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// Todo: make autodate an option in the CiteTemplate object, not a preference
// Global object
if (typeof CiteTB == 'undefined') {
var CiteTB = {
"Templates" : {}, // All templates
"Options" : {}, // Global options
"UserOptions" : {}, // User options
"DefaultOptions" : {}, // Script defaults
"ErrorChecks" : {} // Error check functions
// only load on edit, unless its a user JS/CSS page
if ((wgAction == 'edit' || wgAction == 'submit') && !((wgNamespaceNumber == 2 ||
wgNamespaceNumber == 4) &&
(wgPageName.indexOf('.js') != -1 || wgPageName.indexOf('.css') != -1 ))) {
appendCSS(".cite-form-td {"+
"height: 0 !important;"+
"padding: 0.1em !important;"+
// Default options, these mainly exist so the script won't break if a new option
is added
CiteTB.DefaultOptions = {
"date format" : "<year>-<zmonth>-<zdate>",
"autodate fields" : [],
"months" : ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep',
'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'],
"modal" : true,
"autoparse" : false,
"expandtemplates": false
// Get an option - user settings override global which override defaults
CiteTB.getOption = function(opt) {
if (CiteTB.UserOptions[opt] != undefined) {
return CiteTB.UserOptions[opt];
} else if (CiteTB.Options[opt] != undefined) {
return CiteTB.Options[opt];
return CiteTB.DefaultOptions[opt];
CiteTB.init = function() {
/* Main stuff, build the actual toolbar structure
* 1. get the template list, make the dropdown list and set up the template
dialog boxes
* 2. actually build the toolbar:
* * A section for cites
* ** dropdown for the templates (previously defined)
* ** button for named refs with a dialog box
* ** button for errorcheck
* 3. add the whole thing to the main toolbar
if (typeof $j('div[rel=cites]')[0] != 'undefined') { // Mystery IE bug
var $target = $j('#wpTextbox1');
var temlist = {};
var d = new Date();
var start = d.getTime();
for (var t in CiteTB.Templates) {
var tem = CiteTB.Templates[t];
sform = CiteTB.escStr(tem.shortform);
var actionobj = {
type: 'dialog',
module: 'cite-dialog-'+sform
var dialogobj = {};
dialogobj['cite-dialog-'+sform] = {
resizeme: false,
titleMsg: 'cite-dialog-'+sform,
id: 'citetoolbar-'+sform,
init: function() {},
html: tem.getInitial(),
dialog: {
open: function() {
$j('.cite-prev-parse').bind( 'click', CiteTB.prevParseClick);
beforeclose: function() {
buttons: {
'cite-form-submit': function() {
$j.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.doAction( $j(this).data( 'context' ), {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
peri: ' '
}, $j(this) );
var ref = CiteTB.getRef(false, true);
$j(this).dialog( 'close' );
$j.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.doAction( $j(this).data( 'context' ), {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: ref
}, $j(this) );
'cite-form-showhide': CiteTB.showHideExtra,
'cite-refpreview': function() {
var ref = CiteTB.getRef(false, false);
var template = CiteTB.getOpenTemplate();
var div = $j("#citetoolbar-"+CiteTB.escStr(template.shortform));
if (CiteTB.getOption('autoparse')) {
} else {
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-cancel': function() {
$j(this).dialog( 'close' );
'cite-form-reset': function() {
$target.wikiEditor('addDialog', dialogobj);
if (!CiteTB.getOption('modal')) {
//$j('#citetoolbar-'+sform).dialog('option', 'modal', false);
temlist[sform] = {label: tem.templatename, action: actionobj };
var refsection = {
'sections': {
'cites': {
type: 'toolbar',
labelMsg: 'cite-section-label',
groups: {
'template': {
tools: {
'template': {
type: 'select',
labelMsg: 'cite-template-list',
list: temlist
'namedrefs': {
labelMsg: 'cite-named-refs-label',
tools: {
'nrefs': {
type: 'button',
action: {
type: 'dialog',
module: 'cite-toolbar-namedrefs'
section: 'cites',
group: 'namedrefs',
labelMsg: 'cite-named-refs-button'
'errorcheck': {
labelMsg: 'cite-errorcheck-label',
tools: {
'echeck': {
type: 'button',
action: {
type: 'dialog',
module: 'cite-toolbar-errorcheck'
section: 'cites',
group: 'errorcheck',
labelMsg: 'cite-errorcheck-button'
var defaultdialogs = {
'cite-toolbar-errorcheck': {
titleMsg: 'cite-errorcheck-label',
id: 'citetoolbar-errorcheck',
resizeme: false,
init: function() {},
html: '<div id="cite-namedref-loading">'+
'<img src="//"
dialog: {
open: function() {
buttons: {
'cite-errorcheck-submit': function() {
var errorchecks = $j("input[name='cite-err-test']:checked");
var errors = [];
for (var i=0; i<errorchecks.length; i++) {
errors =
$j(this).dialog( 'close' );
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-cancel': function() {
$j(this).dialog( 'close' );
'cite-toolbar-namedrefs': {
titleMsg: 'cite-named-refs-title',
resizeme: false,
id: 'citetoolbar-namedrefs',
html: '<div id="cite-namedref-loading">'+
'<img src="//"
init: function() {},
dialog: {
width: 550,
open: function() {
buttons: {
'cite-form-submit': function() {
var refname = $j("#cite-namedref-select").val();
if (refname == '') {
$j.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.doAction( $j(this).data( 'context' ), {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
peri: ' '
}, $j(this) );
$j(this).dialog( 'close' );
$j.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.doAction( $j(this).data( 'context' ), {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: CiteTB.getNamedRef(refname, true)
}, $j(this) );
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-cancel': function() {
$j(this).dialog( 'close' );
$target.wikiEditor('addDialog', defaultdialogs);
if (!CiteTB.getOption('modal')) {
//$j('#citetoolbar-namedrefs').dialog('option', 'modal', false);
//$j('#citetoolbar-errorcheck').dialog('option', 'modal', false);
appendCSS(".ui-widget-overlay {"+
"display:none !important;"+
$target.wikiEditor('addToToolbar', refsection);
// Load local data - messages, cite templates, etc.
