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My s t i c al e s c ape


                                                Told that he is carrying three curses from a prior life,
                                                Biju Sukumaran visits his ancestral home on a quest
                                                  to find his roots and secure the aid of Vedic priests

                      photography Radhika Raj

Kathakali performer

                                                                                     m ay-j u n t i g e r t a l e s
My s t i c al e s c ape

       Lepakshi dolls                                                                                 Painted mural
                                                                                                                                                      After a great deal of translation, the astrologer
                                                                                                                                                      informed me that the first curse was from a
                                                                                                                                                      teacher and was preventing me from using my
                                                                                                                                                      theoretical knowledge for practical gain
                                                                                                                                                the meaning in the casting of seashells          claimed he knew. He predicted that this pain
                                                                                                                                                and generally channelled the divine. For         would move upwards, eventually causing
                                                                                                                                                three hours, seated on the floor of his bare     shoulder problems. The cure was a 15-hour
                                                                                                                                                workspace and surreptitiously stretching         ceremony to appease the angry individuals
                                                                                                                                                my cramping legs, I was told of the sources      whom I had offended, albeit in a past life.
                                                                                                                                                of the problems I had experienced over the          My family, the Nair clan, has close ties to
                                                                                                                                                past year and of the good fortune ahead. I       the priestly caste and we were able to hire
                                                                                                                                                was left with reason for optimism but there      two priests I required to be able to complete
                                                                                                                                                was a catch: I was cursed.                       the ceremony, on short notice.
                                                                                                                                                  After a great deal of translation, the            I’m on the road by mid-afternoon,
                                                                                                                                                astrologer informed me that the first curse      navigating the bumpy, rubber tree-shaded
                                                                                                                                                was from a teacher and was preventing            roads in my uncle’s car. We pause to
                                                                                                                                                me from using my theoretical knowledge           ceremonially throw a small log and two
                                                                                                                                                for practical gain. The others were from a       coconuts – which the priests ritualistically
                                                                                                                                                woman, cursing me with problems of love          imbued an hour earlier with the negative
                                                                                                                                                and a blockage in my prana, the vital force      energy in my life – into a local river. Still in

                                                                                                                                                that affects energy flow. I have long suffered   mundu, the traditional sarong banded in gold,
                  t’s 5am and my father, looking                                                                                                from lower-back pain, a fact the astrologer      we wade into the slowly flowing currents.
                  utterly at home in a white,                                                                                                                                                       Later, we are caught in traffic as a religious
                    sarong-like mundu and chest                                                                                                                                                  parade makes its way across the road.
                    cloth, has clearly made the                                                                                                                                                  Elephants and parasol-bearing devotees
                    transition from American to                                                                                                                                                  raise dust in the sweltering heat as the sound
46                  Indian. Even in the pre-dawn                                                                                                                                                 of trumpets combines with the honking of
                    darkness, the Hindu temple                                                                                                                                                   horns by impatient auto rickshaw drivers.
                    where we’re standing before                                                                                                                                                  The bright colours of the saffron robes and
     two ash-marked priests is aglow, lit by a                                                                                                                                                   flowered deities make for a stark contrast to
     sacrificial fire fed by sticks dipped in ghee                                                                                                                                               the uniform green and brown of the jungle, an
     (a butter typically used in Indian cooking).      Shrine to local diety                                                                                                                     ever-present polarity in Kerala.
     I wear my own traditional garb awkwardly,                                                                                                                                                      This sacred chaos is an outward sign of
     but the opening ceremonies have begun                                                                                                                                                       Kerala’s religious diversity. After the landing
     and there’s a long way to go. Apparently,       Indian dance-drama is best known for its                                                                                                    of Vasco de Gama in Kozhikode in 1498, the
     I’ve been cursed and alleviating the effects    colourful make-up and costumes, as well as                                                                                                  Portuguese were surprised to find a large
     of karma is a drawn-out process.                precise body movements in tune to music.                                                                                                    Christian population here, whose ancestors
        Clad in black, the priests – both              As omnipresent as Kerala’s priests are                                                     Kathakali performer                            are believed to have arrived in Kerala in 52
                                                                                                                                                  applies his makeup
     marked with whorls of colour designating        its astrologers, seers of the future typically                                                                                              AD with the Apostle Thomas. Buddhism,
     their spiritual lineage – move with             employed by the curious or the concerned.
     practiced efficiency. Nambudiris are an         For a price, your future can be foretold
     old Brahmanic line particular to Kerala.        in varying degrees of detail. Three days                                                                                 Idol of Lingam
     They are scrupulously orthodox. Their           before my ritual cleansing, I had grudgingly
                                                                                                                                                                                                     The art of
     painstaking devotion to Vedic tradition (a      agreed to pay a visit to an astrologer
     religion pre-dating Hinduism) has given         in Kadalundi, a nearby village in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                     India’s southern state of Kerala
     them a unique status. Thanks to them,           Kozhikode district of Kerala. The astrologer
                                                                                                                                                                                                     is synonymous with the dance
     ancient Vedic rituals that are long extinct     was famous for his skill at jyotish, Vedic                       photography Radhika Raj                                                        drama of Kathakali or “story
     elsewhere live on in Kerala.                    astrology. He claimed Bollywood stars as                                                                                                        play”. The ancient art form which
        In a place where everyday life is infused    clients and was known for his accuracy.                                                                                                         dates back to the 17th century
     with ritual and tradition, priests are both     I was sceptical, but went anyway.                                                                                                               relies on elaborate make-up which
                                                                                                                                                                                                     resembles a mask and colourful
     consummate businessmen and repositories           After climbing the narrow stairs to his
                                                                                                                                                                                                     costumes, generally worn by
     of mystical lore. Kerala abounds with shops     waiting hall, I saw another family nervously
                                                                                                                                                                                                     men, to portray religious stories.
     specialising in the implements of ritual:       awaiting divine revelation. When my turn                                                                                                        Elaborate hand gestures and
     clarified butter, camphor and incense. And      came, the astrologer wasted no time. He                                                                                                         classical-style Indian music also
     the region’s romance is captured in the         consulted charts based on the positions                                                                                                         accompany each performance.
     green faces of its Kathakali characters whose   of the constellations at my birth, read

