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Southeast Asia’s

              To Make
             Your First
          $100K a Month                                                 ©

                           By S. Chip Bridgmon

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for free to anyone you like, as long as you make no changes or edits to its
contents or digital format. In fact, I’d love it if you’d make lots and lots of
copies and pass them out to everyone you know and meet. However, the
right to bind this and sell it as a book, however, is strictly reserved. While
we’re at it, I’d like to keep the movie rights too. However should you have
an opportunity for Seann William Scott to play the part of me, I might be
open to sharing the movie rights.

2            Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
            Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                       e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
This version of this e-book will be current until July 2010. After that date
please obtain an updated and current version. You will be able to buy this in
book form soon.

This book is dedicated to my loving family, my friends, supporters, and to
those of you who are willing to step out of the shadows and into the light
and dare to live the life of your dream, those who dare to defy the naysayers
and live a life of abundance.

             Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     3
            Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                       e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
Limits of Liability/ Disclaimer of
Do not read this publication while driving, sleeping, in the shower, or taking
a bath. It is probably a good idea to mention not to sleep with this
publication under your pillow, others may learn of this practice and disturb
your sleep when they attempt to sneak under your pillow to read this

All stories herein are true and accurate except when they are not. I have
done my best to provide accurate and timely information; no promises are
made from us.

The author and publisher of this book and any accompany materials have
used their best efforts in preparing this program. The author and publisher
make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy,
applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents herein. And disclaim
any warranties, (expressed or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any
particular purpose. The authors and publisher shall in no event be held
liable for any loss or other damages, including but not limited to special,
incidental, consequential, or other damages. As always, the advice of a
competent legal, tax, accounting, or other professional should be sought out.

This publication contains material protected under the International and
Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of
this material is prohibited.

4            Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
            Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                       e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
Other books written by Chip Bridgmon

Small Changes Big Results in Network Marketing

Unleashing Your Internet Marketing Virus

Secret Sales Report

The Secret Law of Unlimited Mind Power

How to Create Fist-Fulls of Cold Hard Cash From Thin Air

Black Bag Operations Covert Hypnotic Persuasion Techniques

The Web Surfers Guide to Your Space

Green Frogs, Yellow Flowers, Blue Skies

            Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     5
           Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                      e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
SUCCESS VIRUS                                                      ©

    Here’s what you can do to spread the word about this publication.

    1. Send this file to a family member, or friend, or business associate,
       or college student, or local business executive, or anyone you can
       think of really.
    2. Save a copy to your hand held device, like your Sony PSP™ or
       your iPod Touch ™ or any such device and share it anytime any
       place you can.
    3. Print out as many copies as you like.
    4. In short, get the word out by any means necessary to perpetuate the
       success virus to as many people as you can to eliminate poverty
       wherever and whenever you can.

6            Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
            Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                       e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
As a Success Coach the number one question I get asked the
most is, “How can I, Mr. and Mrs. Average person, become
rich?” Most people want to know how they can become wealthy,
provide a great life for their spouse and their kids, to be able to
enjoy some of the luxuries in life.

No matter what the reasoning, most people throughout the world
would like to have more money. Without getting into all the
different reasons for wanting more money, suffice it to say,
people want more.

What you are about to read is our opinion on how you can
become wealthy in a global market place. How you can take
advantage of the opportunity that has been dropped in your very
lap, offering you the chance to build a global empire from the
comfort of your home.

The good news is it’s not too late for you. The bad news is, you
have already lost time, valuable time that could have literally cost
you millions, if not tens of millions U.S.

Are you currently involved in network marketing? If not are you
at least considering a company to join forces with?

I predicted way back in the late 1980’s that in the future the
question would NOT be, “are you involved in network
marketing,” but rather would be, “which company are you with?”
It is now the year 2009, and with over 57 million people in this
industry world wide and sales over $111 billion annually, and
over 363,000 new people joining the industry on a daily basis,
that prediction has come true.

Welcome to the Earning Revolution!

           Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     7
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.

9        Can You Make The Cut

12       Success Quiz

21       Meet Chip

23       Warning

29       Southeast Asia vs. the World

46       What Does It Take To Earn $100 a Month?

62       First Came the Dream

68       Putting Into Action

73       Keep Your Dream Alive

78       Finding the Right Mentors & Partners

84       Your System for Success

100      Building Your Network

109      Duplication

116      Closing

119      Resources

120      Bonuses

141      Partner With Success

143      Secret Bonus Tools

8      Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
      Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                 e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
Can You Make The Cut
Do you have what it takes to be successful? Do you have what it
takes to do what it takes to succeed?

I don’t want you to answer me, I don’t want to hear about it,
words from you are futile at this point in our relationship. I want
to see ACTION. Let your actions speak for you.

People are always so eager to come up to me and attempt to
convince me how badly they want to achieve success, and how
much they deserve to have success in their lives. They are telling
me these things to convince me and persuade me to coach and
mentor them personally.

There is one lesson that I learned the absolute hardest way
possible, and that is people who will work to hard to convince me
they want and deserve success will rarely do anything about it. It
is a sad, cold hard fact. Of course there are exceptions to this
rule, as there are to any rule.

I have learned through my years as a success coach, the people
who are trying hard to convince me, are not so much convincing
me as they are trying to convince and motivate themselves. I
have spent countless hours, weeks, months and in a few cases
years trying to coach these types, and in the end they do not
follow through, they do not maintain high standards and sooner
than later they begin to question me and my abilities. Finally
they quit the program and BLAME me.

Like one of my favorite Authors, and Mentors Donald Trump, I
believe in giving people a second chance, however I tend to give,
third, fourth, fifth, and so on and it ends up biting me in the ass
on more than one occasion.

So in an attempt to avoid getting bit in the ass again I am
choosing to open this book with a self-graded questionnaire to let

           Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     9
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
you determine if you have what it takes to be successful. Yes
you read that right, SELF GRADED. I am not the one who will
qualify you or disqualify you. You will be the one to do that. If I
say it, you might not believe me, but when you take the test,
answer truthfully, tally the score and see the results yourself, then
you will know for certain if you have what it takes.

To be successful in anything in life you have to be at the top 2%
of the rest of the playing field. You have to be the best of the
best, and if you are not the best of the best you have to be willing
to be coached, mentored, and groomed to be the best. I don’t
care if you are the best of the best at this point, I am more
concerned about your coachability. ARE YOU COACHABLE,
or do you already know it all?

If you are NOT coachable this is NOT for you. I am NOT the
mentor for you and my organization is NOT for you, and most
assuredly this book is NOT for you.

If you are coachable read on.

This book is a very important asset in your learning library.
Don’t let the fact that it is free fool you into thinking it is some
ploy or tactic to get your name and email.

I didn’t ask your for a single thing in sharing this book with you.
Not your name, not your email, not your cell number, not even
your nickname or IP address. I don’t want any of those things
not now anyway. What you do with this book and this
information is up to you; however it is my goal that you can see
the value, understand the worth and follow with me on my team
in my organization and join with me in building a network
marketing empire together.

Should you choose not to join me that is your choice, I will not
hold the book, the lessons, or the training hostage for your loyal

10          Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
           Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                      e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
support. Loyalty is not something I can teach, it is something
you have or you don’t.

                      Being in the Top 2%

You don’t get to be in the top by simply being smart, working
hard and making gobs of money. For every successful
multimillionaire I know I have found that they have a system for
their success, they developed or are following a system for
building wealth.

Think about this for a moment, how is that multimillionaire after
multimillionaire can loose their millions a couple times and yet
still manage to build their fortune again and again? When still
yet others don’t seem to be able to build one small fortune to
begin with?

Every single Multimillionaire in network marketing that I know
of personally can loose it all today, be flat broke, in a new city, in
a new country, don’t even speak the language and in 2 shorts
years have $100,000.00 US Dollars a month income, and be well
on their way to rebuilding their million dollar empire.

It is because they have a system, that system is a formula for

Before I disclose the Exponential Success Formula © to you I
want to make sure you can make the cut, make sure you are
qualified for this secret.

Since dream-stealing, back stabbing, go-no-where, negative nay
sayers can be everywhere and disguised as normal looking people

            Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     11
           Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                      e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
I have adopted a Success Quiz that you can take to determine if
you have what it takes to succeed with me.

                        Success Quiz

1. If shipwrecked on a desert island, which mindset do you think
   would be most effective for survival?

      a) Positive thinking that you will be rescued.

      b) Start preparing for your inevitable demise.

      c) Making life as pleasant as possible on the island.

      d) Accept the facts, assess the situation and believe you
         will find a way or make a way out.

2. When conflict arises do you:

      a) Seek to get the better of the other person.

      b) Try to avoid the situation in the hopes that it will soon
         go away?

      c) Seek to financially destroy the offending party.

      d) Try to find a way that all parties can be satisfied.

3. When it comes to reading, do you:

12         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
a) Read mainly for pleasure and read fiction.

      b) Read wide variety of books and publications to expand
         and enrich your life and understanding of the world.

      c) Get most of your information from the news paper and
         the internet.

      d) Read comic books and subscribe to the Chaos Theory,
         believing it will all work out in the end.

4. When making a large or small decision, do you generally;

      a) Trust the advice of a TV spokes person.

      b) Go with the advice of friends and family.

      c) Trust your intuition

      d) Go with the advice of industry experts that have
         succeeded in your chosen field before you.

5. In your professional life, is your highest priority;

      a) A place of employment which offers long-term security
         and compliments your lifestyle.

      b) Doing work which makes you feel like you are making
         a difference. Finding a position with good pay, a
         supportive boss and a certain level of prestige.

      c) Finding a position with good pay, a supportive boss and
         a certain level of prestige.

            Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     13
           Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                      e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
d) The freedom to be your own boss, the need to find or
         establish a viable and workable streamlined system and
         to coach and mentor others to do the same.

6. Do you consider yourself to be a person who:

      a) Negative and pessimistic always looking to place blame
         on others when something goes wrong.

      b) Is happy to experience many things and see where life’s
         stream will take you.

      c) Has a definite purpose in life and a definite role to
         fulfill in life.

      d) Will constantly strive to be the best that is within you,
         to rise to the top and to mentor others along the way.

7. Which of these statements best sums up your attitude about
   wealth and money?

      a) There is only a certain amount to go around, I need to
         take what I can when I can while to taking is good
         before it is all gone.

      b) Work hard get a good education and things will turn out

      c) There are endless possibilities for creating wealth for
         those open to seeing them.

      d) I am a conduit for wealth and the creation of
         abundance. Endless supplies of wealth and abundance
         circulates in my life and in all that I do.

14         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
8. Which of these statements best describes your attitude
   towards risk?

      a) Once the risks have been carefully calculated be
         prepared to risk it all, burn your boats on the beach.

      b) Risk is to be avoided whenever possible.

      c) Risks can be managed.

      d) Risks are inherent in business and in life, properly
         managing the risks, knowing the outcomes ahead of
         time and foreseeing the possibilities and having a
         carefully planned exit strategy will greatly increase the
         chances for success.

9. When taking on a new project I:

      a) Jump in both feet and hope for the best.

      b) I want to build something that will be recognized

      c) Like to give myself big challenges and strive to achieve
         big results.

      d) Where others see problems and many others have failed
         at the task before me, I am unaffected by this and see
         opportunities and make a pathway for others to follow.

10. When looking into starting a new business venture which
    factors do you feel will be the most important?

      a) Overall global economy.

           Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     15
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
b) Direct competition, and branding.

      c) Environment, customer base and global market

      d) Global marketing trends, such as the home based
         business trend, the health and wellness trend.

11. Two years from now how much money do you want to be
    making monthly?

      a) $5,000 to $10,000.

      b) $12,000 to $20,000.

      c) $21,000 to $80,000.

      d) $150,000 to $250,000

12. What are your financial dreams?

      a) To win the lottery and live a life of leisure.

      b) Landing your dream job with a salary of one million
         dollars a year with great health benefits, a 401(k) and
         three weeks vacation a year.

      c) Someday being able to own your own home.

      d) Having unlimited passive income from your own home
         based global empire.

13. Which statement best describes your current financial

16         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
a) I am not looking to get rich, I have exactly what I need
         to get by.

      b) I am satisfied with where I am at financially and
         making more money will push me into the next tax

      c) I am unsatisfied where I am financially but don’t know
         what to do about it.

      d) I have a comfortable income and am always looking for
         ways to leverage my time and create multiple streams
         of passive income.

14. How much time to you spend each day building your

      a) Less than 30 minutes a day.

      b) 30 t0 60 minutes a day.

      c) 1 to 2 hours a day.

      d) 4 hours or more each day.

15. How much money do you currently spend on business,
    financial education and personal development a year?

      a) Less than $100 a year.

      b) $100 to $499 a year.

      c) $500 to $1,199 a year.

           Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     17
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
d) More than $1,200 a year.

16. What would you do if you lost your job or your sole source
    of income?

      a) Save money by moving back home with mom and dad
         collect unemployment and go back to college.

      b) Start looking in the classifieds of your local news paper
         to find a new job at your last salary or slightly less.

      c) Call your friends and family to see if they could give
         you a good recommendation into a good company with
         a good salary and benefits package.

      d) Start your own business, and develop or find a system
         that you can duplicate to create success on a massive

17. Which statement best describes your energy, drive and
    mental focus?

      a) I can barely make it through the day.

      b) Start out strong, and float on momentum by the end of
         the day.

      c) 8 hours is all I’ve got in me, after that I need 12 hours

      d) I am literal nuclear reactor of energy, when I am doing
         something I am passionate about I don’t need sleep, and
         my mind is focused and sharp like a razors edge.

18         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
18. Which best describes your reaction when you experience

      a) I quit as soon as I discover failure is unavoidable, and
         hope no one notices.

      b) I try not to let my friends and family find out.

      c) As long as I learn something it is not a total failure and
         I can face my friends and family with dignity.

      d) I understand failure is apart of business, I don’t waste
         my time worrying about it, I learn what I can, avoid the
         same mistakes in the future and continue with my plans
         with modifications and adjustments.

19. What is your attitude toward people?

      a) I believe people are generally good and would never lie,
         cheat or steal from me.

      b) I surround myself with people who look up to me and
         admire me, even if they are not the most qualified,
         because attitude is important.

      c) I look for the best in people and many times I find it.

      d) I believe people regardless of their motivational factors
         want to succeed and dislike failure. When people fail
         its not because they did not want to do a good job, I
         think it is the system that failed.

20. When your business is doing well and everything seems to
    be going according to plan, what do you do now?

           Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     19
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
a) Take time off and go on an extended vacation.

      b) Continue doing the basics and start delegating more
         duties out to others.

      c) Start another business venture.

      d) Stay focused on my primary business, refine my focus
         to drive my success to new heights and coach and
         mentor others in my company to do the same.

The test is complete, now is the time for you to add up your
score. Count up the total number of A’s, B’s, C’s and D’s. Give
yourself 1 point for A’s 3 points for B’s 5 points for C’s and 10
points for D’s. Take a look at the chart below to see how you

NUMBER OF POINTS                                 HOW YOU RATE

20 – 50                                          Poor. It would be a good
                                                 idea for you to get a good
                                                 attitude overhaul.

51 – 90                                          Average. You need to
                                                 jump start your
                                                 entrepreneurial spirit.

91 – 150                                         Good. You have potential
                                                 but need improvement.

151 – 200                                        Excellent. YOU’VE
                                                 MADE THE CUT!

