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 Dr. Budwig Daily food Plan Page 2
 The Three Main Causes of CANCER and All Diseases Page 2
 How to make the Flaxseed oil & cottage cheese mixture (Budwig muesli) Page 6
 Foods to Avoid Page 7
 Foods Allowed Page 10
 Effective Therapies Used at the Budwig Center Page 13
 Dr. Robert Beck 4 Level Anti-Cancer Protocol Page 14
 Bio-Magnetic Therapy Produces Astounding Benefits Page 18
 Hyperthermia – Cancer Hates Heat Page 21
 Supplements – The Most Effective Ones to Take Page 22
 FILOPURE SWISS Water Filter Page 43
 The Importance of “Grounding” and It Doesn’t Cost Anything! Page 43
 How to Activate the Lymph System Page 44
 Ascites – Natural Remedies Page 46
 Dr. Budwig Strongly Encouraged Sunbathing Page 46
 Brain Tumors Page 48
 Cleaning and Personal Hygiene Page 48
 Visualizing – Imagine your Cancer Into Oblivion Page 51
 EFT Emotional Healing Page 52
 Frequently Asked Questions Page 54
 Coffee Enemas Page 60
 Future Tests Page 64
 Budwig Recipes Page 67
Dr. Johanna Budwig
First thing, 1 hour before breakfast drink 1 glass sauerkraut juice (if you find it hard to take add a little fresh
pineapple juice). Make a liter of Colloidal Silver (takes 5 minutes in spring water). Add 10 drops of OXI Drink Plus
to 1 glass (250ml) of Colloidal Sliver and drink immediately. Paint Lugol’s iodine on your skin after shower until it
no longer disappears (if recommended by VEGA)
BREAKFAST (1 hour later) – drink a cup of herbal tea (no milk, sugar or flavored teas) along with 1 Tablespoon of
Bee Pollen and any food supplements recommended by VEGA test
1/2 hour later – Consume the Flaxseed oil and Cottage cheese mixture, steamed vegetables, wholemeal bread,
Nuts (raw with no processed oils added)., hard cheese such as Gouda, Edam, Emmental or Jarlsburg (maximum 2oz
/50 grams per day). (Optional) eggs poached, soft boiled or raw but not fried or scrambled
MID-MORNING – Add 10 drops of OXI Drink Plus to 1 glass (250ml) of Colloidal Sliver and drink immediately. Put a
tablespoon of liquid coconut oil in your mouth and drink it down with fresh pressed juice (carrot, celery and apple,
beet and apple, radish, or stinging nettle, with lemon juice. Combine ingredients to your juice to taste
Before Lunch (Brain cancer) - A glass of champagne (Brut, Reserve, Natural) with 1 or 2 tablespoons of freshly
ground flaxseeds – (Optional) add ½ teaspoon of raw honey
Remember: Magnetic Pulsar (10 min 2 x day for 3 weeks then reduce to 2 sessions per week 10 min each only),
Sunbathing, walking, coconut oil applied to skin, trampoline, visualization, E.F.T., etc.
LUNCH –1 or 2 scoops of TRICAN or GHS Drink (and any supplements recommended by VEGA test). Eat beans,
lentils, raw garden salad (use only cold pressed or Extra Virgin olive, hemp, macadamia oils for salad dressing)
steamed vegetables (red potatoes, brown rice, buckwheat or millet). Use coconut oil generously in food
preparation. If you consume meat, eat only organic free range (fish – only those with fins and scales) every second
day, free range poultry once week, grass feed beef or lamb maximum once month (first 4 weeks all animal fats and
butter forbidden) Finish meal with a 1 cup of hot herbal or green tea.
MID AFTERNOON Drink a glass of red wine, champagne (Brut, Reserve, Natural) or fruit juice (pineapple, grape,
cherry, blueberry and papaya juice) with 1-2 tablespoons freshly ground flaxseeds. Put tablespoon of liquid coconut
oil in your mouth and drink it down with a glass of Colloidal Silver water with 10 drops of OXI Drink Plus added
Early Evening Meal - Consume the Flaxseed oil and Cottage cheese mixture again. A low protein, wholegrain
carbohydrate, slow-release hot meal of whole grains such as brown rice, buckwheat, oat flakes, quinoa with steam
cooked vegetables sprinkled with yeast flakes and oleolux. You can make the whole grains and vegetables into a
broth, soup, stew, risotto. (See Budwig Guide recipes for more suggestions)
BEDTIME: Put on the Dr. Beck Mini Zap and sleep all night with it on. Each night change to different wrist. (For the
first week only wear the Mini Zap 2 hours and increase by 1 hour per day until you reach 8 hours of daily use) Foods
you must avoid: all processed oils and fats (and foods made with any), white, brown sugars, maple syrup, molasses, syrups,
(and foods made with any i.e. pastries, soft drinks, etc.), refined foods, processed foods, readymade meals, refined grains, sea
food, pork and all processed meats and canned foods.
In order to overcome any disease it makes sense that you determine the basic “cause” in the first place. Once you
know the cause and remove it, the illness will naturally go into remission. Don’t believe that degenerative diseases
and cancer activity or any other chronic illness you have is some kind of alien growth from planet Mars. It’s normal
body tissue that has changed and started to do something else. Nature is not a fool and therefore if she switches
on a mechanism, she has a reason for it. The approach at BUDWIG CENTER is much like that of a wise gardener
who does not cut off the weeds at the top but “pulls them out by the roots”, because he knows that unless he gets
the “roots” the weed will grow back. The same is true of degenerative diseases and cancer activity. We must
remove the “root” cause otherwise a year or so later, sad to say it comes back. If you do decide to go down the
road of chemotherapy, radiation and other traditional therapies, you will still need to do the complimentary,
natural therapy, to truly remove the cause of the degenerative diseases and cancer activity and other diseases.
Dr. Budwig for some 60 years had outstanding success with her program because she identified a major cause of
disease related to a lack of oxygen and natural fats in our diet. She stated “Our diets often lack the highly
unsaturated fatty acids and contain an excess of man-made oils known as trans fats (or partially hydrogenated oils).
We are referring to the cooking oils sold in grocery stores. Most companies extract the oil from corn, sunflowers,
plants, etc by using extreme heat and chemicals. They are no longer alive but dead oils that cause death to the
user. They also are very tough (dead) oils in that they have a 20-year shelf life. These oils get into our cell
membranes and destroy the electrical charge. Without the charge, our cells start to suffocate due to a lack of
oxygen. No wonder, Dr. Budwig found that patients often displayed a greenish color to their blood before she gave
them the good healthy flaxseed oil mixture. Also these trans fats are also responsible for Type II diabetes, since
insulin is a very large molecule it has a difficult time passing through a cell membrane created with man-made fats.
The BUDWIG CENTER has a signed authorized document from Dr. Johanna Budwig, on August 24, 2000, to use her
approach and in doing so we too have been able to help countless people recover their health. Let’s look at the
three main causes of disease and how to effectively remove it from the body as Dr. Budwig did and not just put a
“bandage” on it:
Cause No 1 – Virus/Fungus
Dr. Robert Beck was a microbiologist who knew that Cancer and tumor activity was caused by very unique viral
microbes which were inside of diseased cells. These microbes enter the cells that are weak and damaged due to a
lack of oxygen and good nutrition. The area of the diseased cells favors an ideal environment for hosting fungus
and once degenerative diseases and tumor activity reaches Stage III and IV there is usually both viruses and fungi
together. That is why some anti-degenerative diseases and tumor activity protocols work on certain levels and not
on others. Therefore the BUDWIG CENTER includes in all its programs the Dr. Beck 4 level Anti-Cancer products
that will effectively de-vitalizes pathogens (parasites, fungi, bacteria, and viruses)…More on this later
Cause No 2 - Toxins
The second major contributing factor of all diseases are toxins. Toxins come from dangerous chemicals (in the
workplace, home or garden). The toxins weaken the cells and enable the cancer virus to enter easily. The late Dr.
Hulda Clark who examined and treated thousands of patients with degenerative diseases and tumor activity stated
that “all degenerative disease patients have both isopropyl alcohol (which is a type of industrial wood alcohol
found in many body care and household cleaning products) and the intestinal fluke (parasites, worms) in their
liver”. Toxins are everywhere, in fact in just 1 cigarette that are some 3200 toxins! Heavy metal poisoning is
common as is infection from root canals. If you have a root canal you would be wise to get the dentist to X-ray that
INTRODUCTION – The 3 Main Causes of Cancer (and all Diseases) 4
area to see if there is any infection there. If for example the tooth is infected and corresponds to the breast (each
tooth corresponds to a part of the body) this could be a contributing factor to breast cancer. Prolonger stress and
negative emotional trauma is also toxic to the body. A whole chapter is devoted to this subject as research
indicates up to 90% of chronic illnesses have a link to past or present negative emotional experiences. Hormone
Replacement therapy and hormonal imbalance also is ‘toxic’ to the body and there are several natural and totally
effective alternatives solutions that are available.
Why do some people get cancer and tumors or another major illnesses and others do not? We may all be exposed
to parasites, viruses, fungus, as well as harmful toxins. However if we have good nutrition and a strong immune
system, the body fights these intruders off. Also Dr. Budwig recognized the need to oxygenate the body, which her
food plan does, because harmful microbes cannot live in the presence of oxygen. Our immune system is weakened
by such things as chemotherapy, radiation, severe negative emotional shock (death in the family, divorce, family
problems, financial setbacks, etc.) being overworked and run down over an extended period of time, pessimistic
negative thinking most of the time, lack of rest, and improper nutrition that weakens the immune system. Ed
Sopcak a Cancer researcher in United States consulted with over 30,000 patients with cancer. He concluded “most
all the patients I have spoken with had a major stress in their life six months to 3 years before they were diagnosed
with the cancer”.
Cause No. 3 Nutritional Imbalance
Believe it or not many people living the western affluent world suffer from malnutrition. Research and countless
testimonials indicate that all illnesses including cancers are linked to nutritional deficiency, especially to the
nervous system; the result is a neurological deficiency.
If a person has a degenerative disease virus/fungus in his body and at the same time consumes unhealthy foods
(mostly acidic forming instead of alkaline forming), that creates an ideal environment for the virus/fungus to grow
and spread. This nutritional deficiency causes structural changes in the amino acid, hormones, biofeedback
communication, all cellular nutritional mechanisms, DNA instructions and replication, causing a change in cellular
manufacturing instructions and supply.
A regular consumption of white refined sugar, as in fizzy (soft) drinks (1 soft drink contains up to 10 teaspoons of
white refined sugar), chips (crisps), store bought pastries, deep fried foods (French fries, donuts) are dangerous
fake foods that cause severe damage to your health. Also prepared meats (hot dogs, sausages, bacon, ham) fast
foods, food additives, etc. need to be replaced with healthier choices. Most foods are cooked at 350 to 400 F, but
whenever we cook our food over 105 F (40 Celsius) instead of steaming our foods, we destroy many of the
important enzymes.
Also refined vegetable oils like Trans fats (margarine, refined vegetable oils) used in deep fried foods (French fries,
fried chicken, pastries) and processed foods (mayonnaise, refined vegetable oils) actually suffocate the cells when
ingested, depriving the body of life giving oxygen. When you see vegetable oils in the grocery store that are
labeled 100% pure Corn Oil or Sunflower seed oil, etc.; that is very misleading because it sounds good and healthy,
but they are not. Why? Because the method of very high heat and chemical extraction that was used. Most
commercial oil manufacturers use high heat and chemicals to extract the oils from the plants. Chemically
processed fats and oils are not water-soluble and when bound to protein; they end up blocking circulation, damage
heart action, inhibit the cell renewal process and impede the free flow of blood and lymph fluids. The bio-electrical
action of these areas slows down and may become completely paralyzed according to Dr. Budwig. Caustic
corrosive chemicals such as sodium hydroxide (better known as Draino) are used in the refining process. The 5
vegetable oil is basically ‘killed’ by submitting it to extremely high temperatures of up to 518 degrees F for as long
as an hour.
Removing these harmful pseudo (fake) fats from the diet and introducing
true nutrition such as flaxseed oil and other cold pressed oils is a giant step
forward in overcoming cancer and other common illnesses.
Consume only cold pressed oils, such as flaxseed, olive, sunflower, virgin
coconut (this is the best oil for cooking as it can take higher heat and does
not break down) safflower, etc that are ‘cold pressed’ and/or ‘virgin’ or
‘extra virgin’.
The BUDWIG CENTER protocol is correcting the proportions of all the
minerals so that they cause the correct electromagnetism in the body and
provide the right material for the reactions to take place. Some patients are
mystified as they have eaten healthy all their lives, exercised, never smoked
or abused alcohol but are now with a deadly disease.
This could be due to other factors like; undue stress, excessive toxins in their environment and/or their digestive
systems were not working properly to process the healthy foods they were eating, etc.
The one or two-week healing session at the BUDWIG CENTER gives you all the information you need to take control
of your own healing and an opportunity to experience the protocol and receive first-hand answers to your
questions, as well as giving your body a powerful kick-start to initiate the healing process. Throughout your healing
process, remember that your greatest healer is yourself.
The 1 or 2-week program at the BUDWIG CENTER does not mean that the program only lasts 1 or 2 weeks! No
from the day you enrol and right up to the day you recover your good health we are there to support you with
emails, Newsletters, future VEGA tests and remedies and suggestions!
The Budwig healing program consists of various aspects (explained in detail in this GUIDE) which are designed to
flood the body with oxygen, detoxify the body and stimulate the immune system to help the body heal itself:
When you arrive at the Budwig Center apartments which are right next door to our clinic, you will find the kitchen
stocked with the basic healthy foods, such as the flaxseed oil, cottage cheese (Quark), whole grain rice, oat milk,
Spelt pasta, Stevia, cereals, honey, Tahini, Spelt bread, organic eggs, cold pressed oils, etc, etc. This saves you
searching for these basic foods in the nearby stores. All you will need to purchase are fresh vegetables, fruit and
fish, etc., at the local markets.
All the rooms are equipped with a blender (to make the FSOCCheese mixture), rebounder (mini-trampoline) a
blanket type sauna that you put on the bed and do a 20 minute session daily ...instructions on how to use these a
given later in this GUIDE
BUDWIG CENTER is located about 15 minutes from the beach and you are encouraged to walk there and back on a
regular basis if your health permits.
Right from day one you will have the full body VEGA test and personalised remedies will be prescribed to aid your
recovery. Each day at the clinic, you will receive various therapies such as: sessions of Hyperthermia, Par
biomagnetic acid/alkaline balancing, cold laser, IV infusions of homeopathic remedies, emotional healing therapies,
a teaching session on the full Budwig protocol, RIFE Frequencies, E Power belt cell energy restoration, PAPIMI ultra
high magnetic machine therapy, Reflexology machine therapy, Oxygen Therapies, the Dr. Beck Blood purification
sessions, etc.
The flaxseed oil and cottage cheese (quark) mixture – also known as Budwig Muesli – (together with the anti-
cancer disease diet) is the mainstay of Dr Budwig’s protocol.
Step 1 Blend 3 US Tbs (UK dessert spoons) of flaxseed oil with 6 US Tbs low-fat Cottage cheese or Quark.
(Maximum 2% fat. If there are too high a fat content the oil will not mix in and the muesli will not bring the oxygen
to the cells.) Do not mix by hand. Use ONLY a hand-held immersion electric blender for up to a minute on low
speed. If the oil does not disappear you may need to add 2 or 3 US Tbs of milk or natural yogurt. The mixture
should be like rich whipped cream with no separated oil. Do not add anything else until the ‘whipped cream’ stage
has been reached.
If you have a reaction to the dairy in the cottage cheese this might indicate a problem with your duodenum. You
could try consuming a lactose tablet beforehand. Or replace the cottage cheese with Soy yogurt or Soy milk for
about 2 or 3 weeks and then the problem should clear up. (Soy products are not recommended other than in this
temporary situation.) You might also try these suggestions:
-Kefir cottage cheese as an alternative.
-Use organic and raw dairy products wherever obtainable.
-Re-introduce beneficial gut bacteria into pasteurized milk products by culturing your own yoghurt and making yoghurt
quark from it by straining.
-Buy products with live cultures (such as Nancy's Cottage Cheese, see which also provides a
store locator).
-Use goat’s milk products/goat yoghurt (best to drain it to obtain yoghurt quark). Goat milk is more expensive than
cow’s milk.
-Lothar Hirneise is an eminent German cancer researcher commented: “Of twenty people supposedly diagnosed
with lactose tolerance, ten don't even have it, and nine can be healed by simple measures such as juice fasting
combined with freshly ground flaxseed”
Dairy contains ‘casein’ which can cause inflammation and some people have a lactose intolerance which may be
aggravated by consuming the FSOCC. And although Dr. Budwig’s program has several favorable testimonials from
people with brain, breast, ovarian, lymphatic and prostate cancer, because of these issues some prefer not to
consume the FSOCC but to rely on all the other BUDWIG CENTER remedies
Substitute with 3 Tablespoons of Flaxseed oil daily with any meal and drink daily 2 glasses of Colloidal Silver mixed
with GHS Oxygen Formula (floods the body with oxygen – cancer cannot live in the presence of oxygen)
DR. BUDWIG’S WORLD FAMOUS MUESLI (Flaxseed oil and Quark) 7
Step 2 Separately grind 2 US Tbs of whole flaxseeds in a coffee grinder and stir into the creamy flaxseed oil and
cottage cheese mixture. Note: Ground flax seeds become rancid within 20 minutes, so eat the recipe immediately
and do not grind or store seeds ahead of when they are needed.
Step 3 Add 1 teaspoon of honey (best is raw, unpasteurized honey as it contains all the health-giving enzymes).
You can also add organic raw nuts such as ground hemp seed, ground almonds, sunflower seed, pumpkin seed and
brazil nuts (but not peanuts). For variety try vanilla, cinnamon, or shredded coconut. Some people enjoy it with a
dash of cayenne pepper ... be creative!
 Flaxseed oil must always be kept in the refrigerator or it will keep for 12 months in the freezer. Arrange to
purchase as directly as possible from a manufacturer (like Barlean’s who offer a discount for people with
cancer so tell them you are using the Budwig Center protocol) or arrange with the local health shop to keep
a supply in the refrigerator.
 IMPORTANT: The Budwig Muesli should NOT be made ahead of time and stored. Eat it within 20 minutes of
preparation. The flaxseeds should not be ground in advance.
 When following the BUDWIG CENTER protocol which may include TRICAN or LIFE DRINK, it is recommended
you eat flaxseed oil and cottage cheese and at a separate time (at least 1 ½ hours apart).
 Cottage cheese/quark can be frozen if necessary.
Two appliances are needed with the Budwig Protocol (we provide these during your stay)
1 A coffee bean grinder to grind the whole brown flaxseeds
2 An immersion hand-held mixer (a stick-shaped mixer) to blend and bond the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese
Note Whenever Tablespoons (Tbs) are mentioned it is the standard US tablespoon (= 15 ml) which is the equivalent
of the British dessert spoon. (1 British Tablespoon is 18 ml). 16 US Tbs = 1 cup.
Please do not add to the Budwig Center protocol any product on this list: Do NOT take Cesium chloride, Coral
Calcium, or other alkaline products or supplements (TRICAN is already properly pH balanced and these protocols
would push TRICAN out of balance!) Do NOT take Protocel, Cantron, Entlev or Cancell, Eniva Vibe liquid (registered
trademarks), no more than 12 apricot seeds per day. No Laetrile (Vitamin B17 injections), If you decide to do
several sessions of infusions of Vitamin C stop consuming the Flaxseed oil and cottage cheese at the same time as
they cancel each other out. If you take Protandim, wait for two hours after you have completed the Budwig Diet
for the day.
NO pork - Pigs are toxic animals by nature of their digestive system. The
food they eats stays in the stomach for hours, ferments and becomes highly
toxic because pigs do not sweat and have no lymphatic system to remove
the toxins from their body
Processed pork in such things as ham, sausages, hot dogs and bacon, are not only loaded with toxins but have
additional harmful chemical food additives (i.e. nitrates which are damaging to the prostate).
FOODS TO AVOID – According to Dr. Budwig 8
We know that these foods taste good – ‘toxins are indeed tasty’ – but they are dangerous and should be avoided
especially if you have a serious illness. It is reported that Jews and other cultures that avoid pork products for
religious reasons have very little arthritis which is connected to toxins and parasites, especially the roundworm
Trichinella spiralis.
 NO seafood - Fish with fins and scales are recommended, but no lobsters, clams, shrimp or any other fish
with a hard shell. Just as pigs (like flies and vultures) are the cleaners of the earth, shell fish are cleaners of
the sea and retain a high quantity of toxins in their system. Eat fresh wild fish, not farmed fish.