$j(document).ready( function() {
switch( wgUserLanguage ) {
case 'es': // Spanish
var RefToolbarMessages = importScript('MediaWiki:RefToolbarMessages-
default: // English
var RefToolbarMessages = importScript('MediaWiki:RefToolbarMessages-
// Setup the main object
CiteTB.mainRefList = [];
CiteTB.refsLoaded = false;
// Actually assemble a ref from user input
CiteTB.getRef = function(inneronly, forinsert) {
var template = CiteTB.getOpenTemplate();
var templatename = template.templatename;
var res = '';
var refobj = {'shorttag':false};
if (!inneronly) {
var group = $j('#cite-'+CiteTB.escStr(template.shortform)+'-group').val();
var refname = $j('#cite-'+CiteTB.escStr(template.shortform)+'-name').val();
res += '<ref';
if (refname) {
refname = $j.trim(refname);
res+=' name='+CiteTB.getQuotedString(refname);
refobj.refname = refname;
if (group) {
group = $j.trim(group);
res+=' group='+CiteTB.getQuotedString(group);
refobj.refgroup = group;
var content ='{{'+templatename;
for( var i=0; i<template.basic.length; i++ ) {
var fieldname = template.basic[i].field;
var field = $j('#cite-'+CiteTB.escStr(template.shortform)
if (field) {
content+= $j.trim(field.replace("|", "{{!}}"));
if ($j('#cite-form-status').val() != 'closed') {
for( var i=0; i<template.extra.length; i++ ) {
var fieldname = template.extra[i].field;
var field = $j('#cite-'+CiteTB.escStr(template.shortform)
if (field) {
content+= $j.trim(field.replace("|", "{{!}}"));
content+= '}}';
refobj.content = content;
if (!inneronly) {
res+= '</ref>';
if (forinsert) {
return res;
// Make a reference to a named ref
CiteTB.getNamedRef = function(refname, forinsert) {
var inner = 'name=';
if (forinsert) {
CiteTB.mainRefList.push( {'shorttag':true, 'refname':refname} );
return '<ref name='+CiteTB.getQuotedString(refname)+' />';
// Function to load the ref list
CiteTB.loadRefs = function() {
if (CiteTB.refsLoaded) {
// Function that actually loads the list from the page text
CiteTB.loadRefsInternal = function(text) {
// What this does: extract first name/group
extract second name/group shorttag
inner content
var refsregex = /< *ref(?: +(name|group) *= *(?:"([^"]*?)"|'([^']*?)'|([^
'"/>]*?)) *)? *(?: +(name|group) *= *(?:"([^"]*?)"|'([^']*?)'|([^ '"/>]*?))
*)? *(?:/ *>|>((?:.|n)*?)< */ *ref *>)/gim
// This should work regardless of the quoting used for names/groups and for
linebreaks in the inner content
while (true) {
var ref = refsregex.exec(text);
if (ref == null) {
var refobj = {};
if (ref[9]) { // Content + short tag check
refobj['content'] = ref[9];
refobj['shorttag'] = false;
} else {
refobj['shorttag'] = true;
if (ref[1] != '') { // First name/group
if (ref[2]) {
refobj['ref'+ref[1]] = ref[2];
} else if (ref[3]) {
refobj['ref'+ref[1]] = ref[3];
} else {
refobj['ref'+ref[1]] = ref[4];
if (ref[5] != '') { // Second name/group
if (ref[6]) {
refobj['ref'+ref[5]] = ref[6];
} else if (ref[7]) {
refobj['ref'+ref[5]] = ref[7];
} else {
refobj['ref'+ref[5]] = ref[8];
CiteTB.refsLoaded = true;
// Parse some wikitext and hand it off to a callback function
CiteTB.parse = function(text, callback) {
$ wgServer+wgScriptPath+'/api.php',
{action:'parse', title:wgPageName, text:text, prop:'text', format:'json'},
function(data) {
var html = data['parse']['text']['*'];
// Use the API to expand templates on some text
CiteTB.expandtemplates = function(text, callback) {
$ wgServer+wgScriptPath+'/api.php',
{action:'expandtemplates', title:wgPageName, text:text, format:'json'},
function(data) {
var restext = data['expandtemplates']['*'];
// Function to get the page text
CiteTB.getPageText = function(callback) {
var section = $j("input[name='wpSection']").val();
if ( section != '' ) {
var postdata = {action:'query', prop:'revisions', rvprop:'content',
pageids:wgArticleId, format:'json'};
if (CiteTB.getOption('expandtemplates')) {
postdata['rvexpandtemplates'] = '1';
$j.get( wgServer+wgScriptPath+'/api.php',
function(data) {
var pagetext = data['query']['pages'][wgArticleId.toString()]
} else {
if (CiteTB.getOption('expandtemplates')) {
} else {
// Autofill a template from an ID (ISBN, DOI, PMID)
CiteTB.initAutofill = function() {
var elemid = $j(this).attr('id');
var res = /^cite-auto-(.*?)-(.*)-(.*)$/.exec(elemid);
var tem = res[1];
var field = res[2];
var autotype = res[3];
var id = $j('#cite-'+tem+'-'+field).val();
if (!id) {
return false;
var url = '';
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.setAttribute('src', url);
s.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
return false;
// Callback for autofill
//TODO: Autofill the URL, at least for DOI
CiteTB.autoFill = function(data, template, type) {
var cl = 'cite-'+template+'-';
if ($j('.'+cl+'last1').length != 0) {
for(var i=0; i<data.authors.length; i++) {
if ($j('.'+cl+'last'+(i+1)).length) {
} else {
var coauthors = [];
for(var j=i; j<data.authors.length; j++) {
coauthors.push(data.authors[j].join(', '));
$j('.'+cl+'coauthors').val(coauthors.join(', '));
} else if($j('.'+cl+'author1').length != 0) {
for(var i=0; i<data.authors.length; i++) {
if ($j('.'+cl+'author'+(i+1)).length) {