     t i g e r t a l e s m ay-j u n                                                                                                                                                                                   m ay-j u n t i g e r t a l e s
My s t i c al e s c ape

                                                                                                                                                     Practitioners of
                                                                                                                                                    the martial art of

                          Jainism and many forms of Hinduism have         Although swords are no longer in style and    Martial Arts in Trivandrum, teaches guests
                          also flourished in Kerala at various times.   families now eschew traditional theravadu       what students might have learned ages
                            Clan traditions also speak loudly in        (communal clan strongholds) in favour           ago. Overgrown forest greenery surrounds
                          Kerala. While the Nambudiris are famed        of apartments, some traditions remain.          the buildings while the spicy aroma of
                          for their devotions, my family’s clan – the   Well-kept theravadu, with a central inner       wild peppercorn plants permeates the air.
                          Nairs – formed the military backbone of       courtyard, a sacred grove for serpents          Behind the ashram’s temple – dedicated to
                          local dynasties. The Nairs were known for     and a pond for bathing, give visitors a taste   the god Hanuman – and the cottage-style
                          their martial prowess, best exemplified in    of classical Keralan architecture. Family       dormitories is a large courtyard. This is
                          the martial art, kalarippayattu, in which     names are passed on matrilineally and           the training ground where students learn
                          acrobatic skills and unique weapons are       eldest daughters often inherit land. Strong     the series of fighting stances that are the
                          used. The Nairs were also known for their     matriarchs are the norm in Kerala, flouting     building blocks of kalarippayattu.
                          one-of-a-kind traditions, such as the         the status quo in this male-dominated             The founder of the school, Guru
                          worship of snakes, and their matrilineal      country.                                        Balachandran, is one of the few surviving
                          family structure. Feudal lords in medieval       Training centres of kalarippayattu,          masters of kalarippayattu and is also of Nair
                          Kerala, their power waned with the coming     offering stays ranging from a few months        descent. The school is a way of preserving
                          of the priests, and later the British, who    to years, can be found in many major cities.    the ancient art form by passing it on to new
                          outlawed many of the old practices.           One such facility, the Indian School of         generations. Beginners and experts are
                                                                                                                        schooled in both armed and unarmed forms
                           Kerala is known for the practice of Ayurveda,                                                of the martial art. The rigorous training
                                                                                                                        programme demands that students master
                           traditional Indian medicine that calls for the use of
                                                                                                                        balance, movement and coordination
                           massage and oils to treat patients holistically                                              before tackling weapon-specific techniques.
                                                                                                                          Among its many delights, Kerala is
                                                                                                                        also known for the practice of Ayurveda,
                                                                                                                        traditional Indian medicine that deploys
                                                                                                                        a number of disciplines including yoga,
                                                                                                                        meditation, exercise and massage. While
                                                                                                                        tourism in the state is modest, many
                                                                                                                        retreats have sprung up where reputable
                                                                                                                        practitioners ply their trade in lavish, spa-
                                                                                                                        like facilities attached to high-end hotels.
photography Radhika Raj

