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Question: "What are the spiritual gifts of the word of wisdom and the word of
Answer: There are three spiritual gifts lists in Scripture (Romans 12:6–8; 1 Corinthians
12:4–11; and 1 Corinthians 12:28), but only one of them mentions the gifts referred to as
the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge (1 Corinthians 12:8). There is much
confusion as to exactly what these two gifts are. Perhaps the best way to approach it is to
describe what these gifts are not.
Some Charismatics/Pentecostals view the word of knowledge and word of wisdom spiritual
gifts as the Holy Spirit speaking from one believer to another, giving revelation regarding a
decision or situation. Those who use these gifts in that way will often say something to the
effect of, “I have a word from the Lord for you.” In doing so, they claim to be speaking on
behalf of God and claim that their words are to be strictly obeyed.
This understanding of the word of knowledge and word of wisdom gifts comes dangerously
close to denying the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture. If God continues to reveal His
will and wisdom through special revelation to individuals, then can His Word truly be
sufficient to make us “complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy
3:17)? Has God truly given us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3), if we
require other individuals to give us special revelation from God? This is not to say that
God never uses another person to speak to us, but if we often need direct messages from
God through other people in order to live our lives, is God’s Word truly sufficient, as it
declares itself to be?
So, if the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge are not prophetic/revelatory gifts,
just what are they? We know one thing for sure: these gifts are given by the Spirit to build
up (edify) the body of Christ, for the “common good” (1 Corinthians 12:7). The havoc that
so often ensues in churches that practice the word of knowledge and word of wisdom as
revelatory gifts clearly is not for the common good. Confusing, nebulous, and sometimes
contradictory “words from the Lord” do not come from God, for He is not a God of
confusion or disorder (1 Corinthians 14:33). Nor do they tend to bring Christians together
for their edification; on the contrary, they tend to cause division and strife in the body.
Often the word of knowledge and/or word of wisdom gifts are used to gain power and
influence over other people, to make others dependent on the one who claims to possess
those gifts. This misuse of the two gifts is clearly not of God.
With that in mind, we offer these definitions of the word of knowledge and word of wisdom
spiritual gifts:
The word of wisdom – The fact that this gift is described as the “word” of wisdom indicates
that it is one of the speaking gifts. This gift describes someone who can understand and
speak forth biblical truth in such a way as to skillfully apply it to life situations with all
The word of knowledge – Also a speaking gift that involves understanding truth with an
insight that only comes by revelation from God. Those with the gift of knowledge
understand the deep things of God and the mysteries of His Word.
GiftsOf The HolySpirit:The Spiritual GiftOf The Word of Wisdom
The apostle Paul saysinthe bookof 1 Corinthians,
"for to one isgiventhe wordof wisdomthroughthe Spirit,"
-1 Corinthians12:8 (NKJV)
Whenwe studythe nine giftsof the Holy Spirit,Paul saysthat,
"But one and the same Spiritworksall these things,distributingtoeachone individuallyasHe wills.
1 Corinthians12:11 (NKJV)
As a christian,we shoulddesirethatthe giftsof the HolySpiritto be manifestedorshownamongthe
Bodyof Christ.Andto leave itupto the will of the HolySpiritto use those He pleases.
The Holy Spiritdoesnotuse everyone inthe same manner.He dividesthe spiritual giftstoeachone
individuallyas He wills.Ourjobisto maintainanopenheart,submitto the leadingof the HolySpiritand
letHiswill concerningthe distributingandmanifestationsof the spiritual giftsbe done.If we assume to
take control,it will onlyresultinamess.
Well,noteveryone will have all the manifestationsof the nine giftsof the HolySpiritbecause Paul says,
"for to one isgiventhe wordof wisdom..toanotherthe wordof knowledgethroughthe same Spirit,"
-1 Corinthians12:8 (NKJV)
You can see that notall the giftsof the HolySpiritare giventoeveryone.AsaChristianledbythe Holy
Spirit,letusdesire the giftsof the Spiritandto allow the HolySpirittomanifestHimself throughthe gifts
as He wills.
The Gift Of The Word Of WisdomIs NotThe GiftOf Wisdom
There are some Christianwhocall the giftof the wordof wisdomasthe giftof wisdom.Thatisincorrect.
We needtocall themwhat the Bible saystheyare,or we and the people we tell will become confused.
If you call a mana woman,oran orange an apple,youwouldconfuse others.The apostle Paul isnot
talkingaboutwisdomliterally.He istalkingaboutthe wordof wisdom.
Our dearHoly Spirithasinfinitewisdomandknowledge.He knowseverythingbutHe doesnot reveal
everythingtoanyone.The HolySpiritjustrevealsawordof what isin Hismind.
A wordis a part of a sentence.Soisthe wordof wisdom, whichisa part of the HolySpirit'swisdom.Itis
the giftof the wordof the word of wisdomthatthe HolySpiritrevealstoyouand I. Onlythe part of His
infinite wisdomthatthe HolySpiritwishesyoutoknow.
Let me illustrate thistoyou.If youneededsome legal advice,youwouldbe callingalawyer.However,
the lawyerwouldnottell youeverything he learntduringhis4yearsinuniversity,plushis10yearsof
experience inthe field,because99.99%of themdoesnotmake sense toyou. You wouldnotneedthem.
The lawyerwouldjustgive youa part,or a wordof the legal wisdomhe has,whichfitsyourparticular
case.He givesyoua "word"of legal wisdom, whichisall youneed.
Difference BetweenThe WordOf WisdomAndThe Word Of Knowledge
The word of knowledge isone of the nine giftsof the HolySpirit.The wordof knowledgewilltell youthe
facts,relatingtopeople orthingsinthe mindof God.It is a supernatural revelationbythe HolySpirit.
The word of wisdomwill tell youthe divine purpose inthe mindandwill of God.Thisisalsoa
supernatural revelationbythe HolySpirit.
The difference betweenthese twogiftsof the HolySpirit,giftof wordof wisdomandthe giftof word of
knowledge,isthatone speaksaboutthe pastwhile one speaksaboutthe future.
The giftof the word of knowledge tellsyouaboutthingswhichhasalreadyhappened.Thingsof the past.
While the giftof the wordof wisdomtellsyouthe plansof Godand whatis goingto happeninthe
The Spiritual GiftsOf The Word Of WisdomAndThe Word Of Knowledge OftenWorkTogether
Regardingthe teachingof the giftsof the Holy Spirit,we usuallyseparate thesetwospiritual giftstodeal
Let me showyouin the bookof acts howthe scrupture actuallyshowsthe operationsof bothof these
"the Lord saidin a vision,"Ananias".."Ariseandgoto the streetcalledStraight,andinquire atthe house
of Judasforone calledSaul of Tarsus, for behold,he ispraying.Andinavisionhe hasseena man named
Ananiascominginand puttinghishandonhim, so that he mightreceive hissight".."Go,forhe isa
chosenvessel of Mine tobearMy name before Gentiles..ForI will show hiimhow manythingshe must
sufferforMy name'ssake."
-Acts9:10-16 (NKJV)
Here,we can see that boththe spiritual giftsof the wordof wisdomandthe wordof knowledge are in
effect.Jesusspoke toAnaniaswheretofindSaul,sayingthathe isprayingand thathe had seenavision.
JesusalsotoldAnaniasthe exactstreet,house andthe persontogo to.
These are all facts. God alsorevealedtoAnaniasthatSaul hasseenAnaniasina vision,thatAnaniaswill
come and layhands onSaul,and will recover fromhisblindness.Thisisalsoa supernatural revelationto
Ananiasconcerningthe factsaboutSaul.Thisis the giftof the wordof knowledge inaction.
The other revelationthatAnaniasreceviedwasawordof wisdom.Inthisvision,GodrevealedHis plan
and purpose.
"for he isa chosenof Mine to bear My name before Gentiles,kingsandthe childrenof Isreal."
-Acts9:15 (NKJV)
"For I will showhimhowmanythingshe mustsufferforMy name'ssake."
-Acts9:16 (NKJV)
Saul,wholaterwas renamedasPaul,indeedsufferedforthe name of Jesus.He wasstoned,leftfor
dead,whipped,shipwrecked.WhereverPaul went,the people wouldcome againsthim.
Thiswas a visionGodhas gave to AnaniasaboutPaul'sfuture.Thisis a manifestationof the giftof the
wordof wisdom.
Human WisdomAndThe Spiritual GiftOf The Word Of Wisdom
Amongthe giftsof the HolySpirit,the wordof wisdomisoftenconfusedwiththe simple wisdomusedto
deal withthe thingsof life.The giftof the wordof wisdomisnotthe same as the wisdomindealingwith
the thingsof life.
At the earlystagesof Joshua'sministry,GodtoldJoshuathat the keyto wisdomandsuccesswouldbe to
meditate onthe Word of God.
"ThisBook of the Law shall not departoutof yourmouth,but youshall meditate onitdayand night,
that youmay observe anddoaccording to all that iswritteninit.For thenyoushall make yourway
prosperous,andthenyoushall deal wiselyandhave goodsuccess."
-Joshua1:8 (Amplified)
You can see that youwill gainwisdomandhave successinlife if youknow the wordof God and act upon
it.However,thiswisdomisnotthe same as the giftof the wordof wisdomthroughthe HolySpirit.
There are Christianswhothinkthatthe wisdomof Solomon,the wisestmanof all history,isthe giftof
the word of wisdom.Butitis not.This isthe wisdomgive byGod todeal effectivelywiththe issuesof
In the bookof James,he said:
"If any of youlackswisdom,lethimaskof God, whogivesto all liberallyandwithoutapproach,andit
will be giventohim.
-James1:5 (NKJV)
The apostle Jamesistalkingaboutthe wisdomtodeal wiselyregardingthe problemsandissuesof life.It
isthe wisdomtoknowhowto conductyourself as a Christian.
Thisis a general,ornatural wisdomtotackle the dailyaffairsof life.Itisgiventoanyone whoasksthe
Fatherfor it.The HolySpiritwill impartwisdomtoyou,tomake the correct decisionsinlife,butitisstill
not the same as the divine revelationof the wordof wisdombythe HolySpirit.
In the bookof James,he iswritingtoChristians,since he startedaddressingas"My brethren".The
apostle saidthatif any lackswisdom,lethimaskGod for it.Meaningeverybelieverwhoneedsitwillbe
givenbyGod if he asks.
It isnot the same wisdomas the one spokenbythe apostle Paul,"toone isgiventhe wordof wisdom.."
The word of wisdomisgiventoone,notall or any.It is one of the giftsof the HolySpiritwhichisgiven
onlyas the Spiritwills.
Whenthe Holy Spiritwantstoreveal Hispurposesandplans,He doesitthrough the manifestationof
the word of wisdom.Thisisone of the giftsof the HolySpirit,whichshouldnotbe mixedupwiththe
general wisdomthatGodgivesliberallytotackle the issuesof life.
GiftsOf The HolySpirit:The Spiritual GiftOf The Word of Wisdom(Part2)
What isthe difference betweenthe giftof the wordof wisdom, giftof the wordof wisdomandthe gift
of prophecy?
What we call prophecy,issometimesnotthe simplegiftof prophecyatall.If the wordsthat we speak
forthcontainsrevelationtoit,itisinfact, a word of knowledge.
In the giftof prophecyby itself,thereisnorevelation.
"But he whoprophesiesspeaksedificationandexhortationandcomforttomen."
-1 Corinthians14:3 (NKJV)
If a christianisspeakingwiththe giftof prophecy,andif he doesnothave othermanifestationsof the
giftsof the HolySpirit,thenwhathe speakswill deal onlywithedification,exhortationandcomfort.
The prophetsof the oldtestament,onthe otherhand,neededthe othergiftsof the HolySpirittobe at
workin themforthemto stand inthe propheticministry,tomake predictionsof the future.
The prophet'spredictions,thoughtheycame throughprophecy,were infact,manifestationsof the gift
of the wordwisdom.
For example,whenyouare sittinginataxi,youare not the taxi.You are carried bythe taxi.Similarly,the
wordof wisdom(you) isconveyedbyprophecy(taxi).Theyare different.
The Gift Of The Word Of WisdomComesInMany Forms
Like the wordof knowledge,the giftof the wordof wisdommaybe expressedbyanaudible voice,ina
dreamor a vision.Itmayalsocome through the utterance giftof prophecy,speakingandintepretation
of tongues.
Joseph,inthe OldTestamentreceivedawordof wisdomthrougha dreamwhenhe wasstill a teenage.
In that dream,GodshowedJospephthe plansandpurpose He hadfor him.(Genesis37:5)
WhenMoseswas inthe wilderness,he receivedarevelationof the future of Isreal,where Godwillbring
themout of Egypt. God spoke ina audible voice toMoses.Ithad to be the giftof the wordof wisdom
whichwasin effect.
It isalso true for the prophetsof the OldTestamentwhoprophesiedmanyof the thingsGodwasgoing
to do forthe people of Isreal.Suchassendingthe Messiahandthe makingof the New Covenant.
Thoughthe prophetsconveyedthe message throughprophecy,itwasactuallythe wordof wisdom
ProphetsTake The Word Of WisdomAndRevealsThe PlansOf The HolySpirit
"Andin these daysprophetscame fromJerusalemtoAntioch.Thenone of them, namedAgabus,stood
up and showedbythe Spiritthatthere wasgoingto be a greatfamine throughoutthe world..Thenthe
disciples,eachaccordingtohisability,determinedtosendrelief tothe brethrendwellinginJudea.This
theyalsodid,and sentitto the eldersbythe handsof Barnabas andSaul."
-Acts11:27-28 (NKJV)
Agabusprophesiedthatagreatfamine wascoming.The disciplesandapostles,withtheirdiscernment,
believedhimandimmediatelybegantoprepare tosendaidtotheirpeople inJudea.
We can alsoread aboutAgabusinchapter 21, whenhe came to Philip'shouse,where Paul andLuke
(authorof Acts) were alsopresent.
"Andas we stayedmanydays,a certainprophetnamedAgabuscame downfromJudea.Whenhe had
come to us, he tookPaul'sbelt,boundhisownhandsand feet,andsaid,"thussaysthe Holy Spirit,"So
shall the Jewsat jerusalembindthe man whoownsthisbelt,anddeliverhimintothe handsof the
-Acts21:10-11 (NKJV)
Notice thatwhenAgabusspoke,he merelyrepeatedwhatthe HolySpirithadalreadysaidtoHim.It was
a revelationfromthe HolySpirit.Whenthere are revelationsspoken,itisalwaysagiftof the wordof
wisdom,wordof knowledge,orthe discerningof spirits.
These are the onlyrevelationthree giftsof the HolySpirit.There are nootherrevelationgiftsof the Holy
Spiritmentionedinthe Bible.
What the prophetAgabussaidaboutPaul,was nota wordof knowledge,butawordof wisdom.If you
remember,ImentionedinPart1 that the word of knowledge speaksaboutthe pastandpresentfacts,
while the wordof wisdomisthe revelationof the future givento usthroughour dearHolySpirit.
Onlythe HolySpirit,withhisinfinite wisdom, canlookthroughtime totell usaboutthe future.
SometimesA WordOf WisdomCan Be Conditional
There are occasionsinthe OldTestamentwhenthe wordof God whichwasrevealedtothe prophetsdid
not come to passon the time God originallyplanned.
Duringthe reignof KingHezekiah,Godgave Isaiahaword of wisdomforHezekiah.
"In those daysHezekiahwassickandnear death.AndIsiahthe prophet,sonof Amoz,wenttohimand
saidto him,"Thussays the Lord: "Setyour house inorder,foryou shall die,andnotlive.""
-2 Kings20:1 (NKJV)
Afterthe prophetIsaiahhaddeliveredthe doomsdaymessage forKingHezekiahandstartedtoleave
the palace,HezekiahrepentedandprayedtoGod.
"Remembernow,OLord,I pray,how I have walkedbefore Youintruthandwitha loyal heart,and have
done whatwas goodin Your sight."AndHezekiahweptbitterly."
-2 Kings20:3 (NKJV)
Before Isaiahleftthe court,Godcommandedhimto turnback and pass the message toHezekiah.
"Returnand tell Hezekiahthe leaderof Mypeople,"Thussaysthe Lord,the God of Davidyourfather:"I
have heardyour prayer,I have seenyourtears;surelyIwill heal you..AndIwill addtoyour daysfifteen
-2 Kings20:5-6 (NKJV)
Thiswas alsoa word of wisdomasit concernedthe future of Hezekiah,where GodsaidHe will add
God alsospoke to Jonahthe prophetandgave hima wordof wisdomthatNinevahwasgoingtobe
destroyed.Thiswasalsoa wordof wisdombecause itspoke aboutthe future of Isreal andthe planof
AfterJonahhad warnedthe people,theyrepentedandthe judgementof Goddidnotfall on themin
that generation.Manyyearsafterthat,Ninevahwentbacktoa life of sinandwasdestroyedbyIsreal's
The Gift Of The Word Of WisdomIs UsedTo Set ApartThose For Special Ministry
God will reveal Hisplanregardingthose He wantstoappointforspecial ministrythroughthe giftof the
wordof wisdom.Ihave shownyouan example inpart1 of the giftsof the word of wisdom.Jesussent
Ananiastopray for Saul.tellinghim..
"But the Lord saidto Him,"Go, for he is a chosenvessel of Mine tobearMy name before Gentiles,kings,
and the childrenof Isreal."
-Acts9:15 (NKJV)
The Word Of WisdomIsUsed To Assure People Of God'sProtectio
The giftof the word of wisdomisalso givenbythe HolySpiritto assure othersaboutthe love,protection
and deliverance of Godintimesof troubles.
The apostle Paul wasaboard a shipon hiswayto Rome to appeal hiscase to Ceasar.Suddenly,aviolent
storm arose.However,evenbeforethe stormcame,the HolySpirithadalreadyrevealedtoPaul about
the voyage.
"Men,I perceivedthatthisvoyage will endwithdisasterandmuchloss,not onlyof the cargo and ship,
but alsoour lives."
-Acts27:10 (NKJV)
However,because of the advices of the helmsman,ownerof the ship,andthe softwindblowing,the
ignoredPaulswarningandcontinuedwiththe treacherousvoyage.
As Paul hadexpected,the stormcame,andthe people were forcedtodumptheirgoods.Whenall hope
was gone,Paul stepped forwardtoencourage themafterawordof wisdomwhichhe receivedfrom
"AndnowI urge youto take heart,for there will be nolossof life amongyou,butonlyof the ship.For
there stoodbyme thisnightan angel of the Lord to whomI belongandwhomI serve,saying,"Donotbe
afraidPaul;youmust be broughtbefore Ceasar;andindeedGodhasgrantedyou all those whosail with
you."Therefore take heart,men,forIbelieveGodthatit will be jsutasit was toldme."
Acts 27:22-25 (NKJV)
In the end,the people wholistenedtoPaul were encouraged,tookhisadvice,andall reachedland
Word of Wisdom:A Manifestationof the Giftof HolySpirit
Bible LessonbyDaniel Sweet
Word of Wisdomis a revelationmanifestationof the Giftof HolySpirit.Wordof Wisdomisyoureceiving
instructionfromGodon whatto do withthe informationwhichwasreceivedthroughanother
manifestationof HolySpiritknownasWordof Knowledge.Wordof Wisdomcanalso be whatto do ina
givensituationwhereyoualreadyhave knowledge of itthroughyour5 senses.Wordof Wisdomis
knownas a “revelation”manifestationbecause itisGod“revealing”somethingtoyou.
Word of Wisdomis notabout howsmart youare, althoughthatisusuallya byproduct,it isabout you
gettingspecificinformationfromGodthat youcan not possiblyknow fromyour5 senses.Itisdivine
informationthatdoesnotcome fromyour brain;it comesfromthe Gift of HolySpirit.
Word of KnowledgeandWordof Wisdom
Word of Wisdom,the HolySpiritGiftManifestationisfirstmentionedinICor 12:8 – “For to one is given
by the Spiritthe wordof wisdom;toanotherthe wordof knowledge bythe same Spirit;”
Word of Wisdomis God tellingusthe rightthingstodo withthe Word of Knowledge thatHe justgave us
aboutsomething...ormaybe somethingwe know aboutthroughourfive sensesbutdon’tknow whatto
do aboutit.Like I said,these manifestationscanand dowork independentlybutusuallytheyare done
together...asthe believerisreadyforthem.
ReadyReceiver:Tune intothe HolySpirit
That’s the catch to any and all of God’s powerinyourlife;YOU have to be readyto receive it.Youcan
not hearGod whenyouare inturmoil andconflictinyour heador inyour heart.Most people are so
busylisteningtotheirfavoriteradiostationinside theirhead,WIIFM(What’sInIt For Me?) that they
neverbothertoswitchthe dial overGODFM andsee if there issomethingbetteron.
If you are nottunedinand readyto listentoGod, thenGod can not give youHismessage.Inmostcases,
He will notforce Hismessage onyoubecause doingsowouldinfringe uponyourfree will tolistento
NotlisteningtoGodhurts hisheartand slowsHimdownindoinggoodworksfor all of us.That is a
tragedyfor everyone. Itisup to eachof us individuallytobe goodstewardsof thatwhichGod has given
us.We are to be witnessesof Hisgreatnessandglorythroughoutthe entire world.How canwe possibly
do that forGod if we are not listeningtoGod’sgoodcounsel ANDoperatingthe Giftof HolySpiritinits
How Word of WisdomWorks
WhenGod givesyouWord of Knowledge He willusuallyimmediatelyfollow withwhattodo withthat
special knowledge;i.e.Wordof Wisdom.Butnotalways.SometimesGodjustwantsyouto know
somethingandnotdo anythingaboutit.SometimesHe givesyouspecial knowledge withoutwordof
wisdombecause youalreadyknowwhattodo;the additional informationwouldbe redundant.Godis
all aboutconcise communication.
Sometimeswe needakickinthe buttto do it,but that's a differentstory.Andyes,sometimesGodwill
evenprovide thatbuttkickingforyou!You know,like Jonahbeingswallowedbythe bigfishwhenGod
toldhimto go to NinevehandJonahsaidno…
But youknowwhat? If God has to kickyour butteverytime he wantsyouto do something,He willnot
make a habitout of it.He will simplystopgivingyouassignments.Idon'tknow aboutyou, but I love
workingforGod and doingHisgoodworks.So I make sure that he keepsmybuttkickingstoa bare
There are three typesof wisdom:
The wisdomof God (I Corinthians2:6-7)
The wisdomof the world(I Corinthians2:6)
The wisdomof man (Ecclesiastes1:16-18)
The giftof the word of wisdomisthe applicationof knowledgethatGodgivesyou( I Corinthians2:6-7).
Thistype of wisdomisa giftwhichcannotbe gainedthroughstudyor experience andshouldbyno
meanstry to replace them. The giftof the wordof wisdomisseeinglife fromGod'sperspective.Asa
Christianexercisesthisgift,he beginstodevelopafearof the Lord. Thisis the "beginningof wisdom"
accordingto Proverbs1:7.
The giftof the word of wisdomisalsothe revealingof propheticfuture;itisspeakinghiddentruthsof
whatis not known.Itisa supernatural perspective toascertainthe divinemeansforaccomplishing
God's will ina givensituation,andisa divinelygivenpowertoappropriate spiritual intuition inproblem
Furthermore,thisgiftinvolveshavingasense of divinedirection,beingledbythe HolySpirittoact
appropriatelyinagivensetof circumstances,andrightlyapplyingknowlege.
The giftof wisdomisthe wisdomof God.It isthe supernatural impartationof facts;itis notnatural.You
can't earn it.It is receivedfromGodthroughprayer(Ephesians1:17).
The giftof the word of wisdomworksinteractivelywiththe othertworevelationgifts:knowledge and
ThisteachingwaswrittenbyDavidHolt Boshart,Jr.
Mark #2: Full of the SpiritandWisdomJ. HamptonKeathley,III
1:1 Nowin these days,whenthe discipleswere growinginnumber,acomplaintarose onthe part of the
Greek-speakingJewsagainstthe native HebraicJews,because theirwidowswere beingoverlookedin
the dailydistributionof food.1:2 Sothe twelve calledthe whole groupof the disciplestogetherand
said,“It isnot rightfor us to neglectthe wordof God to waiton tables.1:3 But carefullyselectfrom
amongyou,brothers,sevenmenwhoare well-attested,full of the Spiritandof wisdom, whomwe may
put incharge of thisnecessarytask.1:4 But we will devote ourselvestoprayerandthe ministryof the
word.”(Acts6:1-4, emphasismine)
As pointedoutpreviously,one of the distinctive characteristicsof Christianmaturityandleadershipisits
enablement.Vitaltoeverythingelseasrootsare to the fruitof a tree,the spiritual maturityneededina
Christianleadercanbe manifestedonlybySpirit-filledandWord-filledbelievers.The otherqualitiesto
be highlightedinthisstudyare importantanddesirable,buttobe filledwiththe Spiritandthe Word
(full of biblical wisdomandunderstanding) isabsolutelyindispensableforitisthe ultimate source of
spiritual maturityandgodlyleadership.InGod’splanforthe Christian,all the qualitiesthatwill be
discussedare tofindtheirsource inthe powerof the Spiritandthe teachingof the Word—the taproot
of spiritual growth,maturity,andleadership.
