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1 To the weary and sin-bound who sought for His aid
Did Jesus eversay no?
And to those who desired Him and earnestly prayed
Did Jesus eversay no?
No, no, a thousand times no,
Jesus will never say no;
To those turning from sin, inviting Him in,
Jesus will never say no.
2 To a heart filled with grief on account of its sin
Did Jesus eversay no?
And to one who’s repentant and trusteth in Him
Would Jesus eversay no? [Refrain]
3 To the soul who has called on his Lord to abide
Did Jesus eversay no?
Or to those who have sought Him when tempted and tried,
Did Jesus eversay no? [Refrain]
4 To the blind and the lame, and to those with disease
Does Jesus eversay no?
To all praying in faith He will give sweet release,
For Jesus cannot say no. [Refrain]
Author: A. Raymond Hand
Did Jesus eversay, "no?"?
I was just reading the New Testament about some of the miracles the Jesus performed. I
noticed that a lot of the time when He healed someone, it was after they askedHim to. This
may be an ignorant question. But was there evera time when He refused?
Favorite Answer
The only time he refused to do a miracle was if an unbeliever (see Pharisees, Saducees and
Scribes and the unbelievers in his hometown) askedhim to perform a sign. Then he would
rebuke them.
See: Matthew 12: 38-39, Matthew 16: 1-4, Mark 8: 11-12, Mark 6: 1-6 (He didn't do any
miracles because "he marveled at their unbelief" because he grew up there and they did
not believe in him)
He told Lucifer no several times. But, from all of my readings the only time Jesus refused
to heal was when people demanded a sign. To the true seekerand the unlucky pawn Jesus
always healed.
well, when the pharasees askedJesus to show a miracle, He refused because He knew that
they weren't really wanting the see a miracle. He had already showed them plenty of
miracles, but they had still refuse to believe. It wouldn't matter how many miracles Jesus
showed them, they would still continue to ask for more because they didn't want to believe
that He was God.
he initially refused the samaritan woman at the well, but he then granted her wish.
i'm not sure if there are any examples of Jesus refusing to heal or help someone. oh,
actually yes. when the pharisees demanded a miracle so they would believe, he refused,
because their motives were wrong.
Matthew 12
38Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law said to him, "Teacher, we want to see
a miraculous sign from you."
39He answered, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign! But
none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah...
Yes. According to Mark chapter 7, a Gentile woman askedhim to help her daughter. Jesus
refused, calling Gentiles 'dogs' but relented and agreed to help the woman when she
humbly accepted that description.
Just Say No
Fr. JosephK. Horn
8 February 1998
St Barbara’s Parish
Santa Ana, California
Do you ever have trouble saying “no” to people?
I don’t mean the way a spoiled child says “no”:Can I play with your toy?
NYO! It’s MINE! Nor do I mean the way an angry parent says “no”:May I
be excusedfrom the table? NO! Just sit there and be quiet! It’s easyto say
“no” like that; you just bark it. But we often confuse being a Christian with
being a yes-man, with pleasing everybody all the time.
For example, in the first reading today, we hear God saying, “Will anybody
volunteer?” and Isaiahreplies, “Yes!Here I am, Lord! Send me!” And so we
get the mistakennotion that we should always say“yes” to every request.
So I started to wonder: did Jesus eversay “no” to anybody? To find out, I
lookedthrough all four Gospels, andfound something surprising. Jesus said
“no” many times. Of course, he said “no” to the devil three times when he was
tempted in the desert. But he also said “no” to people around him.
He said “no” to ordinary human requests. “Letme bury my father before I
follow you.” No; let the dead bury their dead. “Tellmy sister to help me with
the housework.” No;she has chosenthe better part. “Tellmy brother to be
fair with me about our inheritance.” No. “Stay in our town a little longer.”
No. And to the Geresene demoniac who said, “Let me follow you,” Jesus said:
No, give witness to your people.
Jesus evensaid “no” to close and loving friends. “Give my sons a special
privileged place next to you.” No. “Stoptalking about your death like that.” A
very strong No to Peter: Getthee behind me, Satan! “Tellus when the last
things will occur.” No;it’s not for you to know. “Calldown fire from heaven
to destroy these Samaritans who have rejectedyou.” A very strong No!
Jesus evensaid “no” to the demands of the crowds. “Work a sign for us right
here and now.” No. “Do here in your own town the things we heard you did
over in Capernaum.” No. “Give us today the bread that you gave us
yesterday.” No;I’ll give you bread from heaven. “Oh, who wants bread from
heaven? Give us the bread you gave us yesterday!” No.
And Jesus evensaid no to many common-sense, law-and-orderkinds of
requests. “Sendthis crowdaway; they’re getting hungry.” No; you feed them.
“Keepthis crowd quiet.” No; the very rocks would cry out. “Make your
followers fastlike those of John the Baptist.” No;there’ll be plenty of time for
fasting later, but not while the bridegroom is with them. “Surely you have
some answerto these accusations againstyou.” No.
My goodfriends, we should take Jesus’example and say “no” whenever
someone orsomething would distractus from God’s loving and saving will. It
is for this reasonthat we say “no” to obvious things like drug abuse and
alcoholabuse:they distract us from God’s loving and saving will. But we
should also say“no” to people around us wheneverthey would steerus away
from God’s will. We don’t say“no” in a self-righteous or arrogantway. We
imitate Jesus, who filled the word “no” with love. May I give you a powerful
example of that?
When I was listing, a few moments ago, all the times that Jesus said “no”, I
did leave out one instance, and a very important “no” it was. Forus as sinful
and sometimes fearful followers of Jesus, itis a particularly consoling “no” to
remember. It is the “no” that Jesus spoke in today’s Gospelreading.
Remember the story? It was very early in his public ministry. Jesus had
visited Simon Peter’s house the day before, and had just finished the
miraculous healing of Simon Peter’s mother-in-law and other sick and
possessedpeople. So Simon Peterwas alreadyamazed at the holiness of this
strange man named Jesus.
And now here he was preaching at the lake shore, and the crowd gotso big
that he stepped into Simon Peter’s boat and askedhim to pull out from the
shore a little way. He then taught the crowd from Peter’s barque. Imagine
how Peterfelt; this holy man chose his boat to preach from!
Then he told Peterto throw the net into the water. Petersaid, “We were just
fishing all night, and didn’t catcha thing, but if you sayso, okay.” And they
caught so many fish that it almostsank two boats!
Peterwas overwhelmed. He knew then how holy Jesus must be, and he felt
awful. Here he is, Simon Peter, just a normal guy, with normal human
imperfections and failings, and there, standing right there in front of him, is
Jesus, the Son of God! He couldn’t stand it any more. He fell to his knees and
cried out in anguish, “Please,please go somewhere else!Departfrom me,
Lord; I am a sinful man. Go away! Please, just go away!Leave me alone!”
Jesus then lookedinto Peter’s eyes;into his soul. And with Peter’s whole
future hanging in the balance, Jesus very firmly, but tenderly and lovingly,
said: “Alone? No. Leave you? No!”
May 12, 2011 by Msgr. Charles Pope
Even Jesus Sometimes said, "No."
One of the struggles that many Christians experience is that the needs around
us are so great, and yet we are limited, both in personalstrength, and in
resources.And, lurking in the back of our mind, is a notion that whateverthe
problem, Jesus wouldalways help and so should we. But, then, is it always
wrong to sayno when there is need?
It is a true fact, Jesus was quite generous with his time, attention, and
resources.We too are counseledto be rich in mercy and kindness, expansive
in our charity and to be willing to forsake everything to follow Christ. But for
limited human beings, often with many obligations are there no limits? Of
course there have to be. But, “What would Jesus Do?” Did he ever say, “No?”
Many think the answerto this question is no! But in factthere are instances
where Jesus said, “No.” I’d like to look at three of them. I choose these three,
because to some extent they dealwith the needy. Other examples of Jesus
saying no pertain more to specializedor inappropriate requests (e.g. James
and John want seats ofhonor, Peter wants to use a swordto defend Jesus).
But lets take a look at three occurrencesofJesus saying no and see whatwe
can learn.
I. No to the Sick? The scene is Capernaum. Jesus and his apostles have made
quite an impression. Jesus has cured a demon-possessedman in the synagogue
and word has spread. Jesus is lodging at the house of Simon Peterand has just
cured Peter’s mother-in-law of a greatfever. The Gospelof Mark picks up the
When it was evening, after sunset, they brought to him all who were ill or
possessedby demons. The whole town was gatheredat the door. He cured
many who were sick with various diseases, andhe drove out many demons,
not permitting them to speak becausethey knew him. (Mark 1:34-35)
So, clearly the Lord is helping a lot of people here, as was his custom. The
crowdseems to have grown quite large and goes oncuring till sundown. But
then comes a twist:
Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where
he prayed. Simon and those who were with him pursued him and on finding
him said, “Everyone is looking for you!” He told them, “Let us go on to the
nearby villages that I may preach there also. Forthis purpose have I come.”
(Mark 1:35-38)
Here we have what seems anunusual occurrence, Jesusis informed by Peter
and the others that “Everyone is looking for you!” The exasperatedstatement
implies that a line has once againformed in Capernaum of those seeking
healing from various ailments. Many of the sick are waiting for his
ministrations. But Jesus says, “No”to the requestto return. He also indicates
an intention to go to other villages so that he might preach, for THAT is what
he has come to do.
Why does Jesus sayno? Fortwo reasons it would seem.
First, in terms of his humanity, he is limited. He has not come to save
Capernaum only and must devote attention to other places as well. In effecthe
must allocate his (humanly speaking)“limited” resourcesjustly and
effectively. This is also the case withus. We must help the poor, but we must
also feed our children, and meet other just obligations. Saying “No” is not
necessarilyun-Christlike, but is rather a humble admission of our limitedness.
A secondreasonJesus likelysays no is that he will not allow himself to be
defined merely as a medical miracle worker. He has come to preach and
ultimately to take up his cross. Partof what he preaches is the role of the cross
in life. It is not always appropriate to alleviate every burden. To be labeled as
“Mr Fix-it” is to be diminished. Forthe Lord did not come merely to heal the
body, but also and even more so, the soul. Jesus’“No” is therefore also a
teaching moment.
We too who would imitate Christ should not think that alleviating burdens is
our only mission. Sometimes it is more loving to let others carry the crosses
God intends. We are not necessarilycallous or un-Christlike in this if our
intent is allow people to experience necessarygrowthor to experience the
necessaryconsequencesoftheir choices.
We must be careful not to easilyexcuse ourselves from our duties to help
others but neither should we become enablers or those who cause others to
become too dependent. We should not usually do for others what they cando
for themselves.
The goodshould not eclipse the best – The Lord could not allow himself to be
drawn into a situation where what was goodabout him (healings) eclipsed
what was best (salvationand the preaching of the Kingdom). Hence, he said,
II. No on a matter of SocialJustice?? Onanother occasionin the contextof
Jesus’Sermonon the Plain a man called out from the crowd:
“Teacher, tell my brother to share the inheritance with me.” [But] Jesus
replied, “Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter betweenyou?” Then
he said to them, “Watchout! Be on your guard againstall kinds of greed;a
man’s life does not consistin the abundance of his possessions. (Luke 12:13-
Here too we have a bit of an unexpected twist. We might almostexpect Jesus
to side with this man. After all isn’t sharing the family inheritance with
potentially needy siblings a just and charitable thing to encourageand do?
But Jesus says, “No”andthen warns the man of greed.
Here too the no of Jesus seems to point to two issues:First, Jesus is not going
to be roped into being a legalarbiter of worldly matters. He has come to
preach the Kingdom and save us and will not be defined down into probating
wills and settling inheritance law. Another issue is that Jesus, who is able to
see into the man’s heart, says no to rebuke the man’s greed.
And thus we are taught two things by Jesus’“No.”
First, that we are not always obliged to solve every one’s problems. Sometimes
people try inappropriately to draw us into what does not involve us. They may
ask us to take sides in a family dispute or some community issue where it is
not right for us to take sides. On other occasions we may be askedto resolve
matters involving two adults who should reasonablybe expectedto work out
their own differences. Supervisors, pastors, andother leaders oftenexperience
such inappropriate attempts to draw them into disputes or take sides. There
are surely times when leaders have to help arbitrate matters, especiallyif they
pertain to the specific matters over which they have authority. But there are
also many occasions whenrequestedhelp in such matters deserves a “no” and
it is not un-Christlike to do so.
A secondthing that we are taught here by Jesus’“no” is that we are not
always required to give people what they want. Although we are not gifted
with Jesus’ability to see into people’s heart and understand their motives
fully, it remains true that we CAN sometimes see that “no” is the best answer
in given circumstances. Perhaps we cansee that what a person asks for is
inappropriate or will cause harm to others. Perhaps it will offend againstthe
common goodor show favoritism. Perhaps the requestinvolves an unwise use
of resources orgoes contraryto agreedupon goals and priorities. There may
be any number of reasons we canand should say“no” and doing so is not
necessarilyun-Christlike. This may be so evenif the one requesting insists
that it is about what is just and fair. It may cause disappointment or even
angerin others but that does not mean that we are necessarilydoing anything
wrong. Jesus did sometimes say, “No.”
III. No to the Hungry?? The final example brings us to the shores ofthe Sea of
Galilee. Jesus hadjust multiplied the loaves and fishes and fed somewhere
between5000 and 20,000people. News ofthis has spread and the word of free
food is starting to draw a crowd. Further, some of the crowdwas not
dispersing. So Jesus draws apart to pray and sends the apostles to the other
side of the lake where he promises to join them later. After walking on the
water(!) to meet them in the boat they come to other shore. News that Jesus
had headed in that direction reachedsome in the crowdwho ran around the
lake and as Jesus disembarks they greethim with false surprise: “Rabbi!
When did you gethere?!” Jesus was not born yesterdayand he knows that
they are seeking more free food so he says to them: I tell you the truth, you
are looking for me, not because yousaw miraculous signs but because youate
the loaves and had your fill. Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that
endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. (John 6:26-27).
In effect Jesus refuses to produce againthe food of this world and summons
them to faith. He goes onto teachextensively in the remainder of John 6 on
the Holy Eucharistand insists that this was the food that was more necessary
for them. They are unimpressed and rejecthis teaching as a “hard saying” (Jn
6:60). But in effecthere to we have a “no” from Jesus.
Feeding the hungry is usually something commended, even commanded. But
Jesus, in the end will not allow them to seek only that which is good(bread)
and refuse what is best (the Breadof Life).
As a priest I have frequently had this problem with some of the poor who
come to me. When they first come asking for financial assistanceI give it
whole heartedly and inquire as to their story. They almostalways admit that
they have no real church home (otherwise why would they be coming to me). I
indicate to them that it is absolutely essentialfor their salvationthat they
come to Church and receive Holy Communion. If they are not a Catholic they
should at leastcome and see if they are ready to acceptthe faith. But most of
them do not follow up on this invitation and yet still come back seeking for
money and resources. Ibegin then to place conditions upon the continued
assistance, that, if they do not start coming or I cannotbe sure they are
attending somewhere, I will not continue to give worldly food to those who
refuse heavenly food.
Some have argued that this is not what Jesus would do, but in fact this is
exactly what he did. He said no to those who wanted only their bellies filled
but not their heart. Of course in utter emergencyand if little children are
involved this approachmay have to be adapted. Further, there ARE other
places to getfood and essentials in this country than one Catholic Parish.
Perhaps I can refer an individual somewhere else. But in the end, I have to
summon people not merely to the good, but to the best. This is not un-
The essentialpoint then, is that it is not always wrong to sayno. Jesus did so,
even in some classic socialjustice and charity situations. We should never
glibly say no or be unnecessarilyhurtful. But there are just times when no is
the bestand most Christ-like answer.
Your additions, distinctions and rebuttals are encouragedand appreciated.
Image above is an ancient fresco
This song says, “Some ofGod’s greatestgifts are unansweredprayers”
Actually they are answered, I suppose, and the answer is “No”
Faith, Jesus
25 Replies to “Even Jesus Sometimes said, "No."”
May 13, 2011 at00:04
For those who wanna serve people’s spiritual and corporal needs, here is the
archdiocese’s Social& Justice page. It should help you better understand
what Monsignoris saying.
May 13, 2011 at00:04
This post comes ata very timely manner in our householdbecause we feel
stretchedto the limit with our resources. We are at some sort of a turning
point in our lives and we’re having a difficult time discerning what we must
do and what we canlet go of.
Thank you for clarifying the No. I can tell you that when I was seriouslyill for
the pasttwo years, Jesus’s No was fora greaterpurpose — to draw me closer
to Him. I still don’t know why He healed me because I surrendered
completely; I was willing to bear chronic pain in this life if that was His will.
But I am so much happier now …
God is always good, but we’ll never understand His ways fully.
Msgr. Charles Pope
May 13, 2011 at09:58
Yes, it would seemthat Scripture overall commends a generosityfrom us but
also a prudence. For example Paul requests a generous gift from the rather
well to do Corinthians but also respects limits:
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah. Although he was rich,
for your sakeshe became poor, so that you, through his poverty, might
become rich. I am giving you my opinion on this matter because it will be
helpful to you. Last year you were not only willing to do something, but had
already started to do it. Now finish what you began, so that your eagernessto
do so may be matched by your eagernessto complete it. For if the eagernessis
there, the gift is acceptable according to what you have, not according to what
you do not have. Not that others should have relief while you have hardship.
Rather, it is a question of fairness. At the present time, your surplus fills their
need, so that their surplus may fill your need. In this way things are fair. As it
is written, “The personwho had much did not have too much, and the person
who had little did not have too little.”[ 2 Cor8:9-15]
Anne Shea
May 13, 2011 at06:52
This article raises some very goodpoints, but I think the distinction must be
made that the ones who Jesus said “no” to were not truly in desperate need,
just looking for a handout. In today’s world, there are many who are looking
for a handout, but there are many more in desparate need and Jesus is
capable of knowing the difference. As a human being, I leave that judgement
to God. If I see a homeless personon the corner with a sign, I don’t judge that
person’s level of need or integrity. If I have some cash, I give it happily and
throw in a “GodBless You!” I leave it to God to judge how that person uses
the charity. It just feels like the right thing to do. Nearour grocerystore,
there is a Panda Express by the exit. I have given a homeless man there $5,00
and watchedhim walk over to the restaurant to get a meal. He might walk out
the other exit and go buy liquor, but I think he really was hungry and got a
hot meal. Thank you for sharing this insight, but I will continue to say“yes”
wheneverI am able and pray that God blesses these poorand leads them to
salvation. I can only do what I am able, the restis in God’s hands.
Msgr. Charles Pope
May 13, 2011 at14:11
Your distinction is a goodone and one I also tried to make in the article: “Of
course in utter emergencyand if little children are involved this approach
may have to be adapted....” Thanks for emphasizing the matter.
Kevin M
May 13, 2011 at07:16
We must be careful not to easilyexcuse ourselves from our duties to help
others but neither should we become enablers or those who cause others to
become too dependent. – The difficulty for me I think is discerning when I’m
being judgmental and lazy (“Godhelps those who help themselves”), rather
than working in the persons best interest. Thank you for your wisdom Father.
Your blog is quickly becoming the first thing I turn to eachday.
Msgr. Charles Pope
May 13, 2011 at14:09
You are right, it is not merely the motives of others we must ponder, but our
own too.
May 13, 2011 at07:39
Marvelous and thought provoking exposition MonsignorPope. In the end, I
suppose that such conundrums need a healthy dose of discernment from the
GoodLord to resolve with a calm conscience.
I am reminded of a MonsignorI once knew, God resthis soul, who had a
parish in mid-town Harrisburg, PA. Becausethe area was rather run-down
and was frequented by vagrants his rectory would often be visited by men
looking for a ‘meal’, i.e money with which they promised to purchase a
Monsignor, who hadn’t just fallen off the turnip truck and placedgreatstore
in the dignity one could derive through honestlabor, would politely refuse to
hand-over any cashbut did offer a genuine ‘meal’ in the rectory (courtesyof
the unflappable housekeeper)for anyone who would perform some small task
around the rectory (such as sweeping the sidewalk and such) in exchange for
the food.
