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Galaxies of Love 2
by Norbert Reinwand
The book is a sequel to "Love Galaxies: Part 1", in which the
Alien Zara has fallen in love with Lukas from Earth. The plot is
a mix of romance and space history.
The diary
Zara is in the space station hangar searching the Ancient's computer
spaceship for useful hints and information. She finds the log files
of the spaceship and makes some discoveries in it. The spaceship is
discovered 20,000 years ago on a research mission
who was also her father. He determined at that time the Temple's database.
So this was his ship and he was the only one who could fly it at the time.
Since he was immortal, he visited several times in the last 20000 years
Earth and found there also a city called Atlantis. He lovers
herself several times in Mortal Women of Earth and Out of These Amours
children were also born. Zara thus had brothers and sisters in the
Human history. Also, the database also contained the history
of the city of Atlantis and more stories of love. Or like her father
always said "galaxies of love"
Her father also wrote a diary with entries from the last 20,000 years
contained. Zara wanted to know more about her father's visits to Earth
and started reading.
Chapter 1 – 1969
The moon landing
I came to earth three months ago to walk this planet
explore. I disguised myself as a human and found an apartment in New
York rented. I tried to adapt and understand the culture
but it wasn't easy. I often felt lonely and alien.
That changed when I met her. Her name was Anna and she was a journalist for
a newspaper. She was beautiful, smart and vivacious. She had a smile that was
made the heart beat faster. She was also fascinated by outer space and
often wrote articles about space travel. She was the first person to tell me that
felt welcome.
We met by chance in a coffee shop when she and I ordered a coffee
standing next to her. We got talking and realized that we had a lot
had in common. She told me about her dream of one day seeing the moon
see. I told her about my interest in the earth and hers
secrets. We exchanged phone numbers and made an appointment
for the next day.
We spent a lot of time together and got to know each other better. We
went to the cinema, to the museum, to the park. We laughed, talked and held
hands. I felt something change inside me. I didn't feel
more like an alien but like a human. i felt happy
July 20, 1969 was a special day for both of us. It was the day of
moon landing. We sat together in front of the TV and watched Neil
Armstrong took the first step on the moon. We cheered and hugged
us. Anna cried with joy and told me that this was the most beautiful moment
of her life. I told her that it was the most beautiful moment of my life.
We went outside and looked at the moon. He shone brightly
night sky. Anna took my hand and led me to a quiet place
under a tree. She looked me in the eyes and told me that she loved me.
I told her I loved her too. We kissed under that
Starry sky.
I didn't know how long this moment would last. I didn't know if
I could ever tell her the truth about me. I didn't know what the
future would bring. But at that moment I was happy.
Chapter 2: 1989
The wall falls
I hadn't been on earth for a long time. In 1945 I was in
Germany as I witnessed the devastation of World War II. I
wanted to see how people had changed, whether they were more peaceful and
had become happier. I chose Berlin as my landing place because
I had made some friends there back then.
It was November 9, 1989. I was walking the streets of East Berlin
and felt a strange tension in the air. The people seemed restless
and to be expectant. I asked a passer-by what was going on. He
answered me that an important press conference would be held today, in
which should be about freedom of travel. He also told me that many people
longed for life without the wall that had divided the city since 1961.
I was curious and followed him to a large square where there was a huge
crowd had gathered. They held up banners and shouted
Slogans like "We are the people" or "The wall has to go". I felt hers
hope and courage. I admired her fight for freedom.
One young woman caught my eye among the demonstrators. She had blond hair
and blue eyes and wore a leather jacket and jeans. She was beautiful and
lively. She smiled at me and waved at me. I immediately felt for her
attracted. I pushed my way through the crowd and faced her
before. She told me her name was Anna and that she was a student. she told
me about her dream of one day traveling the world and other cultures
get to know. She asked me where I came from and what I was doing here.
I didn't lie to her. I told her I was an alien and that I was out of curiosity
had come to earth. I expected them not to believe me or
would be afraid of me. But she just laughed and told me that she was cool
found. She told me that she had always believed in extraterrestrials and
that she would like to know more about my world.
We understood each other right away. We talked for hours about all sorts of
We exchanged our thoughts and feelings. We laughed and cried
together. We held hands and kissed. i fell in love with her
As it got dark, we suddenly heard a loud cheer from the other
side of the wall. We saw people pouring across the border and each other
fell into their arms. We learned that the government had opened the wall
and that all could travel freely. We couldn't believe it. We ran to
wall and climbed over it. We hugged and celebrated
with the others the reunion.
I was happier than I have ever been in my life. I had my great love
found and witnessed a historic event. I decided to stay with her
stay and explore the world with her. I knew it wouldn't be easy
would, but I was no longer afraid. I had Anna by my side.
Chapter 3: 2000
The love on the internet
I dressed up as one of them and got an apartment in a big one
rented city. One day I bought a computer and the internet
discovered. I was fascinated by the wealth of information and
communication possibilities it offered.
I signed up for a chat room that deals with literature
employed. I love books and stories, they help me to be human
better understand culture. That's where I met her. She called herself
Luna and was a young woman from another country. she was friendly
funny and smart. We hit it off right away and started to get along
regularly exchanged online.
We told each other everything: our thoughts, feelings and dreams. she has me
tells about her life, about her work as a librarian, about her love for
cats and music. I told her about my travels, about my curiosity
to the world, from my longing for heaven. I don't have her
said I'm an alien. I was afraid of losing her or too
The more we wrote, the more I became attracted to her. I
felt a deep connection with her, a kind of magic I've never felt before
had experienced. i fell in love with her I wanted to see her, touch her, her
kiss. But I didn't know how to tell her. And I didn't know
if they would accept me if they found out the truth about me
One day she suggested that we meet. She told me she was going on a trip
to my city and that they would like to get to know me personally
would. She told me she loved me. I was over the moon and
scared at the same time. I did not know, what I should do. Should I mean her
reveal true identity? Should I confess my love to her? Or should I
avoid her and forget her?
I chose the latter. I stopped replying to hers
News. I deleted my account in the chat room. I packed mine
things and left the earth. I returned to my planet where I
was alone and sad.
I still regret my decision to this day. I miss her every day. I ask
me often what has become of her. Is she happy? Does she still love me?
I don't know if I will ever go back. But i know that
she will always be in my heart.
Chapter 4: 2001
The catastrophe
I wanted to explore and understand this world, but I wasn't into it
prepared what I saw. On September 11th I was in New York City and
watched the people working in the skyscrapers. Suddenly
I heard a loud bang and saw a huge ball of fire coming out of one of the
building come. I was shocked and confused. What happened? Who
had that done? Why?
I followed the crowd pushing into the street and saw a second
Plane crashed into the other building. I felt the fear and horror
of the people around me. I wanted to help them but I didn't know
How. I was a stranger in this world, an intruder. I had none
identity, not affiliation.
I saw the firefighters run into the burning buildings to
to save people. They were brave and selfless. They sacrificed their lives for
other. Among them was a woman who fascinated me. She had red hair
and green eyes. She wore a helmet and a heavy suit. she was
strong and beautiful. She was a hero.
I followed her with my eyes as she walked into the building. I prayed for her
even though I didn't believe in any god. I wanted to see her again even though I
saw her
didn't know. I fell in love with her even though I had no heart.
I waited in front of the building for hours until it collapsed. I hoped they did
had made it. I searched for her under the rubble. I found her
finally under a piece of metal. She was injured and bleeding. she breathed
I picked her up carefully and carried her to an ambulance. I put them
on a stretcher and covered her with a blanket. I caressed her face and
whispered to her, "You're wonderful."
She opened her eyes and looked at me. She smiled weakly and said:
"Thanks." Then she closed her eyes again.
I cried for her even though I had no tears.
A few moments later she died. I couldn't save her.
Chapter 5: 2010
The music
I've always been interested in people and their culture, above all
for their music. I heard them with different instruments and
Voices create sounds that express and convey emotions. I
wanted to know more about it and wormed my way into the music scene.
One day I came across a concert that immediately fascinated me. It
was a band that played rock music. The songs were full of energy and
Passion. But what impressed me the most was the singer. She
had a beautiful voice that touched and enchanted me. she sang
with so much feeling and expression that I couldn't resist her. I
fell in love with her.
I decided to follow her and get to know her. I posed as a fan
out and managed to strike up a conversation with her. She was very friendly
and open. She told me about her band, her music and her dreams. She
Her name was Lena and she wanted to travel the world and people with her
make happy. I loved her.
I accompanied them at their concerts and got to know the power of music.
I felt how it connected people and gave them joy. I saw,
how she shone on stage and carried the audience away. I felt for her
attracted and wanted to be close to her. I confessed my love to her.
She was surprised and touched. She told me she liked me too, but
that she didn't know if we could be together. She told me that she was a
had a secret that she wanted to confide in me. She told me she didn't
was human, but an alien woman who came to earth in 2010
was. She wants to hide here from Lucifer and the secret society of her
I know Lucifer only too well and I gave her the address of one of my hiding
given on earth. We made an appointment there for the next day.
Only she never got there and has since disappeared.
Chapter 6: 2011
The revolution
I'm not of this world. I'm an alien looking for one
new home is. I had to leave my planet because of
ruled by a cruel dictatorship. I've been through this for many years
all travelled.
I ended up in Egypt again. I've been here many times when you die
Have built pyramids and met Cleopatra, Nefertiti and other people
know here. I disguised myself as a human and tried to
to adjust. But I quickly realized that not everything was peaceful here either
is. The people were dissatisfied with their ruler, a man named
Mubarak. They wanted freedom and democracy. They took to the streets and
I was fascinated by their courage and their passion. I wanted more about
they experience. I went to Tahrir Square, where the protesters are
gathered. There I met her: Amina.
She was an activist fighting for human rights and justice. She
was beautiful and smart with a bright smile. She got me in right away
cast its spell. She told me about her movement and me
invited to fight with her. I agreed without hesitation.
We spent many days and nights together in the square in which
streets, in their tent. We told stories, sang songs,
plans made. We kissed, hugged, loved. We have the
Shared hope that something would change.
But we also felt the pain that the fight brought. We
have seen our friends get hurt or killed. We have
Inhaled tear gas, endured beatings, scared. we cried
screamed, cursed.
I wanted to protect her, but I couldn't always. I wanted her the
Telling the truth, but I was afraid of her reaction. I wanted with her
escape, but I couldn't abandon them.
We fought together until the end. Until the day when
Mubarak resigned and the people cheered. Until the day she is struck by a
was hit and died in my arms.
I lost her, my love, my life. I have nothing more on this
World. I'm alone again.
Chapter 7: 2015
The nature
I came from a distant planet that was gray and lifeless. I searched for
a place where I could feel at home. I landed in a forest
which was full of green trees and colorful flowers. I was fascinated by that
beauty of nature and wanted to learn more about it.
I met a biologist who was committed to protecting the environment. Her name
was Anna
and was very kind to me. She explained to me that the earth is a planet with
many different life forms, all interconnected.
She showed me the diversity of life in different ecosystems: the
ocean, the desert, the mountains, the rainforest. She also taught me the names
and characteristics of many animals and plants.
I fell in love with Anna and she with me. We spent a lot of time
together and explored nature. She made me happy
Chapter 8: 2018
I was curious about this planet and its inhabitants, but I hadn't
expected that I would fall in love with one of them. Her name is Lena and
is a painter. She enchanted me with her pictures that express so much
and have emotions. She tells me stories about her childhood, hers
dreams and their fears. She invites me into her world, which is so different from
I've never painted but she teaches me how to mix colors
Brush guides and creates forms. She tells me that I have my own creativity
should discover and that there is no right or wrong in art. I am
fascinated by this freedom and this pleasure. I paint landscapes
from my home planet, portraits of Lena and abstract patterns that
express my feelings. Lena praises my talent and tells me that
she loves me
I'm happy with her, but I also know that I can't stay here.