 NO hydrogenated oils, NO trans-fats - Instead, cold-pressed sunflower seed oil or almost any cold pressed
oils (including olive oil) are acceptable. Virgin coconut oil is a good choice when cooking because it is one
of the few oils that does not break down under higher heat (although if you aim to steam most of your food
there is very little need to heat food at higher temperatures or to consume too much fat). (Coconut oil is
also helpful as skin protection when sunbathing.)
 NO chips (crisps), deep fried foods (French fries, donuts) NO store-bought pastries (make your own with
our recipes- See Recipes at the end of the book)
 NO fizzy soft drinks A fizzy (soft) drink can contain up to 10 teaspoons of white refined sugar. Similarly
avoid fruit juices from concentrate which also has a high sugar content and no remaining vitamins
 Avoid white bread and white pasta - Spelt bread and whole grain Spelt pasta are a better choice than
wheat as many ill people have intolerance to wheat or gluten. Our VEGA test can determine which foods
you have intolerance to. Look for ‘sprouted’ Spelt or Rye bread, as the gluten is digested in the sprouting
process making the bread easier for you to digest. You can also eat whole Rye, Oat, and Multigrain bread
that does not contain sugar. Sour dough breads are also a good alternative, but ‘sprouted’ bread is the first
choice. Corn is discouraged because of mold and genetic modification issues.
 NO dairy products – other than the cottage cheese in the Budwig Muesli. Occasionally some high quality
cheese (such as Emmentaler, Gesha, Gouda, Herb Cheese, Sbrinz, Camembert, Gervais, Brie) or goat cheese
(2 oz) is allowed as a treat – but if you can cut it out altogether, so much the better. (For the most enzymes
and nutrients, don’t heat the cheese and be sure not to buy processed cheese.)
 Butter should be avoided, but is allowed in very small amounts on a special occasion – and on that basis it
is included in some of the Budwig recipes. Instead make your own Oleolux (see Recipes at the end of this
 NO ice cream Make your own healthy Budwig Ice Cream instead (see recipe at the end of this booklet).
Many commercial ice creams today are simply chemical concoctions presented in appealing packaging
designed to sell a product that is not fit for human consumption. Everything from hydrogenated oils, high
fructose corn syrup, and dry milk solids are used to produce something still allowed to be called ice cream.
Some pretty frightening sounding chemicals like caroxymethyl cellulose, butyraldehyde, and amyl acetate
are additives in some commercial ice creams. Diethyl glycol – a cheap chemical used in place of eggs – is
also used in anti-freeze and paint removers. Aldehyde C-17, flavoring for cherry ice cream, is an
inflammable liquid used in dyes, plastics, and rubber. Piperonal, used in place of vanilla, is a lice killer. Ethyl
Acetate, a pineapple flavor, can also clean leather and textiles and its vapor has been known to cause
chronic lung, liver, and heart damage. Other unsavory ingredients contained in many of the most famous
grocery store ice creams include: mono and diglicerides, disodium phosphate, benzyl acetate, mono
stearate, propylene glycol, sodium benzoate, polysorbate 80, potassium sorbate, modified corn starch and
soy lecithin. Learn more:
 NO sugar or molasses - It does not take very long for the taste buds to stop craving sugar, but if you must
have something sweet, Xylitol (only use Xylitol made from birch tress) or liquid Stevia are good options.
(Stevia in powder form is sometimes mixed with other artificial sweeteners, so be careful). 9
 Cocoa and Chocolate – most chocolate fudge/bars is loaded with sugar, so make your own delicious
chocolate fudge. Only raw chocolate provides all the incredible benefits of chocolate – See recipes
 Tea - Black tea is YIN (cold according to Chinese medicine) and best to limit its consumption
 Coffee - Although some reports show that coffee has some health benefits there is an issue of toxins. Best
to avoid or reduce to 1 cup per day
 NO soy milk or soy products (except for a little natural fermented soy sauce, or as a temporary solution if
you are intolerant of cottage cheese in the Budwig Muesli). Many of the soy products available in the West
have been treated with harsh shortcuts and are genetically modified. They can have suppressive effects on
the thyroid and, by extension, the immune system. They contain significant amounts of glutamate and
have effects similar to MSG. Even traditionally-fermented soy products have a downside and are linked to
various forms of neurological atrophy. Broad based population studies in China have indicated increased
incidence of Alzheimer-related syndromes in populations with the greatest consumption of soy. In addition
the phytic acid in soy can chelate (remove) calcium from the system. Soy is also a thyroid inhibitor.
 NO processed foods – they contain unhealthy quantities of salt, sugar and preservatives
 NO microwaving - Microwaving destroys many of the health-giving benefits of food
 NO Teflon - When Teflon pans start to peel and the Teflon disappears, it has gone into your food and
therefore into your body. It is especially bad for the reproductive system.
 NO aluminum cooking ware or aluminum foil. We recommend and provide during your stay at Budwig
Center enamel cooking ware. Stainless steel, ceramic, cast iron, glass and corning cookware are fine.
The Five Absolute Worst Foods Anyone Can Eat are: Doughnuts (white flour, sugar, bad oils), Soda (soft drinks),
French fries, Chips (crisps) and Fried seafood
Did Dr Budwig recommend a vegetarian diet? Dr. Budwig, stated in her book “Flax oil as a True Aid Against
Arthritis, Heart Infarction and Cancer” on page 34 “I do not forbid patients meat, unless they are on the edge of
the grave.” Lothar Hirneise spent many years working with Dr. Johanna Budwig. In the book “Cancer Cause and
Cure”, Lothar interviewed Dr. Johanna Budwig and on page 56 of this book Dr. Budwig stated: “I reject frozen and
preserved meat. Fresh meat is OK.”
Poultry (chicken, duck, turkey) could be eaten once a week as they are very YANG (warm according to Chinese
medicine). Make sure its free range and organic. Avoid non organic red meat that contains artificial hormones and
anti-biotics. Processed meats have several harmful preservatives. Obtain your protein mostly from plant sources
(nuts and seeds and plant oils), organic free-range eggs and fresh wild fish with fins and scales. Hemp oil and hemp
seeds (cold pressed) are particularly recommended because as well as containing all the essential amino acids and
essential fatty acids necessary for human life, they also contain a rare protein known as globule edestins that is
very similar to the globulin found in human blood plasma. Once month some red meat (lamb is a good choice)
from organic grass feed source would be acceptable. On page 175 of her Oil Protein Diet book, Dr. Budwig
discouraged the consumption of scrambled and fried eggs. Consume only free range eggs when called for in
recipes. (Avoid all animal fat (meat, cheese and butter the first 4 weeks)
Also Dr Armin Grunewald, the nephew of Dr J Budwig, is continuing her research with the BUDWIG FOUNDATION
and has introduced some updates. He does not agree that patients should have a wholly vegetarian diet. Raw
vegetables are also very YIN (cold) but steam cooked Vegetables are much better for your health. He encourages
the consumption of protein as the body is rebuilding and needs the energy and enzymes. Good sources of
FOODS TO CONSUME – According to Dr. Budwig 10
additional protein are Spirulina (containing about 65% protein - higher than any other natural food - far more than
animal flesh (20%), eggs (12%), whole milk (3%), soybeans (35%), peanuts (25%) or grains (8 to 14%) and over 26
times the calcium in milk), fish (with fins and scales). There are also many vegetarian sources of protein such as
hemp, lentils, nuts and seeds.
Nothing replaces natural food sources, and Dr Budwig was in favor or letting ‘food be your medicine and medicine
be your food’ (to quote the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates). Everything included in the Budwig Daily Schedule is
allowed and is positively good for you, such as fresh fruit and vegetables (especially if organic).
Brand new research shows that organic crops and foods contain up to 69 percent more antioxidants than
conventional crops grown with pesticides. A team of UK researchers reviewed data from over 300 studies
examining the differences between organic and conventionally grown crops. And they found that the antioxidant
boost you get from switching to organic products could be the equivalent of eating one or two extra servings of
fruit and veggies every day. Just by going organic. You could also significantly reduce your exposure to nitrates,
nitrites, and toxic heavy metals--like lead, mercury, and cadmium. Those pesticides and herbicides that literally
coat our food and dig their way into its DNA are riddled with heavy metals. And as I've mentioned here before, that
can lead to some pretty serious conditions--like Alzheimer's and even heart disease.
Our program is not so much about doing without, or eating terrible tasting food, but adopting a wide variety of
alternatives which are practical and often delicious (see recipes at the end of this Guide).
Steam your vegetables. Raw vegetables are good for you,
but can be hard to eat and often hard to digest. Actually
steaming vegetables is the best option as steamed
vegetables release 5 times more vitamins than most raw
vegetables. Add some YANG foods with it, such as curry,
onions, garlic, ginger, cayenne, etc
However, cooking food at temperatures of more than 105 F (41 Celsius) destroys important enzymes in the food.
Most people put their ovens at 350 F so very little real food value is left. Boiling food is not much better as the
water you throw down the drain has most of the vitamins in it. Invest in your health by investing in a Food Steamer
 Fruit - all natural fruits are acceptable and especially berries. However as much as possible always
purchase organic fruit. It is best to make your fruit juice using a BLENDTEC or VITAMIX juicer that keeps all
the pulp in with the juice. In N. America for other countries:
 Agar sweetener – this is a jelly-like substance, obtained from algae. Stevia and Xylitol from Birch trees
 Oils – Consume only oils that are cold pressed (or Extra Virgin). Hemp oil contains all the essential amino
acids and essential fatty acids necessary for human life, as well as a rare protein known as globule edestins
that is very similar to the globulin found in human blood plasma. Dr Budwig used coconut oil and is the only
oil suitable in baking and cooking as it does not break down in high heat.
 Eggs – Dr. Budwig was Vegetarian (or close to it) and so she did not use eggs in her cooking. She allowed
meat so free range organic eggs would probably be allowed but it is controversial. The only comments we
could find was in her “Oil Protein CookBook on page 175 she stated that “scrambled eggs and fried eggs
prepared with bacon or lard can cause problems.” Consume only poached or raw eggs and of course no
bacon or lard. Eggs yolks are one of the most nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich and vitamin-laden foods on
the planet! They contain 90 percent of the calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin, B6, folate, pantothenic 11
acid, Vitamin A,D, E and B12 along with heart-healthy omega 3. In addition the yolk contains all of the fat-
soluble components, such as vitamins A, D and E, not to mention the heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
Eggs are a rich source of choline, lutein and zeaxanthin. Choline is essential for cardiovascular and brain
function. Eating more of it may mean less inflammation, heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimers. If you
decide to consume raw eggs, the only danger is the shell. Wash the egg shell properly so no manure is on
it. Crack it into a glass, smell it, if it smells fresh, add a little fresh fruit juice and drink it down.
 Vegetable Juices – Consume daily carrot juice and other green juices. Do not mix the coconut oil into the
juice but put a tablespoon of liquid coconut oil into your mouth and drink it down with the juice.
 Herbs and Herbal teas – that are YANG are: Chai tea, Jasmine tea, Basil, cinnamon bark, clove, fennel seed,
dandelion, fenugreek seed, ginger, spearmint, star anise, turmeric and thyme,
 Spelt pasta and sprouted grains in bread, such as Ezekiel or other sprouted bread products (the sprouting
creates amino acids which break down the gluten). Potato bread, rye, pumpernickel, oatmeal are other
choices. Most patients do better if they avoid wheat products. If you are gluten intolerant avoid rye and
barley too. If you can tolerate wheat, make sure the flour is whole grain and unprocessed. In Europe you
can purchase sprouted breads in health shops or at:
SproutedBread.html?RefId=200&Adid =SRCH241314&kwid=241314
 Skins on most vegetables hold most of the vitamins and nutrients. Try to include them as part of your meal
instead of discarding them. Just to illustrate that, an earthquake cut off a wealthy family from the rest of
the population and by the time the rescue workers arrived they had all died except the maid. They asked
the maid how it was that she was still alive. The maid did not know but she said all we had to eat was
potatoes, so they had me peel the potatoes and cook them. They would not give me any. I ate the
peelings and they ate the potatoes!
 Salads – Raw fresh green salads and coleslaws are highly recommended. Try to have one or two salads per
day. Again organic when possible. Avoid Iceberg lettuce it has almost no nutrition and often causes
 Avoid leftovers Food should be prepared fresh and eaten soon after preparation to maximize intake of
health-giving electrons and enzymes. You are more at risk with food poisoning from leftovers, which is
something you especially don’t want if you already weak and fighting a serious illness. (If however it does
happen, 6 drops of Lugol’s iodine in the morning and then in the afternoon should correct it swiftly.)
 Nuts - If you're looking for a nutritious, quick snack, nuts (raw,
organic and in moderation) are a great option. Don’t worry about
nuts making you fat. That is a myth. Nuts contain ‘healthy’ fats,
fiber, plant sterols and many vitamins and minerals and help reduce
substantially chronic illnesses. In fact if you want to lose weight
consume Macadamia nuts and cold pressed Macadamia oil in your
salads and cooking as it can stand higher temperatures. A recent
study involving more than 13,000 people, published in the Journal of
the American College of Nutrition found out that nuts
1. Decreased body mass index and waist circumference and lower
2. Lower systolic blood pressure
3. Decreased prevalence of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes,
and MetS [metabolic syndrome]." 12
Contact an importer or wholesale outlet for nuts that are organic and raw, not irradiated or Pasteurized. One
exception is peanuts, which you want to avoid. Peanuts are technically in the legume family and carry fungus.
You can put a little cold pressed natural Hemp oil or Macadamia oil (this is a good choice as it does not alter the
taste of the nuts) and some Celtic or Himalayan salt on these raw nuts and they will be very tasty. Walnuts,
hazelnuts, pecans, Brazil nuts, almonds and cashews contain the amino acid l-arginine, which offers multiple
vascular benefits to people with heart disease.
You need to be cautious with the quantity of nuts you eat, but this is not because they will make you "fat," as many
believe. Instead, the reason for moderation is that almost all nuts are top heavy in omega-6 fats and can upset your
omega-6/omega-3 ratio. Be sure to consume walnuts, Flaxseed oil and seeds and / or a high quality fish or krill oil
daily to obtain your Omega 3
Walnuts have a higher concentration of Omega 3 fatty acids. A cracked
whole walnut looks much like the human brain, and it so happens that
walnuts can be used to treat brain injuries and enhance cognitive function,
which is why it’s referred to as a “brain food.” In a study conducted at the
Lipid Clinic in Barcelona, Spain, 21 men and women with high cholesterol
were given a regular low-calorie diet or one where one-third of the
monounsaturated fats were replaced with walnuts.
After 4 weeks, the participants switched to the other diet. Along with the reduced levels of cholesterol, the walnuts
were found to increase the elasticity of the arteries by 64% and to reduce levels of vascular cell adhesion, a key
player in the development of atherosclerosis, or the hardening of arteries. A study on walnut reported the
following “A form of vitamin E called gamma-tocopherol, found in high abundance in walnuts, has been found to
help fight breast, prostate, and lung cancer. When the blood of those who consumed walnuts was dripped over
cancer cells, it caused the cancer cells in a petri dish to die within a few hours”
Dr. Budwig was a strong proponent of Coconut oil. She used it in many of her
recipes. See OLEOLOX-FAT at the end of this book in the recipe section. Dr. Bruce
Fife, author of The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil states, "Coconut oil is the
healthiest oil on earth." Coconut oil contains Lauric acid which has been shown to
activate 20% of otherwise dormant thyroid hormone, naturally increasing
metabolism! This is amazingly good news for people with thyroid problems and for
those trying to lose weight as it keeps the cravings at bay while increasing
metabolism and flushing toxins out of your body!
Coconut oil is most important when fighting brain cancer. It helps reduce the inflammation as well. Start off slowly
by adding just 1 tablespoon (British dessert spoon) to your diet. If you don’t like the taste then apply it topically
and don’t worry your skin will absorb it. Some people do not really like the flavor of the coconut oil although it is
very mild. Apparently in Canada they sell pure virgin coconut oil that is odorless.
You can reap the rewards of coconut oil by increasing from 1 tablespoon to eventually consuming or applying to
your body up to four (4) tablespoons to your diet and/or daily moisturizing regimen. Apply coconut oil with a few
drops of tea tree oil to control dandruff and make your hair shiny and easier to manage. Even butter or cooking oils
can be replaced with coconut oil in baking or blending up smoothies. In fact cook only with coconut nut as it is one 13
of the few oils that does not break down when exposed to high heat. Start with 1 tablespoon a day for a day or two
and then 2 tablespoons a day and so on until you reach 3-4 tablespoons a day.
Julie Uses Coconut Oil - Julie was shocked. She had just had a mammogram and received a clean bill of health. But now, just a
few months later, her doctor told her she had a very aggressive form of breast cancer and needed surgery immediately. After
having the operation and months of chemo, she flew to her home in the Philippines. While there, she started having
excruciating headaches. She had her doctor X-ray her skull. The next day when she went in for the results, seven doctors
greeted her with the bad news. The breast cancer she had was now in her brain. "They had never seen the type of skull cancer
I had. Almost half my skull looks like cheese that had been eaten by rats. I was in shock. I asked them what were my chances
for survival. They said, ‘In the Philippines, at your stage...none.' I probably had two months." After flying back to the U.S., and
going through surgery (where the surgeon couldn't remove the entire tumor), the doctors told her there wasn't much they
could do. They tried chemo, but didn't expect it to work. So she flew back to her farm in the Philippines to visit her family. "I
was really weak and would just sit on the hill watching the farmers work among the coconut trees planting coffee seedlings.
"Just about that time, I came across some research on coconut oil. I started taking 3 to 4 tablespoons of oil a day plus
whatever I used in preparing my meals. I would add it to my oatmeal in the morning, put it in my hot chocolate, and cook my
meals in it. I also snacked on fresh coconut and drank coconut juice." The results were astounding. Six months later, she went
back to the U.S. for a check-up. "To their complete surprise, I had gone into remission. They asked me what I had done. I told
them I found a cure-virgin coconut oil. Today I continue to use coconut oil and I am cancer free!"
Dr. Budwig had all her patients drink a glass of fresh sauerkraut juice first thing in the morning.
She recommended you add a little pineapple juice if you found the taste hard to take. She knew
that cabbage offers a host of health benefits. First of all it is high in vitamins A and C, helps lower
cholesterol levels and provides a rich source of phytonutrient antioxidants and has anti-
inflammatory properties. The famous Captain James Cook sailed around the world without
losing a single sailor to scurvy, thanks to the foods his ship carried, including sixty barrels of
Insomnia and Indigestion plaque many of us as we get older. There seems to be no better remedy than starting your
day with a glass of sauerkraut juice and 3 to 6 capsules of a quality probiotic to fix this problem. Usually insomnia is
related to poor, slow digestion. You lay in bed and you want to sleep but your stomach keeps you awake. Many have
found that within a few days of consuming fresh sauerkraut juice and probiotics that this problem goes away and they
once again enjoy a good restful night sleep, even if they eat at night before bedtime.
Dr. Bob Beck discovered that he could kill or disable microbes (virus,
bacteria, and fungus) which is the main cause of cancer as well as
more than 90% of all illnesses using a low electrical current.
He developed a simple electronic device which has been proven to
destroy virtually all known bacteria, viruses and fungi instantly by
using a very weak electrical current that electrified /purified the
In 1993 two doctors were granted a U.S. Patent for a device that electrified the blood so that a small electric
current could disable viruses from being able to infect cells and multiply, thus rendering them harmless. This
includes the AIDS HIV virus.
Their discovery was one of the greatest medical discoveries in the history of medicine. The U.S. government
granted a patent in 1993 for a blood electrification device.
You can't get a US patent without proving ALL of the claims made. A key points from the document is: ".....the
present invention has been devised to attenuate any bacteria, virus (including the AIDS HIV virus) parasites and/or
fungus contained in blood contributed by a donor to the point that any such contaminant is rendered ineffective
for infecting a normally healthy human cell, but does not make the blood biologically unfit for use in humans.....
with alternating current electric field forces of appropriate electric field strength to attenuate such contaminants to
the extent that bacteria, virus, fungus, and/or parasites contained in the blood or other body fluids are rendered
ineffective to infect and/or affect normally healthy human cells." United States Patent 5,188,738
Beck conducted hundreds of PCR blood tests on AIDS patients at hospitals all over the U.S. All showing AIDS cured
by his method. One example was a patient who had 418,478 particles of HIV in his blood on Sept 5th 1995. On
November 3rd 1995 his PCR was less than 100. He was cured and symptom free. After several years of testing and
seeing miraculous results, Beck had no qualms about stating that this method, “can cure all known infectious
diseases including HIV, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, Epstein Barr, Herpes, E Bola, Botulism, Anthrax, and all man-
made biological warfare viruses.”
