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DEVELOPMENTCHAPTER 7 SURVEYEarly Childhood: Physical and Cognitive
Development DIRECTION: Circle ONLY the letter to the correct answer and write the page
number where youfound the answer in the right hand margin.1. From birth to age 5, the
rate of growth in height:A. declines sharply B. increases sharplyC. proceeds at a steady pace
GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT2. Which statement characterizes the appearance of most
children?A. Before age 2 children are slim and wiry and gain weight after age 2B. From ages
2 to 6 children are generally slimmer than prior to age 2C. Children maintain a chubby, top-
heavy appearance until after age 6D. Children are generally slim from birth through around
the age of 63. Which motor skill develops more slowly?A. gross B. grandC. balance D. fine4.
It is recommended that a vision exam by an optometrist be performed on a child by
_______ofage.A. 5 to 6 years B. 3 to 4 yearsC. 1 to 2 years D. 6 to 8 months5. The brain of a
typical 5-year-old will weigh _______ of its adult weight while her body will beonly about
_______ of its adult weight.A. 90 percent, one-third B. 50 percent, one-halfC. 30 percent, three-
fourths D. 25 percent, nine-tenths6. Cody has trouble sitting in his seat during class lessons
and finds it difficult to focus on workassigned to him in class or for homework. He bickers
with his classmates and with his brother. Hispediatrician has suggested that Cody might
benefit from Ritalin (methylphenidate). Cody has mostprobably been diagnosed with:A.
ADHDB. autismC. otitis mediaD. Asperger’s syndrome7. In general, a child can eat most of
the foods in family meals at what age?A. 6 months B. 1 yearC. 2 years D. 3 ½ years8.
According to recent research, what is the most common chronic disease of early
childhood?A. cancer B. diabetesC. cavities D. multiple sclerosisPage 1 (Chapter 7 Survey)9.
Which of the following foods are common allergens?A. eggs B. milkC. peanuts D. all of
these10. In Westernized cultures, toilet training is usually mastered by:A. age 1 ½ B. age 2C.
age 3 D. age 411. By what age do most children no longer require a daytime nap?A. age 1 ½
B. age 2C age 3 D. age 4e h t s i t a h t e s a e s i d c i r t a i d e p c i n o r h c , s u o i r e s a s i _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 2 1 d l i h c r o f n o s a e r n o m m o c t s o m. admission to the hospital and is a
major cause of school absencesA. Measles B. MumpsC. Asthma D. Diabetes13. Research
which found that identical twins raised apart had IQ scores more alike than fraternaltwins
raised together would tend to which view of intelligence?A. environmental B. ecologicalC.
holistic D. hereditarian14. According to Piaget, children between the ages of 2 and 7 are in
which stage of development?A. concrete operationsB. preoperationalC. conservationalD.
formal operations15. The theory that probes children’s developing conceptions of major
components of mentalactivity is called:A. the theory of mindB. mental constructsC. cognitive
conceptionD. concept development16. The study of sounds in a language is called:A.
grammatical awarenessB. syntaxC. phonologyD. semantics17. Which statement about
stuttering is true?A. Girls are more likely to suffer from stuttering than boys are.B.
Geneticists do not currently believe that stuttering is inherited.C. There are no effective
intervention services available for stutterers.D. Parents should see a speech pathologist for
stuttering children.Page 2 (Chapter 7 Survey)18. _________ refers to the retention of what has
been experienced; _______ refers to rememberingwhat was learned earlier (for example, a
scientific concept).A. Recall; memoryB. Memory; recallC. Recognition; memoryD.
Recognition; recall19. According to Piaget, preschool children have an underdeveloped
moral sense because they lackthe ability to:A. show altruistic behaviorB. understand
intentionalityC. have sympathetic feelingsD. communicate their feelings20. The
developmental psychologist who researched the development of moral reasoning
bystudying differences in children’s reasoning about moral dilemmas is:A. Lev VygotskyB.
Noam ChomskyC. Lawrence KohlbergD. Howard GardnerPage 3 (Chapter 7
Childhood: Emotional and Social DevelopmentNAME
_________________________________________DATE ________________________DIRECTION: Circle ONLY the
letter to the correct answer and write the page number where youfound the answer in the
right hand margin.1. Research has indicated that children aged 5 and aged 7 who employed
________solutions werejudged to be more socially competent, displaying fewer attention
problems and disruptivebehaviors.A. prosocialB. cognitiveC. logicalD. surreptitious2. All of
the following can contribute to delays in emotional self-regulation EXCEPT:A. prematurityB.
developmental disabilitiesC. parental divorceD. low-income household3. All of the following
tend to characterize girls’ play EXCEPT:A. it is more intimateB. it is likely to consist of a two-
person groupC. it is more “rough and tumble”D. it is less competitive than boys’ play4.
Researchers have found that therapeutic play:A. tends to increase children’s aggressive
behaviorB. tends to make children feel even more anxietyC. tends to help children to
express their emotionsD. tends to take away children’s sense of control5. American parents
typically tend to encourage which characteristics in their children’s playbehavior?A.
explorationB. imaginationC. independenceD. all of these6. The view that s suppression of
individual desire in favor of what is best for the group:A. is rarer in Asian culturesB. is
known as collectivismC. decreases bonding with parentsD. decreases obedience to
authorityPage 1 (Chapter 8 Survey)7. According to your textbook, around what age do
children begin to develop the cognitive skills tocategorize people into different racial
groups by using physical characteristics and social cues?A. 3 B. 5C. 7 D. 98. A person’s sense
of self-worth or self-image is part of the overall dimension called:A. self-esteem B. positive
regardC. cultural awareness D. performance initiative9. Research has found that childhood
self-esteem can:A. have lifelong effects on attitudes and behaviorB. affect school
performanceC. affect family relationshipsD. all of these10. The cognitive structure that we
employ for selecting and processing information about ourselvesis the ________.A.
personalityB. selfC. personal cognitive structureD. character11. One of the central issues of
early childhood is:A. the child learning to trust the child’s caretakersB. comprehending the
concept of object permanenceC. developing a sense of a separate and distinct selfD.
developmental achievement of ego integration12. _______ is a particular type of motivation
and inner strength that directs life and growth in sucha way as to become all one is capable
of being.A. TelepathyB. EntelechyC. ImpulseD. Impetus13. The sets of cultural expectations
that define the ways in which the members of each sex suchbehave are known as:A. gender
rolesB. stereotypesC. gender typesD. sexual categories14. Gender identity is:A. the
characteristic traits one is born withB. not related to socializing influencesC. an inherited
characteristicD. conception of self as male or femalePage 2 (Chapter 8 Survey)15. Gender
identity usually begins to form around what ages?A. 1 to 2B. 3 to 4C. 5 to 6D. 7 to 816. Brian
has a favorite toy that is a baby doll. This is upsetting to Brian’s father because it
conflictswith society’s view of proper gender __________.A. realitiesB. rolesC. identitiesD.
characteristic17. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding hormones?A.
Both males and females have male and female hormones.B. Progesterone makes males
more aggressive than females.C. The ratio of each hormone varies in males and females.D.
