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‫ات‬jƒ‫¡ر�س املحت‬a

     Introduction                                        ‫املقدمة‬
     al quds under Occupation                ‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬
     al-Aqsa Mosque                                   ‫أ‬
                                                 ‫امل�صجد االق�صى‬
     The Christian Holy Sites                ‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬
     The Demographic Battle                      ‫معركة ال�صكان‬
     Settlement                                        ‫اال�صتيطان‬
     ‫ﹾ‬Under the Grip of the Wall                  ‫يف قب�صة اجلدار‬
     Life Under Occupation                  ‫احلياة يف ظل االحتالل‬

‫يف العا‪ 1948 Ω‬احت∏ت الع�صا‪H‬ات ال�ص¡ي‪fƒ‬ية ‪Z‬ر‪ »H‬القد�س, ‪V‬ص‪ øª‬م�صاحة‬
‫77% م‪�∏a ø‬صط‪ h ,Ú‬أا‪æ∏Y‬ت قيا‪hO Ω‬لة ” ‪E‬ا�‪ö‬ا‪F‬يل“, ‪h‬يف العا‪1967 Ω‬‬
‫ا�صتك‪ª‬ل اجلي‪û‬س ال�ص¡ي‪ ʃ‬احتالل الق�ص‪ º‬ال‪öû‬ق» م‪ ø‬القد�س, ‪a‬ا�صتك‪ª‬ل‬
                                     ‫‪òH‬ل∂ أا�‪ √òg ö‬املد‪æj‬ة الع¶ي‪ª‬ة.‬
‫م‪ ø‬العا‪E 1967 Ω‬ا¤ العا‪ ,2007 Ω‬أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪Y‬ام ‪k‬ا م‪ ø‬احتالل كامل‬
‫القد�س. أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪Y‬اما ‪h‬االحتالل ‪ûj‬ص‪ ¬Lh √ƒ‬القد�س, ‪gOƒ¡jh‬ا, ‪jh‬قت∏™‬
             ‫‪q‬‬                      ‫‪q‬‬                 ‫‪k‬‬
‫�صكا‪¡f‬ا, ‪�jh‬ص∏‪¡î‬ا ‪jƒg øY‬ت¡ا العر‪H‬ية اال�صالمية, ‪ h‬أا‪j‬ا‪ ¬jO‬ا‪Øÿ‬ية حت‪Ø‬ر‬
‫م¡د‪O‬ة‪ k‬أاق�صا‪g‬ا, أامال يف اال�صتيال‪∏Y A‬ي¬ أا‪J h‬ق�صي‪ ...¬ª‬أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪Y‬اما “ر‬
‫‪q k‬‬                                                 ‫‪k‬‬
‫‪h‬قد أا‪Th‬ص∂ اجلدار ‪∏Y‬ى ‪æN‬ق¡ا... أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪Y‬اما ‪h‬حرا�س االق�صى ‪¡j‬ب‪ƒ‬ن‬
                     ‫‪q‬‬     ‫‪k‬‬
‫حل‪ª‬ا‪j‬ت¬ ‪H‬ال�صد‪h‬ر العار‪j‬ة يف ‪ ¬Lh‬كل ا‪Y‬تدا‪ ...A‬أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪Y‬ام ‪k‬ا ‪ûa‬ص∏ت ‪N‬الل¡ا‬
‫احل‪Ø‬ر‪j‬ات يف الع‪ƒã‬ر ‪∏Y‬ى أا… أا‪K‬ر ‪ …Oƒ¡j‬أا‪ …ÈY h‬م‪ ø‬أا… ‪ ...´ƒf‬أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪Y‬اما‬
‫“ر ‪h‬االحتالل ‪j‬حا‪h‬ل ‪ ≥æN‬احلياة ‪a‬ي¡ا ليطر‪ O‬أا‪¡∏g‬ا م‪¡æ‬ا, لك‪U º¡æ‬صامد‪h‬ن‬
‫‪a‬ي¡ا ر‪ ºZ‬احل�صار ‪h‬الت�صيي≥... أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪Y‬اما ‪h‬االحتالل ‪j‬ح∏‪H º‬قد�س ‪jOƒ¡j‬ة‬
‫‪�jh‬صعى لتحقيق¡ا ‪H‬كل ‪¡L‬د√, لك‪U ø‬ص‪ Oƒª‬املد‪æj‬ة ‪j‬ق∞ حا‪F‬ال ‪ ¬fhO‬حتى‬
                             ‫الي‪ .Ωƒ‬أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪Y‬ام ‪k‬ا ‪J ⁄h‬تحرر القد�س ‪H‬عد....‬
‫ح�صا‪ O‬أار‪H‬ع‪Y Ú‬ام ‪k‬ا قا�صية م‪ ø‬االحتالل ل∏قد�س ‪�f‬صتعر‪V‬ص¡ا ‪H‬ا‪N‬ت�صار يف‬
                                               ‫‪òg‬ا الكتي‪ Ö‬امل�ص‪ƒ‬ر.‬

  In 1948, Zionist gangs occupied 77% of Palesine including the western
  part of al quds “Jerusalem” and declared the establishment of the state of
  “Israel”. Then in 1967, the zionist army occupied the east part of al quds.
  Thus it completed the captivity of this great city.
  From 1967 to 2007, forty years of occupying the whole of al quds have
  passed. Forty years and the occupation continues to disfigure Al quds’s
  face, Judaize it, uproot its occupants, detach it from its Arabic Islamic
  identity. Its hidden hands continue to dig, endangering its al-Aqsa, hop-
  ing to seize it or divide it… Forty years have passed and the wall is about
  to strangle it… Forty years and the guards of al-Aqsa continue to spring
  to its defense with their naked chests in the face of every aggression…
  Forty years during which the excavations failed to uncover any Jewish or
  Hebrew archeological relic of any kind… Forty years have passed and the
  occupation continues its attempt to strangle life in it, hoping to expel its
  people from it; yet they remain steadfast in spite of the siege and restric-
  tions… Forty years and the occupation continues to dream of a Jewish Al
  quds and strives to realize it, sparing no effort. Yet the city’s perseverance
  stands in its way up to this day. Forty years and al quds isn’t liberated
  The harvest of forty hard years of the occupation of al quds, we briefly
  survey them in this illustrated booklet.

‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬
al quds under Occupation
‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬
al quds under Occupation

al quds during the British                ÊÉ£jÈdG ∫ÓàM’G ó¡Y ‘ ¢Só≤dG

During the British occupation of          Ú£°ù∏Ød ÊÉ£jÈdG ∫ÓàM’G IÎa ∫ÓN
Palestine that lasted the period be-
                                          1916-1947   »eÉY ÚH Ée äóàeG »àdG
tween 1916 and 1947, the Jewish
presence in Al quds grew steadily         ƒªæj ¢Só≤dG ‘ …Oƒ¡«dG OƒLƒdG ¿Éc
under the wing of the occupation          .∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S ájÉYQ â– OGô£°VÉH

ÊÉ£jÈdG ∫ÓàM’G ó¡Y ‘ ¢Só≤dG
al quds during the British Mandate


‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬
al quds under Occupation

al quds after the Occupation of              »Hô¨dG É¡ª°ùb ∫ÓàMG ó©H ¢Só≤dG
its Western Part in 1948.                                         1948 ΩÉY

In 1948, the western part of the            áæjóŸG øe »Hô¨dG Aõ÷G §≤°S ,1948 ΩÉY
city fell into the hands of the Israeli
                                            ≈≤ÑJ Ée ÉeCG ,»∏«FGô°S’G ∫ÓàM’G ój ‘
                                              q      q            E
occupation. As for what remained
of the eastern part, it came under          Ió¡©dG â– íÑ°UCÉa »bô°ûdG Aõ÷G øe
Jordanian custody. So Jordan ex-                      k       C q             C
                                            áMÉ°ùe ‘ Ébô°T ¿OQ’G ™°Sƒàa ,á«fOQ’G
panded to the east of the Al quds's
                                            »∏«FGô°S’G ∫ÓàM’G ™°SƒJ ɪæ«H ,¢Só≤dG
                                                    E           q
area, while the Israeli occupation
expanded to its west.                                                      .ÉHôZ

1948   ΩÉY »Hô¨dG É¡ª°ùb ∫ÓàMG ó©H ¢Só≤dG
             al quds after the Occupation of its Western Part in 1948.


‫ﻏﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬

‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬
al quds under Occupation

Unilateral Borders of al quds after                               C
                                            ó©H ¢Só≤dG áæjóŸ ájOÉM’G Ohó◊G
Zionist Occupation in 1967                                1967 ΩÉY É¡dÓàMG

The eastern part fell in the hands of       áæjÉ¡°üdG ój ‘ »bô°ûdG Aõ÷G §≤°S
the Zionists in 1967; and since that
                                            ∞bƒàJ ⁄ Ú◊G ∂dP òæeh ,1967 ΩÉY
time, the settlements, the expansion,
and the Judaization activities did not      ójƒ¡àdGh á©°SƒàdGh ¿É£«à°S’G äÉ«∏ªY
cease, in accordance with the oc-
                                            ´hô°ûe ™e Ö°SÉæàj ÉÃ ¢Só≤dG áæjóe ‘
cupation's plan to make Al quds "the
eternal and great capital" of its state.    ájóHCG ᪰UÉY" ¢Só≤dG π©L ‘ ∫ÓàM’G
                                            kq k
Thereafter, the occupation state start-                           .¬àdhód "iÈch
ed to implement its schemes to defini-
                                            ò«ØæàH ∂dP ó©H ∫ÓàM’G ádhO äCGóH
tively annex Al quds; and so it began
to control the city, dictating its form     É¡«dEG ¢Só≤dG áæjóe º°†d É¡JÉ££fl
                                                                q           q
and borders. The municipality of Al         πµ°ûH ºµëàJ äòNCÉa ,»FÉ¡f πµ°ûH
                                                   q                 q     m
quds of the occupation declared uni-
laterally the borders of the city with an
                                            ∫ÓàM’G ájó∏H âæ∏YCGh ,ÉgOhóMh áæjóŸG
area of 72Km2, annexing parts of the                  q   C
                                            áæjóª∏d ájOÉM’G Ohó◊G ¢Só≤dG ‘
West Bank in addition to the eastern
                                            øe AGõLCG ⪰V »àdGh ,2ºc 72 áMÉ°ùÃ
                                                k       q
and western parts of the city.
                                                          k                q
                                            áæjóŸG …ô£°ûd áaÉ°VEG á«Hô¨dG áØ°†dG
                                                                .»Hô¨dGh »bô°ûdG

1967                                     C
                    ΩÉY É¡dÓàMG ó©H ¢Só≤dG áæjóŸ ájOÉM’G Ohó◊G
      Unilateral Borders of al quds after Zionist Occupation in 1967

‫ﻏﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬

‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬
al quds under Occupation

Borders of “Greater Jerusalem”                              iȵdG ¢Só≤dG OhóM

Then the occupation started to bite         ójõŸG º°†b ≈∏Y ∂dP ó©H ∫ÓàM’G πªY
off more lands and annex them so                  C                    C
                                            ájOÉM’G Ohóë∏d É¡ª°Vh ¢VQ’G øe
                                             q                 q
they would fall within the unilateral
limits of the city. And so the plan of       ,iȵdG ¢Só≤dG ´hô°ûe ìô£a áæjóª∏d
greater Jerusalem was proposed,             kÉbô°T áæjóŸG »°VGQCG ™«°SƒàH »°†≤j …òdG
which stipulates extending the
                                            øe ójõŸG IQOÉ°üe ≥jôW øY k’ɪ°Th
city's territory to the east and to the
north by way of confiscating more                       q               C
                                                     .á«æ«£°ù∏ØdG »°VGQ’Gh iô≤dG
Palestinian lands and villages.

iȵdG ¢Só≤dG OhóM
             Borders of “Greater Jerusalem”


‫ﻏﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬

‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬
al quds under Occupation

Borders of “Metropolitan Jerusa-                          IOó©àŸG ¢Só≤dG OhóM
lem”                                                           (á«æ«J’ƒHhΟG)

The third step took the form of the                          q
                                           ¢Só≤dG ´hô°ûà â∏ã“ áãdÉãdG Iƒ£ÿG
project of "Metropolitan Jerusa-
                                           Gòg íª£jh ,IOó©àŸG hCG "á«fÉà«dƒHhΟG"
                                                        q           q
lem". This plan aspired to expand
Al quds until it devours the cities of      º¡à∏àd ¢Só≤dG áæjóe ™«°Sƒàd ´hô°ûŸG
Ramallah to the north and Bethle-                          k
                                           kÉHƒæL º◊ â«Hh ’ɪ°T ˆG ΩGQ »àæjóe
hem to the south, with a total area
                                           %17-12                 q        m
                                                     ÚH Ée …RGƒJ á«dɪLEG áMÉ°ùÃ
that equals 12%-17% of the area
of the West Bank, and thus com-                    k               q
                                           É¡dɪ°T á∏°UÉa á«Hô¨dG áØ°†dG áMÉ°ùe øe
pletely separating its north from its                      .πeÉc πµ°ûH É¡HƒæL øY

(á«æ«J’ƒHhΟG) IOó©àŸG ¢Só≤dG OhóM
             Borders of “Metropolitan Jerusalem”


‫ﻏﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬

‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬
al quds under Occupation

The Track of the Wall around                         ¢Só≤dG ∫ƒM QGó÷G QÉ°ùe
al quds

The dream of "Metropolitan Jeru-           "IOó©àŸG ¢Só≤dG" áæjóe º∏M Ωó£°UG
salem" clashed with a Palestinian                                    q
                                           √ò«ØæJ π©éj »æ«£°ù∏a Êɵ°S ™bGƒH
                                                        q               m
demographic reality that makes its
realization impossible. This led Zi-
                                                           C           k
                                           á«fƒ«¡°üdG •É°Sh’ÉH GóM Ée ,Ó«ëà°ùe
onist circles to bring forth the idea      øY …OÉMoCG πM ¢Vôa Iôµa ìôW ¤EG
                                                q      x
of imposing a unilateral solution by
                                           º°†j …òdG ,∫RÉ©dG QGó÷G AÉæH ≥jôW
way of building the Wall that, in its
course, lets all the settlements sur-      ᣫëŸG äÉæWƒà°ùŸG ™«ªL √Ò°ùe ∫ÓN
rounding al quds become part of the        ,∫ÓàM’G ádhO ¤EG ¢Só≤dG áæjóÃ
occupation state, and bites off Pal-
                                           áaÉãµdG äGP á«æ«£°ù∏ØdG »°VGQ’G º°†≤jh
estinian lands that have low popu-
lation density eating up an area of                k                      q q
                                           ÉgQób áMÉ°ùe º°†«d á∏«∏≤dG á«fɵ°ùdG
235km2 of the West Bank, while it
                                           ∞à∏j ɪæ«H ,á«Hô¨dG áØ°†dG øe 2ºc 235
winds itself around the large Pales-
tinian population centers, placing         IÒѵdG á«æ«£°ù∏ØdG äÉ©ªéàdG ∫ƒM
                                                   q             q
them outside the wall.                                .QGó÷G êQÉN ÉgÉjEq G kÉ©°VGh

¢Só≤dG ∫ƒM QGó÷G QÉ°ùe
             The Track of the Wall around al quds


‫ﻏﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬

‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬
al quds under Occupation

The Wall around al quds                                  ¢Só≤dG ∫ƒM QGó÷G

Building the wall around Al quds– in
                                         -¬JQƒ£N ≈∏Y- ¢Só≤dG ∫ƒM QGó÷G AÉæH
spite of its gravity- represented a
drawback in the schemes to Judaize
                                         áæjóŸG ójƒ¡J äÉ££fl ‘ É©LGôJ πãe
                                                                 k      q
the city. For the occupation authori-    ôµa øe ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S â∏≤àfG ó≤a
ties moved from the concept of ex-
                                         ƒg Ée ≈∏Y ®ÉØ◊G ôµa ¤EG ™°SƒàdG
pansion to that of conserving what
is in existence, abandoning large ar-               m         kq
                                         øe á©°SGh äÉMÉ°ùe øY á«∏îàe ,ºFÉb
eas of lands that they had previously
                                                   q                         C
                                         kÉ≤HÉ°S É¡ª°†d ≈©°ùJ âfÉc »àdG »°VGQ’G
planned to annex within the dream
of metropolitan Al quds, and that's
                                         π°†ØH ∂dPh ,IOó©àŸG ¢Só≤dG º∏M øª°V
by virtue of the perseverance of Al                          C q
                                         ‘ ¢Só≤dG áæjóe πg’ »JGòdG Oƒª°üdG
quds's inhabitants in the face of the
                                                           .ójƒ¡àdG ™jQÉ°ûe ¬Lh
Judaization plans.

¢Só≤∏d áØ∏àîŸG Ohó◊G
                  The Various Borders of al quds



                                                       ‫ﺣﺪﻭﺩ ﺍﻻﺣﺘﻼﻝ ﺍﻟﺒﺮﻳﻄﺎﻧﻲ‬
                                                   Borders British Occupation

                                                             1948 ‫ﺣﺪﻭﺩ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻡ‬
                                                        Borders of Year 1948

                                                             1967 ‫ﺣﺪﻭﺩ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻡ‬
                                                        Borders of Year 1967

                                                          ‫ﺣﺪﻭﺩ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬
                                              Borders of “Greater Jerusalem”

                                                         ‫ﺣﺪﻭﺩ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ ﺍﳌﺘﻌﺪﺩﺓ‬
                                          Borders of “Metropolitan jerusalem”

                                                       ‫ﻣﺴﺎﺭ ﺍﳉﺪﺍﺭ ﺣﻮﻝ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬
                                        The Track of the Wall around al quds
‫امل�صجد االق�صى‬
‫‪Al Aqsa Mosque‬‬
                                ‫امل�صجد االق�صى‬
Al-Aqsa Mosque

In the morning of 11/6/1967, only            ΩÉjCG á©HQCG ó©Hh ,1967/6/11 Ωƒj ìÉÑ°U
four days after the occupation of
                                             äGƒb 䃰S ,¢Só≤dG ∫ÓàMG øe §≤a
                                                q  q
Al quds, the occupation forces lev-
eled the Magharbeh district to the           k o      C
                                             á∏«fi ¢VQ’ÉH áHQɨŸG »M ∫ÓàM’G
ground, turning the place into a large       Oƒ¡«dG IÓ°üd IÒÑc áMÉ°S ¤EG ¿ÉµŸG
square dedicated to the worship of
                                             ≥Ñ°S ɪ«a âfÉc 2Ω ∞dCG 200 áMÉ°ùÃ
Jews, having an area of 200,000
m² that used to be the site of 135                      C
                                             ,»◊G ‹Ég’ øjóé°ùeh k’õæe 135 º°†Jq
houses and two mosques belong-               »Hô¨ŸGG OnóŸG ¤EG º¡dƒ°UCG Oƒ©J øjòdG
ing to the district's residents whose
                                             Ωƒj »Hƒj’G øjódG ìÓ°U ™e ÜQÉM …òdG
origin goes back to the reinforce-
ments that came from Maghreb to                         .Ú«Ñ«∏°üdG øe áæjóŸG ôjô–
fight along Salahuddine al-Ayyubi
(Salahddin) upon the liberation of
the city from the Crusaders.

