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Yoga For Relaxation
Discover the true meaning of yoga In taking any modern yoga class, you will find parallels to ballet. Like ballet, the promise of poise,
grace and flexibility encourages much interest. Yet if yoga is like any other exercise, it is only at first glance. Underneath the coveted
health and fitness benefits of modern yoga practice are the roots of a great spiritual tradition blending cultures and religions.

Unfortunately, through the westernization of yoga, we have lost an essential component of this peaceful practice. Though the ritual
remains intact the meaning has gone astray. Where previously the postures of yoga practice were merely a branch of a tree; today
they are viewed by western society as the tree itself. How do we bring meaning to our poses?

Modern Yoga’s Roots and Benefits
Though the development of yoga cannot be pinned to an exact year, the discovery of the Indus seals, which show figures in the
classic yoga asana (posture) of lotus pose, trace yoga back to at least 3000 BCE. At this time the Vedas were being written, which
today’s yoga postures are derived from. These gave birth to Vedic yoga, which accommodated the ancient Indians fixation on ritual
and sacrifice. We see evidence of the importance of sacrifice in the yogic corpse posture. Lying as though we were placed in a
coffin, this represents the ultimate sacrifice-that of death. Though seemingly morbid, corpse posture is one of hope when we
understand that according to the Vedanta sutras, death results in liberation

Sacrifice was meant to join the material and the physical, and create the longed-for union that defines the word Yoga. The Vedanta
sutras (vs.4:4,13-14) declare that the liberated soul is not materially motivated.. By asking us to free ourselves from the bondage of
material motivation, compassion requires us to be selfless. Surely, this giving is an exercise in compassion. Even still, t he modern
practice of yoga facilitates this. Through postures and stillness, we alter our consciousness and therefore change our perspective. In
our new realization of others as being part of the cosmic whole, we feel that in giving to them we are also giving to ourselves.
The ancient philosophy of yoga saw its postures as part of a greater whole. Thousands of years ago during the time of Astanga
yoga, posture practice was one piece of a more important whole. Astanga yoga, which originated during Vedic Indi a, was derived of
eight branches; yama (control and discipline), niyama (rules, methods and principle), asana (posture), pranayama (focused
breathing), prathyahara(avoidance of undesirable action),dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi
(contemplation). In contrast, most contemporary yoga focuses on postures and uses breath work as a small component or an
afterthought. Though admittedly, the current vision of yoga over-emphasizes asana, it is extremely important and has enormous
benefits. The medically studied benefits of yoga include the following: Stress reduction, improved muscle strength and tone,
increased energy and flexibility, improved balance and coordination and a reduction in depression. . Moving with Compassion
Through most of asana practice, we are unconsciously engaging in physical metaphor. Many yoga postures are named after and
imitate the living world; tree pose, eagle pose, frog pose, cat pose. By developing postures that imitate the stance of animals, the
vedic seers may have been seeking not only to embrace the qualities of these animals, but to formulate compassion for them. The
way that compassion serves as a partner to yoga’s goal of liberation can be understood through reading the ancient yogic texts.

Understand these vedas; whether they be the Rig Veda (knowledge of praise),Yajur-Veda (knowledge of sacrifice), Sama Veda
(knowledge of chants), and Atharva-Veda(knowledge of atharvan), is likelier while deep in meditation. Understanding the vedic
sutras, we are permitted to experience a bliss unknown through material grasping.

In this state everyday experiences fade away and a greater perspective unfolds. Over time, meditation also allows us to becom e
more intuitive and receptive. This opens us up to others, enhancing our c ompassionate nature. This experience has been discussed
by Eastern sacred-text expert H.P. Blavatsky’s in The Voice of the Silence. Blavatsky writes: Compassion is no attribute. IT is the
LAW of LAWSeternal Harmony, Alaya’s SELF; a shoreless universal essence, the light of everlasting Right, and fitness of all things,
the law of love eternal.