20           Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
            Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                       e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
Meet Chip Bridgmon

Scott “Chip” Bridgmon is a popular featured speaker at sales organizations,
and network marketing organizations. He is a highly sought after peak
performance and network marketing consultant and is widely regarded as
one of the top in his field, considered by many to be the “Coaches Coach.”
 For more than 18 years Chip has been coaching people from all walks of
life, from students to CEOs, he as been able to transform their limiting
beliefs into empowering, transforming beliefs and accomplishments. Chip
has coached thousands to achieve their elusive breakthroughs and unlock the
door to their dreams. Chip’s story of rising from poverty stricken
childhood, to a self-made success story has inspired people around the
With his unique educational background, Chip is a certified Personal
Development Consultant, certified in Hypnosis, a Master Practitioner in
NLP, and currently working towards his PhD. in Philosophy and 18 plus
years in the University of Hard-Knocks qualifies him as an expert in the
arena of Peak Performance and the Science of Human Achievement. His
unique coaching in network marketing has brought success to him and his
clients for over 15 years. Combining his story, with the comical way he
shares it, is true testimony of his ability and the absolute power of the mind
over outside circumstances.
Chip has captivated audiences throughout his career with his unique and
memorable personal stories, and the antidotes teaching and coaching the
attendees the lessons learned from his own wealth of experiences. He has
been in the trenches; he knows what he is talking about in direct selling, as
an entrepreneur, as a manager and with regard to Human Development and
Potential. His seminars, books, and workbooks and other learning recourses
are jammed packed with content you can apply immediately in your life and
business. More than “hype and shallow promises,” you notice that your
interaction with Chip provides true inspiration that empowers you to take
immediate action, as you begin to notice the only motivation becomes self-
motivation. He gives you the necessary skills you need to take action and
begin achieving the success you deserve by unlocking the genius within

             Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     21
            Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                       e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
“Today Coaches are needed more than
ever, more than a car in every driveway.
It is my belief there should be a coach in
  every home office, every business. In
       today’s competitive business
 environment a Business Coach is not a
  luxury it is a necessity. Knowledge is
becoming more important than product.
 The bottom line is if others are getting
   coached and you’re not, you are at a
          major disadvantage.”
-- Chip Bridgmon

22         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
Warning:                                           This e-book is NOT
                                                   for everyone!
This e-book is not for everyone. I want to tell you up front, this
document will probably be a total waste of your time unless you
meet the following criteria.

You have joined or are about to join Agel Enterprises and want to
make your new business a gigantic and immediate success.

You’re sick and tired of all the empty promises offered to you
from the less than ethical people in the market place today.

You’ve had a burning desire to become successful and live the
life of your dreams and looking for the opportunity to make your
dreams come true and not just dream them.

You’re looking to jump start your networking career and you
want to rocket up to the top of your pay plan quickly by creating
as many success stories along the way.

You are not getting the results you are looking for in your current
sponsoring efforts and would like a turbo bust for your business.

You realize how much more you and your team can accomplish
by working with the right coach and mentors and bonding more
closely as a team working towards a common goal.

If the above criteria doesn’t describe you then maybe reading this
e-book will be a waste of your time, you might want to consider
passing it along to someone that fits more closely with the criteria

           Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     23
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
You will NOT find a lot of coaches that will claim to be able to
assist you in making $100,000.00 a month in your network
marketing business. There are only really just a few of us who
have the know-how, the skills, the experience and the confidence
to make this claim.

So why don’t we have hundreds if not thousands of people lined
up at our doorstep for this information?

Quite simply because it is difficult for people to wrap their arms
around the concept of $100,000.00 a month, and secondly they
doubt the information, or the coach, or the opportunity or
themselves, therefore they don’t take the necessary action that
would insure their success.

Even if they do take enough action to find such a coach, they still
have to take the necessary action to go from point A to point B.
And still yet people that can afford such a coach, they also have
self doubt, and reluctance to change, and stand at the edge of
transforming their business and organization and don’t take
another step, they freeze up.

I ask you, “What would you do if you absolutely knew you could
not fail?” Think about that for a moment. If you absolutely
knew without a doubt you would not fail what would you begin
today? What business would you start? What goals would you
set? Keep that in the back of your mind as you read along.

24         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
Can You Really Be Making $100K
      In 12 Months Or Less?
The answer is, “yes you can.” First you have to unlearn some
things, learn some new things, and in some cases start over from
scratch. Most importantly you must begin to think like a multi-
millionaire network marketer.

In a few years from now the business you are
building today could be worth two times,
maybe three times, or even fifty times what it
is worth today. You can follow in the shoes                     By the time you finish
of greatness like other professional network                  reading this e-book, you’ll
marketers before you. One such network                        have enough ammunition,
marketer sold his network distributorship for                    ideas and effective
over Twenty million dollars, ($20,000,000.00                   techniques to take your
USD). Imagine a business you can start from                   business to the next level.
the comfort of your home, one that has a                           Starting TODAY!
global reach, a few short years later you can
sell for more money than you dreamed

Keep this in the back of your mind, no matter where you are
today, no matter what your income level from your network
marketing efforts, you have in your hands right at this moment
the keys you need to succeed beyond what you have experienced
so far.

What you do with that opportunity is up to you!
Will you build a wildly successful organization, or will you burn
out and fall by the wayside?

           Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     25
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
By the time you finish reading this e-book, you’ll begin to see
your business in a new light, perhaps more clearly with a sharper
focus than ever before. More than seeing more clearly, you will
have at your disposal very specific techniques that you can begin
today, to make your dreams come true.

That reminds me of a guy I know of. His daughter was having
her sweet sixteen birthday party. She had been expecting her
dream car as a gift from her parents. Her father didn’t want to
just give her the car without teaching her the responsibility that
comes with such a vehicle.

He thought about what he would do for months leading up to his
daughter’s birthday. In a flash he had an inspiration and went to
work on the idea right away, with no time to loose.

He knew that if he just gave the car to his daughter the odds of
her taking it for granted would be high. And in so doing she
would neglect it, not take care of it, and not be responsible.

The day came, the big Sweet Sixteen Birthday party. His
daughter was so excited with all the gifts and friends and family
at her party, but more than that, she was excited about the
thought of her brand new car.

She got to the smallest gift on the gift table, the last gift, it was
from her dad. At first she was disappointed thinking the box
contained a necklace, or a watch. She quickly ripped off the
wrapping, and opened the box and there inside were the keys to
her car.

Her dad gestured to the garage, and she ran to see her new car.
The swung the door open and standing in the doorway she was
speechless, shocked beyond belief. There in the garage was her

26          Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
           Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                      e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
brand new car in pieces. The whole car had been disassembled
and in pieces on the garage floor.

She stood motionless at first, feelings of rage and anger begin to
fill her, she quieted the emotions inside, smiled and thanked her
father with a big hug and a kiss.

She told her dad she will get started right away.

Rather than hire someone to reassemble her car for her, she
decided to assemble the car on her own, it took her the better half
of the summer but when she was done, she had learned
everything she needed to know about her car. She had learned
how to care for it, how to repair it, how to drive it and most
importantly how to respect the gift she had been given, the gift of
opportunity and knowledge.

To this day she still owns that car, it’s in
perfect running condition and well taken care
of, she is a successful executive and passes her                       It’s not what
lessons on to her team and family.                                   happens to you,
                                                                     rather how you
Agel is a lot like the disassembled car for you.
Agel is the vehicle to get you to your dreams,
                                                                      respond that
but right now in the beginning it needs to be                         matters most.
assembled, cared for, and respected.

Your dreams can be reached, however if your
dreams were just handed over to you without the lessons that go
with it, you will not appreciate the opportunity waiting for you to
put the pieces together.

Along the way you will learn some great life lessons, you will
meet some wonderful people, you will be able to replicate these

           Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     27
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
same results any time any where, and most importantly you can
pass these lessons on to your children and family.

And let’s not forget, you will also be living the life of your
dreams, the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of with the income
to do, be and become what you wish. To be able to live life on
your terms, and that is true freedom.

28         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
Southeast Asia vs. the World

Southeast Asia is the hub of the orient, with over five hundred
million people and growing, presenting a Golden Opportunity to
create wealth beyond belief.

“ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) includes
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand,
Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and

As of 2006, the ASEAN region has a population of about 560
million, a total area of 4.5 million square kilometers, a combined
gross domestic product of almost US$ 1,100 billion, and a total
trade of about US$ 1,400 billion.”

I have had the pleasure of living in Southeast Asia now for just
over three years, and one thing I have noticed that stands head
and shoulders above every thing else is the indestructible spirit of
the people. The people of Southeast Asia are resilient beyond
compare, and they are resourceful.

There are so many wonders and so much beauty in Southeast
Asia; to me the most wondrous and beautiful is the undying spirit
of the people.

In the face of unimaginable hardships these people rise above it
all and maintain a positive attitude and stay focused on their

           Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     29
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
You see their resolve in their eyes, you can witness their will to
succeed, and their compassionate drive every single day. Give
the people of Southeast Asia an opportunity to become successful
via Agel and network marketing, all you have to do is point them
in the right direction and get out of the way. Once they truly
realize Agel and this industry can make their dreams come true
they will find away or make a way.

Physics, Formulas, Systems And The Successful
           People Of Southeast Asia

For those of you reading this now who don’t know me, let me
explain a little something about myself. I love to read, and love to
learn new things, and in my never ending quest for answers and
to put my coaching methods into a mathematical formula I have
begun studying physics. I am no physics master by any stretch of
the imagination, however I have made some pretty interesting
discoveries, one of those discoveries is this.

                 H4 + E4 + A3 + D3 = MS2
This is exactly why Southeast Asia is a great place to build your
Agel business. Once you fully understand this formula you can
use it to transform your business exponentially.

When you are looking for the right kinds of people to work with
you want to keep in mind to be looking for people who use their
H.E.A.D. people that embody this formula, and in Southeast Asia
I have found the majority of the people are living, breathing,
walking, talking, and shining examples of this formula.

30         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
O.K. I have to confess to you, this isn’t exactly a physics
formula, but the equation is a good way to remember the formula.
I wanted to make sure you were paying attention; however keep
in mind the formula is real, and potentially very powerful to you
and your organization.

You’ll want to keep the formula and acronym in mind when you
are looking for leaders in your organization. These are the
people that will be your ideal networkers, the people that will
ignite your business and light it up like after burners on a fighter
jet. As Richard Brooke likes to say, Mach 3 With Your Hair on
Fire. ©

H4 = Honor, Humility, Humor, Happiness.

The people of Southeast Asia are steeped in honor, everything
about their society, their past and their future is rich with honor.
They bring a sense of honor to everything they do. It is more
than pride and singing their work with excellence, it is a matter of
honor to themselves and more importantly to their family. They
do not want to disgrace their family name by exhibiting a lack of
honor. If you look hard enough you can find this sense of honor
in just about any place on earth; however I have found that no
one place demonstrates this key characteristic more consistently
and with more profound affects than Southeast Asia. Everything
about their culture permeates this sense of honor, even from the
earliest writings, you can see it in the attention to detail on their
temples, hear about it in the stories; honor is the bedrock of their


            Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     31
           Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                      e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
Humility is also in their culture, rarely will you ever see the
people brining undue attention to themselves, they have a quiet
disposition and maintain a strong sense of humility in everything
they do. To find the people to be boastful and loud and
outspoken about all they have accomplished is not the norm in
Southeast Asia. Yes they celebrate successes, and yes they
rejoice in work well done, but they are also very humble about it.

Humility is important in your network marketing business,
because it is hard to build a successful organization when
people’s egos keep getting in the way and interfering with the
work that needs to be done.

Network marketing is not about me, me, me
                                                                Common sense
as the individual, it is about the                               and a sense of
organization, the team, one of the most                          humor are the
important aspects of having truly passive,                        same thing,
walk-a-way income is being able to take
(me) out of my business. If I am boastful,                          moving at
and arrogant, and always need to have my                       different speeds.
ego boosted my organization and business                       A sense of humor
will suffer as a result.
                                                                is just common
People of Southeast Asia are used to sharing                    sense, dancing.
the credit, the rewards, and their wealth with
their families and their extended families, because the family
bond is so close and so tight. Those life lessons are hard to teach
to someone that has not grown up in and or around the unique
conditions of Southeast Asia.


I cannot emphasis enough the power and importance of humor in
your everyday lives. Depression and lack of humor is a major
destructive force in the world today, next to diet.

32         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
You find people in other parts of the world, with seemingly
everything they could ask for finding unique ways to destroy
their lives; with the over medication of the world today from
neuro-inhibitors and enhancers, serotonin blockers and on and on
and on, people in mass finding reasons to be unhappy and

Today you can find a new type of Yoga, Laughter Yoga, and
guess where it came from, I’ll give you three guesses.

Where else other than Southeast Asia?

These are people that live to ripe old age, 80’s and 90’s with
more toxins in the water and air than you can shake a stick at, and
what is their secret weapon against the effects of aging and
disease? Among other things I have to point the finger at
HUMOR. They can find humor in just about anything, with so
much to not be happy about, they have the unique ability to block
out the negative and be happy, and humorous and laugh often.

Southeast Asia a place where people work hard and play even
harder, have to maintain a great sense of humor or by any other
standards go crazy.

You wonder why Karaoke is so popular is Southeast Asia? It is a
great outlet, an opportunity to be happy, and sing, and brush of
the stresses of the day, and a great way to find humor in all they
do. Believe me, coming from the states the whole Karaoke thing
takes some getting used to, many, many, many people that have
no business holding a microphone and singing in public
according to my standards, have no problem singing their hearts
out in the middle of the mall. And the people walking by love,
enjoy and appreciate it, no matter how good or how bad the
singer is.

           Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     33
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
It is important to be able to find humor in the things you do, and
the things around you, it is important for your mental health and
personal wellbeing that is a proven fact. All you have to do is
spend a few months in Southeast Asia and you can see that to be
self evident.

      E4 = Education, Experience, Execution,

Education in Southeast Asia is important to them, they respect
and take their education seriously, whether it is in a formal
classroom or through life’s University of Hard Knocks. They
know the power of education and work hard and study hard.

Having come from the states and seeing how most people there
waste and take for granted their education, I was not prepared for
the serious attitude regarding education here in Southeast Asia.

In the states it is not uncommon for student to party, drink
experiment with recreational drugs and practically fail their way
through school. Student graduate with low grade point averages
and get high paying jobs and they don’t really know what they
studied for the last four or five years.

Not the case in Southeast Asia, the student can enter college as
young as 16 years old, and graduate before they are 21, they
don’t drink, don’t party, don’t use recreational drugs, they go to
school and work hard, study hard and get high grades as a result,
only to graduate and earn a fraction of what the average party
animal in the states would earn in the same job.

34         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
Even if they don’t have a formal school education,
apprenticeships are common occurrences here. It is not
uncommon to find a young man or woman spending many hours
a day for years on end, earning very little just for the opportunity
to study with someone with great skill, in the hopes that they too
will one day be as good as their mentor, and carry on his legacy.

This presents a golden opportunity in and of itself in your
organization, you will be building an organization with people
that are already accustomed to being mentored, and being
groomed to assume positions of great skill and talent. People that
are ready and willing to take and receive instruction and follow a
system of duplication and success, are exactly the kinds of people
you want in your organization. Who could ask for a better group
of people to work with?


Again like education, experience is important and in some cases
experience is more important than education. What good is the
best education in the world without real word applications and

The people of Southeast Asia in many cases have to work many
jobs to support their education, be it formal or other wise, so by
the time they graduate they have four years education and in
many cases 4 years experience as well.