He told me that he was always amazedwhen some reputedly starving though
apparently able bodied men in searchof a ‘meal’ not only became indignant
when the cashwas refusedbut also rejectedthe offer of a meal if it was
contingent on their performance of even the most modest task to earn it.
Not everyone refused the Monsignor’s offer of work, of course, and thereby
earned themselves a hearty breakfast, lunch, or even dinner but the good
Monsignorlost no sleepover his refusal to feed those who would not earn
their bread.
Msgr. Charles Pope
May 13, 2011 at14:08
Yes, there are patterns that are troubling among some who seek helpand they
can at times be evident when we actually interpret the requestfor food or bus
fare literally. Too bad, also, since the bad ones tend to make us cynical, for
there are those we really do need help.
May 13, 2011 at08:26
It’s really easy, being young and Catholic, to expend myself to try and solve
every problem. And often, it is much easierto err by doing too little. Yet, I
think as you point out, we can err in going the other direction as well.
Especiallyfor beginners its better to err in this way; I recallAristotle’s advice
that if you find yourself with one vice, you should aim for the opposite vice. To
the cowardtrue bravery appears like recklessnessand to the recklesstrue
bravery appears like cowardice.Hence, the cowardaims for recklessness
while the recklessaims for cowardice to reachtrue virtue.
Habitual prayer, seems important. This way we’re lead directly by the Spirit
to virtue insteadof spending our time deliberating and puzzling out what’s
virtuous. Notthat deliberation doesn’t have it’s place in checking that we are
listening to the God’s inspiration, but faith is a surer road than reason. We
only need to look to modern philosophy to see that.
Msgr. Charles Pope
May 13, 2011 at10:13
Yes, sometimes we have to make corrections to find balance.
Jon White
May 13, 2011 at09:00
I work in downtown DC and walk from a Metro subway stop to my office four
blocks away. It is amazing how some of the professionalhomeless people have
been there on my route to and from work day after day for years and even
decades, despite attempts by me and other people to direct them to resources
that might help them extricate themselves from their situations. It is either
mental illness or a willful choice that puts them in their situations, and that is
part of the human mystery of their (and our) existence. Itry to give them eye
contactand a word of greeting to acknowledgetheir existence, but no
handouts. It’s amazing to me how they seemto recognize AND
ACKNOWLEDGE me in return – as if we are all workers in one way or
another, just with different gigs. One middle-aged homeless womanon my
route who is obviously physically impaired and possibly mentally, too, I
always consideredan especiallyforlorn case due to her apparent disabilities.
However, I was setback on my heals one day when I saw this lady at the
neighborhood liquor store making a purchase – I never realized until then
that alcoholmight also play a part in her living patterns. How mysterious
eachof us is to the other, and how little we really know about anyone we see,
meet, or even live with. God open my eyes to my ignorance of the mystery
containedin eachhuman being!
Msgr. Charles Pope
May 13, 2011 at10:11
Yes, poverty is a very complicatedmatter. What is always best will vary from
person to person. Generally speaking dispensing cashis a bad idea, but there
may be exceptions. Another thing to ponder is what will happen to the street
begging as we go increasinglycash-less.Forexample I seldomcarry cash
anymore. If I do, it is just change for parking. The answerusually is to
connectthe needy to a socialservice network whereinfood, clothing and
shelter are directly provided rather than cashentrusted to them. At the parish
we usually try and stock up on non-cashways we can help: food, diapers,
baby formula, basic medical things like bandages, bus tokens, subwaypasses.
May 13, 2011 at09:55
“What would Jesus Do?” Whenwe think about it this is a very self centered
question, because we cannever be sure the answeris correct, it might be, or it
could be wrong. Like our consciense, it could be well formed,or malformed. I
think a question could be “What did Jesus do?” and “What did Jesus say?”I
think this is what you are saying in your post and it says it beutifully. Thank
you father.
Msgr. Charles Pope
May 13, 2011 at10:04
Thanks, I have not thought to put it this way. But, like you have found the
expressionWWJD to be mildly problematic. WDJD is likely a better
May 14, 2011 at09:39
Joseph, I’ve been pondering the exact same thing for some time, so you took
the words out of my mouth: that yes, the better question is “What DID Jesus
do?” and not “What *would* Jesus do?”
Robert Sledz
May 13, 2011 at11:57
Jesus neversaid “NO”. You did. How do you know Jesus did not return back
and cure the rest? You don’t, Do you?
Msgr. Charles Pope
May 13, 2011 at14:03
My goodness. Whatis all the hostility about? I am merely presenting data
from the scripture for consideration. As for your point, I guess anything is
possible, but an argument from silence is a difficult assertionto prove.
Cynthia BC
May 13, 2011 at12:07
Would you write an explanation for me the next time I tell my daughter “no?”
I generallyhave to resort to “BECAUSE I SAID SO!” and/or “NO IT IS NOT
May 13, 2011 at14:52
LOL! We have the same daughter … “If you loved me, you would get me a
They Might Be Giants has a great song called: NO and I often start singing it
Cynthia BC
May 14, 2011 at12:44
Be sure to sing the NO song in public to ensure maximum humiliation. 😉
c isn’t quite at the point at which my very existence is an embarrassment, but
I’m sure it’s not far off…
May 13, 2011 at14:56
Thank you for this article. We are often made to feelvery guilty when we
“have to” say no. And finding a man on the streetis not the same as having
the same people come to you time after time. Once my Sunday schoolclass
was helping a womanand her children. She sent a list of the food items she
needed for the next week–suchthings as Imperial sugar, Pillsbury flour, etc.
You getthe point. We told our teacherwe would be doing her a disservice to
allow her to dictate the brands she wanted. Many of us were not using the
most expensive products at home so that we could help those who had even
greaterneed. We need to help them not only with their physical needs but also
with their spiritual hunger, and it is Christlike to do so.
By the way, I am often told no when I pray, and usually I find out why in time.
God does not best.
May 13, 2011 at15:10
Thanks for the post Mgsr.
There is a lot to digest here. You post draws some interesting things to think
I used to drive past the homeless with never a care. Following a renewalof
faith in July I no longerdo that and God has changedmy life in so many
Where I currently work (changedby God two months after I realized he
always had my life, I only had to trust in Him) there is a spot just over one of
the interstates nearmy office building that seems to get a steady revolving
door of homeless. But severalof them have been there for awhile.
I never give them any money, I never have, they’re all alcoholics andthey will
admit to being alcoholics andI know they can receive over$40 a day, I’ve
seenthem do it, but I do give them food that I buy with my family’s groceries
eachweek. It’s just normal now, we buy extra food just for them. One of
them, Doug CoefieldI speak with every week. Ibuy Doug clothes as well.
Doug seems to be different from the rest, I think it’s calledhope :). He speaks
with you, he asks questions. He and I talk about Jesus and prayer and what is
going on in the world. I encourage him to offer his sufferings to God though I
don’t think he understands this.
I am compelledto check on them in their usual spots. I check on them almost
every day of the work week;on my way back after daily mass during my
lunch break, during my afternoonbreak most days (Divine Mercy Chaplet
break), and after work on my way home. Compelled, because I can’t imagine
how difficult it must be. I know that it is mostly of their own choosing and the
demon of alcoholism, but, I don’t think that I could ever stop now, nor do I
want to. They are my brothers and my sisters and I don’t even go the whole
way, I’ve never offeredthem a place in my home or to take them to a shelter
(most wouldn’t go, they like their place in the woods next to an interstate
ramp). I know them as Doug, Debby, Foots, Alex, Bruce, etc. Sometimes I
bring to mind the story of: 2 And a certainman who was lame from his
mother’s womb was carried: whom they laid every day at the gate of the
temple, which is calledBeautiful, that he might ask alms of them that went
into the temple. 3 He, when he had seenPeterand John, about to go into the
temple, askedto receive an alms. 4 But Peterwith John, fastening his eyes
upon him, said: Look upon us. 5 But he lookedearnestlyupon them, hoping
that he should receive something of them. 6 But Petersaid: Silver and gold I
have none; but what I have, I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, arise and walk. 7 And taking him by the right hand, he lifted him
up: and forthwith his feet and soles receivedstrength. 8 And he leaping up,
stoodand walkedand went in with them into the temple, walking and leaping
and praising God.
I’m torn. Doug is sometimes so sadto look at, he is ill. He has been takento
the hospital twice since Christmas. Debby has a horrible sore on her face that
I wish I could take away. Foots gotinto a fight with some of the angrier ones
and for weeks there was only Doug and Debby. Debby is so thin and so frail.
They like the spot they live, they won’t go into the larger part of the city
where the homes are. I don’t know why.
I don’t know, when I see the homeless these days my heart breaks, more for
my sin and how I have hurt Jesus than their sufferings.
42 For I was hungry and you gave me not to eat: I was thirsty and you gave
me not to drink. 43 I was a strangerand you took me not in: nakedand you
coveredme not: sick and in prison and you did not visit me. 44 Then they also
shall answerhim, saying: Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a
strangeror naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you? 45 Then he
shall answerthem, saying:Amen: I sayto you, as long as you did it not to one
of these least, neither did you do it to me.
You can take Jesus teaching onmammon and spread it around to other
things. How do I not know that these people are homeless because of
something I bought that was made in China, thus having their company put
out of business or for one of my parents or grandparents not standing up for
the right issues oftheir day, which would’ve changedthe course of this
country in a different way, ala Roe v Wade? The whole of human civilization
is culpable in one way or another. This is our one-storyuniverse. My sin is no
greateror no less than theirs. I am here to attempt to ease their suffering and
to pray for them. Forit is the sin of all man which has brought them to this.
To c/p from Fr. Stephen Freeman(Orthodox):
The role of the human will (in its acceptance ofChrist) is not insignificant in
our salvation– but the will choosesorrejects what Christ has already
accomplished. The ultimate outcome of those choices are knownto God alone.
However, God’s will is clear:He is “not willing that any should perish but that
all should come to repentance” (2 Peter3:9).
The greatmystery of the suffering of Christ cannotbe confined to a forensic
accountin which His death is simply a payment for sin. The Scripture and the
fathers’ understanding of Christ is far more cosmic. Evil is inherently absurd
and meaningless (for God is the only source of goodand meaning is always
relative to Him). But Christ has takenthat absurdity into Himself and
ultimately transforms it. It is the Incarnation, Crucifixion, Descentinto Hades
and ResurrectionofChrist that make thanksgiving possible – including
thanksgiving for all things. Christ is the Eucharist(thanksgiving) of the world
and every act of thanksgiving finds its fulfillment in Him.
The world is not broken into sacredand profane. “Heaven and earth are full
of Thy glory,” the angels sing in Isaiah’s greatvision. The glory they behold is
nothing other than the life of Christ which offered “on behalf of all and for
Passing them by on the street or condemning them for buying liqour will not
help them look to repentence nor join in the thanksgiving. I try to not do it out
of guilt, but as an act of love. It is a) My chance to see Christ suffering, and b)
Their chance to see Christ giving.
Did Jesus everdecide not to heal someone?
July 31, 2012 by James Early 46 Comments
Peterand John heal the lame man
Remember the story in the New Testament(Acts 3:1-9) when Peterand John
heal a lame man? They are going into the Temple in Jerusalemand see a man
lame from his mother’s womb. The man asks formoney, but Peterand John
give him something far more valuable. They healhim “in the name of Jesus
Christ of Nazareth.”
I’ve always loved this story. There’s so much there to learn. Peterand John
were bold in the Spirit. Are we? They were confident that the man would be
healed “in the name of Jesus Christ.” Are we as confident of the healing
presence ofChrist? The man was receptive. And he thanked God by praising
Him and leaping as high as he could. How do we thank God for healing in our
lives? Do we leap for joy and praise Him so all cansee?
In studying this story again the other day, it suddenly hit me that since this
man had been lame from birth, he would have been lame during the ministry
of Jesus. Everyday for years, friends had laid him at the Beautiful gate of the
Temple. If he was there every day, did he ever see Jesus? Did Jesus eversee
The Bible doesn’t tell us all the details.
It is perhaps possible that Jesus never saw the lame man. He could have
always missedhim because ofthe sequence ofevents.
Or maybe the Saviorsaw the man and realized he wasn’treceptive yet to the
Maybe Jesus saw him and thought, “Well, I better leave someone for my
disciples to heal once I’m gone.”
All this is obviously a bit presumptive on my part. I have no idea what Jesus
was thinking or if he ever saw the man or not, or perceivedhow receptive he
When you read some parts of the Gospels, it sounds like Jesus healed
everyone of everything wherever he went.
“And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues,
and preaching the gospelof the kingdom, and healing every sicknessand
every disease among the people.”(Matthew 9:35)
Every sickness andevery disease. That’s a lot of healing.
But sometimes, whenhe came to his hometown of Nazareth, for example, he
only healeda few sick folks (see Mark 6:1-6) because they only saw him as a
carpenterand could not fathom the possibility that he was the Messiah. They
were offended that he taught with such authority in the synagogue, the Bible
tells us.
“And he could do no mighty work there.” (Mark 6:5)
Was Jesus incapacitatedby people’s lack of belief, their lack of faith? Could
the Sonof Godbe subject to mortal man’s material-mindedness?
Of course not.
Jesus came to healthe sick, among other things. I personally think Jesus
could have done mightier works there. Justas he could have askedGodto
send 12 legions of angels to rescue him from the crucifixion. (Mark 26:53)
But Jesus neveractedwithout instructions from the Father. He always had
the prayer, “not my will, but Thine be done,” in his heart if not on his lips.
He did not perform those mighty works becauseGoddid not direct him to.
Jesus said, “I can of mine own self do nothing…because I seek notmine own
will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.” (John 5:30)
Could God have performed greatmiracles in Jesus’hometown? Ofcourse.
God is omnipotent, always. Butwould it have been wise for such events to
take place where the people were not receptive?
I also think Jesus was obeying his own precept here: not to casthis pearls
before the swine, that animal-like tendency in the human mind that cannot
discern the spiritual gems in front of it, nor appreciate their worth, therefore
recklesslytrampling them into the earth.
What if he had done some of those “mighty works” whichhe was famous for,
in his home town? How would they have been receivedby those doubtful
disputers? It would have been too much for them to comprehend and
interpret correctlywith their mental attitudes. They might have disputed
Jesus evenmore. Or they might have become blind and fanatic followers
without understanding the truth of who Jesus was. Who knows?
It doesn’t mean, however, that at some point in the near future, either before
or after the crucifixion, that these same home-town folks would never come to
see that Jesus was indeed the Messiah. Theyjust couldn’t see it at that point.
So the time was not ripe for “mighty works” in their midst.
Just a few sick folks were healed. Justa few sick folks…healed. In my book,
that is still pretty amazing and something to be grateful for.
Back to the lame man at the Temple gate calledBeautiful.
As I said, we really don’t know the circumstances surrounding this man’s
personalencounter with Jesus orlack thereof. What we do know is that he
had an encounter with Jesus’healing ministry, the power of Christ, or what
I’ll callthe Spirit of Jesus (not the personalman). When Petercommanded
him to “rise up and walk” in Jesus’name, he did. He was healed.
I really can’t believe I’m saying this, but I guess it’s a goodthing Jesus did not
heal everyone during his brief three years’ ministry. He commissionedthe
Apostles to go out and preach the Gospeland heal the sick. If there were no
more sick people to heal, how could they have put into practice what Jesus
had taught them to do? They had to prove the truth of who Jesus was. It
couldn’t just be words.
The book of Acts tells us of many accounts ofhealing by the early Christians.
I am going out on a limb of assumption to say that some of these same people
had heard Jesus preachand weren’t healed. Maybe they weren’t receptive to
the ideas Jesus was preaching–yet.
Why were the man at the Temple gate and all the other people healedby those
early Christians finally receptive to the power of God? There is one very
obvious reason.
The Resurrection!
Jesus’resurrectionripped the veil from the Temple which coveredthe Holy of
Holies. He destroyed mankind’s sense ofseparationfrom God. He removed
the obstaclesin men’s hearts individually and collectively. I think this created
a mental, moral, and spiritual atmosphere of receptivity, expectation, and
acceptanceofGod’s marvelous works through His Son, Jesus Christ.
The disciples were not just preaching the ideas that Jesus had preached and
taught them. They were now telling everyone about the resurrectionas well.
They spoke from first hand observation. Think what it would have been like
to hear them speak with such absolute convictionabout the resurrection. The
result was healing and salvationfor those who were receptive.
So, did Jesus choosenotto heal someone so he could be healedlater by the
disciples? I personally don’t think so. I think he always discernedwhat was
in people’s hearts, in their thinking. When they were receptive, he healed
them. Sometimes they just weren’t ready for the blessing.
Now fast forward to today.
Does Godever choose notto heal someone? Idon’t think that’s the example
Jesus gave us. I believe God is always ready, with outstretchedarms, to heal
us, save us, protect us, guide us, correctus, and love us. Are we really ready
to receive what He has in store for us? Are we really willing to forgo our will
and follow His will?
It’s easyto saywe are, but it’s another thing to really mean it way down deep
in our hearts.
My prayer for all of us is to embrace this utter and complete willingness to
relinquish our will for the Father’s will. Let us pray to be receptive to the
powerof God to meet all our needs:physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.
And may we have no false trusts in the things of this world.
God is always ready to heal. Are we ready to receive what He is freely giving
Ecclesia67• 7 years ago
Just a quick note...have you ever lookedup the meaning of "beautiful"? The
word in Greek is ὡραῖος (hōraios)means seasonable andtimely...the root
word is ὥρα hōra, which means a time or period, an hour.
What I have come to understand is that this "lame" man had an appointed
time with His healerour Lord Jesus through us the saints (Peter and John).
Knowing that Jesus only did what His father, our ABBA did.
The question that I have meditated on and come to understand is "when does
the Fatherdesire to heal someone orcall a personto Himself?" As the blind
man in the gospels was bornunable to see and neither his parents nor himself
sinned, but was blind for the revealing of the glory of the Lord, there are
appointed seasonand times for which the Lord is glorified!
In other words, we are to go heal the sick, raise the dead and castout demons
with the knowledge ofwhat the Father is doing...atappointed times and
But-dusty • 5 years ago
I was preparing to teach this passage tonightand came upon your post. I
really enjoyed your insights especiallyyour comment about Jesus not healing
everyone in His hometown and the reasons He could not or would not
particularly your comment that if he had " Or they might have become blind
and fanatic followers without understanding the truth of who Jesus was" So
very true, though Jesus healedthe blind He would have shunned gathering to
himself 'blind followers'. Your comment was a realgem with ramifications
that I don't think many of us have considered.
Nehemiah • 5 years ago
It is clearfrom scripture that not everyone gets healed. However, it is also
clearthat not everyone will be saved. However, Psalm103 says "...Praisethe
LORD oh my souland forget not all his benefits - who forgives all our sins
and heals all our diseases..." Thosewho will not be saved will not have their
sins forgiven either. Why? Because theyhave hardened their hearts against
God and refusedto pick up the lifeline he has thrown us in Jesus. Theyare in
absolute unbelief and it is an act of will "Forsince the creationof the world,
God's invisible qualities - his eternal powerand divine nature - have been
clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that man is
without excuse" (Romans 1:18). Unbelief, where God's word is concerned, is
an act of will through failing to either properly study, or believe, God's
testimony about himself, which is why scripture attributes it as sin (Romans
14: 23).
God, the Father, being a "gentleman" has covenantedwith us not to force his
will upon us. As such, whilst we must acknowledge thatHe is omnipotent,
omniscient and omnipresent, he will not invade our lives with his powerunless
he is invited to do so. That invitation, from us to God, comes by way of our
acceptanceofand belief in the one he sent, Jesus Christ. So, before God will
(not can) do anything in our lives we must believe his word, both written (the
Bible) and living (Jesus)and by faith, we are savedand can receive healing.
As I said at the beginning, it is true to saythat not all will be healed, just as it
is true to say not all will be saved(forgiven). But to say that it is ever not
God's will to heal all, is contrary to scripture, just as it would be contrary to
scripture to saythat it is not God's will to save (forgive) all. The statements in
Psalm103 are not differentiated by any tense, grammaticalinfluence or
context and, as such, both are equally true, but both are equally dependent on
our belief (faith) in the one the Father sent to be a propitiation for our sin.