The book of Acts isa bookmarkedbytrue spiritualityandbiblicalleadership.Initwe are constantly
treatedto menof great maturityandChrist-likecharacter,but,asit has oftenbeenpointedout,rather
than beingabook of the Acts of men or the apostles,itisreallythe Actsof the Holy SpiritandWord-
filledlives.Itisthe storyof menwhoestablishedthe churchandleditsmissionaryenterprise,but
withoutexception,these were menendowedandempoweredbythe HolySpirit.Everywhere youturn,
yousee the work andleadershipof the HolySpirit;yousee menwhoare saidto be full of the Spiritand
actingby His directionsandunderHispower.The HolySpiritisreferredtosome 46 timesinthe bookof
Acts.In nearlyeverychapterthere are referencestothe ministryof the Spirit.
In thisbook,we see God’scall to all kindsof ministriesand,whetheritisacall to witnessortoserve
tablesor to solve aproblemorthe needof guidance,the workof the Spiritisessential.The
indispensable requirementisformenand womenwhofirstare filledwiththe Spirit.
Unfortunately,we missthis.We thinkthe firstrequirementischangedcharacterorservice orministry.
Men are calledtowitness(2:8),toserve others(6:1f),topreach the gospel (3:12f),etc.,but Scripture
firstcallsus to be filledwithandtowalkbythe HolySpiritbecause thisconstitutesGod’senablementso
we can be the Christianswe have become.
Thisprinciple isevidentinMark3:13-15 and Luke 6:12. Followingawhole nightinprayer,the Lord(an
evidence of Hisowndependenceonthe Father) calledandappointeddisciples.InthisHe commissioned
themto twomajor responsibilities:(a) thatthey mightbe withHimand (b) that He mightsendthemout
to preachand have authorityto cast outdemons.The nature of this commissionandthe orderis
significant.BeingwithHim,fellowshipwiththe Savior,wasfoundational andthe source of enablement
for theirtaskof preachingandpoweroverdemonicforces(cf.Acts1:8). Anotherpassage thatpointsto
thisimportantqualityof a word-filled,spirit-filledlife isActs6:1-7.
The Problem(vs.1)
Nowinthese days,whenthe discipleswere growinginnumber,acomplaintarose onthe part of the
Greek-speakingJewsagainstthe native HebraicJews,because theirwidowswere beingoverlookedin
the dailydistributionof food.
Whereverthere are people,there will naturallybe problems.Thisisafact of life. There isnoboard of
eldersordeaconsthat isperfect.There are no perfectchurchesandnoperfectfamilies.Why?Because
theyare all made up of imperfectpeople,sinnerssavedbygrace.
A ladycomplainedtoawell-knownBible teacherthatshe couldn’tfindachurchto her liking.She found
faultwitheverychurchshe visited.He said,“itsoundslike youare lookingforaperfectchurch,with
perfectpeople.If youfindsucha church, letme know,butplease don’tjoinit.”“Why,”she asked?
“Because youwouldruinit,and so wouldI!”
Dealingwithproblemsisanecessarypart of life,especiallyforleaders.Itgoeswiththe territory,butthe
mostindispensable needismenwhoare filledwithGod’sSpiritmanifestingGod’swisdom, patience,
and lovingcharacter.
So the twelve calledthe whole groupof the disciplestogetherandsaid,“Itisnot rightfor us to neglect
the word of God to waiton tables.
Problemsolvingincludes:(a) identifyingthe problem, (b) evaluatingit,and(c) solvingitthrough
investigation,study,prayer,andthe wise applicationof informationtothe specificsof the problem.But
for that we needthe leadingof the HolySpirit.Sometimeswe simplydonotexperienceHisleading,not
because of any reluctance onthe part of the HolySpirit,butbecause there are spiritual rocksinthe gas
line—wehaven’tmetthe requirementsforthe fillingof the Spirit.Butthiswasnotthe problemhere in
Acts (cf.Acts2:4; 4:8, 31).
“So the twelve calledthe whole groupof the disciplestogether”(vs.2).The twelve,beingthe leadersat
that time,tookthe leadershipinseekingwaystosolve the problem.Buttheysummonedthe people
onlyaftertheyhad studiedthe problem,andasspiritual menactingonthe principlesof the Word,they
came upwitha solutionthatwouldnotonlysolve the problem, butthatwasinaccord withthe
principlesof the Word.Theyrefusedtoact outof expediencyorasmere pragmatists,i.e.,the end
justifiesthe means,orbylookingforwhatevermightworkandthatwouldgetthe people off of their
backs.Rather,theydemonstratedspiritual discernment.Afterstudyingthe situation,theythendeclared
to the people whattheycouldnotdoand why.Ministryand leadershipisamatterof identifyingGod’s
priorities,knowingwhatGodhas calledusto do,and thenspendingourtime inthose pursuitsrather
than insecondaryissuesnomatterhowimportantthose thingsare.Secondarymatterscanrender
leadersineffectiveintheirprimaryresponsibilitiesandwill spreadthemsothintheybecome ineffective
ineverything.Thismeansspirituallymature leadersmustlearntotrainandrecruitothersto share in the
workof the Lord. Thus,to solve theirproblem, theyengagedinthe processof selectingotherswhowere
qualifiedtoserve.Note the followingprincipleswe learnfromtheiraction:
(1) The principle of biblical selectivity(vs.3) “Butcarefullyselectfromamongyou,brothers,sevenmen
whoare well-attested,full of the Spiritandof wisdom, whomwe mayputincharge of thisnecessary
task.” The actionsof the apostleshighlightthe importance of biblical selectivityinthe recruitment
process.The essential principle inrecruitmentnomatterwhatthe ministryneedistoselectpeople for
ministrybasedonthe principlesof the Bibleratherthanexpediency.
In orderto findpeople tohelpordothe workof ministry,churchleadersoftenbecome desperate and
will take justaboutanyone if theyare alive andmoving.There isa greattemptationhere whentheysee
needsandhearthe complaintsandcriticismof othersbecause needsaren’tbeingmet.Naturally,
problemsare blamedonthe leaders,sothe tendencyistopanic,jumpthe gun,and recruitpeople
regardlessof theirqualifications. Butthe needswouldbe betterleftundone inmanysituationsthanfor
the leaderstoselectthe wrongpeople ortryto do everythingthemselves.
God knowsthe needsandour responsibilityistorestinHis sovereigntyandsticktothe principlesof the
Word (cf.our Lord inMark 1:29-39; 3:12f; Luke 6:12). To selectthose whomGodhas notselected,those
whoare not willingtocountthe costs, whoare carnal andfull of the wisdomof the world,isto forfeit
God’sblessingandpoweronour ministries.
The essential issue,regardlessof the need,isnotinthe nature of the task whetherit’steachingthe
Word, ministeringtothe sick,orsweepingthe church,orgreetingpeople atthe door.The great needis
for spiritual people regardlessof the task.Giftednessforatask or ministryisanothermatterandissue.
(2) The requirementsof selection(vs.3).“Butcarefullyselectfromamongyou.”Normally,Godwantsus
to go intoour ownranks forpeople.Thismeansthe churchneedstobe training,building,and thus
developingservantsforministryfromamongourownpeople.Here isapriorityforleadershipthatisfar
sightedandprovidesforthe future.“Select”isthe Greek.episkeptomai fromaroot which“denotesthe
activityof lookingator payingattentiontoa personor thing.”21 The verbcan mean,dependingonthe
context,“toobserve,review,superintend,watchover,inspect,examine,care for,andselect”(i.e.,after
examination).Thisisclearlythe opposite of “grabbing”someone whoisnotspirituallyqualified.simply
to fill aneed.
For instance,apartfromActs 6:3, episkeptomai isusedforthe lovingandseekingcare of God.22 An
importantpassage isNumbers27:16, 17. Here itis usedinthe LXX inthe sense of appoint,butitis used
inconnectionwithGod’slovingcare forthe cares and needsof Hispeople.InActs6:3, episkeptomai
means“to select,”butobviouslyonlyafterexaminationaccordingtothe standardsgiveninthe passage.
Here it isusedof an appointmentthatoccurs aftersearchingandfindingthose whohada heartfor the
care of others,of those whohadcome to realize that,asChristians,theydidnotexistforthemselves
It becomesevidentthatthiswordandits active form, episkopeo,“tooversee,”became importantinthe
selectionof these firstservantsandinthe selectionof the title,episkopos,“overseers,”forthe leaders
of the church.This wordand itsuse in the restof the New Testamentsuggestswe are tolookformen
and womenwhopossessanattitude of godlyconcernforthe Christiancommunity,anobviousworkof
the HolySpirit.
“Sevenmen.”The numbersevenwasnotthe issue thoughinScripture sevenisthe numberof
completion.If the numbersevenmeansanythingitsimplymeanswe are tosurveythe needandseekto
selectasmany as are neededtofill the need.Itcouldbe five ortwelve,butthe numberisneverto
exceedthe numberqualified.
“Men of goodreport.”The ideahere ismenwho possessagoodtestimonyamongthe congregation.It
referstomenwhose liveswitnessedtothe nexttwoqualitiesasthe proof of theirauthenticity.
“Full of the Spirit”is the mostindispensablerequirement.Menwhoare full of the HolySpiritare men
whomthe HolySpiritcan control,lead,andworkthrough.This meansmenwhohave God’sheartand
concernfor others,menwhodisplaythe fruitof the Spirit.
A man mayhave a goodreputation,butisitsuch that itis clearlythe manifestationandworkof the
Spiritof God? We oftensee menwhohave goodreputations,theyare religious,moral,likable,talented,
and genuinelynice guys,butthiscanbe the productof theirownactivityproducedfromtheirown
neuroticneedslikethe desire forrecognition,position,power,applause,oreventosoothe a guilty
God wantsonlythose inplacesof leadershipandresponsibilitywhoare controlledbyHisSpirit,because
onlythese are inhearingdistance of Hisvoice;onlythese will havethe capacitytocare for otherswith
the heart of God. Such are His selectionandsuchmustbe the criterionforour selection.Those we
selectforleadershipandplacesof responsibilityshouldgiveunmistakable evidence of the powerof the
“Full of wisdom.”Wisdomissophia,whichoftenincludestwothings:(1) content,the wisdomof the
Word, Bible truth,butitalsoincludes(2) the wise use orapplicationof truthto the detailsof one’slife.
Thismeansthe practical applicationof the Wordso thatit resultsinbiblical andChrist-like change.
Scripture isneveranendin itself butitisGod’smeansto Spirit-producedresults(cf.Eph.4:20f;2 Tim.
(3) The goal of the selection(vs.3):The goal isseeninthe words “whomwe may putin charge of this
task” (lit.need).Butthisappointmentwasdependentuponfollowingthe requirements.Asisevidentin
the precedingchapters,behindthe activityof the apostleswasthe executive ministryof the HolySpirit.
In the church, itis to be the HolySpiritwhoputs menintoministriesorplacesof responsibility.He isthe
heartand powerof the church andits missionaryactivityandlovingconcernforthe bodyas inthe need
here inActs 6.
As OswaldSanderssopointedlyremindsus:
Behindthe actionsof the apostles,the executiveactivityof the Spiritisseeneverywhere.Assupreme
Administratorof the churchand chief Strategistof the missionaryenterprise,He iseverywhere
prominent.Itisabundantlyevidentinthe recordthatthe HolySpiritisjealousof Hisprerogativesand
will notdelegate Hisposerorauthoritytosecularor carnal hands.Evenmenwhose dutieswouldbe
largelyinthe temporal affairsof the churchmust be menmasteredandcontrolledbyHim.Their
selectionmustnotbe influencedbyconsiderationsof worldlywisdom, financial acumen,orsocial
acceptability;theyshouldbe chosenprimarilybecauseof theirgenuine spirituality. Whenachurch or
otherChristianorganizationdepartsfromthatpattern,itamountstoa virtual oustingof the Spiritfrom
His place of leadership.Asaconsequence He isgrievedandquenched,withresultingspiritual dearth
and death.”23
As the HolySpiritcontrolsa man,so He controlsa bodyof men.If the leadersare notwalkingbythe
Spirit,the HolySpiritcan’tleadthe body.If those appointedtovarioustasksare not controlledbythe
Spirit,thenthe taskswill be done inthe energyof the fleshratherthanbythe Spirit’senablement.
The Holy Spiritdoesnottake control of anyman or bodyof menagainsttheirwill.WhenHe seeselected
to positionsof leadershipmenwholackspiritual fitnesstocooperate withHim, He quietlywithdraws
and leavesthemtoimplementtheirownpolicyaccordingtotheirownstandards,butwithoutHisaid.
The inevitableissue isanunspiritual administration.
The church at Jerusalemwassensitive tothe exhortationof the apostlesandselectedsevenmen
possessingthe requisite qualities.Asaresultof theirSpirit-filledactivity,the disaffectionwasquickly
healed,the churchwasblessed,andthe menselectedtodispense earthlybenefitswere soonseenas
the Spirit’sagentsindispensingheavenlyblessings.Stephenbecame the firstmartyrforChrist,andhis
deathplayednosmall partin the conversionof Saul.Philipbecame the firstlayevangelistandwasused
by the Spirittoleadthe great revival inSamaria…24
The inevitableresultof unspiritual leadersisspiritualfailure.Whyisn’tthe bodyof Christmore effective
todayin trulyfollowingthe principlesandmandatesof the New Testament?Whyaren’twe seeingmore
ministriesdevotedtobothevangelismandthe equippingof the saintsforservice andministry,the kind
that reproducesitselfinmature andservingbelievers.Thisisthe mandate of the New Testament(Matt.
28:19-20; Eph. 4:11-16; 2 Tim. 2:1-2), but somethingismissing.
Couldthe answerbe that a large percentage of the church isnot walkingbythe Spiritandbiblical
wisdom?Coulditbe thatby-in-large the churchtodayisjustreligious,goingthroughthe motions,going
to church, andevenworkinginthe church butoftenforselfishreasons?Doesthe churchtodayexistfor
itself only?Let’smake thismore personal.Dowe worshipGodonlyforwhatwe getout of it? Are we
tryingto use God rather thanbe usedbyGod? The ironyof thiskindof worshipisthat suchisn’treally
the worshipof God nor doesitleadto genuine love forGod.Itisthe worshipandlove of self,notGod.
Whenpeople trulylove andworshipGoditresultsinthe love of neighbors,inreachingouttothe world
aroundus, firstinthe bodyof Christand thento the world(Matt. 22:34-40; Mark 12:28-34; 1 John3:17-
18; 4:7-8).
But whydoesthissituationexisttoday?Withsomuchinthe Bible onthe ministryof the Spiritas the
believer’senablementorpowerandthe powerandnecessityof the Wordin the life of the Christian,
whydo we see churchesthat are so weak,at leastbiblicallyspeaking?Of course,there are mega-
churcheswithmega-programsandmega-bucks,butare theyproducingmature believersandleaders
whoare multiplyingthemselvesinthe livesof others?Certainlythisisone of the true evidencesof the
workof the Spirit!
May I suggestthatpart of the reasonforanemicchurchesis because alarge part of the church today
has lostthe evangelical essential.The evangelical essential isarenewedemphasisandcommitmentto
the studyof the Word and particularlythe teachingsof the epistleswiththeirstrongemphasisonsound
doctrine.The keynote of thissounddoctrine issalvation(deliveredfromsin’spenalty) andsanctification
(deliveredfromsin’sreign) byfaithalone inChristaloneasrevealedinScripture.Toooftentoday,the
emphasisismore ondeeds,especiallysocial reformandpolitical correctness,ratherthanonBible
doctrine.Suchan emphasisissimplyman’scontinuingattempttochange the worldbyhumaneffortas
thoughwe can have biblical,Spirit-producedworkswithoutsounddoctrine.Grantedthatsound
doctrine mustneverbe consideredanendinitself,itisneverthelessavital meanstoChrist-like
transformation.Evenacasual studyof Paul’sepistles,andespeciallyhisinstructionstoTimothyand
Titus,shouldputsuchan ideatorest.Sounddoctrine isthe foundationfordeedsof mature Christian
growththat are the resultof the ministryof the Spirit.The HolySpiritisthe Spiritof truth whotakesthe
truth of the Word and usesit to transformlives(cf.John17:17; 1 Thess.2:13; 2 Tim.3:16-17).
Thus,if churcheswant to produce godlyandmature leaderswhohave the marksof maturitytheymust
returnto teachingwhatcouldbe calledthe ABCsof ChristianGrowth(see 1Cor. 3:1f; Heb.5:11f). For
instance,howmanyChristianstodayreallyknow,understand,andlive bythe basicbiblical truthsof the
Spirit-controlledlife?Iamafraidthe answerto that questionisoverwhelminglysad.Unfortunately
today,manyare beingproddedandmanipulatedintodoinggoodworksandchangingtheirlives,etc.,
but withoutunderstandinghowtolive the Christianlifeinthe powerof the Spiritinthe lightof the
For studiesonthisaspectof NewTestamentdoctrine, mayIsuggestthe following:
ABCsfor ChristianGrowth:Layingthe FoundationespeciallyPart2: “The TransformedLife.”onourweb
site at /docs/splife/abc/toc.htm.
He That isSpiritual,LewisSperryChafer,Zondervan,GrandRapids.
True Spirituality, FrancisA.Schaeffer,TyndaleHouse,Wheaton.
GrowingDeepinthe ChristianLife,CharlesR.Swindoll,MultomahPress,Portland.
KeepInStepWiththe Spirit,J.I.Packer,FlemingH.Revell,OldTappan.
The Wonderful SpiritFilledLife,CharlesStanley, ThomasNelson,Nashville.
21 ColinBrown,General Editor,The New International Dictionaryof New TestamentTheology,
22 Brown,p. 191.
23 OswaldJ Sanders,Spiritual Leadership,MoodyPress,Chicago,1967,1980, pp.97-98.
24 Sanders,p.98-99.
The Word of Wisdomandthe Word of Knowledge
What isthe difference betweenthe Wordof Wisdomandthe Word of Knowledge?There ismuch
confusionanddebate aboutwhatthese wordsmean,soitmay be betterto approachthisfrom a
differentangle –whatthese giftsare not and how some Christianstodayare comingdangerouslyclose
to ignoringScripture because of theirmisuse of these twogifts.
There are diversitiesof gifts,butthe same Spirit.There are differencesof ministries, butthe same Lord.
Andthere are diversitiesof activities,butitisthe same God whoworksall in all. But the manifestation
of the Spiritisgiventoeachone forthe profitof all: for to one isgiventhe wordof wisdomthroughthe
Spirit,toanotherthe word of knowledge throughthe same Spirit(1Corinthians12:4-8).
FirstCorinthians12:8 is the onlyverse inthe New Testamentthattalksaboutthe wordof wisdomand
the word of knowledge.Soitisimportantto lookat itin context.Notice how Paul isemphasisingthat
there are diversitiesof gifts,ministriesandactivities,butitisthe same Spiritand the same God who
worksthroughout.The purpose,of course,forthe manifestationof the Spirit,isthateachone of us
shouldprofitbythese gifts.Foraswe have learned,the giftsof the Spiritare meantfor buildingupand
edifyingthe bodyof Christ(Ephesians4:12).
Withthat in mind,letuslookto the OldTestamentforour example onhow the Spiritof Wisdom
operated.Since Godisunchangingwe can be confidentthatthe Spiritof WisdomHe bestowedon
people inthe OldTestamentisthe same Spiritwe see manifestedtoday.
The Spiritof Wisdom:
So youshall speaktoall whoare gifted[the KJV interprets“gifted”as“wise-hearted”or“skilled”]
artisans,whomI have filledwiththe spiritof wisdom,thattheymaymake Aaron’sgarments,to
consecrate him,thathe mayministertoMe as priest(Exodus28:3, NKJV,emphasismine).
Thenthe Lord spoke to Moses,saying:“See,Ihave calledbyname Bezalel the sonof Uri, the sonof Hur,
of the tribe of Judah.AndI have filledhimwiththe Spiritof God,inwisdom, inunderstanding,in
knowledge,andinall mannerof workmanship,todesignartisticworks,toworkingold,insilver,in
bronze, in cuttingjewelsforsetting,incarvingwood,andtoworkinall mannerof workmanship.
“AndI, indeedI,have appointedwithhimAholiabthe sonof Ahisamach,of the tribe of Dan; andI have
put wisdominthe heartsof all the giftedartisans,thattheymaymake all thatI have commandedyou
(Exodus31:1-7, NKJV).
The Spiritof Wisdominvolvedacertainskill,knowledgeorunderstandingona particularsubject.Inthis
case,it wasthe skill of designingartisticworks.The menwhohadbeenblessedwiththistalent,were
givenanextrameasure of wisdomtoencompassall mannerof artisticworkmanship.
The Greekword forwisdomusedin1 Corinthians12:8 andthroughoutthe New Testamentissophiaand
it istakenfromthe rootword sophoswhichmeans“skilledexpert”.Thisdidnotjustmeansomeone
involvedinmakingthingswiththeirhands.A “skilledexpert”wasa personwhohad first-hand
knowledge and/ortalentinacertainfield.Forexample,a“skilledexpert”couldalsobe someone whois
well-versedin theology.Butthe Spiritof Wisdomhadmanycharacteristics.
NowJoshuathe son of Nunwas full of the spiritof wisdom, forMoseshad laidhishandson him;sothe
childrenof Israel heededhim,anddidasthe Lord had commandedMoses(Deuteronomy34:9, NKJV).
Chokmahisthe Hebrewwordfor “wisdom”.Itmeansmanythings –skill,shrewdness,orwisdomin
administration,prudence(inreligiousaffairs)andwisdominethical orreligiousmatters.Thisword
comesfromthe rootword chakam whichmeansto“act wisely,teachorinstruct.”
AndGod gave Solomonwisdomandexceedinglygreatunderstanding,andlargenessof heartlike the
sand onthe seashore (1Kings4:29, NKJV).Solomonwasgivensuchanoverflowinggiftof wisdomthat
he was knownfarand wide as the wisestmaninall the earth (1 Kings4:30; 1 Kings4:34; 1 Kings10:23).
Wisdom,gettingitandkeepingit,isstressedoverandoveragaininboththe Oldand New Testaments.
Proverbs4:7 says,“Wisdomis the principal thing;Therefore getwisdom. Andinall yourgetting,get
understanding.”The Hebrewwordforunderstandingisbiynahandmeans“discernmentorknowledge”.
WisdomisgiftedbyGod to anyone whoasksfor it:
If any of youlackswisdom,lethimaskof God,whogivesto all liberallyandwithoutreproach,anditwill
be givento him(James1:5).
The Spiritof Wisdomgiventobelieversisdifferentfromthose of unbelieversaccordingto1 Corinthians
1:18-25. Infact, God saysthe wisdomof thisworldisfoolishness(1Corinthians3:19).So the Spiritof
Wisdomhasmany aspectsto itand has more insightordiscernmentthansaysomeone whois“wise”in
the eyesof the world.To be clear,there isa difference betweenintelligence andwisdom.Intelligence is
definedas“general cognitive problem-solvingskills.A mental abilityinvolvedinreasoning,perceiving
experience,knowledgeandgoodjudgment.”Inthe case of the Spiritof Wisdomwe mightalsoadd
So whatis the giftof knowledge?
The Hebrewwordfor knowledgeisda`athand itmeans“discernment,perception,understandingand
wisdom”.In1 Corinthians12:8 the Greekwordfor knowledgeisgnosisandmeans“aseekingtoknow,
an enquiryorinvestigation,especiallyof spiritualtruth”.Youcan see how boththe wordof wisdomand
wordof knowledgeare different,butatthe same time complementeachother.The giftof knowledge
comeswiththe desire toknow.People withthisgiftlove togettothe “meat”of the Bible,digging
deepertounderstandhiddentruths.Andthe giftof wisdomcomesfromall thatdigging.Orin the case
of someone withaskill setitcomesfromthe desire tolearnmore abouta certaintrade or skill - which
wouldrequire practice.DoyouunderstandwhatI’msayinghere?Wisdomwhenappliedtoa skill setas
inthe artistswhoworkedonthe Temple,comesfromyearsof practisingthatcraft. Wisdomwhen
appliedtoteachingfromthe Bible comesfromyearsof readingit.Knowledge produceswisdom.Ineach
case God grantsspiritual insightanddiscernmentwhenusingthe wordof wisdom.Likewise itisthe
same withthe word of knowledge.The worditself meansto“seektoknow” – it’slookingforanswers –
and God grants those answersandwisdomisgained.