Many times when I am asked to consult with companies I find
the Executive who is hiring me has a PhD. and a couple masters
degrees and very little experience during his time in the work
force. I find the average President I am working with has been in
the position for ten or more years, but rather than having ten
years experience, he or she only has one or two years of

            Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     35
           Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                      e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
experience repeated over and over and over throughout their
decade in the position.

They are still running into and dealing with the same issues they
had to deal with in their first year or two in that position.

I don’t typically find that to be the case here in Southeast Asia,
the people are used to thinking outside the box, used to learning
and compounding that education and expanding their knowledge
base and experience. They come across a problem today, learn
how to overcome and effective handle that situation and then
systematize the solution and teach it to their organization and
know instinctively what to do in the future if that problem should
arise again.

Tell me honestly, look me in the eye right now and tell me that is
NOT your ideal network marketing in the making right there.


Hand in hand with education and experience is EXECUTION, all
the planning, day dreaming, experience and education in the
world means nothing without the ability to effectively execute the
plan, without the ability to get the plan into action and
accomplish the goal.

Without Massive Congruent Action nothing is really going to get

As you might have guessed by now, I can give you example after
example after example of massive action. Executing their plan
with a vigor and excitement that would boggle your mind
literally, here let me give you an example.

36         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
In the states it is not uncommon to see multiple construction sites
building homes to offices as well as maintaining the roads,
construction every where you look. The cities used to put up
warning signs at these construction sites that read, “SLOW MEN
AT WORK.” Many a comedian has made his mark with these
self evident comedic reminders.

The joke is that the men are working so slow, that the
construction seems to take forever, a never ending construction
site, be it buildings, or road work it seem
the progress is incremental at best.

Last time I was in the states these warning
signs have been changed, no longer reads
“slow men at work.”

In Southeast Asian this is not the case,
buildings go up fast, I can come for a visit
see a new construction sight for a 40 story
building and it seems like in no time the
building is complete and occupied by my
next visit.

Road work is done in no time flat, and housing projects are built
and occupied in the same manner, businesses are constructed and
shopping malls erected in record breaking time frames.

And this is not just visible in the large scale projects, people in
their personal lives and small business owners and workers have
the same results. These are a large group of people that fully
understand the power of execution of plans, they don’t waste a
lot of time sitting around in contemplation they take immediate
action towards the attainment of their goals.

           Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     37
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
Again, I dare you to tell me this is not another trait you wish your
organization had as its bedrock foundation.

To obtain enthusiasm it won’t cost you a dime and it doesn’t
require you to have any special skills. Free to the world, it’s
yours the moment you choose to wrap your arms around it.

I have given talks to literally thousands of people, coached and
motivated and worked with people to unlock their unbridled
enthusiasm. I have found in my study of success when people
finally unlock their vault of enthusiasm their world changes for
the better almost instantly. Their problems turn into
opportunities and the challenges become a blank canvass upon
which they begin create new vision for their future.

I hear excuses all the time about how they can’t get enthusiastic
because of this, and that and the other thing. People coming up
to me at my seminars telling me how moving my talk was b-b-b-
b-u-u-u-u-t-t-t-t-t their circumstances are extraordinary, and if I
knew their story I would change my opinion accordingly.

I have lived here in Southeast Asia for over three years, and I can
tell you from first hand experience, these people can find their
reason for being enthusiastic about what they do no matter what.
It is like enthusiasm infuses them with a heightened sense of
purpose; this heightened sense of purpose doesn’t leave room for
failure. It is as though their levels of enthusiasm provide them
with the necessary immunity against setbacks, hardships,
obstacles, and road blocks that may stand in their way.

Most importantly their enthusiasm is contagious and it draws
other people to them. People feel good when they are around

38         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
someone who is enthusiastic, people gravitate towards them and
want to be around them.

Enthusiasm is one of the key ingredients for success, and it is
inherent in the people of Southeast Asia.

          A3 = Ambition, Ability, Attitude.

In Southeast Asia people are overflowing with ambition; they
have a strong drive to succeed and to accomplish their goals.
What pushes them onward to success is their focus on a single
predetermined outcome, and they don’t let go of their goal until
they have achieved it.

There is never any lack of ambition when your goal and your
reason for achieving that goal is compelling enough. When it
comes to Southeast Asia the realities of daily life for most people
can be a very compelling reason to succeed. Daily life here can
be hard and harsh, the realities of pain and suffering are thrust
upon them at every turn and every opportunity, that alone can be
very compelling.

I highly recommend you stop following goals you're reluctant to
pursue. Find goals that will keep you awake at night with
excitement. If your goals and compelling reason why you want
those goals doesn’t keep you awake at night it might be time to
find a new goal.

You see it all the time in the movies, the young hero has a goal, a
burning desire for something, the camera starts far off as our hero
is lying in bed in the middle of the night with the stars shining
brightly, the moon is full and illuminating the sky. The camera

           Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     39
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
slowing zooms in as we watch the scene from our hero’s vision
play out across the screen, so excited and eager from his vision
he decides he can’t sleep so off he goes in search of his goal.

That should be you! Especially with a MULTI-NATIONAL
BUSINESS LIKE AGEL, you can be earning, 24 hours a day,
while you are sleeping someone somewhere half way around the
planet is awake and working in your organization.

I have found in most people that I meet here in Southeast Asia,
they are ambitious, they decide on a goal and they go for it all
out, they don’t think about what the world expects instead they
focus on what they want.

It is said that when you have a strong enough ambition you will
either find away or make a way, the people of Southeast Asia are
living proof of that axiom.


Many times in the past twenty plus years of my coaching career I
have seen people with phenomenal abilities, people that when
shortly after you meet them you’d think they could single
handedly accomplish anything they set their sights on. Weeks,
months, years go by and they don’t seem to be accomplishing
much they seem to be living lives of quiet desperation.

I have found that greatness is more times than not results not
from extraordinary ability, but rather from ordinary ability
followed through with extraordinary determination and drive.

Extraordinary ability is a rare and awesome gift, by itself it’s
probably not going to get you very far. With the right vision, the
right ingredients, any shortage of ability can be overcome.

40         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
Southeast Asia is overflowing with people that have not only the
ability, but also the drive, focus, and other ingredients to turn
their abilities into something great.

Almost everyone that I have met has plenty of passion, mostly
finding someone with passion is not the hard part, the hard part is
to uncover their passion because the identity of that passion is

The people of Southeast Asia understand and solidly connect
with their passion, as a result they possess an unyielding level of
commitment to fulfilling that passion more so than any other
single group of people that I have met.


When you have the attitude that life, the universe, the world, your
community owes you something for nothing, you are about to
experience disappointment. This is not always so true in other
places in the world that I have traveled. However in Southeast
Asia I don’t meet too many people that think anyone or anything
owes them a thing. They know that they must go out there and
make it happen, waiting for someone to make it happen for them,
is not in their mindset. They have a positive can do attitude, an
attitude that says, if it is to be mine I must make it happen.

They manage to keep themselves positive and upbeat despite the
people are negative and trying to steal their dreams. They don’t
typically need seminars on how to maintain a positive attitude
with so much poverty and despair and negativity around them.

These people seem to know inherently that a positive attitude is
not a reaction to the way things are, it is a choice of thought, it is
a choice of action, it is the how they to see the world; in a
positive light.

            Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     41
           Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                      e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
They don’t see their world unrealistically, or naively, in fact they
are very much grounded with the reality of the way life is;
however they have a solid foundation for making real
improvements in their world and creating meaningful value from
their experiences because of their attitude.

Having a great attitude allows them to see and to make the most
of opportunities that remain invisible to those with a negative
attitude. Having a good outlook and a great attitude gives them
the energy to move forward no matter what the obstacles may be.

The people of Southeast Asia know that no matter what their
current situation may be, they can always choose a positive

            D3 = Desire, Drive, Dedication.

Without desire, or more importantly without a burning desire it is
almost impossible to achieve anything of value. It is not
uncommon to see people without a burning desire walking
around as if nothing matters, I call them the walking dead, or
zombies. You can see in them the burning flame of desire has
been blown out, like a pilot light on a gas burning stove.

I find people everyday that have a burning desire to achieve, to
succeed and to do, have and become more. These people are a
networkers dream come true, you don’t have to light their pilot
light, because if their pilot light to their burning desire goes out
they reignite it themselves.

YES, you read that right, THEY IGNITE IT THEMSELVES.

42          Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
           Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                      e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
Let me as you, yes you the one reading these words now, how
many times have you wished to find people like this for your
organization instead of the ones currently that need to be
prodded, and pushed, and dragged and need to have their pilot
lights lit four or fives times a week?

Desire is another major key to success and achievement, without
desire it is almost impossible to achieve success. A burning
desire is that driving force that can propel you like a rocket past
and through obstacles that come along.

People of Southeast Asia are ignited with both burners lit, idling
on the runway just waiting to blast off down the runway and
launch. You don’t have to ignite them, you don’t have to
motivate them, you just point them in the right direction and they
take off like a fighter jet and will destroy any obstacle in their


Having the necessary drive that can carry you onward to success
can at times be elusive. Finding people for your organization
with the necessary drive to carry on in the face of hardships and
tough times can be even more elusive.

A major component of success is the drive needed to push
forward no matter what is going on around you. Having the drive
to cross the finish line is a character quality we should all
possess. You hear about it, you read about it, you from time to
time experience it; what would happen if you were to meet a
group of people that embody this principle daily? What could
happen to your organization if you were to have these people
with you?

Are you starting to think of the possibilities?

            Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     43
           Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                      e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
If you are like me living in Southeast Asia, then these are the
people that surround you on a daily basis, they are driven,
focused, and motivated, constantly moving forward towards their

Again, these are not people that you need to put the key in the
ignition, turn the key and try to get their engine started, their
engines are started and in many cases already modified with
turbo boosters, and super chargers and finely tuned up just
waiting for your opportunity to come along and give them a
destination, a finish line, a goal they can become excited about.


The last element is dedication. Anyone can get excited with
enough stimulation and inducement that may be enough to get a
person started but it is not enough to keep them going.
Dedication is the necessary element to keep you going onward
when it is an up hill climb.

Dedication to a single purpose and goal keeps you going long
after the excitement has worn off. Keeping dedicated to a single
focus takes effort, takes repetition, it takes a special kind of
person to remain dedicated to a goal long after the thrill and
excitement has faded.

It is common place to hear about how so-and-so left a
relationship either with a spouse or company when they ran into
hard times. It is more difficult to come across stories of how
someone had remained dedicated despite all the hardships.

Southeast Asia is it more common to hear about how people have
held on to the relationship, work related or not, long after the
excitement had faded. They are the type of people that remain

44         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
dedication to their ideas, goals, and commitments, they are the
types of people you want to build an organization with.

When the organization starts to build and take off and the team is
making a large substantial income, they are the people that will
remain dedicated to the team and the vision and won’t jump ship
when the “next big thing” comes along.

It is almost like the last couple centuries have been molding and
shaping and conditioning this part of the world for opportunities
like Agel and network marketing, building a living breathing
model of the perfect networker in mass.

What can this mean to your organization, what can this mean for
your friends and family, what can this mean to your team?

The people of Southeast Asia are perfect for your opportunity,
the only question is, how long will it take for you the reader to
get into action and do something about it?

           Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     45
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
What Does It Take To Earn $100 a

If you are like most people you can’t really imagine making
$100,000.00 USD a month.

Here is what it looks like in a few countries in or near Southeast

In Hong Kong:                 775,213.95 HKD

In Indonesia:                 1,022,485,999.08 IDR

In Malaysia:                  349,556.92 MYR

In the Philippines:           4,701,973.15 PHP

In Singapore:                 144,579.17 SGD

In Taiwan:                    3,264,182.87 TWD

In Thailand:                  3,435,827.74 THB

In Vietnam:                   1,778,500,000.00 VND

It doesn’t matter the country, the fact is, one hundred thousand
USD a month, is a lot of money. The problem with that is some
people are so accustomed to lack, poverty, and lost dreams they
can’t wrap their mind around one hundred thousand dollars a

46         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
To begin your journey to one hundred thousand dollars a month
you need to first picture in your mind what that income would
look like for you and your family. Once you have that picture
clearly in your mind, I recommend you
mentally tattoo that image in your
imagination and keep it there where you can        What the               mind
see it every day, all day, everywhere you go.
                                                                 of man can
The next thing you MUST do is absolutely                        conceive and
believe you can do it.
                                                                believe it can
When I am speaking to a couple people or a                         and will
few thousand in an arena, as soon as I
mention earning one hundred thousand                              achieve.
dollars a month people start to tune out. It’s                     Napoleon Hill
as if their body language is telling me, they
don’t believe it is possible.

I am advised quite often to bring the target lower so people can
more easily believe it, in other words they recommend I talk
about five or six thousand a month instead of one hundred
thousand a month.

              Don’t Shoot The Messenger
If you don’t believe you can achieve that goal that is your choice,
but don’t blame me for pointing it out to you. If you can’t wrap
your mind around the concept of earning one hundred thousand
dollars a month that is not my fault, you have no one to blame for
that other than yourself.

When you uncover your compelling reason why you want to earn
one hundred thousand a month your mind will immediately begin
to work on a way to bring that dream into reality. Your

           Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     47
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
compelling reason why will spur you on to find a way or make a
way. When you have a big enough reason why the how to will
begin to fall into place, and with a company like Agel, and my
organization we have the opportunity and the system in place to
assist you in making your dream a reality.

Do a search online, or read autobiographies of some of the
wealthiest people in history and you will soon begin to realize
these people had dreams bigger than anyone could have ever
thought possible. These people allowed their mind to stretch the
vision of what is possible for them, far beyond what anyone
thought was possible or even rational. Then when they
succeeded the naysayers and critics attack their success and
attempt to brush it under the carpet saying they got lucky and the
average person could never do that.

The greatest achievers in the history of the world have been those
with the greatest and boldest dreams and visions for their future.
Their visions and dreams have shaped our very lives every day,
because of these great dreamers and visionaries we experience
many of their grandest dreams on a daily basis. When they first
had their dream people criticized them and ridiculed them and
told them it will never happen. And yet today their dreams are
common place.

Who would have ever thought Walt Disney could ever pull of his
greatest dream ever and create Disney Land in the middle of an
orange grove in Southern California? Then repeat that success in
Florida, and then again another one in Hong Kong and Japan.
When he first had his dream he was laughed at and the banks
turned him down it seemed no one was willing to back his idea.

If you absolutely knew without a doubt you could not fail what
would you accomplish? Your goal of a simple one hundred
thousand dollars a month seems quite small by comparison.

48         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
Maybe your goals or dreams are much smaller, that is ok.
Whatever your dream is, it is your dream and you are entitled to
your own unique dreams. Let me ask you this, “what would you
accomplish if you absolutely knew you could not fail?”

The first question is, “can it really be done?” The answer is,
“YES. YES IT CAN BE DONE.” The biggest question is, “will
you be the one to accomplish this goal?” Only you can answer
that question for yourself.

           Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     49
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
I cannot and will not make any income claims or promises. I will
not and cannot promise that you will even make ONE CENT from
your efforts in following the advice in this e-book. The reasoning
behind that is this business is based on you and your efforts and I
am not you, I am not in control of you, and I cannot use the lure
of big fast money to get you to join the industry or my company.