                .‫�صجد االق�صى‬ª∏‫» ل‬H‫ر ال¨ر‬ƒ‫ص≥ ل∏�ص‬U‫ة املال‬H‫ ح» امل¨ار‬ʃ‫ال االحتالل ال�ص¡ي‬R‫عد 11/6/7691 أا‬H
After 11/6/1967, the Zionist occupation leveled al-Magharbah Quarter, which is adjacent to
the western wall of al-Aqsa Mosque.

                              ‫امل�صجد االق�صى‬
Al-Aqsa Mosque

On the 21st of August 1969, radical Zi-     ±ô£àŸG ʃ«¡°üdG ΩÉb ,21/8/1969 ‘
onist Dennis Michael Rohan, and with
                                            OóY IóYÉ°ùÃh ,¿ÉghQ πµjÉe ¢ù«æjO
the help of a number of settlers, intro-
duced large quantities of extremely         IÒÑc äÉ«ªc ∫ÉNOEÉH ,ÚæWƒà°ùŸG øe
combustible materials inside al-Aqsa        πNGO ¤EG ,∫É©à°T’G Iójó°T OGƒŸG øe
Mosque, with the intent to burn it down.
                                            óbh ,¬bGôMEG ó°ü≤H ,≈°üb’G óé°ùŸG
Water supplies were cut off during this
criminal operation and the fire engines      á«∏ª©dG √òg ò«ØæJ AÉæKCG √É«ŸG â©£b  o
of the occupation municipality were slow    AÉØW’G äGQÉ«°S ∫ƒ°Uh ôNCÉJh ,á«eGôL’G
                                                 E                q            E
to arrive. However, al quds’s inhabitants
moved quickly to put out the fire with       ¢Só≤dG πgCG øµd ,∫ÓàM’G ájó∏Ñd á©HÉàdG
whatever water was accessible, trans-       »àdG IôaƒàŸG √É«ŸÉH ≥jô◊G AÉØW’ GƒÑg
                                                                            E q
porting it with their bare hands and with
                                             .πFÉ°Sh º¡d ô°ù«J ÉÃh ,º¡jójCÉH Égƒ∏≤f
whatever means of transportation avail-
able to them.                               º°ù≤dÉH IÒÑc kGQGô°VCG ≥jô◊G ≥◊CG
The blaze inflicted large-scale damage                  C
                                            âJCGh ,≈°üb’G óé°ùŸG øe »Hƒæ÷G
on the southern part of al-Aqsa Mosque;
                                            ìÓ°U Èæe ≈∏Y πeɵdÉH ¿GÒædG
and the flames consumed totally the
pulpit of Saladin al-Ayyubi, the symbol                             C
                                            øe áæjóŸG ôjô– õeQ ,»Hƒj’G øjódG
of the city’s liberation from the Crusad-                               .Ú«Ñ«∏°üdG
Immediately following the blaze, the oc-    ≥jô◊G ó©H ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S âYOG
cupation authorities claimed that it was    ,»FÉHô¡c ∑ɵàMG øY œÉf ¬fCG Iô°TÉÑe
caused by electrical friction before ad-
                                            ,Ó©àØe ¿Éc ≥jô◊G ¿CÉH ±Î©J ¿CG πÑb
mitting that it was an incident of arson
carried out by a “deranged” person.                             .“√ƒà©e” √òØf óbh

Blaze of al-Aqsa Mosque        ‫أ‬
                          ‫≥ امل�صجد االق�صى‬j‫حر‬

                               ‫امل�صجد االق�صى‬
Al-Aqsa Mosque

Since the occupation of East al             1967 ΩÉY ¢Só≤dG »bô°T ∫ÓàMG òæe
quds in 1967, the occupation au-
                                            øe πMGôe 10 ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S äòØf
thorities carried out ten stages of
excavations under al-Aqsa Mosque
                                            â∏°Uh ≈°üb’G óé°ùŸG â– äÉjôØ◊G
that reached to the lowest of the ar-                     C
                                            »àdG á«Lƒdƒ«cQ’G äÉ≤Ñ£dG ôNBG ≈qàM
cheological levels in which traces of
                                            óŒ ⁄ É¡qæµd ,¿É°ùfÓd QÉKBG É¡«a äóLh
                                                              E                o
human existence were found. Yet
they didn't find a single relic of sig-      hCG á∏ªY ≈àM ’h ,∫ÉH GP kGóMGh kGôKCG
nificance, not even a coin or a piece        áã©H ¢ù«FQ ∂dP ø∏YCG óbh ,á«aõN á©£b
of pottery. This was declared by
the head of the Hebrew University           øH ÒFÉe Qƒ°ù«ahÈdG ájÈ©dG á©eÉ÷G
mission, Professor Meir Ben-Dov in          IójôL ™e á∏HÉ≤e ‘ 2001/3/11 ‘ ±hO
11/3/2001 in an interview with Jeru-
                                            ÖcGh ób ¿Éc ±hO øHh ,á«°Só≤ŸG ¢Só≤dG
salemite newspaper "Jerusalem",
noting that Ben-Dov was present             PEG 1968 ΩÉY É¡àjGóH òæe äÉjôØ◊G
from the start of the excavations in        á©eÉ÷G páã©H ¢ù«Fôd ÉÑFÉf É¡æ«M ‘ ¿Éc
1968 when he was a deputy to the
                                                             .QGRÉe ÚeÉ«æH ájÈ©dG
head of the Hebrew University mis-
sion, Benjamin Mazar.

.Ü‫ا‬ö� øY å‫ح‬H ...‫ات �ص∏طات االحتالل‬j‫ر‬Ø‫ح‬
The excavations of the occupation authorities, a search for a mirage.

                                ‫امل�صجد االق�صى‬
Al-Aqsa Mosque

When the occupation authorities failed       OÉéjEG ‘ ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S â∏°ûa Éeó©H
to find any trace of the temple under                  C
                                             ,≈°üb’G óé°ùŸG â– πµ«¡∏d ôKCG …CG
                                                                         m q
al-Aqsa Mosque, it turned its schemes
toward creating a Jewish reality under                   m           q
                                             ,¬à– …Oƒ¡j ™bGh ≥∏ÿ É¡JÉ££fl âdƒM
                                                    x                       q
it. So that by the end of the nineties       äÉ«æ«©°ùàdG ó≤Y ájÉ¡f ™e ÒµØàdG ¬ŒÉa
and beginning of the new millennium,
                                             áYƒª› §HQ ¤EG Iójó÷G á«Ød’G ájGóHh
the thinking was directed toward con-
necting the group of tunnels, which          ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S É¡JôØM »àdG ¥ÉØf’G C
the occupation authorities had dug,          kq     kq             q
                                             ájOƒ¡j á«îjQÉJ áæjóe πµ°ûàd É¡°†©ÑH
one to the other, so that they would
                                             •É°Sh’G ¬«ª°ùJ ɪ«a óé°ùŸG â–
form a historical Jewish city under the
Mosque in what the Zionist circles call      âfÉch ,"»àëàdG AÉ°†ØdG" á«fƒ«¡°üdG
"the space below". The first stage in                                 C
                                             ´hô°ûŸG Gòg ò«ØæJ ‘ ¤h’G á≤∏◊G
the implementation of this project was
the site of "the chain of generations"
                                             ‘ íààaG …òdG "∫É«L’G á∏°ù∏°S" ™bƒe
inaugurated in 28/9/2005, under the          IQGRh øe ô°TÉÑe ±Gô°TEG â– 2005/9/28
direct patronage of the occupation's
                                             á°üb »µë«d ∫ÓàM’G ádhO ‘ áMÉ«°ùdG
Ministry of Tourism, to tell the story of
"the Jewish people" from their begin-         .Ωƒ«dG ¤EG ¬JCÉ°ûf òæe "…Oƒ¡«dG Ö©°ûdG"
ning and until today.

‫أ‬                                                          D
                          .‫�صجد االق�صى‬ª∏‫» ل‬H‫ر ال¨ر‬ƒ‫ية حتت ال�ص‬æj‫ الد‬º¡‫�ص‬ƒ‫ق‬W Oƒ¡‫ي¡ا الي‬a …Oƒj ‫ي�س‬æ‫ك‬
A Synagogue in which the Jews perform their religious rituals under the western wall of
al-Aqsa Mosque.

                                ‫امل�صجد االق�صى‬
Al-Aqsa Mosque

During the last two decades of the                             C
                                                  ¿ô≤dG øe øjÒN’G øjó≤©dG ‘ äQƒ£J
last century, the attacks of the occu-
                                                  ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S äGAGóàYG »°VÉŸG
pation authorities against the wor-
shippers in al-Aqsa Mosque have
                                                  »Øa ,≈°üb’G óé°ùŸG ‘ Úq∏°üŸG ≈∏Y
evolved. And so in 11/4/1982, the                 ¿ÉeódƒZ …QÉg …óæ÷G íàa 1982/4/11
soldier Harry Goldman opened fire
                                                  ÚæKG πà≤a óé°ùŸG ‘ Úq∏°üŸG ≈∏Y QÉædG
on the worshippers in the mosque,
killing two and wounding 60. And                  ∫hÉM ÚM 1990/10/8 ‘h ,60 ìôLh
in 8/10/1990, when some radical                        C
                                                  ¢SÉ°S’G ôéM" ™°Vh Oƒ¡j ¿ƒaô£àe
Jews tried to lay "the cornerstone
of the temple", the worshippers                   äGƒb äOôa ,º¡©æŸ ¿ƒq∏°üŸG Ög "πµ«¡∏d
                                                         q                  q
rose to stop them. The occupation                 QÉædG íàØH º¡«ª– âfÉc »àdG ∫ÓàM’G
forces who were protecting them
                                                  Gòg ,É«∏°üe 21 â∏à≤a Úq∏°üŸG ≈∏Y
retaliated by opening fire on the
worshippers, killing 21 of them; this             Ωƒj Gƒ£≤°S øjòdG á°ùªÿG AGó¡°ûdG ÒZ
is in addition to the five martyrs who             óé°ùŸG ¿hQÉ°T ºëàbG ÚM 2000/9/28
fell on 28/9/2000 when Sharon,
                                                  øe áªî°V OGóYCÉH ÉWÉfi ≈°üb’G
                                                                      k         C
surrounded by a large number of
soldiers, stormed al-Aqsa Mosque.                                              .Oƒæ÷G

      .‫�صجد االق�صى‬ª∏‫د اقتحام¬ ل‬æY 2000/9/28 ‫ن يف‬h‫صار‬T ¬Lh ‫ا يف‬ƒ‫ب‬g øjò‫ ال‬Ú∏‫ن امل�ص‬ƒ‫ع‬ª‫ق‬j ‫ االحتالل‬OƒæL
The occupation soldiers subdue the worshippers who rose in face of Sharon on 28/9/2000
when he stormed into al-Aqsa Mosque.

                               ‫امل�صجد االق�صى‬
Al-Aqsa Mosque

After the eruption of al-Aqsa intifada                o      C
                                            Iôµa âMôW ≈°üb’G á°VÉØàfG ´’ófG ó©H
(uprising), the idea of unilateral solu-                   q            C q
                                            ¢SƒbÉf É¡Mô£H âbO »àdG …OÉM’G π◊G
tion was raised; and with its raising the
bell of truth sounded. The idea calls       ájDhQ ¢Vôa »°†à≤J IôµØdÉa ,á≤«≤◊G
for imposing a vision which, in its final    q                q                m
                                            »FÉ¡ædG É¡∏µ°ûH ájÈ©dG ádhó∏d ádƒÑ≤e
form, would be acceptable to the He-
                                            ‘ ¢Só≤e …Oƒ¡j OƒLh ≥«≤– É¡«a ÉÃ
                                                   q   q
brew state, including the materializa-
tion of a sacred Jewish presence in         AÉæHh óé°ùŸG Ωóg ¿Éc ÉqŸh ,¢Só≤dG áæjóe
the city of Al quds. And as the tearing     äGƒæ°ùdG ‘ øµ‡ ÒZ ¬fɵe πµ«¡dG
down of the mosque and the building
                                            ¿Éc ,π◊G Gòg ò«Øæàd áMhô£ŸG á∏«∏≤dG
of the temple in its place are unfeasi-
ble within the few years proposed for        q         x
                                            ≥≤ëoj πjóH πM ¤EG ∫É≤àf’G øe óH ’
implementing this solution, it was nec-
                                            êôîŸG ¿Éµa ,¢Só≤ŸG …Oƒ¡«dG OƒLƒdG
                                                          q    q
essary to move to an alternative solu-
tion that would materialize the sacred
                                            ÚH ≈°üb’G óé°ùŸG º«°ù≤J ƒg øµªŸG
Jewish presence. And so the feasible        ¿ƒq∏àëŸG ó¡éj Ée Gògh ,Oƒ¡«dGh Úª∏°ùŸG
way out was to divide al-Aqsa Mosque
                                            .áeOÉ≤dG á∏«∏≤dG äGƒæ°ùdG ∫ÓN ¬≤«≤ëàd
between Muslims and Jews; and this
is what the occupiers are striving to
achieve in the next few years.

The scheme to partition al-Aqsa Mosque.              ‫أ‬
                                               .‫ امل�صجد االق�صى‬º‫ق�صي‬J §‫ط‬fl

‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬
The Christian Holy Sites
‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬
The Christian Holy Sites

The city of Al quds gathers in it al-      ∞FGƒ£dG πc ¢Só≤dG áæjóe           ™ªŒ
most all of the Christian denomi-
                                           á°ù«æµdG øµd ,ÉÑjô≤J ⁄É©dG ‘ á«ë«°ùŸG
nations in the world. However,
the largest and most widespread
                                           »g áæjóŸG ‘ GQÉ°ûàfG ™°Sh’Gh Èc’G
                                                            k                 C
church in the city is the Orthodox                                      C
                                           øe ÌcCG É¡©Ñàj »àdG á«°ùcPƒKQ’G á°ù«æµdG
Church, which is followed by more
                                                       .Ú£°ù∏a »«ë«°ùe øe %51
than 51% of Palestinian Chris-

‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺻﻼﺡ ﺍﻟﺪﻳﻦ‬                  ‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺍﻟﺮﺷﻴﺪ‬
  ‫ﻣﻘﺪﺳﺎﺕ ﻣﺴﻴﺤﻴﺔ‬
‫ﻣﻨﺎﻃﻖ ﻭﺑﺆﺭ ﺍﻻﺳﺘﻴﻄﺎﻥ‬                                                                                                                                                                     ‫ﺍﳌﻘﺒﺮﺓ ﺍﻟﻴﻮﺳﻔﻴﺔ‬
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺃﺭﻳﺤﺎ‬
                                                          ‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﻧﺎﺑﻠﺲ‬                                                                                                                        ‫)ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﻷﺳﺒﺎﻁ(‬

         ‫ﺳﻮﺭ ﺍﳌﺪﻳﻨﺔ‬


                           ‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺭﻗﻢ 1‬

                                                                                               ‫ﻲ‬ ‫ﺳﻼﻣ‬                                                                      ‫ﺗﺮﺑﺔ ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﻷﺳﺒﺎﻁ‬

                                                                           ‫ﺳﻮﻕ ﺧﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﺰﻳﺖ‬
                                                                                                                                                                               ‫ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﻷﺳﺒﺎﻁ‬
                                                                                                                                                  ‫ﺑ‬       ‫ﺑﺎﺏ ﺣﻄﺔ‬
                                                                                                                                      ‫ﺎﺏ ﺍﻟﻌﺘﻤﺔ‬
                                    ‫ﳊﻲ ﺍﳌ‬
                                                                                                  ‫ﻳﻖ ﺍ‬
                                                                                                                                 ‫ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﻟﻐﻮﺍﳕﺔ‬          ‫ﺍﳌﺴﺠﺪ ﺍﻷﻗﺼﻰ‬
                                                                                                                                    ‫ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﻟﻨﺎﻇﺮ‬

                                                         ‫ﻛﻨﻴﺴﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻴﺎﻣﺔ‬                                                                                ‫ﺳﺎﺣﺔ ﻣﺴﺠﺪ‬
                                                                                                                                                      ‫ﻗﺒﺔ ﺍﻟﺼﺨﺮﺓ‬

                                                                                                                                        ‫ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﳊﺪﻳﺪ‬

                                                                                                                                          ‫ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﻟﻘﻄﺎﻧﲔ‬
                                                                               ‫ﺳﻮﻕ ﺧﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﺰﻳﺖ‬

                                                                                                                                                ‫ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﻟﺴﻠﺴﻠﺔ‬

                                                                                                                                 ‫ﺣﺎﺋﻂ ﺍﻟﺒﺮﺍﻕ‬
                                                             ‫ﺳﻮﻕ ﺍﻟﺒﺎﺯﺍﺭ‬                                                  ‫ﺣﺎﺭﺓ‬    ‫)ﺍﳌﺒﻜﻰ(‬
                                    ‫ﺳﺎﺣﺔ ﻋﻤﺮ‬                                                                      ‫ﺍﳌﻐﺎﺭﺑﺔ‬                                                                   ‫ﺍﳌﺼﻠﻰ‬
                                                                                                           ‫)ﺳﺎﺣﺔ ﺍ ﺍﳌﺪﻣﺮﺓ‬                                           ‫ﺍﳌﺴﺠﺪ‬
                                                                                                              ‫ﻟﺒﺮﺍﻕ(‬                                                 ‫ﺍﻟﻘﺒﻠﻲ‬                 ‫ﺍﳌﺮﻭﺍﻧﻲ‬
                                                                                                                                                ‫ﻣﺴﺠﺪ ﺍﳌﻐﺎﺭﺑﺔ‬

                                                                                                    ‫ﺣﺎﺭﺓ ﺍ‬
                                                                                                                                               ‫ﺍﳌﺘﺤﻒ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬

                                                                                               ‫)ﺣﺎﺭﺓ ﻟﺸﺮﻑ‬
                                                                                                                                                      ‫ﻣﺴﺠﺪ ﺍﻟﻨﺴﺎﺀ‬




                 ‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺑﻴ‬


               ‫ﺖ ﳊﻢ‬

                                                                                                                    ‫ﺣﻲ ﺳﻠﻮﺍﻥ‬

                                                                                                                      ‫الب∏دة القد‪Á‬ة يف القد�س‬
                                                                                                                             ‫‪Old City of al quds‬‬

‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬
The Christian Holy Sites

                                           …RGƒj Ée á«ë«°ùŸG ∞FGƒ£dG ∑ÓeCG πµ°ûJ
The properties owned by the Chris-
tian denominations represent what
is equivalent to 45% of the area of
                                           ,¢Só≤∏d áÁó≤dG Ió∏ÑdG áMÉ°ùe øe %45
                                           Ée ÉgóMh á«°ùcPƒKQ’G á°ù«æµdG ∂∏à“h
Al quds's old city. The Orthodox
Church alone owns 18% of the area          »Hô¨dG ô£°ûdG áMÉ°ùe øe %18 ¬àÑ°ùf
of the western part of the city occu-      ‹GƒMh ,1948 ΩÉY πàMG …òdG ¢Só≤∏d
pied in 1948 and almost 17% of the         πàMG …òdG É¡æe »bô°ûdG ô£°ûdG øe %17
eastern part occupied in 1967.                                        .1967 ΩÉY

The Church of Holy Sepulcher        ‫ي�صة القيامة‬æ‫ك‬

‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬
The Christian Holy Sites

The matter of selling the properties
                                            q       C
                                           á«°ùcPƒKQ’G á°ù«æµdG ∑ÓeCG ™«H ôeCG Oƒ©j
of the Orthodox Church belongs
to the Patriarch and the "Synod".          ,"¢SOƒæ«°ùdG" ¢Só≤ŸG ™ªéŸGh ∑ôjô£Ñ∏d
These are sites that are controlled        l
                                           áYƒª› É©«ªL É¡«∏Y ô£«°ùj ™bGƒe »gh
in their entirety by a group known
as the "Brotherhood of the Holy
                                           »àdG "¢Só≤ŸG È≤dG ájƒNCG" º°SÉH ±ô©J
Sepulcher", made up exclusively of         ‘ ºgh ,Gô°üM ¿Éfƒ«dG ácQÉ£ÑdG øe ¿ƒµàJ
                                                    k                           q
Greek patriarchs who, most of the                                         C
                                           ídÉ°üe hCG AGQBÉH ¿ƒdÉÑj ’ ¿É«M’G øe Òãc
time, are not interested in the opin-
ions or the welfare of their congre-            .Ú«ë«°ùŸG Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG øe º¡à«YQ
                                                  q        q                q
gation of Palestinian Christians.