In order to experience compassion for others we must first extend it to ourselves. Straining too forcefully in a pose is counter to
compassion. Why? Yoga teaches us that we are all connected, so when we hurt ourselves this pain eventually reaches others.
Instead we must strive for gentle self-acceptance, competing with nobody-not even ourselves. This is essential to a rewarding
experience of yoga.
Postures for Peace

By the time of Patanjali’s yoga sutras, which were written near the beginning of the common era, we begin to see a discussion of the
more practical aspects of yoga. Posture is discussed (be it mainly for meditative purposes), as is concentration of the mind during
this exercise. In the Yoga-Sutra, Patanjali presents relaxation as the very essence of yoga practice. He teaches us that posture
should be steady and comfortable .This sentiment is reflected in the postures (asanas) of today’s practice. The physical dimension
of yogic exercise requires us to have compassion for our limits. We are never asked to push, instead only to release. Mercifully, our
small efforts are graced with us connecting to a life-force that is divine and encompassing.

Asanas urge us to see our body as divine, and to nurture health in this mortal temple. Yogic adepts understand that their body is
flawed, however slender and toned it may look externally. This acknowledgement leads to less judgement of other’s bodies.
However pleasing to the eye a yogis shape may be, the same vedic texts that encourage the practice of yoga for health, also remind
us that true liberation comes from being free of the cycle of rebirth-free of the physical form.

Yogic postures work in contrast to the western notion of exercise. Here we see exercise as an end, such as an end to overweight
and fatigue. Yoga is different. While in most forms of exercise the physical results are the sole goal, in yoga the soul is t he goal. The
ancient tradition of yoga exercise stands apart in its doctrines. The ancient yoga texts insist that the mind and spirit are more
important than the physical body. While many other eastern forms of mind-body fitness also encourage this awareness, no other
physical practice has the ultimate goal of union with the divine. In yoga, the process of attaining this union is as important as the
actual attainment.

Yoga practice is not a means to an end. It is an end in of itself. Even distinguished from vedas and sutras, the modern practice of
yoga posture is a beautiful and calming pursuit. Though modern yoga practice makes little mention of the scriptures that it is based
on, the experience of union and compassion can be woven into each pose. In doing this we are enhancing more than our practice,
we are improving our life.
Yoga Fitness Exercises
Source : Article Snatch

Yoga without doubt is one of the most popular ways for everyone to do in order to lose weight. Yoga helps the body lose weight by
burning excess calories that are not needed by the body. In addition, yoga exercise helps strengthen the muscles in your body, too!
In this article we will talk about the different yoga classes to choose from. It is important to know a little bit of everything to get you
started on the right foot. Try to see what is the best fitness yoga classes that will pack your personality and needs.

                                               When we talk about exercises fitness yoga, it is a modern version of yoga, which has
been adapted to the Western world. Traditional yoga is not just about the suitability of the body. Rather, the emphasis is on creating
a sense of mental well-being through physical well-being. While traditional yoga is very spiritual, yoga fitness more about keeping
the body in shape.

Although yoga fitness exercise is primarily on physical rather than psychological well-being, the two aspects go hand in hand. Once
you start to get into shape after strenuous but rewarding practice exercises fitness yoga, you will surely begin to feel good. In the
end, do not we all feel better when we shed some of those extra pounds, have more endurance and have more energy? If you are
looking for in yoga exercises, learn how the traditional methods used in the program. The first steps usually involve working on your
breath control, which is believed to be the root of the imbalance.

If you cannot find a class for fitness yoga, there is many DVD-ROM drive or even online courses which are tailored to your needs.
Yoga for fitness includes everything from weight loss, flexibility, endurance, and aerobics. Many people believe that what is good for
doing yoga at home, because it can be done at any time and in comfortable surroundings. Fitness yoga is not necessary to do every
day, although they must be made on a regular basis. Even if it’s only once a week, your body will constantly improve and balance
your sense of self and mind. First, yoga should be fun and easy. Exercises will continue to grow and always gives you the res ults.

