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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,877,062 B2
Mullick et al. (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 4, 2014
(54) ANTITHROMBOGENIC HOLLOW FIBER B01D 71/82; B01D 2313/04; B01D 2323/10;
MEMBRANES AND FILTERS B01D 2323/28: B01D 2323/36; A61M 1/16;
A61M 1/34: A61M 1/3672: A61M 2001/1623;
(75) Inventors: Sanjoy Mullick, Brampton (CA); A61M 2001/34
Weilun Chang, Toronto (CA); Hanje USPC ............. 210/500.23,500.24,500.27,500.36,
Chen,TorontoSA),Mark steedman, 210/500.41, 500.42,321.61,321.78,
S. (A) Reita Esfand, 210/321.79, 321.8,321.87,321.88, 321.89,
ississauga (CA) 210/500.43; 604/5.01, 6.01, 6.09, 19
(73) Assignee: Interface Biologics, Inc., Toronto (CA) Seeapplication file forcomplete search history.
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis (56) References Cited
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
U.S.C. 154(b) by 480 days.
3,392,183 A 7, 1968 Windemuth et al.
(21) Appl. No.: 12/834,730 3.427.366 A 2/1969 Ryan etal.
(22) Filed: Jul. 12, 2010 (Continued)
(65) Prior Publication Data FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
CN 1711127 A 12/2005
US 2011 FOOO9799 A1 Jan. 13, 2011 CN 18943O2 A 1,2007
Related U.S. Application Data (Continued)
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 12/780,200, OTHER PUBLICATIONS
filed on May 14, 2010, now abandoned.
U.S. Appl. No. 12/780,200, filed May 14, 2010, Mullicket al.
(60) Provisional application No. 61/178,861, filed on May
15, 2009. (Continued)
(51) Int. Cl. Primary Examiner—Joseph Drodge
A6M I/6 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Clark & Elbing LLP:
A6M I/34 (2006.01) Kristina Bieker-Brady
(Continued) (57) ABSTRACT
(52) U.S. Cl.
CPC ........... BOID 63/023 (2013.01); A61M 1/3672 The invention relates to extracorporeal blood circuits, and
(2013.01); B01D 63/022 (2013.01); B0ID components thereof (e.g., hollow fiber membranes, potted
bundles, and blood tubing), including 0.005% to 10% (w/w)
(Continued) Surface modifying macromolecule.Theextracorporeal blood
(58) Field ofClassification Search circuitshave an antithrombogenic Surface and can beused in
CPC ...... B01D 61/20; B01D 61/28; B01D 61/246;
B01D 63/04; B01D 69/08; B01D 71/06;
B01D 71/26: B01D 71/44; B01D 71/54;
B01D 71/68; B01D 71/76; B01D 71/80;
Biti Fly&r Cartridge
Fier area
ce -1
iber part
hemofiltration, hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration, hemocon
centration, blood oxygenation, and related uses.
41 Claims, 31 Drawing Sheets
Bad Fox
US 8,877,062 B2
Page 2
(51) Int. Cl.
BOID 6/20
BOID 6/28
BOLD 7L/06
BOLD 7L/26
BOLD 7L/44
BOLD 7L/68
BOID 71/76
BOLD 63/02
A6M I/36
BOLD 67/00
BOLD 69/02
BOLD 69/08
B29C 47/00
B29L 23/00
B29L 3 I/OO
(52) U.S. C.
CPC ..... 67/0093 (2013.01); B0ID 69/02 (2013.01);
BOID 69/08 (2013.01); B0ID 69/087
(2013.01); B0ID 71/44 (2013.01); B0ID 71/68
210/500.23; 210/500.27: 210/500.41; 210/500.43;
(2013.01); B29C47/00 (2013.01); B29C
47/0014 (2013.01); B29C47/0026 (2013.01);
B29L 2023/00 (2013.01); B29L 2031/731
(2013.01); B01D 2323/30 (2013.01)
USPC ................. 210/645; 210/321.61; 210/321.89:
210/646; 604/5.01: 604/6.01: 604/6.09: 604/19
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* cited by examiner
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Figure 23
Average change in Pr: Control vs. V-a and X-a (n - 6)
Average Gamma Count/10: Control vs. Vill-a and X-a (n = 6)
Pr change: Control vs. V -a and
1000 X-a
Gamma Count: Controlvs. VII-a
O xx. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
is 400
3. 2CO
Control : Wi-a X-a
U.S. Patent Nov. 4, 2014 Sheet 24 of31 US 8,877,062 B2
Figure 24A
Figure 24B
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e 25B
Figure 25A
Figure 25C
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Figure 26A
Figure 26B
Figure 26C Figure 26D
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Figure 28A
Figure 288
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Figure 29A
Figure 29B
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Figure 30A
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Figure 3A
Figure 31B
US 8,877,062 B2
This application is a continuation-in-part ofU.S. applica
tion Ser. No. 12/780.200, filed May 14, 2010, which claims
benefit from U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/178,861,
filed May 15, 2009, hereby incorporated by reference.
The invention relates to antithrombogenic extracorporeal
blood circuits and components thereof, such as hollow fiber
membranes, blood tubing, and filters, andtheir use in hemo
filtration, hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration, hemoconcentra
tion, blood oxygenation, and related uses.
For a treatment ofa patient suffering from renal failure,
various blood purifying methods have been proposed in
whichbloodistaken outfromthe living bodyofthepatientto
be purified and the purified blood is then returned into the
body. For example, the blood purification methods utilizing
extracorporeal circulation are classified into the following
types: hemodialysis (HD) by diffusion, hemofiltration (HF)
which performs body fluid removal/substitution by ultrafil
tration,andhemodiafiltration(HDF)in which HDand HFare
The above-mentioned methods are implemented using a
hemodialyzer. The dialyzer is the piece of equipment that
actuallyfiltersthebloodofwastesolutesandfluids(e.g., urea,
potassium, creatinine, and uric acid). Almost all dialyzers in
use today areofthehollow-fiber variety. Acylindricalbundle
ofhollow fibers, whose walls are composed ofsemi-perme
able membrane, is anchored at each end into potting com
pound (a sort ofglue). This assembly is then put into a clear
plastic cylindrical shell with four openings. One opening or
blood port at each end of the cylinder communicates with
each end ofthebundle ofhollow fibers. This forms the“blood
compartment ofthedialyzer.Twootherportsarecutinto the
side of the cylinder. These communicate with the space
aroundthehollow fibers,the“dialysatecompartment.” Blood
ispumpedvia thebloodports through this bundleofverythin
capillary-like tubes, and the dialysate is pumpedthrough the
space Surrounding the fibers. Pressure gradients are applied
when necessary to move fluid from the bloodto the dialysate
Hemodialysis is an importantprocedure thatplays the role
ofan artificial kidney and replaces all vital functions due to
chronicoracute kidney failure. The dialyzermay beused for
the treatment ofpatients with renal failure, fluid overload, or
toxemic conditions, and can be configured to perform HD,
HF, HDF, orhemoconcentration.
While theblood is being transported to and from the body
orcleaned in the dialyzer, an anticoagulant, Such as heparin,
may beadded to prevent clotting or thrombosis. Forpatients
receivingcontinuous renalreplacementtherapy (CRRT)(i.e.,
continuous dialysis 24 hours/7 days a week),heparin is typi
cally given as a bolus systemically to prevent clogging of
filtermembranes duringdialysis due to coagulation ofblood.
Incases where no heparin is administered filters clog 27% of
the time, while with heparin filters clog 17% ofthe time (see
Richardson et al., Kidney International 70:963-968 (2006)).
Forpatients receivingintermittenthemodialysis(IHD)(inter
mittent dialysis ofabout 4 hours twice daily), typically no
heparin is administered. During IHD the filters clog 20-30%
oftime(see Manns etal., Critical CareMedicine31:449-455
(2003)). Whenthe filters clog, the dialysisprocedure is inter
rupted,and the filters are flushed with saline solution to clear
the thrombus. In patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis
(e.g., hemodialysis for extended hours at a time and with
multiplesessions duringa week) itis common to useheparin
in bolus amounts to reduce the rate offilter clogging.
While advantageous, the use ofheparin in some patients
can be complicated by allergic reactions and bleeding, and
canbecontraindicatedforuseinpatientstaking certain medi
oxygenating methods, where blood is taken out from the
living body ofthe patient to be oxygenated and the oxygen
atedbloodis then returnedto thebody. Forexample,oxygen
ator devices implementing Such extracorporeal oxygenating
methods include heart-lung bypass units or extracorporeal
membrane oxygenation (ECMO) machinesusedduringopen
heart Surgery, such as coronary artery bypass grafting
(CABG) and cardiac valve replacement, or used to treat res
piratory distress syndrome or respiratory insufficiencies.
During open heart Surgery, devices for hemoconcentration
canalsobeusedtoincrease variousbloodcomponents within
the patient, thus minimizingthe risk ofpost-operativebleed
ing. These hemoconcentrators can be used in-line with an
extracorporeal circuit that includes an oxygenator device,
Such as a heart-lung bypass unit.
Based on these treatments that require the use ofpumping
blood out ofand into a patient, there is a need for extracor
poreal blood circuits that have reduced thrombogenicity. In
particular, there is a need for methods and compositions to
provide a polymeric component ofan extracorporeal blood
circuit with a surface that minimizes the rate of thrombosis
upon exposure to blood.
The methods and compositions of the invention features
extracorporeal blood circuits, and components thereof(e.g.,
hollow fiber membranes, potted bundles, and blood tubing),
including 0.005% to 10% (w/w) surface modifying macro
In a first aspect, the invention features an extracorporeal
blood circuit including a polymeric component, where the
polymeric componentincludes abasepolymeradmixed with
from 0.005% to 10% (w/w) ofa surface modifying macro
molecule (e.g., from 0.005% to 0.1% (w/w), from 0.005% to
5%(w/w),from0.1%to0.3%(w/w),from 0.1%to 5%(w/w),
from 0.1%to 10% (w/w), from 0.05% to 5% (w/w),0.05% to
8%(w/w),from 1% to 5%(w/w),from 1%to8%(w/w),from
1% to 10% (w/w), and from 2% to 10% (w?w)), where the
polymeric componenthas a surfacepositionedto contactthe
blood when the extracorporeal blood circuit is in use, and
where the surface is antithrombogenic when contacted with
the blood. In one embodiment, the thrombi deposition at the
surface is reduced by at least 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, or 80%
(e.g.,from 10%to95%,from 10% to80%,from 20%to95%,
from 35% to85%,orfrom 40% to80%)whencontactedwith
blood. In anotherembodiment, the extracorporeal blood cir
cuit has an increased average functional working life of at
least 110%, 125%, 150%,200%,or400%(e.g.,from 110%to
1,000%, from 200% to 900%,orfrom300% to 900%). Inyet
another embodiment, the extracorporeal blood circuit
reduces adverse advents in a Subject receiving blood passing
through the extracorporeal blood circuit.
US 8,877,062 B2
Any ofthe extracorporeal blood circuits described herein
can include one or more of a hollow fiber membrane ofthe
invention; a pottedbundle ofthe invention; ora blood tubing
ofthe invention.