My mission will soon be over and I must return. I do not know how
I should tell her I don't know if she would believe me. I don't know,
if she would come with me I do not know what to do.
Chapter 9: 2020
The Pandemic
I wanted to explore and understand this world, but I didn't expect
that I would fall in love with one of its residents. Her name is Anna and
is a doctor who works in a hospital and takes care of the infected
takes care. The Earth has been hit by a pandemic that is affecting many
makes people sick and lonely. I admire Anna for her courage and
their dedication to helping others. I pretended to be her colleague and
supports her in her work. I didn't tell her I was from one
other planets because I'm afraid of losing them. But I feel
that she feels something special for me. We often laughed together
and cried, comforted and encouraged us. I want to confess my love to her
but I don't know how she will react. Will she accept me or
reject? Will she trust me or betray? I'm facing a difficult one
Decision: Should I tell her the truth or stay silent forever?
Chapter 10
Zara has been reading her father's diary for hours now. Only she still has
no clue where he is. She hasn't found any clue either
who her mother is and why he abducted her from earth and after
Centauri brought. All she found out was that he was on a mission and that
this somehow has to do with Lucifer. Why did her father make her princess
called ?
She was actually sent to Earth by the Centaurie to have a
Reconnaissance mission to do over the planet. You should people
get to know and find out how the secret society pulls its strings there.
Where the military facilities are used for attacks on Centaurie
Your mission has brought you to the realization that the secret society in the
public on earth is not known. People know the bad guys
Lucifer only as a being from stories under different names. In the
In different cultures he is called the devil, satan, etc.
Nobody on earth knows that he built the weapon 20,000 years ago
destroyed her father's home planet with all life on it.
We still know on earth of life outside of the earth.
But why is it like that ?
Why hasn't Lucifer taken over the earth yet?
He has warships and soldiers capable of completely covering Earth
Conquer ?
The war has now lasted 20,000 years.
Why aren't there any secret society spaceships on Earth?
Why do they only use Earth technology?
What is the secret society hiding from on Earth?
On other planets it is not hidden. But visible to everyone.
Is there something on earth that offers slogans to the secret society?
What happened to her father?
He had met many women over the past 20,000 years.
Since he is immortal, he had to bury thousands of people
have died. Including women he loved.
These are aged or have been killed.
He does not age and can only die if his cells are completely destroyed
become. For example by burning.
Lucifer has been hunting the immortals for 20,000 years.
How many more of them will there be?
Has Lucifer possibly already killed her father?
Who were the friends in World War II that were discussed?
According to a log file, what happened to Atlantis that your father founded?
Lots of questions, so Zara now decides to go to bed and tomorrow
continue to read in the diary.
Chapter 11 1943
Anita and Leo are created by a mysterious organization called Chronos
recruited who offers them a mission: They should travel to Germany
and take out a Nazi scientist working on a dangerous weapon
is working. They agree and are given a plane that allows them to fly
to fly to Germany.
Anita looked at Leo and felt her heart beat faster. They could
hardly believe that they had been chosen to take part in this secret
participate in surgery. Chronos was an organization dedicated to combat
prescribed against evil in all worlds. They had Anita and Leo
contacted because they both possessed special abilities.
They were now standing in front of a small plane, an old propeller plane. The
Pilot was a man in a leather jacket and aviator goggles. He smiled at her
friendly and said, "Welcome aboard, agents. My name is Max.
I will take you to Germany. There you will be met by another
Receive a Chronos member who will give you more details about your mission
becomes. Are you ready?"
Anita and Leo nodded and boarded the plane. They sat down
side by side in the rear seats and buckled up. Max started the
engine and taxied towards the runway. Anita felt Leo take her hand
and squeezed. She looked him in the eye and said, "I love you Leo. No matter
happens, we can do this together."
Leo kissed her softly on the lips and said, "I love you too, Anita. You
you are my star in the dark. We will fulfill this mission."
Chapter 12
Anita and Leo looked around nervously as they got off the plane. She
had just made a trip to visit a famous scientist
find who was working on a secret formula that would change the fate of the war
could change. They had pretended to be a married couple and had an apartment
rented near the scientist. They hoped that he would help them
would steal the formula and take it to safety.
They carried suitcases with clothing and documents that they had received from
resistance fighters had received. You had to be careful because they
knew the Gestapo were looking for them. You've had several agents
turned off who had followed them. They did not know how they discovered
had been made, but they suspected that someone had betrayed them.
They went to her apartment and closed the door behind them. they breathed
relieved up. You were safe for now. They decided themselves
to rest and make a plan. You had to be the scientist
contact and gain his trust. They didn't know how to react
would if they told him the truth. Maybe he would believe them
maybe he would think they were crazy, or worse, spies
They looked at each other and smiled. They were a good team. they loved each
and trusted each other. They had had many adventures together since they
met in the British military. You were ready for this
Chapter 13
Anita and Leo learn that the scientist is working on a rocket that
to be equipped with an atomic explosive charge. You decide to take him
kidnap him and take him to a secret meeting place where Chronos will find him
wants to pick up.
So they set out to meet Dr. to find a wreath. they had
found out he was on a remote base called Luna 5
stopped where he was working on his rocket. They had themselves as
disguised and invaded the base. you had dr wreath in his
Labor surprised and incapacitated him with a tranquilizer gun.
Then they had loaded it into a truck and started.
They didn't know where to take him. Chronos only had them
told that he would give them a secret meeting place once they got in
security were. They hoped that she would keep her word and that she would
could return to England.
Your action was covered and so there was only one possibility.
Full throttle and through the gate.
The bullets from pistols and rifle fire riddled the truck.
But the 3 suffered no injuries.
So lead them as quickly as possible along the country road until they come to a
river came. There they sank the truck in the river and covered theirs
tracks and laid a false trail. To make it look like the truck
drove further south. The 3 run a few kilometers further and
Hid out in an old village house by the river that was uninhabited.
Chapter 14
They lay side by side on the bed and looked into each other's eyes. anita
felt her heart beat faster as Leo took her hand and she gently
kissed She had never felt anything like this for anyone. He was her partner
her friend, her lover. He was the only one who understood her and who helped
overcome the horrors of her past.
"Leo," she whispered. "I love you. I love you more than anything on
this world."
"I love you too, Anita," he replied. "You are my light, my life,
my hope. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."
She snuggled up to him and felt his warmth and his breath on hers
Skin. She thought of all the adventures they had had together. As
met on the Afrika Corp operation, how they were used by the Nazis
had been captured, how they had escaped from their captivity and
how they finally ended up on this mission. They had so much
went through, but they had made it. They had found each other.
"What will become of us?" she asked softly.
"We will stay together," he promised. "We will fulfill our mission
fulfill and then we will find a place where we can be happy.
A place where we are free."
She smiled and kissed him again. She believed him. She believed in her love.
She believed in her future.
The next day they try to get to a secret safe house
to use the radio there.
The whole Wehrmacht there seems to be looking for them and stuff
they decide to go into the village only under the cover of night. So they do not
to be covered.
Soldiers continued to search for the truck the following night.
But under the cover of night they reached the safe house with the hidden man
radio. They tuned in to the frequency and transmitted a code word
“We have the potatoes ready now” Please pick them up from Ernst in the
What was the secret code for a successful mission.
Then an answer came:
At the moment we don't have a truck to get the potatoes.
Please take your Tracktor to our warehouse in Berlin
Castle Street 21.
It was clear to them that it wasn't a good idea to go back to Berlin.
But they probably had no other choice.
And so they made their way back to Berlin.
Chapter 15
Anita and Leo had sneaked through the dark streets of Berlin,
to take the scientist to the rendezvous point where they are told by Chronos
were expected. They had hoped that Chronos would help them
Getting scientist to safety and completing his rocket that
herald a new era in space travel. But when they left the
When they arrived at the warehouse, they were met by armed men in black
receive uniforms. They recognized the symbol on their armbands: on
Swastika in the middle. Chronos wasn't the secret resistance group,
they claimed to be, but a fascist organization that
wanted to change the world. They wanted to force the scientist to
complete rocket for them and use it to destroy the allies. They're planning
a nuclear attack on the major cities of the Allies around the
help the secret society to victory. The Nazis are for them too
henchman. You serve a guy who calls himself Lucifer.
Anita and Leo had fallen into a trap. You had to find a way to
escape and rescue the scientist before it was too late.
Chapter 16
Anita and Leo were locked in a cell. They had no idea where
they were or how long they had been there. They only knew that they were
Chronos had been captured and tortured. Chronos was a
powerful soldier who had a secret mission. He wanted the story of
Altering Earth by manipulating various historical events. So
he had given the Nazis information about advanced technologies
should change the course of history. Blueprints for airplanes themselves
could reach space. But he needed a scientist who
could give him access to an atomic bomb. And this one
Scientist was none other than Rainer.
Anita and Leo had gotten to know Rainer better over the past few days. She
learned from him that he was working on a secret project called The Great
Fire" worked, which is an atomic fire roller within a radius of 200 km
all life destroyed and he does not find this right. He wanted his job
Destroy but the Nazis force him to continue this. He told
them also from his wife Maria and their polyamorous community in
Berlin. Anita and Leo were fascinated by this unusual way of life
and decided to accompany Rainer to learn more about it. But they
Little did they know they were falling into a trap.
Chronos had planted a traitor in their ranks who would overthrow him
informed Rainer's whereabouts. He sent his soldiers to find him
kidnap and bring to his base. Anita and Leo were there too
caught and taken hostage. Chronos wanted her as leverage
use to force Rainer to cooperate. He threatened them too
excruciating pain when he didn't get what he wanted.
Anita and Leo tried desperately to free themselves and the scientist
to rescue. They also hoped for help from the resistance, which followed them
Anita and Leo faced an impossible task: they didn't just have to
save themselves and Rainer, but also preserve those of the earth in one
nuclear war to be destroyed. They had to stop Chronos before he could
put plans into action. They had to defend themselves against his soldiers who
had superior weapons and technology. And they had to make up their own
Become aware of feelings they had developed for each other.
Chapter 17
During the night you heard someone sneaking into your cell and Anita and Leo
freed from her bonds.
They couldn't see his face. But they knew that they were free and
had to flee.
They walked out of the open cell and found all the prison guards dead
lying on the floor.
They looked for Rainer's cell and freed him too.
They were heading towards the back exit when suddenly the alarm went off.
Anita and Leo ran through the dark corridors of Chronos Base while
behind them the alarm sirens wailed. They had made it
Free scientists who tell them the truth about the project
Fireball had told. He was the only one who knew how to use the bomb
could stop, which Chronos used to gain world domination. She
had to get him to safety and get to their plane that they
hidden somewhere in the forest.
They reached a door that led to a hangar. There they saw several
Chronos planes and helicopters. They were looking for a way to
pass them unnoticed. Suddenly they heard shots and saw
how some soldiers of Chronos fell to the ground. A group of
armed men and women came out from the shadows and waved
them to.
"Come quickly, we're here to help you!" one of them shouted.
Anita and Leo recognized them as members of the resistance, a secret one
Organization that fought against the Nazis. They followed them gratefully and
boarded one of the helicopters. The scientist sat down next to her
and breathed a sigh of relief.
"Thank you for saving me. I'm Dr. Rainer Klein. I can tell you
Explain everything Chronos plans to do with the Nazis," he said.
"We have no time to waste. We must return to our base
and make a plan to stop Chronos." Leo said.
"We know where your base is. We've been watching you for a long time and
admired. You are the best agents in British Intelligence.", said
the leader of the resistance.
"We're glad we're not alone. We have to work together to
Defeating Chronos." Anita said.