                                                                                                                          One wing of the Indian School of Martial
                                                                                                                        Arts, dense with the scent of aromatic
                                                                                                                        oils and crushed spices, is devoted to the
                                                                                                                        healing arts. The centre offers three- to 21-
                                                                                                                        day healing sessions to help visitors detox,
                                                                                                 An Ayurvedic centre    meditate and restore vital energy.
                                                                                                                          The nearby Rasa Ayurveda is a women’s

                                                                                                                                          m ay-j u n t i g e r t a l e s
                                                                                                        *    Paradise Gardens Beach
                                                                                                       Resort & Ayurveda
                                                                                                       With each of its private bungalows
                                                                                                       overlooking turquoise waters and lush
                                                                                                       gardens, this resort truly lives up to
                                                                                                       its name. Well-ventilated rooms are
                                                                                                       naturally air-conditioned and private
                                                                                                       terraces offer secluded beach views.
                                                                                                       The on-site Ayurvedic centre has a
                                                                                                       wide range of treatments and the
                                                                                                       resort hosts exclusive music, dance,
                                                                                                       and martial arts performances. Rates
                                                                                                       range from S$126 to S$250 per night.
                                                                                                       Karikathikuzhi Beach, Trivandrum,
                                                                                                       South of Kovalam, tel: +91 (0)471 226
       View of Kadavu resorts
                                                                                                              WHAT TO EAT
                                                                                                        *     Kalavara Family Restaurant
     retreat seeking to bring western and                                                              With a wonderful rooftop dining
     Indian women together through traditional                                                         area and an easy-to-find location
                                                                                                       on Press Road, Kalavara Family
     Ayurvedic medicine. A stay at Rasa Ayurveda
                                                                                                       Restaurant is a great place to
     offers the chance to experience Ayurvedic                                                         sample a local fish curry or biryani,
     cuisine, personalised herbal treatments                                                           a spiced rice dish. Be sure to ask for
     and relax in the sprawling gardens or library.                                                    a non-spicy version of your order,
       Temples abound in Kerala and their                                                              as southern Indian cuisine is known
                                                                                                       for its burn.
     architecture is distinct from that of
                                                                                                       Kalavara Family Restaurant
     temples in Northern India. The Sree                                                               Press Road, Pulimoodu
     Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Trivandrum,                                                             Thiruvananthapuram 695001
50   dedicated to Vishnu, is among the best-                                            Street scene   +91-471-2333102
     known in the state. Considered to be one
                                                                                                             WHAT TO DO
     of the 108 holiest temples of Vishnu, it
     houses a statue of the god reclining on a
                                                      packed stores are easy on the pocketbook.
                                                        As my long day of rituals draws to a
                                                                                                        *    Indian School of Martial Arts
                                                                                                       This martial arts training centre
     hooded snake. Smaller temples scattered          close, my passion for Kerala is renewed. To      offers classes in both kalarippayattu
     throughout the state bustle with activity.       enter is to drop all preconceived notions,       and Ayurvedic healing. Students
       Visitors should remember that these are        to occupy a place where dualities fall to the    enjoy the opportunity to stay in
                                                                                                       private cottages while learning the
     holy places, and though all are open to the      wayside. Kerala is not just stunning views
                                                                                                       healing arts, practising martial arts
     public, only Hindus are allowed inside the       and colourful images, but is a place where       and experiencing traditional Vedic
     temples. Jostling is common as impatient         mythology and history live on.                   ceremonies. The centre has played
     pilgrims attempt to check off every last           Are the curses gone? Did they ever             host to many international students
     auspicious destination on their lists.           exist? My love life, pragmatic abilities and     and has English-speaking staff
                                                                                                       members. Contact the school for
       Indeed, it’s worth bearing in mind that        back pain seem, for now, in good hands.
                                                                                                       prices and availability. Parusuvaikal,
     religion infuses every aspect of daily life      And Kerala, with its mysticism, seers and        Thiruvananthapuram, tel: +91 (0)471
     here. Trivandrum’s Chalai Bazaar is no           priests, will always be there in case other      223 2686,
     exception. A riot of red, green, saffron         curses crop up. The point for me was the
     and black spices in gigantic pots, vibrant       journey, to learn more about this narrow
                                                                                                       Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple
     displays of floral offerings and burlap          state by the sea, with its coconut trees, its
                                                                                                       Considered one of the holiest
     sacks stuffed with hot peppers and               gods and its unique traditions.
                                                                                                       sites for Hindus in Kerala, the Sree
     fresh vegetables make for a memorable              Back at the temple, the priests have           Padmanabhaswamy Temple is
     experience. The strident shouts of traders       once again lit the fire pit and smoke from       dedicated to Vishnu. Known for its
     in the market fight for attention with the       the incense hangs heavily in the still air. My   seven-storey stone tower, a prime
     pungent smell of spices, a reminder of what      father is still dressed in a mundu, and mine,    example of Kerala-style architecture,
                                                                                                                                                photography Radhika Raj

