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The Pros And Cons Of The 15th Amendment
The Constitution of the United States and the amendments that follow established the principles of our country. After the north won the civil war,
reconstruction began in the south and several new laws were passed to support African American equality. In 1865, the 13th amendment was passed,
which resulted in slavery being abolished. These newly freed men were made many promises. Among them were the promises of political, social, and
economic justice. It seemed as though these promises would be kept as violating them was deemed unconstitutional. For example, the 14th amendment
granted 3 rights to all men: the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, states cannot pass laws to abridge these rights, and the right that all
men were seen equal before the law. Also, the 15th amendment was passed, which established the right to vote for all men, and thereby gave African
Americans political power. In reality, however, these newly freed African Americans were still treated as inferior members of society. Reconstruction
did not provide political, social, or economic justice to freed slaves. African Americans were denied their constitutional right to political justice. The
15th amendment guaranteed that "the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any states
on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude" (Document #8). Previously African Americans were enslaved and did not have the right to
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Changes In The 15th Amendment
I feel that the changes made in the 15th Amendment, which gave all citizens the right to vote regardless of race or color, and the 19th Amendment
which gave women the right to vote improved our government, because after those amendments citizens who previously would not have had a chance
to vote, now could. The opinions of those citizens could now be expressed through their votes thereby expanding the demographic of the United States
The natural born Citizen clause in Article 2, Section 1 of the United States Constitution has caused much controversy and its meaning has been deeply
argued. It may be in our best interest if the clause were to be reworded to make the meaning of the clause clear so there can be no discrepancies, ending
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Impact of the 14th and 15th Amendment under U.S. Policy Nya Mark Central High School November 9, 2015 5th Period Abstract This Paper will
examine the Impact of the 14th and 15th Amendment in America. These Amendments were known as reconstruction amendments, including the 13th
amendment in the Unites States. Both amendments took a big role in America, and its people. This paper will also show the people that helped take
these amendments into place and also the changes. Impact of the 14th and 15th Amendment under U.S. Policy The 14th Amendment was ratified July
9, 1868 giving citizenship to all persons including former slaves. Any state that went against the constitution was punished, reducing their
representation in Congress. The Amendment banned those who engaged in rebellion against the States from holding any civil, military or elected
office without approval of two–thirds of the Senate and the House of Representatives. This Amendment didn't authorize any former Confederate States
from repaying war debts and reimburse former slave owners for freeing slaves. This became very inconvenient for former slaves owners considering
that Slaves did majority or all the work on a plantation, which later became a major problem. The 14th Amendment also gave Congress authority to
enforce this amendment which led to the passage of the Landmark Legislation in the 20th century including the Civil Rights and Voting Act. These two
Acts eventually granted Blacks, Women and others their
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The Fifteenth Amendment In The United States
The Fifteenth Amendment prohibits the government from denying a citizen's right to vote due to a specific race. With which the Congress will have
the power by correct legislation to enforce this amendment. Congress passed the Fifteenth Amendment on February 26, 1869. Most states didn't ratify
the amendment right away but after a years time three–fourths of the necessary states ratified it. The Fifteenth Amendment became a part of the
Constitution in March 1870. During the period of Reconstruction, the Fifteenth Amendment was passed by Congress. This section was a huge success
for African Americans and citizens of other races. In the early years of Reconstruction, around 1865, white Americans were debating whether suffrage
should be given to
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Causes And Effects Of The 15th Amendment
The 15th Amendment to the Constitution granted African American men the right to vote by declaring that the "right of citizens of the United States
to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."(The library of
congress).The 15th amendment touched upon topics such as race and color but it had not touched on gender equality. It denied women certain rights,
such as the right to vote. The constitution did not secure women's rights to vote! How truly unfair this was! The constitution clarified that males had
more power over women. Men were allowed to vote, and had many advantages over women. This made many women outraged. The accentuation on
voting during the 1860s drove ladies' rights activists to concentrate on lady suffrage. The two sides built up two opponent national associations that
intended to win ladies the vote.
