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Resources for the Integrative Literature Review
Resources for the Integrative Literature Review
Resources for the Integrative Literature Review
PSY 699
March 31,2020
Scientists in the recent past have been marveled at the human
brain and how it is shaping so many spheres in the human life.
Further proper understanding of how the human brains
influences our behavior under any context or experience has
made psychology one of the most fascinating field of study.
According to Jean Piaget a renowned psychologist he argued
that the person we are today is basically a compilation of
various small habits, beliefs and even thoughts that go through
in our mind. This analogy has further been expounded by
Sigmund Freud who argued that the four major domains of
psychology which are cognitive domain, biological domain,
developmental domain and social and personality domain are all
interlinked in one way or the other. Some of the theories in the
four domains of psychology include a rational motive behavior
therapy theory developed by Albert Elli, also Aron Beck’s
theory on cognitive therapy. Other theories which have gained
recognition in this field of psychology include the trait or
perspective theory, evolutionary theory, psychodynamic theory
and lastly social identity theory. In addition, there exist a
connection between some of the domains for instance the
biological domain which basically analyses how human biology
influences virtually all the mental process and even our own
This domain of psychology closely relates to cognitive domain
of psychology which focuses majorly on the study of emotions,
behavior, cognitions and even our relationship with the society
and other people in general. Further the connection between the
two domains is that cognitive domain relies on the biological
domain to understand how our biology in terms of neuroscience
influences our emotions, relationships, thoughts and behavior.
The same connection is true for developmental domain which
relies on cognitive domain to understand what could be the
factors that influences human being development. It is also
worth noting that not all points from the four domains agree
with each other since there are some points with competing
views across the four domains. Some of these competing points
include biological domain arguing that neuroscience controls
largely all the other domain of psychology a point which is
disputed by social and personality domain. It therefore means
that integration of these domains is pertinent in providing a
holistic understanding in the field of psychology. Also, the four
domains have a long history spanning to even ten centuries
since the field of psychology began immediately with the
creation of human beings and its curiosity of trying to
understand how its brain or mind works and further its
relationship with the environment in which man exist in (Prada,
Garrison, Camilo, & Rodrigues, 2018).
Findings have indicated that providing a conclusive line of
thought or reasons as to how the human brain or mind works
cannot be easy since it requires integration of so many fields to
try providing any connection that might exist. Also choosing
this literature was very crucial in trying to enumerate that there
is a tangible existence or relationship that exist among the four
domains which can help in arriving at a body of knowledge that
can lead the field of psychology into a consensus in its
substantive diverging theories. Consequently, integration of the
four domains of psychology and critically evaluating research
findings from all the four domains can offer the much-needed
insight into how the various domains are interlinked and
contribute to a pool of knowledge which can guide rising
scholars in this field.
Biological Domain
This psychological domain argues that human behavior,
emotions and even how the stricture of human nervous systems
influences other domains of psychology. For instance, it is
argued that biological domain have various sub-fields such as
cognitive neuroscience, behavioral neuroscience and further
explains that human being manifestation is as a result of
neuron-networks that control virtually everything that goes
around the human brain (Erickson, Kiel, & Lockhart, 2010).
Also, evolutionary psychology argues that the human mind and
brain is under constant change due to the evolution in the
environment in which man exists in. In addition scientist have
argued that through experimental analysis of the brain stimuli it
is possible to relate the observations currently exhibited in this
domain to the expectation of how the biology of the mind is
likely to change in the future (Schaerbeek, Behan, & Denver,
2017). And from the connection between sensation and
perception it can be possible to understand better how
biological domain can be used to answer some of the questions
rose by other domains for example how certain problems like
depression can be dealt with.
Cognitive Domain
A section of psychologist has argued that this domain relates
more with biological domain since it has focused on how the
mind works and the connection of the mental processes to the
behavior. This topic has been very useful especially in
developing curriculum for early childhood learning since
authors of such books have been forced to understand what
affects children learning process and how they think, reason and
even process information (Doris, Espied, Knott, & Salt, 2004).
That explains why children can be twins but have different
cognitive capability and even behave differently. Moreover,
cognitive domain has been applied in a wide range of fields like
intelligence and how it is influenced by other psychological
Developmental Domain
Developmental domain of psychology focusses more on the
developmental process of a human been during his or her entire
lifespan. This developmental domain has been regarded one of
the major domains particularly with the growing interest in how
the developmental stages of a human being can be improved to
eliminate certain problems that continue to face humanity
(Quack, & Finkbeiner, 2013). Ivan Pavlov focused on how
primary developmental in a human being is linked to the
adulthood and how young children do not develop object of
permanence until later in their adulthood (Schick, De Villiers,
& Hoffmeister, 2007). Where object of permanence has been
referred to as the acknowledgement that objects or things which
are physical continue to be inexistence even when they are not
clear to our understanding. Equally many psychologists in early
development. Some people have wondered why other people
developmental process in terms of social maturity and even
cognitive capability vary greatly from one person to the next
(Quek, & Finkbeiner, 2013). And this is clearly explained in
developmental domain that links other domain of psychology
for instance cognitive domain to explain how the developmental
stage of a human being to become more intelligent happens.
Despite scientist’s rigorous research and experiments on how a
clear line of knowledge can be provided into how human
physical developmental process can be manipulated to achieve
desired results the progress has been slowly (Ostler, 2016). This
slag in the progress can be attributed to the fact that scientists
and even many psychologists have not embraced integration of
literature and findings from various fields to determine how
knowledge from different domains can be used to improve
understanding of the developmental process of the human
beings (Robertson, 2018). Since the developmental process
relies heavily on other domains of psychology. Therefore, for
proper understanding of the human development process to be
arrived at it is prudent for certain sub-domains like behavioral
psychology to be linked with other domains like biological
domain and integrated literature developed from the combined
Personality Social and domain
This domain of psychology relates how human beings’
emotions, behavior, thoughts and even feelings are likely to be
influenced of impacted by presence of other people in our lives.