                                                                                                       the temple is always bustling.
     first attracted Europeans to India.              always caught halfway between slipping off
                                                                                                       Only Hindus are allowed inside the
       A large red gate marks the entrance            and pinching too tight is, at the end of the     temple proper, but visitors can tour
     to Connemara, another of Trivandrum’s            day, more a part of me.                          the grounds. Mathilakom Office,
     bustling markets. Vendors tout everything                                                         East Fort, Thiruvananthapuram,
     from household goods to fabrics, livestock            Tiger Airways flies to Trivandrum           tel: +91 (0)471 245 0233, www.
                                                           from Singapore. Book your flights at
     and locally grown bananas. Best of all, the
     goods found in the narrow aisles of tightly

     t i g e r t a l e s m ay-j u n

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044 050 kerala

  • 1. My s t i c al e s c ape 45 Told that he is carrying three curses from a prior life, Biju Sukumaran visits his ancestral home on a quest to find his roots and secure the aid of Vedic priests photography Radhika Raj Kathakali performer m ay-j u n t i g e r t a l e s
  • 2. My s t i c al e s c ape Lepakshi dolls Painted mural After a great deal of translation, the astrologer informed me that the first curse was from a teacher and was preventing me from using my theoretical knowledge for practical gain the meaning in the casting of seashells claimed he knew. He predicted that this pain and generally channelled the divine. For would move upwards, eventually causing three hours, seated on the floor of his bare shoulder problems. The cure was a 15-hour workspace and surreptitiously stretching ceremony to appease the angry individuals my cramping legs, I was told of the sources whom I had offended, albeit in a past life. of the problems I had experienced over the My family, the Nair clan, has close ties to past year and of the good fortune ahead. I the priestly caste and we were able to hire was left with reason for optimism but there two priests I required to be able to complete was a catch: I was cursed. the ceremony, on short notice. After a great deal of translation, the I’m on the road by mid-afternoon, astrologer informed me that the first curse navigating the bumpy, rubber tree-shaded was from a teacher and was preventing roads in my uncle’s car. We pause to me from using my theoretical knowledge ceremonially throw a small log and two for practical gain. The others were from a coconuts – which the priests ritualistically woman, cursing me with problems of love imbued an hour earlier with the negative and a blockage in my prana, the vital force energy in my life – into a local river. Still in I that affects energy flow. I have long suffered mundu, the traditional sarong banded in gold, t’s 5am and my father, looking from lower-back pain, a fact the astrologer we wade into the slowly flowing currents. utterly at home in a white, Later, we are caught in traffic as a religious sarong-like mundu and chest parade makes its way across the road. cloth, has clearly made the Elephants and parasol-bearing devotees transition from American to raise dust in the sweltering heat as the sound 46 Indian. Even in the pre-dawn of trumpets combines with the honking of 47 darkness, the Hindu temple horns by impatient auto rickshaw drivers. where we’re standing before The bright colours of the saffron robes and two ash-marked priests is aglow, lit by a flowered deities make for a stark contrast to sacrificial fire fed by sticks dipped in ghee the uniform green and brown of the jungle, an (a butter typically used in Indian cooking). Shrine to local diety ever-present polarity in Kerala. I wear my own traditional garb awkwardly, This sacred chaos is an outward sign of but the opening ceremonies have begun Kerala’s religious diversity. After the landing and there’s a long way to go. Apparently, Indian dance-drama is best known for its of Vasco de Gama in Kozhikode in 1498, the I’ve been cursed and alleviating the effects colourful make-up and costumes, as well as Portuguese were surprised to find a large of karma is a drawn-out process. precise body movements in tune to music. Christian population here, whose ancestors Clad in black, the priests – both As omnipresent as Kerala’s priests are Kathakali performer are believed to have arrived in Kerala in 52 applies his makeup marked with whorls of colour designating its astrologers, seers of the future typically AD with the Apostle Thomas. Buddhism, their spiritual lineage – move with