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“ Mobilizing so that peace
prevails over factors of war.”
Jacques Chirac

                                               FROM PRESIDENT JACQUES CHIRAC

                                               harmony prevails over discord and          At the same time, it cooperates with
                                               chaos. These are women and men             actors in sustainable development.
                                               who, often alone and anonymous,            Always keen to encourage local ini-
                                               courageously unravel the fragile thread    tiatives, in conjunction with our pro-
                                               of dialogue between peoples, between       grams for health, access to water, en-
                                               religions, and even among populations      vironmental preservation and diversity
                                               torn apart within a same region.           of cultures, More than ever I would like
                                                                                          to place these exceptional women and
                                               These women and men, through vigi-         men in the spotlight.
                                               lant and relentless efforts, make the
                                               future possible. Through their acts,       Traditionally, we all focus on those who
                                               they embody the values of the highest      ("2+ 1$"=/1&03+ >!&+ &.(+ -%('&(0&+ 9/1&$%*+
Economic, social, or political crises;         forms of humanism and proclaim hu-         in a war is to prevent it.
climate change; our world is facing            man rights through urgent actions.
growing inequalities and increased             They shatter the silence of oppression.    Through this Prize, awarded by a jury
dangers. Despite the deterioration of                                                     of distinguished individuals working for
the international situation, we must still     I would like to pay tribute to these pa-   peace and development, I want to do
!"#$%&!"'&()*+ ,-.&+ '-'/"0&+ 1$"#%$"&'-       tient mediators who every day renew        them justice, recognizing their unique
tional processes. War is never a solu-         their commitment, sometimes at the         contribution to the cause of peace.
tion nor is it inevitable. Around the          risk of their lives, to defend and share   It is time to hear their voices. Encou-
world, often behind the scenes, men            the universal values of respect for        rage them, because they are models.
and women of good will are working at          others and tolerance. These values are     ?$+1$"=/1&+/0+/"(9/&'>)(@+7.(0(+4$5("+
reconciliation and peace.                      at the heart of my Fondation, which        and men have proven it.
                                               in November will award for the third
While tensions are heightening and             1$"0(1!&/9(+*('%3+&.(+:%/;(+#$%+<$"=/1&+
extremist tendencies are exacerbated           Prevention.
everywhere, these individuals work
$"+ &.(+ ,()23+ '4'*+ #%$5+ &.(+ 06$&)/-.&3+   With this Prize, the Fondation seeks
with patience and determination.               to honor a person or institution that
7.(0(+6'1/,0&0+4$%8+(9(%*+2'*+0$+&.'&+         embodies the struggle for peace.

                                                                                                                      Jacques Chirac

                                                                            While deserts spread and forests disappear, 1B*,'=A?'1;'()*'
                Management of natural resources,                            78@'5$33$1%':*1:3*'3$B$%&'$%'*C(,*.*':1B*,(4'D+*';1,*+('3"%/'
                                                                            ;1,'()*$,'+D,B$B"3. Global food security depends on soil fertility
                access to water and health are all                          and access to natural resources.
                sources of $%(13*,"53*'$%*KD"3$($*+

                and #"D+*+'1;'B$13*%('#1%J$#(+'
                                                                            E' 3"%&D"&*' /$*+' 1%' "B*,"&*' *B*,4' (01' 0**-+ according
                between populations as well                                 to UNESCO. Acknowledging the other and their differences
                as within nations.                                          .()60+6%(9("&+1$"=/1&0@+A&&(56&/"-+&$+/56$0(+2$5/"'"&+1!)&!%(0+
                                                                            instead stirs resentment and can lead to violence.

            10% of medicines sold worldwide are sub-standard     789' .$33$1%' :*1:3*' /$*' *"#)' 4*",' ;,1.' 0"(*,' ,*3"(*/' /$+*"+*+6
            and ()*' (,";2#' 1;' ;"3+$2*/' .*/$#$%*+' )"+' $%-   the vast majority of whom are children under 5 years old.
            #,*"+*/' 54' <=>?' $%' @AA9 according to the World   90% of the world’s population live in countries that share water
            Customs Organization.                                resources with others.

                                                   A YEAR OF WAR



        One or several individuals from civil society are awarded
        this Prize, worth 100 000 euros thanks to the generosity
        of the Fondation’s partner, Mr. Naguib Sawiris.


                                                                                          President Jacques Chirac, Imam Ashafa, and the Pastor Wuye
 The 2010 Ceremony at the Claude Levi-Strauss Theater,                                                               before the 2010 ceremony in Paris.
 Quai Branly Museum in Paris.

                                                                              AND FIGHTING POVERTY
                                                                                                  2009 Ceremony at the Sorbonne in Paris.

             Nicolas Sarkozy
             President of the French Republic

                 I do not believe in fatality.
             ‘the clash of civilizations’ is not inevi-
             They can be avoided through dia-
             logue, mutual respect, acknowledging
             equal rights to dignity and justice,                      F)*'!1%/"($1%'I)$,"#'G,$H*';1,'I1%J$#('
             which is, dear Jacques Chirac, your                       1%'L1B*.5*,'>6'@AA='
             life’s work.                                              .%!$&'!H"09"%%'C,!4"05-)!&-))
                    November 6, 2009, the Sorbonne, Paris

                                                                       The ceremony is one of the annual highlights of the
                                                                       Fondation Chirac’s activities. It is a chance for the Fondation

                                                                       to recognize and honor the Prize laureates in the presence
                                                                       of Jury members and an audience that is sensitive to issues
                                                                       Chirac’s calls for action.

                       President Jacques Chirac and Ousmane Sow

                                         THE SCULPTOR
                                  OUSMANE SOW CREATED
                                      THE LEAF-CHILD
                                         FOR THE PRIZE FOR
                                       CONFLICT PREVENTION
            I chose the magic of childhood by representing a baby protected
        not only by a leaf, but also by the spiders that have spun a web around
        this leaf, transforming it into a sort of cocoon. (...) My concern was
        to represent something that linked humans, animals and nature.

        Peace can be found in this calm, with an innocent baby, propitious
        Nature. (...) Man is not the only force that can protect humans, nature
        !"#$ "%$ &'(()$ *+&','-.$ /"#$ 0"%$ #+1$ 2'1$ %345!6'#1(2$ 7'!+/'$ "&"-'
        of this.
                                                                  Ousmane Sow


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                                                           BY PRESIDENT JACQUES CHIRAC

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                                                   "4! 6":'0$8! -%*! .%'B#-).$8! .%$"! "#0! 6#9)./!
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                                                   9'! #%*'0! 30'%/&! 60',.*'%/8! -$! $&'! '%*!
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4""*! ,'/#0.$8+! 4"0! $&'! 5",$! :#)%'0-9)'!       ,'/#0.$82
$&'!)"=',$!).4'!';6'/$-%/8!.%!="0)*2!U':'-         U'-0!30.'%*,+
)"65'%$! -.*! %''*,! -**.$."%-)! 0',"#0/',2!
'!5#,$!#07'%$)8!(%*!%'=!(%-%/.%72                 [!=-%$!$"!$&-%<!$&'!';6'0$,!-%*!A#08!5'5-
'!*.*!.$!.%!MJJi2![$!=-,!%"$!-%!'-,8!$-,<!        (/#)$!60"/',,!"4!,')'/$.%7!/-%*.*-$',2
                                                                                                         1. On September 21, 2010 a meeting was held, dedica-
F.)+! ='! 6#,&'*! $&0"#7&! $&'! /0'-$."%! "4! -!   [! =-%$! $"! ';60',,! 58! 70-$.$#*'! $"! S--          !"#$!%$&''%()!&("$*')'+&',$-%.$#"("/%01"'!2$&'$0).)//"/$
,").*-0.$8! /"%$0.9#$."%! "%! -.0! $./<'$,! -%*!   T'%*0-! @-/&-#0.+! =&"! 5-*'! $&'! $0.6               to the UN Summit on Millennium Development Goals.


                                                                                                                                           Mario Giro
                                                                                                                                           Head of International Relations
                                                                                                                                           within the Community of Sant’Egidio
Rewarded on November 5, 2010 / Mario Giro, for his contribution to reducing

                                                                                                                                           Born in Rome in 1958, Mario Giro joined the community of Sant’Egidio in 1975.
                                                                                                                                           In 1979 he became head of the Community’s Youth Center. In the 1980s,
                                                                                                                                           vention and resolution, issues the Community was addressing at many dif-
                                                                                                                                           ferent levels. Since 1989, he has participated in establishing and developing
                                                                                                                                           Sant’Egidio centers in Africa, which he still manages today. As Head of Inter-
                                                                                                                                           national Relations of the Sant’Egidio Community, he has been involved with
                                                                                                                                           several negotiations, especially in Algeria, Kosovo, Liberia, Darfur, Democratic
                                                                                                                                           Republic of Congo, southern Sudan, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, and Niger.


                                                                                                                                           Founded in 1968 in Rome by a handful of young students, including Andrea
                                                                                                                                           Riccardi, this Catholic lay community currently has over 50 000 active members,

                                                                                                                                      and intractable. This can discourage and lead to immobility. However,

                                                                               It is a lesson that has shaped and changed me. It goes against the grain of a very diffuse mentality: one that teaches that
                                                                               when weapons speak and hatred reigns, nothing is possible. Behind this mentality, war deeply scars the minds of people,
                                                                               it corrupts them, it damages and degrades the soul of a nation, it tears from the spirit of man that which characterizes
                                                                               his humanity: the will to hope and the desire for the future. In this sense we say that war is the mother of all poverty.

                                                                               War is always caused by human decisions. It can therefore be avoided or changed.

                                                                               HIS COMMITMENT
                                                                               In November 2002, Mario Giro was invited to Lome by the To-
                                                                               golese authorities who were trying to mediate. They achieved
                                                                               '+ ,%0&+ 1('0(D,%(+ >(&4(("+ :%(0/2("&+ I'!%("&+ J>'->$+ '"2+ %(>()+
                                                                               forces. Then, in 2003, Mario Giro participated in the Linas-Mar-
                                                                               coussis meeting, convened by President Jacques Chirac to try
                                                                               to solve the Ivorian crisis. Mario Giro continued his mediation, and
                                                                               starting on March 4, 2007, the date of the Ouagadougou agree-
                                                                               ment, he represented Sant’Egidio within the monitoring committee
                                                                               of this Agreement.