In a second aspect, the invention features a hollow fiber
membrane,thehollow fibermembraneincludingabasepoly
meradmixed with from 0.005% to 10% (w/w) surface modi
fyingmacromolecule(e.g.,from0.005% to0.1% (w/w), from
0.005% to 5%(w/w),from 0.1%to 0.3%(w/w), from 0.1%to
5% (w/w), from 0.1% to 10% (w/w), from 0.05% to 5%
(w/w), 0.05% to 8% (w/w), from 1% to 5% (w/w), from 1%
to 8% (w/w), from 1% to 10% (w/w), and from 2% to 10%
(w/w)), where the hollow fiber membrane is antithrombo
genic when contacted with blood. In one embodiment, the
thrombi deposition on the hollow fiber membrane is reduced
by at least 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, or 80% (e.g., from 10% to
95%, from 10% to80%, from 20% to95%,from35%to85%,
orfrom 40% to 80%) when contacted with blood. In another
embodiment, the hollow fiber membrane has an operating
pressure after 4 hours ofuse that is reduced by at least 10%,
20%, 30%, 40%, or 50% (e.g., from 10% to 95%, from 10%
to80%, from20%to 75%,from 25% to45%, orfrom30% to
80%). Inyetanotherembodiment,thehollow fibermembrane
reduces adverse advents in a Subject receiving blood passing
through thehollow fiber membrane. In certainembodiments,
the base polymer is selected from the group consisting ofa
polysulfone (e.g., poly(oxy-1,4-phenylene Sulfonyl-1,4-phe
nyleneoxy-1,4-phenyleneisopropylidene-1,4-phenylene) or
polyether Sulfone), a polyacrylonitrile, a cellulose acetate, a
cellulose di- ortri-acetate, a polyimide, a poly(methyl meth
a polyethylene. In further embodiments, the hollow fiber
membrane furtherincludes a hydrophilic pore formingagent
(e.g., polyvinylpyrrolidone, ethylene glycol, alcohols,
polypropylene glycol, and polyethylene glycol, or mixtures
thereof). In one embodiment, the hollow fiber membrane
includes from 80% to 96.5% (w/w) (e.g., from 80% to 95%,
from 80% to 90% (w/w), from 85% to 90% (w/w), and from
90% to 95% (w?w)) of the base polymer, from 3% to 20%
(w/w) (e.g., from 3% to 15% (w/w), from 3% to 7% (w/w),
from 3% to 5% (w/w), and from 5% to 10% (w?w)) of the
hydrophilic pore forming agent, and 0.005% to 10% (w/w)
(e.g.,from0.005% to 0.1%(w/w),from0.005%to5% (w/w),
from 0.1%to0.3%(w/w),from0.1%to5%(w/w),from0.1%
to 10% (w/w),from 0.05% to 5% (w/w), 0.05% to8% (w/w),
from 1%to 5%(w/w),from 1%to8%(w/w),from 1%to 10%
(w/w), and from 2% to 10% (w/w)) ofthesurface modifying
In a third aspect, the invention features a potted bundle of
hollow fiber membranes withinan encasementincluding: (a)
an array ofhollow fiber membranes, thearrayofhollow fiber
membranes having lumens, a first set of fiber ends, and a
second set offiber ends; (b) the first set offiber ends being
pottedin apotting resinwhichdefinesafirstinternalwallnear
a first end ofthe encasement; and (c) the second set offiber
ends being potted in a potting resin which defines a second
internal wall neara secondend ofthe encasement, where the
lumens ofthe hollow fiber membranes provide a path forthe
flow ofblood from thefirst internal wall to the second internal
wall, and where the potting resin includes from 0.005% to
10% (w/w) Surface modifying macromolecule (e.g., from
0.005% to0.1%(w/w),from0.005% to5%(w/w), from 0.1%
to 0.3% (w/w), from 0.1% to 5% (w/w), from 0.1% to 10%
(w/w), from 0.05% to 5% (w/w), 0.05% to 8% (w/w), from
1% to 5% (w/w), from 1% to 8% (w/w), from 1% to 10%
(w/w), andfrom 2% to 10% (w/w)). In certain embodiments,
the bundle has a prolonged working life. In some embodi
ments, the bundle has an increased average functional work
ing life ofat least 110%, 125%, 150%, 200%, or400% (e.g.,
from 110% to 1,000%, from 125% to 1,000%, from 200% to
900%, or from 300% to 900%). In other embodiments, the
thrombi depositionon thepottedbundle is reducedbyat least
10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, or80% (e.g., from 10% to 95%, from
10% to 80%, from 20% to 95%, from 35% to 85%, or from
40% to 80%) when contacted with blood. In still other
embodiments, the bundle has an operating pressure after 4
hours ofuse that is reducedbyatleast 10%,20%, 30%, 40%,
or50% (e.g., from 10%to 95%, from 10% to80%, from 20%
to 75%, from 25% to 45%, or from 30% to 80%). In some
embodiment, the potted bundle reduces adverse advents in a
Subjectreceivingbloodpassingthroughthepottedbundle. In
other embodiments, the potting resin is antithrombogenic
when contacted with blood.
In one embodiment, the bundle of potted hollow fiber
membranes within an encasement is part ofa blood purifica
tion device (e.g., hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration, hemofil
tration, hemoconcentration, or oxygenator device). In yet
anotherembodiment,thepotting resin is across-linkedpoly
urethane (e.g., a cross-linked polyurethane formed from
4'-methylene bis(cyclohexyl isocyanate; 2,2'-methylene bis
(phenyl) isocyanate; 2,4'-methylene bis(phenyl) isocyanate;
or4,4'-methylene bis(phenyl) isocyanate).
In another aspect, the invention features a dialysis filter
includinganyhollow fibermembranedescribedherein orany
potted bundle described herein, where the filter has a pro
longed working life. In one embodiment, the dialysis filter
reduces adverse advents in a Subject receiving blood passing
through the dialysis filter.
In another aspect, the invention features a blood tubing
including a base polymer (e.g., polyvinyl chloride) admixed
with from 0.005% to 10% (w/w) (e.g., from 0.005% to 0.1%
(w/w), from 0.005% to 5% (w/w), from 0.1% to 0.3% (w/w),
from 0.1% to 5% (w/w), from 0.1% to 10% (w/w), from
0.05% to 5% (w/w), 0.05% to 8% (w/w), from 1% to 5%
(w/w), from 1% to 8% (w/w), from 1% to 10% (w/w), and
from 2% to 10% (w/w)) surface modifying macromolecule,
where the blood tubing is antithrombogenic when contacted
with blood. In a particular embodiment, the base polymer
includes polyvinyl chloride. In one embodiment, the blood
tubing reduces adverse advents in a subject receiving blood
passing through the blood tubing. In one embodiment, the
thrombi deposition at the surface of the blood tubing is
reducedby atleast 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, or80% (e.g., from
10% to 95%, from 10% to80%, from 20% to 95%, from 35%
to 85%, or from 40% to 80%) when contacted with blood. In
anotherembodiment,thebloodtubing hasan increasedaver
age functional working life ofat least 110%, 125%. 150%,
200%, or 400% (e.g., from 110% to 1,000%, from 125% to
1,000%, from 200% to 900%, or from 300% to 900%).
Suffering from impairedkidney function,the method includ
ing performing a procedure selected from hemodialysis,
hemofiltration, hemoconcentration, or hemodiafiltration on
thesubjectusinga dialysis filter,wherethefilterincludesany
hollow fibermembranedescribedhereinoranypottedbundle
described herein. In one embodiment, during the procedure
theSubjectreceivesless thanastandarddoseofanticoagulant
(e.g., where during the procedure the Subject receives no
anticoagulant). In another embodiment, the filter has a pro
longedworking life. In yetanotherembodiment, thefilterhas
an increasedaveragefunctionalworkinglifeofatleast 110%,
125%, 150%, 200%, or 400% (e.g., from 110% to 1,000%,
from 125%to 1,000%, from 200%to900%,or from 300% to
900%). In one embodiment, the thrombi deposition on the
US 8,877,062 B2
filter is reduced by at least 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, or 80%
(e.g.,from 10% to95%, from 10% to80%, from 20%to95%,
from 35% to85%,orfrom 40% to80%)whencontactedwith
blood. In another embodiment, the filter has an operating
pressure after 4 hours ofuse that is reduced by at least 10%,
20%, 30%, 40%, or 50% (e.g., from 10% to 95%, from 10%
to80%, from20%to 75%,from 25% to45%, orfrom30% to
80%). In yet another embodiment, the adverse events expe
rienced by the subject are reduced.
The invention features a method for treating a subjectsuf
fering from impaired cardiac function, the method including
performing a Surgery selected from a coronary artery bypass
graftingandacardiac valve replacementusingan oxygenator
device, where the oxygenator device includes any hollow
fiber membrane described herein or any potted bundle
described herein. In one embodiment, during the procedure
the Subjectreceiveslessthanastandard doseofanticoagulant
(e.g., where during the procedure the Subject receives no
anticoagulant). In another embodiment, the adverse events
experienced by the subject are reduced.
Theinvention featuresa methodfortreatinga subject, said
method including withdrawing blood from, and returning
blood to, said subject via any extracorporeal blood circuit
described herein. In one embodiment, during the procedure
the Subjectreceiveslessthanastandard doseofanticoagulant
(e.g., where during the procedure the Subject receives no
anticoagulant). In another embodiment, the adverse events
experienced by the subject are reduced.
The invention also features a method for purifying a pro
tein in blood, a blood product (e.g., plasma or fractionated
blood component), or a combination thereof, the method
including dialyzingtheblood, theblood product, orthecom
bination thereofacross anyhollow fibermembranedescribed
herein orany potted bundle described herein.
The invention features a hollow fiber plasma purification
branes described herein.
The invention also features a spinning Solution forprepar
ing ahollow fibermembrane,thespinningsolution including
(i) from 57% to 87% (w/w) (e.g., from 57% to 85% (w/w),
from 70% to 87% (w/w), and from 70% to 85% (w?w)) ofan
aprotic solvent; (ii) from 10% to 25% (w/w) (e.g., from 10%
to20%(w/w),from 12%to25%(w/w),andfrom 12%to20%
(w/w))ofbasepolymer; (iii) from 0.005% to8% (w/w)(e.g.,
from 0.005% to 5% (w/w), from 0.005% to 3% (w/w),
0.005% to 2% (w/w), from 0.01% to 3% (w/w), and from
0.01% to 2% (w/w)) of surface modifying macromolecule:
and (iv) from 3% to 10% (w/w) (e.g., from 3% to 7% (w/w),
from 3% to 5% (w/w), andfrom 5% to 10% (w?w)) ofhydro
philic pore forming agent. In certain embodiments,theapro
ticsolventis selectedfromdimethylformamide, dimethylsul
foxide, dimethylacetamide, N-methylpyrrolidone, and
mixtures thereof. In other embodiments, the aprotic solvent
further includes less than 25% (v/v) (i.e., from 1% to 25%
(v/v), 1% to 15% (v/v), or5% to 20% (v/v)) ofa low boiling
solvent selected from tetrahydrofuran, diethylether, methyl
ethyl ketone, acetone, and mixtures thereof. In still other
embodiments, the hydrophilic pore forming agent is polyvi
nylpyrrolidone. The spinning Solution can be processed as
described herein to produce a hollow fiber membrane ofthe
The invention featuresa method for making ahollow fiber
membrane including the steps of: (a) preparing a homoge
neous spinning Solution ofthe invention; and (b) extruding
the homogeneous spinning Solution from an outer annular
orifice ofa tube-in-orifice spinneret into an aqueous solution
to form the hollow fiber membrane.
The invention also features a method of potting hollow
fiber membranes including the steps of: (a) forming abundle
ofhollow fiber membranes, the bundle ofhollow fiber mem
of fiber ends; (b) placing the first set offiber ends and the
second set of fiber ends in an uncured potting liquid; (c)
curing thepotting liquid to form a potting resin in which the
hollow fiber membranes are potted; (d) cutting the potting
resin andfiberends to form a first wall in which thefirst set of
fiberends ispottedanda second wall in which thesecond set
offiber ends is potted; and (e) heating the first wall and the
second wall (i.e.,heatingto facilitatethe migrationofSurface
modifying macromolecule to the surface ofthe wall), where
the potting liquid includes from 0.005% to 10% (w/w) (e.g.,
from 0.005%to0.1%(w/w), from 0.005%to 5% (w/w),from
0.1% to 0.3% (w/w), from 0.1% to 5% (w/w), from 0.1% to
10% (w/w), from 0.05% to 5% (w/w), 0.05% to 8% (w/w),
from 1%to5%(w/w),from 1%to8%(w/w),from 1%to 10%
(w/w), and from 2% to 10% (w/w)) surface modifying mac
The invention features a dialysis kit including (i)a hollow
fiber membraneoftheinvention, apottedbundleoftheinven
tion, a dialysis filterofthe invention, and/orblood tubing of
the invention; and (ii) instructions forperformingdialysis on
a Subject receiving less than a standard doseofanticoagulant
(e.g., receiving no anticoagulant).
Inany ofthehollow fiber membranes describedherein, the
Surface modifying macromolecule is selected from VII-a,
VIII-a, VIII-b, VIII-c, VIII-d, IX-a, X-a, X-b, XI-a, XI-b,
XII-a, XII-b, XIII-a, XIII-b, XIII-c, XIII-d, XIV-a, andXIV
In one embodiment, the potting resin includes a surface
modifying macromolecule selected from VII-a, VIII-a, IX-a,
XI-a, VIII-d, and XI-b.
modifying macromolecule selected from VII-a, XIV-a, and
In any of the extracorporeal blood circuits, hollow fiber
membranes (orpottedbundles thereoforplasmapurification
membranes thereof), potting materials (e.g., potting resin or
potting liquid), blood tubings, dialysis filters, spinning solu
tions,methods, systems,andkits,theSurface modifying mac
romolecule is described by any of the formulas(I)-CXIV)
F-(oligo)-F (I)
wherein F is a polyfluoroorgano group and oligo is an
oligomeric segment.
(i) F is a polyfluoroorgano group covalently attached to
(ii) C is a chain terminating group;
(iii) Oligo is an oligomeric segment;
(iv) LinkB is a coupling segment; and
(v) a is an integergreater than 0.
F-B-(oligo)-B-F (III)
US 8,877,062 B2
(i) B includes a urethane;
(ii) oligo includes polypropylene oxide, polyethylene
oxide, or
polytetramethylene oxide;
(iii) F is a polyfluoroorgano group; and
(iv) n is an integerfrom 1 to 10.
F-B-A-B-F (IV)
(i)Aisasoft segment includinghydrogenatedpolybutadi
poly(diethyleneglycol)adipate,poly(hexamethylene carbon
ate), poly(ethylene-co-butylene), neopentyl glycol-ortho
phthalic anhydride polyester, diethylene glycol-ortho
phthalic anhydride polyester, 1.6-hexanediol-orthophthalic
anhydride polyester, or bisphenol A ethoxylate:
(ii) B is a hard segment including a urethane; and
(iii) F is a polyfluoroorgano group, and
(iv) n is an integerfrom 1 to 10.
F (V)
----Y T
M * 
F F (VI)
'---- T
? * 
(i) A is a Soft segment;
(ii) B is ahard segment including a isocyanurate trimer or
biuret trimer;
(iii) each Fis a polyfluoroorgano group; and
(iv) n is an integerbetween 0 to 10.
F-B-(Oligo)-B-F (VII)
(i) Oligo is an oligomeric segment including polypropy
lene oxide, polyethylene oxide, or polytetramethyleneoxide
and having a theoretical molecular weight of from 500 to
3,000 Daltons(e.g.,from 500to2,000Daltons, from 1,000to
2,000 Daltons, or from 1,000 to 3,000 Daltons):
(ii) B is ahard segment formed from an isocyanate dimer;
(iii) F is a polyfluoroorgano group; and
(iv) n is an integerfrom 1 to 10.
