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      GL IM PSE S OFA N C IE N T IN O I A N M A T HE illA T I CSNO . 3
   Sorne Ancient    Values of, Pi and Tlrelr uae In Indla
                                                               P.O. Mesra, RANCHI (Bihar)
                                   Birla Institttteof Technology
b2 R.G. Gupta* Dept. of Mathematics,
                                                     ( Re ce ive d 2 2 January 1975)

           The study and investigation of the relation between the circunrlerence C and the
 diameter D of a circle has always been a part of arrcient and med jt'val mathematical
 a ctiv it y in all parts o f th e rv o rl d . T h e p l o b l e m of sqrral i ng the ci rcl e, that i s, fi ndi ng of a
 square whose area is the same as that of a giverr circle, t1,as                one of the most famous geome-
 trical problems of r,ntiquitv. The corrstarrtratio CID is n(,w universally denoted by the
 Greek lerrer rs (Pi) bur the first writer to use the symbol definitely in this sensewas William
 .fo nes( 1706) r .
         Various ar.cient and medieval Indian works contain rules which are taken to imply
  certain values of n . Bclow we present some of those ancient approximations which were
  used outside Irrdia also.
                                         (1)   The Sinplest       Approximation,       [I :   3.
        T his is an Ol d Ba b y l o n i a n (c . 1 7 0 0 B .C .) val uez. Iti sfound i n theB i bl e and the
 Talmuds. The same is used in ancient Chinese works such as tlte Chiu ChangSuanSiu (compl-
 eted in the first century A;D. ) and the ChouPei-in which the following is statedr
        'At the winter solsticethe sun's orbit has a diameter 47600 (Chinese) miles, the
  circumferenceof the orbit being 142800miles'.
         Somewhat similar statements are found in Indian Epic and Puranic literature. !'or
                                                                         XII, 44 statess
  irrstance,a published version of the Maha-Bhdrata lrIQIHTI<T),
                                           qd<aaal     q€rtlfqt i         stt4  gt?rffI   I
                                           fsctgtqr d(i {rqq q{sii       f{€dr qrr[ nyyrl
                               Sitrvastvastau sahasripi dve clnye Kurunarrrdana/
                               Viskambhet"tt 1a1sldjan mall'Jalali trirlisati samam ll44ll
          ' 0 Kurunandala ! The diameter ol' the sun is eight-plus-two thousand (yojanas)
  whence (its) circular periphery,0 king, is equal to thirty (thousandTojanas).
  Th is im plies n : 3 0 0 0 0 /1 0 0 0 0 3

  *Mcmber,       International     Commissiort on l{istory ol Mathematics

         As another example, we quote the following stanza from the
                                                                    Eltg11q Vilu purdnas
                                      nsqlqrsrq(i FsTilrr't qR*'((qg I
                                      F<rar<thgttsitrcrl       c(eqeT ||
       'The diameter of the sun is nine thousandltojanas . Three times the diameter is the
 cilcumference of its peripheral circle,.
       T he B audht )a n a{ u l b a s i tra ,r,l l 2 -Il 3 [ c.500 B .c. ?] al so i mpl y the same approxi m-
ationT. Even some of the later writers who knew better values, mentioneclthe above appro-
ximation for crude and quick calculatiorrs. For example, Brahmagupta (628 A.D.)
                                                                                                       in his
qlg€Safgar;d Brifuna-sphuta-siddhtnta               (: BSS), XII,40 says8
                                 6qr€a4rrltd5ft qflrfqqil E{Trstif(+ hgti            r
                                              parid},i-phale vyivaharike trigu ne /
        'The diameter and the square of the semi-diarneter (separately)multiplied by three
givc the practical (or gross) circumference and area (of the circle) (respectively).,
l'h:it is,
                                                C:3D                                                                  (r)
                                                Area :         3(Dl2)t                                                (2)
                                        (n)    TheJaina Value, n
                                                                 - i;
        I n Chinat his v a l u e w a s g i v e n b y C h a rr g H eng (c.130A .D .) ancl by C hhi n C hi u-S hao
(c.1 2 50) 0.I t has be e n c a l l e d th e J a i n a V a l u e because t i s fi equentl y usedi nJai l a vr.o1ks.
There are plenty of references but the controversies regarding clateand authorship of some
of these works makes it almost impossibleto decide with certainty the earlicst r,se..,t'the
value in India.