The helicopter took off and flew towards their base. Anita and Leo
felt a new hope in their hearts. They did not know what the future
would bring, but they knew that they loved each other and that they were ready
to fight for her love.
Chapter 18
They reached the hangar where their plane was parked. You saw how
several Chronos agents tried to start it. Anita and Leo opened
the fire and put them out. They ran to their plane and boarded
a. The scientist was already on board and waiting for them. He thanked
join them for their salvation.
"No problem," said Anita. "We're glad you're safe."
"We have to get out of here quickly," said Leo. "Chronos will soon realize that
we are here."
He started the plane and flew out of the hangar. He saw that on the radar
several Chronos hunters followed them.
"Damn," he cursed. "They discovered us."
"Don't worry," said Anita. "We still have a trump card up our sleeve."
She grabbed a button and pushed it. An explosion shook them
Chronos base. The leader of the resistance had planted a bomb that
destroyed the entire facility.
The irritated the interceptors that started so much that they went back
Flew to repel an attack on their base.
"That's it," said Anita. "We stopped Chronos."
"For now," Leo said. "But we must remain vigilant. You will not
give up."
"Nor will we," said Anita. "We have something they don't
"What is it?" asked the scientist.
Anita smiled and kissed Leo.
"Love," she said.
Chapter 19
Anna and Leo had made it. They had the nuclear weapons and missiles
destroyed by the evil secret society with the help of the Nazi government on
wanted to fire home. They had formed with the resistance fighters
allies who had helped them destroy the secret base. She
had fallen in love. And now it was time to say goodbye.
"Thanks for everything," Anna said to the leader of the resistance fighters, one
Man who was out of this world. "We wouldn't have it without you
"No, thank you," replied the leader of the resistance. "You have us
showed that there is still hope. That love is stronger than hate. That we
are not alone in the struggle against tyranny."
He hugged them both and put a small crystal in their hands.
"There is a secret in this crystal. Take it to safety. Maybe you can
he will help you in the future to prevent further attacks."
Anna and Leo nodded and put the crystal in their pocket. They went to
their plane, which they had borrowed from the resistance fighters. She
got in and closed the door.
"We will never forget you," said Leo and started the engine.
"Neither do we," Zork said, waving goodbye.
Anna and Leo smiled at each other and kissed. They were happy. She
had a future together. They took off.
Little did they know that something had gone wrong. Because the plans of
Nuclear weapons had been stolen. A traitor among the Nazis had them
sold. And now they were in great danger...
Because the knowledge of nuclear weapons ended up in the hands of
governments on the
the whole world. In 1945 the first atomic weapons were found on Hiroshima
Nagasaki dropped and people had more in a short time
Nuclear weapons than it would take to destroy the entire planet.
But what was that crystal?
For a few years, the two had no idea what the function of the crystal was.
Not until one day it started to glow
The crystal was a nuclear weapons detector.
The closer you got to a nuclear weapon, the brighter it glows.
After the end of the Second World War, Anita and Leo switch to the Midem
British Secret Service and are responsible for the protection of all British
colonies from nuclear weapons and other threats from Earth and beyond
the outer space.
Chapter 20
Zara leans back in her chair in the spaceship. So her father was
Leader of a resistance group in World War II and has the
Helped people not to come under the rulership of Lucifer straight and
able to defend themselves and not destroy themselves.
That explains a lot.
Since there are also references to other Atom
events on earth.
There is even a map showing today's location
of all nuclear power plants. Nuclear weapons and even the exact location of
Secret nuclear submarine and other weapons of mass destruction.
The spacecraft also appears to have access to Earth's entire internet
have. Although we may be millions of kilometers from Earth
read the New York Times website for today's news
or watch the latest videos on Youtube. Even if they were just a few years ago
seconds were published. Thus, the ship must have a data system
feature that can send data in the galaxy several times faster than
the light. Faster than any fiber optic system on earth or
Centaury used.
The spaceship is 20,000 years older than the ship that brought them to earth
was embroidered. But still far ahead of what they are in terms of technology
sunn saw on her travels.
What happened to the ancients?
She has never seen a living Ancient just have them on all worlds
who visited them left artifacts.
Only people with Ancient Gene can use these if they have a 25
Have percent Ancient DNA.
So you and your father are probably descendants of the Ancients.
Anita that my father met in Germany in 1943 was probably one of his
descendants on earth. Otherwise she would not have used the crystal
But why did he call me princess in the temple and why did he have me
led to his spaceship ?
I'll go to sleep first and maybe I'll find the
Atlantis history a clue.
I'll read the database tomorrow.
9600 BC
Zara had already heard some legends about Atlantis. A progressive one
City destroyed by a flood. The ancient Greeks mention these
city in their records. Also the Egyptians and all the peoples of the
Mediterranean area lived.
Even the Old Testament speaks of the flood and Noah's ark
a ship.
9600 BC there was no Mediterranean Sea.
It was a great deep valley. So there were rivers in this region
like the Nile. There were no seaworthy ships. Because there was no sea.
Not until the European and African plates between the present ones
Spain and Morocco is broken the valley was flooded and the current
Mediterranean Sea was born.
All life in this valley, which was 2.5 million square kilometers in size, became
Flooded within a day. This was such a big natural disaster
which even today still covers underwater cities in the Mediterranean Sea.
Was it really a natural disaster or did someone rupture the landmass
made between Europe and Africa in an unnatural way ?
Chapter 21
Lena and Prince Andros sat next to each other in the spaceship that they from
Antika should bring to earth. They got away from their parents and friends
bid farewell who wished them good luck in their mission. Her
Mission was to find Atlantis, the mysterious realm owned by a
Ancients unknown to them had been founded. Atlantis was the key
to an ancient mystery that could determine the future of the Ancients.
The Ancients were the most advanced civilization in the galaxy, but they
were on the brink of extinction. For millennia, all males have been Ancients
barren and unable to produce offspring. The Ancients were though
immortal, but they became fewer and fewer because they were being hunted by
their enemies
became. The worst of them was Lucifer, an evil Ancient who was killed by a
failed experiment had turned into a monster. He had many of his
Killed fellows and sworn to destroy all others as well.
Lena and Prince Andros were siblings and True Ancients. It meant,
that they had special abilities that set them apart from others
differentiated from antiques. They hoped that these skills would help them
would discover Atlantis and defeat Lucifer.
They were accompanied by a friend of Andros's, the pilot Zane. Zane
was not an Ancient, but a human. He was an adventurer and
Space traveler who had visited many planets. He had Andros on
met one of his excursions and became friends with him. He had
agreed to fly them to Earth and follow them in their quest
to help Atlantis.
Lena liked Zane very much. He was funny and charming and told her many
exciting stories from his travels. She felt how he sometimes
secretly and smiled. She was attracted to him, but she knew
not sure if she could trust him. She also didn't know how Andros would react
would if he found out about her feelings. Andros was very
protective of his sister and distrusted people.
The spaceship approached Earth. Lena looked out the window and saw
light up the blue planet in front of you. She felt a mixture of curiosity
and fear. What would she expect there? Would they find Atlantis? Would
they meet Lucifer? Would they be able to complete their mission? And what
would become of her and Zane?
Chapter 22:
They had been on the road for a long time when they finally reached the end of
their journey.
They land in a hidden port near Atlantis and become
received by a group of guards. You learn that Atlantis from
ruled by a strict queen who has no contact with other worlds
permitted. You have to pose as a merchant to get into town.
You are curious about the legendary realm. You've heard that Atlantis is a
Paradise is full of flowers, fruits and forests, crossed by rivers and
ponds. You have also heard that temples and royal houses are made of silver
and gold shine and the harbors are full of merchants. You want more about
learn the history and culture of this mysterious civilization.
But they also know they have to be careful. Atlantis is one
powerful civilization that has already conquered many countries. the queen is
suspicious of strangers and does not tolerate interference in theirs
Affairs. If discovered, they face death or death
Slavery. They must hide their true identities and surrender to customs and
Adjust customs of Atlantis.
They hope to find an opportunity to learn more about Atlantis soon
experience. They also hope to return home soon
can. Because they sense that something ominous is in the air. you feel
that Atlantis is about to sink.
Chapter 23:
They had been on the road for a long time when they finally reached the city. It
a magnificent metropolis built on an artificial island in the sea
had been. The buildings shone in all colors of the rainbow and
seemed to come from a dream. You couldn't believe she was
were here, in the legendary city of Atlantis.
They decided to explore the city and learn more about its culture and
to learn history. They were fascinated by the many miracles that they
saw. There was a huge crystal enthroned in the center of the city and when
energy source served. He radiated a soft light that shone through the entire city
fulfilled. They learned that the crystal was a gift from the god Poseidon,
to whom the city was dedicated.
They also visited a temple dedicated to the god. he was out
built of white marble and had a large dome depicting the sea. In
in the center stood a statue of the god holding a trident. She
sensed and felt an awe-inspiring atmosphere in the temple
God attracted.
They also met some townspeople who treated them differently
met. Some were friendly and curious and loved to tell them
of her city and her life. Others were suspicious and dismissive
and wanted nothing to do with them. They learned that the city already
had often been threatened by invaders and that many Atlanteans were ahead
feared strangers.
They spent a few days in the city and enjoyed their time there. they learned
much about Atlantis and its mysteries. They also felt more and more
attracted to each other and felt a deep connection between them. She
didn't know if it was the crystal or the god or something
other things, but they knew they were in love with each other.
Chapter 24:
Lena could hardly believe it. She was in Atlantis, the legendary city that she
only knew from stories.
How did she get here? And why did she feel so strange?
She remembered the moment she touched the crystal. he was in
been hidden in an old cave that she is exploring with her friend Tom
had. He had shimmered so beautifully that she could not resist. Barely
once she took it in her hand, she felt dizzy and a
lancinating pain in the forehead. Then everything went black.
When she came to, she was lying on a soft mattress in a round
Space. The walls were made of a bluish metal that glowed. At the
A huge crystal hung from the ceiling, sparkling in all the colors of the rainbow.
Next to her was a man with long blond hair and blue eyes. He
wore a white tunic and a gold belt. He smiled kindly at her
and said something in a language she had never heard before.
But to her surprise, she understood every word.
"Welcome to Atlantis, Lena," he said. "I am Arion, the keeper of the
crystals. You are the chosen one that the prophecy speaks of. You are
came to help us."
Lena stared at him in disbelief. What prophecy? What help?
She just wanted to go home to Tom and her normal life.
But something inside her knew that wasn't possible anymore.
She felt a deep connection to Atlantis and to the crystal. she felt
also an attraction to Arion that confused her. She didn't know what it was all
But she knew she wasn't here by accident.
She was here for a reason.
Chapter 25:
You were nervous when you received the invitation from the Queen of Atlantis.
had heard so much about this mysterious world, but never had
the chance to see them with your own eyes. They were also curious if
here you could learn about the prophecy that said you
were the chosen ones to save the galaxies from evil. they had
no idea how to go about it, but you hoped you would
someone could help.
You put on your best robes and followed the Queen's messenger to hers
Palace. He was a young man with blue hair and scaly skin. He
smiled at you kindly and told you about the wonders of Atlantis.
They marveled at the colorful corals, the bright fish and the huge ones
Shells that served as doors. They arrived at a large gate that
decorated with pearls and precious stones. The messenger knocked three times
and the gate
it opened.
They entered a magnificent hall decorated with candles and flowers
was. In the middle was a long table at which many guests were seated. She
recognized some of them as the rulers of the other planets they are on
met during your trip. They greeted you warmly and invited you
to join them. At the end of the table sat the Queen of Atlantis.
She was a beautiful woman with long blond curls and silver hair
Crown. She smiled at you and waved at you.
