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No matter your position in life,no matter how well you may be, and no matter whatyou may do, if you have no love
you are nothing.The entire world has forsaken the path of love and are engaged in things that bring perdition.
Whoever wants eternal life has to love one another otherwise his blood shall be upon him.You are not asked to love
one another so that you will be rich, or that you will be great and prominentin the society. Be it known to you that love
in itselfis eternal life and if you have love, you have eternal life. If Adam and Eve and Abraham and other prophets of
old had that love, they would have had eternal life. The whites and blacks and indeed all the inhabitants ofthe world
do not have eternal life because they possess notlove. Man, has made a lot of inventions and has manufactured
various things butcannot have eternal life. This is so because there is no human being who has love. Love is that
cornerstone which the builders have rejected.
Man, has learnt how to swindle,steal,kill,swim,shootand do all sorts of things buthas refused to learn how to show
the expression oflove and have the benefitof everlasting life.All things are in abundance in the world today except
love and eternal life.
Therefore, whosoever desires eternal life should love one another.Neither medicine,nor money,or any other thing
can gain one eternal life except love. For wantof long life, you consultoracles/medical doctors,and indulge in many
other life preserving and protecting endeavors.I stand in the highestheavens and declare unto you that life does not
consistofthese things.Whosoever desires life should have love. There is nothing on earth that can give you eternal
life except love. Eternal life is not found in hospitals,or healing homes or in Visio hers houses or in medication.You
do not need to worry yourselfconsulting medical doctors,soothsayers,visioner's and indulging in the preparation of
concoction and charms.All you need to do is love one another.
Your tribe, or tongue color,race, position or achievements do notmatter in this case.Consideration is onlygiven to
the injunction,love one another. Even if you run to the sun,moon or star or to the abyss see or into the thin ai r, death
shall find you out. In order that you may escape death and have eternal life, you mustpossess love.Rightnow, if you
resolve and love one another, you are free from death. I am making itknown to the entire world that whosoever does
not love one another is a condemn fellow.Do not disturb your mind over things thatdo not matter simplyhave love
and you are saved.
You promise notto reconcile with your enemies and cannotforgive them yet you desire eternal life.How can you
have it when you do not love one another? You initiate into various secretsocieties and do such similar things in
order to have eternal life. Is eternal life found in these places? You have so journeyed the entire world seeking for
eternal life and have attempted to run from God's presence.You do not need to go to any place for eternal life.
Practice love and you will have it. Where ever you go to, you will still find God, the only source of salvation is in love.
Your only source of eternal life is to have love. You have to refrain from stealing,drinking,smoking,eating flesh and
engaging in all evil acts, love one another and you are saved.
People are complaining ofsicknesses,poverty, tough times and all kinds ofencumbrances.Some are running into
various places for security and solace.You cannotescape encumbrances neither can you find peace in the world
except you love one another. Today the entire world blasphemes the name ofBrotherhood ofthe Cross and Star and
makes all kinds offalse accusations againstit.
Do you think that Brotherhood of the Cross and Star cannotutter a word and wonders will happen? The truth is that if
it is done, the will of God will be prevented and Brotherhood of the Cross and Star will fail. That is why in spite of all
that the world has done and said aboutBrotherhood ofthe Cross and Star we approach them with love. Satan
himselfknows thatwhosoever commits sin has no life in him.That is why he goes aboutsowing seeds ofdiscord and
placing stumbling blocks on the ways of the children of God so that when they fall eternal life will elude them.That is
why God is advising us to love one another. Do you know the significance oflove? Love is like the human head.You
can cut the hands or feet or ears but in as much as the head is not touched life will continue the momentyour head is
cut off your life is terminated.When you argue how you can love your enemies and forgive those who offend against
you, I laugh at you. Love is the fountain of life, the only source of life and salvation.But because ofyour
disobedience,you resortto visiting visioner's,consulting oracles,soothsayers and charm removers for help.
Somebodywill claim to have removed nails,pains,life lizards,frogs and so on from your body. Is that true? Is it
possible for you to exist with those things in your body? When visioners tell you that juju witchcraft, mermaid and
other elementaryspirits are tormenting you,you nod your head in agreement.These things are revealed to you
because you did not practice the father's Gospel.Since you desire for things you can see and feel, you go to the
visioners for such things.You dread the father's presence and would notlisten to his gospel especiallywhen you
have committed sin.
In the alternative you visit visionor's and healing homes thinking your problems will be solved there.You can see that
the problems and afflictions in the world today are attributed to money, woman,and other things whereas the source
of the problems in the world is because they have forsaken God's love. That is why it has please God today to send
his love into the world.My duty is to expedite upon the meaning oflove one another.The meaning ofit is that we
have to love ourselves and live in harmony. It means thatlove should notbe one-sided nor should itbe deceitful.It
means thatI should love you, and you love me,the other person loves us as we love him equally. It explains the
conceptof oneness which is prevalentin brotherhood;the love of one to another.It borders on mutual reciprocity.
Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is the kingdom ofGod where love is practiced,it is a place where there is no
hatred, backbiting,division,killing,stealing,swindling and other vices.It is the kingdom ofGod wherein dwells love.If
after reaching out for love you abandon it, do you not see that such is the heightof stupidityand sign of perdition? If
after you have possessed love which is the perfect state,you steal,fornicate hate and commitother vices, where is
your stand.You have returned to square one and are lost.If you forsake all these vices, you have landed atthe state
of love which is the state of perfection. When you say that there is love in brotherhood but fail to practice it, you have
no place in it. Those who benefit in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star are those who abide by the rules and
injunctions here bypracticing love one another.The other group consistofthose who come here to dupe,swindle,
and do all kinds of evil. These are the people who refuse to love one another.If we love one another,we have kept
the law and have passed from death unto life.
This love is the tree of life which Adam was not allowed to have access.When Adam had eaten the forbidden fruit, he
was rusticated from the garden that he may not also eat the tree of life and live forever since he would be as wise as
God. That tree of life is love. Love neither steals nor fornicates nottell lies,nor indulges in the preparatio n of
concoctions.Thatis why love is the fulfilling ofthe law.
Do not be surprised thatif you are sick, love heals you withoutthe application ofany drug. And when you are healed
he does notcharge you; if you are pregnantit is love who takes care of you and safely deliveries you with a child
withoutthe application ofdrugs or going to the maternity, she is delivered free of charge. Do not be surprised to find
an importantbrother or barren sister bearing a number ofchildren by love withoutconsulting oracles or sacrificing or
indulging in any diabolical thing or going to the hospital for any form of medication and withoutspending money
before getting children.You may go to school and you are so dull that you cannotfollow your teacher but love
brightens your intellectand teaches you to understand all your lessons.At the end,you pass your examination with
flying colors and become a highly educated person.
