you altogether will draw the figure of an animator. ( We speak of the adult, because the first animators are the gen 3 girls and boys ) going back on how Chiara has told us – her way of seeing and building rapport with the teenagers- and the experience that we’re doing. We have tried to expand some points but after with the communion among us, we could combine your observations. It is important to have in hand what we have said last year on a community that forms underlining Jesus in the midst as the teacher. Only on that foundation we could speak on the features of an animator. Love and teach to love. Love which brings the other to love. It follows the mutual love which is fruit of Jesus in our midst. This is what Chiara has said in synthesis, in the different ways as much a teacher would do, an assistant, an animator of the teens to whom are entrusted. This is not a strategy or a tactic neither a methodology, but above all a consequence: An animator is a person who discovered and continue to discover how he is loved immensely by God, experiencing the real love, and moved to love the one passes beside him, and shares the treasure he discovered. And if he is entrusted a group of teens, it could be a school class, or a group of cathecumens , or teens for unity, he will be the reflection of that sun, God who is love, which illuminates and give warmness. Tries to involve all those whom are entrusted in this discovery and will help to be like small sun near the sun. An animator in fact not worries much on articulate programs on formation, following precise and definite steps. He knew clearly the scope and finality. The program will be an in depth orientation but, everyday with a vigilant love and attention trying to gather the events and circumstances of life has to offer, an occasion to make step ahead towards a goal increasing the love in each one and for all. Love that warms and brightens. An animator sees Jesus in every teenager he met, a Jesus at times that needs to be awaken and grow always. For instance, a new group of teenagers, maybe a class in school where they have to start at zero. An animator goes near to these teens with interests, just like “caring by a glance”, listening with attention, gathers that is good and beautiful and knows how to give. Flying over in the beginning on false notes on eventual languages learned on the streets or aggressive gestures. An animator reads and sense immediately what is hidden in every silence, anxiety, unfriendliness, and patiently waits for the right moment in which the boy or girl feels surely of the love and opens and confide their worries. Sometimes certain boys “provoke” to attract attention or put into trial our love because of the empty emotions they carries within, 1
  • 2. wounded or disvalued: those faces of JF that an animator are called in a way particular and embraced to heal everything primarily among us, then with a love without measure in them. Also means not to be scandalized but to have that love that everyone believes and look at Jesus- at times hidden – in them. (see “The Resurrection of Rome by Chiara). Meaning to have a great openness to discover the beauty and newness, in so much in the beginning could be bothered by an attitude of a generation which differs from the precedent. An animator knows how to listen, not only when there are problems but always, even on small matters the teenagers are saying: they become important just like us for them. Like the sun that gives warmth to the earth and give life to the seed. An animator must be empty to be only of love to become the other and recognize the seed of goodness, hidden talents, unexpressed inspirations that every teenager brings in him and put into light, to develop and grow. If we are empty and only love as Chiara often says, Jesus lives in us, and Jesus loves them, as when a boy or girl felt loved by everyone without pretending to be exclusive or jealous. And for our part without having shadows of jealousy, only love without interests leaves the other completely free. It’s all in the art of an animator that shapes and build the love among the teenagers, gradually developing the self esteem among them loosening dislikes and small jealousies, to others. The Golden Rule and the art of loving is an excellent training camp. The animator must be the first to live the rule whether in group or with other persons surround him credible in as much to what he proposes to live. . As soon as the teenagers makes and share their first experiences, an animator must put in light immediately the things they did sharing their happiness and amazement. Giving encouragement and to re-start all over for those who make mistakes or in difficulties, giving double celebrations when making big steps. Could also invent games in getting to know each other helping especially those who are timid to speak spontaneously and to open up. The more we get to know each other the more we understand and like each other. A mindful animator knows how to catch moments which is favourable to go in depth with each one through talks and must always be spontaneous, maybe asked but not forced. The teens have an extreme need of somebody who knows how to listen and also help in solving a problem or thoughts that at times confused and carries within. Many teens in the western world lives a life deprive of sense basing only on consumption and entertainment that destroys and deviates the essentiality of life leaving an emptiness that push and search for satisfaction in further consumptions. But we know the antidote of a life that’s empty is “to be” and it’s true when you love. We need therefore to look for ways, to give possibility for the teenagers to be in the act of giving, To let them know persons who are in need concretely, in the vicinity or other parts of the world. It’s better if they could easily determined to face a reality, to ask or in any case suggest any action to help such persons. 2