What the word of wisdomandthe word of knowledge are not:
Theyare not propheticorrevelatorygifts.There are some whobelieve thatthe wordof knowledgeand
the word of wisdomisthe HolySpiritgivingthemaspecial message speakingfromone believerto
another,or to the congregationasa whole.Forexample,theywilloftensaysomethinglike,“Ihave a
wordfrom the Lord for you.”Theybelievethatthese giftsare usedtogive special revelationregardinga
decisionora situation.Butbyusingthese giftsinthiswaytheyare effectivelyclaimingtobe speaking
for God andthat theirwordsare to be obeyedorconsideredasdirectlyfromGod’smouth.
Unfortunately,bydoingthistheyare denyingthe sufficiencyof Scripture.ForGod’sWord says,“All
Scripture isgivenbyinspirationof God,andisprofitable fordoctrine,forreproof,forcorrection,for
instructioninrighteousness,thatthe manof God maybe complete,thoroughlyequippedforeverygood
work”(2 Timothy3:16-17).
So if someone saystheyare gettingaword fromthe Lord the focusisnow takenoff of the Scriptures
and puton the personwiththe message.Be waryof people whosaytheyhave aword fromthe Lord for
you.For there isno wayfor youto verifyit.Itis theirwordagainstGod’sWord. Alwaysturnto the
Scripturesforguidance.Forif God has trulygivenusHisHoly SpiritandHisHoly Spiritfillsusandleads
us intoall truth (John16:13) whywouldwe needorrequire otherindividualstogive usspecial
revelationfromGod?ThisiswhyGod freelygiveswisdomtoall whoask(James1:5) sothat we do not
have to doubt.
Scripture confirmsthatthe wordof wisdomandthe wordof knowledgeare notrevelatorygifts.The
Greekfor “word”in 1 Corinthians12:8 islogosand itmeansall mannerof things.Fromsomething
someone hassaidor declaredinaspeech,tosomeone comingalongsideandsaying“MayI have a
word?”Logos isusedin talkingaboutthe sayingsof God,to teach doctrine,toreason,togive an
account,or itis usedforthe actual act of speaking.Itisalsousedinreference toJesus asbeingThe
Word of God (John1:1). Which makessense because Jesus“speaksforthforGodand aboutHim.” He
was andstill isGod’svoice forus throughScripture.Inshort,“the wordof wisdom”and“the word of
knowledge”wouldbe more accuratelytranslatedintoday’slanguage as“speakingwithwisdom”or
To be clear,I am notsayingthat God doesn’tuse people tohelpuswhenseekingHiswill,because He
does.Forit isoftenpeople,combinedwithcircumstancesandScripture,whohelpussee the waywe
shouldgoin a certainmatter.The Holy Spiritwill oftencause someonetoprayfor or reach outto
another.That individual mightnotknow whytheyfeelcompelledtopray – but inobedience theydoand
laterfindoutfrom the individual theyprayedforwhyGodnudgedthem.Have youeverexperienced
that? I knowI have.Ihave wokenupin the middle of the nightwithastrong impressiontoprayfora
certainperson.ThenIfindout the nextdaywhat that personwasgoingthrough and how desperately
theyneededprayer.So,yes,Goddoesuse Hispeople tonurture andcare foreach other.Since all
believersare linkedviathe HolySpirit,we are more attunedtorespondtoHis promptingswhenanother
inthe bodyisin need.
Thisis whyall spiritual giftsare tobe usedfor the edificationof the entirechurchbody – to buildthem
up inthe Lord. That is theirpurpose.Anditiswhythe giftsof wisdomandknowledge are giventoall
whoask and seek.ForGod wantsyouto know Him and promisesthatthose whoseekwillfindHimand
those whoask forwisdomwill receive it(Matthew 7:7;James1:5). Laura J.Davis.All RightsReserved.
4/17/2017 08:53:42 am
I love youand I love yourheartthat seekstofindwisdominScripture.Ihave thatsame heartbut I am a
Pentecostal,byexperienceandchurchaffiliation.Idobelieve thatGodusesthese giftsasyou
mentionedinyourpostandalsoas propheticgifts,butnotquite asyou describe Pentecostalsas
believing.Istruggledforawhile whetherIshouldpostacommentor not buti justhad to because it
grievedmyheartso much.I believewe grievethe heartof Godwhenwe we as God's childrenbasheach
other.The Bible saysthe worldwill know us byour love forone another.Unityinthe body,eventhough
we have differencesissoimportanttoour Father.
I understandthatsome have misusedtheirgiftsfromGodandif youhave experiencedthatIam so
sorry.No wordoutside of Scripture isevertobe consideredthe same asScripture.God'swordsays to
testall things.
I pray thiscommentisnot comingoff harsh.It isnot meantto. I love youandvalue the giftswithinyou
Laura. I knowyouhave a heartof goldandone thatwants to KNOWGod's truth.
I hope thisleadstoa private discussion.
Much love,
4/17/2017 01:18:13 pm
Sherry,mydear friendIam sorry I have grievedyou.Ididnotmeanthisas "bashing"Pentecostals.I
myself come froma Pentecostal backgroundsoIstruggledwhethertosayanythingatall.But my reason
for sayinganythingatall isbasedon my ownexperience withpeoplewhohave misusedthisgifttothe
detrimentof othersandevenmyself.Again,itwasn'tmeanttobashPentecostals.If anythingitismeant
as a warningto not misuse these gifts.
7/23/2018 10:29:20 pm
I realizedthisiswhere gotquestionsgottheiranswertomyquestionthe difference betweenthe giftsof
wisdomandknowledge.Istumbleduponyourwebsite tolookfora betteranswerbecause Imyself am
so grievedwithwhatIhave readthere.Itgrievesme thatChristiansthinkof the propheticgiftsthatway.
I was saved23 yearsago anduntil now,I alwaystell otherpeopleof myownexperience whenIwasa
veryyoungChristianreceivingpropheticwordsthatuntil now Ikeeptellingpeople aboutthese
incidents.Ihave neveronce doubtedthatGodhearsour prayersdue to myexperiencewithaprophet
whotoldme of the EXACT wordsI prayedinsilence,bymyself includingthe verygestureIdidas I
prayed.Yes,itwas verypersonal forme.Was itbeneficialforthe church?YES! For 23 years I’ve been
sharingmy experience topeople.I’maneffectiveevangelistinmyworkplacesbecause Ihave
EXPERIENCEDGod throughmany waysbut the propheticisa significantpartof it.I usedtobe a receiver
of prophesiesnowIhave learnedtobe onthe otherend.I prayyou yourself experience the powerof
God throughprophecy.Iguarantee youyou’re goingtochange yourmindand rewrite yourarticle.
4/18/2017 08:16:06 pm
Hi Sherry,
A veryheartfeltcommenttobe sure.
I justhave a fewquestionsandcommentsforyouto consider.
Firstly,youmade the claimthat"The Bible saysthe worldwill know usbyourlove forone another",this
isnot correct.
The Bible saysactually"Youwill recognize thembytheirfruits"Matthew 7:16.In thiscontexthe is
referringtofalse prophets,howeverthe same isimpliedforbelieversalso.
Love is onlyone componentof this.Itisalsonot justlove forone another,butlove foreveryone.We
will be knownnotjustbyour love butby our conductin everyway,includingourabilitytoteachandto
correct spiritual error.
The other pointIwantedto make wasto back up Laura's claimthat a 'wordfrom the Lord' cannot be
You are rightto say that we shouldtestall things,andalsothattheirwordsare not to be consideredthe
same as scripture.
Howeverthe problemwithmanywhoclaimtospeaka wordtoday is:
a) Theyindeedare claimingtohave receivedrevelationdirectlyfromGod,whichdoeselevate their
wordto the level of Scripture.
b) They're claimsveryoftencannotbe testedbecause they're eithertoovague ortoo general thatthey
couldsimplybe true foranyone.
Finally,Iagree withyouthat unityisimportant,we are all brothersandsistersisChristabsolutely.But
unityisnot achievedbyignoringorenablingtheological error.
EvenPaul openlycorrectedPeterinone of hislettersinthe Bible!
JesusChristhimselfspendaconsiderable amountof effortchallengingandrebukingthe pharisee'sand
Surelyyoucan understandthatcorrect teachingisequallyif notmore importanttoGod than'unity'.
I hope youtake my wordsin the waytheywere intended.Itooam not interestedin'bashing'other
Thank youso muchfor thistruth! I knowitis noteasyto stand upfor Biblical truthwhenitcontradicts
certainchurch culture or tradition.We mustlookto God's Wordfor answersandnot our own(vain)
experiences.Yourwordshelpedme understandmore clearlythese gifts.Ibelieve myhusbandandI
have thembecause we love tolearnandresearchconstantlyandlove seekingGod'struthtoknow Him
and teachothersaboutHim.
2/28/2019 10:19:27 am
Thank youfor yourexplanationandIagree withwhatyouwrote.I toocame froma Pentecostal
backgroundand I sawso much abuse comingfrompeople thatthoughttheyheardGodspeakingto
themor had a message forsomeone.It’strue,we will be knownby ourfruits!The mainwaythat God
speakstous today,is throughhisword,he mightconfirmsomethingtousthroughsomeone else butbe
ware of people whoclaimtobe prophets.Imyself wasgivenpropheciesthatcame againstwhatthe
Lord had beensayingtome and laterwere confirmedbysomeonewhowastrulya spiritual brotheror
sisterinthe Lord.
Anywayswasn’tthisarticle aboutknowledge andwisdom!
I ask the Lord so much togive the me wisdomof hisword,tobe able tounderstandandhave the
revelationof hiswordbecause isthe HolySpiritwhorevealshiswrittenword.A prophetissomeone
whoexplainstousthe word of God withwisdomandknowledge.WEHAVEALL WE NEED IN HIS WORD!
thankyou Laura!
5/6/2019 09:55:41 am
You had me up until sayingthese are notrevelatorygifts.If Inow have a wordof knowledge about
somethingbecause IwasseekingGodto know aboutit more clearly/deeply,andHe'ssupernaturally
givenme understanding/knowledgebeyondwhatIcan accomplishinmyhuman mind..thisisa
revelatorygift.Ididnotgo searchingforan answerinmy ownpoweror will butbyprayinginthe Spirit
(giftof tongues) andGod revealingittome as supernatural revelationof thisnew knowledge.Ialso
believethese canbe wordsof revelation/confirmationtootherpeople.Godhasliterallyshownme
somethingthatIcouldnot have knownonmy own,and whenIsharedit witha particularpersonthey
confirmedthose thingsastrue intheirpersonal circumstance (notaprophecyaboutwhatis to come but
a word of knowledge).Ididappreciate yourdifferential onwordof knowledgeversuswordof wisdom
but to saythese are not revelatorygiftsistotake the HolySpiritout of the equation,whomthe Word
saidteachesusall things.Yourthinkingwill limithow Godcan use you throughthese gifts.That'swhere
discernmentcomesin.Iagree alignmentwithscripture isextremelyimportantbutGodalsogiveskairos
wordsto speaklife topeople inthe moment..thingsthatwill reveal Hisgoodnessandlove thatwe
couldnot have knownwithoutrevelatoryknowledgefromHimthroughthisgifting.MayGod continually
give usthe Spiritof wisdomandunderstandingtogrow inour knowledge of Him!
Spiritual Giftof Wisdom
The spiritual giftof wisdom,likethe giftof knowledge,isalsoreferredtoasthe “word of wisdom”or
“utterance of wisdom.” The Greekwordfor wisdomissophiaanditrefersto the intimate
understandingof God’sWordand Hiscommandmentswhichresultsinholyanduprightliving. Inthe
contextof 1 Corinthians12:8, itmeansto speakto the life of anindividual ortoa specificsituationwith
great understandinganda righteousperspective,withthe goal of guidingotherstowardalife of
Several Scriptures reveal the true beautyandfruitof wisdom. Psalm111:10 says:“The fearof the LORD
isthe beginningof wisdom;all those whopractice ithave agood understanding.Hispraise endures
forever!” Wisdombeginswiththe fearof the LORD. It beginswithknowingwhoGodisandwho we are
incomparisonto Him. That leadsto understandingandthentopracticingrighteousness. A life of
wisdomultimatelyresultsinthe praise of God.
James3:17 says “the wisdomfromabove isfirstpure,thenpeaceable,gentle,opentoreason,full of
mercyand goodfruits,impartial andsincere.” Thisisundoubtedlyaworkof the Holy Spiritinthe life of
a believer. The highestwisdomisfoundinthe crossof Christ,whichis“follytothose whoare perishing,
but to uswho are beingsaveditisthe powerof God.” (1 Corinthians1:18).
The Holy Spiritgivessome the spiritual giftof wisdomtonotonlyimpartthe truthand understandingto
believers,buttoinvoke aresponse of holinessandworshiplivedoutinthe worldandamongstGod’s
people. Wisdomdoesn’tendwithknowledge,butisexpressedintransformedheartsandlives.
Those withthe giftof wisdomhave adeepunderstandingof the holinessof Godandthe lackof holiness
intheirownhearts. Theycan recognize thisinothersaswell andhave the compassionandboldnessto
share that truth withthem. Theyare able to take from theirownlife experiencesandshare whatGod
has taughtthemthroughthose things. Theycan easilyrecognize where adecisionoraction maylead
and can warn againstthose thatmay be harmful or unfruitful. Theycanoftensee throughthe confusion
of a situationandcan give directionthatwouldhelpanindividual orgroupobtaina God-glorifyinggoal.
The church needsthose withthe spiritual giftof wisdomtoguide herthoughuncertainordifficulttimes.
See also1 Corinthians1:17-31, 2:1-16, 12:8; Colossians1:9-10, 2:1-3; James3:13-18
E. KeithHassell
Sermon • Submitted12 yearsago
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The Word of Wisdom
KENNETH HAG1N : "The wordof wisdomisa supernatural revelationbythe Spiritof Godconcerningthe
divine purpose inthe mindandwill of God."ConcerningSpiritual Gifts,p.17
LESTER SUMRALL: "The giftof the wordof wisdomisa supernatural revelationof the divinepurposesof
God." The Giftsand the Ministriesof the HolySpirit,p.59.
DENNISBENNET: "The 'Word of Wisdom1isthe supernatural applicationof knowledge. Itisknowing
whatto do withthe natural or supernatural knowledge Godhasgivenyou —— properjudgmentfor
action."The Holy SpiritandYou,p. 155.
I. DEFINITION:The giftof the Word of Wisdomisan instantaneousanddivine revelationof the
sovereignmind,will,purpose,plan,orcounsel of Godconcerningthingsof the past,present,orfuture.
II. It isnot the "giftof wisdom"butthe "wordof wisdom"
A. A wordis a fragmentof a sentence.A wordof wisdomtherefore isafragmentof the total arena of
God's planand wisdom.B.A word of wisdomcomestoministertothe NEED. It ismuch the same as a
lawyer.He doesn'tgive youall of hisknowledge,justthatwhichisnecessaryforthe case at hand.
III. A Brief Lookat Wisdom
A. Natural Wisdom:Applicationof factsandknowledge inlifeandscience
B. FallenSupernatural Wisdom:A corruptedmoral andspiritual wisdomcontrarytothe wisdomof
God. It isthe resultof sin.James3:15 "Thiswisdomdescendethnotfrom above,butisearthly,sensual,
and devilish."
C. Biblical Wisdom:Applicationof God'sWordin ourlives.
D. Spiritof Wisdom: (Ex.Solomonwhowasgivena wise andunderstandingheart) The impartation
of God's Spiritupona person'sheartwherebyhe maywalkina livingdiscernmentof the true nature of
a situationandknowwhataction to take.
1. Exodus31 Workerson the Tabernacle were filledwithwisdomandknowledgebyGodto complete
the work properlyandwithskill
2. Proverbs1:23 The spiritof wisdomcomesthroughfaithfulnessinrespondingtothe reproof of God
and hisWord.
E. HiddenWisdomof God:The mysterywisdomof God(l Corinthians2:6-10)
1. Ordainedbefore the world
2. Unknownto the princesof thisworld
3. Revealedtousby the HolySpirit
F. Special Anointingsof Wisdom
1. Mouth and Wisdom:Givenintimesof witnessandtestimony
a. Matthew10:17-19
b. Acts 4:13
c. Acts6:10
2. Word of Wisdom
IV. The Purpose of the Word of Wisdom:
A. to profitthe livesof others
B. for ministrytospecificneed
C. to overcome ourlimitationsinwisdomintimesof need
V. Whyis the Word of Wisdomimportantin ministry?
A. It can reveal the purpose of God
B. It can reveal the planof God
C. It can reveal the will of God
D. It can reveal the counsel of God
E. It can reveal howtopursue God's will
VI. What is the difference betweenthe Wordof Wisdomandthe Word of Knowledge?
A. Word of Wisdom - revelationof afragmentof the sovereignmind,will,purpose,plan,orcounsel
of God concerningthe past,present,orfuture.
B. Word of Knowledge - revelationof afragmentof the natural or spiritual factsinthe sovereignmind
of God concerningthingspast,present,orfuture.
VII. The Word of Knowledge andthe Wordof Wisdomoftenoperate together
A. Genesis41:1-36 JosephinterpretsPharaoh’sdreamconcerningthe comingyearsof plentyand
drought(WK) andgivesdirectiononhow toprepare for them(WW)
B. Exodus3 God tellsMoseshe knowsof the sufferingof Israel inEgyptandwhatPharaoh’s
response wouldbe(WK).Godrevealshisplanonhow to go to Pharaoh(WW)
C. 2 Kings5:20-27 ElijahexposesGehazi'ssin(WK) andpronouncesthe judgmentof Godupon
D. Daniel 2:1-47 Daniel revealsNebuchadnezzar'sdream(WK) andgivesthe interpretation
concerningthe future of the fourkingdomsinlightof God's kingdomcoming(WW)
E. Mark 14:12-15 Jesustellshisdiscipleshow theywouldfindthe servant(WK) andwhattodo
concerningpreparationsforthe Passover(WW)
F. Luke 19:29-34 Jesustellsthe discipleswhere tofindacolt(WK) andwhatto say to those who
G. Acts 9:10-16 God tellsAnaniasof Paul'sconversion(WK) andwhattodo (WW) and God's planfor
Paul (WW)
H. 2 Chronicles20:12-23 God revealsthe locationof the enemytroops(WK) andinstructions
concerninghowto conductthemselvesforvictory(WW)
I. Revelation2-3Jesusrevealsthingsaboutthe conductof eachof the sevenchurches(WK) and
instructsthemonwhat theyshoulddoto correct the problems(WW)
VIII. What is the differencebetweenProphecyandthe Wordof Wisdom?
A. The simple giftof prophecyhasnopredictioninit
B. Prophecycanbe a vehicle throughwhichawordof wisdomiscarried
C. The simple giftof prophecyisforthe purpose of edification,exhortation,andconsolation(1
D. Socalled"Personal Prophecies"are usuallyamanifestationof the Wordof Wisdomand/orWord
of Knowledge ratherthanthe simple giftof prophecy.
IX. The Word of Wisdomcan be conditional
A. Jonah3:4 God predicts40 daysuntil Nineveh'sdestruction — Ninevehrepentedandwasspared.
B. 2 Kings20:1 IsaiahpredictsHezekiah'simminentdeath –Hezekiahrepentedandwasspared15
X. How doesthe Word of Wisdomusuallycome?
A. InnerImpressions
B. InnerWitnessof the HolySpirit(Romans8:16)
C. InnerPictures
D. Scripture revelation/application(ex.Acts2:14-21)
E. Dreams(Matthew2:13 Josephwarnedtoflee toEgypt)
F. Visions(Acts10:11-16 Peterseesthe greatsheetleddownfromheaven)
G. AngelicVisitations(Joshua5:13-15 Angel revealshow toconquerJericho
H. Prophecy(vehicle)
I. TonguesandInterpretation(vehicle)
J. Audible Voice (Matthew 3:16-17 Voice atJesus’baptism)
K. Supernatural Occurrences(Writingonthe wall,etc.)
Note:Many timespicturescome asriddles.A picture isgivenandwe mustaskGod forthe
interpretation.Thishappenedmanytimeswiththe prophets(ex.Jeremiah1:13)
IX. Examplesof the Wordof Wisdominthe OldTestament
A. Genesis6:12-13 God forewarnsNoahof a comingfloodandto buildanark.
B. Genesis41:34-36 JosephgivesPharaoh’splantosurvive sevenyearsof drought
C. Exodus3 God revealstoMosesHis planand commissiontodeliverIsrael
D. Exodus12 God revealstoMoseshow to be sparedduringthe Passover
E. Exodus15:23-25 Mosesreceivesrevelationonhow tomake bitterwatersweet
F. Exodus17:3-7 Mosesreceivesrevelationonhow tobringwaterfrom the rock
G. Numbers11 Mosesreceivesrevelationonhow toshare the loadof judgingthe people through
H. Numbers16 God givesMosesinstructionconcerningthe rebellionof Korah,Dathan,andAbihu
I. Numbers21 Mosesreceivesrevelationonhow tosave the people frompoisonoussnakebites
throughraisinga brazenserpent
J. Joshua3 Joshuareceivesrevelationonhow tocross the Jordan
K. Joshua5:13-15; 6 Angel revealstoJoshuahow toconquerJericho
L. 1 Samuel 30:7-8 Davidreceivesrevelationonwhethertopursue enemyornot
M. Psalm2:7-9 Messiah
N. Psalm22:16-18 Crucifixion
O. Isaiah53:Iff Messiah'snature
P. Jeremiah1:13 Seethingpotandinterpretation
Q. Ezekiel 38, 39, 40 Propheciesof thingstocome
R. Daniel 2Daniel revealsNebuchadnezzar'sdreamandinterpretationconcerningthe future andthe
Kingdomof God
S. Daniel 7 Daniel receivesdreamconcerningthe future of the Kingdom
T. Amos7:1-6 Grasshoppers
U. Amos7:7-9 Plumbline
V. Amos8:1-3 Basketof summerfruit
W. 2 Chronicles20:12-23 Jehoshaphatreceivesinstructionforvictory
XII. Examplesof the Wordof Wisdominthe New Testament
A. Matthew2:12 God warnsthe wise mennottoreturn to Herod
B. Matthew1:20 God givesJosephassurance totake Mary as hiswife
C. Matthew 2:13 Josephreceivesinstructioninadreamto take Mary and Jesusandflee toEgypt D.
Matthew2:19-20 Josephreceivesinstructioninadreamto return home
E. Matthew22:15-46 Jesushas wisdomtoanswerhiscritics
F. Matthew 24 Jesusgivesinstructionconcerningthe lastdays
G. Acts 2:14-21 PeterreceivesrevelationconcerningPentecostbeingafulfillmentof Joel 2
H. Acts9:15 God revealstoAnaniasHispurpose forPaul'slife
I. Acts10:11-16 Peterseesvisionof agreat sheetletdownfromheavenrevealingGod'sacceptance
of the Gentiles
J. Acts13:2 God revealsHistiminginsettingapartPaul andBarnabas
K. Acts 16:6,7 Paul receivesinstructionnottogointoAsiaand Bithynia
L. Acts16:9-10 Paul receivesinstructiontogointoMacedonia
M. Acts 15:1-29 Jamesreceiveswisdomforchurchcouncil
N. Acts 27:21-32 Paul receivesinstructiononhow tosurvive the stormat sea
O. Revelation2-3Jesusinstructsthe sevenchurchesonwhattheyare to do
P. Book of Revelation:Revealedinstructionforcomingdaysbefore Christreturns
Collected Worksof WatchmanNee,The (Set1) Vol.13: The Spiritual Man(2),
by WatchmanNee
More excerpts fromthistitle...
In ourfellowship withGod,aspiritof wisdomandrevelation isindispensable."That...the Fatherof glory,
may give toyoua spiritof wisdomandrevelation inthe fullknowledge of Him"(Eph.1:17). At the time
of our regeneration we receivedanew spirit;however,many of the functions of the spiritare not
manifested andremainconcealedinside the spirit.Therefore,the apostleprayedthatthe regenerated
Ephesian believers wouldreceive aspiritof wisdomandrevelation sothatthey couldreally know Godin
theirintuition.Whetherthisspiritof wisdomandrevelation isahidden potential withinthe believers’
spirit,whichisenlightened byGodthroughprayer,or whetheritissome fresh wisdomandrevelation,
whichcomesfromthe Holy Spiritbeingaddedintothe believers’spirit,the factremains thataspiritof
wisdomandrevelation isindispensable inabeliever’s fellowshipwithGod.Itisalsoa fact thatbelievers
can receive thisspiritthroughprayer.
