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Wealth Creation
We are living today in the greatest age in all of human history. There have
never been more opportunities for wealth creation and for you to achieve more
of your goals, both personal and financial, than exist today. There are more
than 100,000 different job categories in the United States, and with the
explosion in information, technology and competition, the number of possible
things that you could do to be successful is expanding every year.
Look For New Opportunities For Wealth Creation
The major factor driving our society today is the impact of change at all levels.
And every single change in our economy creates new opportunities and
possibilities for the creative minority to move ahead faster than the average
person. Remember the Latin saying, “Carpe Diem!?” It means, “Seize the
Day!” This is what you must do. You must “Seize the day!” You must plunge in
with both hands up to the elbow and take advantage of every opportunity and
possibility going on around you to create the wonderful life that is possible for
you today.
I left high school without graduating many years ago. I fooled around in school and worked at
part time jobs in the evenings and on the weekends. When I left school, all I could get was
laboring jobs, washing dishes, digging ditches and working in factories and mills. Eventually I
got into selling and did poorly for a long time.
The turning point for me came when I realized that nothing happens by luck or by accident.
Everything happens for a reason. People are successful and prosperous because they do
certain things in a certain way. People are unhappy and frustrated because they neglected to
do the things that successful people do.
This insight set me off on a lifelong search for the reasons why some people are more
successful than others. If you look for the answers to any question, you will eventually find
the answers. What you do with the answers is up to you.
Seize The Day And Set Your Career Goals High
The first answers I found had to do with selling. I found out why some people sold five, ten
and sometimes twenty times as much as other people and then I did the same things they
did. In one year, I went from the bottom of my sales force to the top of my sales force. In two
years, I was in charge of six countries and had 95 people working for me. I went from worn
out shoes and one suit of clothes to having three apartments in three different cities, dining in
fine restaurants and traveling around the world by jet all because I began to see new
opportunities for wealth creation.
In your life, it is very much the same. The most important thing you do at the outset of your
career, or at any time during your career, is to find out what the most successful people are
doing in your chosen area and then do the same things, over and over again until you start to
get the same results. It is no miracle, it is no accident, it is as predictable as the sun rising in
the east and setting in the west.
Chose To Become Financially Independent
One of the goals that we all have in common is that we all want to be financially
independent. We all want to have enough money so that we never have to worry
about money again. You want to build a financial fortress around yourself. You want
to make a high income, get out of debt, put money in the bank and have the ability
to do the things you want without being preoccupied about the costs. The only
question is, “are you going to do it or not?”
The good news is that there are more people achieving financial independence
faster today than ever before. There are currently almost four million millionaires,
most of them self-made, first generation. Somewhere, somehow, someone
becomes a self-made millionaire at the rate of one every four and a half minutes,
365 days a year. And for every person who becomes a self-made millionaire, there
are many, many more who are achieving a net worth in the hundreds of thousands
of dollars through different wealth creation strategies.
 By setting financial accumulation and financial independence as your career
goals, and then by making a plan on the one hand to get better and better at what
you do while on the other hand saving more and more of what you earn, you will
become financially independent, if not a self-made millionaire in the years ahead.
 Thank you for reading this article on top wealth creation strategies for financial
success. When you look for new opportunities and seize the day you will be able
to find financial success in all aspects of your life.
 Investment's building blocks - always worth reinforcing
On the eve of the US presidential elections, The New York Times praised
three personal finance books that share a common thread of reminding
investors about the "building blocks" of sound investment and personal
financial practices.
These books – by founder and former chief executive of Vanguard John Bogle,
investment author Andrew Tobias and financial planner Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz
– have become even more compelling reading as global markets immediately react
to the election results.
In the wake of the US elections, Australian investors are being acutely reminded
about how much is beyond their control – including the emotions of other investors
and how world stock markets impact on Australian share prices.
Fortunately, as such books remind us, investors who follow the principles of sound
investment practice have more control over their financial futures than they may
Investors have the power to choose their long-term goals, set appropriate strategic
asset allocations and investment diversifications for their portfolios, to minimise
their investment management costs and to efficiently manage their taxes. And
disciplined investors can aim to keep their emotions under control by concentrating
on their long-term objectives.
Heard it all before? Chances are you are a regular Smart Investing reader.
(See How to climb the wall of worry, November 1.)
The Little Book of Common Sense Investing by John Bogle has been reminding us
about investment's building blocks for almost a decade while The Only Investment
Guide You'll Ever Need by Andrew Tobias has been at it for almost 40 years.
Meanwhile, The Charles Schwab Guide to Finances after Fifty by Carrie Schwab-
Pomerantz is a relative newcomer.
Consider some of the straightforward pointers from the three authors:
Bogle: "Successful investing is all about common sense." Don't try to pick the best
time to buy and sell stocks – consistent success with market-timing is virtually
impossible; diversify to minimise risks (and spread opportunities); recognise the
value of compounding, long-term returns; and keep investment costs as low as
possible. "The more the managers and brokers take, the less investors make."
Tobias: Again, taking a common-sense approach to looking after investments and
other personal finances is his over-arching message. For instance, buy
investments you can understand; stay away from investments that seem too good
to be true; and don't carry credit card debt.