Therefore I am publicly making no promises, no guarantees, and
no warranties with you the reader or anyone at any time implied
or expressed.

After you have a clearly tattooed the image on your mind, the
next thing you will need is a WHITE HOT BURNING
DESIRE to succeed.

I like to quote John McCormack from his book Self-made in
America: Plain Talk for Plain People About the Meaning of
Success. Pg 173, “Conation is the will to succeed, the quest for
success, the attitude that "to stop me you'll have to kill me," that
elusive "fire in the belly" that manifests itself in drive,
enthusiasm, excitement, and single-mindedness in pursuit of a
goal!!!” - John McCormack

I think that sums it up nicely, don’t you?

Before you can achieve anything you will need a burning desire
to achieve it.

Story Time:

There once was a young monk who wanted to become a master,
he wanted to be the wisest master of them all. The young monk

50          Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
           Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                      e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
set out on his quest for wisdom. Along the way he encountered
many masters, he would for a short time study with them before
he would set out again in search of wisdom.

One day he heard of a great and wise master that lived near the
foot of a mountain. With that the young monk began the long
journey to the base of the mountain.

When he arrived to a village at the base of the mountain he began
to inquire with the local people about the great master he had
heard of. He could not find a single person that knew of the
master he was in search of.

He began to doubt the validity of the story.

On his way out of the village he came to a river and decided to
walk along the banks of the river to clear his mind.

Not long after, a monk came walking along the same bank of the
river. The young monk thinking this elder monk surely would
know of the master he is in search of.

He inquired of the elder monk of where he could find the great
master to teach him wisdom. The elder monk replied he knew
nothing of the master he was seeking. Just before the young
monk was about to walk away, the elder monk said, but I do
know the secret to obtaining wisdom.

The young monk looked at the elder monk and replied, “How can
you, just a lowly monk know of such things?”

The elder monk shrugged his shoulders and said, “well, if you
don’t want to know that is your choice.”

           Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     51
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
The younger monk couldn’t hold back, he came to the elder
monk and said if you truly know the secret then share it with me

The elder monk agreed, and with that he instructed the young
monk to follow him into the river. They walked together into the
river and stopped when the water was just above their knees, the
elder monk then instructed the young monk to kneel down in the

Still a little doubtful, the younger monk did as he was requested.

The elder monk put his hand on the younger monk’s head and
immediately pushed him under water. At first the younger monk
did not struggle, he remained calm thinking the elder monk might
be trying to test him. He was held under water for a couple
minutes before he began to think that maybe the elder monk
might be trying to kill him. Maybe the elder monk is jealous of
the wisdom the younger monk had accumulated at such a young

Before much longer the younger monk began to panic. He began
to fight desperately to break the elder monk’s hold on him, but
the grip of the elder monk was unbreakable. The younger monk
fought with all his might, his mind racing trying to make sense of
the situation. His lungs began to burn, he could feel himself
slipping out of consciousness, in one last effort he fought, again
to no avail.

Suddenly the elder monk pulled the young monk to his feet. The
young monk gasping for breath stumbled back to the shore to get
as far from the elder monk as he could. When he caught his
breath he yelled at the monk, “are you crazy? You could have
killed me.”

52         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
The elder monk replied, “I thought you wanted to know the
secret to wisdom, rather than tell you, I decided it might be easier
to show you.” The younger monk argued, “you almost killed me
you crazy old fool; what lesson could you teach me by almost
killing me?”

The elder monk smiled and said, “My young friend, when you
want wisdom as badly as you wanted air a moment ago, then you
will find wisdom you seek.” And the elder monk walked off
toward the mountain.

                         Seeking Success
Much like that monk in search of wisdom, you are in search of
success and wealth. Along the way you have read books about it,
heard speakers talk about it, seen DVDs and movies about it, and
might have even sat down with millionaires and talked about it,
but yet you are still in search of it.

When you want your goals as badly as that young monk wanted
air, it is my guess you will then find the secret to wealth in
everything you see, and in everywhere you go.

Since you are here and now reading this book, I strongly suggest
you keep reading, because that which you search for could quite
possibly be right under your nose at this very moment.

Like that monk seeking out a master to teach him, you too will
need to find a mentor that can teach you and coach you and
nurture you along your path to success.

There are many wanna-be-coaches out there today and the choice
of which one to work with can be a bit over whelming. Not like
when I started coaching many, many years ago. Back then you

           Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     53
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
could do an internet keyword search, “business or success coach”
and have only 5 entries pop up.

The best way to find a coach and mentor is NOT always to look
to your upline or sponsor if you are with other programs. They
may not be qualified to teach or coach you, with few exceptions.

However you are in luck with me and with Agel, because Agel
has famous and well known industry icons and legends working
with and in this company. There are people like, Glen Jensen the
founder of the company with his proven experience and strong
track record for success, then there are the industry legends
working in the organization. I am talking about legends like;

Eric Worre

Randy Gage

Ann Feinstein

Nat & Chanida Puranaputra

Niti Sawangsap

Tim Berry M.D. & Julie Mirr

Just to name a few.

These are multi millionaires, people that have made their fortunes
in network marketing, people that are more than qualified to walk
you through the steps of achieving your goal of $100,000.00 a
month income.

54         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
What if you did not do it in 12 months, what if it took you 24
months, or even 48 months? Would you do it, or would you
simply quit after 12 months?

             NOT Get Rich Quick Scheme
Remember network marketing is NOT a get rich quick scheme, it
is a get wealthy faster opportunity, much more of an opportunity
than you currently have with your employer. It most definitely is
NOT a get rich quick scheme.

It is going to take time, that is why you will hear me and other
industry leaders recommending you have a two to four year plan.
You can literally make your goal a reality in that time frame if
you follow the step-by-step system.

Following the system is not going to make building your business
easy, it will make it easier! Following the system gives you a
road map leading to your destination, but you still have to do the
work that is required along the way.

    Stopping Half Way Doesn’t Mean I Have
Lets say I get in my car and plan to drive from Bangkok to Ho
Chi Minh City it would be a good idea to get a map so I know the
route I will need to take to get there. Just because I have a car,
gas in the car, money to buy more gas, and a map doesn’t mean I
don’t have to do anything else. I still have to get in my car, start
the engine, drive, avoid obstacles that may pop up, continue
along the route until I reach Ho Chi Minh City.

If I stop half way to Ho Chi Minh, City I WILL NOT BE IN

           Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     55
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
Let me say that one more time.

If I stop half way to Ho Chi Minh, City I WILL NOT BE IN

Most people don’t understand that principle when it comes to
success, they think because they have a plan, a vehicle and some
cash they can set out on their journey to success, and stop half
way and still expect to arrive at success. It doesn’t work that

Some times the map might not show or indicate all the detours
and road blocks due to construction along the way, it will
however give you a precise route to take, but you have to be
ready for the little detours that you may encounter along the way.

The same is true with success. Your mentors can be the ones to
guide you, give you directions, but they can’t anticipate every
little bump in the road, that is for you and your learning process
to cope with.

For most of network marketers, making $100,000.00 a month is
going to be next to impossible, NOT impossible, in my opinion
next to it. There are more ways to NOT get paid in the average
compensation plan than there are ways to actually get paid, with
all the break-a-ways, the compressions, the matrix, and the uni-
level plans there is more money left in the company’s system
then there is in your pocket. Of course the company needs to
make money, which is why they’re in business; however you as
the distributor should be well rewarded for your efforts.

     80/20 Rule With a Twist Turns Home Based
          Business Into Home Based Prison

56         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
In other compensation plans that I have seen over the years it is
not uncommon to have as much as 80% of the networkers NOT
making much money, so that means the top 20% of the
networkers in that compensation plan will be getting richer and
richer and the bottom 20% dropping out or barreling making it.

In order to get paid in any organization you need to have
purchases, not one time or occasional, you need to have a
monthly volume to sustain your income. With some companies,
I see representatives frantically racing around contacting all their
local representatives, or locking themselves in their home office,
turned home prison for the last 10 days of every moth making
sure their downline has made a monthly purchase so they can
receive a check at the beginning of the next month.

Auto-ship is the answer to this problem. When you have your
organization on auto-ship yours and your organization’s income
will be set to auto-pilot.

   Autoship is Like Having a License to Print
Think of it this way. You have a brick and mortar store built in
your local neighborhood, and your store is a general
merchandising store, you stock and sell many things your
neighbors would need and like to use on a monthly basis. Instead
of them having to come to your store and shop for the things they
want or need, they simply choose from a list of things they will
need each month and have it delivered to their doorstep. And
they agree to do this for an extended period of time.

How much more successful could your local store become if that
were the case? Instead of your customers only buying based on
impulse or last minute need, they make advanced orders from

            Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     57
           Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                      e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
you, so you insure you have the items they need and want, as a
result you don’t have lack of stock, no over stock and no out of
stock of the items your customers need and want the most.

Well that brick and mortar stores sounds kinda good huh?

          Trillion Dollar Wellness Industry
Now think of your store being tied into the trillion dollar wellness
industry, the home based business boom, and the internet,
allowing you to do business world wide. The only limit to your
income would be the number of people you can contact and have
on your auto-ship program.

Welcome to Agel, where you can right now, or as soon as you
join, start doing business in over 50 countries and put the power
of residual, passive income that can be sustained and fostered by
the autoship program to work for you immediately. What is
holding you back?

            Why do people buy bank CDs?
Most people that invest in CDs at their local banks are looking
for the residual income these types of investments can provide.
The major draw back in my opinion to investing in bank CDs is
the amount of money needed to start the investment and the time
the bulk of your money is tied up.

 Anyone With an Extra MILLION DOLLARS
             Raise Your Hand
If you have one million dollars in the bank, earning you 25% a
year (which is very high, most CDs will offer less than half that).

58         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
At 25% your one million dollars will give you an estimated
return of $250,000.00 USD a year. The down side is your
original $1,000,000.00 is tied up, you can’t touch it. So in
essence it will cost you $1,000,0000.00 to get $250,000.00 a
year. If you have a extra $1,000,000.00 just lying around this
might not be a bad use for it.

If you’re like me and most other people then you don’t have a
spare $1,000,000.00 just lying around.

What if you knew of an investment that required an initial
investment of $1,000.00 but it is not just taking your money and
putting it in a vault that you can’t touch, it is actually providing
you a product with nutritional value to enhance your health, and
in addition it required you to invest an additional $100.00 a

For your investment, you get healthy, and have the opportunity to
get a sizable financial return on your minimal investment.

If you knew of an investment like that would you take advantage
of the opportunity?

              Imagine $20,000.00 a Month
Imagine you are one of Agel’s leaders now, and you are making
over $20,000.00 a month, that is over $250,000.00 a year and you
didn’t need one million dollars parked in a bank vault some
where to make that happen. All you needed was a small purchase
in a consumable product that you will CONSUME that can
benefit your health, and to share it with people you know and
meet and teach them to do the same.

            Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     59
           Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                      e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
Imagine in your mind your organization is an asset, kinda like
having money in the bank earning interest. That is the principle
of the autoship program.

The key to true walk-away passive income is the autoship

Grab a calculator.

What would it look like if you had three people in your
organization that had autoship of $100.00 (use that number
because it is easy)

That would be a sales volume of $300.00 US right?

What if there were 27 people in your organization and they all
use the autoship program that would be $2,700.00 US generated
in sales each month right? That is a very simple concept, nothing
complicated about that.

Now imagine there are from your original three people growing
and expanding into 2,500 people in your organization on autoship
generating sales of $250,000.00. $250,000.00 volume in one side
of your organization can yield you a substantial monthly income,
month after month after month. A truly passive and walk-away
income, and well on your way to your goal of $100,000.00 a

If your goal is to make $100,000.00 a month you should review
the compensation plan and take a long hard look at the numbers
and see what it will actually take to build your organization to
that level.

     Surface Scratching is NOT Your Outcome

60         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
The average networking company you will need about 4 four or
five thousand people in your organization to begin to scratch the
surface of your goal of $100,000.00 a month income.

With the combined power of Agel and the Quadra Plan plus the 8
different ways you can be paid, you can see how your goal
becomes much more attainable.

           Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     61
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
First Came the Dream

Thomas Edison dreamed of a lamp that could be operated by
electricity, began where he stood to put his dream into action, and
despite more than ten thousand failures, he stood by that dream
until he made it a physical reality. Practical dreamers do not quit!

Thomas Edison held a world record of 1093 patents for
inventions such as the light bulb and phonograph.

The whole world called him a genius. But he knew that having a
good idea was not enough. It takes hard work to make dreams
into reality. That is why Edison liked to say, "Genius is 1%
inspiration and 99% perspiration.

Henry Ford's dream of a car which anyone could afford to buy,
which anyone could drive anywhere, and which almost anyone
could keep in repair. Lead also to the development of the
assembly line.

Gates said his original dream was not 'sales,' but a dream
computer. Even today he dreams of one such PC that would
change the lives of one and all. He also dreams to see a PC on top
of every desk, but rues "we are no where near the finish line."

Steve Jobs had the dream of using digital technology to change
the way we live our lives.

Sir Richard Branson has been a dreamer almost his whole life
and more importantly he has been making his dreams come true.
Sometimes I do wake up in the mornings and feel like I've just

62         Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
had the most incredible dream. I've just dreamt my life" - Richard

Enzo Ferrari had an overwhelming dream to build the fastest,
most prestigious and unbeatable racing car of all time.

Ferruccio Lamborghini wanted "to build GT cars without defects-
-quite normal, conventional, but perfect."

Jeff Bezos had a dream of finding a new opportunity of
commerce, creating an internet retailer.

Michael Dell had a dream of being a successful entrepreneur.
      He followed his dream assembling computers for
customers according to their requirements.

Larry Ellison, in simple terms Larry's dream is to replace the
Microsoft Windows operating system with the Oracle software as
the dominant orchestrating influence on computing.

Albert Einstein had a dream of unifying other laws of physics
with gravity motivates modern quests for a theory of everything
and in particular string theory, where geometrical fields emerge
in a unified quantum-mechanical setting.

Anthony Robbins has studied and developed patterns of success
for more than 25 years, and his dream to share his results for life
transformation laid the groundwork for the whole coaching
industry world wide.

People dream about having Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Bentleys,
they dream of having huge mansions, they dream of having three

           Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     63
          Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                     e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
or four homes in three or four countries, but the moment I
mention one hundred thousand dollars a month they check out.
That tells me they have no idea what it takes to own a Ferrari,
Lamborghini, Bentley, or multiple mansions.

If you are earning $100,000.00 USD a month it will take you a
minimum of five months to earn enough money to purchase any
one of those vehicles and over ONE YEAR to earn enough
money to purchase a small mansion, medium sized house in
California, and not enough to buy a condo in some of the world’s
top high-rise buildings if you were to pay cash. (minus taxes of

One hundred thousand dollars a month at the end of one year you
would have earned One Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars
($1,200,000.00). Even though that is a substantial income, it is
clearly NOT enough for you to comfortably buy a Ferrari Enzo at
a price tag of about $1,000,000.00 USD.

Making one hundred thousand dollars a month has got to begin in
your mind and you must BELIEVE YOU CAN DO IT before
you even have the least remote possibility of achieving that goal.

