writing rome ancient rome ancient greece england medieval middle ages medieval nobility middle ages castles 7th grade tci roman empire eastern roman empire byzantine empire empire byzantine using evidence short answer r.a.c.e. constructed response pilgrimage church chaucer history old english father of english modern english king arthur latin arthurian legend clergy middle english illuminated manuscripts importance bible language canterbury tales literature founding gladiators architecture cuniculus romulus and remus greek etruscan engineering alphabet religion chariot racing art arch sports esl british culture who wants to be a millionaire american culture plebeians patricians slaves freedmen government officials advisers hierarchy class system social class diet and drass role of women education family social structure everyday life government city-state sparta ancient sparta greece mary i edward vi 16th century tudor elizabeth of york lady jane grey catherine howard anne boleyn catherine of aragon henry viii 1500s jane seymour catherine parr mary queen of scotts anne of cleves margarent beaufort elizabeth i henry vii timeline events medieval etiquette middle ages egyptian religion mummification mesopotamian gods ziggurats cave paintings early hominids first civilizations mesopotamia thanksgiving united states mark twain halloween interwar period world war ii edwardian era world war i
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