"Welcome to Atlantis, my dear guest," she said in a soft voice.
"I am very pleased to finally meet you. I have a lot from you
"Thank you for your invitation, Majesty," you said politely. "I am very
honored to be here."
"Please just call me Lila," she said. "We're among friends here.
I hope you enjoy the festival. We have many delicacies for you
They sat down next to her and began to eat. The food was delicious as well
the conversations were pleasant. The Queen asked you many questions about
Your background, your adventures and your feelings. They answered her
honestly and
didn't notice how she was getting closer and closer to you. She touched your
hand and saw
deep in your eyes.
"You really are something special," she whispered. "I feel a strong
connection between us. Maybe we're made for each other."
They felt flattered, but also a little uncomfortable. They did not know,
how to react. They had never loved or loved anyone before
been. They had always been alone.
"That's very kind of you," you said cautiously. "But I'm here
didn't come for love. I'm here for the prophecy."
"The Prophecy?" she repeated with a mocking laugh. "Oh yes,
The Prophecy. The prophecy is nothing but a lie."
They were shocked by her words.
"How can you say that?" you asked indignantly. "The prophecy is ours
only hope against evil."
"The evil?" she said scornfully. "Evil is just an excuse for them
Weak and cowardly who dare not pursue their own goals.
The prophecy is only a snare for the foolish and naive who turn away from
be fooled by false promises."
She stood up and clapped her hands.
Take them to their rooms
The guards took them to their rooms separately.
Lena knew that didn't mean anything good.
When she was in her room she tried to escape.
Chapter 26:
Lena felt her heart race as she walked behind the guards
heard. She ran as fast as she could, but she knew she didn't stand a chance
had. She had separated from her group when she tried to get out of the palace
to flee. They had sneaked in to get the Queen's secrets
reveal. But they had been spotted and now they were being hunted.
Lena turned a corner and saw a door in front of her. She ripped them open and
in. She closed the door behind her and leaned against it. she breathed
heavy and hoped the guards wouldn't find her. She looked around
and realized she was in a lab. Strange devices were everywhere
Flasks with luminous liquids. In the middle of the room was a
large screen showing a map of the galaxy.
Lena slowly walked up to the screen and gently touched it. He
reacted immediately and showed her a message.
"Welcome to the secret laboratory of Orion. If you see this message,
does that mean you're in danger. I'm a rebel against the queen
fights I can help you, but you have to trust me. follow the
On-screen instructions and you will find an exit. hurry
you, because time is short."
Lena couldn't believe her eyes. Who was this Orion? And why did he want her
help? She didn't have time to think about it. She heard the guards
banged on the door. She had to get out of here. She followed the directions
the screen and found a hidden switch on the wall. she squeezed
him and a hatch opened under their feet. She jumped in and fell in
a slide.
She slipped through a dark tunnel and ended up in a cave.
She got up and looked around. she was alone Or not? Suddenly heard
she a voice behind her.
"Hey, you're Lena, right? I'm Orion. I'm glad you made it."
Lena turned and saw a man standing in front of her. He was tall and
slim, had black hair and green eyes. He was wearing a leather jacket and
a pair of black pants. He smiled at her and held out his hand.
"I'm here to save you."
Chapter 27:
Lena sat next to Orion in his spaceship and looked out of it in fascination
Window. She could hardly believe that she had flown off Earth and
was now in another galaxy. She had so many questions for Orion that her
had promised to explain everything to her.
"Orion, who are you actually? And what is your group?" she asked
Orion smiled at her and took her hand. "I'm a resistance fighter,
lena My group calls itself the rebels. We fight the queen
of Atlantis that rules this galaxy."
"She is a tyrant, Lena. She oppresses the people with her army and
misuses the crystal for their dark purposes."
"The crystal? What is that?"
"The crystal is a powerful source of energy at the center of our planet
lies. He is the source of all life in this galaxy. The queen has it on
cunning and uses it to increase her power. She wants everyone else
Conquer and conquer planets."
"That sounds terrible. But what can you do about it?"
"I'm not alone, Lena. There are many other rebels like me who support her
oppose. We have a secret base on a moon where we are
hide and make plans. We also have allies on others
Planets that support us."
"And what is your plan?"
Orion looked at her seriously and squeezed her hand tighter. "We want the
fall and free the crystal. We want peace and freedom for all
beings in this galaxy."
"That sounds bold. But how do you plan to do it? The Queen seems very
to be powerful."
"She is too. But we have one advantage: you."
Lena looked at him confused. "Me? What have I got to do with it?"
Orion gently stroked her face and looked deep into her eyes. "You are
the chosen one, Lena. You're the one who can control the crystal."
Lena felt a shiver run down her spine. She remembered that
Dream she had before Orion found her. She had one
glowing crystal in her hand and heard a voice that spoke to her
had said, "You are the chosen one."
"What do you mean? How do you know?" she asked breathlessly.
Orion smiled mysteriously. "You'll find out soon, Lena. We're almost there
He pointed to the window, where Lena saw a large moon approaching them
"This is our base," Orion said. "There you will understand everything."
He kissed her tenderly on the forehead and whispered: "Trust me, Lena. I'm
to protect you."
Lena felt a warm feeling in her heart. She didn't know what she was talking
all of this, but she felt a strong connection to Orion.
She snuggled up to him and looked into his eyes.
She was ready for whatever might come your way.
Chapter 28:
Andros and Zane searched for Lena.
They hoped that she was still alive and that they would find her in time
Suddenly they heard a soft splashing from a clearing. They snuck
cautiously closer and saw a small lake surrounded by colorful flowers
was. In the middle of the lake, an ancient stone pillar rose out of the water.
On the pillar sat a beautiful woman with long blond hair and
a blue fin. She was a mermaid.
"Hey, you there!" Andros shouted. "Can you help us? We're looking for ours
friend Lena."
The mermaid turned and smiled. "I'm Nala," she said. "I
know Lena. She is a brave warrior."
"You know Lena?" Zane asked in astonishment. "Where is she now? Is she in
"She's in the temple," Nala replied. "The Queen
brought her there. She wants to open the portal to another galaxy
She thinks he can gain more power there."
"The portal?" Andros repeated. "What is that?"
"It's an old relic from a bygone era," Nala explained. "It was
created by the ancestors to connect the galaxies. But it is
dangerous to use it. It can lead to chaos and destruction."
"How do we get to the temple?" Zane asked.
"I'll show you the way," said Nala. "Follow me."
She jumped off the pillar and dived into the water. Andros and Zane didn't
and jumped after her. They swam after her until they hit a big wall
reached from stone. Nala pointed to a crack in the wall.
"There is the secret entrance," she said. "It leads to an underground one
Cave where the portal is located. Be careful, there are many traps and
"Thanks, Nala," Andros and Zane said.
"No problem," said Nala. "Much luck!"
She waved at them and swam away. Andros and Zane dove through the
rift and found themselves in a dark cave. They lit a torch
on and went on.
They had to find Lena before it was too late.
Chapter 29:
Lena and Orion entered the palace and tried to close the crystal
to reach. They had to fight back against the guards and the queen who
blocked their way. Lena discovered that she had the power, the crystal
to control. She used this ability to help Orion, who fell into a
was ambushed. She felt a strong connection between them
emerged that existed across space and time. She knew she
were meant for each other, even if they came from different galaxies.
They were on a mission to keep the peace between worlds.
However, Lena and Orion are separated and Lena fights the guards.
While Orion is pushed further and further back by the queen. Until he in
a room with the queen disappearing and the door with a loud bang
Chapter 30:
Andros and Zane entered the palace through the portal and saw Lena, the one
surrounded by a group of guards. They didn't hesitate and grabbed the
Enemies with their laser pistols at them from resistance fighters on the
other side of the portal.
The guards were surprised by the sudden attack and couldn't
withstand long. Andros and Zane made their way to Lena, who gave them
gratefully fell into his arms.
"We have to go to the queen," said Lena. "She has the real King of Atlantis
captured and wants to kill him."
"Because king?" Andros asked confused.
"Yes, he is the rightful king of Atlantis," Lena explained. "He fled ahead
many years after Andromeda to escape the war. He came back,
to free his people, but the queen betrayed him."
"We will save him," promised Andros. "Come on, we don't have much time."
They ran through the corridors of the palace until they were faced with a large
From behind they heard the Queen's voice laughing mockingly.
"Welcome, my dear guests," she said. "I've been expecting you."
Chapter 31
Lena felt that the queen was also an ancient and therefore immortal.
So she had to come up with something.
She closed her eyes and had a vision.
Use the Red Crystal and use it as a flamethrower.
She had the Red Crystal on her necklace. She got this from her mother
get given. But she always thought it was just one
gem. But suddenly it started to glow and Lena took it in
the hand.
Lena ran towards the Queen of Atlantis, flamethrower in hand
who gave her a sneering smile. She knew she was only one
chance to defeat the ruler and save the galaxies of love.
She had to aim the fire straight at her heart and hope it was her cells
would destroy. The queen was immortal but not invulnerable.
Lena jumped in the air and squeezed the Red Crystal.
. A jet of blazing flame shot out of the crystal
and hit the queen in the chest. Lena felt the heat on her skin and listened
the hiss of the water evaporating. The queen screamed in pain and
anger on. She raised her hand and threw up a wave of blue light
lena Lena couldn't dodge and was hit by the beam of light.
She felt a sharp pain in her head and lost consciousness.
When she came to, she was lying on the floor of the palace. She looked around
and saw the Queen of Atlantis lying motionless beside her. her face was
burned black and her eyes were blank. Lena did it. she had
killed the queen and freed the galaxies of love. She got up and left
to the throne on which was a golden crown. She took it in her hand and
put it on her head. She was now the new queen of Atlantis. She
smiled and thought of her lover who was somewhere in the stars upon her
was waiting.
A short time later, Orion awoke again.
Knocked unconscious by the Evil Queen and placed in a box
was plugged with lock.
"What's going on, where am I" my head hurts. It is dark.
Hey can someone get me out of here?
Lena was happy that Orion was still alive and took him out of the box and
kissed him
him tight.
And so the two lived happily for the next few years. Suddenly something
The unforeseeable happened.
Lena became pregnant by Orion and so this happened after more than 50,000
first newborn antique baby born.
Zara the Princess of Atlantis.
Lena and Orion knew exactly that they had to keep this a secret.
Nobody must know about it. Otherwise Lucifer will hunt them down.
So they decided to give Zara a new identity.
Lena will return to Antika to find the last Ancients there and
to protect and Orion will protect the galaxy here.
They put this plan into action.
They hid Zara in the galaxy so no one could ever find her.
To avoid being discovered as an antique, they deleted theirs every 50 years
memories and sent them across the universe.
A short time later, Atlantis was destroyed by a flood.
And the people of Atlantis went underground and are still alive
always there. But have been hiding from the people and that ever since
secret society. Probably related to the natural disaster
which led to the sinking of the city in the floods.
Chapter 32
Zara looks confused at the screen and reads the text that is there
for the tenth time. Is there really the Zara (ie she herself) the daughter of
Lena and Orion is. The only newborn Ancient of the last 50,000 years.
That would mean she has 100% Ancient DNA and is immortal.
Lives for 12000 years and is sent on missions by her parents and
every 50 years their memory is erased.
Zara asks the computer:
"Will Zara's mind be erased every 50 years?
And the computer replies:
"No, the data is going into a secret folder in the ship's database
saved and replaced with a new camouflage.”
Who has access to these files?
"Only Zara herself"
Can you write them back into my brain?
"Should I write this back now? "
the computer asks. And Zara responds with "yes"
Thus the ship's computer writes all thoughts of the last 12000 years
back in Zara's brain.
Suddenly she can remember everything again.
Of her early childhood with her father Orion and her mother Lena.