The Church of Holy Sepulcher from the inside   ‫ل‬N‫ الدا‬ø‫ي�صة القيامة م‬æ‫ك‬

‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬
The Christian Holy Sites

The buildings of the prime minis-                                          q
                                          â°ù«æµdGh AGQRƒdG á°SÉFQ ÊÉÑe øe πc Ωƒ≤J
try, the Knesset, the infamous al-
Mascoubiyyah detention camp, the          áæWƒà°ùeh ,ôcòdG A»°S á«Hƒµ°ùŸG π≤à©eh
settlement of "Har Homa" and that         "º«ehOCG ¬«dÉ©e" áæWƒà°ùeh ,"ÉeƒMQÉg"
of "Maaleh Adomim", the largest
among the settlements that stran-
                                          ,¢Só≤dG ≥æîJ »àdG äÉæWƒà°ùŸG iÈc
gle Al quds, stand on lands that the       q       C
                                          á«°ùcPƒKQ’G á°ù«æµdG É¡JôLCG ∑ÓeCG ≈∏Y
                                                                   q m
Orthodox Church in Al quds have                    m
                                          øY ójõJ OóŸ ∫ÓàM’G ádhód ¢Só≤dG ‘
leased to the occupation state for
periods of time that exceed 99                                      .kÉeÉY 99

                    ‫ك�صية يف القد�س‬PƒK‫ي�صة االر‬æ‫¥ أامال∑ الك‬ƒa ‫مة االحتالل‬ƒ‫ حك‬A‫را‬Rh ‫ا�صة‬F‫مقر ر‬
Ministers headquarters of the occupation authority above the properties of the Orthodox Church
in al quds.

‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬
The Christian Holy Sites

The last of the properties that was       ¢Só≤dG áæjóe ‘ âHô°S »àdG äÉ«µ∏ŸG ôNBG
                                                             q o
taken from the city of al quds was
                                          øjôªãà°ùŸ "äôLoCG" »àdG ôªY áMÉ°S âfÉc
Omar Square that was "leased" to
Jewish investors for a period of 198      øH ôªY ¿CG ó≤à©ojh ,ÉeÉY 198 IóŸ Oƒ¡j
                                                               k        q
years. It is believed that Omar Ben       øe áæjóŸG ºq∏°ùJ ¬æY ˆG »°VQ ÜÉ£ÿG
al-Khattab took over the city from
                                          √òg ‘ ¢Só≤dG ∑ôjô£H ¢Sƒ«fhôØ°U
Sophronius, al quds's patriarch,
in this square situated at the front      »Hô¨dG πNóŸG Qó°U ‘ ™≤J »àdG áMÉ°ùdG
of the western entrance of the old        …ODƒŸG ≥jô£dG ´ôØàj É¡æeh ,áÁó≤dG Ió∏Ñ∏d
                                            q            q
city. From there, the road leading
                                          »gh ,É¡JGP á«°ùcPƒKQ’G á«côjô£ÑdG ¤EG
to the Orthodox Patriarchate itself
branches; it includes 2 hotels and              v     k
                                          óbh .ÉjQÉŒ Ófi 27h Úbóæa …ƒ–
27 stores. This deal discovered in
                                             .2005/3/18 ‘ á≤Ø°üdG √òg âØ°ûàcG

‫ﺳﻮﻕ ﺧﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﺰﻳﺖ‬
                                                                       ‫ﳊﻲ ﺍﳌ‬
                                                                                                                              ‫ﻳﻖ ﺍ‬

                                                                                     ‫ﻛﻨﻴﺴﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻴﺎﻣﺔ‬


                                                                                                           ‫ﺳﻮﻕ ﺧﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﺰﻳﺖ‬
                                                                  ‫ﺳﺎﺣﺔ ﻋﻤﺮ‬
                                                                       ‫ﺳﺎﺣﺔ ﻋﻤﺮ‬
                                                                                         ‫ﺳﻮﻕ ﺍﻟﺒﺎﺯﺍﺭ‬


                                                            ‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺑﻴ‬

                                                          ‫ﺖ ﳊﻢ‬

                         ‫أامال∑ الك‪æ‬ي�صة االر‪PƒK‬ك�صية يف �صاحة ‪ªY‬ر الت» �‪Huö‬ت مل�صت‪ªã‬ر‪.Oƒ¡j øj‬‬
‫‪The properties of the Orthodox Church in the sqare of Omar that were passed secretly to the‬‬
‫.‪Jewish investors‬‬

‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬
The Christian Holy Sites

For more than a century, Ortho-                          C
                                           k’É°†f ¢ùcPƒKQ’G ¿ƒ«æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¢VÉN
dox Palestinians engaged in a long
struggle to Arabicize their church.         øe ÌcCG òæe º¡à°ù«æc Öjô©àd ÓjƒW
However, the interests of succes-          ,á«dÉààŸG ∫ÓàM’G iƒb ídÉ°üe øµd ,¿ôb
sive occupation forces, the interests
and influence of the Greek "Broth-
                                           "¢Só≤ŸG È≤dG ájƒNCG" PƒØfh ídÉ°üeh
                                               q           q
erhood of the Holy Sepulcher", and         Iô£«°ùdG √ò¡d ¿Éfƒ«dG ìÉ«JQGh ,á«fÉfƒ«dG
the fact that Greece is pleased with
                                            k                        C
                                           ÉehO âfÉc ,á°Só≤ŸG »°VGQ’G ‘ á«æjódG
                                                         q                   q
having this religious control over
the Holy Lands, always gave prec-          øjódG ∫ÉLQ ój ‘ á°ù«æµdG AÉ≤H áØc Öq∏¨oJ
edence to keeping the Church in                                            .¿Éfƒ«dG
the hands of the Greek clergy.

One of the churches in al quds        ‫�س يف القد�س‬F‫ا‬æ‫ الك‬i‫احد‬E

‫معركة ال�صكان‬
The Demographic Battle
‫معركة ال�صكان‬
The Demographic Battle

When the occupation officially de-
                                           Aõ÷G º°V kÉ«ª°SQ ∫ÓàM’G ¿ÓYEG óæY
                                                q     q
clared the annexation of the east-
ern part of Al quds to its state in        ΩÉY ¬àdhO ¤EG ¢Só≤dG øe »bô°ûdG
1967, the number of Jews residing                         q
                                           πNGO Oƒ¡«dG ¿Éµ°ùdG OóY ¿Éc 1967
within the city limits, in its eastern
and western halves, was 197,700,
                                           q          É¡jô£°ûH   áæjóŸG   Ohó◊G
corresponding to only 68,500 Pal-          68,500  πHÉ≤e ,É°üî°T 197,700 »Hô¨dGh
                                                            k             q
                                           %26,5 ¿CG »æ©j Ée ƒgh ,§≤a »æ«£°ù∏a
estinians; which means that then
only 26.5% of the city's residents
were Palestinians.                                 q                       q
                                                 .Ú«æ«£°ù∏a GƒfÉc áæjóŸG ¿Éµ°S øe

The evolvement of demographic distribution in the city of Jerusalem
The Ratio

                                          The year

                                          The ratio of Jewish residents

                                          The ratio of Palestinian residents

                              ‫معركة ال�صكان‬
The Demographic Battle

In spite of the massive immigration                     q
                                         ÚæWƒà°ùª∏d áØ㵟G Iôé¡dG øe ºZôdG ≈∏Y
of Jewish settlers to the city fol-
lowing its occupation, the number        q¿CG ’EG É¡dÓàMG ó©H áæjóŸG ¤EG Oƒ¡«dG
of Palestinian residents rose at a                     q         q
                                         OGOõj ¿Éc Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¿Éµ°ùdG OóY
higher rate than that of the Jew-
ish residents. For in the first ten
                                         ¿Éµ°ùdG OÉjORG ∫ó©e øe ÈcCG ∫m ó©Ã
                                            q            q              q
years following the occupation, the          C
                                         ¤h’G ô°û©dG äGƒæ°ù`dG ∫Óîa ,Oƒ¡«dG
number of Jewish residents in the                        q
                                         Oƒ¡«dG áæjóŸG ¿Éµ°S OGORG ∫ÓàM’G ó©H
city rose by an average of 3.3%, in-
cluding the increase resulting from      áŒÉædG IOÉjõdG πª°ûj %3.3 ∫ó©Ã q
immigration; while the number of           q
                                         ¿Éµ°ùdG OóY OGORG ɪæ«H ,Iôé¡dG øY
Palestinian residents rose by an
                                         äGO’ƒdG AGôL %4.2 ∫ó©Ã Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG
                                                   q        q    q
average of 4.2% due only to natu-
ral birth rate.                                                 .§≤a á«©«Ñ£dG

The evolvement of demographic distribution in the city of Jerusalem
The Ratio

                                          The year

                                          The ratio of Jewish residents

                                          The ratio of Palestinian residents

                              ‫معركة ال�صكان‬
The Demographic Battle

The policies of expulsion followed        äÉ£∏°S É¡à©ÑJG »àdG Òé¡àdG äÉ°SÉ«°S
by the occupation authorities
                                           q     q           q
                                          äóM Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¿Éµ°ùdG ó°V ∫ÓàM’G
against the Palestinian inhabitants
limited this increase temporarily.        ‘ íéæJ ⁄ É¡æµd É«∏Môe IOÉjõdG √òg øe
Yet they didn't succeed in bringing       »Øa ,ájOƒ¡«dG IOÉjõdG áÑ°ùf øY É¡°†ØN
it lower than the Jewish rate of in-
                                          ¿Éµ°ùdG ƒ‰ ∫ó©e ≠∏H 1987-1977 ΩGƒYCG
                                            q          q
crease. For in the years between
1977 and 1987, the average rate             q
                                          ¿Éµ°ù∏d   %2,4   πHÉ≤e   %2,8   Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG
of growth for Palestinian residents                                           .Oƒ¡«dG
was 2.8% against 2.4% for Jewish

Jews        Palestinians

                              ‫معركة ال�صكان‬
The Demographic Battle

In their turn, the years of the first                        C
                                          ÉgQhóH äó¡°T ¤h’G á°VÉØàf’G äGƒæ°S
intifada witnessed a jump in the                          q               k
                                          ‘ Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¿Éµ°ùdG ƒ‰ ∫ó©e ‘ IõØb
                                              q                 q   q
average growth rate of Palestin-
ian residents of Al quds, in spite        ‘ √hó¡°T ɇ ºZôdG ≈∏Y ¢Só≤dG áæjóe
of what they had suffered during          ä’hÉfih ∫É≤àYGh πàb øe äGƒæ°ùdG √òg
these years of killings, arrests and
                                          1997-1987     ÚH Ée IÎØdG »Øa ,Òé¡à∏d
expulsion attempts; and so in the
period between 1987 and 1997,             %3,5     ∫ó©Ã ¿ƒ«æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¿Éµ°ùdG OGORG
the number of Palestinian residents                           q
                                                    .Oƒ¡«dG ¿Éµ°ù∏d §≤a %2,2 πHÉ≤e
rose by an average rate of 3.5%
against only 2.2% for Jewish resi-

Jews        Palestinians

                              ‫معركة ال�صكان‬
The Demographic Battle

The years of the second intifada          k
                                          á°SɵàfG äó¡°T á«fÉãdG á°VÉØàf’G äGƒæ°S
witnessed a setback in the aver-                              q
                                          áæjóe ‘ Oƒ¡«dG ¿Éµ°ùdG ƒ‰ ∫ó©e ‘q
age growth rate of Al quds's Jew-
ish inhabitants where it reached          ɪæ«H ,§≤a %1,1 ¤EG π°Uh å«M ¢Só≤dG
only 1.1%; while the Palestinians                       q
                                          Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¿Éµ°ùdG ƒ‰ ∫ó©e ßaÉM
                                           q                  q     q
maintained an average growth rate
                                          á≤HÉ°ùdG ¬J’ó©e øe Öjôb ∫m ó©e ≈∏Y
                                                      q       m      q
close to their previous ones of 3%.
                                                                   .%3 ¤EG π°Uh

Jews        Palestinians

                                ‫معركة ال�صكان‬
The Demographic Battle

As a consequence of the differ-            ÚH ƒªædG ä’ó©e ‘ ¥ôØ∏d áé«àfk
ence in growth rates between the                   q
                                           áæjóe ¿Éµ°S øe Oƒ¡«dGh Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG
Palestinian and Jewish residents of
Al quds, and as a consequence of           ¢Só≤dG πgCG Oƒª°üd áé«àfh ,¢Só≤dG
the perseverance of Al quds's Pal-                   q
                                           ,√ƒfÉY Ée πc ºZQ º¡àæjóe ‘ Úæ«£°ù∏ØdG
estinian inhabitants in their city, in
                                           áæjóŸG ‘ Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¿Éµ°ùdG áÑ°ùf q¿EÉa
spite of all they had endured, the
rate of Palestinians in the city is                             q        m
                                           ≈qàMh 1967 ΩÉY òæe ôªà°ùe ójGõJ ‘
in continuous growth ever since             q
                                           ™bƒàJ ∫ÓàM’G äGôjó≤J q¿EG πH ,¿’G     B
1967 and until today. Moreover,
the estimates of the occupation ex-          q           q
                                           Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¿Éµ°ùdG OóY ƒ‰ QGôªà°SG
pect a continuation of growth in the           q             q
                                           É¡fɵ°S øe %40 Gƒ∏µ°ûoj ≈àM áæjóŸG ‘
number of Palestinian residents of
                                           %26   ¿ƒ∏µ°ûoj GƒfÉc ¿CG ó©H 2020 ΩÉY
the city, until they would represent
40% of its inhabitants by 2020, af-                                   q
                                                       .1967 ΩÉY É¡fɵ°S øe §≤a
ter they used to represent only 26%
of its inhabitants in 1967.

The ratio of Jewish residents
 The ratio of Palestinian residents

                              ‫معركة ال�صكان‬
The Demographic Battle

In its turn, the Jewish immigration
                                         ó¡°ûJ ¢Só≤dG áæjóe ¤EG ájOƒ¡«dG Iôé¡dG
to the city of Al quds saw a steady
decline; for in 2005, 10,300 new im-     2005 ΩÉY »Øa kGôªà°ùe kÉ©LGôJ ÉgQhóH
migrants arrived while 16,200 set-       ‘ ójóL ôLÉ¡e 10,300 áæjóŸG ¤EG π°Uh
tlers left. This indicates a reverse
immigration of 5,900 emigrants.
                                         »æ©j Ée ,øWƒà°ùe    16,200   ÉgQOÉZ ÚM
This reverse immigration started         ,ôLÉ¡e    5,900                 k
                                                           QGó≤à á°ùcÉ©e Iôég
in Al quds decades ago when the          ¢Só≤dG ‘ äCGóH á°ùcÉ©ŸG Iôé¡dG √òg
difference between the newcom-
ers to the city and those emigrating     OóY ÚH ¥QÉØdG ≠∏H å«M ,Oƒ≤Y òæe
from it reached 105,000 emigrants        ¤EG É¡æe øjôLÉ¡ŸGh áæjóŸG ¤EG øjóaGƒdG
that left Al quds between 1980 and            C
                                         ΩGƒY’G ÚH ¢Só≤dG ∑ôJ ôLÉ¡e 105,000

                              ‫معركة ال�صكان‬
The Demographic Battle

The people in the occupation state                                 q
                                         ¤EG ∫ÓàM’G ádhO ‘ ¿Éµ°ùdG º°ù≤æj
are divided between secular and               C
                                         IÒN’G IÎØdG ‘h ,Úæjóàeh Ú«fɪ∏Y
                                                                 q     q
religious; and recently most of the
Jewish residents of al quds became       Oƒ¡«dG ¢Só≤dG áæjóe ¿Éµ°S º¶©e íÑ°UCG
of the religious Jews. This led the      Oƒ¡«dG π©L Ée Gògh ,ÚæjóàŸG øe
secular Jews to feel that al quds
                                         âëÑ°UCG ¢Só≤dG q¿CÉH ¿hô©°ûj Ú«fɪ∏©dG
has become unwelcoming to them.
For a large sector of the occupation                               k      k
                                         ÒÑc ´É£b ô¶æj å«M ,º¡d IOQÉW áæjóe
society views the religious Jews as      ≈∏Y ÚæjóàŸG ¤EG ∫ÓàM’G ™ªà› øe
a burden on them, on the state and
on society, because of the fact that     ádhódG ≈∏Yh º¡«∏Y kÉÄÑY ¿ƒ∏µ°ûoj º¡fCG
                                                                    q       q
they don't work, don't serve in the      ‘ ¿ƒeóîj ’h ¿ƒ∏ª©j ’ º¡a ,™ªàéŸGh
army, and don't get an education
                                          q                q
                                         á«æjódG ¢SQGóŸG ‘ ’EG ¿ƒªq∏©àj ’h ¢û«÷G
except in religious schools, and
they depend to a large extent on         äGóYÉ°ùe ≈∏Y ÒÑc óM ¤EG ¿hóªà©jh
assistance from the government            m
                                         äGóYÉ°ùà ÚæjóàŸG ¢üîJ »àdG ádhódG
that favors them with special ben-
                                                .¿Éµ°ùdG øe ºgÒZ ¿hO á°UÉN
efits with the exclusion of all other

.‫∏ى احتالل القد�س‬Y ‫ن‬ƒ‫ق‬Ø‫مت‬h ,º¡æ‫ي‬H ‫ا‬ª‫ي‬a ‫ن‬ƒØ∏‫ت‬fl :Oƒ¡‫ن الي‬ƒ‫ي‬f‫ا‬ª∏‫الع‬h ‫ن‬ƒæj‫املتد‬
Religious and secular Jews: they differ between themselves but they agree on the occupation
of al quds.