Basic instruction of yoga involves many body positions and breathing exercises that have proved extremely useful for personal well-
being, fitness and health. Practiced for long time yoga can be a way to improve the image of a person’s life.
Kundalini Yoga And Kriya Yoga Offer
Amazing Health Benefits
Source : Article Snatch

Yoga is a perfect exercise to give you a complete workout for your full body. Thus, if you also want to gain strength, improve muscle
tone and fitness, you need to adopt Kundalini yoga. It is found that the Kundalini Yoga is best for the whole body fitness because it
gives dynamic movement towards strength and fitness It is true that the other yoga types are also very useful for the movement and
flow of the body, but generally Kundalini yoga is a powerful exercise to strengthen and tone the whole body.

                                                                   Theses exercises target the whole upper body, abs and stomach
with your lower body and it will help you to tone your full body. On the other hand these exercises will give a small workout to your
heart muscles also. It helps to achieve the whole body fitness while improving your digestive system, circulatory system, nervous
system and immune system. It also increases your energy level, vitality and tones the abdominal muscles, shape our abs and
stomach and gives us power and core strength. It tones our legs, chest, arms, abs, buttocks and shoulders and helps to devel op our
virility and sexual fitness.

To get the whole body fitness, this set of yoga utilizes a huge range of sequences and exercises. Kriya yoga is also a popular form
of yoga that improves overall efficiency of our body. It is suggested that you should do yoga exercises as per the weaknesses and
strengths of your body. If your abs is strong already, then abdominal exercises can be done, and if your legs are fit and str ong
already then froggies of Kundalini yoga can be done by you. If it is your first time to yoga or you are just going to start your program
of fitness, do these exercises as per your minimum strength.

Divine wellness is an Interactive health portal that provides interactive information on Kundalini yoga and Kriya yoga. We also offer
online yoga classes through High Definition video conferencing and also help you learn yoga poses to achieve complete holistic
Key Health Benefits of Yoga Exercise
Source: Articles Base

Yoga has been around for over 3000 years and still remains one of the most popular forms of exercise in the world. In fact, the
popularity of yoga has increased dramatically in recent years and is quickly becoming one of the most popular forms of exercise
among young people.

                                            Yoga exercise can be used to strengthen the mind, body and spirit of people of all ages
and fitness levels. Whether you are in good shape or not, can greatly benefit from the practice of yoga. There are actually s everal
types of yoga, ranging from high-speed and high intensity level to a smooth and flowing style of yoga and everything in between.

Whatever the shape or style of yoga exercise you choose, there are some major benefits you can expect to achieve through yoga.

The first benefit that comes to mind is more flexibility. Many exercise programs focus on building muscles through weight training.
There is nothing wrong with strengthening the muscles, but if all we do is in bulk, without looking at the flexibility that is doing a
disservice to you. Bulk up your muscles tend to be more sensitive to tension and tears after the muscles are more flexible. Many
professional athletes have short careers as a result of muscle strains and tears.

Another important Benefit of Yoga Exercise is stress relief. Yoga helps you relax after a stressful day. By focusing on getting the
perfect pose, it helps to release any negative thoughts your mind because your mind active can not be focused on two things at

Yoga Exercise also increases your energy level. For the continuous exercise and building strength, your body is able to increase
their strength and endurance. This in turn gives you more energy.

Most people do not think of yoga as increased muscle strength. No bulk of their muscles, but it certainly increases their str ength by
obtaining and maintaining the various yoga poses. Groups of muscles are depleted to maintain its position, increasing its strength.
As a side benefit, yoga also improves your posture, which in turn reduces the pain and muscle strains.

Yoga will also improve your overall health. By twisting and turning, you massage your internal organs, which helps to release toxins.
This will improve your overall health and help prevent other illnesses like colds and flu.

Yoga Exercise will help improve the health of any person, regardless of what level of fitness that are at present. By using yoga, you
can improve your flexibility, relive stress, increase strength and improve your overall health. Yes, yoga is really good for your health
in many ways.
Understanding The Different Types Of
Source: Article Snatch

Yoga is one of the oldest practices that people use to unite the mind and body to obtain peace and stress free life. This kin d of
practice has been used for more than two thousand years. This is also the reason why a lot of variations and divergences occurred
in yoga. Today, there are a lot of yoga practices and different branches that you can choose from.