The predominance of female or male hormones influences the development of the fetal
brain.18. According to your textbook, which of the following statements is true?A. Boys tend
to be more verbal at an earlier age than girls do.B. Girls have a greater tendency to be
diagnosed with dyslexia.C. Girls tend to be more analytical than boys, who are more
active.D. Girls tend to show more interest in people-oriented activities.19. The theory
associated with Lawrence Kohlberg, which claims that children first learn to
labelthemselves as “male” and “female” and then attempt to master the behaviors that fit
their gendercategory, is called:A. psychosocialB. psychoanalyticalC. cognitive learningD.
cognitive developmental20. The process of transmitting culture, knowledge, skills, and
dispositions that enable children toparticipate effectively in group life is called:A.
convivialityB. socializationC. gender stereotypingD. synchronizationPage 3 (Chapter 8
Childhood: Physical and Cognitive DevelopmentNAME
_________________________________________DATE ________________________DIRECTION: Circle ONLY the
letter to the correct answer and write the page number where youfound the answer in the
right hand margin.1. During middle childhood physical growth is __________ than it is during
early childhood oradolescence.A. slowerB. fasterC. the same asD. much faster2. Lisa and
Mark are both 8 years old. Whom would you expect to mature faster? Whom would
youexpect to have more body fat?A. They would both mature at the same rate and have the
same proportion of body fat.B. Mark would mature faster and have more body fat.C Lisa
would mature faster and have more body fat.D. Mark would mature faster and Lisa would
have more body fat.3. Which of these is the most common childhood illness?A. measlesB.
mumpsC. chicken poxD. upper respiratory infectionAnswer: D4. The major cause of death of
children in middle childhood is:A. cancerB. diabetesC. accidentsD. leukemia5. Which group
has the highest mortality rate for children in middle childhood?A. whiteB. blackC.
HispanicD. Asian6. The definition cited in your textbook for obesity is:A. having a body mass
index greater than the 95th percentile for age and genderB. having a body mass index
greater than the 50th percentile for age and genderC. having 50 pounds of excess weight for
age and genderD. having 70 pounds of excess weight for age and genderPage 1 (Chapter 9
Survey)7. What proportion of children between the ages of 6 and 11 was overweight in
2004?A. Nearly one in three B. Nearly one in sevenC. Nearly one in five D. Nearly one half8.
Which of the following health risks is related to overweight in children?A. early
cardiovascular diseaseB. diabetes mellitusC. orthopedic problemsD. all of these9. Although
childhood obesity and overweight are on the increase, _________ is on the decrease.A. physical
education in public schoolsB. sedentary activityC. school vending machines that offer “junk”
foodsD. consumption of fast food10. The awareness and understanding of one’s own mental
processes is called:A. mental mapsB. cognitive awarenessC. metacognitionD. cognitive
compatibility11. Research on creativity has found that:A. formal education is essential to
the development of creativityB. creative people are often conventional thinkers with dull
personalitiesC. creative people were often encouraged when they were youngD. creativity
relies on sheer talent to become evident12. At about what age do children come to
recognize certain regularities or unchanging qualities inthe inner dispositions and
behaviors of individuals?A. 11B. 6C. 8D. 413. Children in the concrete operations stage:A.
cannot understand words not tied to their own personal experiencesB. can only describe
objects, people, and events by their physical characteristicsC. cannot make comparisons
between classes of objectsD. can describe objects, people, and events by categories and
functions14. Assessment instruments that attempt to measure abilities such as cognitive
processing andachievement are called:A. psychometric testsB. psychotropic testsC.
instrumental testsD. assessment variablesPage 2 (Chapter 9 Survey)15. 12-year-old John
has an IQ of 60. He is not able to perform daily living skills independently andlacks
communication and social skills. John would most likely be classified as having:A. a learning
disabilityB. functional deficitsC. mental retardationD. social deficits16. The determination of
the severity of mental retardation is based upon:A. observed behaviorsB. scores from IQ
testsC. physical appearanceD. genetic impairments17. Warren has an IQ of 102 but has
difficulty using spoken and written language. His mathematicalabilities are above average.
Warren would most likely be classified as having:A. a learning disabilityB. functional
deficitsC. mental retardationD. social deficits18. Raymond is impulsive, cannot follow
directions, and finds it difficult to wait his turn foroutdoor activities. He frequently leaves
his assignments before he is finished to pursue some otheractivity. Raymond’s disability is
most likely:A. dyslexiaB. dysgraphiaC. ADHDD. dyscalculia19. An Individualized Education
Plan (IEP) is provided for all students who are classified as havinga disability. Which of the
following people are involved in developing this plan?A. school psychologistB. child’s
teacherC. child advocateD. all of these20. According to your textbook, the largest proportion
of students attends which alternative topublic schooling?A. private schoolsB. home
schoolingC. charter schoolsD. magnet schoolsPage 3 (Chapter 9 Survey)ADVANCED HUMAN
GROWTH & DEVELOPMENTCHAPTER 11 SURVEYAdolescence: Physical and Cognitive
DevelopmentNAME _________________________________________DATE
________________________DIRECTION: Circle ONLY the letter to the correct answer and write the
page number where youfound the answer in the right hand margin.1. The period in the life
cycle when sexual and reproductive maturation become evident is calledA. maturation B.
preadolescenceC. puberty D. growth spurt2. The adolescent growth spurt tends to occur:A.
earlier in girls than in boys B. earlier in boys than in girlsC. at the same time in boys and
girls D. only among certain ethnic groups3. Alyssa has just experienced her first menstrual
period. This is known as:A. ovulation B. menarcheC. menopause D. PMS4. According to the
research cited in your textbook, which girls would be more likely to developsymptoms such
as depression, substance abuse, eating disorders, and disruptive behavior?A. those who had
later puberty B. those who had early pubertyC. those who had insecure attachment D. those
who had the most siblings5. According to the research cited in your textbook, young white
and African American women inthe United States:A. have similar views regarding their
bodies and body imageB. both express dissatisfaction with their bodiesC. both express
satisfaction with their bodiesD. differ dramatically in how they view their bodies6. The most
common eating disorder in the United States is:A. obesity B. underweightC. bulimia D.
anorexia7. According to the survey cited in your textbook, what percent of high school
students reported thatthey smoked tobacco?A. 5 B. 12C. 19 D. 228. The most common
setting for teenage drinking is:A. public park grounds B. public school groundsC. other
people’s homes D. teens’ own bedroomsPage 1 (Chapter 11 Survey)9. What is the most
prevalent sexually transmitted infection in the United States?A. syphilis B. gonorrheaC.