$j('.'+cl+'author'+(i+1)).val(data.authors[i].join(', '));
} else {
var coauthors = [];
for(var j=i; j<data.authors.length; j++) {
coauthors.push(data.authors[j].join(', '));
$j('.'+cl+'coauthors').val(coauthors.join(', '));
} else {
var authors = [];
for(var i=0; i<data.authors.length; i++) {
authors.push(data.authors[i].join(', '));
$j('.'+cl+'authors').val(authors.join('; '));
if (type == 'pmid' || type == 'doi') {
if (type == 'doi') {
var DT = new Date(;
} else {
} else if (type == 'isbn') {
// fill the accessdate param with the current date
CiteTB.fillAccessdate = function() {
var elemid = $j(this).attr('id');
var res = /^cite-date-(.*?)-(.*)$/.exec(elemid);
var id = res[1];
var field = res[2];
var DT = new Date();
datestr = CiteTB.formatDate(DT);
return false;
CiteTB.formatDate = function(DT) {
var datestr = CiteTB.getOption('date format');
var zmonth = '';
var month = DT.getUTCMonth()+1;
if (month < 10) {
zmonth = "0"+month.toString();
} else {
zmonth = month.toString();
month = month.toString();
var zdate = '';
var date = DT.getUTCDate();
if (date < 10) {
zdate = "0"+date.toString();
} else {
zdate = date.toString();
date = date.toString()
datestr = datestr.replace('<date>', date);
datestr = datestr.replace('<month>', month);
datestr = datestr.replace('<zdate>', zdate);
datestr = datestr.replace('<zmonth>', zmonth);
datestr = datestr.replace('<monthname>', CiteTB.getOption('months')
datestr = datestr.replace('<year>', DT.getUTCFullYear().toString());
return datestr;
// Function called after the ref list is loaded, to actually set the contents of
the named ref dialog
// Until the list is loaded, its just a "Loading" placeholder
CiteTB.setupNamedRefs = function() {
var names = []
for( var i=0; i<CiteTB.mainRefList.length; i++) {
if (!CiteTB.mainRefList[i].shorttag && CiteTB.mainRefList[i].refname) {
var stuff = $j('<div />')
$j('#citetoolbar-namedrefs').html( stuff );
if (names.length == 0) {
} else {
var select = $j('<select id="cite-namedref-select">');
select.append($j('<option value="" />').text(mw.usability.getMsg('cite-
for(var i=0; i<names.length; i++) {
select.append($j('<option />').text(names[i].refname));
select.before('<br />');
var prevlabel = $j('<div id="cite-nref-preview-label"
style="display:none;" />').html(mw.usability.getMsg('cite-raw-preview'));
prevlabel.before("<br /><br />");
prevlabel.after('<div id="cite-namedref-preview" style="padding:0.5em; font-
size:110%" />');
var parselabel = $j('<span id="cite-parsed-label" style="display:none;"
parselabel.after('<div id="cite-namedref-parsed" style="padding-
bottom:0.5em; font-size:110%" />');
var link = $j('<a href="#" id="cite-nref-parse" style="margin:0 1em 0 1em;
display:none; color:darkblue" />');
$j("#cite-namedref-select").bind( 'change', CiteTB.namedRefSelectClick);
$j('#cite-nref-parse').bind( 'click', CiteTB.nrefParseClick);
// Function to get the errorcheck form HTML
CiteTB.setupErrorCheck = function() {
var form = $j('<div id="cite-errorcheck-heading"
var ul = $j("<ul id='cite-errcheck-list' />");
for (var t in CiteTB.ErrorChecks) {
test = CiteTB.ErrorChecks[t];
// Callback function for parsed preview
CiteTB.fillNrefPreview = function(parsed) {
// Click handler for the named-ref parsed preview
CiteTB.nrefParseClick = function() {
var choice = $j("#cite-namedref-select").val();
if (choice == '') {
return false;
for( var i=0; i<CiteTB.mainRefList.length; i++) {
if (!CiteTB.mainRefList[i].shorttag && CiteTB.mainRefList[i].refname ==
choice) {
CiteTB.parse(CiteTB.mainRefList[i].content, CiteTB.fillNrefPreview);
return false;
// Click handler for the named-ref dropdown
CiteTB.lastnamedrefchoice = '';
CiteTB.namedRefSelectClick = function() {
var choice = $j("#cite-namedref-select").val();
if (CiteTB.lastnamedrefchoice == choice) {
CiteTB.lastnamedrefchoice = choice;
if (choice == '') {
for( var i=0; i<CiteTB.mainRefList.length; i++) {
if (!CiteTB.mainRefList[i].shorttag && CiteTB.mainRefList[i].refname ==
choice) {
if (CiteTB.getOption('autoparse')) {
} else {
// callback function for parsed preview
CiteTB.fillTemplatePreview = function(text) {
var template = CiteTB.getOpenTemplate();
var div = $j("#citetoolbar-"+CiteTB.escStr(template.shortform));
// Click handler for template parsed preview
CiteTB.prevParseClick = function() {
var ref = CiteTB.getRef(true, false);
var template = CiteTB.getOpenTemplate();
var div = $j("#citetoolbar-"+CiteTB.escStr(template.shortform));
CiteTB.parse(ref, CiteTB.fillTemplatePreview);
// Show/hide the extra fields in the dialog box
CiteTB.showHideExtra = function() {
var template = CiteTB.getOpenTemplate();
var div = $j("#citetoolbar-"+CiteTB.escStr(template.shortform));
var setting = div.find(".cite-form-status").val();
if ( setting == 'closed' ) {
div.find('.cite-extra-fields').show(1, function() {
// jQuery adds "display:block", which screws things up
div.find('.cite-extra-fields').attr('style', 'width:100%; background-
} else {
// Resets form fields and previews
CiteTB.resetForm = function() {
var template = CiteTB.getOpenTemplate();
var div = $j("#citetoolbar-"+CiteTB.escStr(template.shortform));