More importantlyyou may be weak, feeble,helpless and ignorant,butsuddenlylove sets in and salvage you from
your ruins and bestows you with the Holy Spiritand so restores power,strength and wisdom to you. All these are
done to you free of charge. In the world, there is no sympathy for any offense that you may commit.For any slight
offense,you may be taken to court or beaten up and hatred reign supreme.Mostof you do not know where you are
because you still complain aboutone thing or the other whereas you are always well protected by love, and nothing
has dominion over you. If you consultan Oracle or indulge in the preparation ofconcoctions,you are merelywasting
your time and your moneyto the necromancer or soothsayer for no diabologycan harm or penetrate into any part of
your body. The different governments ofthe world have devised certain means like prisons,police force,court of
justice,they have manufactured offensive weapons guns,swords,Guillotine,atomic bomb,nuclear weapons to stop
the commission ofcrime and sin.But have these devices and weapons been able to deter m an from sinning? ButI
use the Holy Spirit to drive away evil spiritfrom you and so bestow Holy Spirit on you. This is love in action. Do you
have fervent charity? Since this is the school of love, you have to possess ferventcharity. Neither power, nor
knowledge can save you but have fervent love and you will overcome everything. During these pastera knowledge,
had accumulated butlove has now come along to swallow up every knowledge.There will be no more wars,division,
segregation and craftiness because love will swallow up all evils in this world.Do not seek for honor and glory
because he who is worthy has come to rule. Who is worthy to rule? It is love, because love regards every person in
the same way.
It is sacrosanctthatthe earthly man will no longer rule the world because he is tyrannical,extortionate, fraudulent,but
the heavenly man will rule, governs with love, truth, patience,mercy and tolerance.Whatever your objection maybe,
he will rule,your reaction notwithstanding.When I look at you who profess to be brotherhood,I shed tears because
you have not practiced love but continue to fight againstyourself.You were called into the kingdom in love but you
argue that you cannotshow the expression oflove. Love does notimpute sins upon anyperson,butyou always
impute sins on others claiming a holier than thou attitude? Who are you to judge your brother? You go about
deceiving and misleading manypeople when you tell them that the father is angry with them, or that he has forgotten
aboutthem or that he does not want to see them.Can love ever become angry, or can love forget or can love avoid
seeing anyone? There is neither change nor variableness in love.If you have doubts,tell lies,fornicate and bear
malice;you have no love. If you keep security men,you have no love, if you keep a penknife in your pocket, you have
no love. These and other such like behaviors are all indices for lack of love.
If you wear love as a garment,you cannotsin.You always report yourselfto me that you tell lies,beat up people,
take court action againstpeople,which means thatyou have not received the lessons on love.No church
denomination has ever seen Brotherhood ofthe Cross and Star in a good light. There is no church denomination
which invites Brotherhood of the Cross and Star to any of its function and Brotherhood of the Cross and Star refused
to respond positively.No church denomination has ever commended Brotherhood ofthe Cross and Star for whatever
it does.Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is looked at by the church denominations as daemonic and satanic.Even
prostitutes condemn Brotherhood ofthe Cross and Star as a wicked organization.In spite of this, Brotherhood ofthe
Cross and Star continues to love all. Despite the blasphemies againstBrotherhood ofthe Cross and Star by the
people,yet when they come to brotherhood of the Cross and Star,they are healed.
In this kingdom love covers all faults and commissions.Love is like the ocean which swallows and sinks everything
that enters into it. Whatever is your state and disposition,come into Brotherhood ofthe Cross and Star and love will
absorb every evil in you. It is like you putting 20,000 bags of saltin the ocean and everything is dissolved by the
ocean.The whites shoutlove, but do not know the meaning.The blacks shoutlove but do not know it. There is none
who understands the conceptof love. People think that once you prepare delicious meals for them,you have loved
them.Others think that when you buy a luxurious car for another or sponsor one in the university you have loved
them.Some others claim thatwhen you forsake stealing,lying,fornication,you have love. Some others claim thatit is
when they take up Bible to preach that our Lord Jesus Christis either the Lord or the Christor the son of God. But all
these expressions have no relationship with the love I reveal to you today.
Why do you pursue a child of God with a gun and claim to have love? Whom are you pursuing with a gun? Why do
you kill? Why do you make evil utterances againstsomeone? Is he not a child of God? Yet you say you have love?
Why do you claim superiorityover another and regard yourselfbetter and able than him? You say he is a beast,when
you actually know that you are one with him.If you say your continentis Africa, whose continents are those occupied
by the whites? Are the inhabitants ofthe Western world not owned by God? When you reason in this way has
darkness notovershadowed you? It means you have no love. Any person who says I am from Africa and not from
Europe has no love.
Now in your house,you keep one room for our Lord Jesus Christthe other for Angel and another for yourself. You
still setone aside for the preparation of concoction or juju.You have done this because you have no love. God has
created you and the trees. Are you not all brotherhood? Have you the rightto kill a fish or an animal,when they are
all your brethren? Do you have the rightto cut down any trees? You are not better then, a tree. The only power the
father gave to you is to superintend over all other creations.All works,all things,all events and everything belongs to
the father. If you and the father are one and you have love, you would have regarded the whole world as your
brethren,because all of you are the children of God. Do not say again you have nobody, the father owns all.He owns
all monies,all days,all months and all wisdom,and you and the father are one and what you have are his.If yo u had
love, you would not have attributed anything to yourselfnor claim to have anything. The father does and has all.
Regard others as yourself.All things should be shared equally.Do not take the lion share and give a little to the other
person.Do not tell any person to dance before you give him food. Do not beatup any person.Do not tell people to
wait till you finish eating.There is no need claiming superiorityover others.Do not regard anything as yours. You are
only a superintendent,to look after all the things in the world.You should regard all the things in the same way.
Nothing belongs to you. Your thoughts are his thoughts;the words you utter are spoken by him,your eyes too are
his.He walks with your legs,the hands are his hands,he uses them atwill,all the songs you sing are rendered by
him.He shows kindness and benevolence.When you reason this way, it means you have that love.