       The canonical work {Rqcq(fff,                  S|.ria-ltanr.-ralr'
                                                                       (Sa'skrit,        qdwfia     Shryaproj?t6p1;1
stated to have adoPted the rulelo
                                                 c:"/Too'                                                            (3)
for getting the circumference of the sun's innermost orbit as 315(lB9                            l,rjana.rplus little more
fro m or bit ' s m ent io n e d d i a rn e tt' r' o f 9 9 6 4 0y o j a n as,
                                                                           and for getti ng di rrrerrsi ons ' the suecessi -
ve  orbits, but the work is clated variously in the range from abour 5('(, B.C. to about'500 A.D.
        As a sample of an origin:rl text for the nrle (3) we quote the following frorn a c()rnm-
entary on the (t4lSiftf q q qa T attuart hridhigama-sutr                   aLr

                                       lqorqcrti$gqlqr {d qrqftiq: r
                       Viskambha-klter-da6agunayii rnularlr vrta-pariksepah .
          ' T he square-root of ten times tl.resqrrare of the diameter is the circrrmference of
th e c ir c le. '
         T he alaovervork and the commentary are both attributed to gqf(1lfld Umtisvali (fi1s1
co :tUr y A D. ) but t: rv i r.rl : rn .rrti r' (i :rc l i r di ug date) i s not free from some seri orrs

         There are several other direct and indirect reference to (3) or its equivalentrs. Among
the early non-Jaina rvorks n'hich mention this value are the Sitrla-Siddhdnta,I,58 (K.S.
shukla,s edition, p.l9; Lucknow, 1957); Panca--siddhantika,                      lY, l, of Varrhamira (sixth
ce n ru r y A . n. ) ; B r ah ma g u p ta ' sB SS , X It,4 0 (s e condhal f) w here i t i s gi ven to be an accurate
(s[&srna)value; etc.
      'fhis value appearedr'in the eleventh centur)'Spain in a work of                               Az--Zarcpli ot
Arzachel (under Indian influence).
         It is rurprising to note that even very late mathematicians continued to stick to the
va l rre ( pos s iblybec a rrs eo f tra d i ti o n a n d th e e legant form of the val ue) r.vhenmuch more
:rcculat{jvalues were u'cll-kn()'rr.For instance, the Sidd}tintatatlba-uiuefta           (f€af;Adtrfle*O),
II, l +7 ( B enar esedi ti o n , 1 9 2 4 , p .5 0 ) o f Ka ma l rrkara (1658) gi ves i t. In C hi na i t w as sti l l
b e i n g us ed in t he m id d l e o f th e l Bth c e n tu ry rs .
                              (III) The Archirnedean           Value,     II :   2217.
            Archimede-s (c.225 B.C.) had showrr that the ratio CID is lessthan 2217 and greater
then 223171,           but after his trme the value 2217became recognizedas a satisfactory approxim-
a ti o n l 6 . I t n' as giv enrz b ),H e ro n o f A l e x a n d ri a (f i rst century A .D .) and by R abbi N ehemi ah
(c. 1 50) . I t was gen e ra l l y u s e d i n C h i n a i n th e fi frh century A .D . but Tsu-C hhung - C hi h
(4 3 0 -5 01) c ons ider e d i t i n a c c u ra te a n d g a v e th e famous C hi neseval ue (seebel ow )l 8.
            A l- B ir I ni ( ele v e n th c e n tu ry ) h a d c re d i t ed B rahrnagupta for know i ng the above
va l tte r e. Lalla ( eigh th c e n tu rl ,) g i v e s th e d i a n re t er of the earth as 1050uni ts and i ts ci rcum-
fercnce to be as 3300 units which imply the :rbove valuer0. fr,ryabhataII (950) has given
i t e xp l ic it ll' as an ac c rrri rte a l u e i n th e fo l l o .,v i n grvords zr
                                 aqrgrsstidqrd]ssa'fq                       q+q cf(fq: r rg Rr r
                                                            €d: {qci
          ' T he diam et er (w h e n ) n i u l ti p l i e d b y 2 2 and di vi dcd by 7 becomes the accurate
ci rcttm f er en e' ,
          Subseqtrently,      the :rbr.,ve vaiue is found mentioned by several lndian arrd foreign wri-
te rs i n clr r ding B his k a ra II (1 1 5 0 ) w h o c o n s i d e re di t as grosszz.
