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Himes Hypocrisy
“Governmenthasfewmore sacredobligationsthancaringforthe menand womenwhohave served
and sacrificedforourcountry.Whenyou hearthe storiesof our veterans,youknow thatwe owe thema
debtwe cannot everrepay.But we can try harder.Unfortunately,programsmeanttosupportveterans
inConnecticutandacross the nationhave beenunderfundedandmismanaged.Istronglysupport
Congressional effortstofullyfundthe veterans'healthcare systemtoensure thatour veterans,both
those whohave alreadyservedandthose returningfromIraqandAfghanistangetthe full andtimely
care and benefitstheydeserve.”
10/1/13 H J Resolution 72- VeteransBenefitsContinuingAppropriationsResolution
Thislegislationisamotion to suspendrulesandpassa jointresolutionthatappropriatesfundsfor
militaryandveterans'benefitsandpaymentsforfiscal year2014.
paymentof veterans’benefits,of the Departmentof Defense thatwere conductedinfiscalyear2013 to
fiscal year2014 (Sec.101).
•Appropriates$2.46 billiontothe Departmentof VeteransAffairsfordepartmental
administration,generaloperatingexpenses,andthe VeteransBenefitsAdministration(Sec.102).
•Authorizesfundingandauthoritygrantedforthe year2014 to be available until 1of the
•The enactmentintolawof an appropriationforanyprojector activityprovidedinthisjoint
•The enactmentintolawof an appropriationsactforfiscal year2014 that doesnot containany
provisionforaprojector activityprovidedinthisjointresolution;orDecember15,2013.
“Whenour electedrepresentativesactirresponsibly,theywaste ourmoneyandundermine our
confidence ingovernment.Unfortunately,we've become jadedbythe immeasurable waste,fraudand
abuse of the Bushadministrationandtheircroniesbothathome andinIraq - all carriedout underChris
Shays'nose while he hasbeena seniormemberof the House OversightCommittee.Ourgovernment
was intendedtobe of the people,bythe people,andforthe people - notlobbyistsandcontractors.
ChrisShays'failure toconduct meaningfuloversightof the Bushadministration,especiallyrelatedtothe
conduct of the Iraq War, has resultedinanimmeasurablyhighcostinlivesandtaxpayerdollars.”
HR 992
In thisquote,Himestalksaboutirresponsibilityandfraud,whichIthinkthisiswhere hishypocrisyreally
takesoff.Fraudis definedaswrongful deceptionintendedtoresultinfinancialorpersonal gain. One of
Himeshardestpushesonlegislationwasforabill writtenbyCitigrouplobbyists.Asitjustsohappens,
Citigroupisalso his#1 financial backer.CitigroupInc.donatedalmost$70,000. 70 of the 85 linesin992
(The Legislation)were writtenbythe lobbyists.Also,Himesreceivedmore moneyfromCitigroupthan
any othermemberof Congress.7of the top 10 interestsfundinghiscampaigncommittee and
leadershipPACwerefinancial servicesinstitutions.Whenthislegislationwaswritten,Himessatonthe
House Financial ServicesCommittee.He’ssupposedto regulatethe financial sector.He callsothers
irresponsible,andcalls themcorrupt,whenhe acts flagrantlycorrupt.
4/4/14 HR 1874
Himesalsotalksabout“accountability”.Well,he votedagainstHouse Resolution1874, the Pro-Growth
BudgetingActof 2014. Thislegislation requiresthe Congressional BudgetOffice toprovide aneconomic
impactanalysisof each"major bill orresolution"thatisreportedbyacongressional committee.
•Requiresthe Congressional BudgetOfficetoprepare a“macroeconomicimpactanalysis”of the
budgetaryeffectsforeach“majorbill orresolution”reportedbyacommittee of the House orSenate for
each of the next4 10-yearfiscal periodsbeginningwiththe firstfiscalyearforwhichanestimate was
•Requiresthe “macroeconomicimpactanalysis”todescribe the potential fiscal effectsof the bill or
resolution,includinganyestimatesof revenue increasesordecreasesresultingfromchangesingross
•An estimate of the changesineconomicoutput,employment,interestrates,capital stock,andtax
revenuesexpectedtoresultfromenactmentof the proposal;
•An estimate of revenueeffectsexpectedtoresultfromenactmentof the proposal;and
•A statementidentifyingthe critical assumptionsandthe source of data underlyingthatestimate.
•Defines“majorbill orresolution”asanybill or resolutionif the grossbudgetaryforanyfiscal yearin
the periodforwhichan estimate ispreparedisestimatedtobe greaterthan.25 percent of the current
projectedgrossdomesticproductof the UnitedStatesforany suchfiscal year(Sec.407).
•Exemptsbillsintroducedbythe AppropriationsCommittee ineachchamberfromthe provisionsof this
bill (Sec.407).
•Requiresthe macroeconomicimpactanalysistorelyonthe macroeconomicanalysispreparedbythe
JointCommittee onTaxation(Sec.407).
•Requiresthe Congressional BudgetOfficetoreportonthe accuracy of the original macroeconomic
impactanalysisof an enactedbill orjointresolutionuponcompletionof the fifthfiscal yearafterthe
date of enactmentandsubmitthe reportto the Committeesonthe Budgetof the House andSenate
If Rep.Himesvaluesaccountability,thenwhywouldhe vote againstthisBill?Itisbecause he knowsthat
any citizencanaccesshis votingrecord,andsee how trulyirresponsible hisvotesare towardshis
constituents.ThisBill wouldexposeHimes.