He owns everything, what services can you render to God? The only thing is to surrender everything to him,bow and
worship him dayand night. If you do that, it means you have love. You cannot say, I do not know Apostolic church, or
the Roman Catholic Church or Muslim or Rosicrucian or Native Doctor. Why? Are all these people notowned by
God? That is why when you profess to be brotherhood,those who are far learned will ask whether you actually know
the meaning ofbrotherhood.If you profess to be a brotherhood and you go to a certain place and complain thata
member ofyour church is not there, it means you are not brotherhood.When you claim to be a brotherhood and you
regard your house as your bonafide property; when somebodyis sick you do not offer prayers, or when you do not
give alms to the poor and needy, you do not care whathappens to the afflicted but you sitdown in your house and
discriminate againstothers,you have not started and you do not even know what is called brotherhood because you
have no love.
You mustalways seek for the good of all men both far and near even unto the uttermostpart of the earth, for all of
them are children ofthe father. You should have interestfor the sick,interestfor a thief, interests for trees,animals,
fishes and everything because they all are your brothers.You speak good ofall human beings,all visible and invisible
things,created and uncreated things because all ofthem are brethren.Whenever you are praying, you are praying
for everything. Anything at all you do, do it for all things because God is the embodimentof all things.
If a white man comes now and requestprayers from you so that he may go to conquer the black man,do not pray. If
a black man comes to be prayed for so that he may rule over the whites,do not pray. Because you know that the
blacks arc the children of your father, the whites are the father's children too.You have to pray that there should be
Peace everywhere. If somebodytells you to accompanyhim to somewhere so thathis debtor maybe influenced to
defray his debts,do not go. If you are asked to bear false witness to somebodyso that he can collecta certain thing
from somewhere,do not bear.
When you are singing,itis the father who sings.When you are, dancing know that it is the Christwho is dancing .Do
not claim responsibilityfor anything. If you do, you are still covered with darkness.Thatis why you argue, always
saying,how can this man preach this kind of gospel when he has never attended any school.The doctrines do not
come from here. They are not mine.Anybody who practices these teachings will realize whether they are from me or
from the father. Why do you complain thatyou have no brother? It means thatyou have no love, why do you
complain thatyou have no money; it means thatyou have no love. Why do you complain thatyou have no wisdom,it
means thatyou have no love?
No segregation is wanted,whether one is white or black, or a lawyer, or president,or governor or principal.For one to
ask you to watch over something means you should superintend over the things in peace year in and year out. If you
regard God as the god of Nigeria,discard thatthought. If you say he is in Africa, change your mind because ofall the
planes ofmanifest,earth is the smallest.Do you not know that there are heavens upon heavens,some greater then,
this,hundred times? Enoch was a witness to this,when he was translated.He saw quite a good number of people
and in sharp comparison declared thatthe earth was far less populated.Rightnow,all angels are your brethren.You
are one with them.Never you say, I wish I were an angel because you are one with angels.Do not say if I were our
Lord Jesus Christbecause you are one with him.Do not say I should be like God because you are one with God. Do
not say if I were able to be like that woman,you are one with her. What I have broughtto you is oneness.Nobodyis
greater then, Jehovah God and his Christ.If you knew that you and all your brethren are equal,you would no longer
be able to lie, steal,harbor anybody in your heart or puff up.
If you have this love of God in your hearts,you will not wound people with knives.You will not pronounce death
sentence on the human being like yourself.You will not hold anybody to ransom because he is indebted to you. You
will not put on costly apparels and give tattered ones to others.You will no longer say that God loves you more than
other persons you will no longer say you are rich and the other man is poor.All those who do so,do it because of
lack of love. All of you, dead or alive, bond or free, in sickness and good health,and wealth and poverty, when you
some up all the things with the Christ,it is still one. And together our Lord Jesus Christ,all of us and God are only
one thing. Add this world to another and to another you will only find one world.There is no discrimination because
love reigns in all things.That is why you have been told that there will be no more warfare. Division and hatred will be
no more.Visa and passportwill cease.Everyplace is owned by the father. What is the use of passportand visa? You
may say this is my country, whose is the other? Is it not God who owns you and all other places? Whosoever
behaves in this manner,is againstour Lord Jesus Christ.
All those who sow seeds ofdiscord are scattering.Our Lord Jesus Christdied,resurrected and now lives to rule
because ofall these things.He does notwant any discrimination because the whole world is one person.He has
revealed his love to the whole world.But the world knows not whatis called love.
Brethren, have you not sown the seed of discord with God? Have you not cause division with the Christ? Have you
not discriminated againstyour wife in the house? Have you not caused segregation with your children? Do you see
how you are crafty and cunning? You regard anything of God as som e other person's thing.You want God to pay
you, or you wantsomebodyto pay you before you can serve your father. All those who do gods work for wages do
not have love. The love of God is not in them.All those who refuse to surrender themselves to do the work of God do
not love God. If you were to regard all your possessions as the fathers and all the fathers as yours, I do not think you
would have counted on anything. You will even give out your Soutane to others.You would not sitstill in your house
but will go on ministrywork to various Bethel's.
If you use all the father has to serve him and use all you have to serve him,it implies you have nothing to yourselfat
all; when will you be bankrupt? When are, you going to be poor and wretched? He says whosoever lacks wisdom
should go to him.He is the father of wisdom.You claim you are unwise.Is notall your father's wisdom yours? You
complain you have no Spirit, who is the sole spiritual head? Is itnot your father? Ask him and he will bestow the spi rit
on you. You complain you have no love, yet he is the father of love. You ask him,all his love is yours. You complain
you have no life. When you are together with him,all your life and his become one.
What kills you is lack of love. Do you know that all that you have in this world and in any other world belongs to the
father? Do you know that all the fishes in the water, trees in the forest animals in the bush,all the birds in the air
belong to the father? Do you know that human beings,black-and-white,native doctors roaming abouton earth belong
to the father? Do you know that all the angels tall and shortfat and lean and all others belong to the father? Right
from today, those who read this,all their wretchedness,death,Lamentations are wiped away.You no longer will beg
because you know all that you have belong to the father and all that the father has belong to you. When you create
poverty and death for yourselfbecause you lack the love of God, you get separated from the love of God. When this
happens,you are covered with darkness.