                                                                                                                                                                         Mario Giro with the community of Sant’Egidio’s youths
                                                                               In 2007, at the height of the crisis in Guinea, he met President Lan-
                                                                               sana Conté to suggest mediation with the Forces Vives. President
                                                                               Conté selected from a list of names, the new prime minister, Lan-       C,H%.
                                                                               sana Kouyate. Since 2009, Sant’Egidio has continued supporting          Since July 2010, Mario Giro has been working with leaders
                                                                               democratic transition in Guinea.                                        of transitional authorities, who would meet three months later, with
                                                                                                                                                       supporters of former President Mamadou Tandja in Rome at the
                                                                                                                                                       headquarters of the Sant’Egidio community. There, they signed
                                                                                                                                                       an agreement for a republican pact, the “Call of Rome”.


                                      Lakhdar Brahimi
                Special Representative of the

                                                                                                                                               Rewarded on November 5, 2010 / Lakhdar Brahimi, for his efforts towards national reconciliation
      Secretary General of the United Nations

    Poverty, bad governance, corruption, all combine in many cases
and corruption, creating a vicious cycle that inevitably spills over bor-
ders and contaminates other communities in a thousand different,

Born in Algeria in 1934, Lakhdar Brahimi began his political career at an early
age: representative of the Front de Liberation Nationale (FLN) in Southeast Asia,
Permanent Representative to the League of Arab States in Cairo, Ambassador
to the United Kingdom, the President of Algeria’s Diplomatic Adviser to Egypt
and Sudan, Foreign Minister of Algeria, and Assistant Secretary General of the
Arab League. In 1993 he became Special Representative of the Secretary Ge-
neral of the United Nations Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, and as
such was sent to South Africa, Haiti, Nigeria, Cameroon, Burundi, and Sudan.

In 1989 as Special Envoy of the Tripartite Committee of the Arab League
in Lebanon, Lakhdar Brahimi successfully negotiated an agreement ending the             #89"NF@:8EAE"@90B@#O"
17 year civil war: the Taif Agreement.
He is a member of The Elders, a group of international leaders founded in the
                                                                                        $&'! 0'6"0$! "%! cK! 6'-/'<''6.%7! "6'0--
                                                                                        $."%,+! 60','%$'*! $"! $&'! H'/#0.$8! ?"#%/.)2!
                                                                                        $"! cK! 6'-/'<''6.%7! 5'$&"*,+! .%/)#-

                                                                        HIS COMMITMENT
                                                                        ning and respect for the interlocutor, the ability to create an atmos-
                                                                        phere of trust, his delegation succeeded in opening the dialogue
                                                                        between the UN and the Iraqi Presidency. He returned in 1998
>%W*('(                                                                 ')$"-+4/&.+V$,+A""'"+&$+5((&+4/&.+U'22'5+W!00(/"@+L"+PFFX3+'0+
L"+MNOP3+I'8.2'%+Q%'./5/+'11(6&(2+./0+,%0&+R6$)/&/1')+5/"(D04((6S+      Special Adviser to the Secretary General of the UN, he contributed
mission. The Algerian President Chadli Benjedid asked him to re-        to the creation of the transitional government.
concile Yasser Arafat and Syrian President Hafez Assad in the af-
termath of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. In 1989, he returned as     :IH$*(,G+*(
part of an Arab Tripartite Committee comprising Algeria, Morocco,       From 1997 to 1999, Lakhdar Brahimi was the UN’s Special Repre-
and Saudi Arabia, mandated by the Arab League of which he was           sentative to Afghanistan and in 2001, he returned with the res-
Deputy Secretary. This discussion would lead to the Taif Agree-         ponsibility of rebuilding the country. He devised a political and
5("&0+&.'&+4(%(+%'&/,(2+/"+?$9(5>(%+$#+&.'&+*('%+'"2+&.(+("2+$#+        military agreement allowing Afghans to create their own transitional
&.(+I(>'"$"+1$"=/1&@                                                    government and prepare the new Afghan Constitution.

                                            Vaira Vike-Freiberga
                                            November 5, 2010

                                                 I consider that there is no better investment in the future of our planet than
                                            a world for generations to come that is safer and better than it is now or ever has
                                            been before.

                                                        Michel Camdessus
                                                                                   June 15, 2009

   It is urgent to make known the institutions, governments, men or women who are
')!5."$ %-$ !6"&.$ )+!&%'$ &4$ !%$ /")("$ '%!$ )$ !.)+"<$ A"!$ !6"9$ -5/*//$ )'$ "44"'!&)/$ -5'+!&%'$ -%.$

                                                                                                                      THE PRIZE

                                                                        Jury Meeting - June 15, 2009 in Paris
2010 MEMBERS:                                                                                                         98!$&'!Y;6'0$,!?"55.$$''!
N1D(,1+'N1D(,1+RS)"3$'                            !*/*,$#1'O"41,'                                                     -%*!$"!,')'/$!$&'!@0.F'!
Secretary General of the United Nations           Director General of UNESCO                                          )-#0'-$',
from 1992 to 1996                                 from 1987 to 1999

O$#)*3'I"./*++D+                                  P1,&*'T".:"$1                                              T$.1%*'V*$3'
Managing Director of The International            High Representative of the UN Secretary-General            Former French Minister,
Monetary Fund from 1987 to 2000                   for the Alliance of Civilizations, President of Portugal   Member of the Académie Française
                                                  from 1996 to 2006
P1"KD$.'E35*,(1'I)$++"%1'                                                                                    V"$,"'V$-*'!,*$5*,&"
President of the Republic of Mozambique           Q+."U3'T*,"&*3/$%                                          President of the Republic of Latvia
from 1986 to 2005                                 Director of the Library of Alexandria                      from 1999 to 2007

                                  2009                                                  (')*&+,'$!-$.'/0'1,2
                                                                                               Nobel Peace Prize
                              !"#$%&&'&                                                     2007, Chairman of the
      Secretary General of the United                                                 Intergovernmental Panel on
           Nations from 1996 to 2006                                                       Climate Change (IPCC)
                            7'83,*$9*,&',+$:'32*,                                                        .*3*,$4',52&6
                            March 2011                                                                   February 2011
                            $ $ $ @6"$ L>0".!4$ =%11&!!""$ &#"'!&*"4$ !6"$                                     Often, media attention is a key fac-
                            projects to be submitted to the Jury.                                         tor in mobilizing political action in situa-
                            Its members are observers of the global                                       !&%'4$%-$+%'7&+!<$H'"$0.%8/"1$&4$!6)!$!6"$
                            "(%/5!&%'$%-$+%'7&+!42$."40%'4&8/"$-%.$&#"'-                                  media are, almost by nature, indifferent
                            tifying individuals who help solve them.                                      !%$ +%'7&+!$ 0."("'!&%'<$ I6"'$ "("'!4$ !6)!$
This therefore implies a thorough knowledge of situations unfa-               could be covered by journalists do occur, it is already too late. How
miliar to the public. Therein lies the biggest challenge for the Prize        !6"'$ )."$ ;"$ !%$ !)/B$ )8%5!$ +%10/">$ )'#$ &'!)',&8/"$ &445"4$ 8"-%."$
-%.$=%'7&+!$F."("'!&%'<$@6"$E%'#)!&%'$4""B4$!6%4"$'%$%'"$40")B4$              violence breaks out? The Fondation Chirac Prize spotlights these
of, because their success is silent. We speak of wars but not                 efforts, which most often, must occur in utter contradiction with
%-$ 0")+"<$ @6"$ ,%)/$ %-$ !6"$ F.&G"$ )'#$ %-$ !6"$ ;%.B$ %-$ %5.$ ">0".!4   how media function.
is to highlight those who work in apparent indifference.

                            Aldo Ajello                                                                  Georges Tsaï
                            February 2011                                                                March 2011
                          Prevention highlights a serious anomaly                                                The Prize is only two years old and
                          in the attitude of the international com-                                        I do not think we are yet capable of esta-
                          15'&!9$ !6)!$ &4$ ;&//&',$ !%$ ").1).B$ 4&,'&*-                                  8/&46&',$!6"$0.%*/"$%-$!6"$J&#")/K$+)'#&#)!"2$
                          cant resources to address the devasta-                                           ;6&+6$&4$*'"<$E&("$&'#&(&#5)/4$6)("$)/.")#9$
ting effects of crises, but is incapable of doing what is necessary                                        been distinguished since 2009. When we
to prevent them. The problem is that humanitarian disasters are               look at their respective careers, we can see a variety of paths and
reported in real time by the media with an emotional impact                   ."4%5.+"4<$@6&4$#&(".4&!9$&4$)$+6)//"',"$-%.$!6"$L>0".!4$)'#$!6"$M5.9<$
on public opinion, who demand policy makers take immediate                    @6"$4"/"+!&%':4$.)',"$().&"42$#"0"'#&',$%'$!6"$#"*'&!&%'$;"$,&("$
action. In contrast, prevention, with the goal of avoiding a nega-            !%$+%'7&+!$0."("'!&%'<
tive event that has not yet happened, has no media coverage that              3!$+)'$8"$).,5"#$!6)!$!6"$)84"'+"$%-$+%'7&+!$&4$"'6)'+"#$89$-)(%-
provokes emotion in public opinion, and therefore no pressure on              rable economic or social conditions. An organization that works
decision makers. Moreover, nobody can prove that without preven-              ;&!6$ !6&4$ )4$ )$ ,5&#"/&'"2$ ;%5/#$ +%'!.&85!"$ !%$ 0."("'!&',$ +%'7&+!4$
tive action, the crisis would have taken place. Prevention requires           ;&!6&'$&!4$4%+&"!9<$N%;"(".2$3$!6&'B$.";).#&',$40"+&*+$&'!".("'!&%'4$
vision and courage. With its Prize, the Fondation Chirac wants to             ."/)!"#$ !%$ !6"$ ">&4!"'+"$ %-$ )'$ &#"'!&*)8/"$ .&4B$ %-$ ).1"#$ +%'7&+!$
attract media attention and public opinion on the efforts of these            constitutes a more solid anchor for both Fondation Prizes. Those
women and men, institutions, and civil society who have shown                 that have been awarded to date fully satisfy this criterion.
true vision and courage.