Of all the adventures you've had on your 12,000 year journey across the galaxy
On the one hand, this made her happy.
On the other side Traurich. Because that would mean that they didn't
aging became.
Luke will grow old and die
Will she survive her children too?
Since they only have 50 percent of the ancient genes and after their birth they
are completely normal
mortals are.
Zara decides not to tell Lukas about this discovery for the time being.
Chapter 33
final word
How will the story continue?
Part 1 has 2 alternative endings at the end.
These are still up to date even after part 2 ;-)
Will part 3 continue the story of Zara and Lukas or the children?
Or are we going back in time?
Will we learn more about the Guardians of the Universe?
Are Orion and Lena still alive? Or did Lucifer find her?
Is Zara the Last Living Ancient?
You will find out about this on Amazon and HasenChat Audiobooks when Part
of galaxies of love appears ;-)
Best regards Norbert Reinwand

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  • 1. Galaxies of Love 2 by Norbert Reinwand The book is a sequel to "Love Galaxies: Part 1", in which the Alien Zara has fallen in love with Lukas from Earth. The plot is a mix of romance and space history. The diary
  • 2. Zara is in the space station hangar searching the Ancient's computer spaceship for useful hints and information. She finds the log files of the spaceship and makes some discoveries in it. The spaceship is discovered 20,000 years ago on a research mission who was also her father. He determined at that time the Temple's database. So this was his ship and he was the only one who could fly it at the time. Since he was immortal, he visited several times in the last 20000 years Earth and found there also a city called Atlantis. He lovers herself several times in Mortal Women of Earth and Out of These Amours children were also born. Zara thus had brothers and sisters in the Human history. Also, the database also contained the history of the city of Atlantis and more stories of love. Or like her father always said "galaxies of love" Her father also wrote a diary with entries from the last 20,000 years contained. Zara wanted to know more about her father's visits to Earth and started reading. Chapter 1 – 1969 The moon landing I came to earth three months ago to walk this planet explore. I disguised myself as a human and found an apartment in New York rented. I tried to adapt and understand the culture but it wasn't easy. I often felt lonely and alien. That changed when I met her. Her name was Anna and she was a journalist for a newspaper. She was beautiful, smart and vivacious. She had a smile that was mine made the heart beat faster. She was also fascinated by outer space and often wrote articles about space travel. She was the first person to tell me that felt welcome. We met by chance in a coffee shop when she and I ordered a coffee standing next to her. We got talking and realized that we had a lot had in common. She told me about her dream of one day seeing the moon see. I told her about my interest in the earth and hers secrets. We exchanged phone numbers and made an appointment for the next day. We spent a lot of time together and got to know each other better. We
  • 3. went to the cinema, to the museum, to the park. We laughed, talked and held hands. I felt something change inside me. I didn't feel more like an alien but like a human. i felt happy July 20, 1969 was a special day for both of us. It was the day of moon landing. We sat together in front of the TV and watched Neil Armstrong took the first step on the moon. We cheered and hugged us. Anna cried with joy and told me that this was the most beautiful moment of her life. I told her that it was the most beautiful moment of my life. We went outside and looked at the moon. He shone brightly night sky. Anna took my hand and led me to a quiet place under a tree. She looked me in the eyes and told me that she loved me. I told her I loved her too. We kissed under that Starry sky. I didn't know how long this moment would last. I didn't know if I could ever tell her the truth about me. I didn't know what the future would bring. But at that moment I was happy.
  • 4. Chapter 2: 1989 The wall falls I hadn't been on earth for a long time. In 1945 I was in Germany as I witnessed the devastation of World War II. I wanted to see how people had changed, whether they were more peaceful and had become happier. I chose Berlin as my landing place because I had made some friends there back then.
  • 5. It was November 9, 1989. I was walking the streets of East Berlin and felt a strange tension in the air. The people seemed restless and to be expectant. I asked a passer-by what was going on. He answered me that an important press conference would be held today, in which should be about freedom of travel. He also told me that many people longed for life without the wall that had divided the city since 1961. I was curious and followed him to a large square where there was a huge crowd had gathered. They held up banners and shouted Slogans like "We are the people" or "The wall has to go". I felt hers hope and courage. I admired her fight for freedom. One young woman caught my eye among the demonstrators. She had blond hair and blue eyes and wore a leather jacket and jeans. She was beautiful and lively. She smiled at me and waved at me. I immediately felt for her attracted. I pushed my way through the crowd and faced her before. She told me her name was Anna and that she was a student. she told me about her dream of one day traveling the world and other cultures get to know. She asked me where I came from and what I was doing here. I didn't lie to her. I told her I was an alien and that I was out of curiosity had come to earth. I expected them not to believe me or would be afraid of me. But she just laughed and told me that she was cool found. She told me that she had always believed in extraterrestrials and that she would like to know more about my world. We understood each other right away. We talked for hours about all sorts of things. We exchanged our thoughts and feelings. We laughed and cried together. We held hands and kissed. i fell in love with her As it got dark, we suddenly heard a loud cheer from the other side of the wall. We saw people pouring across the border and each other fell into their arms. We learned that the government had opened the wall and that all could travel freely. We couldn't believe it. We ran to wall and climbed over it. We hugged and celebrated with the others the reunion. I was happier than I have ever been in my life. I had my great love found and witnessed a historic event. I decided to stay with her stay and explore the world with her. I knew it wouldn't be easy would, but I was no longer afraid. I had Anna by my side. Chapter 3: 2000
  • 6. The love on the internet I dressed up as one of them and got an apartment in a big one rented city. One day I bought a computer and the internet discovered. I was fascinated by the wealth of information and communication possibilities it offered. I signed up for a chat room that deals with literature employed. I love books and stories, they help me to be human better understand culture. That's where I met her. She called herself Luna and was a young woman from another country. she was friendly funny and smart. We hit it off right away and started to get along regularly exchanged online. We told each other everything: our thoughts, feelings and dreams. she has me tells about her life, about her work as a librarian, about her love for cats and music. I told her about my travels, about my curiosity to the world, from my longing for heaven. I don't have her said I'm an alien. I was afraid of losing her or too injure. The more we wrote, the more I became attracted to her. I felt a deep connection with her, a kind of magic I've never felt before had experienced. i fell in love with her I wanted to see her, touch her, her kiss. But I didn't know how to tell her. And I didn't know if they would accept me if they found out the truth about me would. One day she suggested that we meet. She told me she was going on a trip to my city and that they would like to get to know me personally would. She told me she loved me. I was over the moon and scared at the same time. I did not know, what I should do. Should I mean her reveal true identity? Should I confess my love to her? Or should I avoid her and forget her? I chose the latter. I stopped replying to hers News. I deleted my account in the chat room. I packed mine things and left the earth. I returned to my planet where I was alone and sad. I still regret my decision to this day. I miss her every day. I ask me often what has become of her. Is she happy? Does she still love me? I don't know if I will ever go back. But i know that she will always be in my heart.
  • 7. Chapter 4: 2001 The catastrophe I wanted to explore and understand this world, but I wasn't into it prepared what I saw. On September 11th I was in New York City and watched the people working in the skyscrapers. Suddenly I heard a loud bang and saw a huge ball of fire coming out of one of the building come. I was shocked and confused. What happened? Who had that done? Why? I followed the crowd pushing into the street and saw a second Plane crashed into the other building. I felt the fear and horror of the people around me. I wanted to help them but I didn't know How. I was a stranger in this world, an intruder. I had none identity, not affiliation. I saw the firefighters run into the burning buildings to to save people. They were brave and selfless. They sacrificed their lives for other. Among them was a woman who fascinated me. She had red hair and green eyes. She wore a helmet and a heavy suit. she was strong and beautiful. She was a hero. I followed her with my eyes as she walked into the building. I prayed for her even though I didn't believe in any god. I wanted to see her again even though I saw her didn't know. I fell in love with her even though I had no heart. I waited in front of the building for hours until it collapsed. I hoped they did had made it. I searched for her under the rubble. I found her finally under a piece of metal. She was injured and bleeding. she breathed still. I picked her up carefully and carried her to an ambulance. I put them on a stretcher and covered her with a blanket. I caressed her face and whispered to her, "You're wonderful." She opened her eyes and looked at me. She smiled weakly and said: "Thanks." Then she closed her eyes again. I cried for her even though I had no tears. A few moments later she died. I couldn't save her. Chapter 5: 2010
  • 8. The music I've always been interested in people and their culture, above all for their music. I heard them with different instruments and Voices create sounds that express and convey emotions. I wanted to know more about it and wormed my way into the music scene. One day I came across a concert that immediately fascinated me. It was a band that played rock music. The songs were full of energy and Passion. But what impressed me the most was the singer. She had a beautiful voice that touched and enchanted me. she sang with so much feeling and expression that I couldn't resist her. I fell in love with her. I decided to follow her and get to know her. I posed as a fan out and managed to strike up a conversation with her. She was very friendly and open. She told me about her band, her music and her dreams. She Her name was Lena and she wanted to travel the world and people with her music make happy. I loved her. I accompanied them at their concerts and got to know the power of music. I felt how it connected people and gave them joy. I saw, how she shone on stage and carried the audience away. I felt for her attracted and wanted to be close to her. I confessed my love to her. She was surprised and touched. She told me she liked me too, but that she didn't know if we could be together. She told me that she was a had a secret that she wanted to confide in me. She told me she didn't was human, but an alien woman who came to earth in 2010 was. She wants to hide here from Lucifer and the secret society of her seeks. I know Lucifer only too well and I gave her the address of one of my hiding places given on earth. We made an appointment there for the next day. Only she never got there and has since disappeared. Chapter 6: 2011 The revolution I'm not of this world. I'm an alien looking for one
  • 9. new home is. I had to leave my planet because of ruled by a cruel dictatorship. I've been through this for many years all travelled. I ended up in Egypt again. I've been here many times when you die Have built pyramids and met Cleopatra, Nefertiti and other people know here. I disguised myself as a human and tried to to adjust. But I quickly realized that not everything was peaceful here either is. The people were dissatisfied with their ruler, a man named Mubarak. They wanted freedom and democracy. They took to the streets and protested. I was fascinated by their courage and their passion. I wanted more about they experience. I went to Tahrir Square, where the protesters are gathered. There I met her: Amina. She was an activist fighting for human rights and justice. She was beautiful and smart with a bright smile. She got me in right away cast its spell. She told me about her movement and me invited to fight with her. I agreed without hesitation. We spent many days and nights together in the square in which streets, in their tent. We told stories, sang songs, plans made. We kissed, hugged, loved. We have the Shared hope that something would change. But we also felt the pain that the fight brought. We have seen our friends get hurt or killed. We have Inhaled tear gas, endured beatings, scared. we cried screamed, cursed. I wanted to protect her, but I couldn't always. I wanted her the Telling the truth, but I was afraid of her reaction. I wanted with her escape, but I couldn't abandon them. We fought together until the end. Until the day when Mubarak resigned and the people cheered. Until the day she is struck by a was hit and died in my arms. I lost her, my love, my life. I have nothing more on this World. I'm alone again. Chapter 7: 2015 The nature I came from a distant planet that was gray and lifeless. I searched for
  • 10. a place where I could feel at home. I landed in a forest which was full of green trees and colorful flowers. I was fascinated by that beauty of nature and wanted to learn more about it. I met a biologist who was committed to protecting the environment. Her name was Anna and was very kind to me. She explained to me that the earth is a planet with many different life forms, all interconnected. She showed me the diversity of life in different ecosystems: the ocean, the desert, the mountains, the rainforest. She also taught me the names and characteristics of many animals and plants. I fell in love with Anna and she with me. We spent a lot of time together and explored nature. She made me happy Chapter 8: 2018 Art I was curious about this planet and its inhabitants, but I hadn't expected that I would fall in love with one of them. Her name is Lena and is a painter. She enchanted me with her pictures that express so much and have emotions. She tells me stories about her childhood, hers dreams and their fears. She invites me into her world, which is so different from think. I've never painted but she teaches me how to mix colors Brush guides and creates forms. She tells me that I have my own creativity should discover and that there is no right or wrong in art. I am fascinated by this freedom and this pleasure. I paint landscapes from my home planet, portraits of Lena and abstract patterns that express my feelings. Lena praises my talent and tells me that she loves me I'm happy with her, but I also know that I can't stay here. My mission will soon be over and I must return. I do not know how I should tell her I don't know if she would believe me. I don't know, if she would come with me I do not know what to do. Chapter 9: 2020 The Pandemic
  • 11. I wanted to explore and understand this world, but I didn't expect that I would fall in love with one of its residents. Her name is Anna and is a doctor who works in a hospital and takes care of the infected takes care. The Earth has been hit by a pandemic that is affecting many makes people sick and lonely. I admire Anna for her courage and their dedication to helping others. I pretended to be her colleague and supports her in her work. I didn't tell her I was from one other planets because I'm afraid of losing them. But I feel that she feels something special for me. We often laughed together and cried, comforted and encouraged us. I want to confess my love to her but I don't know how she will react. Will she accept me or reject? Will she trust me or betray? I'm facing a difficult one Decision: Should I tell her the truth or stay silent forever? Chapter 10 Zara has been reading her father's diary for hours now. Only she still has no clue where he is. She hasn't found any clue either who her mother is and why he abducted her from earth and after Centauri brought. All she found out was that he was on a mission and that this somehow has to do with Lucifer. Why did her father make her princess called ? She was actually sent to Earth by the Centaurie to have a Reconnaissance mission to do over the planet. You should people get to know and find out how the secret society pulls its strings there. Where the military facilities are used for attacks on Centaurie become. Your mission has brought you to the realization that the secret society in the public on earth is not known. People know the bad guys Lucifer only as a being from stories under different names. In the In different cultures he is called the devil, satan, etc. Nobody on earth knows that he built the weapon 20,000 years ago destroyed her father's home planet with all life on it. We still know on earth of life outside of the earth. But why is it like that ? Why hasn't Lucifer taken over the earth yet? He has warships and soldiers capable of completely covering Earth Conquer ? The war has now lasted 20,000 years.