No sooner the occupation of al                   ,1967 ΩÉY ¢Só≤dG ∫ÓàMG ∫ɪµà°SG òæe
quds was completed in 1967 than
                                                 ¢Só≤dÉH §«– äÉæWƒà°ùŸG ¥GƒWCG äCGóH
rings of settlements began to sur-
round it with the hope to turn it into                 .ájOƒ¡j áæjóe ¤EG É¡∏jƒ– ‘ ÓeCG
                                                         q      m                 k
a Jewish city.
                                                 É¡∏°üØJ áæWƒà°ùe 29 Ωƒ«dG ¢Só≤dÉH §«–o
Today, 29 settlements encircle al
quds, separating it from its Pales-
                                                 ÉgOó“ ™æ“h ,»æ«£°ù∏ØdG É¡£«fi øY
                                                    q        q
tinian surroundings and preventing                             q
                                                          .¿Éµ°ùdGh áMÉ°ùŸG å«M øe
its expansion in area and popula-
tion.                                            112.13                          q
                                                           áMÉ°ùe äÉæWƒà°ùŸG √òg πà–
These settlements occupy an area                 áMÉ°ùŸG øe   %47,7   …hÉ°ùj Ée ƒgh ,2ºc
of 112.13 km², which equals 47.7%                É¡æµ°ùjh ,¢Só≤dG ‘ QGó÷G É¡bƒ£oj »àdG
of the area of al quds encircled by
                                                         .ÉjOƒ¡j kÉæWƒà°ùe 236,480 kÉ«∏©a
                                                           k                         q
the wall and in which 236,480 Jew-
ish settlers actually live.

‫ﻏﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬

Settlements lying heavily on al quds’s chest    ‫صدر القد�س‬U ‫∏ى‬Y ºãŒ ‫ات‬æWƒ‫م�صت‬

                   ‫امل�صت‪æWƒ‬ات اال�‪ö‬ا‪F‬ي∏ية يف القد�س‬
   ‫ﺍﳌﺴﺎﺣﺔ ﺍﻟﻜﻠﻴﺔ‬
    ‫ﹼ‬                   ‫ﺍﳌﺴﺎﺣﺔ ﺍﳌﺒﻨﻴﺔ‬
                         ‫ﹼ‬                                 ‫ﺳﻨﺔ‬
                                          ‫ﻋﺪﺩ ﺍﻟﺴﻜﺎﻥ‬                   ‫ﺍﻻﺳﻢ‬
       ‫ﺑﺎﻟﺪﻭﱎ‬               ‫ﺑﺎﻟﺪﻭﱎ‬                        ‫ﺍﻟﺘﺄﺳﻴﺲ‬
       ‫969‬                  ‫969‬             ‫9381‬           ‫6891‬        ‫ﻫﺎﺭ ﺃﺩﺍﺭ‬     ‫1‬
       ‫603‬                  ‫181‬              ‫228‬           ‫7791‬      ‫ﺑﻴﺖ ﺣﻮﺭﻭﻥ‬      ‫2‬
       ‫653‬                  ‫622‬             ‫4221‬           ‫0891‬     ‫ﺟﻔﻌﻮﻥ ﻫﺪﺍﺷﺎ‬     ‫3‬
       ‫8344‬                 ‫3601‬            ‫09701‬          ‫2891‬     ‫ﺟﻔﻌﺎﺕ ﺯﺋﻴﻒ‬      ‫4‬
       ‫9571‬                 ‫6601‬            ‫50202‬          ‫0791‬      ‫ﻧﻔﻴﻪ ﻳﺎﻛﻮﻑ‬     ‫5‬
       ‫9794‬                 ‫8552‬            ‫29983‬          ‫0791‬      ‫ﺭﺍﻣﻮﺕ ﺃﻟﻮﻥ‬     ‫6‬
       ‫6211‬                 ‫147‬             ‫22821‬          ‫8691‬     ‫ﺭﺍﻣﺎﺕ ﺷﻠﻮﻣﻮ‬     ‫7‬
       ‫5631‬                 ‫286‬             ‫4995‬           ‫8691‬     ‫ﺭﺍﻣﺎﺕ ﺇﺷﻜﻮﻝ‬     ‫8‬
       ‫8645‬                 ‫0862‬            ‫48683‬          ‫5891‬     ‫ﺑﺴﺠﺎﺕ ﺯﺋﻴﻒ‬      ‫9‬
       ‫4243‬                 ‫673‬              ‫627‬           ‫0791‬         ‫ﺃﳌﻮﻥ‬        ‫01‬
       ‫548‬                  ‫346‬             ‫6413‬           ‫0791‬     ‫ﺁﻟﻮﻥ ﺷﻴﻔﻮﺕ‬      ‫11‬
      ‫59074‬                 ‫9853‬            ‫95272‬          ‫5791‬     ‫ﻣﻌﺎﻟﻴﻪ ﺃﺩﻭﻣﻴﻢ‬   ‫21‬
      ‫77541‬                 ‫129‬             ‫6681‬           ‫9791‬      ‫ﻛﻔﺎﺭ ﺃﺩﻭﻣﻴﻢ‬    ‫31‬
       ‫574‬                  ‫152‬              ‫426‬           ‫5891‬         ‫ﻛﻴﺪﺍﺭ‬       ‫41‬
       ‫6911‬                 ‫485‬             ‫19521‬          ‫0791‬     ‫ﺇﻳﺴﺖ ﺗﺎﻟﺒﻴﻮﺕ‬    ‫51‬
       ‫3382‬                 ‫435‬             ‫5211‬           ‫7991‬       ‫ﻫﺎﺭ ﺣﻮﻣﺎ‬      ‫61‬

‫ﺳﻨﺔ 6002‬

Israeli settlements in Al quds

                                               constructed area   total area in
         Name           Est     Population
                                                  in hectar          hectar
1      HARADAR         1986        1839               96.9            96.9
2     BET HORON        1977          822              18.1            30.6
3     GIVON HDSHA      1980        1224               22.6            35.6
4     GIVAT ZE’EV      1982       10790               106.3          443.8
5    NEVE YA’ACOV      1970       20205               106.6          175.9
6       RAMOT          1970       38992               255.8          497.9
7    RAMOT SHLOMO      1968       12822               74.1           112.6
8    RAMOT ESHKOL      1968        5994               68.2           136.5
9     PISGAT ZE’EV     1985       38684               268            546.8
10      ALMON          1970          726              37.6           342.4
11   ALLON SHVUT       1970        3146               64.3            84.5
12   MA’ALE ADUMIM     1975       27259               358.9         4709.5
13   KFAR ADUMIM       1979        1866               92.1          1457.7
14      QEDAR          1985          624              25.1            47.5
15   EAST TALPIOT      1970       12591               58.4           119.6
16     HAR HOMA        1997        1125               53.4           283.3

                                                                     Year: 2006


   ‫ﺍﳌﺴﺎﺣﺔ ﺍﻟﻜﻠﻴﺔ‬
    ‫ﹼ‬                 ‫ﺍﳌﺴﺎﺣﺔ ﺍﳌﺒﻨﻴﺔ‬
                       ‫ﹼ‬                             ‫ﺳﻨﺔ‬
                                      ‫ﻋﺪﺩ ﺍﻟﺴﻜﺎﻥ‬                   ‫ﺍﻻﺳﻢ‬
       ‫ﺑﺎﻟﺪﻭﱎ‬             ‫ﺑﺎﻟﺪﻭﱎ‬                    ‫ﺍﻟﺘﺄﺳﻴﺲ‬
       ‫9582‬                ‫3481‬         ‫96572‬           ‫1791‬        ‫ﺟﻴﻠﻮ‬        ‫71‬
        ‫922‬                 ‫721‬          ‫563‬            ‫2791‬      ‫ﻫﺎﺭ ﺟﻴﻠﻮ‬      ‫81‬
       ‫8102‬                ‫9051‬         ‫8266‬            ‫9691‬             ‫ﹼ‬
                                                               ‫ﺍﻟﺘﻠﺔ ﺍﻟﻔﺮﻧﺴﻴﺔ‬
                                                                ‫ﹼ‬               ‫91‬
       ‫8414‬                ‫3771‬         ‫62922‬           ‫5891‬        ‫ﺑﻴﺘﺎﺭ‬       ‫02‬
        ‫14‬                  ‫14‬           ‫44‬             ‫4891‬     ‫ﺟﻴﻔﺎﻋﻮﺕ‬        ‫12‬
       ‫0321‬                 ‫023‬          ‫362‬            ‫9691‬     ‫ﺭﻭﺵ ﺗﺰﻭﺭﱘ‬      ‫22‬
        ‫459‬                 ‫544‬          ‫404‬            ‫7691‬   ‫ﻛﻔﺎﺭ ﻋﺘﺼﻴﻮﻥ‬      ‫32‬
        ‫096‬                 ‫675‬          ‫892‬            ‫7791‬     ‫ﻣﺠﺪﺍﻝ ﻋﻮﺯ‬      ‫42‬
        ‫692‬                 ‫652‬          ‫288‬            ‫5791‬       ‫ﺃﻟﻴﻌﺎﺯﺭ‬      ‫52‬
       ‫4846‬                ‫0901‬         ‫7307‬            ‫0891‬        ‫ﺇﻓﺮﺍﺗﺎ‬      ‫62‬
        ‫874‬                 ‫362‬         ‫3701‬            ‫2891‬     ‫ﻧﻔﻴﻪ ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ‬    ‫72‬
       ‫5431‬                 ‫932‬          ‫767‬            ‫9891‬      ‫ﺑﺎﺕ ﻋﲔ‬        ‫82‬
                                                               ‫ﺍﳊﻲ ﺍﻟﻴﻬﻮﺩﻱ ﻓﻲ‬
        ‫651‬                 ‫651‬         ‫7832‬            ‫8691‬                    ‫92‬
                                                               ‫ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﳝﺔ‬
      ‫931,211‬              ‫207,52‬      ‫253,942‬           ‫--‬        ‫ﺍ‪‬ﻤﻮﻉ‬

‫‪óMGh QÉàµg=ÂhO 10 :á¶MÓe‬‬

constructed area   total area in
            Name             Est    Population
                                                    in hectar          hectar
17          GILO             1971     27569           184.3            285.9
18        HAR GILO           1972        365          12.7              22.9
19     FRENCH HILL           1969     6628            150.9            201.8
20         BETAR             1985     22926           177.3            414.8
21        GEVA’OT            1984        44            4.1              4.1
22     ROSH TZURIM           1969        263           32               123
23     KFAR ETZION           1967        404          44.5              95.4
24       MIGDAL OZ           1977        298          57.6               69
25        ELAZAR             1975        882          25.6              29.6
26        EFRATA 1           1980     7037             109             648.4
27     NEVE DANIYEL          1982     1073            26.3              47.8
28        BAT AYIN           1989        767          23.9             134.5

29   Jewish Quarter in the
                             1968     2387            15.6              15.6
      Old city of al quds
             Total            --     249352          2570.2           11213.9

                                                   Notes: 10 Dunums = 1 Hectar

‫يف قب�صة اجلدار‬
Under the Grip of the Wall
‫يف قب�صة اجلدار‬
Under the Grip of the Wall

The apartheid wall in the West              ‘ …ô°üæ©dG π°üØdG QGóL ∫ƒW ≠∏Ñj
Bank is 730 km long, knowing that
                                            ∫ƒW q¿CG kɪ∏Y ,º∏c 730 á«Hô¨dG áØ°†dG
                                                                     q       q
the green line – which defines the
borders between the West Bank
                                                                         C q
                                            á∏°UÉØdG Ohó◊G ƒgh– ô°†N’G §ÿG
and the territories occupied in 1967                         C
                                            ΩÉY áq∏àëŸG »°VGQ’Gh á«Hô¨dG áØ°†dG ÚH
                                                                  q       q
– is only 307 km long.
                                                        .§≤a º∏c 307 ≠∏Ñj -1967

‫ﺟﺪﺍﺭ ﺍﻟﻔﺼﻞ ﺍﻟﻌﻨﺼﺮﻱ ﻓﻲ‬
         ‫ﺍﻟﻀﻔﺔ ﺍﻟﻐﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬
     ‫‪The Apartheid Wall in‬‬
        ‫‪the West Bank‬‬

‫يف قب�صة اجلدار‬
Under the Grip of the Wall

The height of the apartheid Wall            ÚH …ô°üæ©dG π°üØdG QGóL ´ÉØJQG ≠∏Ñj
ranges from 4 to 8 meters. The
cost of building one kilometer of it
                                            óMGƒdG Îe ƒ∏«µdG AÉæH ∞q∏µojh ,QÉàeCG 8-4
is one million dollars, and in some         ¢†©H ‘ π°üjh ,Q’hO ¿ƒ«∏e ‹GƒM
areas that cost may go up to two                                .Úfƒ«∏e ¤EG ≥WÉæŸG

The wall and al-Aqsa Mosque... face to face.                        ‫أ‬
                                               .¬Lƒ‫ا ل‬k ¡Lh ...‫امل�صجد االق�صى‬h ‫اجلدار‬

‫يف قب�صة اجلدار‬
Under the Grip of the Wall

al quds’s cover or «Jerusalem’s en-
                                                 ɪc z¢Só≤dG ø°VÉM{ hCG ¢Só≤dG ±ÓZ
velope», as the occupation authori-
ties call it, is a wall particular to Al         ¢UÉN QGóL ƒg ,∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S ¬«ª°ùoJ
                                                  q     l                         q
quds that branches from the main                      C
                                                 ¢SÉ°S’G QGó÷G øe ´ôØàj ¢Só≤dG áæjóÃ
wall in the West Bank. It extends
                                                 kÉbƒ£e º∏c 181`d óàÁh á«Hô¨dG áØ°†dG ‘
                                                    q                   q       q
181 km, completely enclosing the
city of Al quds and from all direc-              ™«ªL øeh πeÉc πµ°ûH ¢Só≤dG áæjóe
tions. When completed, the area of               áMÉ°ùe íÑ°üà°S ¬dɪàcÉHh ,äÉgÉŒ’G
Al quds inside the wall will become
235km² or what equals 4% of the                  235 QGó÷G πNGO áeƒª°†ŸG ¢Só≤dG áæjóe

area of the West Bank.                            q
                                                 áØ°†dG áMÉ°ùe øe   %4   …RGƒoj Ée …CG ,2ºc

‫ﻏﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬

‫‪al Quds Cover‬‬          ‫‪Z‬ال± القد�س‬

‫يف قب�صة اجلدار‬
Under the Grip of the Wall

The apartheid wall keeps out almost           ¢Só≤dG øe …ô°üæ©dG π°üØdG QGóL êôîoj
151,423 Palestinians who live in
                                              ‘ ¿ƒ°û«©j kÉ«æ«£°ù∏a 151,423 ‹GƒM
the Palestinian quarters and towns
surrounding the city, while it keep in
                                              ᣫëŸG á«æ«£°ù∏ØdG äGó∏ÑdGh AÉ«M’G
almost 251,259 others, cutting any            251,259   ‹GƒM õéàëj ɪ«a ,áæjóŸÉH
communication between them and
                                              º¡æ«H ɪ«a ∫É°üqJ’G kÉ©WÉb ,¬∏NGO øjôNBG
their Palestinian surroundings.
                                                           .»æ«£°ù∏ØdG º¡£«fi ÚHh

Suffering upon suffering        ‫اة‬f‫¥ معا‬ƒa ‫اة‬f‫معا‬

‫احلياة يف ظل االحتالل‬
Life Under the Occupation
‫احلياة يف ظل االحتالل‬
Life under the Occupation

Demolishing houses is a fixed pol-                                 l
                                             äÉ£∏°S É¡°SQÉ“ ¬àHÉK á°SÉ«°S ∫RÉæŸG Ωóg
icy of the occupation authorities,
                                             ±ó¡H Ú«°Só≤ŸG ÚæWGƒŸG q≥ëH ∫ÓàM’G
pursued with regard to Jerusale-
mite citizens, with the aim of expel-        ™FGQòH ∫RÉæŸG Ωó¡J »gh ,ºgÒé¡J
ling them. They demolish houses              ≈∏Y É¡dƒ°üM ΩóY É¡ªgCG áØ∏àfl èéMh
using various excuses and claims;
                                             ’ »àdG ,∫ÓàM’G ájó∏H øe AÉæH ¢ü«NôJ
the most important of which is that
they didn’t obtain building permits          ÚæWGƒª∏d ¢ü«NÎdG Gòg ÉgQhóH íæ“
from the occupation’s municipality           ≈qàM ,Iójó°T áHƒ©°üH ’EG ,Ú«°Só≤ŸG
that, in its turn, rarely grants these
permits to Jerusalemite so that              òæeh ,äAÉ°T ≈fCG º¡dRÉæe Ωóg øe øµªàJ
                                                          q                   q
it would be able to demolish their           âeóg 2006 ΩÉY ájÉ¡f ≈qàMh 2000 ΩÉY
houses if it so wishes. And so, since
                                             Oó¡oj ɪæ«H ,∫õæe 700 ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S
the year 2000 and up till the end of
2006, the occupation authorities                .âbh …CG ‘ Ωó¡dÉH ôNBG ∫õæe 12,000
                                                       q                m
have torn down 700 houses while
12,000 others are threatened to be
torn down at any time.

Demolishing houses, an established policy of   ‫تة لالحتالل‬H‫ا‬K ‫ل �صيا�صة‬R‫ا‬æ‫ امل‬Ω‫د‬g
the occupation

‫احلياة يف ظل االحتالل‬
Life under the Occupation

There are 23 roadblocks of the occu-          k
                                             GõLÉM     ¢Só≤dG áæjóe ∫ƒM ô°ûàæj

                                             ™æ“h áæjóŸG ∫É°UhCG ™£≤oJ ∫ÓàMÓd
pation spread around Al quds, cutting
off various parts of the city and keeping
its Jerusalemite inhabitants from com-         q        q
                                             Ú«°Só≤ŸG ¿Éµ°ùdG ÚH ɪ«a ∫É°üqJ’G
municating with each other and from
                                             »LQÉÿG º¡£«fi ™e π°UGƒàdG øe º¡©æ“h
having contacts with their external sur-
roundings in the West Bank; they also                             q      q
                                             ∫ƒ°Uh ¿hO ∫ƒ– ɪc ,á«Hô¨dG áØ°†dG ‘
prevent the Palestinians of the West                                  q       q
                                             ¤EG Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG á«Hô¨dG áØ°†dG ¿Éµ°S
                                                   q          q
Bank from reaching Al quds. The oc-
cupation authorities endeavor to turn        ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S πª©Jh .¢Só≤dG áæjóe
the roadblocks that separate Al quds         áæjóe π°üØJ »àdG õLGƒ◊G πjƒ– ≈∏Y
from the West Bank into international
crossing points that the Palestinian                      q       q
                                             ôHÉ©e ¤EG á«Hô¨dG áØ°†dG øY ¢Só≤dG
cannot traverse except when having           q
                                             ’EG ÉgQƒÑY ¿ƒ«æ«£°ù∏ØdG ™«£à°ùj ’ á«dhO
                                                            q                   q
a visa from the occupation govern-
ment. Indeed the Calandia crossing           ∫ƒ– óbh ,∫ÓàM’G ádhO øe mIÒ°TCÉàH
point has turned into an international             q
                                             ɪ«a ,‹hO È©e ¤EG π©ØdÉH Éjóæ∏b È©e
one, while the occupation authorities
continue with their measures to turn         πjƒëàd É¡JGAGôLEG ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S π°UGƒJ
also the Container crossing point into          .kÉ°†jCG ‹hO È©e ¤EG Ô«àfƒµdG õLÉM
                                                         q    m
an international one.

