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Letters Of Recruitment Discussion
Letters Of Recruitment Discussion ON Letters Of Recruitment DiscussionWrite a 2-3 page
response, double-spaced, to all 6 of the Sample letters (not a 12-18 page response). Focus
on a few specific examples of the strengths and weaknesses you can identify in these letters;
use your rhetorical language to help clarify your response. Please read all six of these
letters!I will discuss these letters, their strengths and weaknesses, in our 3/10
Lecture.These are samples of former student Letters of Recruitment. You will be analyzing
these for a future weekly homework assignment (due 3/8).I will discuss these in the
Lecture, tell you what I think, what seems to work, doesn’t seem to work, which letters are
strong and which ones are not very strong. Go ahead and start reading through these. Again,
you will be assigned this reading during the week of 3/1.please attach the file to see the
simples. Letters Of Recruitment DiscussionRWS 305 Copeland 9/23/13 SDSU Kinesiology
Welcome to San Diego State University and thank you for taking time to check out a major in
kinesiology. Kinesiology is a fresh term for the previous title known as “exercise nutritional
sciences” also known as ENS. Kinesiology is based on the study of movement and expands
into the emphases of Physical Therapy, Athletic Training, or Fitness and Health. A major in
kinesiology may be for you if you enjoy an active lifestyle and enable some courses to be
taken that will take you beyond the classroom like wakeboarding out in Mission Bay with
other ENS students. These kinds of courses would never even be a thought in other majors,
however they are required activity courses that can be chosen from a huge catalog of other
activity classes. Nutrition is also a course that is intertwined into the curriculum and will
give students a better understanding of living a healthy lifestyle. There are many great
experiences that can be found while gaining a major in kinesiology. Letters Of Recruitment
DiscussionThe emphases that can be pursued can provide students with a different focus of
study that some will enjoy more than others. For example Physical Therapy is the emphasis
of rehabilitation which could be helping a pro athlete come back after an otherwise career
ending injury or helping an injured veteran who has lost a limb return to regular everyday
activities. Athletic Training on the other hand is a focus based mostly around athletics
where opportunities can be found at a clinic helping local athletes with sports related
injuries or working for a pro or college team full time taking care of the team seasonally
while not working as much during the off season. Fitness and Health is the final emphasis
that is offered in kinesiology and based around an individual’s health needs, such as an
exercise regime and lifestyle choices. Regardless of the emphasis here at SDSU each one
offers unique opportunities here on campus. Sports are a big event at any college, at SDSU
students can volunteer time with the various athletic teams and get hands on knowledge
with others who work who are professionals and can give otherwise unknown knowledge
or facts to students. It can be an enjoyable atmosphere and a way to get connected with the
kinesiology community and various possible employers. The Fitness Clinic is another major
tool at the disposal of students and provides another hands on approach. Letters Of
Recruitment DiscussionThe Fitness clinic is offered as a course ENS 388 and will allow
students to work with faculty helping people with disabilities in the community around
campus while gaining experience and getting to know some of the staff helping out the
community and gaining credit. The faculty is very important because who else would
develop your skills and understanding of the curriculum. Fortunately the kinesiology
department has decades of experience and countless numbers of published studies and
books. One standout teacher on campus is Prof. Greg Voigt who has spent his entire life
around sports and countless hours of experience in the field of kinesiology and is highly
respected in the community. He teaches many of the ENS 200 and 300 courses and is a
favorite among the students within the major. When not in his office he can be seen out on
the practice fields of the various Aztec sports teams. Among the notable kinesiology staff
found around SDSU is Dr. Scott Tinley, a two time Ironman world champion and author. He
provides a great look into the philosophy of sports sciences and the history of sports from
modern times all the way back to the Greeks while analyzing the importance of sports in
society. While the faculty can be a very engaging topic there are also numerous student
organizations found around campus. To name a few organizations here on campus there are
the Future Athletic Trainers Society (FATS), the Student Nutrition Organization (SNO), and
HeadSTRONG which will all provide students with a different experience. Letters Of
Recruitment DiscussionFATS goal is to help undergraduates with an emphasis in Athletic
Training is to educate the public about the profession of Athletic Training and help students
get internships at various training rooms throughout San Diego county. SNO provides its
members and community with various dietetics and food science and health and fitness
information. They also provide guidance and help to students take advantage of
opportunities presented to them. HeadSTRONG provides confidence and self esteem and
helps students in similar majors meet and create relationships and also s physical and
mental health awareness in the community. All clubs provide academic and will students
look towards their future and help them accomplish that will lead them where they would
like to go. College should be a memorable time for all students and any major on campus
here will provide an enjoyable atmosphere if the student truly enjoys what they study.
