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08/11/10<br />506 2750 0620<br /><br /><br />Commercial confidential.<br />Greenpower SA<br />0635<br />Greening up the world village by village!<br />For example we are in the process of negotiating a letter of intent for all forms of all renewable energy for all of Africa.<br />Using fair trade and fair value!   Which Canada helped to set up linked with the overall key links around the world linked to all of our overall trade , commercial and economic policies, poltical and cultural .<br />Which have helped pave the way for every kind of independent form of production from a to z<br />And linking with co operatives !<br />Linking via a form of tithing into groups such as this.<br />For example atec, with whom we are seeking an exclusive agreement., with immediate payback to the most marginalised area  of costa rica.<br />The original aboriginals of central America and the Caribbean .<br />Whose lands were stolen over time.<br /> DATE quot;
 ¡Error! Carácter desconocido en la cadena de imagen.<br />See also for his complete profile.<br /><br />Greenpower project:<br />M. Christopher Davis, président – M. Davis est titulaire d’un baccalauréat spécialisé en science politique et économie de l’Université McGill (Montréal, Canada), et d’une maîtrise en administration publique de l’Université Carleton (Ottawa). Il a donné des cours spécialisés à l’Université Stanford, à l’Université de Californie, à l’Université des Antilles, à l’Université de Dar es Salaam et à l’Université Golden Gate. Après 30 années de service comme diplomate de carriere professionelle pour le gouvernement du Canada – le plus important employeur canadien –, il a fondé une entreprise dans le secteur privé et le secteur public.<br />Il est le president de Greenpower, inc, SA an off shore firm. Il est le proprietaire de cette entreprise.<br />Il a été affecté en Afrique orientale, dans les Caraïbes et aux États-Unis. Au cours de sa carrière professionnelle de diplomate, son travail a porté sur les intérêts étrangers suivants :  Etats-Unis, Afrique, Amérique, Amérique latine, Caraïbes, Proche-Orient, Asie du Sud, Asie du Sud-Est. Pendant les cinq années où il était en poste aux États-Unis, il a developpe une liason sans pareil avec les organismes régionaux de l’Ouest, il a acquis des connaissances pratiques approfondies des réseaux énergétiques et des défis associés au respect des exigences réglementaires (FERC, CPUC), y compris, notamment, celles de la CEC et du Western Interstate Energy Board. Dans l’exercice de ses fonctions au ministère canadien des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce international, il a fait figure de pionnier en créant des modèles de prévisions, d’analyse du risque politique et de scénarios basés sur des techniques d’évaluation. Dans tous les postes qu’il a occupés, il a toujours été l’homme de la situation lorsqu’il fallait relever le difficile défi de se concentrer sur les priorités et de procéder à des transformations et à des modifications organisationnelles. À titre d’exemple, lorsqu’il évoluait au bureau du conseil privé, il a été choisi pour examiner les programmes de plus d’une cinquantaine d’agences et de ministères d’envergure. M. Davis a toujours été à la recherche de fonctions et de responsabilités comportant un important volet de développement durable, y compris des responsabilités sectorielles en matière d’énergie, de culture, d’environnement, d’agriculture, de foresterie, de santé, de transport, d’infrastructures et de technologie de l’information. Au Canada, il s’est vu confier des postes clés au bureau du conseil privé (BCP), au cabinet du premier ministre, au cabinet du vice-premier ministre, au cabinet du ministre responsable des relations fédérales-provinciales ainsi qu’au dossier important du Ministère regroupant le Commerce international et la Science et la Technologie.<br />À titre de porte-parole ministériel du BCP, il a été membre de certaines équipes affectées à des mégaprojets (dont tous les projets relatifs au transport du pétrole et du gaz) et chargées d’étudier les incidences tant socioéconomiques qu’environnementales de ces projets (APECA, FEDNOR, BFDRQ, DEO). Alors qu’il était adjoint ministériel principal de l’Initiative de la prospérité, il a collaboré directement à l’élaboration des normes et indicateurs environnementaux du Quality Management Institute. <br />Il a été le premier à agir comme conseiller commercial principal auprès de l’Association canadienne des pâtes et papiers relativement au programme d’accès au marché avec les États-Unis, ainsi qu’à l’égard des politiques commerciales. À l’époque, l’ACPP était formée de 55 entreprises qui exportaient plus de 80 % de leurs produits vers les États-Unis. Pendant les cinq années qu’il a passées au service de ce groupe, M. Davis a acquis une connaissance approfondie de l’éco-étiquetage, des avantages et des inconvénients de chacune des techniques de normalisation, et