var id = CiteTB.escStr(template.shortform);
$j('#citetoolbar-'+id+' input[type=text]').val('');
// Returns a string quoted as necessary for name/group attributes
CiteTB.getQuotedString = function(s) {
var sp = /s/.test(s); // spaces
var sq = /'/.test(s); // single quotes
var dq = /"/.test(s); // double quotes
if (!sp && !sq && !dq) { // No quotes necessary
return s;
} else if (!dq) { // Can use double quotes
return '"'+s+'"';
} else if (!sq) { // Can use single quotes
return "'"+s+"'";
} else { // Has double and single quotes
s = s.replace(/"/g, '"');
return '"'+s+'"';
// Fix up strings for output - capitalize first char, replace underscores with
CiteTB.fixStr = function(s) {
s = s.slice(0,1).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1);
s = s.replace('_',' ');
return s;
// Escape spaces and quotes for use in HTML classes/ids
CiteTB.escStr = function(s) {
return s.replace(' ', '-').replace("'", "'").replace('"', '"');
// Determine which template form is open, and get the template object for it
CiteTB.getOpenTemplate = function() {
var dialogs = $j(".ui-dialog-content.ui-widget-content:visible");
var templatename = $j(dialogs[0]).find(".cite-template").val();
var template = null;
return CiteTB.Templates[templatename];
// Display the report for the error checks
CiteTB.displayErrors = function(errors) {
var table = $j('<table id="cite-err-report" style="width:100%; border:1px
solid #A9A9A9; background-color:#FFEFD5; padding:0.25em; margin-top:0.5em" />');
var tr1 = $j('<tr style="width:100%" />');
var th1 = $j('<th style="width:60%; font-size:110%"
var th2 = $j('<th style="text-align:right; width:40%" />');
im = $j('<img />').attr('src',
im.attr('alt', mw.usability.getMsg('cite-err-report-close')).attr('title',
var ad = $j('<a id="cite-err-check-close" />').attr('href', '#');
$j('#cite-err-check-close').bind('click', function() { $j('#cite-err-
report').remove(); });
if (errors.length == 0) {
var tr = $j('<tr style="width:100%;" />');
var td = $j('<td style="text-align:center; margin:1.5px;"
for(var e in errors) {
var err = errors[e];
var tr = $j('<tr style="width:100%;" />');
var td1 = $j('<td style="border: 1px solid black; margin:1.5px;
width:60%" />').html(err.err);
var td2 = $j('<td style="border: 1px solid black; margin:1.5px;
width:40%" />').html(mw.usability.getMsg(err.msg));
} // End of code loaded only on edit

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Dcbn cta 2010
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Dcbn cta 2010
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  • 1. // Todo: make autodate an option in the CiteTemplate object, not a preference // Global object if (typeof CiteTB == 'undefined') { var CiteTB = { "Templates" : {}, // All templates "Options" : {}, // Global options "UserOptions" : {}, // User options "DefaultOptions" : {}, // Script defaults "ErrorChecks" : {} // Error check functions }; } // only load on edit, unless its a user JS/CSS page if ((wgAction == 'edit' || wgAction == 'submit') && !((wgNamespaceNumber == 2 || wgNamespaceNumber == 4) && (wgPageName.indexOf('.js') != -1 || wgPageName.indexOf('.css') != -1 ))) { appendCSS(".cite-form-td {"+ "height: 0 !important;"+ "padding: 0.1em !important;"+ "}"); // Default options, these mainly exist so the script won't break if a new option is added CiteTB.DefaultOptions = { "date format" : "<year>-<zmonth>-<zdate>", "autodate fields" : [], "months" : ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], "modal" : true, "autoparse" : false, "expandtemplates": false }; // Get an option - user settings override global which override defaults CiteTB.getOption = function(opt) { if (CiteTB.UserOptions[opt] != undefined) { return CiteTB.UserOptions[opt]; } else if (CiteTB.Options[opt] != undefined) { return CiteTB.Options[opt]; } return CiteTB.DefaultOptions[opt]; } CiteTB.init = function() { /* Main stuff, build the actual toolbar structure * 1. get the template list, make the dropdown list and set up the template dialog boxes * 2. actually build the toolbar: * * A section for cites * ** dropdown for the templates (previously defined) * ** button for named refs with a dialog box * ** button for errorcheck * 3. add the whole thing to the main toolbar */ if (typeof $j('div[rel=cites]')[0] != 'undefined') { // Mystery IE bug workaround return; } $j('head').trigger('reftoolbarbase'); var $target = $j('#wpTextbox1'); var temlist = {}; var d = new Date();