However, kinesiology otherwise known as ENS is a great career choice for those who love to
be out and about in the work place rather than in an office somewhere on a conference call.
San Diego is a very active community and provides an excellent environment for students to
gain experience and knowledge that can edge out others when applying for jobs.
Kinesiology at SDSU is a great place that provides students the tools needed to be successful
in choice they decide to make and the countless opportunities that will arise with a BS in
kinesiology from San Diego State University in their hand. For any further questions the
website will provide answers to any questions or information desired,
good luck and thanks for checking out a major in kinesiology. Letters Of Recruitment
Discussion– James Houseman, Kinesiology RWS 305W Dear New Student, On behalf of the
Computer Science department, I would like to congratulate and welcome you to San Diego
State University. Being an Aztec, you are given a multitude of opportunities to not only get
involved on campus, but also to develop your skills in any major of your choice. If you have
ever wanted to learn how a computer actually works, develop your own video game, or
program anything from a robot to government aircraft, you should consider Computer
Science as a major. With the skills and students gain, I believe anyone that comes through
this department will have a fulfilling educational experience, as well as a rewarding career.
As an undergraduate student, you will spend your first two years learning the basics of
algorithm design, data representation, systems programming, and overall program
structures. Along with this, you will be taking courses such as Calculus I & II, Discrete
Mathematics, and Linear Algebra where you deal with applications of transcendental
functions, differential equations, and more. This all may sound intimidating but I can ensure
you it is not as difficult as it may sound. You will be able to develop programs that allow the
computer to interact with users, do your math homework, and even produce evil villains for
a game! For me, one of the most interesting projects involved developing game characters.
Through the use of “for loops”, arrays, and polymorphic inheritance, I was able create
droids and star cruisers. The best part was creating an army of Darth Vaders that would
appear at random locations throughout the game.Letters Of Recruitment DiscussionNot
only was I able to output sound effects, but there were also method behaviors allowing all
the Darth Vaders to swing their light sabers. I never thought I could develop game
characters, but my first year of Java programming provided the necessary tools to do so. As
you can see, the curriculum may challenge you but the results of your hard work can be
quite entertaining. One of the many benefits of being in the Computer Science department is
the opportunity to be mentored by a knowledgeable and genuinely caring faculty. A great
majority of the professors in this department have their Ph.D. degrees in various areas of
Computer Science. An example would be Dr. Roch and her program development with
categorization of bioacoustics. Her work is being ed by the Naval Postgraduate School as
well as the US Navy. There is also Dr. Tarokh and his emphasis on mobile robots and
articulated rovers. He is currently working on several research projects ranging from rover
navigation to manipular kinematics, which is the relation between a robot’s movement and
the device which controls the robot. Other than being active researchers, these professors
are an embodiment of the department when it comes to ing the students. One of the faculty
members who I personally admire would be Professor Riggins. Not only does he make
himself available in his office Monday through Saturday, he also strives to challenge
students by encouraging them to take on complex projects. Letters Of Recruitment
DiscussionPrior to the lesson, he presents us with an assignment such as ‘write a program
to calculate the optimum dimensions and cost of a cylindrical can using calculus and brute
force.’ This is to get students thinking and working on the program before he teaches the
basic concepts. Also, if I encounter problems in my program, I could ask him questions
during his office hours. During this time, rather than simply telling me the answer,
Professor Riggins helps me analyze my own mistakes. I found myself developing a better
understanding of the computer language through this method. These are the types of
dedicated professors you will find in the Computer Science department. Not only do they
strive to ensure students pass their classes, but they have inspired me to expand my passion
and continuously challenge myself in the field of technology. You can also find outside of
the department since SDSU offers numerous student organizations such as the Association
for Computing Machinery (ACM), Mechatronics, and the Society of Women Engineers
(SWE). In these organizations, Computer Science students work together with Engineering
students, much like they would in industry. You will develop projects, enter competitions,
network with local representatives of San Diego companies, and develop leadership skills.
