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Allergies/Sensitivities Gradually Solved with Neuroliminal Training
Dr. Bate's original theory in 2000, "Raising the SMR brain wave somehow
changes the affect of allergies on the brain" is the only viable theory as to how
Neurofeedback (NFB) (aka EEG BF) and Neuroliminal Training (NT) work. With
many personal observations and hundreds of comments from users, it seems to
be a fact. NFB or NT either cure or alleviate allergies and sensitivities.
As a matter of experience, the longer anyone plays an NT CD, the more
allergies and allergy symptoms gradually disappear. This applies even to
serious symptoms such as depression or schizophrenia as well as simple ones
like insomnia or weight gain for example. In some recorded cases, it has taken
up to 2-4 years to solve some allergies which have been with the subject since
birth. (For me it was hay fever from ragweed, Rheumatoid Arthritis from
peanuts, fibromyalgia from soy, and overweight from wheat.)
This makes NT CD's even more valuable for long term use. NFB is simply
too expensive to do.
Allergy General Information
What's the difference between allergy, sensitivity and intolerance? There's
a lot of confusion about these terms and the whole subject is confusing enough
without that. The "correct" meaning of each of these terms is as follows:
Allergy: This term is used by the medical allergists to denote those body
reactions which involve the entire immune system, in particular the IgE
(immuno-globulin, type E) reaction
Sensitivity: This term is used by environmental ecologists, scientists and
many medical allergists to denote somewhat different body reactions (mostly
white blood cell actions) which do not involve IgE and other parts of the
immune system. (IgG reactions are often used.)
Intolerance: This term refers to a food intolerance which is characterized by
a missing enzyme that is needed to digest a particular food. Familiar examples
include the enzyme "lactase" which is necessary to digest milk products and the
enzyme needed to digest beans. .Both cause intestinal problems, mostly gas
from the fermentation of the food instead of digestion. Since intolerance is not
a true problem involving allergens, we'll ignore it here.
Allergies/Sensitivities Gradually Solved with Neuroliminal Training
The first two - Allergy and Sensitivity - are very similar in their effects.
Either or both can cause virtually any symptom known to man. A partial list of
known allergy/sensitivity symptoms is as follows:
Head: Headache, neck pain, pressure or tightness in the head, dizziness,
imbalance, vertigo, blackout, sneezing, runny or stuffy nose; puffy, watery, or
itchy eyes, blurred vision, excessive mucous formation; ringing, popping or
fullness in the ears, fluid in the middle ear, earache, hearing loss; sore throat,
hoarse, weak voice, gagging, itching in the roof of the mouth, difficulty
swallowing, canker sores, excessive thirst, frequent yawning,
sinusitis,increased sensitivity to light & sound
Chest: Coughing, wheezing, reduced air flow, tight congested feeling in the
chest, shortness of breath, chest pain, rapid pulse, palpitations, heart
irregularities, sudden changes in blood pressure.
Stomach: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, bloating after meals,
belching, passing gas, feeling of fullness in the stomach long after finishing a
meal, abdominal pains or cramps.
Skin: Hives, rashes, eczema, itching, sweating, flushing, chilly, cold or hot
General: Faintness, clumsiness, excessive drowsiness or sleepiness soon
after eating, muscle pains, cramps, spasms, weakness, twitching, jerking, or
tics, joint aches, warmth, or redness, backache, neuralgia, swelling of the
hands or feet, urinary frequency or urgency, vaginal itching, excessive hunger
or binge eating.
Mental: Schizophrenia, depression, hyperactivity (ADD/ADHD), emotional
instability or hypersensitivity, insomnia, chronic fatigue, crying jags, stuttering,
excessive daydreaming, anxiety, panic attacks, withdrawn, listless, seizures,
aggressive behavior, anger, irritability, silly, tense, restless, excited, agitated,
behavior problems in children, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, poor
comprehension, confusion, impaired attention, obsessive thoughts, compulsive
behavior, feelings of unreality, disorientation, false beliefs or delusions,
hallucinations, suicidal, feel like hurting self.