Cause During the Civil War and the reconstruction period, Congress had been debating over the fact that colored people were denied certain actions in
society. For starters, they were denied the certain right to vote. Because of this, Congress decided to create the 15th amendment which allowed African
Americans to vote without being denied by the Federal government or state. The state were now becoming anti–slavery due to the North's winning of
the Civil War. Because the South had lost, there was
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The Pros And Cons Of The 15th Amendment
The Fifteenth Amendment granted black men to vote. Put emphasis on men because at this time women still couldn't vote.This amendment would
not be fully followed until almost a century. What the government did was that they made a literacy test so difficult that no slave could pass
because they had no education. So no blacks could vote really for a long time. So to loop their loophole that made a rule called the Grandfather
Clause. This made if your grandfather could vote you did not have to take the literacy test. So every white person's grandfather could vote since they
lived in england. So this rule did not apply to blacks since their grandfathers were black and could not vote. One of the main reasons that they made
this rule is more content...
The Jim Crow Laws were laws that segregated white people and colored people. They did this by making whites go to different schools than colored
people. They also made it to where blacks had to go to different shops than whites. They said it was separate but equal. It was not the colored people
would get bad quality in every area they were allowed. This is what the Jim Crow Laws were about they were supposed to make black people feel like
second class citizens. Like they would have to sit in the back of the bus. Many people fought against these laws including Rosa Parks and Martin
Luther King Jr. These iconic people were considered leaders in the fight against racial segregation. As stated earlier the 15th amendment was
supposed to be an amendment to where blacks got to vote. Yet they were prevented from stretching their right to vote. When they would try to vote
they would be hit with obstacles like the grandfather clause and the literacy test. But that is not all they would be hurt or abused every time they
would try to vote. This is what the cause was why these iconic people became famous. They went through trials to fight for the rights of black people
and to bring awareness to the fact that the Jim Crow laws were not equal and pried on black people. The main reason for all of this discrimination was
because before all of the amendments slavery was a big thing in America. So when the amendment came out saying that slavery was not
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Benefits Of The 15th Amendment
Though the federal government created Amendments giving rights to slaves, opposers prevented them from benefitting from their rights. Within the
13th Amendment, the national government affirmed that slavery wouldn't be accepted in our country "except as punishment for crime whereof the
party shall have been duly convicted". The added exception allows states to determine what crime is appropriate for the punishment that is similar, if
not identical, to slavery. The state governments used the exception to their advantage, creating minute laws with severe punishments. Then the national
government establish the 15th Amendment, giving the freed black men the opportunity to vote, as the right to vote couldn't be denied "on account of
race, color,
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13th Amendment Changes
The U.S Constitution has evolved over time from what the original writers wanted. Most importantly, these changes are positive because equality is
what the United States is all about. These changes pertain to the amendments regarding right to bare arms, slavery, and the right for all male citizens to
In the second amendment, passed in 1791, by James Madison, the people are given the right to bare arms. The right was established to allow the
citizens to feel stable and secure. Had a war arisen or a tyrant gained control, the people would not be left defenseless. However, the core purpose of
this amendment has been altered through time. Now and days, guns have become a large issue led by debate/ They are being used to unlawfully
kill, and have essentially become a threat. However, some people still feel the need to have possession of a gun for protection. Being able to bare arms
is still positive because it still allows a sense of security for more content...
When the United States was founded, it did not frown upon slavery. The mistreatment and unconstitutional practice of slavery was not noted until the
Civil War. Congress passed a law abolishing slavery on January 31, 1865. To tie that into today, we see racism still lives but for the most part, all are
treated equally. Had this law not been passed, segregation would still have a hold of our country. Back then, as well as now, all should have been
treated equally. All men are free men regardless of their skin color, ethnicity, and origin. The thirteenth amendment was only beneficial to our
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The Fourteenth Amendment Essay
On a date that will be remembered forever as a step forward for our nation, July 28, 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment became part of the U.S.
Constitution. The Fourteenth Amendment gave a new sense of hope and inspiration to a once oppressed people. It was conceived to be the foundation
for restoring America to its great status and prosperity. TheAmendment allowed "equal protection under the law", no matter what race, religion, sex,
sexual preference or social status. It was designed to protect the newly freed slaves. However, it only helped the white race.
Congress passed the Fourteenth Amendment not knowing how it would affect all the other minorities. Minorities were still treated with disrespect and
incivility from the more content...
