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Hello World
         in   30 Days

   David Eisinger // @deisinger
 DevNation Chicago // May 15, 2010
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days

    1. The Motivation
    2. The Methods
    3. The Mindset
    4. The Moral
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days              1. The Motivation

                                  About Me
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days              1. The Motivation

                                  About Me
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days              1. The Motivation

                                  About Me
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days              1. The Motivation

                                  About Me
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days              1. The Motivation

                                  About Me
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days              1. The Motivation

                                  About Me
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days              1. The Motivation

                                  About Me
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days              1. The Motivation

                                  About Me
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days          1. The Motivation

                              Falling behind
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days          1. The Motivation

                              Falling behind
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days            1. The Motivation

                                  O NOES
                              Falling behind
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days             1. The Motivation

                          Not on the job.
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days          1. The Motivation

                            Keeping Up
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days               1. The Motivation

                                  The Great
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days          1. The Motivation

                                    I love
                                  this town.
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days

     1. The Motivation
     2. The Methods
     3. The Mindset
     4. The Moral
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days            2. The Method

                             The Project
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days          2. The Method

                       Making the list
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days                                 2. The Method

     The List
         Cassandra                10. HTML5       20. ooc
    1.    Chrome Extensions       11. Io          21. Redis
    2.    Clojure                 12. Jekyll      22. Riak
    3.    CoffeeScript            13. jQTouch     23. Scala
    4.    CouchDB                 14. Lua         24. Scheme
    5.    CSS3                    15. MacRuby     25. Sinatra
    6.    Django                  16. Mercurial   26. Squeak
    7.    Erlang                  17. MongoDB     27. Treetop
    8.    Go                      18. Node.js     28. VIM
    9.    Haskell                 19. OCaml       29. ZSH
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days                                 2. The Method

     Thirteen Languages
    1.   Cassandra                11. HTML5       21. ooc
    2.   Chrome Extensions        12. Io          22. Redis
    3.   Clojure                  13. Jekyll      23. Riak
    4.   CoffeeScript             14. jQTouch     24. Scala
    5.   CouchDB                  15. Lua         25. Scheme
    6.   CSS3                     16. MacRuby     26. Sinatra
    7.   Django                   17. Mercurial   27. Squeak
    8.   Erlang                   18. MongoDB     28. Treetop
    9.   Go                       19. Node.js     29. VIM
    10. Haskell                   20. OCaml       30. ZSH
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days                                     2. The Method

     Thirteen Languages
    1.   Cassandra                11. HTML5           21. ooc
    2.   Chrome Extensions        12. Io              22. Redis
    3.   Clojure        x         13. Jekyll          23. Riak
    4.   CoffeeScript             14. jQTouch         24. Scala
    5.   CouchDB                  15. Lua             25. Scheme         x
    6.   CSS3                     16. MacRuby         26. Sinatra
    7.   Django                   17. Mercurial       27. Squeak
    8.   Erlang         x         18. MongoDB         28. Treetop
    9.   Go                       19. Node.js         29. VIM
    10. Haskell         x         20. OCaml       x   30. ZSH
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days                                 2. The Method

     Five Datastores
    1.   Cassandra                11. HTML5       21. ooc
    2.   Chrome Extensions        12. Io          22. Redis
    3.   Clojure                  13. Jekyll      23. Riak
    4.   CoffeeScript             14. jQTouch     24. Scala
    5.   CouchDB                  15. Lua         25. Scheme
    6.   CSS3                     16. MacRuby     26. Sinatra
    7.   Django                   17. Mercurial   27. Squeak
    8.   Erlang                   18. MongoDB     28. Treetop
    9.   Go                       19. Node.js     29. VIM
    10. Haskell                   20. OCaml       30. ZSH
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days                                 2. The Method

     Five Web Frameworks
    1.   Cassandra                11. HTML5       21. ooc
    2.   Chrome Extensions        12. Io          22. Redis
    3.   Clojure                  13. Jekyll      23. Riak
    4.   CoffeeScript             14. jQTouch     24. Scala
    5.   CouchDB                  15. Lua         25. Scheme
    6.   CSS3                     16. MacRuby     26. Sinatra
    7.   Django                   17. Mercurial   27. Squeak
    8.   Erlang                   18. MongoDB     28. Treetop
    9.   Go                       19. Node.js     29. VIM
    10. Haskell                   20. OCaml       30. ZSH
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days                                 2. The Method

     Seven Others
    1.   Cassandra                11. HTML5       21. ooc
    2.   Chrome Extensions        12. Io          22. Redis
    3.   Clojure                  13. Jekyll      23. Riak
    4.   CoffeeScript             14. jQTouch     24. Scala
    5.   CouchDB                  15. Lua         25. Scheme
    6.   CSS3                     16. MacRuby     26. Sinatra
    7.   Django                   17. Mercurial   27. Squeak
    8.   Erlang                   18. MongoDB     28. Treetop
    9.   Go                       19. Node.js     29. VIM
    10. Haskell                   20. OCaml       30. ZSH
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days              2. The Method

                                  The Hour
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days      2. The Method

                  The Buddy System
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days              2. The Method

                                  The Fold
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days              2. The Method

                                  The Fold
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days              2. The Method

                                  The Fold
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days          2. The Method

   WTF’s a fold?