Chlamydia D. genital herpes10. Which of the following statement is true regarding teens and
sex?A. More teens engage in oral sex because they believe it is more acceptable and less
risky.B. More teens engage in vaginal sex because they believe it is more acceptable and less
risky.C. Most teens do not use condoms.D. U.S. teens have the lowest rates of gonorrhea,
syphilis, and chlamydia of the sexually activepopulations.11. According to the research cited
in your textbook, condom use among sexually activeadolescents:A. has decreased slightly B.
has increased significantlyC. has decreased significantly D. has increased slightly12. Sixteen-
year-old Bart is getting a tattoo. Which of the following could be a reason for him toengage
in body art?A. to demonstrate social identity B. to commemorate a special eventC. to be
entertained D. all of these13. According to the statistics cited in your textbook, adolescent
rates of “seriously consideringsuicide” over the past decade have_______ while the rates of
actual attempted suicide_________.A. increased; decreased B. decreased; increasedC.
remained the same; decreased D. increased; remained the same14. What is the major cause
of death for adolescents?A. heart disease B. driving accidentsC. assault (homicide) D.
suicide15. According to Piaget, adolescence is the final and highest stage in the development
of cognitivefunctioning from infancy to adulthood. It is called the period of:A. concrete
operations B. formal operationsC. operant thinking D. cognitive operationsPage 2 (Chapter
Adulthood: Physical and Cognitive DevelopmentNAME
_________________________________________DATE ________________________DIRECTION: Circle ONLY the
letter to the correct answer and write the page number where youfound the answer in the
right hand margin.1. A new developmental stage has been proposed. It spans the ages 18
through 25 and is a time thatinvolves greater exploration of possibilities in work, love, and
worldviews. What is this stage iscalled?A. emerging adulthood B. post-adolescenceC. late
adolescence D. evolving adulthood2. The age cohort consisting of about 58 million adults
who experienced events such as the VietnamWar, the protest movement, and Woodstock is
known as:A. Generation X B. baby boomersC. the Silent Generation D. the Millennials3. The
age cohort between the ages of 25 and 35 that generally shares an acceptance of diversity
inregard to race, ethnicity, family structure, sexual orientation, and lifestyle, and of whom
more than40 percent spent time in a single-parent home, is called:A. Generation X B. the
Silent GenerationC. baby boomers D. the Millennials4. The age cohort born between the
early 1980s and 2000s that is generally characterized assheltered, achievement oriented,
and conventional is known as:A. Generation X B. the Silent GenerationC. baby boomers D.
Millennials5. The set of changes that occurs in the structure and functioning of the human
organism over timeis called:A. social aging B. biological agingC. transition points D. social
norms6. The set of changes in an individual’s assumption and relinquishment of roles over
time is called:A. social aging B. biological agingC. transition points D. social norms7. Beliefs
that a person should not cut ahead in line at the grocery store, and that one should
say“Please” and “Thank you” are examples of:A. normally sanctioned behavior B. age
normsC. transition points D. social normsPage 1 (Chapter 13 Survey)8. Social norms that
define what is appropriate for people to be and to do at various ages are termed:A. normally
sanctioned behavior B. age normsC. transition points D. social norms9 According to your
textbook, which of the following statements is true concerning social class andthe pace of
the social clock?A. The lower the socioeconomic class, the later events such as getting a job,
starting a family, andgetting married tend to be.B. The higher the socioeconomic class, the
later events such as getting a job, starting a family, andgetting married tend to be.C.
Socioeconomic class is not a factor in the timing of events such as getting a job, starting
afamily, and getting married.D. None of these is true.10. The peak years for speed and agility
are from:A. 10 to 14 B. 15 to 17C. 18 to 30 D. 30 to 3511. According to the statistics cited in
your textbook, what percent of people in the United Statesdid not have health insurance in
2004?A. 6 percent B. 12 percentC. 16 percent D. 22 percent12. Who is LEAST likely to be
uninsured?A. Marlon, a 19-year-old college studentB. Joy, a part-time waitressC. William,
the CEO of a corporationD. Anna, an immigrant13. Which of the following statements is
true?A. Employers can lose more work days from sickness in young adults than in older
adults.B. The leading cause of death among young adults is from disease.C. Work-related
accidents account for the majority of the accidental deaths among young adults.D. Exercise
makes little difference in the health of young adults.14. Most health experts recommend
which of the following for cardiovascular fitness?A. a quick-start, strenuous program of
daily exercise for at least 45 minutes per dayB. 30 minutes moderate exercise 5x/week or
20 minutes vigorous exercise 3x/weekC. eliminating all saturated fat, refined sugar and
flour, and insoluble fiber from the dietD. engaging in a regular program of receiving
intensive cardiovascular massage therapy15. According to the statistics cited in your
textbook, how many people worldwide are estimated tobe living with AIDS?A. over 1
million B. over 6 millionC. over 26 million D. over 46 millionPage 2 (Chapter 13 Survey)16.
___________ has the highest number of people living with AIDS.A. South and Southeast Asia B.
Eastern EuropeC. sub-Saharan Africa D. North America17. According to the research cited in
your textbook, about what percent of U.S. college studentsadmitted that they had engaged in
binge drinking?A. 10 B. 25C. 40 D. 8018. According to the research cited in your textbook,
which of the following relates to depression inwomen?A. unequal employment
opportunitiesB. unequal pay and authority in the workplaceC. the burden of child care and
houseworkD. all of these19. Hereditary predispositions to psychological disorders are most
probably due to a defect in:A. the encoding in some brain receptorsB. the metabolism of
lipids and proteinsC. the function of the pituitary glandD. the function of the lymphatic
system20. Psychologists who study stress have concluded that it resides neither in the
individual nor in thesituation alone but in:A. the person’s unique genetic compositionB. the
impact of some environmental factorsC. how the person defines a particular eventD. the
individual’s social and income levelsPage 3 (Chapter 13 Survey)ADVANCED HUMAN
GROWTH & DEVELOPMENTCHAPTER 14 SURVEYEarly Adulthood: Emotional and Social
DevelopmentNAME _________________________________________DATE
________________________DIRECTION: Circle ONLY the letter to the correct answer and write the
page number where youfound the answer in the right hand margin.1. A(n) _________ tie is a
social link formed when we commit ourselves to another person and a(n)___________ tie is a
social link that is formed when we cooperate with another person to achieve alimited
goal.A. expressive; instrumental B. instrumental; expressiveC. emotional; influential D.
influential; emotional2. Relationships that a person has with family, friends, and lovers are
called:A. private B. socialC. primary D. secondary3. According to Erik Erikson, the primary
task confronting young adults is:A. intimacy vs. isolation B. integrity vs. despairC. identity
vs. role confusion D. generativity vs. stagnation4. The median age at which men marry today
is:A. 19 B. 23C. 25 D. 275. Research on the phases of adult female development has shown:A.