 "To accomplish great things, we
 must not only act, but also dream;
             not only
      plan, but also believe."
French writer and Nobel Prize winner Anatole France

So what is it that keeps people from DREAMING BIG? I mean

64          Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential
           Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                      e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
really what is holding people back? Dreaming doesn’t cost
anything, it is free, and no one can tell what is in your mind. I
have never seen anyone run up to another person and point their
finger and say, “I know what you are thinking, you are thinking
you can be wealthy enough to buy a jet, a sports car, mansions
and yachts.” You’re kidding yourself that will never happen for
you because you are a looser. That is never gonna happen
because no one can read your mind.

There are many excuses and stories people will come up with
justify their lack of dreaming big, but the bare bones truth of it is
THEY ARE TOO SCARED to even DREAM. Too scared to
dream? To me that is ridiculous because dreaming costs you
nothing, and you can do it anytime, anyplace.

Most people are too afraid of rejection and ridicule to go for their
grandest dreams. They justify in their mind how an extra one
thousand dollars a month will be enough, or an extra five
thousand dollars a month will be enough, while the whole time in
the back of their mind they fantasize about driving a Ferrari
Spider, with a little voice reminding them they will never get to
that point.

                 From Zero To Billionaire
Sir Richard Branson did not grow up wealthy, what he did do
however was never forget how to dream and DREAM BIG, the
bigger the better. He is not afraid of failure, he understand it is a
part of life and business. He doesn’t stand around and whine and
cry over failures, he keeps moving on to his next project despite
what others are saying about him. If you were to ask me, I would
highly recommend everyone follow is example.

            Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential     65
           Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this
                      e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
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Southeast Asia Golden Opportunity Rough Draft 2
Southeast Asia Golden Opportunity Rough Draft 2
Southeast Asia Golden Opportunity Rough Draft 2
Southeast Asia Golden Opportunity Rough Draft 2
Southeast Asia Golden Opportunity Rough Draft 2
Southeast Asia Golden Opportunity Rough Draft 2
Southeast Asia Golden Opportunity Rough Draft 2
Southeast Asia Golden Opportunity Rough Draft 2
Southeast Asia Golden Opportunity Rough Draft 2
Southeast Asia Golden Opportunity Rough Draft 2
Southeast Asia Golden Opportunity Rough Draft 2
Southeast Asia Golden Opportunity Rough Draft 2
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Southeast Asia Golden Opportunity Rough Draft 2
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Southeast Asia Golden Opportunity Rough Draft 2