Schwab-Pomerantz: Calculate how much you will spend each year in retirement,
calculate how much capital is needed to finance that lifestyle and, finally, determine
how you are going to save enough. (A few words of caution: This book contains
details of the US tax, social security and retirement systems that are not relevant in
Australia. You should focus on her big-picture messages, which are particularly
aimed at those over 50.)
Timeless lessons on wealth creation
 Everybody can succeed financially regardless of his or her status in life and
current well-being.
 personal development is influenced by the choices one makes, and wealth does
not discriminate. “A lot of the time,”
 “we blame our employers for our failures… if only they paid us
more….sometimes we blame the government,” he opened his talk on ‘Strategies
of Wealth Creation’. The topic of the day was ‘Preparation for Retirement’, which
in Army lingua, its called The Pillar Five of Training. “I chose the topic on wealth
creation because it is an important topic that cuts across the economic and social
Nobody else can change your situation, but you. The circumstances you find
yourself in today are not anybody else’s fault. Many of us have gotten into the
habit of blaming other people for the way our lives have turned out. A lot of the
time we blame our employers; if only they paid us more….sometimes we blame the
government. However, this blame game has to stop, because whenever you shift
blame to someone else, you give up you power and responsibility. Take back
control. Ask yourself: Now that I’m here, what am I going to do about it?
Seems obvious enough and we all know we should do this, yet most of us struggle
with this. Think about it this way, that little amount that you refrain from spending
could go a long way in helping make your financial situation better.
When you loose the comfort of a regular income you realize that the Ksh.300
you spent on 3 bottles of beer daily adds up to Kshs.9,000 per month and
kshs.108,000 per year. What can you do with sh108, 000 in savings each year? It
could mean that you finally afford to go on that holiday that you have always
dreamt of or it helps you pay off your debt faster or make an investment which will
put more money in your pocket. Either that, or you can continue spending
sh108,000 on drinks every year in lieu of meeting your financial goals.
There is a difference between assets and ‘flossets’. Assets increase your money
(e.g. investments, businesses) and ‘flossets reduce your money. Ironically, society
believes people are wealthy by the amount of flossets they have e.g cars, trendy
clothes, latest phones, shoes, houses they live in, lifestyle gadgets, etc. These
items have no bearing on how wealthy you are. You need more things that put
money in your pocket and less of those that remove it.
Do not take a loan to buy ‘flossets’. That’s what we call bad debt and it will take
you many steps backward. Good debt i.e. debt that will lead to increased assets
will take you forward.
My personal definition of wealth creation is the ability to multiply resources. Start
with evaluating how you use the resource called time. Do you spend more time
doing things that remove money from your pocket or things that put money in your
pocket? Use your time wisely and multiply your knowledge, skills, networks and
this will ultimately lead to multiplication of your financial resources. Maybe you
don’t have money in your bank account right now but you can still start multiplying
these other resources to your benefit.
Making one million shillings will not make you happy? Why? When you do get it,
you will want 10 million shillings and so on. You have got to come to terms with
why you actually want to make money? A good way to think about it is: if you had
all the money in the world, what would you do (after buying all the things you think
you would want)? Would you spend more time with family, travel, establish an
organisation, help others? Money is a tool to help you achieve these things; it is
not in itself what you really want. Identify the deeper reason why you want to
become wealthy.
Keep the kind of company that provides an environment that is conducive to wealth
creation. The people that complain about being broke all the time are not the right
Eventually everybody will get to a point where income is his or her most important financial
requirement. You may retire and still need an income to sustain your life. You may lose a
job along the way and realize the importance of income. You may be unable to work or
simply want to be able to make the choice not to work. One day the source of your income
will have to move from your ability to work 40-60 hours a week, to your investments. Your
investments will need to be generating that income to keep you going. What is your plan to
grow or structure your investments so that they can generate the amount of income you
This is the pill that is sometimes hard to swallow. Creating wealth cannot be all about you. A
selfish attitude leads to small thinking. When it is all about you: what can you spend, what
can you buy, etc., you may end up achieving that but only that. You can do so much
more. What you want for yourself is important but when you combine this with a bigger
picture that includes family, those around you, your community, etc. You see things in a
whole different perspective. The best investments you make may not be those that you
made when you were thinking about yourself, but those that you made when you were
thinking about the future generation because you were willing to take a long-term view. What
do you want to be remembered for?
A huge amount of money will not fall on your lap one day and sort all your problems out. You
will not get a life-changing deal. The process of wealth creation is choice not
chance. Having a vision as opposed to just focusing on survival. Action not just
ideas. Empowerment not creating dependence.
Wealth Creation Study
Motilal Oswal Financial Services on Friday announced its annual wealth
creation study for 2016. According to the study, a continuous feature over the
past 21 years, the top 100 wealth creators created ₹28.4 lakh crore during
2011-16, the third-highest ever quantum of wealth created. During 2011-16, the
Sensex CAGR (compounded annual growth rate) was only 5 per cent, but the
pace of Wealth Creation was a healthy 18 per cent CAGR.
TCS is the biggest wealth creator for the fourth consecutive year while Ajanta
Pharma is the fastest for the second year in a row. Asian Paints is the most
consistent wealth creator over the last 10-year period ending 2016.