Although ourintuition canfellowship withGod,itneeds wisdomandrevelation.We needwisdomto
know whatcomesfromGod and whatcomesfrom us.We needwisdomtorecognize the counterfeits
and attacksof the enemy.We needwisdomtodeal withpeople.Innumerous matterswe surely need
God’swisdominordernotto err. How foolish we are!How hardit isto do everythingaccordingtoGod’s
will!Godwantsto give uswisdom;He doesnotgive itto our mind,butHe givesusa spiritof wisdomso
that we can have wisdominourspirit.Godwants usto have wisdomthroughourintuition.He willguide
us to the pathway of wisdomthroughintuition.Ourmindmaystill be foolish,butthere ismuchwisdom
inour intuition.Itoftenseemsthatourwisdomisuseless,butinsideusthere isagradual feelingwhich
bringswisdomalongwithit.Wisdomandrevelation are tightly connected.Thisisbecause all God’s
revelations are revelations of wisdom.If we liveonly accordingtoournature,we will neverbe able to
fathomanythingof Godby our thoughts.Whenwe are inour flesh,whateverwe have isjustdarkness.
God and the thingsof God can neverbe fathomed byourminds.Evenwhenourspiritisalive,we would
still live indarkness if we didnothave the revelation of the Holy Spirit.Whenourspiritisalive,there isa
possibility forourspirittoreceive the revelation of God.Itdoesnotmeanthat the spiritalone cando
In ourfellowship withGod,He oftengivesusrevelation,andwe should oftenaskGodfor revelation.A
spiritof revelation meansGod’srevelation inspirit.Therefore,the phrase "spiritof wisdomand
revelation"merely indicates where Godgivesusrevelationandwisdom.Suddenthoughts are notaspirit
of revelation.A spiritof revelationisGod’soperation inourspirittothe extentthatwe know His
intention throughourintuition.Allof the fellowship thatwe have withGodtakesplace only inourspirit
and nowhere else.
Havinga spiritof wisdomandrevelation givesus"the full knowledge of Him."Only whenwe receive
God’srevelation inourspiritcanwe really know Him.All otherwords are superficial,imaginary,shallow,
and, therefore,false.We oftenspeak of God’s virtues,includingHisholiness,righteousness,kindness,
love,etc.It seems thatthroughourthoughtsalone,we can speak of these virtuesandknow these
virtuesof God.But thisknowledge isnotlikeseeingthroughawindow;rather,itislike tryingtosee
througha stone wall.Whena believerreceives God’srevelation of Hisholiness,he knowsthatGod
dwellsinthe lightandisunapproachablebynatural andsinful men.He findsouthow inferior,dirty,and
uncleanhe isincomparison.There should be many amonguswhohave had thiskindof experience.We
shouldmake the comparison tosee if the holiness of Godinour heartwhichwe receive fromGod’s
revelation isthe same asthe holiness of Godwhichisspoken bymenwithoutrevelation.The wordsused
may be the same.But forthose withrevelation,itseems thatthere issomuchmore significance tothe
wordsthat they speak.Theirwhole beingisintheirspeaking.Thisisthe spiritof revelation we have
mentioned.Only byreceivingrevelation inourspiritdowe really know God.Itisthe same withmany
doctrines inthe Bible.Many timeswe understand teachings inourmindandknow thatthey are
important,butGod gradually reveals these wordstousinour spirit.Thenitseemsasif we have a
differentemphasis whenwe preachthe same wordsagain.Only knowledgethatcomesfromrevelation
isreal knowledge;everythingelseisjustthe activity of the mind.
If we seek formany thingsconcerningGodoutwardly anddonotacquire these thingsthrough
revelation,they donotmove usand donot move others.Only the revelation thatisinourspirithasany
spiritual usefulness.Properfellowship withGodisreceivingGod’srevelation inourspirit.Itistrue that
God’srevelations are notfrequent,buthow frequently dowe waitandpray forGod’s revelation?If we
are constantly busy,how canwe be guided justbyrevelation?Actually,if we are willingtogive Godthe
opportunity,we willhave revelation frequently.The apostle’s livingisatestimony tothisfact.
(Collected Worksof WatchmanNee,The (Set1) Vol.13: The Spiritual Man (2), Chapter6, byWatchman
Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding
The Mind of Christ:
by Nancy Missler • November 1, 1996
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I hope you are enjoying our series on being transformed by the renewing of our minds ( Romans
12:2). Transformation is simply an exchange of life. It means we are showing forth and
manifesting Christ's Life instead of our own. Scripture tells us that the only way we can do this is by
the constant renewing of our minds; putting off the garbage in our own thinking and putting on the
Mind of Christ.
The Mind of Christ is a divine seven-foldprocess of thinking that is bestowed upon each of us the
moment we believe and accept Christ into our hearts ( 2 Corinthians 2:12-16). My understanding
for this supernatural gift of God (the Mind of Christ) is Isaiah 11:1-2:
"And there shall come fortha rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots
[this is Jesus, of course]: and the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, [that is] the Spirit of Wisdom
and Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and Might, the Spirit of Knowledge and the Fear of the
We have shared in previous articles that the seven-fold Spirit of God that creates the Mind of Christ
in us is like a Jewish Menorah. The Spirit of the Lord is like the trunk or the center core, and all the
other supernatural functions branch out from it. (See Chart 7) It's the Holy Spirit's mission, with
our consent, to produce the Mind of Christ in us, so that we can be transformed and live the truth.
What we're trying to do in this series of articles is not only to understand a little more clearly what
each of these attributes or capabilities of the Mind of Christ are, but also how to appropriate them
in our daily lives. The goal of our instruction is not to have more "head knowledge,"but to have
God's Wisdom (His Word) in our hearts become a living reality in our lives. As David Needham says
in his book, Birthright, "The big task is not the finding of the truth, but the living of it." What good
are God's principles if they really don't change our lives?
Last month we tooka superficial look at the awesome subject of the Spirit of the Lord. In this
article we want to examine God's Spirit of Wisdom and His Spirit of Understanding.
The Spirit of Wisdom
(Hebrew is Chockmah - Greek is Sophia)
The first functionor operation of the Mind of Christ, produced by the Spirit of the Lord in us, is the
Spirit of Wisdom. The Spirit of Wisdom is simply all of God's supernatural Thoughts that He has
already placed in our hearts at our new birth. Hebrews 8:10 says that God inscribes or engraves
His Wordin our hearts. God's Wisdom is His supernatural intelligence-His secret knowledge. God's
Wisdom is like a hidden "mystery" that can only be revealed by God's Spirit.
God's Wisdom is not a wisdom of the world,because it can't be bought, it can'tbe studied for,or
earned. There are many highly intelligent men whohave exhaustive knowledge of the world's
wisdom, but are completely ignorant of God's Wisdom, His Thoughts and His Word. Job32:9 says,
"Great men are not always wise:..."
God's Wisdom is the foundation of our lives and the basis upon whichthe rest of our spiritual
"house" will be built. Proverbs24:3 validates this when it says, "through wisdom a house is built..."
So, whether we realize it or not, God's Word (His Wisdom) must be our sustenance, our
nourishment, our food,and our life's bread.
"Man Shall Not Live by Bread Alone"
A few years ago, whilehaving my coffeeand toast and reading my morning newspaper, God spoke
to my heart and said, "yougive the best part of yourday to your toast and the newspaper, what
about Me?" Then, He brought to mind Matthew 4:4 which says, "Man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." As a result of this exhortation, I did a
study of whatit means to "live by God's Word" and I found that it means we are not just to dabble in
and taste His Word, but we are to literally exist by it. In other words, only as we allow the Word of
God to go down into our innermost part and begin to change and transform our lives, will weever
truly experience whatScripture means when it says, "Thy Words were found, and I did eat them."
(Jeremiah 15:16)
In these end times, we can'tafford to only "taste" God's Word because then we won'tbe able to
stand against the wiles of the enemy and all the events of the last days. I truly believe that we grow
only in proportion to the daily diet of God's Wordthat we are "eating." I know personally that my
daily actions are largely determined by the amount of time I spent in the Word that day. Only in
reading and eating God's Word willI be reminded to put off the garbage in my ownthinking and put
on the Mind of Christ. Then, I'll be "ready" and "prepared" for whatever God allows into my life.
Our life literally depends upon our daily eating God's Word. "...Faith cometh [how?] by hearing, and
hearing by the Word of God."(Romans 10:17)
"If Any Lack Wisdom"
If any of you are having trouble disciplining yourself to read and hear from God daily, I would
suggest getting a good daily Bible reading plan. There are many excellent ones available at any
Christian bookstore. Before you begin to read, pray and ask God to show you what He specifically
wants you to see and understand at that particular time. If youdon't find anything right away,keep
on reading until you comeaway withsomething especially foryou-even if it's just one verse.
A good suggestion: read at least three chapters a day-one from the Old Testament, one from the
New Testament and one from Psalms or Proverbs. Then as youare seeking God and His Wisdom for
your particular situation, youcan listen for His answer in yourdaily reading.
Another suggestion: take any subject that you are interested in and do a word study on it
throughout the Bible. For example: if you are having marital difficulties,then do a study on
"marriage," "love,""divorce,"etc. Do a study on children, husbands, jobs, careers, goals, purposes,
money, etc. This is exactly how The Way of Agape and Be Ye Transformed began.
It's criticalto keep on "investigating" new and differentways to be excited about God's Word.
Remember, we exist only by His Word! "Unless thy law (His Word) had been my delight, I should
have perished in mine affliction."(Psalm 119:92) I think of God's "written" Word as a translation of
the "inscribed" Word(Jesus) that's already in my heart. The more I understand the written Word,
the more I will understand the living Word (Jesus) who lives in my heart. So, the entire Bible is
God's written Wisdom and it's something I totally believe in and receive into my heart. However,I
don't alwaysunderstand, perceive or grasp some of the Scripture's full meaning. As Proverbs 1:21
says, wisdom is just the entrance to the city (the opening of the gates). In other words, wisdom is
just the first understanding...and then to knowledge, etc.
The Spirit of Understanding
(Hebrew is Binah - Greek is Sunesis)
Isaiah 11:2 tells us that the next function or operation produced by the Spirit of God, giving us the
Mind of Christ, is the Spirit of Understanding. Just because we have God's Wisdom written and
inscribed in our hearts does not necessarily mean that we'llunderstand that Wisdom. This is a
whole other step.
The Spirit of Understanding is God's supernatural revelation-His secret insights to His Word.
Understanding simply means a "putting together" or a comprehending or a grasping of His Word.
The Spirit of God illuminates our hearts and gives us understanding of His Wisdom. In other words,
He "turns on the lights forus."
How many times have yousat down and read God's Word, gotten up and not remembered a thing
you read? Well, God'sSpirit of Understanding was not operating.
"Written in the Sand"
Often, in preparing formy classes, I would come across something that I had no supernatural
understanding of at all. As I would pray forGod's enlightenment, eventually (in God's timing and in
His way),the "lights" wouldgo on.
On one occasion,when I was out riding my horse in the hills above our home, the insight (the
understanding) to something that I had been struggling with fora long time just clickedin and the
"lights went on." Past history has taught me, however,that unless I immediately writedown what
the Lord is showing me, I won'tremember it. If it's a supernatural revelation fromGod, then it's not
something that is registered in my own mind yet.
On this particular occasion, I knew I had to write down whatGod was showing me or I wouldlose
it. When I ride horseback, however, I ride "English style,"with britches that obviously have no
pockets or any place to carry pencil or paper. So, I stopped my horse, got off,cleared a place in the
sand and dirt, and scribbled what God was saying to me witha stick. Later, feeling rather silly,I
drove my four-wheeldrive jeep backup the hill and copied my notes. This is a true story! I know
myself-Iknow if I don't write down the supernatural wisdom and understanding that God is giving
me, I'lllose it. I'llbet it's the same for you!
"Dripping Wet"
Often when I'm in the shower, supernatural revelations and answers pop into my mind to
questions that I'vebeen asking God about formonths. I don't know what it is about running water,
but it seems that that's when God often opens my understanding. Again, so I won'tforget it, I'll get
out of the shower dripping wet, tippy-toe to where I can find a pencil and paper and write down
what God has shown me. See, I know it's not "me" that has "turned on the lights" at that moment,
but God's Spirit of Understanding.
What good is God's Wisdom (His Word), withoutour being able to understand it and apply it to our
lives? Psalm 119:27 is a good prayer, "Make me to understand the way of thy precepts: so shall I
talk of Thy wondrous works." The point is, wemust have God's understanding of His Wisdom
before we can begin to apply it to our lives and before we can pass it on to others.
Reading God's Word
One of the reasons I believe so many Christians are stumbling and falling today is because of
"ignorance." We'vespoken about this before. Ignorance not only as to what the Word of God says
and requires of us, but also ignorance about ourselves (understanding our ownreal motives, our
own wrongdependencies, our own misconceivedpriorities, and so on). As we read God's Word, it's
the Spirit of Understanding that will reveal and expose these things so that we can "deal" with
them. When we don't read the Word and the Spirit of Understanding is not allowed to operate, then
we won'tbe able to see or find our way. Hosea 4:14 says "...people that do not understand shall
All of us have God's written Wisdom lying in our laps, but many of us, because of busyness,
distractions, hurts, unbelief, and other self-centered thoughts and emotions, don'ttake the time to
sit at God's feet, listen and hear what He wants us to say to us. Instead, we depend upon whatwe
think and feel, what others are telling us and what our circumstances are. Consequently, when God
allows "trials" in our lives, we don't understand what He requires of us, nor how to act. Thus, we
end up falling beforewe even begin.
"Through Wisdom is a house builded; and by Understanding it is established: [But] by Knowledge
shall all the chambers be filled." (Proverbs24:3-4)
* * *
This article was excerpted from Nan's new book, Be Ye Transformed. The companion Personal
Application Workbookis also available.
What is the difference between the human virtue of wisdom and the Holy Spirit’s Gift of Wisdom?
Why is Wisdom almost synonymous withLove? Can youname someone you believe has received
the Gift of Wisdom? Explain. How wouldyour life be different if you receivedthe Gift of Wisdom?
How can youreceive the Gift of Wisdom fromthe Holy Spirit?
I. The Gift of Wisdom
1. Wisdom is the intellectual virtue by whichthe results of reasoning are traced back to their
principles (insight) and unified in one vision of the truth by seeing how the wholeof creation and of
history reflectthe power, truth, and loveof God. Human wisdom is philosophy. Sacred wisdom is of
twokinds (1) the acquired faith-wisdom we call theology,and (2) the Gift of Wisdom whichis the
perfect floweringof faith. 2. The Gift of wisdom is intimately associated by St. Thomas with the
theological virtue of Love, because in this life our deepest understanding of God does not comefrom
the reasoning of theology but from our likeness (connaturality) to God through love. As we
understand a friend because we lovehim, so we come to understand God by loving Him. Aquinas
also connects it tothe Beatitude "Blessed are the peace-makers" because true wisdom brings peace
with God, our neighbors, and ourselves. This is the peace of God of which the New Testament and
the liturgy so often speak, a peace that Jesus gave to His apostles after the resurrection and which
the saints experience even in their suffering and martyrdom.
Wisdom is God-given knowledge, not learned from books, that provides us with a more intimate
and joyfulinsight into God and His mysteries. This gift enables us to better know God and divine
things. It can be illustrated by the words of Jesus when He states, "I give praise to you, Father, Lord
of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you
have revealed them to the childlike.” (Mt 11:25) In other words, there is a type of revelation that no
amount of studying can produce as it is directly infused into our soul by God. It allows simple souls
to “see with the eyes of God”.
The concept of a heavenly wisdom can further be seen in scripture where James contrasts it with
earthly wisdom,” Whoamong you is wise and understanding? Let him show his worksby a good life
in the humility that comes fromwisdom. But if youhave bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your
hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. Wisdom of this kind does not come downfrom above
but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder
and every foul practice.But the wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, gentle,
compliant, full of mercy and good fruits, without inconstancy or insincerity. (James 3:13-17)
St. Augustine tells us, ”Wisdom is the knowledge of Divinethings." It allows us to “see things from
God’s perspective”.In his book, The Three Ages of the Interior Life, R. Garrigou-Lagrange writes,
“The gift of wisdom, the principle of a living contemplation that directs action,enables the soul to
taste the goodness of God, to see it manifested in all events, even in the most painful, since God
permits evil only fora higher good, whichwe shall see later and whichit is sometimes given us to
glimpse on earth.” The gift of wisdom enables us to better understand how God will often allow
crosses to enter our lives in order to bring about a greater good. We may not comprehend exactly
what the greater good is, but we will be more inclined to trust God's judgment.
The saints teach us that wisdom is closely related to the virtue of charity. Therefore, the more one
loves God, the more capable they are of receiving this gift. And the more that the gift of wisdom
increases in the soul, the more capable of loving God one becomes.
II. The Gift of Wisdom: The Intellect as the "Disciple of Love"
In the Gospel, Our Lord described one of the effects of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Holy
Spirit, because He is within us, instructs us as Jesus says, "in everything." At first we are inclined to
consider this dimension of the gift of the Holy Spirit in a kind of quantitive sense. There is this great
body of knowledge. So much to learn! So many books to read! So much to think about! Through the
working of the Holy Spirit, we whohave received the indwelling grace will have His assistance in
the very difficulttask of mastering what is tobe learned.
In a qualitative sense the Holy Spirit's presence in us willcause us to lookat everything in a new
way.Our Lord in the Gospel is really making reference to the gift of Wisdom, the highest of the Holy
Spirit's seven gifts. The gift of the Holy Spirit's Wisdom is different from the virtue of wisdom.
The virtue of wisdom is something weget by our ownhard work,by human effort,while the gift of
Wisdom is just that—it's a gift. The gift of Wisdom comes fromasking God forit.
The Holy Spirit's gift is a kind of knowing and judging that comes from what St. Thomas says is
"connaturality,"that is, in the gift of Wisdom, the Holy Spirit and I become one. He establishes the
harmony of sympathy, a dynamic unity, so that whatHe knowsabout the things of God and
everything else is what I see, too. I see withthe Holy Spirit's own eyes. By this gift of Wisdom, the
Holy Spirit shares withyou and me His view,His vision of how all things, all being—whether First
Being or created being—how it all fits together.
As St. Thomas points out, this vision that comes from the gift of Wisdom is, like that of the virtue of
wisdom, the fruitof love.For St. Thomas, the practical intellect's judgment is ultimately determined
by inclination, not by thinking things through. And the proper perfection of practical judgment is
"truth by agreement with desire." Here, the intellect "is the disciple of love." It'slove that teaches us
how to judge, it's love that gives the right judgment. And that's how it is in Wisdom.
Here, the object is not grasped by investigation, not by study, not by long hours of pondering the
text, but it is delivered over to the docile intellect through love.For in practical judgment, and even
more so in Wisdom, weknow wisely because welove rightly. It is because the Holy Spirit has
poured into us the Loveof God (St. Paulsaid—"the love of God has been poured out in us"). Because
the Holy Spirit does that, the loving that is directed to God, by God, and the loving that God directs
to all that He has made— because of that loving in us, we are wise withGod's own Wisdom.
It is to be related to God and whatpertains to Him. You have to do this in such a way that you allow
for the right ordering into the ultimate whole. That will happen through study. That is the virtue of
wisdom. The gift of Wisdom is a way of seeing all things, a way of seeing that comes from our
sharing in God's love.
Another way to say this is to affirm that this gift of Wisdom is having the very heart and mind of
Christ. That's the work of the Holy Spirit throughout salvation history,wherever He is—hovering
over the waters in Genesis, hovering over Our Lady at the moment of the Annunciation, hovering
over the bread and wine during the Eucharist. It is His job to shape the matter into the Christform.
This is His workin the world.In our being instructed by Him, He shapes our hearts and our minds
into the heart and mind of Christ.
III. Another perspective on the Gift of Wisdom
This Wisdom weask for,this being instructed in everything by the Holy Spirit, is nothing else than
the Wisdom of the cross, the Wisdom that understands everything in the light of the cross. The
ultimate meaning of everything youinvestigate, all of these things find their ultimate meaning in
the Cross of Jesus Christ. This is Wisdom.
There are three types of wisdom: The wisdom of God (I Corinthians 2:6-7) See readings The
wisdom of the world (I Corinthians 2:6) See readings The wisdom of man (Ecclesiastes 1:16-18)
See readings
Wisdom, like the other Gifts of the Holy Spirit, accompanies sanctifying grace, makes a person well
disposed to receive the inspirations and movements of the Holy Spirit, and completes and perfects
the virtues of those whoreceive them.
What is specific to wisdom is that it makes the soul responsive to the Holy Spirit in the
contemplation of divine things and in the use of God's ideas to judge both created and divine
matters. It affectsa filial fear of God, as well as a welcomepeace in the heart of man.
Pope JohnPaul II says that it is not enough to simply provide data on the situation and to make a
"scientific"inquiry to come up witha picture of today's socioculturaland ecclesial circumstances.
An interpretation of the situation is even more important, though it is not always easy to do so;
such interpretation has to be done within the contextof a Gospel discernment.
"This discernment is nourished by the light and strength of the Holy Spirit whoevokes everywhere
and in all circumstances, obedience to the faith, the joyous courage of followingJesus, and the gift of
wisdom, whichjudges all things and is judged by no one (see 1 Corinthians 2:15)
We ask for the gift of wisdom not only forspecial undertakings, but to follow God'swill, whichis a
continuous task forthe Christian. The whole person is "called to seek and love God 'withall one's
heart, and with all one's soul, and with all one's might' (see Deuteronomy 6:5), and one's neighbor
as oneself (see Leviticus 19:18; Matthew 22:37-39)." Todo so, weshould "never cease to ask the
Almighty for the gift of wisdom in the struggles of everyday life (see Wisdom 9:10)
With this gift weconstantly use God's standards and not ours. Or better still, wetry to make our
standards conform(cum-foma) to God's.We aim for a sort of "connaturality"with God, in such a
way that a prior conformity to God's will makes us always willwhat is good.
The gift of wisdom is one that should be sought eagerly, however it is not easy to attain. Wisdom is
a light that helps guide us through the darkness of this world. When we use wisdom we learn to
make choices based on God’s perspective and the needs of other people, rather than our ownwants
and desires. Wisdom helps us to think and act in ways that allow us to live a lifethat is pleasing to
the one whocreated us.
The gift of wisdom is finally, according to the enumeration of Isaias, the highest of all, as charity, to
whichit corresponds, is the loftiest of the virtues. It leads the apostles and Father’s of the Church to
judge all things by relation to God, the first Cause and last End, and to judge them thus, not as
acquired theology does, but by that connaturalness or sympathy with divine things whichcomes
from charity.
By His inspiration, the Holy Ghost makes use of this connaturalness to show us the beauty, the
sanctity, and the radiating plenitude of the mysteries of salvation, whichcorrespond so well to our
deepest and highest aspirations.(22)
The gift of wisdom, the principle of a living contemplation that directs action, enables the soul to
taste the goodness of God, to see it manifested in all events, even in the most painful, since God
permits evil only fora higher good, whichwe shall see later and whichit is sometimes given us to
glimpse on earth.
The gift of wisdom thus makes us judge everything in relation to God; It reminds us that all that
glitters is not gold and that, on the contrary,marvels of grace are to be found under the humblest
exteriors, as in the person of many of the saints.
This gift enables the saints to embrace the plan of Providencewith a gaze entirely penetrated with
love;darkness does not disconcert them for they discover in it the hidden God.
As the bee knowshow to find honey in flowers, the gift of wisdom draws lessons of divine goodness
from everything.
Wisdom reminds us, as Cardinal Newman says, that: “A thousand difficulties do not make a doubt”
so long as they do not impair the very basis of certitude.
It is the gift of the wisdom of love, whichmakes us taste and see how good is the Lord. This gift fills
our soul withall kind of goods. The soul then becomes more and more sensitive to the loveof God
whichcommunicates Himself and attracts everything with strength and mildness. Love whichis the
source of all what is created, in which everything finds its achievement. This spirit of wisdom allows
us to surrender to this lovefervently,peacefully and joyfully.Itis the gift of the union with God.
The Book of Wisdom Chapter 7 1 I too am a mortal man, the same as all the rest, and a descendant
of the first man formed on earth. And in my mother's womb I was molded into flesh 2 in a ten-
months' period-body and blood, from the seed of man, and the pleasure that accompanies marriage.