For the greater part of the nineteenth century, black people were slaves for white men. The Fourteenth Amendment was placed into effect to protect
the rights of the black community after emancipation. It stated that, "all persons born or naturalized in the United States" would be supported under
the doctrine. However, this article failed to uphold the rights of the newly freed slaves. The blacks, ridiculed and scorned by the public, were greatly
suppressed by the white backlash. The states put into effect laws that would suppress the blacks even further, even though they were protected under
the Amendment. The states made stipulations on rights the African Americans were granted, like the right to own land, vote, and even hold certain
jobs. Voting was a major controversy for the newly freed slaves, they wanted the chance to be heard through politics. Nevertheless, they were still
denied the simple right to vote in many of the states if they could not meet the prerequisites for reading or could not pay a voting tax. They made
contracts for them to work for white men, just as if they were slaves and nothing changed. Black people were still waiting for their salvation under this
new piece of legislation, but were unable to grasp it through the government. African Americans stood for their newly given rights under the
Constitution and were denied by the people who put
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Why Is The 15 Amendment Important
Since its birth, The United States has always had a troubling past on giving its citizens the "right to Vote." Initially the " right to vote " was an exclusive
right given to white freemen and before the 15th amendment wasn't even a true right, more of a privilege. For this reason, it is my belief that the 15th
amendment was the most important. The 15th amendment is also the first of four amendments extending the Right to Vote to all in theUnited States. In
1869, the United States congress passes this amendment which allowed for all citizens no matter what race, color or previous condition of servitude to
vote. This meant that "on paper", this right, naturally pass on to African American. However, as demonstrated by Louisiana passing a the
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Fifteenth Amendment Advantages
Amendments are a major part of our constitution. An amendment is an article added to the U.S Constitution. There are 27 amendments in all. In my
opinion, the most important amendment to our United States Constitution is the fifteenth amendment. That amendment has made a big difference in
the U.S, and it has benefitted many people especially minorities. The fifteenth amendment guarantees all people the right to vote regardless their color,
race or previous condition of servitude. To begin with, the fifteenth amendment is the most important in my opinion. The supreme court case of Dred
Scott V. Sandford set the rule of African Americans not voting, however that changed due to the fifteenth amendment. The fifteenth amendment
guarantees all people the right to vote regardless their race, color, or previous condition of servitude. These amendments benefit our society because it
allows everyone to vote so that our more content...
The fifteenth amendment was designed to ban discrimination against the people. One of the main motivations behind the fifteenth amendment was that
republicans wanted to gain even more power in both south and north. Therefore, African American votes would help accomplish that. In 1867 congress
passed a law requiring states to include black male suffrage in their new state constitutions. African American men in the south started voting, however
men in the north could not because the northern states denied it. In the north the republicans voter majority over the democratic party was declining,
that made them fear that they might lose control of congress. Their solution was to include all black mens votes in every northern state. For example,
Ulysses S. Grant was a candidate for president, and he won thanks to the black men's votes. Republican leaders knew that if they were to remain
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Informative Essay: The 15th Amendment
I am not sure there is such a thing as the "most important" amendment because they are all important with regard to the American people and the
freedoms we have today. That being said, the amendment that had the most profound impact on U.S. history and government affairs alike is a triple
header. According to Janda, the 13th, 14th, and 15th, ending slavery, granting new citizenships (including former slaves), and preventing any man from
being deprived of his right to vote, respectively. Of those three amendments, the 15th has had the greatest influence on our government. In 1870, our
country was openly very divided on the topic of slavery. As we learn about in our history books, this division of hearts and minds lasted centuries
before being "corrected" through the actions of the civil rights movement of 1954–1968. The aforementioned triple header of amendments laid the
groundwork for change, but the process of changing the views of the American people took decades and is still occurring. We have all seen in recent
news stories how our beloved media likes to spin things one way or another during every newsworthy event involving people of different races, thus
leaving more content...
The Republican party strongly supported the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments, in turn elevating themselves to becoming the popular party in African
American culture in the 1870's. Their votes gained Grant the presidency, which many argue he would have likely otherwise lost. A few of the
unfortunate consequences of the 15th amendment were civil unrest, literacy laws, and the placement of a poll tax on those in the Southern states
(which skirted the amendment) to continue to oppress African Americans' right to vote. These conditions combined with deeply–rooted beliefs of those
on both sides of the issue caused our country to be divided for
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The 15th amendment was the final step in the constitutional revolution of Reconstruction. It banned states from depriving any citizen of the right to
vote as a result of race, color, or previous condition of slavery. The supporters of women's rights fought hard to include the suffrage for women within
the amendment, however nothing came about it.