You complain you cannotgo on transfer to another town because there is no Brotherhood of the Cross and Star
there. If there is no Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, there whatis there? All the people existing there, what are
they? All the houses there,are they not occupied by the father? All the waters you pass by the road, are they not
brotherhood? You complain aboutall these because you have no love. Whatever man cannotdo is very possible in
the hands ofGod. You complain thatthe father is dead. Where has he gone to? What about all these fathers you find
in the world,whose fathers are they? All the mothers you fine here, are they not your mother? You complain you
have no child.When I die,I do not know what to leave behind.All the children scattered aboutin the world to whom
do they belong?
If you were to be one with the father and the father with you, will you speak in that manner? That is why you are told,
if you do not have love it profits you nothing.For this reason,you still grope in the darkness.No inhabitantofthe
world has the love of God in him.Love is therefore universal it has neither beginning nor end.You cannotsay it starts
here and ends there,it has no boundary. If we have love, darkness will run awayfrom us sickness will run from us,
tears will leave us,loneliness will leave us,all things will run away from us.That is the manner with which our Lord
Jesus Christhas revealed love for us throughoutthe whole world.That is why he has no conflict with neither man nor
angel.He does notsay woe unto this or that thing.Because he knows that the trees are our brethren. The trees have
their assignments,the leaves have theirs,water and other creatures of God have their assignments.But out of
Grace, you have been appointed to superintend over all the creatures of God.
If you were to love God, you would not kill a rat, lizard, flies,or any other thing because all these things are your
brethren.Do you believe that the fly and the ant you killed had persecuted you? You have been found guilty after
judgment.You realize that the leaves you pluck had persecuted you before God and you were condemned after
being found guilty. Do you know that everything including the trees you cut have summoned you before God reporting
that it's brother whom he did nothing to has cut it down? In whatever, situation,courtaction has been taken against
you and you have been found guilty after trial. Do you know that the sand you march on and the ground you dig have
also summoned you before God for disturbing them?
That is why you have been asked to obtain prior permission from the father in everything you want to do. If you are
not authorized, stay action. As he looks after you, he is also taking care of flies,rocks,wind, ants,lizards, trees and
all other things.As he loves you, so does he love animals,trees,birds,angels and other creatures.His eyes are
looking on everything throughoutthe world at the same time.
The only person who understood AlmightyGod was our Lord Jesus Christbecause he is God. He was to reveal this
love to all the four corners of the world.Because of this love, you cannotcompare any person with Christ.He stands
quiet, unique.People commend the works ofMoses,Abraham and Melchizedek. Who among them had the kind of
love Christhad; paying of tithe, celebration of feast,praying for the sick and preaching,free will offering and charity
do not matter much.What matters is this love. Brethren,let us have love. Money, education,feast, white garment,
singing is notmentioned.When you regard all your belongings as the father and all the father's belongings are yours,
you are one with the father, that is all. What belongs to the father? It is the world and the fullness thereof.What do
you possess? Itis also thatworld and its contents.When you countall these things you will only find one thing.
If you have love, you will not say you are anything. Love does not puff up. Love exasperates not, love has long
patience,love does not rejoice in what is wrong,does not seek for selfish gains.Ifwe are always together, there will
be no fastidiousness and we will have no problems.Thatis why I have said that you do not know th e kind of spiritin
your midst.It is the spiritof love. Love is the wisdom ofGod, love is the power of God, love is life eternal. Whosoever
does notpossess itwill notlive because everything will pass awaybut love will endure forever. Tell me how you will
live as far as you do not have love. Any person,who does notlove, can only see things close to him but not far off.
You will be thinking aboutyourself, your wife, your children and others ofyour household.Ifsomebodytells you, let
us go to that family, you will say no. They are all witches and wizards.
Cross river state is concerned aboutherself,Nigeria says prayfor Nigeria,Ghana the same thing.What aboutthe
restof Africa, what about the other continents,whataboutthe other planes ofcreation, do they not also belong to
God? That is why we are bestowed with problems and difficulties.If I have only one person possessing this love of
God, the whole world will be at peace. He will not pray for things to be good with one and bad with the other. He will
not be able to think evil whenever things are good with the neighboring village.He will not rejoice over the downfall of
any village.
If you should have this love of God in you, you will never condemn any person,you will walk in the lightto anywhere
you go, you will have good health and will realize that all will be well. If your love circulates onlyin Calabar,what
aboutother places? If you love only Nigeria,what aboutother countries in Africa? If you love only westAfrica what
aboutEast Africa? If you love your life, it is certain that you do not love God. If you love money, the love of God is not
in you. If you love food, the love of God is not in you. If you love music,the love of God is dead in you.
Tell me the truth, of all these aspects oflove, is there any of them which is not in you; the love of wealth,money, land,
wife and other things ofthis life? That is why no matter how the word of God is preach to you, it is a waste of time,
because your heart is fixed in the things ofthe world. Love is not money. It is not food. It is nothing in the world. But
love is greater than the whole world. One is enslaved to what he loves. When you love something,all your life,
thoughts and desires are in that thing.Some people are looking for husbands,others are looking for wives,but of the
questfor husbands and wives you continue to wonder in the world and deviate from the work of God which you were
predestined.Itis because of your looking for what you are going to eat that you fall from the path of God. Because of
what you will wear, since you love yourselfso much,then you derail from the path of righteousness.Can you now
know your enemyand the enemyof the entire world? Whenever you listen to the word of God, go and sleep over it
and contemplate on the reason you are told to do or not to do certain things.
God advises you not to scramble for feastbut when bread and biscuitare broughtin, you struggle and overturn the
tray. You are warned not to commitfornication,butyou stay here and exchange addresses and indulge in dating.You
have also been told not to love money, but you remain here to pick pocket. This is your problem. It is not God who
hinders you from serving him,it is the love of this world,which hinders you from serving God. The foundation stone in
this kingdom is for you to invest your love in God: once you love God, you will succeed in all your endeavors.But if
you investyour love in any human being then you stand to fail. All those who cannotpractice the words ofGod have
something in their hearts even though they have not disclosed itto anyone. It is because you love life and good
health,you swear that whatever will give you good health whether it is mermaid,juju or concoctions,you will enslave
yourselfto it. Now because you love good health,you have denied your God.
The troubles ofthe world right from the beginning have been love for handsome man and beautiful women,beautiful
clothing and beautiful houses,beautiful cities and cars,beautiful flowers and landscapes.The creator of heaven and
earth has given us as his first commandmentthatwe should notlove the world nor the things that are in the world.If
we love the world and the things in the world,the love of God is not in us.
Those who have ears to hear, let them hear, may God bless his holywords.Amen.