God is the LORD our healer, the LORD our salvation, the LORD our
righteousness etc, etc. these qualities are not just things he does - they are an
intrinsic part of his character, they are who he is. He can't help but love, save,
forgive and heal, but we still have to receive, in faith.
David Brock • 5 years ago
David Brock • 5 years ago • edited
common christian attitude!!!!! i am holier than thou b/c i have yadda yadda
w/ jesus and you obviously have not so you better pray to the holy spirit and
grovelon your knees and repent , otherwise you are surely lost...
YOU THINK GOD CARES ABOUT YOUR common christian attitude!!!!!
David Brock • 6 years ago
nephilim read and weep. god has many that have turned from him including
David Brock • 6 years ago
Numbers 13:33 - And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, [which come]
of the giants:and we were in our ownsight as grasshoppers,and so we were in
their sight.
ananokiwere fallen angels from the planet nibiru when they mated with
human womenthey were giant nephilim with 6 fingers and toes often having a
cone shaped skull.. the nibiru ananuki createdadam and eve from gene
splitting with homo robustus and ananuki dna and eve was createdfrom dna
from adams rib.
Genesis 6:4 - There were giants in the earth in those days; and also afterthat,
when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare
[children] to them, the same [became]mighty men which [were] of old, men of
renown...sonsofgod are ananuki fallen angels getused to it.
Genesis 6:12 - And God lookedupon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt;
for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
the corruption was the fallen angels fornicating with our human females
bringing on non humans who lookedfairly human but were not. the
corruption had nothing to do with a man and a woman, it was 200 or so fallen
angels corrupting our bloodline.
Adam Birtas David Brock • 5 years ago
Sorry bro. There is no mention of them being from a separate planet. And
how can you say they createdAdam and Eve????? You're beyond lostmy
friend and better repent and pray for the holy spirit to guide you in truth.
JonX Adam Birtas • 5 years ago
Lol I wouldn't bother, one can't reasonwith the unreasonable. Waste oftime
and energy.
David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago • edited
laisses faires eachto their own.. you cannot prove me wrong ,they came from
heaven then? who are the watchers? surelyyou have read about nephilim and
the watchers in the bible over 100 times!!!
i am my spirit and i don't need another spirit taking possessionof my body
other than my spirit. " pray for the holy spirit "
jesus is a jew that was crucified by jews. he pissedthem off and they gotrid of
him. he kickedoverthe tax collecting table the jews setup in front of jesus'
jesus is also nephilim ,god came down and impregnated a sinning woman
,mary and made nephilim jesus.
You're beyond lost my friend and better repent!! why you selfrighteous little
punk ass silly boy. your god is a vengeful god that you have to fall down and
repent because youare so sinful and afraid? that is not my god!! yes i think
you are the one that is lostand cannot see.
common christian attitude!!!!! i am holier than thou b/c i have yadda yadda
w/ jesus and you obviously have not so you better pray to the holy spirit and
grovelon your knees and repent , otherwise you are surely lost...
YOU THINK GOD CARES ABOUT YOUR common christian attitude!!!!!
Adam Birtas David Brock • 5 years ago • edited
Jesus is GOD he is the waythe truth and the life! No one comes to the father
but through him! He was God in the flesh. In the beginning was the word, the
word was with God and the word was God, became FLESHand dwelt among
men. You and your false teachings leading people astrayis a lie from the list
of hell. Don't preach things that ARE NOT IN THE BIBLE. If you read or
believe any of the Bible you must use all of it and believe it. I pray in JESUS
MIGHTY NAME that you will be setfree, from you're demonic oppression.
Their is NO eternal life to or anyone who does not acceptthe Eternal gift of
life from Jesus Christ. For the wages ofsin is death! But the gift of God is
eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ!!! The bible warns about FALSE
doctrines as YOU are preaching! Jesus was NOT createdhe is the greatI AM.
"Before Abraham was IAM"! Don't use my Bible to twist and leat people
astraygo use a false book not the living word of God. You try and Claim
Christianinty but deny Jesus Christ??? CHRISTianity. Does that evenmake
sense? No. The beginning of ALL knowledge is the fear of the Lord. I have no
holier than thou attitiude. I CAN PETITION WITH GOD BECAUSE JESUS
CHRIST SET A PATH WAY! I choowe to fall on my knees before the creator
because ofthe greatand total love I have with him in my personal
relationship. Jesus Christ came and took the sIns of the world for ALL!
Whosoeverbelieve in him shall not perish but have everlasting life! Salvation
is freely mine through faith because ofthe ever flowing grace!! And for the
last comment you wrote. Yes Jesus does care about my common Christian life
he loves me since before I was created!I am righteous and holy and coveredin
the blood of Jesus because Ibelieve the He died and Rose onthe third day and
has defeateddeath and sin!
David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago
maybe he didn't rise on the 3rd day maybe when they took him down he
wasn't dead. maybe he lived out his life in Tibet. cashmire says they have his
Adam Birtas David Brock • 5 years ago
Not only is their Biblical proof of the disciples youch I got his flesh and
wounded hands and scars. Buttheir is Historical proof showing Jesus body is
no where to be found.PERIOD
David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago
so now you are telling me that your hands and feetbleed from flesh wounds
from Jesus'nails ? you are totally crazy , you need a shrink.
Adam Birtas David Brock • 5 years ago
It was a typo I said the disciples touched his wounds to see if he had really
David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago
Kashmir says he lived until 100s anddied an old man and they buried his
remains under his abode ,his home in Kashmir. why haven't you good
Christians exhumed the body and dna check his bones??
David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago • edited
yes you are arrogantand selfrighteous all by yourself. the devil loves peeps
like you and he has got you but good. I sayyou are not righteous and you use
religion to punk people around. god will resurrectyou too but you will not be
part of the speciallittle flock ,144,000 thatwill rule with god. you might not
last after the 1000 yearreign of the resurrection, either.
Adam Birtas David Brock • 5 years ago
144,000 is for the tribes of Isriael! Those that convert during the tribulation
Not how many people go to heaven. Once againanother falisy of Jehovah
witness.. you're part of a cult. You thinknow your works will getyou into
heaven?? Your righteousnessis as filthy rags before God. If you live by the
circumcisionyou will be judged by the whole law. All I can do is pray for you
we might as well agree to dissagree. Ican help you only Jesus can.
David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago • edited
so all the dead jews that won't be there for the tribulation the seven years ,
they are totally screwed? the six million that died in the holocausttoo, they
never acceptedjesus ...
live by circumcision? wtf?
Adam Birtas David Brock • 5 years ago
Yes. Jesus promises that everyone will hear the gospelor he will make it know
before they die. That's why he is so patient and hasn't come yet. It's his will
that all will be saved! Yes you obviously are NOT a Jew. Being circumcised
was a way of showing you were one of God's people meaning you were under
the old covenantand had to live to by the law. Now we have what's called the
circumcisionof the heart. Accepting Jesus. If you read your old testamentyou
would know this.
David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago
"Yes you obviously are NOT a Jew", no i am nephilim!!!! ,blued ananockion
both sides and circumcized at birth and wished my mother had never let them
cut my schwaunze !!! but it is too late now ,they threw the foreskinin the
trash can.
you contrive way too much about the so calledimportance of being
circumcized. just shows your sicknessand weaknessas an individual spirit
being. you need your dogma i think otherwise you might become a murderer
or a criminal thug. eat your dogma !!!!
David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago
the little flock are god's chosen, he will choose his 144000 to rule with him.
believe me you will not be chosen. many of the 144k have already been chosen,
are waiting in sheol, the grave, the first hell.
j witness have excommunicatedus after Pasteurrusseldied and they have
branched from us and they have ,like you, perverted the truth and createda
moneymaking organization.
I will not pray for you. you know your faith is weak that is why you are here.
Adam Birtas David Brock • 5 years ago • edited
False. Once againI know your supposed bible better than you. I will continue
to pray for you. My faith is strong and abounding. I'm here to callyou out!
The false teachers JesusChris is the truth. Once againI am not religious Jesus
Christ was crucifiedby the religious. I know my bible which includes what
you read better than you! You claim the old testament yet. Say Nephilim are
from another planet and they createdAdam and eve??? You don't even
believe your own Bible!!! Genesis says nothing about being createdby anyone
else. Only God the Father!
David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago
The false teachers JesusChris is the truth. Once againI am not religious Jesus
Christ was crucifiedby the religious.
and if we are not willing to acceptjesus then we can't be with god? what a
crock!! fear fearfear!
what if you are wrong and jesus survived the cross andshowedhis disciples
and then was spirited away to kashmir where he used to live early on and
where he learned from the monks there earlier in life and where he died at
120yrs old.
maybe he went to south of france with mary magdalena!!
faith is not science faithis not truth,faith is just believing ,beliefs are not facts,
it has been proven that evil forces have written things that are not factin to
the bible.
lets see you have to suck up to the holy spirit in order to even believe?!
The false teachers JesusChris is the truth. Once againI am not religious Jesus
Christ was crucifiedby the religious.
David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago • edited
wait you have 3 gods ,1.holyspirit 2.jesus 3.godthe father,
i only have one you are way confused. jews only have one god , god createdthe
world and the underworld ,satan,gabriel,fallenangels,200ofthem, and the
unfallen angels, and the hominid,homo robustus, and the fallen ones ,the
watchers gene splicedhomo robustus with their dna gene splicing and created
adam and eve under god's direction ,made adam and took from adams rib
and made eve.
then when they were done they decided to mate with women genesis 6 1thru4 know genesis right in the beginning of the bible right? god creatednibiru
and all the beings that inhabit zeta reticuli and nibiru ,mars lost its
atmosphere so those beings are here too.
can't you expand your consciousness justa little bit here. you are a fool if you
think you are the all to end all don't you think?
the watchers helpedbuild the arc noah's arc.. go watchthe movie noe 2014. it
is in theatres. get updated . you sound like a broken record.
David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago
even hitler will be resurrected.. even humans give three strikes before you are
out.. look at baseball!! this life is strike one. read your bible more and you will
find out. all you are doing is spreading unfounded dogma meant to scare the
weak. you have not bothered to seek the truth for yourself even. go to the
dawn bible students on the internet, the religionis calledThe Truth!! like I
said before, your god is not my god ,your god is a vengeful disrespectful god, a
fear basedgod, my god is an all loving god. quit spewing your poison and
listen up otherwise you will staya pseudoChristian punkthug. the devil loves
the wayyou are. remember the KKK are professedChristians too while they
are burning so calleddevil black men on crosses.
Adam Birtas David Brock • 5 years ago • edited
Dude you're missing the point. COMPLETELY!There is a physical death
and a spiritual death. Hitler will be resurrectedyou're correct. All the dead
will and the secondcoming of Jesus. He will judge who is found I the book of
life for accepting his free gift and believin in him. And those who didn't and
denied him will burn with satanand any other non believer. KKK called
themselves Christians but had no traits of a true believerfilled with the holy
spirit. Religious people will also burn because mostput their owe doings
works and deeds above relying on what Jesus came and did. Of you do that
you will be judged by the whole law! We all sin and fall short! ALL. I have no
Religion. Religions claimChrist yet act unaccordingly. Jesus setme free. His
burden is light and his yoke is easy. WHO THE SON SETS FREE IS FREE
INDEED!! And this so calledTruth you find has is another falsehoodfound
on YouTube. God guides me and dwells in me I've seenhealing in Jesus name
demonic spirits leave in JESUS NAME! He is alive and has ALL power. He is
the same today yesterdayand forevermore. Readthe bible and find the truth
there is no! Condemnation for those who believe and I promise once you
accepthim he will move in your life I'm ways you've never thought and you
will feelthe peace ofGOD. He is Love! You have to read and understand the
bible before you judge. Accept him and test this all out if you don't believe he
loves you as much as he loves me or any other sinner. I'm setfree because I
have faith not because I label my self a Christian!
David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago • edited
spiritual death there is no spiritual death. a spirit cannot die. that is like
saying godcan die. spirits canonly be degraded, they shrink when degraded,
they loose their power.. you are a degraded spirit trying to boss everyone into
your fear dogma..youare a fear mongerer .. i am an enlightener,teacher. fear
workedfor many generations but in the end it does not work. all religions will
fall and the truth will be unleashed.THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND
EVIL !! i am one of the many unleashers. you are like watching the 3 stooges
!!! old !! grow up spirit ,expand your consciousness. allyou pontificate is a
fear basedrelic of a religion. this is a new dawn, a new age , the age of
aquarius!! everything is significantand the bible has been shot full of garbage
fear mongers because they gotpower from scaring people half to deaTH.
YOU CAN COME UP WITH. if you didn't join the church of england in the
1700s itwas the towerof london and off with your head or go to the new land
plymouth rock remember? this is how my ancestorsgothere.
then they branched out with 100 more so calledchristian religions and started
calling womenwitches and burning them at the stake. they burned their own
congregation. then started speaking in tongues , and judging those who don't
as demonic, and vice versa!!. look at your history.
you in particular you lie and say that you exorcizeddemons out of people!
what a crock o chit!!!wtf !! you are one of the sickestindividuals i have ever
met. can you prove scientificallythat you have exorcizeddemons? no way.
but you are very proud to tell everybody this. you have no credibility what so
ever. you sir are a rotter a dispicable rotter and religions get these weak
spirits .. they cling to the fear because they know there is power there and they
want that power.
David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago • edited
you are a tri theist, a holyroller, you probably speak in tongues too. you fear
god, jesus , and the holy spirit. you are way to busy condemning and speak
way too much of judgement. when you messedin your diaper were you judged
for that to? did you do a goodjob of that or were you punished b/c a little
squirted out on the floor? like I said my god is not your god!!! my godis an all
loving god and could carelessaboutjudging any spirit plus body.
I am a monothiest,thou shall have no other godbefore me other than me.
jesus was the son of god and of a mortal sinning woman.
your antics put down the jewishfaith.
no respectful jew accepts jesus as the messiah, and you profess to be a
oh you mean you don't read the old testament either?
lets see you don't read the new testament nor the old testament..
believing is not knowing is it. you have blind faith. eatyour dogma instead of
cracking the book.
Adam Birtas David Brock • 5 years ago
Psalms 22:16 Genesis 3:15 Micah5:2 Isaiah7:14 Genesis 12:3 Genesis 22:18
Genesis 22:12 Genesis17:19 numbers 24:17 Genesis 49:10 2 Samuel 7:12-13...I
have 30 other all with the fulfillment in the new testament. Jesus is God the
Father came in the flesh to die for your sins. The old testamentprophecies of
the messiahhave been fulfilled. Truly search. You don't follow the God of the
old testament. He who has not the sonhath Noth the Father. If you'd like I
will post ALL of the scriptures from the old testament and show you the
fulfillment in the new.
David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago • edited
what about the time line of mankind ?,
the jews will never acceptjesus as their savior, never, so they will be left out in
the coldor go to satans hell? the jews are god's chosenpeople according to the
you do not have to acceptjesus at all to be savedor resurrected, you have
been lied to. you actually believe in all that is written? scofieldtoo? pre trib
jews laugh at you !!! and they are god's chosenpeople!! if jesus came around
them againthey would in fact crucify him again, if they gotthe chance. they
would get the government to do it, as with the romans.
this is why you need the dawn bible students the truth!!!
Adam Birtas David Brock • 5 years ago
Anyone who doesn't acceptJesus willdie and burn..but salvationis open to
all! I'm no more specialthan you nor am I loved more..andyes Jews willthe
144k you keeptalking about is how many jets will acceptJesus during the 7
years of tribulation. Becausethey will see the rapture happen and see the
prophecies being fulfilled as they have been until now. We are in the lastdays.
Come Lord Jesus!
David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago
they have been saying we are in the last days in the 1950sand 1960sand
1970s,1980s,1990s,2000s,2010s.. we are not even close... we have to rape the
whore of bagdad Iraq,babel, kings of powerall over the world have to lay
with her and drink from her trough and be drunken in her riches I figure at
leastanother 100 years ...atleast, you will be dead by then and so will I.
book of revelations she sits in her red and purple gownon the multiheaded
beastfornicating with the rulers of the earth drinking her riches from her
poisonous chalice. then when her wealthhas collapsedthen it will come
quickly. we haven't even tapped her wealth yet. 100yrs of sucking through the
straw of her chalice first.
David Brock • 6 years ago
nephilim are the kids of fallen angels and human women. they are not human
.nephilim are mentioned over 160 times in the holy bible and you ask stupid
questions like this? obviously you are like every other american,just eatyour
dogma.ddo some dd bro.!!
David Brock • 6 years ago
James Early Mod David Brock • 6 years ago
David, Who is the nephilim boy you refer to? And where in the Bible do you
get the name of the fallen angel? Was Jesus'missionjust to save the seedof
Abraham? Jesus saidto go to all nations, not just the children of Israel, and
preach the Gospel.
David Brock James Early• 5 years ago
Happy Energy• 7 years ago
Wonderful article - made me think 'be receptive' - not just knowing, praying
and doing our highest right but 'be receptive' - listen for guidance with that
humble heart, 'not my will but thine be done' - thank you i needed this today
for something tomorrow. 'Be receptive'
Amy Duncan • 7 years ago
Very interesting! I agree with the "receptivity" idea. If we think in terms of
eternal life, of course everyone will be healedeventually -- it's inevitable. But
how long that takes I think depends to a greatdegree on our receptivity, or as
Eddy puts it, "the tenacity of error" determined how long it will continue.
This doesn't mean, of course, that error has realpower -- it's just to the
degree that we seemto believe in and acceptits powerand reality.
3 Miracles Jesus Didn’t Do
In the Bible, Jesus performed a lot of miracles. He healedpeople. He had
powerover nature. He even overcame death. But what about the miracles he
didn’t do? Here are three instances in the Bible where Jesus chosenot to do
the miraculous wonders he was knownfor:
1. A miracle without faith
In Mark 6 (and Matthew 13), Jesus returns to Nazareth, his hometown. These
people knew Jesus before he startedhis ministry.
And on the Sabbath he began to teachin the synagogue, andmany who heard
him were astonished, saying, “Where did this man getthese things? What is
the wisdomgiven to him? How are such mighty works done by his hands? Is
not this the carpenter, the sonof Mary and brother of James and Josesand
Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?” And they took
offense at him (Mark 6:2–3).
Two verses later: “And he could do no mighty work there, exceptthat he laid
his hands on a few sick people and healed them” (Mark 6:5). The NLT says,
“And because oftheir unbelief, he couldn’t do any miracles among them
exceptto place his hands on a few sick people and heal them.”
While the NIV says Jesus couldn’t do miracles in Nazareth, this isn’t
suggesting that faith is some sort of fuel for miracles, and Jesus was running
on empty. Mostlikely, the lack of faith meant that people didn’t ask Jesus to
help them—orelse, because oftheir lack of faith, Jesus chose notto. The
bottom line is, there was no faith, so in this instance, he didn’t.
2. A “signfrom heaven”
After Jesus feeds the 4,000 in Decapolis,he and his disciples getinto a boat
and head to Dalmanutha.
The Pharisees came andbegan to argue with him, seeking from him a sign
from heaven to test him. And he sighed deeply in his spirit and said, “Why
does this generationseek a sign? Truly, I say to you, no sign will be given to
this generation.” And he left them, got into the boat again, and went to the
other side (Mark 8:11–13).
Miracles are not for our entertainment. They are not a prerequisite for faith.
If all of creationtestifies about its creator(Romans 1:20, Psalm19:1), why
should he have to give us a personal signfrom heaven on top of that? If you
ask God for a sign from heaven like the Pharisees,chancesare you’ll be
disappointed like the Pharisees.
3. A miracle that contradicted God’s plan
As Jesus hung on the Cross, his divinity was mocked. Again, people wanted to
see a signfrom heaven, and their requests for a miracle emergedfrom a
severe lack of faith—theydid not believe Jesus was who he said he was, and
they would not believe him unless the God of the universe did what they
asked, right then and there. As he hung there dying, Jesus, who was fully God,
could have come down from that cross. Fully man, Jesus may have even been
tempted by the prospect(Hebrews 2:18). But he didn’t come down.