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15th Amendment Dbq Essay
An act that was made to help create more fairness in the voting system was the 15th Amendment. "The 15th Amendment was the last of the
"Reconstruction Amendments" to be adopted. It was designed to prohibit discrimination against voters on the basis of race or previous condition of
servitude. Previously, the states had had full responsibility for determining voter qualifications. Reasons for supporting the amendment are not
immediately evident, but they went far beyond an idealistic desire to spread the fruits of democracy to former slaves." (15th Amendment). The Article,
Background of the 15th Amendment where the author is unknown states, "The 15th Amendment to the Constitution granted African American men the
right to vote by more content...
The Act has undergone several changes and additions since its passage, but the U.S. Supreme Court found a key provision of the Act unconstitutional
in 2013. The act significantly widened the franchise and is considered among the most far–reaching pieces of civil rights legislation in U.S. history."
(Staff 3). In the article, Voting Rights Act, author Staff states, "The Voting Rights Act, signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson (1908
–73) on
August 6, 1965, aimed to overcome legal barriers at the state and local levels that prevented African Americans from exercising their right to vote under
the 15th Amendment (1870) to the Constitution of the United States." (Staff 2). Even though all these efforts and laws were made to give everyone a
fair and equal chance to vote, there are still many restrictions and setbacks everywhere in today 's society and the major ones are Voter ID laws, Voter
registration restrictions, State felon disenfranchisement policies, Purging of Voter Rolls, Transgender Disenfranchisement, Disinformation about
Voting Procedures, Inequality in Election Day Resources, and Caging Lists.
The first topic that needs to be addressed is Voter ID laws. What voter ID laws are, is they are laws that basically state that a person is required to
give some form of photo identification before they are able to register to vote or receive a ballot for an election. The states that are strict about photo
identification is Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi,
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Why Did The 15th Amendment Cause More Conflict
Even before the consent of the south, Lincoln had freed the slaves using the Emancipation Proclamation. But when the time came to pass the
amendment making the concept formal Lincoln had to go with the choice of the majority of the states. A few Southern states did not oblige
immediately, but they eventually agreed after a time of hesitance. 15th Amendment Causes More Conflict After the 13th amendment was passed by
Lincoln, the former Confederates were already raging because they thought it should not have been passed, but they were slowly dying off and the
army had greatly weakened, so they had no choice but to surrender. Even though the blacks were free now, they still did not have many rights one of
them being the right to vote. 4 years
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Should The 15th Amendment Have Been Granted
I would have to agree with you when you mention that the 15th amendment should have been granted when the 13th amendment was established .
This in fact was racial discrimination that African Americans had no rights in their own country to vote . I also agree that majority of young people
today does not understand their rights when it comes to voting. These are topics that have not been taught in schools and that is why so many of
them are been mislead. They fail to realize that exercising their rights to vote has a great impact not only for the country but also for themselves. In
my views President Obama has done his part and worked hard for the people and for America.President Obama has proved to be an ideological
president, one with a developed,
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Fifteenth Amendment Research Paper
If I were capable to travel back in time to the constitutional convention and argue for a change, I would argue that the thirteenth, fourteenth, and
fifteenth amendment should be higher up in the constitution near the first amendment. This is because of all of the discrimination that we are still
having today in society. If we have these amendments first it would mean that everyone is equal and have the same freedoms. This is a problem in
today's society; even though everyone is equal, African Americans still believe that they are truly not equal. In order to have the same rights it should
be higher up in the constitution, because without free citizens how can you have these free rights, when all people themselves are not technically free.