  • 1. t
  • 2. Southeast Asia’s Golden Opportunity A POWERFUL, PROVEN FORMULA FOR SUCCESS ALLOWING FOR THE AVERAGE PERSON TO ATTAIN ABOVE AVERAGE INCOME. To Make Your First $100K a Month © By S. Chip Bridgmon You have our permission to post this, email this, print this and pass it along for free to anyone you like, as long as you make no changes or edits to its contents or digital format. In fact, I’d love it if you’d make lots and lots of copies and pass them out to everyone you know and meet. However, the right to bind this and sell it as a book, however, is strictly reserved. While we’re at it, I’d like to keep the movie rights too. However should you have an opportunity for Seann William Scott to play the part of me, I might be open to sharing the movie rights. 2 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 3. This version of this e-book will be current until July 2010. After that date please obtain an updated and current version. You will be able to buy this in book form soon. This book is dedicated to my loving family, my friends, supporters, and to those of you who are willing to step out of the shadows and into the light and dare to live the life of your dream, those who dare to defy the naysayers and live a life of abundance. Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 3 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 4. Limits of Liability/ Disclaimer of Warranty Do not read this publication while driving, sleeping, in the shower, or taking a bath. It is probably a good idea to mention not to sleep with this publication under your pillow, others may learn of this practice and disturb your sleep when they attempt to sneak under your pillow to read this publication. All stories herein are true and accurate except when they are not. I have done my best to provide accurate and timely information; no promises are made from us. The author and publisher of this book and any accompany materials have used their best efforts in preparing this program. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents herein. And disclaim any warranties, (expressed or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The authors and publisher shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. As always, the advice of a competent legal, tax, accounting, or other professional should be sought out. This publication contains material protected under the International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. 4 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 5. Other books written by Chip Bridgmon Small Changes Big Results in Network Marketing Unleashing Your Internet Marketing Virus Secret Sales Report The Secret Law of Unlimited Mind Power How to Create Fist-Fulls of Cold Hard Cash From Thin Air Black Bag Operations Covert Hypnotic Persuasion Techniques The Web Surfers Guide to Your Space Green Frogs, Yellow Flowers, Blue Skies Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 5 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 6. SUCCESS VIRUS © Here’s what you can do to spread the word about this publication. 1. Send this file to a family member, or friend, or business associate, or college student, or local business executive, or anyone you can think of really. 2. Save a copy to your hand held device, like your Sony PSP™ or your iPod Touch ™ or any such device and share it anytime any place you can. 3. Print out as many copies as you like. 4. In short, get the word out by any means necessary to perpetuate the success virus to as many people as you can to eliminate poverty wherever and whenever you can. 6 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 7. As a Success Coach the number one question I get asked the most is, “How can I, Mr. and Mrs. Average person, become rich?” Most people want to know how they can become wealthy, provide a great life for their spouse and their kids, to be able to enjoy some of the luxuries in life. No matter what the reasoning, most people throughout the world would like to have more money. Without getting into all the different reasons for wanting more money, suffice it to say, people want more. What you are about to read is our opinion on how you can become wealthy in a global market place. How you can take advantage of the opportunity that has been dropped in your very lap, offering you the chance to build a global empire from the comfort of your home. The good news is it’s not too late for you. The bad news is, you have already lost time, valuable time that could have literally cost you millions, if not tens of millions U.S. Are you currently involved in network marketing? If not are you at least considering a company to join forces with? I predicted way back in the late 1980’s that in the future the question would NOT be, “are you involved in network marketing,” but rather would be, “which company are you with?” It is now the year 2009, and with over 57 million people in this industry world wide and sales over $111 billion annually, and over 363,000 new people joining the industry on a daily basis, that prediction has come true. Welcome to the Earning Revolution! Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 7 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 8. Contents 9 Can You Make The Cut 12 Success Quiz 21 Meet Chip 23 Warning 29 Southeast Asia vs. the World 46 What Does It Take To Earn $100 a Month? 62 First Came the Dream 68 Putting Into Action 73 Keep Your Dream Alive 78 Finding the Right Mentors & Partners 84 Your System for Success 100 Building Your Network 109 Duplication 116 Closing 119 Resources 120 Bonuses 141 Partner With Success 143 Secret Bonus Tools 8 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 9. Can You Make The Cut Do you have what it takes to be successful? Do you have what it takes to do what it takes to succeed? I don’t want you to answer me, I don’t want to hear about it, words from you are futile at this point in our relationship. I want to see ACTION. Let your actions speak for you. People are always so eager to come up to me and attempt to convince me how badly they want to achieve success, and how much they deserve to have success in their lives. They are telling me these things to convince me and persuade me to coach and mentor them personally. There is one lesson that I learned the absolute hardest way possible, and that is people who will work to hard to convince me they want and deserve success will rarely do anything about it. It is a sad, cold hard fact. Of course there are exceptions to this rule, as there are to any rule. I have learned through my years as a success coach, the people who are trying hard to convince me, are not so much convincing me as they are trying to convince and motivate themselves. I have spent countless hours, weeks, months and in a few cases years trying to coach these types, and in the end they do not follow through, they do not maintain high standards and sooner than later they begin to question me and my abilities. Finally they quit the program and BLAME me. Like one of my favorite Authors, and Mentors Donald Trump, I believe in giving people a second chance, however I tend to give, third, fourth, fifth, and so on and it ends up biting me in the ass on more than one occasion. So in an attempt to avoid getting bit in the ass again I am choosing to open this book with a self-graded questionnaire to let Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 9 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 10. you determine if you have what it takes to be successful. Yes you read that right, SELF GRADED. I am not the one who will qualify you or disqualify you. You will be the one to do that. If I say it, you might not believe me, but when you take the test, answer truthfully, tally the score and see the results yourself, then you will know for certain if you have what it takes. To be successful in anything in life you have to be at the top 2% of the rest of the playing field. You have to be the best of the best, and if you are not the best of the best you have to be willing to be coached, mentored, and groomed to be the best. I don’t care if you are the best of the best at this point, I am more concerned about your coachability. ARE YOU COACHABLE, or do you already know it all? If you are NOT coachable this is NOT for you. I am NOT the mentor for you and my organization is NOT for you, and most assuredly this book is NOT for you. If you are coachable read on. This book is a very important asset in your learning library. Don’t let the fact that it is free fool you into thinking it is some ploy or tactic to get your name and email. I didn’t ask your for a single thing in sharing this book with you. Not your name, not your email, not your cell number, not even your nickname or IP address. I don’t want any of those things not now anyway. What you do with this book and this information is up to you; however it is my goal that you can see the value, understand the worth and follow with me on my team in my organization and join with me in building a network marketing empire together. Should you choose not to join me that is your choice, I will not hold the book, the lessons, or the training hostage for your loyal 10 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 11. support. Loyalty is not something I can teach, it is something you have or you don’t. Being in the Top 2% You don’t get to be in the top by simply being smart, working hard and making gobs of money. For every successful multimillionaire I know I have found that they have a system for their success, they developed or are following a system for building wealth. Think about this for a moment, how is that multimillionaire after multimillionaire can loose their millions a couple times and yet still manage to build their fortune again and again? When still yet others don’t seem to be able to build one small fortune to begin with? Every single Multimillionaire in network marketing that I know of personally can loose it all today, be flat broke, in a new city, in a new country, don’t even speak the language and in 2 shorts years have $100,000.00 US Dollars a month income, and be well on their way to rebuilding their million dollar empire. It is because they have a system, that system is a formula for success. Before I disclose the Exponential Success Formula © to you I want to make sure you can make the cut, make sure you are qualified for this secret. Since dream-stealing, back stabbing, go-no-where, negative nay sayers can be everywhere and disguised as normal looking people Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 11 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 12. I have adopted a Success Quiz that you can take to determine if you have what it takes to succeed with me. Success Quiz 1. If shipwrecked on a desert island, which mindset do you think would be most effective for survival? a) Positive thinking that you will be rescued. b) Start preparing for your inevitable demise. c) Making life as pleasant as possible on the island. d) Accept the facts, assess the situation and believe you will find a way or make a way out. 2. When conflict arises do you: a) Seek to get the better of the other person. b) Try to avoid the situation in the hopes that it will soon go away? c) Seek to financially destroy the offending party. d) Try to find a way that all parties can be satisfied. 3. When it comes to reading, do you: 12 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 13. a) Read mainly for pleasure and read fiction. b) Read wide variety of books and publications to expand and enrich your life and understanding of the world. c) Get most of your information from the news paper and the internet. d) Read comic books and subscribe to the Chaos Theory, believing it will all work out in the end. 4. When making a large or small decision, do you generally; a) Trust the advice of a TV spokes person. b) Go with the advice of friends and family. c) Trust your intuition d) Go with the advice of industry experts that have succeeded in your chosen field before you. 5. In your professional life, is your highest priority; a) A place of employment which offers long-term security and compliments your lifestyle. b) Doing work which makes you feel like you are making a difference. Finding a position with good pay, a supportive boss and a certain level of prestige. c) Finding a position with good pay, a supportive boss and a certain level of prestige. Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 13 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 14. d) The freedom to be your own boss, the need to find or establish a viable and workable streamlined system and to coach and mentor others to do the same. 6. Do you consider yourself to be a person who: a) Negative and pessimistic always looking to place blame on others when something goes wrong. b) Is happy to experience many things and see where life’s stream will take you. c) Has a definite purpose in life and a definite role to fulfill in life. d) Will constantly strive to be the best that is within you, to rise to the top and to mentor others along the way. 7. Which of these statements best sums up your attitude about wealth and money? a) There is only a certain amount to go around, I need to take what I can when I can while to taking is good before it is all gone. b) Work hard get a good education and things will turn out well. c) There are endless possibilities for creating wealth for those open to seeing them. d) I am a conduit for wealth and the creation of abundance. Endless supplies of wealth and abundance circulates in my life and in all that I do. 14 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 15. 8. Which of these statements best describes your attitude towards risk? a) Once the risks have been carefully calculated be prepared to risk it all, burn your boats on the beach. b) Risk is to be avoided whenever possible. c) Risks can be managed. d) Risks are inherent in business and in life, properly managing the risks, knowing the outcomes ahead of time and foreseeing the possibilities and having a carefully planned exit strategy will greatly increase the chances for success. 9. When taking on a new project I: a) Jump in both feet and hope for the best. b) I want to build something that will be recognized publicly. c) Like to give myself big challenges and strive to achieve big results. d) Where others see problems and many others have failed at the task before me, I am unaffected by this and see opportunities and make a pathway for others to follow. 10. When looking into starting a new business venture which factors do you feel will be the most important? a) Overall global economy. Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 15 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 16. b) Direct competition, and branding. c) Environment, customer base and global market penetration. d) Global marketing trends, such as the home based business trend, the health and wellness trend. 11. Two years from now how much money do you want to be making monthly? a) $5,000 to $10,000. b) $12,000 to $20,000. c) $21,000 to $80,000. d) $150,000 to $250,000 12. What are your financial dreams? a) To win the lottery and live a life of leisure. b) Landing your dream job with a salary of one million dollars a year with great health benefits, a 401(k) and three weeks vacation a year. c) Someday being able to own your own home. d) Having unlimited passive income from your own home based global empire. 13. Which statement best describes your current financial situation? 16 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 17. a) I am not looking to get rich, I have exactly what I need to get by. b) I am satisfied with where I am at financially and making more money will push me into the next tax bracket. c) I am unsatisfied where I am financially but don’t know what to do about it. d) I have a comfortable income and am always looking for ways to leverage my time and create multiple streams of passive income. 14. How much time to you spend each day building your wealth? a) Less than 30 minutes a day. b) 30 t0 60 minutes a day. c) 1 to 2 hours a day. d) 4 hours or more each day. 15. How much money do you currently spend on business, financial education and personal development a year? a) Less than $100 a year. b) $100 to $499 a year. c) $500 to $1,199 a year. Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 17 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 18. d) More than $1,200 a year. 16. What would you do if you lost your job or your sole source of income? a) Save money by moving back home with mom and dad collect unemployment and go back to college. b) Start looking in the classifieds of your local news paper to find a new job at your last salary or slightly less. c) Call your friends and family to see if they could give you a good recommendation into a good company with a good salary and benefits package. d) Start your own business, and develop or find a system that you can duplicate to create success on a massive scale. 17. Which statement best describes your energy, drive and mental focus? a) I can barely make it through the day. b) Start out strong, and float on momentum by the end of the day. c) 8 hours is all I’ve got in me, after that I need 12 hours sleep. d) I am literal nuclear reactor of energy, when I am doing something I am passionate about I don’t need sleep, and my mind is focused and sharp like a razors edge. 18 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 19. 18. Which best describes your reaction when you experience failure. a) I quit as soon as I discover failure is unavoidable, and hope no one notices. b) I try not to let my friends and family find out. c) As long as I learn something it is not a total failure and I can face my friends and family with dignity. d) I understand failure is apart of business, I don’t waste my time worrying about it, I learn what I can, avoid the same mistakes in the future and continue with my plans with modifications and adjustments. 19. What is your attitude toward people? a) I believe people are generally good and would never lie, cheat or steal from me. b) I surround myself with people who look up to me and admire me, even if they are not the most qualified, because attitude is important. c) I look for the best in people and many times I find it. d) I believe people regardless of their motivational factors want to succeed and dislike failure. When people fail its not because they did not want to do a good job, I think it is the system that failed. 20. When your business is doing well and everything seems to be going according to plan, what do you do now? Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 19 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 20. a) Take time off and go on an extended vacation. b) Continue doing the basics and start delegating more duties out to others. c) Start another business venture. d) Stay focused on my primary business, refine my focus to drive my success to new heights and coach and mentor others in my company to do the same. The test is complete, now is the time for you to add up your score. Count up the total number of A’s, B’s, C’s and D’s. Give yourself 1 point for A’s 3 points for B’s 5 points for C’s and 10 points for D’s. Take a look at the chart below to see how you rate. NUMBER OF POINTS HOW YOU RATE 20 – 50 Poor. It would be a good idea for you to get a good attitude overhaul. 51 – 90 Average. You need to jump start your entrepreneurial spirit. 91 – 150 Good. You have potential but need improvement. 151 – 200 Excellent. YOU’VE MADE THE CUT! 20 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 21. Meet Chip Bridgmon Scott “Chip” Bridgmon is a popular featured speaker at sales organizations, and network marketing organizations. He is a highly sought after peak performance and network marketing consultant and is widely regarded as one of the top in his field, considered by many to be the “Coaches Coach.” For more than 18 years Chip has been coaching people from all walks of life, from students to CEOs, he as been able to transform their limiting beliefs into empowering, transforming beliefs and accomplishments. Chip has coached thousands to achieve their elusive breakthroughs and unlock the door to their dreams. Chip’s story of rising from poverty stricken childhood, to a self-made success story has inspired people around the world. With his unique educational background, Chip is a certified Personal Development Consultant, certified in Hypnosis, a Master Practitioner in NLP, and currently working towards his PhD. in Philosophy and 18 plus years in the University of Hard-Knocks qualifies him as an expert in the arena of Peak Performance and the Science of Human Achievement. His unique coaching in network marketing has brought success to him and his clients for over 15 years. Combining his story, with the comical way he shares it, is true testimony of his ability and the absolute power of the mind over outside circumstances. Chip has captivated audiences throughout his career with his unique and memorable personal stories, and the antidotes teaching and coaching the attendees the lessons learned from his own wealth of experiences. He has been in the trenches; he knows what he is talking about in direct selling, as an entrepreneur, as a manager and with regard to Human Development and Potential. His seminars, books, and workbooks and other learning recourses are jammed packed with content you can apply immediately in your life and business. More than “hype and shallow promises,” you notice that your interaction with Chip provides true inspiration that empowers you to take immediate action, as you begin to notice the only motivation becomes self- motivation. He gives you the necessary skills you need to take action and begin achieving the success you deserve by unlocking the genius within you. Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 21 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 22. “Today Coaches are needed more than ever, more than a car in every driveway. It is my belief there should be a coach in every home office, every business. In today’s competitive business environment a Business Coach is not a luxury it is a necessity. Knowledge is becoming more important than product. The bottom line is if others are getting coached and you’re not, you are at a major disadvantage.” -- Chip Bridgmon 22 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 23. Warning: This e-book is NOT for everyone! This e-book is not for everyone. I want to tell you up front, this document will probably be a total waste of your time unless you meet the following criteria. You have joined or are about to join Agel Enterprises and want to make your new business a gigantic and immediate success. You’re sick and tired of all the empty promises offered to you from the less than ethical people in the market place today. You’ve had a burning desire to become successful and live the life of your dreams and looking for the opportunity to make your dreams come true and not just dream them. You’re looking to jump start your networking career and you want to rocket up to the top of your pay plan quickly by creating as many success stories along the way. You are not getting the results you are looking for in your current sponsoring efforts and would like a turbo bust for your business. You realize how much more you and your team can accomplish by working with the right coach and mentors and bonding more closely as a team working towards a common goal. If the above criteria doesn’t describe you then maybe reading this e-book will be a waste of your time, you might want to consider passing it along to someone that fits more closely with the criteria mentioned. Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 23 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 24. You will NOT find a lot of coaches that will claim to be able to assist you in making $100,000.00 a month in your network marketing business. There are only really just a few of us who have the know-how, the skills, the experience and the confidence to make this claim. So why don’t we have hundreds if not thousands of people lined up at our doorstep for this information? Quite simply because it is difficult for people to wrap their arms around the concept of $100,000.00 a month, and secondly they doubt the information, or the coach, or the opportunity or themselves, therefore they don’t take the necessary action that would insure their success. Even if they do take enough action to find such a coach, they still have to take the necessary action to go from point A to point B. And still yet people that can afford such a coach, they also have self doubt, and reluctance to change, and stand at the edge of transforming their business and organization and don’t take another step, they freeze up. I ask you, “What would you do if you absolutely knew you could not fail?” Think about that for a moment. If you absolutely knew without a doubt you would not fail what would you begin today? What business would you start? What goals would you set? Keep that in the back of your mind as you read along. 24 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 25. Can You Really Be Making $100K In 12 Months Or Less? The answer is, “yes you can.” First you have to unlearn some things, learn some new things, and in some cases start over from scratch. Most importantly you must begin to think like a multi- millionaire network marketer. In a few years from now the business you are building today could be worth two times, maybe three times, or even fifty times what it is worth today. You can follow in the shoes By the time you finish of greatness like other professional network reading this e-book, you’ll marketers before you. One such network have enough ammunition, marketer sold his network distributorship for ideas and effective over Twenty million dollars, ($20,000,000.00 techniques to take your USD). Imagine a business you can start from business to the next level. the comfort of your home, one that has a Starting TODAY! global reach, a few short years later you can sell for more money than you dreamed possible. Keep this in the back of your mind, no matter where you are today, no matter what your income level from your network marketing efforts, you have in your hands right at this moment the keys you need to succeed beyond what you have experienced so far. What you do with that opportunity is up to you! Will you build a wildly successful organization, or will you burn out and fall by the wayside? Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 25 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 26. By the time you finish reading this e-book, you’ll begin to see your business in a new light, perhaps more clearly with a sharper focus than ever before. More than seeing more clearly, you will have at your disposal very specific techniques that you can begin today, to make your dreams come true. That reminds me of a guy I know of. His daughter was having her sweet sixteen birthday party. She had been expecting her dream car as a gift from her parents. Her father didn’t want to just give her the car without teaching her the responsibility that comes with such a vehicle. He thought about what he would do for months leading up to his daughter’s birthday. In a flash he had an inspiration and went to work on the idea right away, with no time to loose. He knew that if he just gave the car to his daughter the odds of her taking it for granted would be high. And in so doing she would neglect it, not take care of it, and not be responsible. The day came, the big Sweet Sixteen Birthday party. His daughter was so excited with all the gifts and friends and family at her party, but more than that, she was excited about the thought of her brand new car. She got to the smallest gift on the gift table, the last gift, it was from her dad. At first she was disappointed thinking the box contained a necklace, or a watch. She quickly ripped off the wrapping, and opened the box and there inside were the keys to her car. Her dad gestured to the garage, and she ran to see her new car. The swung the door open and standing in the doorway she was speechless, shocked beyond belief. There in the garage was her 26 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 27. brand new car in pieces. The whole car had been disassembled and in pieces on the garage floor. She stood motionless at first, feelings of rage and anger begin to fill her, she quieted the emotions inside, smiled and thanked her father with a big hug and a kiss. She told her dad she will get started right away. Rather than hire someone to reassemble her car for her, she decided to assemble the car on her own, it took her the better half of the summer but when she was done, she had learned everything she needed to know about her car. She had learned how to care for it, how to repair it, how to drive it and most importantly how to respect the gift she had been given, the gift of opportunity and knowledge. To this day she still owns that car, it’s in perfect running condition and well taken care of, she is a successful executive and passes her It’s not what lessons on to her team and family. happens to you, rather how you Agel is a lot like the disassembled car for you. Agel is the vehicle to get you to your dreams, respond that but right now in the beginning it needs to be matters most. assembled, cared for, and respected. Your dreams can be reached, however if your dreams were just handed over to you without the lessons that go with it, you will not appreciate the opportunity waiting for you to put the pieces together. Along the way you will learn some great life lessons, you will meet some wonderful people, you will be able to replicate these Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 27 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 28. same results any time any where, and most importantly you can pass these lessons on to your children and family. And let’s not forget, you will also be living the life of your dreams, the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of with the income to do, be and become what you wish. To be able to live life on your terms, and that is true freedom. 28 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 29. Southeast Asia vs. the World Southeast Asia is the hub of the orient, with over five hundred million people and growing, presenting a Golden Opportunity to create wealth beyond belief. “ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) includes Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Cambodia. As of 2006, the ASEAN region has a population of about 560 million, a total area of 4.5 million square kilometers, a combined gross domestic product of almost US$ 1,100 billion, and a total trade of about US$ 1,400 billion.” ( I have had the pleasure of living in Southeast Asia now for just over three years, and one thing I have noticed that stands head and shoulders above every thing else is the indestructible spirit of the people. The people of Southeast Asia are resilient beyond compare, and they are resourceful. There are so many wonders and so much beauty in Southeast Asia; to me the most wondrous and beautiful is the undying spirit of the people. In the face of unimaginable hardships these people rise above it all and maintain a positive attitude and stay focused on their goals. Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 29 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 30. You see their resolve in their eyes, you can witness their will to succeed, and their compassionate drive every single day. Give the people of Southeast Asia an opportunity to become successful via Agel and network marketing, all you have to do is point them in the right direction and get out of the way. Once they truly realize Agel and this industry can make their dreams come true they will find away or make a way. Physics, Formulas, Systems And The Successful People Of Southeast Asia For those of you reading this now who don’t know me, let me explain a little something about myself. I love to read, and love to learn new things, and in my never ending quest for answers and to put my coaching methods into a mathematical formula I have begun studying physics. I am no physics master by any stretch of the imagination, however I have made some pretty interesting discoveries, one of those discoveries is this. H4 + E4 + A3 + D3 = MS2 This is exactly why Southeast Asia is a great place to build your Agel business. Once you fully understand this formula you can use it to transform your business exponentially. When you are looking for the right kinds of people to work with you want to keep in mind to be looking for people who use their H.E.A.D. people that embody this formula, and in Southeast Asia I have found the majority of the people are living, breathing, walking, talking, and shining examples of this formula. 30 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 31. O.K. I have to confess to you, this isn’t exactly a physics formula, but the equation is a good way to remember the formula. I wanted to make sure you were paying attention; however keep in mind the formula is real, and potentially very powerful to you and your organization. You’ll want to keep the formula and acronym in mind when you are looking for leaders in your organization. These are the people that will be your ideal networkers, the people that will ignite your business and light it up like after burners on a fighter jet. As Richard Brooke likes to say, Mach 3 With Your Hair on Fire. © H4 = Honor, Humility, Humor, Happiness. HONOR The people of Southeast Asia are steeped in honor, everything about their society, their past and their future is rich with honor. They bring a sense of honor to everything they do. It is more than pride and singing their work with excellence, it is a matter of honor to themselves and more importantly to their family. They do not want to disgrace their family name by exhibiting a lack of honor. If you look hard enough you can find this sense of honor in just about any place on earth; however I have found that no one place demonstrates this key characteristic more consistently and with more profound affects than Southeast Asia. Everything about their culture permeates this sense of honor, even from the earliest writings, you can see it in the attention to detail on their temples, hear about it in the stories; honor is the bedrock of their existence. HUMILITY Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 31 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 32. Humility is also in their culture, rarely will you ever see the people brining undue attention to themselves, they have a quiet disposition and maintain a strong sense of humility in everything they do. To find the people to be boastful and loud and outspoken about all they have accomplished is not the norm in Southeast Asia. Yes they celebrate successes, and yes they rejoice in work well done, but they are also very humble about it. Humility is important in your network marketing business, because it is hard to build a successful organization when people’s egos keep getting in the way and interfering with the work that needs to be done. Network marketing is not about me, me, me Common sense as the individual, it is about the and a sense of organization, the team, one of the most humor are the important aspects of having truly passive, same thing, walk-a-way income is being able to take (me) out of my business. If I am boastful, moving at and arrogant, and always need to have my different speeds. ego boosted my organization and business A sense of humor will suffer as a result. is just common People of Southeast Asia are used to sharing sense, dancing. the credit, the rewards, and their wealth with their families and their extended families, because the family bond is so close and so tight. Those life lessons are hard to teach to someone that has not grown up in and or around the unique conditions of Southeast Asia. HUMOR & HAPPINESS I cannot emphasis enough the power and importance of humor in your everyday lives. Depression and lack of humor is a major destructive force in the world today, next to diet. 32 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 33. You find people in other parts of the world, with seemingly everything they could ask for finding unique ways to destroy their lives; with the over medication of the world today from neuro-inhibitors and enhancers, serotonin blockers and on and on and on, people in mass finding reasons to be unhappy and depressed. Today you can find a new type of Yoga, Laughter Yoga, and guess where it came from, I’ll give you three guesses. Where else other than Southeast Asia? These are people that live to ripe old age, 80’s and 90’s with more toxins in the water and air than you can shake a stick at, and what is their secret weapon against the effects of aging and disease? Among other things I have to point the finger at HUMOR. They can find humor in just about anything, with so much to not be happy about, they have the unique ability to block out the negative and be happy, and humorous and laugh often. Southeast Asia a place where people work hard and play even harder, have to maintain a great sense of humor or by any other standards go crazy. You wonder why Karaoke is so popular is Southeast Asia? It is a great outlet, an opportunity to be happy, and sing, and brush of the stresses of the day, and a great way to find humor in all they do. Believe me, coming from the states the whole Karaoke thing takes some getting used to, many, many, many people that have no business holding a microphone and singing in public according to my standards, have no problem singing their hearts out in the middle of the mall. And the people walking by love, enjoy and appreciate it, no matter how good or how bad the singer is. Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 33 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 34. It is important to be able to find humor in the things you do, and the things around you, it is important for your mental health and personal wellbeing that is a proven fact. All you have to do is spend a few months in Southeast Asia and you can see that to be self evident. E4 = Education, Experience, Execution, Enthusiasm. EDUCATION Education in Southeast Asia is important to them, they respect and take their education seriously, whether it is in a formal classroom or through life’s University of Hard Knocks. They know the power of education and work hard and study hard. Having come from the states and seeing how most people there waste and take for granted their education, I was not prepared for the serious attitude regarding education here in Southeast Asia. In the states it is not uncommon for student to party, drink experiment with recreational drugs and practically fail their way through school. Student graduate with low grade point averages and get high paying jobs and they don’t really know what they studied for the last four or five years. Not the case in Southeast Asia, the student can enter college as young as 16 years old, and graduate before they are 21, they don’t drink, don’t party, don’t use recreational drugs, they go to school and work hard, study hard and get high grades as a result, only to graduate and earn a fraction of what the average party animal in the states would earn in the same job. 34 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 35. Even if they don’t have a formal school education, apprenticeships are common occurrences here. It is not uncommon to find a young man or woman spending many hours a day for years on end, earning very little just for the opportunity to study with someone with great skill, in the hopes that they too will one day be as good as their mentor, and carry on his legacy. This presents a golden opportunity in and of itself in your organization, you will be building an organization with people that are already accustomed to being mentored, and being groomed to assume positions of great skill and talent. People that are ready and willing to take and receive instruction and follow a system of duplication and success, are exactly the kinds of people you want in your organization. Who could ask for a better group of people to work with? EXPERIENCE Again like education, experience is important and in some cases experience is more important than education. What good is the best education in the world without real word applications and experience? The people of Southeast Asia in many cases have to work many jobs to support their education, be it formal or other wise, so by the time they graduate they have four years education and in many cases 4 years experience as well. Many times when I am asked to consult with companies I find the Executive who is hiring me has a PhD. and a couple masters degrees and very little experience during his time in the work force. I find the average President I am working with has been in the position for ten or more years, but rather than having ten years experience, he or she only has one or two years of Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 35 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 36. experience repeated over and over and over throughout their decade in the position. They are still running into and dealing with the same issues they had to deal with in their first year or two in that position. I don’t typically find that to be the case here in Southeast Asia, the people are used to thinking outside the box, used to learning and compounding that education and expanding their knowledge base and experience. They come across a problem today, learn how to overcome and effective handle that situation and then systematize the solution and teach it to their organization and know instinctively what to do in the future if that problem should arise again. Tell me honestly, look me in the eye right now and tell me that is NOT your ideal network marketing in the making right there. EXECUTION Hand in hand with education and experience is EXECUTION, all the planning, day dreaming, experience and education in the world means nothing without the ability to effectively execute the plan, without the ability to get the plan into action and accomplish the goal. Without Massive Congruent Action nothing is really going to get done. As you might have guessed by now, I can give you example after example after example of massive action. Executing their plan with a vigor and excitement that would boggle your mind literally, here let me give you an example. 36 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 37. In the states it is not uncommon to see multiple construction sites building homes to offices as well as maintaining the roads, construction every where you look. The cities used to put up warning signs at these construction sites that read, “SLOW MEN AT WORK.” Many a comedian has made his mark with these self evident comedic reminders. The joke is that the men are working so slow, that the construction seems to take forever, a never ending construction site, be it buildings, or road work it seem the progress is incremental at best. Last time I was in the states these warning signs have been changed, no longer reads “slow men at work.” In Southeast Asian this is not the case, buildings go up fast, I can come for a visit see a new construction sight for a 40 story building and it seems like in no time the building is complete and occupied by my next visit. Road work is done in no time flat, and housing projects are built and occupied in the same manner, businesses are constructed and shopping malls erected in record breaking time frames. And this is not just visible in the large scale projects, people in their personal lives and small business owners and workers have the same results. These are a large group of people that fully understand the power of execution of plans, they don’t waste a lot of time sitting around in contemplation they take immediate action towards the attainment of their goals. Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 37 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 38. Again, I dare you to tell me this is not another trait you wish your organization had as its bedrock foundation. Enthusiasm To obtain enthusiasm it won’t cost you a dime and it doesn’t require you to have any special skills. Free to the world, it’s yours the moment you choose to wrap your arms around it. I have given talks to literally thousands of people, coached and motivated and worked with people to unlock their unbridled enthusiasm. I have found in my study of success when people finally unlock their vault of enthusiasm their world changes for the better almost instantly. Their problems turn into opportunities and the challenges become a blank canvass upon which they begin create new vision for their future. I hear excuses all the time about how they can’t get enthusiastic because of this, and that and the other thing. People coming up to me at my seminars telling me how moving my talk was b-b-b- b-u-u-u-u-t-t-t-t-t their circumstances are extraordinary, and if I knew their story I would change my opinion accordingly. I have lived here in Southeast Asia for over three years, and I can tell you from first hand experience, these people can find their reason for being enthusiastic about what they do no matter what. It is like enthusiasm infuses them with a heightened sense of purpose; this heightened sense of purpose doesn’t leave room for failure. It is as though their levels of enthusiasm provide them with the necessary immunity against setbacks, hardships, obstacles, and road blocks that may stand in their way. Most importantly their enthusiasm is contagious and it draws other people to them. People feel good when they are around 38 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 39. someone who is enthusiastic, people gravitate towards them and want to be around them. Enthusiasm is one of the key ingredients for success, and it is inherent in the people of Southeast Asia. A3 = Ambition, Ability, Attitude. AMBITION In Southeast Asia people are overflowing with ambition; they have a strong drive to succeed and to accomplish their goals. What pushes them onward to success is their focus on a single predetermined outcome, and they don’t let go of their goal until they have achieved it. There is never any lack of ambition when your goal and your reason for achieving that goal is compelling enough. When it comes to Southeast Asia the realities of daily life for most people can be a very compelling reason to succeed. Daily life here can be hard and harsh, the realities of pain and suffering are thrust upon them at every turn and every opportunity, that alone can be very compelling. I highly recommend you stop following goals you're reluctant to pursue. Find goals that will keep you awake at night with excitement. If your goals and compelling reason why you want those goals doesn’t keep you awake at night it might be time to find a new goal. You see it all the time in the movies, the young hero has a goal, a burning desire for something, the camera starts far off as our hero is lying in bed in the middle of the night with the stars shining brightly, the moon is full and illuminating the sky. The camera Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 39 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 40. slowing zooms in as we watch the scene from our hero’s vision play out across the screen, so excited and eager from his vision he decides he can’t sleep so off he goes in search of his goal. That should be you! Especially with a MULTI-NATIONAL BUSINESS LIKE AGEL, you can be earning, 24 hours a day, while you are sleeping someone somewhere half way around the planet is awake and working in your organization. I have found in most people that I meet here in Southeast Asia, they are ambitious, they decide on a goal and they go for it all out, they don’t think about what the world expects instead they focus on what they want. It is said that when you have a strong enough ambition you will either find away or make a way, the people of Southeast Asia are living proof of that axiom. ABILITY Many times in the past twenty plus years of my coaching career I have seen people with phenomenal abilities, people that when shortly after you meet them you’d think they could single handedly accomplish anything they set their sights on. Weeks, months, years go by and they don’t seem to be accomplishing much they seem to be living lives of quiet desperation. I have found that greatness is more times than not results not from extraordinary ability, but rather from ordinary ability followed through with extraordinary determination and drive. Extraordinary ability is a rare and awesome gift, by itself it’s probably not going to get you very far. With the right vision, the right ingredients, any shortage of ability can be overcome. 40 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 41. Southeast Asia is overflowing with people that have not only the ability, but also the drive, focus, and other ingredients to turn their abilities into something great. Almost everyone that I have met has plenty of passion, mostly finding someone with passion is not the hard part, the hard part is to uncover their passion because the identity of that passion is hidden. The people of Southeast Asia understand and solidly connect with their passion, as a result they possess an unyielding level of commitment to fulfilling that passion more so than any other single group of people that I have met. ATTITUDE When you have the attitude that life, the universe, the world, your community owes you something for nothing, you are about to experience disappointment. This is not always so true in other places in the world that I have traveled. However in Southeast Asia I don’t meet too many people that think anyone or anything owes them a thing. They know that they must go out there and make it happen, waiting for someone to make it happen for them, is not in their mindset. They have a positive can do attitude, an attitude that says, if it is to be mine I must make it happen. They manage to keep themselves positive and upbeat despite the people are negative and trying to steal their dreams. They don’t typically need seminars on how to maintain a positive attitude with so much poverty and despair and negativity around them. These people seem to know inherently that a positive attitude is not a reaction to the way things are, it is a choice of thought, it is a choice of action, it is the how they to see the world; in a positive light. Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 41 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 42. They don’t see their world unrealistically, or naively, in fact they are very much grounded with the reality of the way life is; however they have a solid foundation for making real improvements in their world and creating meaningful value from their experiences because of their attitude. Having a great attitude allows them to see and to make the most of opportunities that remain invisible to those with a negative attitude. Having a good outlook and a great attitude gives them the energy to move forward no matter what the obstacles may be. The people of Southeast Asia know that no matter what their current situation may be, they can always choose a positive attitude. D3 = Desire, Drive, Dedication. DESIRE Without desire, or more importantly without a burning desire it is almost impossible to achieve anything of value. It is not uncommon to see people without a burning desire walking around as if nothing matters, I call them the walking dead, or zombies. You can see in them the burning flame of desire has been blown out, like a pilot light on a gas burning stove. I find people everyday that have a burning desire to achieve, to succeed and to do, have and become more. These people are a networkers dream come true, you don’t have to light their pilot light, because if their pilot light to their burning desire goes out they reignite it themselves. YES, you read that right, THEY IGNITE IT THEMSELVES. 42 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 43. Let me as you, yes you the one reading these words now, how many times have you wished to find people like this for your organization instead of the ones currently that need to be prodded, and pushed, and dragged and need to have their pilot lights lit four or fives times a week? Desire is another major key to success and achievement, without desire it is almost impossible to achieve success. A burning desire is that driving force that can propel you like a rocket past and through obstacles that come along. People of Southeast Asia are ignited with both burners lit, idling on the runway just waiting to blast off down the runway and launch. You don’t have to ignite them, you don’t have to motivate them, you just point them in the right direction and they take off like a fighter jet and will destroy any obstacle in their way. DRIVE Having the necessary drive that can carry you onward to success can at times be elusive. Finding people for your organization with the necessary drive to carry on in the face of hardships and tough times can be even more elusive. A major component of success is the drive needed to push forward no matter what is going on around you. Having the drive to cross the finish line is a character quality we should all possess. You hear about it, you read about it, you from time to time experience it; what would happen if you were to meet a group of people that embody this principle daily? What could happen to your organization if you were to have these people with you? Are you starting to think of the possibilities? Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 43 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 44. If you are like me living in Southeast Asia, then these are the people that surround you on a daily basis, they are driven, focused, and motivated, constantly moving forward towards their goals. Again, these are not people that you need to put the key in the ignition, turn the key and try to get their engine started, their engines are started and in many cases already modified with turbo boosters, and super chargers and finely tuned up just waiting for your opportunity to come along and give them a destination, a finish line, a goal they can become excited about. DEDICATION The last element is dedication. Anyone can get excited with enough stimulation and inducement that may be enough to get a person started but it is not enough to keep them going. Dedication is the necessary element to keep you going onward when it is an up hill climb. Dedication to a single purpose and goal keeps you going long after the excitement has worn off. Keeping dedicated to a single focus takes effort, takes repetition, it takes a special kind of person to remain dedicated to a goal long after the thrill and excitement has faded. It is common place to hear about how so-and-so left a relationship either with a spouse or company when they ran into hard times. It is more difficult to come across stories of how someone had remained dedicated despite all the hardships. Southeast Asia is it more common to hear about how people have held on to the relationship, work related or not, long after the excitement had faded. They are the type of people that remain 44 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 45. dedication to their ideas, goals, and commitments, they are the types of people you want to build an organization with. When the organization starts to build and take off and the team is making a large substantial income, they are the people that will remain dedicated to the team and the vision and won’t jump ship when the “next big thing” comes along. OVER TWO CENTURIES IN THE MAKING It is almost like the last couple centuries have been molding and shaping and conditioning this part of the world for opportunities like Agel and network marketing, building a living breathing model of the perfect networker in mass. What can this mean to your organization, what can this mean for your friends and family, what can this mean to your team? The people of Southeast Asia are perfect for your opportunity, the only question is, how long will it take for you the reader to get into action and do something about it? Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 45 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 46. What Does It Take To Earn $100 a Month? If you are like most people you can’t really imagine making $100,000.00 USD a month. Here is what it looks like in a few countries in or near Southeast Asia. In Hong Kong: 775,213.95 HKD In Indonesia: 1,022,485,999.08 IDR In Malaysia: 349,556.92 MYR In the Philippines: 4,701,973.15 PHP In Singapore: 144,579.17 SGD In Taiwan: 3,264,182.87 TWD In Thailand: 3,435,827.74 THB In Vietnam: 1,778,500,000.00 VND It doesn’t matter the country, the fact is, one hundred thousand USD a month, is a lot of money. The problem with that is some people are so accustomed to lack, poverty, and lost dreams they can’t wrap their mind around one hundred thousand dollars a month. 46 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 47. To begin your journey to one hundred thousand dollars a month you need to first picture in your mind what that income would look like for you and your family. Once you have that picture clearly in your mind, I recommend you mentally tattoo that image in your imagination and keep it there where you can What the mind see it every day, all day, everywhere you go. of man can The next thing you MUST do is absolutely conceive and believe you can do it. believe it can When I am speaking to a couple people or a and will few thousand in an arena, as soon as I mention earning one hundred thousand achieve. dollars a month people start to tune out. It’s Napoleon Hill as if their body language is telling me, they don’t believe it is possible. I am advised quite often to bring the target lower so people can more easily believe it, in other words they recommend I talk about five or six thousand a month instead of one hundred thousand a month. Don’t Shoot The Messenger If you don’t believe you can achieve that goal that is your choice, but don’t blame me for pointing it out to you. If you can’t wrap your mind around the concept of earning one hundred thousand dollars a month that is not my fault, you have no one to blame for that other than yourself. When you uncover your compelling reason why you want to earn one hundred thousand a month your mind will immediately begin to work on a way to bring that dream into reality. Your Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 47 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 48. compelling reason why will spur you on to find a way or make a way. When you have a big enough reason why the how to will begin to fall into place, and with a company like Agel, and my organization we have the opportunity and the system in place to assist you in making your dream a reality. Do a search online, or read autobiographies of some of the wealthiest people in history and you will soon begin to realize these people had dreams bigger than anyone could have ever thought possible. These people allowed their mind to stretch the vision of what is possible for them, far beyond what anyone thought was possible or even rational. Then when they succeeded the naysayers and critics attack their success and attempt to brush it under the carpet saying they got lucky and the average person could never do that. The greatest achievers in the history of the world have been those with the greatest and boldest dreams and visions for their future. Their visions and dreams have shaped our very lives every day, because of these great dreamers and visionaries we experience many of their grandest dreams on a daily basis. When they first had their dream people criticized them and ridiculed them and told them it will never happen. And yet today their dreams are common place. Who would have ever thought Walt Disney could ever pull of his greatest dream ever and create Disney Land in the middle of an orange grove in Southern California? Then repeat that success in Florida, and then again another one in Hong Kong and Japan. When he first had his dream he was laughed at and the banks turned him down it seemed no one was willing to back his idea. If you absolutely knew without a doubt you could not fail what would you accomplish? Your goal of a simple one hundred thousand dollars a month seems quite small by comparison. 48 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 49. Maybe your goals or dreams are much smaller, that is ok. Whatever your dream is, it is your dream and you are entitled to your own unique dreams. Let me ask you this, “what would you accomplish if you absolutely knew you could not fail?” The first question is, “can it really be done?” The answer is, “YES. YES IT CAN BE DONE.” The biggest question is, “will you be the one to accomplish this goal?” Only you can answer that question for yourself. Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 49 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 50. DISCLAIMER: I cannot and will not make any income claims or promises. I will not and cannot promise that you will even make ONE CENT from your efforts in following the advice in this e-book. The reasoning behind that is this business is based on you and your efforts and I am not you, I am not in control of you, and I cannot use the lure of big fast money to get you to join the industry or my company. Therefore I am publicly making no promises, no guarantees, and no warranties with you the reader or anyone at any time implied or expressed. After you have a clearly tattooed the image on your mind, the next thing you will need is a WHITE HOT BURNING DESIRE to succeed. I like to quote John McCormack from his book Self-made in America: Plain Talk for Plain People About the Meaning of Success. Pg 173, “Conation is the will to succeed, the quest for success, the attitude that "to stop me you'll have to kill me," that elusive "fire in the belly" that manifests itself in drive, enthusiasm, excitement, and single-mindedness in pursuit of a goal!!!” - John McCormack I think that sums it up nicely, don’t you? Before you can achieve anything you will need a burning desire to achieve it. Story Time: There once was a young monk who wanted to become a master, he wanted to be the wisest master of them all. The young monk 50 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 51. set out on his quest for wisdom. Along the way he encountered many masters, he would for a short time study with them before he would set out again in search of wisdom. One day he heard of a great and wise master that lived near the foot of a mountain. With that the young monk began the long journey to the base of the mountain. When he arrived to a village at the base of the mountain he began to inquire with the local people about the great master he had heard of. He could not find a single person that knew of the master he was in search of. He began to doubt the validity of the story. On his way out of the village he came to a river and decided to walk along the banks of the river to clear his mind. Not long after, a monk came walking along the same bank of the river. The young monk thinking this elder monk surely would know of the master he is in search of. He inquired of the elder monk of where he could find the great master to teach him wisdom. The elder monk replied he knew nothing of the master he was seeking. Just before the young monk was about to walk away, the elder monk said, but I do know the secret to obtaining wisdom. The young monk looked at the elder monk and replied, “How can you, just a lowly monk know of such things?” The elder monk shrugged his shoulders and said, “well, if you don’t want to know that is your choice.” Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 51 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 52. The younger monk couldn’t hold back, he came to the elder monk and said if you truly know the secret then share it with me now. The elder monk agreed, and with that he instructed the young monk to follow him into the river. They walked together into the river and stopped when the water was just above their knees, the elder monk then instructed the young monk to kneel down in the river. Still a little doubtful, the younger monk did as he was requested. The elder monk put his hand on the younger monk’s head and immediately pushed him under water. At first the younger monk did not struggle, he remained calm thinking the elder monk might be trying to test him. He was held under water for a couple minutes before he began to think that maybe the elder monk might be trying to kill him. Maybe the elder monk is jealous of the wisdom the younger monk had accumulated at such a young age. Before much longer the younger monk began to panic. He began to fight desperately to break the elder monk’s hold on him, but the grip of the elder monk was unbreakable. The younger monk fought with all his might, his mind racing trying to make sense of the situation. His lungs began to burn, he could feel himself slipping out of consciousness, in one last effort he fought, again to no avail. Suddenly the elder monk pulled the young monk to his feet. The young monk gasping for breath stumbled back to the shore to get as far from the elder monk as he could. When he caught his breath he yelled at the monk, “are you crazy? You could have killed me.” 52 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 53. The elder monk replied, “I thought you wanted to know the secret to wisdom, rather than tell you, I decided it might be easier to show you.” The younger monk argued, “you almost killed me you crazy old fool; what lesson could you teach me by almost killing me?” The elder monk smiled and said, “My young friend, when you want wisdom as badly as you wanted air a moment ago, then you will find wisdom you seek.” And the elder monk walked off toward the mountain. Seeking Success Much like that monk in search of wisdom, you are in search of success and wealth. Along the way you have read books about it, heard speakers talk about it, seen DVDs and movies about it, and might have even sat down with millionaires and talked about it, but yet you are still in search of it. When you want your goals as badly as that young monk wanted air, it is my guess you will then find the secret to wealth in everything you see, and in everywhere you go. Since you are here and now reading this book, I strongly suggest you keep reading, because that which you search for could quite possibly be right under your nose at this very moment. Like that monk seeking out a master to teach him, you too will need to find a mentor that can teach you and coach you and nurture you along your path to success. There are many wanna-be-coaches out there today and the choice of which one to work with can be a bit over whelming. Not like when I started coaching many, many years ago. Back then you Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 53 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 54. could do an internet keyword search, “business or success coach” and have only 5 entries pop up. The best way to find a coach and mentor is NOT always to look to your upline or sponsor if you are with other programs. They may not be qualified to teach or coach you, with few exceptions. However you are in luck with me and with Agel, because Agel has famous and well known industry icons and legends working with and in this company. There are people like, Glen Jensen the founder of the company with his proven experience and strong track record for success, then there are the industry legends working in the organization. I am talking about legends like; Eric Worre Randy Gage Ann Feinstein Nat & Chanida Puranaputra Niti Sawangsap Tim Berry M.D. & Julie Mirr Just to name a few. These are multi millionaires, people that have made their fortunes in network marketing, people that are more than qualified to walk you through the steps of achieving your goal of $100,000.00 a month income. 54 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 55. What if you did not do it in 12 months, what if it took you 24 months, or even 48 months? Would you do it, or would you simply quit after 12 months? NOT Get Rich Quick Scheme Remember network marketing is NOT a get rich quick scheme, it is a get wealthy faster opportunity, much more of an opportunity than you currently have with your employer. It most definitely is NOT a get rich quick scheme. It is going to take time, that is why you will hear me and other industry leaders recommending you have a two to four year plan. You can literally make your goal a reality in that time frame if you follow the step-by-step system. Following the system is not going to make building your business easy, it will make it easier! Following the system gives you a road map leading to your destination, but you still have to do the work that is required along the way. Stopping Half Way Doesn’t Mean I Have Arrived Lets say I get in my car and plan to drive from Bangkok to Ho Chi Minh City it would be a good idea to get a map so I know the route I will need to take to get there. Just because I have a car, gas in the car, money to buy more gas, and a map doesn’t mean I don’t have to do anything else. I still have to get in my car, start the engine, drive, avoid obstacles that may pop up, continue along the route until I reach Ho Chi Minh City. If I stop half way to Ho Chi Minh, City I WILL NOT BE IN HO CHI MINH CITY. Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 55 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 56. Let me say that one more time. If I stop half way to Ho Chi Minh, City I WILL NOT BE IN HO CHI MINH CITY. Most people don’t understand that principle when it comes to success, they think because they have a plan, a vehicle and some cash they can set out on their journey to success, and stop half way and still expect to arrive at success. It doesn’t work that way. Some times the map might not show or indicate all the detours and road blocks due to construction along the way, it will however give you a precise route to take, but you have to be ready for the little detours that you may encounter along the way. The same is true with success. Your mentors can be the ones to guide you, give you directions, but they can’t anticipate every little bump in the road, that is for you and your learning process to cope with. For most of network marketers, making $100,000.00 a month is going to be next to impossible, NOT impossible, in my opinion next to it. There are more ways to NOT get paid in the average compensation plan than there are ways to actually get paid, with all the break-a-ways, the compressions, the matrix, and the uni- level plans there is more money left in the company’s system then there is in your pocket. Of course the company needs to make money, which is why they’re in business; however you as the distributor should be well rewarded for your efforts. 80/20 Rule With a Twist Turns Home Based Business Into Home Based Prison 56 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 57. In other compensation plans that I have seen over the years it is not uncommon to have as much as 80% of the networkers NOT making much money, so that means the top 20% of the networkers in that compensation plan will be getting richer and richer and the bottom 20% dropping out or barreling making it. In order to get paid in any organization you need to have purchases, not one time or occasional, you need to have a monthly volume to sustain your income. With some companies, I see representatives frantically racing around contacting all their local representatives, or locking themselves in their home office, turned home prison for the last 10 days of every moth making sure their downline has made a monthly purchase so they can receive a check at the beginning of the next month. Auto-ship is the answer to this problem. When you have your organization on auto-ship yours and your organization’s income will be set to auto-pilot. Autoship is Like Having a License to Print Money Think of it this way. You have a brick and mortar store built in your local neighborhood, and your store is a general merchandising store, you stock and sell many things your neighbors would need and like to use on a monthly basis. Instead of them having to come to your store and shop for the things they want or need, they simply choose from a list of things they will need each month and have it delivered to their doorstep. And they agree to do this for an extended period of time. How much more successful could your local store become if that were the case? Instead of your customers only buying based on impulse or last minute need, they make advanced orders from Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 57 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 58. you, so you insure you have the items they need and want, as a result you don’t have lack of stock, no over stock and no out of stock of the items your customers need and want the most. Well that brick and mortar stores sounds kinda good huh? Trillion Dollar Wellness Industry Now think of your store being tied into the trillion dollar wellness industry, the home based business boom, and the internet, allowing you to do business world wide. The only limit to your income would be the number of people you can contact and have on your auto-ship program. Welcome to Agel, where you can right now, or as soon as you join, start doing business in over 50 countries and put the power of residual, passive income that can be sustained and fostered by the autoship program to work for you immediately. What is holding you back? Why do people buy bank CDs? Most people that invest in CDs at their local banks are looking for the residual income these types of investments can provide. The major draw back in my opinion to investing in bank CDs is the amount of money needed to start the investment and the time the bulk of your money is tied up. Anyone With an Extra MILLION DOLLARS Raise Your Hand If you have one million dollars in the bank, earning you 25% a year (which is very high, most CDs will offer less than half that). 58 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 59. At 25% your one million dollars will give you an estimated return of $250,000.00 USD a year. The down side is your original $1,000,000.00 is tied up, you can’t touch it. So in essence it will cost you $1,000,0000.00 to get $250,000.00 a year. If you have a extra $1,000,000.00 just lying around this might not be a bad use for it. If you’re like me and most other people then you don’t have a spare $1,000,000.00 just lying around. What if you knew of an investment that required an initial investment of $1,000.00 but it is not just taking your money and putting it in a vault that you can’t touch, it is actually providing you a product with nutritional value to enhance your health, and in addition it required you to invest an additional $100.00 a month? For your investment, you get healthy, and have the opportunity to get a sizable financial return on your minimal investment. If you knew of an investment like that would you take advantage of the opportunity? Imagine $20,000.00 a Month Imagine you are one of Agel’s leaders now, and you are making over $20,000.00 a month, that is over $250,000.00 a year and you didn’t need one million dollars parked in a bank vault some where to make that happen. All you needed was a small purchase in a consumable product that you will CONSUME that can benefit your health, and to share it with people you know and meet and teach them to do the same. Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 59 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 60. Imagine in your mind your organization is an asset, kinda like having money in the bank earning interest. That is the principle of the autoship program. The key to true walk-away passive income is the autoship program. Grab a calculator. What would it look like if you had three people in your organization that had autoship of $100.00 (use that number because it is easy) That would be a sales volume of $300.00 US right? What if there were 27 people in your organization and they all use the autoship program that would be $2,700.00 US generated in sales each month right? That is a very simple concept, nothing complicated about that. Now imagine there are from your original three people growing and expanding into 2,500 people in your organization on autoship generating sales of $250,000.00. $250,000.00 volume in one side of your organization can yield you a substantial monthly income, month after month after month. A truly passive and walk-away income, and well on your way to your goal of $100,000.00 a month. If your goal is to make $100,000.00 a month you should review the compensation plan and take a long hard look at the numbers and see what it will actually take to build your organization to that level. Surface Scratching is NOT Your Outcome 60 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 61. The average networking company you will need about 4 four or five thousand people in your organization to begin to scratch the surface of your goal of $100,000.00 a month income. With the combined power of Agel and the Quadra Plan plus the 8 different ways you can be paid, you can see how your goal becomes much more attainable. Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 61 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 62. First Came the Dream Thomas Edison dreamed of a lamp that could be operated by electricity, began where he stood to put his dream into action, and despite more than ten thousand failures, he stood by that dream until he made it a physical reality. Practical dreamers do not quit! Thomas Edison held a world record of 1093 patents for inventions such as the light bulb and phonograph. The whole world called him a genius. But he knew that having a good idea was not enough. It takes hard work to make dreams into reality. That is why Edison liked to say, "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Henry Ford's dream of a car which anyone could afford to buy, which anyone could drive anywhere, and which almost anyone could keep in repair. Lead also to the development of the assembly line. Gates said his original dream was not 'sales,' but a dream computer. Even today he dreams of one such PC that would change the lives of one and all. He also dreams to see a PC on top of every desk, but rues "we are no where near the finish line." Steve Jobs had the dream of using digital technology to change the way we live our lives. Sir Richard Branson has been a dreamer almost his whole life and more importantly he has been making his dreams come true. Sometimes I do wake up in the mornings and feel like I've just 62 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 63. had the most incredible dream. I've just dreamt my life" - Richard Branson Enzo Ferrari had an overwhelming dream to build the fastest, most prestigious and unbeatable racing car of all time. Ferruccio Lamborghini wanted "to build GT cars without defects- -quite normal, conventional, but perfect." Jeff Bezos had a dream of finding a new opportunity of commerce, creating an internet retailer. Michael Dell had a dream of being a successful entrepreneur. He followed his dream assembling computers for customers according to their requirements. Larry Ellison, in simple terms Larry's dream is to replace the Microsoft Windows operating system with the Oracle software as the dominant orchestrating influence on computing. Albert Einstein had a dream of unifying other laws of physics with gravity motivates modern quests for a theory of everything and in particular string theory, where geometrical fields emerge in a unified quantum-mechanical setting. Anthony Robbins has studied and developed patterns of success for more than 25 years, and his dream to share his results for life transformation laid the groundwork for the whole coaching industry world wide. DREAM BIG OR DON’T DREAM AT ALL People dream about having Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Bentleys, they dream of having huge mansions, they dream of having three Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 63 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 64. or four homes in three or four countries, but the moment I mention one hundred thousand dollars a month they check out. That tells me they have no idea what it takes to own a Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bentley, or multiple mansions. If you are earning $100,000.00 USD a month it will take you a minimum of five months to earn enough money to purchase any one of those vehicles and over ONE YEAR to earn enough money to purchase a small mansion, medium sized house in California, and not enough to buy a condo in some of the world’s top high-rise buildings if you were to pay cash. (minus taxes of course.) One hundred thousand dollars a month at the end of one year you would have earned One Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,200,000.00). Even though that is a substantial income, it is clearly NOT enough for you to comfortably buy a Ferrari Enzo at a price tag of about $1,000,000.00 USD. Making one hundred thousand dollars a month has got to begin in your mind and you must BELIEVE YOU CAN DO IT before you even have the least remote possibility of achieving that goal. "To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." French writer and Nobel Prize winner Anatole France So what is it that keeps people from DREAMING BIG? I mean 64 Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.
  • 65. really what is holding people back? Dreaming doesn’t cost anything, it is free, and no one can tell what is in your mind. I have never seen anyone run up to another person and point their finger and say, “I know what you are thinking, you are thinking you can be wealthy enough to buy a jet, a sports car, mansions and yachts.” You’re kidding yourself that will never happen for you because you are a looser. That is never gonna happen because no one can read your mind. There are many excuses and stories people will come up with justify their lack of dreaming big, but the bare bones truth of it is THEY ARE TOO SCARED to even DREAM. Too scared to dream? To me that is ridiculous because dreaming costs you nothing, and you can do it anytime, anyplace. Most people are too afraid of rejection and ridicule to go for their grandest dreams. They justify in their mind how an extra one thousand dollars a month will be enough, or an extra five thousand dollars a month will be enough, while the whole time in the back of their mind they fantasize about driving a Ferrari Spider, with a little voice reminding them they will never get to that point. From Zero To Billionaire Sir Richard Branson did not grow up wealthy, what he did do however was never forget how to dream and DREAM BIG, the bigger the better. He is not afraid of failure, he understand it is a part of life and business. He doesn’t stand around and whine and cry over failures, he keeps moving on to his next project despite what others are saying about him. If you were to ask me, I would highly recommend everyone follow is example. Entire Contents is Copyright 2009 S. Chip Bridgmon and Exponential 65 Success Formula© All rights reserved. You may copy or distribute this e-book freely, as long as it is done in its entirety.