And those who passedby derided him, wagging their heads and saying, “Aha!
You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself,
and come down from the cross!” So also the chief priests with the scribes
mockedhim to one another, saying, “He saved others;he cannotsave himself.
Let the Christ, the King of Israel, come down now from the cross that we may
see and believe” (Mark 15:29–32).
Jesus didn’t come down because the Cross had a purpose. The miracle of his
survival would have undermined the greatermiracle of his resurrection.
It’s easyto think about the miracles that Jesus did do. In brief interactions, he
radically altered people’s lives. But his ways are higher (Isaiah 55:8–9), and
because ofthat, the miracles Jesus didn’t do are equally important in helping
us understand the inexplicable.
When God says No
Steven P. Wickstrom
Have you ever prayed to God and had him answeryou by saying “No?” It is
disappointing isn't it? Sometimes we do not even know how to dealwith that
answer, especiallywhen it concerns the life of someone who close to us, or a
family member. I have noticed that when God gives me a “No” answer, he
usually does not explain why he answeredin that way. That tends to make it
even more difficult for me to accept. Godseems to expectme to acceptthe
answerand move on with my life. The problem is that I often do not want to
acceptthat answerand I do not want to move on until I getan answerthat I
want to hear. Perhaps you respond the same that I do. Let me tell you a true
I was on a CoastGuard Cutter in the Bering Sea in the middle of February
and the weatherhad been terrible for weeks. The relentless storms had driven
the waves to around twenty-five feet in height and the snow was coming down
horizontally. Being on a ship in twenty-five footseas canbe absolutely
uncomfortable. It was so cold that the salt watersea spray was freezing into
ice sheets as it coveredthe ship. Every morning we had to go out and the beat
the ice off the ship that had accumulatedduring the night. We didn't want the
ship to become top heavy due to the weight of the ice because a top heavy ship
will tip over and sink. It was King Crab seasonand we were watching over the
crab fleet like a shepherd watches his sheep.
The ice flow had flowedsouth of the Artic Circle and was now pushing its way
into the crab grounds. The harsh weatherwas taking its toll on the crab fleet.
The men on a typical crab boat work twenty-hours a day releasing and pulling
up their crab pots. They also had to beat the ice off their boats and that took
time awayfrom catching crabs. Since crab seasonthat year only lastedabout
four weeks,time was money. One of the boats, the “Crab Getter” (I chose not
to use the boats actualname) had been neglecting the ice buildup on its mast
and superstructure and was becoming top heavy. No one realizedthere was a
problem until it was too late.
We receiveda Mayday callwhen another vesselrealizedthe “Crab Getter”
had suddenly vanished. We were only about twenty miles awaybut the twenty
plus foot seas anddriving winds reduced our maximum speed. We launched
our helicopter(quite a trick in twenty-foot seas)to look for survivors because
it would take us about fifty minutes to traverse those twenty miles. I knew that
the odds of those men surviving were slim to non-existent, so I interceded for
their lives. A human canonly survive for about five minutes in freezing water
so these men needed God to intervene if they were to survive.
Almost as soonas I started praying, God answered. He said “No.” I was
stunned. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. God knew that those men
were still alive, in a desperate but losing battle to keepfrom freezing to death
or drowning. Why wouldn't God want to save these men? Why wouldn't he
want to receive the glory for such a miraculous intervention? I didn't
understand. I arguedwith God, I pleaded with him, but he ignored me. A few
minutes later he informed me that they were all dead.
I wept for the widows who did not yet know that their husbands were not
coming home. I wept for the children who no longer had a daddy. I wept for
the families that were no longercomplete. I sensedthat God also wept, but I
still didn't understand. If was God was also mourning over the deaths of the
men, why did He sayno to my prayer?
When we goton scene, we found the “Crab Getter;” it had completely
overturned and all that was visible was the bottom of its hull. We searchedthe
debris for bodies and found only one. Of the five-man crew, only one would go
home to be buried. I stoodoutside in the driving snow and watched the “Crab
Getter” sink beneath the waves. Fora CoastGuardsman, nothing is more
depressing than watching a doomed vesselsink. It makes us feel like we have
failed at our job. With tears freezing to my cheeks, I went back inside to
warmth of my ship.
I had questions, lots of questions. Why did God say no? Why does God not
explain himself when he says no? Is it because I don't need to know the
answer? Is it because He is God and I am not and He doesn't have to explain
anything to me? Is it because His reasons and purposes are part of a plan that
I cannot comprehend?
Sometimes I really don't think I want the answers to those questions. I'm not
sure if I'm spiritually mature enough to deal with the answers to those
questions. We have all had well meaning Christians without a clue, pat us on
the back and give us a “Christianese”answerthat didn't help one little bit. I
know they mean well, but I'd rather not have their help or their advice. They
don't know the answers either. If you have ever losta loved one, or someone
close to you, you know what I mean.
Did you know that Godansweredone of Jesus'prayers by saying no? In the
garden of Gethsemane, with the cross looming before him, Jesus askedif the
cup could be taken awayfrom him. He even askedtwice!He knew that God's
answerwas no, so he submitted to the will of God. Submitting to the will of
God is not always easyfor me, in fact sometimes it is downright difficult.
Knowing that Jesus could go on after his prayer was answeredwith a “no,”
gives me some comfort. My salvationis a result of God's saying no, and Jesus
submitting to the will of Godand going to the cross.
Ultimately I know that God is completely in control. Why did God allow those
five men on the “CrabGetter” to die? I don't know. I probably won't have an
answeruntil I getto heaven. At that time it will all make sense. Does that
make it any easier? No, notreally. I simply choose to lean into the arms of my
heavenly Father and trust his decisions and judgments. Since I know that God
is in control, I must allow him to be in controlof my life. I may not like it
when he says no to me, but I must trust him.
I have only been able to come up with one answerfor what to do when God
says no. It comes in understanding this; everything God does, he does to make
us more dependent upon him. When God says no to you, pray that he will use
the situation to bring you closerhim. This answermay or may not work for
you. I pray that it does, but if it doesn't, I hope you're one step closerto an
answer. Godalways reserves the right to sayno to our prayers. What we do
with that answerwill either draw us closerto God, or push us away. May we
always use the “No's” to pull us closerto God.
Jesus Says No!
Contributed by Ken Durham on Jul 11, 2005
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Scripture: Isaiah53:4-7
Summary: There were times evenJesus said"No"andso shouldwe!
Isaiah53: 4~7
Radio conversationonce heard at sea:
First Voice: “Change course 15 degreesto the north to avoid a collision.”
SecondVoice:“Recommendyou change course 15 degreessouthto avoid
First Voice: “This is the Captain of a US Navy vessel. I repeat again, change
your course.”
SecondVoice:No, I repeat, you change your course”.
First Voice: “This is the Aircraft CarrierEnterprise, we are a large warship
of the United States Navy. Change your course NOW.”
SecondVoice:“This is a Lighthouse.”
1. Introduction:
Sometimes we just have to say no! However we so often feelto be a nice
person always means having to sayyes to everyone and everything. How often
do we feelguilty when we say no to someone? Butwe have to think about why
we find this so hard. Are we saying yes because:
· We just can’t say no!
· We want people to think wellof us?
· We don’t want to let anyone down?
· Or we think being a Christian means saying yes?
Lets fix our eyes on Jesus and look at the times He actually said“No”!
2. Jesus Says “No”to the Enemy
In Matthew 4: 1~11 we see Jesus saying a very clear“No” to the enemy when
He was being tempted in the desert.
· Jesus said“No” to turning stones into bread to feed His hunger.
· He said “No” to putting God to the test.
· He said “No” to gaining the world He so loved the easyway.
Jesus had been led by the Spirit into the desert to prepare for His purpose for
mankind and had setout on a time of prayer and fasting. Satanknowing this
tried to tempt Jesus into breaking up this time of purification. If you make a
determined effort to follow the Lord taking new steps of commitment and
discipleship don’t be surprised when the enemy tries to tempt you too. You
are going to have to learn to say“No”!
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Do you notice how Jesus said “No” using scriptures? If the enemy is tempting
you scripture is a very powerful weaponto use in your defence. When you are
in trouble learn to discern the word the Holy Sprit is quickening into your
mind. You then need to respond by speaking the word given to you,
preferably out loud. For example if you are feeling fearful, shout out “Perfect
love drives out fear”. Feeling weak in a continual area of sin? Boldly claim, “I
can do everything through Him who gives me strength”.
When a friend was being attackedand felt oppressedby the enemy she rushed
out to be alone in the utility room, opened the deep freezerand shouted into it
for the enemy to go and leave in Jesus’name. It was the only place she could
go so no one would hear her! Learn to say“No” using scripture!
3. Jesus says “No”to Man’s Agenda and Timetable
Only God’s Missionand Timing. Jesus was notwilling to follow man’s agenda
and timetable. He was only on God’s mission and timing. John 6: 14~15 tells
us that when the crowdsaw the miracles He did, Jesus knew they intended to
come and make Him King by force. Have people got plans for you, which are
not what God wants for you? Wait on God for His perfect plan for your life ~
don’t just follow the crowd. You need to know how to say“No”.
“No” to Pleasing the Crowd. In Matthew 12:38~39 and16: 1~4 Jesus said
“No” to giving a miraculous sign to the disbelieving leaders saying “But none
will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah”. He was not willing to
perform for the crowds. Norshould we!
“No” to Pleasing His family. Jesus was not willing to stop His mission to please
His family. Mark 3:21 indicates His family came to take charge ofHim as they
thought He was mad. When they arrived He didn’t respond to their plans for
Him. He said “Whoever does God’s will is my brother, sisterand mother”.
It’s hard to say “No” to those who love us and think they know what’s best for
us. We have to step out in faith and be obedient to God’s call on our lives.
Sadly, a friend who left a well-paid job with excellentcareerprospects to take
a risky venture in full time ministry facedthe most oppositionfrom his
immediate Christian family. Not for nothing did Jesus warnus that a man’s
enemies are from his own household. No one is saying it’s easy. But we must
follow Jesus.
My Time has not yet Come. Jesus says “No”to His mothers timetable telling
her in John 2: 4 “My time has not yet come”. Yet He did help ~ abundantly!
Turning gallons of waterinto wine. So maybe we have a “No” and a “Yes”!
Not for you to know! Jesus says “No”to the disciples wanting to know the
timetable! When askedif it was time to restore the kingdom of IsraelHe said
it was not for them to know the times and dates (Acts 1:7). He refused to give
them a timetable ~ instead He gave them a mission! “You will be my
witnesses,” (Acts 1:8) He told them.
Not Our Business!
In Luke 12:13~14Jesus refusedto get involved in a dispute over an
inheritance issue. “Teacher, tellmy brother to divide the inheritance with
me”. I think there are some situations that we too should be reluctant to be
involved in ~ but we still find it so difficult to say “No”. We needto seek God’s
guidance and only be doing the things that please Him. Lets not get
sidetracked, but make it our goalto follow Him. As 2 Timothy 2:4 clearlysays
“No one serving as a soldiergets involved in civilian affairs ~ he wants to
please his commanding officer”.
4. Jesus says “No”to us!
He has better plans for us. In Mark 5:18~19 Jesus said“No” to the demon
possessedman He had healed, even though the man beggedto go with Jesus.
“Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your family and tell them how
much the Lord has done for you””. You see Jesus says “No”to us when He
has something better in mind for us to do for Him. As the people in that area
had pleaded with Jesus to go, this man would be the only person who could
tell and show them what the Lord had done. Sometimes Jesus canask us to
stay where we are even though it’s the hardest thing for us to do.
Testing our faith. In Matthew 15:23 we read, “Jesus did not answera word”
testing the faith of the Canaanite womanwho came to Him for help. Yet the
sheerpersistence ofher faith was answered. “Woman, youhave great faith!
Your request is granted”. Sometimes we have to pray and wait and keep
praying and waiting for God to move in someone’s life or even in our own
situation before we see an answerto our petitions. As with the parable of the
persistentwidow in Luke 18 although the Judge refused her plea for justice
she just kept on and on! And so should we!
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5. The Most Difficult “No’s” Anyone has Ever had to Say
“No” to turning awayfrom the cross. Jesusknowing whatlay aheadsaid
“No” to running away from the cross. In Matthew 16:21~23 Peterthinking he
knew best (!) tried to persuade the Lord to turn awayfrom His mission to
suffer and die. “Peter took Him aside and beganto rebuke him, “Never
Lord!” he said, “This shall never happen to you!” Are people trying to get you
to turn awayfrom God’s plan for your life, or are you mistakenly trying to
turn a loved one awayfrom a difficult path God has led them to take? Our
Lord turned and saidto Peter“Getbehind me, Satan!You are a stumbling
block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of
men.” Lets say“No” with Jesus and follow Him whateverthe costand
Jesus refusedto answerthose who falsely accusedHim.
He was so secure in the Father’s love and mission not to have to answerthose
who falselyaccusedHim. As we look at the gospels we see the prophecy made
about Him in Isaiah53:7 fulfilled: “He was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheepbefore her shearers is silent, so He did not open His mouth”.
He only confirmed Who He was;The Christ, the Son of God and the King of
the Jews.
“No” to His own will and “Yes” to the Father… even to His death on the
Cross. “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but
Yours be done”. (Luke 22:42). He refused to come down from the cross even
when they taunted Him with:
“Save yourself! Come down from the cross, if You are the Sonof God!” (Matt
“He savedothers” they said “But He can’t save Himself” (Matt 27:42)
“Let Him come down now from the cross, andwe will believe in Him.” (Matt
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Praise Godthat Jesus said“No”!Forme. Foryou.
Jesus did say“No” ~ and on occasions so must we! However, scripture warns
us not to say never to say “No” to Jesus:“See to it that you do not refuse Him
Who speaks. (Heb:12:25), and “Yet you refuse to come to Me to have life.”
(John 5:40)
Maybe God is calling you right now to make that ultimate life changing
decisionto follow Him. Well I can promise you there is something Jesus will
never, ever say“No” to: “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise castout”.
(John 6:37 KJV)
When God Says “No”
Dealing with Disappointment
Article by MaryLynn Johnson
I will never forgetthe moment when I knew God had answered“no” to
something I really wanted.
He seemedto whisper this answerinto my heart to help me realize I had spent
too much time holding onto something I was not meant to have. After months
of presenting my request, he gently told me to let it go.
At first, I didn’t realize his plans were better than my own. Moments of
heartache and (seemingly) empty hands, left me wondering why he would take
awaythis opportunity I desired so much. I wrongfully believed that if he
wouldn’t give me what I wanted, he must not have understood how important
it was to me. It seemedlike he was needlesslywithholding, not giving
abundantly like I thought he should.
Permissionto Grieve
When we are forced to let go of something we really long for — whether it’s
takenaway, or it seems it will never be given — grief is a natural response.
The weightof disappointment is crushing. It can be overwhelming and take
time to process.
“Godknows better than we do, and his ‘no’ is always merciful, evenwhen it
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It’s not wrong to experience disappointment when life does not unfold the way
we hope. If we do not give ourselves permissionto grieve, we inadvertently
believe that God is more concernedwith us immediately feeling better, rather
than working through the hurt to bring real transformation to our heart. We
lose sight of the invitation he has given us to place our struggles athis feet.
He is not afraid of the pain we feel. His sovereigntyis not dependent on our
emotions. He will not try to invalidate our hurt with quick and temporary
fixes. We are free to express a sense oflack and sorrow in the moment. He lets
us feel the void so that he might satisfy us with himself. He wants to draw
Finding His Love in Our Lament
The panic I felt over being led in a different direction gave a clearpicture of
the state of my heart. I was more concernedwith not getting what I wanted
than seeing where God wanted me.
Disappointment often reveals what captures our affections. Eventhough the
disappointment is not always wrong, it does give us a gauge that shows us
where we have invested our hope. Lamenting through our discontentment
forces us to carry those desires back to God — even if just to question why he
hasn’tgiven these things to us. It sheds light on the idols we have createdin
our lives. Through the grief, we dig up our biggestfrustrations and unleash
our rawestemotions. Griefgraciouslydraws us in to wrestle with God in
every wound and disappointment.
“I was more concernedwith not getting what I wantedthan seeing where the
Lord wanted me.”
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The purpose of lament is not merely to vent our distress (which leaves us in
despair), but to bring our attention back to God’s promises and the hope we
have in Christ. He promises that he hears us when we call(Matthew 7:7). He
promises to be near to us (Psalm 34:18). He promises to be faithful
(Deuteronomy 31:6). He promises that this hurt will end (Revelation21:4). He
promises that when we seek him, he will transform our hearts to desire more
of him (Psalm 37:4). He will not leave us in the misery of our disappointment,
because he has not finished the work he startedin us (Philippians 1:6). He will
assure us of his love as we invite him into the struggle we feel.
His BestCanBe Painful
C.S. Lewis once wrote, “We are not necessarilydoubting that God will do the
best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.”
Redirectionforces something out of our hands we had hoped to keep.
Through that, we begin to realize God’s plan for our life does not equate to the
easyor comfortable road; but he is working all things together, eventhis
disappointed, for our good(Romans 8:28).
God always has our ultimate goodin mind, which means he will pry the idols
from our hands. He does this not because he is cruel or depriving us. He
knows better than we do, and his “no” is always merciful, even when it hurts.
He is for us, fighting againstwhat will keepus from him (Romans 8:31). He
knows our hearts canonly be truly satisfiedwith himself (John 4:14). He will
not tolerate being secondin our lives, because he wants us to have something
so much better than what the world can offer.
“WhenGod takes something away, he creates spacein our lives for more of
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When God takes something away, he creates space inour lives to fill us with
more of him and his blessings. Thatis the greatestgift of all. It may not feel
like it in the moments where we are forced to reconcile disappointment, but he
wants to help us understand it is true. He wants us to experience for ourselves
— to taste and see, and know that he is good(Psalm34:8).
Disappointment may be part of living in this world, as we struggle to let go of
our earthly desires and open our hearts to receive the good things God wants
to give us. But if we are in Christ, our struggle with disappointment is only
temporary. The promises of God, and the joy we experience as we realize
them, are eternal.
MaryLynn Johnson(@MaryLynnJohnson) is a writer and bloggerwith a
heart for ministry and using words to encourage others. Keepup with her at
Letting Go of Why.
Billy Graham’s My Answer: Why Does GodSometimes Say No?
By Billy Graham • April 28, 2015
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Billy Graham’s My Answer: Why Does GodSometimes Say No?
I know God sometimes says no when we ask for something in our prayers. But
if He really loved us, wouldn’t He always answerour prayers with a yes?
Let me assure you that God does love us, and preciselybecause He loves us,
He sometimes says “No” to what we request in our prayers.
Let me explain it this way. Elsewhere in your letter, you mention that you and
your husband have two children. Do you give them everything they ask for?
Or if they want to do something you know is dangerous, do you let them do it
anyway? No, of course not. and the reasonis because you love them and don’t
want anything bad to happen to them. Part of your responsibility as a parent
is to protect your children from harm even if it sometimes means saying “No”.
In a much greaterway, God loves us and knows what is best for us — far
more than we do. And because He wants to keepus from harm, He sometimes
says “No.” As I look back over my life, I know God sometimes said “No” to
things I askedHim to do, and to be honest, I often was disappointed. But later
I realized God knew what He was doing, and by saying “No” He had kept me
from harm.
Prayer is one of our greatestprivileges, and it’s possible because Jesus Christ
has openedheaven’s doorfor us through His death and resurrection. But
prayer isn’tjust asking God to do anything we want. Beginby committing
your life to Christ. Then make it your goalto seek His will in your prayers.
The Bible says, “If we ask anything according to his will…. we have what we
askedof him” (1 John 5:14-15).
When God Says No: Reasonsfor UnansweredPrayer
Article contributed by Probe Ministries
Visit Probe's website
1. Sin in our lives.
Confess and repent!