                                (IV)    The Chinese Value, tI :             355/113.
      As alle;idy tnentioned, this was given by the Chinese Isu in the 1fifth century. In the
Dhat,ala(tfaor) commentary by elrlc Virasena (c.800) is found a Sanskrit stanza which
gives the rule23
                                        c:3D + (l6D + t 6 )1 1 r3                                                  (4 )
And this would have yielded the Chinesevalue of r if the illogical absolute constant number
l 6 we re not t her e in i t.
       The value is stated to occur in the Tantra-samuccala2{ Nlrziyarta (c. 1450). It is used
in the Tantra-saitgraha(1500) of Nilakarltha Somayrji (f,tq6€ eltatfe)tu.   It is also found in

his Golasdra, [II, l2 as a close approximation in the following wordsto
                                  les,ioqc'laqrs: cftT: cqls$fqKrgqqFr:             r
                  Vidvaika-samo-vydsah paridheh prdyo'rtha-bha-guna'bhegah   I
        '(When) the diameter equals ll3, the circumference has 355 parts nearly'.
        Some European writers of the sixteenth century also gave the valuez7.
                               (V)         The Egyptian         Value II :      (16/.19)r
        This value is implied in a rule fourrd in the Ahmes Papyrus (c. 1600 B.C.;za.
          In India, it is found in the Md.naaa-Sulba-sitrar2s in the Triloka sara of Nemican-
d r a ( lO t h c ent u ry )3 0 .
        We have already published a separatearticle on Aryabhata I's (born 476 A.D.) Value
o f P i ( 3. 1416)in th e p re s e n tSE R IE SS r.

                                               References and Notes

l.   D.E.     Smith, Historlt of MathematicsVolumeII, p, 312 ( Dover, New York, l95B).
2.   B.L. Van der Waerden, Science
                                 Awakening, pp. 32-312 and 75 (Wily Science Ed.,
     N. Y . 1963 ).
3.   Smith, op,cit.,p. 302 where the following passageis c1ur.,tt,d nr tht' Bible (l Kings
     vii, 23) :
       "And he made a molten sea, ten cubits fi<.'mone brim to the; it was round all
     about . . . an d a l i n e o f th i rty c u b i ts d i d compassi t round about" .
4.   Y. Mikami, The Deuelopment Mathemalics ChinaandJapan, p. B (Chelsea,N. Y., 196l).
                             of           in
       J. Needham, Science andCiailization in China VolumeIII t Mathematicsand etc., p.99
     (Cambridge lJniversty Press, 1959, places two works in the Han Period (202 B.C. to220
     A.D.) and gives other references.
5.    The Mahdbhdratawith Hindi translation, Part III, p.2572 (Geeta Press,Gorakhpur).
6.   S r i Ram Sh a rma ' s e d i ti o n u i th H i n d i transl ati on, P art I, p.357 (B arei l y, 1967).
        Almost sirnilarly worded stanzais ft,trr,d in the ffltrma-Purirla (sec Sharma's edition,
     P ar t [ , p. 4 5 6 ; Ba re i l y 1 9 7 0 ).
7.   B.B. Datta, The Science thc Sulba, 149 (Calcutta, 1932).
                           of         p.
8.   T he B S S ed i te d b y R S Sh a rma a n d o thcrs, V ol . III p. 857 (N ew D el hi , 1966).
9.   M ik m i, p. 7 0 ; Smi th p . 3 0 9 ;N e e d a m, p . 100.
lC. H.R. Kapadia (editor), Ga' ita-tilaka (Baroda, 1937), Introduction, p. XLV; and B.
    Datta, "'IheJaina School of Mathenralics", Bullelin Calcutta Math. Soc., Voh.m, XXI
    ( 1929) pp. I l 5 -l a 5

                                      edited by Khubachandraji, p.170 (Bombay, 1932).
ll. The Sabhasla-Tattuirlhi.dhigama-sitra
12. For a few controversies, see R.C.Gupta, "Circumference of the Jambudvipa in

    Jaina Cosmography". Paper presented at Seminar on Lord Mahavira and His Heri-
    ta g e , N ew Delhi, 197 3 .