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Persuasive Essay On The 15th Amendment
Following the American Civil War, the bloodiest armed conflict on US soil, slavery had been outlawed from the US. It had taken the US until January
31, 1865, less than two–hundred years ago, for slavery to be abolished. Yet, it was still abolished, albeit, later than many other nations throughout the
world. It had taken yet over another year for the fourteenth amendment to be passed in June 13, 1866, making all former slaves into citizens. But,
perhaps the greatest and most important right of all, the right essential to any democracy or republic, the right to vote, was given to former slaves
through the fifteenth amendment. The fifteenth amendment was ratified on February 3, 1870, and it's contents stated, "The right of citizens of the
United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of
servitude." The amendment was one of the first major steps in ensuring racial equality throughout the United States. If a male former slave was
someone who was just a slave ten years prior, was now able to vote to represent himself and his best interests. The 15th amendment was actually
passed by different portions of the government on different dates. For instance, on February 25, 1869, the House of Representatives voted one hundred
forty four in favor against forty four who opposed it. Meanwhile, in February 26, 1869, the Senate voted thirty–nine in favor against thirteen who
opposed. And it's
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The Pros And Cons Of The 15Th Amendment

  • 1. The Pros And Cons Of The 15th Amendment The Constitution of the United States and the amendments that follow established the principles of our country. After the north won the civil war, reconstruction began in the south and several new laws were passed to support African American equality. In 1865, the 13th amendment was passed, which resulted in slavery being abolished. These newly freed men were made many promises. Among them were the promises of political, social, and economic justice. It seemed as though these promises would be kept as violating them was deemed unconstitutional. For example, the 14th amendment granted 3 rights to all men: the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, states cannot pass laws to abridge these rights, and the right that all men were seen equal before the law. Also, the 15th amendment was passed, which established the right to vote for all men, and thereby gave African Americans political power. In reality, however, these newly freed African Americans were still treated as inferior members of society. Reconstruction did not provide political, social, or economic justice to freed slaves. African Americans were denied their constitutional right to political justice. The 15th amendment guaranteed that "the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any states on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude" (Document #8). Previously African Americans were enslaved and did not have the right to Get more content on
  • 2. Changes In The 15th Amendment I feel that the changes made in the 15th Amendment, which gave all citizens the right to vote regardless of race or color, and the 19th Amendment which gave women the right to vote improved our government, because after those amendments citizens who previously would not have had a chance to vote, now could. The opinions of those citizens could now be expressed through their votes thereby expanding the demographic of the United States democracy. The natural born Citizen clause in Article 2, Section 1 of the United States Constitution has caused much controversy and its meaning has been deeply argued. It may be in our best interest if the clause were to be reworded to make the meaning of the clause clear so there can be no discrepancies, ending Get more content on
  • 3. Impact of the 14th and 15th Amendment under U.S. Policy Nya Mark Central High School November 9, 2015 5th Period Abstract This Paper will examine the Impact of the 14th and 15th Amendment in America. These Amendments were known as reconstruction amendments, including the 13th amendment in the Unites States. Both amendments took a big role in America, and its people. This paper will also show the people that helped take these amendments into place and also the changes. Impact of the 14th and 15th Amendment under U.S. Policy The 14th Amendment was ratified July 9, 1868 giving citizenship to all persons including former slaves. Any state that went against the constitution was punished, reducing their representation in Congress. The Amendment banned those who engaged in rebellion against the States from holding any civil, military or elected office without approval of two–thirds of the Senate and the House of Representatives. This Amendment didn't authorize any former Confederate States from repaying war debts and reimburse former slave owners for freeing slaves. This became very inconvenient for former slaves owners considering that Slaves did majority or all the work on a plantation, which later became a major problem. The 14th Amendment also gave Congress authority to enforce this amendment which led to the passage of the Landmark Legislation in the 20th century including the Civil Rights and Voting Act. These two Acts eventually granted Blacks, Women and others their Get more content on
  • 4. The Fifteenth Amendment In The United States The Fifteenth Amendment prohibits the government from denying a citizen's right to vote due to a specific race. With which the Congress will have the power by correct legislation to enforce this amendment. Congress passed the Fifteenth Amendment on February 26, 1869. Most states didn't ratify the amendment right away but after a years time three–fourths of the necessary states ratified it. The Fifteenth Amendment became a part of the Constitution in March 1870. During the period of Reconstruction, the Fifteenth Amendment was passed by Congress. This section was a huge success for African Americans and citizens of other races. In the early years of Reconstruction, around 1865, white Americans were debating whether suffrage should be given to Get more content on