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The true concept of love

  • 1. THE TRUE CONCEPT OF LOVE No matter your position in life,no matter how well you may be, and no matter whatyou may do, if you have no love you are nothing.The entire world has forsaken the path of love and are engaged in things that bring perdition. Whoever wants eternal life has to love one another otherwise his blood shall be upon him.You are not asked to love one another so that you will be rich, or that you will be great and prominentin the society. Be it known to you that love in itselfis eternal life and if you have love, you have eternal life. If Adam and Eve and Abraham and other prophets of old had that love, they would have had eternal life. The whites and blacks and indeed all the inhabitants ofthe world do not have eternal life because they possess notlove. Man, has made a lot of inventions and has manufactured various things butcannot have eternal life. This is so because there is no human being who has love. Love is that cornerstone which the builders have rejected. Man, has learnt how to swindle,steal,kill,swim,shootand do all sorts of things buthas refused to learn how to show the expression oflove and have the benefitof everlasting life.All things are in abundance in the world today except love and eternal life. LOVE GIVES ETERNAL LIFE Therefore, whosoever desires eternal life should love one another.Neither medicine,nor money,or any other thing can gain one eternal life except love. For wantof long life, you consultoracles/medical doctors,and indulge in many other life preserving and protecting endeavors.I stand in the highestheavens and declare unto you that life does not consistofthese things.Whosoever desires life should have love. There is nothing on earth that can give you eternal life except love. Eternal life is not found in hospitals,or healing homes or in Visio hers houses or in medication.You do not need to worry yourselfconsulting medical doctors,soothsayers,visioner's and indulging in the preparation of concoction and charms.All you need to do is love one another. Your tribe, or tongue color,race, position or achievements do notmatter in this case.Consideration is onlygiven to the injunction,love one another. Even if you run to the sun,moon or star or to the abyss see or into the thin ai r, death shall find you out. In order that you may escape death and have eternal life, you mustpossess love.Rightnow, if you resolve and love one another, you are free from death. I am making itknown to the entire world that whosoever does not love one another is a condemn fellow.Do not disturb your mind over things thatdo not matter simplyhave love and you are saved. You promise notto reconcile with your enemies and cannotforgive them yet you desire eternal life.How can you have it when you do not love one another? You initiate into various secretsocieties and do such similar things in order to have eternal life. Is eternal life found in these places? You have so journeyed the entire world seeking for eternal life and have attempted to run from God's presence.You do not need to go to any place for eternal life. Practice love and you will have it. Where ever you go to, you will still find God, the only source of salvation is in love. Your only source of eternal life is to have love. You have to refrain from stealing,drinking,smoking,eating flesh and engaging in all evil acts, love one another and you are saved. LOVE SOLVES ALL PROBLEMS OF LIFE People are complaining ofsicknesses,poverty, tough times and all kinds ofencumbrances.Some are running into various places for security and solace.You cannotescape encumbrances neither can you find peace in the world except you love one another. Today the entire world blasphemes the name ofBrotherhood ofthe Cross and Star and makes all kinds offalse accusations againstit. Do you think that Brotherhood of the Cross and Star cannotutter a word and wonders will happen? The truth is that if it is done, the will of God will be prevented and Brotherhood of the Cross and Star will fail. That is why in spite of all that the world has done and said aboutBrotherhood ofthe Cross and Star we approach them with love. Satan himselfknows thatwhosoever commits sin has no life in him.That is why he goes aboutsowing seeds ofdiscord and placing stumbling blocks on the ways of the children of God so that when they fall eternal life will elude them.That is why God is advising us to love one another. Do you know the significance oflove? Love is like the human head.You can cut the hands or feet or ears but in as much as the head is not touched life will continue the momentyour head is cut off your life is terminated.When you argue how you can love your enemies and forgive those who offend against you, I laugh at you. Love is the fountain of life, the only source of life and salvation.But because ofyour disobedience,you resortto visiting visioner's,consulting oracles,soothsayers and charm removers for help. VISIONS WILL NOT HELP YOU Somebodywill claim to have removed nails,pains,life lizards,frogs and so on from your body. Is that true? Is it possible for you to exist with those things in your body? When visioners tell you that juju witchcraft, mermaid and
  • 2. other elementaryspirits are tormenting you,you nod your head in agreement.These things are revealed to you because you did not practice the father's Gospel.Since you desire for things you can see and feel, you go to the visioners for such things.You dread the father's presence and would notlisten to his gospel especiallywhen you have committed sin. In the alternative you visit visionor's and healing homes thinking your problems will be solved there.You can see that the problems and afflictions in the world today are attributed to money, woman,and other things whereas the source of the problems in the world is because they have forsaken God's love. That is why it has please God today to send his love into the world.My duty is to expedite upon the meaning oflove one another.The meaning ofit is that we have to love ourselves and live in harmony. It means thatlove should notbe one-sided nor should itbe deceitful.It means thatI should love you, and you love me,the other person loves us as we love him equally. It explains the conceptof oneness which is prevalentin brotherhood;the love of one to another.It borders on mutual reciprocity. Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is the kingdom ofGod where love is practiced,it is a place where there is no hatred, backbiting,division,killing,stealing,swindling and other vices.It is the kingdom ofGod wherein dwells love.If after reaching out for love you abandon it, do you not see that such is the heightof stupidityand sign of perdition? If after you have possessed love which is the perfect state,you steal,fornicate hate and commitother vices, where is your stand.You have returned to square one and are lost.If you forsake all these vices, you have landed atthe state of love which is the state of perfection. When you say that there is love in brotherhood but fail to practice it, you have no place in it. Those who benefit in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star are those who abide by the rules and injunctions here bypracticing love one another.The other group consistofthose who come here to dupe,swindle, and do all kinds of evil. These are the people who refuse to love one another.If we love one another,we have kept the law and have passed from death unto life. LOVE IS THE TREE OF LIFE This love is the tree of life which Adam was not allowed to have access.When Adam had eaten the forbidden fruit, he was rusticated from the garden that he may not also eat the tree of life and live forever since he would be as wise as God. That tree of life is love. Love neither steals nor fornicates nottell lies,nor indulges in the preparatio n of concoctions.Thatis why love is the fulfilling ofthe law. Do not be surprised thatif you are sick, love heals you withoutthe application ofany drug. And when you are healed he does notcharge you; if you are pregnantit is love who takes care of you and safely deliveries you with a child withoutthe application ofdrugs or going to the maternity, she is delivered