  • 12. Why aren't there any secret society spaceships on Earth? Why do they only use Earth technology? What is the secret society hiding from on Earth? On other planets it is not hidden. But visible to everyone. Is there something on earth that offers slogans to the secret society? What happened to her father? He had met many women over the past 20,000 years. Since he is immortal, he had to bury thousands of people have died. Including women he loved. These are aged or have been killed. He does not age and can only die if his cells are completely destroyed become. For example by burning. Lucifer has been hunting the immortals for 20,000 years. How many more of them will there be? Has Lucifer possibly already killed her father? Who were the friends in World War II that were discussed? According to a log file, what happened to Atlantis that your father founded? Lots of questions, so Zara now decides to go to bed and tomorrow continue to read in the diary. Chapter 11 1943 Anita and Leo are created by a mysterious organization called Chronos recruited who offers them a mission: They should travel to Germany and take out a Nazi scientist working on a dangerous weapon is working. They agree and are given a plane that allows them to fly to fly to Germany. Anita looked at Leo and felt her heart beat faster. They could hardly believe that they had been chosen to take part in this secret participate in surgery. Chronos was an organization dedicated to combat prescribed against evil in all worlds. They had Anita and Leo contacted because they both possessed special abilities. They were now standing in front of a small plane, an old propeller plane. The Pilot was a man in a leather jacket and aviator goggles. He smiled at her friendly and said, "Welcome aboard, agents. My name is Max. I will take you to Germany. There you will be met by another Receive a Chronos member who will give you more details about your mission becomes. Are you ready?" Anita and Leo nodded and boarded the plane. They sat down side by side in the rear seats and buckled up. Max started the
  • 13. engine and taxied towards the runway. Anita felt Leo take her hand and squeezed. She looked him in the eye and said, "I love you Leo. No matter what happens, we can do this together." Leo kissed her softly on the lips and said, "I love you too, Anita. You you are my star in the dark. We will fulfill this mission." Chapter 12 Anita and Leo looked around nervously as they got off the plane. She had just made a trip to visit a famous scientist find who was working on a secret formula that would change the fate of the war could change. They had pretended to be a married couple and had an apartment in rented near the scientist. They hoped that he would help them would steal the formula and take it to safety. They carried suitcases with clothing and documents that they had received from a resistance fighters had received. You had to be careful because they knew the Gestapo were looking for them. You've had several agents turned off who had followed them. They did not know how they discovered had been made, but they suspected that someone had betrayed them. They went to her apartment and closed the door behind them. they breathed relieved up. You were safe for now. They decided themselves to rest and make a plan. You had to be the scientist contact and gain his trust. They didn't know how to react would if they told him the truth. Maybe he would believe them maybe he would think they were crazy, or worse, spies hold. They looked at each other and smiled. They were a good team. they loved each other and trusted each other. They had had many adventures together since they met in the British military. You were ready for this next. Chapter 13 Anita and Leo learn that the scientist is working on a rocket that
  • 14. to be equipped with an atomic explosive charge. You decide to take him kidnap him and take him to a secret meeting place where Chronos will find him wants to pick up. So they set out to meet Dr. to find a wreath. they had found out he was on a remote base called Luna 5 stopped where he was working on his rocket. They had themselves as technicians disguised and invaded the base. you had dr wreath in his Labor surprised and incapacitated him with a tranquilizer gun. Then they had loaded it into a truck and started. They didn't know where to take him. Chronos only had them told that he would give them a secret meeting place once they got in security were. They hoped that she would keep her word and that she would soon could return to England. Your action was covered and so there was only one possibility. Full throttle and through the gate. The bullets from pistols and rifle fire riddled the truck. But the 3 suffered no injuries. So lead them as quickly as possible along the country road until they come to a river came. There they sank the truck in the river and covered theirs tracks and laid a false trail. To make it look like the truck drove further south. The 3 run a few kilometers further and Hid out in an old village house by the river that was uninhabited. Chapter 14 They lay side by side on the bed and looked into each other's eyes. anita felt her heart beat faster as Leo took her hand and she gently kissed She had never felt anything like this for anyone. He was her partner her friend, her lover. He was the only one who understood her and who helped her overcome the horrors of her past. "Leo," she whispered. "I love you. I love you more than anything on this world." "I love you too, Anita," he replied. "You are my light, my life, my hope. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." She snuggled up to him and felt his warmth and his breath on hers Skin. She thought of all the adventures they had had together. As met on the Afrika Corp operation, how they were used by the Nazis
  • 15. had been captured, how they had escaped from their captivity and how they finally ended up on this mission. They had so much went through, but they had made it. They had found each other. "What will become of us?" she asked softly. "We will stay together," he promised. "We will fulfill our mission fulfill and then we will find a place where we can be happy. A place where we are free." She smiled and kissed him again. She believed him. She believed in her love. She believed in her future. The next day they try to get to a secret safe house to use the radio there. The whole Wehrmacht there seems to be looking for them and stuff they decide to go into the village only under the cover of night. So they do not to be covered. Soldiers continued to search for the truck the following night. But under the cover of night they reached the safe house with the hidden man radio. They tuned in to the frequency and transmitted a code word “We have the potatoes ready now” Please pick them up from Ernst in the village miller. What was the secret code for a successful mission. Then an answer came: At the moment we don't have a truck to get the potatoes. Please take your Tracktor to our warehouse in Berlin Castle Street 21. It was clear to them that it wasn't a good idea to go back to Berlin. But they probably had no other choice. And so they made their way back to Berlin. Chapter 15 Anita and Leo had sneaked through the dark streets of Berlin, to take the scientist to the rendezvous point where they are told by Chronos were expected. They had hoped that Chronos would help them Getting scientist to safety and completing his rocket that herald a new era in space travel. But when they left the When they arrived at the warehouse, they were met by armed men in black receive uniforms. They recognized the symbol on their armbands: on Swastika in the middle. Chronos wasn't the secret resistance group, they claimed to be, but a fascist organization that
  • 16. wanted to change the world. They wanted to force the scientist to complete rocket for them and use it to destroy the allies. They're planning a nuclear attack on the major cities of the Allies around the help the secret society to victory. The Nazis are for them too henchman. You serve a guy who calls himself Lucifer. Anita and Leo had fallen into a trap. You had to find a way to escape and rescue the scientist before it was too late. Chapter 16 Anita and Leo were locked in a cell. They had no idea where they were or how long they had been there. They only knew that they were from Chronos had been captured and tortured. Chronos was a powerful soldier who had a secret mission. He wanted the story of Altering Earth by manipulating various historical events. So he had given the Nazis information about advanced technologies should change the course of history. Blueprints for airplanes themselves could reach space. But he needed a scientist who could give him access to an atomic bomb. And this one Scientist was none other than Rainer. Anita and Leo had gotten to know Rainer better over the past few days. She learned from him that he was working on a secret project called The Great Fire" worked, which is an atomic fire roller within a radius of 200 km all life destroyed and he does not find this right. He wanted his job Destroy but the Nazis force him to continue this. He told them also from his wife Maria and their polyamorous community in Berlin. Anita and Leo were fascinated by this unusual way of life and decided to accompany Rainer to learn more about it. But they Little did they know they were falling into a trap. Chronos had planted a traitor in their ranks who would overthrow him informed Rainer's whereabouts. He sent his soldiers to find him kidnap and bring to his base. Anita and Leo were there too caught and taken hostage. Chronos wanted her as leverage use to force Rainer to cooperate. He threatened them too excruciating pain when he didn't get what he wanted. Anita and Leo tried desperately to free themselves and the scientist to rescue. They also hoped for help from the resistance, which followed them were. Anita and Leo faced an impossible task: they didn't just have to
  • 17. save themselves and Rainer, but also preserve those of the earth in one nuclear war to be destroyed. They had to stop Chronos before he could put plans into action. They had to defend themselves against his soldiers who had superior weapons and technology. And they had to make up their own Become aware of feelings they had developed for each other. Chapter 17 During the night you heard someone sneaking into your cell and Anita and Leo freed from her bonds. They couldn't see his face. But they knew that they were free and had to flee. They walked out of the open cell and found all the prison guards dead lying on the floor. They looked for Rainer's cell and freed him too. They were heading towards the back exit when suddenly the alarm went off. Anita and Leo ran through the dark corridors of Chronos Base while behind them the alarm sirens wailed. They had made it Free scientists who tell them the truth about the project Fireball had told. He was the only one who knew how to use the bomb could stop, which Chronos used to gain world domination. She had to get him to safety and get to their plane that they hidden somewhere in the forest. They reached a door that led to a hangar. There they saw several Chronos planes and helicopters. They were looking for a way to pass them unnoticed. Suddenly they heard shots and saw how some soldiers of Chronos fell to the ground. A group of armed men and women came out from the shadows and waved them to. "Come quickly, we're here to help you!" one of them shouted. Anita and Leo recognized them as members of the resistance, a secret one Organization that fought against the Nazis. They followed them gratefully and boarded one of the helicopters. The scientist sat down next to her and breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you for saving me. I'm Dr. Rainer Klein. I can tell you Explain everything Chronos plans to do with the Nazis," he said. "We have no time to waste. We must return to our base and make a plan to stop Chronos." Leo said. "We know where your base is. We've been watching you for a long time and admired. You are the best agents in British Intelligence.", said
  • 18. the leader of the resistance. "We're glad we're not alone. We have to work together to Defeating Chronos." Anita said. The helicopter took off and flew towards their base. Anita and Leo felt a new hope in their hearts. They did not know what the future would bring, but they knew that they loved each other and that they were ready to fight for her love. Chapter 18 They reached the hangar where their plane was parked. You saw how several Chronos agents tried to start it. Anita and Leo opened the fire and put them out. They ran to their plane and boarded a. The scientist was already on board and waiting for them. He thanked join them for their salvation. "No problem," said Anita. "We're glad you're safe." "We have to get out of here quickly," said Leo. "Chronos will soon realize that we are here." He started the plane and flew out of the hangar. He saw that on the radar several Chronos hunters followed them. "Damn," he cursed. "They discovered us." "Don't worry," said Anita. "We still have a trump card up our sleeve." She grabbed a button and pushed it. An explosion shook them Chronos base. The leader of the resistance had planted a bomb that destroyed the entire facility. The irritated the interceptors that started so much that they went back Flew to repel an attack on their base. "That's it," said Anita. "We stopped Chronos." "For now," Leo said. "But we must remain vigilant. You will not give up." "Nor will we," said Anita. "We have something they don't have." "What is it?" asked the scientist. Anita smiled and kissed Leo. "Love," she said. Chapter 19
  • 19. Anna and Leo had made it. They had the nuclear weapons and missiles destroyed by the evil secret society with the help of the Nazi government on their wanted to fire home. They had formed with the resistance fighters allies who had helped them destroy the secret base. She had fallen in love. And now it was time to say goodbye. "Thanks for everything," Anna said to the leader of the resistance fighters, one Man who was out of this world. "We wouldn't have it without you done." "No, thank you," replied the leader of the resistance. "You have us showed that there is still hope. That love is stronger than hate. That we are not alone in the struggle against tyranny." He hugged them both and put a small crystal in their hands. "There is a secret in this crystal. Take it to safety. Maybe you can he will help you in the future to prevent further attacks." Anna and Leo nodded and put the crystal in their pocket. They went to their plane, which they had borrowed from the resistance fighters. She got in and closed the door. "We will never forget you," said Leo and started the engine. "Neither do we," Zork said, waving goodbye. Anna and Leo smiled at each other and kissed. They were happy. She had a future together. They took off. Little did they know that something had gone wrong. Because the plans of Nuclear weapons had been stolen. A traitor among the Nazis had them sold. And now they were in great danger... Because the knowledge of nuclear weapons ended up in the hands of governments on the the whole world. In 1945 the first atomic weapons were found on Hiroshima and Nagasaki dropped and people had more in a short time Nuclear weapons than it would take to destroy the entire planet. But what was that crystal? For a few years, the two had no idea what the function of the crystal was. Not until one day it started to glow The crystal was a nuclear weapons detector. The closer you got to a nuclear weapon, the brighter it glows. 1945 After the end of the Second World War, Anita and Leo switch to the Midem British Secret Service and are responsible for the protection of all British colonies from nuclear weapons and other threats from Earth and beyond the outer space.