Allergies/Sensitivities Gradually Solved with Neuroliminal Training
NOTE: Any or all of the "brain problems" listed above may be caused by
allergy or sensitivity. This is a very important point in understanding solutions
to "brain problems". As a matter of fact, since the unconscious mind controls
the physical body, (including the immune system) all of the above "symptoms"
could be thought of as brain controlled. This leads to possible cures using the
unconscious mind. This explains the success of Neurofeedback/EEG
Biofeedback, Neuroliminal Training and hypnosis. All are methods for brain
A lot of the confusion comes from medical allergists not being up-to-date
on testing methods of sensitivity. Many are still using the obsolete "scratch"
test. Others are using the newer RAST (Radio-AllogoSorbent Test). Although
the scratch test will sometimes show food sensitivities as well as direct food
allergies, it is often confusing to these professionals. The RAST test only tests
IgE and most food/chemical sensitivities do not show up on this test at all.
It is generally considered by "experts" in allergy that the "scratch" test is
only 75% accurate, the RAST test is about 85% accurate on allergies and 20%
accurate on sensitivities and other tests for sensitivities are about 80%
accurate. Both false negatives and false positives are seen on all tests.
There's another very important difference between allergy and sensitivity.
A food or chemical sensitivity will literally "die down" and no longer cause
symptoms if the food or chemical is abstained from for a period of 3-6 months
and only ingested once a week or so from then on. Allergies do NOT die down,
but are usually a problem for the life of the sufferer
As an example, I was sensitive to both soy and peanuts and allergic to
ragweed, and intolerant to milk. Soy caused pain in my arm like tennis elbow,
bursitis and neuralgia. Peanuts caused rheumatoid arthritis in my hands.
Ragweed caused rhinitis (hay fever). Living in Florida, I'm not bothered by
ragweed as much as I was in NJ as a boy. Sure, if the ragweed pollen is high, I
may sneeze a few times, but no real problem. I could generally ignore it.
Allergies/Sensitivities Gradually Solved with Neuroliminal Training
Peanuts and soy are different, as both caused real pain. I had to be careful
about eating any foods which contain either. As long as I was that careful, I
was free of both "symptoms". I even ate a peanut butter sandwich once a
month or so, without a problem. But, if I should eat two of these within a few
days, my hands become painful and cramped. Before I found the problem, my
hands were really crippled up and my wife and I were sailing around the
Caribbean at the time in a sailboat that required rope handling, etc.
Surprise! In April 2007, I inadvertently ate food containing peanuts
several days in a row. No rheumatoid arthritis!! I tested this by eating 3-4
peanut containing foods, including peanut butter in a week. No rheumatoid
arthritis pain. I then tested soy and found that this allergen no longer bothered
me. I then noticed that no hay fever symptoms for some time. Why? The only
answer I came up with is that my Neuroliminal Training somehow solved all
these previous allergies! Another anecdote sent to me via email was from a
person who said that after using NT for insomnia, he quit smoking easily. Most
addictions are linked to allergens. Interesting - because I was using avoidance,
I didn't know I had cured myself!
Allergy Testing Today
There are many tests used by different allergists and orthomolecular or
environmental ecologists. These are as follows:
RAST: as explained above, this is used by most progressive allergist MD's
today. But, since it doesn't show up sensitivities well, many allergists just
ignore them. That's a mistake in my opinion.
Scratch: This is also used by many allergists but is considered to be
obsolete by most scientific observers. It does show some sensitivities but is
difficult to interpret.
EPT: The END POINT TITRATION test is perhaps the most accurate of all
tests and it shows both allergy and sensitivity. It does not distinguish between
them and it has the advantage of not only the most accurate testing method,
but it also creates the "correct" dosage for "corrective shots" as it tests. Details
plus description of this test are in my book. The American Academy of
Environmental Medicine keeps lists of physicians that do EPT and other modern
Allergies/Sensitivities Gradually Solved with Neuroliminal Training
Cytotoxic Test: This is a test for food and chemical sensitivities and it also
shows up food/chemical allergies, but not as clearly and like the EPT test, it
does not distinguish between them. It is now considered somewhat outdated
and replaced by the ALCAT test below. I did use it in my practice however with
good results.