E3/1'EW*331                                        [D#'G",*4/(                                         Georges Tsaï
Special Representative of European Union           Founder and President of LPLM Consultants           Special Ambassador for the Rector
for the Great Lakes Region of Africa until 2007    (Cultural and Geopolitical consultants specia-      of the University for Peace (Costa Rica)
I"()*,$%*'I131%%"                                  lized in the Middle East), Consultant in Geopoli-   O"^(,*'N*,%",/'V"($*,
Former Minister, Managing Partner                  tics and Mediation                                  Lawyer, President of the Paris Bar
$#+Q%!"04/18Y0+:'%/0+$#,1(++                       V"3],$*'F*,,"%1B"                                   from 1996 to 1997, Founding Member
E,%"D/'X"%W*"%'                                    Strategic Advisor, Founding Member                  of the Fondation Chirac
Chairman of the Subcommittee on Security           and Secretary General of the Fondation Chirac       G$*,,*RE%/,]'_$3(H*,
and Defense, European Parliament                                                                       Former Minister Delegate
O"&/"3*%"'!,$#)1B"'                                 O""!&',$%-$!6"$F.&G"$M5.9$)'#$!6"$L>0".!4          for Cooperation and Francophony
Caucasia Project Director                           Committee on June 15, 2010 in Paris
at the International Crisis Group (ICG)
Iraq, Syria and Lebanon Project Director
at the International Crisis Group (ICG)
Director of the AFP Foundation
Ambassador of France, Founding Member
and Vice-President of the Fondation Chirac
Director for Mexico at the World Bank
from 1996 to 2002, Expert on Latin America
                                                        Imam Muhammad Ashafa
                                                                                          I want to say thank you, thank you very much,
                                                                                      to the Fondation Chirac for having propelled us
                                                                                      to another level of local and international commit-
                                                                                      ment. This Prize has catapulted us to the top and
                                                                                      made us aware of those who, confronted with

                                                                                                                          November 5, 2010

                                                                                      working with religious and political leaders to era-
                                                                                      dicate religious motivated violence around the
                                                                                                                      November 6, 2009
Rewarded on November 6, 2009 / Imam Muham-
mad Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye, for preventing

    The Kaduna State, where they originate, crystallizes all the country’s ten-
                                                                                             THEIR COMMITMENT
    sions. Six million people live there, half Muslim and half Christian. Its capital
    fought in opposing religious groups, “religious activists, programmed to hate while evangelizing and Islamizing at all cost (...), we were
    both victims of a situation that we helped create.” they explained. However, through the reinterpretation of their faith, each progressively
    rejected violence and committed, together, to reconciliation against the will of their communities. The groups to which they had belonged,
    struck by their evolution from aggressive militantism towards activism for peace, followed their lead.

                                                                                                             Their example helped to appease
                                                                                                             their society. “Accepting the other
                                                                                                             for what he is. Creating spaces
                                                                                                             where others can be what they
                                                                                                             want, without having to disappear
                                                                                                             within the crowd.” Muhammad
                                                                                                             Ashafa et James Wuye are com-
                                                                                                             mitted to spreading their model
                                                                                                             of inter-religious dialogue beyond
                                                                                                             Kaduna, to other sensitive areas
                                                                                                             of Nigeria, and abroad.

                                                                                                             Imam Ashafa and the Pastor Wuye
                                                                                                             go beyond communities. They talk
                                                                                                             to all sides, encouraging them
                                                                                                             to come together around symbolic
                                                                                                             actions such as “peace marches”.
                                                                                                               Through their mediation, those
                                                                                                               who ignored each other or were
                                                                                                               involved in confrontations with
                                                                                                               each other, learn to accept the
                                                                                                               other’s differences. Both men
                                                                                                               also participate in international
                                                                                                               conferences (Iraq, Sudan, Bel-
                                                                                                               gium, etc..) where they share
                                                                                                               their experience and expertise.


                                           Park Jae-Kyu
                 Kyungnam University President
                      and former South Korean

    In the end, it is worthwhile to be determined, to be persistent,
and never give up, as proven by the dramatic change in interna-
tional relations between the 1960s to 1970s and now.

Professor at Kyungnam University, he founded in 1972 the Institute
of Studies for the Far East (IFES) to promote peace between the two
V$%('0+ '"2+ &.(/%+ !"/,1'&/$"@+ L"+ MNO[+ .(+ >(1'5(+ :%(0/2("&+ $#+ &.(+ T"/-
versity. In late 1999, Kim Dae-Jung, President of the Republic of Korea,
tion and reconciliation with North Korea. He returned to the presidency
of Kyungnam University in 2003. Park Jae-Kyu is the author of books
on Korean Relations: The Politics of North Korea ; The Foreign Relations
of North Korea and Nuclear Proliferation in Developing Countries.

Park Jae-Kyu played a major role in the
“Sunshine Policy”. Initiated by President            HIS COMMITMENT
Kim Dae-Jung in the early 21st century, this         +$%"['.%*("3%(,(G64*
policy has been marked by the summit and
the declaration of Pyongyang in 2000: the
,%0&+ '-%((5("&+ >(&4(("+ &.(+ &4$+ V$%('0+
since the armistice of 1953. The Nobel
Peace Prize distinguished the efforts of
President Kim Dae-Jung. However, Park
Jae-Kyu’s profound knowledge of North
Korea and his positions in favor of inter-Ko-
rean dialogue were crucial to the Summit’s
success, in the opinion of many observers.
He helped to lay the institutional founda-

Although this step was followed by set-
backs and recent events have underlined
the instability of the situation (the sinking
of the Cheonan in April 2010, the attack
on the island of Yeongpyeong in Decem-
ber 2010), progress in 2000 showed that
inter-Korean relations can change course,
move from confrontation to cooperation,
and thus warm up. A positive process, the
result of Park Jae-Kyu’s extensive work,
was initiated.


                                                          LA FNAC ET LA FONDATION CHIRAC PRÉSENTENT

                                                                   LES VISAGES
                                                                   DE LA PAIX
                                                                                DÉDIÉE AUX TROIS LAURÉATS
                                                                                DU PRIX DE LA FONDATION CHIRAC
                                                                                POUR LA PRÉVENTION DES CONFLITS

                      In 2010, an exhibition
                      documented, through images,
                      the G,$H*';1,'I1%J$#('
                      Prevention in the photo galleries
                      of the FNACs throughout France.

                      This exhibition highlighted the
                      3"D,*"(*+: Imam Ashafa, Pastor
                      Wuye, and Mr. Park Jae-Kyu.

                                                                      FNAC, attached to freedom of speech since its incep-
                                                                      tion in 1954, regularly relays information on the efforts
                                                                      of its partner associations (International Federation
                                                                      of Human Rights, Reporters Without Borders, Em-
                                                                      maüs...) to allow democratic debate on many social is-
                                                                      sues. The Fondation Chirac programs and the creation
                                                                      in its galleries a photo exhibit on the work of the three
                                                                      Prize laureates.

                                  Naguib Sawiris
                                  Chairman of Orascom Telecom Holding
                                  Early on, the primary donor to           risk of their lives, in preventing wars and communal vio-
                                  the Fondation Chirac Prize,              lence, despite the utter lack of media interest. The support
                                  Egyptian Naguib Sawiris was              of Naguib Sawiris, Chairman of Orascom Telecom Holding,
                                  intrigued by the idea of an              for the Fondation Chirac Prize, illustrates his desire to send
                                  international tribute publicly           a strong message to Egypt and the international community
                                  offered to those who are fully           about the importance of actions undertaken in the service
                                  engaged, sometimes at the                of peace.

                                                              WHY THEY SUPPORT
                                                               THE FONDATION CHIRAC
                                     President of the Al-Bunnia Trading Group

                                         No one can forget nor             6&4!%.9$ %-$ 0")+"-5/$ +%">&4!"'+"<$ @6"."-%."2$ 3$ +)'$ '%!$ &,'%."$ !6"$
                                     ignore Jacques Chirac’s stance        efforts of President Chirac for they highlight anonymous individuals
                                     during the Iraq War. I live in a      who prevent wars. We must honor them. Finally, my family belongs
                                     powder keg where diversity            !%$ '%$ 0%/&!&+)/$ %.$ 4"+!).&)'$ !"'#"'+&"42$ )$ 45-*+&"'!$ .")4%'$ -%.$ 54
                                     is threatened, despite a long         to support this award.

                                               Chairman of the Quai Branly Museum

                                                    At a time in his-      I am happy and proud, as a member of the Board of Directors
                                               tory when dialogue          of the Fondation Chirac and as President of a museum dedicated
                                               among       civilizations   to non-Western cultures, to support such a deeply humanist pro-
                                               seems more than             P"+!$!6)!$0/)+"4$+%'7&+!$0."("'!&%'$)!$!6"$6").!$%-$#"8)!"<
                                               ever threatened by
                                               intolerance, obscu-         It was within the walls of the Quai Branly Museum that on Fri-
                                               rantism, fanaticism,        day, November 5, 2010, President Jacques Chirac and members
                                               and standardization,        of the Jury, responsible for honoring individuals working for peace
                                               the preservation of         and reconciliation in the world, awarded Prizes to Mr. Mario Giro
cultural diversity and the recognition of the plurality of the arts re-    and Mr. Lakhdar Brahimi. This strongly symbolic act, in a place
quire the commitment of all men. Art has always been a mediator            %0"'$!%$">+6)',"2$;&//2$3$6%0"2$/")#$!%$'";$+)//&',4$)'#$6"/0$85&/#$
capable of establishing ties between societies that would seem             !6&4$4"'4"$%-$4%/&#).&!9$!6)!$-%4!".4$6).1%'9<$Q"/4%'$O)'#"/)$">-
5!!"./9$+%'!.)#&+!%.9<$3'$19$%0&'&%'2$#&40/)9&',$">+"//"'+"$!6.%5,6$       pressed it perfectly, “ we let our light shine, we unconsciously
!6"$ 1)'9$ 0%44&8/"$ *"/#4$ %-$ ">0."44&%'2$ ;&!6$ +%'4!)'!$ )!!"'!&%'     give other people permission to do the same.”
to democratization, is a factor for rapprochement and a guarantee
of mutual enrichment.