---- T
M * 
(i) A is an oligomeric segment including polypropylene
oxide, polyethylene oxide,polytetramethyleneoxide, or mix
tures thereof, and having a theoretical molecular weight of 65
from 500 to 3,000 Daltons (e.g., from 500 to 2,000 Daltons,
from 1,000to2,000 Daltons,orfrom 1,000to3,000Daltons):
(ii) B isahardsegmentincludingan isocyanuratetrimeror
biuret trimer;
(iii) F is a polyfluoroorgano group; and
(iv) n is an integer from 0 to 10.
(i) Oligo is a polycarbonate polyol having a theoretical
molecular weight of from 500 to 3,000 Daltons (e.g., from
500 to 2,000 Daltons, from 1,000 to 2,000 Daltons, or from
1,000 to 3,000 Daltons):
(ii) B is ahard segment formed from an isocyanate dimer;
(iii) F is a polyfluoroorgano group; and
(iv) n is an integer from 1 to 10.
F (X)
----Y T
M * 
(i) A is an oligomeric segment including a polycarbonate
polyol havinga theoretical molecular weight offrom 500 to
3,000 Daltons(e.g.,from 500to 2,000 Daltons, from 1,000 to
2,000 Daltons, or from 1,000 to 3,000 Daltons):
(ii) B isahardsegmentincludingan isocyanuratetrimeror
biuret trimer;
(iii) F is a polyfluoroorgano group; and
(iv) n is an integer from 0 to 10.
M * 
(i)A includes a firstblocksegmentselected from polypro
pylene oxide, polyethylene oxide, polytetramethyleneoxide,
or mixtures thereof, and a second block segment including a
polysiloxaneorpolydimethylsiloxane, whereinAhasatheo
retical molecularweightoffrom 1,000to5,000 Daltons (e.g.,
from 1,000to 3,000 Daltons, from 2,000to 5,000 Daltons, or
from 2,500 to 5,000 Daltons);
(ii) B isahardsegmentincludingan isocyanuratetrimeror
biuret trimer;
(iii) F is a polyfluoroorgano group; and
(iv) n is an integer from 0 to 10.
(i) A is a soft segment selected from hydrogenated polyb
(HLBH) diol (e.g., HLBH diol), polybutadiene (LBHP)
diol (e.g., LBHP diol), hydrogenated polyisoprene (HHTPI)
diol (e.g., HHTPIdiol), andpolystyreneandhasa theoretical
molecular weight of from 750 to 3,500 Daltons (e.g., from
750 to 2,000 Daltons, from 1,000 to 2,500 Daltons, or from
1,000 to 3,500 Daltons):
(ii) B is ahard segment formed from an isocyanate dimer;
US 8,877,062 B2
(iii) F is a polyfluoroorgano group; and
(iv) n is an integerfrom 1 to 10.
'a-a-b-a -
M * 
(i) A is a Soft segment selected from hydrogenated polyb
utadiene (HLBH) diol (e.g., HLBH diol), polybutadiene
(LBHP) diol (e.g., LBHP diol), hydrogenated polyisoprene
(HHTPI) diol (e.g., HHTPI diol), and polystyrene and has a
theoretical molecular weight of from 750 to 3,500 Daltons
(e.g.,from750to2,000Daltons,from 1,000to2,500Daltons,
or from 1,000 to 3,500 Daltons):
(ii) B isahardsegmentincludingan isocyanurate trimeror
biuret trimer;
(iii) F is a polyfluoroorgano group; and
(iv) n is an integerfrom 0 to 10.
---- T
M * 
(i)A isapolyesterhavingatheoretical molecularweightof
from 500 to 3,500 Daltons (e.g., from 500 to 2,000 Daltons,
from 1,000to2,000 Daltons,orfrom 1,000to3,000Daltons):
(ii) B isahardsegmentincludingan isocyanurate trimeror
biuret trimer;
(iii) F is a polyfluoroorgano group; and
(iv) n is an integerfrom 0 to 10.
In certainembodiments,theSurface modifying macromol
ecule offormulas (I)and (II) includean oligo segmentthatis
a branched or non-branched oligomeric segment of fewer
than 20 repeating units (e.g., from 2 to 15 units, from 2 to 10
units, from 3 to 15 units, and from 3 to 10 units). In another
embodiment, the Surface modifying macromolecule of for
mulas (I) and (II) include an oligomeric segment selected
from polyurethane, polyurea, polyamide, polyalkylene
oxide, polycarbonate, polyester, polylactone, polysilicone,
polyetherSulfone, polyolefin, polyvinyl derivative, polypep
tide, polysaccharide, polysiloxane, polydimethylsiloxane,
polyethylene-butylene, polyisobutylene, polybutadiene,
polypropylene oxide, polyethylene oxide, polytetramethyl
ene oxide, orpolyethylenebutylene segments.
In certainembodiments,theSurface modifying macromol
eculeofformulas (IV)includeahard segment formedfrom a
diisocyanate selected from 3-isocyanatomethyl, 3.5.5-trim
ethyl cyclohexylisocyanate; 4,4'-methylene bis(cyclohexyl
isocyanate); 4,4'-methylene bis(phenyl)isocyanate; toluene
2.4 diisocyanate); m-tetramethylxylene diisocyanate; and
hexamethylene diisocyanate; and n is 1 or 2.
In certainembodiments,theSurface modifying macromol
eculeofformulas (V)and (VI) includea softsegmenthaving
a theoretical molecular weight of500to 3,500 Daltons (e.g.,
from 500 to 2,000 Daltons, from 1,000 to 2,000 Daltons, or
from 1,000to3,000 Daltons)and/orthesoftsegmentincludes
hydrogenated polybutadiene (HLBH), poly(2.2 dimethyl-1-
3-propylcarbonate) (PCN), polybutadiene (LBHP), polytet
ramethylene oxide (PTMO), (propylene)oxide (PPO), dieth
yleneglycol-orthophthalic anhydride polyester (PDP),
hydrogenated polyisoprene (HHTPI), poly(hexamethylene
carbonate), poly(2-butyl-2-ethyl-1,3-propyl carbonate), or
hydroxylterminated polydimethylsiloxane (C22). In other
embodiments of the Surface modifying macromolecule of
formulas (V)and(VI), thehardsegmentis formedby reacting
atriisocyanatewithadiol includingthesoftsegment,wherein
the triisocyanate is selected from hexamethylene diisocyan
ate (HDI) biuret trimer, isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) tri
mer, or hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) trimer.
ecule of formula (VII), B is a hard segment formed from
3-isocyanatomethyl, 3.5.5-trimethyl cyclohexylisocyanate;
4,4'-methylene bis(cyclohexyl isocyanate); 4,4'-methylene
bis(phenyl) isocyanate; toluene-2.4 diisocyanate); m-tetram
ethylxylene diisocyanate; and hexamethylene diisocyanate;
and n isan integerfrom 1 to3. In oneparticularembodiment,
the surface modifying macromolecule of formula (VII) is
VII-a. The surface modifying macromolecules of formula
(VII) can be used in an extracorporeal blood circuit ofthe
invention, or a component thereof. Such as a hollow fiber
membrane,pottedbundle, bloodtubing, or dialysis filter,and
in conjunction with any methods, systems, and kits of the
invention described herein. Forexample,the surface modify
ing macromolecules offormula (VII) can be added to poly
vinyl chloride to make an antithrombogenic blood tubing;
added to a potting material to make an antithrombogenic
potted bundle; and/or added to the base polymer ofa hollow
fiber membrane (e.g., a polysulfone, a polyacrylonitrile, a
cellulose acetate, a cellulose di- ortri-acetate, apolyimide, a
poly(methyl methacrylate), a polycarbonate, a polyamide, a
polypropylene, or a polyethylene) to form a hollow fiber
membrane that is antithrombogenic when contacted with
In certain embodiments ofthe Surface modifying macro
molecule offormula (VIII), B is a hard segment formed by
reactinga triisocyanate with a diol ofA (e.g., the oligomeric
segment), wherein the triisocyanate is selected from hexam
ethylene diisocyanate (HDI)biuret trimer, isophorone diiso
cyanate (IPDI) trimer, and hexamethylene diisocyanate
(HDI) trimer; and n is 0, 1, 2, or3. In one particularembodi
ment, the Surface modifying macromolecule of formula
(VIII) is VIII-a, VIII-b, VIII-c, orVIII-d. The surface modi
fying macromolecules of formula (VIII) can be used in an
extracorporeal blood circuit oftheinvention, ora component
thereof, such as a hollow fiber membrane, potted bundle,
blood tubing, or dialysis filter, and in conjunction with any
methods, systems,and kits ofthe invention describedherein.
For example, the Surface modifying macromolecules offor
mula (VIII) can be added to polyvinyl chloride to make an
a polyacrylonitrile, a cellulose acetate, a cellulose di- or tri
acetate,apolyimide,apoly(methyl methacrylate),apolycar
bonate, a polyamide, a polypropylene, or a polyethylene) to
formahollow fibermembranethatisantithrombogenic when
contacted with blood.
In certain embodiments ofthe Surface modifying macro
moleculeofformula (IX),Oligo includes poly(2.2 dimethyl
1-3-propylcarbonate) (PCN) polyol (e.g., PCN diol); B is a
hard segment formed from 3-isocyanatomethyl, 3.5.5-trim
ethyl cyclohexylisocyanate; 4,4'-methylene bis(cyclohexyl
isocyanate); 4,4'-methylene bis(phenyl) isocyanate; toluene
US 8,877,062 B2
2.4 diisocyanate); m-tetramethylxylene diisocyanate; and
hexamethylene diisocyanate; and n is 1, 2, or 3. In one par
formula (IX)is IX-a. Thesurface modifying macromolecules
offormula (IX)canbeused inanextracorporeal bloodcircuit
of the invention, or a component thereof. Such as a hollow
fiber membrane, potted bundle, blood tubing, or dialysis fil
ter, andin conjunctionwith any methods, systems,andkits of
the invention described herein. For example, the surface
modifying macromolecules offormula (IX) can be added to
polyvinyl chloride to make an antithrombogenic blood tub
ing; added toapotting materialto makeanantithrombogenic
potted bundle; and/oradded to the base polymerofa hollow
fiber membrane (e.g., a polysulfone, a polyacrylonitrile, a
cellulose acetate, a cellulose di- ortri-acetate, apolyimide, a
poly(methyl methacrylate), a polycarbonate, a polyamide, a
polypropylene, or a polyethylene) to form a hollow fiber
membrane that is antithrombogenic when contacted with
In certain embodiments ofthe Surface modifying macro
moleculeofformula (X),A includes poly (2.2 dimethyl-1-3-
propylcarbonate) (PCN) polyol (e.g., PCN diol)orpoly(hex
amethylene carbonate) (PHCN) polyol; B is a hard segment
formed by reacting a triisocyanate with a diol ofA (e.g., the
oligomeric segment), wherein the triisocyanate is selected
from hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) biuret trimer, iso
phorone diisocyanate (IPDI) trimer, and hexamethylene
diisocyanate (HDI) trimer; and n is 0, 1, 2, or 3. In one
particular embodiment, the Surface modifying macromol
ecule offormula (X) is X-a or X-b. The surface modifying
macromolecules offormula (X) can be used in an extracor
poreal bloodcircuitofthe invention, oracomponent thereof,
such as a hollow fiber membrane, potted bundle, blood tub
ing, or dialysis filter, and in conjunction with any methods,
systems, and kits of the invention described herein. For
example, the Surface modifying macromolecules offormula
(X)can beaddedtopolyvinyl chlorideto makeanantithrom
bogenic blood tubing; addedto apotting materialto makean
antithrombogenic potted bundle; and/or added to the base
polymer ofa hollow fiber membrane (e.g., a polysulfone, a
polyacrylonitrile, a cellulose acetate, a cellulose di- or tri
acetate,apolyimide,apoly(methyl methacrylate),apolycar
bonate, a polyamide, a polypropylene, or a polyethylene) to
formahollow fibermembranethatis antithrombogenic when
contacted with blood.
In certain embodiments ofthe Surface modifying macro
molecule of formula (XI), A is a includes polypropylene
oxideand polydimethylsiloxane; B is ahardsegmentformed
by reacting a triisocyanate with a diol of A, wherein the
triisocyanate is selected from hexamethylene diisocyanate
(HDI) biuret trimer, isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) trimer,
andhexamethylenediisocyanate(HDI)trimer;and nis0,1,2,
or 3. In one particular embodiment, the Surface modifying
macromolecule offormula (XI) is XI-a or XI-b. The surface
modifying macromoleculesofformula(XI) can beused inan
extracorporeal blood circuit oftheinvention, ora component
thereof, such as a hollow fiber membrane, potted bundle,
blood tubing, or dialysis filter, and in conjunction with any
methods, systems,and kits ofthe invention describedherein.
For example, the Surface modifying macromolecules offor
mula (XI) can be added to polyvinyl chloride to make an
makeanantithrombogenicpottedbundle;and/oraddedto the
a polyacrylonitrile, a cellulose acetate, a cellulose di- or tri
acetate,apolyimide,apoly(methyl methacrylate),apolycar
bonate, a polyamide, a polypropylene, or a polyethylene) to
formahollow fibermembranethatisantithrombogenic when
contacted with blood.