The occupation roadblocks suffocate al quds   ‫≥ القد�س‬æîJ ‫ االحتالل‬õL‫ا‬ƒ‫ح‬

Arb3een-القدس حصاد الأربعين
Arb3een-القدس حصاد الأربعين
Arb3een-القدس حصاد الأربعين
Arb3een-القدس حصاد الأربعين
Arb3een-القدس حصاد الأربعين

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Arb3een-القدس حصاد الأربعين

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. ‫ات‬jƒ‫¡ر�س املحت‬a 4 Introduction ‫املقدمة‬ 6 al quds under Occupation ‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬ 22 al-Aqsa Mosque ‫أ‬ ‫امل�صجد االق�صى‬ 36 The Christian Holy Sites ‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬ 50 The Demographic Battle ‫معركة ال�صكان‬ 68 Settlement ‫اال�صتيطان‬ 76 ‫ﹾ‬Under the Grip of the Wall ‫يف قب�صة اجلدار‬ 86 Life Under Occupation ‫احلياة يف ظل االحتالل‬
  • 4. ‫مقدمة‬ ‫يف العا‪ 1948 Ω‬احت∏ت الع�صا‪H‬ات ال�ص¡ي‪fƒ‬ية ‪Z‬ر‪ »H‬القد�س, ‪V‬ص‪ øª‬م�صاحة‬ ‫77% م‪�∏a ø‬صط‪ h ,Ú‬أا‪æ∏Y‬ت قيا‪hO Ω‬لة ” ‪E‬ا�‪ö‬ا‪F‬يل“, ‪h‬يف العا‪1967 Ω‬‬ ‫ا�صتك‪ª‬ل اجلي‪û‬س ال�ص¡ي‪ ʃ‬احتالل الق�ص‪ º‬ال‪öû‬ق» م‪ ø‬القد�س, ‪a‬ا�صتك‪ª‬ل‬ ‫‪òH‬ل∂ أا�‪ √òg ö‬املد‪æj‬ة الع¶ي‪ª‬ة.‬ ‫م‪ ø‬العا‪E 1967 Ω‬ا¤ العا‪ ,2007 Ω‬أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪Y‬ام ‪k‬ا م‪ ø‬احتالل كامل‬ ‫القد�س. أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪Y‬اما ‪h‬االحتالل ‪ûj‬ص‪ ¬Lh √ƒ‬القد�س, ‪gOƒ¡jh‬ا, ‪jh‬قت∏™‬ ‫‪q‬‬ ‫‪q‬‬ ‫‪k‬‬ ‫�صكا‪¡f‬ا, ‪�jh‬ص∏‪¡î‬ا ‪jƒg øY‬ت¡ا العر‪H‬ية اال�صالمية, ‪ h‬أا‪j‬ا‪ ¬jO‬ا‪Øÿ‬ية حت‪Ø‬ر‬ ‫‪E‬‬ ‫م¡د‪O‬ة‪ k‬أاق�صا‪g‬ا, أامال يف اال�صتيال‪∏Y A‬ي¬ أا‪J h‬ق�صي‪ ...¬ª‬أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪Y‬اما “ر‬ ‫‪q k‬‬ ‫‪k‬‬ ‫أ‬ ‫‪h‬قد أا‪Th‬ص∂ اجلدار ‪∏Y‬ى ‪æN‬ق¡ا... أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪Y‬اما ‪h‬حرا�س االق�صى ‪¡j‬ب‪ƒ‬ن‬ ‫‪q‬‬ ‫‪k‬‬ ‫حل‪ª‬ا‪j‬ت¬ ‪H‬ال�صد‪h‬ر العار‪j‬ة يف ‪ ¬Lh‬كل ا‪Y‬تدا‪ ...A‬أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪Y‬ام ‪k‬ا ‪ûa‬ص∏ت ‪N‬الل¡ا‬ ‫احل‪Ø‬ر‪j‬ات يف الع‪ƒã‬ر ‪∏Y‬ى أا… أا‪K‬ر ‪ …Oƒ¡j‬أا‪ …ÈY h‬م‪ ø‬أا… ‪ ...´ƒf‬أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪Y‬اما‬ ‫‪k‬‬ ‫“ر ‪h‬االحتالل ‪j‬حا‪h‬ل ‪ ≥æN‬احلياة ‪a‬ي¡ا ليطر‪ O‬أا‪¡∏g‬ا م‪¡æ‬ا, لك‪U º¡æ‬صامد‪h‬ن‬ ‫‪a‬ي¡ا ر‪ ºZ‬احل�صار ‪h‬الت�صيي≥... أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪Y‬اما ‪h‬االحتالل ‪j‬ح∏‪H º‬قد�س ‪jOƒ¡j‬ة‬ ‫‪k‬‬ ‫‪k‬‬ ‫‪�jh‬صعى لتحقيق¡ا ‪H‬كل ‪¡L‬د√, لك‪U ø‬ص‪ Oƒª‬املد‪æj‬ة ‪j‬ق∞ حا‪F‬ال ‪ ¬fhO‬حتى‬ ‫الي‪ .Ωƒ‬أار‪H‬ع‪ƒ‬ن ‪Y‬ام ‪k‬ا ‪J ⁄h‬تحرر القد�س ‪H‬عد....‬ ‫ح�صا‪ O‬أار‪H‬ع‪Y Ú‬ام ‪k‬ا قا�صية م‪ ø‬االحتالل ل∏قد�س ‪�f‬صتعر‪V‬ص¡ا ‪H‬ا‪N‬ت�صار يف‬ ‫‪òg‬ا الكتي‪ Ö‬امل�ص‪ƒ‬ر.‬ ‫‪q‬‬ ‫4‬
  • 5. Introduction In 1948, Zionist gangs occupied 77% of Palesine including the western part of al quds “Jerusalem” and declared the establishment of the state of “Israel”. Then in 1967, the zionist army occupied the east part of al quds. Thus it completed the captivity of this great city. From 1967 to 2007, forty years of occupying the whole of al quds have passed. Forty years and the occupation continues to disfigure Al quds’s face, Judaize it, uproot its occupants, detach it from its Arabic Islamic identity. Its hidden hands continue to dig, endangering its al-Aqsa, hop- ing to seize it or divide it… Forty years have passed and the wall is about to strangle it… Forty years and the guards of al-Aqsa continue to spring to its defense with their naked chests in the face of every aggression… Forty years during which the excavations failed to uncover any Jewish or Hebrew archeological relic of any kind… Forty years have passed and the occupation continues its attempt to strangle life in it, hoping to expel its people from it; yet they remain steadfast in spite of the siege and restric- tions… Forty years and the occupation continues to dream of a Jewish Al quds and strives to realize it, sparing no effort. Yet the city’s perseverance stands in its way up to this day. Forty years and al quds isn’t liberated yet… The harvest of forty hard years of the occupation of al quds, we briefly survey them in this illustrated booklet. 5
  • 6.
  • 8. ‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬ al quds under Occupation al quds during the British ÊÉ£jÈdG ∫ÓàM’G ó¡Y ‘ ¢Só≤dG Mandate During the British occupation of Ú£°ù∏Ød ÊÉ£jÈdG ∫ÓàM’G IÎa ∫ÓN Palestine that lasted the period be- 1916-1947 »eÉY ÚH Ée äóàeG »àdG q tween 1916 and 1947, the Jewish presence in Al quds grew steadily ƒªæj ¢Só≤dG ‘ …Oƒ¡«dG OƒLƒdG ¿Éc q under the wing of the occupation .∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S ájÉYQ â– OGô£°VÉH authorities. 8
  • 9. ÊÉ£jÈdG ∫ÓàM’G ó¡Y ‘ ¢Só≤dG al quds during the British Mandate ¢Só≤dG 9
  • 10. ‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬ al quds under Occupation al quds after the Occupation of »Hô¨dG É¡ª°ùb ∫ÓàMG ó©H ¢Só≤dG its Western Part in 1948. 1948 ΩÉY In 1948, the western part of the áæjóŸG øe »Hô¨dG Aõ÷G §≤°S ,1948 ΩÉY city fell into the hands of the Israeli ≈≤ÑJ Ée ÉeCG ,»∏«FGô°S’G ∫ÓàM’G ój ‘ q q E occupation. As for what remained of the eastern part, it came under Ió¡©dG â– íÑ°UCÉa »bô°ûdG Aõ÷G øe Jordanian custody. So Jordan ex- k C q C áMÉ°ùe ‘ Ébô°T ¿OQ’G ™°Sƒàa ,á«fOQ’G panded to the east of the Al quds's »∏«FGô°S’G ∫ÓàM’G ™°SƒJ ɪæ«H ,¢Só≤dG E q area, while the Israeli occupation expanded to its west. .ÉHôZ k 10
  • 11. 1948 ΩÉY »Hô¨dG É¡ª°ùb ∫ÓàMG ó©H ¢Só≤dG al quds after the Occupation of its Western Part in 1948. ¢Só≤dG ‫ﻏﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬ 11
  • 12. ‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬ al quds under Occupation Unilateral Borders of al quds after C ó©H ¢Só≤dG áæjóŸ ájOÉM’G Ohó◊G Zionist Occupation in 1967 1967 ΩÉY É¡dÓàMG The eastern part fell in the hands of áæjÉ¡°üdG ój ‘ »bô°ûdG Aõ÷G §≤°S q the Zionists in 1967; and since that q ∞bƒàJ ⁄ Ú◊G ∂dP òæeh ,1967 ΩÉY time, the settlements, the expansion, and the Judaization activities did not ójƒ¡àdGh á©°SƒàdGh ¿É£«à°S’G äÉ«∏ªY q cease, in accordance with the oc- ´hô°ûe ™e Ö°SÉæàj Éà ¢Só≤dG áæjóe ‘ cupation's plan to make Al quds "the eternal and great capital" of its state. ájóHCG ᪰UÉY" ¢Só≤dG π©L ‘ ∫ÓàM’G kq k Thereafter, the occupation state start- .¬àdhód "iÈch ed to implement its schemes to defini- ò«ØæàH ∂dP ó©H ∫ÓàM’G ádhO äCGóH tively annex Al quds; and so it began to control the city, dictating its form É¡«dEG ¢Só≤dG áæjóe º°†d É¡JÉ££fl q q and borders. The municipality of Al πµ°ûH ºµëàJ äòNCÉa ,»FÉ¡f πµ°ûH q q m quds of the occupation declared uni- laterally the borders of the city with an ∫ÓàM’G ájó∏H âæ∏YCGh ,ÉgOhóMh áæjóŸG q area of 72Km2, annexing parts of the q C áæjóª∏d ájOÉM’G Ohó◊G ¢Só≤dG ‘ West Bank in addition to the eastern øe AGõLCG ⪰V »àdGh ,2ºc 72 áMÉ°ùà k q and western parts of the city. k q áæjóŸG …ô£°ûd áaÉ°VEG á«Hô¨dG áØ°†dG q .»Hô¨dGh »bô°ûdG 12
  • 13. 1967 C ΩÉY É¡dÓàMG ó©H ¢Só≤dG áæjóŸ ájOÉM’G Ohó◊G Unilateral Borders of al quds after Zionist Occupation in 1967 ¢Só≤dG ‫ﻏﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬ 13
  • 14. ‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬ al quds under Occupation Borders of “Greater Jerusalem” iȵdG ¢Só≤dG OhóM Then the occupation started to bite ójõŸG º°†b ≈∏Y ∂dP ó©H ∫ÓàM’G πªY off more lands and annex them so C C ájOÉM’G Ohóë∏d É¡ª°Vh ¢VQ’G øe q q they would fall within the unilateral limits of the city. And so the plan of ,iȵdG ¢Só≤dG ´hô°ûe ìô£a áæjóª∏d greater Jerusalem was proposed, kÉbô°T áæjóŸG »°VGQCG ™«°SƒàH »°†≤j …òdG which stipulates extending the øe ójõŸG IQOÉ°üe ≥jôW øY k’ɪ°Th city's territory to the east and to the north by way of confiscating more q C .á«æ«£°ù∏ØdG »°VGQ’Gh iô≤dG Palestinian lands and villages. 14
  • 15. iȵdG ¢Só≤dG OhóM Borders of “Greater Jerusalem” ¢Só≤dG ‫ﻏﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬ 15
  • 16. ‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬ al quds under Occupation Borders of “Metropolitan Jerusa- IOó©àŸG ¢Só≤dG OhóM lem” (á«æ«J’ƒHhΟG) The third step took the form of the q ¢Só≤dG ´hô°ûà â∏ã“ áãdÉãdG Iƒ£ÿG project of "Metropolitan Jerusa- Gòg íª£jh ,IOó©àŸG hCG "á«fÉà«dƒHhΟG" q q lem". This plan aspired to expand Al quds until it devours the cities of º¡à∏àd ¢Só≤dG áæjóe ™«°Sƒàd ´hô°ûŸG Ramallah to the north and Bethle- k kÉHƒæL º◊ â«Hh ’ɪ°T ˆG ΩGQ »àæjóe hem to the south, with a total area %17-12 q m ÚH Ée …RGƒJ á«dɪLEG áMÉ°ùà that equals 12%-17% of the area of the West Bank, and thus com- k q É¡dɪ°T á∏°UÉa á«Hô¨dG áØ°†dG áMÉ°ùe øe q pletely separating its north from its .πeÉc πµ°ûH É¡HƒæL øY m south. 16
  • 17. (á«æ«J’ƒHhΟG) IOó©àŸG ¢Só≤dG OhóM Borders of “Metropolitan Jerusalem” ¢Só≤dG ‫ﻏﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬ 17
  • 18. ‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬ al quds under Occupation The Track of the Wall around ¢Só≤dG ∫ƒM QGó÷G QÉ°ùe al quds The dream of "Metropolitan Jeru- "IOó©àŸG ¢Só≤dG" áæjóe º∏M Ωó£°UG q salem" clashed with a Palestinian q √ò«ØæJ π©éj »æ«£°ù∏a Êɵ°S ™bGƒH q m demographic reality that makes its realization impossible. This led Zi- C k á«fƒ«¡°üdG •É°Sh’ÉH GóM Ée ,Ó«ëà°ùe q onist circles to bring forth the idea øY …OÉMoCG πM ¢Vôa Iôµa ìôW ¤EG q x of imposing a unilateral solution by º°†j …òdG ,∫RÉ©dG QGó÷G AÉæH ≥jôW q way of building the Wall that, in its course, lets all the settlements sur- ᣫëŸG äÉæWƒà°ùŸG ™«ªL √Ò°ùe ∫ÓN rounding al quds become part of the ,∫ÓàM’G ádhO ¤EG ¢Só≤dG áæjóà occupation state, and bites off Pal- C áaÉãµdG äGP á«æ«£°ù∏ØdG »°VGQ’G º°†≤jh q estinian lands that have low popu- lation density eating up an area of k q q ÉgQób áMÉ°ùe º°†«d á∏«∏≤dG á«fɵ°ùdG 235km2 of the West Bank, while it q ∞à∏j ɪæ«H ,á«Hô¨dG áØ°†dG øe 2ºc 235 winds itself around the large Pales- tinian population centers, placing IÒѵdG á«æ«£°ù∏ØdG äÉ©ªéàdG ∫ƒM q q them outside the wall. .QGó÷G êQÉN ÉgÉjEq G kÉ©°VGh 18
  • 19. ¢Só≤dG ∫ƒM QGó÷G QÉ°ùe The Track of the Wall around al quds ¢Só≤dG ‫ﻏﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬ 19
  • 20. ‫القد�س حتت االحتالل‬ al quds under Occupation The Wall around al quds ¢Só≤dG ∫ƒM QGó÷G Building the wall around Al quds– in -¬JQƒ£N ≈∏Y- ¢Só≤dG ∫ƒM QGó÷G AÉæH spite of its gravity- represented a drawback in the schemes to Judaize q áæjóŸG ójƒ¡J äÉ££fl ‘ É©LGôJ πãe k q the city. For the occupation authori- ôµa øe ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S â∏≤àfG ó≤a ties moved from the concept of ex- ƒg Ée ≈∏Y ®ÉØ◊G ôµa ¤EG ™°SƒàdG q pansion to that of conserving what is in existence, abandoning large ar- m kq øe á©°SGh äÉMÉ°ùe øY á«∏îàe ,ºFÉb eas of lands that they had previously q C kÉ≤HÉ°S É¡ª°†d ≈©°ùJ âfÉc »àdG »°VGQ’G planned to annex within the dream of metropolitan Al quds, and that's π°†ØH ∂dPh ,IOó©àŸG ¢Só≤dG º∏M øª°V q by virtue of the perseverance of Al C q ‘ ¢Só≤dG áæjóe πg’ »JGòdG Oƒª°üdG quds's inhabitants in the face of the .ójƒ¡àdG ™jQÉ°ûe ¬Lh Judaization plans. 20
  • 21. ¢Só≤∏d áØ∏àîŸG Ohó◊G The Various Borders of al quds ¢Só≤dG Gr een Line ‫ﺣﺪﻭﺩ ﺍﻻﺣﺘﻼﻝ ﺍﻟﺒﺮﻳﻄﺎﻧﻲ‬ Borders British Occupation 1948 ‫ﺣﺪﻭﺩ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻡ‬ Borders of Year 1948 1967 ‫ﺣﺪﻭﺩ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻡ‬ Borders of Year 1967 ‫ﺣﺪﻭﺩ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ‬ Borders of “Greater Jerusalem” ‫ﺣﺪﻭﺩ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ ﺍﳌﺘﻌﺪﺩﺓ‬ Borders of “Metropolitan jerusalem” ‫ﻣﺴﺎﺭ ﺍﳉﺪﺍﺭ ﺣﻮﻝ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬ The Track of the Wall around al quds 21