       However, D. Pingree, Censusof the Exact Scicnccin Sanskrit,series A, Volume I, p.5B
     (Philadelphia, 1970) agrees with the authorship and date as given by us in the present
13. Few more references are given by us in the paper just cited.                              We also propose to
   p u b l i s h a s epar at epa p e r o n th e J a i n a V a l u e o f Pi .
14. J. D. Bond, "The Development of Trigonometric lethods etc.", .I,S/,S
                                                                        Volume.l (1921-
     -22), p. 314.
15. Ne e d h am , op. c it . s e es e ri a l N o .4 a b o v e ), p . 1 0 2
16 . Smi th, op. c it . , p. 307
17 " Smi th, p. 3O 7;and W a e rd e n , p . 3 3 .
i8. Ne e d h am , p. l0l
                                       India,Yol. I, p. 168 (Two parts in one, Delhi, 1964).
19. E.C. Sachau (translator), Alberuni's
20. Tlre Jisladhlutdhida(fucttflgtZ<), Grahaganita
                                                 I,56                        (S. Dvivedi's edition, Benares,1886,
      p .l 0 ).
21. Th e tr t ah. is iddhant ra tfv a r;d ), XV ,9 2
                           (a                                  (S . D v i vedi ' s edi ti on, B enares,1910,p. 172).

22. Smi th , pp. 307- 310a n d B o n d , p . 3 1 4 .
23. HiralalJain's edition of the ,q1ftft44Jz1ganra                (Uqra{et{S) with Dhauali commentary,
    Vo l u m e I V , pp. 42 a n d 2 2 1 (A rn a ra v a ti , 1 9 4 2 ).
24. D.M. Bose and others (editors), AConciseHistor2 of Science India, p. 147 (New Delhi
    l e Tl ).
25. The Tantra-samgraha,Il,fTrivandrum, 1958, p. lB).
26. The Golas-trar l9 (K.V. Sarma's edition), Hoshiarpur, 1970).
27. Smi th, p. 310 and N e e d l ra m, p . I0 l .
28. Smi th, p. 302
29. Datta. Scicnce Sulba,p. 149.
30. g a th i l8 ( M anohar L a l ' s e d i ti o n , Bo mb a y , l 9 l B , p. l 0).
31. Glimpses of Ancient Indian l[athematics No. 5, The Mathematics
                                                                          Volume                                  VII,
    No . I ( M ar c h l973 ),S e c ti o n B, p p . l 7 -2 0 .

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  • 1. fhe Mathematics Educatrou SECTION B V ol, IX , N o , l , M a r c h 1 9 7 5 GL IM PSE S OFA N C IE N T IN O I A N M A T HE illA T I CSNO . 3 1 Sorne Ancient Values of, Pi and Tlrelr uae In Indla P.O. Mesra, RANCHI (Bihar) Birla Institttteof Technology b2 R.G. Gupta* Dept. of Mathematics, ( Re ce ive d 2 2 January 1975) The study and investigation of the relation between the circunrlerence C and the diameter D of a circle has always been a part of arrcient and med jt'val mathematical a ctiv it y in all parts o f th e rv o rl d . T h e p l o b l e m of sqrral i ng the ci rcl e, that i s, fi ndi ng of a square whose area is the same as that of a giverr circle, t1,as one of the most famous geome- trical problems of r,ntiquitv. The corrstarrtratio CID is n(,w universally denoted by the Greek lerrer rs (Pi) bur the first writer to use the symbol definitely in this sensewas William .fo nes( 1706) r . Various ar.cient and medieval Indian works contain rules which are taken to imply certain values of n . Bclow we present some of those ancient approximations which were used outside Irrdia also. (1) The Sinplest Approximation, [I : 3. T his is an Ol d Ba b y l o n i a n (c . 