                                              The different practices of yoga consist of different purpose and needs but they all
have the same quality to harmonize and to balance the mind and body to obtain peace. Here are some of the most common
branches of yoga used today.

First is Karma Yoga. Maybe, you already know about the word Karma. It is the term used to describe something that happened as a
result of your previous actions. There are good karma and bad karma depending on the action that you made. The main purpose of
this type of yoga is to remove all the selfishness and negativity in your body so you will not have to experience bad karma in the

Second is Hatha Yoga. People who want to focus on their well being and health can consider this kind of yoga. It is known as the
oldest form of physical therapy today.

Third is Raja Yoga. This is the classic type of yoga since the focus of this practice is meditation. This is also a complex kind of yoga
since most of the instructors require people to start with hatha yoga before continuing to more advanced training in raj a yoga. It is
consist of profound meditation and you need to have a lot of focus and discipline.

Fourth is Jnana Yoga. This is the type of yoga that gained a lot of interest to scholars because it focuses on the improvemen t of the
intellect. You can gain knowledge by studying some of the yoga scripts and texts. It is known as the most difficult type of yoga and
the most challenging as well.

If you already know the type of yoga that you want to try, the next move is to look for a yoga teaching class. You can try out Houston
Yoga where you can find a professional Houston Yoga instructor.

Always remember that yoga needs a lot of discipline and focus and you need to convince yourself that this kind of practice can work
for you.
Yoga Good for Weight Loss
Source: Articles Base

Have You Tried Yoga Exercise For Weight Loss

If you are thinking of exercising to help lose weight you probably think that you need to do some sort of high cardio exercise. High
cardio exercises aren’t the only type of exercise for weight loss, yoga is one exercise type that you might want to consider. Most
people think that yoga is slow and still and wouldn’t help you to lose weight but is this really the case?

                                                                Yoga can actually help you to lose weight as well as give you many
other health benefits. There are different types of yoga and some are more effective for weight loss than others. Yoga also w orks
better if combined with other exercises to speed up weight loss and improve your overall health.

There are some types of yoga that are more aerobic like and give you a great cardio workout. With this type of yoga you will really
work up a sweat and increase your heart rate and oxygen intake. This type of yoga still involved yoga poses but they are done with
much quicker movements.

This aerobic type yoga is known as ‘Power Yoga’ or ‘Hot Yoga’. Power yoga is usually done in a room that has a higher temperature
than normal so that you sweat even more. Whether the excess heat does help increase weight loss is a subject of much debate, but
the exercises themselves definitely work well for weight loss.

Vinyasa yoga, also known as flow yoga, is one of the best types to assist with weight loss. There are a number of different yoga
styles even within the Vinyasa group. For example, Power yoga is Vinyasa yoga performed in a hot room.

One of the most popular Vinyasa yoga exercises is the Ashtanga yoga. Ashtanga yoga still uses the same yoga poses t hat are used
in regular, slow paced yoga but it also combines some athletic movements.

The main difference between a fast paced yoga and a slow paced yoga is the speed of the movements between the poses. Also the
time held in a post is not as long. So instead of moving slowly between poses and holding the pose for a certain time period, one
would move much faster between poses and only briefly hold the pose. The movements between poses are much more athletic.

You shouldn’t start out with a power yoga class if you are new to yoga. Start off with a regular yoga class as this will still have weight
loss advantages. Yoga will also help tone your muscles and make your body more flexible.

If you have never done yoga before you may find it difficult to believe that this gentle form of exercise will possibly help with weight
loss but it really does. When you are holding poses you are developing muscle control and balance. When you improve muscle tone
and balance your body will burn calories much more efficiently.

When you practise yoga it will also benefit you when you do other types of aerobic exercises. As your body becomes more flexible
and your muscles become more toned and stronger you will become more efficient at aerobic exercises.