  • 22.
  • 24. ‫أ‬ ‫امل�صجد االق�صى‬ Al-Aqsa Mosque In the morning of 11/6/1967, only ΩÉjCG á©HQCG ó©Hh ,1967/6/11 Ωƒj ìÉÑ°U four days after the occupation of äGƒb 䃰S ,¢Só≤dG ∫ÓàMG øe §≤a q q Al quds, the occupation forces lev- eled the Magharbeh district to the k o C á∏«fi ¢VQ’ÉH áHQɨŸG »M ∫ÓàM’G q ground, turning the place into a large Oƒ¡«dG IÓ°üd IÒÑc áMÉ°S ¤EG ¿ÉµŸG square dedicated to the worship of ≥Ñ°S ɪ«a âfÉc 2Ω ∞dCG 200 áMÉ°ùà Jews, having an area of 200,000 m² that used to be the site of 135 C ,»◊G ‹Ég’ øjóé°ùeh k’õæe 135 º°†Jq houses and two mosques belong- »Hô¨ŸGG OnóŸG ¤EG º¡dƒ°UCG Oƒ©J øjòdG ing to the district's residents whose C Ωƒj »Hƒj’G øjódG ìÓ°U ™e ÜQÉM …òdG origin goes back to the reinforce- ments that came from Maghreb to .Ú«Ñ«∏°üdG øe áæjóŸG ôjô– fight along Salahuddine al-Ayyubi (Salahddin) upon the liberation of the city from the Crusaders. 24
  • 25. ‫أ‬ .‫�صجد االق�صى‬ª∏‫» ل‬H‫ر ال¨ر‬ƒ‫ص≥ ل∏�ص‬U‫ة املال‬H‫ ح» امل¨ار‬ʃ‫ال االحتالل ال�ص¡ي‬R‫عد 11/6/7691 أا‬H After 11/6/1967, the Zionist occupation leveled al-Magharbah Quarter, which is adjacent to the western wall of al-Aqsa Mosque. 25
  • 26. ‫أ‬ ‫امل�صجد االق�صى‬ Al-Aqsa Mosque On the 21st of August 1969, radical Zi- ±ô£àŸG ʃ«¡°üdG ΩÉb ,21/8/1969 ‘ onist Dennis Michael Rohan, and with OóY IóYÉ°ùÃh ,¿ÉghQ πµjÉe ¢ù«æjO the help of a number of settlers, intro- duced large quantities of extremely IÒÑc äÉ«ªc ∫ÉNOEÉH ,ÚæWƒà°ùŸG øe combustible materials inside al-Aqsa πNGO ¤EG ,∫É©à°T’G Iójó°T OGƒŸG øe Mosque, with the intent to burn it down. C óbh ,¬bGôMEG ó°ü≤H ,≈°üb’G óé°ùŸG Water supplies were cut off during this criminal operation and the fire engines á«∏ª©dG √òg ò«ØæJ AÉæKCG √É«ŸG â©£b o of the occupation municipality were slow AÉØW’G äGQÉ«°S ∫ƒ°Uh ôNCÉJh ,á«eGôL’G E q E to arrive. However, al quds’s inhabitants moved quickly to put out the fire with ¢Só≤dG πgCG øµd ,∫ÓàM’G ájó∏Ñd á©HÉàdG whatever water was accessible, trans- »àdG IôaƒàŸG √É«ŸÉH ≥jô◊G AÉØW’ GƒÑg E q porting it with their bare hands and with .πFÉ°Sh º¡d ô°ù«J ÉÃh ,º¡jójCÉH Égƒ∏≤f q whatever means of transportation avail- able to them. º°ù≤dÉH IÒÑc kGQGô°VCG ≥jô◊G ≥◊CG The blaze inflicted large-scale damage C âJCGh ,≈°üb’G óé°ùŸG øe »Hƒæ÷G on the southern part of al-Aqsa Mosque; ìÓ°U Èæe ≈∏Y πeɵdÉH ¿GÒædG and the flames consumed totally the pulpit of Saladin al-Ayyubi, the symbol C øe áæjóŸG ôjô– õeQ ,»Hƒj’G øjódG of the city’s liberation from the Crusad- .Ú«Ñ«∏°üdG ers. Immediately following the blaze, the oc- ≥jô◊G ó©H ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S âYOG cupation authorities claimed that it was ,»FÉHô¡c ∑ɵàMG øY œÉf ¬fCG Iô°TÉÑe caused by electrical friction before ad- ,Ó©àØe ¿Éc ≥jô◊G ¿CÉH ±Î©J ¿CG πÑb k mitting that it was an incident of arson carried out by a “deranged” person. .“√ƒà©e” √òØf óbh 26
  • 27. Blaze of al-Aqsa Mosque ‫أ‬ ‫≥ امل�صجد االق�صى‬j‫حر‬ 27
  • 28. ‫أ‬ ‫امل�صجد االق�صى‬ Al-Aqsa Mosque Since the occupation of East al 1967 ΩÉY ¢Só≤dG »bô°T ∫ÓàMG òæe q quds in 1967, the occupation au- q øe πMGôe 10 ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S äòØf thorities carried out ten stages of excavations under al-Aqsa Mosque C â∏°Uh ≈°üb’G óé°ùŸG â– äÉjôØ◊G q that reached to the lowest of the ar- C »àdG á«Lƒdƒ«cQ’G äÉ≤Ñ£dG ôNBG ≈qàM cheological levels in which traces of óŒ ⁄ É¡qæµd ,¿É°ùfÓd QÉKBG É¡«a äóLh E o human existence were found. Yet they didn't find a single relic of sig- hCG á∏ªY ≈àM ’h ,∫ÉH GP kGóMGh kGôKCG k nificance, not even a coin or a piece áã©H ¢ù«FQ ∂dP ø∏YCG óbh ,á«aõN á©£b k of pottery. This was declared by the head of the Hebrew University øH ÒFÉe Qƒ°ù«ahÈdG ájÈ©dG á©eÉ÷G q mission, Professor Meir Ben-Dov in IójôL ™e á∏HÉ≤e ‘ 2001/3/11 ‘ ±hO 11/3/2001 in an interview with Jeru- ÖcGh ób ¿Éc ±hO øHh ,á«°Só≤ŸG ¢Só≤dG salemite newspaper "Jerusalem", noting that Ben-Dov was present PEG 1968 ΩÉY É¡àjGóH òæe äÉjôØ◊G from the start of the excavations in á©eÉ÷G páã©H ¢ù«Fôd ÉÑFÉf É¡æ«M ‘ ¿Éc k 1968 when he was a deputy to the .QGRÉe ÚeÉ«æH ájÈ©dG head of the Hebrew University mis- sion, Benjamin Mazar. 28
  • 29. .Ü‫ا‬ö� øY å‫ح‬H ...‫ات �ص∏طات االحتالل‬j‫ر‬Ø‫ح‬ The excavations of the occupation authorities, a search for a mirage. 29
  • 30. ‫أ‬ ‫امل�صجد االق�صى‬ Al-Aqsa Mosque When the occupation authorities failed OÉéjEG ‘ ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S â∏°ûa Éeó©H to find any trace of the temple under C ,≈°üb’G óé°ùŸG â– πµ«¡∏d ôKCG …CG m q al-Aqsa Mosque, it turned its schemes toward creating a Jewish reality under m q ,¬à– …Oƒ¡j ™bGh ≥∏ÿ É¡JÉ££fl âdƒM x q it. So that by the end of the nineties äÉ«æ«©°ùàdG ó≤Y ájÉ¡f ™e ÒµØàdG ¬ŒÉa and beginning of the new millennium, C áYƒª› §HQ ¤EG Iójó÷G á«Ød’G ájGóHh the thinking was directed toward con- necting the group of tunnels, which ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S É¡JôØM »àdG ¥ÉØf’G C the occupation authorities had dug, kq kq q ájOƒ¡j á«îjQÉJ áæjóe πµ°ûàd É¡°†©ÑH one to the other, so that they would C •É°Sh’G ¬«ª°ùJ ɪ«a óé°ùŸG â– form a historical Jewish city under the Mosque in what the Zionist circles call âfÉch ,"»àëàdG AÉ°†ØdG" á«fƒ«¡°üdG "the space below". The first stage in C ´hô°ûŸG Gòg ò«ØæJ ‘ ¤h’G á≤∏◊G the implementation of this project was the site of "the chain of generations" C ‘ íààaG …òdG "∫É«L’G á∏°ù∏°S" ™bƒe inaugurated in 28/9/2005, under the IQGRh øe ô°TÉÑe ±Gô°TEG â– 2005/9/28 direct patronage of the occupation's á°üb »µë«d ∫ÓàM’G ádhO ‘ áMÉ«°ùdG Ministry of Tourism, to tell the story of "the Jewish people" from their begin- .Ωƒ«dG ¤EG ¬JCÉ°ûf òæe "…Oƒ¡«dG Ö©°ûdG" ning and until today. 30
  • 31. ‫أ‬ D .‫�صجد االق�صى‬ª∏‫» ل‬H‫ر ال¨ر‬ƒ‫ية حتت ال�ص‬æj‫ الد‬º¡‫�ص‬ƒ‫ق‬W Oƒ¡‫ي¡ا الي‬a …Oƒj ‫ي�س‬æ‫ك‬ A Synagogue in which the Jews perform their religious rituals under the western wall of al-Aqsa Mosque. 31
  • 32. ‫أ‬ ‫امل�صجد االق�صى‬ Al-Aqsa Mosque During the last two decades of the C ¿ô≤dG øe øjÒN’G øjó≤©dG ‘ äQƒ£J q last century, the attacks of the occu- ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S äGAGóàYG »°VÉŸG pation authorities against the wor- shippers in al-Aqsa Mosque have C »Øa ,≈°üb’G óé°ùŸG ‘ Úq∏°üŸG ≈∏Y evolved. And so in 11/4/1982, the ¿ÉeódƒZ …QÉg …óæ÷G íàa 1982/4/11 q soldier Harry Goldman opened fire ÚæKG πà≤a óé°ùŸG ‘ Úq∏°üŸG ≈∏Y QÉædG on the worshippers in the mosque, killing two and wounding 60. And ∫hÉM ÚM 1990/10/8 ‘h ,60 ìôLh in 8/10/1990, when some radical C ¢SÉ°S’G ôéM" ™°Vh Oƒ¡j ¿ƒaô£àe Jews tried to lay "the cornerstone of the temple", the worshippers äGƒb äOôa ,º¡©æŸ ¿ƒq∏°üŸG Ög "πµ«¡∏d q q rose to stop them. The occupation QÉædG íàØH º¡«ª– âfÉc »àdG ∫ÓàM’G forces who were protecting them Gòg ,É«∏°üe 21 â∏à≤a Úq∏°üŸG ≈∏Y k retaliated by opening fire on the worshippers, killing 21 of them; this Ωƒj Gƒ£≤°S øjòdG á°ùªÿG AGó¡°ûdG ÒZ is in addition to the five martyrs who óé°ùŸG ¿hQÉ°T ºëàbG ÚM 2000/9/28 fell on 28/9/2000 when Sharon, øe áªî°V OGóYCÉH ÉWÉfi ≈°üb’G k C surrounded by a large number of soldiers, stormed al-Aqsa Mosque. .Oƒæ÷G 32
  • 33. ‫أ‬ .‫�صجد االق�صى‬ª∏‫د اقتحام¬ ل‬æY 2000/9/28 ‫ن يف‬h‫صار‬T ¬Lh ‫ا يف‬ƒ‫ب‬g øjò‫ ال‬Ú∏‫ن امل�ص‬ƒ‫ع‬ª‫ق‬j ‫ االحتالل‬OƒæL q The occupation soldiers subdue the worshippers who rose in face of Sharon on 28/9/2000 when he stormed into al-Aqsa Mosque. 33
  • 34. ‫أ‬ ‫امل�صجد االق�صى‬ Al-Aqsa Mosque After the eruption of al-Aqsa intifada o C Iôµa âMôW ≈°üb’G á°VÉØàfG ´’ófG ó©H (uprising), the idea of unilateral solu- q C q ¢SƒbÉf É¡Mô£H âbO »àdG …OÉM’G π◊G q tion was raised; and with its raising the bell of truth sounded. The idea calls ájDhQ ¢Vôa »°†à≤J IôµØdÉa ,á≤«≤◊G m for imposing a vision which, in its final q q m »FÉ¡ædG É¡∏µ°ûH ájÈ©dG ádhó∏d ádƒÑ≤e form, would be acceptable to the He- ‘ ¢Só≤e …Oƒ¡j OƒLh ≥«≤– É¡«a Éà q q brew state, including the materializa- tion of a sacred Jewish presence in AÉæHh óé°ùŸG Ωóg ¿Éc ÉqŸh ,¢Só≤dG áæjóe the city of Al quds. And as the tearing äGƒæ°ùdG ‘ øµ‡ ÒZ ¬fɵe πµ«¡dG down of the mosque and the building q ¿Éc ,π◊G Gòg ò«Øæàd áMhô£ŸG á∏«∏≤dG of the temple in its place are unfeasi- ble within the few years proposed for q x ≥≤ëoj πjóH πM ¤EG ∫É≤àf’G øe óH ’ q implementing this solution, it was nec- êôîŸG ¿Éµa ,¢Só≤ŸG …Oƒ¡«dG OƒLƒdG q q essary to move to an alternative solu- tion that would materialize the sacred C ÚH ≈°üb’G óé°ùŸG º«°ù≤J ƒg øµªŸG Jewish presence. And so the feasible ¿ƒq∏àëŸG ó¡éj Ée Gògh ,Oƒ¡«dGh Úª∏°ùŸG way out was to divide al-Aqsa Mosque .áeOÉ≤dG á∏«∏≤dG äGƒæ°ùdG ∫ÓN ¬≤«≤ëàd between Muslims and Jews; and this is what the occupiers are striving to achieve in the next few years. 34
  • 35. The scheme to partition al-Aqsa Mosque. ‫أ‬ .‫ امل�صجد االق�صى‬º‫ق�صي‬J §‫ط‬fl 35
  • 36.
  • 38. ‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬ q The Christian Holy Sites The city of Al quds gathers in it al- ∞FGƒ£dG πc ¢Só≤dG áæjóe ™ªŒ most all of the Christian denomi- á°ù«æµdG øµd ,ÉÑjô≤J ⁄É©dG ‘ á«ë«°ùŸG k nations in the world. However, the largest and most widespread C »g áæjóŸG ‘ GQÉ°ûàfG ™°Sh’Gh Èc’G k C church in the city is the Orthodox C øe ÌcCG É¡©Ñàj »àdG á«°ùcPƒKQ’G á°ù«æµdG Church, which is followed by more .Ú£°ù∏a »«ë«°ùe øe %51 q than 51% of Palestinian Chris- tians. 38
  • 39. ‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺻﻼﺡ ﺍﻟﺪﻳﻦ‬ ‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺍﻟﺮﺷﻴﺪ‬ ‫ﺑﺎﺏ‬ ‫ﻣﻘﺪﺳﺎﺕ ﻣﺴﻴﺤﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﻣﻨﺎﻃﻖ ﻭﺑﺆﺭ ﺍﻻﺳﺘﻴﻄﺎﻥ‬ ‫ﺍﳌﻘﺒﺮﺓ ﺍﻟﻴﻮﺳﻔﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺃﺭﻳﺤﺎ‬ ‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﻧﺎﺑﻠﺲ‬ ‫)ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﻷﺳﺒﺎﻁ(‬ ‫ﺍﳊﻲ‬ ‫ﺳﻮﺭ ﺍﳌﺪﻳﻨﺔ‬ ‫ﺣﻲ‬ ‫ﺍﻹ‬ ‫ﺍﳌﺼﺮﺍﺭﺓ‬ ‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺭﻗﻢ 1‬ ‫ﻲ‬ ‫ﺳﻼﻣ‬ ‫ﺗﺮﺑﺔ ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﻷﺳﺒﺎﻁ‬ ‫ﺳﻮﻕ ﺧﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﺰﻳﺖ‬ ‫ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﻷﺳﺒﺎﻁ‬ ‫ﺑ‬ ‫ﺑﺎﺏ ﺣﻄﺔ‬ ‫ﺎﺏ ﺍﻟﻌﺘﻤﺔ‬ ‫ﺍ‬ ‫ﳊﻲ ﺍﳌ‬ ‫ﻳﻖ ﺍ‬ ‫ﻃﺮ‬ ‫ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﻟﻐﻮﺍﳕﺔ‬ ‫ﺍﳌﺴﺠﺪ ﺍﻷﻗﺼﻰ‬ ‫ﻵﻻﻡ‬ ‫ﺍﳌﺒﺎﺭﻙ‬ ‫ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﻟﻨﺎﻇﺮ‬ ‫ﻛﻨﻴﺴﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻴﺎﻣﺔ‬ ‫ﺳﺎﺣﺔ ﻣﺴﺠﺪ‬ ‫ﻗﺒﺔ ﺍﻟﺼﺨﺮﺓ‬ ‫ﺴﻴﺤﻲ‬ ‫ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﳊﺪﻳﺪ‬ ‫ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﻟﻘﻄﺎﻧﲔ‬ ‫ﺳﻮﻕ ﺧﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﺰﻳﺖ‬ ‫ﺑﺎﺏ ﺍﻟﺴﻠﺴﻠﺔ‬ ‫ﺣﺎﺋﻂ ﺍﻟﺒﺮﺍﻕ‬ ‫ﺳﻮﻕ ﺍﻟﺒﺎﺯﺍﺭ‬ ‫ﺣﺎﺭﺓ‬ ‫)ﺍﳌﺒﻜﻰ(‬ ‫ﺳﺎﺣﺔ ﻋﻤﺮ‬ ‫ﺍﳌﻐﺎﺭﺑﺔ‬ ‫ﺍﳌﺼﻠﻰ‬ ‫)ﺳﺎﺣﺔ ﺍ ﺍﳌﺪﻣﺮﺓ‬ ‫ﺍﳌﺴﺠﺪ‬ ‫ﻟﺒﺮﺍﻕ(‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻘﺒﻠﻲ‬ ‫ﺍﳌﺮﻭﺍﻧﻲ‬ ‫ﻣﺴﺠﺪ ﺍﳌﻐﺎﺭﺑﺔ‬ ‫ﺣﺎﺭﺓ ﺍ‬ ‫ﺍﳌﺘﺤﻒ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‬ ‫ﻗﻠﻌﺔ‬ ‫)ﺣﺎﺭﺓ ﻟﺸﺮﻑ‬ ‫ﻣﺴﺠﺪ ﺍﻟﻨﺴﺎﺀ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬ ‫ﺍ‬ ‫ﺍﺍﺍﺍﺍﺍﻷﺭﻣﻦ‬ ‫ﻟﻴﻬﻮﺩ(‬ ‫ﻷﻣ‬ ‫ﻷﻣ‬ ‫ﻷﻣ‬ ‫ﻷﻣ‬ ‫ﻷﻣ‬ ‫ﺷﻤﺎﻝ‬ ‫ﺷﺮﻕ‬ ‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺑﻴ‬ ‫ﺣﺎﺭﺓ‬ ‫ﺣﺎﺭﺓ‬ ‫ﺣﺎﺭﺓ‬ ‫ﺣﺎﺭﺓ‬ ‫ﺣﺎﺭﺓ‬ ‫ﺣﺎﺭﺓ‬ ‫ﻏﺮﺏ‬ ‫ﺖ ﳊﻢ‬ ‫ﺟﻨﻮﺏ‬ ‫ﺣﻲ ﺳﻠﻮﺍﻥ‬ ‫-ﺍﳋﻠﻴﻞ‬ ‫الب∏دة القد‪Á‬ة يف القد�س‬ ‫‪Old City of al quds‬‬ ‫93‬