3 And I too, when born, inhaled the common air, and fell upon the kindred earth; wailing, I uttered
that first sound common to all. 4 In swaddling clothes and with constant care I was nurtured. 5 For
no king has any different origin or birth, 6 but one is the entry into life for all; and in one same way
they leave it. 7 Therefore I prayed, and prudence was given me; I pleaded and the spirit of Wisdom
came to me. 8 I preferred her to scepter and throne, And deemed riches nothing in comparison
with her, 9 nor did I liken any priceless gem to her; Because all gold, in view of her, is a little sand,
and before her, silver is to be accounted mire. 10 Beyondhealth and comeliness I lovedher, And I
chose to have her rather than the light, because the splendor of her never yields to sleep. 11 Yet all
good things together came to me in her company,and countless riches at her hands; 12 And I
rejoiced in them all, because Wisdom is their leader, though I had not knownthat she is the mother
of these. 13 Simply I learned about her, and ungrudgingly do I share- her riches I do not hide away;
14 For to men she is an unfailing treasure; those whogain this treasure win the friendship of God,
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
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The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
The holy spirit word of wisdom
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The holy spirit word of wisdom

  • 1. THE HOLY SPIRIT WORD OF WISDOM EDITED BY GLENN PEASE GOTQUESTIONS.COM Question: "What are the spiritual gifts of the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge?" Answer: There are three spiritual gifts lists in Scripture (Romans 12:6–8; 1 Corinthians 12:4–11; and 1 Corinthians 12:28), but only one of them mentions the gifts referred to as the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge (1 Corinthians 12:8). There is much confusion as to exactly what these two gifts are. Perhaps the best way to approach it is to describe what these gifts are not. Some Charismatics/Pentecostals view the word of knowledge and word of wisdom spiritual gifts as the Holy Spirit speaking from one believer to another, giving revelation regarding a decision or situation. Those who use these gifts in that way will often say something to the effect of, “I have a word from the Lord for you.” In doing so, they claim to be speaking on behalf of God and claim that their words are to be strictly obeyed. This understanding of the word of knowledge and word of wisdom gifts comes dangerously close to denying the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture. If God continues to reveal His will and wisdom through special revelation to individuals, then can His Word truly be sufficient to make us “complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:17)? Has God truly given us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3), if we require other individuals to give us special revelation from God? This is not to say that God never uses another person to speak to us, but if we often need direct messages from God through other people in order to live our lives, is God’s Word truly sufficient, as it declares itself to be?
  • 2. So, if the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge are not prophetic/revelatory gifts, just what are they? We know one thing for sure: these gifts are given by the Spirit to build up (edify) the body of Christ, for the “common good” (1 Corinthians 12:7). The havoc that so often ensues in churches that practice the word of knowledge and word of wisdom as revelatory gifts clearly is not for the common good. Confusing, nebulous, and sometimes contradictory “words from the Lord” do not come from God, for He is not a God of confusion or disorder (1 Corinthians 14:33). Nor do they tend to bring Christians together for their edification; on the contrary, they tend to cause division and strife in the body. Often the word of knowledge and/or word of wisdom gifts are used to gain power and influence over other people, to make others dependent on the one who claims to possess those gifts. This misuse of the two gifts is clearly not of God. With that in mind, we offer these definitions of the word of knowledge and word of wisdom spiritual gifts: The word of wisdom – The fact that this gift is described as the “word” of wisdom indicates that it is one of the speaking gifts. This gift describes someone who can understand and speak forth biblical truth in such a way as to skillfully apply it to life situations with all discernment. The word of knowledge – Also a speaking gift that involves understanding truth with an insight that only comes by revelation from God. Those with the gift of knowledge understand the deep things of God and the mysteries of His Word. HOLY SPIRIT LED CHRISTIAN GiftsOf The HolySpirit:The Spiritual GiftOf The Word of Wisdom
  • 3. The apostle Paul saysinthe bookof 1 Corinthians, "for to one isgiventhe wordof wisdomthroughthe Spirit," -1 Corinthians12:8 (NKJV) Whenwe studythe nine giftsof the Holy Spirit,Paul saysthat, "But one and the same Spiritworksall these things,distributingtoeachone individuallyasHe wills. 1 Corinthians12:11 (NKJV) As a christian,we shoulddesirethatthe giftsof the HolySpiritto be manifestedorshownamongthe Bodyof Christ.Andto leave itupto the will of the HolySpiritto use those He pleases. The Holy Spiritdoesnotuse everyone inthe same manner.He dividesthe spiritual giftstoeachone individuallyas He wills.Ourjobisto maintainanopenheart,submitto the leadingof the HolySpiritand letHiswill concerningthe distributingandmanifestationsof the spiritual giftsbe done.If we assume to take control,it will onlyresultinamess. Well,noteveryone will have all the manifestationsof the nine giftsof the HolySpiritbecause Paul says, "for to one isgiventhe wordof wisdom..toanotherthe wordof knowledgethroughthe same Spirit," -1 Corinthians12:8 (NKJV) You can see that notall the giftsof the HolySpiritare giventoeveryone.AsaChristianledbythe Holy Spirit,letusdesire the giftsof the Spiritandto allow the HolySpirittomanifestHimself throughthe gifts as He wills. The Gift Of The Word Of WisdomIs NotThe GiftOf Wisdom There are some Christianwhocall the giftof the wordof wisdomasthe giftof wisdom.Thatisincorrect. We needtocall themwhat the Bible saystheyare,or we and the people we tell will become confused. If you call a mana woman,oran orange an apple,youwouldconfuse others.The apostle Paul isnot talkingaboutwisdomliterally.He istalkingaboutthe wordof wisdom.
  • 4. Our dearHoly Spirithasinfinitewisdomandknowledge.He knowseverythingbutHe doesnot reveal everythingtoanyone.The HolySpiritjustrevealsawordof what isin Hismind. A wordis a part of a sentence.Soisthe wordof wisdom, whichisa part of the HolySpirit'swisdom.Itis the giftof the wordof the word of wisdomthatthe HolySpiritrevealstoyouand I. Onlythe part of His infinite wisdomthatthe HolySpiritwishesyoutoknow. Let me illustrate thistoyou.If youneededsome legal advice,youwouldbe callingalawyer.However, the lawyerwouldnottell youeverything he learntduringhis4yearsinuniversity,plushis10yearsof experience inthe field,because99.99%of themdoesnotmake sense toyou. You wouldnotneedthem. The lawyerwouldjustgive youa part,or a wordof the legal wisdomhe has,whichfitsyourparticular case.He givesyoua "word"of legal wisdom, whichisall youneed. Difference BetweenThe WordOf WisdomAndThe Word Of Knowledge The word of knowledge isone of the nine giftsof the HolySpirit.The wordof knowledgewilltell youthe facts,relatingtopeople orthingsinthe mindof God.It is a supernatural revelationbythe HolySpirit. The word of wisdomwill tell youthe divine purpose inthe mindandwill of God.Thisisalsoa supernatural revelationbythe HolySpirit. The difference betweenthese twogiftsof the HolySpirit,giftof wordof wisdomandthe giftof word of knowledge,isthatone speaksaboutthe pastwhile one speaksaboutthe future. The giftof the word of knowledge tellsyouaboutthingswhichhasalreadyhappened.Thingsof the past. While the giftof the wordof wisdomtellsyouthe plansof Godand whatis goingto happeninthe future. The Spiritual GiftsOf The Word Of WisdomAndThe Word Of Knowledge OftenWorkTogether Regardingthe teachingof the giftsof the Holy Spirit,we usuallyseparate thesetwospiritual giftstodeal withthemindividually.Nonetheless,thesetwogiftsoftenoperatetogether.
  • 5. Let me showyouin the bookof acts howthe scrupture actuallyshowsthe operationsof bothof these giftsinAnanias. "the Lord saidin a vision,"Ananias".."Ariseandgoto the streetcalledStraight,andinquire atthe house of Judasforone calledSaul of Tarsus, for behold,he ispraying.Andinavisionhe hasseena man named Ananiascominginand puttinghishandonhim, so that he mightreceive hissight".."Go,forhe isa chosenvessel of Mine tobearMy name before Gentiles..ForI will show hiimhow manythingshe must sufferforMy name'ssake." -Acts9:10-16 (NKJV) Here,we can see that boththe spiritual giftsof the wordof wisdomandthe wordof knowledge are in effect.Jesusspoke toAnaniaswheretofindSaul,sayingthathe isprayingand thathe had seenavision. JesusalsotoldAnaniasthe exactstreet,house andthe persontogo to. These are all facts. God alsorevealedtoAnaniasthatSaul hasseenAnaniasina vision,thatAnaniaswill come and layhands onSaul,and will recover fromhisblindness.Thisisalsoa supernatural revelationto Ananiasconcerningthe factsaboutSaul.Thisis the giftof the wordof knowledge inaction. The other revelationthatAnaniasreceviedwasawordof wisdom.Inthisvision,GodrevealedHis plan and purpose. "for he isa chosenof Mine to bear My name before Gentiles,kingsandthe childrenof Isreal." -Acts9:15 (NKJV) Also,Godsaid, "For I will showhimhowmanythingshe mustsufferforMy name'ssake." -Acts9:16 (NKJV) Saul,wholaterwas renamedasPaul,indeedsufferedforthe name of Jesus.He wasstoned,leftfor dead,whipped,shipwrecked.WhereverPaul went,the people wouldcome againsthim.
  • 6. Thiswas a visionGodhas gave to AnaniasaboutPaul'sfuture.Thisis a manifestationof the giftof the wordof wisdom. Human WisdomAndThe Spiritual GiftOf The Word Of Wisdom Amongthe giftsof the HolySpirit,the wordof wisdomisoftenconfusedwiththe simple wisdomusedto deal withthe thingsof life.The giftof the wordof wisdomisnotthe same as the wisdomindealingwith the thingsof life. At the earlystagesof Joshua'sministry,GodtoldJoshuathat the keyto wisdomandsuccesswouldbe to meditate onthe Word of God. "ThisBook of the Law shall not departoutof yourmouth,but youshall meditate onitdayand night, that youmay observe anddoaccording to all that iswritteninit.For thenyoushall make yourway prosperous,andthenyoushall deal wiselyandhave goodsuccess." -Joshua1:8 (Amplified) You can see that youwill gainwisdomandhave successinlife if youknow the wordof God and act upon it.However,thiswisdomisnotthe same as the giftof the wordof wisdomthroughthe HolySpirit. There are Christianswhothinkthatthe wisdomof Solomon,the wisestmanof all history,isthe giftof the word of wisdom.Butitis not.This isthe wisdomgive byGod todeal effectivelywiththe issuesof life. In the bookof James,he said: "If any of youlackswisdom,lethimaskof God, whogivesto all liberallyandwithoutapproach,andit will be giventohim. -James1:5 (NKJV) The apostle Jamesistalkingaboutthe wisdomtodeal wiselyregardingthe problemsandissuesof life.It isthe wisdomtoknowhowto conductyourself as a Christian.
  • 7. Thisis a general,ornatural wisdomtotackle the dailyaffairsof life.Itisgiventoanyone whoasksthe Fatherfor it.The HolySpiritwill impartwisdomtoyou,tomake the correct decisionsinlife,butitisstill not the same as the divine revelationof the wordof wisdombythe HolySpirit. In the bookof James,he iswritingtoChristians,since he startedaddressingas"My brethren".The apostle saidthatif any lackswisdom,lethimaskGod for it.Meaningeverybelieverwhoneedsitwillbe givenbyGod if he asks. It isnot the same wisdomas the one spokenbythe apostle Paul,"toone isgiventhe wordof wisdom.." The word of wisdomisgiventoone,notall or any.It is one of the giftsof the HolySpiritwhichisgiven onlyas the Spiritwills. Whenthe Holy Spiritwantstoreveal Hispurposesandplans,He doesitthrough the manifestationof the word of wisdom.Thisisone of the giftsof the HolySpirit,whichshouldnotbe mixedupwiththe general wisdomthatGodgivesliberallytotackle the issuesof life. GiftsOf The HolySpirit:The Spiritual GiftOf The Word of Wisdom(Part2) What isthe difference betweenthe giftof the wordof wisdom, giftof the wordof wisdomandthe gift of prophecy? What we call prophecy,issometimesnotthe simplegiftof prophecyatall.If the wordsthat we speak forthcontainsrevelationtoit,itisinfact, a word of knowledge. In the giftof prophecyby itself,thereisnorevelation. "But he whoprophesiesspeaksedificationandexhortationandcomforttomen." -1 Corinthians14:3 (NKJV) If a christianisspeakingwiththe giftof prophecy,andif he doesnothave othermanifestationsof the giftsof the HolySpirit,thenwhathe speakswill deal onlywithedification,exhortationandcomfort. The prophetsof the oldtestament,onthe otherhand,neededthe othergiftsof the HolySpirittobe at workin themforthemto stand inthe propheticministry,tomake predictionsof the future. The prophet'spredictions,thoughtheycame throughprophecy,were infact,manifestationsof the gift of the wordwisdom.
  • 8. For example,whenyouare sittinginataxi,youare not the taxi.You are carried bythe taxi.Similarly,the wordof wisdom(you) isconveyedbyprophecy(taxi).Theyare different. The Gift Of The Word Of WisdomComesInMany Forms Like the wordof knowledge,the giftof the wordof wisdommaybe expressedbyanaudible voice,ina dreamor a vision.Itmayalsocome through the utterance giftof prophecy,speakingandintepretation of tongues. Joseph,inthe OldTestamentreceivedawordof wisdomthrougha dreamwhenhe wasstill a teenage. In that dream,GodshowedJospephthe plansandpurpose He hadfor him.(Genesis37:5) WhenMoseswas inthe wilderness,he receivedarevelationof the future of Isreal,where Godwillbring themout of Egypt. God spoke ina audible voice toMoses.Ithad to be the giftof the wordof wisdom whichwasin effect. It isalso true for the prophetsof the OldTestamentwhoprophesiedmanyof the thingsGodwasgoing to do forthe people of Isreal.Suchassendingthe Messiahandthe makingof the New Covenant. Thoughthe prophetsconveyedthe message throughprophecy,itwasactuallythe wordof wisdom whichtheyhadreceivedfromGod. ProphetsTake The Word Of WisdomAndRevealsThe PlansOf The HolySpirit "Andin these daysprophetscame fromJerusalemtoAntioch.Thenone of them, namedAgabus,stood up and showedbythe Spiritthatthere wasgoingto be a greatfamine throughoutthe world..Thenthe disciples,eachaccordingtohisability,determinedtosendrelief tothe brethrendwellinginJudea.This theyalsodid,and sentitto the eldersbythe handsof Barnabas andSaul." -Acts11:27-28 (NKJV) Agabusprophesiedthatagreatfamine wascoming.The disciplesandapostles,withtheirdiscernment, believedhimandimmediatelybegantoprepare tosendaidtotheirpeople inJudea. We can alsoread aboutAgabusinchapter 21, whenhe came to Philip'shouse,where Paul andLuke (authorof Acts) were alsopresent. "Andas we stayedmanydays,a certainprophetnamedAgabuscame downfromJudea.Whenhe had come to us, he tookPaul'sbelt,boundhisownhandsand feet,andsaid,"thussaysthe Holy Spirit,"So shall the Jewsat jerusalembindthe man whoownsthisbelt,anddeliverhimintothe handsof the gentiles."" -Acts21:10-11 (NKJV) Notice thatwhenAgabusspoke,he merelyrepeatedwhatthe HolySpirithadalreadysaidtoHim.It was a revelationfromthe HolySpirit.Whenthere are revelationsspoken,itisalwaysagiftof the wordof wisdom,wordof knowledge,orthe discerningof spirits.
  • 9. These are the onlyrevelationthree giftsof the HolySpirit.There are nootherrevelationgiftsof the Holy Spiritmentionedinthe Bible. What the prophetAgabussaidaboutPaul,was nota wordof knowledge,butawordof wisdom.If you remember,ImentionedinPart1 that the word of knowledge speaksaboutthe pastandpresentfacts, while the wordof wisdomisthe revelationof the future givento usthroughour dearHolySpirit. Onlythe HolySpirit,withhisinfinite wisdom, canlookthroughtime totell usaboutthe future. SometimesA WordOf WisdomCan Be Conditional There are occasionsinthe OldTestamentwhenthe wordof God whichwasrevealedtothe prophetsdid not come to passon the time God originallyplanned. Duringthe reignof KingHezekiah,Godgave Isaiahaword of wisdomforHezekiah. "In those daysHezekiahwassickandnear death.AndIsiahthe prophet,sonof Amoz,wenttohimand saidto him,"Thussays the Lord: "Setyour house inorder,foryou shall die,andnotlive."" -2 Kings20:1 (NKJV) Afterthe prophetIsaiahhaddeliveredthe doomsdaymessage forKingHezekiahandstartedtoleave the palace,HezekiahrepentedandprayedtoGod. "Remembernow,OLord,I pray,how I have walkedbefore Youintruthandwitha loyal heart,and have done whatwas goodin Your sight."AndHezekiahweptbitterly." -2 Kings20:3 (NKJV) Before Isaiahleftthe court,Godcommandedhimto turnback and pass the message toHezekiah. "Returnand tell Hezekiahthe leaderof Mypeople,"Thussaysthe Lord,the God of Davidyourfather:"I have heardyour prayer,I have seenyourtears;surelyIwill heal you..AndIwill addtoyour daysfifteen years.." -2 Kings20:5-6 (NKJV) Thiswas alsoa word of wisdomasit concernedthe future of Hezekiah,where GodsaidHe will add fifteenyearstohislife. God alsospoke to Jonahthe prophetandgave hima wordof wisdomthatNinevahwasgoingtobe destroyed.Thiswasalsoa wordof wisdombecause itspoke aboutthe future of Isreal andthe planof God. AfterJonahhad warnedthe people,theyrepentedandthe judgementof Goddidnotfall on themin that generation.Manyyearsafterthat,Ninevahwentbacktoa life of sinandwasdestroyedbyIsreal's enemies.
  • 10. The Gift Of The Word Of WisdomIs UsedTo Set ApartThose For Special Ministry God will reveal Hisplanregardingthose He wantstoappointforspecial ministrythroughthe giftof the wordof wisdom.Ihave shownyouan example inpart1 of the giftsof the word of wisdom.Jesussent Ananiastopray for Saul.tellinghim.. "But the Lord saidto Him,"Go, for he is a chosenvessel of Mine tobearMy name before Gentiles,kings, and the childrenof Isreal." -Acts9:15 (NKJV) The Word Of WisdomIsUsed To Assure People Of God'sProtectio The giftof the word of wisdomisalso givenbythe HolySpiritto assure othersaboutthe love,protection and deliverance of Godintimesof troubles. The apostle Paul wasaboard a shipon hiswayto Rome to appeal hiscase to Ceasar.Suddenly,aviolent storm arose.However,evenbeforethe stormcame,the HolySpirithadalreadyrevealedtoPaul about the voyage. "Men,I perceivedthatthisvoyage will endwithdisasterandmuchloss,not onlyof the cargo and ship, but alsoour lives." -Acts27:10 (NKJV) However,because of the advices of the helmsman,ownerof the ship,andthe softwindblowing,the ignoredPaulswarningandcontinuedwiththe treacherousvoyage. As Paul hadexpected,the stormcame,andthe people were forcedtodumptheirgoods.Whenall hope was gone,Paul stepped forwardtoencourage themafterawordof wisdomwhichhe receivedfrom God. "AndnowI urge youto take heart,for there will be nolossof life amongyou,butonlyof the ship.For there stoodbyme thisnightan angel of the Lord to whomI belongandwhomI serve,saying,"Donotbe afraidPaul;youmust be broughtbefore Ceasar;andindeedGodhasgrantedyou all those whosail with you."Therefore take heart,men,forIbelieveGodthatit will be jsutasit was toldme." Acts 27:22-25 (NKJV) In the end,the people wholistenedtoPaul were encouraged,tookhisadvice,andall reachedland safely.
  • 11. Word of Wisdom:A Manifestationof the Giftof HolySpirit Bible LessonbyDaniel Sweet Word of Wisdomis a revelationmanifestationof the Giftof HolySpirit.Wordof Wisdomisyoureceiving instructionfromGodon whatto do withthe informationwhichwasreceivedthroughanother manifestationof HolySpiritknownasWordof Knowledge.Wordof Wisdomcanalso be whatto do ina givensituationwhereyoualreadyhave knowledge of itthroughyour5 senses.Wordof Wisdomis knownas a “revelation”manifestationbecause itisGod“revealing”somethingtoyou. Word of Wisdomis notabout howsmart youare, althoughthatisusuallya byproduct,it isabout you gettingspecificinformationfromGodthat youcan not possiblyknow fromyour5 senses.Itisdivine informationthatdoesnotcome fromyour brain;it comesfromthe Gift of HolySpirit. Word of KnowledgeandWordof Wisdom Word of Wisdom,the HolySpiritGiftManifestationisfirstmentionedinICor 12:8 – “For to one is given by the Spiritthe wordof wisdom;toanotherthe wordof knowledge bythe same Spirit;” Word of Wisdomis God tellingusthe rightthingstodo withthe Word of Knowledge thatHe justgave us aboutsomething...ormaybe somethingwe know aboutthroughourfive sensesbutdon’tknow whatto do aboutit.Like I said,these manifestationscanand dowork independentlybutusuallytheyare done together...asthe believerisreadyforthem. ReadyReceiver:Tune intothe HolySpirit That’s the catch to any and all of God’s powerinyourlife;YOU have to be readyto receive it.Youcan not hearGod whenyouare inturmoil andconflictinyour heador inyour heart.Most people are so busylisteningtotheirfavoriteradiostationinside theirhead,WIIFM(What’sInIt For Me?) that they neverbothertoswitchthe dial overGODFM andsee if there issomethingbetteron. If you are nottunedinand readyto listentoGod, thenGod can not give youHismessage.Inmostcases, He will notforce Hismessage onyoubecause doingsowouldinfringe uponyourfree will tolistento Him. NotlisteningtoGodhurts hisheartand slowsHimdownindoinggoodworksfor all of us.That is a tragedyfor everyone. Itisup to eachof us individuallytobe goodstewardsof thatwhichGod has given us.We are to be witnessesof Hisgreatnessandglorythroughoutthe entire world.How canwe possibly do that forGod if we are not listeningtoGod’sgoodcounsel ANDoperatingthe Giftof HolySpiritinits fullness? How Word of WisdomWorks WhenGod givesyouWord of Knowledge He willusuallyimmediatelyfollow withwhattodo withthat special knowledge;i.e.Wordof Wisdom.Butnotalways.SometimesGodjustwantsyouto know somethingandnotdo anythingaboutit.SometimesHe givesyouspecial knowledge withoutwordof
  • 12. wisdombecause youalreadyknowwhattodo;the additional informationwouldbe redundant.Godis all aboutconcise communication. Sometimeswe needakickinthe buttto do it,but that's a differentstory.Andyes,sometimesGodwill evenprovide thatbuttkickingforyou!You know,like Jonahbeingswallowedbythe bigfishwhenGod toldhimto go to NinevehandJonahsaidno… But youknowwhat? If God has to kickyour butteverytime he wantsyouto do something,He willnot make a habitout of it.He will simplystopgivingyouassignments.Idon'tknow aboutyou, but I love workingforGod and doingHisgoodworks.So I make sure that he keepsmybuttkickingstoa bare minimum!" There are three typesof wisdom: The wisdomof God (I Corinthians2:6-7) The wisdomof the world(I Corinthians2:6) The wisdomof man (Ecclesiastes1:16-18) The giftof the word of wisdomisthe applicationof knowledgethatGodgivesyou( I Corinthians2:6-7). Thistype of wisdomisa giftwhichcannotbe gainedthroughstudyor experience andshouldbyno meanstry to replace them. The giftof the wordof wisdomisseeinglife fromGod'sperspective.Asa Christianexercisesthisgift,he beginstodevelopafearof the Lord. Thisis the "beginningof wisdom" accordingto Proverbs1:7. The giftof the word of wisdomisalsothe revealingof propheticfuture;itisspeakinghiddentruthsof whatis not known.Itisa supernatural perspective toascertainthe divinemeansforaccomplishing God's will ina givensituation,andisa divinelygivenpowertoappropriate spiritual intuition inproblem solving. Furthermore,thisgiftinvolveshavingasense of divinedirection,beingledbythe HolySpirittoact appropriatelyinagivensetof circumstances,andrightlyapplyingknowlege. The giftof wisdomisthe wisdomof God.It isthe supernatural impartationof facts;itis notnatural.You can't earn it.It is receivedfromGodthroughprayer(Ephesians1:17). The giftof the word of wisdomworksinteractivelywiththe othertworevelationgifts:knowledge and discernment. ThisteachingwaswrittenbyDavidHolt Boshart,Jr.