Wealth Creation Study
Consumer/retail tops
In terms of sectors, consumer/retail has emerged as India’s biggest wealth
creating sector for the second consecutive time, and the third time in the last
four years.
Three of the top five wealth creating sectors are financials, technology and
Wealth created is calculated as change in the market cap of companies
between 2011 and 2016, duly adjusted for corporate events, such as mergers,
demergers, fresh issuance of capital, and buyback, among others, the
brokerage firm pointed out.
The total wealth destroyed during 2011-16 is ₹15 lakh crore, 53 per cent of the
total wealth created by top 100 companies. Seven of the top 10 wealth
destroyers are in commodities.
How to Develop A Wealthy Mindset
How to Develop A Wealthy Mindset
Many people have a generalization of what is considered wealth. But, everyone does not
have the ability to possess true wealth within their lives. This is because their mindset denies
them the ability to think wealthy. Their mindset is stuck within the cages of mediocrity and
If you want to be able to develop a wealthy mindset, which leads you to creating powerful
wealth for yourself, follow these necessary steps.
1. Define Your Desired Wealth
This is not where you do the typical generalization of a big house, three luxury vehicles and a
closet full of designer clothing. You want to move beyond the typical definition applied by
those who only dream of wealth but don’t change themselves nor actually work hard for
When I say define your desired wealth, I want you to be as detailed and specific as possible:
 Create an outline of your desired mindset
 Create an outline of your desired professional work life
 Create an outline of your desired lifestyle
These three outlines will help you begin to open up your mind to wealthy thinking and in turn
will lead you to creating wealthy behavior. Understand that the mind is a powerful tool.
What you regularly allow to live within it becomes a part of you. A broke mindset produces a
broke lifestyle. A wealthy mindset produces a wealthy lifestyle.
How to Develop A Wealthy Mindset
2. Create Actions & Behaviors that Reinforce Your Mindset
Thoughts are nothing but wishes without applying actions that bring them into
fruition. For example, you are on the couch thinking about how you want to be
But after two hours have passed, you remain in the same position. You are
just sitting there and hoping and wishing, rather than getting off your ass and
In order to develop the wealth which you desire, you have to put in massive effort
to actually produce that wealth. This means eliminating actions and behaviors
which hold you back.
Don’t know what I am talking about? Well let me tell you:
 Wasting time watching hours of television
 Wasting time on social media discussing gossip
 Eating unhealthy & not regularly exercising
 Sleeping in late because it’s the weekend
 Spending money to impress rather than spending money to improve and grow
 Avoiding to read because you find it boring
Cut all the crap out and replace it with actions that help you transform your thinking
and eventually your life. Wealth creation is dependent on the discipline of a
focused mindset, effective actions and well developed behavior.
How to Develop A Wealthy Mindset
3. Avoid People Without Ambition
Does this mean discriminate against people who do not generate high six
figures and above in income?
No, this means avoid people who settle in life and have no ambition to
improve their current circumstances. People who possess an un-wealthy
mindset contaminate you with their deadly affliction of mediocrity.
As the saying goes, “You are the average of the five people that you hang
In order to increase the attraction of wealth towards you, socialize with those
who have succeeded in creating the wealth you desire. This doesn’t mean you
beg for a handout or become their groupie.
It means you position yourself to soak up their knowledge and insight on how to
develop your own opportunities and cultivate them to produce wealthy results.
The Law of Attraction applies heavily here. You want to be surrounded by
wealthy people in order to attract their mindset, emulate their behaviors and
have access to their network.
This is how you separate yourself from the average minded person and begin
to transform yourself into a wealthy minded person.
How to Develop A Wealthy Mindset
4. Never Waver From Your Stated Position
You changed!
You think you are better than everybody else!
You are an asshole!
These are the things people who are content with being unwealthy say to those
who are focused on attaining their desired wealth. They can’t understand why
you chose to give up their ways of living, in favor of a disciplined path that they
are unwilling to follow.
Your new mindset and behavior is foreign to them and it threatens their
accepted choice of living.
Don’t bend to appease those who lack the discipline and focus you have
implemented in your life in order to achieve wealth. Unwealthy people hate
They envy those who have found their purpose in life; working hard towards
producing a life others admire and want to actually live themselves.
How to Develop A Wealthy Mindset
To re-iterate; here are the 4 steps to developing a wealthy mindset:
 Define your desired wealth
 Create actions & behaviors that reinforce your mindset
 Avoid people without ambition
 Never waver from your stated position
Remember something very important! Your production of wealth is dependent
on YOUR ACTIONS and not the opinion of others who do not live your life.
Well, I have given you the blueprint of how to create a wealthy mindset, and
now you must lay the foundation for yourself. I wish much success to you on
your journey towards your desired wealth.
How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple
How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple
Why do some individuals seem to effortlessly attract money while others
almost repel it?Do the folks who have the cash know something that the rest of
us don’t?
What’s their secret?
If you are like most people, you probably have a life goal of achieving financial
independence. Yet finding the pathway to wealth can seem elusive. And so like
a hamster on a wheel, you continue to go to work, pay your bills and live
paycheck to paycheck.
Sound familiar?
What if I told you it doesn’t have to be this way? In fact, what if I said that you
can attract more money into your life starting right now? And what if I added
that you can move towards financial prosperity in 7 simple steps?