                                           David de Rothschild
                                           President of The Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah

                                               After the Holocaust,        Created in 2000, the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah
                                           we can no longer say            works to transmit knowledge about anti-Semitic persecution
                                           we did not know. Whene-         and violations of human rights perpetrated during the Second
                                           ver hatred, racism, and         World War, to help Holocaust survivors, and to encourage in-
                                           >"'%06%8&)$/")#$!%$4!&,-        ter-religious dialogue. We have chosen to support the Fonda-
                                           ma and discrimination,          !&%'$ =6&.)+$ F.&G"$ -%.$ =%'7&+!$ F."("'!&%'2$ 8"+)54"$ ;"$ 8"/&"("
                                           it is up to each of us          it is important to act early in order to bring cultures together,
                                           to say no.                      to build all those bridges that help defuse the hatred of others,
                                                                           tragic consequences on innocent civilians.









           Catherine Joubert

           Pierre-Henri Wunderlich

           Ly Lan Dill

           Pierre Catalan
           Juliette Karpa
           Capucine Samuel-Lajeunesse
           Isabelle Vigier

           The views expressed herewith are the sole responsibility of the authors



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Brochure of the Fondation Chirac Prize for Conflict Prevention

  • 1. “ Mobilizing so that peace prevails over factors of war.” Jacques Chirac
  • 2.
  • 3. A WORD FROM PRESIDENT JACQUES CHIRAC harmony prevails over discord and At the same time, it cooperates with chaos. These are women and men actors in sustainable development. who, often alone and anonymous, Always keen to encourage local ini- courageously unravel the fragile thread tiatives, in conjunction with our pro- of dialogue between peoples, between grams for health, access to water, en- religions, and even among populations vironmental preservation and diversity torn apart within a same region. of cultures, More than ever I would like to place these exceptional women and These women and men, through vigi- men in the spotlight. lant and relentless efforts, make the future possible. Through their acts, Traditionally, we all focus on those who they embody the values of the highest ("2+ 1$"=/1&03+ >!&+ &.(+ -%('&(0&+ 9/1&$%*+ Economic, social, or political crises; forms of humanism and proclaim hu- in a war is to prevent it. climate change; our world is facing man rights through urgent actions. growing inequalities and increased They shatter the silence of oppression. Through this Prize, awarded by a jury dangers. Despite the deterioration of of distinguished individuals working for the international situation, we must still I would like to pay tribute to these pa- peace and development, I want to do !"#$%&!"'&()*+ ,-.&+ '-'/"0&+ 1$"#%$"&'- tient mediators who every day renew them justice, recognizing their unique tional processes. War is never a solu- their commitment, sometimes at the contribution to the cause of peace. tion nor is it inevitable. Around the risk of their lives, to defend and share It is time to hear their voices. Encou- world, often behind the scenes, men the universal values of respect for rage them, because they are models. and women of good will are working at others and tolerance. These values are ?$+1$"=/1&+/0+/"(9/&'>)(@+7.(0(+4$5("+ reconciliation and peace. at the heart of my Fondation, which and men have proven it. in November will award for the third While tensions are heightening and 1$"0(1!&/9(+*('%3+&.(+:%/;(+#$%+<$"=/1&+ extremist tendencies are exacerbated Prevention. everywhere, these individuals work $"+ &.(+ ,()23+ '4'*+ #%$5+ &.(+ 06$&)/-.&3+ With this Prize, the Fondation seeks with patience and determination. to honor a person or institution that 7.(0(+6'1/,0&0+4$%8+(9(%*+2'*+0$+&.'&+ embodies the struggle for peace. Jacques Chirac 1
  • 4. PRIZE FOR CONFLICT PREVENTION 2010 While deserts spread and forests disappear, 1B*,'=A?'1;'()*' Management of natural resources, 78@'5$33$1%':*1:3*'3$B$%&'$%'*C(,*.*':1B*,(4'D+*';1,*+('3"%/' ;1,'()*$,'+D,B$B"3. Global food security depends on soil fertility access to water and health are all and access to natural resources. sources of $%(13*,"53*'$%*KD"3$($*+ #89"&:-#2 and #"D+*+'1;'B$13*%('#1%J$#(+' E' 3"%&D"&*' /$*+' 1%' "B*,"&*' *B*,4' (01' 0**-+ according between populations as well to UNESCO. Acknowledging the other and their differences as within nations. .()60+6%(9("&+1$"=/1&0@+A&&(56&/"-+&$+/56$0(+2$5/"'"&+1!)&!%(0+ instead stirs resentment and can lead to violence. 10% of medicines sold worldwide are sub-standard 789' .$33$1%' :*1:3*' /$*' *"#)' 4*",' ;,1.' 0"(*,' ,*3"(*/' /$+*"+*+6 and ()*' (,";2#' 1;' ;"3+$2*/' .*/$#$%*+' )"+' $%- the vast majority of whom are children under 5 years old. #,*"+*/' 54' <=>?' $%' @AA9 according to the World 90% of the world’s population live in countries that share water Customs Organization. resources with others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ne or several individuals from civil society are awarded this Prize, worth 100 000 euros thanks to the generosity of the Fondation’s partner, Mr. Naguib Sawiris. !"23%/,*4"56.7"0.,1% /0+'4'%2(2+&$+'+6!>)/1+,-!%(+$%+,-!%(0@ President Jacques Chirac, Imam Ashafa, and the Pastor Wuye The 2010 Ceremony at the Claude Levi-Strauss Theater, before the 2010 ceremony in Paris. Quai Branly Museum in Paris. #89"-9@9ABCD 2
  • 5. PREVENTING CONFLICTS AND FIGHTING POVERTY 2009 Ceremony at the Sorbonne in Paris. Nicolas Sarkozy President of the French Republic I do not believe in fatality. 8+#96!1%.$&"-%.$&0"1$&'$0",'$:377':$ ‘the clash of civilizations’ is not inevi- table. They can be avoided through dia- logue, mutual respect, acknowledging equal rights to dignity and justice, F)*'!1%/"($1%'I)$,"#'G,$H*';1,'I1%J$#(' G,*B*%($1%'0"+'"0",/*/';1,'()*'2,+('($.*' which is, dear Jacques Chirac, your 1%'L1B*.5*,'>6'@AA=' life’s work. .%!$&'!H"09"%%'C,!4"05-)!&-)) =.$&!%'-0)8!IJJ!6'"6)'!.%!-$$'%*-%/'2 November 6, 2009, the Sorbonne, Paris F)*'MD"$'N,"%34'OD+*D.'0*3#1.*/ ()*'+*#1%/'#*,*.1%4!"%!K":'59'0!L+!MJNJ =.$&!":'0!OJJ!6-0$./.6-%$,2 The ceremony is one of the annual highlights of the Fondation Chirac’s activities. It is a chance for the Fondation #89":@#E2# to recognize and honor the Prize laureates in the presence of Jury members and an audience that is sensitive to issues $#+1$"=/1&+6%(9("&/$"+'"2+%('2*+&$+%()'*+:%(0/2("&+B'1C!(0+ Chirac’s calls for action. President Jacques Chirac and Ousmane Sow #89"2DAFB> THE SCULPTOR OUSMANE SOW CREATED THE LEAF-CHILD FOR THE PRIZE FOR CONFLICT PREVENTION I chose the magic of childhood by representing a baby protected not only by a leaf, but also by the spiders that have spun a web around this leaf, transforming it into a sort of cocoon. (...) My concern was to represent something that linked humans, animals and nature. Peace can be found in this calm, with an innocent baby, propitious Nature. (...) Man is not the only force that can protect humans, nature !"#$ "%$ &'(()$ *+&','-.$ /"#$ 0"%$ #+1$ 2'1$ %345!6'#1(2$ 7'!+/'$ "&"-' of this. Ousmane Sow 3