ALCAT: This test is an advance over the above Cytotoxic test and it uses a
similar method of observing white blood cells, but it is much improved with
better accuracy.
IgG: There are some facilities that test for IgG in much the same way as the
RAST test does for IgE. This is supposed to find food/chemical sensitivities. I do
not personally know enough about this technique to have an opinion about it.
Caveman Diet & Pulse Testing: This has one huge advantage over all the
above, - IT'S FREE. Click on Pulse Test and Caveman Diet for a limited
description of how to do this at home yourself.
While working in a top allergy lab in the early 80's, I coined the First Law
of Allergy/Sensitivity: "There are no laws". I later modified this to include:
"There are only a few guidelines". Sometime later, I coined another "law" for
allergy/sensitivity: "Anything can cause anything". That is a truism.
Purchase any Neuroliminal Training CD. All CDs will solve allergies. Use it
every night; repeating so that it plays all night (it takes a lot of playing to
change brain waves in both NT and EEG BF). Gradually over months your brain
will change in some sort of priority that it decides is best for you as an
Allergies/Sensitivities Gradually Solved with Neuroliminal Training
The physician's methodology is to first try to find out just what is causing
each symptom. Use any or all of allergy testing methods outlined above, or
found in my book "The Health Revolution".
In the Appendix section of my book, there are several very helpful allergy
questionnaires (devised by Dr. Marshall Mandell) and several lists of common
foods that are often allergenic.
This "finding" is the most difficult part as it involves a lot of detective
work, keeping a food and environment diary and self-testing.
Ok, now you've found that you're allergic (or sensitive), what are your options
to get rid of the symptoms produced by whatever is causing them?
Actually, there are several options, although some may or may not work
for you as an individual. My first rule of allergy (and sensitivity) is:
THERE ARE NO RULES. There are some guidelines, but remember that
"anything can cause anything".
Here are some of the options for actually getting rid of allergy/sensitivity
 Avoidance of foods/environment/chemicals causing symptoms.
 Traditional shots from an MD allergist.
 Shots derived from EPT (SKIN END POINT TITRATION).
 Sub-lingual dosing derived from EPT.
 Chiropractic (including Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques)
 Acupuncture.
 Hypnosis.
 Homeopathy.
 Neuroliminal Training (NT) The best and most affordable of all of them.
I'm biased toward NT CD's of course, but in my opinion, they are the best
way and least expensive cure in most cases. The only drawback is that it takes
time, but the stress reduction is well worth it.
Allergies/Sensitivities Gradually Solved with Neuroliminal Training
Avoidance is OK when you are dealing with specific food allergy/sensitivity
such as shellfish, or peanuts, but very difficult if the foods are common such as
wheat or corn, or it's an environmental allergy.
Traditional shots are very inaccurate, ranging from about 50% effective to
useless. They work best at making money for the allergists pocket in general.
Skin End Point Titration derived shots are much more accurate, but even
they can change with time in individuals, so re-testing is necessary and it can
get very expensive. Some individuals are "cured" completely with these -
others may have to be on shots for many years or even forever in some cases.
The same holds true for sub-lingual doses.
Dr.Doris Rapp; Board-certified environmental medical specialist and
pediatric allergist and a professional associate of mine has gotten excellent
results over many years in treating ADD and even autistic children this way.
(Check for her books in your library reference section).
Chiropractors have claimed for years that allergies can be cured by spinal
manipulation and certainly, they have lots of case histories to prove that claim.