In certain embodiments ofthe Surface modifying macro
molecule offormula (XII), A includes hydrogenated polyb
utadiene diol; B is a hard segment formed from 3-isocy
anatomethyl, 3.5.5-trimethyl cyclohexylisocyanate; 4,4'-
methylene bis(cyclohexyl isocyanate); 4,4'-methylene bis
(phenyl) isocyanate; toluene-2.4 diisocyanate);
cyanate; and n is 1, 2, or3. In oneparticularembodiment,the
surface modifying macromolecule offormula (XII) is XII-a
orXII-b. The surface modifying macromolecules offormula
(XII) can be used in an extracorporeal blood circuit ofthe
invention, or a component thereof. Such as a hollow fiber
membrane,pottedbundle, bloodtubing, or dialysis filter,and
in conjunction with any methods, systems, and kits of the
invention described herein. Forexample,the surface modify
ing macromolecules offormula (XII) can be added to poly
vinyl chloride to make an antithrombogenic blood tubing;
added to a potting material to make an antithrombogenic
potted bundle; and/or added to the base polymer ofa hollow
fiber membrane (e.g., a polysulfone, a polyacrylonitrile, a
cellulose acetate, a cellulose di- ortri-acetate, apolyimide, a
poly(methyl methacrylate), a polycarbonate, a polyamide, a
polypropylene, or a polyethylene) to form a hollow fiber
membrane that is antithrombogenic when contacted with
In certain embodiments ofthe Surface modifying macro
moleculeofformula (XIII), A is selectedfrom hydrogenated
polybutadiene (HLBH) diol (e.g., HLBH diol), andhydroge
nated polyisoprene (HHTPI) diol (e.g., HHTPI diol); B is a
hardsegmentformedbyreactingatriisocyanatewithadiol of
A(e.g.,theoligomeric segment), wherein the triisocyanateis
selected from hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) biuret tri
mer, isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) trimer, and hexameth
ylene diisocyanate (HDI) trimer; and n is 0, 1, 2, or 3. In one
particular embodiment, the Surface modifying macromol
ecule of formula (XIII) is XIII-a, XIII-b, XIII-c, or XIII-d.
beusedin an extracorporealbloodcircuitofthe invention, or
acomponentthereof. Suchasahollow fibermembrane,potted
bundle, blood tubing, or dialysis filter, and in conjunction
with any methods, systems, and kits of the invention
described herein. For example, the Surface modifying mac
romolecules of formula (XIII) can be added to polyvinyl
chlorideto makeanantithrombogenicbloodtubing; addedto
a potting material to make an antithrombogenic potted
bundle; and/or added to the base polymer ofa hollow fiber
membrane (e.g., a polysulfone, a polyacrylonitrile, a cellu
lose acetate, a cellulose di- or tri-acetate, a polyimide, a
poly(methyl methacrylate), a polycarbonate, a polyamide, a
polypropylene, or a polyethylene) to form a hollow fiber
membrane that is antithrombogenic when contacted with
In certain embodiments ofthe Surface modifying macro
moleculeofformula (XIV), A is selectedfrom poly (diethyl
ene glycol)adipate, neopentyl glycol-orthophthalic anhy
dride polyester, diethylene glycol-orthophthalic anhydride
polyester,and 1.6-hexanediol-orthophthalic anhydridepoly
ester; B is a hard segment formed by reacting a triisocyanate
with a diol ofA (e.g., the polyester segment), wherein the
triisocyanate is selected from hexamethylene diisocyanate
(HDI) biuret trimer, isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) trimer,
andhexamethylenediisocyanate(HDI)trimer;and nis0,1,2,
or 3. In one particular embodiment, the Surface modifying
macromolecule of formula (XIV) is XIV-a or XIV-b. The
US 8,877,062 B2
surface modifying macromolecules offormula (XIV) can be
used in an extracorporeal blood circuit ofthe invention, or a
componentthereof. Such as ahollow fiber membrane, potted
bundle, blood tubing, or dialysis filter, and in conjunction
with any methods, systems, and kits of the invention
described herein. For example, the Surface modifying mac
romolecules of formula (XIV) can be added to polyvinyl
chlorideto makeanantithrombogenicbloodtubing; addedto
a potting material to make an antithrombogenic potted
bundle; and/or added to the base polymer ofa hollow fiber
membrane (e.g., a polysulfone, a polyacrylonitrile, a cellu
lose acetate, a cellulose di- or tri-acetate, a polyimide, a
poly(methyl methacrylate), a polycarbonate, a polyamide, a
polypropylene, or a polyethylene) to form a hollow fiber
membrane that is antithrombogenic when contacted with
For any ofthe Surface modifying macromolecules of the
invention formed from an isocyanate dimer, the isocyanate
dimers can be selected from 3-isocyanatomethyl, 3.5.5-trim
ethyl cyclohexylisocyanate; 4,4'-methylene bis(cyclohexyl
isocyanate)(HMDI); 2.2-, 2,4'-, and 4,4'-methylenebis(phe
nyl) isocyanate (MDI); toluene-2.4 diisocyanate; aromatic
aliphatic isocyanate. Such 1.2-, 1.3-, and 1,4-Xylene diisocy
anate; meta-tetramethylxylene diisocyanate (m-TMXDI):
para-tetramethylxylenediisocyanate(p-TMXDI); hexameth
ylene diisocyanate (HDI): ethylene diisocyanate; propylene
1.2-diisocyanate; tetramethylene diisocyanate; tetramethyl
ene-1,4-diisocyanate; octamethylene diisocyanate;
decamethylene diisocyanate; 2.2,4-trimethylhexamethylene
diisocyanate; 2,4,4-trimethylhexamethylene diisocyanate;
dodecane-1,12-diisocyanate; dicyclohexylmethane diisocy
anate; cyclobutane-1,3-diisocyanate; cyclohexane-1,2-diiso
cyanate; cyclohexane-1,3-diisocyanate; cyclohexane-1,4-di
isocyanate; methyl-cyclohexylene diisocyanate (HTDI); 2.4-
methylcyclohexane diisocyanate; 2.6-methylcyclohexane
diisocyanate; 4,4'-dicyclohexyl diisocyanate; 2,4'-dicyclo
hexyl diisocyanate; 1,3,5-cyclohexane triisocyanate; isocy
anatomethylcyclohexane isocyanate, 1-isocyanato-3.3-5-tri
isocyanatoethylcyclohexane isocyanate; bis(isocyanatom
ethyl)-cyclohexane diisocyanate; 4,4'-bis(isocyanatomethyl)
dicyclohexane; 2,4'-bis(isocyanatomethyl)dicyclohexane:
isophoronediisocyanate (IPDI); 2.4-hexahydrotoluene diiso
4'-biphenylene diisocyanate(TODI); polymeric MDI; carbo
diimide-modified liquid 4,4'-diphenylmethane diisocyanate;
para-phenylene diisocyanate (PPDI); meta-phenylene diiso
cyanate (MPDI); triphenyl methane-4,4'-, and triphenyl
methane-4.4"-triisocyanate; naphthylene-1,5-diisocyanate;
2,4'-, 4,4'-, and 2.2-biphenyl diisocyanate; polyphenyl poly
methylene polyisocyanate (PMDI); mixtures of MDI and
PMDI; mixtures of PMDI and TDI; dimerized uredione of
any isocyanate described herein, Such as uredione oftoluene
diisocyanate, uredione of hexamethylene diisocyanate, and
mixtures thereof, and Substituted and isomeric mixtures
For any ofthe Surface modifying macromolecules of the
invention formed from an isocyanate trimer, the isocyanate
trimer can be selected from hexamethylene diisocyanate
(HDI) biuret trimer, isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) trimer,
hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) trimer; triisocyanate of
2,2,4-trimethyl-1,6-hexane diisocyanate (TMDI); a trimer
ized isocyanurate ofany isocyanates described herein, Such
as isocyanurate oftoluene diisocyanate, trimer of diphenyl
methane diisocyanate, trimer oftetramethylxylene diisocy
anate, and mixtures thereof a trimerized biuret ofany isocy
anates described herein; modified isocyanates derived from
the above diisocyanates; and Substituted and isomeric mix
tures thereof.
In any offormulas (I)-CXIV), theabove surface modifying
macromoleculeincludesthegroup F thatisapolyfluoroalkyl
havinga theoretical molecularweight ofbetween 100-1,500
Da. Forexample, F may be selectedfrom thegroup consist
ing ofradicals ofthe general formula CF (CF),CHCH
wherein ris 2-20, and CF (CF).(CH2CH2O) wherein X is
1-10and s is 1-20.Alternatively, F may be selectedfrom the
group consisting of radicals of the general formula
CHF (CF),CHCH- and CHF.s. (CF2),
(CH2CH2O) , wherein m is 0, 1, 2, or 3: X is an integer
between 1-10;ris an integerbetween 2-20; ands is an integer
between 1-20. In certain embodiments, F is selected from
1H,1H,2H2H-perfluoro-1-decanol: 1H,1H,2H2H-per
fluoro-1-octanol; 1H,1H,5H-perfluoro-1-pentanol; and
1H,1H, perfluoro-1-butanol, and mixtures thereof. In still
other embodiments, F is selected from (CF)
(CF)(CF). CHCHO CHF (CF)-CHO , and (CF)
Inanotherembodiment,theaboveSurface modifying mac
romolecule has a theoretical molecular weight of less than
10,000 Daltons(e.g., from500to 10,000 Daltons,from 500to
9,000 Daltons, from 500 to 5,000 Daltons, from 1,000 to
10,000Daltons,from 1,000to 6,000 Daltons,orfrom 1,500to
8,000 Daltons).
In still another embodiment, the above surface modifying
macromolecule includes from 5% to 40% (w/w) ofthe hard
segment (e.g., from 5% to 35% (w/w), from 5% to 30%
(w/w),andfrom 10%to40%(w?w)),from20%to90%(w/w)
ofthe soft segment (e.g., from 20% to 80% (w/w), from 30%
to 90% (w/w),and from 40% to 90% (w?w)),and from 5% to
50% (w/w) ofthe polyfluoroorgano group (e.g., from 5% to
40% (w/w), from 5% to 30% (w/w), and from 10% to 40%
In one embodiment, the above Surface modifying macro
moleculehas aratio ofhard segmentto soft segment offrom
0.15 to 2.0 (e.g., from 0.15 to 1.8, from 0.15 to 1.5, and from
0.2 to 2.0).
As used herein, the term “antithrombogenic’ refers to an
extracorporeal blood circuit, or component thereof (e.g., a
hollow fiber membrane, blood tubing, dialysis filter,and/or a
potted bundle ofhollow fiber membranes) forwhich the rate
at which thrombosis occurs upon exposure to whole blood
under is reduced in comparison to an otherwise identical
extracorporeal blood circuit, or component thereof, that dif
fers only by the absence ofa Surface modifying macromol
ecule tested under the same blood-contacting conditions. A
reduced rate ofthrombosis can be determined by any ofthe
assays and methods described herein. For example, anti
thrombogenicity can be determined by radiolabeling blood
components and measuring the formation ofthrombi using,
for example, a Y-count to assess the amount of thrombosis
occurring at a Surface. Forthe extracorporeal blood circuits,
or components thereof, ofthe invention an average decrease
in thrombosisbaseduponthe y-countcanbe70%, 60%,50%,
40%, 30%. 20%, or 10% ofthe average thrombosis as deter
minedby Y-countofa referencehollow fibermembranelack
ing the Surface modifying macromolecule). Alternatively,
antithrombogenicity in a filteror hollow fiber membranecan
be determinedbya reducedoperatingpressure (e.g.,anaver
age decrease in operating pressure at the header ofa hollow
fiber membrane being reduced by at least 10%, 20%, 30%,
40%, 50%, or 60% in comparison to the average pressure at
the header of a reference filter or hollow fiber membrane
lacking the Surface modifying macromolecule.
US 8,877,062 B2
By “basepolymer is meantapolymerhavinga theoretical
molecularweightofgreaterthan 50,000Daltons(e.g.,greater
than 50,000, 75,000, 100,000, 150,000, 200,000 Daltons).
As used herein, “C” refers to a chain terminating group.
Exemplarychainterminatinggroups includemonofunctional
groups containinganamine,alcohol,orcarboxylicacidfunc
By “dialysis filter is meanta filterconfigured foruse in a
dialysis machine which can be used by patients Suffering
from impaired kidney function.
By “hard segment” is meantaportion ofthe surface modi
fying macromolecule oraportion ofan oligo segment, where
theportion includesaurethanegroup—NH-C(O)C)—(e.g.,
a urethane group formed by reacting an isocyanate with a
hydroxylgroup ofa soft segment diol orahydroxyl group of
a polyfluoroorgano group).
As used herein, the term “increased average functional
working life” refers to an average increase in functional
working life for an extracorporeal blood circuit, or compo
nent thereof, ofthe invention in comparison to the average
workinglife ofanextracorporealbloodcircuit,orcomponent
thereof, usedunderthesameconditionsanddifferingonlyby
the absence ofSurface modifying macromolecule, where the
working life is determinedbythe length oftime the extracor
poreal circuit, or a component thereof, can be used without
having to flush thrombi deposits from the extracorporeal cir
cuit, or a component thereof (e.g., working life without a
saline flush, or flush with an anticoagulant). The increased
average functional working life for an extracorporeal blood
circuit, orcomponent thereof, ofthe invention can beat least
110%, 125%, 150%, 200%, 250%, 300%, or 400% longer
than the working life of the reference extracorporeal blood
circuit, or component thereof, lacking the Surface modifying
By "less than a standard dose ofanticoagulant' is meant a
reduction in the anticoagulant administered to a Subject dur
ing hemodialysis when usingthe dialysis filters ofthe inven
tion in comparisontotheamountused foradialysisfilterthat
differsonlybytheabsenceofaSurface modifying macromol
ecule.A standard dose is generally identifiedby each institu
tion in a standard operating procedure for a clinical setting,
Such as for use ofan extracorporeal blood circuit, and com
ponents thereof. The standard dose ofanticoagulant refers to
a dose or a range of doses determined by reference to a
standard operatingprocedure ofan institution, anda reduced
dose is determined as compared to that standard dose. The
reduced dose ofanticoagulantcan be80%, 70%, 60%, 50%,
40%,30%,20%,or 10%ofthestandarddoseofanticoagulant
(e.g., heparin or citrate).