free of charge. Do not be surprised to find an importantbrother or barren sister bearing a number ofchildren by love withoutconsulting oracles or sacrificing or indulging in any diabolical thing or going to the hospital for any form of medication and withoutspending money before getting children.You may go to school and you are so dull that you cannotfollow your teacher but love brightens your intellectand teaches you to understand all your lessons.At the end,you pass your examination with flying colors and become a highly educated person. More importantlyyou may be weak, feeble,helpless and ignorant,butsuddenlylove sets in and salvage you from your ruins and bestows you with the Holy Spiritand so restores power,strength and wisdom to you. All these are done to you free of charge. In the world, there is no sympathy for any offense that you may commit.For any slight offense,you may be taken to court or beaten up and hatred reign supreme.Mostof you do not know where you are because you still complain aboutone thing or the other whereas you are always well protected by love, and nothing has dominion over you. If you consultan Oracle or indulge in the preparation ofconcoctions,you are merelywasting your time and your moneyto the necromancer or soothsayer for no diabologycan harm or penetrate into any part of your body. The different governments ofthe world have devised certain means like prisons,police force,court of justice,they have manufactured offensive weapons guns,swords,Guillotine,atomic bomb,nuclear weapons to stop the commission ofcrime and sin.But have these devices and weapons been able to deter m an from sinning? ButI use the Holy Spirit to drive away evil spiritfrom you and so bestow Holy Spirit on you. This is love in action. Do you have fervent charity? Since this is the school of love, you have to possess ferventcharity. Neither power, nor knowledge can save you but have fervent love and you will overcome everything. During these pastera knowledge, had accumulated butlove has now come along to swallow up every knowledge.There will be no more wars,division, segregation and craftiness because love will swallow up all evils in this world.Do not seek for honor and glory because he who is worthy has come to rule. Who is worthy to rule? It is love, because love regards every person in the same way. THE EARTHLY MAN SHALL NOT RULE AGAIN It is sacrosanctthatthe earthly man will no longer rule the world because he is tyrannical,extortionate, fraudulent,but the heavenly man will rule, governs with love, truth, patience,mercy and tolerance.Whatever your objection maybe, he will rule,your reaction notwithstanding.When I look at you who profess to be brotherhood,I shed tears because you have not practiced love but continue to fight againstyourself.You were called into the kingdom in love but you
  • 3. argue that you cannotshow the expression oflove. Love does notimpute sins upon anyperson,butyou always impute sins on others claiming a holier than thou attitude? Who are you to judge your brother? You go about deceiving and misleading manypeople when you tell them that the father is angry with them, or that he has forgotten aboutthem or that he does not want to see them.Can love ever become angry, or can love forget or can love avoid seeing anyone? There is neither change nor variableness in love.If you have doubts,tell lies,fornicate and bear malice;you have no love. If you keep security men,you have no love, if you keep a penknife in your pocket, you have no love. These and other such like behaviors are all indices for lack of love. If you wear love as a garment,you cannotsin.You always report yourselfto me that you tell lies,beat up people, take court action againstpeople,which means thatyou have not received the lessons on love.No church denomination has ever seen Brotherhood ofthe Cross and Star in a good light. There is no church denomination which invites Brotherhood of the Cross and Star to any of its function and Brotherhood of the Cross and Star refused to respond positively.No church denomination has ever commended Brotherhood ofthe Cross and Star for whatever it does.Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is looked at by the church denominations as daemonic and satanic.Even prostitutes condemn Brotherhood ofthe Cross and Star as a wicked organization.In spite of this, Brotherhood ofthe Cross and Star continues to love all. Despite the blasphemies againstBrotherhood ofthe Cross and Star by the people,yet when they come to brotherhood of the Cross and Star,they are healed. In this kingdom love covers all faults and commissions.Love is like the ocean which swallows and sinks everything that enters into it. Whatever is your state and disposition,come into Brotherhood ofthe Cross and Star and love will absorb every evil in you. It is like you putting 20,000 bags of saltin the ocean and everything is dissolved by the ocean.The whites shoutlove, but do not know the meaning.The blacks shoutlove but do not know it. There is none who understands the conceptof love. People think that once you prepare delicious meals for them,you have loved them.Others think that when you buy a luxurious car for another or sponsor one in the university you have loved them.Some others claim thatwhen you forsake stealing,lying,fornication,you have love. Some others claim thatit is when they take up Bible to preach that our Lord Jesus Christis either the Lord or the Christor the son of God. But all these expressions have no relationship with the love I reveal to you today. ALL THINGS BELONG TO GOD Why do you pursue a child of God with a gun and claim to have love? Whom are you pursuing with a gun? Why do you kill? Why do you make evil utterances againstsomeone? Is he not a child of God? Yet you say you have love? Why do you claim superiorityover another and regard yourselfbetter and able than him? You say he is a beast,when you actually know that you are one with him.If you say your continentis Africa, whose continents are those occupied by the whites? Are the inhabitants ofthe Western world not owned by God? When you reason in this way has darkness notovershadowed you? It means you have no love. Any person who says I am from Africa and not from Europe has no love. Now in your house,you keep one room for our Lord Jesus Christthe other for Angel and another for yourself. You still setone aside for the preparation of concoction or juju.You have done this because you have no love. God has created you and the trees. Are you not all brotherhood? Have you the rightto kill a fish or an animal,when they are all your brethren? Do you have the rightto cut down any trees? You are not better then, a tree. The only power the father gave to you is to superintend over all other creations.All works,all things,all events and everything belongs to the father. If you and the father are one and you have love, you would have regarded the whole world as your brethren,because all of you are the children of God. Do not say again you have nobody, the father owns all.He owns all monies,all days,all months and all wisdom,and you and the father are one and what you have are his.If yo u had love, you would not have attributed anything to yourselfnor claim to have anything. The father does and has all. Regard others as yourself.All things should be shared equally.Do not take the lion share and give a little to the other person.Do not tell any person to dance before you give him food. Do not beatup any person.Do not tell people to wait till you finish eating.There is no need claiming superiorityover others.Do not regard anything as yours. You are only a superintendent,to look after all the things in the world.You should regard all the things in the same way. Nothing belongs to you. Your thoughts are his thoughts;the words you utter are spoken by him,your eyes too are his.He walks with your legs,the hands are his hands,he uses them atwill,all the songs you sing are rendered by him.He shows kindness and benevolence.When you reason this way, it means you have that love. SURRENDER TO GOD He owns everything, what services can you render to God? The only thing is to surrender everything to him,bow and worship him dayand night. If you do that, it means you have love. You cannot say, I do not know Apostolic church, or the Roman Catholic Church or Muslim or Rosicrucian or Native Doctor. Why? Are all these people notowned by God? That is why when you profess to be brotherhood,those who are far learned will ask whether you actually know the meaning ofbrotherhood.If you profess to be a brotherhood and you go to a certain place and complain thata member ofyour church is not there, it means you are not brotherhood.When you claim to be a brotherhood and you regard your house as your bonafide property; when somebodyis sick you do not offer prayers, or when you do not