1 7 0 0 B .C .) val uez. Iti sfound i n theB i bl e and the Talmuds. The same is used in ancient Chinese works such as tlte Chiu ChangSuanSiu (compl- eted in the first century A;D. ) and the ChouPei-in which the following is statedr 'At the winter solsticethe sun's orbit has a diameter 47600 (Chinese) miles, the circumferenceof the orbit being 142800miles'. Somewhat similar statements are found in Indian Epic and Puranic literature. !'or XII, 44 statess Bh',smaparua, irrstance,a published version of the Maha-Bhdrata lrIQIHTI<T), qd<aaal q€rtlfqt i stt4 gt?rffI I fsctgtqr d(i {rqq q{sii f{€dr qrr[ nyyrl Sitrvastvastau sahasripi dve clnye Kurunarrrdana/ Viskambhet"tt 1a1sldjan mall'Jalali trirlisati samam ll44ll ' 0 Kurunandala ! The diameter ol' the sun is eight-plus-two thousand (yojanas) whence (its) circular periphery,0 king, is equal to thirty (thousandTojanas). : Th is im plies n : 3 0 0 0 0 /1 0 0 0 0 3 *Mcmber, International Commissiort on l{istory ol Mathematics
  • 2. IEE Itr IIIEEM IT IOB E D U C ITION As another example, we quote the following stanza from the Eltg11q Vilu purdnas nsqlqrsrq(i FsTilrr't qR*'((qg I qf"qrQ'lsq F<rar<thgttsitrcrl c(eqeT || 'The diameter of the sun is nine thousandltojanas . Three times the diameter is the cilcumference of its peripheral circle,. T he B audht )a n a{ u l b a s i tra ,r,l l 2 -Il 3 [ c.500 B .c. ?] al so i mpl y the same approxi m- ationT. Even some of the later writers who knew better values, mentioneclthe above appro- ximation for crude and quick calculatiorrs. For example, Brahmagupta (628 A.D.) in his qlg€Safgar;d Brifuna-sphuta-siddhtnta (: BSS), XII,40 says8 6qr€a4rrltd5ft qflrfqqil E{Trstif(+ hgti r Vyr{sa-vyrsirrdha-kr.ti parid},i-phale vyivaharike trigu ne / 'The diameter and the square of the semi-diarneter (separately)multiplied by three givc the practical (or gross) circumference and area (of the circle) (respectively)., l'h:it is, C:3D (r) Area : 3(Dl2)t (2) (n) TheJaina Value, n - i; I n Chinat his v a l u e w a s g i v e n b y C h a rr g H eng (c.130A .D .) ancl by C hhi n C hi u-S hao (c.1 2 50) 0.I t has be e n c a l l e d th e J a i n a V a l u e because t i s fi equentl y usedi nJai l a vr.o1ks. i There are plenty of references but the controversies regarding clateand authorship of some of these works makes it almost impossibleto decide with certainty the earlicst r,se..,t'the value in India. The canonical work {Rqcq(fff, S|.ria-ltanr.-ralr' (Sa'skrit, qdwfia Shryaproj?t6p1;1 ig stated to have adoPted the rulelo c:"/Too' (3) for getting the circumference of the sun's innermost orbit as 315(lB9 l,rjana.rplus little more fro m or bit ' s m ent io n e d d i a rn e tt' r' o f 9 9 6 4 0y o j a n as, and for getti ng di rrrerrsi ons ' the suecessi - ol ve orbits, but the work is clated variously in the range from abour 5('(, B.C. to about'500 A.D. As a sample of an origin:rl text for the nrle (3) we quote the following frorn a c()rnm- entary on the (t4lSiftf q q qa T attuart hridhigama-sutr aLr lqorqcrti$gqlqr {d qrqftiq: r Viskambha-klter-da6agunayii rnularlr vrta-pariksepah . ' T he square-root of ten times tl.resqrrare of the diameter is the circrrmference of th e c ir c le. ' T he alaovervork and the commentary are both attributed to gqf(1lfld Umtisvali (fi1s1 co :tUr y A D. ) but t: rv i r.rl : rn .rrti r' (i :rc l i r di ug date) i s not free from some seri orrs