For example, Mechatronics is currently working on programming and building an
autonomous submarine which will be entered into the International Robosub Competition.
Here, the submarine’s abilities will be tested through a series of obstacle courses. Another
example would be SWE’s Evening of Professional Development where students will have
the opportunity to attend a career fair as well as have dinner with representatives from
companies such as General Atomics, Turner Construction, and UTC Aerospace. As an officer
in this club, I am learning how to work in a professional environment, developing team
skills by cooperating with the other officers, as well as acquiring leadership skills through
delegating tasks. It is also through this position that I had the opportunity to represent SWE
in speaking with an SDG&E representative about their internship rotation program. In
addition to these hands on experiences, these organizations also provide guest speakers,
scholarships, workshops, and tutoring. These are not the only organizations on campus
available for Computer Science majors, but as you can see they can potentially open up
numerous prospects. Students can also look to our department for chances at jobs and
internships. When I first chose this major in high school, I did not know what kind of jobs
were out there for people with Computer Science degrees. This is why I found our
department website to be so useful. There is a list of companies that are continuously
looking for Computer Science majors ranging from Cardinel Health and Kaiser Permanente
to Raytheon and Qualcomm to even Coca Cola Talent Acquisition and Frito-Lay Inc. The
website also provides a list of current job/internship opportunities which is periodically
updated as more positions are found available from different companies around San Diego.
Majoring in Computer Science at SDSU provides for a promising journey upon graduation,
especially with all the we are provided by the department and the university. A fellow
classmate of mine in the Computer Science major is currently working part time as an
Information and Systems Engineer for the City of San Diego and he is expected to be a full
time employee after graduation. In addition to this, the SDG&E representative I spoke to
through SWE was an SDSU Alumni who majored in Computer Science and he is currently a
programmer in the IT department. Another friend of mine, who is also an SDSU Alumni, is
currently a Software Engineer programming aircrafts at General Atomics. With the
increasing demand for technology as well as the available resources and here at SDSU,
students have a good chance of being employed upon graduation. Computer Science is not
all about sitting at a computer all day and typing away at a black and white screen. You can
make a difference, not only in the world of technology, but also the medical field,
government defense systems, and potentially life changing research. Letters Of Recruitment
DiscussionWith this, the department is looking forward to seeing you next semester at SDSU
and we wish you good luck in your future endeavors. Sincerely, San Diego State University
Computer Science Department RWS305 Project #1 Prof. M. Copeland 06/04/14 Hello Aztec,
and welcome to the Department of Civil Engineering. The fact that you have been accepted
to this institution of higher learning is a testament to your ability as you pursue your goals! I
would like to be one of what will certainly be many others in offering my sincerest
congratulations. The fact that you have been accepted to this university is a testament to the
relentless application of personal discipline. The real questions however, is whether or not
you are willing to work even harder and become a Civil Engineer? If you’re like most people,
when you hear the word “engineer”, images of a dirty guy in oil stained overalls at the helm
of a train come to mind or, perhaps, you imagine a person manipulating a three dimensional
image of a machine part on a computer. Obviously the latter would be the closer guess but
how much do you really know about any of the many different fields of engineering in
general or more specifically, civil engineering? I plan to offer more detail and hope that you
will have a clearer picture of what a degree in civil engineering can offer you. Put simply, as
its name implies, a civil engineer engineers civilization. You will, on a daily basis, take an
active part in designing the environment in which we all live. Letters Of Recruitment
DiscussionThere is an area of engineering for practically every part of life one can think of.