  • 20. Chapter 20 Zara leans back in her chair in the spaceship. So her father was Leader of a resistance group in World War II and has the Helped people not to come under the rulership of Lucifer straight and able to defend themselves and not destroy themselves. That explains a lot. Since there are also references to other Atom events on earth. There is even a map showing today's location of all nuclear power plants. Nuclear weapons and even the exact location of each Secret nuclear submarine and other weapons of mass destruction.
  • 21. The spacecraft also appears to have access to Earth's entire internet have. Although we may be millions of kilometers from Earth read the New York Times website for today's news or watch the latest videos on Youtube. Even if they were just a few years ago seconds were published. Thus, the ship must have a data system feature that can send data in the galaxy several times faster than the light. Faster than any fiber optic system on earth or Centaury used. The spaceship is 20,000 years older than the ship that brought them to earth was embroidered. But still far ahead of what they are in terms of technology sunn saw on her travels. What happened to the ancients? She has never seen a living Ancient just have them on all worlds who visited them left artifacts. Only people with Ancient Gene can use these if they have a 25 Have percent Ancient DNA. So you and your father are probably descendants of the Ancients. Anita that my father met in Germany in 1943 was probably one of his descendants on earth. Otherwise she would not have used the crystal skilfully. But why did he call me princess in the temple and why did he have me led to his spaceship ? I'll go to sleep first and maybe I'll find the Atlantis history a clue. I'll read the database tomorrow. Atlantis 9600 BC Zara had already heard some legends about Atlantis. A progressive one City destroyed by a flood. The ancient Greeks mention these city in their records. Also the Egyptians and all the peoples of the Mediterranean area lived. Even the Old Testament speaks of the flood and Noah's ark a ship. 9600 BC there was no Mediterranean Sea. It was a great deep valley. So there were rivers in this region like the Nile. There were no seaworthy ships. Because there was no sea.
  • 22. Not until the European and African plates between the present ones Spain and Morocco is broken the valley was flooded and the current Mediterranean Sea was born. All life in this valley, which was 2.5 million square kilometers in size, became Flooded within a day. This was such a big natural disaster which even today still covers underwater cities in the Mediterranean Sea. Was it really a natural disaster or did someone rupture the landmass made between Europe and Africa in an unnatural way ? Chapter 21 Lena and Prince Andros sat next to each other in the spaceship that they from Antika should bring to earth. They got away from their parents and friends bid farewell who wished them good luck in their mission. Her Mission was to find Atlantis, the mysterious realm owned by a Ancients unknown to them had been founded. Atlantis was the key to an ancient mystery that could determine the future of the Ancients. The Ancients were the most advanced civilization in the galaxy, but they were on the brink of extinction. For millennia, all males have been Ancients barren and unable to produce offspring. The Ancients were though immortal, but they became fewer and fewer because they were being hunted by their enemies became. The worst of them was Lucifer, an evil Ancient who was killed by a failed experiment had turned into a monster. He had many of his Killed fellows and sworn to destroy all others as well. Lena and Prince Andros were siblings and True Ancients. It meant, that they had special abilities that set them apart from others differentiated from antiques. They hoped that these skills would help them would discover Atlantis and defeat Lucifer. They were accompanied by a friend of Andros's, the pilot Zane. Zane was not an Ancient, but a human. He was an adventurer and Space traveler who had visited many planets. He had Andros on met one of his excursions and became friends with him. He had agreed to fly them to Earth and follow them in their quest to help Atlantis. Lena liked Zane very much. He was funny and charming and told her many things exciting stories from his travels. She felt how he sometimes secretly and smiled. She was attracted to him, but she knew not sure if she could trust him. She also didn't know how Andros would react
  • 23. would if he found out about her feelings. Andros was very protective of his sister and distrusted people. The spaceship approached Earth. Lena looked out the window and saw light up the blue planet in front of you. She felt a mixture of curiosity and fear. What would she expect there? Would they find Atlantis? Would they meet Lucifer? Would they be able to complete their mission? And what would become of her and Zane? Chapter 22: They had been on the road for a long time when they finally reached the end of their journey. They land in a hidden port near Atlantis and become received by a group of guards. You learn that Atlantis from ruled by a strict queen who has no contact with other worlds permitted. You have to pose as a merchant to get into town. You are curious about the legendary realm. You've heard that Atlantis is a Paradise is full of flowers, fruits and forests, crossed by rivers and ponds. You have also heard that temples and royal houses are made of silver and gold shine and the harbors are full of merchants. You want more about learn the history and culture of this mysterious civilization. But they also know they have to be careful. Atlantis is one powerful civilization that has already conquered many countries. the queen is suspicious of strangers and does not tolerate interference in theirs Affairs. If discovered, they face death or death Slavery. They must hide their true identities and surrender to customs and Adjust customs of Atlantis. They hope to find an opportunity to learn more about Atlantis soon experience. They also hope to return home soon can. Because they sense that something ominous is in the air. you feel that Atlantis is about to sink. Chapter 23: They had been on the road for a long time when they finally reached the city. It was a magnificent metropolis built on an artificial island in the sea had been. The buildings shone in all colors of the rainbow and
  • 24. seemed to come from a dream. You couldn't believe she was were here, in the legendary city of Atlantis. They decided to explore the city and learn more about its culture and to learn history. They were fascinated by the many miracles that they saw. There was a huge crystal enthroned in the center of the city and when energy source served. He radiated a soft light that shone through the entire city fulfilled. They learned that the crystal was a gift from the god Poseidon, to whom the city was dedicated. They also visited a temple dedicated to the god. he was out built of white marble and had a large dome depicting the sea. In in the center stood a statue of the god holding a trident. She sensed and felt an awe-inspiring atmosphere in the temple God attracted. They also met some townspeople who treated them differently met. Some were friendly and curious and loved to tell them of her city and her life. Others were suspicious and dismissive and wanted nothing to do with them. They learned that the city already had often been threatened by invaders and that many Atlanteans were ahead feared strangers. They spent a few days in the city and enjoyed their time there. they learned much about Atlantis and its mysteries. They also felt more and more attracted to each other and felt a deep connection between them. She didn't know if it was the crystal or the god or something other things, but they knew they were in love with each other. Chapter 24: Lena could hardly believe it. She was in Atlantis, the legendary city that she only knew from stories. How did she get here? And why did she feel so strange? She remembered the moment she touched the crystal. he was in been hidden in an old cave that she is exploring with her friend Tom had. He had shimmered so beautifully that she could not resist. Barely once she took it in her hand, she felt dizzy and a lancinating pain in the forehead. Then everything went black. When she came to, she was lying on a soft mattress in a round Space. The walls were made of a bluish metal that glowed. At the A huge crystal hung from the ceiling, sparkling in all the colors of the rainbow. Next to her was a man with long blond hair and blue eyes. He wore a white tunic and a gold belt. He smiled kindly at her
  • 25. and said something in a language she had never heard before. But to her surprise, she understood every word. "Welcome to Atlantis, Lena," he said. "I am Arion, the keeper of the crystals. You are the chosen one that the prophecy speaks of. You are came to help us." Lena stared at him in disbelief. What prophecy? What help? She just wanted to go home to Tom and her normal life. But something inside her knew that wasn't possible anymore. She felt a deep connection to Atlantis and to the crystal. she felt also an attraction to Arion that confused her. She didn't know what it was all about meant. But she knew she wasn't here by accident. She was here for a reason.
  • 26. Chapter 25: You were nervous when you received the invitation from the Queen of Atlantis. She had heard so much about this mysterious world, but never had the chance to see them with your own eyes. They were also curious if here you could learn about the prophecy that said you were the chosen ones to save the galaxies from evil. they had no idea how to go about it, but you hoped you would someone could help. You put on your best robes and followed the Queen's messenger to hers Palace. He was a young man with blue hair and scaly skin. He smiled at you kindly and told you about the wonders of Atlantis. They marveled at the colorful corals, the bright fish and the huge ones Shells that served as doors. They arrived at a large gate that decorated with pearls and precious stones. The messenger knocked three times and the gate it opened. They entered a magnificent hall decorated with candles and flowers was. In the middle was a long table at which many guests were seated. She recognized some of them as the rulers of the other planets they are on met during your trip. They greeted you warmly and invited you to join them. At the end of the table sat the Queen of Atlantis. She was a beautiful woman with long blond curls and silver hair Crown. She smiled at you and waved at you. "Welcome to Atlantis, my dear guest," she said in a soft voice. "I am very pleased to finally meet you. I have a lot from you heard." "Thank you for your invitation, Majesty," you said politely. "I am very honored to be here." "Please just call me Lila," she said. "We're among friends here. I hope you enjoy the festival. We have many delicacies for you prepared." They sat down next to her and began to eat. The food was delicious as well the conversations were pleasant. The Queen asked you many questions about Your background, your adventures and your feelings. They answered her honestly and didn't notice how she was getting closer and closer to you. She touched your hand and saw deep in your eyes.