   # sum an array of numbers
   [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].inject {|sum, i| sum + i }
   # => 15
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days          2. The Method

   WTF’s a fold?
    # collect an array of squares
    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].inject([]) do |coll, i|
        coll + [i * i]
    # => [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days             2. The Method

    fold: (values, lambda, init...) ->
      if init[0]?
        result = init[0]
        result = values[0]
        values = values[1..values.length]

       for value in values
         result = lambda(result, value)

Around “Hello World” in 30 Days        2. The Method


    sum: (values...) -> fold values,
      (a, b) -> a + b

    x: sum 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

    // x == 15
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days                            2. The Method

    var fold;
    var __slice = Array.prototype.slice;
    fold = function fold(values, lambda) {
      var _a, _b, _c, _d, init, result, value;
      init =, 2, arguments.length - 0);
      if ((typeof (_a = init[0]) !== "undefined" && _a !== null)) {
        result = init[0];
      } else {
        result = values[0];
        values = values.slice(1, values.length + 1);

Around “Hello World” in 30 Days            2. The Method

    function fold(values, lambda, init)
      index, value = next(values, nil)

        if init then
          result = init
          result = value
          index, value = next(values, index)
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days   2. The Method

Around “Hello World” in 30 Days            2. The Method

        while index do
          result = lambda(result, value)
          index, value = next(values, index)

      return result
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days             2. The Method

    function sum(values)
      return fold(values, function (a, b)
        return a + b end)

    -- sum the set of numbers
    sum({1, 2, 3, 4})
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days            2. The Method

   function map(values, lambda)
     return fold(values, function (c, i)
       c[i] = lambda(i)
       return c end,

   -- get the list of squares
   map({1, 2, 3, 4}, function (x)
   	 return x * x end)
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days                    2. The Method


 (define fold
   (lambda (arr f result)
       ((null? arr) result)
       (else (fold (cdr arr) f (f result (car arr)))))))
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days                        2. The Method


 (define fold
   (lambda (arr f . result)
       ((and (null? arr) (null? result) `()))
       ((null? arr) (car result))
       ((null? result) (fold (cdr arr) f (car arr)))
       (else (fold (cdr arr) f (f (car result) (car arr)))))))
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days                2. The Method


 > (fold `(1 2 3 4) (lambda (x y) (+ x y)))

 > (fold `(1 2 3 4)
     (lambda (squares x) (cons (* x x) squares)) `())
 (16 9 4 1)
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days          2. The Method


    -export([fold/2, fold/3]).

    fold([First | Rest], Fun, Result) ->
      fold(Rest, Fun, Fun(Result, First));
    fold([], Fun, Result) ->
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days   2. The Method

Around “Hello World” in 30 Days          2. The Method

    fold([First | Rest], Fun) ->
      fold(Rest, Fun, First);
    fold([], Fun) ->

    % > fold:fold([1,2,3], fun(Sum, Item) ->
    	 	 	 	 Sum + Item end).
    % 6
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days     2. The Method

Around “Hello World” in 30 Days

     1. The Motivation
     2. The Methods
     3. The Mindset
     4. The Moral
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days             3. The Mindset

Around “Hello World” in 30 Days          3. The Mindset

Around “Hello World” in 30 Days   3. The Mindset
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days          3. The Mindset

Around “Hello World” in 30 Days                  3. The Mindset

                      (Incremental vs. Entity)
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days          3. The Mindset

                                  Hard Work
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days

     1. The Motivation
     2. The Methods
     3. The Mindset
     4. The Moral
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days        4. The Moral

                   Biggest Surprise:
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days        4. The Moral

                   Biggest Surprise:

Around “Hello World” in 30 Days   4. The Moral

        Biggest Disappointment:
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days   4. The Moral

        Biggest Disappointment:

Around “Hello World” in 30 Days         4. The Moral

                     Biggest Success:
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days         4. The Moral

                     Biggest Success:

Around “Hello World” in 30 Days          4. The Moral

                           Most Value:
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days          4. The Moral

                           Most Value:

Around “Hello World” in 30 Days            4. The Moral

                              Best Docs:
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days            4. The Moral

                              Best Docs:

Around “Hello World” in 30 Days   4. The Moral
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days       4. The Moral

                  Most Bewildering:
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days       4. The Moral

                  Most Bewildering:

Around “Hello World” in 30 Days           4. The Moral

                              Most Fun:
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days           4. The Moral

                              Most Fun:

Around “Hello World” in 30 Days                 4. The Moral

                                  Start Small
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days           4. The Moral

                                  Start Now
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days   4. The Moral

   What was missing?
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days   4. The Moral

   What was missing?
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days   4. The Moral

   What was missing?
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days   4. The Moral

   What was missing?
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days   4. The Moral

   What was missing?
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days   4. The Moral

   What was missing?
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days   4. The Moral

   What was missing?

           languages are
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days   4. The Moral

         Make (& Take) The Time
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days             4. The Moral

                             Stick It Out
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days               4. The Moral

                                  Cut & Run
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days   4. The Moral

          Share Your Experiences
Around “Hello World” in 30 Days           4. The Moral

Around “Hello World” in 30 Days



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Around "Hello World" in 30 Days

Editor's Notes

  1. reduce, accumulate, compress or inject higher-order functions that iterate an arbitrary function over a data structure in some order and build up a return value
  2. reduce, accumulate, compress or inject higher-order functions that iterate an arbitrary function over a data structure in some order and build up a return value
  3. The desire to get better and better at something Not the desire to BE GOOD at something
  4. Hungary optimum experience Time passes quickly self-consciousness disolves activity not too easy, not too hard
  5. 7 weeks of basic training at west point before starting 1 in 20 drops out not strength, athleticism, intelligence, or leadership ability “perseverance and passion for long-term goals”
  6. Carol Dweck People who view intelligence as fluid do much better
  7. Carol Dweck You worked so hard vs. you are so smart