  • 2. var start = d.getTime(); for (var t in CiteTB.Templates) { var tem = CiteTB.Templates[t]; sform = CiteTB.escStr(tem.shortform); var actionobj = { type: 'dialog', module: 'cite-dialog-'+sform }; var dialogobj = {}; dialogobj['cite-dialog-'+sform] = { resizeme: false, titleMsg: 'cite-dialog-'+sform, id: 'citetoolbar-'+sform, init: function() {}, html: tem.getInitial(), dialog: { width:675, open: function() { $j(this).html(CiteTB.getOpenTemplate().getForm()); $j('.cite-prev-parse').bind( 'click', CiteTB.prevParseClick); }, beforeclose: function() { CiteTB.resetForm(); }, buttons: { 'cite-form-submit': function() { $j.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.doAction( $j(this).data( 'context' ), { type: 'encapsulate', options: { peri: ' ' } }, $j(this) ); var ref = CiteTB.getRef(false, true); $j(this).dialog( 'close' ); $j.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.doAction( $j(this).data( 'context' ), { type: 'encapsulate', options: { pre: ref } }, $j(this) ); }, 'cite-form-showhide': CiteTB.showHideExtra, 'cite-refpreview': function() { var ref = CiteTB.getRef(false, false); var template = CiteTB.getOpenTemplate(); var div = $j("#citetoolbar-"+CiteTB.escStr(template.shortform)); div.find('.cite-preview-label').show(); div.find('.cite-ref-preview').text(ref).show(); if (CiteTB.getOption('autoparse')) { CiteTB.prevParseClick(); } else { div.find('.cite-prev-parse').show(); div.find('.cite-prev-parsed-label').hide(); div.find('.cite-preview-parsed').html(''); } }, 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-cancel': function() { $j(this).dialog( 'close' ); }, 'cite-form-reset': function() { CiteTB.resetForm(); }
  • 3. } } }; $target.wikiEditor('addDialog', dialogobj); if (!CiteTB.getOption('modal')) { //$j('#citetoolbar-'+sform).dialog('option', 'modal', false); } temlist[sform] = {label: tem.templatename, action: actionobj }; } var refsection = { 'sections': { 'cites': { type: 'toolbar', labelMsg: 'cite-section-label', groups: { 'template': { tools: { 'template': { type: 'select', labelMsg: 'cite-template-list', list: temlist } } }, 'namedrefs': { labelMsg: 'cite-named-refs-label', tools: { 'nrefs': { type: 'button', action: { type: 'dialog', module: 'cite-toolbar-namedrefs' }, icon: '// 22px-Nuvola_clipboard_lined.svg.png', section: 'cites', group: 'namedrefs', labelMsg: 'cite-named-refs-button' } } }, 'errorcheck': { labelMsg: 'cite-errorcheck-label', tools: { 'echeck': { type: 'button', action: { type: 'dialog', module: 'cite-toolbar-errorcheck' }, icon: '// NO.png/22px-Nuvola_apps_korganizer-NO.png', section: 'cites', group: 'errorcheck', labelMsg: 'cite-errorcheck-button' } } } } } }
  • 4. }; var defaultdialogs = { 'cite-toolbar-errorcheck': { titleMsg: 'cite-errorcheck-label', id: 'citetoolbar-errorcheck', resizeme: false, init: function() {}, html: '<div id="cite-namedref-loading">'+ '<img src="//" />'+ '&nbsp;'+mw.usability.getMsg('cite-loading')+'</div>', dialog: { width:550, open: function() { CiteTB.loadRefs(); }, buttons: { 'cite-errorcheck-submit': function() { var errorchecks = $j("input[name='cite-err-test']:checked"); var errors = []; for (var i=0; i<errorchecks.length; i++) { errors = errors.concat(CiteTB.ErrorChecks[$j(errorchecks[i]).val()].run()); } CiteTB.displayErrors(errors); $j(this).dialog( 'close' ); }, 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-cancel': function() { $j(this).dialog( 'close' ); } } } }, 'cite-toolbar-namedrefs': { titleMsg: 'cite-named-refs-title', resizeme: false, id: 'citetoolbar-namedrefs', html: '<div id="cite-namedref-loading">'+ '<img src="//" />'+ '&nbsp;'+mw.usability.getMsg('cite-loading')+'</div>', init: function() {}, dialog: { width: 550, open: function() { CiteTB.loadRefs(); }, buttons: { 'cite-form-submit': function() { var refname = $j("#cite-namedref-select").val(); if (refname == '') { return; } $j.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.doAction( $j(this).data( 'context' ), { type: 'encapsulate', options: { peri: ' ' } }, $j(this) ); $j(this).dialog( 'close' ); $j.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.doAction( $j(this).data( 'context' ), {
  • 5. type: 'encapsulate', options: { pre: CiteTB.getNamedRef(refname, true) } }, $j(this) ); }, 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-cancel': function() { $j(this).dialog( 'close' ); } } } } }; $target.wikiEditor('addDialog', defaultdialogs); $j('#citetoolbar-namedrefs').unbind('dialogopen'); if (!CiteTB.getOption('modal')) { //$j('#citetoolbar-namedrefs').dialog('option', 'modal', false); //$j('#citetoolbar-errorcheck').dialog('option', 'modal', false); appendCSS(".ui-widget-overlay {"+ "display:none !important;"+ "}"); } $target.wikiEditor('addToToolbar', refsection); } // Load local data - messages, cite templates, etc. $j(document).ready( function() { switch( wgUserLanguage ) { case 'es': // Spanish var RefToolbarMessages = importScript('MediaWiki:RefToolbarMessages- es.js'); break; default: // English var RefToolbarMessages = importScript('MediaWiki:RefToolbarMessages- en.js'); } }); // Setup the main object CiteTB.mainRefList = []; CiteTB.refsLoaded = false; // REF FUNCTIONS // Actually assemble a ref from user input CiteTB.getRef = function(inneronly, forinsert) { var template = CiteTB.getOpenTemplate(); var templatename = template.templatename; var res = ''; var refobj = {'shorttag':false}; if (!inneronly) { var group = $j('#cite-'+CiteTB.escStr(template.shortform)+'-group').val(); var refname = $j('#cite-'+CiteTB.escStr(template.shortform)+'-name').val(); res += '<ref'; if (refname) { refname = $j.trim(refname); res+=' name='+CiteTB.getQuotedString(refname); refobj.refname = refname; } if (group) { group = $j.trim(group); res+=' group='+CiteTB.getQuotedString(group); refobj.refgroup = group; }