It can be very beneficial to do some aerobic exercises two or three times a week and also do some yoga exercise for weight loss
two or three times a week. You will be amazed at your weight loss results when you combine these exercise types.
Yoga For Relaxation and Spiritual Insight

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Yoga For Relaxation and Spiritual Insight

  • 1. Yoga For Relaxation Discover the true meaning of yoga In taking any modern yoga class, you will find parallels to ballet. Like ballet, the promise of poise, grace and flexibility encourages much interest. Yet if yoga is like any other exercise, it is only at first glance. Underneath the coveted health and fitness benefits of modern yoga practice are the roots of a great spiritual tradition blending cultures and religions. Unfortunately, through the westernization of yoga, we have lost an essential component of this peaceful practice. Though the ritual remains intact the meaning has gone astray. Where previously the postures of yoga practice were merely a branch of a tree; today they are viewed by western society as the tree itself. How do we bring meaning to our poses? Modern Yoga’s Roots and Benefits Though the development of yoga cannot be pinned to an exact year, the discovery of the Indus seals, which show figures in the classic yoga asana (posture) of lotus pose, trace yoga back to at least 3000 BCE. At this time the Vedas were being written, which today’s yoga postures are derived from. These gave birth to Vedic yoga, which accommodated the ancient Indians fixation on ritual and sacrifice. We see evidence of the importance of sacrifice in the yogic corpse posture. Lying as though we were placed in a coffin, this represents the ultimate sacrifice-that of death. Though seemingly morbid, corpse posture is one of hope when we understand that according to the Vedanta sutras, death results in liberation Sacrifice was meant to join the material and the physical, and create the longed-for union that defines the word Yoga. The Vedanta sutras (vs.4:4,13-14) declare that the liberated soul is not materially motivated.. By asking us to free ourselves from the bondage of material motivation, compassion requires us to be selfless. Surely, this giving is an exercise in compassion. Even still, t he modern practice of yoga facilitates this. Through postures and stillness, we alter our consciousness and therefore change our perspective. In our new realization of others as being part of the cosmic whole, we feel that in giving to them we are also giving to ourselves.
  • 2. The ancient philosophy of yoga saw its postures as part of a greater whole. Thousands of years ago during the time of Astanga yoga, posture practice was one piece of a more important whole. Astanga yoga, which originated during Vedic Indi a, was derived of eight branches; yama (control and discipline), niyama (rules, methods and principle), asana (posture), pranayama (focused breathing), prathyahara(avoidance of undesirable action),dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (contemplation). In contrast, most contemporary yoga focuses on postures and uses breath work as a small component or an afterthought. Though admittedly, the current vision of yoga over-emphasizes asana, it is extremely important and has enormous benefits. The medically studied benefits of yoga include the following: Stress reduction, improved muscle strength and tone, increased energy and flexibility, improved balance and coordination and a reduction in depression. . Moving with Compassion Through most of asana practice, we are unconsciously engaging in physical metaphor. Many yoga postures are named after and imitate the living world; tree pose, eagle pose, frog pose, cat pose. By developing postures that imitate the stance of animals, the vedic seers may have been seeking not only to embrace the qualities of these animals, but to formulate compassion for them. The way that compassion serves as a partner to yoga’s goal of liberation can be understood through reading the ancient yogic texts. Understand these vedas; whether they be the Rig Veda (knowledge of praise),Yajur-Veda (knowledge of sacrifice), Sama Veda (knowledge of chants), and Atharva-Veda(knowledge of atharvan), is likelier while deep in meditation. Understanding the vedic sutras, we are permitted to experience a bliss unknown through material grasping. In this state everyday experiences fade away and a greater perspective unfolds. Over time, meditation also allows us to becom e more intuitive and receptive. This opens us up to others, enhancing our c ompassionate nature. This experience has been discussed by Eastern sacred-text expert H.P. Blavatsky’s in The Voice of the Silence. Blavatsky writes: Compassion is no attribute. IT is the LAW of LAWSeternal Harmony, Alaya’s SELF; a shoreless universal essence, the light of everlasting Right, and fitness of all things, the law of love eternal. In order to experience compassion for others we must first extend it to ourselves. Straining too forcefully