de l’ensemble des outils et mécanismes servant à faire valoir la valeur ajoutée aux investisseurs. <br />M. Davis a créé, en appuyant ses organismes en utilisant les programmes gouvernementales, quelque 50 ONG, ONGI et autres organismes actifs dans des secteurs critiques. Ayant lui-même travaillé pour  faire creer ces organismes, il a noué d’excellentes relations de travail avec leurs membres. Ses fonctions et responsabilités l’ont amené à établir et à maintenir des contacts directs dans tous les pays membres du GATT, de l’Union européenne, de la BIRD, de l’UNESCO, de l’OSCE, du PNUD, de l’OMC, de l’OIT et du PNUE. Il a reçu le mandat général d’établir puis d’abolir graduellement un programme d’engagement constructif de quatre ans auprès de ces groupes. Pour ce faire, il a fait jouer son réseau de contacts au sein des ONGE, du cadre réglementaire au Canada et aux États-Unis, réseau qu’il a constitué au cours de sa carrière. M. Davis a remporté un franc succès dans ces entreprises. En plus de son rôle au Centre international pour l’aviation et l’environnement (CIAE), qui est le plus important client de Christopher E. F. Davis and Associates, M. Davis est également le principal responsable du développement de l’équipe de son petite et moyenne entreprise et il concentre ses activités sur le Global Environmental Facility, plus particulièrement dans les domaines des permis d’éclairages commerciaux, des éco-systèmes montagneux et de la création de valeur ajoutée pour les actionnaires au moyen d’investissements écologiques. Il agit en outre comme conseiller en matière de développement humain durable auprès d’un  éventail de clients nationaux et internationaux<br />So for example this week and next <br />And each month for all of the coming year we will set up <br />Well designed centers in each community <br />Throufhout the demographics young to old<br />we hope to have an investor from africa put ten per cent of <br />his money into a project designed to aid orphans.<br />This also happening in the next two to four weeks/<br />Christopher Davis _Macleod. CEO and joint venture General manager.<br />Linked with<br />Kurt van dyke CEO.and Senior vice president  Greenpower. SA. And Greenpower foundation.<br />Famous surfer  and business person1<br />00<br />0635<br />Executive summary. <br />Business Plan Greenpower SA, and its Foundation.<br />This is  a Panama- based firm, and foundation with powers to operate any where in the world.<br />There are a range of good forms of structure and process linked to goals  around the world.<br />We recommend strongly that this form of structure aids directly in preserving the capital from predators of all kinds.<br />Great book by Kiyo saki on that or what buckiminster fuller called the great universal cash hoist,Grunch.<br />We practice what we speak  <br />Key words check our current profile <br />And of course knowledge is power <br />Thus the need to watch trends which our net works are very experienced from short to medium to long term linked with internet delivered ie such things as education linked with all forms of capacity from health.<br />As a member of the policy analysis group of the Canadian depart ment of foreign affairs we had to kee p track of all forms of detailed infor mation.<br />We helped to set up the detailed indicators for each country.<br />We aided directly in setting up the international financial institutions around the world.<br />Check the world bank sites on this .<br />www.bicorg.usa.<br />Thus<br /> to each investor or client or associate or agent or employee, or executive,  or alliance, or partner, or owner, director, or donor.<br />Each becomes a part of this global process of greening up as a direct response to the  extreme challenges of global warming created by global climate change.<br />As these effects continue to devastate everthing around the world on a daily basis.<br />Both entities are in the business of raising capital for all forms of greening up. <br />What could be more beneficial, socio economically , financially culturally, and profitable!<br /> <br />And to make it even more attractive we are setting up a charity linked to single mothers this quarter.<br />Each of our entities will be fully funded in the sense of the dire needs out there.<br />And following through of course on the clear instructions of each entity or enterprise.<br />We expect soon to set up a check off system with the Canadian government, after we set up a Canadian based foundation which follows the tax laws and regulations of Canada.<br />We aim to invest into each province beginning with quebec !<br />There are two philanthropic organisaitions in Canada which are very exciting. In this sense that we know how to buget for Canadian entities .<br />This is to ensure that ninety per cent of the funds go into each province there this year.