As used herein, "LinkB” refers to a coupling segment
capableofcovalentlylinkingtwo oligo moietiesandaSurface
active group. Typically, LinkB molecules have molecular
weights ranging from 40 to 700. Preferably the LinkB mol
ecules are selected from the group of functionalized
diamines, diisocyanates, disulfonicacids,dicarboxylicacids,
diacidchloridesanddialdehydes, wherein the functionalized
component has secondary functional chemistry that is
accessed for chemical attachment ofa surface active group.
vinyls and secondary amines. Terminal hydroxyls,amines or
carboxylic acids on the oligo intermediates can react with
diamines to form oligo-amides; react with diisocyanates to
form oligo-urethanes, oligo-ureas, oligo-amides; react with
disulfonic acids to form oligo-Sulfonates, oligo-Sulfona
mides; react with dicarboxylic acids to form oligo-esters,
oligo-amides; react with diacid chlorides to form oligo-es
ters, oligo-amides; and react with dialdehydes to form oligo
acetal, oligo-imines.
By "oligo' is meanta relatively short length ofa repeating
unit or units, generally less than about 50 monomeric units
and theoretical molecular weights less than 10,000 Daltons,
butpreferably<7,000Daltonsand in someexamples, <5,000
Daltons. In certain embodiments, oligo is selected from the
groupconsistingofpolyurethane,polyurea, polyimide,poly
alkylene oxide, polycarbonate, polyester, polylactone, poly
silicone, polyetherSulfone, polyolefin, polyvinyl, polypep
tide, polysaccharide, and ether and amine linked segments
By “polyethersulfone' is meanta polymerofthe formula:
Polyether Sulfone (PES)
Thispolymeriscommercially availableunderthe trade name
RadelTM from Amoco Corp.
By "polymeric component' is meant any component
within an extracorporeal blood circuit, wherein the compo
nent includes a base polymer, as described herein. For
example,polymeric components includeahollow fibermem
brane, a potted bundle ofhollow fiber membranes, a dialysis
filter, an oxygenator device, and a bloodtubing.
By "poly(oxy-1,4-phenylene Sulfonyl-1,4-phenyleneoxy
1,4-phenyleneisopropylidene-1,4-phenylene) is meant a
polymer ofthe formula:
Thispolymeriscommercially availableunderthe trade name
UdelTM P-3500 from Solvay Advanced Polymers. For use in
thehollow fibermembranes oftheinvention,aparticularsize
forthis polymer may bepreferred (i.e., in the rangeof30-90
kDa; 45-80 kDa; or 60-80 kDa.).
As usedherein, the term “polysulfone' refers to a class of
polymersthatincludeasarepeatingSubunitthe moiety -aryl
SO-aryl-. Polysulfones include, without limitation, poly
etherSulfones andpoly(oxy-1,4-phenylene Sulfonyl-1,4-phe
By “prolonged working life' is meant a dialysis filter for
which the rate at which the filter becomes clogged during a
hemodialysis procedure (e.g., and then requiring a saline
flush to unclog the filter), is reduced in comparison to a
dialysis filter that differs only by the absence of a surface
modifying macromolecule used under the same conditions.
Theprolongedworking life fora dialysis filtercan beat least
110%, 125%, 150%, 200%, 250%, 300%, or 400% longer
Surface modifying macromolecule.
As used herein, the term “reduced thrombi deposition'
refersto an averagedecrease in Y-countfollowingaperiod of
use (e.g., 60.90, 120, 360, or 720 minutes), for an extracor
poreal bloodcircuit,orcomponentthereof,oftheinventionin
comparison to the average y-count observed for an extracor
US 8,877,062 B2
poreal blood circuit used under the same conditions and dif
fering only by the absence ofSurface modifying macromol
ecule. The y-count is obtained by incorporating Surface
modifying macromolecule into the extracorporeal blood cir
cuit to provide an antithrombogenic interface between the
membrane and the flow ofblood passing through the mem
brane, where y-countis measuredatanytreatedSurface ofthe
circuitand is measuredunder conditions in which theamount
ofanticoagulant included in the blood is insufficient to pre
vent the formation ofthrombi in the absence ofsurface modi
fying macromolecule.A y-countcan be determinedbyany of
the assays and methods described herein. For example,
Y-count can be determined by flowing blood or plasma con
taining radiolabeled platelets (or other blood components,
such as red blood cells) into an extracorporeal blood circuit
and measuring the radiation from the radiolabel within the
extracorporeal blood circuit. These assays and methods can
be performed multiple times to obtain an average y-count or
anaverage decreaseinY-count. Thethrombi deposition foran
extracorporeal blood circuit, or component thereof, of the
invention can beon average reduced by 10%, 20%,30, 40%,
50%. 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, or 95% in comparison to the
average thrombi deposition ofthe extracorporeal blood cir
cuit, or component thereof, lacking the Surface modifying
By “reduced operating pressure' is meant an average
decrease inoperatingpressurefollowingaperiodofuse(e.g.,
2 hrs, 4 hrs, 8 hrs, 12 hrs, or 16 hrs), for a hollow fiber
membrane, or filters or potted bundles thereof, ofthe inven
tion in comparison to the average pressure observed for a
hollow fiber membrane used under the same conditions and
differing only by the absence ofsurface modifying macro
molecule. The reduced operating pressure is obtained by
low fibermembranetoprovideanantithrombogenic interface
betweenthe membraneandtheflowofbloodpassingthrough
the membrane, where pressure is measured at the header of
the membrane. Foran array ofhollow fiber membranes hav
ing apotting resin at an end ofthearray, a reduced operating
pressure can be obtained by using a surface modifying mac
romolecule to provide an antithrombogenic interface
between the membrane and/or thepotting resin and the flow
ofblood passing through the potted bundle. Operating pres
Sure can be determined by any of the assays and methods
described herein. For example, operating pressure can be
determined by flowing blood into a hollow fiber membrane
and measuringthechange in pressurewithin thehollow fiber
membrane over a period oftime. These assays and methods
can be performed multiple times to obtain an average oper
ating pressure or an average decrease in operating pressure.
The reducedoperating pressure fora hollow fiber membrane
(or filters or potted bundles thereof) ofthe invention can be
lessthan 10%,20%,30%,40%, 50%,60%, 70%, or80%after
2, 4, 8, 12, or 16 hours ofuse in comparison to the average
pressure observed for a reference hollow fiber membrane,
filter, orpottedbundle lackingthe Surface modifying macro
As used herein, the terms “reduces adverse events’ and
“adverse events experienced by a subject” refer to a number
or extent of adverse events experienced by a subject con
nected to an extracorporeal blood circuit, or component
thereof, of the invention, where such adverse events are
reduced or decreased during oraftera period ofuse, in com
parison to an extracorporeal blood circuit, or component,
used under the same conditions and differing only by the
absenceofsurfacemodifyingmacromolecule.The numberor
extent of adverse events can be determined by any useful
method,includingtheuseofanimal models(seeLivignietal.
CriticalCare 10:R151 (2006); Walkeretal.,Artificial Organs
8:329-333 (1984); Cheung, Blood Purification 5:155-161
(1987); Kamleretal.,JournalofThoracicandCardiovascular
Surgery 49:157-161 (2001); and Kamler et al., European
Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 11:973-980 (1997)).
Adverse events include bleeding (e.g., measured by the acti
vated clotting time), hemolysis, reduced blood cell counts,
severe hemodynamic instability, embolism, thromboembo
lism, a thrombi-related event, and any other event requiring
erythropoietin and/or intravenous iron). The presence ofone
or more adverse events can be indicative ofthe presence of
thrombi ortheactivation ofbloodcomplements inthecoagul
lation cascade.
By “soft segment' is meant a portion ofthe surface modi
fying macromolecule oraportion ofan oligo segment, where
the portion includes an ether group, an ester group (e.g., a
polyester), an alkyl group, a carbonate group, a siloxane
group,ora mixturethereof. Forexample,theSoftsegmentcan
have a theoretical molecular weight or average molecular
weight from 500 to 3,000 Daltons (e.g., from 500 to 2,000
Daltons, from 1,000to 2,000 Daltons, orfrom 1,000to 3,000
As usedherein,“surfacemodifying macromolecule' refers
to the macromolecules containing polyfluoroorgano groups
and describedherein by formulas (I)-CXIV) and in U.S. Pat.
No. 6,127,507; in U.S. Patent Publication No. 20080228253;
and in U.S. Provisional Ser. No. 61/092,667, filed Aug. 28,
2008, each of which is incorporated herein by reference.
Surface modifying macromolecules can be prepared as
describedin U.S.Pat.No. 6,127,507; U.S. PatentPublication
No. 20080228253; and PCT Publication No. WO/2010/
025398, filedAug. 28, 2009. Briefly,surface modifying mac
romolecules, such as XI-aandX-a, may be synthesized from
a polyisocyanate (e.g., Desmodur N3200 or Desmodur
Z4470) reacted dropwise with a fluoroalkyl alcohol in an
organic solvent(e.g., anhydrous THFor DMAC) in thepres
ence ofa catalyst at 25°C. for 2 hours. Afteraddition ofthe
fluorinated alcohol, stirring is continued for 1 hourat 50° C.
and for a further 1 hour at 70° C. These steps lead to the
formationofapartially fluorinatedintermediatewhichis then
coupled with apolyol soft segment (e.g., polydimethylsilox
ane diol or poly(2.2 dimethyl-1-3-propyl carbonate)diol) at
70° C. overa periodof14 hours toprovide the surface modi
fying macromolecule. Because the reactions are moisture
sensitive, they are typically carried out under an inert N.
atmosphere and under anhydrous conditions. The reaction
product is precipitated in 1% MeOH/water mixture and then
washed several times with water, and the Surface modifying
macromolecule is driedpriorto use. The Soft segment ofthe
Surface modifying macromolecule can function as an anchor
for the surface modifying macromolecule within the base
polymerSubstrate upon admixture.TheSurfaceactivegroups
are responsible, in part, for carrying the Surface modifying
macromolecule to the surface of the admixture, where the
Surface activegroups areexposed on the Surface. The migra
tion ofthe Surface modifying macromolecules to the Surface
is a dynamic process and is dependent on the Surface envi
ronment. The process ofmigration is driven by the tendency
towards establishing a low Surface energy at the mixture's
surface. When the balance between anchoring and surface
migration isachieved,theSurface modifying macromolecule
remains stable at the surface ofthe polymer, while simulta
neously altering Surface properties.
This invention features blood circuits which can be useful
for reducing platelet adhesion, reducing occlusion, reducing
US 8,877,062 B2
the needforheparinand/orotheranticoagulants,reducingthe
costs associated with certain medical procedures, such as
dialysis, prolonging the working life of the blood circuit,
improving patient safety, and reducing waste.
Other features and advantages of the invention will be
apparent from the Drawings, Detailed Description, and the
FIG. 1 isa schematicofanexemplaryextracorporealblood
FIG. 2 is an illustration depicting Surface modifying mac
romolecule VII-a ofthe invention.
FIG. 3 is an illustration depicting Surface modifying mac
romolecule VIII-a ofthe invention.
FIG. 4 is an illustration depicting Surface modifying mac
romolecule VIII-b ofthe invention.
FIG. 5 is an illustration depicting Surface modifying mac
romolecule VIII-c ofthe invention.
FIG. 6 is an illustration depicting Surface modifying mac
romolecule VIII-d ofthe invention.
FIG. 7 is an illustration depicting Surface modifying mac
romolecule IX-a ofthe invention.
FIG. 8 is an illustration depicting Surface modifying mac
romolecule X-a ofthe invention.
FIG. 9 is an illustration depicting Surface modifying mac
romolecule X-b ofthe invention.
FIG. 10is an illustration depictingSurface modifying mac
romolecule XI-a ofthe invention.
FIG. 11 isan illustration depictingsurfacemodifying mac
romolecule XI-b ofthe invention.
FIG. 12is an illustration depictingSurface modifying mac
romolecule XII-a ofthe invention.
FIG. 13 is an illustration depictingSurface modifying mac
romolecule XII-b ofthe invention.
FIG. 14is an illustration depictingSurface modifying mac
romolecule XIII-a ofthe invention.
FIG. 15is an illustration depictingSurface modifying mac
romolecule XIII-b ofthe invention.
FIG.16is an illustration depictingSurface modifying mac
romolecule XIII-c ofthe invention.
FIG. 17is an illustration depictingSurface modifying mac
romolecule XIII-d ofthe invention.
FIG. 18is an illustration depictingSurface modifying mac
romolecule XIV-a ofthe invention.
FIG. 19isan illustration depictingsurfacemodifying mac
romolecule XIV-b ofthe invention.
FIGS.20Aand20B show anexemplary hollow fiberandan
exemplary bundle offibers. FIG. 20A is a scanning electron
micrograph ofa single hollow fiber depicting the outer Sur
face,theinnersurface,andthefiberthickness. FIG.20B isan
illustration ofbundle ofhollow fibers arranged in the header
part of the dialyzer cartridge with the potting area (areas
indicated by arrow labeled “Potted area untreated in the
inner lumen of the dialyzer cartridge, including the thick
dotted line within the inner lumen ofthe dialyzer cartridge
and the areas marked with an X) exposed.
FIG. 21 is a photograph ofan exemplary configuration for
in vitro blood loop analysis and gamma probe reading.