Men and women follow a similar pattern of adult development.B. Women today are more
likely to follow a variety of paths.C. Intimacy is not an important factor in female
development.D. Female development closely approximates Erikson’s stages.6. The three
elements of passion, intimacy, and commitment are components of:A. Levinson’s stage
theory of developmentB. Gilligan’s theory of women’s developmentC. Sternberg’s triangular
theory of loveD. Mogul’s theory of stock taking7. The kind of love that only evokes passion is
called:A. nonlove B. companionateC. infatuation D. romantic8. A relationship that has
intimacy and passion but lacks commitment is called______________love.A. nonlove B.
companionateC. infatuation D. romanticPage 1 (Chapter 14 Survey)9. Emme and Philip both
describe their relationship as having passion, intimacy, and commitment.According to
Sternberg’s theory their relationship can be described as:A. romantic love B. companionate
loveC. fatuous love D. consummate love10. According to the research cited in your textbook,
marrying one’s great love:A. is not associated with greater happiness in marriageB. is
associated with marital duration and satisfactionC. is associated with higher rates of
divorceD. is no different than marrying someone elseAnswer: B11. The overall pattern of
living whereby we attempt to meet our biological, social, and emotionalneeds is known as:A.
lifeways B. life patternsC. lifestyle D. relationships12. A major step in the transition to
adulthood is leaving the family home. In the past this usuallycame about because of:A.
crowded conditions B. getting marriedC. a family feud D. cheap housing13. The pattern in
the United States and many Western nations today is toward:A. leaving the parental home
at younger ages than in the pastB. marrying earlier yet choosing to live with the parents of
one of the spousesC. people aged 18 to 34 staying in the parental home as the primary
residenceD. people aged 18 to 34 living on their own in communities composed mostly of
young people14. According to the recent U.S. Census data cited in your textbook, the
percentage of 18- to 34-year-olds never married is:A. 60 percent male and 60 percent
femaleB. 50 percent male and 60 percent femaleC. 50 percent male and 50 percent femaleD.
40 percent male and 30 percent female15. From 1970 to 2000, the median age at first
marriage:A. has decreased for both men and womenB. has increased for both men and
womenC. has decreased for women but increased for menD. has decreased for men but
increased for men16. Which of the following factors contributes to the increase in single
households?A. deferral of marriage among young adultsB. a high rate of separation and
divorceC. ability of the elderly to maintain their own homesD. all of thesePage 2 (Chapter 14
Survey)17. Since 1960, the rates of cohabitation have:A. declined slightly B. declined
sharplyC. increased sharply D. remained the same18. According to your textbook, which of
the following statements is true regarding sexualorientation?A. Sexual orientation in all
people is clearly delineated as homosexual or heterosexual.B. Sexual orientation is a matter
of “either/or”; there are no degrees of variation.C. Some individuals show varying degrees
of orientation, including bisexuality.D. Orientation is fixed at birth and never changes for all
people.19. A lifestyle practice that exists in all contemporary societies is:A. polyandry B.
polygynyC. bigamy D. marriage20. King David and King Solomon each had several wives.
This practice is called:A. polyandry B. polygynyC. group marriage D. serial monogamyPage 3
SURVEYMiddle Adulthood: Physical and Cognitive DevelopmentNAME
_________________________________________DATE ________________________DIRECTION: Circle ONLY the
letter to the correct answer and write the page number where youfound the answer in the
right hand margin.1. As of 2005, the average life expectancy of U.S. men and women at age
65 was:A. mid 60s B. late 60sC. 70s D. 80s2. Some of the common causes of hearing loss
include:A. cochlear damage due to prolonged exposure to loud noiseB. lack of good muscle
tone in the middle earC. job-related noise levelsD. all of these3. Regina and Joanne are in
their mid 40s. They are discussing the signs of aging that are affectingtheir appearance.
What in particular are they likely to be discussing?A. skin that is drier, thinner, and less
elasticB. skin that is sagging and wrinkled on the face and at the jointsC. dark patches of skin
on the face and handsD. all of these4. In general, compared to women, men have better-
looking skin as they age because:A. They do not moisturize their skin as women do.B. They
do not wear make-up the way that women do.C. Their skin tends to be thicker than women’s
skin.D. They slough off dead skin cells when they shave.5. Ron and Delores are both 35
years old, but tests show that Delores has lost bone mass while Ronhas not. This is
because:A. men have more bone mass than womenB. men retain more calciumC. women
lose bone mass more slowly as they ageD. men are more muscular6. An inflammatory
disease that causes pain, swelling, stiffness, and loss of function of the joints iscalled:A.
rheumatoid arthritis B. arteriosclerosisC. osteoarthritis D. calcitoninPage 1 (Chapter 15
Survey)7. Which of the following statements is true about prostate cancer?A. It is the second
leading cause of cancer death in men.B. In general, most prostate cancers are fast growing.C.
Japanese men have the highest rates of prostate cancer.D. Prostate cancer is most prevalent
in men under 50 years of age.8. According to a study cited in your textbook, what percent of
men over the age of 40 experiencepotency problems?A. 10 percent B. 20 percentC. 35
percent D. 50 percent9. Hypertension affects what percent of adults in the United States?A.
half B. one in tenC. one in four D. one in twenty10. According to your textbook, the leading
cause of death for women in the U.S. is:A. colon cancer B. lung cancerC. breast cancer D. skin
cancer11. When blood circulation to the brain fails, it leads to:A. cardiovascular disease B.
strokeC. Parkinson’s disease D. seizure12. Trembling in hands, arms, legs, jaw, and face;
rigidity or stiffness of limbs and trunk; slownessof movement; postural instability or
impaired balance and coordination are symptoms most closelyassociated with:A.
Alzheimer’s disease B. strokeC. cardiovascular disease D. Parkinson’s disease13. Which of
the following statements is true?A. Studies report infidelity occurring in 20 to 25% of
marriages.B. About 50 percent of married men and 50 percent of married women say they
have beenunfaithful.C. More women than men have admitted to being unfaithful.D. A
majority of both men and women have had only one sex partner since the age of 18.14. The
probability of HIV-positive women infecting their male partners with the virus was foundto
be:A. significantly high B. significantly lowC. about the same as the probability of HIV-
positive men infecting their female partnersD. about the same as the probability of HIV-
positive women infecting their female partners15. How is crystallized intelligence
acquired?A. in the course of social experienceB. through genetically preset maturationC.
through changes in crystal structures in the brainD. solely through formal educationPage 2
SURVEYDying and
DeathNAME_____________________________________DATE_______________________DIRECTION: Circle O
NLY the letter to the correct answer and write the page number where youfound the
answer in the right hand margin.1. The study of death is called:A. epistemology B.
teleologyC. theology D. thanatology2. ______ euthanasia allows death to occur by withholding
or removing treatments that wouldprolong life.A. Passive B. InvoluntaryC. Voluntary D.
Active3. A legal document that states an individual’s wishes regarding medical care (such as
refusal of“heroic measures” to prolong his or her life in the event of terminal illness) in case
the personbecomes incapacitated and unable to participate in decisions about his or her
medical care is knownas a:A. testament B. living willC. death wish D. none of these4. The
survivors of a loved one’s death most likely to feel isolated are those whose loved one:A.
died from AIDS B. died in warC. died from suicide D. died by euthanasia5. More
______attempt suicide but more ______succeed at suicide.A. males; females B. females; malesC.
elderly people; young people D. young people; elderly people6. Which of the following
ethnic groups has the highest suicide rate?A. Native American B. White AmericanC. Asian
American D. Hispanic American7. According to the statistics cited in your textbook, the
fastest growing suicide rate is occurringamong:A. White women B. young HispanicsC. Asian
men D. Black women8. What do members of these professions: dentists, artists, machinists,
auto mechanics, andcarpenters, have in common?A. lower than average suicide rates B.