  • 40. ‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬ q The Christian Holy Sites …RGƒj Ée á«ë«°ùŸG ∞FGƒ£dG ∑ÓeCG πµ°ûJ q The properties owned by the Chris- tian denominations represent what is equivalent to 45% of the area of ,¢Só≤∏d áÁó≤dG Ió∏ÑdG áMÉ°ùe øe %45 C Ée ÉgóMh á«°ùcPƒKQ’G á°ù«æµdG ∂∏à“h Al quds's old city. The Orthodox Church alone owns 18% of the area »Hô¨dG ô£°ûdG áMÉ°ùe øe %18 ¬àÑ°ùf of the western part of the city occu- ‹GƒMh ,1948 ΩÉY πàMG …òdG ¢Só≤∏d pied in 1948 and almost 17% of the πàMG …òdG É¡æe »bô°ûdG ô£°ûdG øe %17 eastern part occupied in 1967. .1967 ΩÉY 40
  • 41. The Church of Holy Sepulcher ‫ي�صة القيامة‬æ‫ك‬ 41
  • 42. ‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬ q The Christian Holy Sites The matter of selling the properties q C á«°ùcPƒKQ’G á°ù«æµdG ∑ÓeCG ™«H ôeCG Oƒ©j of the Orthodox Church belongs to the Patriarch and the "Synod". ,"¢SOƒæ«°ùdG" ¢Só≤ŸG ™ªéŸGh ∑ôjô£Ñ∏d q These are sites that are controlled l áYƒª› É©«ªL É¡«∏Y ô£«°ùj ™bGƒe »gh k in their entirety by a group known as the "Brotherhood of the Holy »àdG "¢Só≤ŸG È≤dG ájƒNCG" º°SÉH ±ô©J q Sepulcher", made up exclusively of ‘ ºgh ,Gô°üM ¿Éfƒ«dG ácQÉ£ÑdG øe ¿ƒµàJ k q Greek patriarchs who, most of the C ídÉ°üe hCG AGQBÉH ¿ƒdÉÑj ’ ¿É«M’G øe Òãc time, are not interested in the opin- ions or the welfare of their congre- .Ú«ë«°ùŸG Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG øe º¡à«YQ q q q gation of Palestinian Christians. 42
  • 43. The Church of Holy Sepulcher from the inside ‫ل‬N‫ الدا‬ø‫ي�صة القيامة م‬æ‫ك‬ 43
  • 44. ‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬ q The Christian Holy Sites The buildings of the prime minis- q â°ù«æµdGh AGQRƒdG á°SÉFQ ÊÉÑe øe πc Ωƒ≤J try, the Knesset, the infamous al- Mascoubiyyah detention camp, the áæWƒà°ùeh ,ôcòdG A»°S á«Hƒµ°ùŸG π≤à©eh settlement of "Har Homa" and that "º«ehOCG ¬«dÉ©e" áæWƒà°ùeh ,"ÉeƒMQÉg" of "Maaleh Adomim", the largest among the settlements that stran- ,¢Só≤dG ≥æîJ »àdG äÉæWƒà°ùŸG iÈc gle Al quds, stand on lands that the q C á«°ùcPƒKQ’G á°ù«æµdG É¡JôLCG ∑ÓeCG ≈∏Y q m Orthodox Church in Al quds have m øY ójõJ OóŸ ∫ÓàM’G ádhód ¢Só≤dG ‘ leased to the occupation state for periods of time that exceed 99 .kÉeÉY 99 years. 44
  • 45. ‫أ‬ ‫ك�صية يف القد�س‬PƒK‫ي�صة االر‬æ‫¥ أامال∑ الك‬ƒa ‫مة االحتالل‬ƒ‫ حك‬A‫را‬Rh ‫ا�صة‬F‫مقر ر‬ Ministers headquarters of the occupation authority above the properties of the Orthodox Church in al quds. 45
  • 46. ‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬ q The Christian Holy Sites The last of the properties that was ¢Só≤dG áæjóe ‘ âHô°S »àdG äÉ«µ∏ŸG ôNBG q o taken from the city of al quds was øjôªãà°ùŸ "äôLoCG" »àdG ôªY áMÉ°S âfÉc q Omar Square that was "leased" to Jewish investors for a period of 198 øH ôªY ¿CG ó≤à©ojh ,ÉeÉY 198 IóŸ Oƒ¡j k q years. It is believed that Omar Ben øe áæjóŸG ºq∏°ùJ ¬æY ˆG »°VQ ÜÉ£ÿG al-Khattab took over the city from √òg ‘ ¢Só≤dG ∑ôjô£H ¢Sƒ«fhôØ°U Sophronius, al quds's patriarch, in this square situated at the front »Hô¨dG πNóŸG Qó°U ‘ ™≤J »àdG áMÉ°ùdG q of the western entrance of the old …ODƒŸG ≥jô£dG ´ôØàj É¡æeh ,áÁó≤dG Ió∏Ñ∏d q q city. From there, the road leading C »gh ,É¡JGP á«°ùcPƒKQ’G á«côjô£ÑdG ¤EG to the Orthodox Patriarchate itself branches; it includes 2 hotels and v k óbh .ÉjQÉŒ Ófi 27h Úbóæa …ƒ– 27 stores. This deal discovered in .2005/3/18 ‘ á≤Ø°üdG √òg âØ°ûàcG 18/3/2005. 46
  • 47. ‫ﺳﻮﻕ ﺧﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﺰﻳﺖ‬ ‫ﺍ‬ ‫ﳊﻲ ﺍﳌ‬ ‫ﻃﺮ‬ ‫ﻳﻖ ﺍ‬ ‫ﻵﻻﻡ‬ ‫ﻛﻨﻴﺴﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻴﺎﻣﺔ‬ ‫ﺴﻴﺤﻲ‬ ‫ﺳﻮﻕ ﺧﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﺰﻳﺖ‬ ‫ﺳﺎﺣﺔ ﻋﻤﺮ‬ ‫ﺳﺎﺣﺔ ﻋﻤﺮ‬ ‫ﺳﻮﻕ ﺍﻟﺒﺎﺯﺍﺭ‬ ‫ﺍﳌﺪﻣﺮﺓ‬ ‫ﺑﺔ‬ ‫ﻟﺒﺮﺍﻕ(‬ ‫ﻗﻠﻌﺔ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬ ‫ﻷﺭﻣﻦ‬ ‫ﻷﺭﻣﻦ‬ ‫ﻷﺭﻣﻦ‬ ‫ﻷﺭﻣﻦ‬ ‫ﺍﺍﺍﺍﺍﻷﺭﻣﻦ‬ ‫ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺑﻴ‬ ‫ﺣﺎﺭﺓ‬ ‫ﺣﺎﺭﺓ‬ ‫ﺣﺎﺭﺓ‬ ‫ﺣﺎﺭﺓ‬ ‫ﺣﺎﺭﺓ‬ ‫ﺖ ﳊﻢ‬ ‫-ﺍﳋﻠﻴﻞ‬ ‫أ‬ ‫أامال∑ الك‪æ‬ي�صة االر‪PƒK‬ك�صية يف �صاحة ‪ªY‬ر الت» �‪Huö‬ت مل�صت‪ªã‬ر‪.Oƒ¡j øj‬‬ ‫‪o‬‬ ‫‪The properties of the Orthodox Church in the sqare of Omar that were passed secretly to the‬‬ ‫.‪Jewish investors‬‬ ‫74‬
  • 48. ‫املقد�صات امل�صيحية‬ q The Christian Holy Sites For more than a century, Ortho- C k’É°†f ¢ùcPƒKQ’G ¿ƒ«æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¢VÉN q dox Palestinians engaged in a long struggle to Arabicize their church. øe ÌcCG òæe º¡à°ù«æc Öjô©àd ÓjƒW k However, the interests of succes- ,á«dÉààŸG ∫ÓàM’G iƒb ídÉ°üe øµd ,¿ôb sive occupation forces, the interests and influence of the Greek "Broth- "¢Só≤ŸG È≤dG ájƒNCG" PƒØfh ídÉ°üeh q q erhood of the Holy Sepulcher", and Iô£«°ùdG √ò¡d ¿Éfƒ«dG ìÉ«JQGh ,á«fÉfƒ«dG the fact that Greece is pleased with k C ÉehO âfÉc ,á°Só≤ŸG »°VGQ’G ‘ á«æjódG q q having this religious control over the Holy Lands, always gave prec- øjódG ∫ÉLQ ój ‘ á°ù«æµdG AÉ≤H áØc Öq∏¨oJ edence to keeping the Church in .¿Éfƒ«dG the hands of the Greek clergy. 48
  • 49. One of the churches in al quds ‫�س يف القد�س‬F‫ا‬æ‫ الك‬i‫احد‬E 49
  • 50.
  • 52. ‫معركة ال�صكان‬ The Demographic Battle When the occupation officially de- Aõ÷G º°V kÉ«ª°SQ ∫ÓàM’G ¿ÓYEG óæY q q clared the annexation of the east- ern part of Al quds to its state in ΩÉY ¬àdhO ¤EG ¢Só≤dG øe »bô°ûdG 1967, the number of Jews residing q πNGO Oƒ¡«dG ¿Éµ°ùdG OóY ¿Éc 1967 within the city limits, in its eastern and western halves, was 197,700, »bô°ûdG q É¡jô£°ûH áæjóŸG Ohó◊G corresponding to only 68,500 Pal- 68,500 πHÉ≤e ,É°üî°T 197,700 »Hô¨dGh k q %26,5 ¿CG »æ©j Ée ƒgh ,§≤a »æ«£°ù∏a q estinians; which means that then x only 26.5% of the city's residents were Palestinians. q q .Ú«æ«£°ù∏a GƒfÉc áæjóŸG ¿Éµ°S øe 52
  • 53. The evolvement of demographic distribution in the city of Jerusalem The Ratio The year The ratio of Jewish residents The ratio of Palestinian residents 53
  • 54. q ‫معركة ال�صكان‬ The Demographic Battle In spite of the massive immigration q ÚæWƒà°ùª∏d áØ㵟G Iôé¡dG øe ºZôdG ≈∏Y of Jewish settlers to the city fol- lowing its occupation, the number q¿CG ’EG É¡dÓàMG ó©H áæjóŸG ¤EG Oƒ¡«dG of Palestinian residents rose at a q q OGOõj ¿Éc Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¿Éµ°ùdG OóY higher rate than that of the Jew- ish residents. For in the first ten ¿Éµ°ùdG OÉjORG ∫ó©e øe ÈcCG ∫m ó©Ã q q q years following the occupation, the C ¤h’G ô°û©dG äGƒæ°ù`dG ∫Óîa ,Oƒ¡«dG number of Jewish residents in the q Oƒ¡«dG áæjóŸG ¿Éµ°S OGORG ∫ÓàM’G ó©H city rose by an average of 3.3%, in- cluding the increase resulting from áŒÉædG IOÉjõdG πª°ûj %3.3 ∫ó©Ã q immigration; while the number of q ¿Éµ°ùdG OóY OGORG ɪæ«H ,Iôé¡dG øY Palestinian residents rose by an äGO’ƒdG AGôL %4.2 ∫ó©Ã Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG q q q average of 4.2% due only to natu- ral birth rate. .§≤a á«©«Ñ£dG q 54
  • 55. The evolvement of demographic distribution in the city of Jerusalem The Ratio The year The ratio of Jewish residents The ratio of Palestinian residents 55
  • 56. q ‫معركة ال�صكان‬ The Demographic Battle The policies of expulsion followed äÉ£∏°S É¡à©ÑJG »àdG Òé¡àdG äÉ°SÉ«°S by the occupation authorities q q q äóM Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¿Éµ°ùdG ó°V ∫ÓàM’G q against the Palestinian inhabitants limited this increase temporarily. ‘ íéæJ ⁄ É¡æµd É«∏Môe IOÉjõdG √òg øe k Yet they didn't succeed in bringing »Øa ,ájOƒ¡«dG IOÉjõdG áÑ°ùf øY É¡°†ØN q it lower than the Jewish rate of in- ¿Éµ°ùdG ƒ‰ ∫ó©e ≠∏H 1987-1977 ΩGƒYCG q q crease. For in the years between 1977 and 1987, the average rate q ¿Éµ°ù∏d %2,4 πHÉ≤e %2,8 Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG q of growth for Palestinian residents .Oƒ¡«dG was 2.8% against 2.4% for Jewish residents. 56
  • 57. Jews Palestinians 57
  • 58. q ‫معركة ال�صكان‬ The Demographic Battle In their turn, the years of the first C ÉgQhóH äó¡°T ¤h’G á°VÉØàf’G äGƒæ°S intifada witnessed a jump in the q k ‘ Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¿Éµ°ùdG ƒ‰ ∫ó©e ‘ IõØb q q q average growth rate of Palestin- ian residents of Al quds, in spite ‘ √hó¡°T ɇ ºZôdG ≈∏Y ¢Só≤dG áæjóe q of what they had suffered during ä’hÉfih ∫É≤àYGh πàb øe äGƒæ°ùdG √òg these years of killings, arrests and 1997-1987 ÚH Ée IÎØdG »Øa ,Òé¡à∏d expulsion attempts; and so in the period between 1987 and 1997, %3,5 ∫ó©Ã ¿ƒ«æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¿Éµ°ùdG OGORG q the number of Palestinian residents q .Oƒ¡«dG ¿Éµ°ù∏d §≤a %2,2 πHÉ≤e rose by an average rate of 3.5% against only 2.2% for Jewish resi- dents. 58
  • 59. Jews Palestinians 59
  • 60. q ‫معركة ال�صكان‬ The Demographic Battle The years of the second intifada k á°SɵàfG äó¡°T á«fÉãdG á°VÉØàf’G äGƒæ°S witnessed a setback in the aver- q áæjóe ‘ Oƒ¡«dG ¿Éµ°ùdG ƒ‰ ∫ó©e ‘q age growth rate of Al quds's Jew- ish inhabitants where it reached ɪæ«H ,§≤a %1,1 ¤EG π°Uh å«M ¢Só≤dG only 1.1%; while the Palestinians q Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¿Éµ°ùdG ƒ‰ ∫ó©e ßaÉM q q q maintained an average growth rate á≤HÉ°ùdG ¬J’ó©e øe Öjôb ∫m ó©e ≈∏Y q m q close to their previous ones of 3%. .%3 ¤EG π°Uh 60
  • 61. Jews Palestinians 61
  • 62. q ‫معركة ال�صكان‬ The Demographic Battle As a consequence of the differ- ÚH ƒªædG ä’ó©e ‘ ¥ôØ∏d áé«àfk ence in growth rates between the q áæjóe ¿Éµ°S øe Oƒ¡«dGh Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG q Palestinian and Jewish residents of Al quds, and as a consequence of ¢Só≤dG πgCG Oƒª°üd áé«àfh ,¢Só≤dG k the perseverance of Al quds's Pal- q ,√ƒfÉY Ée πc ºZQ º¡àæjóe ‘ Úæ«£°ù∏ØdG q estinian inhabitants in their city, in q áæjóŸG ‘ Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¿Éµ°ùdG áÑ°ùf q¿EÉa q spite of all they had endured, the rate of Palestinians in the city is q m ≈qàMh 1967 ΩÉY òæe ôªà°ùe ójGõJ ‘ in continuous growth ever since q ™bƒàJ ∫ÓàM’G äGôjó≤J q¿EG πH ,¿’G B 1967 and until today. Moreover, the estimates of the occupation ex- q q Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG ¿Éµ°ùdG OóY ƒ‰ QGôªà°SG q pect a continuation of growth in the q q É¡fɵ°S øe %40 Gƒ∏µ°ûoj ≈àM áæjóŸG ‘ number of Palestinian residents of %26 ¿ƒ∏µ°ûoj GƒfÉc ¿CG ó©H 2020 ΩÉY q the city, until they would represent 40% of its inhabitants by 2020, af- q .1967 ΩÉY É¡fɵ°S øe §≤a ter they used to represent only 26% of its inhabitants in 1967. 62
  • 63. The ratio of Jewish residents The ratio of Palestinian residents 63
  • 64. q ‫معركة ال�صكان‬ The Demographic Battle In its turn, the Jewish immigration ó¡°ûJ ¢Só≤dG áæjóe ¤EG ájOƒ¡«dG Iôé¡dG q to the city of Al quds saw a steady decline; for in 2005, 10,300 new im- 2005 ΩÉY »Øa kGôªà°ùe kÉ©LGôJ ÉgQhóH q migrants arrived while 16,200 set- ‘ ójóL ôLÉ¡e 10,300 áæjóŸG ¤EG π°Uh m tlers left. This indicates a reverse immigration of 5,900 emigrants. »æ©j Ée ,øWƒà°ùe 16,200 ÉgQOÉZ ÚM This reverse immigration started ,ôLÉ¡e 5,900 k QGó≤à á°ùcÉ©e Iôég in Al quds decades ago when the ¢Só≤dG ‘ äCGóH á°ùcÉ©ŸG Iôé¡dG √òg difference between the newcom- ers to the city and those emigrating OóY ÚH ¥QÉØdG ≠∏H å«M ,Oƒ≤Y òæe from it reached 105,000 emigrants ¤EG É¡æe øjôLÉ¡ŸGh áæjóŸG ¤EG øjóaGƒdG that left Al quds between 1980 and C ΩGƒY’G ÚH ¢Só≤dG ∑ôJ ôLÉ¡e 105,000 m 2005. .2005-1980 64
  • 65. 65