<br />As under our laws ninety per cent must be added to our Canadian entity<br />And having a key sense of how these were formulated during the last forty years having set up over this period at least fifty agreements you get the picture.<br />We are also intending to become a corporate member of the Canadian expatriate association.<br />In the next three months as this three million member entity represents Canadians to the nth degree.<br />center0<br />With the combined experence at least 60 years of senior management of the the areas of sustainable busness eco development in all sectors around the world.<br />This relates to approximately 600 projects.<br />Linked directly via Gloscorp,  and<br />Legal corp .<br />Legal corp is our joint venture legal firm.<br />And this group intends to pursue our legal goals.<br />Christopher Davis and Kurt van dyke!<br />So for example in costa rica check this web site for a multi sectoral set of techniques products ands services!<br /><br />This market globally is enormous, and will last at least  two hundred to four hundred  years.<br /> The primary sector is agribusiness and the segment all forms of forestry!<br />Even forestry can turn around desertification.<br /> In our opinion this is by far the most sustainable way to achieve all of our goals.<br />    <br /> <br />  <br /> <br />And energy !<br />And environment !<br />And all forms of sustainable business development from small, to medium, to large!<br />As our research over the years shows that small entities create the most employment.<br />This refers as well to the joint venture. <br />Thus, each investor buys shares in greenpower incorporated and its Greenpower foundation.<br />We co venture each aspect, and profit share with a master distribution  agreement which benefits all up front.<br /> The management team is extremely strong, having between us over 70 years. <br />It is key to control all aspects.<br />The combined net worth of the principals is 400 million. <br />Current valuation for the<br />upcoming investments is already 300 million !<br />And with investors lined up which<br /> a Dubai based investor 10 million.<br />a trust fund of nine million.<br />an investor of twenty five million..<br />a ten million administered fund for a west african bank.<br />amongst others.<br />Executive summary.Business Plan<br />Phase A. 2010<br />Take over of Importador exportador del mar. SA  through a buy, own ,operate, and transfer process. *BOO T.<br />this is well under way!<br />Why Costa rica?<br />It will grow this year<br />4 per cent<br /> it is because it has a great approach for foreign investment and just this month was rated by moodys as double a!<br />That firm owns here 31 lots and concessions. In ten to twenty days  we will close that. <br />The net income is now 500K .<br />We will raise that to 2, 500 in three months.<br /> 5,000 in six months.<br />10 million in one year. <br />See attached cash flow. <br />And profit and loss statement. <br />This clearly shows the ability to pay for all the entities.<br />Or our ability through sales and other forms of enterprise.<br /> Sales relates to all forms of income, and is very understated.<br /> Expenses relates to all forms of expenses and is very overstated.<br />Further to our conversation and as per your request, please find attached the Belmont Equity AG brochure giving an overview of the services provided to its clients. <br />Belmont is a strategic asset and portfolio management company based in Zurich, Switzerland.   Belmont concentrates on three areas: Private Equity investments, Managed Funds and traditional portfolio management services. <br />The ultimate goal is to design investment portfolios that have the greatest potential to deliver superior long term (risk-adjusted) returns.<br />The focus is to: <br />·         Provide creative, high quality solutions to its clients, including developing bespoke structured investment programs<br />·         Deliver the utmost in professional expertise and personal attention to both clients and partners.<br />·         To provide confidentiality and protection.<br /> <br />Belmont's clients also benefit from Private Banking services through a custodian relationship with Basler Kantonalbank ´BKB´.  Founded in 1899, BKB's Private Banking unit in Zurich combines the traditional virtues of a Swiss bank with state of the art banking technology, classic asset management and investment advisory. The trading centre operated by BKB trades in the latest financial products and is protected by a state of the art risk management system.  <br /> <br />BKB is a AA+ rated (Moodys and S&P) banking institution with 100% state guarantees on savings, deposits and bank issued notes.<br /> <br />For full details please visit and<br /> <br />Belmont`s focus is on responsible, ethical investments with significant potential for profit. For example, sustainable companies involved with generating Carbon Credits and Offsets which help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create a more verdant, bio-diverse and habitable world.  <br /> <br />Prior to the introduction of Carbon Credits (and their trading) the only monetary value associated with rainforests was the wood that could be harvested, the minerals that could be extracted or their potential use (after burning) for grazing cattle and planting crops.<br /> However, with the introduction of Carbon Credits, there is at last a true monetary value in seeing a rainforest left to grow, or replanting a rainforest that has previously been deforested. <br />According to McKinsey & Co`s latest analysis of global investment/abatement opportunities, approximately 46% of the global emissions reduction targets, that are supposed to be met by 2020, will come from the forestry and agricultural sectors.<br />Fiscal trends and world events will also have a significant impact on developers of Carbon Credits & Offsets projects. <br />For example, according to World Bank figures, between 2006 and 2007, the global carbon market was valued at $64 Billion. <br />That value more than doubled to $126 Billion in 2008.<br /> Point Carbon, a leading carbon analyst firm, estimates that a linked global cap and trade market could reach $3 Trillion by 2020. <br /> <br />Based on current valuations of Carbon Credits, every 1000 hectares of forest land used to generate Carbon Credits, has a potential value of 11 million USD in revenues for those involved in the creation of these types of projects. <br /> <br />Belmont has become an expert in finding such companies, who along with a strong management team have a significant number of Carbon related projects under way and/or a healthy pipeline of future projects. <br />We believe these companies have enormous potential for growth given the very ambitious targets by governments all around the world in meeting their green house gas emissions targets. <br /> <br />It projects ahead for the next twelve months and is based on extremely good budgeting and accounting linked to lower costs in this region.<br />Our overall corporate accounts are to be done in canada by trewbridge and associates.<br />We are negotiating a letter of agreement related to off shore off sourcing in san jose costa rica which adds greatly. To the bottom line.<br />Thus, keeping our expenses down and using great labour rates handled that way.<br />We need hard cash for working  capital and operating expenses,  and all forms of projected business travel and construction of at least ten million<br />.<br /> we are already backed by My joint Capital to the tune of two hundred million, for a<br />twenty year period. <br />At very low rates.<br />First fifty million <br />Twenty million for hotel.<br />Thirty million for all of the other properties.<br />In costa rica.<br />For example, in this region.<br />Casa verde<br />Rocking js <br />The one hundred and fifty million dollars we will aggressively manage by a range of strategies to maximise revenue through a consortia of financial institutions based in Panama.<br />And to purchase income producing properties.<br />We are already way ahead of our business plan and thus each share is undervalued.<br />Phase B 2012.<br />Going Public in 2 years. We are therefore in a pre IPO stage. <br />As marina is going in this village of 400 berths ,  as well as deep water harbour, in limon already in place, 50 miles from here,   for both cruising and shipping amongst others. and we will build casino here, condos , apartments, casita, golf course, medical and all forms of tourism, eco, volunteer, building on all demographic niches. Evertyhing from fishing to surfing.<br /> Back packing and all other forms of residence and tourism. Linking directly to the world wide travel community. <br />Fun of all kinds.Greening up each portion using fair trade, and fair value. And extremely good techniques in  terms of energy and environmental. From low cost to the masses all the way up to high end, office development , four star hotels, and resorts.<br />300,000 shares at 699 dollars. Offered privately and with the letter of intent of two hundred million already at that level.Which the CEO controls. This is used to lever all forms of investment including the overall use of hypothecated bonds in collateral. <br />This allows for great equity windows. For all forms of investors small to large.<br />And using all forms of leverage.<br />Phase C. <br />Buy and sell agressively. Income producing properties here and globally which are all going for fifty per cent less. Buy firms which have good receivables. <br />Return lands to orignal owners and each co venture due to fact that land registry in costa rica is very clear.<br />Add to employment in each project at least fifteen people per costa rica.<br />Emerging markets around the world in China, India, all of africa, Russia, eastern europe, all of the middle east. All of the caribbean and latin america. All of north america.<br />Phase D.<br />Exit for principals. In twenty years.<br />Overall value of firms.<br />