FIG. 22 is a photograph ofhemofilters after a blood loop
FIG. 23 is a graph showing average header pressure (APr)
and Y-count profiles forcontrol versus VII-a and XI-a (n=6).
FIGS. 24A and 24B are photographs ofhemofilters from
Experiment 4 in Example 5, as described herein. FIG. 24A
shows thrombi formed at the inlet of the hemofilters. FIG.
24B shows thrombi formed at the outlet ofthe hemofilters.
FIGS. 25A-25C are photographs from Experiment 4 in
Example5,asdescribedherein,which show extensivecoagu
lation. FIG. 25A shows thrombi formed at the inlet of the
controlhemofilter(nosurfacemodification). FIG.25B shows
thrombi formed at the outlet of the control hemofilter (no
surface modification). FIG. 25C shows residue on the sieve
after draining blood.
FIGS. 26A-26D are photographs of hemofilters from
Experiment 5 in Example 5, as described herein. FIG. 26A
shows thrombi formed at the inlet of the hemofilters. FIG.
26B shows thrombi formed at the outlet ofthe hemofilters. A
control hemofilter showed complete occlusion, where close
ups are provided for the inlet (FIG. 26C) and outlet (FIG.
26D) for control.
FIG. 27showsphotographsoftheinletofhemofiltersfrom
Experiment 1-6 in Example 5, as described herein. Photo
and XI-a (bottom row).
FIGS. 28A and 28B are photographs ofhemofilters from
Experiment 1 in Example 5, as described herein. FIG. 28A
shows thrombi formed at the inlet of the hemofilters. FIG.
28B shows thrombi formed at the outlet ofthe hemofilters.
FIGS. 29A and 29B are photographs ofhemofilters from
Experiment 2 in Example 5, as described herein. FIG. 29A
shows thrombi formed at the inlet of the hemofilters. FIG.
29B shows thrombi formed at the outlet ofthe hemofilters.
FIGS. 30A and 30B are photographs ofhemofilters from
Experiment 3 in Example 5, as described herein. FIG. 30A
shows thrombi formed at the inlet of the hemofilters. FIG.
30B shows thrombi formed at the outlet ofthe hemofilters.
FIGS. 31A and 31B are photographs ofhemofilters from
Experiment 6 in Example 5, as described herein. FIG. 31A
shows thrombi formed at the inlet of the hemofilters. FIG.
31B shows thrombi formed at the outlet ofthe hemofilters.
The methods and compositions of the invention feature
antithrombogenic, extracorporeal blood circuits and compo
nentsthereof(hollow fibermembranes,potting materials,and
blood tubing, etc.) including a synthetic base polymer
admixedwith from 0.005% to 10% (w/w)surface modifying
macromolecule. The extracorporeal blood circuit compo
nents ofthe invention can beused in therapies suchas hemo
dialysis, hemofiltration, hemoconcentration, hemodiafiltra
tion,andoxygenation, forthetreatmentofpatients withrenal
failure, fluid overload,toxemic conditions, cardiac failure, or
cardiac distress.They canalsobeused forprotein separation,
plasma filtration, and blood separation.
The selection of the combination ofa particular surface
modifying macromolecule(SMM)andaparticularbasepoly
mer can be determined by the methods and protocols
described herein. First, the type and amount ofSMM to be
added to base polymer is determined in part by whether the
admixture forms a single stable phase, where the SMM is
soluble in thebasepolymer(e.g., separation oftheadmixture
to form two or more distinct phases would indicate an
unstable solution). Then, the compatibility ofthe admixture
can be tested by various known analytical methods. The sur
face oftheadmixtureasa filmoras afibercanbeanalyzedby
any useful spectroscopic method, Such as X-ray photoelec
tron spectroscopy (XPS) with an elemental analysis (EA).
Data from XPS could indicate the extent of modification of
the surface by migrating SMMs and data from EA can indi
cate the extent of modification of the bulk material. Stable
US 8,877,062 B2
admixtures can then be tested to determine the thromboge
nicity ofthe Surface under various conditions.
Extracorporeal Blood Circuits
The invention features compositions and methods for
reducing the activation ofblood components in contact with
any ofthe parts ofan extracorporeal blood circuit (e.g., the
blood tubing, the hollow fibermembrane, thepotted surface,
orthe ends ofthe filterinto which the blood tubingattaches)
by including a Surface modifying macromolecule in one or
more of the parts of an extracorporeal blood circuit. The
hemodialysis machine pumps the dialysate as well as the
patient’s blood through a dialyzer. The blood and dialysate
are separated from each other by a semipermeable hollow
blood circuit of a hemodialysis machine and the dialysate
passing through the dialysate circuit of a hemodialysis
machine.Anyoneormoreoftheblood-contactingSurfaces in
theextracorporealblood circuitofa dialysis machine may be
treatedwithasurfacemodifyingmacromoleculeas described
herein to produce an antithrombogenic Surface. The medical
separatory device ofthe invention can be an artificial kidney
ofthe hollow fibertype, ora related device, such as hemofil
ter, blood oxygenator, orotherseparatorofimpurities from a
The devices include a dialysate chamber, and a pair of
spaced apart drip chambers attached to each end ofthe dialy
satechamber. Each drip chamberterminates in aport leading
to blood tubing, which ultimately exit and enter a subject
undergoinghemodialysis.Thedialysate chamberisprovided
with conventional inlet and outlet dialysate ports and Sur
rounds a bundle ofaxially extending hollow semipermeable
Thefiberbundle containsthousands(e.g.,3,000to30,000)
individual fibers which may formed from cellulose (e.g.,
madeby deacetylating celluloseacetateastaughtin U.S. Pat.
No. 3.546,209), celluloseacetate, celluloseester, polyesters,
polyamides, polysulfone, or any other hollow fiber mem
brane known in the art. Typically, the fibers are fine and of
capillary size which typically ranges fromabout 150to about
300 microns internal diameter with a wall thickness in the
range ofabout 20 to about 50 microns.
Referring to FIG. 1, a typical extracorporeal blood circuit
100 includes tubingthrough which theblood flows andcom
ponents for filtering and performing dialysis on the blood.
Bloodflowsfromapatient105 througharterial tubing110.
Blood drips into a drip chamber 115 wherea connectingtube
from the drip chamber 115 attaches to a sensor 125 on a
hemodialysis machine that determines the pressure of the
blood on the arterial side ofthe extracorporeal bloodcircuit.
A pump 120 forces the blood to continue along the path
rates waste products from the blood.
After passing through the dialyzer 130, the blood flows
through venous tubing 140 into a second drip chamber 150.
The drip chamber 150 can function as an air trap. Free gases
in the blood may beable to escapeinto the drip chamber 150
before the blood continues to the patient. A sensor 170 is in
communication with air in the drip chamber through tube
side ofthe extracorporeal blood circuit.
Heparin 160 canbeadded to the bloodin the dripchamber
115. When blood is exposed to oxygen, the blood begins to
clot.Thedripchamber150 may includea filterforpreventing
any clots from exiting the drip chamber 150 and entering the
patient 105. The blood continues from the drip chamber
through venous tubing180andthroughabubbledetector175
before returning to the patient 105.
Any ofthe blood contacting components ofthe extracor
poreal bloodcircuitcanbemodifiedwith a surfacemodifying
macromoleculeas describedherein to producean antithrom
bogenic Surface. Theextracorporealbloodcircuit canbe use
ful for hemodialysis, as explained above, and can also be
applied for other therapies involving hemoconcentration,
oxygenation, protein separation, plasma filtration, and blood
Surface Modifying Macromolecule
Illustrations ofVII-a to XI-b are shown in FIGS. 2-19. For
all of the SMMs, the number of soft segments can be any
integer or non-integerto provide the approximatetheoretical
molecule weight ofthe soft segment. For compounds offor
mulas (XII) and (XIII), the number of hydrogenated alkyl
moieties can be any integer or non-integer to provide the
approximatetheoretical molecule weightofthe Softsegment.
Examples ofXII-a, XII-b, XIII-a, XIII-b, and XIII-c include
SMMs, where x=0.225, y=0.65, and Z-0.125. For com
pounds offormula (XI), the number offirst block segments
and secondblocksegments canbe any integerornon-integer
to providetheapproximate theoretical moleculeweightofthe
soft segment. Examples of XI-a and XI-b include SMM’s,
where m=12 to 16 and n=12 to 18.
Table 1 shows theSMM distribution ofhardsegments,soft
segments,andfluorinatedend-groups (Fendgroups).Table 1
also shows the ratio ofhard segment to soft segment, which
range from 0.16 to 1.49.
MW % Soft Seg % Hard Seg % F End Hard/Soft
SMM’s Theo (Diol) (Isocyanate) Groups segment
VII-a 2016 47.21 16.68 36.11 O.35
VIII-a 3814 25.78 30.59 43.63 1.19
VIII-b 3545 27.73 31.18 41.09 1.12
VIII-c 3870 25.64 37.01 37.35 1.44
VIII-d 4800 39.59 30.07 30.34 O.76
IX-a 3515 56.89 22.39 20.72 O.39
X-a 4075 23.74 35.42 40.84 1.49
X-b 4861 40.35 29.69 29.96 O.74
XI-a 5562 S3.94 19.87 26.19 0.37
XI-b S900 50.85 24.46 24.69 O.48
XII-a 3785 64.60 13.90 22.OO O.22
XII-b 6372 76.2O 12.40 1140 O16
XIII-a 5259 46.18 22.18 31.64 O.48
XIII-b 5536 43.87 26.07 30.06 O.S9
XIII-c S198 46.72 21.26 32.01 O46
XIII-d 5227 4.O.S.S 27.61 25.38 O.68
XIV-a 5097 38.76 28.59 32.65 O.74
XIVb 5450 46.79 26.48 26.72 0.57
Hollow Fiber Membranes
meric materials in hollow fiber spinning e.g. polysulfones,
aromatic polyimides, and amides. Any base polymers
described herein can be used as a hydrophobic polymer for
hollow fiber spinning. For hemodialysis, hollow fiber mem
branes are often made from natural cellulose, cellulose
derivatives (e.g.cellulosedi-ortri-acetate),orsyntheticpoly
mers (e.g., polysulfones, polyacrylonitrile, or polyamides,
amongothers), which are selected fortheirbiocompatibility.
However, noneofthese materials have proven toprovide the
desired antithrombogenicity that is needed to reduce the reli
ance upon anticoagulants.
In particular, polysulfones (PS)are synthetic hydrophobic
polymers thatarewidely usedinhollow fibermembranesdue
to theirexcellentfiberspinningpropertiesandbiocompatibil
ity.However,purehydrophobic PScannotbeused directly for
Some applications, e.g., dialysis membranes, as this will
US 8,877,062 B2
decrease the wetting characteristics ofthe membrane in an
tial for the clearance of toxins. To address this problem,
polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) is typically added to the PS as a
pore forming hydrophilic polymer, most ofwhich dissolves
and is lost during the hollow fiber spinning process and
hydrophilically modify the PS to make it suitable as a semi
permeable membrane.Although someofthe PVP remains in
the fiber this is not sufficient as clotting still occurs during
dialysis requiring heparin anticoagulants orsaline flushes of
the dialyzer to clear the blockage.
The methods and compositions of the invention address
in the hollow fiber membrane. The surface modifying mac
romolecule migrates to the surface ofthe hollow fiber mem
process) to occupy the top 10 microns ofthe hollow fiber.
Manufacture of Hollow Fiber Membranes
A porous hollow fiber membrane adapted for use in the
methods of the invention, e.g., kidney dialysis, should be
capableofremovinglow molecularweighturemicSubstances
while retaining useful Substances such as albumin. Such
porous hollow fibermembranesareproducedusingprocesses
adapted to accurately control the porediameterin theporous
hollowfibermembrane.Theporediameterofthehollow fiber
membrane can depend upon the composition ofthe spinning
Solution, composition ofthe core solution, draft ratio, liquid
composition formembranecoagulation,temperature,humid
is an importantfactoras thecombinationandthe mixingratio
ofthesolventandthe nonsolventin relationtothe membrane
constituting polymer determine the coagulation rate, and
hence, the morphology ofthe interior surface ofthe hollow
fiber membrane.
hollow fiber membranes (see, for example, U.S. Pat. Nos.
6,001,288: 5,232,601: 4,906,375; and 4,874,522, each of
which is incorporatedherein by reference) including (i) pro
cesses wherein a tube-in-tube type orifice is used and the
spinning solution is extruded from the outer tube (i.e., from
theannularspace defined between theinnerand outer tubes)
and the core solution is ejected from the inner tube; (ii) by
extrudingthespinning Solutionintoair, allowingthefilament
to falldownbygravity,passingthefilamentthrough acoagul
lantbathforcoagulation,andwashingand dryingthefilament
(dry-wet spinning); (iii) by using a bath including an upper
layer of a non-coagulating Solution and a lower layer of a
coagulating Solution, and extruding the spinning Solution
directly into the non-coagulating solution and passing the
filamentthroughthecoagulatingsolution; (iv)byusingabath
includingan upperlayerofacoagulatingSolutionandalower
layer ofa non-coagulating solution, and extruding the spin
ning solution directly into the non-coagulating Solution and
passingthe filamentthrough the coagulating solution; (V) by
extruding the spinning Solution directly into a non-coagulat
ing Solution and passing the filament along the boundary
between the coagulating Solution and the non-coagulating
Solution; and(vi) by extrudingthespinningSolution from the
orifice Surrounding a non-coagulating solution and passing
the filament through a coagulating Solution.