  • 4. give alms to the poor and needy, you do not care whathappens to the afflicted but you sitdown in your house and discriminate againstothers,you have not started and you do not even know what is called brotherhood because you have no love. BE UNIVERSAL IN YOUR ATTITUDE TO ALL THINGS AND PEOPLE You mustalways seek for the good of all men both far and near even unto the uttermostpart of the earth, for all of them are children ofthe father. You should have interestfor the sick,interestfor a thief, interests for trees,animals, fishes and everything because they all are your brothers.You speak good ofall human beings,all visible and invisible things,created and uncreated things because all ofthem are brethren.Whenever you are praying, you are praying for everything. Anything at all you do, do it for all things because God is the embodimentof all things. If a white man comes now and requestprayers from you so that he may go to conquer the black man,do not pray. If a black man comes to be prayed for so that he may rule over the whites,do not pray. Because you know that the blacks arc the children of your father, the whites are the father's children too.You have to pray that there should be Peace everywhere. If somebodytells you to accompanyhim to somewhere so thathis debtor maybe influenced to defray his debts,do not go. If you are asked to bear false witness to somebodyso that he can collecta certain thing from somewhere,do not bear. When you are singing,itis the father who sings.When you are, dancing know that it is the Christwho is dancing .Do not claim responsibilityfor anything. If you do, you are still covered with darkness.Thatis why you argue, always saying,how can this man preach this kind of gospel when he has never attended any school.The doctrines do not come from here. They are not mine.Anybody who practices these teachings will realize whether they are from me or from the father. Why do you complain thatyou have no brother? It means thatyou have no love, why do you complain thatyou have no money; it means thatyou have no love. Why do you complain thatyou have no wisdom,it means thatyou have no love? AVOID SEGREGATION No segregation is wanted,whether one is white or black, or a lawyer, or president,or governor or principal.For one to ask you to watch over something means you should superintend over the things in peace year in and year out. If you regard God as the god of Nigeria,discard thatthought. If you say he is in Africa, change your mind because ofall the planes ofmanifest,earth is the smallest.Do you not know that there are heavens upon heavens,some greater then, this,hundred times? Enoch was a witness to this,when he was translated.He saw quite a good number of people and in sharp comparison declared thatthe earth was far less populated.Rightnow,all angels are your brethren.You are one with them.Never you say, I wish I were an angel because you are one with angels.Do not say if I were our Lord Jesus Christbecause you are one with him.Do not say I should be like God because you are one with God. Do not say if I were able to be like that woman,you are one with her. What I have broughtto you is oneness.Nobodyis greater then, Jehovah God and his Christ.If you knew that you and all your brethren are equal,you would no longer be able to lie, steal,harbor anybody in your heart or puff up. If you have this love of God in your hearts,you will not wound people with knives.You will not pronounce death sentence on the human being like yourself.You will not hold anybody to ransom because he is indebted to you. You will not put on costly apparels and give tattered ones to others.You will no longer say that God loves you more than other persons you will no longer say you are rich and the other man is poor.All those who do so,do it because of lack of love. All of you, dead or alive, bond or free, in sickness and good health,and wealth and poverty, when you some up all the things with the Christ,it is still one. And together our Lord Jesus Christ,all of us and God are only one thing. Add this world to another and to another you will only find one world.There is no discrimination because love reigns in all things.That is why you have been told that there will be no more warfare. Division and hatred will be no more.Visa and passportwill cease.Everyplace is owned by the father. What is the use of passportand visa? You may say this is my country, whose is the other? Is it not God who owns you and all other places? Whosoever behaves in this manner,is againstour Lord Jesus Christ. DO NOT SOW SEEDS OF DISCORD All those who sow seeds ofdiscord are scattering.Our Lord Jesus Christdied,resurrected and now lives to rule because ofall these things.He does notwant any discrimination because the whole world is one person.He has revealed his love to the whole world.But the world knows not whatis called love. Brethren, have you not sown the seed of discord with God? Have you not cause division with the Christ? Have you not discriminated againstyour wife in the house? Have you not caused segregation with your children? Do you see how you are crafty and cunning? You regard anything of God as som e other person's thing.You want God to pay you, or you wantsomebodyto pay you before you can serve your father. All those who do gods work for wages do not have love. The love of God is not in them.All those who refuse to surrender themselves to do the work of God do not love God. If you were to regard all your possessions as the fathers and all the fathers as yours, I do not think you
  • 5. would have counted on anything. You will even give out your Soutane to others.You would not sitstill in your house but will go on ministrywork to various Bethel's. If you use all the father has to serve him and use all you have to serve him,it implies you have nothing to yourselfat all; when will you be bankrupt? When are, you going to be poor and wretched? He says whosoever lacks wisdom should go to him.He is the father of wisdom.You claim you are unwise.Is notall your father's wisdom yours? You complain you have no Spirit, who is the sole spiritual head? Is itnot your father? Ask him and he will bestow the spi rit on you. You complain you have no love, yet he is the father of love. You ask him,all his love is yours. You complain you have no life. When you are together with him,all your life and his become one. What kills you is lack of love. Do you know that all that you have in this world and in any other world belongs to the father? Do you know that all the fishes in the water, trees in the forest animals in the bush,all the birds in the air belong to the father? Do you know that human beings,black-and-white,native doctors roaming abouton earth belong to the father? Do you know that all the angels tall and shortfat and lean and all others belong to the father? Right from today, those who read this,all their wretchedness,death,Lamentations are wiped away.You no longer will beg because you know all that you have belong to the father and all that the father has belong to you. When you create poverty and death for yourselfbecause you lack the love of God, you get separated from the love of God. When this happens,you are covered with darkness. You complain you cannotgo on transfer to another town because there is no Brotherhood of the Cross and Star there. If there is no Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, there whatis there? All the people existing there, what are they? All the houses there,are they not occupied by the father? All the waters you pass by the road, are they not brotherhood? You complain aboutall these because you have no