  • 3. The joy in giving, new for many, will be surprised and be push to give and do more. An animator demonstrates all his enthusiasm as much the teenagers does, praising everyone and not weighing those who haven’t done nothing , but will find means to involve them more. Then while going ahead, the animator could bring the examples of other group of teens for unity who lives the same adventure bringing their experiences. The insertions of teens for unity presents the beautiful and significance all over the world. In the zone level, could organize group meetings, There is the Mariapolis, projects, forum, school for teens4unity, all occasions to let them discover that there are many teenagers like them who lives the culture of giving, living for a united world. Following the itinerary on what we have proposed: The Golden Rule and Art of Loving will spontaneously live and for a certain time will discover that the root is in the Gospel. Taking from the concrete experiences, and with a gradual process, an animator knows how to make the teenagers encounter the words of Jesus, starting from the simplest, concrete things they do bringing them little by little to meet God himself. Then will know how to take occasions of offering one’s life. If there’s a quarrel? Will come out forgiveness, to forgive seventy times seven. To experience the joy of giving? Could mention what Jesus has said: “ There’s more joy in giving than receiving!”. Arrives the hundredfold? Could bring his promises. Happens an accident, To a very sick person, War: will introduce Time out explaining what Jesus said to pray and ask for unity. And other words of Him. Also for the non believers, Jesus as a person could be a reference and a model of life. Will also come moments of tiredness, here the art is to introduce something new, as to an event, something that will excite a new wave of generosity and enthusiasm. Or proposing an objective that could attract, a special trip, participation in a big event of teens 4 unity, something out of the ordinary. It needs once in a while something special to attend, in which to prepare, and live together and to live for a while after. The instruments of the collective spirituality could also be live in a way spontaneous and adapted to the group. In communicating experiences, facts and discoveries that is lived shall be spontaneous, but also be stimulated by an animator especially for those who are timid and uncertain. What is lacking in most teens is the self esteem that brings and close themselves in defense or to be aggressive and domineering. Could invent some games in which the teens have the possibility to say the beautiful side of the other ( see “positive game”, in line of of Piriporo which Chiara does in the early times). This helps every teenagers to discover the best side and strengthens him. He in his turn will try to discover and says the good side of the other. All of these will make and increase the quality of mutual loving. ( meaning the moment of truth). In the course of time occasions and moments come to ask the teenagers the things to improve among themselves. If necessary, inviting someone particularly for a face to face conversation with gentleness and with calmness and only when it is sure of our love. 3
  • 4. ( with the teenagers especially with the boys, certain things resolve making jokes on the reality. After all it is also the philosophy of the first Mariapolis that was based on laughing on the fixations of the old man). An animator seeks personal rapport ( conversation) with each one and will be the time where one finds someone who knows to listen till the end, where to give an advice, to heal a wound, to help to go ahead. There will be in the group someone who is active and more sensible to unity: with him makes an implied pact, and will be the hidden heart of the group, an incentive and model of the others. These teens at times reveal and attracted to the vocation of a gen3. In the groups where there are gen3 could have the pact of mutual love explicitly inviting also the active ones in due time. The pact also have the worth of a commitment when facing the others, helps in increasing the sense of responsibility and to learn to be faithful to his own decisions. Speaking of spontaneity or directness: this should be the characteristic of the teens for unity. Whereas for the gen3 could have programs on formation to follow but being attentive to the needs of the moment. With the teens for unity everything must come out from life, and everything must be spontaneous. ( Maybe could give