rbc cardio diffusion of gases ambareesha k hemodynamics men menopause menstrual cycle physiol lesions opic pathway gen physiology ph buffer classical abo system karl land steiner universal recipient universal donor o group ab group b group a grooup erythroblastosis foetalis blood groups psns sns system nervous autonomic ans environment internal constant miaintain milieu interior delivey pregnancy labour blood clotting mechanism negative feedback positive feedback homoeostasis circulation breathing airways advanced life support basic life support pulmonary resuscitation cardiopulmonary cpr cell junctions tight junctions cytoskeleton lysosomes mitochondria golgiapparatus endoplasmic reticulum functions of cell membrane hemidesmosomes junctional complexes cell intercellular communications plasmamembrane centrosomes introduction of cell gap junctions peraxisomes nucleus cytoplasm prroerythroblast early normoblast factors necessary for erthropoeisis intermediate normoblast late normoblast erythrocytes erythropoiesis reugulation hormonal thery vascular short term regulation myogenic principle metobolic theory autoregulation systemic regulation longterm regulation jvp ecg cardiac cycle heart sounds
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