Would you think I am off my rocker – perhaps a little naïve? That’s OK, I don’t
blame you. What I am suggesting does seem a little out there.
For now however, all I ask is that you keep an open mind and continue reading.
How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple
 Money and Mindfulness
Ever since I can remember, I have been fascinated with money. I’ve studied
how people attract it and what they do in order to keep it. Perhaps my interest
in wealth is one of the reasons I so frequently blog about successful people
in our culture. If truth be told, my strong desire to learn about finance in large
part informed my decision to earn a MBA several years ago – post doctorate.
Looking back, the most valuable lessons I have learned about attracting wealth
and building financial prosperity didn’t come from courses in economic theory.
Nor did they come from the Wall Street Journal.
Instead, these money attracting concepts came from the world of positive
psychology, which is deeply rooted in mindfulness based thinking.
How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple
 Study of Wealth
I’m not super rich and do not pretend to be a financial expert. I do however
have the benefit of working with clients who have long been financially
independent, coupled with my own study of wealth over the past 20-years.
As a conduit to insight, I will this use blog post to impart what I have learned to
What follows are 7 simple steps to instantly attract wealth to your life –
meaning right now.
Are you ready? Let’s jump right in!
How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple
 7 Steps to Attract Wealth
1. Believe your are worthy of happiness
Part of attracting wealth requires that you believe you are worthy of happiness.
Notice I did not say you are entitled to happiness. The operative word is worthy.
The secret to creating happiness begins with our self-view, which in large
part can be strengthened through our morning ritual.
None of the other steps mentioned here can be taken until you truly believe you
are worthy of happiness. In order for this to happen, you must let go of the guilt
and shame associated with the past.
How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple
2. Focus on what you have right now
Many people fall into the trap of ruminating over what they don’t have or what
they have lost. This unproductive line of thinking begins the downward spiral of
negativity, which is a repellant against the positive forces of happiness.
Instead, focus on all that you do have through the gift of gratitude. We have
only this moment in time. Yesterday is gone. Focus on the here and now and
learn from mindfulness teachers.
How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple
3. End the cycle of learned helplessness
To continue engaging in learned helplessness is to remain trapped in the
poverty’s gravitational pull. You cannot attract wealth or other positive things
into your life when your emotional and Karmic space is occupied with the
words, “I can’t”.
End the excuses of what you cannot do and begin to use the words I can. In
other words, I can attract wealth because I am worthy of happiness.
4. Purge jealousies
Jealousy of another person’s worldly possessions means that you are
occupying your mind with an illusion. Just because someone is driving an
expensive car does not mean they necessarily have money or that they are
wealthy. Jealousy is a liar, projecting a false narrative that is almost never
grounded in the truth. Let go of your jealousies and make room for joy.
Clear negative energy. Embrace the simple things and fill yourself with peace.
How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple
5. Respect the power of money
Money is the byproduct of your hard work and labor. When you disrespect
money, you disrespect yourself. Respecting money means keeping it
organized. It means tracking it on a regular basis. It means recognizing that
money holds both restorative and destructive powers and that it is not to be
handled lightly.
Money, when managed properly, has the power to grow and take care of you
for many years to come. When disrespected, it turns atrophy and negatively
impacts your future. Finally, respecting money means not using it as a
temporary tool to boost self-esteem through unneeded spending.
How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple
6. Study wealth
Attracting wealth into your life requires that you go beyond wishful thinking. It
means making a conscious choice to learn all you can about money and how
wealth is accumulated. Examine the practices, beliefs and habits
of enlightened people who have created and attracted wealth. These are your
Recognize that people who have true wealth do not wear flashy jewelry, drive
expensive cars or wear designer clothes. In fact, the majority of
millionaires are meticulous budgeters who have created their wealth over the
course of time.
How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple
 7. Give money away
This final point relates to the spiritual and Karmic power of money. When we
give money to those who are less fortunate, we are helping to replenish the
human spirit. Do not hoard money or it will leave you.
Instead, use your empathic abilities to determine who is in need and how you
might help them. An example might be offering to pay for groceries in the
checkout line for a struggling family in front of you. It could also mean donating
your time, which is a form of money, to your favorite charity.
When you give from a place of genuine love and compassion to others, you
make room greater happiness, which is the precursor to wealth.
How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple
How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple
 Final Thoughts on Attracting Wealth
It is no coincidence that you took the time to read this article. You can
absolutely attract wealth into your life right now by following the 7 steps that
have been outlined here. Notice the title of this post read simple steps and not
easy. Sometimes the most difficult things we do in life are simple in nature but
that sure doesn’t mean they are easy.
Change is a process that takes time. This is true of most things, such as a shift
in how we think about money. It is also true when we work on ourselves, be it
an attempt to lose belly fat or engage in physical activity as a way of pushing
back against depression.
Finally, remember that most people who are financially stable became that way
through good old fashioned hard work and an honest, deep abiding belief in the
I am including a link to Deepak Chopra’s book on the seven spiritual laws of
success. I hope you will consider reading as part of your journey towards
financial freedom.