The latest NAET technique seems to have some good success rates although I
have no personal knowledge of it. If you decide to go this route, I would
recommend that you investigate this on line. Check out the Allergy Resource
Page and find a practitioner in your area this way. My problem with
chiropractors (and psychologists/psychiatrists) is that they are trained to keep
clients coming back and back even when there is no longer a need (except the
doctor's bank account). There are good and bad in every profession.
Acupuncture does work as I can personally testify for a joint pain reaction
to soy, but (why is there always a "but"?); if you continue eating the same
foods too often, the symptoms may reoccur. This happened to me. The
acupuncture worked for 1 year for a soy reaction, but the pain returned in
another joint (isn't that curious?).
Allergies/Sensitivities Gradually Solved with Neuroliminal Training
Hypnosis and Auditory Brain Wave Training may seem pretty far out, but
actually both do work pretty well for many, if not most, people. Again, the
results are individual.
In my practice, I have had great success in treating asthmatic children
with my Relaxation Technique. I do not believe that the allergy "trigger" was
"cured", but the symptom of asthma was "disconnected" from it successfully.
In recent experiments with dozens of volunteers suffering with many
allergies as well as many different "brain problems", over 75% reported
dramatic lessening of symptoms from ADD to depression and virtually 100%
"cure" of sleep problems of all types.
If we remember that allergies/sensitivities are products of our immune
system and that system is controlled by our unconscious mind, why shouldn't
subliminal messaging and even hypnosis be very effective? It is certainly a
conduit to that unconscious mind of sorts and can be effective.
For a Youtube audio file on self-hypnosis,
click on Relaxation Technique.
Homeopathy can also be effective. I saw many allergy/sensitivity "cures"
done by an associate some years ago. The problem is that he was one of the
best and there are few in this country that actually get their remedies from
Germany as he did, so I cannot comment on their efficiency in allergy work.
Those are some of the current options. There's always snake oil and other
bogus cures that use the placebo effect and perhaps that's why most of these
above work as well as they do.
Which option will be most effective for you, depends on your individual
case, where you live, what you eat, what your work environment is, how much
money you have and many more variables.
The physician or other professional methods above are the most costly. NT
is the simplest and has the advantage of solving other mental problems you
don't even know about. The only disadvantage is that it is not a "fast fix", but it
can't harm anyone either - unlike most drugs.

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Allergies/Sensitivities Gradually Solved with Neuroliminal Training

  • 1. Allergies/Sensitivities Gradually Solved with Neuroliminal Training Dr. Bate's original theory in 2000, "Raising the SMR brain wave somehow changes the affect of allergies on the brain" is the only viable theory as to how Neurofeedback (NFB) (aka EEG BF) and Neuroliminal Training (NT) work. With many personal observations and hundreds of comments from users, it seems to be a fact. NFB or NT either cure or alleviate allergies and sensitivities. As a matter of experience, the longer anyone plays an NT CD, the more allergies and allergy symptoms gradually disappear. This applies even to serious symptoms such as depression or schizophrenia as well as simple ones like insomnia or weight gain for example. In some recorded cases, it has taken up to 2-4 years to solve some allergies which have been with the subject since birth. (For me it was hay fever from ragweed, Rheumatoid Arthritis from peanuts, fibromyalgia from soy, and overweight from wheat.) This makes NT CD's even more valuable for long term use. NFB is simply too expensive to do. Allergy General Information What's the difference between allergy, sensitivity and intolerance? There's a lot of confusion about these terms and the whole subject is confusing enough without that. The "correct" meaning of each of these terms is as follows: Allergy: This term is used by the medical allergists to denote those body reactions which involve the entire immune system, in particular the IgE (immuno-globulin, type E) reaction Sensitivity: This term is used by environmental ecologists, scientists and many medical allergists to denote somewhat different body reactions (mostly white blood cell actions) which do not involve IgE and other parts of the immune system. (IgG reactions are often used.) Intolerance: This term refers to a food intolerance which is characterized by a missing enzyme that is needed to digest a particular food. Familiar examples include the enzyme "lactase" which is necessary to digest milk products and the enzyme needed to digest beans. .Both cause intestinal problems, mostly gas from the fermentation of the food instead of digestion. Since intolerance is not a true problem involving allergens, we'll ignore it here.