In such processes, pore diameterofthehollow fiber mem
brane is controlled by adjusting the rate and theextentofthe
coagulation oftheextrudedspinningsolutionthroughtheuse
ofa coagulation Solution which promotes the coagulation of
thespinning Solution (a nonsolventforthespinningsolution)
ofthe spinning Solution (a solvent for the spinning solution)
eitherseparately or in a mixture.
For use in the compositions and methods ofthe invention,
atypical spinning solution will includea basepolymer(e.g.,
apolysulfone), a hydrophilic pore formingagent (e.g., poly
vinylpyrrolidone, ethylene glycol, alcohols, polypropylene
glycol, or polyethylene glycol), a solvent for the polymer
(i.e., dimethylformamide, dimethylsulfoxide,dimethylaceta
mide, N-methylpyrrolidone, or mixtures thereof), and a sur
face modifying macromolecule.
The hollow fiber membranes ofthe invention can be pro
duced, forexample, by extruding the spinning Solution from
a tube-in-tube type orifice of the spinner in a coagulation
solution to form the hollow fiber membrane. The polymer
containing spinning Solution is extruded from the outertube
to form a cylindrical filament having an inner bore and the
core solution for coagulation of the spinning Solution is
extruded from the inner tube ofthe orifice into the inner bore
ofthe filament. In this process, the filament may be directly
extruded into the coagulation Solution, or extruded into air
and then drawn to the coagulation solution. As noted above,
forming agent and a Surface modifying macromolecule and
the resulting hollow fiber membrane contains the surface
modifying macromolecule on its Surface.
The viscosity ofthe spinning solution can be modified as
needed. For example, by adding a thickener (e.g., polyvi
nylpyrrolidone (PVP), polyethylene glycol (PEG), or
polypropylene glycol) to increase viscosity, or by adding an
aprotic low boiling solvent (i.e., tetrahydrofuran, diethyl
ether, methylethylketone,acetone,ormixturesthereof)tothe
spinning Solution to reduce viscosity. An aprotic low boiling
solvent may also be included to increase the solubility ofthe
Surface modifying macromolecule in the spinning solution.
The spinning Solution is extruded to form the shape ofa
filament which is precipitated using a coagulating solution,
resulting in formation ofthe desiredporous hollow fiber. The
coagulatingsolution mayincludea nonsolventora mixtureof
a nonsolvent and a solvent for the base polymer ofthe spin
ning solution. Typically the nonsolvent used for the coagul
lating Solution is an aqueous solution.
After the porous hollow fiber is formed, it may be passed
through a second rinsing bath. The porous hollow fiber may
then beprocessed further,e.g., cutting,bundling, anddrying,
and made intoaporoushollow fibermembraneSuitable,e.g.,
for use in a dialyzer.
Potted Bundles ofHollow Fiber Membranes
The invention features compositions and methods for
reducing the activation ofblood components in contact with
the potting material ofa filter (e.g., as part ofa blood purifi
cation device, such as a hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration,
hemofiltration,hemoconcentration, oroxygenatordevice)by
including a Surface modifying macromolecule in the potting
material at the time that the hollow fiber membranes are
Inordertofilterorpermeatewithhollow fibermembranes,
alargenumberofthinhollow fibers mustbepotted(i.e.,fixed)
to aheaderofan encasementSuch thattheirinner Surfaces are
each completely sealed to the inside ofthe encasement but
theirlumens are open to pass blood from a firstpotted end to
asecondpottedendofafilter. Potting materialsarean impor
tantintegralpartofbloodpurification filteras thesearecured
polymer materials (usually a polyurethane) thatactas a glue
to hold the hollow membrane fiberbundles (e.g., numbering
up to 20,000) firmly at the ends inside the cartridge ofthe
Hollow fibermembranes us8877062
Hollow fibermembranes us8877062
Hollow fibermembranes us8877062
Hollow fibermembranes us8877062
Hollow fibermembranes us8877062
Hollow fibermembranes us8877062
Hollow fibermembranes us8877062
Hollow fibermembranes us8877062
Hollow fibermembranes us8877062

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Hollow fibermembranes us8877062

  • 1. US008877O62B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,877,062 B2 Mullick et al. (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 4, 2014 (54) ANTITHROMBOGENIC HOLLOW FIBER B01D 71/82; B01D 2313/04; B01D 2323/10; MEMBRANES AND FILTERS B01D 2323/28: B01D 2323/36; A61M 1/16; A61M 1/34: A61M 1/3672: A61M 2001/1623; (75) Inventors: Sanjoy Mullick, Brampton (CA); A61M 2001/34 Weilun Chang, Toronto (CA); Hanje USPC ............. 210/500.23,500.24,500.27,500.36, Chen,TorontoSA),Mark steedman, 210/500.41, 500.42,321.61,321.78, S. (A) Reita Esfand, 210/321.79, 321.8,321.87,321.88, 321.89, ississauga (CA) 210/500.43; 604/5.01, 6.01, 6.09, 19 (73) Assignee: Interface Biologics, Inc., Toronto (CA) Seeapplication file forcomplete search history. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis (56) References Cited patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS U.S.C. 154(b) by 480 days. 3,392,183 A 7, 1968 Windemuth et al. (21) Appl. No.: 12/834,730 3.427.366 A 2/1969 Ryan etal. (22) Filed: Jul. 12, 2010 (Continued) (65) Prior Publication Data FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS CN 1711127 A 12/2005 US 2011 FOOO9799 A1 Jan. 13, 2011 CN 18943O2 A 1,2007 Related U.S. Application Data (Continued) (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 12/780,200, OTHER PUBLICATIONS filed on May 14, 2010, now abandoned. U.S. Appl. No. 12/780,200, filed May 14, 2010, Mullicket al. (60) Provisional application No. 61/178,861, filed on May 15, 2009. (Continued) (51) Int. Cl. Primary Examiner—Joseph Drodge A6M I/6 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Clark & Elbing LLP: A6M I/34 (2006.01) Kristina Bieker-Brady (Continued) (57) ABSTRACT (52) U.S. Cl. CPC ........... BOID 63/023 (2013.01); A61M 1/3672 The invention relates to extracorporeal blood circuits, and (2013.01); B01D 63/022 (2013.01); B0ID components thereof (e.g., hollow fiber membranes, potted bundles, and blood tubing), including 0.005% to 10% (w/w) (Continued) Surface modifying macromolecule.Theextracorporeal blood (58) Field ofClassification Search circuitshave an antithrombogenic Surface and can beused in CPC ...... B01D 61/20; B01D 61/28; B01D 61/246; B01D 63/04; B01D 69/08; B01D 71/06; B01D 71/26: B01D 71/44; B01D 71/54; B01D 71/68; B01D 71/76; B01D 71/80; Biti Fly&r Cartridge Pottedarei seated Fier area ce -1 -1 a. 1 3. iber part hemofiltration, hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration, hemocon centration, blood oxygenation, and related uses. 41 Claims, 31 Drawing Sheets Bad Fox
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  • 4. US 8,877,062 B2 Sheet 1 of 31 Nov. 4, 2014 U.S. Patent
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  • 7. US 8,877,062 B2 Sheet 4 of 31 Nov. 4, 2014 U.S. Patent 000! = "IN |Off | ^,…), | O | OO Î ^~~~~)—, No.terow-ºff-o,| OO
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  • 18. US 8,877,062 B2 Sheet 15 of 31 Nov. 4, 2014 U.S. Patent
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  • 23. US 8,877,062 B2 Sheet 20 of 31 Nov. 4, 2014 U.S. Patent page3.? tin gøre p33404
  • 24. U.S. Patent Nov. 4, 2014 Sheet 21 of31 US 8,877,062 B2 i
  • 25. US 8,877,062 B2 Sheet 22 of 31 Nov. 4, 2014 U.S. Patent
  • 26. U.S. Patent Nov. 4, 2014 Sheet 23 of31 US 8,877,062 B2 Figure 23 Average change in Pr: Control vs. V-a and X-a (n - 6) Average Gamma Count/10: Control vs. Vill-a and X-a (n = 6) 1200 Pr change: Control vs. V -a and 1000 X-a Gamma Count: Controlvs. VII-a s e E s C s E S 800 O xx. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s SOC E 5 is 400 3. 2CO C Control : Wi-a X-a
  • 27. U.S. Patent Nov. 4, 2014 Sheet 24 of31 US 8,877,062 B2 Figure 24A Control Figure 24B
  • 28. US 8,877,062 B2 Sheet 25 Of31 Nov. 4, 2014 U.S. Patent e 25B igur Figure 25A Figure 25C
  • 29. U.S. Patent Nov. 4, 2014 Sheet 26 of31 US 8,877,062 B2 Figure 26A Control Figure 26B Figure 26C Figure 26D
  • 30. US 8,877,062 B2 Sheet 27 of31 Nov. 4, 2014 U.S. Patent
  • 31. U.S. Patent Nov. 4, 2014 Sheet 28 of31 US 8,877,062 B2 Figure 28A Figure 288
  • 32. U.S. Patent Nov. 4, 2014 Sheet 29 Of31 US 8,877,062 B2 Figure 29A Figure 29B
  • 33. U.S. Patent Nov. 4, 2014 Sheet 30 of31 US 8,877,062 B2 Figure 30A x-a via Figure30B
  • 34. U.S. Patent Nov. 4, 2014 Sheet 31 of31 US 8,877,062 B2 Figure 3A Figure 31B
  • 35. US 8,877,062 B2 1. ANTITHROMBOGENIC HOLLOW FIBER MEMBRANES AND FILTERS CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS This application is a continuation-in-part ofU.S. applica tion Ser. No. 12/780.200, filed May 14, 2010, which claims benefit from U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/178,861, filed May 15, 2009, hereby incorporated by reference. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The invention relates to antithrombogenic extracorporeal blood circuits and components thereof, such as hollow fiber membranes, blood tubing, and filters, andtheir use in hemo filtration, hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration, hemoconcentra tion, blood oxygenation, and related uses. For a treatment ofa patient suffering from renal failure, various blood purifying methods have been proposed in whichbloodistaken outfromthe living bodyofthepatientto be purified and the purified blood is then returned into the body. For example, the blood purification methods utilizing extracorporeal circulation are classified into the following types: hemodialysis (HD) by diffusion, hemofiltration (HF) which performs body fluid removal/substitution by ultrafil tration,andhemodiafiltration(HDF)in which HDand HFare combined. The above-mentioned methods are implemented using a hemodialyzer. The dialyzer is the piece of equipment that actuallyfiltersthebloodofwastesolutesandfluids(e.g., urea, potassium, creatinine, and uric acid). Almost all dialyzers in use today areofthehollow-fiber variety. Acylindricalbundle ofhollow fibers, whose walls are composed ofsemi-perme able membrane, is anchored at each end into potting com pound (a sort ofglue). This assembly is then put into a clear plastic cylindrical shell with four openings. One opening or blood port at each end of the cylinder communicates with each end ofthebundle ofhollow fibers. This forms the“blood compartment ofthedialyzer.Twootherportsarecutinto the side of the cylinder. These communicate with the space aroundthehollow fibers,the“dialysatecompartment.” Blood ispumpedvia thebloodports through this bundleofverythin capillary-like tubes, and the dialysate is pumpedthrough the space Surrounding the fibers. Pressure gradients are applied when necessary to move fluid from the bloodto the dialysate compartment. Hemodialysis is an importantprocedure thatplays the role ofan artificial kidney and replaces all vital functions due to chronicoracute kidney failure. The dialyzermay beused for the treatment ofpatients with renal failure, fluid overload, or toxemic conditions, and can be configured to perform HD, HF, HDF, orhemoconcentration. While theblood is being transported to and from the body orcleaned in the dialyzer, an anticoagulant, Such as heparin, may beadded to prevent clotting or thrombosis. Forpatients receivingcontinuous renalreplacementtherapy (CRRT)(i.e., continuous dialysis 24 hours/7 days a week),heparin is typi cally given as a bolus systemically to prevent clogging of filtermembranes duringdialysis due to coagulation ofblood. Incases where no heparin is administered filters clog 27% of the time, while with heparin filters clog 17% ofthe time (see Richardson et al., Kidney International 70:963-968 (2006)). Forpatients receivingintermittenthemodialysis(IHD)(inter mittent dialysis ofabout 4 hours twice daily), typically no heparin is administered. During IHD the filters clog 20-30% oftime(see Manns etal., Critical CareMedicine31:449-455 10 15 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 2 (2003)). Whenthe filters clog, the dialysisprocedure is inter rupted,and the filters are flushed with saline solution to clear the thrombus. In patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis (e.g., hemodialysis for extended hours at a time and with multiplesessions duringa week) itis common to useheparin in bolus amounts to reduce the rate offilter clogging. While advantageous, the use ofheparin in some patients can be complicated by allergic reactions and bleeding, and canbecontraindicatedforuseinpatientstaking certain medi cations. Somemedicalproceduresrequiretheuseofextracorporeal oxygenating methods, where blood is taken out from the living body ofthe patient to be oxygenated and the oxygen atedbloodis then returnedto thebody. Forexample,oxygen ator devices implementing Such extracorporeal oxygenating methods include heart-lung bypass units or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) machinesusedduringopen heart Surgery, such as coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and cardiac valve replacement, or used to treat res piratory distress syndrome or respiratory insufficiencies. During open heart Surgery, devices for hemoconcentration canalsobeusedtoincrease variousbloodcomponents within the patient, thus minimizingthe risk ofpost-operativebleed ing. These hemoconcentrators can be used in-line with an extracorporeal circuit that includes an oxygenator device, Such as a heart-lung bypass unit. Based on these treatments that require the use ofpumping blood out ofand into a patient, there is a need for extracor poreal blood circuits that have reduced thrombogenicity. In particular, there is a need for methods and compositions to provide a polymeric component ofan extracorporeal blood circuit with a surface that minimizes the rate of thrombosis upon exposure to blood. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The methods and compositions of the invention features extracorporeal blood circuits, and components thereof(e.g., hollow fiber membranes, potted bundles, and blood tubing), including 0.005% to 10% (w/w) surface modifying macro molecule. In a first aspect, the invention features an extracorporeal blood circuit including a polymeric component, where the polymeric componentincludes abasepolymeradmixed with from 0.005% to 10% (w/w) ofa surface modifying macro molecule (e.g., from 0.005% to 0.1% (w/w), from 0.005% to 5%(w/w),from0.1%to0.3%(w/w),from 0.1%to 5%(w/w), from 0.1%to 10% (w/w), from 0.05% to 5% (w/w),0.05% to 8%(w/w),from 1% to 5%(w/w),from 1%to8%(w/w),from 1% to 10% (w/w), and from 2% to 10% (w?w)), where the polymeric componenthas a surfacepositionedto contactthe blood when the extracorporeal blood circuit is in use, and where the surface is antithrombogenic when contacted with the blood. In one embodiment, the thrombi deposition at the surface is reduced by at least 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, or 80% (e.g.,from 10%to95%,from 10% to80%,from 20%to95%, from 35% to85%,orfrom 40% to80%)whencontactedwith blood. In anotherembodiment, the extracorporeal blood cir cuit has an increased average functional working life of at least 110%, 125%, 150%,200%,or400%(e.g.,from 110%to 1,000%, from 200% to 900%,orfrom300% to 900%). Inyet another embodiment, the extracorporeal blood circuit reduces adverse advents in a Subject receiving blood passing through the extracorporeal blood circuit.