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  • 2. We are living today in the greatest age in all of human history. There have never been more opportunities for wealth creation and for you to achieve more of your goals, both personal and financial, than exist today. There are more than 100,000 different job categories in the United States, and with the explosion in information, technology and competition, the number of possible things that you could do to be successful is expanding every year. Look For New Opportunities For Wealth Creation The major factor driving our society today is the impact of change at all levels. And every single change in our economy creates new opportunities and possibilities for the creative minority to move ahead faster than the average person. Remember the Latin saying, “Carpe Diem!?” It means, “Seize the Day!” This is what you must do. You must “Seize the day!” You must plunge in with both hands up to the elbow and take advantage of every opportunity and possibility going on around you to create the wonderful life that is possible for you today.
  • 3. I left high school without graduating many years ago. I fooled around in school and worked at part time jobs in the evenings and on the weekends. When I left school, all I could get was laboring jobs, washing dishes, digging ditches and working in factories and mills. Eventually I got into selling and did poorly for a long time. The turning point for me came when I realized that nothing happens by luck or by accident. Everything happens for a reason. People are successful and prosperous because they do certain things in a certain way. People are unhappy and frustrated because they neglected to do the things that successful people do. This insight set me off on a lifelong search for the reasons why some people are more successful than others. If you look for the answers to any question, you will eventually find the answers. What you do with the answers is up to you. Seize The Day And Set Your Career Goals High The first answers I found had to do with selling. I found out why some people sold five, ten and sometimes twenty times as much as other people and then I did the same things they did. In one year, I went from the bottom of my sales force to the top of my sales force. In two years, I was in charge of six countries and had 95 people working for me. I went from worn out shoes and one suit of clothes to having three apartments in three different cities, dining in fine restaurants and traveling around the world by jet all because I began to see new opportunities for wealth creation. In your life, it is very much the same. The most important thing you do at the outset of your career, or at any time during your career, is to find out what the most successful people are doing in your chosen area and then do the same things, over and over again until you start to get the same results. It is no miracle, it is no accident, it is as predictable as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.
  • 4. Chose To Become Financially Independent One of the goals that we all have in common is that we all want to be financially independent. We all want to have enough money so that we never have to worry about money again. You want to build a financial fortress around yourself. You want to make a high income, get out of debt, put money in the bank and have the ability to do the things you want without being preoccupied about the costs. The only question is, “are you going to do it or not?” The good news is that there are more people achieving financial independence faster today than ever before. There are currently almost four million millionaires, most of them self-made, first generation. Somewhere, somehow, someone becomes a self-made millionaire at the rate of one every four and a half minutes, 365 days a year. And for every person who becomes a self-made millionaire, there are many, many more who are achieving a net worth in the hundreds of thousands of dollars through different wealth creation strategies.  By setting financial accumulation and financial independence as your career goals, and then by making a plan on the one hand to get better and better at what you do while on the other hand saving more and more of what you earn, you will become financially independent, if not a self-made millionaire in the years ahead.  Thank you for reading this article on top wealth creation strategies for financial success. When you look for new opportunities and seize the day you will be able to find financial success in all aspects of your life.
  • 5.  Investment's building blocks - always worth reinforcing On the eve of the US presidential elections, The New York Times praised three personal finance books that share a common thread of reminding investors about the "building blocks" of sound investment and personal financial practices. These books – by founder and former chief executive of Vanguard John Bogle, investment author Andrew Tobias and financial planner Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz – have become even more compelling reading as global markets immediately react to the election results. In the wake of the US elections, Australian investors are being acutely reminded about how much is beyond their control – including the emotions of other investors and how world stock markets impact on Australian share prices. Fortunately, as such books remind us, investors who follow the principles of sound investment practice have more control over their financial futures than they may think. Investors have the power to choose their long-term goals, set appropriate strategic asset allocations and investment diversifications for their portfolios, to minimise their investment management costs and to efficiently manage their taxes. And disciplined investors can aim to keep their emotions under control by concentrating on their long-term objectives.
  • 6. Heard it all before? Chances are you are a regular Smart Investing reader. (See How to climb the wall of worry, November 1.) The Little Book of Common Sense Investing by John Bogle has been reminding us about investment's building blocks for almost a decade while The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need by Andrew Tobias has been at it for almost 40 years. Meanwhile, The Charles Schwab Guide to Finances after Fifty by Carrie Schwab- Pomerantz is a relative newcomer. Consider some of the straightforward pointers from the three authors: Bogle: "Successful investing is all about common sense." Don't try to pick the best time to buy and sell stocks – consistent success with market-timing is virtually impossible; diversify to minimise risks (and spread opportunities); recognise the value of compounding, long-term returns; and keep investment costs as low as possible. "The more the managers and brokers take, the less investors make." Tobias: Again, taking a common-sense approach to looking after investments and other personal finances is his over-arching message. For instance, buy investments you can understand; stay away from investments that seem too good to be true; and don't carry credit card debt. Schwab-Pomerantz: Calculate how much you will spend each year in retirement, calculate how much capital is needed to finance that lifestyle and, finally, determine how you are going to save enough. (A few words of caution: This book contains details of the US tax, social security and retirement systems that are not relevant in Australia. You should focus on her big-picture messages, which are particularly aimed at those over 50.)