employed by the curious or the concerned. practiced efficiency. Nambudiris are an For a price, your future can be foretold old Brahmanic line particular to Kerala. in varying degrees of detail. Three days Idol of Lingam They are scrupulously orthodox. Their before my ritual cleansing, I had grudgingly The art of painstaking devotion to Vedic tradition (a agreed to pay a visit to an astrologer Kathakali religion pre-dating Hinduism) has given in Kadalundi, a nearby village in the India’s southern state of Kerala them a unique status. Thanks to them, Kozhikode district of Kerala. The astrologer is synonymous with the dance ancient Vedic rituals that are long extinct was famous for his skill at jyotish, Vedic photography Radhika Raj drama of Kathakali or “story elsewhere live on in Kerala. astrology. He claimed Bollywood stars as play”. The ancient art form which In a place where everyday life is infused clients and was known for his accuracy. dates back to the 17th century with ritual and tradition, priests are both I was sceptical, but went anyway. relies on elaborate make-up which resembles a mask and colourful consummate businessmen and repositories After climbing the narrow stairs to his costumes, generally worn by of mystical lore. Kerala abounds with shops waiting hall, I saw another family nervously men, to portray religious stories. specialising in the implements of ritual: awaiting divine revelation. When my turn Elaborate hand gestures and clarified butter, camphor and incense. And came, the astrologer wasted no time. He classical-style Indian music also the region’s romance is captured in the consulted charts based on the positions accompany each performance. green faces of its Kathakali characters whose of the constellations at my birth, read t i g e r t a l e s m ay-j u n m ay-j u n t i g e r t a l e s
  • 3. My s t i c al e s c ape Practitioners of the martial art of kalaripayattu Jainism and many forms of Hinduism have Although swords are no longer in style and Martial Arts in Trivandrum, teaches guests also flourished in Kerala at various times. families now eschew traditional theravadu what students might have learned ages Clan traditions also speak loudly in (communal clan strongholds) in favour ago. Overgrown forest greenery surrounds Kerala. While the Nambudiris are famed of apartments, some traditions remain. the buildings while the spicy aroma of for their devotions, my family’s clan – the Well-kept theravadu, with a central inner wild peppercorn plants permeates the air. Nairs – formed the military backbone of courtyard, a sacred grove for serpents Behind the ashram’s temple – dedicated to local dynasties. The Nairs were known for and a pond for bathing, give visitors a taste the god Hanuman – and the cottage-style their martial prowess, best exemplified in of classical Keralan architecture. Family dormitories is a large courtyard. This is the martial art, kalarippayattu, in which names are passed on matrilineally and the training ground where students learn 49 acrobatic skills and unique weapons are eldest daughters often inherit land. Strong the series of fighting stances that are the used. The Nairs were also known for their matriarchs are the norm in Kerala, flouting building blocks of kalarippayattu. one-of-a-kind traditions, such as the the status quo in this male-dominated The founder of the school, Guru worship of snakes, and their matrilineal country. Balachandran, is one of the few surviving family structure. Feudal lords in medieval Training centres of kalarippayattu, masters of kalarippayattu and is also of Nair Kerala, their power waned with the coming offering stays ranging from a few months descent. The school is a way of preserving of the priests, and later the British, who to years, can be found in many major cities. the ancient art form by passing it on to new outlawed many of the old practices. One such facility, the Indian School of generations. Beginners and experts are schooled in both armed and unarmed forms Kerala is known for the practice of Ayurveda, of the martial art. The rigorous training programme demands that students master traditional Indian medicine that calls for the use of balance, movement and coordination massage and oils to treat patients holistically before tackling weapon-specific techniques. Among its many delights, Kerala is also known for the practice of Ayurveda, traditional Indian medicine that deploys a number of disciplines including yoga, meditation, exercise and massage. While tourism in the state is modest, many retreats have sprung up where reputable practitioners ply their trade in lavish, spa- like facilities attached to high-end hotels. photography Radhika Raj One wing of the Indian School of Martial Arts, dense with the scent of aromatic oils and crushed spices, is devoted to the healing arts. The centre offers three- to 21- day healing sessions to help visitors detox, An Ayurvedic centre meditate and restore vital energy. The nearby Rasa Ayurveda is a women’s m ay-j u n t i g e r t a l e s