“As a graduate of goodpublicschools,Iknow firsthandhow adecentpubliceducation canopenall kinds
of doors.Strongpubliceducationisthe cornerstone of ourdemocracyandAmerica'scompetitivenessin
the worldeconomy,anditis part of what instillsthe senseof commongoodthatdefinesusasa nation.
It's time to make a commitmenttoeducatingeveryAmericanchildtohisorher full potential.We know
whatworks:smallerclasssizes,active interventionforchildrenincrisis,more time inschool,first-rate
principals,more flexibilityandautonomyforteachers,andinvolvedparents.We've seenthese good
ideasproventime andagain.It'stime for the federal governmenttostopunfundedmandatesandback-
door privatizationschemesandinsteadinvestinprovenbestpractices.”
“The nationthatbesteducatesitschildrenwill ultimatelybe the nationthatout-innovatesandout-
competesthe restof the world.Nothingismore essentialtoourlong-termprosperitythanour
children'sabilitytobecome the nextgenerationof entrepreneurs,engineers,teachers,andleaders.”
"Look,whyis itthat 40 percentof studentsinBridgeportthatwalkintohighschool asfreshmendon't
walkout as graduates?"
"Education isat the heartof oureconomy…"
5/23/13 HR 1911 BipartisanStudentLoanCertaintyAct/SmarterSolutionsforStudentsAct
Thisbill limitsinterestratesonfederal studentloans,beginningonor afterJuly1, 2013.
•Limitsthe interestrate forFederal DirectStaffordLoansandFederal DirectUnsubsidizedStafford
Loans issuedtoundergraduate studentstothe lesserof the following(Sec.2):
•A rate equal tothe highyieldof the mostrecent10-year Treasurynote auctionedpriortoJune 1 of
that yearplus2.05 percent;or
•A rate no more than8.25 percent.
•Limitsthe interestrate forFederal DirectUnsubsidizedStaffordLoansissuedtograduate or
professionalstudentstothe lesserof the following(Sec.2):
•A rate equal tothe highyieldof the mostrecent10-year Treasurynote auctionedpriortoJune 1 of
that yearplus3.6 percent;or
•A rate no more than9.5 percent.
•Limitsthe interestrate Federal DirectPLUSLoans to the lesserof the following(Sec.2):
•A rate equal tothe highyieldof the mostrecent10-year Treasurynote auctionedpriortoJune 1 of
that yearplus4.6 percent;or
•A rate no more than10.5 percent.
•Requiresthe interestrate foraFederal DirectStaffordLoan,a Federal DirectUnsubsidizedStafford
Loan, or a Federal DirectPLUSLoan to remainfixedforthe periodof the loan(Sec.2).
•Requiresthe ComptrollerGeneral tosubmitareportto Congressregardingthe actual costsof student
loanprograms andto propose waysof administeringthemwithoutgeneratingadditional revenue tothe
federal governmentwithin120days of the enactmentof thisbill (Sec.4).
"I'm runningforCongresstoensure thatour economyonce againoffershope andopportunitytoevery
American.Betweenrisingcosts,the healthcare crisis,andthe unstable housingmarket,familiesinour
districtknowthatour economyisin badshape.I will bringnew energyandideastoCongresstofightfor
the change that our familiesneed."
“Our presenteconomicmessisnoaccident.Itisa resultof the disastrousfiscal policiesof George Bush
and ChrisShaysthat have made us debtorstothe rest of the worldandwhichtookthe referee off the
fieldata momentof financial peril.We will getoureconomygoingagainbyrestoringconfidence inour
economicinfrastructure:ourbanks,ourcapital markets,ourcompaniesandourconsumers.We must
craft tax policiesandcreate infrastructurewhichencourage jobsathome ratherthanabroad.”
“If I hearone consistentmessage fromlocal businessesabouthow we canhelpthemexpandandcreate
more jobs,itis that we mustimprove ourinfrastructure.”
4/9/12 HR 9-Income Tax DeductionforSmall Businesses
Thisresolutionestablishesanincome tax deductionof 20 percentforsmall businesses,beginninginthe
2012 tax year.
•Authorizesaqualifiedsmall businesstoclaimatax deductionof 20 percentof the lesser of the
•Qualifieddomesticbusinessincome forthe taxableyear;or
•Taxable income forthe taxable year.
•Definesa“qualifiedsmall business”asanyemployerengagedinatrade or businesswhoemploys
fewerthan500 full-timeemployees(Sec.2).
•Defines“qualifieddomesticbusinessincome”asthe businesses'grossreceiptsforthe taxable year,
minusthe cost of any goodsthat were sold,businessexpenses,andlosses(Sec.2).
•Limitsthe deductionto50 percentof the greaterof the following(Sec.2):
•The wagespaidto employeeswhoare notownersof the business;or
•The sumof the wagespaidto non-ownerfamilymembersandownersof lessthan10 percentof the
business'stock,capital orprofits.
2/5/15 HR 527 Small BusinessRegulatoryFlexibilityImprovementsActof 2015
HR 527 requiresfederalagenciestoconsiderandpropose alternativesforanyproposedrule thathas
any significanteconomicimpactonsmall businesses.