The psalmist wrote, "If I had cherished sin in my heart, the LORD would not
have listened" (Ps. 66:18). Notthat God is unable to hear, for He is

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Sawwaf Calendar, 2024
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Sawwaf Calendar, 2024
St. Louise de Marillac: Animator of the Confraternities of Charity
St. Louise de Marillac: Animator of the Confraternities of CharitySt. Louise de Marillac: Animator of the Confraternities of Charity
St. Louise de Marillac: Animator of the Confraternities of Charity


  • 1. JESUS WAS ABLE TO SAY NO EDITED BY GLENN PEASE 1 To the weary and sin-bound who sought for His aid Did Jesus eversay no? And to those who desired Him and earnestly prayed Did Jesus eversay no? Refrain: No, no, a thousand times no, Jesus will never say no; To those turning from sin, inviting Him in, Jesus will never say no. 2 To a heart filled with grief on account of its sin Did Jesus eversay no? And to one who’s repentant and trusteth in Him Would Jesus eversay no? [Refrain] 3 To the soul who has called on his Lord to abide Did Jesus eversay no? Or to those who have sought Him when tempted and tried, Did Jesus eversay no? [Refrain] 4 To the blind and the lame, and to those with disease Does Jesus eversay no? To all praying in faith He will give sweet release, For Jesus cannot say no. [Refrain]
  • 2. Author: A. Raymond Hand I LOVE THE POETRY, AND BASICALLY IT IS TRUE, BUT THE BIBLE SAYS THAT JESUS WAS ABLE TO SAY NO. Did Jesus eversay, "no?"? I was just reading the New Testament about some of the miracles the Jesus performed. I noticed that a lot of the time when He healed someone, it was after they askedHim to. This may be an ignorant question. But was there evera time when He refused? Favorite Answer The only time he refused to do a miracle was if an unbeliever (see Pharisees, Saducees and Scribes and the unbelievers in his hometown) askedhim to perform a sign. Then he would rebuke them. See: Matthew 12: 38-39, Matthew 16: 1-4, Mark 8: 11-12, Mark 6: 1-6 (He didn't do any miracles because "he marveled at their unbelief" because he grew up there and they did not believe in him) He told Lucifer no several times. But, from all of my readings the only time Jesus refused to heal was when people demanded a sign. To the true seekerand the unlucky pawn Jesus always healed. well, when the pharasees askedJesus to show a miracle, He refused because He knew that they weren't really wanting the see a miracle. He had already showed them plenty of miracles, but they had still refuse to believe. It wouldn't matter how many miracles Jesus showed them, they would still continue to ask for more because they didn't want to believe that He was God. he initially refused the samaritan woman at the well, but he then granted her wish. i'm not sure if there are any examples of Jesus refusing to heal or help someone. oh, actually yes. when the pharisees demanded a miracle so they would believe, he refused, because their motives were wrong.
  • 3. Matthew 12 38Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law said to him, "Teacher, we want to see a miraculous sign from you." 39He answered, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah... A TEMPORARY NO Yes. According to Mark chapter 7, a Gentile woman askedhim to help her daughter. Jesus refused, calling Gentiles 'dogs' but relented and agreed to help the woman when she humbly accepted that description. Just Say No Fr. JosephK. Horn 8 February 1998 St Barbara’s Parish Santa Ana, California Do you ever have trouble saying “no” to people? I don’t mean the way a spoiled child says “no”:Can I play with your toy? NYO! It’s MINE! Nor do I mean the way an angry parent says “no”:May I be excusedfrom the table? NO! Just sit there and be quiet! It’s easyto say “no” like that; you just bark it. But we often confuse being a Christian with being a yes-man, with pleasing everybody all the time.
  • 4. For example, in the first reading today, we hear God saying, “Will anybody volunteer?” and Isaiahreplies, “Yes!Here I am, Lord! Send me!” And so we get the mistakennotion that we should always say“yes” to every request. So I started to wonder: did Jesus eversay “no” to anybody? To find out, I lookedthrough all four Gospels, andfound something surprising. Jesus said “no” many times. Of course, he said “no” to the devil three times when he was tempted in the desert. But he also said “no” to people around him. He said “no” to ordinary human requests. “Letme bury my father before I follow you.” No; let the dead bury their dead. “Tellmy sister to help me with the housework.” No;she has chosenthe better part. “Tellmy brother to be fair with me about our inheritance.” No. “Stay in our town a little longer.” No. And to the Geresene demoniac who said, “Let me follow you,” Jesus said: No, give witness to your people. Jesus evensaid “no” to close and loving friends. “Give my sons a special privileged place next to you.” No. “Stoptalking about your death like that.” A very strong No to Peter: Getthee behind me, Satan! “Tellus when the last things will occur.” No;it’s not for you to know. “Calldown fire from heaven to destroy these Samaritans who have rejectedyou.” A very strong No! Jesus evensaid “no” to the demands of the crowds. “Work a sign for us right here and now.” No. “Do here in your own town the things we heard you did over in Capernaum.” No. “Give us today the bread that you gave us yesterday.” No;I’ll give you bread from heaven. “Oh, who wants bread from heaven? Give us the bread you gave us yesterday!” No. And Jesus evensaid no to many common-sense, law-and-orderkinds of requests. “Sendthis crowdaway; they’re getting hungry.” No; you feed them. “Keepthis crowd quiet.” No; the very rocks would cry out. “Make your followers fastlike those of John the Baptist.” No;there’ll be plenty of time for fasting later, but not while the bridegroom is with them. “Surely you have some answerto these accusations againstyou.” No. My goodfriends, we should take Jesus’example and say “no” whenever someone orsomething would distractus from God’s loving and saving will. It
  • 5. is for this reasonthat we say “no” to obvious things like drug abuse and alcoholabuse:they distract us from God’s loving and saving will. But we should also say“no” to people around us wheneverthey would steerus away from God’s will. We don’t say“no” in a self-righteous or arrogantway. We imitate Jesus, who filled the word “no” with love. May I give you a powerful example of that? When I was listing, a few moments ago, all the times that Jesus said “no”, I did leave out one instance, and a very important “no” it was. Forus as sinful and sometimes fearful followers of Jesus, itis a particularly consoling “no” to remember. It is the “no” that Jesus spoke in today’s Gospelreading. Remember the story? It was very early in his public ministry. Jesus had visited Simon Peter’s house the day before, and had just finished the miraculous healing of Simon Peter’s mother-in-law and other sick and possessedpeople. So Simon Peterwas alreadyamazed at the holiness of this strange man named Jesus. And now here he was preaching at the lake shore, and the crowd gotso big that he stepped into Simon Peter’s boat and askedhim to pull out from the shore a little way. He then taught the crowd from Peter’s barque. Imagine how Peterfelt; this holy man chose his boat to preach from! Then he told Peterto throw the net into the water. Petersaid, “We were just fishing all night, and didn’t catcha thing, but if you sayso, okay.” And they caught so many fish that it almostsank two boats! Peterwas overwhelmed. He knew then how holy Jesus must be, and he felt awful. Here he is, Simon Peter, just a normal guy, with normal human imperfections and failings, and there, standing right there in front of him, is Jesus, the Son of God! He couldn’t stand it any more. He fell to his knees and cried out in anguish, “Please,please go somewhere else!Departfrom me, Lord; I am a sinful man. Go away! Please, just go away!Leave me alone!” Jesus then lookedinto Peter’s eyes;into his soul. And with Peter’s whole future hanging in the balance, Jesus very firmly, but tenderly and lovingly, said: “Alone? No. Leave you? No!”
  • 6. May 12, 2011 by Msgr. Charles Pope Even Jesus Sometimes said, "No." One of the struggles that many Christians experience is that the needs around us are so great, and yet we are limited, both in personalstrength, and in resources.And, lurking in the back of our mind, is a notion that whateverthe problem, Jesus wouldalways help and so should we. But, then, is it always wrong to sayno when there is need? It is a true fact, Jesus was quite generous with his time, attention, and resources.We too are counseledto be rich in mercy and kindness, expansive in our charity and to be willing to forsake everything to follow Christ. But for limited human beings, often with many obligations are there no limits? Of course there have to be. But, “What would Jesus Do?” Did he ever say, “No?” Many think the answerto this question is no! But in factthere are instances where Jesus said, “No.” I’d like to look at three of them. I choose these three, because to some extent they dealwith the needy. Other examples of Jesus saying no pertain more to specializedor inappropriate requests (e.g. James and John want seats ofhonor, Peter wants to use a swordto defend Jesus). But lets take a look at three occurrencesofJesus saying no and see whatwe can learn. I. No to the Sick? The scene is Capernaum. Jesus and his apostles have made quite an impression. Jesus has cured a demon-possessedman in the synagogue and word has spread. Jesus is lodging at the house of Simon Peterand has just cured Peter’s mother-in-law of a greatfever. The Gospelof Mark picks up the story: When it was evening, after sunset, they brought to him all who were ill or possessedby demons. The whole town was gatheredat the door. He cured
  • 7. many who were sick with various diseases, andhe drove out many demons, not permitting them to speak becausethey knew him. (Mark 1:34-35) So, clearly the Lord is helping a lot of people here, as was his custom. The crowdseems to have grown quite large and goes oncuring till sundown. But then comes a twist: Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed. Simon and those who were with him pursued him and on finding him said, “Everyone is looking for you!” He told them, “Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also. Forthis purpose have I come.” (Mark 1:35-38) Here we have what seems anunusual occurrence, Jesusis informed by Peter and the others that “Everyone is looking for you!” The exasperatedstatement implies that a line has once againformed in Capernaum of those seeking healing from various ailments. Many of the sick are waiting for his ministrations. But Jesus says, “No”to the requestto return. He also indicates an intention to go to other villages so that he might preach, for THAT is what he has come to do. Why does Jesus sayno? Fortwo reasons it would seem. First, in terms of his humanity, he is limited. He has not come to save Capernaum only and must devote attention to other places as well. In effecthe must allocate his (humanly speaking)“limited” resourcesjustly and effectively. This is also the case withus. We must help the poor, but we must also feed our children, and meet other just obligations. Saying “No” is not necessarilyun-Christlike, but is rather a humble admission of our limitedness. A secondreasonJesus likelysays no is that he will not allow himself to be defined merely as a medical miracle worker. He has come to preach and ultimately to take up his cross. Partof what he preaches is the role of the cross in life. It is not always appropriate to alleviate every burden. To be labeled as “Mr Fix-it” is to be diminished. Forthe Lord did not come merely to heal the body, but also and even more so, the soul. Jesus’“No” is therefore also a teaching moment.
  • 8. We too who would imitate Christ should not think that alleviating burdens is our only mission. Sometimes it is more loving to let others carry the crosses God intends. We are not necessarilycallous or un-Christlike in this if our intent is allow people to experience necessarygrowthor to experience the necessaryconsequencesoftheir choices. We must be careful not to easilyexcuse ourselves from our duties to help others but neither should we become enablers or those who cause others to become too dependent. We should not usually do for others what they cando for themselves. The goodshould not eclipse the best – The Lord could not allow himself to be drawn into a situation where what was goodabout him (healings) eclipsed what was best (salvationand the preaching of the Kingdom). Hence, he said, “No.” II. No on a matter of SocialJustice?? Onanother occasionin the contextof Jesus’Sermonon the Plain a man called out from the crowd: “Teacher, tell my brother to share the inheritance with me.” [But] Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter betweenyou?” Then he said to them, “Watchout! Be on your guard againstall kinds of greed;a man’s life does not consistin the abundance of his possessions. (Luke 12:13- 15) Here too we have a bit of an unexpected twist. We might almostexpect Jesus to side with this man. After all isn’t sharing the family inheritance with potentially needy siblings a just and charitable thing to encourageand do? But Jesus says, “No”andthen warns the man of greed. Here too the no of Jesus seems to point to two issues:First, Jesus is not going to be roped into being a legalarbiter of worldly matters. He has come to preach the Kingdom and save us and will not be defined down into probating wills and settling inheritance law. Another issue is that Jesus, who is able to see into the man’s heart, says no to rebuke the man’s greed. And thus we are taught two things by Jesus’“No.”
  • 9. First, that we are not always obliged to solve every one’s problems. Sometimes people try inappropriately to draw us into what does not involve us. They may ask us to take sides in a family dispute or some community issue where it is not right for us to take sides. On other occasions we may be askedto resolve matters involving two adults who should reasonablybe expectedto work out their own differences. Supervisors, pastors, andother leaders oftenexperience such inappropriate attempts to draw them into disputes or take sides. There are surely times when leaders have to help arbitrate matters, especiallyif they pertain to the specific matters over which they have authority. But there are also many occasions whenrequestedhelp in such matters deserves a “no” and it is not un-Christlike to do so. A secondthing that we are taught here by Jesus’“no” is that we are not always required to give people what they want. Although we are not gifted with Jesus’ability to see into people’s heart and understand their motives fully, it remains true that we CAN sometimes see that “no” is the best answer in given circumstances. Perhaps we cansee that what a person asks for is inappropriate or will cause harm to others. Perhaps it will offend againstthe common goodor show favoritism. Perhaps the requestinvolves an unwise use of resources orgoes contraryto agreedupon goals and priorities. There may be any number of reasons we canand should say“no” and doing so is not necessarilyun-Christlike. This may be so evenif the one requesting insists that it is about what is just and fair. It may cause disappointment or even angerin others but that does not mean that we are necessarilydoing anything wrong. Jesus did sometimes say, “No.” III. No to the Hungry?? The final example brings us to the shores ofthe Sea of Galilee. Jesus hadjust multiplied the loaves and fishes and fed somewhere between5000 and 20,000people. News ofthis has spread and the word of free food is starting to draw a crowd. Further, some of the crowdwas not dispersing. So Jesus draws apart to pray and sends the apostles to the other side of the lake where he promises to join them later. After walking on the water(!) to meet them in the boat they come to other shore. News that Jesus had headed in that direction reachedsome in the crowdwho ran around the lake and as Jesus disembarks they greethim with false surprise: “Rabbi! When did you gethere?!” Jesus was not born yesterdayand he knows that
  • 10. they are seeking more free food so he says to them: I tell you the truth, you are looking for me, not because yousaw miraculous signs but because youate the loaves and had your fill. Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. (John 6:26-27). In effect Jesus refuses to produce againthe food of this world and summons them to faith. He goes onto teachextensively in the remainder of John 6 on the Holy Eucharistand insists that this was the food that was more necessary for them. They are unimpressed and rejecthis teaching as a “hard saying” (Jn 6:60). But in effecthere to we have a “no” from Jesus. Feeding the hungry is usually something commended, even commanded. But Jesus, in the end will not allow them to seek only that which is good(bread) and refuse what is best (the Breadof Life). As a priest I have frequently had this problem with some of the poor who come to me. When they first come asking for financial assistanceI give it whole heartedly and inquire as to their story. They almostalways admit that they have no real church home (otherwise why would they be coming to me). I indicate to them that it is absolutely essentialfor their salvationthat they come to Church and receive Holy Communion. If they are not a Catholic they should at leastcome and see if they are ready to acceptthe faith. But most of them do not follow up on this invitation and yet still come back seeking for money and resources. Ibegin then to place conditions upon the continued assistance, that, if they do not start coming or I cannotbe sure they are attending somewhere, I will not continue to give worldly food to those who refuse heavenly food. Some have argued that this is not what Jesus would do, but in fact this is exactly what he did. He said no to those who wanted only their bellies filled but not their heart. Of course in utter emergencyand if little children are involved this approachmay have to be adapted. Further, there ARE other places to getfood and essentials in this country than one Catholic Parish. Perhaps I can refer an individual somewhere else. But in the end, I have to summon people not merely to the good, but to the best. This is not un- Christlike.
  • 11. The essentialpoint then, is that it is not always wrong to sayno. Jesus did so, even in some classic socialjustice and charity situations. We should never glibly say no or be unnecessarilyhurtful. But there are just times when no is the bestand most Christ-like answer. Your additions, distinctions and rebuttals are encouragedand appreciated. Image above is an ancient fresco This song says, “Some ofGod’s greatestgifts are unansweredprayers” Actually they are answered, I suppose, and the answer is “No” Categories Faith, Jesus 25 Replies to “Even Jesus Sometimes said, "No."” Nick May 13, 2011 at00:04 For those who wanna serve people’s spiritual and corporal needs, here is the archdiocese’s Social& Justice page. It should help you better understand what Monsignoris saying. Vijaya May 13, 2011 at00:04 This post comes ata very timely manner in our householdbecause we feel stretchedto the limit with our resources. We are at some sort of a turning point in our lives and we’re having a difficult time discerning what we must do and what we canlet go of.
  • 12. Thank you for clarifying the No. I can tell you that when I was seriouslyill for the pasttwo years, Jesus’s No was fora greaterpurpose — to draw me closer to Him. I still don’t know why He healed me because I surrendered completely; I was willing to bear chronic pain in this life if that was His will. But I am so much happier now … God is always good, but we’ll never understand His ways fully. Msgr. Charles Pope May 13, 2011 at09:58 Yes, it would seemthat Scripture overall commends a generosityfrom us but also a prudence. For example Paul requests a generous gift from the rather well to do Corinthians but also respects limits: For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah. Although he was rich, for your sakeshe became poor, so that you, through his poverty, might become rich. I am giving you my opinion on this matter because it will be helpful to you. Last year you were not only willing to do something, but had already started to do it. Now finish what you began, so that your eagernessto do so may be matched by your eagernessto complete it. For if the eagernessis there, the gift is acceptable according to what you have, not according to what you do not have. Not that others should have relief while you have hardship. Rather, it is a question of fairness. At the present time, your surplus fills their need, so that their surplus may fill your need. In this way things are fair. As it is written, “The personwho had much did not have too much, and the person who had little did not have too little.”[ 2 Cor8:9-15] Anne Shea May 13, 2011 at06:52 This article raises some very goodpoints, but I think the distinction must be made that the ones who Jesus said “no” to were not truly in desperate need, just looking for a handout. In today’s world, there are many who are looking for a handout, but there are many more in desparate need and Jesus is capable of knowing the difference. As a human being, I leave that judgement
  • 13. to God. If I see a homeless personon the corner with a sign, I don’t judge that person’s level of need or integrity. If I have some cash, I give it happily and throw in a “GodBless You!” I leave it to God to judge how that person uses the charity. It just feels like the right thing to do. Nearour grocerystore, there is a Panda Express by the exit. I have given a homeless man there $5,00 and watchedhim walk over to the restaurant to get a meal. He might walk out the other exit and go buy liquor, but I think he really was hungry and got a hot meal. Thank you for sharing this insight, but I will continue to say“yes” wheneverI am able and pray that God blesses these poorand leads them to salvation. I can only do what I am able, the restis in God’s hands. Msgr. Charles Pope May 13, 2011 at14:11 Your distinction is a goodone and one I also tried to make in the article: “Of course in utter emergencyand if little children are involved this approach may have to be adapted....” Thanks for emphasizing the matter. Kevin M May 13, 2011 at07:16 We must be careful not to easilyexcuse ourselves from our duties to help others but neither should we become enablers or those who cause others to become too dependent. – The difficulty for me I think is discerning when I’m being judgmental and lazy (“Godhelps those who help themselves”), rather than working in the persons best interest. Thank you for your wisdom Father. Your blog is quickly becoming the first thing I turn to eachday. Msgr. Charles Pope May 13, 2011 at14:09 You are right, it is not merely the motives of others we must ponder, but our own too. Liam May 13, 2011 at07:39
  • 14. Marvelous and thought provoking exposition MonsignorPope. In the end, I suppose that such conundrums need a healthy dose of discernment from the GoodLord to resolve with a calm conscience. I am reminded of a MonsignorI once knew, God resthis soul, who had a parish in mid-town Harrisburg, PA. Becausethe area was rather run-down and was frequented by vagrants his rectory would often be visited by men looking for a ‘meal’, i.e money with which they promised to purchase a ‘meal’. Monsignor, who hadn’t just fallen off the turnip truck and placedgreatstore in the dignity one could derive through honestlabor, would politely refuse to hand-over any cashbut did offer a genuine ‘meal’ in the rectory (courtesyof the unflappable housekeeper)for anyone who would perform some small task around the rectory (such as sweeping the sidewalk and such) in exchange for the food. He told me that he was always amazedwhen some reputedly starving though apparently able bodied men in searchof a ‘meal’ not only became indignant when the cashwas refusedbut also rejectedthe offer of a meal if it was contingent on their performance of even the most modest task to earn it. Not everyone refused the Monsignor’s offer of work, of course, and thereby earned themselves a hearty breakfast, lunch, or even dinner but the good Monsignorlost no sleepover his refusal to feed those who would not earn their bread. Msgr. Charles Pope May 13, 2011 at14:08 Yes, there are patterns that are troubling among some who seek helpand they can at times be evident when we actually interpret the requestfor food or bus fare literally. Too bad, also, since the bad ones tend to make us cynical, for there are those we really do need help. James May 13, 2011 at08:26
  • 15. It’s really easy, being young and Catholic, to expend myself to try and solve every problem. And often, it is much easierto err by doing too little. Yet, I think as you point out, we can err in going the other direction as well. Especiallyfor beginners its better to err in this way; I recallAristotle’s advice that if you find yourself with one vice, you should aim for the opposite vice. To the cowardtrue bravery appears like recklessnessand to the recklesstrue bravery appears like cowardice.Hence, the cowardaims for recklessness while the recklessaims for cowardice to reachtrue virtue. Habitual prayer, seems important. This way we’re lead directly by the Spirit to virtue insteadof spending our time deliberating and puzzling out what’s virtuous. Notthat deliberation doesn’t have it’s place in checking that we are listening to the God’s inspiration, but faith is a surer road than reason. We only need to look to modern philosophy to see that. Msgr. Charles Pope May 13, 2011 at10:13 Yes, sometimes we have to make corrections to find balance. Jon White May 13, 2011 at09:00 I work in downtown DC and walk from a Metro subway stop to my office four blocks away. It is amazing how some of the professionalhomeless people have been there on my route to and from work day after day for years and even decades, despite attempts by me and other people to direct them to resources that might help them extricate themselves from their situations. It is either mental illness or a willful choice that puts them in their situations, and that is part of the human mystery of their (and our) existence. Itry to give them eye contactand a word of greeting to acknowledgetheir existence, but no handouts. It’s amazing to me how they seemto recognize AND ACKNOWLEDGE me in return – as if we are all workers in one way or another, just with different gigs. One middle-aged homeless womanon my route who is obviously physically impaired and possibly mentally, too, I always consideredan especiallyforlorn case due to her apparent disabilities.