  • 7. Timeless lessons on wealth creation  Everybody can succeed financially regardless of his or her status in life and current well-being.  personal development is influenced by the choices one makes, and wealth does not discriminate. “A lot of the time,”  “we blame our employers for our failures… if only they paid us more….sometimes we blame the government,” he opened his talk on ‘Strategies of Wealth Creation’. The topic of the day was ‘Preparation for Retirement’, which in Army lingua, its called The Pillar Five of Training. “I chose the topic on wealth creation because it is an important topic that cuts across the economic and social cadres.” 1. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY Nobody else can change your situation, but you. The circumstances you find yourself in today are not anybody else’s fault. Many of us have gotten into the habit of blaming other people for the way our lives have turned out. A lot of the time we blame our employers; if only they paid us more….sometimes we blame the government. However, this blame game has to stop, because whenever you shift blame to someone else, you give up you power and responsibility. Take back control. Ask yourself: Now that I’m here, what am I going to do about it?
  • 8. 2. SPEND LESS THAN YOU EARN Seems obvious enough and we all know we should do this, yet most of us struggle with this. Think about it this way, that little amount that you refrain from spending could go a long way in helping make your financial situation better. When you loose the comfort of a regular income you realize that the Ksh.300 you spent on 3 bottles of beer daily adds up to Kshs.9,000 per month and kshs.108,000 per year. What can you do with sh108, 000 in savings each year? It could mean that you finally afford to go on that holiday that you have always dreamt of or it helps you pay off your debt faster or make an investment which will put more money in your pocket. Either that, or you can continue spending sh108,000 on drinks every year in lieu of meeting your financial goals. 3. KNOW WHAT PUTS MONEY IN YOUR POCKET AND WHAT REMOVES MONEY FROM YOUR POCKET. There is a difference between assets and ‘flossets’. Assets increase your money (e.g. investments, businesses) and ‘flossets reduce your money. Ironically, society believes people are wealthy by the amount of flossets they have e.g cars, trendy clothes, latest phones, shoes, houses they live in, lifestyle gadgets, etc. These items have no bearing on how wealthy you are. You need more things that put money in your pocket and less of those that remove it. 4. DO NOT BORROW TO CONSUME. Do not take a loan to buy ‘flossets’. That’s what we call bad debt and it will take you many steps backward. Good debt i.e. debt that will lead to increased assets will take you forward.
  • 9. 5. MULTIPLY YOUR RESOURCES. My personal definition of wealth creation is the ability to multiply resources. Start with evaluating how you use the resource called time. Do you spend more time doing things that remove money from your pocket or things that put money in your pocket? Use your time wisely and multiply your knowledge, skills, networks and this will ultimately lead to multiplication of your financial resources. Maybe you don’t have money in your bank account right now but you can still start multiplying these other resources to your benefit. 6. KNOW WHY YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY. Making one million shillings will not make you happy? Why? When you do get it, you will want 10 million shillings and so on. You have got to come to terms with why you actually want to make money? A good way to think about it is: if you had all the money in the world, what would you do (after buying all the things you think you would want)? Would you spend more time with family, travel, establish an organisation, help others? Money is a tool to help you achieve these things; it is not in itself what you really want. Identify the deeper reason why you want to become wealthy. 7.KEEP THE RIGHT COMPANY. Keep the kind of company that provides an environment that is conducive to wealth creation. The people that complain about being broke all the time are not the right company.
  • 10. 8.CASH FLOW IS KING. Eventually everybody will get to a point where income is his or her most important financial requirement. You may retire and still need an income to sustain your life. You may lose a job along the way and realize the importance of income. You may be unable to work or simply want to be able to make the choice not to work. One day the source of your income will have to move from your ability to work 40-60 hours a week, to your investments. Your investments will need to be generating that income to keep you going. What is your plan to grow or structure your investments so that they can generate the amount of income you need? 9. IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU. This is the pill that is sometimes hard to swallow. Creating wealth cannot be all about you. A selfish attitude leads to small thinking. When it is all about you: what can you spend, what can you buy, etc., you may end up achieving that but only that. You can do so much more. What you want for yourself is important but when you combine this with a bigger picture that includes family, those around you, your community, etc. You see things in a whole different perspective. The best investments you make may not be those that you made when you were thinking about yourself, but those that you made when you were thinking about the future generation because you were willing to take a long-term view. What do you want to be remembered for? 10. IT’S A PROCESS NOT A ONE-OFF DEAL. A huge amount of money will not fall on your lap one day and sort all your problems out. You will not get a life-changing deal. The process of wealth creation is choice not chance. Having a vision as opposed to just focusing on survival. Action not just ideas. Empowerment not creating dependence.
  • 11. Wealth Creation Study Motilal Oswal Financial Services on Friday announced its annual wealth creation study for 2016. According to the study, a continuous feature over the past 21 years, the top 100 wealth creators created ₹28.4 lakh crore during 2011-16, the third-highest ever quantum of wealth created. During 2011-16, the Sensex CAGR (compounded annual growth rate) was only 5 per cent, but the pace of Wealth Creation was a healthy 18 per cent CAGR. TCS is the biggest wealth creator for the fourth consecutive year while Ajanta Pharma is the fastest for the second year in a row. Asian Paints is the most consistent wealth creator over the last 10-year period ending 2016.