rates equal to the average for suicideC. higher than average suicide rates D. none of
thesePage 1 (Chapter 19 Survey)9. Suicide rates are highest during which periods of the
lifespan?A. adolescence and late adulthood B. young adu

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  • 1. ADVANCED HUMAN GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT ADVANCED HUMAN GROWTH & DEVELOPMENTADVANCED HUMAN GROWTH & DEVELOPMENTCHAPTER 7 SURVEYEarly Childhood: Physical and Cognitive Development DIRECTION: Circle ONLY the letter to the correct answer and write the page number where youfound the answer in the right hand margin.1. From birth to age 5, the rate of growth in height:A. declines sharply B. increases sharplyC. proceeds at a steady pace D. declines graduallyORDER COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTION PAPERS ON ADVANCED HUMAN GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT2. Which statement characterizes the appearance of most children?A. Before age 2 children are slim and wiry and gain weight after age 2B. From ages 2 to 6 children are generally slimmer than prior to age 2C. Children maintain a chubby, top- heavy appearance until after age 6D. Children are generally slim from birth through around the age of 63. Which motor skill develops more slowly?A. gross B. grandC. balance D. fine4. It is recommended that a vision exam by an optometrist be performed on a child by _______ofage.A. 5 to 6 years B. 3 to 4 yearsC. 1 to 2 years D. 6 to 8 months5. The brain of a typical 5-year-old will weigh _______ of its adult weight while her body will beonly about _______ of its adult weight.A. 90 percent, one-third B. 50 percent, one-halfC. 30 percent, three- fourths D. 25 percent, nine-tenths6. Cody has trouble sitting in his seat during class lessons and finds it difficult to focus on workassigned to him in class or for homework. He bickers with his classmates and with his brother. Hispediatrician has suggested that Cody might benefit from Ritalin (methylphenidate). Cody has mostprobably been diagnosed with:A. ADHDB. autismC. otitis mediaD. Asperger’s syndrome7. In general, a child can eat most of the foods in family meals at what age?A. 6 months B. 1 yearC. 2 years D. 3 ½ years8. According to recent research, what is the most common chronic disease of early childhood?A. cancer B. diabetesC. cavities D. multiple sclerosisPage 1 (Chapter 7 Survey)9. Which of the following foods are common allergens?A. eggs B. milkC. peanuts D. all of these10. In Westernized cultures, toilet training is usually mastered by:A. age 1 ½ B. age 2C. age 3 D. age 411. By what age do most children no longer require a daytime nap?A. age 1 ½ B. age 2C age 3 D. age 4e h t s i t a h t e s a e s i d c i r t a i d e p c i n o r h c , s u o i r e s a s i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 2 1 d l i h c r o f n o s a e r n o m m o c t s o m. admission to the hospital and is a major cause of school absencesA. Measles B. MumpsC. Asthma D. Diabetes13. Research which found that identical twins raised apart had IQ scores more alike than fraternaltwins raised together would tend to which view of intelligence?A. environmental B. ecologicalC. holistic D. hereditarian14. According to Piaget, children between the ages of 2 and 7 are in which stage of development?A. concrete operationsB. preoperationalC. conservationalD.
  • 2. formal operations15. The theory that probes children’s developing conceptions of major components of mentalactivity is called:A. the theory of mindB. mental constructsC. cognitive conceptionD. concept development16. The study of sounds in a language is called:A. grammatical awarenessB. syntaxC. phonologyD. semantics17. Which statement about stuttering is true?A. Girls are more likely to suffer from stuttering than boys are.B. Geneticists do not currently believe that stuttering is inherited.C. There are no effective intervention services available for stutterers.D. Parents should see a speech pathologist for stuttering children.Page 2 (Chapter 7 Survey)18. _________ refers to the retention of what has been experienced; _______ refers to rememberingwhat was learned earlier (for example, a scientific concept).A. Recall; memoryB. Memory; recallC. Recognition; memoryD. Recognition; recall19. According to Piaget, preschool children have an underdeveloped moral sense because they lackthe ability to:A. show altruistic behaviorB. understand intentionalityC. have sympathetic feelingsD. communicate their feelings20. The developmental psychologist who researched the development of moral reasoning bystudying differences in children’s reasoning about moral dilemmas is:A. Lev VygotskyB. Noam ChomskyC. Lawrence KohlbergD. Howard GardnerPage 3 (Chapter 7 Survey)ADVANCED HUMAN GROWTH & DEVELOPMENTCHAPTER 8 SURVEYEarly Childhood: Emotional and Social DevelopmentNAME _________________________________________DATE ________________________DIRECTION: Circle ONLY the letter to the correct answer and write the page number where youfound the answer in the right hand margin.1. Research has indicated that children aged 5 and aged 7 who employed ________solutions werejudged to be more socially competent, displaying fewer attention problems and disruptivebehaviors.A. prosocialB. cognitiveC. logicalD. surreptitious2. All of the following can contribute to delays in emotional self-regulation EXCEPT:A. prematurityB. developmental disabilitiesC. parental divorceD. low-income household3. All of the following tend to characterize girls’ play EXCEPT:A. it is more intimateB. it is likely to consist of a two- person groupC. it is more “rough and tumble”D. it is less competitive than boys’ play4. Researchers have found that therapeutic play:A. tends to increase children’s aggressive behaviorB. tends to make children feel even more anxietyC. tends to help children to express their emotionsD. tends to take away children’s sense of control5. American parents typically tend to encourage which characteristics in their children’s playbehavior?A. explorationB. imaginationC. independenceD. all of these6. The view that s suppression of individual desire in favor of what is best for the group:A. is rarer in Asian culturesB. is known as collectivismC. decreases bonding with parentsD. decreases obedience to authorityPage 1 (Chapter 8 Survey)7. According to your textbook, around what age do children begin to develop the cognitive skills tocategorize people into different racial groups by using physical characteristics and social cues?A. 3 B. 5C. 7 D. 98. A person’s sense of self-worth or self-image is part of the overall dimension called:A. self-esteem B. positive regardC. cultural awareness D. performance initiative9. Research has found that childhood self-esteem can:A. have lifelong effects on attitudes and behaviorB. affect school performanceC. affect family relationshipsD. all of these10. The cognitive structure that we employ for selecting and processing information about ourselvesis the ________.A. personalityB. selfC. personal cognitive structureD. character11. One of the central issues of