Did you know that Civil engineering is actually comprised of a number of component
specialties that make up a part of what you as a civil engineer would learn here at State?
Civil engineering covers many of the day to day activities that most people take for granted.
Have you ever wondered where the water comes from when you take a shower? While you
were driving to the campus, did you happen to notice the sweeps, curves, overpasses and
bridges of the roads and freeways you took to get here? Have you ever considered how
some of the gigantic buildings of downtown are built? A civil engineer had a hand in the
creation of all of these. Each of these structures was designed, built, and is maintained by
engineers that mastered the skills covered by the training a civil engineer receives at San
Diego State university. The water grid that delivered that water you used to take a shower
this morning is the work of a hydrology systems engineer. This engineer had to calculate the
mean usage volume of the water for you and all of the people in your neighborhood,
including the type of system that would get it there from the city’s potable supply through a
network of various pipes to a series of bulk water distribution nodes and subtier pumping
stations! How about your drive to campus? All of those streets and highways you rode on,
including the traffic signals and signage that directed you were the results of the efforts of a
traffic management engineer. This expert was using skills learned in a department just like
this one. Letters Of Recruitment DiscussionThis discipline involves the planning, design,
construction, and maintenance of all of the roads, bridges, and tunnels in a given region to
ensure the effective (and more importantly safe) transportation of people and goods. Roads
are only one part of the infrastructure of a city. The construction of a city itself poses a
whole list of other issues a civil engineer would be called upon to address. The last time you
were downtown, you probably didn’t think about the tremendous weight of any of the
multistory buildings that towered above you, or how many people each one of them was
designed to with electricity, water, sewage, heat, or air conditioning. Civil engineers
answered all of those questions. In fact, the very ground those buildings rest on was
designed, shaped, and augmented by a civil engineer trained in geotechnical engineering to
prevent it from tipping over, or sinking due to liquefaction (when soil exhibits the
properties of liquid) from an earthquake! This is accomplished through the construction of
ground stabilizing geo-systems like pile foundations (shafts drilled into the ground and then
filled with steel reinforced concrete on top of which the building’s foundation is built) or
geo textiles (large sheets of special fabric sandwiched between layers of earth to provide
soil stabilization) custom designed by the civil engineer for each building. While each
component part of civil engineering is exciting in its own right, taken as a whole, civil
engineering is a dynamic field that can take you anywhere in the world. Now that I have
given you some idea of what a civil engineer does, it would only be fair to give you some
inkling of what you, as a civil engineering student, would have to go through to get there.
Only through diligent effort on your part will you meet the requirements to earn a degree in
this field. According to the San Diego State University general catalog (*which may vary by
calendar year), a degree in civil engineering “prepares the student to design and supervise
the construction of buildings, dams, roads, harbors, airports, tunnels, and bridges. It also
provides training in the planning and construction of the complex systems that supply clean
water to cities, remove sewage, control floods, and perform other functions which ensure
continued health and safety”(SDSU 182). The required course work amounts to a total of
136 semester units. They cover a diverse list of general education subjects other than and
including the degree specific classes you would take. Some of the classes to pass
successfully (i.e. a grade of C or better) include but are not limited to 2nd and 3rd year
calculus, physics, chemistry, material engineering, statics (how forces act on things
stationary), dynamics (how forces act on things moving), computer aided drafting,
environmental engineering, hydraulics, and classes addressing the moral and ethical
considerations you as a civil engineer would face in the field, just to name a few. This may
sound overwhelming, and if it sounds like too much for you to handle then I would submit
that civil engineering is probably not for you. I have to be honest; it’s not easy. The average
civil engineering student takes five years to complete their degree. If an easily obtained
degree is what you are looking for, then I would suggest social work or kinesiology. You will
work for this degree. You, as the student, will be presented with the task of learning and
retaining the knowledge offered by the instructors and then applying it to real world
problems. The good news is that the professors teaching these classes are the very best at
their respective disciplines. It cannot be overs …Purchase answer to see full attachment