It is completely safe, does not harm healthy cells or tissues,
and has no side effects. Beck found that the real world
results of blood electrification were even better than
those reported by the laboratory researchers.
When viewed under a dark-field microscope, the blood of a
normal, healthy human being usually has a lot of parasitic
worms, viruses, fungi, germs and pathogens swimming
around. The blood cells are all stuck together. After three
weeks of blood electrification the blood is clean and the
blood cells are plump and healthy and round and free
flowing. Beck liked to call it “Immortal Blood“.
The Dr. Beck Protocol
The Beck Protocol is a 4 Step Program: 15
Using these four steps works synergistically and as some has said ‘almost magically’ with noticeable
improvements in less than a month
1. Blood Electrification – also known as micro-pulsing or Micro current Therapy.
You must electrify blood for one to two hours every day for three weeks. This
should not interfere with other activities.
As your blood circulates normally, enough will be flowing along this path in
forearm until most blood in your body is eventually treated by the 50 to 100
microampere current flowing internally.
A 150 lb person has 8 pints of blood that circulate through the body every 8-9 seconds.
As the blood passes by the electrodes at the wrist site, it is electrified with micro-current. According to Beck, “when
the proper micro-current is correctly applied into the blood, it neutralizes ALL viruses, pathogens, microbes,
parasites, fungi, mycotoxins, coexisting foreign life forms, alien invaders and their byproducts.” When we are ill and
go to see the doctor, one of the basic things he will order is a blood test. Why? Well, evidently the disease causing
microbes are usually in the blood. Keeping our blood clean and free flowing is a powerful way of maintaining
and/or restoring good health
2. Pulsed Magnetic (or Bio Magnets) fields for lymph and tissue
electrification. Apply your magnetic pulse generator for about 20 minutes
daily by positioning and pulsing coil over lymph nodes and internal organs.
Pulsing creates a small electrical current in the blood which will break off a
key enzyme on the surface of all microbes which are traveling through the
Doing this prevents the microbes from entering human cells and multiplying afterwards. The microbes are then
naturally removed from the body during its regular eliminatory functions. The magnets also dislodge microbes that
are not floating around in the bloodstream, but are "hiding" in root canals, the lymph system, the stomach area,
etc so that they enter the bloodstream and are deactivated by blood electrification.
This therapy is extremely useful as it neutralizes active, hibernating or incubating pathogens being normally
processed in lymph, spleen, liver, skin, kidney, stomach muscles and other tissue.
3. Ionic Colloidal Silver to help the immune system
and potent natural anti-biotic. Colloidal Silver is the
most powerful natural antibiotic known to man,
estimated to kill over 650 different disease-causing
pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungus and yeast).
Colloidal Silver also stimulates the production of
healthy stem cells. Colloidal silver is the result of an
electromagnetic process that pulls microscopic
particles from a larger piece of silver into a liquid,
such as water. As tiny particles, the silver can more
Colloidal Silver Maker 16
easily penetrate and travel throughout the body.
Colloidal silver works as a catalyst, disabling the
enzyme that all one-celled bacteria, fungi and viruses
use for their oxygen metabolism.
In short, it suffocates the bad microbes. Faced with colloidal silver instead of antibiotics, these disease causing
pathogens don't have the capacity to develop resistant strains.
Colloidal silver is virtually nontoxic, making it safe for children and adults, as well as pets. Drink 8 to 16 oz. (2 to 4
glasses of 250ml) of 3 to 5 ppm self-made Silver Colloid daily. Keep it in your mouth and swish it around for a while
first, before swallowing it. Colloidal silver is an antimicrobial nutrient and is perfectly safe for humans, pets and
plants. Its main purpose is to kill the microbes in the blood and most of those in hiding. Stimulates white blood cell
production, thus boosting the body’s ability to attack cancers and pathogenic microorganisms and stimulates red
blood cell production, thus boosting life-giving oxygenation of the body’s cells, tissues and organs. Since there is
not enough room to list all the diseases against which colloidal silver has traditionally been used, here is a tiny
sample; acne; allergies; appendicitis; arthritis; blood parasites; bubonic plague; burns (it is one of the few treatments that can keep
severe burn patients alive); cholera; cold sores; colitis; cystitis; conjunctivitis; atopic dermatitis (a/k/a cradle cap); diabetes;
dysentery; ear "affections"; eczema; gastritis; gonorrhea; impetigo; influenza; hay fever; herpes; leprosy; leukemia; lupus;
lymphangitis; Lyme disease; malaria;' meningitis; parasitic infections. both viral and fungal; pneumonia; pneumococci; psoriasis;
prostatitis; rheumatism; rhinitis; ringworm; scarlet fever; septic conditions of the eyes, ears, mouth and throat; salmonella;
septicemia; shingles; staph infections; strep infections; syphilis; tonsillitis; toxemia; trench foot; all forms of viruses; warts and
stomach ulcers; yeast infections. In addition, it has veterinary uses, such as for canine parvo virus.* You'll also find colloidal
silver very handy in the garden since it can be used against bacterial, fungal and viral attacks on plants. Simply
spray diluted colloidal silver on the leaves and add to soil water.
4. Oxygen to oxygenate and flush wastes from the body. Dr. Budwig understood the importance of our bodies
being properly oxygenated. In fact all diseases originate from a lack of sufficient oxygen and then toxic microbes
are able to easily enter the body and thrive. Ozone (O3) is the greatest detoxifying agent known to man as it
oxidizes and kills bacteria and parasites. Our planet uses ozone to detoxify, and so does our body. Hospitals use
airborne ozone to sterilize operating rooms.
In Germany actually use oxygen (ozone) to clean their water instead of
chlorine, a much better system. Neutralizing billions of pathogens in the
body with blood electrification can produce a severe detoxification reaction.
Beck recommended drinking three glasses of oxygen enriched water per day
even when well.
Oxygen is well-known for killing microbes. Each day we recommend cancer
patients consumes 30grams of Oxygen Formula. You must generate fresh
oxygen water yourself each time and drink immediately since oxygenated
water has a half-life of only a few minutes. All known pathogens and cancers
are anaerobic. Oxygen enriched water aids their elimination by oxidation
and speeds your detoxification and recovery with no discomfort. Consuming
Just add to water or juice 17
oxygen water flushes neutralized pathogens, wastes and toxins from your
Drinking oxygen water significantly increases your blood oxygen level (this can be verified with a Pulse
Oximeter) and as a result produces rapid, safe, totally natural cell oxygenation. In addition, Oxygen carries a
negative electrical charge that specifically counteracts free radical damage and recharges depleted cells. The
oxygen oxidizes the toxins and waste products in your body, turning them into H2O and CO2 which are easily
eliminated by the body. The Beck approach is clever, effective and easy to do. However you need to be sure you
using all the four approaches otherwise you will not obtain the benefits
BREAST CANCER - Thirteen years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer and I had a mastectomy on one breast. Eight months
ago I knew the cancer was back. Tests confirmed I had 3rd to 4th stage cancer in my bones-skull, one hip, and several ribs. My
leg was so bad I had to use a cane and couldn't walk without the aid of a cane. I refused chemotherapy and tamoxifin. Seven
months ago, my doctor told me about the Silver Pulser and Magnetic Pulser. I started with only 5 minutes a day with both
blood purification and magnetic pulsing. I gradually increased the time until I was able to use them to 2 hours a day. I use a
Pulser for 20 minutes a day. I drink one cup of colloidal silver daily and 1/3 cup of ozonated water daily. After four weeks my
sister invited me to go to a polka party with her. She insisted I enter a dance contest with her and we won first prize in the
polka competition! I am 66 years old and today I often go for walks-up to 40 minutes-or I at least walk on my treadmill for 25
minutes. I am also taking vitamin and mineral supplements and flax oil daily. When the nurse at my doctor's office checked my
blood using a Darkfield Microscope, she was so amazed at the improvement in my blood she interrupted the doctor while he
was with another patient to tell him. A recent bone scan shows the cancer is still present. I'm optimistic as my doctor suggests
the bones will be the last stage to clear. I'll keep in touch to let you know my progress. --- J.R. of Chicago, IL
COLDS, SORE THROAT, CHEST AILMENTS, ALLERGIES - I have been using the blood electrifier for about a year and a half… the
blood electrifier and taking colloidal silver water has had the most positive effect on my health of any alternative therapy I
have ever tried. In my early childhood I had contracted double pneumonia and other childhood diseases that put me in the
hospital seven times by the time I was two years of age. As a result of this I had weakened respiratory and immune system
that allowed constant colds, sore throats, chest ailments and allergies to develop. This continued right up to my adult years.
Prescribed medicines didn't seem to work, nor did diet modifications, and herbals and vitamins had marginal positive effects.
Some homeopathic formulations were effective in reducing the frequency of my colds but not the severity. Since using the
blood electrifier and taking silver water daily, I have been free of colds and associated respiratory complications for a year and
a half. There have been occasions when I feel the early symptoms of something trying to develop but nothing does. I use the
blood electrifier two hours daily for one month periods and then one month off. I take silver water twice daily, 1 oz. morning
and evening. I have recently purchased the magnetic pulser to use with the blood electrifier for deeper lymph cleaning. I had a
blood analysis done about a year ago using the dark field microscopy method and it showed my blood to be quite clean and
free from active virus and fungi, which I attribute to using the blood electrifier. I can only conclude that these theoretical
health treatments for blood and lymph cleaning had been responsible for restoring my immune system so that it can properly
function. -- N.O. of Regina, SK
MRSA No Longer Shows Up In My Blood Work! - “I don't remember when I started using colloidal silver but probably over a
year ago. I had MRSA. My doctor wanted me to get on antibiotics and I refused because they take a toll on my health. I bought
the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator and started taking 2 oz. of the colloidal silver 4 times a day for quite a long time. I 18
discovered I wasn’t using it correctly. I was drinking it. I learned I had to keep it in my mouth and swish it around for a while
first, before swallowing it. It started working then. I am now at the end of MRSA. It didn't show up in my blood the last time I
had blood work, and one of those visual blood pictures. I still take the silver only now am taking 2 oz. morning and 2 oz at
night before bed. I’ve also used it topically on my breakouts to help them heal faster. I think I got the MRSA from my daughter
who had a sore on her back for over 2 years. And her daughter got it too, so I am giving silver to them to drink also. Rose is no
longer having break outs. She is my granddaughter. My daughter still has a few breakouts, but not many now. They are on the
way to being free of it also.
LAUNDRY - I also use the silver in my laundry for all of our clothes and towels. And also for disinfecting counter tops. I love
how it works. Another benefit it has done for me is my teeth used to bleed when I brushed but no longer and they seem to be
stronger now. Thank you for all you do.” – Paula D., Kissimmee, FL
CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME - I began the Beck protocol seeking relief from chronic fatigue brought on by mercury and
other metal poisoning and a lifetime of serious allergies. I took a series of chelation treatments to rid myself of the metal
poisoning but two years later I still had a major problem with infections and a stubborn case of herpes zoster (shingles). After
an initial 22 days using the blood electrifier and Magnetic Pulsing, I felt better than I had in years. ….-- B.A. of Penngrove, CA
BREAST CANCER - How I cured my Breast cancer in 21 days with Bob Beck Protocol - "I cure mine breast cancer in 3 weeks
with only Bob Beck protocol and ate only organic living foods. No meat or no dairy, avoid fat accept Fax seed oil. …..I only did
Bob Beck and eat only healthy organic living food. I wanted to see if only Bob Beck would cure it in 3 weeks and it did just like
they said it would. Surgery is not needed. My hard lump went back to 100% normal health tissue with only Bob Beck protocol
in 3 to 6 months but i only did the protocol for 5 weeks. Check her urine, is it cloudy? 21 day only on the Bob Beck silver
pulsar and colliod silver the pain stopped at 21 days and my urine was all cleared up on the 21 day. the lump when back to
soft tissue in 3 to 6 months. No surgery and no chemo, no radiation. I wore the silver pulsar for 4 hours a day and only ate
healthy living organic food. ---From a user on the Bob Beck Forum
Our Bio Magnetic therapist after 10 years of treating people from all over the world, using a therapy that involves
the application of special Bio Magnets placed strategically on the body of patients has helped with basically most
types of illness with a success rate of 96%. In fact, many patients have had 100% positive remission. Here are some
of the common health problems that our therapist has treated with astonishing results:
Anxiety disorders
Attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD)
Bipolar disorder
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Candida Albicans
Crohn's disease
Cystic fibrosis
Eating disorders
Emotional Issues
GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux
Growth hormone deficiency
Heart diseases
Inflammatory Bowel
Low Libido
Lactose Intolerance
Migraine Headaches
Multiple sclerosis
Muscular dystrophy
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Bacteria and parasites live and grow in an alkaline environment while viruses and fungus live and grow in
an acidic environment. They cannot live in a pH neutral (7 pH) environment. The Bio-magnetism
Therapist applies sets of magnets by pairs, always one positive polarity and the other negative polarity.
This creates an ideal pH neutral field and as the harmful pathogens cannot survive in that environment
(they need an acid or alkaline terrain) and hence rapidly die off. When BioMagnetism is combined with
the Dr. Beck 4 level Anti-cancer protocol the results are longer lasting as you continue to destroy any
leftover pathogens and any future harmful viruses that invade the body.
When we expose ourselves to toxins and have a regular diet of acidic junk foods we create an ideal
terrain for these harmful pathogens to grow and cause severe health issues.
However even people that take extreme caution with their food choices
and environment fall prey to these nasty pathogens. Viruses and harmful
bacteria are easily picked up as we interact with others, from animals
(saliva, urine, and feces), decaying soil, ticks, mites, public areas
(hospitals, spas, pools, public toilets, etc.), travelling abroad and sexual
contact. They are everywhere and we have a constant battle with them
which is why we need to constantly fight them off using bio magnetism.
The only true solution to enable the body to heal itself is to destroy these
harmful pathogens. However that is much easier said than done. These
harmful viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungus are very clever and when
you attack them in one area they move and hide in another. In addition
they work together so that when you destroy one but not the other, they
The BUDWIG CENTER has researched several different therapies over the past 30 years to find one that
is fast and effective in destroying these harmful pathogens. The very best therapy we have discovered is
Biomagnetism or Biomagnetic Pair Therapy is a new revolutionary, scientific and therapeutic approach to
healing that differs from Traditional Medicine, Homeopathy, standard magnetic treatments (blankets,
necklaces, wristbands, Papimi, etc), Herbs and Naturism.
Biomagnetic Pair Therapy or Biomagnetism is a therapeutic system developed by Dr Isaac Goiz Duran,
MD based on his discovery of the first Biomagnetic Pair BMP on 1988. You may not have heard of this
incredible therapy because Dr Goiz has made a lot of inroads in the Spanish speaking world but is almost
unknown to other languages and cultures.
Dr. Goiz has very successfully treated more than 350,000 patients with Biomagnetism and has trained
more than 20,000 Medical Doctors and other Health Therapists from many different countries.
The admirable simplicity of this system allows working with powerful but inoffensive magnets of
different forms from which amazing results are obtained. It's totally different from magnetic therapy;
the only similarity is the use of magnets. Biomagnetism is a comprehensive alternative therapy for
diagnosing, healing and preventing disease. It is in no way similar to magnet therapy.
He found that by using specially designed magnets (minimum 1000 gauss strength) placed by pairs
(Positive and Negative) on specific areas of the body to fight theses harmful viruses, bacteria, parasites
and fungus he was able to effectively help literally thousands of people with all types of health issues.
Several patients notice even during the magnetic treatment session an energy surge and the body
reacting to the destruction of these harmful pathogens.
People, who have spent a literal fortune on therapies from both the medical and naturopathic approach
with no tangible positive results over many years, have reported instant improvements in their health
even after just one session of Biomagnetism.
What to Expect with a Biomagnestism Session
Lying down on the massage table, fully clothed, we
scan the whole body for pH imbalances. Is a
noninvasive, low cost, safe therapy, with no side
effects. Most conditions improve or resolved in 1-
3 treatments, some may require 3-5 while a few
chronic or long term conditions may require more
than 5. The most effective and fastest results are
obtained when you come to our clinic for a full
session. However for those who cannot travel to
the BUDWIG CENTER in Spain for this treatment
we can help them with a “Distance Program”. TheBioMagnetic treatment at BUDWIG CENTER 21
Magnetic Pulsar can be sent to your home to keep
and use indefinitely
Each treatment session at the BUDWIG CENTER of Par Biomedics lasts about an hour. The therapist will
first locate specific areas or points that need treatment which corresponds mostly to organs and tissues
that suffer distortion. The Biomagnetism Therapist applies sets of magnets by pairs, always one positive
polarity and the other negative polarity.
This creates an ideal pH neutral field and the
harmful pathogens cannot survive in that
environment (they need an acid or alkaline terrain)
and hence rapidly die off.
A Biomagnetic Pair BMP is created when there are
2 specific areas in the body that are energetically
connected and resonate with each other, one is
positive-acidic the other negative-alkaline.
The disease is located in the organ and/ or tissue imbalance between positive and negative charges. If
the ionic disturbance is corrected, the problem disappears, since it returns to its balance point. It also
work on pets and animals with excellent results.
The BUDWIG CENTER also offers hyperthermia, which is an artificially induced fever. Studies indicate an
average of 83% reduction in tumors using hyperthermia. Hippocrates noted that “illness not cured by
heat is incurable.” In 1927, Julius Wagner-Jauregg received the Nobel Prize in medicine for work
involving the therapeutic application of hyperthermia. Fever has long been a misunderstood and
mistreated symptom. Most orthodox doctors try to combat and suppress fever, with drugs. However,
the fact is that fever is a constructive, health-promoting symptom, initiated and created by the body in
its own effort to fight infections and other conditions of disease and to restore health.
Fever speeds up metabolism, inhibits the growth of
invading virus or bacteria, and accelerates the healing
processes. Hyperthermia is a therapeutic procedure used
to raise the temperature of cancerous tumor to at least
108ºF for one hour.
It is based on a simple and easily verifiable scientific fact
that a temperature of 108ºF kills cancer cells but not
normal human tissue cells. In normal tissues, blood vessels
open up (dilate) when heat is applied, dissipating the heat
and cooling down the cell environment.
HYPERTHERMIA – Cancer Hates Heat 22
Unlike healthy cells, a tumor is a tightly packed group of
cells, and circulation is restricted and sluggish.
When heat is applied to the tumor, vital nutrients and oxygen are cut off from the cancer cells. This
results in a collapse of the tumor’s vascular system and destruction of the cancer cells. All we need is
some way to raise the body’s temperature, and we create a selectively negative environment for the
renegade cancer cells, which can be mopped up by the immune system.
There are several other methods used to induce hyperthermia, such as full-body submersion in hot
water, ultrasound, and saunas, to name a few. There are few side effects and the body has the ability to
recover from the low dose radiation in most cases.
Dr. A. Lwoff, a famous French bacteriologist, has demonstrated in repeated scientific experiments that
fever is indeed a “great medicine,” and that it can help to cure many “incurable” diseases. Renowned
oncologist, Dr. Josef Issels, stated: “Artificially induced fever has the greatest potential in the treatment
of many diseases, including cancer.” Keep in mind that this remark was made by one of the leading
cancer specialists in the world!
Hyperthermia gives tumors a “triple whammy” by:
1. Removing accumulations of toxic chemicals that cause tumors and disease
2. Improving circulation so that tissues are both nourished with oxygen and flushed of acidic wastes
3. Weakening or even killing tumor cells that have a lower tolerance for heat than healthy cells.
Over 2,000 years ago, the famous Greek physician, Parmenides, stated “Give me a chance to create
fever, and I will cure any disease.” This traditional wisdom has certainly stood the test of time. Source -
Chapter 6 – NON-Toxic Treatments Cancer – Step Outside the Box page 194
Dr. Budwig was not in favor of using a lot of food supplements. However Dr. O.P. Verma of India
interviewed Dr. Budwig and afterwards wrote a book entitled “Cancer Cause and Cure” and on page 36-
37 he lists a number of food supplements compatible with the Budwig approach. In addition, at the
BUDWIG CENTER we do a VEGA Bio-Resonance test on each person which also tests which homeopathic,
herbal or nutritional supplement or formula would be needed personally by them to regain their health.