  • 4. WHERE TO STAY * Paradise Gardens Beach Resort & Ayurveda With each of its private bungalows overlooking turquoise waters and lush gardens, this resort truly lives up to its name. Well-ventilated rooms are naturally air-conditioned and private terraces offer secluded beach views. The on-site Ayurvedic centre has a wide range of treatments and the resort hosts exclusive music, dance, and martial arts performances. Rates range from S$126 to S$250 per night. Karikathikuzhi Beach, Trivandrum, South of Kovalam, tel: +91 (0)471 226 8304, View of Kadavu resorts WHAT TO EAT * Kalavara Family Restaurant retreat seeking to bring western and With a wonderful rooftop dining Indian women together through traditional area and an easy-to-find location on Press Road, Kalavara Family Ayurvedic medicine. A stay at Rasa Ayurveda Restaurant is a great place to offers the chance to experience Ayurvedic sample a local fish curry or biryani, cuisine, personalised herbal treatments a spiced rice dish. Be sure to ask for and relax in the sprawling gardens or library. a non-spicy version of your order, Temples abound in Kerala and their as southern Indian cuisine is known for its burn. architecture is distinct from that of Kalavara Family Restaurant temples in Northern India. The Sree Press Road, Pulimoodu Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Trivandrum, Thiruvananthapuram 695001 50 dedicated to Vishnu, is among the best- Street scene +91-471-2333102 known in the state. Considered to be one WHAT TO DO of the 108 holiest temples of Vishnu, it houses a statue of the god reclining on a packed stores are easy on the pocketbook. As my long day of rituals draws to a * Indian School of Martial Arts This martial arts training centre hooded snake. Smaller temples scattered close, my passion for Kerala is renewed. To offers classes in both kalarippayattu throughout the state bustle with activity. enter is to drop all preconceived notions, and Ayurvedic healing. Students Visitors should remember that these are to occupy a place where dualities fall to the enjoy the opportunity to stay in private cottages while learning the holy places, and though all are open to the wayside. Kerala is not just stunning views healing arts, practising martial arts public, only Hindus are allowed inside the and colourful images, but is a place where and experiencing traditional Vedic temples. Jostling is common as impatient mythology and history live on. ceremonies. The centre has played pilgrims attempt to check off every last Are the curses gone? Did they ever host to many international students auspicious destination on their lists. exist? My love life, pragmatic abilities and and has English-speaking staff members. Contact the school for Indeed, it’s worth bearing in mind that back pain seem, for now, in good hands. prices and availability. Parusuvaikal, religion infuses every aspect of daily life And Kerala, with its mysticism, seers and Thiruvananthapuram, tel: +91 (0)471 here. Trivandrum’s Chalai Bazaar is no priests, will always be there in case other 223 2686, exception. A riot of red, green, saffron curses crop up. The point for me was the and black spices in gigantic pots, vibrant journey, to learn more about this narrow Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple displays of floral offerings and burlap state by the sea, with its coconut trees, its Considered one of the holiest sacks stuffed with hot peppers and gods and its unique traditions. sites for Hindus in Kerala, the Sree fresh vegetables make for a memorable Back at the temple, the priests have Padmanabhaswamy Temple is experience. The strident shouts of traders once again lit the fire pit and smoke from dedicated to Vishnu. Known for its in the market fight for attention with the the incense hangs heavily in the still air. My seven-storey stone tower, a prime pungent smell of spices, a reminder of what father is still dressed in a mundu, and mine, example of Kerala-style architecture, photography Radhika Raj the temple is always bustling. first attracted Europeans to India. always caught halfway between slipping off Only Hindus are allowed inside the A large red gate marks the entrance and pinching too tight is, at the end of the temple proper, but visitors can tour to Connemara, another of Trivandrum’s day, more a part of me. the grounds. Mathilakom Office, bustling markets. Vendors tout everything East Fort, Thiruvananthapuram, from household goods to fabrics, livestock Tiger Airways flies to Trivandrum tel: +91 (0)471 245 0233, www. from Singapore. Book your flights at and locally grown bananas. Best of all, the goods found in the narrow aisles of tightly t i g e r t a l e s m ay-j u n