  • 12. Wealth Creation Study Consumer/retail tops In terms of sectors, consumer/retail has emerged as India’s biggest wealth creating sector for the second consecutive time, and the third time in the last four years. Three of the top five wealth creating sectors are financials, technology and healthcare. Wealth created is calculated as change in the market cap of companies between 2011 and 2016, duly adjusted for corporate events, such as mergers, demergers, fresh issuance of capital, and buyback, among others, the brokerage firm pointed out. The total wealth destroyed during 2011-16 is ₹15 lakh crore, 53 per cent of the total wealth created by top 100 companies. Seven of the top 10 wealth destroyers are in commodities.
  • 13. How to Develop A Wealthy Mindset
  • 14. How to Develop A Wealthy Mindset Many people have a generalization of what is considered wealth. But, everyone does not have the ability to possess true wealth within their lives. This is because their mindset denies them the ability to think wealthy. Their mindset is stuck within the cages of mediocrity and victimization. If you want to be able to develop a wealthy mindset, which leads you to creating powerful wealth for yourself, follow these necessary steps. 1. Define Your Desired Wealth This is not where you do the typical generalization of a big house, three luxury vehicles and a closet full of designer clothing. You want to move beyond the typical definition applied by those who only dream of wealth but don’t change themselves nor actually work hard for wealth. When I say define your desired wealth, I want you to be as detailed and specific as possible:  Create an outline of your desired mindset  Create an outline of your desired professional work life  Create an outline of your desired lifestyle These three outlines will help you begin to open up your mind to wealthy thinking and in turn will lead you to creating wealthy behavior. Understand that the mind is a powerful tool. What you regularly allow to live within it becomes a part of you. A broke mindset produces a broke lifestyle. A wealthy mindset produces a wealthy lifestyle.
  • 15. How to Develop A Wealthy Mindset 2. Create Actions & Behaviors that Reinforce Your Mindset Thoughts are nothing but wishes without applying actions that bring them into fruition. For example, you are on the couch thinking about how you want to be successful. But after two hours have passed, you remain in the same position. You are just sitting there and hoping and wishing, rather than getting off your ass and doing! In order to develop the wealth which you desire, you have to put in massive effort to actually produce that wealth. This means eliminating actions and behaviors which hold you back. Don’t know what I am talking about? Well let me tell you:  Wasting time watching hours of television  Wasting time on social media discussing gossip  Eating unhealthy & not regularly exercising  Sleeping in late because it’s the weekend  Spending money to impress rather than spending money to improve and grow  Avoiding to read because you find it boring Cut all the crap out and replace it with actions that help you transform your thinking and eventually your life. Wealth creation is dependent on the discipline of a focused mindset, effective actions and well developed behavior.
  • 16. How to Develop A Wealthy Mindset 3. Avoid People Without Ambition Does this mean discriminate against people who do not generate high six figures and above in income? No, this means avoid people who settle in life and have no ambition to improve their current circumstances. People who possess an un-wealthy mindset contaminate you with their deadly affliction of mediocrity. As the saying goes, “You are the average of the five people that you hang around.” In order to increase the attraction of wealth towards you, socialize with those who have succeeded in creating the wealth you desire. This doesn’t mean you beg for a handout or become their groupie. It means you position yourself to soak up their knowledge and insight on how to develop your own opportunities and cultivate them to produce wealthy results. The Law of Attraction applies heavily here. You want to be surrounded by wealthy people in order to attract their mindset, emulate their behaviors and have access to their network. This is how you separate yourself from the average minded person and begin to transform yourself into a wealthy minded person.
  • 17. How to Develop A Wealthy Mindset 4. Never Waver From Your Stated Position You changed! You think you are better than everybody else! You are an asshole! These are the things people who are content with being unwealthy say to those who are focused on attaining their desired wealth. They can’t understand why you chose to give up their ways of living, in favor of a disciplined path that they are unwilling to follow. Your new mindset and behavior is foreign to them and it threatens their accepted choice of living. Don’t bend to appease those who lack the discipline and focus you have implemented in your life in order to achieve wealth. Unwealthy people hate ambition. They envy those who have found their purpose in life; working hard towards producing a life others admire and want to actually live themselves.
  • 18. How to Develop A Wealthy Mindset To re-iterate; here are the 4 steps to developing a wealthy mindset:  Define your desired wealth  Create actions & behaviors that reinforce your mindset  Avoid people without ambition  Never waver from your stated position Remember something very important! Your production of wealth is dependent on YOUR ACTIONS and not the opinion of others who do not live your life. Well, I have given you the blueprint of how to create a wealthy mindset, and now you must lay the foundation for yourself. I wish much success to you on your journey towards your desired wealth.
  • 19. How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple Steps!
  • 20. How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple Steps! Why do some individuals seem to effortlessly attract money while others almost repel it?Do the folks who have the cash know something that the rest of us don’t? What’s their secret? If you are like most people, you probably have a life goal of achieving financial independence. Yet finding the pathway to wealth can seem elusive. And so like a hamster on a wheel, you continue to go to work, pay your bills and live paycheck to paycheck. Sound familiar? What if I told you it doesn’t have to be this way? In fact, what if I said that you can attract more money into your life starting right now? And what if I added that you can move towards financial prosperity in 7 simple steps? Would you think I am off my rocker – perhaps a little naïve? That’s OK, I don’t blame you. What I am suggesting does seem a little out there. For now however, all I ask is that you keep an open mind and continue reading.