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  • 1. 08/11/10<br />506 2750 0620<br /><br /><br />Commercial confidential.<br />Greenpower SA<br />0635<br />Greening up the world village by village!<br />For example we are in the process of negotiating a letter of intent for all forms of all renewable energy for all of Africa.<br />Using fair trade and fair value! Which Canada helped to set up linked with the overall key links around the world linked to all of our overall trade , commercial and economic policies, poltical and cultural .<br />Which have helped pave the way for every kind of independent form of production from a to z<br />And linking with co operatives !<br />Linking via a form of tithing into groups such as this.<br />For example atec, with whom we are seeking an exclusive agreement., with immediate payback to the most marginalised area of costa rica.<br />The original aboriginals of central America and the Caribbean .<br />Whose lands were stolen over time.<br /> DATE quot; NNNN, DMMMMYYYYquot; ¡Error! Carácter desconocido en la cadena de imagen.<br />See also for his complete profile.<br /><br />Greenpower project:<br />M. Christopher Davis, président – M. Davis est titulaire d’un baccalauréat spécialisé en science politique et économie de l’Université McGill (Montréal, Canada), et d’une maîtrise en administration publique de l’Université Carleton (Ottawa). Il a donné des cours spécialisés à l’Université Stanford, à l’Université de Californie, à l’Université des Antilles, à l’Université de Dar es Salaam et à l’Université Golden Gate. Après 30 années de service comme diplomate de carriere professionelle pour le gouvernement du Canada – le plus important employeur canadien –, il a fondé une entreprise dans le secteur privé et le secteur public.<br />Il est le president de Greenpower, inc, SA an off shore firm. Il est le proprietaire de cette entreprise.<br />Il a été affecté en Afrique orientale, dans les Caraïbes et aux États-Unis. Au cours de sa carrière professionnelle de diplomate, son travail a porté sur les intérêts étrangers suivants : Etats-Unis, Afrique, Amérique, Amérique latine, Caraïbes, Proche-Orient, Asie du Sud, Asie du Sud-Est. Pendant les cinq années où il était en poste aux États-Unis, il a developpe une liason sans pareil avec les organismes régionaux de l’Ouest, il a acquis des connaissances pratiques approfondies des réseaux énergétiques et des défis associés au respect des exigences réglementaires (FERC, CPUC), y compris, notamment, celles de la CEC et du Western Interstate Energy Board. Dans l’exercice de ses fonctions au ministère canadien des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce international, il a fait figure de pionnier en créant des modèles de prévisions, d’analyse du risque politique et de scénarios basés sur des techniques d’évaluation. Dans tous les postes qu’il a occupés, il a toujours été l’homme de la situation lorsqu’il fallait relever le difficile défi de se concentrer sur les priorités et de procéder à des transformations et à des modifications organisationnelles. À titre d’exemple, lorsqu’il évoluait au bureau du conseil privé, il a été choisi pour examiner les programmes de plus d’une cinquantaine d’agences et de ministères d’envergure. M. Davis a toujours été à la recherche de fonctions et de responsabilités comportant un important volet de développement durable, y compris des responsabilités sectorielles en matière d’énergie, de culture, d’environnement, d’agriculture, de foresterie, de santé, de transport, d’infrastructures et de technologie de l’information. Au Canada, il s’est vu confier des postes clés au bureau du conseil privé (BCP), au cabinet du premier ministre, au cabinet du vice-premier ministre, au cabinet du ministre responsable des relations fédérales-provinciales ainsi qu’au dossier important du Ministère regroupant le Commerce international et la Science et la Technologie.<br />À titre de porte-parole ministériel du BCP, il a été membre de certaines équipes affectées à des mégaprojets (dont tous les projets relatifs au transport du pétrole et du gaz) et chargées d’étudier les incidences tant socioéconomiques qu’environnementales de ces projets (APECA, FEDNOR, BFDRQ, DEO). Alors qu’il était adjoint ministériel principal de l’Initiative de la prospérité, il a collaboré directement à l’élaboration des normes et indicateurs environnementaux du Quality Management Institute. <br />Il a été le premier à agir comme conseiller commercial principal auprès de l’Association canadienne des pâtes et papiers relativement au programme d’accès au marché avec les États-Unis, ainsi qu’à l’égard des politiques commerciales. À l’époque, l’ACPP était formée de 55 entreprises qui exportaient plus de 80 % de leurs produits vers les États-Unis. Pendant les cinq années qu’il a passées au service de ce groupe, M. Davis a acquis une connaissance approfondie de l’éco-étiquetage, des avantages et des inconvénients de chacune des techniques