  • 16. However, I was setback on my heals one day when I saw this lady at the neighborhood liquor store making a purchase – I never realized until then that alcoholmight also play a part in her living patterns. How mysterious eachof us is to the other, and how little we really know about anyone we see, meet, or even live with. God open my eyes to my ignorance of the mystery containedin eachhuman being! Msgr. Charles Pope May 13, 2011 at10:11 Yes, poverty is a very complicatedmatter. What is always best will vary from person to person. Generally speaking dispensing cashis a bad idea, but there may be exceptions. Another thing to ponder is what will happen to the street begging as we go increasinglycash-less.Forexample I seldomcarry cash anymore. If I do, it is just change for parking. The answerusually is to connectthe needy to a socialservice network whereinfood, clothing and shelter are directly provided rather than cashentrusted to them. At the parish we usually try and stock up on non-cashways we can help: food, diapers, baby formula, basic medical things like bandages, bus tokens, subwaypasses. JOSEPH May 13, 2011 at09:55 “What would Jesus Do?” Whenwe think about it this is a very self centered question, because we cannever be sure the answeris correct, it might be, or it could be wrong. Like our consciense, it could be well formed,or malformed. I think a question could be “What did Jesus do?” and “What did Jesus say?”I think this is what you are saying in your post and it says it beutifully. Thank you father. Msgr. Charles Pope May 13, 2011 at10:04 Thanks, I have not thought to put it this way. But, like you have found the expressionWWJD to be mildly problematic. WDJD is likely a better rendering!
  • 17. Wsquared May 14, 2011 at09:39 Joseph, I’ve been pondering the exact same thing for some time, so you took the words out of my mouth: that yes, the better question is “What DID Jesus do?” and not “What *would* Jesus do?” Robert Sledz May 13, 2011 at11:57 Jesus neversaid “NO”. You did. How do you know Jesus did not return back and cure the rest? You don’t, Do you? Msgr. Charles Pope May 13, 2011 at14:03 My goodness. Whatis all the hostility about? I am merely presenting data from the scripture for consideration. As for your point, I guess anything is possible, but an argument from silence is a difficult assertionto prove. Cynthia BC May 13, 2011 at12:07 Would you write an explanation for me the next time I tell my daughter “no?” I generallyhave to resort to “BECAUSE I SAID SO!” and/or “NO IT IS NOT BECAUSE I’M MEAN AND I HATE YOU!” 😉 Vijaya May 13, 2011 at14:52 LOL! We have the same daughter … “If you loved me, you would get me a hamster.” They Might Be Giants has a great song called: NO and I often start singing it …
  • 18. Cynthia BC May 14, 2011 at12:44 Be sure to sing the NO song in public to ensure maximum humiliation. 😉 c isn’t quite at the point at which my very existence is an embarrassment, but I’m sure it’s not far off… BA May 13, 2011 at14:56 Thank you for this article. We are often made to feelvery guilty when we “have to” say no. And finding a man on the streetis not the same as having the same people come to you time after time. Once my Sunday schoolclass was helping a womanand her children. She sent a list of the food items she needed for the next week–suchthings as Imperial sugar, Pillsbury flour, etc. You getthe point. We told our teacherwe would be doing her a disservice to allow her to dictate the brands she wanted. Many of us were not using the most expensive products at home so that we could help those who had even greaterneed. We need to help them not only with their physical needs but also with their spiritual hunger, and it is Christlike to do so. By the way, I am often told no when I pray, and usually I find out why in time. God does not best. Will May 13, 2011 at15:10 Thanks for the post Mgsr. There is a lot to digest here. You post draws some interesting things to think about. I used to drive past the homeless with never a care. Following a renewalof faith in July I no longerdo that and God has changedmy life in so many ways.
  • 19. Where I currently work (changedby God two months after I realized he always had my life, I only had to trust in Him) there is a spot just over one of the interstates nearmy office building that seems to get a steady revolving door of homeless. But severalof them have been there for awhile. I never give them any money, I never have, they’re all alcoholics andthey will admit to being alcoholics andI know they can receive over$40 a day, I’ve seenthem do it, but I do give them food that I buy with my family’s groceries eachweek. It’s just normal now, we buy extra food just for them. One of them, Doug CoefieldI speak with every week. Ibuy Doug clothes as well. Doug seems to be different from the rest, I think it’s calledhope :). He speaks with you, he asks questions. He and I talk about Jesus and prayer and what is going on in the world. I encourage him to offer his sufferings to God though I don’t think he understands this. I am compelledto check on them in their usual spots. I check on them almost every day of the work week;on my way back after daily mass during my lunch break, during my afternoonbreak most days (Divine Mercy Chaplet break), and after work on my way home. Compelled, because I can’t imagine how difficult it must be. I know that it is mostly of their own choosing and the demon of alcoholism, but, I don’t think that I could ever stop now, nor do I want to. They are my brothers and my sisters and I don’t even go the whole way, I’ve never offeredthem a place in my home or to take them to a shelter (most wouldn’t go, they like their place in the woods next to an interstate ramp). I know them as Doug, Debby, Foots, Alex, Bruce, etc. Sometimes I bring to mind the story of: 2 And a certainman who was lame from his mother’s womb was carried: whom they laid every day at the gate of the temple, which is calledBeautiful, that he might ask alms of them that went into the temple. 3 He, when he had seenPeterand John, about to go into the temple, askedto receive an alms. 4 But Peterwith John, fastening his eyes upon him, said: Look upon us. 5 But he lookedearnestlyupon them, hoping that he should receive something of them. 6 But Petersaid: Silver and gold I have none; but what I have, I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, arise and walk. 7 And taking him by the right hand, he lifted him up: and forthwith his feet and soles receivedstrength. 8 And he leaping up,
  • 20. stoodand walkedand went in with them into the temple, walking and leaping and praising God. I’m torn. Doug is sometimes so sadto look at, he is ill. He has been takento the hospital twice since Christmas. Debby has a horrible sore on her face that I wish I could take away. Foots gotinto a fight with some of the angrier ones and for weeks there was only Doug and Debby. Debby is so thin and so frail. They like the spot they live, they won’t go into the larger part of the city where the homes are. I don’t know why. I don’t know, when I see the homeless these days my heart breaks, more for my sin and how I have hurt Jesus than their sufferings. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me not to eat: I was thirsty and you gave me not to drink. 43 I was a strangerand you took me not in: nakedand you coveredme not: sick and in prison and you did not visit me. 44 Then they also shall answerhim, saying: Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a strangeror naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you? 45 Then he shall answerthem, saying:Amen: I sayto you, as long as you did it not to one of these least, neither did you do it to me. You can take Jesus teaching onmammon and spread it around to other things. How do I not know that these people are homeless because of something I bought that was made in China, thus having their company put out of business or for one of my parents or grandparents not standing up for the right issues oftheir day, which would’ve changedthe course of this country in a different way, ala Roe v Wade? The whole of human civilization is culpable in one way or another. This is our one-storyuniverse. My sin is no greateror no less than theirs. I am here to attempt to ease their suffering and to pray for them. Forit is the sin of all man which has brought them to this. — To c/p from Fr. Stephen Freeman(Orthodox): The role of the human will (in its acceptance ofChrist) is not insignificant in our salvation– but the will choosesorrejects what Christ has already
  • 21. accomplished. The ultimate outcome of those choices are knownto God alone. However, God’s will is clear:He is “not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter3:9). The greatmystery of the suffering of Christ cannotbe confined to a forensic accountin which His death is simply a payment for sin. The Scripture and the fathers’ understanding of Christ is far more cosmic. Evil is inherently absurd and meaningless (for God is the only source of goodand meaning is always relative to Him). But Christ has takenthat absurdity into Himself and ultimately transforms it. It is the Incarnation, Crucifixion, Descentinto Hades and ResurrectionofChrist that make thanksgiving possible – including thanksgiving for all things. Christ is the Eucharist(thanksgiving) of the world and every act of thanksgiving finds its fulfillment in Him. The world is not broken into sacredand profane. “Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory,” the angels sing in Isaiah’s greatvision. The glory they behold is nothing other than the life of Christ which offered “on behalf of all and for all.” — Passing them by on the street or condemning them for buying liqour will not help them look to repentence nor join in the thanksgiving. I try to not do it out of guilt, but as an act of love. It is a) My chance to see Christ suffering, and b) Their chance to see Christ giving. Did Jesus everdecide not to heal someone? July 31, 2012 by James Early 46 Comments Peterand John heal the lame man
  • 22. Remember the story in the New Testament(Acts 3:1-9) when Peterand John heal a lame man? They are going into the Temple in Jerusalemand see a man lame from his mother’s womb. The man asks formoney, but Peterand John give him something far more valuable. They healhim “in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.” I’ve always loved this story. There’s so much there to learn. Peterand John were bold in the Spirit. Are we? They were confident that the man would be healed “in the name of Jesus Christ.” Are we as confident of the healing presence ofChrist? The man was receptive. And he thanked God by praising Him and leaping as high as he could. How do we thank God for healing in our lives? Do we leap for joy and praise Him so all cansee? In studying this story again the other day, it suddenly hit me that since this man had been lame from birth, he would have been lame during the ministry of Jesus. Everyday for years, friends had laid him at the Beautiful gate of the Temple. If he was there every day, did he ever see Jesus? Did Jesus eversee him? The Bible doesn’t tell us all the details. It is perhaps possible that Jesus never saw the lame man. He could have always missedhim because ofthe sequence ofevents. Or maybe the Saviorsaw the man and realized he wasn’treceptive yet to the Gospelmessage. Or… Maybe Jesus saw him and thought, “Well, I better leave someone for my disciples to heal once I’m gone.” All this is obviously a bit presumptive on my part. I have no idea what Jesus was thinking or if he ever saw the man or not, or perceivedhow receptive he was. When you read some parts of the Gospels, it sounds like Jesus healed everyone of everything wherever he went.
  • 23. “And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospelof the kingdom, and healing every sicknessand every disease among the people.”(Matthew 9:35) Every sickness andevery disease. That’s a lot of healing. But sometimes, whenhe came to his hometown of Nazareth, for example, he only healeda few sick folks (see Mark 6:1-6) because they only saw him as a carpenterand could not fathom the possibility that he was the Messiah. They were offended that he taught with such authority in the synagogue, the Bible tells us. “And he could do no mighty work there.” (Mark 6:5) Was Jesus incapacitatedby people’s lack of belief, their lack of faith? Could the Sonof Godbe subject to mortal man’s material-mindedness? Of course not. Jesus came to healthe sick, among other things. I personally think Jesus could have done mightier works there. Justas he could have askedGodto send 12 legions of angels to rescue him from the crucifixion. (Mark 26:53) But Jesus neveractedwithout instructions from the Father. He always had the prayer, “not my will, but Thine be done,” in his heart if not on his lips. He did not perform those mighty works becauseGoddid not direct him to. Jesus said, “I can of mine own self do nothing…because I seek notmine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.” (John 5:30) Could God have performed greatmiracles in Jesus’hometown? Ofcourse. God is omnipotent, always. Butwould it have been wise for such events to take place where the people were not receptive? I also think Jesus was obeying his own precept here: not to casthis pearls before the swine, that animal-like tendency in the human mind that cannot discern the spiritual gems in front of it, nor appreciate their worth, therefore recklesslytrampling them into the earth.
  • 24. What if he had done some of those “mighty works” whichhe was famous for, in his home town? How would they have been receivedby those doubtful disputers? It would have been too much for them to comprehend and interpret correctlywith their mental attitudes. They might have disputed Jesus evenmore. Or they might have become blind and fanatic followers without understanding the truth of who Jesus was. Who knows? It doesn’t mean, however, that at some point in the near future, either before or after the crucifixion, that these same home-town folks would never come to see that Jesus was indeed the Messiah. Theyjust couldn’t see it at that point. So the time was not ripe for “mighty works” in their midst. Just a few sick folks were healed. Justa few sick folks…healed. In my book, that is still pretty amazing and something to be grateful for. Back to the lame man at the Temple gate calledBeautiful. As I said, we really don’t know the circumstances surrounding this man’s personalencounter with Jesus orlack thereof. What we do know is that he had an encounter with Jesus’healing ministry, the power of Christ, or what I’ll callthe Spirit of Jesus (not the personalman). When Petercommanded him to “rise up and walk” in Jesus’name, he did. He was healed. I really can’t believe I’m saying this, but I guess it’s a goodthing Jesus did not heal everyone during his brief three years’ ministry. He commissionedthe Apostles to go out and preach the Gospeland heal the sick. If there were no more sick people to heal, how could they have put into practice what Jesus had taught them to do? They had to prove the truth of who Jesus was. It couldn’t just be words. The book of Acts tells us of many accounts ofhealing by the early Christians. I am going out on a limb of assumption to say that some of these same people had heard Jesus preachand weren’t healed. Maybe they weren’t receptive to the ideas Jesus was preaching–yet. Why were the man at the Temple gate and all the other people healedby those early Christians finally receptive to the power of God? There is one very obvious reason.
  • 25. The Resurrection! Jesus’resurrectionripped the veil from the Temple which coveredthe Holy of Holies. He destroyed mankind’s sense ofseparationfrom God. He removed the obstaclesin men’s hearts individually and collectively. I think this created a mental, moral, and spiritual atmosphere of receptivity, expectation, and acceptanceofGod’s marvelous works through His Son, Jesus Christ. The disciples were not just preaching the ideas that Jesus had preached and taught them. They were now telling everyone about the resurrectionas well. They spoke from first hand observation. Think what it would have been like to hear them speak with such absolute convictionabout the resurrection. The result was healing and salvationfor those who were receptive. So, did Jesus choosenotto heal someone so he could be healedlater by the disciples? I personally don’t think so. I think he always discernedwhat was in people’s hearts, in their thinking. When they were receptive, he healed them. Sometimes they just weren’t ready for the blessing. Now fast forward to today. Does Godever choose notto heal someone? Idon’t think that’s the example Jesus gave us. I believe God is always ready, with outstretchedarms, to heal us, save us, protect us, guide us, correctus, and love us. Are we really ready to receive what He has in store for us? Are we really willing to forgo our will and follow His will? It’s easyto saywe are, but it’s another thing to really mean it way down deep in our hearts. My prayer for all of us is to embrace this utter and complete willingness to relinquish our will for the Father’s will. Let us pray to be receptive to the powerof God to meet all our needs:physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. And may we have no false trusts in the things of this world. God is always ready to heal. Are we ready to receive what He is freely giving us?
  • 26. 46 comments Ecclesia67• 7 years ago Just a quick note...have you ever lookedup the meaning of "beautiful"? The word in Greek is ὡραῖος (hōraios)means seasonable andtimely...the root word is ὥρα hōra, which means a time or period, an hour. What I have come to understand is that this "lame" man had an appointed time with His healerour Lord Jesus through us the saints (Peter and John). Knowing that Jesus only did what His father, our ABBA did. The question that I have meditated on and come to understand is "when does the Fatherdesire to heal someone orcall a personto Himself?" As the blind man in the gospels was bornunable to see and neither his parents nor himself sinned, but was blind for the revealing of the glory of the Lord, there are appointed seasonand times for which the Lord is glorified! In other words, we are to go heal the sick, raise the dead and castout demons with the knowledge ofwhat the Father is doing...atappointed times and seasons. But-dusty • 5 years ago I was preparing to teach this passage tonightand came upon your post. I really enjoyed your insights especiallyyour comment about Jesus not healing everyone in His hometown and the reasons He could not or would not particularly your comment that if he had " Or they might have become blind and fanatic followers without understanding the truth of who Jesus was" So very true, though Jesus healedthe blind He would have shunned gathering to himself 'blind followers'. Your comment was a realgem with ramifications that I don't think many of us have considered. Nehemiah • 5 years ago It is clearfrom scripture that not everyone gets healed. However, it is also clearthat not everyone will be saved. However, Psalm103 says "...Praisethe
  • 27. LORD oh my souland forget not all his benefits - who forgives all our sins and heals all our diseases..." Thosewho will not be saved will not have their sins forgiven either. Why? Because theyhave hardened their hearts against God and refusedto pick up the lifeline he has thrown us in Jesus. Theyare in absolute unbelief and it is an act of will "Forsince the creationof the world, God's invisible qualities - his eternal powerand divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that man is without excuse" (Romans 1:18). Unbelief, where God's word is concerned, is an act of will through failing to either properly study, or believe, God's testimony about himself, which is why scripture attributes it as sin (Romans 14: 23). God, the Father, being a "gentleman" has covenantedwith us not to force his will upon us. As such, whilst we must acknowledge thatHe is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, he will not invade our lives with his powerunless he is invited to do so. That invitation, from us to God, comes by way of our acceptanceofand belief in the one he sent, Jesus Christ. So, before God will (not can) do anything in our lives we must believe his word, both written (the Bible) and living (Jesus)and by faith, we are savedand can receive healing. As I said at the beginning, it is true to saythat not all will be healed, just as it is true to say not all will be saved(forgiven). But to say that it is ever not God's will to heal all, is contrary to scripture, just as it would be contrary to scripture to saythat it is not God's will to save (forgive) all. The statements in Psalm103 are not differentiated by any tense, grammaticalinfluence or context and, as such, both are equally true, but both are equally dependent on our belief (faith) in the one the Father sent to be a propitiation for our sin. God is the LORD our healer, the LORD our salvation, the LORD our righteousness etc, etc. these qualities are not just things he does - they are an intrinsic part of his character, they are who he is. He can't help but love, save, forgive and heal, but we still have to receive, in faith. http://www.groundzeromedia....