in a pose is counter to compassion. Why? Yoga teaches us that we are all connected, so when we hurt ourselves this pain eventually reaches others. Instead we must strive for gentle self-acceptance, competing with nobody-not even ourselves. This is essential to a rewarding experience of yoga. Postures for Peace By the time of Patanjali’s yoga sutras, which were written near the beginning of the common era, we begin to see a discussion of the more practical aspects of yoga. Posture is discussed (be it mainly for meditative purposes), as is concentration of the mind during this exercise. In the Yoga-Sutra, Patanjali presents relaxation as the very essence of yoga practice. He teaches us that posture should be steady and comfortable .This sentiment is reflected in the postures (asanas) of today’s practice. The physical dimension of yogic exercise requires us to have compassion for our limits. We are never asked to push, instead only to release. Mercifully, our small efforts are graced with us connecting to a life-force that is divine and encompassing. Asanas urge us to see our body as divine, and to nurture health in this mortal temple. Yogic adepts understand that their body is flawed, however slender and toned it may look externally. This acknowledgement leads to less judgement of other’s bodies. However pleasing to the eye a yogis shape may be, the same vedic texts that encourage the practice of yoga for health, also remind us that true liberation comes from being free of the cycle of rebirth-free of the physical form. Yogic postures work in contrast to the western notion of exercise. Here we see exercise as an end, such as an end to overweight and fatigue. Yoga is different. While in most forms of exercise the physical results are the sole goal, in yoga the soul is t he goal. The ancient tradition of yoga exercise stands apart in its doctrines. The ancient yoga texts insist that the mind and spirit are more important than the physical body. While many other eastern forms of mind-body fitness also encourage this awareness, no other physical practice has the ultimate goal of union with the divine. In yoga, the process of attaining this union is as important as the actual attainment. Yoga practice is not a means to an end. It is an end in of itself. Even distinguished from vedas and sutras, the modern practice of yoga posture is a beautiful and calming pursuit. Though modern yoga practice makes little mention of the scriptures that it is based on, the experience of union and compassion can be woven into each pose. In doing this we are enhancing more than our practice, we are improving our life.
  • 3. Yoga Fitness Exercises Source : Article Snatch Yoga without doubt is one of the most popular ways for everyone to do in order to lose weight. Yoga helps the body lose weight by burning excess calories that are not needed by the body. In addition, yoga exercise helps strengthen the muscles in your body, too! In this article we will talk about the different yoga classes to choose from. It is important to know a little bit of everything to get you started on the right foot. Try to see what is the best fitness yoga classes that will pack your personality and needs. When we talk about exercises fitness yoga, it is a modern version of yoga, which has been adapted to the Western world. Traditional yoga is not just about the suitability of the body. Rather, the emphasis is on creating a sense of mental well-being through physical well-being. While traditional yoga is very spiritual, yoga fitness more about keeping the body in shape. Although yoga fitness exercise is primarily on physical rather than psychological well-being, the two aspects go hand in hand. Once you start to get into shape after strenuous but rewarding practice exercises fitness yoga, you will surely begin to feel good. In the end, do not we all feel better when we shed some of those extra pounds, have more endurance and have more energy? If you are looking for in yoga exercises, learn how the traditional methods used in the program. The first steps usually involve working on your breath control, which is believed to be the root of the imbalance. If you cannot find a class for fitness yoga, there is many DVD-ROM drive or even online courses which are tailored to your needs. Yoga for fitness includes everything from weight loss, flexibility, endurance, and aerobics. Many people believe that what is good for doing yoga at home, because it can be done at any time and in comfortable surroundings. Fitness yoga is not necessary to do every day, although they must be made on a regular basis. Even if it’s only once a week, your body will constantly improve and balance your sense of self and mind. First, yoga should be fun and easy. Exercises will continue to grow and always gives you the res ults. Basic instruction of yoga involves many body positions and breathing exercises that have proved extremely useful for personal well- being, fitness and health. Practiced for long time yoga can be a way to improve the image of a person’s life.