  • 21. How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple Steps!  Money and Mindfulness Ever since I can remember, I have been fascinated with money. I’ve studied how people attract it and what they do in order to keep it. Perhaps my interest in wealth is one of the reasons I so frequently blog about successful people in our culture. If truth be told, my strong desire to learn about finance in large part informed my decision to earn a MBA several years ago – post doctorate. Looking back, the most valuable lessons I have learned about attracting wealth and building financial prosperity didn’t come from courses in economic theory. Nor did they come from the Wall Street Journal. Instead, these money attracting concepts came from the world of positive psychology, which is deeply rooted in mindfulness based thinking.
  • 22. How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple Steps!  Study of Wealth I’m not super rich and do not pretend to be a financial expert. I do however have the benefit of working with clients who have long been financially independent, coupled with my own study of wealth over the past 20-years. As a conduit to insight, I will this use blog post to impart what I have learned to you. What follows are 7 simple steps to instantly attract wealth to your life – meaning right now. Are you ready? Let’s jump right in!
  • 23. How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple Steps!  7 Steps to Attract Wealth 1. Believe your are worthy of happiness Part of attracting wealth requires that you believe you are worthy of happiness. Notice I did not say you are entitled to happiness. The operative word is worthy. The secret to creating happiness begins with our self-view, which in large part can be strengthened through our morning ritual. None of the other steps mentioned here can be taken until you truly believe you are worthy of happiness. In order for this to happen, you must let go of the guilt and shame associated with the past.
  • 24. How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple Steps! 2. Focus on what you have right now Many people fall into the trap of ruminating over what they don’t have or what they have lost. This unproductive line of thinking begins the downward spiral of negativity, which is a repellant against the positive forces of happiness. Instead, focus on all that you do have through the gift of gratitude. We have only this moment in time. Yesterday is gone. Focus on the here and now and learn from mindfulness teachers.
  • 25. How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple Steps! 3. End the cycle of learned helplessness To continue engaging in learned helplessness is to remain trapped in the poverty’s gravitational pull. You cannot attract wealth or other positive things into your life when your emotional and Karmic space is occupied with the words, “I can’t”. End the excuses of what you cannot do and begin to use the words I can. In other words, I can attract wealth because I am worthy of happiness. 4. Purge jealousies Jealousy of another person’s worldly possessions means that you are occupying your mind with an illusion. Just because someone is driving an expensive car does not mean they necessarily have money or that they are wealthy. Jealousy is a liar, projecting a false narrative that is almost never grounded in the truth. Let go of your jealousies and make room for joy. Clear negative energy. Embrace the simple things and fill yourself with peace.
  • 26. How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple Steps! 5. Respect the power of money Money is the byproduct of your hard work and labor. When you disrespect money, you disrespect yourself. Respecting money means keeping it organized. It means tracking it on a regular basis. It means recognizing that money holds both restorative and destructive powers and that it is not to be handled lightly. Money, when managed properly, has the power to grow and take care of you for many years to come. When disrespected, it turns atrophy and negatively impacts your future. Finally, respecting money means not using it as a temporary tool to boost self-esteem through unneeded spending.
  • 27. How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple Steps! 6. Study wealth Attracting wealth into your life requires that you go beyond wishful thinking. It means making a conscious choice to learn all you can about money and how wealth is accumulated. Examine the practices, beliefs and habits of enlightened people who have created and attracted wealth. These are your teachers. Recognize that people who have true wealth do not wear flashy jewelry, drive expensive cars or wear designer clothes. In fact, the majority of millionaires are meticulous budgeters who have created their wealth over the course of time.
  • 28. How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple Steps!  7. Give money away This final point relates to the spiritual and Karmic power of money. When we give money to those who are less fortunate, we are helping to replenish the human spirit. Do not hoard money or it will leave you. Instead, use your empathic abilities to determine who is in need and how you might help them. An example might be offering to pay for groceries in the checkout line for a struggling family in front of you. It could also mean donating your time, which is a form of money, to your favorite charity. When you give from a place of genuine love and compassion to others, you make room greater happiness, which is the precursor to wealth.
  • 29. How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple Steps!
  • 30. How to Attract Wealth Instantly in 7 Simple Steps!  Final Thoughts on Attracting Wealth It is no coincidence that you took the time to read this article. You can absolutely attract wealth into your life right now by following the 7 steps that have been outlined here. Notice the title of this post read simple steps and not easy. Sometimes the most difficult things we do in life are simple in nature but that sure doesn’t mean they are easy. Change is a process that takes time. This is true of most things, such as a shift in how we think about money. It is also true when we work on ourselves, be it an attempt to lose belly fat or engage in physical activity as a way of pushing back against depression. Finally, remember that most people who are financially stable became that way through good old fashioned hard work and an honest, deep abiding belief in the self. I am including a link to Deepak Chopra’s book on the seven spiritual laws of success. I hope you will consider reading as part of your journey towards financial freedom.