•Defines“economicimpact”asany directeconomiceffectandany“reasonablyforeseeable”indirect
economiceffectonsmall businessesresultingfromaproposedorfinal rule (Sec.2).
•Expandsthe informationthatanagency isrequiredtoinclude initsinitialandfinal regulatoryflexibility
analysis,including,butnotlimitedto,adetaileddescriptionof anydisproportionate economicimpact
on small businesses(Sec.4).
America'sSmall BusinessTax Relief Actof 2015
America'sSmall BusinessTax Relief Actof 2015 extendscertainsmall businesstax allowancesfortaxable
•Extendscertainincreasedexpensingallowancesforadepreciablebusinesspropertyunderthe Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, including,butnotlimitedto,the followingallowances(Sec.2):
•The $500,000 expensingallowance forsuchproperty;
•The $2 millionthresholdamountforsuchpropertyafterwhichthe expensingallowance amountis
•The allowance forcomputersoftware expenditures.
•Reduces the periodinwhichthe built-ingainsof anS corporationare subjecttotaxationpermanently
from10 yearsto 5 years (Sec.3).
7/26/12 HR 4078 Red Tape ReductionandSmall BusinessJobCreationAct
HR 4078 prohibits"significantregulatoryactions"until the UnitedStatesunemploymentrate is6
percentor less.
•Prohibitsanagencyfromtakingany “significantregulatoryaction”until the unemploymentrate is
equal toor lessthan6 percent(Sec.102).
•Defines“significantregulatoryaction”asanyactionthat is likelytoresultinarule or guidance witha
fiscal effectof $50 millionormore asdeterminedbythe Office of ManagementandBudget,orto
adverselyaffectone of the following,including,butnotlimitedto(Sec.105):
•The economy;
•The environment;or
•Authorizesanagencyto take a “significantregulatoryaction”if the PresidentdeterminesbyExecutive
Orderthat the action isany of the following(Sec.103):
•Necessarybecause of animminentthreattohealth,safety,oranotheremergency;
•Necessaryforthe enforcementof criminal orcivil rightslaws;
•Necessaryforthe national securityof the UnitedStates; or
•Issuedpursuanttoany statute that implementsaninternational trade agreement.
•Authorizesthe Presidenttosubmitarequestfora “significantregulatoryaction”toCongressfora
waiverif the actionisnot eligible foraPresidential waiver(Sec. 103).
•Prohibitsanagencyfromproposingor finalizinga“midnightrule”thatislikelytoresultinafiscal effect
of $50 millionormore as determinedbythe Office of ManagementandBudget,ortoadverselyaffect
any of the following,including,but notlimitedto(Sec.202):
•The economy;
•The environment;or
•Defines“midnightrule”asanyagencystatementissuedduringaspecifiedperiodof time thatis
intendedtohave the force andeffectof a law and isdesigned forone of the followingreasons(Sec.
•To implement,interpret,orprescribe law orpolicy;or
•To describe the procedure orpractice requirementsof anagency.
•Exemptsagenciesfromthe provisionsof thisbill if adeadlineforactionmeetsthe followingcriteria
•Is for,relatingto,or involvingany“midnightrule”;
•Is establishedbefore the beginningof the temporaryprohibitionon“significantregulatoryaction”;or
•Is requiredtobe takenduringthe temporaryprohibitionon“significantregulatoryaction.”
4/16/15 HR 622 State and Local SalesTax DeductionFairnessActof 2015
Thisact authorizestaxpayerstodeductstate andlocal salestaxesfromfederal tax returns,effective
everytaxable yearafterDecember31, 2014.
•Extendsindefinitelythe deductionof state andlocal salestaxesfromfederal tax returns,inplace of
state and local income tax deductions(Sec.2).
2/13/15 HR 636 America’sSmall BusinessTax Relief Act
ThisTax Relief Actextendscertainsmall businesstax allowancesfortaxable yearsbeginningafter
December31, 2014.
•Extendscertainincreasedexpensingallowancesforadepreciablebusinesspropertyunderthe Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, including,butnotlimitedto,the followingallowances(Sec.2):
•The $500,000 expensingallowance forsuchproperty;
•The $2 millionthresholdamountforsuchpropertyafterwhichthe expensingallowance amountis
•The allowance forcomputersoftware expenditures.
•Reducesthe periodinwhichthe built-ingainsof anS corporationare subjecttotaxationpermanently
from10 yearsto 5 years (Sec.3).
Additional Research
Approval Ratings:
2010: National Tax PayersUnion(PositionsonTax and Spending) 13%
-The National Tax PayersUnionratesRepresentativesandSenatorsontheirvotes.Everyvote
the affectstaxes,spending,anddebt.The NTUvotingstudyisthe fairestandmostaccurate guide
available oncongressional spending.All membersare treatedthe same,regardlessof politicalaffiliation,
and has nopartisanaxe to grind.
2014: UnitedStatesChamberof Commerce 47%
-World’slargestbusinessorganizationrepresentingthe interestsof more thanthree million
businessesof all sizes,sectors,andregions.Members range fromsmall shopstolarge corporations.
Theyall share one thing-theycountonthe chamberto be theirvoice inWashington.