  • 4. Kundalini Yoga And Kriya Yoga Offer Amazing Health Benefits Source : Article Snatch Yoga is a perfect exercise to give you a complete workout for your full body. Thus, if you also want to gain strength, improve muscle tone and fitness, you need to adopt Kundalini yoga. It is found that the Kundalini Yoga is best for the whole body fitness because it gives dynamic movement towards strength and fitness It is true that the other yoga types are also very useful for the movement and flow of the body, but generally Kundalini yoga is a powerful exercise to strengthen and tone the whole body. Theses exercises target the whole upper body, abs and stomach with your lower body and it will help you to tone your full body. On the other hand these exercises will give a small workout to your heart muscles also. It helps to achieve the whole body fitness while improving your digestive system, circulatory system, nervous system and immune system. It also increases your energy level, vitality and tones the abdominal muscles, shape our abs and stomach and gives us power and core strength. It tones our legs, chest, arms, abs, buttocks and shoulders and helps to devel op our virility and sexual fitness. To get the whole body fitness, this set of yoga utilizes a huge range of sequences and exercises. Kriya yoga is also a popular form of yoga that improves overall efficiency of our body. It is suggested that you should do yoga exercises as per the weaknesses and strengths of your body. If your abs is strong already, then abdominal exercises can be done, and if your legs are fit and str ong already then froggies of Kundalini yoga can be done by you. If it is your first time to yoga or you are just going to start your program of fitness, do these exercises as per your minimum strength. Divine wellness is an Interactive health portal that provides interactive information on Kundalini yoga and Kriya yoga. We also offer online yoga classes through High Definition video conferencing and also help you learn yoga poses to achieve complete holistic health.
  • 5. Key Health Benefits of Yoga Exercise Source: Articles Base Yoga has been around for over 3000 years and still remains one of the most popular forms of exercise in the world. In fact, the popularity of yoga has increased dramatically in recent years and is quickly becoming one of the most popular forms of exercise among young people. Yoga exercise can be used to strengthen the mind, body and spirit of people of all ages and fitness levels. Whether you are in good shape or not, can greatly benefit from the practice of yoga. There are actually s everal types of yoga, ranging from high-speed and high intensity level to a smooth and flowing style of yoga and everything in between. Whatever the shape or style of yoga exercise you choose, there are some major benefits you can expect to achieve through yoga. The first benefit that comes to mind is more flexibility. Many exercise programs focus on building muscles through weight training. There is nothing wrong with strengthening the muscles, but if all we do is in bulk, without looking at the flexibility that is doing a disservice to you. Bulk up your muscles tend to be more sensitive to tension and tears after the muscles are more flexible. Many professional athletes have short careers as a result of muscle strains and tears. Another important Benefit of Yoga Exercise is stress relief. Yoga helps you relax after a stressful day. By focusing on getting the perfect pose, it helps to release any negative thoughts your mind because your mind active can not be focused on two things at once. Yoga Exercise also increases your energy level. For the continuous exercise and building strength, your body is able to increase their strength and endurance. This in turn gives you more energy. Most people do not think of yoga as increased muscle strength. No bulk of their muscles, but it certainly increases their str ength by obtaining and maintaining the various yoga poses. Groups of muscles are depleted to maintain its position, increasing its strength. As a side benefit, yoga also improves your posture, which in turn reduces the pain and muscle strains. Yoga will also improve your overall health. By twisting and turning, you massage your internal organs, which helps to release toxins. This will improve your overall health and help prevent other illnesses like colds and flu. Yoga Exercise will help improve the health of any person, regardless of what level of fitness that are at present. By using yoga, you can improve your flexibility, relive stress, increase strength and improve your overall health. Yes, yoga is really good for your health in many ways.