  • 5. Causes And Effects Of The 15th Amendment The 15th Amendment to the Constitution granted African American men the right to vote by declaring that the "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."(The library of congress).The 15th amendment touched upon topics such as race and color but it had not touched on gender equality. It denied women certain rights, such as the right to vote. The constitution did not secure women's rights to vote! How truly unfair this was! The constitution clarified that males had more power over women. Men were allowed to vote, and had many advantages over women. This made many women outraged. The accentuation on voting during the 1860s drove ladies' rights activists to concentrate on lady suffrage. The two sides built up two opponent national associations that intended to win ladies the vote. ( Cause During the Civil War and the reconstruction period, Congress had been debating over the fact that colored people were denied certain actions in society. For starters, they were denied the certain right to vote. Because of this, Congress decided to create the 15th amendment which allowed African Americans to vote without being denied by the Federal government or state. The state were now becoming anti–slavery due to the North's winning of the Civil War. Because the South had lost, there was Get more content on
  • 6. The Pros And Cons Of The 15th Amendment The Fifteenth Amendment granted black men to vote. Put emphasis on men because at this time women still couldn't vote.This amendment would not be fully followed until almost a century. What the government did was that they made a literacy test so difficult that no slave could pass because they had no education. So no blacks could vote really for a long time. So to loop their loophole that made a rule called the Grandfather Clause. This made if your grandfather could vote you did not have to take the literacy test. So every white person's grandfather could vote since they lived in england. So this rule did not apply to blacks since their grandfathers were black and could not vote. One of the main reasons that they made this rule is more content... The Jim Crow Laws were laws that segregated white people and colored people. They did this by making whites go to different schools than colored people. They also made it to where blacks had to go to different shops than whites. They said it was separate but equal. It was not the colored people would get bad quality in every area they were allowed. This is what the Jim Crow Laws were about they were supposed to make black people feel like second class citizens. Like they would have to sit in the back of the bus. Many people fought against these laws including Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. These iconic people were considered leaders in the fight against racial segregation. As stated earlier the 15th amendment was supposed to be an amendment to where blacks got to vote. Yet they were prevented from stretching their right to vote. When they would try to vote they would be hit with obstacles like the grandfather clause and the literacy test. But that is not all they would be hurt or abused every time they would try to vote. This is what the cause was why these iconic people became famous. They went through trials to fight for the rights of black people and to bring awareness to the fact that the Jim Crow laws were not equal and pried on black people. The main reason for all of this discrimination was because before all of the amendments slavery was a big thing in America. So when the amendment came out saying that slavery was not Get more content on
  • 7. Benefits Of The 15th Amendment Though the federal government created Amendments giving rights to slaves, opposers prevented them from benefitting from their rights. Within the 13th Amendment, the national government affirmed that slavery wouldn't be accepted in our country "except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted". The added exception allows states to determine what crime is appropriate for the punishment that is similar, if not identical, to slavery. The state governments used the exception to their advantage, creating minute laws with severe punishments. Then the national government establish the 15th Amendment, giving the freed black men the opportunity to vote, as the right to vote couldn't be denied "on account of race, color, Get more content on
  • 8. 13th Amendment Changes The U.S Constitution has evolved over time from what the original writers wanted. Most importantly, these changes are positive because equality is what the United States is all about. These changes pertain to the amendments regarding right to bare arms, slavery, and the right for all male citizens to vote. In the second amendment, passed in 1791, by James Madison, the people are given the right to bare arms. The right was established to allow the citizens to feel stable and secure. Had a war arisen or a tyrant gained control, the people would not be left defenseless. However, the core purpose of this amendment has been altered through time. Now and days, guns have become a large issue led by debate/ They are being used to unlawfully kill, and have essentially become a threat. However, some people still feel the need to have possession of a gun for protection. Being able to bare arms is still positive because it still allows a sense of security for more content... When the United States was founded, it did not frown upon slavery. The mistreatment and unconstitutional practice of slavery was not noted until the Civil War. Congress passed a law abolishing slavery on January 31, 1865. To tie that into today, we see racism still lives but for the most part, all are treated equally. Had this law not been passed, segregation would still have a hold of our country. Back then, as well as now, all should have been treated equally. All men are free men regardless of their skin color, ethnicity, and origin. The thirteenth amendment was only beneficial to our Get more content on