Just to reemphasize the important claim raised in the
introduction social and personality domain relies and borrows
closely from all the domains of psychology (Bardi, & Zentner,
2017). This is because for one to understand how individuals
are likely to react the presence of other social beings in terms of
emotion, behavior and feelings then knowledge and arguments
from other domains like biological, developmental, and
cognitive are necessary in informing this domain (Gurung et al.
2016). Social psychology alone is a very broad topic which
encompasses a wide range of fields for example what makes
other people to prefer been lonely while others to constantly be
in contact with people? Why it is that many people find it hard
to establish a social connection despite them been exceptional
in other fields? Why it is that depression cases are associated to
individuals finding it hard to open up to friends or even family?
All these questions deeply dissect the social domain of
psychology and how developmental, neuroscience and even
cognitive domains all contribute to proper understanding of
these questions (Marques et al. 2020). This questions and even
arguments apply closely to personality domain because people
don’t just wake up and find themselves having a certain
personality but rather it is developed over time with interaction
from various domains and also environmental contribution.
Critique of the literature
Reliability and validity of some of the claims raised by the four
domains seems reasonable for instance the human
developmental domain research findings denotes closer linkage
between cognitive and biological domain to the developmental
process of a person. And this can be validated since the adult
person we are today is a manifestation and modification of the
younger self we were then (Erickson, Keil, & Lockhart, 2010).
This is to mean that some of the traits, beliefs and even habits
have been instilled into our minds by interaction of various
domains of psychology. Also, for one to understand why
individual behave or think the way they do one needs to
understand their cognitive and even biology behind human
behavior and development of beliefs (Hambrick, & Engle,
2002). Also, the literature presents the issues across the four
domains in a manner to depict that there is a strong linkage of
one domain from the other since you need knowledge of another
field for example biological domain to adequately explain
various occurrences and claims in other domains.
One of the strengths and contribution of this literature is that it
has clearly indicated that all the four domains in psychology are
very interlinked and if they are integrated together more clarity
on the field of psychology can be provided that is more reliable
and informing. Also, the key contribution of this literature
includes clearly establishing connection and psychological
examples which borrow directly from other domains (Sroufe, &
Rutter, 2014). And this helps in driving the point home that all
the four psychological domains rely on each other to adequately
explain themselves (Marques et al. 2020). Some of the
deficiencies which exist in the literature include strategies or
proposition on how each domain can be used to collaborative
better research in other fields (Humphry, 2019). And this has
been attributed to the authors omitting or disregarding to the
importance of acknowledging and using information and
research findings from other psychological domains in their
specific domain of research. Some of the ethical issues have
been highlighted in the practice of psychology where either
total or partial disregard to the research findings of various
domains leading to misguided perception towards psychology.
Although the ethical issues highlighted were similarly across
the four domains their recurrence was minimal.
From the research findings people’s behavior, emotions and
even feelings are dictated by their biological makeup,
developmental stage and social contact they establish along
their lifespan. It is also important to note that despite the all the
four psychological domains giving little attention to the
contribution of the environment in psychology, it does play a
pivotal role in modifying the knowledge from all the domains
(Halpern, 2000). Also, controversies have been reported around
the neuron science contribution in terms of giving ideal
conditions of how the human mind works rather than providing
the actual and relatable information which can be easily
identified with (Sweller, 2016). But despite these controversies
in the neuron science scientist have repeatedly argue that the
human body is basically controlled by neuron-networks and
disputing it is just misguiding. Therefore, for there to be a
consensus in the field of psychology integration of knowledge
from all the four domains and recommendations from those
findings incorporated in coming up with a clear cut through
body of knowledge to guide other scholars.
In summary further research should be conducted into how
exactly the four domains of psychology can be merge into one
comprehensive and informing domain that will highlight and
provide a united kind of approach to psychology. Also, from the
arguments raised above it is very clear that the four domains in
psychology have an arguable dependency to each other. And
this dependency should be used to come up with a body of
knowledge that will act as unifying front of all the four
domains. The possible implication of my arguments to the
existing theories would mean that some theories like
psychodynamic, humanistic and even behavioral will have to be
revisited and a connection determined between/among the
theories so that a new pool of information be established. Since
the current theories are more selective in their arguments
towards the four domains of psychology.
References for Biological domain
Erickson, J. E., Keil, F. C., & Lockhart, K. L. (2010). Sensing
the coherence of biology in contrast to psychology: Young
children’s use of causal relations to distinguish two
foundational domains. Child development, 81(1), 390-409.
Harmon-Jones, E., & Inzlicht, M. (Eds.). (2016). Social
neuroscience: Biological approaches to social psychology.
Psychology Press.
Humphry, S. M. (2019). A theoretical parallel between
cognitive and biological development with potential
implications for measurement in psychology. Theory &
Psychology, 29(3), 417-438.
Scherbak, V. E., Bihun, J. T., & Denver, M. M. H. (2017).
Student Perceptions of Their Psychology Department's Learning
Objectives for the Major. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological
Research, 22(1).
Erickson, J. E., Keil, F. C., & Lockhart, K. L. (2015). Sensing
the coherence of biology in contrast to psychology: Young
children’s use of causal relations to distinguish two
foundational domains. Child development, 81(1), 390-409.
Marques, N. M., Belizario, G. O., de Almeida Rocca, C. C.,
Saffi, F., de Barros, D. M., & de Pádua Serafim, A. (2020).
Psychological evaluation of children victims of sexual abuse:
development of a protocol. Heliyon, 6(3), e03552.
References for Cognitive Domain
Dorris, L., Espie, C. A. E., Knott, F., & Salt, J. (2004).
Mind‐reading difficulties in the siblings of people with
Asperger's syndrome: evidence for a genetic influence in the
abnormal development of a specific cognitive domain. Journal
of child psychology and psychiatry, 45(2), 412-418.
Halpern, D. F. (2000). Sex differences in cognitive abilities.
Psychology press.