  • 66. q ‫معركة ال�صكان‬ The Demographic Battle The people in the occupation state q ¤EG ∫ÓàM’G ádhO ‘ ¿Éµ°ùdG º°ù≤æj are divided between secular and C IÒN’G IÎØdG ‘h ,Úæjóàeh Ú«fɪ∏Y q q religious; and recently most of the Jewish residents of al quds became Oƒ¡«dG ¢Só≤dG áæjóe ¿Éµ°S º¶©e íÑ°UCG q of the religious Jews. This led the Oƒ¡«dG π©L Ée Gògh ,ÚæjóàŸG øe q secular Jews to feel that al quds âëÑ°UCG ¢Só≤dG q¿CÉH ¿hô©°ûj Ú«fɪ∏©dG q has become unwelcoming to them. For a large sector of the occupation k k ÒÑc ´É£b ô¶æj å«M ,º¡d IOQÉW áæjóe society views the religious Jews as ≈∏Y ÚæjóàŸG ¤EG ∫ÓàM’G ™ªà› øe q a burden on them, on the state and on society, because of the fact that ádhódG ≈∏Yh º¡«∏Y kÉÄÑY ¿ƒ∏µ°ûoj º¡fCG q q they don't work, don't serve in the ‘ ¿ƒeóîj ’h ¿ƒ∏ª©j ’ º¡a ,™ªàéŸGh army, and don't get an education q q á«æjódG ¢SQGóŸG ‘ ’EG ¿ƒªq∏©àj ’h ¢û«÷G except in religious schools, and they depend to a large extent on äGóYÉ°ùe ≈∏Y ÒÑc óM ¤EG ¿hóªà©jh x assistance from the government m äGóYÉ°ùà ÚæjóàŸG ¢üîJ »àdG ádhódG q that favors them with special ben- q .¿Éµ°ùdG øe ºgÒZ ¿hO á°UÉN efits with the exclusion of all other citizens. 66
  • 67. .‫∏ى احتالل القد�س‬Y ‫ن‬ƒ‫ق‬Ø‫مت‬h ,º¡æ‫ي‬H ‫ا‬ª‫ي‬a ‫ن‬ƒØ∏‫ت‬fl :Oƒ¡‫ن الي‬ƒ‫ي‬f‫ا‬ª∏‫الع‬h ‫ن‬ƒæj‫املتد‬ Religious and secular Jews: they differ between themselves but they agree on the occupation of al quds. 67
  • 68.
  • 70. ‫اال�صتيطان‬ Settlement No sooner the occupation of al ,1967 ΩÉY ¢Só≤dG ∫ÓàMG ∫ɪµà°SG òæe quds was completed in 1967 than ¢Só≤dÉH §«– äÉæWƒà°ùŸG ¥GƒWCG äCGóH o rings of settlements began to sur- round it with the hope to turn it into .ájOƒ¡j áæjóe ¤EG É¡∏jƒ– ‘ ÓeCG q m k a Jewish city. É¡∏°üØJ áæWƒà°ùe 29 Ωƒ«dG ¢Só≤dÉH §«–o Today, 29 settlements encircle al quds, separating it from its Pales- ÉgOó“ ™æ“h ,»æ«£°ù∏ØdG É¡£«fi øY q q tinian surroundings and preventing q .¿Éµ°ùdGh áMÉ°ùŸG å«M øe its expansion in area and popula- tion. 112.13 q áMÉ°ùe äÉæWƒà°ùŸG √òg πà– These settlements occupy an area áMÉ°ùŸG øe %47,7 …hÉ°ùj Ée ƒgh ,2ºc of 112.13 km², which equals 47.7% É¡æµ°ùjh ,¢Só≤dG ‘ QGó÷G É¡bƒ£oj »àdG q of the area of al quds encircled by .ÉjOƒ¡j kÉæWƒà°ùe 236,480 kÉ«∏©a k q the wall and in which 236,480 Jew- ish settlers actually live. 70
  • 71. ‫ﻏﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬ Settlements lying heavily on al quds’s chest ‫صدر القد�س‬U ‫∏ى‬Y ºãŒ ‫ات‬æWƒ‫م�صت‬ 71
  • 72. ‫اال�صتيطان‬ ‫‪Settlement‬‬ ‫امل�صت‪æWƒ‬ات اال�‪ö‬ا‪F‬ي∏ية يف القد�س‬ ‫‪E‬‬ ‫ﺍﳌﺴﺎﺣﺔ ﺍﻟﻜﻠﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﹼ‬ ‫ﺍﳌﺴﺎﺣﺔ ﺍﳌﺒﻨﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﹼ‬ ‫ﺳﻨﺔ‬ ‫ﹼ‬ ‫ﻋﺪﺩ ﺍﻟﺴﻜﺎﻥ‬ ‫ﺍﻻﺳﻢ‬ ‫ﺑﺎﻟﺪﻭﱎ‬ ‫ﺑﺎﻟﺪﻭﱎ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺘﺄﺳﻴﺲ‬ ‫969‬ ‫969‬ ‫9381‬ ‫6891‬ ‫ﻫﺎﺭ ﺃﺩﺍﺭ‬ ‫1‬ ‫603‬ ‫181‬ ‫228‬ ‫7791‬ ‫ﺑﻴﺖ ﺣﻮﺭﻭﻥ‬ ‫2‬ ‫653‬ ‫622‬ ‫4221‬ ‫0891‬ ‫ﺟﻔﻌﻮﻥ ﻫﺪﺍﺷﺎ‬ ‫3‬ ‫8344‬ ‫3601‬ ‫09701‬ ‫2891‬ ‫ﺟﻔﻌﺎﺕ ﺯﺋﻴﻒ‬ ‫4‬ ‫9571‬ ‫6601‬ ‫50202‬ ‫0791‬ ‫ﻧﻔﻴﻪ ﻳﺎﻛﻮﻑ‬ ‫5‬ ‫9794‬ ‫8552‬ ‫29983‬ ‫0791‬ ‫ﺭﺍﻣﻮﺕ ﺃﻟﻮﻥ‬ ‫6‬ ‫6211‬ ‫147‬ ‫22821‬ ‫8691‬ ‫ﺭﺍﻣﺎﺕ ﺷﻠﻮﻣﻮ‬ ‫7‬ ‫5631‬ ‫286‬ ‫4995‬ ‫8691‬ ‫ﺭﺍﻣﺎﺕ ﺇﺷﻜﻮﻝ‬ ‫8‬ ‫8645‬ ‫0862‬ ‫48683‬ ‫5891‬ ‫ﺑﺴﺠﺎﺕ ﺯﺋﻴﻒ‬ ‫9‬ ‫4243‬ ‫673‬ ‫627‬ ‫0791‬ ‫ﺃﳌﻮﻥ‬ ‫01‬ ‫548‬ ‫346‬ ‫6413‬ ‫0791‬ ‫ﺁﻟﻮﻥ ﺷﻴﻔﻮﺕ‬ ‫11‬ ‫59074‬ ‫9853‬ ‫95272‬ ‫5791‬ ‫ﻣﻌﺎﻟﻴﻪ ﺃﺩﻭﻣﻴﻢ‬ ‫21‬ ‫77541‬ ‫129‬ ‫6681‬ ‫9791‬ ‫ﻛﻔﺎﺭ ﺃﺩﻭﻣﻴﻢ‬ ‫31‬ ‫574‬ ‫152‬ ‫426‬ ‫5891‬ ‫ﻛﻴﺪﺍﺭ‬ ‫41‬ ‫6911‬ ‫485‬ ‫19521‬ ‫0791‬ ‫ﺇﻳﺴﺖ ﺗﺎﻟﺒﻴﻮﺕ‬ ‫51‬ ‫3382‬ ‫435‬ ‫5211‬ ‫7991‬ ‫ﻫﺎﺭ ﺣﻮﻣﺎ‬ ‫61‬ ‫ﺳﻨﺔ 6002‬ ‫27‬
  • 73. Israeli settlements in Al quds constructed area total area in Name Est Population in hectar hectar 1 HARADAR 1986 1839 96.9 96.9 2 BET HORON 1977 822 18.1 30.6 3 GIVON HDSHA 1980 1224 22.6 35.6 4 GIVAT ZE’EV 1982 10790 106.3 443.8 5 NEVE YA’ACOV 1970 20205 106.6 175.9 6 RAMOT 1970 38992 255.8 497.9 7 RAMOT SHLOMO 1968 12822 74.1 112.6 8 RAMOT ESHKOL 1968 5994 68.2 136.5 9 PISGAT ZE’EV 1985 38684 268 546.8 10 ALMON 1970 726 37.6 342.4 11 ALLON SHVUT 1970 3146 64.3 84.5 12 MA’ALE ADUMIM 1975 27259 358.9 4709.5 13 KFAR ADUMIM 1979 1866 92.1 1457.7 14 QEDAR 1985 624 25.1 47.5 15 EAST TALPIOT 1970 12591 58.4 119.6 16 HAR HOMA 1997 1125 53.4 283.3 Year: 2006 73
  • 74. ‫اال�صتيطان‬ ‫‪Settlement‬‬ ‫ﺍﳌﺴﺎﺣﺔ ﺍﻟﻜﻠﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﹼ‬ ‫ﺍﳌﺴﺎﺣﺔ ﺍﳌﺒﻨﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﹼ‬ ‫ﺳﻨﺔ‬ ‫ﹼ‬ ‫ﻋﺪﺩ ﺍﻟﺴﻜﺎﻥ‬ ‫ﺍﻻﺳﻢ‬ ‫ﺑﺎﻟﺪﻭﱎ‬ ‫ﺑﺎﻟﺪﻭﱎ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺘﺄﺳﻴﺲ‬ ‫9582‬ ‫3481‬ ‫96572‬ ‫1791‬ ‫ﺟﻴﻠﻮ‬ ‫71‬ ‫922‬ ‫721‬ ‫563‬ ‫2791‬ ‫ﻫﺎﺭ ﺟﻴﻠﻮ‬ ‫81‬ ‫8102‬ ‫9051‬ ‫8266‬ ‫9691‬ ‫ﹼ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺘﻠﺔ ﺍﻟﻔﺮﻧﺴﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﹼ‬ ‫91‬ ‫8414‬ ‫3771‬ ‫62922‬ ‫5891‬ ‫ﺑﻴﺘﺎﺭ‬ ‫02‬ ‫14‬ ‫14‬ ‫44‬ ‫4891‬ ‫ﺟﻴﻔﺎﻋﻮﺕ‬ ‫12‬ ‫0321‬ ‫023‬ ‫362‬ ‫9691‬ ‫ﺭﻭﺵ ﺗﺰﻭﺭﱘ‬ ‫22‬ ‫459‬ ‫544‬ ‫404‬ ‫7691‬ ‫ﻛﻔﺎﺭ ﻋﺘﺼﻴﻮﻥ‬ ‫32‬ ‫096‬ ‫675‬ ‫892‬ ‫7791‬ ‫ﻣﺠﺪﺍﻝ ﻋﻮﺯ‬ ‫42‬ ‫692‬ ‫652‬ ‫288‬ ‫5791‬ ‫ﺃﻟﻴﻌﺎﺯﺭ‬ ‫52‬ ‫4846‬ ‫0901‬ ‫7307‬ ‫0891‬ ‫ﺇﻓﺮﺍﺗﺎ‬ ‫62‬ ‫874‬ ‫362‬ ‫3701‬ ‫2891‬ ‫ﻧﻔﻴﻪ ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ‬ ‫72‬ ‫5431‬ ‫932‬ ‫767‬ ‫9891‬ ‫ﺑﺎﺕ ﻋﲔ‬ ‫82‬ ‫ﺍﳊﻲ ﺍﻟﻴﻬﻮﺩﻱ ﻓﻲ‬ ‫ﹼ‬ ‫651‬ ‫651‬ ‫7832‬ ‫8691‬ ‫92‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﳝﺔ‬ ‫931,211‬ ‫207,52‬ ‫253,942‬ ‫--‬ ‫ﺍ‪‬ﻤﻮﻉ‬ ‫‪óMGh QÉàµg=ÂhO 10 :á¶MÓe‬‬ ‫47‬
  • 75. constructed area total area in Name Est Population in hectar hectar 17 GILO 1971 27569 184.3 285.9 18 HAR GILO 1972 365 12.7 22.9 19 FRENCH HILL 1969 6628 150.9 201.8 20 BETAR 1985 22926 177.3 414.8 21 GEVA’OT 1984 44 4.1 4.1 22 ROSH TZURIM 1969 263 32 123 23 KFAR ETZION 1967 404 44.5 95.4 24 MIGDAL OZ 1977 298 57.6 69 25 ELAZAR 1975 882 25.6 29.6 26 EFRATA 1 1980 7037 109 648.4 27 NEVE DANIYEL 1982 1073 26.3 47.8 28 BAT AYIN 1989 767 23.9 134.5 29 Jewish Quarter in the 1968 2387 15.6 15.6 Old city of al quds Total -- 249352 2570.2 11213.9 Notes: 10 Dunums = 1 Hectar 75
  • 76.
  • 78. ‫يف قب�صة اجلدار‬ Under the Grip of the Wall The apartheid wall in the West ‘ …ô°üæ©dG π°üØdG QGóL ∫ƒW ≠∏Ñj q Bank is 730 km long, knowing that ∫ƒW q¿CG kɪ∏Y ,º∏c 730 á«Hô¨dG áØ°†dG q q the green line – which defines the borders between the West Bank C q á∏°UÉØdG Ohó◊G ƒgh– ô°†N’G §ÿG and the territories occupied in 1967 C ΩÉY áq∏àëŸG »°VGQ’Gh á«Hô¨dG áØ°†dG ÚH q q – is only 307 km long. .§≤a º∏c 307 ≠∏Ñj -1967 78
  • 79. ‫ﺟﺪﺍﺭ ﺍﻟﻔﺼﻞ ﺍﻟﻌﻨﺼﺮﻱ ﻓﻲ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻀﻔﺔ ﺍﻟﻐﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬ ‫‪The Apartheid Wall in‬‬ ‫‪the West Bank‬‬ ‫97‬
  • 80. ‫يف قب�صة اجلدار‬ Under the Grip of the Wall The height of the apartheid Wall ÚH …ô°üæ©dG π°üØdG QGóL ´ÉØJQG ≠∏Ñj ranges from 4 to 8 meters. The cost of building one kilometer of it óMGƒdG Îe ƒ∏«µdG AÉæH ∞q∏µojh ,QÉàeCG 8-4 is one million dollars, and in some ¢†©H ‘ π°üjh ,Q’hO ¿ƒ«∏e ‹GƒM areas that cost may go up to two .Úfƒ«∏e ¤EG ≥WÉæŸG millions. 80
  • 81. The wall and al-Aqsa Mosque... face to face. ‫أ‬ .¬Lƒ‫ا ل‬k ¡Lh ...‫امل�صجد االق�صى‬h ‫اجلدار‬ 81
  • 82. ‫يف قب�صة اجلدار‬ Under the Grip of the Wall al quds’s cover or «Jerusalem’s en- ɪc z¢Só≤dG ø°VÉM{ hCG ¢Só≤dG ±ÓZ velope», as the occupation authori- ties call it, is a wall particular to Al ¢UÉN QGóL ƒg ,∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S ¬«ª°ùoJ q l q quds that branches from the main C ¢SÉ°S’G QGó÷G øe ´ôØàj ¢Só≤dG áæjóà q wall in the West Bank. It extends kÉbƒ£e º∏c 181`d óàÁh á«Hô¨dG áØ°†dG ‘ q q q 181 km, completely enclosing the city of Al quds and from all direc- ™«ªL øeh πeÉc πµ°ûH ¢Só≤dG áæjóe m tions. When completed, the area of áMÉ°ùe íÑ°üà°S ¬dɪàcÉHh ,äÉgÉŒ’G Al quds inside the wall will become 235km² or what equals 4% of the 235 QGó÷G πNGO áeƒª°†ŸG ¢Só≤dG áæjóe area of the West Bank. q áØ°†dG áMÉ°ùe øe %4 …RGƒoj Ée …CG ,2ºc .á«Hô¨dG q 82
  • 83. ‫ﻏﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ‬ ‫‪al Quds Cover‬‬ ‫‪Z‬ال± القد�س‬ ‫38‬
  • 84. ‫يف قب�صة اجلدار‬ Under the Grip of the Wall The apartheid wall keeps out almost ¢Só≤dG øe …ô°üæ©dG π°üØdG QGóL êôîoj q 151,423 Palestinians who live in ‘ ¿ƒ°û«©j kÉ«æ«£°ù∏a 151,423 ‹GƒM q the Palestinian quarters and towns surrounding the city, while it keep in C ᣫëŸG á«æ«£°ù∏ØdG äGó∏ÑdGh AÉ«M’G almost 251,259 others, cutting any 251,259 ‹GƒM õéàëj ɪ«a ,áæjóŸÉH communication between them and º¡æ«H ɪ«a ∫É°üqJ’G kÉ©WÉb ,¬∏NGO øjôNBG their Palestinian surroundings. .»æ«£°ù∏ØdG º¡£«fi ÚHh q 84
  • 85. Suffering upon suffering ‫اة‬f‫¥ معا‬ƒa ‫اة‬f‫معا‬ 85
  • 86.
  • 87. ‫احلياة يف ظل االحتالل‬ Life Under the Occupation
  • 88. ‫احلياة يف ظل االحتالل‬ Life under the Occupation Demolishing houses is a fixed pol- l äÉ£∏°S É¡°SQÉ“ ¬àHÉK á°SÉ«°S ∫RÉæŸG Ωóg icy of the occupation authorities, ±ó¡H Ú«°Só≤ŸG ÚæWGƒŸG q≥ëH ∫ÓàM’G q pursued with regard to Jerusale- mite citizens, with the aim of expel- ™FGQòH ∫RÉæŸG Ωó¡J »gh ,ºgÒé¡J ling them. They demolish houses ≈∏Y É¡dƒ°üM ΩóY É¡ªgCG áØ∏àfl èéMh q using various excuses and claims; ’ »àdG ,∫ÓàM’G ájó∏H øe AÉæH ¢ü«NôJ q the most important of which is that they didn’t obtain building permits ÚæWGƒª∏d ¢ü«NÎdG Gòg ÉgQhóH íæ“ from the occupation’s municipality ≈qàM ,Iójó°T áHƒ©°üH ’EG ,Ú«°Só≤ŸG q that, in its turn, rarely grants these permits to Jerusalemite so that òæeh ,äAÉ°T ≈fCG º¡dRÉæe Ωóg øe øµªàJ q q it would be able to demolish their âeóg 2006 ΩÉY ájÉ¡f ≈qàMh 2000 ΩÉY houses if it so wishes. And so, since Oó¡oj ɪæ«H ,∫õæe 700 ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S q the year 2000 and up till the end of 2006, the occupation authorities .âbh …CG ‘ Ωó¡dÉH ôNBG ∫õæe 12,000 q m have torn down 700 houses while 12,000 others are threatened to be torn down at any time. 88
  • 89. Demolishing houses, an established policy of ‫تة لالحتالل‬H‫ا‬K ‫ل �صيا�صة‬R‫ا‬æ‫ امل‬Ω‫د‬g the occupation 89
  • 90. ‫احلياة يف ظل االحتالل‬ Life under the Occupation There are 23 roadblocks of the occu- k GõLÉM ¢Só≤dG áæjóe ∫ƒM ô°ûàæj 23 ™æ“h áæjóŸG ∫É°UhCG ™£≤oJ ∫ÓàMÓd pation spread around Al quds, cutting q off various parts of the city and keeping its Jerusalemite inhabitants from com- q q Ú«°Só≤ŸG ¿Éµ°ùdG ÚH ɪ«a ∫É°üqJ’G municating with each other and from »LQÉÿG º¡£«fi ™e π°UGƒàdG øe º¡©æ“h q having contacts with their external sur- roundings in the West Bank; they also q q ∫ƒ°Uh ¿hO ∫ƒ– ɪc ,á«Hô¨dG áØ°†dG ‘ prevent the Palestinians of the West q q ¤EG Ú«æ«£°ù∏ØdG á«Hô¨dG áØ°†dG ¿Éµ°S q q Bank from reaching Al quds. The oc- cupation authorities endeavor to turn ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S πª©Jh .¢Só≤dG áæjóe the roadblocks that separate Al quds áæjóe π°üØJ »àdG õLGƒ◊G πjƒ– ≈∏Y from the West Bank into international crossing points that the Palestinian q q ôHÉ©e ¤EG á«Hô¨dG áØ°†dG øY ¢Só≤dG cannot traverse except when having q ’EG ÉgQƒÑY ¿ƒ«æ«£°ù∏ØdG ™«£à°ùj ’ á«dhO q q a visa from the occupation govern- ment. Indeed the Calandia crossing ∫ƒ– óbh ,∫ÓàM’G ádhO øe mIÒ°TCÉàH q point has turned into an international q ɪ«a ,‹hO È©e ¤EG π©ØdÉH Éjóæ∏b È©e m one, while the occupation authorities continue with their measures to turn πjƒëàd É¡JGAGôLEG ∫ÓàM’G äÉ£∏°S π°UGƒJ also the Container crossing point into .kÉ°†jCG ‹hO È©e ¤EG Ô«àfƒµdG õLÉM q m an international one. 90
  • 91. The occupation roadblocks suffocate al quds ‫≥ القد�س‬æîJ ‫ االحتالل‬õL‫ا‬ƒ‫ح‬ 91