  • 9. The Fourteenth Amendment Essay On a date that will be remembered forever as a step forward for our nation, July 28, 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment became part of the U.S. Constitution. The Fourteenth Amendment gave a new sense of hope and inspiration to a once oppressed people. It was conceived to be the foundation for restoring America to its great status and prosperity. TheAmendment allowed "equal protection under the law", no matter what race, religion, sex, sexual preference or social status. It was designed to protect the newly freed slaves. However, it only helped the white race. Congress passed the Fourteenth Amendment not knowing how it would affect all the other minorities. Minorities were still treated with disrespect and incivility from the more content... For the greater part of the nineteenth century, black people were slaves for white men. The Fourteenth Amendment was placed into effect to protect the rights of the black community after emancipation. It stated that, "all persons born or naturalized in the United States" would be supported under the doctrine. However, this article failed to uphold the rights of the newly freed slaves. The blacks, ridiculed and scorned by the public, were greatly suppressed by the white backlash. The states put into effect laws that would suppress the blacks even further, even though they were protected under the Amendment. The states made stipulations on rights the African Americans were granted, like the right to own land, vote, and even hold certain jobs. Voting was a major controversy for the newly freed slaves, they wanted the chance to be heard through politics. Nevertheless, they were still denied the simple right to vote in many of the states if they could not meet the prerequisites for reading or could not pay a voting tax. They made contracts for them to work for white men, just as if they were slaves and nothing changed. Black people were still waiting for their salvation under this new piece of legislation, but were unable to grasp it through the government. African Americans stood for their newly given rights under the Constitution and were denied by the people who put Get more content on
  • 10. Why Is The 15 Amendment Important Since its birth, The United States has always had a troubling past on giving its citizens the "right to Vote." Initially the " right to vote " was an exclusive right given to white freemen and before the 15th amendment wasn't even a true right, more of a privilege. For this reason, it is my belief that the 15th amendment was the most important. The 15th amendment is also the first of four amendments extending the Right to Vote to all in theUnited States. In 1869, the United States congress passes this amendment which allowed for all citizens no matter what race, color or previous condition of servitude to vote. This meant that "on paper", this right, naturally pass on to African American. However, as demonstrated by Louisiana passing a the Get more content on
  • 11. Fifteenth Amendment Advantages Amendments are a major part of our constitution. An amendment is an article added to the U.S Constitution. There are 27 amendments in all. In my opinion, the most important amendment to our United States Constitution is the fifteenth amendment. That amendment has made a big difference in the U.S, and it has benefitted many people especially minorities. The fifteenth amendment guarantees all people the right to vote regardless their color, race or previous condition of servitude. To begin with, the fifteenth amendment is the most important in my opinion. The supreme court case of Dred Scott V. Sandford set the rule of African Americans not voting, however that changed due to the fifteenth amendment. The fifteenth amendment guarantees all people the right to vote regardless their race, color, or previous condition of servitude. These amendments benefit our society because it allows everyone to vote so that our more content... The fifteenth amendment was designed to ban discrimination against the people. One of the main motivations behind the fifteenth amendment was that republicans wanted to gain even more power in both south and north. Therefore, African American votes would help accomplish that. In 1867 congress passed a law requiring states to include black male suffrage in their new state constitutions. African American men in the south started voting, however men in the north could not because the northern states denied it. In the north the republicans voter majority over the democratic party was declining, that made them fear that they might lose control of congress. Their solution was to include all black mens votes in every northern state. For example, Ulysses S. Grant was a candidate for president, and he won thanks to the black men's votes. Republican leaders knew that if they were to remain Get more content on
  • 12. Informative Essay: The 15th Amendment I am not sure there is such a thing as the "most important" amendment because they are all important with regard to the American people and the freedoms we have today. That being said, the amendment that had the most profound impact on U.S. history and government affairs alike is a triple header. According to Janda, the 13th, 14th, and 15th, ending slavery, granting new citizenships (including former slaves), and preventing any man from being deprived of his right to vote, respectively. Of those three amendments, the 15th has had the greatest influence on our government. In 1870, our country was openly very divided on the topic of slavery. As we learn about in our history books, this division of hearts and minds lasted centuries before being "corrected" through the actions of the civil rights movement of 1954–1968. The aforementioned triple header of amendments laid the groundwork for change, but the process of changing the views of the American people took decades and is still occurring. We have all seen in recent news stories how our beloved media likes to spin things one way or another during every newsworthy event involving people of different races, thus leaving more content... The Republican party strongly supported the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments, in turn elevating themselves to becoming the popular party in African American culture in the 1870's. Their votes gained Grant the presidency, which many argue he would have likely otherwise lost. A few of the unfortunate consequences of the 15th amendment were civil unrest, literacy laws, and the placement of a poll tax on those in the Southern states (which skirted the amendment) to continue to oppress African Americans' right to vote. These conditions combined with deeply–rooted beliefs of those on both sides of the issue caused our country to be divided for Get more content on