  • 29. common christian attitude!!!!! i am holier than thou b/c i have yadda yadda w/ jesus and you obviously have not so you better pray to the holy spirit and grovelon your knees and repent , otherwise you are surely lost... you CANNOT PETITION THE LORD WITH PRAYER!!! LIFE IS A GIFT, AND NOW GO AND MULTIPLY AND ENJOYTHE GIFT OF LIFE. DO YOU THINK GOD CARES ABOUT YOUR common christian attitude!!!!! NO AND I BELIEVE HE WOULD DISDAIN YOU FOR IT ESPECIALLY IN HIS HOUSES OF CHRISTIAN GATHERINGS. David Brock • 6 years ago nephilim read and weep. god has many that have turned from him including angels David Brock • 6 years ago Numbers 13:33 - And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, [which come] of the giants:and we were in our ownsight as grasshoppers,and so we were in their sight. ananokiwere fallen angels from the planet nibiru when they mated with human womenthey were giant nephilim with 6 fingers and toes often having a cone shaped skull.. the nibiru ananuki createdadam and eve from gene splitting with homo robustus and ananuki dna and eve was createdfrom dna from adams rib. Genesis 6:4 - There were giants in the earth in those days; and also afterthat, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare [children] to them, the same [became]mighty men which [were] of old, men of renown...sonsofgod are ananuki fallen angels getused to it.
  • 30. Genesis 6:12 - And God lookedupon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. the corruption was the fallen angels fornicating with our human females bringing on non humans who lookedfairly human but were not. the corruption had nothing to do with a man and a woman, it was 200 or so fallen angels corrupting our bloodline. Adam Birtas David Brock • 5 years ago Sorry bro. There is no mention of them being from a separate planet. And how can you say they createdAdam and Eve????? You're beyond lostmy friend and better repent and pray for the holy spirit to guide you in truth. JESUS IS THE TRUTH! JonX Adam Birtas • 5 years ago Lol I wouldn't bother, one can't reasonwith the unreasonable. Waste oftime and energy. David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago • edited laisses faires eachto their own.. you cannot prove me wrong ,they came from heaven then? who are the watchers? surelyyou have read about nephilim and the watchers in the bible over 100 times!!! i am my spirit and i don't need another spirit taking possessionof my body other than my spirit. " pray for the holy spirit " jesus is a jew that was crucified by jews. he pissedthem off and they gotrid of him. he kickedoverthe tax collecting table the jews setup in front of jesus' church.
  • 31. jesus is also nephilim ,god came down and impregnated a sinning woman ,mary and made nephilim jesus. You're beyond lost my friend and better repent!! why you selfrighteous little punk ass silly boy. your god is a vengeful god that you have to fall down and repent because youare so sinful and afraid? that is not my god!! yes i think you are the one that is lostand cannot see. common christian attitude!!!!! i am holier than thou b/c i have yadda yadda w/ jesus and you obviously have not so you better pray to the holy spirit and grovelon your knees and repent , otherwise you are surely lost... you CANNOT PETITION THE LORD WITH PRAYER!!! LIFE IS A GIFT, AND NOW GO AND MULTIPLY AND ENJOYTHE GIFT OF LIFE. DO YOU THINK GOD CARES ABOUT YOUR common christian attitude!!!!! NO AND I BELIEVE HE WOULD DISDAIN YOU FOR IT ESPECIALLY IN HIS HOUSES OF CHRISTIAN GATHERINGS. Adam Birtas David Brock • 5 years ago • edited Jesus is GOD he is the waythe truth and the life! No one comes to the father but through him! He was God in the flesh. In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God, became FLESHand dwelt among men. You and your false teachings leading people astrayis a lie from the list of hell. Don't preach things that ARE NOT IN THE BIBLE. If you read or believe any of the Bible you must use all of it and believe it. I pray in JESUS MIGHTY NAME that you will be setfree, from you're demonic oppression. Their is NO eternal life to or anyone who does not acceptthe Eternal gift of life from Jesus Christ. For the wages ofsin is death! But the gift of God is eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ!!! The bible warns about FALSE doctrines as YOU are preaching! Jesus was NOT createdhe is the greatI AM. "Before Abraham was IAM"! Don't use my Bible to twist and leat people astraygo use a false book not the living word of God. You try and Claim Christianinty but deny Jesus Christ??? CHRISTianity. Does that evenmake
  • 32. sense? No. The beginning of ALL knowledge is the fear of the Lord. I have no holier than thou attitiude. I CAN PETITION WITH GOD BECAUSE JESUS CHRIST SET A PATH WAY! I choowe to fall on my knees before the creator because ofthe greatand total love I have with him in my personal relationship. Jesus Christ came and took the sIns of the world for ALL! Whosoeverbelieve in him shall not perish but have everlasting life! Salvation is freely mine through faith because ofthe ever flowing grace!! And for the last comment you wrote. Yes Jesus does care about my common Christian life he loves me since before I was created!I am righteous and holy and coveredin the blood of Jesus because Ibelieve the He died and Rose onthe third day and has defeateddeath and sin! David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago maybe he didn't rise on the 3rd day maybe when they took him down he wasn't dead. maybe he lived out his life in Tibet. cashmire says they have his bones Adam Birtas David Brock • 5 years ago Not only is their Biblical proof of the disciples youch I got his flesh and wounded hands and scars. Buttheir is Historical proof showing Jesus body is no where to be found.PERIOD David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago so now you are telling me that your hands and feetbleed from flesh wounds from Jesus'nails ? you are totally crazy , you need a shrink. Adam Birtas David Brock • 5 years ago
  • 33. It was a typo I said the disciples touched his wounds to see if he had really risen. David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago Kashmir says he lived until 100s anddied an old man and they buried his remains under his abode ,his home in Kashmir. why haven't you good Christians exhumed the body and dna check his bones?? David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago • edited yes you are arrogantand selfrighteous all by yourself. the devil loves peeps like you and he has got you but good. I sayyou are not righteous and you use religion to punk people around. god will resurrectyou too but you will not be part of the speciallittle flock ,144,000 thatwill rule with god. you might not last after the 1000 yearreign of the resurrection, either. Adam Birtas David Brock • 5 years ago 144,000 is for the tribes of Isriael! Those that convert during the tribulation period! Not how many people go to heaven. Once againanother falisy of Jehovah witness.. you're part of a cult. You thinknow your works will getyou into heaven?? Your righteousnessis as filthy rags before God. If you live by the circumcisionyou will be judged by the whole law. All I can do is pray for you we might as well agree to dissagree. Ican help you only Jesus can. David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago • edited
  • 34. so all the dead jews that won't be there for the tribulation the seven years , they are totally screwed? the six million that died in the holocausttoo, they never acceptedjesus ... live by circumcision? wtf? Adam Birtas David Brock • 5 years ago Yes. Jesus promises that everyone will hear the gospelor he will make it know before they die. That's why he is so patient and hasn't come yet. It's his will that all will be saved! Yes you obviously are NOT a Jew. Being circumcised was a way of showing you were one of God's people meaning you were under the old covenantand had to live to by the law. Now we have what's called the circumcisionof the heart. Accepting Jesus. If you read your old testamentyou would know this. David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago "Yes you obviously are NOT a Jew", no i am nephilim!!!! ,blued ananockion both sides and circumcized at birth and wished my mother had never let them cut my schwaunze !!! but it is too late now ,they threw the foreskinin the trash can. you contrive way too much about the so calledimportance of being circumcized. just shows your sicknessand weaknessas an individual spirit being. you need your dogma i think otherwise you might become a murderer or a criminal thug. eat your dogma !!!! David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago the little flock are god's chosen, he will choose his 144000 to rule with him. believe me you will not be chosen. many of the 144k have already been chosen, are waiting in sheol, the grave, the first hell.
  • 35. j witness have excommunicatedus after Pasteurrusseldied and they have branched from us and they have ,like you, perverted the truth and createda moneymaking organization. goodriddance. I will not pray for you. you know your faith is weak that is why you are here. Adam Birtas David Brock • 5 years ago • edited False. Once againI know your supposed bible better than you. I will continue to pray for you. My faith is strong and abounding. I'm here to callyou out! The false teachers JesusChris is the truth. Once againI am not religious Jesus Christ was crucifiedby the religious. I know my bible which includes what you read better than you! You claim the old testament yet. Say Nephilim are from another planet and they createdAdam and eve??? You don't even believe your own Bible!!! Genesis says nothing about being createdby anyone else. Only God the Father! David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago The false teachers JesusChris is the truth. Once againI am not religious Jesus Christ was crucifiedby the religious. and if we are not willing to acceptjesus then we can't be with god? what a crock!! fear fearfear! what if you are wrong and jesus survived the cross andshowedhis disciples and then was spirited away to kashmir where he used to live early on and where he learned from the monks there earlier in life and where he died at 120yrs old. maybe he went to south of france with mary magdalena!! faith is not science faithis not truth,faith is just believing ,beliefs are not facts, it has been proven that evil forces have written things that are not factin to the bible.
  • 36. lets see you have to suck up to the holy spirit in order to even believe?! EVERYBODYIS A HOLY SPIRIT YOU DUMB ASS !!! The false teachers JesusChris is the truth. Once againI am not religious Jesus Christ was crucifiedby the religious. David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago • edited wait you have 3 gods ,1.holyspirit 2.jesus 3.godthe father, i only have one you are way confused. jews only have one god , god createdthe world and the underworld ,satan,gabriel,fallenangels,200ofthem, and the unfallen angels, and the hominid,homo robustus, and the fallen ones ,the watchers gene splicedhomo robustus with their dna gene splicing and created adam and eve under god's direction ,made adam and took from adams rib and made eve. then when they were done they decided to mate with women genesis 6 1thru4 know genesis right in the beginning of the bible right? god creatednibiru and all the beings that inhabit zeta reticuli and nibiru ,mars lost its atmosphere so those beings are here too. can't you expand your consciousness justa little bit here. you are a fool if you think you are the all to end all don't you think? the watchers helpedbuild the arc noah's arc.. go watchthe movie noe 2014. it is in theatres. get updated . you sound like a broken record. David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago
  • 37. even hitler will be resurrected.. even humans give three strikes before you are out.. look at baseball!! this life is strike one. read your bible more and you will find out. all you are doing is spreading unfounded dogma meant to scare the weak. you have not bothered to seek the truth for yourself even. go to the dawn bible students on the internet, the religionis calledThe Truth!! like I said before, your god is not my god ,your god is a vengeful disrespectful god, a fear basedgod, my god is an all loving god. quit spewing your poison and listen up otherwise you will staya pseudoChristian punkthug. the devil loves the wayyou are. remember the KKK are professedChristians too while they are burning so calleddevil black men on crosses. Adam Birtas David Brock • 5 years ago • edited Dude you're missing the point. COMPLETELY!There is a physical death and a spiritual death. Hitler will be resurrectedyou're correct. All the dead will and the secondcoming of Jesus. He will judge who is found I the book of life for accepting his free gift and believin in him. And those who didn't and denied him will burn with satanand any other non believer. KKK called themselves Christians but had no traits of a true believerfilled with the holy spirit. Religious people will also burn because mostput their owe doings works and deeds above relying on what Jesus came and did. Of you do that you will be judged by the whole law! We all sin and fall short! ALL. I have no Religion. Religions claimChrist yet act unaccordingly. Jesus setme free. His burden is light and his yoke is easy. WHO THE SON SETS FREE IS FREE INDEED!! And this so calledTruth you find has is another falsehoodfound on YouTube. God guides me and dwells in me I've seenhealing in Jesus name demonic spirits leave in JESUS NAME! He is alive and has ALL power. He is the same today yesterdayand forevermore. Readthe bible and find the truth there is no! Condemnation for those who believe and I promise once you accepthim he will move in your life I'm ways you've never thought and you will feelthe peace ofGOD. He is Love! You have to read and understand the bible before you judge. Accept him and test this all out if you don't believe he loves you as much as he loves me or any other sinner. I'm setfree because I have faith not because I label my self a Christian!
  • 38. David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago • edited spiritual death there is no spiritual death. a spirit cannot die. that is like saying godcan die. spirits canonly be degraded, they shrink when degraded, they loose their power.. you are a degraded spirit trying to boss everyone into your fear dogma..youare a fear mongerer .. i am an enlightener,teacher. fear workedfor many generations but in the end it does not work. all religions will fall and the truth will be unleashed.THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL !! i am one of the many unleashers. you are like watching the 3 stooges !!! old !! grow up spirit ,expand your consciousness. allyou pontificate is a fear basedrelic of a religion. this is a new dawn, a new age , the age of aquarius!! everything is significantand the bible has been shot full of garbage fear mongers because they gotpower from scaring people half to deaTH. YOU ARE A RELIC OF THE PAST . PURE SPEWING OF VOMIT IS ALL YOU CAN COME UP WITH. if you didn't join the church of england in the 1700s itwas the towerof london and off with your head or go to the new land plymouth rock remember? this is how my ancestorsgothere. then they branched out with 100 more so calledchristian religions and started calling womenwitches and burning them at the stake. they burned their own congregation. then started speaking in tongues , and judging those who don't as demonic, and vice versa!!. look at your history. you in particular you lie and say that you exorcizeddemons out of people! what a crock o chit!!!wtf !! you are one of the sickestindividuals i have ever met. can you prove scientificallythat you have exorcizeddemons? no way. but you are very proud to tell everybody this. you have no credibility what so ever. you sir are a rotter a dispicable rotter and religions get these weak spirits .. they cling to the fear because they know there is power there and they want that power. David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago • edited
  • 39. you are a tri theist, a holyroller, you probably speak in tongues too. you fear god, jesus , and the holy spirit. you are way to busy condemning and speak way too much of judgement. when you messedin your diaper were you judged for that to? did you do a goodjob of that or were you punished b/c a little squirted out on the floor? like I said my god is not your god!!! my godis an all loving god and could carelessaboutjudging any spirit plus body. I am a monothiest,thou shall have no other godbefore me other than me. jesus was the son of god and of a mortal sinning woman. your antics put down the jewishfaith. no respectful jew accepts jesus as the messiah, and you profess to be a judeo/Christian.. oh you mean you don't read the old testament either? lets see you don't read the new testament nor the old testament.. believing is not knowing is it. you have blind faith. eatyour dogma instead of cracking the book. Adam Birtas David Brock • 5 years ago Psalms 22:16 Genesis 3:15 Micah5:2 Isaiah7:14 Genesis 12:3 Genesis 22:18 Genesis 22:12 Genesis17:19 numbers 24:17 Genesis 49:10 2 Samuel 7:12-13...I have 30 other all with the fulfillment in the new testament. Jesus is God the Father came in the flesh to die for your sins. The old testamentprophecies of the messiahhave been fulfilled. Truly search. You don't follow the God of the old testament. He who has not the sonhath Noth the Father. If you'd like I will post ALL of the scriptures from the old testament and show you the fulfillment in the new. David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago • edited what about the time line of mankind ?,
  • 40. the jews will never acceptjesus as their savior, never, so they will be left out in the coldor go to satans hell? the jews are god's chosenpeople according to the bible. you do not have to acceptjesus at all to be savedor resurrected, you have been lied to. you actually believe in all that is written? scofieldtoo? pre trib anyone? jews laugh at you !!! and they are god's chosenpeople!! if jesus came around them againthey would in fact crucify him again, if they gotthe chance. they would get the government to do it, as with the romans. this is why you need the dawn bible students the truth!!! Adam Birtas David Brock • 5 years ago Anyone who doesn't acceptJesus willdie and burn..but salvationis open to all! I'm no more specialthan you nor am I loved more..andyes Jews willthe 144k you keeptalking about is how many jets will acceptJesus during the 7 years of tribulation. Becausethey will see the rapture happen and see the prophecies being fulfilled as they have been until now. We are in the lastdays. Come Lord Jesus! David Brock Adam Birtas • 5 years ago they have been saying we are in the last days in the 1950sand 1960sand 1970s,1980s,1990s,2000s,2010s.. we are not even close... we have to rape the whore of bagdad Iraq,babel, kings of powerall over the world have to lay with her and drink from her trough and be drunken in her riches I figure at leastanother 100 years ...atleast, you will be dead by then and so will I. book of revelations she sits in her red and purple gownon the multiheaded beastfornicating with the rulers of the earth drinking her riches from her poisonous chalice. then when her wealthhas collapsedthen it will come
  • 41. quickly. we haven't even tapped her wealth yet. 100yrs of sucking through the straw of her chalice first. David Brock • 6 years ago nephilim are the kids of fallen angels and human women. they are not human .nephilim are mentioned over 160 times in the holy bible and you ask stupid questions like this? obviously you are like every other american,just eatyour dogma.ddo some dd bro.!! David Brock • 6 years ago JESUS WOULD NOT HEAL THE NEPHILIM BOY BECAUSE HE WAS NOT FROM THE SEED OF ABRAHAM BUT THE SEED OF A FALLEN ANGEL ANANACKI ,JESUS MISSION IS/WAS TO SAVE THE SEED OF ABRAHAM .. James Early Mod David Brock • 6 years ago David, Who is the nephilim boy you refer to? And where in the Bible do you get the name of the fallen angel? Was Jesus'missionjust to save the seedof Abraham? Jesus saidto go to all nations, not just the children of Israel, and preach the Gospel. David Brock James Early• 5 years ago YOU CANNOT PREACHTHE GOSPELIF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE GOSPELAND UNDERSTANDIT. IT IS CALLED BIBLE STUDY!! THIS IS WHY WE HAVE 106 DIFFERENT CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS.THERE IS ONLY ONE TRUTH AND AND THERE ARE A LOT OF FALSE
  • 42. INJECTIONSINTO MANY DIFFERENT CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS LIKE SCOFIELD AS AN EXAMPLE!!! Happy Energy• 7 years ago Wonderful article - made me think 'be receptive' - not just knowing, praying and doing our highest right but 'be receptive' - listen for guidance with that humble heart, 'not my will but thine be done' - thank you i needed this today for something tomorrow. 'Be receptive' Amy Duncan • 7 years ago Very interesting! I agree with the "receptivity" idea. If we think in terms of eternal life, of course everyone will be healedeventually -- it's inevitable. But how long that takes I think depends to a greatdegree on our receptivity, or as Eddy puts it, "the tenacity of error" determined how long it will continue. This doesn't mean, of course, that error has realpower -- it's just to the degree that we seemto believe in and acceptits powerand reality. 3 Miracles Jesus Didn’t Do In the Bible, Jesus performed a lot of miracles. He healedpeople. He had powerover nature. He even overcame death. But what about the miracles he didn’t do? Here are three instances in the Bible where Jesus chosenot to do the miraculous wonders he was knownfor: 1. A miracle without faith In Mark 6 (and Matthew 13), Jesus returns to Nazareth, his hometown. These people knew Jesus before he startedhis ministry.