  • 6. res+='>'; } var content ='{{'+templatename; for( var i=0; i<template.basic.length; i++ ) { var fieldname = template.basic[i].field; var field = $j('#cite-'+CiteTB.escStr(template.shortform) +'-'+fieldname).val(); if (field) { content+='|'+fieldname+'='; content+= $j.trim(field.replace("|", "{{!}}")); } } if ($j('#cite-form-status').val() != 'closed') { for( var i=0; i<template.extra.length; i++ ) { var fieldname = template.extra[i].field; var field = $j('#cite-'+CiteTB.escStr(template.shortform) +'-'+fieldname).val(); if (field) { content+='|'+fieldname+'='; content+= $j.trim(field.replace("|", "{{!}}")); } } } content+= '}}'; res+=content; refobj.content = content; if (!inneronly) { res+= '</ref>'; } if (forinsert) { CiteTB.mainRefList.push(refobj); } return res; } // Make a reference to a named ref CiteTB.getNamedRef = function(refname, forinsert) { var inner = 'name='; if (forinsert) { CiteTB.mainRefList.push( {'shorttag':true, 'refname':refname} ); } return '<ref name='+CiteTB.getQuotedString(refname)+' />'; } // Function to load the ref list CiteTB.loadRefs = function() { if (CiteTB.refsLoaded) { return; } CiteTB.getPageText(CiteTB.loadRefsInternal); } // Function that actually loads the list from the page text CiteTB.loadRefsInternal = function(text) { // What this does: extract first name/group extract second name/group shorttag inner content var refsregex = /< *ref(?: +(name|group) *= *(?:"([^"]*?)"|'([^']*?)'|([^ '"/>]*?)) *)? *(?: +(name|group) *= *(?:"([^"]*?)"|'([^']*?)'|([^ '"/>]*?)) *)? *(?:/ *>|>((?:.|n)*?)< */ *ref *>)/gim // This should work regardless of the quoting used for names/groups and for linebreaks in the inner content while (true) { var ref = refsregex.exec(text);
  • 7. if (ref == null) { break; } var refobj = {}; if (ref[9]) { // Content + short tag check //alert('"'+ref[9]+'"'); refobj['content'] = ref[9]; refobj['shorttag'] = false; } else { refobj['shorttag'] = true; } if (ref[1] != '') { // First name/group if (ref[2]) { refobj['ref'+ref[1]] = ref[2]; } else if (ref[3]) { refobj['ref'+ref[1]] = ref[3]; } else { refobj['ref'+ref[1]] = ref[4]; } } if (ref[5] != '') { // Second name/group if (ref[6]) { refobj['ref'+ref[5]] = ref[6]; } else if (ref[7]) { refobj['ref'+ref[5]] = ref[7]; } else { refobj['ref'+ref[5]] = ref[8]; } } CiteTB.mainRefList.push(refobj); } CiteTB.refsLoaded = true; CiteTB.setupErrorCheck(); CiteTB.setupNamedRefs() } // AJAX FUNCTIONS // Parse some wikitext and hand it off to a callback function CiteTB.parse = function(text, callback) { $ wgServer+wgScriptPath+'/api.php', {action:'parse', title:wgPageName, text:text, prop:'text', format:'json'}, function(data) { var html = data['parse']['text']['*']; callback(html); }, 'json' ); } // Use the API to expand templates on some text CiteTB.expandtemplates = function(text, callback) { $ wgServer+wgScriptPath+'/api.php', {action:'expandtemplates', title:wgPageName, text:text, format:'json'}, function(data) { var restext = data['expandtemplates']['*']; callback(restext); }, 'json' ); } // Function to get the page text CiteTB.getPageText = function(callback) { var section = $j("input[name='wpSection']").val();
  • 8. if ( section != '' ) { var postdata = {action:'query', prop:'revisions', rvprop:'content', pageids:wgArticleId, format:'json'}; if (CiteTB.getOption('expandtemplates')) { postdata['rvexpandtemplates'] = '1'; } $j.get( wgServer+wgScriptPath+'/api.php', postdata, function(data) { var pagetext = data['query']['pages'][wgArticleId.toString()] ['revisions'][0]['*']; callback(pagetext); }, 'json' ); } else { if (CiteTB.getOption('expandtemplates')) { CiteTB.expandtemplates($j('#wpTextbox1').wikiEditor('getContents').text(), callback); } else { callback($j('#wpTextbox1').wikiEditor('getContents').text()); } } } // Autofill a template from an ID (ISBN, DOI, PMID) CiteTB.initAutofill = function() { var elemid = $j(this).attr('id'); var res = /^cite-auto-(.*?)-(.*)-(.*)$/.exec(elemid); var tem = res[1]; var field = res[2]; var autotype = res[3]; var id = $j('#cite-'+tem+'-'+field).val(); if (!id) { return false; } var url = ''; url+=autotype+'='+encodeURIComponent(id); url+='&template='+encodeURIComponent(tem); var s = document.createElement('script'); s.setAttribute('src', url); s.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s); return false; } // Callback for autofill //TODO: Autofill the URL, at least for DOI CiteTB.autoFill = function(data, template, type) { var cl = 'cite-'+template+'-'; $j('.'+cl+'title').val(data.title); if ($j('.'+cl+'last1').length != 0) { for(var i=0; i<data.authors.length; i++) { if ($j('.'+cl+'last'+(i+1)).length) { $j('.'+cl+'last'+(i+1)).val(data.authors[i][0]); $j('.'+cl+'first'+(i+1)).val(data.authors[i][1]); } else { var coauthors = []; for(var j=i; j<data.authors.length; j++) { coauthors.push(data.authors[j].join(', ')); } $j('.'+cl+'coauthors').val(coauthors.join(', ')); break; }