  • 6. AWARD CEREMONY ON NOVEMBER 5, 2010 .%! /0'-$.%7! $&'! @0.F'! 4"0! /"%1./$! 60':'%- E&'! (0,$! "4! $&','! .%*.:.*#-),+! W-<&*-0! $."%!$&-$!='!=.))!-=-0*!$"*-82!^'4"0'!8"#+ ^0-&.5.+! &-,+! "%! 9'&-)4! "4! $&'! c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`a! -0'-,! 9'8"%*! $"! 0'/"%/.)'! .$,! 6'"6)'+! *',6.$'! $&'! )-/< 7":'0%5'%$! -#$&"0.$8+! 40"5! =&'0'! H$-$'! 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  • 7. SPEECH BY PRESIDENT JACQUES CHIRAC [$!="#)*!0':.:'!-!/'%$#08R")*!/"%1./$+!#%- $&#,!4-/.).$-$'*!$&'!-/B#.,.$."%!"4!',,'%$.-)! $"! 60','%$! $&'! @0.F'+! ':'%! $&"#7&! U.=-). *'05.%'!'/"%"5./!70"=$&!$&0"#7&"#$!$&'! *0#7,! -$! $&'! )"=',$! 60./',2! E"*-8+! cK[- .,!9'.%7!/')'90-$'*!.%![%*.-!$"*-8+!$&'!/'- 0'7."%+!-%*!*',$-9.).F'!6"6#)-$."%,!':'%! E>[U!5-%-7',!$&.,!60"70-5!'44'/$.:')82 )'90-$."%!"4!).7&$!0'60','%$.%7!$&'!:./$"08! 4#0$&'0+! *',$0"8.%7! $&'.0! )-,$! &"6',2! E&.,! "4!7""*!":'0!':.)2 /"%4#,."%!)'-*,!$"!';$0'5.,52 '!5#,$!"%/'!-7-.%!.5-7.%'!5"0'!_.%%"- :-$.:'! (%-%/.%7`+! -,! 0'B#',$'*! 98! $&'! E&'!@0.F'!&-,!9''%!7.:'%!,&-6'!$&0"#7&! @0',.*'%$! "4! $&'! S'6#9)./+! P02! K./")-,! $&'! $-)'%$! "4! ,/#)6$"0! b#,5-%'! H-= -'(P,/+"3.%L%(+,'(" H-0<"F8+! *#0.%7! $&'! P.))'%%.#5! H#55.$! .%!$&'!4"05!"4!$&.,!,$-$#'!"4!-!_/&.)*!)'-4`! )-,$! H'6$'59'0+! $"! ,#66"0$! $&'! *':')"6- 60"$'/$'*!98!6)-%$,!-%*!-%.5-),2 ,G"('+"Q6G+" 5'%$!,'/$"0,!=&./&!0'B#.0'!)-07'!(%-%/.-)! I'."(%H'+,*+'.GR" "#$)-8,G!-//',,!$"!=-$'0+!-//',,!$"!'*#- [!$&-%<!P02!K-7#.9!H-=.0.,+!=&"!&-,!,#6- /-$."%+! -70./#)$#0-)! *':')"65'%$+! 60','0- 6"0$'*!$&'!.%.$.-$.:'!"4!$&.,!@0.F'!40"5!$&'! ,+",(/46)%G"%L%.7'(% :-$."%!"4!9."*.:'0,.$8e :'08!9'7.%%.%72 [! ,#66"0$! $&'! Declaration on Innovative [! =-%$! $"! ';60',,! -))! 58! 70-$.$#*' W-*.',!-%*!X'%$)'5'%+ Financing1! 60','%$'*! "%! H'6$'59'0! MN! $"!P02!d&-).)!>)R9#%%.-!-%*!&.,!4-$&'0!>9*#)! U'-0!30.'%*,+ 98! A-6-%+! ^')7.#5+! -%*! 30-%/'+! ,#66"0- -&-9!>)R9#%%.-+!=&"!&-:'!/"5'!',6'- $'*!98!^0-F.)+!H6-.%+!K"0=-8+!$&'!>40./-%! /.-))8!40"5![0-B+!$"*-8!-!9-$$'0'*!/"#%$08a ?"%1./$! 60':'%$."%! .,! %"$! T#,$! 4"0! %'7"- c%."%+! $&'! Y#0"6'-%! c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g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h[P+!.4!='!4-.)! /&-))'%7'!$&-$!/"%/'0%,!#,!-))2 $"!5''$!$&'!/&-))'%7',!"4!/).5-$'!/&-%7'! .%!-!40-7.)'!-0'-!).<'!$&'!H-&')f [! ,$0"%7)8! &"6'! $&-$! $&'! XMJ+! =&./&! =.))! 9'! #%*'0! 30'%/&! 60',.*'%/8! -$! $&'! '%*! @0':'%$.%7! /"%1./$! 5'-%,! '%4"0/.%7! $&'! "4!$&'!5"%$&+!=.))!-%,='0!$&.,!0'B#',$!4"0! 4#%*-5'%$-)!0.7&$!"4!-//',,!$"!=-$'0!-%*! ,").*-0.$8+! $&.,! #07'%$! 6)'-! 4"0! 6'-/'! -%*! 4""*! ,'/#0.$8+! 4"0! $&'! 5",$! :#)%'0-9)'! ,'/#0.$82 6"6#)-$."%,+!$&'!5",$!5-)%"#0.,&'*+!=.$&! $&'!)"=',$!).4'!';6'/$-%/8!.%!="0)*2!U':'- U'-0!30.'%*,+ )"65'%$! -.*! %''*,! -**.$."%-)! 0',"#0/',2! '!5#,$!#07'%$)8!(%*!%'=!(%-%/.%72 [!=-%$!$"!$&-%<!$&'!';6'0$,!-%*!A#08!5'5- 9'0,!=&"!&-:'!-//"56-%.'*!#,!.%!$&'!*.4- '!*.*!.$!.%!MJJi2![$!=-,!%"$!-%!'-,8!$-,<! (/#)$!60"/',,!"4!,')'/$.%7!/-%*.*-$',2 9#$!=.$&!58!40.'%*+!@0',.*'%$!W#)-!"4!^0-- 1. On September 21, 2010 a meeting was held, dedica- F.)+! ='! 6#,&'*! $&0"#7&! $&'! /0'-$."%! "4! -! [! =-%$! $"! ';60',,! 58! 70-$.$#*'! $"! S-- !"#$!%$&''%()!&("$*')'+&',$-%.$#"("/%01"'!2$&'$0).)//"/$ ,").*-0.$8! /"%$0.9#$."%! "%! -.0! $./<'$,! -%*! T'%*0-! @-/&-#0.+! =&"! 5-*'! $&'! $0.6 to the UN Summit on Millennium Development Goals. 5
  • 8. 2010 FONDATION CHIRAC PRIZE LAUREATE Mario Giro Head of International Relations within the Community of Sant’Egidio Rewarded on November 5, 2010 / Mario Giro, for his contribution to reducing 6$)/&/1')+&("0/$"0+/"+A#%/1'+G+H$"2'&/$"+<./%'1+:%/;(+#$%+<$"=/1&+:%(9("&/$" Born in Rome in 1958, Mario Giro joined the community of Sant’Egidio in 1975. In 1979 he became head of the Community’s Youth Center. In the 1980s, '0+6'%&+$#+&.(+<("&(%3+.(+>(-'"+&$+&'18)(+/"&(%D%()/-/$!0+2/')$-!(3+1$"=/1&+6%(- vention and resolution, issues the Community was addressing at many dif- ferent levels. Since 1989, he has participated in establishing and developing Sant’Egidio centers in Africa, which he still manages today. As Head of Inter- national Relations of the Sant’Egidio Community, he has been involved with several negotiations, especially in Algeria, Kosovo, Liberia, Darfur, Democratic Republic of Congo, southern Sudan, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, and Niger. #89"-BAA?CE#D"B&"2:C#S9TEUEB Founded in 1968 in Rome by a handful of young students, including Andrea Riccardi, this Catholic lay community currently has over 50 000 active members, /"+$9(%+EF+1$!"&%/(03+$"+,9(+1$"&/"("&0@ 3!$&4$!.5"$!6)!$+%'7&+!4$)."$'51".%542$4%1"!&1"4$&'+%10."6"'4&8/"2$ and intractable. This can discourage and lead to immobility. However, 89$+)..9&',$&'$%'":4$6").!$!6"$)!/)4$%-$!6"$;%./#:4$0)&'2$;"$+)'$.")+6$!6"$*.1$+%'(&+!&%'$!6)!$0")+"$&4$)/;)94$0%44&8/"< It is a lesson that has shaped and changed me. It goes against the grain of a very diffuse mentality: one that teaches that when weapons speak and hatred reigns, nothing is possible. Behind this mentality, war deeply scars the minds of people, it corrupts them, it damages and degrades the soul of a nation, it tears from the spirit of man that which characterizes his humanity: the will to hope and the desire for the future. In this sense we say that war is the mother of all poverty. War is always caused by human decisions. It can therefore be avoided or changed. HIS COMMITMENT -V+%")SEL',.% In November 2002, Mario Giro was invited to Lome by the To- golese authorities who were trying to mediate. They achieved '+ ,%0&+ 1('0(D,%(+ >(&4(("+ :%(0/2("&+ I'!%("&+ J>'->$+ '"2+ %(>()+ forces. Then, in 2003, Mario Giro participated in the Linas-Mar- coussis meeting, convened by President Jacques Chirac to try to solve the Ivorian crisis. Mario Giro continued his mediation, and starting on March 4, 2007, the date of the Ouagadougou agree- ment, he represented Sant’Egidio within the monitoring committee of this Agreement. T6,(%* Mario Giro with the community of Sant’Egidio’s youths In 2007, at the height of the crisis in Guinea, he met President Lan- sana Conté to suggest mediation with the Forces Vives. President Conté selected from a list of names, the new prime minister, Lan- C,H%. sana Kouyate. Since 2009, Sant’Egidio has continued supporting Since July 2010, Mario Giro has been working with leaders democratic transition in Guinea. of transitional authorities, who would meet three months later, with supporters of former President Mamadou Tandja in Rome at the headquarters of the Sant’Egidio community. There, they signed an agreement for a republican pact, the “Call of Rome”. 6