2013-2014: National Federationof IndependentBusiness0% (2011-9%)
-America’sleadingsmall businessassociation,promoting andprotectingthe rightof our
memberstoown,operate,andgrowtheirbusiness.Theyhave 325,000 members,andisa nonpartisan
2013-2014: AssociatedGeneral Contractorsof America45%
-The leadingassociationforthe constructionindustry.Thisassociationrepresentsmore than
26,000 firms.More than10,500 service providersandsuppliersare alsoassociatedthrougha
nationwide networkof chapters.
2013-2014 Metals Service CenterInstitute 16%
-Broadestbase associationservingthe industrial metalsindustry.The premiermetalstrade
association,MSCIprovidesvisionandvoice tothe metalsindustry,alongwithtoolsandperspective
necessaryforrunninga successful business.
2013-2014: National Small BusinessAssociation30%
2013-2014: National Retail Federation-PositionsonBudget/Tax 0%
-The world’slargestretail trade association.Itsmembersincludedepartmentstores,specialty,
2013-2014: Small BusinessandEntrepreneurshipCouncil25%
businessandpromotingentrepreneurship.The council workstoeducate onhow to enable business
start up and growth.Itis viewedasone of the mostpowerful andeffective organizationsforprotecting
small businesses.
2012: National Associationof Manufacturers33%
-The largestmanufacturingassociationinthe UnitedStates,representingsmall andlarge
manufacturersineveryindustrial sectorandinall 50 statesManufacturingemploysmore than12
millionmenandwomen,contributes2.09 trilliontothe US economy annually,andhasthe largest
economicimpactof any majorsector,accountingfor more thenthree quartersof all private sector
researchand developmentinthe nation.
2011-2012: AssociatedBuildersandContractors12%
-A national constructionindustrytrade associationrepresentingnearly21,000 chapter
members.ABCandits70 chaptershelpmembers develop,winwork,anddeliverthatworksafely,
ethically,profitability,andforthe bettermentof the communitiesinwhichABCanditsmemberswork.
2011-2012: IndependentElectrical Contractors 25%
-A national trade associationforelectrical andsystemscontractors.IECbelievesindeveloping
and fosteringastrongereconomythroughthe level of qualityandservicesitsmembersprovide tothe
2011-2012: International WarehouseLogisticsAssociation30%
-Representsawide range inmembercompanies.Thesecompaniesprovide warehousing,
fulfillment,reverse logistics,transportation,freightforwarding,brokerage services,inventory,supply
chainmanagement,anda broadrange of manufacturingandvalue addedservices.
2011-2012: National Stone,Sand,andGravel Association30%
-The leadingvoice andadvocate forthe aggregatesindustry.The membersare stone,sand,and
gravel producersandthe equipmentmanufacturerswhosupportthem.Theyare alsoresponsiblefor
the essential rawmaterialsfoundineveryhome,building,road,bridge,andpublicworksproject.
2011-2012: Plumbing,Heating,andCoolingContractorsAssociation30%
-The PHCC isthe oldesttrade associationinthe constructionindustry.Itisthe premier
organizationforthe PHC professional.
2011: The National LumberandBuildingMaterial DealersAssociation20%
-Representsitsmemberswithemphasistoeducate,promote the industry,assistgovernmentin
the developmentof laws,regulationsandpoliciesaffectinglumberandbuildingmaterialdealers,its
2009-2010: BusinessIndustryPolitical ActionCommittee 26%
-A non partisan,missiondrivenorganizationdedicatedtoincreasingthe political effectivenessof
America’sbusinesscommunity.Theywork toimprove the political climateinAmericaforthe business
community.BIPACismade upof hundredsof businessesandassociationsandhasdeploymentpartners
all across the US.
2009: Heritage Alliance 5%
-To empowerthe handful of citizensnecessarytorestore the principlesof limitedgovernment,
and free enterprise.
2014: LibertyGuard 0%
-The fastestgrowingprolibertyorganization.Libertyguardstandsforprivacy,personal
autonomy,individualfreedom, freedomfromfederaloutreach,andfromanoverlycomplicatedtax
code that hamperseconomicgrowth.
2013-2014: CenterforSecurityPolicy7%
-Promote USNational Security,identifychallengesandopportunitieslikelytoaffectAmerican
security,andto act promptly.
2010: KeepAmericaSafe 14%
2012: AmericaLibraryAssociation13%(2013-22%)
-The oldestandlargestlibraryassociationinthe world.