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Letters Of Recruitment Discussion.pdf

  • 1. Letters Of Recruitment Discussion Letters Of Recruitment Discussion ON Letters Of Recruitment DiscussionWrite a 2-3 page response, double-spaced, to all 6 of the Sample letters (not a 12-18 page response). Focus on a few specific examples of the strengths and weaknesses you can identify in these letters; use your rhetorical language to help clarify your response. Please read all six of these letters!I will discuss these letters, their strengths and weaknesses, in our 3/10 Lecture.These are samples of former student Letters of Recruitment. You will be analyzing these for a future weekly homework assignment (due 3/8).I will discuss these in the Lecture, tell you what I think, what seems to work, doesn’t seem to work, which letters are strong and which ones are not very strong. Go ahead and start reading through these. Again, you will be assigned this reading during the week of 3/1.please attach the file to see the simples. Letters Of Recruitment DiscussionRWS 305 Copeland 9/23/13 SDSU Kinesiology Welcome to San Diego State University and thank you for taking time to check out a major in kinesiology. Kinesiology is a fresh term for the previous title known as “exercise nutritional sciences” also known as ENS. Kinesiology is based on the study of movement and expands into the emphases of Physical Therapy, Athletic Training, or Fitness and Health. A major in kinesiology may be for you if you enjoy an active lifestyle and enable some courses to be taken that will take you beyond the classroom like wakeboarding out in Mission Bay with other ENS students. These kinds of courses would never even be a thought in other majors, however they are required activity courses that can be chosen from a huge catalog of other activity classes. Nutrition is also a course that is intertwined into the curriculum and will give students a better understanding of living a healthy lifestyle. There are many great experiences that can be found while gaining a major in kinesiology. Letters Of Recruitment DiscussionThe emphases that can be pursued can provide students with a different focus of study that some will enjoy more than others. For example Physical Therapy is the emphasis of rehabilitation which could be helping a pro athlete come back after an otherwise career ending injury or helping an injured veteran who has lost a limb return to regular everyday activities. Athletic Training on the other hand is a focus based mostly around athletics where opportunities can be found at a clinic helping local athletes with sports related injuries or working for a pro or college team full time taking care of the team seasonally while not working as much during the off season. Fitness and Health is the final emphasis that is offered in kinesiology and based around an individual’s health needs, such as an exercise regime and lifestyle choices. Regardless of the emphasis here at SDSU each one offers unique opportunities here on campus. Sports are a big event at any college, at SDSU
  • 2. students can volunteer time with the various athletic teams and get hands on knowledge with others who work who are professionals and can give otherwise unknown knowledge or facts to students. It can be an enjoyable atmosphere and a way to get connected with the kinesiology community and various possible employers. The Fitness Clinic is another major tool at the disposal of students and provides another hands on approach. Letters Of Recruitment DiscussionThe Fitness clinic is offered as a course ENS 388 and will allow students to work with faculty helping people with disabilities in the community around campus while gaining experience and getting to know some of the staff helping out the community and gaining credit. The faculty is very important because who else would develop your skills and understanding of the curriculum. Fortunately the kinesiology department has decades of experience and countless numbers of published studies and books. One standout teacher on campus is Prof. Greg Voigt who has spent his entire life around sports and countless hours of experience in the field of kinesiology and is highly respected in the community. He teaches many of the ENS 200 and 300 courses and is a favorite among the students within the major. When not in his office he can be seen out on the practice fields of the various Aztec sports teams. Among the notable kinesiology staff found around SDSU is Dr. Scott Tinley, a two time Ironman world champion and author. He provides a great look into the philosophy of sports sciences and the history of sports from modern times all the way back to the Greeks while analyzing the importance of sports in society. While the faculty can be a very engaging topic there are also numerous student organizations found around campus. To name a few organizations here on campus there are the Future Athletic Trainers Society (FATS), the Student Nutrition Organization (SNO), and HeadSTRONG which will all provide students with a different experience. Letters Of Recruitment DiscussionFATS goal is to help undergraduates with an emphasis in Athletic Training is to educate the public about the profession of Athletic Training and help students get internships at various training rooms throughout