  • 13. The 15th amendment was the final step in the constitutional revolution of Reconstruction. It banned states from depriving any citizen of the right to vote as a result of race, color, or previous condition of slavery. The supporters of women's rights fought hard to include the suffrage for women within the amendment, however nothing came about it. Get more content on
  • 14. 15th Amendment Dbq Essay An act that was made to help create more fairness in the voting system was the 15th Amendment. "The 15th Amendment was the last of the "Reconstruction Amendments" to be adopted. It was designed to prohibit discrimination against voters on the basis of race or previous condition of servitude. Previously, the states had had full responsibility for determining voter qualifications. Reasons for supporting the amendment are not immediately evident, but they went far beyond an idealistic desire to spread the fruits of democracy to former slaves." (15th Amendment). The Article, Background of the 15th Amendment where the author is unknown states, "The 15th Amendment to the Constitution granted African American men the right to vote by more content... The Act has undergone several changes and additions since its passage, but the U.S. Supreme Court found a key provision of the Act unconstitutional in 2013. The act significantly widened the franchise and is considered among the most far–reaching pieces of civil rights legislation in U.S. history." (Staff 3). In the article, Voting Rights Act, author Staff states, "The Voting Rights Act, signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson (1908 –73) on August 6, 1965, aimed to overcome legal barriers at the state and local levels that prevented African Americans from exercising their right to vote under the 15th Amendment (1870) to the Constitution of the United States." (Staff 2). Even though all these efforts and laws were made to give everyone a fair and equal chance to vote, there are still many restrictions and setbacks everywhere in today 's society and the major ones are Voter ID laws, Voter registration restrictions, State felon disenfranchisement policies, Purging of Voter Rolls, Transgender Disenfranchisement, Disinformation about Voting Procedures, Inequality in Election Day Resources, and Caging Lists. The first topic that needs to be addressed is Voter ID laws. What voter ID laws are, is they are laws that basically state that a person is required to give some form of photo identification before they are able to register to vote or receive a ballot for an election. The states that are strict about photo identification is Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi, Get more content on
  • 15. Why Did The 15th Amendment Cause More Conflict Even before the consent of the south, Lincoln had freed the slaves using the Emancipation Proclamation. But when the time came to pass the amendment making the concept formal Lincoln had to go with the choice of the majority of the states. A few Southern states did not oblige immediately, but they eventually agreed after a time of hesitance. 15th Amendment Causes More Conflict After the 13th amendment was passed by Lincoln, the former Confederates were already raging because they thought it should not have been passed, but they were slowly dying off and the army had greatly weakened, so they had no choice but to surrender. Even though the blacks were free now, they still did not have many rights one of them being the right to vote. 4 years Get more content on
  • 16. Should The 15th Amendment Have Been Granted I would have to agree with you when you mention that the 15th amendment should have been granted when the 13th amendment was established . This in fact was racial discrimination that African Americans had no rights in their own country to vote . I also agree that majority of young people today does not understand their rights when it comes to voting. These are topics that have not been taught in schools and that is why so many of them are been mislead. They fail to realize that exercising their rights to vote has a great impact not only for the country but also for themselves. In my views President Obama has done his part and worked hard for the people and for America.President Obama has proved to be an ideological president, one with a developed, Get more content on
  • 17. Fifteenth Amendment Research Paper If I were capable to travel back in time to the constitutional convention and argue for a change, I would argue that the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendment should be higher up in the constitution near the first amendment. This is because of all of the discrimination that we are still having today in society. If we have these amendments first it would mean that everyone is equal and have the same freedoms. This is a problem in today's society; even though everyone is equal, African Americans still believe that they are truly not equal. In order to have the same rights it should be higher up in the constitution, because without free citizens how can you have these free rights, when all people themselves are not technically free. Get more content on
  • 18. Persuasive Essay On The 15th Amendment Following the American Civil War, the bloodiest armed conflict on US soil, slavery had been outlawed from the US. It had taken the US until January 31, 1865, less than two–hundred years ago, for slavery to be abolished. Yet, it was still abolished, albeit, later than many other nations throughout the world. It had taken yet over another year for the fourteenth amendment to be passed in June 13, 1866, making all former slaves into citizens. But, perhaps the greatest and most important right of all, the right essential to any democracy or republic, the right to vote, was given to former slaves through the fifteenth amendment. The fifteenth amendment was ratified on February 3, 1870, and it's contents stated, "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." The amendment was one of the first major steps in ensuring racial equality throughout the United States. If a male former slave was someone who was just a slave ten years prior, was now able to vote to represent himself and his best interests. The 15th amendment was actually passed by different portions of the government on different dates. For instance, on February 25, 1869, the House of Representatives voted one hundred forty four in favor against forty four who opposed it. Meanwhile, in February 26, 1869, the Senate voted thirty–nine in favor against thirteen who opposed. And it's Get more content on