2013-2014 CenterforSecurityPolicy –Positions7%
2011-2012 AmericanSecurityCouncil Foundation –Positions10%
2013-2014 AmericanForestandPaperAssociation –Positions0%
2012 EarthRightsInternational - Corporate AccountabilityCoalitionPositions33%
2014 The Clubfor Growth - Positions(Lifetime)11%
2013 CitizensAgainstGovernmentWaste – Positions23%
2009 AmericanAssociationof CollegesforTeacherEducation –Positions0%
2014 FreedomWorks –Positions15%
2014 The Clubfor Growth - Positions(Lifetime)11%
2013-2014 National Tax LimitationCommittee –Positions0%

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Himes Hypocrisy

  • 1. Himes Hypocrisy Veterans: “Governmenthasfewmore sacredobligationsthancaringforthe menand womenwhohave served and sacrificedforourcountry.Whenyou hearthe storiesof our veterans,youknow thatwe owe thema debtwe cannot everrepay.But we can try harder.Unfortunately,programsmeanttosupportveterans inConnecticutandacross the nationhave beenunderfundedandmismanaged.Istronglysupport Congressional effortstofullyfundthe veterans'healthcare systemtoensure thatour veterans,both those whohave alreadyservedandthose returningfromIraqandAfghanistangetthe full andtimely care and benefitstheydeserve.” 10/1/13 H J Resolution 72- VeteransBenefitsContinuingAppropriationsResolution Thislegislationisamotion to suspendrulesandpassa jointresolutionthatappropriatesfundsfor militaryandveterans'benefitsandpaymentsforfiscal year2014. Highlights: •Extendsappropriationsforcontinuingoperationsandmanagementactivities,includingthe paymentof veterans’benefits,of the Departmentof Defense thatwere conductedinfiscalyear2013 to fiscal year2014 (Sec.101). •Appropriates$2.46 billiontothe Departmentof VeteransAffairsfordepartmental administration,generaloperatingexpenses,andthe VeteransBenefitsAdministration(Sec.102). •Authorizesfundingandauthoritygrantedforthe year2014 to be available until 1of the followingoccurs(Sec.103): •The enactmentintolawof an appropriationforanyprojector activityprovidedinthisjoint resolution •The enactmentintolawof an appropriationsactforfiscal year2014 that doesnot containany provisionforaprojector activityprovidedinthisjointresolution;orDecember15,2013.
  • 2. GovernmentAccountability “Whenour electedrepresentativesactirresponsibly,theywaste ourmoneyandundermine our confidence ingovernment.Unfortunately,we've become jadedbythe immeasurable waste,fraudand abuse of the Bushadministrationandtheircroniesbothathome andinIraq - all carriedout underChris Shays'nose while he hasbeena seniormemberof the House OversightCommittee.Ourgovernment was intendedtobe of the people,bythe people,andforthe people - notlobbyistsandcontractors. ChrisShays'failure toconduct meaningfuloversightof the Bushadministration,especiallyrelatedtothe conduct of the Iraq War, has resultedinanimmeasurablyhighcostinlivesandtaxpayerdollars.” HR 992 In thisquote,Himestalksaboutirresponsibilityandfraud,whichIthinkthisiswhere hishypocrisyreally takesoff.Fraudis definedaswrongful deceptionintendedtoresultinfinancialorpersonal gain. One of Himeshardestpushesonlegislationwasforabill writtenbyCitigrouplobbyists.Asitjustsohappens, Citigroupisalso his#1 financial backer.CitigroupInc.donatedalmost$70,000. 70 of the 85 linesin992 (The Legislation)were writtenbythe lobbyists.Also,Himesreceivedmore moneyfromCitigroupthan any othermemberof Congress.7of the top 10 interestsfundinghiscampaigncommittee and leadershipPACwerefinancial servicesinstitutions.Whenthislegislationwaswritten,Himessatonthe House Financial ServicesCommittee.He’ssupposedto regulatethe financial sector.He callsothers irresponsible,andcalls themcorrupt,whenhe acts flagrantlycorrupt. 4/4/14 HR 1874 Himesalsotalksabout“accountability”.Well,he votedagainstHouse Resolution1874, the Pro-Growth BudgetingActof 2014. Thislegislation requiresthe Congressional BudgetOffice toprovide aneconomic impactanalysisof each"major bill orresolution"thatisreportedbyacongressional committee. Highlights: •Requiresthe Congressional BudgetOfficetoprepare a“macroeconomicimpactanalysis”of the budgetaryeffectsforeach“majorbill orresolution”reportedbyacommittee of the House orSenate for each of the next4 10-yearfiscal periodsbeginningwiththe firstfiscalyearforwhichanestimate was prepared(Sec.407). •Requiresthe “macroeconomicimpactanalysis”todescribe the potential fiscal effectsof the bill or resolution,includinganyestimatesof revenue increasesordecreasesresultingfromchangesingross domesticproduct(Sec.407). •Defines“macroeconomicimpactanalysis”as(Sec.407): •An estimate of the changesineconomicoutput,employment,interestrates,capital stock,andtax revenuesexpectedtoresultfromenactmentof the proposal; •An estimate of revenueeffectsexpectedtoresultfromenactmentof the proposal;and