Therefore please do not add any food supplements, remedies and vitamins without first checking with
the BUDWIG CENTER. Here are just a few of our unique, time tested remedies:
Boost Your Strength, Stamina and antibody production by more than 400%
SUPPLEMENTS (Non Synthetic) - Which Are the Most Effective? 23
We all remember the world famous boxer, Muhammad Ali. However something most do not know is
that when he turned 34 he noticed a sharp reduction in his energy. Muhammad Ali started getting
flabby, short-winded and lethargic. His coach was very concerned that his boxing success was coming to
an end. Fortunately for Muhammad Ali his coach was Dr. Richard Passwater, Ph.D., a celebrated sports
nutrition specialist with an excellent track record for using nutritional intervention to help whip aging
athletes back into shape, including key team members of the aging Washington Redskins football team.
What did Dr. Passwater prescribe for this world class boxer? A rare
vitamin called B-15 found only in Russia at that time. Here is what As Dr.
Passwater discovered: " age 34, Ali was having trouble training for his
April 30, 1976 bout with Jimmy Young in Landover, MD. He was sluggish,
unmotivated and getting a little flabby. I was contacted by one of his
associates, Gene Kilroy. A blood test revealed that he was low in iron, but
not yet anemic. Chelated iron, multivitamins rich in the B-VITAMINS and
extra antioxidant vitamins quickly normalized his blood chemistry. But it
wasn't until I put him on 'vitamin B-15' that he fully regained his stamina
and drive."
Ali's New Weapon
Following this new nutritional regime, Ali went on to win his bout with Jimmy Young. And during an
internationally televised interview in Ali's dressing room just before his May 24, 1976 bout with Richard
Dunn from London, the champ held up a bottle of "B-15" to show the world his "new weapon." Later in
1978, after five consecutive boxing victories over younger boxers like Young, Dunn, Norton, Evangelista
and Shavers, the National Medical Bulletin reported openly that Ali was taking B-15. As news spread of
Muhammad Ali success with B-15 many other athletes did starting taking it as well, including aging
members of the Pittsburgh Steelers, New York Yankees, Dallas Cowboys and Washington Redskins.
Suzanne Somers Reveals how B-15 Kept Her Functioning at Youthful Levels
B-15 is a totally natural product that the body produces and can be found in plants and food and has
been demonstrated through more than 40 years’ worth of clinical research to dramatically improve the
nutritional environment of our cells, tissues and organs of the human body so we can function at more
youthful levels no matter how old we are!
Perhaps that's why the still very beautiful, 66-year old actress and best-
selling author Suzanne Somers lists B-15 as a critical nutrient supplement
in her daily health program.
This is the one nutritional supplement that, simply stated, makes you feel
young all over again when you take it regularly.
And perhaps that's why Dr. Roger V. Kendall, Ph.D., also, considers this
unique and powerful nutrient one of the single-most important 24
nutritional supplements for the HEALTH and well-being of the entire
human body.
Immune system, liver and heart functions have all improved reported Dr. J. Noverini, D.C. who puts his
patient on Vitamin B-15. From a study by the Medical University of South Carolina, it was reported in
the 'Journal of Infectious Diseases' that in a double-blind clinical study, B-15 increases antibody
production by more than 400% in humans.
Partial List of the Health Benefits of B-15
 Improves in oxygen utilization which in crucial in the fight against cancer
 Anti-aging, more energy, stamina and strength (athletes have reported up to a 40% increase in stamina)
 Prevents and helps overcome Fibromyalgia
 Support recovery from alcohol and drug addiction
 Improves Immune system (A study in animals showed that immune response to the flu virus and to salmonella
was increased between 300% to 1,000%)
 Reduces the buildup of lactic acid in athletes, and, thereby, lessen muscle fatigue and increase endurance.
 Improves circulation (which improve cardiovascular system and sexual function)
 Improves glucose metabolism and blood glucose levels (important for Diabetics)
 Aids in production of neurotransmitters (improves memory)
 Intermediary metabolite involving several physiological systems
 Reduces elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels
 Decreases angina pain and high blood pressure
 Possesses anti-cancer activity and metastasis (especially when combined B-17)
 Aids in production of hormones and dealing with stress
 Helps DNA produce healthy and normal cells
 Enhances the IMMUNE SYSTEM by increasing the immune response
 Supports liver detoxification and improves liver function
 Antiviral, antibacterial and anti-tumor
 Detoxifies chemical poisoning
Selenium is possibly the most powerful anti-tumor nutrient there is according to researchers like Dr. E. J.
Crary, who states, “Selenium is the most potent broad-spectrum anticarcinogenic agent that has yet
been discovered.” That’s right. The trace mineral, selenium, has been shown in multiple studies to be an
effective tool in warding off various types of cancer, including breast, esophageal, stomach, prostate,
liver, and bladder cancers. The scientific and medical literature is filled with studies that demonstrate
selenium’s anticancer effects in humans. For example, in an epidemiological study, Dr. Raymond
Shamberger categorized the states and cities in the USA according to whether there was high, medium,
or low selenium availability in the diet. He demonstrated an inverse association between selenium
availability and age-adjusted mortality for all types of cancer. To put it simply, the more selenium
available, the lower the levels of cancer.
In a worldwide study Dr. Gerhard Schrauzer, M.D., Ph.D. (professor of medical chemistry at the
University of California at San Diego) analyzed the blood-bank data from 27 countries around the world. 25
He compiled a list in order of their blood selenium levels disclosing an inverse proportional relationship
to cancer incidence, reporting specifically that areas with low levels of selenium in the diet had higher
levels of leukemia and cancers of the breast, colon, rectum, prostate, ovary, and lung. In other words,
the number one nation in blood selenium level (Japan) had the lowest cancer level (and consistently has
rated highest in longevity) while the number two selenium level nation had the second lowest cancer
rate, etc. etc.
One of the most important blind studies on selenium and cancer was a double-blind intervention trial
conducted by Dr. L.C. Clark (and colleagues) at the University of Arizona Cancer Center. When all the
results were tabulated, it became clear that the selenium-treated group developed almost 66% fewer
prostate cancers, 50% fewer colorectal cancers, and about 40% fewer lung cancers as compared with the
placebo group. Only 200 mcg daily supplementation of selenium has been documented to dramatically
reduce cancer incidence, when in a grown, food-formed variety. A daily intake of 400 mcg was
recommended by Dr. Schrauzer, mentioned earlier in this article. A daily intake of 600 mcg has been
documented for residents of Japan on a traditional Japanese diet where cancer incidence is lowest and
longevity is the greatest in the world. If every man, woman, and child supplemented with 200 mcg of
selenium, we could almost wipe out the cancer epidemic over night! Eating just 4 Brazil nuts a day will
give you 200mcg of selenium
Some of the best natural sources of selenium are Brazil nuts, garlic, broccoli sprouts, and brussel sprouts.
All of these foods contain selenium in the form of MSC. Although garlic has the greatest concentration of
MSC, you are not likely to eat enough of it to produce the desired results, so Brazil nuts, broccoli sprouts,
and brussel sprouts are your best choices. Source -Chapter 12 – Fantastic Foods & Super Supplements
Cancer – Step Outside the Box page341
Alpha-G (AHCC) is used in more than 700 hospitals worldwide in
their treatment of patients with tumors and degenerative life
threating diseases
AHCC is not battling tumors directly, instead in a very clever way it
is strengthening your own immune system, so it can do what it is
supposed to do - destroy diseased tumor cells! As you know your
body's first defense, your own immune system is your best
Our Natural Killer (NK) cells from our white blood cells may hold the key to the growth and spread of
diseased cells. This helps explain why AHCC is effective for every type of tumor because it greatly
enhances your immune system!
Here is what the CLINICAL STUDIES and RESEARCH revealed:
 Highly effective immuno-modulator used in over 700 clinics as a standard preventative regiment for
all incoming patient to reduce the risk of hospital infections.
 Decreased primary tumors by 20% more than chemotherapy all on its own
AHCC – A Hybrid Japanese Mushroom 26
 Inhibits (metastasis) to other PARTS of the body by nearly 30% as compared to chemotherapy alone.
 Increases the production of cytokines and the activity of NK cells (essential elements in our immune
system) by as much as 300-800%
 Increases populations of macrophages (immune system), in some cases doubling them
 Increases the number of dendritic cells and T cells (immune system) by as much as 200%
 Increased macrophage activity (immune defense system) as compared to chemotherapy alone,
sometimes by as much as 96%.
 Since 1986, there have been 29 published scientific studies showing that the use of a proprietary
natural compound called AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated Compound), can increase NK cell cancer
killing function by several hundred times.
 Patients who consumed 3 grams of AHCC had an average survival rate of almost 2 years longer versus
those who didn't.
 One of the world's most researched specialty immune supplements supported by 20 human clinical
studies, by over 30 papers published in PubMed-indexed journals and by more than 100 pre-clinical
and IN VITRO studies.
 Japan's leading alternative cancer therapy used in hundreds of cancer clinics throughout Asia.
 In a 1995 study published in the International Journal of Immunology reported “ a significant decline
in the level of PSA in all prostate cancer patients; in addition, significant decline in CA 125 levels was
observed for 2/3 ovarian cancer patients and one of two multiple myeloma patients had significant
reduction in BJP level (the second had a slight decrease) who used AHCC”
 In various trials, 9 out of 11 patients had dramatic increase in the NK cell activity level as well as their
T and B cell activity level (the immune system). In other words, the patient's reduction in tumor
markers correlated with the increases in strength of their immune systems, validating the notion that
a strong immune system is the key
 AHCC has been used successfully to treat a wide range of health conditions, from minor ailments such
as colds and flu, to other serious diseases including hepatitis, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
If you are on chemotherapy AHCC would be imperative to add to your daily routine. As many know our
immune system is suppressed by chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. This is why often tumors will
spread even more aggressively we might add following these treatments. Consuming AHCC in
conjunction with chemotherapy is therefore very important. A study published in 1998 in the prestigious
journal Anti-Cancer Drugs showing how AHCC worked in combination with a widely used form of oral
chemotherapy is particularly important. This study demonstrated that AHCC enhanced the beneficial
effects of the chemotherapy, while reducing detrimental side effects. The Anti-Cancer Drugs study
concluded, "Taken together, the combination of Active Hexose Correlated Compound (AHCC) plus
chemotherapy, brought about good therapeutic effects, not only on primary tumor growth, but also on
reducing metastasis and these effects were mediated by HOST immunity which was restored or
activated by Active Hexose Correlated Compound."
No undesirable side effects were reported with the use of AHCC 27
"I began taking 3000mg daily of AHCC a week prior to chemotherapy treatment for ovarian cancer. I
continued on this dosage throughout my 4 months of chemo and suffered almost no side effects. I did
lose most (although not all) of my hair, but was never once nauseous, maintained a healthy appetite and
very little fatigue. I can honestly say that I breezed through the chemotherapy and I can only put this
down to the incredible immunity boost of the AHCC. People were amazed at how well I felt. The chemo
was successful and I now continue to take them as part of a healthy eating regime. They are my secret
weapon!" - Sam D - Gloucestershire, UK
"Ten years ago I had lung cancer and was told I might live 8 months. I was on the product nine months and the
cancer was gone! No chemo, no radiation, just good nutrition and this mushroom product! Now ten years later
another tumor formed in my eye area and I started on AHCC two months ago. The tumor is GONE. I will continue
this product the rest of my life! Thank you for making this product affordably available!" Mavis W - Ozark, AL
"I have a friend who had cancer and said she believes AHCC has kept her cancer free for 20 years. I decided to
take it too as I had breast cancer and follicular non-hodgkins lymphoma at the same time. After surgery, radiation
and chemotherapy I felt so lousy. I deal with neuropathy, shingles, dry mouth, fatigue, plus other problems. I
changed my life and take AHCC for my immune system. I believe it has helped me be cancer free also." - Arlene S -
Fond Du Lac, WI
"As the daughter of a breast cancer survivor, I was extremely motivated to find an herbal solution to augment my
mother's treatment as well as bolster both of our immune systems. After rigorously investigating available
avenues, I concluded that AHCC was the best option. I am happy to report that we are both healthy — ”and it is 14
years later!" Rebecca K, Ph.D - Santa Cruz, CA
Prostate Cancer – “In 2006 my psa-test was 1.8 ng/ml,in 2008 it jumped to 3.5,my family doctor let me go to a
urologist. He checked the psa again, dre(digital rectal exam),but at that time I could feel the symptoms like
frequent urination,dripped,burning sensation and blood in the urine. After taking AHCC for 1 month,the prostate
symptoms was gone. The urologist said that my cancer is not growing and I told him I had regular intake of AHCC."
Ken S- Costa Mesa, CA
Bile Duct and Liver Cancer – “I just wanted to give a testimonial about using your wonderful AHCC product. My
name is Alina and I have been battling bile duct and liver cancer for the past 4 years. Over those past 4 years and 6
months I have taken your AHCC product daily along with my scheduled weekly conventional chemo and radiation
treatments. During this time I have endured the following. 65 chemo treatments and 15 Proton radiation
treatments with NO HAIR LOSS. I maintained a great appetite without the use of a doctor prescribed medication to
increase my appetite. Blood work continues to be good on a weekly basis and energy level has been good and I am
able to take lengthy daily walks of at least 1 hour. Weight has been maintained at a good level. All of the time I
know that all of the items mentioned above would not be able without the daily usage of your AHCC product!
AHCC continues to be a part of my daily routine and has proven to work for me!" Alina T - Sherman, TX
Lung Cancer - “I have been battling stage IV lung cancer for the last 2 years, I had already 75 chemo treatments
without stopping, and my blood is still perfect, like a healthy person. These pills are amazing!!!” Laura P - Miami,
FL 28
Hepatitis - "Received HCV in a blood transfusion in 1989. ALT levels reached 660 in Oct 2002. Read about AHCC in
a newsletter and started taking it. By Oct 2004, ALT levels returned to normal (49) and remained in the 40-70
range since with a 1 gram daily maintenance dosage. An additional benefit is that I rarely get sick, and when I start
to get sick I double up on AHCC and recover quickly." Dan B - San Diego, CA
This is not your standard mushroom you find in the forest. Nor is it the same as the standard Shitake,
Maitake and Reishi mushroom variety. The AHCC is made especially made in a laboratory in Sapporo,
Japan. It is a type of HYBRID of Shiitake and other types of medicinal mushrooms with historically
proven health benefits. The proprietary hybrid is cultivated under laboratory conditions in a liquid
medium, rather than in the soil or wood growth medium that is natural to these fungi. This material is
harvested and enzymatically modified through a fermentation process to break the large
polysaccharides normally found in medicinal mushrooms. The safety of this new compound has been
well established, both by itself and in combination with other therapies. Patients have been followed for
up to 8 years, and after discontinuing use, the immune system doesn't "crash" from exhaustion or hyper
Suggested usage:
The dosages used in the previously mentioned clinical studies, as well as in earlier research, fall into two
categories: the first is preventative and the second is therapeutic or as a treatment.
1. As a form of prevention, take one gram per day or one 500 mg pill in the morning and one at night.
(total 1000mg). This dose will help increase your natural killer cell activity level and help build-up your
immune system for general health and well being. There are actually several studies that show that
patients who use AHCC will go on to develop fewer cancers.
2. For therapeutic use, take 3 grams (1500mg) per day (two pills in the morning, two in the afternoon
and two at night) for three weeks and then one gram per day there after (one in the morning and one at
Taking a higher dose in the beginning, or for the first three weeks, NK cell activity will build up quicker or
reach its peak at a faster RATE. Maintenance of that increased activity level will be achieved by taking
one gram per day.
Dr Budwig’s approach gives the body adequate nutrition which then restores the nervous system and
cell nutrition throughout the body. Also a very good remedy when the patient is experiencing Cachexia.
(this is a condition where the liver is not working properly and the person just gets very thin and wastes
away) This leads to the body correcting the DNA instructions which then start to produce undamaged
(healthy) cells. When the body’s environmental factors are balanced, the body no longer manufactures
diseased cells; existing diseased cells are no longer able to exist in the corrected environment and die in
a natural manner and are eventually replaced by normal cells. 29
The BUDWIG CENTER protocol uses natural food-based remedies such as TRICAN that shocks the body’s
autonomous nervous system with high doses of minerals and Vitamins E and D. This blast of ultra-high
nutrition corrects the cell DNA which will now start producing healthy cells instead of distorted and
diseased cells.
Take TRICAN. immediately before, during or after a meal – or with some (non-citrus) fruit. Do not
consume on an empty stomach. Do not consume with citrus fruit or citrus juices.
Start off making the TRICAN by putting ½ scoop -if you feel well after a week, increase to 1 or 2 scoops or
more - (scoop supplied in the TRICAN tub) into a drinking glass, mixing it to make a paste with a small
amount of pure water, and then adding enough pure water (approx 1 cup) to make a drinkable
consistency. (You can also try using a Protein shaker or Cocktail mixer.) Making the TRICAN in advance
and keeping it in the fridge can help soften the minerals in the powder. Xylitol or Stevia can be added to
Drink the TRICAN mixture slowly (if you drink it fast it can cause gas and pain). If initially TRICAN is not to
your taste, then immediately after taking it you can eat something or drink some of your cider vinegar
and honey mixture or something to mask the flavour. You can also take TRICAN with a small amount of
home-blended fresh fruit juice, made with a banana and a few grapes or berries, or any thin-skinned
fruit (‘if the skin is thin, leave it in’) such as kiwi, apple, apricots, peaches, grapes, berries, nectarines and
pears. Many enjoy TRICAN with cold water, ice and a banana (pre-blend the banana in water then add to
the TRICAN mixture). Request a file of several Testimonials on the effectiveness of TRICAN from:
Did you know that if you sleep with a nightlight, you are increasing your risk of disease? It has been
shown that light exposure at night suppresses your production of melatonin. This, in turn, can lead to
increased risk of cancer. Your bedroom should be ‘totally dark’.
Melatonin is a hormone which modulates our neurotransmitters. It is produced from the amino acid
tryptophan by the pineal gland (a pea-sized gland in the brain) when the lights go out at night. It’s the
reason you get sleepy when it’s dark. Melatonin also is produced by the retina and, in vastly greater
amounts, by the gastrointestinal system. Melatonin levels peak during the night but also increase after
eating, which explains why you get sleepy after a meal. Melatonin is highly fat soluble and also water
soluble, thus enabling it to easily penetrate the cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus.
Due to the fact that over 75% of tumor cells exhibit oxidated DNA damage Melatonin is a free radical
scavenger, that rivals vitamin C in its ability to counteract the oxidation effects of toxins. Not only does
melatonin act as a free radical scavenger; it also is a hormone that kills tumor cells!
In his 2004 report to the American Association for Cancer Research, Dr. David E. Blask reported:
“Melatonin puts breast cancer cells to sleep, and it also slows breast cancer growth by 70%. Breast 30
cancers get “turned on” by linoleic acids (omega-6 fats); however, melatonin interacts with linoleic acid.
At a news conference, Dr. Blast stated, “This breast cancer rev-up mechanism gets revved down by
melatonin. Nighttime melatonin is a relevant anticancer signal to human breast cancers. Ninety percent
of human breast cancers have specific receptors for this signal.”
Blask’s team exposed lab mice with human breast cancers to constant light. Guess what happened:
tumor growth skyrocketed. Dr. Blask asserts, “With constant light, tumors grow seven times faster and
soak up incredible amounts of linoleic acid. During the day, the cancer cells are awake and linoleic acid
stimulates their growth. At night cancer cells go to sleep. When we turn on lights at night for a long time,
we suppress melatonin and revert back to the daytime condition.”
A growing body of evidence linking increased light at night (LAN) to certain types of cancer has led
researchers to suspect it could be connected to the steady increase in cases of childhood leukemia.
Scientists presenting research at the First International Scientific Conference on Childhood Leukemia said
that light at night and working night shifts (which disrupts the body’s circadian rhythm, or internal clock)
have both been associated with an increased risk of breast and colorectal cancer.
You have to wonder if the rapid growth of television and video games over the last 30 years has
contributed to the growth in childhood leukemia. Children are staying up later and later, and this LAN
may be suppressing the natural production of melatonin that would otherwise fight the free radicals that
damage DNA and lead to cancer. Is it just a coincidence that childhood leukemia has literally exploded at
the same time as the escalation of television and video games?
“Compared with other working women, female night-shift workers have about a 50% greater risk of
developing breast cancer,” says William Hrushesky of Dorn Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Columbia,
S.C. That presumably explains why the original Harvard study of nurses, which was led by Eva S.
Schernhammer, found that shift workers had an elevated risk of breast cancer. (Science News, 1/17/01,
p. 317) More recently, Schernhammer and her Harvard colleague Susan E. Hankinson found that women
who happen to have above-average melatonin concentrations are relatively unlikely to develop breast
cancer. “Those with higher levels seem to have lower breast cancer risk,” said Schernhammer.
Melatonin should probably be taken 30-45 minutes before sleeping.