  • 43. And on the Sabbath he began to teachin the synagogue, andmany who heard him were astonished, saying, “Where did this man getthese things? What is the wisdomgiven to him? How are such mighty works done by his hands? Is not this the carpenter, the sonof Mary and brother of James and Josesand Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him (Mark 6:2–3). Two verses later: “And he could do no mighty work there, exceptthat he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them” (Mark 6:5). The NLT says, “And because oftheir unbelief, he couldn’t do any miracles among them exceptto place his hands on a few sick people and heal them.” While the NIV says Jesus couldn’t do miracles in Nazareth, this isn’t suggesting that faith is some sort of fuel for miracles, and Jesus was running on empty. Mostlikely, the lack of faith meant that people didn’t ask Jesus to help them—orelse, because oftheir lack of faith, Jesus chose notto. The bottom line is, there was no faith, so in this instance, he didn’t. 2. A “signfrom heaven” After Jesus feeds the 4,000 in Decapolis,he and his disciples getinto a boat and head to Dalmanutha. The Pharisees came andbegan to argue with him, seeking from him a sign from heaven to test him. And he sighed deeply in his spirit and said, “Why does this generationseek a sign? Truly, I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation.” And he left them, got into the boat again, and went to the other side (Mark 8:11–13). Miracles are not for our entertainment. They are not a prerequisite for faith. If all of creationtestifies about its creator(Romans 1:20, Psalm19:1), why should he have to give us a personal signfrom heaven on top of that? If you ask God for a sign from heaven like the Pharisees,chancesare you’ll be disappointed like the Pharisees. 3. A miracle that contradicted God’s plan
  • 44. As Jesus hung on the Cross, his divinity was mocked. Again, people wanted to see a signfrom heaven, and their requests for a miracle emergedfrom a severe lack of faith—theydid not believe Jesus was who he said he was, and they would not believe him unless the God of the universe did what they asked, right then and there. As he hung there dying, Jesus, who was fully God, could have come down from that cross. Fully man, Jesus may have even been tempted by the prospect(Hebrews 2:18). But he didn’t come down. And those who passedby derided him, wagging their heads and saying, “Aha! You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself, and come down from the cross!” So also the chief priests with the scribes mockedhim to one another, saying, “He saved others;he cannotsave himself. Let the Christ, the King of Israel, come down now from the cross that we may see and believe” (Mark 15:29–32). Jesus didn’t come down because the Cross had a purpose. The miracle of his survival would have undermined the greatermiracle of his resurrection. It’s easyto think about the miracles that Jesus did do. In brief interactions, he radically altered people’s lives. But his ways are higher (Isaiah 55:8–9), and because ofthat, the miracles Jesus didn’t do are equally important in helping us understand the inexplicable. When God says No by Steven P. Wickstrom Have you ever prayed to God and had him answeryou by saying “No?” It is disappointing isn't it? Sometimes we do not even know how to dealwith that answer, especiallywhen it concerns the life of someone who close to us, or a family member. I have noticed that when God gives me a “No” answer, he
  • 45. usually does not explain why he answeredin that way. That tends to make it even more difficult for me to accept. Godseems to expectme to acceptthe answerand move on with my life. The problem is that I often do not want to acceptthat answerand I do not want to move on until I getan answerthat I want to hear. Perhaps you respond the same that I do. Let me tell you a true story. I was on a CoastGuard Cutter in the Bering Sea in the middle of February and the weatherhad been terrible for weeks. The relentless storms had driven the waves to around twenty-five feet in height and the snow was coming down horizontally. Being on a ship in twenty-five footseas canbe absolutely uncomfortable. It was so cold that the salt watersea spray was freezing into ice sheets as it coveredthe ship. Every morning we had to go out and the beat the ice off the ship that had accumulatedduring the night. We didn't want the ship to become top heavy due to the weight of the ice because a top heavy ship will tip over and sink. It was King Crab seasonand we were watching over the crab fleet like a shepherd watches his sheep. The ice flow had flowedsouth of the Artic Circle and was now pushing its way into the crab grounds. The harsh weatherwas taking its toll on the crab fleet. The men on a typical crab boat work twenty-hours a day releasing and pulling up their crab pots. They also had to beat the ice off their boats and that took time awayfrom catching crabs. Since crab seasonthat year only lastedabout four weeks,time was money. One of the boats, the “Crab Getter” (I chose not to use the boats actualname) had been neglecting the ice buildup on its mast and superstructure and was becoming top heavy. No one realizedthere was a problem until it was too late. We receiveda Mayday callwhen another vesselrealizedthe “Crab Getter” had suddenly vanished. We were only about twenty miles awaybut the twenty plus foot seas anddriving winds reduced our maximum speed. We launched our helicopter(quite a trick in twenty-foot seas)to look for survivors because it would take us about fifty minutes to traverse those twenty miles. I knew that the odds of those men surviving were slim to non-existent, so I interceded for their lives. A human canonly survive for about five minutes in freezing water so these men needed God to intervene if they were to survive.
  • 46. Almost as soonas I started praying, God answered. He said “No.” I was stunned. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. God knew that those men were still alive, in a desperate but losing battle to keepfrom freezing to death or drowning. Why wouldn't God want to save these men? Why wouldn't he want to receive the glory for such a miraculous intervention? I didn't understand. I arguedwith God, I pleaded with him, but he ignored me. A few minutes later he informed me that they were all dead. I wept for the widows who did not yet know that their husbands were not coming home. I wept for the children who no longer had a daddy. I wept for the families that were no longercomplete. I sensedthat God also wept, but I still didn't understand. If was God was also mourning over the deaths of the men, why did He sayno to my prayer? When we goton scene, we found the “Crab Getter;” it had completely overturned and all that was visible was the bottom of its hull. We searchedthe debris for bodies and found only one. Of the five-man crew, only one would go home to be buried. I stoodoutside in the driving snow and watched the “Crab Getter” sink beneath the waves. Fora CoastGuardsman, nothing is more depressing than watching a doomed vesselsink. It makes us feel like we have failed at our job. With tears freezing to my cheeks, I went back inside to warmth of my ship. I had questions, lots of questions. Why did God say no? Why does God not explain himself when he says no? Is it because I don't need to know the answer? Is it because He is God and I am not and He doesn't have to explain anything to me? Is it because His reasons and purposes are part of a plan that I cannot comprehend? Sometimes I really don't think I want the answers to those questions. I'm not sure if I'm spiritually mature enough to deal with the answers to those questions. We have all had well meaning Christians without a clue, pat us on the back and give us a “Christianese”answerthat didn't help one little bit. I know they mean well, but I'd rather not have their help or their advice. They don't know the answers either. If you have ever losta loved one, or someone close to you, you know what I mean.
  • 47. Did you know that Godansweredone of Jesus'prayers by saying no? In the garden of Gethsemane, with the cross looming before him, Jesus askedif the cup could be taken awayfrom him. He even askedtwice!He knew that God's answerwas no, so he submitted to the will of God. Submitting to the will of God is not always easyfor me, in fact sometimes it is downright difficult. Knowing that Jesus could go on after his prayer was answeredwith a “no,” gives me some comfort. My salvationis a result of God's saying no, and Jesus submitting to the will of Godand going to the cross. Ultimately I know that God is completely in control. Why did God allow those five men on the “CrabGetter” to die? I don't know. I probably won't have an answeruntil I getto heaven. At that time it will all make sense. Does that make it any easier? No, notreally. I simply choose to lean into the arms of my heavenly Father and trust his decisions and judgments. Since I know that God is in control, I must allow him to be in controlof my life. I may not like it when he says no to me, but I must trust him. I have only been able to come up with one answerfor what to do when God says no. It comes in understanding this; everything God does, he does to make us more dependent upon him. When God says no to you, pray that he will use the situation to bring you closerhim. This answermay or may not work for you. I pray that it does, but if it doesn't, I hope you're one step closerto an answer. Godalways reserves the right to sayno to our prayers. What we do with that answerwill either draw us closerto God, or push us away. May we always use the “No's” to pull us closerto God. Jesus Says No! Contributed by Ken Durham on Jul 11, 2005 basedon 15 ratings (rate this sermon)
  • 48. | 3,470views Scripture: Isaiah53:4-7 Summary: There were times evenJesus said"No"andso shouldwe! JESUS SAYS NO! Isaiah53: 4~7 Radio conversationonce heard at sea: First Voice: “Change course 15 degreesto the north to avoid a collision.” SecondVoice:“Recommendyou change course 15 degreessouthto avoid collision”. First Voice: “This is the Captain of a US Navy vessel. I repeat again, change your course.” SecondVoice:No, I repeat, you change your course”. First Voice: “This is the Aircraft CarrierEnterprise, we are a large warship of the United States Navy. Change your course NOW.” SecondVoice:“This is a Lighthouse.” 1. Introduction: Sometimes we just have to say no! However we so often feelto be a nice person always means having to sayyes to everyone and everything. How often do we feelguilty when we say no to someone? Butwe have to think about why we find this so hard. Are we saying yes because: · We just can’t say no! · We want people to think wellof us? · We don’t want to let anyone down?
  • 49. · Or we think being a Christian means saying yes? Lets fix our eyes on Jesus and look at the times He actually said“No”! 2. Jesus Says “No”to the Enemy In Matthew 4: 1~11 we see Jesus saying a very clear“No” to the enemy when He was being tempted in the desert. · Jesus said“No” to turning stones into bread to feed His hunger. · He said “No” to putting God to the test. · He said “No” to gaining the world He so loved the easyway. Jesus had been led by the Spirit into the desert to prepare for His purpose for mankind and had setout on a time of prayer and fasting. Satanknowing this tried to tempt Jesus into breaking up this time of purification. If you make a determined effort to follow the Lord taking new steps of commitment and discipleship don’t be surprised when the enemy tries to tempt you too. You are going to have to learn to say“No”! PowerfulPreaching with PRO 14 days FREE, getstarted now... Enter your name and email to begin. Credit card required, cancelany time. Plus, getemail updates & offers from SermonCentral. Privacy Do you notice how Jesus said “No” using scriptures? If the enemy is tempting you scripture is a very powerful weaponto use in your defence. When you are in trouble learn to discern the word the Holy Sprit is quickening into your mind. You then need to respond by speaking the word given to you, preferably out loud. For example if you are feeling fearful, shout out “Perfect love drives out fear”. Feeling weak in a continual area of sin? Boldly claim, “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength”. When a friend was being attackedand felt oppressedby the enemy she rushed out to be alone in the utility room, opened the deep freezerand shouted into it
  • 50. for the enemy to go and leave in Jesus’name. It was the only place she could go so no one would hear her! Learn to say“No” using scripture! 3. Jesus says “No”to Man’s Agenda and Timetable Only God’s Missionand Timing. Jesus was notwilling to follow man’s agenda and timetable. He was only on God’s mission and timing. John 6: 14~15 tells us that when the crowdsaw the miracles He did, Jesus knew they intended to come and make Him King by force. Have people got plans for you, which are not what God wants for you? Wait on God for His perfect plan for your life ~ don’t just follow the crowd. You need to know how to say“No”. “No” to Pleasing the Crowd. In Matthew 12:38~39 and16: 1~4 Jesus said “No” to giving a miraculous sign to the disbelieving leaders saying “But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah”. He was not willing to perform for the crowds. Norshould we! “No” to Pleasing His family. Jesus was not willing to stop His mission to please His family. Mark 3:21 indicates His family came to take charge ofHim as they thought He was mad. When they arrived He didn’t respond to their plans for Him. He said “Whoever does God’s will is my brother, sisterand mother”. It’s hard to say “No” to those who love us and think they know what’s best for us. We have to step out in faith and be obedient to God’s call on our lives. Sadly, a friend who left a well-paid job with excellentcareerprospects to take a risky venture in full time ministry facedthe most oppositionfrom his immediate Christian family. Not for nothing did Jesus warnus that a man’s enemies are from his own household. No one is saying it’s easy. But we must follow Jesus. My Time has not yet Come. Jesus says “No”to His mothers timetable telling her in John 2: 4 “My time has not yet come”. Yet He did help ~ abundantly! Turning gallons of waterinto wine. So maybe we have a “No” and a “Yes”! Not for you to know! Jesus says “No”to the disciples wanting to know the timetable! When askedif it was time to restore the kingdom of IsraelHe said
  • 51. it was not for them to know the times and dates (Acts 1:7). He refused to give them a timetable ~ instead He gave them a mission! “You will be my witnesses,” (Acts 1:8) He told them. Not Our Business! In Luke 12:13~14Jesus refusedto get involved in a dispute over an inheritance issue. “Teacher, tellmy brother to divide the inheritance with me”. I think there are some situations that we too should be reluctant to be involved in ~ but we still find it so difficult to say “No”. We needto seek God’s guidance and only be doing the things that please Him. Lets not get sidetracked, but make it our goalto follow Him. As 2 Timothy 2:4 clearlysays “No one serving as a soldiergets involved in civilian affairs ~ he wants to please his commanding officer”. 4. Jesus says “No”to us! He has better plans for us. In Mark 5:18~19 Jesus said“No” to the demon possessedman He had healed, even though the man beggedto go with Jesus. “Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you””. You see Jesus says “No”to us when He has something better in mind for us to do for Him. As the people in that area had pleaded with Jesus to go, this man would be the only person who could tell and show them what the Lord had done. Sometimes Jesus canask us to stay where we are even though it’s the hardest thing for us to do. Testing our faith. In Matthew 15:23 we read, “Jesus did not answera word” testing the faith of the Canaanite womanwho came to Him for help. Yet the sheerpersistence ofher faith was answered. “Woman, youhave great faith! Your request is granted”. Sometimes we have to pray and wait and keep praying and waiting for God to move in someone’s life or even in our own situation before we see an answerto our petitions. As with the parable of the persistentwidow in Luke 18 although the Judge refused her plea for justice she just kept on and on! And so should we! Pastor, have you claimed your 14 day PRO trial?
  • 52. Enter your name and email to begin. Credit card required, cancelany time. Plus, getemail updates & offers from SermonCentral. Privacy 5. The Most Difficult “No’s” Anyone has Ever had to Say “No” to turning awayfrom the cross. Jesusknowing whatlay aheadsaid “No” to running away from the cross. In Matthew 16:21~23 Peterthinking he knew best (!) tried to persuade the Lord to turn awayfrom His mission to suffer and die. “Peter took Him aside and beganto rebuke him, “Never Lord!” he said, “This shall never happen to you!” Are people trying to get you to turn awayfrom God’s plan for your life, or are you mistakenly trying to turn a loved one awayfrom a difficult path God has led them to take? Our Lord turned and saidto Peter“Getbehind me, Satan!You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.” Lets say“No” with Jesus and follow Him whateverthe costand opposition. Jesus refusedto answerthose who falsely accusedHim. He was so secure in the Father’s love and mission not to have to answerthose who falselyaccusedHim. As we look at the gospels we see the prophecy made about Him in Isaiah53:7 fulfilled: “He was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheepbefore her shearers is silent, so He did not open His mouth”. He only confirmed Who He was;The Christ, the Son of God and the King of the Jews. “No” to His own will and “Yes” to the Father… even to His death on the Cross. “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done”. (Luke 22:42). He refused to come down from the cross even when they taunted Him with: “Save yourself! Come down from the cross, if You are the Sonof God!” (Matt 27:40) “He savedothers” they said “But He can’t save Himself” (Matt 27:42)
  • 53. “Let Him come down now from the cross, andwe will believe in Him.” (Matt 27:42) Pastor, have you claimed your 14 day PRO trial? Enter your name and email to begin. Credit card required, cancelany time. Plus, getemail updates & offers from SermonCentral. Privacy Praise Godthat Jesus said“No”!Forme. Foryou. Conclusion Jesus did say“No” ~ and on occasions so must we! However, scripture warns us not to say never to say “No” to Jesus:“See to it that you do not refuse Him Who speaks. (Heb:12:25), and “Yet you refuse to come to Me to have life.” (John 5:40) Maybe God is calling you right now to make that ultimate life changing decisionto follow Him. Well I can promise you there is something Jesus will never, ever say“No” to: “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise castout”. (John 6:37 KJV) When God Says “No” Dealing with Disappointment Article by MaryLynn Johnson GuestContributor
  • 54. I will never forgetthe moment when I knew God had answered“no” to something I really wanted. He seemedto whisper this answerinto my heart to help me realize I had spent too much time holding onto something I was not meant to have. After months of presenting my request, he gently told me to let it go. At first, I didn’t realize his plans were better than my own. Moments of heartache and (seemingly) empty hands, left me wondering why he would take awaythis opportunity I desired so much. I wrongfully believed that if he wouldn’t give me what I wanted, he must not have understood how important it was to me. It seemedlike he was needlesslywithholding, not giving abundantly like I thought he should. Permissionto Grieve When we are forced to let go of something we really long for — whether it’s takenaway, or it seems it will never be given — grief is a natural response. The weightof disappointment is crushing. It can be overwhelming and take time to process. “Godknows better than we do, and his ‘no’ is always merciful, evenwhen it hurts.” Tweet Share on Facebook It’s not wrong to experience disappointment when life does not unfold the way we hope. If we do not give ourselves permissionto grieve, we inadvertently believe that God is more concernedwith us immediately feeling better, rather than working through the hurt to bring real transformation to our heart. We lose sight of the invitation he has given us to place our struggles athis feet.
  • 55. He is not afraid of the pain we feel. His sovereigntyis not dependent on our emotions. He will not try to invalidate our hurt with quick and temporary fixes. We are free to express a sense oflack and sorrow in the moment. He lets us feel the void so that he might satisfy us with himself. He wants to draw near. Finding His Love in Our Lament The panic I felt over being led in a different direction gave a clearpicture of the state of my heart. I was more concernedwith not getting what I wanted than seeing where God wanted me. Disappointment often reveals what captures our affections. Eventhough the disappointment is not always wrong, it does give us a gauge that shows us where we have invested our hope. Lamenting through our discontentment forces us to carry those desires back to God — even if just to question why he hasn’tgiven these things to us. It sheds light on the idols we have createdin our lives. Through the grief, we dig up our biggestfrustrations and unleash our rawestemotions. Griefgraciouslydraws us in to wrestle with God in every wound and disappointment. “I was more concernedwith not getting what I wantedthan seeing where the Lord wanted me.” Tweet Share on Facebook The purpose of lament is not merely to vent our distress (which leaves us in despair), but to bring our attention back to God’s promises and the hope we have in Christ. He promises that he hears us when we call(Matthew 7:7). He promises to be near to us (Psalm 34:18). He promises to be faithful (Deuteronomy 31:6). He promises that this hurt will end (Revelation21:4). He
  • 56. promises that when we seek him, he will transform our hearts to desire more of him (Psalm 37:4). He will not leave us in the misery of our disappointment, because he has not finished the work he startedin us (Philippians 1:6). He will assure us of his love as we invite him into the struggle we feel. His BestCanBe Painful C.S. Lewis once wrote, “We are not necessarilydoubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.” Redirectionforces something out of our hands we had hoped to keep. Through that, we begin to realize God’s plan for our life does not equate to the easyor comfortable road; but he is working all things together, eventhis disappointed, for our good(Romans 8:28). God always has our ultimate goodin mind, which means he will pry the idols from our hands. He does this not because he is cruel or depriving us. He knows better than we do, and his “no” is always merciful, even when it hurts. He is for us, fighting againstwhat will keepus from him (Romans 8:31). He knows our hearts canonly be truly satisfiedwith himself (John 4:14). He will not tolerate being secondin our lives, because he wants us to have something so much better than what the world can offer. “WhenGod takes something away, he creates spacein our lives for more of him.” Tweet Share on Facebook When God takes something away, he creates space inour lives to fill us with more of him and his blessings. Thatis the greatestgift of all. It may not feel like it in the moments where we are forced to reconcile disappointment, but he
  • 57. wants to help us understand it is true. He wants us to experience for ourselves — to taste and see, and know that he is good(Psalm34:8). Disappointment may be part of living in this world, as we struggle to let go of our earthly desires and open our hearts to receive the good things God wants to give us. But if we are in Christ, our struggle with disappointment is only temporary. The promises of God, and the joy we experience as we realize them, are eternal. MaryLynn Johnson(@MaryLynnJohnson) is a writer and bloggerwith a heart for ministry and using words to encourage others. Keepup with her at Letting Go of Why. Billy Graham’s My Answer: Why Does GodSometimes Say No? By Billy Graham • April 28, 2015 Share Tweet Home Stories Billy Graham’s My Answer: Why Does GodSometimes Say No? Q: I know God sometimes says no when we ask for something in our prayers. But if He really loved us, wouldn’t He always answerour prayers with a yes? A: Let me assure you that God does love us, and preciselybecause He loves us, He sometimes says “No” to what we request in our prayers.
  • 58. Let me explain it this way. Elsewhere in your letter, you mention that you and your husband have two children. Do you give them everything they ask for? Or if they want to do something you know is dangerous, do you let them do it anyway? No, of course not. and the reasonis because you love them and don’t want anything bad to happen to them. Part of your responsibility as a parent is to protect your children from harm even if it sometimes means saying “No”. In a much greaterway, God loves us and knows what is best for us — far more than we do. And because He wants to keepus from harm, He sometimes says “No.” As I look back over my life, I know God sometimes said “No” to things I askedHim to do, and to be honest, I often was disappointed. But later I realized God knew what He was doing, and by saying “No” He had kept me from harm. Prayer is one of our greatestprivileges, and it’s possible because Jesus Christ has openedheaven’s doorfor us through His death and resurrection. But prayer isn’tjust asking God to do anything we want. Beginby committing your life to Christ. Then make it your goalto seek His will in your prayers. The Bible says, “If we ask anything according to his will…. we have what we askedof him” (1 John 5:14-15). When God Says No: Reasonsfor UnansweredPrayer Article contributed by Probe Ministries Visit Probe's website 1. Sin in our lives. Confess and repent! The psalmist wrote, "If I had cherished sin in my heart, the LORD would not have listened" (Ps. 66:18). Notthat God is unable to hear, for He is