  • 3. •A statementidentifyingthe critical assumptionsandthe source of data underlyingthatestimate. •Defines“majorbill orresolution”asanybill or resolutionif the grossbudgetaryforanyfiscal yearin the periodforwhichan estimate ispreparedisestimatedtobe greaterthan.25 percent of the current projectedgrossdomesticproductof the UnitedStatesforany suchfiscal year(Sec.407). •Exemptsbillsintroducedbythe AppropriationsCommittee ineachchamberfromthe provisionsof this bill (Sec.407). •Requiresthe macroeconomicimpactanalysistorelyonthe macroeconomicanalysispreparedbythe JointCommittee onTaxation(Sec.407). •Requiresthe Congressional BudgetOfficetoreportonthe accuracy of the original macroeconomic impactanalysisof an enactedbill orjointresolutionuponcompletionof the fifthfiscal yearafterthe date of enactmentandsubmitthe reportto the Committeesonthe Budgetof the House andSenate (Sec.407). If Rep.Himesvaluesaccountability,thenwhywouldhe vote againstthisBill?Itisbecause he knowsthat any citizencanaccesshis votingrecord,andsee how trulyirresponsible hisvotesare towardshis constituents.ThisBill wouldexposeHimes. Education “As a graduate of goodpublicschools,Iknow firsthandhow adecentpubliceducation canopenall kinds of doors.Strongpubliceducationisthe cornerstone of ourdemocracyandAmerica'scompetitivenessin the worldeconomy,anditis part of what instillsthe senseof commongoodthatdefinesusasa nation. It's time to make a commitmenttoeducatingeveryAmericanchildtohisorher full potential.We know whatworks:smallerclasssizes,active interventionforchildrenincrisis,more time inschool,first-rate principals,more flexibilityandautonomyforteachers,andinvolvedparents.We've seenthese good ideasproventime andagain.It'stime for the federal governmenttostopunfundedmandatesandback- door privatizationschemesandinsteadinvestinprovenbestpractices.” “The nationthatbesteducatesitschildrenwill ultimatelybe the nationthatout-innovatesandout- competesthe restof the world.Nothingismore essentialtoourlong-termprosperitythanour children'sabilitytobecome the nextgenerationof entrepreneurs,engineers,teachers,andleaders.” "Look,whyis itthat 40 percentof studentsinBridgeportthatwalkintohighschool asfreshmendon't walkout as graduates?" "Education isat the heartof oureconomy…" 5/23/13 HR 1911 BipartisanStudentLoanCertaintyAct/SmarterSolutionsforStudentsAct Thisbill limitsinterestratesonfederal studentloans,beginningonor afterJuly1, 2013. Highlights:
  • 4. •Limitsthe interestrate forFederal DirectStaffordLoansandFederal DirectUnsubsidizedStafford Loans issuedtoundergraduate studentstothe lesserof the following(Sec.2): •A rate equal tothe highyieldof the mostrecent10-year Treasurynote auctionedpriortoJune 1 of that yearplus2.05 percent;or •A rate no more than8.25 percent. •Limitsthe interestrate forFederal DirectUnsubsidizedStaffordLoansissuedtograduate or professionalstudentstothe lesserof the following(Sec.2): •A rate equal tothe highyieldof the mostrecent10-year Treasurynote auctionedpriortoJune 1 of that yearplus3.6 percent;or •A rate no more than9.5 percent. •Limitsthe interestrate Federal DirectPLUSLoans to the lesserof the following(Sec.2): •A rate equal tothe highyieldof the mostrecent10-year Treasurynote auctionedpriortoJune 1 of that yearplus4.6 percent;or •A rate no more than10.5 percent. •Requiresthe interestrate foraFederal DirectStaffordLoan,a Federal DirectUnsubsidizedStafford Loan, or a Federal DirectPLUSLoan to remainfixedforthe periodof the loan(Sec.2). •Requiresthe ComptrollerGeneral tosubmitareportto Congressregardingthe actual costsof student loanprograms andto propose waysof administeringthemwithoutgeneratingadditional revenue tothe federal governmentwithin120days of the enactmentof thisbill (Sec.4). Economy "I'm runningforCongresstoensure thatour economyonce againoffershope andopportunitytoevery American.Betweenrisingcosts,the healthcare crisis,andthe unstable housingmarket,familiesinour districtknowthatour economyisin badshape.I will bringnew energyandideastoCongresstofightfor the change that our familiesneed." “Our presenteconomicmessisnoaccident.Itisa resultof the disastrousfiscal policiesof George Bush and ChrisShaysthat have made us debtorstothe rest of the worldandwhichtookthe referee off the fieldata momentof financial peril.We will getoureconomygoingagainbyrestoringconfidence inour economicinfrastructure:ourbanks,ourcapital markets,ourcompaniesandourconsumers.We must craft tax policiesandcreate infrastructurewhichencourage jobsathome ratherthanabroad.” “If I hearone consistentmessage fromlocal businessesabouthow we canhelpthemexpandandcreate more jobs,itis that we mustimprove ourinfrastructure.” 4/9/12 HR 9-Income Tax DeductionforSmall Businesses