San Diego county. SNO provides its members and community with various dietetics and food science and health and fitness information. They also provide guidance and help to students take advantage of opportunities presented to them. HeadSTRONG provides confidence and self esteem and helps students in similar majors meet and create relationships and also s physical and mental health awareness in the community. All clubs provide academic and will students look towards their future and help them accomplish that will lead them where they would like to go. College should be a memorable time for all students and any major on campus here will provide an enjoyable atmosphere if the student truly enjoys what they study. However, kinesiology otherwise known as ENS is a great career choice for those who love to be out and about in the work place rather than in an office somewhere on a conference call. San Diego is a very active community and provides an excellent environment for students to gain experience and knowledge that can edge out others when applying for jobs. Kinesiology at SDSU is a great place that provides students the tools needed to be successful in choice they decide to make and the countless opportunities that will arise with a BS in kinesiology from San Diego State University in their hand. For any further questions the website will provide answers to any questions or information desired, good luck and thanks for checking out a major in kinesiology. Letters Of Recruitment
  • 3. Discussion– James Houseman, Kinesiology RWS 305W Dear New Student, On behalf of the Computer Science department, I would like to congratulate and welcome you to San Diego State University. Being an Aztec, you are given a multitude of opportunities to not only get involved on campus, but also to develop your skills in any major of your choice. If you have ever wanted to learn how a computer actually works, develop your own video game, or program anything from a robot to government aircraft, you should consider Computer Science as a major. With the skills and students gain, I believe anyone that comes through this department will have a fulfilling educational experience, as well as a rewarding career. As an undergraduate student, you will spend your first two years learning the basics of algorithm design, data representation, systems programming, and overall program structures. Along with this, you will be taking courses such as Calculus I & II, Discrete Mathematics, and Linear Algebra where you deal with applications of transcendental functions, differential equations, and more. This all may sound intimidating but I can ensure you it is not as difficult as it may sound. You will be able to develop programs that allow the computer to interact with users, do your math homework, and even produce evil villains for a game! For me, one of the most interesting projects involved developing game characters. Through the use of “for loops”, arrays, and polymorphic inheritance, I was able create droids and star cruisers. The best part was creating an army of Darth Vaders that would appear at random locations throughout the game.Letters Of Recruitment DiscussionNot only was I able to output sound effects, but there were also method behaviors allowing all the Darth Vaders to swing their light sabers. I never thought I could develop game characters, but my first year of Java programming provided the necessary tools to do so. As you can see, the curriculum may challenge you but the results of your hard work can be quite entertaining. One of the many benefits of being in the Computer Science department is the opportunity to be mentored by a knowledgeable and genuinely caring faculty. A great majority of the professors in this department have their Ph.D. degrees in various areas of Computer Science. An example would be Dr. Roch and her program development with categorization of bioacoustics. Her work is being ed by the Naval Postgraduate School as well as the US Navy. There is also Dr. Tarokh and his emphasis on mobile robots and articulated rovers. He is currently working on several research projects ranging from rover navigation to manipular kinematics, which is the relation between a robot’s movement and the device which controls the robot. Other than being active researchers, these professors are an embodiment of the department when it comes to ing the students. One of the faculty members who I personally admire would be Professor Riggins. Not only does he make himself available in his office Monday through Saturday, he also strives to challenge students by encouraging them to take on complex projects. Letters Of Recruitment DiscussionPrior to the lesson, he presents us with an assignment such as ‘write a program to calculate the optimum dimensions and cost of a cylindrical can using calculus and brute force.’ This is to get students thinking and working on the program before he teaches the basic concepts. Also, if I encounter problems in my program, I could ask him questions during his office hours. During this time, rather than simply telling me the answer, Professor Riggins helps me analyze my own mistakes. I found myself developing a better understanding of the computer language through this method. These are the types of