Hambrick, D. Z., & Engle, R. W. (2002). Effects of domain
knowledge, working memory capacity, and age on cognitive
performance: An investigation of the knowledge-is-power
hypothesis. Cognitive psychology, 44(4), 339-387.
Keil, F. C. (1992). Concepts, kinds, and cognitive development.
mit Press.
Prada, M., Garrido, M. V., Camilo, C., & Rodrigues, D. L.
(2018). Subjective ratings and emotional recognition of
children’s facial expressions from the CAFE set. PloS
one, 13(12).
Quek, G. L., & Finkbeiner, M. (2013). Spatial and Temporal
Attention Modulate the Early Stages of Face Processing:
Behavioural Evidence from a Reaching.
References for Developmental Domain
Feldman, R. (1971). A Resource and Reference Bibliography in
Early Childhood Education and Developmental Psychology: The
Affective Domain.
Ostler, T. (2016). Heinz Werner: His Life, Ideas, and
Contributions to Developmental Psychology in the First Half of
the 20th Century. The Journal of genetic psychology, 177(6),
Schick, B., De Villiers, P., De Villiers, J., & Hoffmeister, R.
(2007). Language and theory of mind: A study of deaf
children. Child development, 78(2), 376-396.
Sweller, J. (2016). Cognitive load theory, evolutionary
educational psychology, and instructional design.
In Evolutionary perspectives on child development and
education (pp. 291-306). Springer, Cham.
Sroufe, L. A., & Rutter, M. (2014). The domain of
developmental psychopathology. Child development, 17-29.
Robertson, P. J. (2018). Positive psychology and career
development. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 46(2),
Young, R. A., & Lalande, V. (2011). Canadian counselling
psychology: From defining moments to ways forward. Canadian
Psychology/psychologie canadienne, 52(4), 248.
References for Social and Personality Domain
Bardi, A., & Zentner, M. (2017). Grand challenges for
personality and social psychology: moving beyond the
replication crisis. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 2068.
Gurung, R. A., Hackathorn, J., Enns, C., Frantz, S., Cacioppo, J.
T., Loop, T., & Freeman, J. E. (2016). Strengthening
introductory psychology: A new model for teaching the
introductory course. American Psychologist, 71(2), 112.
Larsen, R., & Buss, D. M. (2009). Personality psychology.
McGraw-Hill Publishing.
Rudman, L. A. (2011). Implicit measures for social and
personality psychology. SAGE Publications Ltd.
Sullivan, D. (2019). Social Psychological Theory as History:
Outlining the Critical-Historical Approach to
Theory. Personality and Social Psychology Review,
Abrams, M. (2009). Author Motivation: An Interview
Examining Personality Theory. Journal of Evidence-Based
Psychotherapies, 9(1), 107.
MHR 6551, Training and Development 1
Course Learning Outcomes for Unit I
Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:
1. Formulate different developmental approaches to training.
1.1 Explain the learner-guided approach to training.
1.2 Describe methods for organizations to harness the use of
self-directed training.
1.3 Explain how technology can be used to enhance training.
Learning Outcomes
Learning Activity
Unit Lesson
Article: “Smart Training and Development: A Learner-Guided
Article: “Employee Perspectives on MOOCs for Workplace
Article: “Training Strategies, Theories and Types”
Article: “Curriculum Development for the Workplace Using
Professional Activities (EPAs): AMEE Guide No. 99”
Unit I Essay
Unit Lesson
Article: “Smart Training and Development: A Learner-Guided
Article: “Employee Perspectives on MOOCs for Workplace
Article: “Training Strategies, Theories and Types”
Article: “Curriculum Development for the Workplace Using
Professional Activities (EPAs): AMEE Guide No. 99”
Unit I Essay
Unit Lesson
Article: “Smart Training and Development: A Learner-Guided
Article: “Employee Perspectives on MOOCs for Workplace
Article: “Training Strategies, Theories and Types”
Article: “Curriculum Development for the Workplace Using
Professional Activities (EPAs): AMEE Guide No. 99”
Unit I Essay
Required Unit Resources
In order to access the following resources, click the links
Cox, J. H. (2016). Smart training and development: A learner-
guided approach. Performance Improvement,
55(5), 6–9. Retrieved from
Egloffstein, M., & Ifenthaler, D. (2017). Employee perspectives
on MOOCs for workplace learning.
TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning,
61(1), 65–70. Retrieved from
Milhem, W., Abushamsieh, K., & Pérez Aróstegui, M. N.
(2014). Training strategies, theories and types.
Journal of Accounting–Business & Management, 21(1), 12–26.
Retrieved from
Developmental Approaches to Training
MHR 6551, Training and Development 2
Ten Cate, O., Chen, H. C., Hoff, R. G., Peters, H., Bok, H., &
van der Schaaf, M. (2015). Curriculum
development for the workplace using entrustable professional
activities (EPAs): AMEE Guide No. 99.
Medical Teacher, 37(11), 983–1002. Retrieved from
Unit Lesson
The Strategic Role of Training and Development
Before we begin discussing developmental approaches to
training, we must first understand the strategic role
that training and development play within an organization.
There is a heavy reliance among organizations
today to focus on the intangible assets of the organization to
gain a competitive advantage. This intangible
asset is the organization’s human capital. Workers with
specialized knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) are
challenging to find and also difficult to duplicate. Hence,
organizations must find ways to maximize the
contributions of their current workforce to achieve
organizational success. Training and development, also
known as learning and development, are vital aspects of meeting
an organization’s talent management
needs. Therefore, the learning initiatives of an organization
must be strategically aligned with the
organization’s business strategy to ensure there is an impact on
the organization’s bottom line.
When it comes to the overall learning initiatives within an
organization, it is important to note the distinction
between the two terms training and development, which can be
examined in the following graphic.
Traditionally, many organizations would focus their learning
and development activities around training.