You can find melatonin in any health food store. Cherries are a good natural source of melatonin, thus
they are a great bedtime snack. – Source Chapter 12 – Fantastic Foods & Super Supplements Cancer –
Step Outside the Box page 326
One of the best health benefits we gain from following a raw, living foods
diet are the numerous health benefits from chlorophyll. We recommend
you add some to your leafy green drinks, carrot juice or simply drink with
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide
Budwig Diet Guide

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Budwig Diet Guide

  • 1. 1  Dr. Budwig Daily food Plan Page 2  The Three Main Causes of CANCER and All Diseases Page 2  How to make the Flaxseed oil & cottage cheese mixture (Budwig muesli) Page 6  Foods to Avoid Page 7  Foods Allowed Page 10  Effective Therapies Used at the Budwig Center Page 13  Dr. Robert Beck 4 Level Anti-Cancer Protocol Page 14  Bio-Magnetic Therapy Produces Astounding Benefits Page 18  Hyperthermia – Cancer Hates Heat Page 21  Supplements – The Most Effective Ones to Take Page 22  FILOPURE SWISS Water Filter Page 43  The Importance of “Grounding” and It Doesn’t Cost Anything! Page 43  How to Activate the Lymph System Page 44  Ascites – Natural Remedies Page 46  Dr. Budwig Strongly Encouraged Sunbathing Page 46  Brain Tumors Page 48  Cleaning and Personal Hygiene Page 48  Visualizing – Imagine your Cancer Into Oblivion Page 51  EFT Emotional Healing Page 52  Frequently Asked Questions Page 54  Coffee Enemas Page 60  Future Tests Page 64  Budwig Recipes Page 67 Dr. Johanna Budwig DR. BUDWIG – CANCER GUIDE – MAY 2015
  • 2. 2 First thing, 1 hour before breakfast drink 1 glass sauerkraut juice (if you find it hard to take add a little fresh pineapple juice). Make a liter of Colloidal Silver (takes 5 minutes in spring water). Add 10 drops of OXI Drink Plus to 1 glass (250ml) of Colloidal Sliver and drink immediately. Paint Lugol’s iodine on your skin after shower until it no longer disappears (if recommended by VEGA) BREAKFAST (1 hour later) – drink a cup of herbal tea (no milk, sugar or flavored teas) along with 1 Tablespoon of Bee Pollen and any food supplements recommended by VEGA test 1/2 hour later – Consume the Flaxseed oil and Cottage cheese mixture, steamed vegetables, wholemeal bread, Nuts (raw with no processed oils added)., hard cheese such as Gouda, Edam, Emmental or Jarlsburg (maximum 2oz /50 grams per day). (Optional) eggs poached, soft boiled or raw but not fried or scrambled MID-MORNING – Add 10 drops of OXI Drink Plus to 1 glass (250ml) of Colloidal Sliver and drink immediately. Put a tablespoon of liquid coconut oil in your mouth and drink it down with fresh pressed juice (carrot, celery and apple, beet and apple, radish, or stinging nettle, with lemon juice. Combine ingredients to your juice to taste Before Lunch (Brain cancer) - A glass of champagne (Brut, Reserve, Natural) with 1 or 2 tablespoons of freshly ground flaxseeds – (Optional) add ½ teaspoon of raw honey Remember: Magnetic Pulsar (10 min 2 x day for 3 weeks then reduce to 2 sessions per week 10 min each only), Sunbathing, walking, coconut oil applied to skin, trampoline, visualization, E.F.T., etc. LUNCH –1 or 2 scoops of TRICAN or GHS Drink (and any supplements recommended by VEGA test). Eat beans, lentils, raw garden salad (use only cold pressed or Extra Virgin olive, hemp, macadamia oils for salad dressing) steamed vegetables (red potatoes, brown rice, buckwheat or millet). Use coconut oil generously in food preparation. If you consume meat, eat only organic free range (fish – only those with fins and scales) every second day, free range poultry once week, grass feed beef or lamb maximum once month (first 4 weeks all animal fats and butter forbidden) Finish meal with a 1 cup of hot herbal or green tea. MID AFTERNOON Drink a glass of red wine, champagne (Brut, Reserve, Natural) or fruit juice (pineapple, grape, cherry, blueberry and papaya juice) with 1-2 tablespoons freshly ground flaxseeds. Put tablespoon of liquid coconut oil in your mouth and drink it down with a glass of Colloidal Silver water with 10 drops of OXI Drink Plus added Early Evening Meal - Consume the Flaxseed oil and Cottage cheese mixture again. A low protein, wholegrain carbohydrate, slow-release hot meal of whole grains such as brown rice, buckwheat, oat flakes, quinoa with steam cooked vegetables sprinkled with yeast flakes and oleolux. You can make the whole grains and vegetables into a broth, soup, stew, risotto. (See Budwig Guide recipes for more suggestions) BEDTIME: Put on the Dr. Beck Mini Zap and sleep all night with it on. Each night change to different wrist. (For the first week only wear the Mini Zap 2 hours and increase by 1 hour per day until you reach 8 hours of daily use) Foods you must avoid: all processed oils and fats (and foods made with any), white, brown sugars, maple syrup, molasses, syrups, (and foods made with any i.e. pastries, soft drinks, etc.), refined foods, processed foods, readymade meals, refined grains, sea food, pork and all processed meats and canned foods. DR. BUDWIG - DAILY FOOD PLAN
  • 3. 3 In order to overcome any disease it makes sense that you determine the basic “cause” in the first place. Once you know the cause and remove it, the illness will naturally go into remission. Don’t believe that degenerative diseases and cancer activity or any other chronic illness you have is some kind of alien growth from planet Mars. It’s normal body tissue that has changed and started to do something else. Nature is not a fool and therefore if she switches on a mechanism, she has a reason for it. The approach at BUDWIG CENTER is much like that of a wise gardener who does not cut off the weeds at the top but “pulls them out by the roots”, because he knows that unless he gets the “roots” the weed will grow back. The same is true of degenerative diseases and cancer activity. We must remove the “root” cause otherwise a year or so later, sad to say it comes back. If you do decide to go down the road of chemotherapy, radiation and other traditional therapies, you will still need to do the complimentary, natural therapy, to truly remove the cause of the degenerative diseases and cancer activity and other diseases. Dr. Budwig for some 60 years had outstanding success with her program because she identified a major cause of disease related to a lack of oxygen and natural fats in our diet. She stated “Our diets often lack the highly unsaturated fatty acids and contain an excess of man-made oils known as trans fats (or partially hydrogenated oils). We are referring to the cooking oils sold in grocery stores. Most companies extract the oil from corn, sunflowers, plants, etc by using extreme heat and chemicals. They are no longer alive but dead oils that cause death to the user. They also are very tough (dead) oils in that they have a 20-year shelf life. These oils get into our cell membranes and destroy the electrical charge. Without the charge, our cells start to suffocate due to a lack of oxygen. No wonder, Dr. Budwig found that patients often displayed a greenish color to their blood before she gave them the good healthy flaxseed oil mixture. Also these trans fats are also responsible for Type II diabetes, since insulin is a very large molecule it has a difficult time passing through a cell membrane created with man-made fats. The BUDWIG CENTER has a signed authorized document from Dr. Johanna Budwig, on August 24, 2000, to use her approach and in doing so we too have been able to help countless people recover their health. Let’s look at the three main causes of disease and how to effectively remove it from the body as Dr. Budwig did and not just put a “bandage” on it: Cause No 1 – Virus/Fungus Dr. Robert Beck was a microbiologist who knew that Cancer and tumor activity was caused by very unique viral microbes which were inside of diseased cells. These microbes enter the cells that are weak and damaged due to a lack of oxygen and good nutrition. The area of the diseased cells favors an ideal environment for hosting fungus and once degenerative diseases and tumor activity reaches Stage III and IV there is usually both viruses and fungi together. That is why some anti-degenerative diseases and tumor activity protocols work on certain levels and not on others. Therefore the BUDWIG CENTER includes in all its programs the Dr. Beck 4 level Anti-Cancer products that will effectively de-vitalizes pathogens (parasites, fungi, bacteria, and viruses)…More on this later Cause No 2 - Toxins The second major contributing factor of all diseases are toxins. Toxins come from dangerous chemicals (in the workplace, home or garden). The toxins weaken the cells and enable the cancer virus to enter easily. The late Dr. Hulda Clark who examined and treated thousands of patients with degenerative diseases and tumor activity stated that “all degenerative disease patients have both isopropyl alcohol (which is a type of industrial wood alcohol found in many body care and household cleaning products) and the intestinal fluke (parasites, worms) in their liver”. Toxins are everywhere, in fact in just 1 cigarette that are some 3200 toxins! Heavy metal poisoning is common as is infection from root canals. If you have a root canal you would be wise to get the dentist to X-ray that INTRODUCTION – The 3 Main Causes of Cancer (and all Diseases)
  • 4. 4 area to see if there is any infection there. If for example the tooth is infected and corresponds to the breast (each tooth corresponds to a part of the body) this could be a contributing factor to breast cancer. Prolonger stress and negative emotional trauma is also toxic to the body. A whole chapter is devoted to this subject as research indicates up to 90% of chronic illnesses have a link to past or present negative emotional experiences. Hormone Replacement therapy and hormonal imbalance also is ‘toxic’ to the body and there are several natural and totally effective alternatives solutions that are available. Why do some people get cancer and tumors or another major illnesses and others do not? We may all be exposed to parasites, viruses, fungus, as well as harmful toxins. However if we have good nutrition and a strong immune system, the body fights these intruders off. Also Dr. Budwig recognized the need to oxygenate the body, which her food plan does, because harmful microbes cannot live in the presence of oxygen. Our immune system is weakened by such things as chemotherapy, radiation, severe negative emotional shock (death in the family, divorce, family problems, financial setbacks, etc.) being overworked and run down over an extended period of time, pessimistic negative thinking most of the time, lack of rest, and improper nutrition that weakens the immune system. Ed Sopcak a Cancer researcher in United States consulted with over 30,000 patients with cancer. He concluded “most all the patients I have spoken with had a major stress in their life six months to 3 years before they were diagnosed with the cancer”. Cause No. 3 Nutritional Imbalance Believe it or not many people living the western affluent world suffer from malnutrition. Research and countless testimonials indicate that all illnesses including cancers are linked to nutritional deficiency, especially to the nervous system; the result is a neurological deficiency. If a person has a degenerative disease virus/fungus in his body and at the same time consumes unhealthy foods (mostly acidic forming instead of alkaline forming), that creates an ideal environment for the virus/fungus to grow and spread. This nutritional deficiency causes structural changes in the amino acid, hormones, biofeedback communication, all cellular nutritional mechanisms, DNA instructions and replication, causing a change in cellular manufacturing instructions and supply. A regular consumption of white refined sugar, as in fizzy (soft) drinks (1 soft drink contains up to 10 teaspoons of white refined sugar), chips (crisps), store bought pastries, deep fried foods (French fries, donuts) are dangerous fake foods that cause severe damage to your health. Also prepared meats (hot dogs, sausages, bacon, ham) fast foods, food additives, etc. need to be replaced with healthier choices. Most foods are cooked at 350 to 400 F, but whenever we cook our food over 105 F (40 Celsius) instead of steaming our foods, we destroy many of the important enzymes. Also refined vegetable oils like Trans fats (margarine, refined vegetable oils) used in deep fried foods (French fries, fried chicken, pastries) and processed foods (mayonnaise, refined vegetable oils) actually suffocate the cells when ingested, depriving the body of life giving oxygen. When you see vegetable oils in the grocery store that are labeled 100% pure Corn Oil or Sunflower seed oil, etc.; that is very misleading because it sounds good and healthy, but they are not. Why? Because the method of very high heat and chemical extraction that was used. Most commercial oil manufacturers use high heat and chemicals to extract the oils from the plants. Chemically processed fats and oils are not water-soluble and when bound to protein; they end up blocking circulation, damage heart action, inhibit the cell renewal process and impede the free flow of blood and lymph fluids. The bio-electrical action of these areas slows down and may become completely paralyzed according to Dr. Budwig. Caustic corrosive chemicals such as sodium hydroxide (better known as Draino) are used in the refining process. The
  • 5. 5 vegetable oil is basically ‘killed’ by submitting it to extremely high temperatures of up to 518 degrees F for as long as an hour. Removing these harmful pseudo (fake) fats from the diet and introducing true nutrition such as flaxseed oil and other cold pressed oils is a giant step forward in overcoming cancer and other common illnesses. Consume only cold pressed oils, such as flaxseed, olive, sunflower, virgin coconut (this is the best oil for cooking as it can take higher heat and does not break down) safflower, etc that are ‘cold pressed’ and/or ‘virgin’ or ‘extra virgin’. The BUDWIG CENTER protocol is correcting the proportions of all the minerals so that they cause the correct electromagnetism in the body and provide the right material for the reactions to take place. Some patients are mystified as they have eaten healthy all their lives, exercised, never smoked or abused alcohol but are now with a deadly disease. This could be due to other factors like; undue stress, excessive toxins in their environment and/or their digestive systems were not working properly to process the healthy foods they were eating, etc. The one or two-week healing session at the BUDWIG CENTER gives you all the information you need to take control of your own healing and an opportunity to experience the protocol and receive first-hand answers to your questions, as well as giving your body a powerful kick-start to initiate the healing process. Throughout your healing process, remember that your greatest healer is yourself. The 1 or 2-week program at the BUDWIG CENTER does not mean that the program only lasts 1 or 2 weeks! No from the day you enrol and right up to the day you recover your good health we are there to support you with emails, Newsletters, future VEGA tests and remedies and suggestions! The Budwig healing program consists of various aspects (explained in detail in this GUIDE) which are designed to flood the body with oxygen, detoxify the body and stimulate the immune system to help the body heal itself: When you arrive at the Budwig Center apartments which are right next door to our clinic, you will find the kitchen stocked with the basic healthy foods, such as the flaxseed oil, cottage cheese (Quark), whole grain rice, oat milk, Spelt pasta, Stevia, cereals, honey, Tahini, Spelt bread, organic eggs, cold pressed oils, etc, etc. This saves you searching for these basic foods in the nearby stores. All you will need to purchase are fresh vegetables, fruit and fish, etc., at the local markets. All the rooms are equipped with a blender (to make the FSOCCheese mixture), rebounder (mini-trampoline) a blanket type sauna that you put on the bed and do a 20 minute session daily ...instructions on how to use these a given later in this GUIDE BUDWIG CENTER is located about 15 minutes from the beach and you are encouraged to walk there and back on a regular basis if your health permits. WELCOME to the BUDWIG CENTER CLINICAL PROGRAM
  • 6. 6 Right from day one you will have the full body VEGA test and personalised remedies will be prescribed to aid your recovery. Each day at the clinic, you will receive various therapies such as: sessions of Hyperthermia, Par biomagnetic acid/alkaline balancing, cold laser, IV infusions of homeopathic remedies, emotional healing therapies, a teaching session on the full Budwig protocol, RIFE Frequencies, E Power belt cell energy restoration, PAPIMI ultra high magnetic machine therapy, Reflexology machine therapy, Oxygen Therapies, the Dr. Beck Blood purification sessions, etc. The flaxseed oil and cottage cheese (quark) mixture – also known as Budwig Muesli – (together with the anti- cancer disease diet) is the mainstay of Dr Budwig’s protocol. Step 1 Blend 3 US Tbs (UK dessert spoons) of flaxseed oil with 6 US Tbs low-fat Cottage cheese or Quark. (Maximum 2% fat. If there are too high a fat content the oil will not mix in and the muesli will not bring the oxygen to the cells.) Do not mix by hand. Use ONLY a hand-held immersion electric blender for up to a minute on low speed. If the oil does not disappear you may need to add 2 or 3 US Tbs of milk or natural yogurt. The mixture should be like rich whipped cream with no separated oil. Do not add anything else until the ‘whipped cream’ stage has been reached. If you have a reaction to the dairy in the cottage cheese this might indicate a problem with your duodenum. You could try consuming a lactose tablet beforehand. Or replace the cottage cheese with Soy yogurt or Soy milk for about 2 or 3 weeks and then the problem should clear up. (Soy products are not recommended other than in this temporary situation.) You might also try these suggestions: -Kefir cottage cheese as an alternative. -Use organic and raw dairy products wherever obtainable. -Re-introduce beneficial gut bacteria into pasteurized milk products by culturing your own yoghurt and making yoghurt quark from it by straining. -Buy products with live cultures (such as Nancy's Cottage Cheese, see which also provides a store locator). -Use goat’s milk products/goat yoghurt (best to drain it to obtain yoghurt quark). Goat milk is more expensive than cow’s milk. -Lothar Hirneise is an eminent German cancer researcher commented: “Of twenty people supposedly diagnosed with lactose tolerance, ten don't even have it, and nine can be healed by simple measures such as juice fasting combined with freshly ground flaxseed” Dairy contains ‘casein’ which can cause inflammation and some people have a lactose intolerance which may be aggravated by consuming the FSOCC. And although Dr. Budwig’s program has several favorable testimonials from people with brain, breast, ovarian, lymphatic and prostate cancer, because of these issues some prefer not to consume the FSOCC but to rely on all the other BUDWIG CENTER remedies Substitute with 3 Tablespoons of Flaxseed oil daily with any meal and drink daily 2 glasses of Colloidal Silver mixed with GHS Oxygen Formula (floods the body with oxygen – cancer cannot live in the presence of oxygen) DR. BUDWIG’S WORLD FAMOUS MUESLI (Flaxseed oil and Quark)
  • 7. 7 Step 2 Separately grind 2 US Tbs of whole flaxseeds in a coffee grinder and stir into the creamy flaxseed oil and cottage cheese mixture. Note: Ground flax seeds become rancid within 20 minutes, so eat the recipe immediately and do not grind or store seeds ahead of when they are needed. Step 3 Add 1 teaspoon of honey (best is raw, unpasteurized honey as it contains all the health-giving enzymes). You can also add organic raw nuts such as ground hemp seed, ground almonds, sunflower seed, pumpkin seed and brazil nuts (but not peanuts). For variety try vanilla, cinnamon, or shredded coconut. Some people enjoy it with a dash of cayenne pepper ... be creative!  Flaxseed oil must always be kept in the refrigerator or it will keep for 12 months in the freezer. Arrange to purchase as directly as possible from a manufacturer (like Barlean’s who offer a discount for people with cancer so tell them you are using the Budwig Center protocol) or arrange with the local health shop to keep a supply in the refrigerator.  IMPORTANT: The Budwig Muesli should NOT be made ahead of time and stored. Eat it within 20 minutes of preparation. The flaxseeds should not be ground in advance.  When following the BUDWIG CENTER protocol which may include TRICAN or LIFE DRINK, it is recommended you eat flaxseed oil and cottage cheese and at a separate time (at least 1 ½ hours apart).  Cottage cheese/quark can be frozen if necessary. Two appliances are needed with the Budwig Protocol (we provide these during your stay) 1 A coffee bean grinder to grind the whole brown flaxseeds 2 An immersion hand-held mixer (a stick-shaped mixer) to blend and bond the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese together Note Whenever Tablespoons (Tbs) are mentioned it is the standard US tablespoon (= 15 ml) which is the equivalent of the British dessert spoon. (1 British Tablespoon is 18 ml). 16 US Tbs = 1 cup. REMEDIES AND THERAPIES THAT NULLIFY THE BUDWIG PROTOCOL Please do not add to the Budwig Center protocol any product on this list: Do NOT take Cesium chloride, Coral Calcium, or other alkaline products or supplements (TRICAN is already properly pH balanced and these protocols would push TRICAN out of balance!) Do NOT take Protocel, Cantron, Entlev or Cancell, Eniva Vibe liquid (registered trademarks), no more than 12 apricot seeds per day. No Laetrile (Vitamin B17 injections), If you decide to do several sessions of infusions of Vitamin C stop consuming the Flaxseed oil and cottage cheese at the same time as they cancel each other out. If you take Protandim, wait for two hours after you have completed the Budwig Diet for the day. NO pork - Pigs are toxic animals by nature of their digestive system. The food they eats stays in the stomach for hours, ferments and becomes highly toxic because pigs do not sweat and have no lymphatic system to remove the toxins from their body Processed pork in such things as ham, sausages, hot dogs and bacon, are not only loaded with toxins but have additional harmful chemical food additives (i.e. nitrates which are damaging to the prostate). FOODS TO AVOID – According to Dr. Budwig
  • 8. 8 We know that these foods taste good – ‘toxins are indeed tasty’ – but they are dangerous and should be avoided especially if you have a serious illness. It is reported that Jews and other cultures that avoid pork products for religious reasons have very little arthritis which is connected to toxins and parasites, especially the roundworm Trichinella spiralis.  NO seafood - Fish with fins and scales are recommended, but no lobsters, clams, shrimp or any other fish with a hard shell. Just as pigs (like flies and vultures) are the cleaners of the earth, shell fish are cleaners of the sea and retain a high quantity of toxins in their system. Eat fresh wild fish, not farmed fish.  NO hydrogenated oils, NO trans-fats - Instead, cold-pressed sunflower seed oil or almost any cold pressed oils (including olive oil) are acceptable. Virgin coconut oil is a good choice when cooking because it is one of the few oils that does not break down under higher heat (although if you aim to steam most of your food there is very little need to heat food at higher temperatures or to consume too much fat). (Coconut oil is also helpful as skin protection when sunbathing.)  NO chips (crisps), deep fried foods (French fries, donuts) NO store-bought pastries (make your own with our recipes- See Recipes at the end of the book)  NO fizzy soft drinks A fizzy (soft) drink can contain up to 10 teaspoons of white refined sugar. Similarly avoid fruit juices from concentrate which also has a high sugar content and no remaining vitamins  Avoid white bread and white pasta - Spelt bread and whole grain Spelt pasta are a better choice than wheat as many ill people have intolerance to wheat or gluten. Our VEGA test can determine which foods you have intolerance to. Look for ‘sprouted’ Spelt or Rye bread, as the gluten is digested in the sprouting process making the bread easier for you to digest. You can also eat whole Rye, Oat, and Multigrain bread that does not contain sugar. Sour dough breads are also a good alternative, but ‘sprouted’ bread is the first choice. Corn is discouraged because of mold and genetic modification issues.  NO dairy products – other than the cottage cheese in the Budwig Muesli. Occasionally some high quality cheese (such as Emmentaler, Gesha, Gouda, Herb Cheese, Sbrinz, Camembert, Gervais, Brie) or goat cheese (2 oz) is allowed as a treat – but if you can cut it out altogether, so much the better. (For the most enzymes and nutrients, don’t heat the cheese and be sure not to buy processed cheese.)  Butter should be avoided, but is allowed in very small amounts on a special occasion – and on that basis it is included in some of the Budwig recipes. Instead make your own Oleolux (see Recipes at the end of this book)  NO ice cream Make your own healthy Budwig Ice Cream instead (see recipe at the end of this booklet). Many commercial ice creams today are simply chemical concoctions presented in appealing packaging designed to sell a product that is not fit for human consumption. Everything from hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, and dry milk solids are used to produce something still allowed to be called ice cream. Some pretty frightening sounding chemicals like caroxymethyl cellulose, butyraldehyde, and amyl acetate are additives in some commercial ice creams. Diethyl glycol – a cheap chemical used in place of eggs – is also used in anti-freeze and paint removers. Aldehyde C-17, flavoring for cherry ice cream, is an inflammable liquid used in dyes, plastics, and rubber. Piperonal, used in place of vanilla, is a lice killer. Ethyl Acetate, a pineapple flavor, can also clean leather and textiles and its vapor has been known to cause chronic lung, liver, and heart damage. Other unsavory ingredients contained in many of the most famous grocery store ice creams include: mono and diglicerides, disodium phosphate, benzyl acetate, mono stearate, propylene glycol, sodium benzoate, polysorbate 80, potassium sorbate, modified corn starch and soy lecithin. Learn more:  NO sugar or molasses - It does not take very long for the taste buds to stop craving sugar, but if you must have something sweet, Xylitol (only use Xylitol made from birch tress) or liquid Stevia are good options. (Stevia in powder form is sometimes mixed with other artificial sweeteners, so be careful).