  • 9. 2010 SPECIAL JURY PRIZE LAUREATE Lakhdar Brahimi Special Representative of the Rewarded on November 5, 2010 / Lakhdar Brahimi, for his efforts towards national reconciliation Secretary General of the United Nations /"+I(>'"$"3+L%'C3+'"2+A#-.'"/0&'"+G+H$"2'&/$"+<./%'1+:%/;(+#$%+<$"=/1&+:%(9("&/$" Poverty, bad governance, corruption, all combine in many cases !%$+)54"$+%'7&+!4<$=%'7&+!4$!6"'$">)+".8)!"$0%(".!92$8)#$,%(".')'+"$ and corruption, creating a vicious cycle that inevitably spills over bor- ders and contaminates other communities in a thousand different, 4%1"!&1"4$5'">0"+!"#2$;)94<<< Born in Algeria in 1934, Lakhdar Brahimi began his political career at an early age: representative of the Front de Liberation Nationale (FLN) in Southeast Asia, Permanent Representative to the League of Arab States in Cairo, Ambassador to the United Kingdom, the President of Algeria’s Diplomatic Adviser to Egypt and Sudan, Foreign Minister of Algeria, and Assistant Secretary General of the Arab League. In 1993 he became Special Representative of the Secretary Ge- neral of the United Nations Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, and as such was sent to South Africa, Haiti, Nigeria, Cameroon, Burundi, and Sudan. In 1989 as Special Envoy of the Tripartite Committee of the Arab League in Lebanon, Lakhdar Brahimi successfully negotiated an agreement ending the #89"NF@:8EAE"@90B@#O" 17 year civil war: the Taif Agreement. X;<<<Y He is a member of The Elders, a group of international leaders founded in the W-<&*-0!^0-&.5.!)'*!$&'!6-%')!$&-$!=0"$'! ('%)*+&4("&*D,%0&+1("&!%*+>*+?()0$"+K'"2()'+&$+6%$5$&(+&.(+6('1(#!)+%(0$)!- $&'! 0'6"0$! "%! cK! 6'-/'<''6.%7! "6'0-- &/$"+$#+1$"=/1&0+'%$!"2+&.(+4$%)2@ $."%,+! 60','%$'*! $"! $&'! H'/#0.$8! ?"#%/.)2! E&.,!0'6"0$!,#77',$'*!-!%#59'0!"4!0'4"05,! $"! cK! 6'-/'<''6.%7! 5'$&"*,+! .%/)#- *.%7!$&'!6",,.9.).$8!4"0!cK!6'-/'<''6'0, $"!*'4'%*!$&'5,'):',2 HIS COMMITMENT E.*K I'8.2'%+Q%'./5/+4("&+&$+L%'C+#$%+&.(+,%0&+&/5(+/"+MNNE+'&+&.(+%(C!(0&+ $#+T?+U(1%(&'%*+J("(%')+V$,+A""'"@+Q'0/"-+&.(/%+(##$%&0+$"+)/0&(- ning and respect for the interlocutor, the ability to create an atmos- phere of trust, his delegation succeeded in opening the dialogue between the UN and the Iraqi Presidency. He returned in 1998 >%W*('( ')$"-+4/&.+V$,+A""'"+&$+5((&+4/&.+U'22'5+W!00(/"@+L"+PFFX3+'0+ L"+MNOP3+I'8.2'%+Q%'./5/+'11(6&(2+./0+,%0&+R6$)/&/1')+5/"(D04((6S+ Special Adviser to the Secretary General of the UN, he contributed mission. The Algerian President Chadli Benjedid asked him to re- to the creation of the transitional government. concile Yasser Arafat and Syrian President Hafez Assad in the af- termath of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. In 1989, he returned as :IH$*(,G+*( part of an Arab Tripartite Committee comprising Algeria, Morocco, From 1997 to 1999, Lakhdar Brahimi was the UN’s Special Repre- and Saudi Arabia, mandated by the Arab League of which he was sentative to Afghanistan and in 2001, he returned with the res- Deputy Secretary. This discussion would lead to the Taif Agree- ponsibility of rebuilding the country. He devised a political and 5("&0+&.'&+4(%(+%'&/,(2+/"+?$9(5>(%+$#+&.'&+*('%+'"2+&.(+("2+$#+ military agreement allowing Afghans to create their own transitional &.(+I(>'"$"+1$"=/1&@ government and prepare the new Afghan Constitution. 7
  • 10. AN INTERNATIONAL JURY Vaira Vike-Freiberga November 5, 2010 I consider that there is no better investment in the future of our planet than !%$6&,6/&,6!$)'#$4500%.!$!6"$%5!4!)'#&',$*,5."4$;6%$%-!"'$;%.B$8"6&'#$!6"$4+"'"4$ C<<<D$;&!6$15+6$).#%.$)'#$0".4%')/$+%'(&+!&%'2$;&!6$">+"0!&%')/$&'75"'+"$!%$."4!%."$ 0")+"$&'$!6"$;%./#2$!%$">!&',5&46$0%!"'!&)/$+%'7&+!4$)'#2$%'$8"6)/-$%-$54$)//2$!%$+.")!"$ a world for generations to come that is safer and better than it is now or ever has been before. Michel Camdessus June 15, 2009 It is urgent to make known the institutions, governments, men or women who are *,6!&',$%'$!6"$-.%'!$/&'"4$-%.$."+%'+&/&)!&%'$!%$0."()&/$%(".$"!6'&+$6)!."#$%.$%(".$)'+&"'!$ ?5).."/4$-.%1$!&1"$&11"1%.&)/<$@6"9$)."$,"'".)//9$(".9$#&-*+5/!$!%$40%!$4&'+"$!6"$(".9$ ')!5."$ %-$ !6"&.$ )+!&%'$ &4$ !%$ /")("$ '%!$ )$ !.)+"<$ A"!$ !6"9$ -5/*//$ )'$ "44"'!&)/$ -5'+!&%'$ -%.$ humanity. THE PRIZE JURY :,*+$/*/'54'P"#KD*+' I)$,"#+!.,!/"56",'* "4!)'-*.%7!(7#0',!=&"!&-:'! 4"#7&$!4"0!6'-/'2 Q('.**(+'(0$#*'"'4*", Jury Meeting - June 15, 2009 in Paris $"!/"%,.*'0!/-,',!60"6",'*! 2010 MEMBERS: 98!$&'!Y;6'0$,!?"55.$$''! N1D(,1+'N1D(,1+RS)"3$' !*/*,$#1'O"41,' -%*!$"!,')'/$!$&'!@0.F'! Secretary General of the United Nations Director General of UNESCO )-#0'-$', from 1992 to 1996 from 1987 to 1999 O$#)*3'I"./*++D+ P1,&*'T".:"$1 T$.1%*'V*$3' Managing Director of The International High Representative of the UN Secretary-General Former French Minister, Monetary Fund from 1987 to 2000 for the Alliance of Civilizations, President of Portugal Member of the Académie Française from 1996 to 2006 P1"KD$.'E35*,(1'I)$++"%1' V"$,"'V$-*'!,*$5*,&" President of the Republic of Mozambique Q+."U3'T*,"&*3/$% President of the Republic of Latvia from 1986 to 2005 Director of the Library of Alexandria from 1999 to 2007 GUESTS OF HONOR 2010 2009 (')*&+,'$!-$.'/0'1,2 Nobel Peace Prize !"#$%&&'& 2007, Chairman of the Secretary General of the United Intergovernmental Panel on Nations from 1996 to 2006 Climate Change (IPCC) 8
  • 11. AN EXPERTS COMMITTEE 7'83,*$9*,&',+$:'32*, .*3*,$4',52&6 March 2011 February 2011 $ $ $ @6"$ L>0".!4$ =%11&!!""$ &#"'!&*"4$ !6"$ Often, media attention is a key fac- projects to be submitted to the Jury. tor in mobilizing political action in situa- Its members are observers of the global !&%'4$%-$+%'7&+!<$H'"$0.%8/"1$&4$!6)!$!6"$ "(%/5!&%'$%-$+%'7&+!42$."40%'4&8/"$-%.$&#"'- media are, almost by nature, indifferent tifying individuals who help solve them. !%$ +%'7&+!$ 0."("'!&%'<$ I6"'$ "("'!4$ !6)!$ This therefore implies a thorough knowledge of situations unfa- could be covered by journalists do occur, it is already too late. How miliar to the public. Therein lies the biggest challenge for the Prize !6"'$ )."$ ;"$ !%$ !)/B$ )8%5!$ +%10/">$ )'#$ &'!)',&8/"$ &445"4$ 8"-%."$ -%.$=%'7&+!$F."("'!&%'<$@6"$E%'#)!&%'$4""B4$!6%4"$'%$%'"$40")B4$ violence breaks out? The Fondation Chirac Prize spotlights these of, because their success is silent. We speak of wars but not efforts, which most often, must occur in utter contradiction with %-$ 0")+"<$ @6"$ ,%)/$ %-$ !6"$ F.&G"$ )'#$ %-$ !6"$ ;%.B$ %-$ %5.$ ">0".!4 how media function. is to highlight those who work in apparent indifference. Aldo Ajello Georges Tsaï February 2011 March 2011 $$$$$$@6"$E%'#)!&%'$=6&.)+$F.&G"$-%.$=%'7&+!$ Prevention highlights a serious anomaly The Prize is only two years old and in the attitude of the international com- I do not think we are yet capable of esta- 15'&!9$ !6)!$ &4$ ;&//&',$ !%$ ").1).B$ 4&,'&*- 8/&46&',$!6"$0.%*/"$%-$!6"$J&#")/K$+)'#&#)!"2$ cant resources to address the devasta- ;6&+6$&4$*'"<$E&("$&'#&(&#5)/4$6)("$)/.")#9$ ting effects of crises, but is incapable of doing what is necessary been distinguished since 2009. When we to prevent them. The problem is that humanitarian disasters are look at their respective careers, we can see a variety of paths and reported in real time by the media with an emotional impact ."4%5.+"4<$@6&4$#&(".4&!9$&4$)$+6)//"',"$-%.$!6"$L>0".!4$)'#$!6"$M5.9<$ on public opinion, who demand policy makers take immediate @6"$4"/"+!&%':4$.)',"$().&"42$#"0"'#&',$%'$!6"$#"*'&!&%'$;"$,&("$ action. In contrast, prevention, with the goal of avoiding a nega- !%$+%'7&+!$0."("'!&%'< tive event that has not yet happened, has no media coverage that 3!$+)'$8"$).,5"#$!6)!$!6"$)84"'+"$%-$+%'7&+!$&4$"'6)'+"#$89$-)(%- provokes emotion in public opinion, and therefore no pressure on rable economic or social conditions. An organization that works decision makers. Moreover, nobody can prove that without preven- ;&!6$ !6&4$ )4$ )$ ,5&#"/&'"2$ ;%5/#$ +%'!.&85!"$ !%$ 0."("'!&',$ +%'7&+!4$ tive action, the crisis would have taken place. Prevention requires ;&!6&'$&!4$4%+&"!9<$N%;"(".2$3$!6&'B$.";).#&',$40"+&*+$&'!".("'!&%'4$ vision and courage. With its Prize, the Fondation Chirac wants to ."/)!"#$ !%$ !6"$ ">&4!"'+"$ %-$ )'$ &#"'!&*)8/"$ .&4B$ %-$ ).1"#$ +%'7&+!$ attract media attention and public opinion on the efforts of these constitutes a more solid anchor for both Fondation Prizes. Those women and men, institutions, and civil society who have shown that have been awarded to date fully satisfy this criterion. true vision and courage. 2010 EXPERTS COMMITTEE [%$'0%-$."%-)!';6'0$,!-0'!.%:"):'*!.%!$&'!60"/',,!"4!,')'/$.%7!/-%*.