  • 3. R, C. GUP|IA 2. controversiesl There are several other direct and indirect reference to (3) or its equivalentrs. Among the early non-Jaina rvorks n'hich mention this value are the Sitrla-Siddhdnta,I,58 (K.S. shukla,s edition, p.l9; Lucknow, 1957); Panca--siddhantika, lY, l, of Varrhamira (sixth ce n ru r y A . n. ) ; B r ah ma g u p ta ' sB SS , X It,4 0 (s e condhal f) w here i t i s gi ven to be an accurate (s[&srna)value; etc. 'fhis value appearedr'in the eleventh centur)'Spain in a work of Az--Zarcpli ot Arzachel (under Indian influence). It is rurprising to note that even very late mathematicians continued to stick to the va l rre ( pos s iblybec a rrs eo f tra d i ti o n a n d th e e legant form of the val ue) r.vhenmuch more :rcculat{jvalues were u'cll-kn()'rr.For instance, the Sidd}tintatatlba-uiuefta (f€af;Adtrfle*O), II, l +7 ( B enar esedi ti o n , 1 9 2 4 , p .5 0 ) o f Ka ma l rrkara (1658) gi ves i t. In C hi na i t w as sti l l b e i n g us ed in t he m id d l e o f th e l Bth c e n tu ry rs . (III) The Archirnedean Value, II : 2217. Archimede-s (c.225 B.C.) had showrr that the ratio CID is lessthan 2217 and greater then 223171, but after his trme the value 2217became recognizedas a satisfactory approxim- a ti o n l 6 . I t n' as giv enrz b ),H e ro n o f A l e x a n d ri a (f i rst century A .D .) and by R abbi N ehemi ah (c. 1 50) . I t was gen e ra l l y u s e d i n C h i n a i n th e fi frh century A .D . but Tsu-C hhung - C hi h (4 3 0 -5 01) c ons ider e d i t i n a c c u ra te a n d g a v e th e famous C hi neseval ue (seebel ow )l 8. A l- B ir I ni ( ele v e n th c e n tu ry ) h a d c re d i t ed B rahrnagupta for know i ng the above va l tte r e. Lalla ( eigh th c e n tu rl ,) g i v e s th e d i a n re t er of the earth as 1050uni ts and i ts ci rcum- fercnce to be as 3300 units which imply the :rbove valuer0. fr,ryabhataII (950) has given i t e xp l ic it ll' as an ac c rrri rte a l u e i n th e fo l l o .,v i n grvords zr v aqrgrsstidqrd]ssa'fq q+q cf(fq: r rg Rr r €d: {qci ' T he diam et er (w h e n ) n i u l ti p l i e d b y 2 2 and di vi dcd by 7 becomes the accurate ci rcttm f er en e' , c Subseqtrently, the :rbr.,ve vaiue is found mentioned by several lndian arrd foreign wri- te rs i n clr r ding B his k a ra II (1 1 5 0 ) w h o c o n s i d e re di t as grosszz. (IV) The Chinese Value, tI : 355/113. As alle;idy tnentioned, this was given by the Chinese Isu in the 1fifth century. In the Dhat,ala(tfaor) commentary by elrlc Virasena (c.800) is found a Sanskrit stanza which gives the rule23 c:3D + (l6D + t 6 )1 1 r3 (4 ) And this would have yielded the Chinesevalue of r if the illogical absolute constant number l 6 we re not t her e in i t. The value is stated to occur in the Tantra-samuccala2{ Nlrziyarta (c. 1450). It is used of in the Tantra-saitgraha(1500) of Nilakarltha Somayrji (f,tq6€ eltatfe)tu. It is also found in
  • 4. !HE Itr IIIIIEM A!IOB ED gOAI!IOII his Golasdra, [II, l2 as a close approximation in the following wordsto les,ioqc'laqrs: cftT: cqls$fqKrgqqFr: r Vidvaika-samo-vydsah paridheh prdyo'rtha-bha-guna'bhegah I '(When) the diameter equals ll3, the circumference has 355 parts nearly'. Some European writers of the sixteenth century also gave the valuez7. (V) The Egyptian Value II : (16/.19)r This value is implied in a rule fourrd in the Ahmes Papyrus (c. 1600 B.C.;za. In India, it is found in the Md.naaa-Sulba-sitrar2s in the Triloka sara of Nemican- and d r a ( lO t h c ent u ry )3 0 . We have already published a separatearticle on Aryabhata I's (born 476 A.D.) Value o f P i ( 3. 