de normalisation, et de l’ensemble des outils et mécanismes servant à faire valoir la valeur ajoutée aux investisseurs. <br />M. Davis a créé, en appuyant ses organismes en utilisant les programmes gouvernementales, quelque 50 ONG, ONGI et autres organismes actifs dans des secteurs critiques. Ayant lui-même travaillé pour faire creer ces organismes, il a noué d’excellentes relations de travail avec leurs membres. Ses fonctions et responsabilités l’ont amené à établir et à maintenir des contacts directs dans tous les pays membres du GATT, de l’Union européenne, de la BIRD, de l’UNESCO, de l’OSCE, du PNUD, de l’OMC, de l’OIT et du PNUE. Il a reçu le mandat général d’établir puis d’abolir graduellement un programme d’engagement constructif de quatre ans auprès de ces groupes. Pour ce faire, il a fait jouer son réseau de contacts au sein des ONGE, du cadre réglementaire au Canada et aux États-Unis, réseau qu’il a constitué au cours de sa carrière. M. Davis a remporté un franc succès dans ces entreprises. En plus de son rôle au Centre international pour l’aviation et l’environnement (CIAE), qui est le plus important client de Christopher E. F. Davis and Associates, M. Davis est également le principal responsable du développement de l’équipe de son petite et moyenne entreprise et il concentre ses activités sur le Global Environmental Facility, plus particulièrement dans les domaines des permis d’éclairages commerciaux, des éco-systèmes montagneux et de la création de valeur ajoutée pour les actionnaires au moyen d’investissements écologiques. Il agit en outre comme conseiller en matière de développement humain durable auprès d’un éventail de clients nationaux et internationaux<br />So for example this week and next <br />And each month for all of the coming year we will set up <br />Well designed centers in each community <br />Throufhout the demographics young to old<br />we hope to have an investor from africa put ten per cent of <br />his money into a project designed to aid orphans.<br />This also happening in the next two to four weeks/<br />Christopher Davis _Macleod. CEO and joint venture General manager.<br />Linked with<br />Kurt van dyke CEO.and Senior vice president Greenpower. SA. And Greenpower foundation.<br />Famous surfer and business person1<br />00<br />0635<br />Executive summary. <br />Business Plan Greenpower SA, and its Foundation.<br />This is a Panama- based firm, and foundation with powers to operate any where in the world.<br />There are a range of good forms of structure and process linked to goals around the world.<br />We recommend strongly that this form of structure aids directly in preserving the capital from predators of all kinds.<br />Great book by Kiyo saki on that or what buckiminster fuller called the great universal cash hoist,Grunch.<br />We practice what we speak <br />Key words check our current profile <br />And of course knowledge is power <br />Thus the need to watch trends which our net works are very experienced from short to medium to long term linked with internet delivered ie such things as education linked with all forms of capacity from health.<br />As a member of the policy analysis group of the Canadian depart ment of foreign affairs we had to kee p track of all forms of detailed infor mation.<br />We helped to set up the detailed indicators for each country.<br />We aided directly in setting up the international financial institutions around the world.<br />Check the world bank sites on this .<br />www.bicorg.usa.<br />Thus<br /> to each investor or client or associate or agent or employee, or executive, or alliance, or partner, or owner, director, or donor.<br />Each becomes a part of this global process of greening up as a direct response to the extreme challenges of global warming created by global climate change.<br />As these effects continue to devastate everthing around the world on a daily basis.<br />Both entities are in the business of raising capital for all forms of greening up. <br />What could be more beneficial, socio economically , financially culturally, and profitable!<br /> <br />And to make it even more attractive we are setting up a charity linked to single mothers this quarter.<br />Each of our entities will be fully funded in the sense of the dire needs out there.<br />And following through of course on the clear instructions of each entity or enterprise.<br />We expect soon to set up a check off system with the Canadian government, after we set up a Canadian based foundation which follows the tax laws and regulations of Canada.<br />We aim to invest into each province beginning with quebec !<br />There are two philanthropic organisaitions in Canada which are very exciting. In this sense that we know how to buget for Canadian entities .<br />This is to ensure that ninety per cent of the funds go into each province there this year.