  • 4. dedicated professors you will find in the Computer Science department. Not only do they strive to ensure students pass their classes, but they have inspired me to expand my passion and continuously challenge myself in the field of technology. You can also find outside of the department since SDSU offers numerous student organizations such as the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Mechatronics, and the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). In these organizations, Computer Science students work together with Engineering students, much like they would in industry. You will develop projects, enter competitions, network with local representatives of San Diego companies, and develop leadership skills. For example, Mechatronics is currently working on programming and building an autonomous submarine which will be entered into the International Robosub Competition. Here, the submarine’s abilities will be tested through a series of obstacle courses. Another example would be SWE’s Evening of Professional Development where students will have the opportunity to attend a career fair as well as have dinner with representatives from companies such as General Atomics, Turner Construction, and UTC Aerospace. As an officer in this club, I am learning how to work in a professional environment, developing team skills by cooperating with the other officers, as well as acquiring leadership skills through delegating tasks. It is also through this position that I had the opportunity to represent SWE in speaking with an SDG&E representative about their internship rotation program. In addition to these hands on experiences, these organizations also provide guest speakers, scholarships, workshops, and tutoring. These are not the only organizations on campus available for Computer Science majors, but as you can see they can potentially open up numerous prospects. Students can also look to our department for chances at jobs and internships. When I first chose this major in high school, I did not know what kind of jobs were out there for people with Computer Science degrees. This is why I found our department website to be so useful. There is a list of companies that are continuously looking for Computer Science majors ranging from Cardinel Health and Kaiser Permanente to Raytheon and Qualcomm to even Coca Cola Talent Acquisition and Frito-Lay Inc. The website also provides a list of current job/internship opportunities which is periodically updated as more positions are found available from different companies around San Diego. Majoring in Computer Science at SDSU provides for a promising journey upon graduation, especially with all the we are provided by the department and the university. A fellow classmate of mine in the Computer Science major is currently working part time as an Information and Systems Engineer for the City of San Diego and he is expected to be a full time employee after graduation. In addition to this, the SDG&E representative I spoke to through SWE was an SDSU Alumni who majored in Computer Science and he is currently a programmer in the IT department. Another friend of mine, who is also an SDSU Alumni, is currently a Software Engineer programming aircrafts at General Atomics. With the increasing demand for technology as well as the available resources and here at SDSU, students have a good chance of being employed upon graduation. Computer Science is not all about sitting at a computer all day and typing away at a black and white screen. You can make a difference, not only in the world of technology, but also the medical field, government defense systems, and potentially life changing research. Letters Of Recruitment DiscussionWith this, the department is looking forward to seeing you next semester at SDSU
  • 5. and we wish you good luck in your future endeavors. Sincerely, San Diego State University Computer Science Department RWS305 Project #1 Prof. M. Copeland 06/04/14 Hello Aztec, and welcome to the Department of Civil Engineering. The fact that you have been accepted to this institution of higher learning is a testament to your ability as you pursue your goals! I would like to be one of what will certainly be many others in offering my sincerest congratulations. The fact that you have been accepted to this university is a testament to the relentless application of personal discipline. The real questions however, is whether or not you are willing to work even harder and become a Civil Engineer? If you’re like most people, when you hear the word “engineer”, images of a dirty guy in oil stained overalls at the helm of a train come to mind or, perhaps, you imagine a person manipulating a three dimensional image of a machine part on a computer. Obviously the latter would be the closer guess but how much do you really know about any of the many different fields of engineering in general or more specifically, civil engineering? I plan to offer more detail and hope that you will have a clearer picture of what a degree in civil engineering can offer you. Put simply, as its name implies, a civil engineer engineers civilization. You will, on a daily basis, take an active part in designing the environment in which we all live. Letters Of Recruitment DiscussionThere is an area of engineering for practically every part of life one