homeless dc washington dc clients providers responsibilities rights services ich homelessness washington interagency council on homelessness responsibility district of columbia 2014 2004 street sense shelter hud housing human services government usa strategic planning obama poverty usich us u.s. united states bill of rights criminalization national coalition for the homeless nlchp decriminalization national law center on homelessness and poverty nch civil rights end homelessness coordination dmv regional plan resources mwcog anthony williams prevention housing first tony williams housing plus end bowser respnosibility williams gray district service fenty reponsibility capacity tcp dhs women waiting closed dcha public housing waitlist housing choice list housing authority hcvp wait list mlk library transportation plan library interim dc coucil trump sanctuary city 2007 dc human rights act human rights act 1977 10 year plan ending homelessness 2014 winter vote guide community heat emergency notary public budget ccnv city council solutions congress legislation
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