light the life in a family where one tries to live the ideal, where education is not made by courses or themes or other programs, but fruit of the everyday life interwoven by the rapport within the family and surroundings. In a family communion is spontaneous, each one helps mutually, sharing what has been lived, the parents put in light the positive of the children and call them when necessary for spontaneous talks). As we have said in the beginning, an animator will have in mind the goal to reached and also the itinerary of formation, but attentive of the worries to follow a program that could constrains or limit the vitality of the group. The fruit and end of this reciprocal love is the presence of Jesus in the midst. Even if this reality is not always explicit. The teens will learn to live, rejoice and will experience all its effect. Like the disciple of Emmaus which felt in their hearts the presence of Jesus without knowing the cause. For instance a boy of 15 years old who is new and was able to lived and experienced stated “today was the happiest day of my life and I don’t know why!” and a girl of 12 years who lives the golden rule in her class intensely said: When we live the golden rule I felt my heart burns!”. An animator never brings ahead a group alone but in the family of the movement who lives in a local community. In the first place he is a part of a nucleus, a focolare, a gen unit, a group of the new family, adherent, etc… in which who lives the spirituality of communion and the task to follow the teens he shows and brings into light. Poi, nel gruppo ci sono i gen 3 e le gen 3 che sono i primi animatori del gruppo. Se non ci sono, si cercherà almeno di metterli in contatto. Dal gruppo stesso poi, se va avanti, nasceranno dei gen 3 e delle gen 3. 4
  • 5. Then, in the group there are the gen 3 boy and girls who are the prime animators. If there’s no gen 3 boy and girl could invite from other unit and if continues to go ahead from the same group will give rise to new gen 3 girls and boys. The group is inserted in a local community, at times active and numerous and at times small. At times none but can bring birth due to the presence of the teenagers in which we are very thankful. They especially the small ones, return back home and share their new experience to their parents, sisters and brothers, relatives.. seeing their changes and enthusiasm, wanted to know more and also want do something, giving a hand. An animator will try to look also for ways to cultivate these persons involving and bringing them in contact with the family or other persons of the movement. At times an animator finds himself alone in bringing ahead the teens even if there are other persons of the movement in a particular city. Maybe these person don’t feel capable or not having time to bring a group, but maybe could give a hand. A lady volunteer who works as a tailor could help in making a costume for a skit, another could help in every meeting or for transportation, another who is an expert in any field could lead a workshop or forum on certain topics. And maybe will discover the beauty of the teenagers and involve themselves to offer and do more. How much important a community that forms is easier to understand all the reasons written in the corresponding chapter, but also to a more concrete and well set up. At times an animator don’t have anymore the possibility to follow the group, maybe for the reason the teens changed their class or school, or the animator changed his task in the Opera or for other reasons: Could even lose the whole group. What was constructed in them will remain for life, but also a pity to lose contact with the world that surrounds and who knows where they will end. With this intention, we remember that continuity is important. The teenagers are not yet in a degree to go ahead alone, with our love to Jesus Forsaken what could we do to have this continuity when meetings don’t have a certain regularity and not to lose contact. We don’t have to be surprise if a group is not stable as we would like to be: There will always who comes and go, who gets tired, occupied by other things but there will always be new ones who arrive in which we could re-start from the beginning. It was also stated that around Jesus there were also who comes and go of the heart. Maybe a group will always have this kind of characteristic being a vast movement with different branches. For some will go ahead and could give all the treasures of the ideal, for others we just plant some seeds and time will arrive to mature. Certainly in our hearts we should not leave anyone. We go to search, pray, and putting them in the hearts of Jesus to find the way and realize His project of love for each of them. An animator could achieve in persevering his task that is so fascinating and important, but also delicate and demanding if it’s only rooted in Jesus Forsaken,. Tiredness will always be felt, delusions when one disappears suddenly; discouragement comes because of lack of answers and difficulty in unity to whom we bring this task together. Only seeing His faces to love and entrusting to God our worries, will find the strength and light to go ahead with our task. 5
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