  • 5. Thisresolutionestablishesanincome tax deductionof 20 percentforsmall businesses,beginninginthe 2012 tax year. Highlights: •Authorizesaqualifiedsmall businesstoclaimatax deductionof 20 percentof the lesser of the following(Sec.2): •Qualifieddomesticbusinessincome forthe taxableyear;or •Taxable income forthe taxable year. •Definesa“qualifiedsmall business”asanyemployerengagedinatrade or businesswhoemploys fewerthan500 full-timeemployees(Sec.2). •Defines“qualifieddomesticbusinessincome”asthe businesses'grossreceiptsforthe taxable year, minusthe cost of any goodsthat were sold,businessexpenses,andlosses(Sec.2). •Limitsthe deductionto50 percentof the greaterof the following(Sec.2): •The wagespaidto employeeswhoare notownersof the business;or •The sumof the wagespaidto non-ownerfamilymembersandownersof lessthan10 percentof the business'stock,capital orprofits. 2/5/15 HR 527 Small BusinessRegulatoryFlexibilityImprovementsActof 2015 HR 527 requiresfederalagenciestoconsiderandpropose alternativesforanyproposedrule thathas any significanteconomicimpactonsmall businesses. Highlights: •Defines“economicimpact”asany directeconomiceffectandany“reasonablyforeseeable”indirect economiceffectonsmall businessesresultingfromaproposedorfinal rule (Sec.2). •Expandsthe informationthatanagency isrequiredtoinclude initsinitialandfinal regulatoryflexibility analysis,including,butnotlimitedto,adetaileddescriptionof anydisproportionate economicimpact on small businesses(Sec.4). 2/13/15 America'sSmall BusinessTax Relief Actof 2015
  • 6. America'sSmall BusinessTax Relief Actof 2015 extendscertainsmall businesstax allowancesfortaxable yearsbeginningafterDecember31,2014. Highlights: •Extendscertainincreasedexpensingallowancesforadepreciablebusinesspropertyunderthe Internal Revenue Code of 1986, including,butnotlimitedto,the followingallowances(Sec.2): •The $500,000 expensingallowance forsuchproperty; •The $2 millionthresholdamountforsuchpropertyafterwhichthe expensingallowance amountis reduced;and •The allowance forcomputersoftware expenditures. •Reduces the periodinwhichthe built-ingainsof anS corporationare subjecttotaxationpermanently from10 yearsto 5 years (Sec.3). •Establishesexpensingallowancesforairconditioningandheatingunits(Sec.2). 7/26/12 HR 4078 Red Tape ReductionandSmall BusinessJobCreationAct HR 4078 prohibits"significantregulatoryactions"until the UnitedStatesunemploymentrate is6 percentor less. Highlights: •Prohibitsanagencyfromtakingany “significantregulatoryaction”until the unemploymentrate is equal toor lessthan6 percent(Sec.102). •Defines“significantregulatoryaction”asanyactionthat is likelytoresultinarule or guidance witha fiscal effectof $50 millionormore asdeterminedbythe Office of ManagementandBudget,orto adverselyaffectone of the following,including,butnotlimitedto(Sec.105): •The economy; •Jobs; •The environment;or •Publichealthorsafety. •Authorizesanagencyto take a “significantregulatoryaction”if the PresidentdeterminesbyExecutive Orderthat the action isany of the following(Sec.103):
  • 7. •Necessarybecause of animminentthreattohealth,safety,oranotheremergency; •Necessaryforthe enforcementof criminal orcivil rightslaws; •Necessaryforthe national securityof the UnitedStates; or •Issuedpursuanttoany statute that implementsaninternational trade agreement. •Authorizesthe Presidenttosubmitarequestfora “significantregulatoryaction”toCongressfora waiverif the actionisnot eligible foraPresidential waiver(Sec. 103). •Prohibitsanagencyfromproposingor finalizinga“midnightrule”thatislikelytoresultinafiscal effect of $50 millionormore as determinedbythe Office of ManagementandBudget,ortoadverselyaffect any of the following,including,but notlimitedto(Sec.202): •The economy; •Jobs; •The environment;or •Publichealthorsafety. •Defines“midnightrule”asanyagencystatementissuedduringaspecifiedperiodof time thatis intendedtohave the force andeffectof a law and isdesigned forone of the followingreasons(Sec. 205): •To implement,interpret,orprescribe law orpolicy;or •To describe the procedure orpractice requirementsof anagency. •Exemptsagenciesfromthe provisionsof thisbill if adeadlineforactionmeetsthe followingcriteria (Sec.203): •Is for,relatingto,or involvingany“midnightrule”; •Is establishedbefore the beginningof the temporaryprohibitionon“significantregulatoryaction”;or •Is requiredtobe takenduringthe temporaryprohibitionon“significantregulatoryaction.” 4/16/15 HR 622 State and Local SalesTax DeductionFairnessActof 2015 Thisact authorizestaxpayerstodeductstate andlocal salestaxesfromfederal tax returns,effective everytaxable yearafterDecember31, 2014.