For example, a skill gap or need is identified, and then training
is designed, developed, and implemented to
meet that need or skill gap. Upon completion, a training
evaluation is completed to see how well the
training met the need. Training is still being used in this
manner; however, some organizations recognize
that when training is coupled with development, it serves a
deeper purpose within the organization. Training
Figure 1: Differences between training and development
•This is a method whereby organizations provide KSAs that are
specific to a
particular job or task. Training is most appropriate when
knowledge or a skill
is missing and the individual has the motivation and aptitude to
Training can provide skills that can be put to use immediately
and is a great
solution for solving short-term skill gaps. Example: An
engineering manager
is trained on how to work effectively with culturally diverse
•Also known as developmental activities, these are focused on
the long-term
and prepare for future responsibilities while, at the same time,
the capacities of the employees to perform their current job. The
here are broader in scope than what is only done in training.
Example: An
engineering manager is identified as someone with a potential to
take on a
director-level leadership position within the division if given
the additional
learning opportunities to hone his or her leadership capabilities.
MHR 6551, Training and Development 3
and development are, therefore, used in a strategic manner to
impact the organization as a whole for the
Developmental Approaches to Training
This now brings us to the developmental approaches to training.
With the knowledge that an organization
must align its training activities to its business strategy to
achieve its outcomes, training must be designed
and developed in such a way that efficiently facilitates this task.
In many cases, depending on the need to be
met, existing training materials may be acceptable to meet
specific needs if given minor modifications.
However, at other times, new materials must be developed to
meet a specific need. During the developmental
phase of training, choices are made among the various types of
learning activites, training delivery methods,
and technological tools that can be used. We will discuss each
one of these components in detail.
Learning activities: Learning activities give the opportunity for
participants to learn information. Activities
may include passive or participatory learning experiences.
Passive learning activities involve the learner reading, listening,
and observing. These may include
programmed instruction or readings delivered by computer or
mobile devices, panel discussions,
demonstrations, and lectures.
Participatory learning is a form of education in which the
learner interacts with the instructor or group of co-
learners. This includes facilitated group discussions and
question-and-answer (Q&A) sessions, along with the
activities listed below.
rticipants perform a given role within a
scenario designed to resemble a real-life
hypothetical case or situation.
r to
those actually encountered on the job.
appropriate behavior or resolve conflicts
for various situations.
Those responsible for the development of training must take
into consideration the activities they use since
the activity choice will affect the participants’ level of interest,
their ability to retain and apply new knowledge,
and the resources needed to develop the training. Below are
some questions to keep in mind when selecting
learning activities.
Who is the audience? What are the cost limitations?
What will participants be assessed on?
What are the learning objectives of the program?
What is the geographical location of the audience members?
What are the technological barriers?
What is the time frame for the training program?
What are the cultural perceptions associated with the different
learning activities?
Figure 2: Important learning activities questions
MHR 6551, Training and Development 4
Training delivery methods: The three major training delivery
methods are self-directed study, instructor-led
training, and on-the-job training (OJT).
-directed study: Sometimes referred to as self-study, this
is a type of training delivery method that
gives learners the opportunity to progress at their own pace
without the assistance of an instructor.
This training delivery method can include training materials and
also performance support materials
such as job aids that provide step-by-step instructions regarding
work tasks. The materials presented
may be delivered in a number of ways. The oldest form of
delivery is print—the workbook. Video and
audio delivery accommodate different learning styles and
increase the flexibility of how training is
delivered. For example, these may include electronic formats
such as MP3s, podcasts, or mobile
-led training: This form of training delivery is
traditional in a sense that training is delivered
by an instructor to an audience. The setting for the training can
be a classroom or conference room
onsite. Some organizations may also partner with colleges and
universities, training vendors, and
trade associations to provide traditional classroom training. The
option of the Internet has allowed for
training to be virtual. For example, webinars allow individual
learners or entire classes to access an
instructor from one central location via the web. Some of the
learning activities found in instructor-led
training are presentations, lectures, readings, case studies,
group discussions, and simulations.
typically provide OJT to employees at the
actual work site. The customary practice of OJT is demonstrated
o The skill is demonstrated by the trainer to the leaner.
o The learner then practices the skill that was demonstrated.
o Feedback is given to the learner by the trainer regarding the
learner’s performance.
o The learner is then retested.
Often, the learner is given learning aids to support his or her
performance after the OJT. These learning aids
may include diagrams or process models.
Technological learning tools: Many organizations have observed
that technology has allowed them to
deliver training more effectively and efficiently. Access to
training has been made more equitable due to
technology, and it aligns with the way that employees live by
allowing them to learn when and where they
choose. Technology has also given human resources more
control in the administration of training.
There are four types of technological tools we are discussing,
including e-learning, learning portals, learning
management systems, and mobile learning.
-learning: This is the delivery of training that is typically
done through electronic media such as
virtual classrooms, mobile devices, or web-based learning via a
computer. When this method of
training delivery is used, instructors are often positioned to
moderate discussions, provide feedback,
and suggest supplemental resources and activities.
through an organization’s intranet site
that provides access to the organization’s database of
information and resources pertaining to
learning and training. Information through learning portals can
be presented from diverse sources in a
unified way. Employees have access to learning-related
applications, and information can be handled
and communicated effectively and efficiently.
system (LMS) is an electronic system that
holds suggested curriculum and course content. An LMS may
also have certification paths for those
needing certification in a given area. The LMS has the ability to
manage and track employee
registration and completion and many other employee
development activities such as career and skill
learning can be defined, but for this lesson,
we will define it as content and information that can be
accessed via a small, handheld device such
as a smartphone or tablet. Many organizations around the globe
use mobile learning as a means to
deliver training as it provides a degree of equity in training
access in remote regions.
As you can see, technology has disrupted the way training is
delivered and how employees learn. There are
many benefits that organizations can realize by utilizing
technology to administer training. By adopting
MHR 6551, Training and Development 5
technology in the development of training, technology will
continue to shape the ways that organizations
deliver training.
Learning Activities (Nongraded)
Nongraded Learning Activities are provided to aid students in
their course of study. You do not have to submit
them. If you have questions, contact your instructor for further
guidance and information.