  • 6. Understanding The Different Types Of Yoga Source: Article Snatch Yoga is one of the oldest practices that people use to unite the mind and body to obtain peace and stress free life. This kin d of practice has been used for more than two thousand years. This is also the reason why a lot of variations and divergences occurred in yoga. Today, there are a lot of yoga practices and different branches that you can choose from. The different practices of yoga consist of different purpose and needs but they all have the same quality to harmonize and to balance the mind and body to obtain peace. Here are some of the most common branches of yoga used today. First is Karma Yoga. Maybe, you already know about the word Karma. It is the term used to describe something that happened as a result of your previous actions. There are good karma and bad karma depending on the action that you made. The main purpose of this type of yoga is to remove all the selfishness and negativity in your body so you will not have to experience bad karma in the future. Second is Hatha Yoga. People who want to focus on their well being and health can consider this kind of yoga. It is known as the oldest form of physical therapy today. Third is Raja Yoga. This is the classic type of yoga since the focus of this practice is meditation. This is also a complex kind of yoga since most of the instructors require people to start with hatha yoga before continuing to more advanced training in raj a yoga. It is consist of profound meditation and you need to have a lot of focus and discipline. Fourth is Jnana Yoga. This is the type of yoga that gained a lot of interest to scholars because it focuses on the improvemen t of the intellect. You can gain knowledge by studying some of the yoga scripts and texts. It is known as the most difficult type of yoga and the most challenging as well. If you already know the type of yoga that you want to try, the next move is to look for a yoga teaching class. You can try out Houston Yoga where you can find a professional Houston Yoga instructor. Always remember that yoga needs a lot of discipline and focus and you need to convince yourself that this kind of practice can work for you.
  • 7. Yoga Good for Weight Loss Source: Articles Base Have You Tried Yoga Exercise For Weight Loss If you are thinking of exercising to help lose weight you probably think that you need to do some sort of high cardio exercise. High cardio exercises aren’t the only type of exercise for weight loss, yoga is one exercise type that you might want to consider. Most people think that yoga is slow and still and wouldn’t help you to lose weight but is this really the case? Yoga can actually help you to lose weight as well as give you many other health benefits. There are different types of yoga and some are more effective for weight loss than others. Yoga also w orks better if combined with other exercises to speed up weight loss and improve your overall health. There are some types of yoga that are more aerobic like and give you a great cardio workout. With this type of yoga you will really work up a sweat and increase your heart rate and oxygen intake. This type of yoga still involved yoga poses but they are done with much quicker movements. This aerobic type yoga is known as ‘Power Yoga’ or ‘Hot Yoga’. Power yoga is usually done in a room that has a higher temperature than normal so that you sweat even more. Whether the excess heat does help increase weight loss is a subject of much debate, but the exercises themselves definitely work well for weight loss. Vinyasa yoga, also known as flow yoga, is one of the best types to assist with weight loss. There are a number of different yoga styles even within the Vinyasa group. For example, Power yoga is Vinyasa yoga performed in a hot room. One of the most popular Vinyasa yoga exercises is the Ashtanga yoga. Ashtanga yoga still uses the same yoga poses t hat are used in regular, slow paced yoga but it also combines some athletic movements. The main difference between a fast paced yoga and a slow paced yoga is the speed of the movements between the poses. Also the time held in a post is not as long. So instead of moving slowly between poses and holding the pose for a certain time period, one would move much faster between poses and only briefly hold the pose. The movements between poses are much more athletic. You shouldn’t start out with a power yoga class if you are new to yoga. Start off with a regular yoga class as this will still have weight loss advantages. Yoga will also help tone your muscles and make your body more flexible. If you have never done yoga before you may find it difficult to believe that this gentle form of exercise will possibly help with weight loss but it really does. When you are holding poses you are developing muscle control and balance. When you improve muscle tone and balance your body will burn calories much more efficiently. When you practise yoga it will also benefit you when you do other types of aerobic exercises. As your body becomes more flexible and your muscles become more toned and stronger you will become more efficient at aerobic exercises. It can be very beneficial to do some aerobic exercises two or three times a week and also do some yoga exercise for weight loss two or three times a week. You will be amazed at your weight loss results when you combine these exercise types.