  • 27. "You really are something special," she whispered. "I feel a strong connection between us. Maybe we're made for each other." They felt flattered, but also a little uncomfortable. They did not know, how to react. They had never loved or loved anyone before been. They had always been alone. "That's very kind of you," you said cautiously. "But I'm here didn't come for love. I'm here for the prophecy." "The Prophecy?" she repeated with a mocking laugh. "Oh yes, The Prophecy. The prophecy is nothing but a lie." They were shocked by her words. "How can you say that?" you asked indignantly. "The prophecy is ours only hope against evil." "The evil?" she said scornfully. "Evil is just an excuse for them Weak and cowardly who dare not pursue their own goals. The prophecy is only a snare for the foolish and naive who turn away from be fooled by false promises." She stood up and clapped her hands. "Enough" Take them to their rooms The guards took them to their rooms separately. Lena knew that didn't mean anything good. When she was in her room she tried to escape. Chapter 26: Lena felt her heart race as she walked behind the guards heard. She ran as fast as she could, but she knew she didn't stand a chance had. She had separated from her group when she tried to get out of the palace to flee. They had sneaked in to get the Queen's secrets reveal. But they had been spotted and now they were being hunted. Lena turned a corner and saw a door in front of her. She ripped them open and charged in. She closed the door behind her and leaned against it. she breathed heavy and hoped the guards wouldn't find her. She looked around and realized she was in a lab. Strange devices were everywhere Flasks with luminous liquids. In the middle of the room was a large screen showing a map of the galaxy. Lena slowly walked up to the screen and gently touched it. He reacted immediately and showed her a message. "Welcome to the secret laboratory of Orion. If you see this message,
  • 28. does that mean you're in danger. I'm a rebel against the queen fights I can help you, but you have to trust me. follow the On-screen instructions and you will find an exit. hurry you, because time is short." Lena couldn't believe her eyes. Who was this Orion? And why did he want her help? She didn't have time to think about it. She heard the guards banged on the door. She had to get out of here. She followed the directions the screen and found a hidden switch on the wall. she squeezed him and a hatch opened under their feet. She jumped in and fell in a slide. She slipped through a dark tunnel and ended up in a cave. She got up and looked around. she was alone Or not? Suddenly heard she a voice behind her. "Hey, you're Lena, right? I'm Orion. I'm glad you made it." Lena turned and saw a man standing in front of her. He was tall and slim, had black hair and green eyes. He was wearing a leather jacket and a pair of black pants. He smiled at her and held out his hand. "I'm here to save you." Chapter 27: Lena sat next to Orion in his spaceship and looked out of it in fascination Window. She could hardly believe that she had flown off Earth and was now in another galaxy. She had so many questions for Orion that her had promised to explain everything to her. "Orion, who are you actually? And what is your group?" she asked curious. Orion smiled at her and took her hand. "I'm a resistance fighter, lena My group calls itself the rebels. We fight the queen of Atlantis that rules this galaxy." "She is a tyrant, Lena. She oppresses the people with her army and misuses the crystal for their dark purposes." "The crystal? What is that?" "The crystal is a powerful source of energy at the center of our planet lies. He is the source of all life in this galaxy. The queen has it on cunning and uses it to increase her power. She wants everyone else Conquer and conquer planets." "That sounds terrible. But what can you do about it?" "I'm not alone, Lena. There are many other rebels like me who support her oppose. We have a secret base on a moon where we are
  • 29. hide and make plans. We also have allies on others Planets that support us." "And what is your plan?" Orion looked at her seriously and squeezed her hand tighter. "We want the queen fall and free the crystal. We want peace and freedom for all beings in this galaxy." "That sounds bold. But how do you plan to do it? The Queen seems very to be powerful." "She is too. But we have one advantage: you." Lena looked at him confused. "Me? What have I got to do with it?" Orion gently stroked her face and looked deep into her eyes. "You are the chosen one, Lena. You're the one who can control the crystal." Lena felt a shiver run down her spine. She remembered that Dream she had before Orion found her. She had one glowing crystal in her hand and heard a voice that spoke to her had said, "You are the chosen one." "What do you mean? How do you know?" she asked breathlessly. Orion smiled mysteriously. "You'll find out soon, Lena. We're almost there there." He pointed to the window, where Lena saw a large moon approaching them approached. "This is our base," Orion said. "There you will understand everything." He kissed her tenderly on the forehead and whispered: "Trust me, Lena. I'm here, to protect you." Lena felt a warm feeling in her heart. She didn't know what she was talking about all of this, but she felt a strong connection to Orion. She snuggled up to him and looked into his eyes. She was ready for whatever might come your way. Chapter 28: Andros and Zane searched for Lena. They hoped that she was still alive and that they would find her in time would. Suddenly they heard a soft splashing from a clearing. They snuck cautiously closer and saw a small lake surrounded by colorful flowers was. In the middle of the lake, an ancient stone pillar rose out of the water.
  • 30. On the pillar sat a beautiful woman with long blond hair and a blue fin. She was a mermaid. "Hey, you there!" Andros shouted. "Can you help us? We're looking for ours friend Lena." The mermaid turned and smiled. "I'm Nala," she said. "I know Lena. She is a brave warrior." "You know Lena?" Zane asked in astonishment. "Where is she now? Is she in danger?" "She's in the temple," Nala replied. "The Queen brought her there. She wants to open the portal to another galaxy leads. She thinks he can gain more power there." "The portal?" Andros repeated. "What is that?" "It's an old relic from a bygone era," Nala explained. "It was created by the ancestors to connect the galaxies. But it is dangerous to use it. It can lead to chaos and destruction." "How do we get to the temple?" Zane asked. "I'll show you the way," said Nala. "Follow me." She jumped off the pillar and dived into the water. Andros and Zane didn't hesitate and jumped after her. They swam after her until they hit a big wall reached from stone. Nala pointed to a crack in the wall. "There is the secret entrance," she said. "It leads to an underground one Cave where the portal is located. Be careful, there are many traps and guards." "Thanks, Nala," Andros and Zane said. "No problem," said Nala. "Much luck!" She waved at them and swam away. Andros and Zane dove through the rift and found themselves in a dark cave. They lit a torch on and went on. They had to find Lena before it was too late. Chapter 29: Lena and Orion entered the palace and tried to close the crystal to reach. They had to fight back against the guards and the queen who blocked their way. Lena discovered that she had the power, the crystal to control. She used this ability to help Orion, who fell into a was ambushed. She felt a strong connection between them emerged that existed across space and time. She knew she
  • 31. were meant for each other, even if they came from different galaxies. They were on a mission to keep the peace between worlds. However, Lena and Orion are separated and Lena fights the guards. While Orion is pushed further and further back by the queen. Until he in a room with the queen disappearing and the door with a loud bang closed. Chapter 30: Andros and Zane entered the palace through the portal and saw Lena, the one from surrounded by a group of guards. They didn't hesitate and grabbed the Enemies with their laser pistols at them from resistance fighters on the other side of the portal. The guards were surprised by the sudden attack and couldn't withstand long. Andros and Zane made their way to Lena, who gave them gratefully fell into his arms. "We have to go to the queen," said Lena. "She has the real King of Atlantis captured and wants to kill him." "Because king?" Andros asked confused. "Yes, he is the rightful king of Atlantis," Lena explained. "He fled ahead many years after Andromeda to escape the war. He came back, to free his people, but the queen betrayed him." "We will save him," promised Andros. "Come on, we don't have much time." They ran through the corridors of the palace until they were faced with a large door. From behind they heard the Queen's voice laughing mockingly. "Welcome, my dear guests," she said. "I've been expecting you." Chapter 31 Lena felt that the queen was also an ancient and therefore immortal. So she had to come up with something. She closed her eyes and had a vision. Use the Red Crystal and use it as a flamethrower. She had the Red Crystal on her necklace. She got this from her mother get given. But she always thought it was just one gem. But suddenly it started to glow and Lena took it in
  • 32. the hand. Lena ran towards the Queen of Atlantis, flamethrower in hand who gave her a sneering smile. She knew she was only one chance to defeat the ruler and save the galaxies of love. She had to aim the fire straight at her heart and hope it was her cells would destroy. The queen was immortal but not invulnerable. Lena jumped in the air and squeezed the Red Crystal. . A jet of blazing flame shot out of the crystal and hit the queen in the chest. Lena felt the heat on her skin and listened the hiss of the water evaporating. The queen screamed in pain and anger on. She raised her hand and threw up a wave of blue light lena Lena couldn't dodge and was hit by the beam of light. She felt a sharp pain in her head and lost consciousness. When she came to, she was lying on the floor of the palace. She looked around and saw the Queen of Atlantis lying motionless beside her. her face was burned black and her eyes were blank. Lena did it. she had killed the queen and freed the galaxies of love. She got up and left to the throne on which was a golden crown. She took it in her hand and put it on her head. She was now the new queen of Atlantis. She smiled and thought of her lover who was somewhere in the stars upon her was waiting. A short time later, Orion awoke again. Knocked unconscious by the Evil Queen and placed in a box was plugged with lock. "What's going on, where am I" my head hurts. It is dark. Hey can someone get me out of here? Lena was happy that Orion was still alive and took him out of the box and kissed him him tight. And so the two lived happily for the next few years. Suddenly something The unforeseeable happened. Lena became pregnant by Orion and so this happened after more than 50,000 years first newborn antique baby born. Zara the Princess of Atlantis. Lena and Orion knew exactly that they had to keep this a secret. Nobody must know about it. Otherwise Lucifer will hunt them down. So they decided to give Zara a new identity. Lena will return to Antika to find the last Ancients there and to protect and Orion will protect the galaxy here. They put this plan into action. They hid Zara in the galaxy so no one could ever find her.
  • 33. To avoid being discovered as an antique, they deleted theirs every 50 years memories and sent them across the universe. A short time later, Atlantis was destroyed by a flood. And the people of Atlantis went underground and are still alive always there. But have been hiding from the people and that ever since secret society. Probably related to the natural disaster which led to the sinking of the city in the floods. Chapter 32 Zara looks confused at the screen and reads the text that is there for the tenth time. Is there really the Zara (ie she herself) the daughter of Lena and Orion is. The only newborn Ancient of the last 50,000 years. That would mean she has 100% Ancient DNA and is immortal. Lives for 12000 years and is sent on missions by her parents and every 50 years their memory is erased. Zara asks the computer: "Will Zara's mind be erased every 50 years? And the computer replies: "No, the data is going into a secret folder in the ship's database saved and replaced with a new camouflage.” Who has access to these files? "Only Zara herself" Can you write them back into my brain? "Yes" "Should I write this back now? " the computer asks. And Zara responds with "yes" Thus the ship's computer writes all thoughts of the last 12000 years back in Zara's brain. Suddenly she can remember everything again. Of her early childhood with her father Orion and her mother Lena. Of all the adventures you've had on your 12,000 year journey across the galaxy experienced. On the one hand, this made her happy. On the other side Traurich. Because that would mean that they didn't aging became. Luke will grow old and die Will she survive her children too? Since they only have 50 percent of the ancient genes and after their birth they are completely normal
  • 34. mortals are. Zara decides not to tell Lukas about this discovery for the time being. Chapter 33 final word How will the story continue? Part 1 has 2 alternative endings at the end. These are still up to date even after part 2 ;-) Will part 3 continue the story of Zara and Lukas or the children? Or are we going back in time? Will we learn more about the Guardians of the Universe? Are Orion and Lena still alive? Or did Lucifer find her? Is Zara the Last Living Ancient? You will find out about this on Amazon and HasenChat Audiobooks when Part 3 of galaxies of love appears ;-) Best regards Norbert Reinwand