Complete the following activity to check your knowledge. This
Unit I Nongraded Learning Activity includes a
matching quiz about the important terminology used in the
course (Transcript for the Unit I Nongraded
Learning Activity).

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Resources for the Integrative Literature Review

  • 1. 2 Resources for the Integrative Literature Review 8 Resources for the Integrative Literature Review Resources for the Integrative Literature Review PSY 699 March 31,2020 Introduction Scientists in the recent past have been marveled at the human brain and how it is shaping so many spheres in the human life. Further proper understanding of how the human brains influences our behavior under any context or experience has made psychology one of the most fascinating field of study. According to Jean Piaget a renowned psychologist he argued that the person we are today is basically a compilation of various small habits, beliefs and even thoughts that go through in our mind. This analogy has further been expounded by Sigmund Freud who argued that the four major domains of psychology which are cognitive domain, biological domain, developmental domain and social and personality domain are all interlinked in one way or the other. Some of the theories in the four domains of psychology include a rational motive behavior therapy theory developed by Albert Elli, also Aron Beck’s theory on cognitive therapy. Other theories which have gained recognition in this field of psychology include the trait or perspective theory, evolutionary theory, psychodynamic theory and lastly social identity theory. In addition, there exist a connection between some of the domains for instance the biological domain which basically analyses how human biology
  • 2. influences virtually all the mental process and even our own behaviors. This domain of psychology closely relates to cognitive domain of psychology which focuses majorly on the study of emotions, behavior, cognitions and even our relationship with the society and other people in general. Further the connection between the two domains is that cognitive domain relies on the biological domain to understand how our biology in terms of neuroscience influences our emotions, relationships, thoughts and behavior. The same connection is true for developmental domain which relies on cognitive domain to understand what could be the factors that influences human being development. It is also worth noting that not all points from the four domains agree with each other since there are some points with competing views across the four domains. Some of these competing points include biological domain arguing that neuroscience controls largely all the other domain of psychology a point which is disputed by social and personality domain. It therefore means that integration of these domains is pertinent in providing a holistic understanding in the field of psychology. Also, the four domains have a long history spanning to even ten centuries since the field of psychology began immediately with the creation of human beings and its curiosity of trying to understand how its brain or mind works and further its relationship with the environment in which man exist in (Prada, Garrison, Camilo, & Rodrigues, 2018). Findings have indicated that providing a conclusive line of thought or reasons as to how the human brain or mind works cannot be easy since it requires integration of so many fields to try providing any connection that might exist. Also choosing this literature was very crucial in trying to enumerate that there is a tangible existence or relationship that exist among the four domains which can help in arriving at a body of knowledge that can lead the field of psychology into a consensus in its substantive diverging theories. Consequently, integration of the four domains of psychology and critically evaluating research
  • 3. findings from all the four domains can offer the much-needed insight into how the various domains are interlinked and contribute to a pool of knowledge which can guide rising scholars in this field. Biological Domain This psychological domain argues that human behavior, emotions and even how the stricture of human nervous systems influences other domains of psychology. For instance, it is argued that biological domain have various sub-fields such as cognitive neuroscience, behavioral neuroscience and further explains that human being manifestation is as a result of neuron-networks that control virtually everything that goes around the human brain (Erickson, Kiel, & Lockhart, 2010). Also, evolutionary psychology argues that the human mind and brain is under constant change due to the evolution in the environment in which man exists in. In addition scientist have argued that through experimental analysis of the brain stimuli it is possible to relate the observations currently exhibited in this domain to the expectation of how the biology of the mind is likely to change in the future (Schaerbeek, Behan, & Denver, 2017). And from the connection between sensation and perception it can be possible to understand better how biological domain can be used to answer some of the questions rose by other domains for example how certain problems like depression can be dealt with. Cognitive Domain A section of psychologist has argued that this domain relates more with biological domain since it has focused on how the mind works and the connection of the mental processes to the behavior. This topic has been very useful especially in developing curriculum for early childhood learning since authors of such books have been forced to understand what affects children learning process and how they think, reason and even process information (Doris, Espied, Knott, & Salt, 2004). That explains why children can be twins but have different
  • 4. cognitive capability and even behave differently. Moreover, cognitive domain has been applied in a wide range of fields like intelligence and how it is influenced by other psychological domains. Developmental Domain Developmental domain of psychology focusses more on the developmental process of a human been during his or her entire lifespan. This developmental domain has been regarded one of the major domains particularly with the growing interest in how the developmental stages of a human being can be improved to eliminate certain problems that continue to face humanity (Quack, & Finkbeiner, 2013). Ivan Pavlov focused on how primary developmental in a human being is linked to the adulthood and how young children do not develop object of permanence until later in their adulthood (Schick, De Villiers, & Hoffmeister, 2007). Where object of permanence has been referred to as the acknowledgement that objects or things which are physical continue to be inexistence even when they are not clear to our understanding. Equally many psychologists in early development. Some people have wondered why other people developmental process in terms of social maturity and even cognitive capability vary greatly from one person to the next (Quek, & Finkbeiner, 2013). And this is clearly explained in developmental domain that links other domain of psychology for instance cognitive domain to explain how the developmental stage of a human being to become more intelligent happens. Despite scientist’s rigorous research and experiments on how a clear line of knowledge can be provided into how human physical developmental process can be manipulated to achieve desired results the progress has been slowly (Ostler, 2016). This slag in the progress can be attributed to the fact that scientists and even many psychologists have not embraced integration of literature and findings from various fields to determine how knowledge from different domains can be used to improve understanding of the developmental process of the human