  • 3. early childhood is:A. the child learning to trust the child’s caretakersB. comprehending the concept of object permanenceC. developing a sense of a separate and distinct selfD. developmental achievement of ego integration12. _______ is a particular type of motivation and inner strength that directs life and growth in sucha way as to become all one is capable of being.A. TelepathyB. EntelechyC. ImpulseD. Impetus13. The sets of cultural expectations that define the ways in which the members of each sex suchbehave are known as:A. gender rolesB. stereotypesC. gender typesD. sexual categories14. Gender identity is:A. the characteristic traits one is born withB. not related to socializing influencesC. an inherited characteristicD. conception of self as male or femalePage 2 (Chapter 8 Survey)15. Gender identity usually begins to form around what ages?A. 1 to 2B. 3 to 4C. 5 to 6D. 7 to 816. Brian has a favorite toy that is a baby doll. This is upsetting to Brian’s father because it conflictswith society’s view of proper gender __________.A. realitiesB. rolesC. identitiesD. characteristic17. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding hormones?A. Both males and females have male and female hormones.B. Progesterone makes males more aggressive than females.C. The ratio of each hormone varies in males and females.D. The predominance of female or male hormones influences the development of the fetal brain.18. According to your textbook, which of the following statements is true?A. Boys tend to be more verbal at an earlier age than girls do.B. Girls have a greater tendency to be diagnosed with dyslexia.C. Girls tend to be more analytical than boys, who are more active.D. Girls tend to show more interest in people-oriented activities.19. The theory associated with Lawrence Kohlberg, which claims that children first learn to labelthemselves as “male” and “female” and then attempt to master the behaviors that fit their gendercategory, is called:A. psychosocialB. psychoanalyticalC. cognitive learningD. cognitive developmental20. The process of transmitting culture, knowledge, skills, and dispositions that enable children toparticipate effectively in group life is called:A. convivialityB. socializationC. gender stereotypingD. synchronizationPage 3 (Chapter 8 Survey)ADVANCED HUMAN GROWTH & DEVELOPMENTCHAPTER 9 SURVEYMiddle Childhood: Physical and Cognitive DevelopmentNAME _________________________________________DATE ________________________DIRECTION: Circle ONLY the letter to the correct answer and write the page number where youfound the answer in the right hand margin.1. During middle childhood physical growth is __________ than it is during early childhood oradolescence.A. slowerB. fasterC. the same asD. much faster2. Lisa and Mark are both 8 years old. Whom would you expect to mature faster? Whom would youexpect to have more body fat?A. They would both mature at the same rate and have the same proportion of body fat.B. Mark would mature faster and have more body fat.C Lisa would mature faster and have more body fat.D. Mark would mature faster and Lisa would have more body fat.3. Which of these is the most common childhood illness?A. measlesB. mumpsC. chicken poxD. upper respiratory infectionAnswer: D4. The major cause of death of children in middle childhood is:A. cancerB. diabetesC. accidentsD. leukemia5. Which group has the highest mortality rate for children in middle childhood?A. whiteB. blackC. HispanicD. Asian6. The definition cited in your textbook for obesity is:A. having a body mass index greater than the 95th percentile for age and genderB. having a body mass index greater than the 50th percentile for age and genderC. having 50 pounds of excess weight for
  • 4. age and genderD. having 70 pounds of excess weight for age and genderPage 1 (Chapter 9 Survey)7. What proportion of children between the ages of 6 and 11 was overweight in 2004?A. Nearly one in three B. Nearly one in sevenC. Nearly one in five D. Nearly one half8. Which of the following health risks is related to overweight in children?A. early cardiovascular diseaseB. diabetes mellitusC. orthopedic problemsD. all of these9. Although childhood obesity and overweight are on the increase, _________ is on the decrease.A. physical education in public schoolsB. sedentary activityC. school vending machines that offer “junk” foodsD. consumption of fast food10. The awareness and understanding of one’s own mental processes is called:A. mental mapsB. cognitive awarenessC. metacognitionD. cognitive compatibility11. Research on creativity has found that:A. formal education is essential to the development of creativityB. creative people are often conventional thinkers with dull personalitiesC. creative people were often encouraged when they were youngD. creativity relies on sheer talent to become evident12. At about what age do children come to recognize certain regularities or unchanging qualities inthe inner dispositions and behaviors of individuals?A. 11B. 6C. 8D. 413. Children in the concrete operations stage:A. cannot understand words not tied to their own personal experiencesB. can only describe objects, people, and events by their physical characteristicsC. cannot make comparisons between classes of objectsD. can describe objects, people, and events by categories and functions14. Assessment instruments that attempt to measure abilities such as cognitive processing andachievement are called:A. psychometric testsB. psychotropic testsC. instrumental testsD. assessment variablesPage 2 (Chapter 9 Survey)15. 12-year-old John has an IQ of 60. He is not able to perform daily living skills independently andlacks communication and social skills. John would most likely be classified as having:A. a learning disabilityB. functional deficitsC. mental retardationD. social deficits16. The determination of the severity of mental retardation is based upon:A. observed behaviorsB. scores from IQ testsC. physical appearanceD. genetic impairments17. Warren has an IQ of 102 but has difficulty using spoken and written language. His mathematicalabilities are above average. Warren would most likely be classified as having:A. a learning disabilityB. functional deficitsC. mental retardationD. social deficits18. Raymond is impulsive, cannot follow directions, and finds it difficult to wait his turn foroutdoor activities. He frequently leaves his assignments before he is finished to pursue some otheractivity. Raymond’s disability is most likely:A. dyslexiaB. dysgraphiaC. ADHDD. dyscalculia19. An Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is provided for all students who are classified as havinga disability. Which of the following people are involved in developing this plan?A. school psychologistB. child’s teacherC. child advocateD. all of these20. According to your textbook, the largest proportion of students attends which alternative topublic schooling?A. private schoolsB. home schoolingC. charter schoolsD. magnet schoolsPage 3 (Chapter 9 Survey)ADVANCED HUMAN GROWTH & DEVELOPMENTCHAPTER 11 SURVEYAdolescence: Physical and Cognitive DevelopmentNAME _________________________________________DATE ________________________DIRECTION: Circle ONLY the letter to the correct answer and write the page number where youfound the answer in the right hand margin.1. The period in the life cycle when sexual and reproductive maturation become evident is calledA. maturation B. preadolescenceC. puberty D. growth spurt2. The adolescent growth spurt tends to occur:A.