  • 9. 9  Cocoa and Chocolate – most chocolate fudge/bars is loaded with sugar, so make your own delicious chocolate fudge. Only raw chocolate provides all the incredible benefits of chocolate – See recipes  Tea - Black tea is YIN (cold according to Chinese medicine) and best to limit its consumption  Coffee - Although some reports show that coffee has some health benefits there is an issue of toxins. Best to avoid or reduce to 1 cup per day  NO soy milk or soy products (except for a little natural fermented soy sauce, or as a temporary solution if you are intolerant of cottage cheese in the Budwig Muesli). Many of the soy products available in the West have been treated with harsh shortcuts and are genetically modified. They can have suppressive effects on the thyroid and, by extension, the immune system. They contain significant amounts of glutamate and have effects similar to MSG. Even traditionally-fermented soy products have a downside and are linked to various forms of neurological atrophy. Broad based population studies in China have indicated increased incidence of Alzheimer-related syndromes in populations with the greatest consumption of soy. In addition the phytic acid in soy can chelate (remove) calcium from the system. Soy is also a thyroid inhibitor.  NO processed foods – they contain unhealthy quantities of salt, sugar and preservatives  NO microwaving - Microwaving destroys many of the health-giving benefits of food  NO Teflon - When Teflon pans start to peel and the Teflon disappears, it has gone into your food and therefore into your body. It is especially bad for the reproductive system.  NO aluminum cooking ware or aluminum foil. We recommend and provide during your stay at Budwig Center enamel cooking ware. Stainless steel, ceramic, cast iron, glass and corning cookware are fine. The Five Absolute Worst Foods Anyone Can Eat are: Doughnuts (white flour, sugar, bad oils), Soda (soft drinks), French fries, Chips (crisps) and Fried seafood Did Dr Budwig recommend a vegetarian diet? Dr. Budwig, stated in her book “Flax oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction and Cancer” on page 34 “I do not forbid patients meat, unless they are on the edge of the grave.” Lothar Hirneise spent many years working with Dr. Johanna Budwig. In the book “Cancer Cause and Cure”, Lothar interviewed Dr. Johanna Budwig and on page 56 of this book Dr. Budwig stated: “I reject frozen and preserved meat. Fresh meat is OK.” Poultry (chicken, duck, turkey) could be eaten once a week as they are very YANG (warm according to Chinese medicine). Make sure its free range and organic. Avoid non organic red meat that contains artificial hormones and anti-biotics. Processed meats have several harmful preservatives. Obtain your protein mostly from plant sources (nuts and seeds and plant oils), organic free-range eggs and fresh wild fish with fins and scales. Hemp oil and hemp seeds (cold pressed) are particularly recommended because as well as containing all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids necessary for human life, they also contain a rare protein known as globule edestins that is very similar to the globulin found in human blood plasma. Once month some red meat (lamb is a good choice) from organic grass feed source would be acceptable. On page 175 of her Oil Protein Diet book, Dr. Budwig discouraged the consumption of scrambled and fried eggs. Consume only free range eggs when called for in recipes. (Avoid all animal fat (meat, cheese and butter the first 4 weeks) Also Dr Armin Grunewald, the nephew of Dr J Budwig, is continuing her research with the BUDWIG FOUNDATION and has introduced some updates. He does not agree that patients should have a wholly vegetarian diet. Raw vegetables are also very YIN (cold) but steam cooked Vegetables are much better for your health. He encourages the consumption of protein as the body is rebuilding and needs the energy and enzymes. Good sources of FOODS TO CONSUME – According to Dr. Budwig
  • 10. 10 additional protein are Spirulina (containing about 65% protein - higher than any other natural food - far more than animal flesh (20%), eggs (12%), whole milk (3%), soybeans (35%), peanuts (25%) or grains (8 to 14%) and over 26 times the calcium in milk), fish (with fins and scales). There are also many vegetarian sources of protein such as hemp, lentils, nuts and seeds. Nothing replaces natural food sources, and Dr Budwig was in favor or letting ‘food be your medicine and medicine be your food’ (to quote the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates). Everything included in the Budwig Daily Schedule is allowed and is positively good for you, such as fresh fruit and vegetables (especially if organic). Brand new research shows that organic crops and foods contain up to 69 percent more antioxidants than conventional crops grown with pesticides. A team of UK researchers reviewed data from over 300 studies examining the differences between organic and conventionally grown crops. And they found that the antioxidant boost you get from switching to organic products could be the equivalent of eating one or two extra servings of fruit and veggies every day. Just by going organic. You could also significantly reduce your exposure to nitrates, nitrites, and toxic heavy metals--like lead, mercury, and cadmium. Those pesticides and herbicides that literally coat our food and dig their way into its DNA are riddled with heavy metals. And as I've mentioned here before, that can lead to some pretty serious conditions--like Alzheimer's and even heart disease. Our program is not so much about doing without, or eating terrible tasting food, but adopting a wide variety of alternatives which are practical and often delicious (see recipes at the end of this Guide). Steam your vegetables. Raw vegetables are good for you, but can be hard to eat and often hard to digest. Actually steaming vegetables is the best option as steamed vegetables release 5 times more vitamins than most raw vegetables. Add some YANG foods with it, such as curry, onions, garlic, ginger, cayenne, etc However, cooking food at temperatures of more than 105 F (41 Celsius) destroys important enzymes in the food. Most people put their ovens at 350 F so very little real food value is left. Boiling food is not much better as the water you throw down the drain has most of the vitamins in it. Invest in your health by investing in a Food Steamer  Fruit - all natural fruits are acceptable and especially berries. However as much as possible always purchase organic fruit. It is best to make your fruit juice using a BLENDTEC or VITAMIX juicer that keeps all the pulp in with the juice. In N. America for other countries:  Agar sweetener – this is a jelly-like substance, obtained from algae. Stevia and Xylitol from Birch trees  Oils – Consume only oils that are cold pressed (or Extra Virgin). Hemp oil contains all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids necessary for human life, as well as a rare protein known as globule edestins that is very similar to the globulin found in human blood plasma. Dr Budwig used coconut oil and is the only oil suitable in baking and cooking as it does not break down in high heat.  Eggs – Dr. Budwig was Vegetarian (or close to it) and so she did not use eggs in her cooking. She allowed meat so free range organic eggs would probably be allowed but it is controversial. The only comments we could find was in her “Oil Protein CookBook on page 175 she stated that “scrambled eggs and fried eggs prepared with bacon or lard can cause problems.” Consume only poached or raw eggs and of course no bacon or lard. Eggs yolks are one of the most nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich and vitamin-laden foods on the planet! They contain 90 percent of the calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin, B6, folate, pantothenic
  • 11. 11 acid, Vitamin A,D, E and B12 along with heart-healthy omega 3. In addition the yolk contains all of the fat- soluble components, such as vitamins A, D and E, not to mention the heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Eggs are a rich source of choline, lutein and zeaxanthin. Choline is essential for cardiovascular and brain function. Eating more of it may mean less inflammation, heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimers. If you decide to consume raw eggs, the only danger is the shell. Wash the egg shell properly so no manure is on it. Crack it into a glass, smell it, if it smells fresh, add a little fresh fruit juice and drink it down.  Vegetable Juices – Consume daily carrot juice and other green juices. Do not mix the coconut oil into the juice but put a tablespoon of liquid coconut oil into your mouth and drink it down with the juice.  Herbs and Herbal teas – that are YANG are: Chai tea, Jasmine tea, Basil, cinnamon bark, clove, fennel seed, dandelion, fenugreek seed, ginger, spearmint, star anise, turmeric and thyme,  Spelt pasta and sprouted grains in bread, such as Ezekiel or other sprouted bread products (the sprouting creates amino acids which break down the gluten). Potato bread, rye, pumpernickel, oatmeal are other choices. Most patients do better if they avoid wheat products. If you are gluten intolerant avoid rye and barley too. If you can tolerate wheat, make sure the flour is whole grain and unprocessed. In Europe you can purchase sprouted breads in health shops or at: SproutedBread.html?RefId=200&Adid =SRCH241314&kwid=241314  Skins on most vegetables hold most of the vitamins and nutrients. Try to include them as part of your meal instead of discarding them. Just to illustrate that, an earthquake cut off a wealthy family from the rest of the population and by the time the rescue workers arrived they had all died except the maid. They asked the maid how it was that she was still alive. The maid did not know but she said all we had to eat was potatoes, so they had me peel the potatoes and cook them. They would not give me any. I ate the peelings and they ate the potatoes!  Salads – Raw fresh green salads and coleslaws are highly recommended. Try to have one or two salads per day. Again organic when possible. Avoid Iceberg lettuce it has almost no nutrition and often causes heartburn  Avoid leftovers Food should be prepared fresh and eaten soon after preparation to maximize intake of health-giving electrons and enzymes. You are more at risk with food poisoning from leftovers, which is something you especially don’t want if you already weak and fighting a serious illness. (If however it does happen, 6 drops of Lugol’s iodine in the morning and then in the afternoon should correct it swiftly.)  Nuts - If you're looking for a nutritious, quick snack, nuts (raw, organic and in moderation) are a great option. Don’t worry about nuts making you fat. That is a myth. Nuts contain ‘healthy’ fats, fiber, plant sterols and many vitamins and minerals and help reduce substantially chronic illnesses. In fact if you want to lose weight consume Macadamia nuts and cold pressed Macadamia oil in your salads and cooking as it can stand higher temperatures. A recent study involving more than 13,000 people, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found out that nuts 1. Decreased body mass index and waist circumference and lower weight 2. Lower systolic blood pressure 3. Decreased prevalence of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and MetS [metabolic syndrome]."
  • 12. 12 Contact an importer or wholesale outlet for nuts that are organic and raw, not irradiated or Pasteurized. One exception is peanuts, which you want to avoid. Peanuts are technically in the legume family and carry fungus. You can put a little cold pressed natural Hemp oil or Macadamia oil (this is a good choice as it does not alter the taste of the nuts) and some Celtic or Himalayan salt on these raw nuts and they will be very tasty. Walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, Brazil nuts, almonds and cashews contain the amino acid l-arginine, which offers multiple vascular benefits to people with heart disease. You need to be cautious with the quantity of nuts you eat, but this is not because they will make you "fat," as many believe. Instead, the reason for moderation is that almost all nuts are top heavy in omega-6 fats and can upset your omega-6/omega-3 ratio. Be sure to consume walnuts, Flaxseed oil and seeds and / or a high quality fish or krill oil daily to obtain your Omega 3 Walnuts have a higher concentration of Omega 3 fatty acids. A cracked whole walnut looks much like the human brain, and it so happens that walnuts can be used to treat brain injuries and enhance cognitive function, which is why it’s referred to as a “brain food.” In a study conducted at the Lipid Clinic in Barcelona, Spain, 21 men and women with high cholesterol were given a regular low-calorie diet or one where one-third of the monounsaturated fats were replaced with walnuts. After 4 weeks, the participants switched to the other diet. Along with the reduced levels of cholesterol, the walnuts were found to increase the elasticity of the arteries by 64% and to reduce levels of vascular cell adhesion, a key player in the development of atherosclerosis, or the hardening of arteries. A study on walnut reported the following “A form of vitamin E called gamma-tocopherol, found in high abundance in walnuts, has been found to help fight breast, prostate, and lung cancer. When the blood of those who consumed walnuts was dripped over cancer cells, it caused the cancer cells in a petri dish to die within a few hours” Dr. Budwig was a strong proponent of Coconut oil. She used it in many of her recipes. See OLEOLOX-FAT at the end of this book in the recipe section. Dr. Bruce Fife, author of The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil states, "Coconut oil is the healthiest oil on earth." Coconut oil contains Lauric acid which has been shown to activate 20% of otherwise dormant thyroid hormone, naturally increasing metabolism! This is amazingly good news for people with thyroid problems and for those trying to lose weight as it keeps the cravings at bay while increasing metabolism and flushing toxins out of your body! Coconut oil is most important when fighting brain cancer. It helps reduce the inflammation as well. Start off slowly by adding just 1 tablespoon (British dessert spoon) to your diet. If you don’t like the taste then apply it topically and don’t worry your skin will absorb it. Some people do not really like the flavor of the coconut oil although it is very mild. Apparently in Canada they sell pure virgin coconut oil that is odorless. You can reap the rewards of coconut oil by increasing from 1 tablespoon to eventually consuming or applying to your body up to four (4) tablespoons to your diet and/or daily moisturizing regimen. Apply coconut oil with a few drops of tea tree oil to control dandruff and make your hair shiny and easier to manage. Even butter or cooking oils can be replaced with coconut oil in baking or blending up smoothies. In fact cook only with coconut nut as it is one
  • 13. 13 of the few oils that does not break down when exposed to high heat. Start with 1 tablespoon a day for a day or two and then 2 tablespoons a day and so on until you reach 3-4 tablespoons a day. Julie Uses Coconut Oil - Julie was shocked. She had just had a mammogram and received a clean bill of health. But now, just a few months later, her doctor told her she had a very aggressive form of breast cancer and needed surgery immediately. After having the operation and months of chemo, she flew to her home in the Philippines. While there, she started having excruciating headaches. She had her doctor X-ray her skull. The next day when she went in for the results, seven doctors greeted her with the bad news. The breast cancer she had was now in her brain. "They had never seen the type of skull cancer I had. Almost half my skull looks like cheese that had been eaten by rats. I was in shock. I asked them what were my chances for survival. They said, ‘In the Philippines, at your stage...none.' I probably had two months." After flying back to the U.S., and going through surgery (where the surgeon couldn't remove the entire tumor), the doctors told her there wasn't much they could do. They tried chemo, but didn't expect it to work. So she flew back to her farm in the Philippines to visit her family. "I was really weak and would just sit on the hill watching the farmers work among the coconut trees planting coffee seedlings. "Just about that time, I came across some research on coconut oil. I started taking 3 to 4 tablespoons of oil a day plus whatever I used in preparing my meals. I would add it to my oatmeal in the morning, put it in my hot chocolate, and cook my meals in it. I also snacked on fresh coconut and drank coconut juice." The results were astounding. Six months later, she went back to the U.S. for a check-up. "To their complete surprise, I had gone into remission. They asked me what I had done. I told them I found a cure-virgin coconut oil. Today I continue to use coconut oil and I am cancer free!" SAUREKRAUT JUICE FIRST THING IN THE MORNING Dr. Budwig had all her patients drink a glass of fresh sauerkraut juice first thing in the morning. She recommended you add a little pineapple juice if you found the taste hard to take. She knew that cabbage offers a host of health benefits. First of all it is high in vitamins A and C, helps lower cholesterol levels and provides a rich source of phytonutrient antioxidants and has anti- inflammatory properties. The famous Captain James Cook sailed around the world without losing a single sailor to scurvy, thanks to the foods his ship carried, including sixty barrels of sauerkraut. Insomnia and Indigestion plaque many of us as we get older. There seems to be no better remedy than starting your day with a glass of sauerkraut juice and 3 to 6 capsules of a quality probiotic to fix this problem. Usually insomnia is related to poor, slow digestion. You lay in bed and you want to sleep but your stomach keeps you awake. Many have found that within a few days of consuming fresh sauerkraut juice and probiotics that this problem goes away and they once again enjoy a good restful night sleep, even if they eat at night before bedtime. DESTROY VIRUSES/FUNGUS (Including the Cancer Viruses) USING LOW VOLTAGE CURRENT Dr. Bob Beck discovered that he could kill or disable microbes (virus, bacteria, and fungus) which is the main cause of cancer as well as more than 90% of all illnesses using a low electrical current. EFFECTIVE ANTI-CANCER THERAPIES USED AT THE BUDWIG CENTER
  • 14. 14 He developed a simple electronic device which has been proven to destroy virtually all known bacteria, viruses and fungi instantly by using a very weak electrical current that electrified /purified the blood In 1993 two doctors were granted a U.S. Patent for a device that electrified the blood so that a small electric current could disable viruses from being able to infect cells and multiply, thus rendering them harmless. This includes the AIDS HIV virus. Their discovery was one of the greatest medical discoveries in the history of medicine. The U.S. government granted a patent in 1993 for a blood electrification device. You can't get a US patent without proving ALL of the claims made. A key points from the document is: ".....the present invention has been devised to attenuate any bacteria, virus (including the AIDS HIV virus) parasites and/or fungus contained in blood contributed by a donor to the point that any such contaminant is rendered ineffective for infecting a normally healthy human cell, but does not make the blood biologically unfit for use in humans..... with alternating current electric field forces of appropriate electric field strength to attenuate such contaminants to the extent that bacteria, virus, fungus, and/or parasites contained in the blood or other body fluids are rendered ineffective to infect and/or affect normally healthy human cells." United States Patent 5,188,738 Beck conducted hundreds of PCR blood tests on AIDS patients at hospitals all over the U.S. All showing AIDS cured by his method. One example was a patient who had 418,478 particles of HIV in his blood on Sept 5th 1995. On November 3rd 1995 his PCR was less than 100. He was cured and symptom free. After several years of testing and seeing miraculous results, Beck had no qualms about stating that this method, “can cure all known infectious diseases including HIV, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, Epstein Barr, Herpes, E Bola, Botulism, Anthrax, and all man- made biological warfare viruses.” It is completely safe, does not harm healthy cells or tissues, and has no side effects. Beck found that the real world results of blood electrification were even better than those reported by the laboratory researchers. When viewed under a dark-field microscope, the blood of a normal, healthy human being usually has a lot of parasitic worms, viruses, fungi, germs and pathogens swimming around. The blood cells are all stuck together. After three weeks of blood electrification the blood is clean and the blood cells are plump and healthy and round and free flowing. Beck liked to call it “Immortal Blood“. The Dr. Beck Protocol The Beck Protocol is a 4 Step Program:
  • 15. 15 Using these four steps works synergistically and as some has said ‘almost magically’ with noticeable improvements in less than a month 1. Blood Electrification – also known as micro-pulsing or Micro current Therapy. You must electrify blood for one to two hours every day for three weeks. This should not interfere with other activities. As your blood circulates normally, enough will be flowing along this path in forearm until most blood in your body is eventually treated by the 50 to 100 microampere current flowing internally. A 150 lb person has 8 pints of blood that circulate through the body every 8-9 seconds. As the blood passes by the electrodes at the wrist site, it is electrified with micro-current. According to Beck, “when the proper micro-current is correctly applied into the blood, it neutralizes ALL viruses, pathogens, microbes, parasites, fungi, mycotoxins, coexisting foreign life forms, alien invaders and their byproducts.” When we are ill and go to see the doctor, one of the basic things he will order is a blood test. Why? Well, evidently the disease causing microbes are usually in the blood. Keeping our blood clean and free flowing is a powerful way of maintaining and/or restoring good health 2. Pulsed Magnetic (or Bio Magnets) fields for lymph and tissue electrification. Apply your magnetic pulse generator for about 20 minutes daily by positioning and pulsing coil over lymph nodes and internal organs. Pulsing creates a small electrical current in the blood which will break off a key enzyme on the surface of all microbes which are traveling through the blood. Doing this prevents the microbes from entering human cells and multiplying afterwards. The microbes are then naturally removed from the body during its regular eliminatory functions. The magnets also dislodge microbes that are not floating around in the bloodstream, but are "hiding" in root canals, the lymph system, the stomach area, etc so that they enter the bloodstream and are deactivated by blood electrification. This therapy is extremely useful as it neutralizes active, hibernating or incubating pathogens being normally processed in lymph, spleen, liver, skin, kidney, stomach muscles and other tissue. 3. Ionic Colloidal Silver to help the immune system and potent natural anti-biotic. Colloidal Silver is the most powerful natural antibiotic known to man, estimated to kill over 650 different disease-causing pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungus and yeast). Colloidal Silver also stimulates the production of healthy stem cells. Colloidal silver is the result of an electromagnetic process that pulls microscopic particles from a larger piece of silver into a liquid, such as water. As tiny particles, the silver can more Colloidal Silver Maker
  • 16. 16 easily penetrate and travel throughout the body. Colloidal silver works as a catalyst, disabling the enzyme that all one-celled bacteria, fungi and viruses use for their oxygen metabolism. In short, it suffocates the bad microbes. Faced with colloidal silver instead of antibiotics, these disease causing pathogens don't have the capacity to develop resistant strains. Colloidal silver is virtually nontoxic, making it safe for children and adults, as well as pets. Drink 8 to 16 oz. (2 to 4 glasses of 250ml) of 3 to 5 ppm self-made Silver Colloid daily. Keep it in your mouth and swish it around for a while first, before swallowing it. Colloidal silver is an antimicrobial nutrient and is perfectly safe for humans, pets and plants. Its main purpose is to kill the microbes in the blood and most of those in hiding. Stimulates white blood cell production, thus boosting the body’s ability to attack cancers and pathogenic microorganisms and stimulates red blood cell production, thus boosting life-giving oxygenation of the body’s cells, tissues and organs. Since there is not enough room to list all the diseases against which colloidal silver has traditionally been used, here is a tiny sample; acne; allergies; appendicitis; arthritis; blood parasites; bubonic plague; burns (it is one of the few treatments that can keep severe burn patients alive); cholera; cold sores; colitis; cystitis; conjunctivitis; atopic dermatitis (a/k/a cradle cap); diabetes; dysentery; ear "affections"; eczema; gastritis; gonorrhea; impetigo; influenza; hay fever; herpes; leprosy; leukemia; lupus; lymphangitis; Lyme disease; malaria;' meningitis; parasitic infections. both viral and fungal; pneumonia; pneumococci; psoriasis; prostatitis; rheumatism; rhinitis; ringworm; scarlet fever; septic conditions of the eyes, ears, mouth and throat; salmonella; septicemia; shingles; staph infections; strep infections; syphilis; tonsillitis; toxemia; trench foot; all forms of viruses; warts and stomach ulcers; yeast infections. In addition, it has veterinary uses, such as for canine parvo virus.* You'll also find colloidal silver very handy in the garden since it can be used against bacterial, fungal and viral attacks on plants. Simply spray diluted colloidal silver on the leaves and add to soil water. 4. Oxygen to oxygenate and flush wastes from the body. Dr. Budwig understood the importance of our bodies being properly oxygenated. In fact all diseases originate from a lack of sufficient oxygen and then toxic microbes are able to easily enter the body and thrive. Ozone (O3) is the greatest detoxifying agent known to man as it oxidizes and kills bacteria and parasites. Our planet uses ozone to detoxify, and so does our body. Hospitals use airborne ozone to sterilize operating rooms. In Germany actually use oxygen (ozone) to clean their water instead of chlorine, a much better system. Neutralizing billions of pathogens in the body with blood electrification can produce a severe detoxification reaction. Beck recommended drinking three glasses of oxygen enriched water per day even when well. Oxygen is well-known for killing microbes. Each day we recommend cancer patients consumes 30grams of Oxygen Formula. You must generate fresh oxygen water yourself each time and drink immediately since oxygenated water has a half-life of only a few minutes. All known pathogens and cancers are anaerobic. Oxygen enriched water aids their elimination by oxidation and speeds your detoxification and recovery with no discomfort. Consuming Just add to water or juice
  • 17. 17 oxygen water flushes neutralized pathogens, wastes and toxins from your system. Drinking oxygen water significantly increases your blood oxygen level (this can be verified with a Pulse Oximeter) and as a result produces rapid, safe, totally natural cell oxygenation. In addition, Oxygen carries a negative electrical charge that specifically counteracts free radical damage and recharges depleted cells. The oxygen oxidizes the toxins and waste products in your body, turning them into H2O and CO2 which are easily eliminated by the body. The Beck approach is clever, effective and easy to do. However you need to be sure you using all the four approaches otherwise you will not obtain the benefits Testimonials: BREAST CANCER - Thirteen years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer and I had a mastectomy on one breast. Eight months ago I knew the cancer was back. Tests confirmed I had 3rd to 4th stage cancer in my bones-skull, one hip, and several ribs. My leg was so bad I had to use a cane and couldn't walk without the aid of a cane. I refused chemotherapy and tamoxifin. Seven months ago, my doctor told me about the Silver Pulser and Magnetic Pulser. I started with only 5 minutes a day with both blood purification and magnetic pulsing. I gradually increased the time until I was able to use them to 2 hours a day. I use a Pulser for 20 minutes a day. I drink one cup of colloidal silver daily and 1/3 cup of ozonated water daily. After four weeks my sister invited me to go to a polka party with her. She insisted I enter a dance contest with her and we won first prize in the polka competition! I am 66 years old and today I often go for walks-up to 40 minutes-or I at least walk on my treadmill for 25 minutes. I am also taking vitamin and mineral supplements and flax oil daily. When the nurse at my doctor's office checked my blood using a Darkfield Microscope, she was so amazed at the improvement in my blood she interrupted the doctor while he was with another patient to tell him. A recent bone scan shows the cancer is still present. I'm optimistic as my doctor suggests the bones will be the last stage to clear. I'll keep in touch to let you know my progress. --- J.R. of Chicago, IL COLDS, SORE THROAT, CHEST AILMENTS, ALLERGIES - I have been using the blood electrifier for about a year and a half… the blood electrifier and taking colloidal silver water has had the most positive effect on my health of any alternative therapy I have ever tried. In my early childhood I had contracted double pneumonia and other childhood diseases that put me in the hospital seven times by the time I was two years of age. As a result of this I had weakened respiratory and immune system that allowed constant colds, sore throats, chest ailments and allergies to develop. This continued right up to my adult years. Prescribed medicines didn't seem to work, nor did diet modifications, and herbals and vitamins had marginal positive effects. Some homeopathic formulations were effective in reducing the frequency of my colds but not the severity. Since using the blood electrifier and taking silver water daily, I have been free of colds and associated respiratory complications for a year and a half. There have been occasions when I feel the early symptoms of something trying to develop but nothing does. I use the blood electrifier two hours daily for one month periods and then one month off. I take silver water twice daily, 1 oz. morning and evening. I have recently purchased the magnetic pulser to use with the blood electrifier for deeper lymph cleaning. I had a blood analysis done about a year ago using the dark field microscopy method and it showed my blood to be quite clean and free from active virus and fungi, which I attribute to using the blood electrifier. I can only conclude that these theoretical health treatments for blood and lymph cleaning had been responsible for restoring my immune system so that it can properly function. -- N.O. of Regina, SK MRSA No Longer Shows Up In My Blood Work! - “I don't remember when I started using colloidal silver but probably over a year ago. I had MRSA. My doctor wanted me to get on antibiotics and I refused because they take a toll on my health. I bought the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator and started taking 2 oz. of the colloidal silver 4 times a day for quite a long time. I
  • 18. 18 discovered I wasn’t using it correctly. I was drinking it. I learned I had to keep it in my mouth and swish it around for a while first, before swallowing it. It started working then. I am now at the end of MRSA. It didn't show up in my blood the last time I had blood work, and one of those visual blood pictures. I still take the silver only now am taking 2 oz. morning and 2 oz at night before bed. I’ve also used it topically on my breakouts to help them heal faster. I think I got the MRSA from my daughter who had a sore on her back for over 2 years. And her daughter got it too, so I am giving silver to them to drink also. Rose is no longer having break outs. She is my granddaughter. My daughter still has a few breakouts, but not many now. They are on the way to being free of it also. LAUNDRY - I also use the silver in my laundry for all of our clothes and towels. And also for disinfecting counter tops. I love how it works. Another benefit it has done for me is my teeth used to bleed when I brushed but no longer and they seem to be stronger now. Thank you for all you do.” – Paula D., Kissimmee, FL CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME - I began the Beck protocol seeking relief from chronic fatigue brought on by mercury and other metal poisoning and a lifetime of serious allergies. I took a series of chelation treatments to rid myself of the metal poisoning but two years later I still had a major problem with infections and a stubborn case of herpes zoster (shingles). After an initial 22 days using the blood electrifier and Magnetic Pulsing, I felt better than I had in years. ….-- B.A. of Penngrove, CA BREAST CANCER - How I cured my Breast cancer in 21 days with Bob Beck Protocol - "I cure mine breast cancer in 3 weeks with only Bob Beck protocol and ate only organic living foods. No meat or no dairy, avoid fat accept Fax seed oil. …..I only did Bob Beck and eat only healthy organic living food. I wanted to see if only Bob Beck would cure it in 3 weeks and it did just like they said it would. Surgery is not needed. My hard lump went back to 100% normal health tissue with only Bob Beck protocol in 3 to 6 months but i only did the protocol for 5 weeks. Check her urine, is it cloudy? 21 day only on the Bob Beck silver pulsar and colliod silver the pain stopped at 21 days and my urine was all cleared up on the 21 day. the lump when back to soft tissue in 3 to 6 months. No surgery and no chemo, no radiation. I wore the silver pulsar for 4 hours a day and only ate healthy living organic food. ---From a user on the Bob Beck Forum Our Bio Magnetic therapist after 10 years of treating people from all over the world, using a therapy that involves the application of special Bio Magnets placed strategically on the body of patients has helped with basically most types of illness with a success rate of 96%. In fact, many patients have had 100% positive remission. Here are some of the common health problems that our therapist has treated with astonishing results: Allergies Anxiety disorders Arthritis Asthma Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Bipolar disorder Cancer Chronic fatigue syndrome Candida Albicans Crohn's disease Cystic fibrosis Depression Diabetes Eating disorders Endometriosis Emotional Issues Epilepsy Eczema Fibromyalgia BIO-MAGNETIC THERAPY PRODUCES ASTONISHING BENEFITS
  • 19. 19 GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) Growth hormone deficiency Heart diseases HIV/AIDS Infertility Inflammatory Bowel Low Libido Lactose Intolerance Lupus Migraine Headaches Mono(nucleosis) Multiple sclerosis Muscular dystrophy Narcolepsy Obesity Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) Polycystic ovary syndrome Psoriasis Papilloma Rheumatoid Ulcers HOW DOES BIO MAGNETISM WORK? Bacteria and parasites live and grow in an alkaline environment while viruses and fungus live and grow in an acidic environment. They cannot live in a pH neutral (7 pH) environment. The Bio-magnetism Therapist applies sets of magnets by pairs, always one positive polarity and the other negative polarity. This creates an ideal pH neutral field and as the harmful pathogens cannot survive in that environment (they need an acid or alkaline terrain) and hence rapidly die off. When BioMagnetism is combined with the Dr. Beck 4 level Anti-cancer protocol the results are longer lasting as you continue to destroy any leftover pathogens and any future harmful viruses that invade the body. When we expose ourselves to toxins and have a regular diet of acidic junk foods we create an ideal terrain for these harmful pathogens to grow and cause severe health issues. However even people that take extreme caution with their food choices and environment fall prey to these nasty pathogens. Viruses and harmful bacteria are easily picked up as we interact with others, from animals (saliva, urine, and feces), decaying soil, ticks, mites, public areas (hospitals, spas, pools, public toilets, etc.), travelling abroad and sexual contact. They are everywhere and we have a constant battle with them which is why we need to constantly fight them off using bio magnetism. The only true solution to enable the body to heal itself is to destroy these harmful pathogens. However that is much easier said than done. These harmful viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungus are very clever and when you attack them in one area they move and hide in another. In addition they work together so that when you destroy one but not the other, they reappear. The BUDWIG CENTER has researched several different therapies over the past 30 years to find one that is fast and effective in destroying these harmful pathogens. The very best therapy we have discovered is BIOMAGNETISM.
  • 20. 20 Biomagnetism or Biomagnetic Pair Therapy is a new revolutionary, scientific and therapeutic approach to healing that differs from Traditional Medicine, Homeopathy, standard magnetic treatments (blankets, necklaces, wristbands, Papimi, etc), Herbs and Naturism. BIOMAGNETISM – A FAST AND POTENT THERAPY Biomagnetic Pair Therapy or Biomagnetism is a therapeutic system developed by Dr Isaac Goiz Duran, MD based on his discovery of the first Biomagnetic Pair BMP on 1988. You may not have heard of this incredible therapy because Dr Goiz has made a lot of inroads in the Spanish speaking world but is almost unknown to other languages and cultures. Dr. Goiz has very successfully treated more than 350,000 patients with Biomagnetism and has trained more than 20,000 Medical Doctors and other Health Therapists from many different countries. The admirable simplicity of this system allows working with powerful but inoffensive magnets of different forms from which amazing results are obtained. It's totally different from magnetic therapy; the only similarity is the use of magnets. Biomagnetism is a comprehensive alternative therapy for diagnosing, healing and preventing disease. It is in no way similar to magnet therapy. He found that by using specially designed magnets (minimum 1000 gauss strength) placed by pairs (Positive and Negative) on specific areas of the body to fight theses harmful viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungus he was able to effectively help literally thousands of people with all types of health issues. Several patients notice even during the magnetic treatment session an energy surge and the body reacting to the destruction of these harmful pathogens. People, who have spent a literal fortune on therapies from both the medical and naturopathic approach with no tangible positive results over many years, have reported instant improvements in their health even after just one session of Biomagnetism. What to Expect with a Biomagnestism Session Lying down on the massage table, fully clothed, we scan the whole body for pH imbalances. Is a noninvasive, low cost, safe therapy, with no side effects. Most conditions improve or resolved in 1- 3 treatments, some may require 3-5 while a few chronic or long term conditions may require more than 5. The most effective and fastest results are obtained when you come to our clinic for a full session. However for those who cannot travel to the BUDWIG CENTER in Spain for this treatment we can help them with a “Distance Program”. TheBioMagnetic treatment at BUDWIG CENTER
  • 21. 21 Magnetic Pulsar can be sent to your home to keep and use indefinitely Each treatment session at the BUDWIG CENTER of Par Biomedics lasts about an hour. The therapist will first locate specific areas or points that need treatment which corresponds mostly to organs and tissues that suffer distortion. The Biomagnetism Therapist applies sets of magnets by pairs, always one positive polarity and the other negative polarity. This creates an ideal pH neutral field and the harmful pathogens cannot survive in that environment (they need an acid or alkaline terrain) and hence rapidly die off. A Biomagnetic Pair BMP is created when there are 2 specific areas in the body that are energetically connected and resonate with each other, one is positive-acidic the other negative-alkaline. The disease is located in the organ and/ or tissue imbalance between positive and negative charges. If the ionic disturbance is corrected, the problem disappears, since it returns to its balance point. It also work on pets and animals with excellent results. The BUDWIG CENTER also offers hyperthermia, which is an artificially induced fever. Studies indicate an average of 83% reduction in tumors using hyperthermia. Hippocrates noted that “illness not cured by heat is incurable.” In 1927, Julius Wagner-Jauregg received the Nobel Prize in medicine for work involving the therapeutic application of hyperthermia. Fever has long been a misunderstood and mistreated symptom. Most orthodox doctors try to combat and suppress fever, with drugs. However, the fact is that fever is a constructive, health-promoting symptom, initiated and created by the body in its own effort to fight infections and other conditions of disease and to restore health. Fever speeds up metabolism, inhibits the growth of invading virus or bacteria, and accelerates the healing processes. Hyperthermia is a therapeutic procedure used to raise the temperature of cancerous tumor to at least 108ºF for one hour. It is based on a simple and easily verifiable scientific fact that a temperature of 108ºF kills cancer cells but not normal human tissue cells. In normal tissues, blood vessels open up (dilate) when heat is applied, dissipating the heat and cooling down the cell environment. HYPERTHERMIA – Cancer Hates Heat
  • 22. 22 Unlike healthy cells, a tumor is a tightly packed group of cells, and circulation is restricted and sluggish. When heat is applied to the tumor, vital nutrients and oxygen are cut off from the cancer cells. This results in a collapse of the tumor’s vascular system and destruction of the cancer cells. All we need is some way to raise the body’s temperature, and we create a selectively negative environment for the renegade cancer cells, which can be mopped up by the immune system. There are several other methods used to induce hyperthermia, such as full-body submersion in hot water, ultrasound, and saunas, to name a few. There are few side effects and the body has the ability to recover from the low dose radiation in most cases. Dr. A. Lwoff, a famous French bacteriologist, has demonstrated in repeated scientific experiments that fever is indeed a “great medicine,” and that it can help to cure many “incurable” diseases. Renowned oncologist, Dr. Josef Issels, stated: “Artificially induced fever has the greatest potential in the treatment of many diseases, including cancer.” Keep in mind that this remark was made by one of the leading cancer specialists in the world! Hyperthermia gives tumors a “triple whammy” by: 1. Removing accumulations of toxic chemicals that cause tumors and disease 2. Improving circulation so that tissues are both nourished with oxygen and flushed of acidic wastes 3. Weakening or even killing tumor cells that have a lower tolerance for heat than healthy cells. Over 2,000 years ago, the famous Greek physician, Parmenides, stated “Give me a chance to create fever, and I will cure any disease.” This traditional wisdom has certainly stood the test of time. Source - Chapter 6 – NON-Toxic Treatments Cancer – Step Outside the Box page 194 Dr. Budwig was not in favor of using a lot of food supplements. However Dr. O.P. Verma of India interviewed Dr. Budwig and afterwards wrote a book entitled “Cancer Cause and Cure” and on page 36- 37 he lists a number of food supplements compatible with the Budwig approach. In addition, at the BUDWIG CENTER we do a VEGA Bio-Resonance test on each person which also tests which homeopathic, herbal or nutritional supplement or formula would be needed personally by them to regain their health. Therefore please do not add any food supplements, remedies and vitamins without first checking with the BUDWIG CENTER. Here are just a few of our unique, time tested remedies: VITAMIN B-15 - THE SECRET OF MUHAMMAD ALI and SUSAN SOMMERS Boost Your Strength, Stamina and antibody production by more than 400% SUPPLEMENTS (Non Synthetic) - Which Are the Most Effective?