  • 5. beings (Robertson, 2018). Since the developmental process relies heavily on other domains of psychology. Therefore, for proper understanding of the human development process to be arrived at it is prudent for certain sub-domains like behavioral psychology to be linked with other domains like biological domain and integrated literature developed from the combined findings. Personality Social and domain This domain of psychology relates how human beings’ emotions, behavior, thoughts and even feelings are likely to be influenced of impacted by presence of other people in our lives. Just to reemphasize the important claim raised in the introduction social and personality domain relies and borrows closely from all the domains of psychology (Bardi, & Zentner, 2017). This is because for one to understand how individuals are likely to react the presence of other social beings in terms of emotion, behavior and feelings then knowledge and arguments from other domains like biological, developmental, and cognitive are necessary in informing this domain (Gurung et al. 2016). Social psychology alone is a very broad topic which encompasses a wide range of fields for example what makes other people to prefer been lonely while others to constantly be in contact with people? Why it is that many people find it hard to establish a social connection despite them been exceptional in other fields? Why it is that depression cases are associated to individuals finding it hard to open up to friends or even family? All these questions deeply dissect the social domain of psychology and how developmental, neuroscience and even cognitive domains all contribute to proper understanding of these questions (Marques et al. 2020). This questions and even arguments apply closely to personality domain because people don’t just wake up and find themselves having a certain personality but rather it is developed over time with interaction from various domains and also environmental contribution. Critique of the literature
  • 6. Reliability and validity of some of the claims raised by the four domains seems reasonable for instance the human developmental domain research findings denotes closer linkage between cognitive and biological domain to the developmental process of a person. And this can be validated since the adult person we are today is a manifestation and modification of the younger self we were then (Erickson, Keil, & Lockhart, 2010). This is to mean that some of the traits, beliefs and even habits have been instilled into our minds by interaction of various domains of psychology. Also, for one to understand why individual behave or think the way they do one needs to understand their cognitive and even biology behind human behavior and development of beliefs (Hambrick, & Engle, 2002). Also, the literature presents the issues across the four domains in a manner to depict that there is a strong linkage of one domain from the other since you need knowledge of another field for example biological domain to adequately explain various occurrences and claims in other domains. One of the strengths and contribution of this literature is that it has clearly indicated that all the four domains in psychology are very interlinked and if they are integrated together more clarity on the field of psychology can be provided that is more reliable and informing. Also, the key contribution of this literature includes clearly establishing connection and psychological examples which borrow directly from other domains (Sroufe, & Rutter, 2014). And this helps in driving the point home that all the four psychological domains rely on each other to adequately explain themselves (Marques et al. 2020). Some of the deficiencies which exist in the literature include strategies or proposition on how each domain can be used to collaborative better research in other fields (Humphry, 2019). And this has been attributed to the authors omitting or disregarding to the importance of acknowledging and using information and research findings from other psychological domains in their
  • 7. specific domain of research. Some of the ethical issues have been highlighted in the practice of psychology where either total or partial disregard to the research findings of various domains leading to misguided perception towards psychology. Although the ethical issues highlighted were similarly across the four domains their recurrence was minimal. Synthesis From the research findings people’s behavior, emotions and even feelings are dictated by their biological makeup, developmental stage and social contact they establish along their lifespan. It is also important to note that despite the all the four psychological domains giving little attention to the contribution of the environment in psychology, it does play a pivotal role in modifying the knowledge from all the domains (Halpern, 2000). Also, controversies have been reported around the neuron science contribution in terms of giving ideal conditions of how the human mind works rather than providing the actual and relatable information which can be easily identified with (Sweller, 2016). But despite these controversies in the neuron science scientist have repeatedly argue that the human body is basically controlled by neuron-networks and disputing it is just misguiding. Therefore, for there to be a consensus in the field of psychology integration of knowledge from all the four domains and recommendations from those findings incorporated in coming up with a clear cut through body of knowledge to guide other scholars. Conclusion In summary further research should be conducted into how exactly the four domains of psychology can be merge into one comprehensive and informing domain that will highlight and provide a united kind of approach to psychology. Also, from the arguments raised above it is very clear that the four domains in psychology have an arguable dependency to each other. And this dependency should be used to come up with a body of
  • 8. knowledge that will act as unifying front of all the four domains. The possible implication of my arguments to the existing theories would mean that some theories like psychodynamic, humanistic and even behavioral will have to be revisited and a connection determined between/among the theories so that a new pool of information be established. Since the current theories are more selective in their arguments towards the four domains of psychology. References for Biological domain Erickson, J. E., Keil, F. C., & Lockhart, K. L. (2010). Sensing the coherence of biology in contrast to psychology: Young children’s use of causal relations to distinguish two foundational domains. Child development, 81(1), 390-409. Harmon-Jones, E., & Inzlicht, M. (Eds.). (2016). Social neuroscience: Biological approaches to social psychology. Psychology Press. Humphry, S. M. (2019). A theoretical parallel between cognitive and biological development with potential implications for measurement in psychology. Theory & Psychology, 29(3), 417-438. Scherbak, V. E., Bihun, J. T., & Denver, M. M. H. (2017). Student Perceptions of Their Psychology Department's Learning Objectives for the Major. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research, 22(1). Erickson, J. E., Keil, F. C., & Lockhart, K. L. (2015). Sensing the coherence of biology in contrast to psychology: Young children’s use of causal relations to distinguish two foundational domains. Child development, 81(1), 390-409. Marques, N. M., Belizario, G. O., de Almeida Rocca, C. C., Saffi, F., de Barros, D. M., & de Pádua Serafim, A. (2020). Psychological evaluation of children victims of sexual abuse:
  • 9. development of a protocol. Heliyon, 6(3), e03552. References for Cognitive Domain Dorris, L., Espie, C. A. E., Knott, F., & Salt, J. (2004). Mind‐reading difficulties in the siblings of people with Asperger's syndrome: evidence for a genetic influence in the abnormal development of a specific cognitive domain. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, 45(2), 412-418. Halpern, D. F. (2000). Sex differences in cognitive abilities. Psychology press. Hambrick, D. Z., & Engle, R. W. (2002). Effects of domain knowledge, working memory capacity, and age on cognitive performance: An investigation of the knowledge-is-power hypothesis. Cognitive psychology, 44(4), 339-387. Keil, F. C. (1992). Concepts, kinds, and cognitive development. mit Press. Prada, M., Garrido, M. V., Camilo, C., & Rodrigues, D. L. (2018). Subjective ratings and emotional recognition of children’s facial expressions from the CAFE set. PloS one, 13(12). Quek, G. L., & Finkbeiner, M. (2013). Spatial and Temporal Attention Modulate the Early Stages of Face Processing: Behavioural Evidence from a Reaching. References for Developmental Domain Feldman, R. (1971). A Resource and Reference Bibliography in Early Childhood Education and Developmental Psychology: The Affective Domain. Ostler, T. (2016). Heinz Werner: His Life, Ideas, and Contributions to Developmental Psychology in the First Half of the 20th Century. The Journal of genetic psychology, 177(6),
  • 10. 231-243. Schick, B., De Villiers, P., De Villiers, J., & Hoffmeister, R. (2007). Language and theory of mind: A study of deaf children. Child development, 78(2), 376-396. Sweller, J. (2016). Cognitive load theory, evolutionary educational psychology, and instructional design. In Evolutionary perspectives on child development and education (pp. 291-306). Springer, Cham. Sroufe, L. A., & Rutter, M. (2014). The domain of developmental psychopathology. Child development, 17-29. Robertson, P. J. (2018). Positive psychology and career development. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 46(2), 241-254. Young, R. A., & Lalande, V. (2011). Canadian counselling psychology: From defining moments to ways forward. Canadian Psychology/psychologie canadienne, 52(4), 248. References for Social and Personality Domain Bardi, A., & Zentner, M. (2017). Grand challenges for personality and social psychology: moving beyond the replication crisis. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 2068. Gurung, R. A., Hackathorn, J., Enns, C., Frantz, S., Cacioppo, J. T., Loop, T., & Freeman, J. E. (2016). Strengthening introductory psychology: A new model for teaching the introductory course. American Psychologist, 71(2), 112. Larsen, R., & Buss, D. M. (2009). Personality psychology. McGraw-Hill Publishing. Rudman, L. A. (2011). Implicit measures for social and
  • 11. personality psychology. SAGE Publications Ltd. Sullivan, D. (2019). Social Psychological Theory as History: Outlining the Critical-Historical Approach to Theory. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 1088868319883174. Abrams, M. (2009). Author Motivation: An Interview Examining Personality Theory. Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies, 9(1), 107. MHR 6551, Training and Development 1 Course Learning Outcomes for Unit I Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1. Formulate different developmental approaches to training. 1.1 Explain the learner-guided approach to training. 1.2 Describe methods for organizations to harness the use of self-directed training. 1.3 Explain how technology can be used to enhance training. Course/Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Activity
  • 12. 1.1 Unit Lesson Article: “Smart Training and Development: A Learner-Guided Approach” Article: “Employee Perspectives on MOOCs for Workplace Learning” Article: “Training Strategies, Theories and Types” Article: “Curriculum Development for the Workplace Using Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs): AMEE Guide No. 99” Unit I Essay 1.2 Unit Lesson Article: “Smart Training and Development: A Learner-Guided Approach” Article: “Employee Perspectives on MOOCs for Workplace Learning” Article: “Training Strategies, Theories and Types” Article: “Curriculum Development for the Workplace Using Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs): AMEE Guide No. 99” Unit I Essay 1.3 Unit Lesson Article: “Smart Training and Development: A Learner-Guided Approach” Article: “Employee Perspectives on MOOCs for Workplace Learning” Article: “Training Strategies, Theories and Types”
  • 13. Article: “Curriculum Development for the Workplace Using Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs): AMEE Guide No. 99” Unit I Essay Required Unit Resources In order to access the following resources, click the links below. Cox, J. H. (2016). Smart training and development: A learner- guided approach. Performance Improvement, 55(5), 6–9. Retrieved from t=true&db=bsu&AN=115518452&site=ehost-live&scope=site Egloffstein, M., & Ifenthaler, D. (2017). Employee perspectives on MOOCs for workplace learning. TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning, 61(1), 65–70. Retrieved from t=true&db=a9h&AN=120548828&site=ehost-live&scope=site Milhem, W., Abushamsieh, K., & Pérez Aróstegui, M. N. (2014). Training strategies, theories and types. Journal of Accounting–Business & Management, 21(1), 12–26. Retrieved from
  • 14. t=true&db=bsu&AN=97184045&site=ehost-live&scope=site UNIT I STUDY GUIDE Developmental Approaches to Training 18452&site=ehost-live&scope=site 48828&site=ehost-live&scope=site 4045&site=ehost-live&scope=site MHR 6551, Training and Development 2 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title Ten Cate, O., Chen, H. C., Hoff, R. G., Peters, H., Bok, H., & van der Schaaf, M. (2015). Curriculum development for the workplace using entrustable professional activities (EPAs): AMEE Guide No. 99. Medical Teacher, 37(11), 983–1002. Retrieved from
  • 15. t=true&db=a9h&AN=110861165&site=ehost-live&scope=site Unit Lesson The Strategic Role of Training and Development Before we begin discussing developmental approaches to training, we must first understand the strategic role that training and development play within an organization. There is a heavy reliance among organizations today to focus on the intangible assets of the organization to gain a competitive advantage. This intangible asset is the organization’s human capital. Workers with specialized knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) are challenging to find and also difficult to duplicate. Hence, organizations must find ways to maximize the contributions of their current workforce to achieve organizational success. Training and development, also known as learning and development, are vital aspects of meeting an organization’s talent management needs. Therefore, the learning initiatives of an organization must be strategically aligned with the organization’s business strategy to ensure there is an impact on the organization’s bottom line. When it comes to the overall learning initiatives within an organization, it is important to note the distinction between the two terms training and development, which can be examined in the following graphic. Traditionally, many organizations would focus their learning and development activities around training.