  • 9. } } else if($j('.'+cl+'author1').length != 0) { for(var i=0; i<data.authors.length; i++) { if ($j('.'+cl+'author'+(i+1)).length) { $j('.'+cl+'author'+(i+1)).val(data.authors[i].join(', ')); } else { var coauthors = []; for(var j=i; j<data.authors.length; j++) { coauthors.push(data.authors[j].join(', ')); } $j('.'+cl+'coauthors').val(coauthors.join(', ')); break; } } } else { var authors = []; for(var i=0; i<data.authors.length; i++) { authors.push(data.authors[i].join(', ')); } $j('.'+cl+'authors').val(authors.join('; ')); } if (type == 'pmid' || type == 'doi') { if (type == 'doi') { var DT = new Date(; $j('.'+cl+'date').val(CiteTB.formatDate(DT)); } else { $j('.'+cl+'date').val(; } $j('.'+cl+'journal').val(data.journal); $j('.'+cl+'volume').val(data.volume); $j('.'+cl+'issue').val(data.issue); $j('.'+cl+'pages').val(data.pages); } else if (type == 'isbn') { $j('.'+cl+'publisher').val(data.publisher); $j('.'+cl+'location').val(data.location); $j('.'+cl+'year').val(data.year); $j('.'+cl+'edition').val(data.edition); } } // FORM DIALOG FUNCTIONS // fill the accessdate param with the current date CiteTB.fillAccessdate = function() { var elemid = $j(this).attr('id'); var res = /^cite-date-(.*?)-(.*)$/.exec(elemid); var id = res[1]; var field = res[2]; var DT = new Date(); datestr = CiteTB.formatDate(DT); $j('#cite-'+id+'-'+field).val(datestr); return false; } CiteTB.formatDate = function(DT) { var datestr = CiteTB.getOption('date format'); var zmonth = ''; var month = DT.getUTCMonth()+1; if (month < 10) { zmonth = "0"+month.toString(); } else { zmonth = month.toString(); } month = month.toString(); var zdate = '';
  • 10. var date = DT.getUTCDate(); if (date < 10) { zdate = "0"+date.toString(); } else { zdate = date.toString(); } date = date.toString() datestr = datestr.replace('<date>', date); datestr = datestr.replace('<month>', month); datestr = datestr.replace('<zdate>', zdate); datestr = datestr.replace('<zmonth>', zmonth); datestr = datestr.replace('<monthname>', CiteTB.getOption('months') [DT.getUTCMonth()]); datestr = datestr.replace('<year>', DT.getUTCFullYear().toString()); return datestr; } // Function called after the ref list is loaded, to actually set the contents of the named ref dialog // Until the list is loaded, its just a "Loading" placeholder CiteTB.setupNamedRefs = function() { var names = [] for( var i=0; i<CiteTB.mainRefList.length; i++) { if (!CiteTB.mainRefList[i].shorttag && CiteTB.mainRefList[i].refname) { names.push(CiteTB.mainRefList[i]); } } var stuff = $j('<div />') $j('#citetoolbar-namedrefs').html( stuff ); if (names.length == 0) { stuff.html(mw.usability.getMsg('cite-no-namedrefs')); } else { stuff.html(mw.usability.getMsg('cite-namedrefs-intro')); var select = $j('<select id="cite-namedref-select">'); select.append($j('<option value="" />').text(mw.usability.getMsg('cite- named-refs-dropdown'))); for(var i=0; i<names.length; i++) { select.append($j('<option />').text(names[i].refname)); } stuff.after(select); select.before('<br />'); var prevlabel = $j('<div id="cite-nref-preview-label" style="display:none;" />').html(mw.usability.getMsg('cite-raw-preview')); select.after(prevlabel); prevlabel.before("<br /><br />"); prevlabel.after('<div id="cite-namedref-preview" style="padding:0.5em; font- size:110%" />'); var parselabel = $j('<span id="cite-parsed-label" style="display:none;" />').html(mw.usability.getMsg('cite-parsed-label')); $j('#cite-namedref-preview').after(parselabel); parselabel.after('<div id="cite-namedref-parsed" style="padding- bottom:0.5em; font-size:110%" />'); var link = $j('<a href="#" id="cite-nref-parse" style="margin:0 1em 0 1em; display:none; color:darkblue" />'); link.html(mw.usability.getMsg('cite-form-parse')); $j('#cite-namedref-parsed').after(link); $j("#cite-namedref-select").bind( 'change', CiteTB.namedRefSelectClick); $j('#cite-nref-parse').bind( 'click', CiteTB.nrefParseClick); } } // Function to get the errorcheck form HTML CiteTB.setupErrorCheck = function() {
  • 11. var form = $j('<div id="cite-errorcheck-heading" />').html(mw.usability.getMsg('cite-errorcheck-heading')); var ul = $j("<ul id='cite-errcheck-list' />"); for (var t in CiteTB.ErrorChecks) { test = CiteTB.ErrorChecks[t]; ul.append(test.getRow()); } form.append(ul); $j('#citetoolbar-errorcheck').html(form); } // Callback function for parsed preview CiteTB.fillNrefPreview = function(parsed) { $j('#cite-parsed-label').show(); $j('#cite-namedref-parsed').html(parsed); } // Click handler for the named-ref parsed preview CiteTB.nrefParseClick = function() { var choice = $j("#cite-namedref-select").val(); if (choice == '') { $j('#cite-parsed-label').hide(); $j('#cite-namedref-parsed').text(''); return false; } $j('#cite-nref-parse').hide(); for( var i=0; i<CiteTB.mainRefList.length; i++) { if (!CiteTB.mainRefList[i].shorttag && CiteTB.mainRefList[i].refname == choice) { CiteTB.parse(CiteTB.mainRefList[i].content, CiteTB.fillNrefPreview); return false; } } } // Click handler for the named-ref dropdown CiteTB.lastnamedrefchoice = ''; CiteTB.namedRefSelectClick = function() { var choice = $j("#cite-namedref-select").val(); if (CiteTB.lastnamedrefchoice == choice) { return; } CiteTB.lastnamedrefchoice = choice; $j('#cite-parsed-label').hide(); $j('#cite-namedref-parsed').text(''); if (choice == '') { $j('#cite-nref-preview-label').hide(); $j('#cite-namedref-preview').text(''); $j('#cite-nref-parse').hide(); return; } for( var i=0; i<CiteTB.mainRefList.length; i++) { if (!CiteTB.mainRefList[i].shorttag && CiteTB.mainRefList[i].refname == choice) { $j('#cite-nref-preview-label').show(); $j('#cite-namedref-preview').text(CiteTB.mainRefList[i].content); if (CiteTB.getOption('autoparse')) { CiteTB.nrefParseClick(); } else { $j('#cite-nref-parse').show(); } } } }