  • 23. 23 We all remember the world famous boxer, Muhammad Ali. However something most do not know is that when he turned 34 he noticed a sharp reduction in his energy. Muhammad Ali started getting flabby, short-winded and lethargic. His coach was very concerned that his boxing success was coming to an end. Fortunately for Muhammad Ali his coach was Dr. Richard Passwater, Ph.D., a celebrated sports nutrition specialist with an excellent track record for using nutritional intervention to help whip aging athletes back into shape, including key team members of the aging Washington Redskins football team. What did Dr. Passwater prescribe for this world class boxer? A rare vitamin called B-15 found only in Russia at that time. Here is what As Dr. Passwater discovered: " age 34, Ali was having trouble training for his April 30, 1976 bout with Jimmy Young in Landover, MD. He was sluggish, unmotivated and getting a little flabby. I was contacted by one of his associates, Gene Kilroy. A blood test revealed that he was low in iron, but not yet anemic. Chelated iron, multivitamins rich in the B-VITAMINS and extra antioxidant vitamins quickly normalized his blood chemistry. But it wasn't until I put him on 'vitamin B-15' that he fully regained his stamina and drive." Ali's New Weapon Following this new nutritional regime, Ali went on to win his bout with Jimmy Young. And during an internationally televised interview in Ali's dressing room just before his May 24, 1976 bout with Richard Dunn from London, the champ held up a bottle of "B-15" to show the world his "new weapon." Later in 1978, after five consecutive boxing victories over younger boxers like Young, Dunn, Norton, Evangelista and Shavers, the National Medical Bulletin reported openly that Ali was taking B-15. As news spread of Muhammad Ali success with B-15 many other athletes did starting taking it as well, including aging members of the Pittsburgh Steelers, New York Yankees, Dallas Cowboys and Washington Redskins. Suzanne Somers Reveals how B-15 Kept Her Functioning at Youthful Levels B-15 is a totally natural product that the body produces and can be found in plants and food and has been demonstrated through more than 40 years’ worth of clinical research to dramatically improve the nutritional environment of our cells, tissues and organs of the human body so we can function at more youthful levels no matter how old we are! Perhaps that's why the still very beautiful, 66-year old actress and best- selling author Suzanne Somers lists B-15 as a critical nutrient supplement in her daily health program. This is the one nutritional supplement that, simply stated, makes you feel young all over again when you take it regularly. And perhaps that's why Dr. Roger V. Kendall, Ph.D., also, considers this unique and powerful nutrient one of the single-most important
  • 24. 24 nutritional supplements for the HEALTH and well-being of the entire human body. Immune system, liver and heart functions have all improved reported Dr. J. Noverini, D.C. who puts his patient on Vitamin B-15. From a study by the Medical University of South Carolina, it was reported in the 'Journal of Infectious Diseases' that in a double-blind clinical study, B-15 increases antibody production by more than 400% in humans. Partial List of the Health Benefits of B-15  Improves in oxygen utilization which in crucial in the fight against cancer  Anti-aging, more energy, stamina and strength (athletes have reported up to a 40% increase in stamina)  Prevents and helps overcome Fibromyalgia  Support recovery from alcohol and drug addiction  Improves Immune system (A study in animals showed that immune response to the flu virus and to salmonella was increased between 300% to 1,000%)  Reduces the buildup of lactic acid in athletes, and, thereby, lessen muscle fatigue and increase endurance.  Improves circulation (which improve cardiovascular system and sexual function)  Improves glucose metabolism and blood glucose levels (important for Diabetics)  Aids in production of neurotransmitters (improves memory)  Intermediary metabolite involving several physiological systems  Reduces elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels  Decreases angina pain and high blood pressure  Possesses anti-cancer activity and metastasis (especially when combined B-17)  Aids in production of hormones and dealing with stress  Helps DNA produce healthy and normal cells  Enhances the IMMUNE SYSTEM by increasing the immune response  Supports liver detoxification and improves liver function  Antiviral, antibacterial and anti-tumor  Detoxifies chemical poisoning SELENIUM Selenium is possibly the most powerful anti-tumor nutrient there is according to researchers like Dr. E. J. Crary, who states, “Selenium is the most potent broad-spectrum anticarcinogenic agent that has yet been discovered.” That’s right. The trace mineral, selenium, has been shown in multiple studies to be an effective tool in warding off various types of cancer, including breast, esophageal, stomach, prostate, liver, and bladder cancers. The scientific and medical literature is filled with studies that demonstrate selenium’s anticancer effects in humans. For example, in an epidemiological study, Dr. Raymond Shamberger categorized the states and cities in the USA according to whether there was high, medium, or low selenium availability in the diet. He demonstrated an inverse association between selenium availability and age-adjusted mortality for all types of cancer. To put it simply, the more selenium available, the lower the levels of cancer. In a worldwide study Dr. Gerhard Schrauzer, M.D., Ph.D. (professor of medical chemistry at the University of California at San Diego) analyzed the blood-bank data from 27 countries around the world.
  • 25. 25 He compiled a list in order of their blood selenium levels disclosing an inverse proportional relationship to cancer incidence, reporting specifically that areas with low levels of selenium in the diet had higher levels of leukemia and cancers of the breast, colon, rectum, prostate, ovary, and lung. In other words, the number one nation in blood selenium level (Japan) had the lowest cancer level (and consistently has rated highest in longevity) while the number two selenium level nation had the second lowest cancer rate, etc. etc. One of the most important blind studies on selenium and cancer was a double-blind intervention trial conducted by Dr. L.C. Clark (and colleagues) at the University of Arizona Cancer Center. When all the results were tabulated, it became clear that the selenium-treated group developed almost 66% fewer prostate cancers, 50% fewer colorectal cancers, and about 40% fewer lung cancers as compared with the placebo group. Only 200 mcg daily supplementation of selenium has been documented to dramatically reduce cancer incidence, when in a grown, food-formed variety. A daily intake of 400 mcg was recommended by Dr. Schrauzer, mentioned earlier in this article. A daily intake of 600 mcg has been documented for residents of Japan on a traditional Japanese diet where cancer incidence is lowest and longevity is the greatest in the world. If every man, woman, and child supplemented with 200 mcg of selenium, we could almost wipe out the cancer epidemic over night! Eating just 4 Brazil nuts a day will give you 200mcg of selenium Some of the best natural sources of selenium are Brazil nuts, garlic, broccoli sprouts, and brussel sprouts. All of these foods contain selenium in the form of MSC. Although garlic has the greatest concentration of MSC, you are not likely to eat enough of it to produce the desired results, so Brazil nuts, broccoli sprouts, and brussel sprouts are your best choices. Source -Chapter 12 – Fantastic Foods & Super Supplements Cancer – Step Outside the Box page341 JAPANESE DOCTORS USE A HYBRID MUSHROOM Alpha-G (AHCC) is used in more than 700 hospitals worldwide in their treatment of patients with tumors and degenerative life threating diseases AHCC is not battling tumors directly, instead in a very clever way it is strengthening your own immune system, so it can do what it is supposed to do - destroy diseased tumor cells! As you know your body's first defense, your own immune system is your best weapon. Our Natural Killer (NK) cells from our white blood cells may hold the key to the growth and spread of diseased cells. This helps explain why AHCC is effective for every type of tumor because it greatly enhances your immune system! Here is what the CLINICAL STUDIES and RESEARCH revealed:  Highly effective immuno-modulator used in over 700 clinics as a standard preventative regiment for all incoming patient to reduce the risk of hospital infections.  Decreased primary tumors by 20% more than chemotherapy all on its own AHCC – A Hybrid Japanese Mushroom
  • 26. 26  Inhibits (metastasis) to other PARTS of the body by nearly 30% as compared to chemotherapy alone.  Increases the production of cytokines and the activity of NK cells (essential elements in our immune system) by as much as 300-800%  Increases populations of macrophages (immune system), in some cases doubling them  Increases the number of dendritic cells and T cells (immune system) by as much as 200%  Increased macrophage activity (immune defense system) as compared to chemotherapy alone, sometimes by as much as 96%.  Since 1986, there have been 29 published scientific studies showing that the use of a proprietary natural compound called AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated Compound), can increase NK cell cancer killing function by several hundred times.  Patients who consumed 3 grams of AHCC had an average survival rate of almost 2 years longer versus those who didn't.  One of the world's most researched specialty immune supplements supported by 20 human clinical studies, by over 30 papers published in PubMed-indexed journals and by more than 100 pre-clinical and IN VITRO studies.  Japan's leading alternative cancer therapy used in hundreds of cancer clinics throughout Asia.  In a 1995 study published in the International Journal of Immunology reported “ a significant decline in the level of PSA in all prostate cancer patients; in addition, significant decline in CA 125 levels was observed for 2/3 ovarian cancer patients and one of two multiple myeloma patients had significant reduction in BJP level (the second had a slight decrease) who used AHCC”  In various trials, 9 out of 11 patients had dramatic increase in the NK cell activity level as well as their T and B cell activity level (the immune system). In other words, the patient's reduction in tumor markers correlated with the increases in strength of their immune systems, validating the notion that a strong immune system is the key  AHCC has been used successfully to treat a wide range of health conditions, from minor ailments such as colds and flu, to other serious diseases including hepatitis, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. AHCC and CHEMOTHERAPY If you are on chemotherapy AHCC would be imperative to add to your daily routine. As many know our immune system is suppressed by chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. This is why often tumors will spread even more aggressively we might add following these treatments. Consuming AHCC in conjunction with chemotherapy is therefore very important. A study published in 1998 in the prestigious journal Anti-Cancer Drugs showing how AHCC worked in combination with a widely used form of oral chemotherapy is particularly important. This study demonstrated that AHCC enhanced the beneficial effects of the chemotherapy, while reducing detrimental side effects. The Anti-Cancer Drugs study concluded, "Taken together, the combination of Active Hexose Correlated Compound (AHCC) plus chemotherapy, brought about good therapeutic effects, not only on primary tumor growth, but also on reducing metastasis and these effects were mediated by HOST immunity which was restored or activated by Active Hexose Correlated Compound." No undesirable side effects were reported with the use of AHCC
  • 27. 27 RESULTS FROM TAKING AHCC "I began taking 3000mg daily of AHCC a week prior to chemotherapy treatment for ovarian cancer. I continued on this dosage throughout my 4 months of chemo and suffered almost no side effects. I did lose most (although not all) of my hair, but was never once nauseous, maintained a healthy appetite and very little fatigue. I can honestly say that I breezed through the chemotherapy and I can only put this down to the incredible immunity boost of the AHCC. People were amazed at how well I felt. The chemo was successful and I now continue to take them as part of a healthy eating regime. They are my secret weapon!" - Sam D - Gloucestershire, UK "Ten years ago I had lung cancer and was told I might live 8 months. I was on the product nine months and the cancer was gone! No chemo, no radiation, just good nutrition and this mushroom product! Now ten years later another tumor formed in my eye area and I started on AHCC two months ago. The tumor is GONE. I will continue this product the rest of my life! Thank you for making this product affordably available!" Mavis W - Ozark, AL "I have a friend who had cancer and said she believes AHCC has kept her cancer free for 20 years. I decided to take it too as I had breast cancer and follicular non-hodgkins lymphoma at the same time. After surgery, radiation and chemotherapy I felt so lousy. I deal with neuropathy, shingles, dry mouth, fatigue, plus other problems. I changed my life and take AHCC for my immune system. I believe it has helped me be cancer free also." - Arlene S - Fond Du Lac, WI "As the daughter of a breast cancer survivor, I was extremely motivated to find an herbal solution to augment my mother's treatment as well as bolster both of our immune systems. After rigorously investigating available avenues, I concluded that AHCC was the best option. I am happy to report that we are both healthy — ”and it is 14 years later!" Rebecca K, Ph.D - Santa Cruz, CA Prostate Cancer – “In 2006 my psa-test was 1.8 ng/ml,in 2008 it jumped to 3.5,my family doctor let me go to a urologist. He checked the psa again, dre(digital rectal exam),but at that time I could feel the symptoms like frequent urination,dripped,burning sensation and blood in the urine. After taking AHCC for 1 month,the prostate symptoms was gone. The urologist said that my cancer is not growing and I told him I had regular intake of AHCC." Ken S- Costa Mesa, CA Bile Duct and Liver Cancer – “I just wanted to give a testimonial about using your wonderful AHCC product. My name is Alina and I have been battling bile duct and liver cancer for the past 4 years. Over those past 4 years and 6 months I have taken your AHCC product daily along with my scheduled weekly conventional chemo and radiation treatments. During this time I have endured the following. 65 chemo treatments and 15 Proton radiation treatments with NO HAIR LOSS. I maintained a great appetite without the use of a doctor prescribed medication to increase my appetite. Blood work continues to be good on a weekly basis and energy level has been good and I am able to take lengthy daily walks of at least 1 hour. Weight has been maintained at a good level. All of the time I know that all of the items mentioned above would not be able without the daily usage of your AHCC product! AHCC continues to be a part of my daily routine and has proven to work for me!" Alina T - Sherman, TX Lung Cancer - “I have been battling stage IV lung cancer for the last 2 years, I had already 75 chemo treatments without stopping, and my blood is still perfect, like a healthy person. These pills are amazing!!!” Laura P - Miami, FL
  • 28. 28 Hepatitis - "Received HCV in a blood transfusion in 1989. ALT levels reached 660 in Oct 2002. Read about AHCC in a newsletter and started taking it. By Oct 2004, ALT levels returned to normal (49) and remained in the 40-70 range since with a 1 gram daily maintenance dosage. An additional benefit is that I rarely get sick, and when I start to get sick I double up on AHCC and recover quickly." Dan B - San Diego, CA WHAT KIND OF MUSHROOM IS AHCC? This is not your standard mushroom you find in the forest. Nor is it the same as the standard Shitake, Maitake and Reishi mushroom variety. The AHCC is made especially made in a laboratory in Sapporo, Japan. It is a type of HYBRID of Shiitake and other types of medicinal mushrooms with historically proven health benefits. The proprietary hybrid is cultivated under laboratory conditions in a liquid medium, rather than in the soil or wood growth medium that is natural to these fungi. This material is harvested and enzymatically modified through a fermentation process to break the large polysaccharides normally found in medicinal mushrooms. The safety of this new compound has been well established, both by itself and in combination with other therapies. Patients have been followed for up to 8 years, and after discontinuing use, the immune system doesn't "crash" from exhaustion or hyper stimulation. Suggested usage: The dosages used in the previously mentioned clinical studies, as well as in earlier research, fall into two categories: the first is preventative and the second is therapeutic or as a treatment. 1. As a form of prevention, take one gram per day or one 500 mg pill in the morning and one at night. (total 1000mg). This dose will help increase your natural killer cell activity level and help build-up your immune system for general health and well being. There are actually several studies that show that patients who use AHCC will go on to develop fewer cancers. 2. For therapeutic use, take 3 grams (1500mg) per day (two pills in the morning, two in the afternoon and two at night) for three weeks and then one gram per day there after (one in the morning and one at night). Taking a higher dose in the beginning, or for the first three weeks, NK cell activity will build up quicker or reach its peak at a faster RATE. Maintenance of that increased activity level will be achieved by taking one gram per day. TRICAN Dr Budwig’s approach gives the body adequate nutrition which then restores the nervous system and cell nutrition throughout the body. Also a very good remedy when the patient is experiencing Cachexia. (this is a condition where the liver is not working properly and the person just gets very thin and wastes away) This leads to the body correcting the DNA instructions which then start to produce undamaged (healthy) cells. When the body’s environmental factors are balanced, the body no longer manufactures diseased cells; existing diseased cells are no longer able to exist in the corrected environment and die in a natural manner and are eventually replaced by normal cells.
  • 29. 29 The BUDWIG CENTER protocol uses natural food-based remedies such as TRICAN that shocks the body’s autonomous nervous system with high doses of minerals and Vitamins E and D. This blast of ultra-high nutrition corrects the cell DNA which will now start producing healthy cells instead of distorted and diseased cells. Take TRICAN. immediately before, during or after a meal – or with some (non-citrus) fruit. Do not consume on an empty stomach. Do not consume with citrus fruit or citrus juices. Start off making the TRICAN by putting ½ scoop -if you feel well after a week, increase to 1 or 2 scoops or more - (scoop supplied in the TRICAN tub) into a drinking glass, mixing it to make a paste with a small amount of pure water, and then adding enough pure water (approx 1 cup) to make a drinkable consistency. (You can also try using a Protein shaker or Cocktail mixer.) Making the TRICAN in advance and keeping it in the fridge can help soften the minerals in the powder. Xylitol or Stevia can be added to taste. Drink the TRICAN mixture slowly (if you drink it fast it can cause gas and pain). If initially TRICAN is not to your taste, then immediately after taking it you can eat something or drink some of your cider vinegar and honey mixture or something to mask the flavour. You can also take TRICAN with a small amount of home-blended fresh fruit juice, made with a banana and a few grapes or berries, or any thin-skinned fruit (‘if the skin is thin, leave it in’) such as kiwi, apple, apricots, peaches, grapes, berries, nectarines and pears. Many enjoy TRICAN with cold water, ice and a banana (pre-blend the banana in water then add to the TRICAN mixture). Request a file of several Testimonials on the effectiveness of TRICAN from: MELATONIN Did you know that if you sleep with a nightlight, you are increasing your risk of disease? It has been shown that light exposure at night suppresses your production of melatonin. This, in turn, can lead to increased risk of cancer. Your bedroom should be ‘totally dark’. Melatonin is a hormone which modulates our neurotransmitters. It is produced from the amino acid tryptophan by the pineal gland (a pea-sized gland in the brain) when the lights go out at night. It’s the reason you get sleepy when it’s dark. Melatonin also is produced by the retina and, in vastly greater amounts, by the gastrointestinal system. Melatonin levels peak during the night but also increase after eating, which explains why you get sleepy after a meal. Melatonin is highly fat soluble and also water soluble, thus enabling it to easily penetrate the cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus. Due to the fact that over 75% of tumor cells exhibit oxidated DNA damage Melatonin is a free radical scavenger, that rivals vitamin C in its ability to counteract the oxidation effects of toxins. Not only does melatonin act as a free radical scavenger; it also is a hormone that kills tumor cells! In his 2004 report to the American Association for Cancer Research, Dr. David E. Blask reported: “Melatonin puts breast cancer cells to sleep, and it also slows breast cancer growth by 70%. Breast
  • 30. 30 cancers get “turned on” by linoleic acids (omega-6 fats); however, melatonin interacts with linoleic acid. At a news conference, Dr. Blast stated, “This breast cancer rev-up mechanism gets revved down by melatonin. Nighttime melatonin is a relevant anticancer signal to human breast cancers. Ninety percent of human breast cancers have specific receptors for this signal.” Blask’s team exposed lab mice with human breast cancers to constant light. Guess what happened: tumor growth skyrocketed. Dr. Blask asserts, “With constant light, tumors grow seven times faster and soak up incredible amounts of linoleic acid. During the day, the cancer cells are awake and linoleic acid stimulates their growth. At night cancer cells go to sleep. When we turn on lights at night for a long time, we suppress melatonin and revert back to the daytime condition.” A growing body of evidence linking increased light at night (LAN) to certain types of cancer has led researchers to suspect it could be connected to the steady increase in cases of childhood leukemia. Scientists presenting research at the First International Scientific Conference on Childhood Leukemia said that light at night and working night shifts (which disrupts the body’s circadian rhythm, or internal clock) have both been associated with an increased risk of breast and colorectal cancer. You have to wonder if the rapid growth of television and video games over the last 30 years has contributed to the growth in childhood leukemia. Children are staying up later and later, and this LAN may be suppressing the natural production of melatonin that would otherwise fight the free radicals that damage DNA and lead to cancer. Is it just a coincidence that childhood leukemia has literally exploded at the same time as the escalation of television and video games? “Compared with other working women, female night-shift workers have about a 50% greater risk of developing breast cancer,” says William Hrushesky of Dorn Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Columbia, S.C. That presumably explains why the original Harvard study of nurses, which was led by Eva S. Schernhammer, found that shift workers had an elevated risk of breast cancer. (Science News, 1/17/01, p. 317) More recently, Schernhammer and her Harvard colleague Susan E. Hankinson found that women who happen to have above-average melatonin concentrations are relatively unlikely to develop breast cancer. “Those with higher levels seem to have lower breast cancer risk,” said Schernhammer. Melatonin should probably be taken 30-45 minutes before sleeping. You can find melatonin in any health food store. Cherries are a good natural source of melatonin, thus they are a great bedtime snack. – Source Chapter 12 – Fantastic Foods & Super Supplements Cancer – Step Outside the Box page 326 CHLOROPHYLL One of the best health benefits we gain from following a raw, living foods diet are the numerous health benefits from chlorophyll. We recommend you add some to your leafy green drinks, carrot juice or simply drink with