  • 13. Mark #2: Full of the SpiritandWisdomJ. HamptonKeathley,III 1:1 Nowin these days,whenthe discipleswere growinginnumber,acomplaintarose onthe part of the Greek-speakingJewsagainstthe native HebraicJews,because theirwidowswere beingoverlookedin the dailydistributionof food.1:2 Sothe twelve calledthe whole groupof the disciplestogetherand said,“It isnot rightfor us to neglectthe wordof God to waiton tables.1:3 But carefullyselectfrom amongyou,brothers,sevenmenwhoare well-attested,full of the Spiritandof wisdom, whomwe may put incharge of thisnecessarytask.1:4 But we will devote ourselvestoprayerandthe ministryof the word.”(Acts6:1-4, emphasismine) As pointedoutpreviously,one of the distinctive characteristicsof Christianmaturityandleadershipisits enablement.Vitaltoeverythingelseasrootsare to the fruitof a tree,the spiritual maturityneededina Christianleadercanbe manifestedonlybySpirit-filledandWord-filledbelievers.The otherqualitiesto be highlightedinthisstudyare importantanddesirable,buttobe filledwiththe Spiritandthe Word (full of biblical wisdomandunderstanding) isabsolutelyindispensableforitisthe ultimate source of spiritual maturityandgodlyleadership.InGod’splanforthe Christian,all the qualitiesthatwill be discussedare tofindtheirsource inthe powerof the Spiritandthe teachingof the Word—the taproot of spiritual growth,maturity,andleadership. The book of Acts isa bookmarkedbytrue spiritualityandbiblicalleadership.Initwe are constantly treatedto menof great maturityandChrist-likecharacter,but,asit has oftenbeenpointedout,rather than beingabook of the Acts of men or the apostles,itisreallythe Actsof the Holy SpiritandWord- filledlives.Itisthe storyof menwhoestablishedthe churchandleditsmissionaryenterprise,but withoutexception,these were menendowedandempoweredbythe HolySpirit.Everywhere youturn, yousee the work andleadershipof the HolySpirit;yousee menwhoare saidto be full of the Spiritand actingby His directionsandunderHispower.The HolySpiritisreferredtosome 46 timesinthe bookof Acts.In nearlyeverychapterthere are referencestothe ministryof the Spirit. In thisbook,we see God’scall to all kindsof ministriesand,whetheritisacall to witnessortoserve tablesor to solve aproblemorthe needof guidance,the workof the Spiritisessential.The indispensable requirementisformenand womenwhofirstare filledwiththe Spirit. Unfortunately,we missthis.We thinkthe firstrequirementischangedcharacterorservice orministry. Men are calledtowitness(2:8),toserve others(6:1f),topreach the gospel (3:12f),etc.,but Scripture firstcallsus to be filledwithandtowalkbythe HolySpiritbecause thisconstitutesGod’senablementso we can be the Christianswe have become. Thisprinciple isevidentinMark3:13-15 and Luke 6:12. Followingawhole nightinprayer,the Lord(an evidence of Hisowndependenceonthe Father) calledandappointeddisciples.InthisHe commissioned
  • 14. themto twomajor responsibilities:(a) thatthey mightbe withHimand (b) that He mightsendthemout to preachand have authorityto cast outdemons.The nature of this commissionandthe orderis significant.BeingwithHim,fellowshipwiththe Savior,wasfoundational andthe source of enablement for theirtaskof preachingandpoweroverdemonicforces(cf.Acts1:8). Anotherpassage thatpointsto thisimportantqualityof a word-filled,spirit-filledlife isActs6:1-7. The Problem(vs.1) Nowinthese days,whenthe discipleswere growinginnumber,acomplaintarose onthe part of the Greek-speakingJewsagainstthe native HebraicJews,because theirwidowswere beingoverlookedin the dailydistributionof food. Whereverthere are people,there will naturallybe problems.Thisisafact of life. There isnoboard of eldersordeaconsthat isperfect.There are no perfectchurchesandnoperfectfamilies.Why?Because theyare all made up of imperfectpeople,sinnerssavedbygrace. A ladycomplainedtoawell-knownBible teacherthatshe couldn’tfindachurchto her liking.She found faultwitheverychurchshe visited.He said,“itsoundslike youare lookingforaperfectchurch,with perfectpeople.If youfindsucha church, letme know,butplease don’tjoinit.”“Why,”she asked? “Because youwouldruinit,and so wouldI!” Dealingwithproblemsisanecessarypart of life,especiallyforleaders.Itgoeswiththe territory,butthe mostindispensable needismenwhoare filledwithGod’sSpiritmanifestingGod’swisdom, patience, and lovingcharacter. ProblemSolving(vs.2) So the twelve calledthe whole groupof the disciplestogetherandsaid,“Itisnot rightfor us to neglect the word of God to waiton tables. Problemsolvingincludes:(a) identifyingthe problem, (b) evaluatingit,and(c) solvingitthrough investigation,study,prayer,andthe wise applicationof informationtothe specificsof the problem.But for that we needthe leadingof the HolySpirit.Sometimeswe simplydonotexperienceHisleading,not because of any reluctance onthe part of the HolySpirit,butbecause there are spiritual rocksinthe gas line—wehaven’tmetthe requirementsforthe fillingof the Spirit.Butthiswasnotthe problemhere in Acts (cf.Acts2:4; 4:8, 31). “So the twelve calledthe whole groupof the disciplestogether”(vs.2).The twelve,beingthe leadersat that time,tookthe leadershipinseekingwaystosolve the problem.Buttheysummonedthe people onlyaftertheyhad studiedthe problem,andasspiritual menactingonthe principlesof the Word,they came upwitha solutionthatwouldnotonlysolve the problem, butthatwasinaccord withthe principlesof the Word.Theyrefusedtoact outof expediencyorasmere pragmatists,i.e.,the end justifiesthe means,orbylookingforwhatevermightworkandthatwouldgetthe people off of their backs.Rather,theydemonstratedspiritual discernment.Afterstudyingthe situation,theythendeclared to the people whattheycouldnotdoand why.Ministryand leadershipisamatterof identifyingGod’s
  • 15. priorities,knowingwhatGodhas calledusto do,and thenspendingourtime inthose pursuitsrather than insecondaryissuesnomatterhowimportantthose thingsare.Secondarymatterscanrender leadersineffectiveintheirprimaryresponsibilitiesandwill spreadthemsothintheybecome ineffective ineverything.Thismeansspirituallymature leadersmustlearntotrainandrecruitothersto share in the workof the Lord. Thus,to solve theirproblem, theyengagedinthe processof selectingotherswhowere qualifiedtoserve.Note the followingprincipleswe learnfromtheiraction: (1) The principle of biblical selectivity(vs.3) “Butcarefullyselectfromamongyou,brothers,sevenmen whoare well-attested,full of the Spiritandof wisdom, whomwe mayputincharge of thisnecessary task.” The actionsof the apostleshighlightthe importance of biblical selectivityinthe recruitment process.The essential principle inrecruitmentnomatterwhatthe ministryneedistoselectpeople for ministrybasedonthe principlesof the Bibleratherthanexpediency. In orderto findpeople tohelpordothe workof ministry,churchleadersoftenbecome desperate and will take justaboutanyone if theyare alive andmoving.There isa greattemptationhere whentheysee needsandhearthe complaintsandcriticismof othersbecause needsaren’tbeingmet.Naturally, problemsare blamedonthe leaders,sothe tendencyistopanic,jumpthe gun,and recruitpeople regardlessof theirqualifications. Butthe needswouldbe betterleftundone inmanysituationsthanfor the leaderstoselectthe wrongpeople ortryto do everythingthemselves. God knowsthe needsandour responsibilityistorestinHis sovereigntyandsticktothe principlesof the Word (cf.our Lord inMark 1:29-39; 3:12f; Luke 6:12). To selectthose whomGodhas notselected,those whoare not willingtocountthe costs, whoare carnal andfull of the wisdomof the world,isto forfeit God’sblessingandpoweronour ministries. The essential issue,regardlessof the need,isnotinthe nature of the task whetherit’steachingthe Word, ministeringtothe sick,orsweepingthe church,orgreetingpeople atthe door.The great needis for spiritual people regardlessof the task.Giftednessforatask or ministryisanothermatterandissue. (2) The requirementsof selection(vs.3).“Butcarefullyselectfromamongyou.”Normally,Godwantsus to go intoour ownranks forpeople.Thismeansthe churchneedstobe training,building,and thus developingservantsforministryfromamongourownpeople.Here isapriorityforleadershipthatisfar sightedandprovidesforthe future.“Select”isthe Greek.episkeptomai fromaroot which“denotesthe activityof lookingator payingattentiontoa personor thing.”21 The verbcan mean,dependingonthe context,“toobserve,review,superintend,watchover,inspect,examine,care for,andselect”(i.e.,after examination).Thisisclearlythe opposite of “grabbing”someone whoisnotspirituallyqualified.simply to fill aneed. For instance,apartfromActs 6:3, episkeptomai isusedforthe lovingandseekingcare of God.22 An importantpassage isNumbers27:16, 17. Here itis usedinthe LXX inthe sense of appoint,butitis used inconnectionwithGod’slovingcare forthe cares and needsof Hispeople.InActs6:3, episkeptomai means“to select,”butobviouslyonlyafterexaminationaccordingtothe standardsgiveninthe passage. Here it isusedof an appointmentthatoccurs aftersearchingandfindingthose whohada heartfor the
  • 16. care of others,of those whohadcome to realize that,asChristians,theydidnotexistforthemselves alone,butforothers. It becomesevidentthatthiswordandits active form, episkopeo,“tooversee,”became importantinthe selectionof these firstservantsandinthe selectionof the title,episkopos,“overseers,”forthe leaders of the church.This wordand itsuse in the restof the New Testamentsuggestswe are tolookformen and womenwhopossessanattitude of godlyconcernforthe Christiancommunity,anobviousworkof the HolySpirit. “Sevenmen.”The numbersevenwasnotthe issue thoughinScripture sevenisthe numberof completion.If the numbersevenmeansanythingitsimplymeanswe are tosurveythe needandseekto selectasmany as are neededtofill the need.Itcouldbe five ortwelve,butthe numberisneverto exceedthe numberqualified. “Men of goodreport.”The ideahere ismenwho possessagoodtestimonyamongthe congregation.It referstomenwhose liveswitnessedtothe nexttwoqualitiesasthe proof of theirauthenticity. “Full of the Spirit”is the mostindispensablerequirement.Menwhoare full of the HolySpiritare men whomthe HolySpiritcan control,lead,andworkthrough.This meansmenwhohave God’sheartand concernfor others,menwhodisplaythe fruitof the Spirit. A man mayhave a goodreputation,butisitsuch that itis clearlythe manifestationandworkof the Spiritof God? We oftensee menwhohave goodreputations,theyare religious,moral,likable,talented, and genuinelynice guys,butthiscanbe the productof theirownactivityproducedfromtheirown neuroticneedslikethe desire forrecognition,position,power,applause,oreventosoothe a guilty conscience. God wantsonlythose inplacesof leadershipandresponsibilitywhoare controlledbyHisSpirit,because onlythese are inhearingdistance of Hisvoice;onlythese will havethe capacitytocare for otherswith the heart of God. Such are His selectionandsuchmustbe the criterionforour selection.Those we selectforleadershipandplacesof responsibilityshouldgiveunmistakable evidence of the powerof the Spiritintheirlives,i.e.,Hisfruitinattitude,expression,andaction. “Full of wisdom.”Wisdomissophia,whichoftenincludestwothings:(1) content,the wisdomof the Word, Bible truth,butitalsoincludes(2) the wise use orapplicationof truthto the detailsof one’slife. Thismeansthe practical applicationof the Wordso thatit resultsinbiblical andChrist-like change. Scripture isneveranendin itself butitisGod’smeansto Spirit-producedresults(cf.Eph.4:20f;2 Tim. 3:16-17). (3) The goal of the selection(vs.3):The goal isseeninthe words “whomwe may putin charge of this task” (lit.need).Butthisappointmentwasdependentuponfollowingthe requirements.Asisevidentin the precedingchapters,behindthe activityof the apostleswasthe executive ministryof the HolySpirit. In the church, itis to be the HolySpiritwhoputs menintoministriesorplacesof responsibility.He isthe
  • 17. heartand powerof the church andits missionaryactivityandlovingconcernforthe bodyas inthe need here inActs 6. As OswaldSanderssopointedlyremindsus: Behindthe actionsof the apostles,the executiveactivityof the Spiritisseeneverywhere.Assupreme Administratorof the churchand chief Strategistof the missionaryenterprise,He iseverywhere prominent.Itisabundantlyevidentinthe recordthatthe HolySpiritisjealousof Hisprerogativesand will notdelegate Hisposerorauthoritytosecularor carnal hands.Evenmenwhose dutieswouldbe largelyinthe temporal affairsof the churchmust be menmasteredandcontrolledbyHim.Their selectionmustnotbe influencedbyconsiderationsof worldlywisdom, financial acumen,orsocial acceptability;theyshouldbe chosenprimarilybecauseof theirgenuine spirituality. Whenachurch or otherChristianorganizationdepartsfromthatpattern,itamountstoa virtual oustingof the Spiritfrom His place of leadership.Asaconsequence He isgrievedandquenched,withresultingspiritual dearth and death.”23 As the HolySpiritcontrolsa man,so He controlsa bodyof men.If the leadersare notwalkingbythe Spirit,the HolySpiritcan’tleadthe body.If those appointedtovarioustasksare not controlledbythe Spirit,thenthe taskswill be done inthe energyof the fleshratherthanbythe Spirit’senablement. Oswaldcontinues: The Holy Spiritdoesnottake control of anyman or bodyof menagainsttheirwill.WhenHe seeselected to positionsof leadershipmenwholackspiritual fitnesstocooperate withHim, He quietlywithdraws and leavesthemtoimplementtheirownpolicyaccordingtotheirownstandards,butwithoutHisaid. The inevitableissue isanunspiritual administration. The church at Jerusalemwassensitive tothe exhortationof the apostlesandselectedsevenmen possessingthe requisite qualities.Asaresultof theirSpirit-filledactivity,the disaffectionwasquickly healed,the churchwasblessed,andthe menselectedtodispense earthlybenefitswere soonseenas the Spirit’sagentsindispensingheavenlyblessings.Stephenbecame the firstmartyrforChrist,andhis deathplayednosmall partin the conversionof Saul.Philipbecame the firstlayevangelistandwasused by the Spirittoleadthe great revival inSamaria…24 The inevitableresultof unspiritual leadersisspiritualfailure.Whyisn’tthe bodyof Christmore effective todayin trulyfollowingthe principlesandmandatesof the New Testament?Whyaren’twe seeingmore ministriesdevotedtobothevangelismandthe equippingof the saintsforservice andministry,the kind that reproducesitselfinmature andservingbelievers.Thisisthe mandate of the New Testament(Matt. 28:19-20; Eph. 4:11-16; 2 Tim. 2:1-2), but somethingismissing. Couldthe answerbe that a large percentage of the church isnot walkingbythe Spiritandbiblical wisdom?Coulditbe thatby-in-large the churchtodayisjustreligious,goingthroughthe motions,going to church, andevenworkinginthe church butoftenforselfishreasons?Doesthe churchtodayexistfor itself only?Let’smake thismore personal.Dowe worshipGodonlyforwhatwe getout of it? Are we tryingto use God rather thanbe usedbyGod? The ironyof thiskindof worshipisthat suchisn’treally
  • 18. the worshipof God nor doesitleadto genuine love forGod.Itisthe worshipandlove of self,notGod. Whenpeople trulylove andworshipGoditresultsinthe love of neighbors,inreachingouttothe world aroundus, firstinthe bodyof Christand thento the world(Matt. 22:34-40; Mark 12:28-34; 1 John3:17- 18; 4:7-8). But whydoesthissituationexisttoday?Withsomuchinthe Bible onthe ministryof the Spiritas the believer’senablementorpowerandthe powerandnecessityof the Wordin the life of the Christian, whydo we see churchesthat are so weak,at leastbiblicallyspeaking?Of course,there are mega- churcheswithmega-programsandmega-bucks,butare theyproducingmature believersandleaders whoare multiplyingthemselvesinthe livesof others?Certainlythisisone of the true evidencesof the workof the Spirit! May I suggestthatpart of the reasonforanemicchurchesis because alarge part of the church today has lostthe evangelical essential.The evangelical essential isarenewedemphasisandcommitmentto the studyof the Word and particularlythe teachingsof the epistleswiththeirstrongemphasisonsound doctrine.The keynote of thissounddoctrine issalvation(deliveredfromsin’spenalty) andsanctification (deliveredfromsin’sreign) byfaithalone inChristaloneasrevealedinScripture.Toooftentoday,the emphasisismore ondeeds,especiallysocial reformandpolitical correctness,ratherthanonBible doctrine.Suchan emphasisissimplyman’scontinuingattempttochange the worldbyhumaneffortas thoughwe can have biblical,Spirit-producedworkswithoutsounddoctrine.Grantedthatsound doctrine mustneverbe consideredanendinitself,itisneverthelessavital meanstoChrist-like transformation.Evenacasual studyof Paul’sepistles,andespeciallyhisinstructionstoTimothyand Titus,shouldputsuchan ideatorest.Sounddoctrine isthe foundationfordeedsof mature Christian growththat are the resultof the ministryof the Spirit.The HolySpiritisthe Spiritof truth whotakesthe truth of the Word and usesit to transformlives(cf.John17:17; 1 Thess.2:13; 2 Tim.3:16-17). Thus,if churcheswant to produce godlyandmature leaderswhohave the marksof maturitytheymust returnto teachingwhatcouldbe calledthe ABCsof ChristianGrowth(see 1Cor. 3:1f; Heb.5:11f). For instance,howmanyChristianstodayreallyknow,understand,andlive bythe basicbiblical truthsof the Spirit-controlledlife?Iamafraidthe answerto that questionisoverwhelminglysad.Unfortunately today,manyare beingproddedandmanipulatedintodoinggoodworksandchangingtheirlives,etc., but withoutunderstandinghowtolive the Christianlifeinthe powerof the Spiritinthe lightof the Word. For studiesonthisaspectof NewTestamentdoctrine, mayIsuggestthe following: ABCsfor ChristianGrowth:Layingthe FoundationespeciallyPart2: “The TransformedLife.”onourweb site at /docs/splife/abc/toc.htm. He That isSpiritual,LewisSperryChafer,Zondervan,GrandRapids. True Spirituality, FrancisA.Schaeffer,TyndaleHouse,Wheaton. GrowingDeepinthe ChristianLife,CharlesR.Swindoll,MultomahPress,Portland.
  • 19. KeepInStepWiththe Spirit,J.I.Packer,FlemingH.Revell,OldTappan. The Wonderful SpiritFilledLife,CharlesStanley, ThomasNelson,Nashville. 21 ColinBrown,General Editor,The New International Dictionaryof New TestamentTheology, Zondervan,Vol.1,p.188. 22 Brown,p. 191. 23 OswaldJ Sanders,Spiritual Leadership,MoodyPress,Chicago,1967,1980, pp.97-98. 24 Sanders,p.98-99. The Word of Wisdomandthe Word of Knowledge What isthe difference betweenthe Wordof Wisdomandthe Word of Knowledge?There ismuch confusionanddebate aboutwhatthese wordsmean,soitmay be betterto approachthisfrom a differentangle –whatthese giftsare not and how some Christianstodayare comingdangerouslyclose to ignoringScripture because of theirmisuse of these twogifts. There are diversitiesof gifts,butthe same Spirit.There are differencesof ministries, butthe same Lord. Andthere are diversitiesof activities,butitisthe same God whoworksall in all. But the manifestation of the Spiritisgiventoeachone forthe profitof all: for to one isgiventhe wordof wisdomthroughthe Spirit,toanotherthe word of knowledge throughthe same Spirit(1Corinthians12:4-8). FirstCorinthians12:8 is the onlyverse inthe New Testamentthattalksaboutthe wordof wisdomand the word of knowledge.Soitisimportantto lookat itin context.Notice how Paul isemphasisingthat there are diversitiesof gifts,ministriesandactivities,butitisthe same Spiritand the same God who worksthroughout.The purpose,of course,forthe manifestationof the Spirit,isthateachone of us shouldprofitbythese gifts.Foraswe have learned,the giftsof the Spiritare meantfor buildingupand edifyingthe bodyof Christ(Ephesians4:12). Withthat in mind,letuslookto the OldTestamentforour example onhow the Spiritof Wisdom operated.Since Godisunchangingwe can be confidentthatthe Spiritof WisdomHe bestowedon people inthe OldTestamentisthe same Spiritwe see manifestedtoday. The Spiritof Wisdom:
  • 20. So youshall speaktoall whoare gifted[the KJV interprets“gifted”as“wise-hearted”or“skilled”] artisans,whomI have filledwiththe spiritof wisdom,thattheymaymake Aaron’sgarments,to consecrate him,thathe mayministertoMe as priest(Exodus28:3, NKJV,emphasismine). Thenthe Lord spoke to Moses,saying:“See,Ihave calledbyname Bezalel the sonof Uri, the sonof Hur, of the tribe of Judah.AndI have filledhimwiththe Spiritof God,inwisdom, inunderstanding,in knowledge,andinall mannerof workmanship,todesignartisticworks,toworkingold,insilver,in bronze, in cuttingjewelsforsetting,incarvingwood,andtoworkinall mannerof workmanship. “AndI, indeedI,have appointedwithhimAholiabthe sonof Ahisamach,of the tribe of Dan; andI have put wisdominthe heartsof all the giftedartisans,thattheymaymake all thatI have commandedyou (Exodus31:1-7, NKJV). The Spiritof Wisdominvolvedacertainskill,knowledgeorunderstandingona particularsubject.Inthis case,it wasthe skill of designingartisticworks.The menwhohadbeenblessedwiththistalent,were givenanextrameasure of wisdomtoencompassall mannerof artisticworkmanship. The Greekword forwisdomusedin1 Corinthians12:8 andthroughoutthe New Testamentissophiaand it istakenfromthe rootword sophoswhichmeans“skilledexpert”.Thisdidnotjustmeansomeone involvedinmakingthingswiththeirhands.A “skilledexpert”wasa personwhohad first-hand knowledge and/ortalentinacertainfield.Forexample,a“skilledexpert”couldalsobe someone whois well-versedin theology.Butthe Spiritof Wisdomhadmanycharacteristics. NowJoshuathe son of Nunwas full of the spiritof wisdom, forMoseshad laidhishandson him;sothe childrenof Israel heededhim,anddidasthe Lord had commandedMoses(Deuteronomy34:9, NKJV). Chokmahisthe Hebrewwordfor “wisdom”.Itmeansmanythings –skill,shrewdness,orwisdomin administration,prudence(inreligiousaffairs)andwisdominethical orreligiousmatters.Thisword comesfromthe rootword chakam whichmeansto“act wisely,teachorinstruct.” AndGod gave Solomonwisdomandexceedinglygreatunderstanding,andlargenessof heartlike the sand onthe seashore (1Kings4:29, NKJV).Solomonwasgivensuchanoverflowinggiftof wisdomthat he was knownfarand wide as the wisestmaninall the earth (1 Kings4:30; 1 Kings4:34; 1 Kings10:23).
  • 21. Wisdom,gettingitandkeepingit,isstressedoverandoveragaininboththe Oldand New Testaments. Proverbs4:7 says,“Wisdomis the principal thing;Therefore getwisdom. Andinall yourgetting,get understanding.”The Hebrewwordforunderstandingisbiynahandmeans“discernmentorknowledge”. WisdomisgiftedbyGod to anyone whoasksfor it: If any of youlackswisdom,lethimaskof God,whogivesto all liberallyandwithoutreproach,anditwill be givento him(James1:5). The Spiritof Wisdomgiventobelieversisdifferentfromthose of unbelieversaccordingto1 Corinthians 1:18-25. Infact, God saysthe wisdomof thisworldisfoolishness(1Corinthians3:19).So the Spiritof Wisdomhasmany aspectsto itand has more insightordiscernmentthansaysomeone whois“wise”in the eyesof the world.To be clear,there isa difference betweenintelligence andwisdom.Intelligence is definedas“general cognitive problem-solvingskills.A mental abilityinvolvedinreasoning,perceiving relationshipsandanalogies,calculating,learningquickly…etc.”Whereaswisdomisdefinedas“having experience,knowledgeandgoodjudgment.”Inthe case of the Spiritof Wisdomwe mightalsoadd insightanddiscernment,especiallyinareasconcerningGod’sWord. So whatis the giftof knowledge? The Hebrewwordfor knowledgeisda`athand itmeans“discernment,perception,understandingand wisdom”.In1 Corinthians12:8 the Greekwordfor knowledgeisgnosisandmeans“aseekingtoknow, an enquiryorinvestigation,especiallyof spiritualtruth”.Youcan see how boththe wordof wisdomand wordof knowledgeare different,butatthe same time complementeachother.The giftof knowledge comeswiththe desire toknow.People withthisgiftlove togettothe “meat”of the Bible,digging deepertounderstandhiddentruths.Andthe giftof wisdomcomesfromall thatdigging.Orin the case of someone withaskill setitcomesfromthe desire tolearnmore abouta certaintrade or skill - which wouldrequire practice.DoyouunderstandwhatI’msayinghere?Wisdomwhenappliedtoa skill setas inthe artistswhoworkedonthe Temple,comesfromyearsof practisingthatcraft. Wisdomwhen appliedtoteachingfromthe Bible comesfromyearsof readingit.Knowledge produceswisdom.Ineach case God grantsspiritual insightanddiscernmentwhenusingthe wordof wisdom.Likewise itisthe same withthe word of knowledge.The worditself meansto“seektoknow” – it’slookingforanswers – and God grants those answersandwisdomisgained.