*-$',!4"0!9"$&!@0.F',2 F)*'`C:*,('I1..$((**')*"/*/'54'O"^(,*'N*,%",/'V"($*,'$/*%($2*+'",*"+'1;':1(*%($"3'#1%J$#(8 >4$'0!-,,',,.%7!@'-/'!'44"0$,+!$(':,1B$/*+'()*'PD,4'"'3$+('1;'$%/$B$/D"3+'1,'$%+($(D($1%+!$&-$!&-:'!&')6'* 90.%7!-9"#$!*.-)"7#'!9'$=''%!9')).7'0'%$,2! E3/1'EW*331 [D#'G",*4/( Georges Tsaï Special Representative of European Union Founder and President of LPLM Consultants Special Ambassador for the Rector for the Great Lakes Region of Africa until 2007 (Cultural and Geopolitical consultants specia- of the University for Peace (Costa Rica) I"()*,$%*'I131%%" lized in the Middle East), Consultant in Geopoli- O"^(,*'N*,%",/'V"($*, Former Minister, Managing Partner tics and Mediation Lawyer, President of the Paris Bar $#+Q%!"04/18Y0+:'%/0+$#,1(++ V"3],$*'F*,,"%1B" from 1996 to 1997, Founding Member E,%"D/'X"%W*"%' Strategic Advisor, Founding Member of the Fondation Chirac Chairman of the Subcommittee on Security and Secretary General of the Fondation Chirac G$*,,*RE%/,]'_$3(H*, and Defense, European Parliament Former Minister Delegate O"&/"3*%"'!,$#)1B"' O""!&',$%-$!6"$F.&G"$M5.9$)'#$!6"$L>0".!4 for Cooperation and Francophony Caucasia Project Director Committee on June 15, 2010 in Paris at the International Crisis Group (ICG) G*(*,'Y",3$%&' Iraq, Syria and Lebanon Project Director at the International Crisis Group (ICG) Z15*,('Y13310"4' Director of the AFP Foundation P*"%RG$*,,*'[";1%' Ambassador of France, Founding Member and Vice-President of the Fondation Chirac 3$B$*,'[";1D,#"/* Director for Mexico at the World Bank from 1996 to 2002, Expert on Latin America 9
  • 12. 2009 FONDATION CHIRAC PRIZE LAUREATES Imam Muhammad Ashafa '&+$.';3",$<'=*;$>1?* I want to say thank you, thank you very much, to the Fondation Chirac for having propelled us to another level of local and international commit- ment. This Prize has catapulted us to the top and made us aware of those who, confronted with !"'4&%'2$;)'!$!%$#&4+%(".$+%'7&+!$0."("'!&%'< "EM*M":G$*I* November 5, 2010 $$$$3$;&46$!%$.")-*.1$19$+%11&!1"'!$!%$+%'!&'5"$ working with religious and political leaders to era- dicate religious motivated violence around the world. 0*G+'."Z67% November 6, 2009 Rewarded on November 6, 2009 / Imam Muham- mad Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye, for preventing 1$"=/1&0+>(&4(("+<.%/0&/'"0+'"2+K!0)/50+/"+?/-(%/'+G+ H$"2'&/$"+<./%'1+:%/;(+#$%+<$"=/1&+:%(9("&/$" The Kaduna State, where they originate, crystallizes all the country’s ten- THEIR COMMITMENT sions. Six million people live there, half Muslim and half Christian. Its capital C,H%.,* 4'0+&.(+01("(+$#+.('9*+,-.&/"-3+6'%&/1!)'%)*+/"+PFFP3+4.("+A0.'#'+'"2+Z!*(+ fought in opposing religious groups, “religious activists, programmed to hate while evangelizing and Islamizing at all cost (...), we were both victims of a situation that we helped create.” they explained. However, through the reinterpretation of their faith, each progressively rejected violence and committed, together, to reconciliation against the will of their communities. The groups to which they had belonged, struck by their evolution from aggressive militantism towards activism for peace, followed their lead. Their example helped to appease their society. “Accepting the other for what he is. Creating spaces where others can be what they want, without having to disappear within the crowd.” Muhammad Ashafa et James Wuye are com- mitted to spreading their model of inter-religious dialogue beyond Kaduna, to other sensitive areas of Nigeria, and abroad. Imam Ashafa and the Pastor Wuye go beyond communities. They talk to all sides, encouraging them to come together around symbolic actions such as “peace marches”. Through their mediation, those who ignored each other or were involved in confrontations with each other, learn to accept the other’s differences. Both men also participate in international conferences (Iraq, Sudan, Bel- gium, etc..) where they share their experience and expertise. 10
  • 13. 2009 SPECIAL JURY PRIZE LAUREATE Park Jae-Kyu Kyungnam University President and former South Korean !"#"$%&'()*(+#",-.%")# (4'%2(2+$"+?$9(5>(%+[3+PFFN+G+:'%8+B'(DV*!+4$%80+&$+6%(9("&+1$"=/1&0+>(&4(("+ ?$%&.+V$%('+'"2+U$!&.+V$%('+G+H$"2'&/$"+<./%'1+:%/;(+#$%+<$"=/1&+:%(9("&/$" In the end, it is worthwhile to be determined, to be persistent, and never give up, as proven by the dramatic change in interna- tional relations between the 1960s to 1970s and now. Professor at Kyungnam University, he founded in 1972 the Institute of Studies for the Far East (IFES) to promote peace between the two V$%('0+ '"2+ &.(/%+ !"/,1'&/$"@+ L"+ MNO[+ .(+ >(1'5(+ :%(0/2("&+ $#+ &.(+ T"/- versity. In late 1999, Kim Dae-Jung, President of the Republic of Korea, '66$/"&(2+./5+&.(+T"/,1'&/$"+K/"/0&(%+&$+/56)(5("&+'+6$)/1*+$#+1$$6(%'- tion and reconciliation with North Korea. He returned to the presidency of Kyungnam University in 2003. Park Jae-Kyu is the author of books on Korean Relations: The Politics of North Korea ; The Foreign Relations of North Korea and Nuclear Proliferation in Developing Countries. Park Jae-Kyu played a major role in the “Sunshine Policy”. Initiated by President HIS COMMITMENT Kim Dae-Jung in the early 21st century, this +$%"['.%*("3%(,(G64* policy has been marked by the summit and the declaration of Pyongyang in 2000: the ,%0&+ '-%((5("&+ >(&4(("+ &.(+ &4$+ V$%('0+ since the armistice of 1953. The Nobel Peace Prize distinguished the efforts of President Kim Dae-Jung. However, Park Jae-Kyu’s profound knowledge of North Korea and his positions in favor of inter-Ko- rean dialogue were crucial to the Summit’s success, in the opinion of many observers. He helped to lay the institutional founda- tions. Although this step was followed by set- backs and recent events have underlined the instability of the situation (the sinking of the Cheonan in April 2010, the attack on the island of Yeongpyeong in Decem- ber 2010), progress in 2000 showed that inter-Korean relations can change course, move from confrontation to cooperation, and thus warm up. A positive process, the result of Park Jae-Kyu’s extensive work, was initiated. 11
  • 14. THEY SUPPORT THE FONDATION CHIRAC LES VISAGES DE LA PAIX (FACES OF PEACE) $&'!MJJO!)-#0'-$', -$!$&'!3K>?! LA FNAC ET LA FONDATION CHIRAC PRÉSENTENT LES VISAGES DE LA PAIX EXPOSITION PHOTOGRAPHIQUE DÉDIÉE AUX TROIS LAURÉATS DU PRIX DE LA FONDATION CHIRAC POUR LA PRÉVENTION DES CONFLITS In 2010, an exhibition documented, through images, the G,$H*';1,'I1%J$#(' Prevention in the photo galleries of the FNACs throughout France. #89"98EFE#EBC This exhibition highlighted the #1..$(.*%('1;'()*'@AA=' 3"D,*"(*+: Imam Ashafa, Pastor Wuye, and Mr. Park Jae-Kyu. FNAC, attached to freedom of speech since its incep- tion in 1954, regularly relays information on the efforts of its partner associations (International Federation of Human Rights, Reporters Without Borders, Em- maüs...) to allow democratic debate on many social is- sues. The Fondation Chirac programs and the creation $#+/&0+:%/;(+#$%+<$"=/1&+:%(9("&/$"+4'0+'"+$66$%&!"/&*+#$%+ &.(+H?A<+&$+%('#,%5+/&0+1/9/)+1$55/&5("&0+>*+6%(0("&/"- in its galleries a photo exhibit on the work of the three Prize laureates. 12