  • 16. For example, a skill gap or need is identified, and then training is designed, developed, and implemented to meet that need or skill gap. Upon completion, a training evaluation is completed to see how well the training met the need. Training is still being used in this manner; however, some organizations recognize that when training is coupled with development, it serves a deeper purpose within the organization. Training Figure 1: Differences between training and development Training •This is a method whereby organizations provide KSAs that are specific to a particular job or task. Training is most appropriate when knowledge or a skill is missing and the individual has the motivation and aptitude to learn. Training can provide skills that can be put to use immediately and is a great solution for solving short-term skill gaps. Example: An engineering manager is trained on how to work effectively with culturally diverse teams. Development •Also known as developmental activities, these are focused on the long-term and prepare for future responsibilities while, at the same time, increasing the capacities of the employees to perform their current job. The activities here are broader in scope than what is only done in training. Example: An
  • 17. engineering manager is identified as someone with a potential to take on a director-level leadership position within the division if given the additional learning opportunities to hone his or her leadership capabilities. 61165&site=ehost-live&scope=site 61165&site=ehost-live&scope=site MHR 6551, Training and Development 3 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title and development are, therefore, used in a strategic manner to impact the organization as a whole for the long-term. Developmental Approaches to Training This now brings us to the developmental approaches to training. With the knowledge that an organization must align its training activities to its business strategy to achieve its outcomes, training must be designed and developed in such a way that efficiently facilitates this task. In many cases, depending on the need to be
  • 18. met, existing training materials may be acceptable to meet specific needs if given minor modifications. However, at other times, new materials must be developed to meet a specific need. During the developmental phase of training, choices are made among the various types of learning activites, training delivery methods, and technological tools that can be used. We will discuss each one of these components in detail. Learning activities: Learning activities give the opportunity for participants to learn information. Activities may include passive or participatory learning experiences. Passive learning activities involve the learner reading, listening, and observing. These may include programmed instruction or readings delivered by computer or mobile devices, panel discussions, demonstrations, and lectures. Participatory learning is a form of education in which the learner interacts with the instructor or group of co- learners. This includes facilitated group discussions and question-and-answer (Q&A) sessions, along with the activities listed below. rticipants perform a given role within a scenario designed to resemble a real-life challenge. hypothetical case or situation. r to those actually encountered on the job.
  • 19. appropriate behavior or resolve conflicts for various situations. Those responsible for the development of training must take into consideration the activities they use since the activity choice will affect the participants’ level of interest, their ability to retain and apply new knowledge, and the resources needed to develop the training. Below are some questions to keep in mind when selecting learning activities. Who is the audience? What are the cost limitations? What will participants be assessed on? What are the learning objectives of the program? What is the geographical location of the audience members? What are the technological barriers? What is the time frame for the training program? What are the cultural perceptions associated with the different learning activities? Figure 2: Important learning activities questions
  • 20. MHR 6551, Training and Development 4 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title Training delivery methods: The three major training delivery methods are self-directed study, instructor-led training, and on-the-job training (OJT). -directed study: Sometimes referred to as self-study, this is a type of training delivery method that gives learners the opportunity to progress at their own pace without the assistance of an instructor. This training delivery method can include training materials and also performance support materials such as job aids that provide step-by-step instructions regarding work tasks. The materials presented may be delivered in a number of ways. The oldest form of delivery is print—the workbook. Video and audio delivery accommodate different learning styles and increase the flexibility of how training is delivered. For example, these may include electronic formats such as MP3s, podcasts, or mobile devices. -led training: This form of training delivery is traditional in a sense that training is delivered by an instructor to an audience. The setting for the training can be a classroom or conference room onsite. Some organizations may also partner with colleges and universities, training vendors, and
  • 21. trade associations to provide traditional classroom training. The option of the Internet has allowed for training to be virtual. For example, webinars allow individual learners or entire classes to access an instructor from one central location via the web. Some of the learning activities found in instructor-led training are presentations, lectures, readings, case studies, group discussions, and simulations. typically provide OJT to employees at the actual work site. The customary practice of OJT is demonstrated below. o The skill is demonstrated by the trainer to the leaner. o The learner then practices the skill that was demonstrated. o Feedback is given to the learner by the trainer regarding the learner’s performance. o The learner is then retested. Often, the learner is given learning aids to support his or her performance after the OJT. These learning aids may include diagrams or process models. Technological learning tools: Many organizations have observed that technology has allowed them to deliver training more effectively and efficiently. Access to training has been made more equitable due to technology, and it aligns with the way that employees live by allowing them to learn when and where they choose. Technology has also given human resources more control in the administration of training. There are four types of technological tools we are discussing, including e-learning, learning portals, learning management systems, and mobile learning.
  • 22. -learning: This is the delivery of training that is typically done through electronic media such as virtual classrooms, mobile devices, or web-based learning via a computer. When this method of training delivery is used, instructors are often positioned to moderate discussions, provide feedback, and suggest supplemental resources and activities. through an organization’s intranet site that provides access to the organization’s database of information and resources pertaining to learning and training. Information through learning portals can be presented from diverse sources in a unified way. Employees have access to learning-related applications, and information can be handled and communicated effectively and efficiently. system (LMS) is an electronic system that holds suggested curriculum and course content. An LMS may also have certification paths for those needing certification in a given area. The LMS has the ability to manage and track employee registration and completion and many other employee development activities such as career and skill development. learning can be defined, but for this lesson, we will define it as content and information that can be accessed via a small, handheld device such
  • 23. as a smartphone or tablet. Many organizations around the globe use mobile learning as a means to deliver training as it provides a degree of equity in training access in remote regions. As you can see, technology has disrupted the way training is delivered and how employees learn. There are many benefits that organizations can realize by utilizing technology to administer training. By adopting MHR 6551, Training and Development 5 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title technology in the development of training, technology will continue to shape the ways that organizations deliver training. Learning Activities (Nongraded) Nongraded Learning Activities are provided to aid students in their course of study. You do not have to submit them. If you have questions, contact your instructor for further guidance and information.
  • 24. Complete the following activity to check your knowledge. This Unit I Nongraded Learning Activity includes a matching quiz about the important terminology used in the course (Transcript for the Unit I Nongraded Learning Activity). 117022590_1 117001179_1 117001179_1