  • 2. Allergies/Sensitivities Gradually Solved with Neuroliminal Training The first two - Allergy and Sensitivity - are very similar in their effects. Either or both can cause virtually any symptom known to man. A partial list of known allergy/sensitivity symptoms is as follows: Head: Headache, neck pain, pressure or tightness in the head, dizziness, imbalance, vertigo, blackout, sneezing, runny or stuffy nose; puffy, watery, or itchy eyes, blurred vision, excessive mucous formation; ringing, popping or fullness in the ears, fluid in the middle ear, earache, hearing loss; sore throat, hoarse, weak voice, gagging, itching in the roof of the mouth, difficulty swallowing, canker sores, excessive thirst, frequent yawning, sinusitis,increased sensitivity to light & sound Chest: Coughing, wheezing, reduced air flow, tight congested feeling in the chest, shortness of breath, chest pain, rapid pulse, palpitations, heart irregularities, sudden changes in blood pressure. Stomach: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, bloating after meals, belching, passing gas, feeling of fullness in the stomach long after finishing a meal, abdominal pains or cramps. Skin: Hives, rashes, eczema, itching, sweating, flushing, chilly, cold or hot flashes. General: Faintness, clumsiness, excessive drowsiness or sleepiness soon after eating, muscle pains, cramps, spasms, weakness, twitching, jerking, or tics, joint aches, warmth, or redness, backache, neuralgia, swelling of the hands or feet, urinary frequency or urgency, vaginal itching, excessive hunger or binge eating. Mental: Schizophrenia, depression, hyperactivity (ADD/ADHD), emotional instability or hypersensitivity, insomnia, chronic fatigue, crying jags, stuttering, excessive daydreaming, anxiety, panic attacks, withdrawn, listless, seizures, aggressive behavior, anger, irritability, silly, tense, restless, excited, agitated, behavior problems in children, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, poor comprehension, confusion, impaired attention, obsessive thoughts, compulsive behavior, feelings of unreality, disorientation, false beliefs or delusions, hallucinations, suicidal, feel like hurting self.
  • 3. Allergies/Sensitivities Gradually Solved with Neuroliminal Training NOTE: Any or all of the "brain problems" listed above may be caused by allergy or sensitivity. This is a very important point in understanding solutions to "brain problems". As a matter of fact, since the unconscious mind controls the physical body, (including the immune system) all of the above "symptoms" could be thought of as brain controlled. This leads to possible cures using the unconscious mind. This explains the success of Neurofeedback/EEG Biofeedback, Neuroliminal Training and hypnosis. All are methods for brain training. A lot of the confusion comes from medical allergists not being up-to-date on testing methods of sensitivity. Many are still using the obsolete "scratch" test. Others are using the newer RAST (Radio-AllogoSorbent Test). Although the scratch test will sometimes show food sensitivities as well as direct food allergies, it is often confusing to these professionals. The RAST test only tests IgE and most food/chemical sensitivities do not show up on this test at all. It is generally considered by "experts" in allergy that the "scratch" test is only 75% accurate, the RAST test is about 85% accurate on allergies and 20% accurate on sensitivities and other tests for sensitivities are about 80% accurate. Both false negatives and false positives are seen on all tests. There's another very important difference between allergy and sensitivity. A food or chemical sensitivity will literally "die down" and no longer cause symptoms if the food or chemical is abstained from for a period of 3-6 months and only ingested once a week or so from then on. Allergies do NOT die down, but are usually a problem for the life of the sufferer As an example, I was sensitive to both soy and peanuts and allergic to ragweed, and intolerant to milk. Soy caused pain in my arm like tennis elbow, bursitis and neuralgia. Peanuts caused rheumatoid arthritis in my hands. Ragweed caused rhinitis (hay fever). Living in Florida, I'm not bothered by ragweed as much as I was in NJ as a boy. Sure, if the ragweed pollen is high, I may sneeze a few times, but no real problem. I could generally ignore it.