  • 15. PRIZE FOR CONFLICT PREVENTION Naguib Sawiris Chairman of Orascom Telecom Holding Early on, the primary donor to risk of their lives, in preventing wars and communal vio- the Fondation Chirac Prize, lence, despite the utter lack of media interest. The support Egyptian Naguib Sawiris was of Naguib Sawiris, Chairman of Orascom Telecom Holding, intrigued by the idea of an for the Fondation Chirac Prize, illustrates his desire to send international tribute publicly a strong message to Egypt and the international community offered to those who are fully about the importance of actions undertaken in the service engaged, sometimes at the of peace. WHY THEY SUPPORT THE FONDATION CHIRAC !0'525$%@+15A'0'@$%5B91&&2' President of the Al-Bunnia Trading Group No one can forget nor 6&4!%.9$ %-$ 0")+"-5/$ +%">&4!"'+"<$ @6"."-%."2$ 3$ +)'$ '%!$ &,'%."$ !6"$ ignore Jacques Chirac’s stance efforts of President Chirac for they highlight anonymous individuals during the Iraq War. I live in a who prevent wars. We must honor them. Finally, my family belongs powder keg where diversity !%$ '%$ 0%/&!&+)/$ %.$ 4"+!).&)'$ !"'#"'+&"42$ )$ 45-*+&"'!$ .")4%'$ -%.$ 54 is threatened, despite a long to support this award. C3DE0'&*$7',32& Chairman of the Quai Branly Museum At a time in his- I am happy and proud, as a member of the Board of Directors tory when dialogue of the Fondation Chirac and as President of a museum dedicated among civilizations to non-Western cultures, to support such a deeply humanist pro- seems more than P"+!$!6)!$0/)+"4$+%'7&+!$0."("'!&%'$)!$!6"$6").!$%-$#"8)!"< ever threatened by intolerance, obscu- It was within the walls of the Quai Branly Museum that on Fri- rantism, fanaticism, day, November 5, 2010, President Jacques Chirac and members and standardization, of the Jury, responsible for honoring individuals working for peace the preservation of and reconciliation in the world, awarded Prizes to Mr. Mario Giro cultural diversity and the recognition of the plurality of the arts re- and Mr. Lakhdar Brahimi. This strongly symbolic act, in a place quire the commitment of all men. Art has always been a mediator %0"'$!%$">+6)',"2$;&//2$3$6%0"2$/")#$!%$'";$+)//&',4$)'#$6"/0$85&/#$ capable of establishing ties between societies that would seem !6&4$4"'4"$%-$4%/&#).&!9$!6)!$-%4!".4$6).1%'9<$Q"/4%'$O)'#"/)$">- 5!!"./9$+%'!.)#&+!%.9<$3'$19$%0&'&%'2$#&40/)9&',$">+"//"'+"$!6.%5,6$ pressed it perfectly, “ we let our light shine, we unconsciously !6"$ 1)'9$ 0%44&8/"$ *"/#4$ %-$ ">0."44&%'2$ ;&!6$ +%'4!)'!$ )!!"'!&%' give other people permission to do the same.” to democratization, is a factor for rapprochement and a guarantee of mutual enrichment. David de Rothschild President of The Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah After the Holocaust, Created in 2000, the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah we can no longer say works to transmit knowledge about anti-Semitic persecution we did not know. Whene- and violations of human rights perpetrated during the Second ver hatred, racism, and World War, to help Holocaust survivors, and to encourage in- >"'%06%8&)$/")#$!%$4!&,- ter-religious dialogue. We have chosen to support the Fonda- ma and discrimination, !&%'$ =6&.)+$ F.&G"$ -%.$ =%'7&+!$ F."("'!&%'2$ 8"+)54"$ ;"$ 8"/&"(" it is up to each of us it is important to act early in order to bring cultures together, to say no. to build all those bridges that help defuse the hatred of others, )'#$!%$0."("'!$+%'7&+!42$;6&+6$5'-%.!5')!"/9$;"$B'%;$;&//$6)("$ tragic consequences on innocent civilians. 13
  • 16. 2011 PRIZE CALENDAR O1%/"46'X*#*.5*,'7b6'@A7A F2,;3$=**32&6$"G$30*$HIE*,3;$J"==233** !"#$%&'()"*+)(,"-."/$%0"01203)45"'60%)'7.'%8"7+()$34"$7")0%4'$%9"),$40"'%:$;:06 '%"($%&'()49"+()$34"'%"6'+;$8<0"+%6"=06'+)'$%>>>" !,$/"46'O",#)'c6'@A77 C*/"&+$7**32&6$"G$30*$J"==233**$"G$HIE*,3;$ !"?'34)"3$<%6"$7"40;0()'$%4"$7"),0"@ABB"C3'/0"(+%6'6+)04 !"#$==<%'(+)'$%"C;+% !"D60%)'7.'%8"/$%04"*,0309"6042')0")0%4'$%4"'60%)'E06"0+3;'039"($%&'()4",+:0"%$)"03<2)06 O1%/"46'O"4'7>6'@A77 K02,+$7**32&6$"G$30*$J"==233**$"G$HIE*,3;$$ !"#$%)'%<06"'60%)'E(+)'$%"$7"/$%04"$7"2$44'-;0"60)03'$3+)'$%"+%6")0%4'$% !"F(300%'%8"$7"(+%6'6+)04")$"-0"4<-='))06")$"),0"G<3. !"G<3."#$%4<;)+)'$%"-."2$4)+;"=+'; _*/%*+/"46'T*:(*.5*,'7c6'@A77 F"1,30$7**32&6$"G$30*$J"==233**$"G$HIE*,3;$ !"C302+3+)'$%"$7"),0"G<3."=00)'%8"+%6"23040%)+)'$%"$7"2$44'-;0"(+%6'6+)04 F)D,+/"46'T*:(*.5*,'7<6'@A77 <1,?$7**32&6 !"F0;0()'$%"$7"),0";+<30+)04"$7"),0"?$%6+)'$%"#,'3+("C3'/0"+%6"),0"F20('+;"G<3."C3'/0 !,$/"46'L1B*.5*,'c6'@A77'd/"(*'(5#e' %A',+;$J*,*="&?$G",$30*$.,2L*$G",$J"&M2/3$.,*N*&32"& !"H)"),0"I<+'"J3+%;."K<40<= F)*'!1%/"($1%'I)$,"#'01D3/'3$-*'(1'()"%- "33'()1+*'0)1')"B*')*3:*/':,1/D#*'()$+',*:1,(a GD53$#"($1%'X$,*#(1,a Catherine Joubert X*+$&%'"%/'["41D('`/$(1,a Pierre-Henri Wunderlich F,"%+3"($1%a Ly Lan Dill I1%(,$5D(1,+a Pierre Catalan Juliette Karpa Capucine Samuel-Lajeunesse Isabelle Vigier The views expressed herewith are the sole responsibility of the authors !"#$#%$"%&$"'('))!*+,-$*'.'(&$&/%)'$%0$&/'$1%"#!&+%"$2/+*!(3 14
  • 17. OUR PARTNERS K0*$F"&+'32"&$J02,'/$A',=5?$30'&T;$23;$E',3&*,;$ '&+$30*$E,2N'3*$2&+2N2+1'5;$A0"$;1EE",3 30*$.,2L*$G",$J"&M2/3$.,*N*&32"&U$ SUPPORT THE FONDATION CHIRAC PRIZE FOR CONFLICT PREVENTION DONATE ]+ 6ost the attached form with a check made ]+>y bank wire transfer to account: ]+>y credit card payable to “fondation Chirac” at the following on the Fondation Chirac website: address: N° 40031 00001 0000354921H72 G"&+'32"&$J02,'/$$ IBAN: AAA-G"&+'32"&/02,'/-*1 OPQ$,1*$+R%&)"1$$ FR74 4003 1000 0100 0035 4921 H72 75008 Paris BIC: Section: FRANCE CDCGFRPP P',3&*,;$S$C1EE",3$30*$F"&+'32"&$J02,'/ CHECK TRANSFER INTERNET Y"1$A255$,*/*2N*$'$3'I$,*/*2E3$'G3*,$E,"/*;;2&6- ILFEIF #*]"F%(%^+G U'#".$!6"$E."'+6$!)>$+%#"2$9%5.$#%')!&%'$?5)/&*"4$-%.$!6"$-%//%;&',$!)>$#"#5+!&%'4R G"&+'32"&$J02,'/$ 14, rue d’Anjou 75008 Paris -$S'#".$3'+%1"$@)>2$)$!)>$#"#5+!&%'$"?5&()/"'!$!%$TTU$%-$9%5.$0)91"'!4 Tel. + 33 (0) 1 47 42 87 60 50$!%$VWU$%-$!)>)8/"$&'+%1"< Fax + 33 (0) 1 47 42 87 78 -$S'#".$I")/!6$@)>2$)$!)>$#"#5+!&%'$"?5&()/"'!$!%$XYU$%-$9%5.$0)91"'!4 ;&!6$)$1)>&151$%-$YW$WWW$"5.%4< wAA-G"&+'32"&/02,'/-*1
  • 18. THE FONDATION CHIRAC C'30*,2&*$<"1@*,3$S$Managing Director R"='2&$.*323$S$Administration and Finance P'3,2/2'$V2;/5"&$S Assistant P2*,,*$J'3'5'&$S Programs Manager J152*33*$!',E'$S$Press Relations C'E1/2&*$C'=1*5BW')*1&*;;*$S$Communications Manager Isabell*$:262*,$S$Programs Manager FONDATION CHIRAC 14 rue d’Anjou, 75008 Paris T*5-$+33 (0)1 47 42 87 60 F'I$+33 (0)1 47 42 87 78 E-mail Website Blog Photo creditsa' :87'f'©DR,':8@'f'©Bahi Abdelmalek, :8b'f'©Gilles Plagnol, ©Béatrice Soulé, ':8c'f'©Bahi Abdelmalek, :8>'f'©Communauté Sant’Egidio, :8g'f'©The Elders,':89'f'©Bahi Abdelmalek, ©Eric Lefeuvre, ©Gilles Plagnol, :8='f'©Gilles Plagnol, :87@'f'©Laurent Zylberman - Graphix Images, ©Label Expo, :87b'f'©Bahi Abdelmalek. SUPPORT THE FONDATION CHIRAC PRIZE FOR CONFLICT PREVENTION DONATE I$A"15+$52T*$3"$+"&'3* D"&'32"&$G",=$3"$='25$2&$'5"&6$A230$'$/0*/T made payable to NI'()*+,'("-$,.*/OU ______________________________________________ euros I'()*+,'("-$,.*/" _`R".6%")S:(Q'6" ab<<c"0*.,GR"&.*(/% I$'130",2L*$30*$F"&+'32"&$J02,'/$3"$E1@52;0$=?$&'=* o&$23;$A*@;23*$'&+$"&$'&?$E1@52/$+"/1=*&3 First Name ______________________________________________________ O Yes Last Name ______________________________________________________ O No Address ________________________________________________________ Postal Code _____________________________________________________ City ____________________________________________________________ Country _________________________________________________________ Telephone _______________________________________________________ E-mail __________________________________________________________ Profession ______________________________________________________
  • 19.
  • 20. FONDATION CHIRAC 14 rue d’Anjou, 75008 Paris T*5-$+33 (0)1 47 42 87 60 F'I$+33 (0)1 47 42 87 78 E-mail Website Blog www.fon d a t i o n c h i r a c . e u