  • 5. earlier in girls than in boys B. earlier in boys than in girlsC. at the same time in boys and girls D. only among certain ethnic groups3. Alyssa has just experienced her first menstrual period. This is known as:A. ovulation B. menarcheC. menopause D. PMS4. According to the research cited in your textbook, which girls would be more likely to developsymptoms such as depression, substance abuse, eating disorders, and disruptive behavior?A. those who had later puberty B. those who had early pubertyC. those who had insecure attachment D. those who had the most siblings5. According to the research cited in your textbook, young white and African American women inthe United States:A. have similar views regarding their bodies and body imageB. both express dissatisfaction with their bodiesC. both express satisfaction with their bodiesD. differ dramatically in how they view their bodies6. The most common eating disorder in the United States is:A. obesity B. underweightC. bulimia D. anorexia7. According to the survey cited in your textbook, what percent of high school students reported thatthey smoked tobacco?A. 5 B. 12C. 19 D. 228. The most common setting for teenage drinking is:A. public park grounds B. public school groundsC. other people’s homes D. teens’ own bedroomsPage 1 (Chapter 11 Survey)9. What is the most prevalent sexually transmitted infection in the United States?A. syphilis B. gonorrheaC. Chlamydia D. genital herpes10. Which of the following statement is true regarding teens and sex?A. More teens engage in oral sex because they believe it is more acceptable and less risky.B. More teens engage in vaginal sex because they believe it is more acceptable and less risky.C. Most teens do not use condoms.D. U.S. teens have the lowest rates of gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia of the sexually activepopulations.11. According to the research cited in your textbook, condom use among sexually activeadolescents:A. has decreased slightly B. has increased significantlyC. has decreased significantly D. has increased slightly12. Sixteen- year-old Bart is getting a tattoo. Which of the following could be a reason for him toengage in body art?A. to demonstrate social identity B. to commemorate a special eventC. to be entertained D. all of these13. According to the statistics cited in your textbook, adolescent rates of “seriously consideringsuicide” over the past decade have_______ while the rates of actual attempted suicide_________.A. increased; decreased B. decreased; increasedC. remained the same; decreased D. increased; remained the same14. What is the major cause of death for adolescents?A. heart disease B. driving accidentsC. assault (homicide) D. suicide15. According to Piaget, adolescence is the final and highest stage in the development of cognitivefunctioning from infancy to adulthood. It is called the period of:A. concrete operations B. formal operationsC. operant thinking D. cognitive operationsPage 2 (Chapter 11 Survey)ADVANCED HUMAN GROWTH & DEVELOPMENTCHAPTER 13 SURVEYEarly Adulthood: Physical and Cognitive DevelopmentNAME _________________________________________DATE ________________________DIRECTION: Circle ONLY the letter to the correct answer and write the page number where youfound the answer in the right hand margin.1. A new developmental stage has been proposed. It spans the ages 18 through 25 and is a time thatinvolves greater exploration of possibilities in work, love, and worldviews. What is this stage iscalled?A. emerging adulthood B. post-adolescenceC. late adolescence D. evolving adulthood2. The age cohort consisting of about 58 million adults who experienced events such as the VietnamWar, the protest movement, and Woodstock is known as:A. Generation X B. baby boomersC. the Silent Generation D. the Millennials3. The
  • 6. age cohort between the ages of 25 and 35 that generally shares an acceptance of diversity inregard to race, ethnicity, family structure, sexual orientation, and lifestyle, and of whom more than40 percent spent time in a single-parent home, is called:A. Generation X B. the Silent GenerationC. baby boomers D. the Millennials4. The age cohort born between the early 1980s and 2000s that is generally characterized assheltered, achievement oriented, and conventional is known as:A. Generation X B. the Silent GenerationC. baby boomers D. Millennials5. The set of changes that occurs in the structure and functioning of the human organism over timeis called:A. social aging B. biological agingC. transition points D. social norms6. The set of changes in an individual’s assumption and relinquishment of roles over time is called:A. social aging B. biological agingC. transition points D. social norms7. Beliefs that a person should not cut ahead in line at the grocery store, and that one should say“Please” and “Thank you” are examples of:A. normally sanctioned behavior B. age normsC. transition points D. social normsPage 1 (Chapter 13 Survey)8. Social norms that define what is appropriate for people to be and to do at various ages are termed:A. normally sanctioned behavior B. age normsC. transition points D. social norms9 According to your textbook, which of the following statements is true concerning social class andthe pace of the social clock?A. The lower the socioeconomic class, the later events such as getting a job, starting a family, andgetting married tend to be.B. The higher the socioeconomic class, the later events such as getting a job, starting a family, andgetting married tend to be.C. Socioeconomic class is not a factor in the timing of events such as getting a job, starting afamily, and getting married.D. None of these is true.10. The peak years for speed and agility are from:A. 10 to 14 B. 15 to 17C. 18 to 30 D. 30 to 3511. According to the statistics cited in your textbook, what percent of people in the United Statesdid not have health insurance in 2004?A. 6 percent B. 12 percentC. 16 percent D. 22 percent12. Who is LEAST likely to be uninsured?A. Marlon, a 19-year-old college studentB. Joy, a part-time waitressC. William, the CEO of a corporationD. Anna, an immigrant13. Which of the following statements is true?A. Employers can lose more work days from sickness in young adults than in older adults.B. The leading cause of death among young adults is from disease.C. Work-related accidents account for the majority of the accidental deaths among young adults.D. Exercise makes little difference in the health of young adults.14. Most health experts recommend which of the following for cardiovascular fitness?A. a quick-start, strenuous program of daily exercise for at least 45 minutes per dayB. 30 minutes moderate exercise 5x/week or 20 minutes vigorous exercise 3x/weekC. eliminating all saturated fat, refined sugar and flour, and insoluble fiber from the dietD. engaging in a regular program of receiving intensive cardiovascular massage therapy15. According to the statistics cited in your textbook, how many people worldwide are estimated tobe living with AIDS?A. over 1 million B. over 6 millionC. over 26 million D. over 46 millionPage 2 (Chapter 13 Survey)16. ___________ has the highest number of people living with AIDS.A. South and Southeast Asia B. Eastern EuropeC. sub-Saharan Africa D. North America17. According to the research cited in your textbook, about what percent of U.S. college studentsadmitted that they had engaged in binge drinking?A. 10 B. 25C. 40 D. 8018. According to the research cited in your textbook, which of the following relates to depression inwomen?A. unequal employment opportunitiesB. unequal pay and authority in the workplaceC. the burden of child care and
  • 7. houseworkD. all of these19. Hereditary predispositions to psychological disorders are most probably due to a defect in:A. the encoding in some brain receptorsB. the metabolism of lipids and proteinsC. the function of the pituitary glandD. the function of the lymphatic system20. Psychologists who study stress have concluded that it resides neither in the individual nor in thesituation alone but in:A. the person’s unique genetic compositionB. the impact of some environmental factorsC. how the person defines a particular eventD. the individual’s social and income levelsPage 3 (Chapter 13 Survey)ADVANCED HUMAN GROWTH & DEVELOPMENTCHAPTER 14 SURVEYEarly Adulthood: Emotional and Social DevelopmentNAME _________________________________________DATE ________________________DIRECTION: Circle ONLY the letter to the correct answer and write the page number where youfound the answer in the right hand margin.1. A(n) _________ tie is a social link formed when we commit ourselves to another person and a(n)___________ tie is a social link that is formed when we cooperate with another person to achieve alimited goal.A. expressive; instrumental B. instrumental; expressiveC. emotional; influential D. influential; emotional2. Relationships that a person has with family, friends, and lovers are called:A. private B. socialC. primary D. secondary3. According to Erik Erikson, the primary task confronting young adults is:A. intimacy vs. isolation B. integrity vs. despairC. identity vs. role confusion D. generativity vs. stagnation4. The median age at which men marry today is:A. 19 B. 23C. 25 D. 275. Research on the phases of adult female development