  • 4. Allergies/Sensitivities Gradually Solved with Neuroliminal Training Peanuts and soy are different, as both caused real pain. I had to be careful about eating any foods which contain either. As long as I was that careful, I was free of both "symptoms". I even ate a peanut butter sandwich once a month or so, without a problem. But, if I should eat two of these within a few days, my hands become painful and cramped. Before I found the problem, my hands were really crippled up and my wife and I were sailing around the Caribbean at the time in a sailboat that required rope handling, etc. Surprise! In April 2007, I inadvertently ate food containing peanuts several days in a row. No rheumatoid arthritis!! I tested this by eating 3-4 peanut containing foods, including peanut butter in a week. No rheumatoid arthritis pain. I then tested soy and found that this allergen no longer bothered me. I then noticed that no hay fever symptoms for some time. Why? The only answer I came up with is that my Neuroliminal Training somehow solved all these previous allergies! Another anecdote sent to me via email was from a person who said that after using NT for insomnia, he quit smoking easily. Most addictions are linked to allergens. Interesting - because I was using avoidance, I didn't know I had cured myself! Allergy Testing Today There are many tests used by different allergists and orthomolecular or environmental ecologists. These are as follows: RAST: as explained above, this is used by most progressive allergist MD's today. But, since it doesn't show up sensitivities well, many allergists just ignore them. That's a mistake in my opinion. Scratch: This is also used by many allergists but is considered to be obsolete by most scientific observers. It does show some sensitivities but is difficult to interpret. EPT: The END POINT TITRATION test is perhaps the most accurate of all tests and it shows both allergy and sensitivity. It does not distinguish between them and it has the advantage of not only the most accurate testing method, but it also creates the "correct" dosage for "corrective shots" as it tests. Details plus description of this test are in my book. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine keeps lists of physicians that do EPT and other modern testing.
  • 5. Allergies/Sensitivities Gradually Solved with Neuroliminal Training Cytotoxic Test: This is a test for food and chemical sensitivities and it also shows up food/chemical allergies, but not as clearly and like the EPT test, it does not distinguish between them. It is now considered somewhat outdated and replaced by the ALCAT test below. I did use it in my practice however with good results. ALCAT: This test is an advance over the above Cytotoxic test and it uses a similar method of observing white blood cells, but it is much improved with better accuracy. IgG: There are some facilities that test for IgG in much the same way as the RAST test does for IgE. This is supposed to find food/chemical sensitivities. I do not personally know enough about this technique to have an opinion about it. Caveman Diet & Pulse Testing: This has one huge advantage over all the above, - IT'S FREE. Click on Pulse Test and Caveman Diet for a limited description of how to do this at home yourself. While working in a top allergy lab in the early 80's, I coined the First Law of Allergy/Sensitivity: "There are no laws". I later modified this to include: "There are only a few guidelines". Sometime later, I coined another "law" for allergy/sensitivity: "Anything can cause anything". That is a truism. Purchase any Neuroliminal Training CD. All CDs will solve allergies. Use it every night; repeating so that it plays all night (it takes a lot of playing to change brain waves in both NT and EEG BF). Gradually over months your brain will change in some sort of priority that it decides is best for you as an individual.
