microbiology bioscience bacteria bacteriology environment lifescience biology biotechnology stress food syllabus_content biomolecules stress responses dna gene insertional mutagenesis recombinant genetic engineering inverted terminal repeat alexander brink. barbara mcclintock molecular biology genetics mechanism of transposition transposons inventor chakrabarty case 1980 budapest treaty specifications and claims grants scope of patenting microbe patenting industrial microbiology industrial invention discovery patenting claims patents wipo ipr intellectual property rights transgenic plants against abiotic stress symbioisi environmental damage hydrocarbons paul erlich robert hooke microscopy antony van leewenhoek science discoveries roberr koch louis pasteur story scientists spontaneous generation theory important events dispersants exxon valdez oil spill oil degradation pesticide degradation toxicity biostimulation bioaugmentation microbes oil spills bioremediation ice-minus bacteria thermotolerant bacteria osmo-tolerant bacteria abiotic stress soil microbiology root/soil interactions agriculture induced systemic tolerance ecology microbes are the best phyto microbial relations induction of stress response environmental microbiology abiotic stress management microbial strategies post translational events protein clevage chemical modifications protein folding protein splicing protein modifications post translational modifications virulence pathogens intracellullar obligates medicine howard taylor ricketts rocky mountain spotted fever rickettsiae medical microbiology history syllabus content microbial degradation recalcitrant compounds
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