  • 12. // callback function for parsed preview CiteTB.fillTemplatePreview = function(text) { var template = CiteTB.getOpenTemplate(); var div = $j("#citetoolbar-"+CiteTB.escStr(template.shortform)); div.find('.cite-prev-parsed-label').show(); div.find('.cite-preview-parsed').html(text); } // Click handler for template parsed preview CiteTB.prevParseClick = function() { var ref = CiteTB.getRef(true, false); var template = CiteTB.getOpenTemplate(); var div = $j("#citetoolbar-"+CiteTB.escStr(template.shortform)); div.find('.cite-prev-parse').hide(); CiteTB.parse(ref, CiteTB.fillTemplatePreview); } // Show/hide the extra fields in the dialog box CiteTB.showHideExtra = function() { var template = CiteTB.getOpenTemplate(); var div = $j("#citetoolbar-"+CiteTB.escStr(template.shortform)); var setting = div.find(".cite-form-status").val(); if ( setting == 'closed' ) { div.find(".cite-form-status").val('open'); div.find('.cite-extra-fields').show(1, function() { // jQuery adds "display:block", which screws things up div.find('.cite-extra-fields').attr('style', 'width:100%; background- color:transparent;'); }); } else { div.find(".cite-form-status").val('closed') div.find('.cite-extra-fields').hide(); } } // Resets form fields and previews CiteTB.resetForm = function() { var template = CiteTB.getOpenTemplate(); var div = $j("#citetoolbar-"+CiteTB.escStr(template.shortform)); div.find('.cite-preview-label').hide(); div.find('.cite-ref-preview').text('').hide(); div.find('.cite-prev-parsed-label').hide(); div.find('.cite-preview-parsed').html(''); div.find('.cite-prev-parse').hide(); var id = CiteTB.escStr(template.shortform); $j('#citetoolbar-'+id+' input[type=text]').val(''); } // STRING UTILITY FUNCTIONS // Returns a string quoted as necessary for name/group attributes CiteTB.getQuotedString = function(s) { var sp = /s/.test(s); // spaces var sq = /'/.test(s); // single quotes var dq = /"/.test(s); // double quotes if (!sp && !sq && !dq) { // No quotes necessary return s; } else if (!dq) { // Can use double quotes return '"'+s+'"'; } else if (!sq) { // Can use single quotes return "'"+s+"'"; } else { // Has double and single quotes s = s.replace(/"/g, '"'); return '"'+s+'"';
  • 13. } } // Fix up strings for output - capitalize first char, replace underscores with spaces CiteTB.fixStr = function(s) { s = s.slice(0,1).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1); s = s.replace('_',' '); return s; } // Escape spaces and quotes for use in HTML classes/ids CiteTB.escStr = function(s) { return s.replace(' ', '-').replace("'", "'").replace('"', '"'); } // MISC FUNCTIONS // Determine which template form is open, and get the template object for it CiteTB.getOpenTemplate = function() { var dialogs = $j(".ui-dialog-content.ui-widget-content:visible"); var templatename = $j(dialogs[0]).find(".cite-template").val(); var template = null; return CiteTB.Templates[templatename]; } // Display the report for the error checks CiteTB.displayErrors = function(errors) { $j('#cite-err-report').remove(); var table = $j('<table id="cite-err-report" style="width:100%; border:1px solid #A9A9A9; background-color:#FFEFD5; padding:0.25em; margin-top:0.5em" />'); $j('#editpage-copywarn').before(table); var tr1 = $j('<tr style="width:100%" />'); var th1 = $j('<th style="width:60%; font-size:110%" />').html(mw.usability.getMsg('cite-err-report-heading')); var th2 = $j('<th style="text-align:right; width:40%" />'); im = $j('<img />').attr('src', '// stop.svg.png'); im.attr('alt', mw.usability.getMsg('cite-err-report-close')).attr('title', mw.usability.getMsg('cite-err-report-close')); var ad = $j('<a id="cite-err-check-close" />').attr('href', '#'); ad.append(im); th2.append(ad); tr1.append(th1).append(th2); table.append(tr1); $j('#cite-err-check-close').bind('click', function() { $j('#cite-err- report').remove(); }); if (errors.length == 0) { var tr = $j('<tr style="width:100%;" />'); var td = $j('<td style="text-align:center; margin:1.5px;" />').html(mw.usability.getMsg('cite-err-report-empty')); tr.append(td); table.append(tr); return; } for(var e in errors) { var err = errors[e]; var tr = $j('<tr style="width:100%;" />'); var td1 = $j('<td style="border: 1px solid black; margin:1.5px; width:60%" />').html(err.err); var td2 = $j('<td style="border: 1px solid black; margin:1.5px; width:40%" />').html(mw.usability.getMsg(err.msg)); tr.append(td1).append(td2); table.append(tr); }
  • 14. } } // End of code loaded only on edit