has shown:A. Men and women follow a similar pattern of adult development.B. Women today are more likely to follow a variety of paths.C. Intimacy is not an important factor in female development.D. Female development closely approximates Erikson’s stages.6. The three elements of passion, intimacy, and commitment are components of:A. Levinson’s stage theory of developmentB. Gilligan’s theory of women’s developmentC. Sternberg’s triangular theory of loveD. Mogul’s theory of stock taking7. The kind of love that only evokes passion is called:A. nonlove B. companionateC. infatuation D. romantic8. A relationship that has intimacy and passion but lacks commitment is called______________love.A. nonlove B. companionateC. infatuation D. romanticPage 1 (Chapter 14 Survey)9. Emme and Philip both describe their relationship as having passion, intimacy, and commitment.According to Sternberg’s theory their relationship can be described as:A. romantic love B. companionate loveC. fatuous love D. consummate love10. According to the research cited in your textbook, marrying one’s great love:A. is not associated with greater happiness in marriageB. is associated with marital duration and satisfactionC. is associated with higher rates of divorceD. is no different than marrying someone elseAnswer: B11. The overall pattern of living whereby we attempt to meet our biological, social, and emotionalneeds is known as:A. lifeways B. life patternsC. lifestyle D. relationships12. A major step in the transition to adulthood is leaving the family home. In the past this usuallycame about because of:A. crowded conditions B. getting marriedC. a family feud D. cheap housing13. The pattern in the United States and many Western nations today is toward:A. leaving the parental home at younger ages than in the pastB. marrying earlier yet choosing to live with the parents of one of the spousesC. people aged 18 to 34 staying in the parental home as the primary residenceD. people aged 18 to 34 living on their own in communities composed mostly of young people14. According to the recent U.S. Census data cited in your textbook, the
  • 8. percentage of 18- to 34-year-olds never married is:A. 60 percent male and 60 percent femaleB. 50 percent male and 60 percent femaleC. 50 percent male and 50 percent femaleD. 40 percent male and 30 percent female15. From 1970 to 2000, the median age at first marriage:A. has decreased for both men and womenB. has increased for both men and womenC. has decreased for women but increased for menD. has decreased for men but increased for men16. Which of the following factors contributes to the increase in single households?A. deferral of marriage among young adultsB. a high rate of separation and divorceC. ability of the elderly to maintain their own homesD. all of thesePage 2 (Chapter 14 Survey)17. Since 1960, the rates of cohabitation have:A. declined slightly B. declined sharplyC. increased sharply D. remained the same18. According to your textbook, which of the following statements is true regarding sexualorientation?A. Sexual orientation in all people is clearly delineated as homosexual or heterosexual.B. Sexual orientation is a matter of “either/or”; there are no degrees of variation.C. Some individuals show varying degrees of orientation, including bisexuality.D. Orientation is fixed at birth and never changes for all people.19. A lifestyle practice that exists in all contemporary societies is:A. polyandry B. polygynyC. bigamy D. marriage20. King David and King Solomon each had several wives. This practice is called:A. polyandry B. polygynyC. group marriage D. serial monogamyPage 3 (Chapter 14 Survey)ADVANCED HUMAN GROWTH & DEVELOPMENTCHAPTER 15 SURVEYMiddle Adulthood: Physical and Cognitive DevelopmentNAME _________________________________________DATE ________________________DIRECTION: Circle ONLY the letter to the correct answer and write the page number where youfound the answer in the right hand margin.1. As of 2005, the average life expectancy of U.S. men and women at age 65 was:A. mid 60s B. late 60sC. 70s D. 80s2. Some of the common causes of hearing loss include:A. cochlear damage due to prolonged exposure to loud noiseB. lack of good muscle tone in the middle earC. job-related noise levelsD. all of these3. Regina and Joanne are in their mid 40s. They are discussing the signs of aging that are affectingtheir appearance. What in particular are they likely to be discussing?A. skin that is drier, thinner, and less elasticB. skin that is sagging and wrinkled on the face and at the jointsC. dark patches of skin on the face and handsD. all of these4. In general, compared to women, men have better- looking skin as they age because:A. They do not moisturize their skin as women do.B. They do not wear make-up the way that women do.C. Their skin tends to be thicker than women’s skin.D. They slough off dead skin cells when they shave.5. Ron and Delores are both 35 years old, but tests show that Delores has lost bone mass while Ronhas not. This is because:A. men have more bone mass than womenB. men retain more calciumC. women lose bone mass more slowly as they ageD. men are more muscular6. An inflammatory disease that causes pain, swelling, stiffness, and loss of function of the joints iscalled:A. rheumatoid arthritis B. arteriosclerosisC. osteoarthritis D. calcitoninPage 1 (Chapter 15 Survey)7. Which of the following statements is true about prostate cancer?A. It is the second leading cause of cancer death in men.B. In general, most prostate cancers are fast growing.C. Japanese men have the highest rates of prostate cancer.D. Prostate cancer is most prevalent in men under 50 years of age.8. According to a study cited in your textbook, what percent of men over the age of 40 experiencepotency problems?A. 10 percent B. 20 percentC. 35 percent D. 50 percent9. Hypertension affects what percent of adults in the United States?A.
  • 9. half B. one in tenC. one in four D. one in twenty10. According to your textbook, the leading cause of death for women in the U.S. is:A. colon cancer B. lung cancerC. breast cancer D. skin cancer11. When blood circulation to the brain fails, it leads to:A. cardiovascular disease B. strokeC. Parkinson’s disease D. seizure12. Trembling in hands, arms, legs, jaw, and face; rigidity or stiffness of limbs and trunk; slownessof movement; postural instability or impaired balance and coordination are symptoms most closelyassociated with:A. Alzheimer’s disease B. strokeC. cardiovascular disease D. Parkinson’s disease13. Which of the following statements is true?A. Studies report infidelity occurring in 20 to 25% of marriages.B. About 50 percent of married men and 50 percent of married women say they have beenunfaithful.C. More women than men have admitted to being unfaithful.D. A majority of both men and women have had only one sex partner since the age of 18.14. The probability of HIV-positive women infecting their male partners with the virus was foundto be:A. significantly high B. significantly lowC. about the same as the probability of HIV- positive men infecting their female partnersD. about the same as the probability of HIV- positive women infecting their female partners15. How is crystallized intelligence acquired?A. in the course of social experienceB. through genetically preset maturationC. through changes in crystal structures in the brainD. solely through formal educationPage 2 (Chapter 15 Survey)ADVANCED HUMAN GROWTH & DEVELOPMENTCHAPTER 19 SURVEYDying and DeathNAME_____________________________________DATE_______________________DIRECTION: Circle O NLY the letter to the correct answer and write the page number where youfound the answer in the right hand margin.1. The study of death is called:A. epistemology B. teleologyC. theology D. thanatology2. ______ euthanasia allows death to occur by withholding or removing treatments that wouldprolong life.A. Passive B. InvoluntaryC. Voluntary D. Active3. A legal document that states an individual’s wishes regarding medical care (such as refusal of“heroic measures” to prolong his or her life in the event of terminal illness) in case the personbecomes incapacitated and unable to participate in decisions about his or her medical care is knownas a:A. testament B. living willC. death wish D. none of these4. The survivors of a loved one’s death most likely to feel isolated are those whose loved one:A. died from AIDS B. died in warC. died from suicide D. died by euthanasia5. More ______attempt suicide but more ______succeed at suicide.A. males; females B. females; malesC. elderly people; young people D. young people; elderly people6. Which of the following ethnic groups has the highest suicide rate?A. Native American B. White AmericanC. Asian American D. Hispanic American7. According to the statistics cited in your textbook, the fastest growing suicide rate is occurringamong:A. White women B. young HispanicsC. Asian men D. Black women8. What do members of these professions: dentists, artists, machinists, auto mechanics, andcarpenters, have in common?A. lower than average suicide rates B. rates equal to the average for suicideC. higher than average suicide rates D. none of thesePage 1 (Chapter 19 Survey)9. Suicide rates are highest during which periods of the lifespan?A. adolescence and late adulthood B. young adu