love. Whatever man cannotdo is very possible in the hands ofGod. You complain thatthe father is dead. Where has he gone to? What about all these fathers you find in the world,whose fathers are they? All the mothers you fine here, are they not your mother? You complain you have no child.When I die,I do not know what to leave behind.All the children scattered aboutin the world to whom do they belong? If you were to be one with the father and the father with you, will you speak in that manner? That is why you are told, if you do not have love it profits you nothing.For this reason,you still grope in the darkness.No inhabitantofthe world has the love of God in him.Love is therefore universal it has neither beginning nor end.You cannotsay it starts here and ends there,it has no boundary. If we have love, darkness will run awayfrom us sickness will run from us, tears will leave us,loneliness will leave us,all things will run away from us.That is the manner with which our Lord Jesus Christhas revealed love for us throughoutthe whole world.That is why he has no conflict with neither man nor angel.He does notsay woe unto this or that thing.Because he knows that the trees are our brethren. The trees have their assignments,the leaves have theirs,water and other creatures of God have their assignments.But out of Grace, you have been appointed to superintend over all the creatures of God. ALL CREATION ARE BRETHREN If you were to love God, you would not kill a rat, lizard, flies,or any other thing because all these things are your brethren.Do you believe that the fly and the ant you killed had persecuted you? You have been found guilty after judgment.You realize that the leaves you pluck had persecuted you before God and you were condemned after being found guilty. Do you know that everything including the trees you cut have summoned you before God reporting that it's brother whom he did nothing to has cut it down? In whatever, situation,courtaction has been taken against you and you have been found guilty after trial. Do you know that the sand you march on and the ground you dig have also summoned you before God for disturbing them? That is why you have been asked to obtain prior permission from the father in everything you want to do. If you are not authorized, stay action. As he looks after you, he is also taking care of flies,rocks,wind, ants,lizards, trees and all other things.As he loves you, so does he love animals,trees,birds,angels and other creatures.His eyes are looking on everything throughoutthe world at the same time. THE CHRIST ALONE UNDERSTANDS GOD The only person who understood AlmightyGod was our Lord Jesus Christbecause he is God. He was to reveal this love to all the four corners of the world.Because of this love, you cannotcompare any person with Christ.He stands quiet, unique.People commend the works ofMoses,Abraham and Melchizedek. Who among them had the kind of love Christhad; paying of tithe, celebration of feast,praying for the sick and preaching,free will offering and charity do not matter much.What matters is this love. Brethren,let us have love. Money, education,feast, white garment, singing is notmentioned.When you regard all your belongings as the father and all the father's belongings are yours, you are one with the father, that is all. What belongs to the father? It is the world and the fullness thereof.What do you possess? Itis also thatworld and its contents.When you countall these things you will only find one thing.
  • 6. If you have love, you will not say you are anything. Love does not puff up. Love exasperates not, love has long patience,love does not rejoice in what is wrong,does not seek for selfish gains.Ifwe are always together, there will be no fastidiousness and we will have no problems.Thatis why I have said that you do not know th e kind of spiritin your midst.It is the spiritof love. Love is the wisdom ofGod, love is the power of God, love is life eternal. Whosoever does notpossess itwill notlive because everything will pass awaybut love will endure forever. Tell me how you will live as far as you do not have love. Any person,who does notlove, can only see things close to him but not far off. You will be thinking aboutyourself, your wife, your children and others ofyour household.Ifsomebodytells you, let us go to that family, you will say no. They are all witches and wizards. LOVE OTHER PEOPLE FIRST BEFORE CONSIDERING YOURSELF Cross river state is concerned aboutherself,Nigeria says prayfor Nigeria,Ghana the same thing.What aboutthe restof Africa, what about the other continents,whataboutthe other planes ofcreation, do they not also belong to God? That is why we are bestowed with problems and difficulties.If I have only one person possessing this love of God, the whole world will be at peace. He will not pray for things to be good with one and bad with the other. He will not be able to think evil whenever things are good with the neighboring village.He will not rejoice over the downfall of any village. If you should have this love of God in you, you will never condemn any person,you will walk in the lightto anywhere you go, you will have good health and will realize that all will be well. If your love circulates onlyin Calabar,what aboutother places? If you love only Nigeria,what aboutother countries in Africa? If you love only westAfrica what aboutEast Africa? If you love your life, it is certain that you do not love God. If you love money, the love of God is not in you. If you love food, the love of God is not in you. If you love music,the love of God is dead in you. THE LOVE OF WORLDLY GLORY AND THINGS HINDER YOU Tell me the truth, of all these aspects oflove, is there any of them which is not in you; the love of wealth,money, land, wife and other things ofthis life? That is why no matter how the word of God is preach to you, it is a waste of time, because your heart is fixed in the things ofthe world. Love is not money. It is not food. It is nothing in the world. But love is greater than the whole world. One is enslaved to what he loves. When you love something,all your life, thoughts and desires are in that thing.Some people are looking for husbands,others are looking for wives,but of the questfor husbands and wives you continue to wonder in the world and deviate from the work of God which you were predestined.Itis because of your looking for what you are going to eat that you fall from the path of God. Because of what you will wear, since you love yourselfso much,then you derail from the path of righteousness.Can you now know your enemyand the enemyof the entire world? Whenever you listen to the word of God, go and sleep over it and contemplate on the reason you are told to do or not to do certain things. God advises you not to scramble for feastbut when bread and biscuitare broughtin, you struggle and overturn the tray. You are warned not to commitfornication,butyou stay here and exchange addresses and indulge in dating.You have also been told not to love money, but you remain here to pick pocket. This is your problem. It is not God who hinders you from serving him,it is the love of this world,which hinders you from serving God. The foundation stone in this kingdom is for you to invest your love in God: once you love God, you will succeed in all your endeavors.But if you investyour love in any human being then you stand to fail. All those who cannotpractice the words ofGod have something in their hearts even though they have not disclosed itto anyone. It is because you love life and good health,you swear that whatever will give you good health whether it is mermaid,juju or concoctions,you will enslave yourselfto it. Now because you love good health,you have denied your God. The troubles ofthe world right from the beginning have been love for handsome man and beautiful women,beautiful clothing and beautiful houses,beautiful cities and cars,beautiful flowers and landscapes.The creator of heaven and earth has given us as his first commandmentthatwe should notlove the world nor the things that are in the world.If we love the world and the things in the world,the love of God is not in us. Those who have ears to hear, let them hear, may God bless his holywords.Amen. THANK YOU, FATHER!