  • 22. What the word of wisdomandthe word of knowledge are not: Theyare not propheticorrevelatorygifts.There are some whobelieve thatthe wordof knowledgeand the word of wisdomisthe HolySpiritgivingthemaspecial message speakingfromone believerto another,or to the congregationasa whole.Forexample,theywilloftensaysomethinglike,“Ihave a wordfrom the Lord for you.”Theybelievethatthese giftsare usedtogive special revelationregardinga decisionora situation.Butbyusingthese giftsinthiswaytheyare effectivelyclaimingtobe speaking for God andthat theirwordsare to be obeyedorconsideredasdirectlyfromGod’smouth. Unfortunately,bydoingthistheyare denyingthe sufficiencyof Scripture.ForGod’sWord says,“All Scripture isgivenbyinspirationof God,andisprofitable fordoctrine,forreproof,forcorrection,for instructioninrighteousness,thatthe manof God maybe complete,thoroughlyequippedforeverygood work”(2 Timothy3:16-17). So if someone saystheyare gettingaword fromthe Lord the focusisnow takenoff of the Scriptures and puton the personwiththe message.Be waryof people whosaytheyhave aword fromthe Lord for you.For there isno wayfor youto verifyit.Itis theirwordagainstGod’sWord. Alwaysturnto the Scripturesforguidance.Forif God has trulygivenusHisHoly SpiritandHisHoly Spiritfillsusandleads us intoall truth (John16:13) whywouldwe needorrequire otherindividualstogive usspecial revelationfromGod?ThisiswhyGod freelygiveswisdomtoall whoask(James1:5) sothat we do not have to doubt. Scripture confirmsthatthe wordof wisdomandthe wordof knowledgeare notrevelatorygifts.The Greekfor “word”in 1 Corinthians12:8 islogosand itmeansall mannerof things.Fromsomething someone hassaidor declaredinaspeech,tosomeone comingalongsideandsaying“MayI have a word?”Logos isusedin talkingaboutthe sayingsof God,to teach doctrine,toreason,togive an account,or itis usedforthe actual act of speaking.Itisalsousedinreference toJesus asbeingThe Word of God (John1:1). Which makessense because Jesus“speaksforthforGodand aboutHim.” He was andstill isGod’svoice forus throughScripture.Inshort,“the wordof wisdom”and“the word of knowledge”wouldbe more accuratelytranslatedintoday’slanguage as“speakingwithwisdom”or “speakingwithknowledge”. To be clear,I am notsayingthat God doesn’tuse people tohelpuswhenseekingHiswill,because He does.Forit isoftenpeople,combinedwithcircumstancesandScripture,whohelpussee the waywe shouldgoin a certainmatter.The Holy Spiritwill oftencause someonetoprayfor or reach outto another.That individual mightnotknow whytheyfeelcompelledtopray – but inobedience theydoand laterfindoutfrom the individual theyprayedforwhyGodnudgedthem.Have youeverexperienced
  • 23. that? I knowI have.Ihave wokenupin the middle of the nightwithastrong impressiontoprayfora certainperson.ThenIfindout the nextdaywhat that personwasgoingthrough and how desperately theyneededprayer.So,yes,Goddoesuse Hispeople tonurture andcare foreach other.Since all believersare linkedviathe HolySpirit,we are more attunedtorespondtoHis promptingswhenanother inthe bodyisin need. Thisis whyall spiritual giftsare tobe usedfor the edificationof the entirechurchbody – to buildthem up inthe Lord. That is theirpurpose.Anditiswhythe giftsof wisdomandknowledge are giventoall whoask and seek.ForGod wantsyouto know Him and promisesthatthose whoseekwillfindHimand those whoask forwisdomwill receive it(Matthew 7:7;James1:5). Laura J.Davis.All RightsReserved. REPLIES BELOW SherryStahl link 4/17/2017 08:53:42 am Laura, I love youand I love yourheartthat seekstofindwisdominScripture.Ihave thatsame heartbut I am a Pentecostal,byexperienceandchurchaffiliation.Idobelieve thatGodusesthese giftsasyou mentionedinyourpostandalsoas propheticgifts,butnotquite asyou describe Pentecostalsas believing.Istruggledforawhile whetherIshouldpostacommentor not buti justhad to because it grievedmyheartso much.I believewe grievethe heartof Godwhenwe we as God's childrenbasheach other.The Bible saysthe worldwill know us byour love forone another.Unityinthe body,eventhough we have differencesissoimportanttoour Father. I understandthatsome have misusedtheirgiftsfromGodandif youhave experiencedthatIam so sorry.No wordoutside of Scripture isevertobe consideredthe same asScripture.God'swordsays to testall things. I pray thiscommentisnot comingoff harsh.It isnot meantto. I love youandvalue the giftswithinyou Laura. I knowyouhave a heartof goldandone thatwants to KNOWGod's truth. I hope thisleadstoa private discussion. Much love, ~SherryStahl
  • 24. xoxo Reply Laura 4/17/2017 01:18:13 pm Sherry,mydear friendIam sorry I have grievedyou.Ididnotmeanthisas "bashing"Pentecostals.I myself come froma Pentecostal backgroundsoIstruggledwhethertosayanythingatall.But my reason for sayinganythingatall isbasedon my ownexperience withpeoplewhohave misusedthisgifttothe detrimentof othersandevenmyself.Again,itwasn'tmeanttobashPentecostals.If anythingitismeant as a warningto not misuse these gifts. Reply Leilani 7/23/2018 10:29:20 pm I realizedthisiswhere gotquestionsgottheiranswertomyquestionthe difference betweenthe giftsof wisdomandknowledge.Istumbleduponyourwebsite tolookfora betteranswerbecause Imyself am so grievedwithwhatIhave readthere.Itgrievesme thatChristiansthinkof the propheticgiftsthatway. I was saved23 yearsago anduntil now,I alwaystell otherpeopleof myownexperience whenIwasa veryyoungChristianreceivingpropheticwordsthatuntil now Ikeeptellingpeople aboutthese incidents.Ihave neveronce doubtedthatGodhearsour prayersdue to myexperiencewithaprophet whotoldme of the EXACT wordsI prayedinsilence,bymyself includingthe verygestureIdidas I prayed.Yes,itwas verypersonal forme.Was itbeneficialforthe church?YES! For 23 years I’ve been sharingmy experience topeople.I’maneffectiveevangelistinmyworkplacesbecause Ihave EXPERIENCEDGod throughmany waysbut the propheticisa significantpartof it.I usedtobe a receiver of prophesiesnowIhave learnedtobe onthe otherend.I prayyou yourself experience the powerof God throughprophecy.Iguarantee youyou’re goingtochange yourmindand rewrite yourarticle. Geoff link
  • 25. 4/18/2017 08:16:06 pm Hi Sherry, A veryheartfeltcommenttobe sure. I justhave a fewquestionsandcommentsforyouto consider. Firstly,youmade the claimthat"The Bible saysthe worldwill know usbyourlove forone another",this isnot correct. The Bible saysactually"Youwill recognize thembytheirfruits"Matthew 7:16.In thiscontexthe is referringtofalse prophets,howeverthe same isimpliedforbelieversalso. Love is onlyone componentof this.Itisalsonot justlove forone another,butlove foreveryone.We will be knownnotjustbyour love butby our conductin everyway,includingourabilitytoteachandto correct spiritual error. The other pointIwantedto make wasto back up Laura's claimthat a 'wordfrom the Lord' cannot be verified. You are rightto say that we shouldtestall things,andalsothattheirwordsare not to be consideredthe same as scripture. Howeverthe problemwithmanywhoclaimtospeaka wordtoday is: a) Theyindeedare claimingtohave receivedrevelationdirectlyfromGod,whichdoeselevate their wordto the level of Scripture.
  • 26. b) They're claimsveryoftencannotbe testedbecause they're eithertoovague ortoo general thatthey couldsimplybe true foranyone. Finally,Iagree withyouthat unityisimportant,we are all brothersandsistersisChristabsolutely.But unityisnot achievedbyignoringorenablingtheological error. EvenPaul openlycorrectedPeterinone of hislettersinthe Bible! JesusChristhimselfspendaconsiderable amountof effortchallengingandrebukingthe pharisee'sand religiousleaders. Surelyyoucan understandthatcorrect teachingisequallyif notmore importanttoGod than'unity'. I hope youtake my wordsin the waytheywere intended.Itooam not interestedin'bashing'other believers. Thank youso muchfor thistruth! I knowitis noteasyto stand upfor Biblical truthwhenitcontradicts certainchurch culture or tradition.We mustlookto God's Wordfor answersandnot our own(vain) experiences.Yourwordshelpedme understandmore clearlythese gifts.Ibelieve myhusbandandI have thembecause we love tolearnandresearchconstantlyandlove seekingGod'struthtoknow Him and teachothersaboutHim. Reply Patrícia 2/28/2019 10:19:27 am Thank youfor yourexplanationandIagree withwhatyouwrote.I toocame froma Pentecostal backgroundand I sawso much abuse comingfrompeople thatthoughttheyheardGodspeakingto themor had a message forsomeone.It’strue,we will be knownby ourfruits!The mainwaythat God speakstous today,is throughhisword,he mightconfirmsomethingtousthroughsomeone else butbe
  • 27. ware of people whoclaimtobe prophets.Imyself wasgivenpropheciesthatcame againstwhatthe Lord had beensayingtome and laterwere confirmedbysomeonewhowastrulya spiritual brotheror sisterinthe Lord. Anywayswasn’tthisarticle aboutknowledge andwisdom! I ask the Lord so much togive the me wisdomof hisword,tobe able tounderstandandhave the revelationof hiswordbecause isthe HolySpiritwhorevealshiswrittenword.A prophetissomeone whoexplainstousthe word of God withwisdomandknowledge.WEHAVEALL WE NEED IN HIS WORD! thankyou Laura! Kelly 5/6/2019 09:55:41 am You had me up until sayingthese are notrevelatorygifts.If Inow have a wordof knowledge about somethingbecause IwasseekingGodto know aboutit more clearly/deeply,andHe'ssupernaturally givenme understanding/knowledgebeyondwhatIcan accomplishinmyhuman mind..thisisa revelatorygift.Ididnotgo searchingforan answerinmy ownpoweror will butbyprayinginthe Spirit (giftof tongues) andGod revealingittome as supernatural revelationof thisnew knowledge.Ialso believethese canbe wordsof revelation/confirmationtootherpeople.Godhasliterallyshownme somethingthatIcouldnot have knownonmy own,and whenIsharedit witha particularpersonthey confirmedthose thingsastrue intheirpersonal circumstance (notaprophecyaboutwhatis to come but a word of knowledge).Ididappreciate yourdifferential onwordof knowledgeversuswordof wisdom but to saythese are not revelatorygiftsistotake the HolySpiritout of the equation,whomthe Word saidteachesusall things.Yourthinkingwill limithow Godcan use you throughthese gifts.That'swhere discernmentcomesin.Iagree alignmentwithscripture isextremelyimportantbutGodalsogiveskairos wordsto speaklife topeople inthe moment..thingsthatwill reveal Hisgoodnessandlove thatwe couldnot have knownwithoutrevelatoryknowledgefromHimthroughthisgifting.MayGod continually give usthe Spiritof wisdomandunderstandingtogrow inour knowledge of Him! Spiritual Giftof Wisdom
  • 28. The spiritual giftof wisdom,likethe giftof knowledge,isalsoreferredtoasthe “word of wisdom”or “utterance of wisdom.” The Greekwordfor wisdomissophiaanditrefersto the intimate understandingof God’sWordand Hiscommandmentswhichresultsinholyanduprightliving. Inthe contextof 1 Corinthians12:8, itmeansto speakto the life of anindividual ortoa specificsituationwith great understandinganda righteousperspective,withthe goal of guidingotherstowardalife of holinessandworship. Several Scriptures reveal the true beautyandfruitof wisdom. Psalm111:10 says:“The fearof the LORD isthe beginningof wisdom;all those whopractice ithave agood understanding.Hispraise endures forever!” Wisdombeginswiththe fearof the LORD. It beginswithknowingwhoGodisandwho we are incomparisonto Him. That leadsto understandingandthentopracticingrighteousness. A life of wisdomultimatelyresultsinthe praise of God. James3:17 says “the wisdomfromabove isfirstpure,thenpeaceable,gentle,opentoreason,full of mercyand goodfruits,impartial andsincere.” Thisisundoubtedlyaworkof the Holy Spiritinthe life of a believer. The highestwisdomisfoundinthe crossof Christ,whichis“follytothose whoare perishing, but to uswho are beingsaveditisthe powerof God.” (1 Corinthians1:18). The Holy Spiritgivessome the spiritual giftof wisdomtonotonlyimpartthe truthand understandingto believers,buttoinvoke aresponse of holinessandworshiplivedoutinthe worldandamongstGod’s people. Wisdomdoesn’tendwithknowledge,butisexpressedintransformedheartsandlives. Those withthe giftof wisdomhave adeepunderstandingof the holinessof Godandthe lackof holiness intheirownhearts. Theycan recognize thisinothersaswell andhave the compassionandboldnessto share that truth withthem. Theyare able to take from theirownlife experiencesandshare whatGod has taughtthemthroughthose things. Theycan easilyrecognize where adecisionoraction maylead and can warn againstthose thatmay be harmful or unfruitful. Theycanoftensee throughthe confusion of a situationandcan give directionthatwouldhelpanindividual orgroupobtaina God-glorifyinggoal. The church needsthose withthe spiritual giftof wisdomtoguide herthoughuncertainordifficulttimes. See also1 Corinthians1:17-31, 2:1-16, 12:8; Colossians1:9-10, 2:1-3; James3:13-18 E. KeithHassell Sermon • Submitted12 yearsago
  • 29. 0 ratings· 5,419 views Share Notes Transcript SermonTone Analysis A D F J S Emotion A C T Language
  • 30. O C E A E Social Viewmore → The Word of Wisdom PastorKeithHassell KENNETH HAG1N : "The wordof wisdomisa supernatural revelationbythe Spiritof Godconcerningthe divine purpose inthe mindandwill of God."ConcerningSpiritual Gifts,p.17 ADVERTISEMENT LESTER SUMRALL: "The giftof the wordof wisdomisa supernatural revelationof the divinepurposesof God." The Giftsand the Ministriesof the HolySpirit,p.59.
  • 31. DENNISBENNET: "The 'Word of Wisdom1isthe supernatural applicationof knowledge. Itisknowing whatto do withthe natural or supernatural knowledge Godhasgivenyou —— properjudgmentfor action."The Holy SpiritandYou,p. 155. I. DEFINITION:The giftof the Word of Wisdomisan instantaneousanddivine revelationof the sovereignmind,will,purpose,plan,orcounsel of Godconcerningthingsof the past,present,orfuture. II. It isnot the "giftof wisdom"butthe "wordof wisdom" A. A wordis a fragmentof a sentence.A wordof wisdomtherefore isafragmentof the total arena of God's planand wisdom.B.A word of wisdomcomestoministertothe NEED. It ismuch the same as a lawyer.He doesn'tgive youall of hisknowledge,justthatwhichisnecessaryforthe case at hand. III. A Brief Lookat Wisdom A. Natural Wisdom:Applicationof factsandknowledge inlifeandscience B. FallenSupernatural Wisdom:A corruptedmoral andspiritual wisdomcontrarytothe wisdomof God. It isthe resultof sin.James3:15 "Thiswisdomdescendethnotfrom above,butisearthly,sensual, and devilish." C. Biblical Wisdom:Applicationof God'sWordin ourlives. D. Spiritof Wisdom: (Ex.Solomonwhowasgivena wise andunderstandingheart) The impartation of God's Spiritupona person'sheartwherebyhe maywalkina livingdiscernmentof the true nature of a situationandknowwhataction to take. 1. Exodus31 Workerson the Tabernacle were filledwithwisdomandknowledgebyGodto complete the work properlyandwithskill 2. Proverbs1:23 The spiritof wisdomcomesthroughfaithfulnessinrespondingtothe reproof of God and hisWord. E. HiddenWisdomof God:The mysterywisdomof God(l Corinthians2:6-10) 1. Ordainedbefore the world 2. Unknownto the princesof thisworld 3. Revealedtousby the HolySpirit F. Special Anointingsof Wisdom
  • 32. 1. Mouth and Wisdom:Givenintimesof witnessandtestimony a. Matthew10:17-19 b. Acts 4:13 c. Acts6:10 2. Word of Wisdom IV. The Purpose of the Word of Wisdom: A. to profitthe livesof others B. for ministrytospecificneed C. to overcome ourlimitationsinwisdomintimesof need V. Whyis the Word of Wisdomimportantin ministry? A. It can reveal the purpose of God B. It can reveal the planof God C. It can reveal the will of God D. It can reveal the counsel of God E. It can reveal howtopursue God's will VI. What is the difference betweenthe Wordof Wisdomandthe Word of Knowledge? A. Word of Wisdom - revelationof afragmentof the sovereignmind,will,purpose,plan,orcounsel of God concerningthe past,present,orfuture. B. Word of Knowledge - revelationof afragmentof the natural or spiritual factsinthe sovereignmind of God concerningthingspast,present,orfuture. VII. The Word of Knowledge andthe Wordof Wisdomoftenoperate together A. Genesis41:1-36 JosephinterpretsPharaoh’sdreamconcerningthe comingyearsof plentyand drought(WK) andgivesdirectiononhow toprepare for them(WW)
  • 33. B. Exodus3 God tellsMoseshe knowsof the sufferingof Israel inEgyptandwhatPharaoh’s response wouldbe(WK).Godrevealshisplanonhow to go to Pharaoh(WW) C. 2 Kings5:20-27 ElijahexposesGehazi'ssin(WK) andpronouncesthe judgmentof Godupon it(WW) D. Daniel 2:1-47 Daniel revealsNebuchadnezzar'sdream(WK) andgivesthe interpretation concerningthe future of the fourkingdomsinlightof God's kingdomcoming(WW) E. Mark 14:12-15 Jesustellshisdiscipleshow theywouldfindthe servant(WK) andwhattodo concerningpreparationsforthe Passover(WW) F. Luke 19:29-34 Jesustellsthe discipleswhere tofindacolt(WK) andwhatto say to those who questionthem(WW) G. Acts 9:10-16 God tellsAnaniasof Paul'sconversion(WK) andwhattodo (WW) and God's planfor Paul (WW) H. 2 Chronicles20:12-23 God revealsthe locationof the enemytroops(WK) andinstructions concerninghowto conductthemselvesforvictory(WW) I. Revelation2-3Jesusrevealsthingsaboutthe conductof eachof the sevenchurches(WK) and instructsthemonwhat theyshoulddoto correct the problems(WW) VIII. What is the differencebetweenProphecyandthe Wordof Wisdom? A. The simple giftof prophecyhasnopredictioninit B. Prophecycanbe a vehicle throughwhichawordof wisdomiscarried C. The simple giftof prophecyisforthe purpose of edification,exhortation,andconsolation(1 Corinthians14:3) D. Socalled"Personal Prophecies"are usuallyamanifestationof the Wordof Wisdomand/orWord of Knowledge ratherthanthe simple giftof prophecy. IX. The Word of Wisdomcan be conditional A. Jonah3:4 God predicts40 daysuntil Nineveh'sdestruction — Ninevehrepentedandwasspared. B. 2 Kings20:1 IsaiahpredictsHezekiah'simminentdeath –Hezekiahrepentedandwasspared15 years
  • 34. X. How doesthe Word of Wisdomusuallycome? A. InnerImpressions B. InnerWitnessof the HolySpirit(Romans8:16) C. InnerPictures D. Scripture revelation/application(ex.Acts2:14-21) E. Dreams(Matthew2:13 Josephwarnedtoflee toEgypt) F. Visions(Acts10:11-16 Peterseesthe greatsheetleddownfromheaven) G. AngelicVisitations(Joshua5:13-15 Angel revealshow toconquerJericho H. Prophecy(vehicle) I. TonguesandInterpretation(vehicle) J. Audible Voice (Matthew 3:16-17 Voice atJesus’baptism) K. Supernatural Occurrences(Writingonthe wall,etc.) Note:Many timespicturescome asriddles.A picture isgivenandwe mustaskGod forthe interpretation.Thishappenedmanytimeswiththe prophets(ex.Jeremiah1:13) IX. Examplesof the Wordof Wisdominthe OldTestament A. Genesis6:12-13 God forewarnsNoahof a comingfloodandto buildanark. B. Genesis41:34-36 JosephgivesPharaoh’splantosurvive sevenyearsof drought C. Exodus3 God revealstoMosesHis planand commissiontodeliverIsrael D. Exodus12 God revealstoMoseshow to be sparedduringthe Passover E. Exodus15:23-25 Mosesreceivesrevelationonhow tomake bitterwatersweet F. Exodus17:3-7 Mosesreceivesrevelationonhow tobringwaterfrom the rock G. Numbers11 Mosesreceivesrevelationonhow toshare the loadof judgingthe people through appointingseventyelders H. Numbers16 God givesMosesinstructionconcerningthe rebellionof Korah,Dathan,andAbihu I. Numbers21 Mosesreceivesrevelationonhow tosave the people frompoisonoussnakebites throughraisinga brazenserpent
  • 35. J. Joshua3 Joshuareceivesrevelationonhow tocross the Jordan K. Joshua5:13-15; 6 Angel revealstoJoshuahow toconquerJericho L. 1 Samuel 30:7-8 Davidreceivesrevelationonwhethertopursue enemyornot M. Psalm2:7-9 Messiah N. Psalm22:16-18 Crucifixion O. Isaiah53:Iff Messiah'snature P. Jeremiah1:13 Seethingpotandinterpretation Q. Ezekiel 38, 39, 40 Propheciesof thingstocome R. Daniel 2Daniel revealsNebuchadnezzar'sdreamandinterpretationconcerningthe future andthe Kingdomof God S. Daniel 7 Daniel receivesdreamconcerningthe future of the Kingdom T. Amos7:1-6 Grasshoppers U. Amos7:7-9 Plumbline V. Amos8:1-3 Basketof summerfruit W. 2 Chronicles20:12-23 Jehoshaphatreceivesinstructionforvictory XII. Examplesof the Wordof Wisdominthe New Testament A. Matthew2:12 God warnsthe wise mennottoreturn to Herod B. Matthew1:20 God givesJosephassurance totake Mary as hiswife C. Matthew 2:13 Josephreceivesinstructioninadreamto take Mary and Jesusandflee toEgypt D. Matthew2:19-20 Josephreceivesinstructioninadreamto return home E. Matthew22:15-46 Jesushas wisdomtoanswerhiscritics F. Matthew 24 Jesusgivesinstructionconcerningthe lastdays G. Acts 2:14-21 PeterreceivesrevelationconcerningPentecostbeingafulfillmentof Joel 2 H. Acts9:15 God revealstoAnaniasHispurpose forPaul'slife I. Acts10:11-16 Peterseesvisionof agreat sheetletdownfromheavenrevealingGod'sacceptance of the Gentiles
  • 36. J. Acts13:2 God revealsHistiminginsettingapartPaul andBarnabas K. Acts 16:6,7 Paul receivesinstructionnottogointoAsiaand Bithynia L. Acts16:9-10 Paul receivesinstructiontogointoMacedonia M. Acts 15:1-29 Jamesreceiveswisdomforchurchcouncil N. Acts 27:21-32 Paul receivesinstructiononhow tosurvive the stormat sea O. Revelation2-3Jesusinstructsthe sevenchurchesonwhattheyare to do P. Book of Revelation:Revealedinstructionforcomingdaysbefore Christreturns Collected Worksof WatchmanNee,The (Set1) Vol.13: The Spiritual Man(2), by WatchmanNee More excerpts fromthistitle... THE SPIRITOFWISDOM AND REVELATION In ourfellowship withGod,aspiritof wisdomandrevelation isindispensable."That...the Fatherof glory, may give toyoua spiritof wisdomandrevelation inthe fullknowledge of Him"(Eph.1:17). At the time of our regeneration we receivedanew spirit;however,many of the functions of the spiritare not manifested andremainconcealedinside the spirit.Therefore,the apostleprayedthatthe regenerated Ephesian believers wouldreceive aspiritof wisdomandrevelation sothatthey couldreally know Godin theirintuition.Whetherthisspiritof wisdomandrevelation isahidden potential withinthe believers’ spirit,whichisenlightened byGodthroughprayer,or whetheritissome fresh wisdomandrevelation, whichcomesfromthe Holy Spiritbeingaddedintothe believers’spirit,the factremains thataspiritof wisdomandrevelation isindispensable inabeliever’s fellowshipwithGod.Itisalsoa fact thatbelievers can receive thisspiritthroughprayer. Although ourintuition canfellowship withGod,itneeds wisdomandrevelation.We needwisdomto know whatcomesfromGod and whatcomesfrom us.We needwisdomtorecognize the counterfeits and attacksof the enemy.We needwisdomtodeal withpeople.Innumerous matterswe surely need God’swisdominordernotto err. How foolish we are!How hardit isto do everythingaccordingtoGod’s will!Godwantsto give uswisdom;He doesnotgive itto our mind,butHe givesusa spiritof wisdomso that we can have wisdominourspirit.Godwants usto have wisdomthroughourintuition.He willguide us to the pathway of wisdomthroughintuition.Ourmindmaystill be foolish,butthere ismuchwisdom inour intuition.Itoftenseemsthatourwisdomisuseless,butinsideusthere isagradual feelingwhich
  • 37. bringswisdomalongwithit.Wisdomandrevelation are tightly connected.Thisisbecause all God’s revelations are revelations of wisdom.If we liveonly accordingtoournature,we will neverbe able to fathomanythingof Godby our thoughts.Whenwe are inour flesh,whateverwe have isjustdarkness. God and the thingsof God can neverbe fathomed byourminds.Evenwhenourspiritisalive,we would still live indarkness if we didnothave the revelation of the Holy Spirit.Whenourspiritisalive,there isa possibility forourspirittoreceive the revelation of God.Itdoesnotmeanthat the spiritalone cando anythingindependently. In ourfellowship withGod,He oftengivesusrevelation,andwe should oftenaskGodfor revelation.A spiritof revelation meansGod’srevelation inspirit.Therefore,the phrase "spiritof wisdomand revelation"merely indicates where Godgivesusrevelationandwisdom.Suddenthoughts are notaspirit of revelation.A spiritof revelationisGod’soperation inourspirittothe extentthatwe know His intention throughourintuition.Allof the fellowship thatwe have withGodtakesplace only inourspirit and nowhere else. Havinga spiritof wisdomandrevelation givesus"the full knowledge of Him."Only whenwe receive God’srevelation inourspiritcanwe really know Him.All otherwords are superficial,imaginary,shallow, and, therefore,false.We oftenspeak of God’s virtues,includingHisholiness,righteousness,kindness, love,etc.It seems thatthroughourthoughtsalone,we can speak of these virtuesandknow these virtuesof God.But thisknowledge isnotlikeseeingthroughawindow;rather,itislike tryingtosee througha stone wall.Whena believerreceives God’srevelation of Hisholiness,he knowsthatGod dwellsinthe lightandisunapproachablebynatural andsinful men.He findsouthow inferior,dirty,and uncleanhe isincomparison.There should be many amonguswhohave had thiskindof experience.We shouldmake the comparison tosee if the holiness of Godinour heartwhichwe receive fromGod’s revelation isthe same asthe holiness of Godwhichisspoken bymenwithoutrevelation.The wordsused may be the same.But forthose withrevelation,itseems thatthere issomuchmore significance tothe wordsthat they speak.Theirwhole beingisintheirspeaking.Thisisthe spiritof revelation we have mentioned.Only byreceivingrevelation inourspiritdowe really know God.Itisthe same withmany doctrines inthe Bible.Many timeswe understand teachings inourmindandknow thatthey are important,butGod gradually reveals these wordstousinour spirit.Thenitseemsasif we have a differentemphasis whenwe preachthe same wordsagain.Only knowledgethatcomesfromrevelation isreal knowledge;everythingelseisjustthe activity of the mind. If we seek formany thingsconcerningGodoutwardly anddonotacquire these thingsthrough revelation,they donotmove usand donot move others.Only the revelation thatisinourspirithasany spiritual usefulness.Properfellowship withGodisreceivingGod’srevelation inourspirit.Itistrue that God’srevelations are notfrequent,buthow frequently dowe waitandpray forGod’s revelation?If we are constantly busy,how canwe be guided justbyrevelation?Actually,if we are willingtogive Godthe opportunity,we willhave revelation frequently.The apostle’s livingisatestimony tothisfact. (Collected Worksof WatchmanNee,The (Set1) Vol.13: The Spiritual Man (2), Chapter6, byWatchman Nee)
  • 38. Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding The Mind of Christ: by Nancy Missler • November 1, 1996 25 Print this article I hope you are enjoying our series on being transformed by the renewing of our minds ( Romans 12:2). Transformation is simply an exchange of life. It means we are showing forth and manifesting Christ's Life instead of our own. Scripture tells us that the only way we can do this is by the constant renewing of our minds; putting off the garbage in our own thinking and putting on the Mind of Christ. The Mind of Christ is a divine seven-foldprocess of thinking that is bestowed upon each of us the moment we believe and accept Christ into our hearts ( 2 Corinthians 2:12-16). My understanding for this supernatural gift of God (the Mind of Christ) is Isaiah 11:1-2: "And there shall come fortha rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots [this is Jesus, of course]: and the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, [that is] the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and Might, the Spirit of Knowledge and the Fear of the Lord." We have shared in previous articles that the seven-fold Spirit of God that creates the Mind of Christ in us is like a Jewish Menorah. The Spirit of the Lord is like the trunk or the center core, and all the other supernatural functions branch out from it. (See Chart 7) It's the Holy Spirit's mission, with our consent, to produce the Mind of Christ in us, so that we can be transformed and live the truth.