  • 6. Allergies/Sensitivities Gradually Solved with Neuroliminal Training The physician's methodology is to first try to find out just what is causing each symptom. Use any or all of allergy testing methods outlined above, or found in my book "The Health Revolution". In the Appendix section of my book, there are several very helpful allergy questionnaires (devised by Dr. Marshall Mandell) and several lists of common foods that are often allergenic. This "finding" is the most difficult part as it involves a lot of detective work, keeping a food and environment diary and self-testing. Ok, now you've found that you're allergic (or sensitive), what are your options to get rid of the symptoms produced by whatever is causing them? Actually, there are several options, although some may or may not work for you as an individual. My first rule of allergy (and sensitivity) is: THERE ARE NO RULES. There are some guidelines, but remember that "anything can cause anything". Here are some of the options for actually getting rid of allergy/sensitivity symptoms:  Avoidance of foods/environment/chemicals causing symptoms.  Traditional shots from an MD allergist.  Shots derived from EPT (SKIN END POINT TITRATION).  Sub-lingual dosing derived from EPT.  Chiropractic (including Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques)  Acupuncture.  Hypnosis.  Homeopathy.  Neuroliminal Training (NT) The best and most affordable of all of them. I'm biased toward NT CD's of course, but in my opinion, they are the best way and least expensive cure in most cases. The only drawback is that it takes time, but the stress reduction is well worth it.
  • 7. Allergies/Sensitivities Gradually Solved with Neuroliminal Training Avoidance is OK when you are dealing with specific food allergy/sensitivity such as shellfish, or peanuts, but very difficult if the foods are common such as wheat or corn, or it's an environmental allergy. Traditional shots are very inaccurate, ranging from about 50% effective to useless. They work best at making money for the allergists pocket in general. Skin End Point Titration derived shots are much more accurate, but even they can change with time in individuals, so re-testing is necessary and it can get very expensive. Some individuals are "cured" completely with these - others may have to be on shots for many years or even forever in some cases. The same holds true for sub-lingual doses. Dr.Doris Rapp; Board-certified environmental medical specialist and pediatric allergist and a professional associate of mine has gotten excellent results over many years in treating ADD and even autistic children this way. (Check for her books in your library reference section). Chiropractors have claimed for years that allergies can be cured by spinal manipulation and certainly, they have lots of case histories to prove that claim. The latest NAET technique seems to have some good success rates although I have no personal knowledge of it. If you decide to go this route, I would recommend that you investigate this on line. Check out the Allergy Resource Page and find a practitioner in your area this way. My problem with chiropractors (and psychologists/psychiatrists) is that they are trained to keep clients coming back and back even when there is no longer a need (except the doctor's bank account). There are good and bad in every profession. Acupuncture does work as I can personally testify for a joint pain reaction to soy, but (why is there always a "but"?); if you continue eating the same foods too often, the symptoms may reoccur. This happened to me. The acupuncture worked for 1 year for a soy reaction, but the pain returned in another joint (isn't that curious?).
  • 8. Allergies/Sensitivities Gradually Solved with Neuroliminal Training Hypnosis and Auditory Brain Wave Training may seem pretty far out, but actually both do work pretty well for many, if not most, people. Again, the results are individual. In my practice, I have had great success in treating asthmatic children with my Relaxation Technique. I do not believe that the allergy "trigger" was "cured", but the symptom of asthma was "disconnected" from it successfully. In recent experiments with dozens of volunteers suffering with many allergies as well as many different "brain problems", over 75% reported dramatic lessening of symptoms from ADD to depression and virtually 100% "cure" of sleep problems of all types. If we remember that allergies/sensitivities are products of our immune system and that system is controlled by our unconscious mind, why shouldn't subliminal messaging and even hypnosis be very effective? It is certainly a conduit to that unconscious mind of sorts and can be effective. For a Youtube audio file on self-hypnosis, click on Relaxation Technique. Homeopathy can also be effective. I saw many allergy/sensitivity "cures" done by an associate some years ago. The problem is that he was one of the best and there are few in this country that actually get their remedies from Germany as he did, so I cannot comment on their efficiency in allergy work. Those are some of the current options. There's always snake oil and other bogus cures that use the placebo effect and perhaps that's why most of these above work as well as they do. Which option will be most effective for you, depends on your individual case, where you live, what you eat, what your work environment is, how much money you have and many more variables. The physician or other professional methods above are the most costly. NT is the simplest and has the advantage of solving other mental problems you don't even know about. The only disadvantage is that it is not a "fast fix", but it can't harm anyone either - unlike most drugs.