  • 8. Highlights: •Extendsindefinitelythe deductionof state andlocal salestaxesfromfederal tax returns,inplace of state and local income tax deductions(Sec.2). 2/13/15 HR 636 America’sSmall BusinessTax Relief Act ThisTax Relief Actextendscertainsmall businesstax allowancesfortaxable yearsbeginningafter December31, 2014. Highlights: •Extendscertainincreasedexpensingallowancesforadepreciablebusinesspropertyunderthe Internal Revenue Code of 1986, including,butnotlimitedto,the followingallowances(Sec.2): •The $500,000 expensingallowance forsuchproperty; •The $2 millionthresholdamountforsuchpropertyafterwhichthe expensingallowance amountis reduced;and •The allowance forcomputersoftware expenditures. •Reducesthe periodinwhichthe built-ingainsof anS corporationare subjecttotaxationpermanently from10 yearsto 5 years (Sec.3). Additional Research Approval Ratings: 2010: National Tax PayersUnion(PositionsonTax and Spending) 13% -The National Tax PayersUnionratesRepresentativesandSenatorsontheirvotes.Everyvote the affectstaxes,spending,anddebt.The NTUvotingstudyisthe fairestandmostaccurate guide available oncongressional spending.All membersare treatedthe same,regardlessof politicalaffiliation, and has nopartisanaxe to grind. 2014: UnitedStatesChamberof Commerce 47% -World’slargestbusinessorganizationrepresentingthe interestsof more thanthree million businessesof all sizes,sectors,andregions.Members range fromsmall shopstolarge corporations. Theyall share one thing-theycountonthe chamberto be theirvoice inWashington. 2013-2014: National Federationof IndependentBusiness0% (2011-9%)
  • 9. -America’sleadingsmall businessassociation,promoting andprotectingthe rightof our memberstoown,operate,andgrowtheirbusiness.Theyhave 325,000 members,andisa nonpartisan organization. 2013-2014: AssociatedGeneral Contractorsof America45% -The leadingassociationforthe constructionindustry.Thisassociationrepresentsmore than 26,000 firms.More than10,500 service providersandsuppliersare alsoassociatedthrougha nationwide networkof chapters. 2013-2014 Metals Service CenterInstitute 16% -Broadestbase associationservingthe industrial metalsindustry.The premiermetalstrade association,MSCIprovidesvisionandvoice tothe metalsindustry,alongwithtoolsandperspective necessaryforrunninga successful business. 2013-2014: National Small BusinessAssociation30% 2013-2014: National Retail Federation-PositionsonBudget/Tax 0% -The world’slargestretail trade association.Itsmembersincludedepartmentstores,specialty, discount,catalog,internet,independentretailers,chainrestaurants,andgrocerystores. 2013-2014: Small BusinessandEntrepreneurshipCouncil25% -Anadvocacy,research,educationandnetworkingorganizationdedicatedtoprotectingsmall businessandpromotingentrepreneurship.The council workstoeducate onhow to enable business start up and growth.Itis viewedasone of the mostpowerful andeffective organizationsforprotecting small businesses. 2012: National Associationof Manufacturers33% -The largestmanufacturingassociationinthe UnitedStates,representingsmall andlarge manufacturersineveryindustrial sectorandinall 50 statesManufacturingemploysmore than12 millionmenandwomen,contributes2.09 trilliontothe US economy annually,andhasthe largest economicimpactof any majorsector,accountingfor more thenthree quartersof all private sector researchand developmentinthe nation. 2011-2012: AssociatedBuildersandContractors12% -A national constructionindustrytrade associationrepresentingnearly21,000 chapter members.ABCandits70 chaptershelpmembers develop,winwork,anddeliverthatworksafely, ethically,profitability,andforthe bettermentof the communitiesinwhichABCanditsmemberswork. 2011-2012: IndependentElectrical Contractors 25%
  • 10. -A national trade associationforelectrical andsystemscontractors.IECbelievesindeveloping and fosteringastrongereconomythroughthe level of qualityandservicesitsmembersprovide tothe industry. 2011-2012: International WarehouseLogisticsAssociation30% -Representsawide range inmembercompanies.Thesecompaniesprovide warehousing, fulfillment,reverse logistics,transportation,freightforwarding,brokerage services,inventory,supply chainmanagement,anda broadrange of manufacturingandvalue addedservices. 2011-2012: National Stone,Sand,andGravel Association30% -The leadingvoice andadvocate forthe aggregatesindustry.The membersare stone,sand,and gravel producersandthe equipmentmanufacturerswhosupportthem.Theyare alsoresponsiblefor the essential rawmaterialsfoundineveryhome,building,road,bridge,andpublicworksproject. 2011-2012: Plumbing,Heating,andCoolingContractorsAssociation30% -The PHCC isthe oldesttrade associationinthe constructionindustry.Itisthe premier organizationforthe PHC professional. 2011: The National LumberandBuildingMaterial DealersAssociation20% -Representsitsmemberswithemphasistoeducate,promote the industry,assistgovernmentin the developmentof laws,regulationsandpoliciesaffectinglumberandbuildingmaterialdealers,its customers,andsuppliers. 2009-2010: BusinessIndustryPolitical ActionCommittee 26% -A non partisan,missiondrivenorganizationdedicatedtoincreasingthe political effectivenessof America’sbusinesscommunity.Theywork toimprove the political climateinAmericaforthe business community.BIPACismade upof hundredsof businessesandassociationsandhasdeploymentpartners all across the US. 2009: Heritage Alliance 5% -To empowerthe handful of citizensnecessarytorestore the principlesof limitedgovernment, and free enterprise. 2014: LibertyGuard 0% -The fastestgrowingprolibertyorganization.Libertyguardstandsforprivacy,personal autonomy,individualfreedom, freedomfromfederaloutreach,andfromanoverlycomplicatedtax code that hamperseconomicgrowth. 2013-2014: CenterforSecurityPolicy7%
  • 11. -Promote USNational Security,identifychallengesandopportunitieslikelytoaffectAmerican security,andto act promptly. 2010: KeepAmericaSafe 14% 2012: AmericaLibraryAssociation13%(2013-22%) -The oldestandlargestlibraryassociationinthe world. 2013-2014 CenterforSecurityPolicy –Positions7% 2011-2012 AmericanSecurityCouncil Foundation –Positions10% 2013-2014 AmericanForestandPaperAssociation –Positions0% 2012 EarthRightsInternational - Corporate AccountabilityCoalitionPositions33% 2014 The Clubfor Growth - Positions(Lifetime)11% 2013 CitizensAgainstGovernmentWaste – Positions23% 2009 AmericanAssociationof CollegesforTeacherEducation –Positions0% 2014 FreedomWorks –Positions15% 2014 The Clubfor Growth - Positions(Lifetime)11% 2013-2014 National Tax LimitationCommittee –Positions0%