<br />As under our laws ninety per cent must be added to our Canadian entity<br />And having a key sense of how these were formulated during the last forty years having set up over this period at least fifty agreements you get the picture.<br />We are also intending to become a corporate member of the Canadian expatriate association.<br />In the next three months as this three million member entity represents Canadians to the nth degree.<br />center0<br />With the combined experence at least 60 years of senior management of the the areas of sustainable busness eco development in all sectors around the world.<br />This relates to approximately 600 projects.<br />Linked directly via Gloscorp, and<br />Legal corp .<br />Legal corp is our joint venture legal firm.<br />And this group intends to pursue our legal goals.<br />Christopher Davis and Kurt van dyke!<br />So for example in costa rica check this web site for a multi sectoral set of techniques products ands services!<br /><br />This market globally is enormous, and will last at least two hundred to four hundred years.<br /> The primary sector is agribusiness and the segment all forms of forestry!<br />Even forestry can turn around desertification.<br /> In our opinion this is by far the most sustainable way to achieve all of our goals.<br />    <br /> <br />  <br /> <br />And energy !<br />And environment !<br />And all forms of sustainable business development from small, to medium, to large!<br />As our research over the years shows that small entities create the most employment.<br />This refers as well to the joint venture. <br />Thus, each investor buys shares in greenpower incorporated and its Greenpower foundation.<br />We co venture each aspect, and profit share with a master distribution agreement which benefits all up front.<br /> The management team is extremely strong, having between us over 70 years. <br />It is key to control all aspects.<br />The combined net worth of the principals is 400 million. <br />Current valuation for the<br />upcoming investments is already 300 million !<br />And with investors lined up which<br /> a Dubai based investor 10 million.<br />a trust fund of nine million.<br />an investor of twenty five million..<br />a ten million administered fund for a west african bank.<br />amongst others.<br />Executive summary.Business Plan<br />Phase A. 2010<br />Take over of Importador exportador del mar. SA through a buy, own ,operate, and transfer process. *BOO T.<br />this is well under way!<br />Why Costa rica?<br />It will grow this year<br />4 per cent<br /> it is because it has a great approach for foreign investment and just this month was rated by moodys as double a!<br />That firm owns here 31 lots and concessions. In ten to twenty days we will close that. <br />The net income is now 500K .<br />We will raise that to 2, 500 in three months.<br /> 5,000 in six months.<br />10 million in one year. <br />See attached cash flow. <br />And profit and loss statement. <br />This clearly shows the ability to pay for all the entities.<br />Or our ability through sales and other forms of enterprise.<br /> Sales relates to all forms of income, and is very understated.<br /> Expenses relates to all forms of expenses and is very overstated.<br />Further to our conversation and as per your request, please find attached the Belmont Equity AG brochure giving an overview of the services provided to its clients. <br />Belmont is a strategic asset and portfolio management company based in Zurich, Switzerland.   Belmont concentrates on three areas: Private Equity investments, Managed Funds and traditional portfolio management services. <br />The ultimate goal is to design investment portfolios that have the greatest potential to deliver superior long term (risk-adjusted) returns.<br />The focus is to: <br />·         Provide creative, high quality solutions to its clients, including developing bespoke structured investment programs<br />·         Deliver the utmost in professional expertise and personal attention to both clients and partners.<br />·         To provide confidentiality and protection.<br /> <br />Belmont's clients also benefit from Private Banking services through a custodian relationship with Basler Kantonalbank ´BKB´.  Founded in 1899, BKB's Private Banking unit in Zurich combines the traditional virtues of a Swiss bank with state of the art banking technology, classic asset management and investment advisory. The trading centre operated by BKB trades in the latest financial products and is protected by a state of the art risk management system.  <br /> <br />BKB is a AA+ rated (Moodys and S&P) banking institution with 100% state guarantees on savings, deposits and bank issued notes.<br /> <br />For full details please visit and<br /> <br />Belmont`s focus is on responsible, ethical investments with significant potential for profit. For example, sustainable companies involved with generating Carbon Credits and Offsets which help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create a more verdant, bio-diverse and habitable world.  <br /> <br />Prior to the introduction of Carbon Credits (and their trading) the only monetary value associated with rainforests was the wood that could be harvested, the minerals that could be extracted or their potential use (after burning) for grazing cattle and planting crops.<br /> However, with the introduction of Carbon Credits, there is at last a true monetary value in seeing a rainforest left to grow, or replanting a rainforest that has previously been deforested. <br />According to McKinsey & Co`s latest analysis of global investment/abatement opportunities, approximately 46% of the global emissions reduction targets, that are supposed to be met by 2020, will come from the forestry and agricultural sectors.<br />Fiscal trends and world events will also have a significant impact on developers of Carbon Credits & Offsets projects. <br />For example, according to World Bank figures, between 2006 and 2007, the global carbon market was valued at $64 Billion. <br />That value more than doubled to $126 Billion in 2008.<br /> Point Carbon, a leading carbon analyst firm, estimates that a linked global cap and trade market could reach $3 Trillion by 2020. <br /> <br />Based on current valuations of Carbon Credits, every 1000 hectares of forest land used to generate Carbon Credits, has a potential value of 11 million USD in revenues for those involved in the creation of these types of projects. <br /> <br />Belmont has become an expert in finding such companies, who along with a strong management team have a significant number of Carbon related projects under way and/or a healthy pipeline of future projects. <br />We believe these companies have enormous potential for growth given the very ambitious targets by governments all around the world in meeting their green house gas emissions targets. <br /> <br />It projects ahead for the next twelve months and is based on extremely good budgeting and accounting linked to lower costs in this region.<br />Our overall corporate accounts are to be done in canada by trewbridge and associates.<br />We are negotiating a letter of agreement related to off shore off sourcing in san jose costa rica which adds greatly. To the bottom line.<br />Thus, keeping our expenses down and using great labour rates handled that way.<br />We need hard cash for working capital and operating expenses, and all forms of projected business travel and construction of at least ten million<br />.<br /> we are already backed by My joint Capital to the tune of two hundred million, for a<br />twenty year period. <br />At very low rates.<br />First fifty million <br />Twenty million for hotel.<br />Thirty million for all of the other properties.<br />In costa rica.<br />For example, in this region.<br />Casa verde<br />Rocking js <br />The one hundred and fifty million dollars we will aggressively manage by a range of strategies to maximise revenue through a consortia of financial institutions based in Panama.<br />And to purchase income producing properties.<br />We are already way ahead of our business plan and thus each share is undervalued.<br />Phase B 2012.<br />Going Public in 2 years. We are therefore in a pre IPO stage. <br />As marina is going in this village of 400 berths , as well as deep water harbour, in limon already in place, 50 miles from here, for both cruising and shipping amongst others. and we will build casino here, condos , apartments, casita, golf course, medical and all forms of tourism, eco, volunteer, building on all demographic niches. Evertyhing from fishing to surfing.<br /> Back packing and all other forms of residence and tourism. Linking directly to the world wide travel community. <br />Fun of all kinds.Greening up each portion using fair trade, and fair value. And extremely good techniques in terms of energy and environmental. From low cost to the masses all the way up to high end, office development , four star hotels, and resorts.<br />300,000 shares at 699 dollars. Offered privately and with the letter of intent of two hundred million already at that level.Which the CEO controls. This is used to lever all forms of investment including the overall use of hypothecated bonds in collateral. <br />This allows for great equity windows. For all forms of investors small to large.<br />And using all forms of leverage.<br />Phase C. <br />Buy and sell agressively. Income producing properties here and globally which are all going for fifty per cent less. Buy firms which have good receivables. <br />Return lands to orignal owners and each co venture due to fact that land registry in costa rica is very clear.<br />Add to employment in each project at least fifteen people per costa rica.<br />Emerging markets around the world in China, India, all of africa, Russia, eastern europe, all of the middle east. All of the caribbean and latin america. All of north america.<br />Phase D.<br />Exit for principals. In twenty years.<br />Overall value of firms.<br />