1416)in th e p re s e n tSE R IE SS r. References and Notes l. D.E. Smith, Historlt of MathematicsVolumeII, p, 312 ( Dover, New York, l95B). 2. B.L. Van der Waerden, Science Awakening, pp. 32-312 and 75 (Wily Science Ed., N. Y . 1963 ). 3. Smith, op,cit.,p. 302 where the following passageis c1ur.,tt,d nr tht' Bible (l Kings fir vii, 23) : "And he made a molten sea, ten cubits fi<.'mone brim to the; it was round all about . . . an d a l i n e o f th i rty c u b i ts d i d compassi t round about" . 4. Y. Mikami, The Deuelopment Mathemalics ChinaandJapan, p. B (Chelsea,N. Y., 196l). of in J. Needham, Science andCiailization in China VolumeIII t Mathematicsand etc., p.99 (Cambridge lJniversty Press, 1959, places two works in the Han Period (202 B.C. to220 A.D.) and gives other references. 5. The Mahdbhdratawith Hindi translation, Part III, p.2572 (Geeta Press,Gorakhpur). 6. S r i Ram Sh a rma ' s e d i ti o n u i th H i n d i transl ati on, P art I, p.357 (B arei l y, 1967). Almost sirnilarly worded stanzais ft,trr,d in the ffltrma-Purirla (sec Sharma's edition, P ar t [ , p. 4 5 6 ; Ba re i l y 1 9 7 0 ). 7. B.B. Datta, The Science thc Sulba, 149 (Calcutta, 1932). of p. 8. T he B S S ed i te d b y R S Sh a rma a n d o thcrs, V ol . III p. 857 (N ew D el hi , 1966). 9. M ik m i, p. 7 0 ; Smi th p . 3 0 9 ;N e e d a m, p . 100. lC. H.R. Kapadia (editor), Ga' ita-tilaka (Baroda, 1937), Introduction, p. XLV; and B. Datta, "'IheJaina School of Mathenralics", Bullelin Calcutta Math. Soc., Voh.m, XXI ( 1929) pp. I l 5 -l a 5
  • 5. R. C. GUPTA edited by Khubachandraji, p.170 (Bombay, 1932). ll. The Sabhasla-Tattuirlhi.dhigama-sitra 12. For a few controversies, see R.C.Gupta, "Circumference of the Jambudvipa in Jaina Cosmography". Paper presented at Seminar on Lord Mahavira and His Heri- ta g e , N ew Delhi, 197 3 . However, D. Pingree, Censusof the Exact Scicnccin Sanskrit,series A, Volume I, p.5B (Philadelphia, 1970) agrees with the authorship and date as given by us in the present paper. 13. Few more references are given by us in the paper just cited. We also propose to p u b l i s h a s epar at epa p e r o n th e J a i n a V a l u e o f Pi . 14. J. D. Bond, "The Development of Trigonometric lethods etc.", .I,S/,S Volume.l (1921- -22), p. 314. 15. Ne e d h am , op. c it . s e es e ri a l N o .4 a b o v e ), p . 1 0 2 ( 16 . Smi th, op. c it . , p. 307 17 " Smi th, p. 3O 7;and W a e rd e n , p . 3 3 . i8. Ne e d h am , p. l0l India,Yol. I, p. 168 (Two parts in one, Delhi, 1964). 19. E.C. Sachau (translator), Alberuni's 20. Tlre Jisladhlutdhida(fucttflgtZ<), Grahaganita I,56 (S. Dvivedi's edition, Benares,1886, p .l 0 ). 21. Th e tr t ah. is iddhant ra tfv a r;d ), XV ,9 2 (a (S . D v i vedi ' s edi ti on, B enares,1910,p. 172). 22. Smi th , pp. 307- 310a n d B o n d , p . 3 1 4 . 23. HiralalJain's edition of the ,q1ftft44Jz1ganra (Uqra{et{S) with Dhauali commentary, Vo l u m e I V , pp. 42 a n d 2 2 1 (A rn a ra v a ti , 1 9 4 2 ). 24. D.M. Bose and others (editors), AConciseHistor2 of Science India, p. 147 (New Delhi in l e Tl ). 25. The Tantra-samgraha,Il,fTrivandrum, 1958, p. lB). 26. The Golas-trar l9 (K.V. Sarma's edition), Hoshiarpur, 1970). p. 27. Smi th, p. 310 and N e e d l ra m, p . I0 l . 28. Smi th, p. 302 29. Datta. Scicnce Sulba,p. 149. of 30. g a th i l8 ( M anohar L a l ' s e d i ti o n , Bo mb a y , l 9 l B , p. l 0). 31. Glimpses of Ancient Indian l[athematics No. 5, The Mathematics Education Volume VII, No . I ( M ar c h l973 ),S e c ti o n B, p p . l 7 -2 0 .