can think of. Did you know that Civil engineering is actually comprised of a number of component specialties that make up a part of what you as a civil engineer would learn here at State? Civil engineering covers many of the day to day activities that most people take for granted. Have you ever wondered where the water comes from when you take a shower? While you were driving to the campus, did you happen to notice the sweeps, curves, overpasses and bridges of the roads and freeways you took to get here? Have you ever considered how some of the gigantic buildings of downtown are built? A civil engineer had a hand in the creation of all of these. Each of these structures was designed, built, and is maintained by engineers that mastered the skills covered by the training a civil engineer receives at San Diego State university. The water grid that delivered that water you used to take a shower this morning is the work of a hydrology systems engineer. This engineer had to calculate the mean usage volume of the water for you and all of the people in your neighborhood, including the type of system that would get it there from the city’s potable supply through a network of various pipes to a series of bulk water distribution nodes and subtier pumping stations! How about your drive to campus? All of those streets and highways you rode on, including the traffic signals and signage that directed you were the results of the efforts of a traffic management engineer. This expert was using skills learned in a department just like this one. Letters Of Recruitment DiscussionThis discipline involves the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of all of the roads, bridges, and tunnels in a given region to ensure the effective (and more importantly safe) transportation of people and goods. Roads are only one part of the infrastructure of a city. The construction of a city itself poses a whole list of other issues a civil engineer would be called upon to address. The last time you were downtown, you probably didn’t think about the tremendous weight of any of the multistory buildings that towered above you, or how many people each one of them was designed to with electricity, water, sewage, heat, or air conditioning. Civil engineers answered all of those questions. In fact, the very ground those buildings rest on was
  • 6. designed, shaped, and augmented by a civil engineer trained in geotechnical engineering to prevent it from tipping over, or sinking due to liquefaction (when soil exhibits the properties of liquid) from an earthquake! This is accomplished through the construction of ground stabilizing geo-systems like pile foundations (shafts drilled into the ground and then filled with steel reinforced concrete on top of which the building’s foundation is built) or geo textiles (large sheets of special fabric sandwiched between layers of earth to provide soil stabilization) custom designed by the civil engineer for each building. While each component part of civil engineering is exciting in its own right, taken as a whole, civil engineering is a dynamic field that can take you anywhere in the world. Now that I have given you some idea of what a civil engineer does, it would only be fair to give you some inkling of what you, as a civil engineering student, would have to go through to get there. Only through diligent effort on your part will you meet the requirements to earn a degree in this field. According to the San Diego State University general catalog (*which may vary by calendar year), a degree in civil engineering “prepares the student to design and supervise the construction of buildings, dams, roads, harbors, airports, tunnels, and bridges. It also provides training in the planning and construction of the complex systems that supply clean water to cities, remove sewage, control floods, and perform other functions which ensure continued health and safety”(SDSU 182). The required course work amounts to a total of 136 semester units. They cover a diverse list of general education subjects other than and including the degree specific classes you would take. Some of the classes to pass successfully (i.e. a grade of C or better) include but are not limited to 2nd and 3rd year calculus, physics, chemistry, material engineering, statics (how forces act on things stationary), dynamics (how forces act on things moving), computer aided drafting, environmental engineering, hydraulics, and classes addressing the moral and ethical considerations you as a civil engineer would face in the field, just to name a few. This may sound overwhelming, and if it sounds like too much for you to handle then I would submit that civil engineering is probably not for you. I have to be honest; it’s not easy. The average civil engineering student takes five years to complete their degree. If an easily obtained degree is what you are looking for, then I would suggest social work or kinesiology. You will work for this degree. You, as the student, will be presented with the task of learning and retaining the knowledge offered by the instructors and then applying it to real world problems. The good news is that the professors teaching these classes are the very best at their respective disciplines. It cannot be overs …Purchase answer to see full attachment