  • 39. What we're trying to do in this series of articles is not only to understand a little more clearly what each of these attributes or capabilities of the Mind of Christ are, but also how to appropriate them in our daily lives. The goal of our instruction is not to have more "head knowledge,"but to have God's Wisdom (His Word) in our hearts become a living reality in our lives. As David Needham says in his book, Birthright, "The big task is not the finding of the truth, but the living of it." What good are God's principles if they really don't change our lives? Last month we tooka superficial look at the awesome subject of the Spirit of the Lord. In this article we want to examine God's Spirit of Wisdom and His Spirit of Understanding. The Spirit of Wisdom (Hebrew is Chockmah - Greek is Sophia) The first functionor operation of the Mind of Christ, produced by the Spirit of the Lord in us, is the Spirit of Wisdom. The Spirit of Wisdom is simply all of God's supernatural Thoughts that He has already placed in our hearts at our new birth. Hebrews 8:10 says that God inscribes or engraves His Wordin our hearts. God's Wisdom is His supernatural intelligence-His secret knowledge. God's Wisdom is like a hidden "mystery" that can only be revealed by God's Spirit. God's Wisdom is not a wisdom of the world,because it can't be bought, it can'tbe studied for,or earned. There are many highly intelligent men whohave exhaustive knowledge of the world's wisdom, but are completely ignorant of God's Wisdom, His Thoughts and His Word. Job32:9 says, "Great men are not always wise:..." God's Wisdom is the foundation of our lives and the basis upon whichthe rest of our spiritual "house" will be built. Proverbs24:3 validates this when it says, "through wisdom a house is built..." So, whether we realize it or not, God's Word (His Wisdom) must be our sustenance, our nourishment, our food,and our life's bread. "Man Shall Not Live by Bread Alone" A few years ago, whilehaving my coffeeand toast and reading my morning newspaper, God spoke to my heart and said, "yougive the best part of yourday to your toast and the newspaper, what about Me?" Then, He brought to mind Matthew 4:4 which says, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." As a result of this exhortation, I did a study of whatit means to "live by God's Word" and I found that it means we are not just to dabble in and taste His Word, but we are to literally exist by it. In other words, only as we allow the Word of God to go down into our innermost part and begin to change and transform our lives, will weever truly experience whatScripture means when it says, "Thy Words were found, and I did eat them." (Jeremiah 15:16) In these end times, we can'tafford to only "taste" God's Word because then we won'tbe able to stand against the wiles of the enemy and all the events of the last days. I truly believe that we grow only in proportion to the daily diet of God's Wordthat we are "eating." I know personally that my
  • 40. daily actions are largely determined by the amount of time I spent in the Word that day. Only in reading and eating God's Word willI be reminded to put off the garbage in my ownthinking and put on the Mind of Christ. Then, I'll be "ready" and "prepared" for whatever God allows into my life. Our life literally depends upon our daily eating God's Word. "...Faith cometh [how?] by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."(Romans 10:17) "If Any Lack Wisdom" If any of you are having trouble disciplining yourself to read and hear from God daily, I would suggest getting a good daily Bible reading plan. There are many excellent ones available at any Christian bookstore. Before you begin to read, pray and ask God to show you what He specifically wants you to see and understand at that particular time. If youdon't find anything right away,keep on reading until you comeaway withsomething especially foryou-even if it's just one verse. A good suggestion: read at least three chapters a day-one from the Old Testament, one from the New Testament and one from Psalms or Proverbs. Then as youare seeking God and His Wisdom for your particular situation, youcan listen for His answer in yourdaily reading. Another suggestion: take any subject that you are interested in and do a word study on it throughout the Bible. For example: if you are having marital difficulties,then do a study on "marriage," "love,""divorce,"etc. Do a study on children, husbands, jobs, careers, goals, purposes, money, etc. This is exactly how The Way of Agape and Be Ye Transformed began. It's criticalto keep on "investigating" new and differentways to be excited about God's Word. Remember, we exist only by His Word! "Unless thy law (His Word) had been my delight, I should have perished in mine affliction."(Psalm 119:92) I think of God's "written" Word as a translation of the "inscribed" Word(Jesus) that's already in my heart. The more I understand the written Word, the more I will understand the living Word (Jesus) who lives in my heart. So, the entire Bible is God's written Wisdom and it's something I totally believe in and receive into my heart. However,I don't alwaysunderstand, perceive or grasp some of the Scripture's full meaning. As Proverbs 1:21 says, wisdom is just the entrance to the city (the opening of the gates). In other words, wisdom is just the first understanding...and then to knowledge, etc. The Spirit of Understanding (Hebrew is Binah - Greek is Sunesis) Isaiah 11:2 tells us that the next function or operation produced by the Spirit of God, giving us the Mind of Christ, is the Spirit of Understanding. Just because we have God's Wisdom written and inscribed in our hearts does not necessarily mean that we'llunderstand that Wisdom. This is a whole other step. The Spirit of Understanding is God's supernatural revelation-His secret insights to His Word. Understanding simply means a "putting together" or a comprehending or a grasping of His Word. The Spirit of God illuminates our hearts and gives us understanding of His Wisdom. In other words, He "turns on the lights forus."
  • 41. How many times have yousat down and read God's Word, gotten up and not remembered a thing you read? Well, God'sSpirit of Understanding was not operating. "Written in the Sand" Often, in preparing formy classes, I would come across something that I had no supernatural understanding of at all. As I would pray forGod's enlightenment, eventually (in God's timing and in His way),the "lights" wouldgo on. On one occasion,when I was out riding my horse in the hills above our home, the insight (the understanding) to something that I had been struggling with fora long time just clickedin and the "lights went on." Past history has taught me, however,that unless I immediately writedown what the Lord is showing me, I won'tremember it. If it's a supernatural revelation fromGod, then it's not something that is registered in my own mind yet. On this particular occasion, I knew I had to write down whatGod was showing me or I wouldlose it. When I ride horseback, however, I ride "English style,"with britches that obviously have no pockets or any place to carry pencil or paper. So, I stopped my horse, got off,cleared a place in the sand and dirt, and scribbled what God was saying to me witha stick. Later, feeling rather silly,I drove my four-wheeldrive jeep backup the hill and copied my notes. This is a true story! I know myself-Iknow if I don't write down the supernatural wisdom and understanding that God is giving me, I'lllose it. I'llbet it's the same for you! "Dripping Wet" Often when I'm in the shower, supernatural revelations and answers pop into my mind to questions that I'vebeen asking God about formonths. I don't know what it is about running water, but it seems that that's when God often opens my understanding. Again, so I won'tforget it, I'll get out of the shower dripping wet, tippy-toe to where I can find a pencil and paper and write down what God has shown me. See, I know it's not "me" that has "turned on the lights" at that moment, but God's Spirit of Understanding. What good is God's Wisdom (His Word), withoutour being able to understand it and apply it to our lives? Psalm 119:27 is a good prayer, "Make me to understand the way of thy precepts: so shall I talk of Thy wondrous works." The point is, wemust have God's understanding of His Wisdom before we can begin to apply it to our lives and before we can pass it on to others. Reading God's Word One of the reasons I believe so many Christians are stumbling and falling today is because of "ignorance." We'vespoken about this before. Ignorance not only as to what the Word of God says and requires of us, but also ignorance about ourselves (understanding our ownreal motives, our own wrongdependencies, our own misconceivedpriorities, and so on). As we read God's Word, it's the Spirit of Understanding that will reveal and expose these things so that we can "deal" with them. When we don't read the Word and the Spirit of Understanding is not allowed to operate, then
  • 42. we won'tbe able to see or find our way. Hosea 4:14 says "...people that do not understand shall fall." All of us have God's written Wisdom lying in our laps, but many of us, because of busyness, distractions, hurts, unbelief, and other self-centered thoughts and emotions, don'ttake the time to sit at God's feet, listen and hear what He wants us to say to us. Instead, we depend upon whatwe think and feel, what others are telling us and what our circumstances are. Consequently, when God allows "trials" in our lives, we don't understand what He requires of us, nor how to act. Thus, we end up falling beforewe even begin. "Through Wisdom is a house builded; and by Understanding it is established: [But] by Knowledge shall all the chambers be filled." (Proverbs24:3-4) * * * This article was excerpted from Nan's new book, Be Ye Transformed. The companion Personal Application Workbookis also available. LESSON 5 - THE HOLY SPIRIT’SGIFT OF WISDOM What is the difference between the human virtue of wisdom and the Holy Spirit’s Gift of Wisdom? Why is Wisdom almost synonymous withLove? Can youname someone you believe has received the Gift of Wisdom? Explain. How wouldyour life be different if you receivedthe Gift of Wisdom? How can youreceive the Gift of Wisdom fromthe Holy Spirit? I. The Gift of Wisdom 1. Wisdom is the intellectual virtue by whichthe results of reasoning are traced back to their principles (insight) and unified in one vision of the truth by seeing how the wholeof creation and of history reflectthe power, truth, and loveof God. Human wisdom is philosophy. Sacred wisdom is of twokinds (1) the acquired faith-wisdom we call theology,and (2) the Gift of Wisdom whichis the perfect floweringof faith. 2. The Gift of wisdom is intimately associated by St. Thomas with the theological virtue of Love, because in this life our deepest understanding of God does not comefrom the reasoning of theology but from our likeness (connaturality) to God through love. As we understand a friend because we lovehim, so we come to understand God by loving Him. Aquinas also connects it tothe Beatitude "Blessed are the peace-makers" because true wisdom brings peace with God, our neighbors, and ourselves. This is the peace of God of which the New Testament and the liturgy so often speak, a peace that Jesus gave to His apostles after the resurrection and which the saints experience even in their suffering and martyrdom.
  • 43. Wisdom is God-given knowledge, not learned from books, that provides us with a more intimate and joyfulinsight into God and His mysteries. This gift enables us to better know God and divine things. It can be illustrated by the words of Jesus when He states, "I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike.” (Mt 11:25) In other words, there is a type of revelation that no amount of studying can produce as it is directly infused into our soul by God. It allows simple souls to “see with the eyes of God”. The concept of a heavenly wisdom can further be seen in scripture where James contrasts it with earthly wisdom,” Whoamong you is wise and understanding? Let him show his worksby a good life in the humility that comes fromwisdom. But if youhave bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. Wisdom of this kind does not come downfrom above but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every foul practice.But the wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits, without inconstancy or insincerity. (James 3:13-17) St. Augustine tells us, ”Wisdom is the knowledge of Divinethings." It allows us to “see things from God’s perspective”.In his book, The Three Ages of the Interior Life, R. Garrigou-Lagrange writes, “The gift of wisdom, the principle of a living contemplation that directs action,enables the soul to taste the goodness of God, to see it manifested in all events, even in the most painful, since God permits evil only fora higher good, whichwe shall see later and whichit is sometimes given us to glimpse on earth.” The gift of wisdom enables us to better understand how God will often allow crosses to enter our lives in order to bring about a greater good. We may not comprehend exactly what the greater good is, but we will be more inclined to trust God's judgment. The saints teach us that wisdom is closely related to the virtue of charity. Therefore, the more one loves God, the more capable they are of receiving this gift. And the more that the gift of wisdom increases in the soul, the more capable of loving God one becomes. II. The Gift of Wisdom: The Intellect as the "Disciple of Love" In the Gospel, Our Lord described one of the effects of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, because He is within us, instructs us as Jesus says, "in everything." At first we are inclined to
  • 44. consider this dimension of the gift of the Holy Spirit in a kind of quantitive sense. There is this great body of knowledge. So much to learn! So many books to read! So much to think about! Through the working of the Holy Spirit, we whohave received the indwelling grace will have His assistance in the very difficulttask of mastering what is tobe learned. In a qualitative sense the Holy Spirit's presence in us willcause us to lookat everything in a new way.Our Lord in the Gospel is really making reference to the gift of Wisdom, the highest of the Holy Spirit's seven gifts. The gift of the Holy Spirit's Wisdom is different from the virtue of wisdom. The virtue of wisdom is something weget by our ownhard work,by human effort,while the gift of Wisdom is just that—it's a gift. The gift of Wisdom comes fromasking God forit. The Holy Spirit's gift is a kind of knowing and judging that comes from what St. Thomas says is "connaturality,"that is, in the gift of Wisdom, the Holy Spirit and I become one. He establishes the harmony of sympathy, a dynamic unity, so that whatHe knowsabout the things of God and everything else is what I see, too. I see withthe Holy Spirit's own eyes. By this gift of Wisdom, the Holy Spirit shares withyou and me His view,His vision of how all things, all being—whether First Being or created being—how it all fits together. As St. Thomas points out, this vision that comes from the gift of Wisdom is, like that of the virtue of wisdom, the fruitof love.For St. Thomas, the practical intellect's judgment is ultimately determined by inclination, not by thinking things through. And the proper perfection of practical judgment is "truth by agreement with desire." Here, the intellect "is the disciple of love." It'slove that teaches us how to judge, it's love that gives the right judgment. And that's how it is in Wisdom. Here, the object is not grasped by investigation, not by study, not by long hours of pondering the text, but it is delivered over to the docile intellect through love.For in practical judgment, and even more so in Wisdom, weknow wisely because welove rightly. It is because the Holy Spirit has poured into us the Loveof God (St. Paulsaid—"the love of God has been poured out in us"). Because the Holy Spirit does that, the loving that is directed to God, by God, and the loving that God directs to all that He has made— because of that loving in us, we are wise withGod's own Wisdom. It is to be related to God and whatpertains to Him. You have to do this in such a way that you allow for the right ordering into the ultimate whole. That will happen through study. That is the virtue of wisdom. The gift of Wisdom is a way of seeing all things, a way of seeing that comes from our sharing in God's love. Another way to say this is to affirm that this gift of Wisdom is having the very heart and mind of Christ. That's the work of the Holy Spirit throughout salvation history,wherever He is—hovering over the waters in Genesis, hovering over Our Lady at the moment of the Annunciation, hovering over the bread and wine during the Eucharist. It is His job to shape the matter into the Christform.
  • 45. This is His workin the world.In our being instructed by Him, He shapes our hearts and our minds into the heart and mind of Christ. III. Another perspective on the Gift of Wisdom This Wisdom weask for,this being instructed in everything by the Holy Spirit, is nothing else than the Wisdom of the cross, the Wisdom that understands everything in the light of the cross. The ultimate meaning of everything youinvestigate, all of these things find their ultimate meaning in the Cross of Jesus Christ. This is Wisdom. There are three types of wisdom: The wisdom of God (I Corinthians 2:6-7) See readings The wisdom of the world (I Corinthians 2:6) See readings The wisdom of man (Ecclesiastes 1:16-18) See readings Wisdom, like the other Gifts of the Holy Spirit, accompanies sanctifying grace, makes a person well disposed to receive the inspirations and movements of the Holy Spirit, and completes and perfects the virtues of those whoreceive them. What is specific to wisdom is that it makes the soul responsive to the Holy Spirit in the contemplation of divine things and in the use of God's ideas to judge both created and divine matters. It affectsa filial fear of God, as well as a welcomepeace in the heart of man. Pope JohnPaul II says that it is not enough to simply provide data on the situation and to make a "scientific"inquiry to come up witha picture of today's socioculturaland ecclesial circumstances. An interpretation of the situation is even more important, though it is not always easy to do so; such interpretation has to be done within the contextof a Gospel discernment. "This discernment is nourished by the light and strength of the Holy Spirit whoevokes everywhere and in all circumstances, obedience to the faith, the joyous courage of followingJesus, and the gift of wisdom, whichjudges all things and is judged by no one (see 1 Corinthians 2:15)
  • 46. We ask for the gift of wisdom not only forspecial undertakings, but to follow God'swill, whichis a continuous task forthe Christian. The whole person is "called to seek and love God 'withall one's heart, and with all one's soul, and with all one's might' (see Deuteronomy 6:5), and one's neighbor as oneself (see Leviticus 19:18; Matthew 22:37-39)." Todo so, weshould "never cease to ask the Almighty for the gift of wisdom in the struggles of everyday life (see Wisdom 9:10) With this gift weconstantly use God's standards and not ours. Or better still, wetry to make our standards conform(cum-foma) to God's.We aim for a sort of "connaturality"with God, in such a way that a prior conformity to God's will makes us always willwhat is good. The gift of wisdom is one that should be sought eagerly, however it is not easy to attain. Wisdom is a light that helps guide us through the darkness of this world. When we use wisdom we learn to make choices based on God’s perspective and the needs of other people, rather than our ownwants and desires. Wisdom helps us to think and act in ways that allow us to live a lifethat is pleasing to the one whocreated us. The gift of wisdom is finally, according to the enumeration of Isaias, the highest of all, as charity, to whichit corresponds, is the loftiest of the virtues. It leads the apostles and Father’s of the Church to judge all things by relation to God, the first Cause and last End, and to judge them thus, not as acquired theology does, but by that connaturalness or sympathy with divine things whichcomes from charity. By His inspiration, the Holy Ghost makes use of this connaturalness to show us the beauty, the sanctity, and the radiating plenitude of the mysteries of salvation, whichcorrespond so well to our deepest and highest aspirations.(22) The gift of wisdom, the principle of a living contemplation that directs action, enables the soul to taste the goodness of God, to see it manifested in all events, even in the most painful, since God permits evil only fora higher good, whichwe shall see later and whichit is sometimes given us to glimpse on earth. The gift of wisdom thus makes us judge everything in relation to God; It reminds us that all that glitters is not gold and that, on the contrary,marvels of grace are to be found under the humblest exteriors, as in the person of many of the saints.
  • 47. This gift enables the saints to embrace the plan of Providencewith a gaze entirely penetrated with love;darkness does not disconcert them for they discover in it the hidden God. As the bee knowshow to find honey in flowers, the gift of wisdom draws lessons of divine goodness from everything. Wisdom reminds us, as Cardinal Newman says, that: “A thousand difficulties do not make a doubt” so long as they do not impair the very basis of certitude. It is the gift of the wisdom of love, whichmakes us taste and see how good is the Lord. This gift fills our soul withall kind of goods. The soul then becomes more and more sensitive to the loveof God whichcommunicates Himself and attracts everything with strength and mildness. Love whichis the source of all what is created, in which everything finds its achievement. This spirit of wisdom allows us to surrender to this lovefervently,peacefully and joyfully.Itis the gift of the union with God. The Book of Wisdom Chapter 7 1 I too am a mortal man, the same as all the rest, and a descendant of the first man formed on earth. And in my mother's womb I was molded into flesh 2 in a ten- months' period-body and blood, from the seed of man, and the pleasure that accompanies marriage. 3 And I too, when born, inhaled the common air, and fell upon the kindred earth; wailing, I uttered that first sound common to all. 4 In swaddling clothes and with constant care I was nurtured. 5 For no king has any different origin or birth, 6 but one is the entry into life for all; and in one same way they leave it. 7 Therefore I prayed, and prudence was given me; I pleaded and the spirit of Wisdom came to me. 8 I preferred her to scepter and throne, And deemed riches nothing in comparison with her, 9 nor did I liken any priceless gem to her; Because all gold, in view of her, is a little sand, and before her, silver is to be accounted mire. 10 Beyondhealth and comeliness I lovedher, And I chose to have her rather than the light, because the splendor of her never yields to sleep. 11 Yet all good things together came to me in her company,and countless riches at her hands; 12 And I rejoiced in them all, because Wisdom is their leader, though I had not knownthat she is the mother of these. 13 Simply I learned about her, and ungrudgingly do I share- her riches I do not hide away; 14 For to men she is an unfailing treasure; those whogain this treasure win the friendship of God,