  • 36. US 8,877,062 B2 3 Any ofthe extracorporeal blood circuits described herein can include one or more of a hollow fiber membrane ofthe invention; a pottedbundle ofthe invention; ora blood tubing ofthe invention. In a second aspect, the invention features a hollow fiber membrane,thehollow fibermembraneincludingabasepoly meradmixed with from 0.005% to 10% (w/w) surface modi fyingmacromolecule(e.g.,from0.005% to0.1% (w/w), from 0.005% to 5%(w/w),from 0.1%to 0.3%(w/w), from 0.1%to 5% (w/w), from 0.1% to 10% (w/w), from 0.05% to 5% (w/w), 0.05% to 8% (w/w), from 1% to 5% (w/w), from 1% to 8% (w/w), from 1% to 10% (w/w), and from 2% to 10% (w/w)), where the hollow fiber membrane is antithrombo genic when contacted with blood. In one embodiment, the thrombi deposition on the hollow fiber membrane is reduced by at least 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, or 80% (e.g., from 10% to 95%, from 10% to80%, from 20% to95%,from35%to85%, orfrom 40% to 80%) when contacted with blood. In another embodiment, the hollow fiber membrane has an operating pressure after 4 hours ofuse that is reduced by at least 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, or 50% (e.g., from 10% to 95%, from 10% to80%, from20%to 75%,from 25% to45%, orfrom30% to 80%). Inyetanotherembodiment,thehollow fibermembrane reduces adverse advents in a Subject receiving blood passing through thehollow fiber membrane. In certainembodiments, the base polymer is selected from the group consisting ofa polysulfone (e.g., poly(oxy-1,4-phenylene Sulfonyl-1,4-phe nyleneoxy-1,4-phenyleneisopropylidene-1,4-phenylene) or polyether Sulfone), a polyacrylonitrile, a cellulose acetate, a cellulose di- ortri-acetate, a polyimide, a poly(methyl meth acrylate),apolycarbonate,apolyamide,apolypropylene,and a polyethylene. In further embodiments, the hollow fiber membrane furtherincludes a hydrophilic pore formingagent (e.g., polyvinylpyrrolidone, ethylene glycol, alcohols, polypropylene glycol, and polyethylene glycol, or mixtures thereof). In one embodiment, the hollow fiber membrane includes from 80% to 96.5% (w/w) (e.g., from 80% to 95%, from 80% to 90% (w/w), from 85% to 90% (w/w), and from 90% to 95% (w?w)) of the base polymer, from 3% to 20% (w/w) (e.g., from 3% to 15% (w/w), from 3% to 7% (w/w), from 3% to 5% (w/w), and from 5% to 10% (w?w)) of the hydrophilic pore forming agent, and 0.005% to 10% (w/w) (e.g.,from0.005% to 0.1%(w/w),from0.005%to5% (w/w), from 0.1%to0.3%(w/w),from0.1%to5%(w/w),from0.1% to 10% (w/w),from 0.05% to 5% (w/w), 0.05% to8% (w/w), from 1%to 5%(w/w),from 1%to8%(w/w),from 1%to 10% (w/w), and from 2% to 10% (w/w)) ofthesurface modifying macromolecule. In a third aspect, the invention features a potted bundle of hollow fiber membranes withinan encasementincluding: (a) an array ofhollow fiber membranes, thearrayofhollow fiber membranes having lumens, a first set of fiber ends, and a second set offiber ends; (b) the first set offiber ends being pottedin apotting resinwhichdefinesafirstinternalwallnear a first end ofthe encasement; and (c) the second set offiber ends being potted in a potting resin which defines a second internal wall neara secondend ofthe encasement, where the lumens ofthe hollow fiber membranes provide a path forthe flow ofblood from thefirst internal wall to the second internal wall, and where the potting resin includes from 0.005% to 10% (w/w) Surface modifying macromolecule (e.g., from 0.005% to0.1%(w/w),from0.005% to5%(w/w), from 0.1% to 0.3% (w/w), from 0.1% to 5% (w/w), from 0.1% to 10% (w/w), from 0.05% to 5% (w/w), 0.05% to 8% (w/w), from 1% to 5% (w/w), from 1% to 8% (w/w), from 1% to 10% (w/w), andfrom 2% to 10% (w/w)). In certain embodiments, the bundle has a prolonged working life. In some embodi 5 10 15 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 4 ments, the bundle has an increased average functional work ing life ofat least 110%, 125%, 150%, 200%, or400% (e.g., from 110% to 1,000%, from 125% to 1,000%, from 200% to 900%, or from 300% to 900%). In other embodiments, the thrombi depositionon thepottedbundle is reducedbyat least 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, or80% (e.g., from 10% to 95%, from 10% to 80%, from 20% to 95%, from 35% to 85%, or from 40% to 80%) when contacted with blood. In still other embodiments, the bundle has an operating pressure after 4 hours ofuse that is reducedbyatleast 10%,20%, 30%, 40%, or50% (e.g., from 10%to 95%, from 10% to80%, from 20% to 75%, from 25% to 45%, or from 30% to 80%). In some embodiment, the potted bundle reduces adverse advents in a Subjectreceivingbloodpassingthroughthepottedbundle. In other embodiments, the potting resin is antithrombogenic when contacted with blood. In one embodiment, the bundle of potted hollow fiber membranes within an encasement is part ofa blood purifica tion device (e.g., hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration, hemofil tration, hemoconcentration, or oxygenator device). In yet anotherembodiment,thepotting resin is across-linkedpoly urethane (e.g., a cross-linked polyurethane formed from 4'-methylene bis(cyclohexyl isocyanate; 2,2'-methylene bis (phenyl) isocyanate; 2,4'-methylene bis(phenyl) isocyanate; or4,4'-methylene bis(phenyl) isocyanate). In another aspect, the invention features a dialysis filter includinganyhollow fibermembranedescribedherein orany potted bundle described herein, where the filter has a pro longed working life. In one embodiment, the dialysis filter reduces adverse advents in a Subject receiving blood passing through the dialysis filter. In another aspect, the invention features a blood tubing including a base polymer (e.g., polyvinyl chloride) admixed with from 0.005% to 10% (w/w) (e.g., from 0.005% to 0.1% (w/w), from 0.005% to 5% (w/w), from 0.1% to 0.3% (w/w), from 0.1% to 5% (w/w), from 0.1% to 10% (w/w), from 0.05% to 5% (w/w), 0.05% to 8% (w/w), from 1% to 5% (w/w), from 1% to 8% (w/w), from 1% to 10% (w/w), and from 2% to 10% (w/w)) surface modifying macromolecule, where the blood tubing is antithrombogenic when contacted with blood. In a particular embodiment, the base polymer includes polyvinyl chloride. In one embodiment, the blood tubing reduces adverse advents in a subject receiving blood passing through the blood tubing. In one embodiment, the thrombi deposition at the surface of the blood tubing is reducedby atleast 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, or80% (e.g., from 10% to 95%, from 10% to80%, from 20% to 95%, from 35% to 85%, or from 40% to 80%) when contacted with blood. In anotherembodiment,thebloodtubing hasan increasedaver age functional working life ofat least 110%, 125%. 150%, 200%, or 400% (e.g., from 110% to 1,000%, from 125% to 1,000%, from 200% to 900%, or from 300% to 900%). Theinventionfurtherfeaturesmethodfortreatingasubject Suffering from impairedkidney function,the method includ ing performing a procedure selected from hemodialysis, hemofiltration, hemoconcentration, or hemodiafiltration on thesubjectusinga dialysis filter,wherethefilterincludesany hollow fibermembranedescribedhereinoranypottedbundle described herein. In one embodiment, during the procedure theSubjectreceivesless thanastandarddoseofanticoagulant (e.g., where during the procedure the Subject receives no anticoagulant). In another embodiment, the filter has a pro longedworking life. In yetanotherembodiment, thefilterhas an increasedaveragefunctionalworkinglifeofatleast 110%, 125%, 150%, 200%, or 400% (e.g., from 110% to 1,000%, from 125%to 1,000%, from 200%to900%,or from 300% to 900%). In one embodiment, the thrombi deposition on the
  • 37. US 8,877,062 B2 5 filter is reduced by at least 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, or 80% (e.g.,from 10% to95%, from 10% to80%, from 20%to95%, from 35% to85%,orfrom 40% to80%)whencontactedwith blood. In another embodiment, the filter has an operating pressure after 4 hours ofuse that is reduced by at least 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, or 50% (e.g., from 10% to 95%, from 10% to80%, from20%to 75%,from 25% to45%, orfrom30% to 80%). In yet another embodiment, the adverse events expe rienced by the subject are reduced. The invention features a method for treating a subjectsuf fering from impaired cardiac function, the method including performing a Surgery selected from a coronary artery bypass graftingandacardiac valve replacementusingan oxygenator device, where the oxygenator device includes any hollow fiber membrane described herein or any potted bundle described herein. In one embodiment, during the procedure the Subjectreceiveslessthanastandard doseofanticoagulant (e.g., where during the procedure the Subject receives no anticoagulant). In another embodiment, the adverse events experienced by the subject are reduced. Theinvention featuresa methodfortreatinga subject, said method including withdrawing blood from, and returning blood to, said subject via any extracorporeal blood circuit described herein. In one embodiment, during the procedure the Subjectreceiveslessthanastandard doseofanticoagulant (e.g., where during the procedure the Subject receives no anticoagulant). In another embodiment, the adverse events experienced by the subject are reduced. The invention also features a method for purifying a pro tein in blood, a blood product (e.g., plasma or fractionated blood component), or a combination thereof, the method including dialyzingtheblood, theblood product, orthecom bination thereofacross anyhollow fibermembranedescribed herein orany potted bundle described herein. The invention features a hollow fiber plasma purification membrane,includinganybundleofpottedhollowfibermem branes described herein. The invention also features a spinning Solution forprepar ing ahollow fibermembrane,thespinningsolution including (i) from 57% to 87% (w/w) (e.g., from 57% to 85% (w/w), from 70% to 87% (w/w), and from 70% to 85% (w?w)) ofan aprotic solvent; (ii) from 10% to 25% (w/w) (e.g., from 10% to20%(w/w),from 12%to25%(w/w),andfrom 12%to20% (w/w))ofbasepolymer; (iii) from 0.005% to8% (w/w)(e.g., from 0.005% to 5% (w/w), from 0.005% to 3% (w/w), 0.005% to 2% (w/w), from 0.01% to 3% (w/w), and from 0.01% to 2% (w/w)) of surface modifying macromolecule: and (iv) from 3% to 10% (w/w) (e.g., from 3% to 7% (w/w), from 3% to 5% (w/w), andfrom 5% to 10% (w?w)) ofhydro philic pore forming agent. In certain embodiments,theapro ticsolventis selectedfromdimethylformamide, dimethylsul foxide, dimethylacetamide, N-methylpyrrolidone, and mixtures thereof. In other embodiments, the aprotic solvent further includes less than 25% (v/v) (i.e., from 1% to 25% (v/v), 1% to 15% (v/v), or5% to 20% (v/v)) ofa low boiling solvent selected from tetrahydrofuran, diethylether, methyl ethyl ketone, acetone, and mixtures thereof. In still other embodiments, the hydrophilic pore forming agent is polyvi nylpyrrolidone. The spinning Solution can be processed as described herein to produce a hollow fiber membrane ofthe invention. The invention featuresa method for making ahollow fiber membrane including the steps of: (a) preparing a homoge neous spinning Solution ofthe invention; and (b) extruding the homogeneous spinning Solution from an outer annular orifice ofa tube-in-orifice spinneret into an aqueous solution to form the hollow fiber membrane. 5 10 15 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 6 The invention also features a method of potting hollow fiber membranes including the steps of: (a) forming abundle ofhollow fiber membranes, the bundle ofhollow fiber mem braneshavinglumens,afirstsetoffiberends,andasecondset of fiber ends; (b) placing the first set offiber ends and the second set of fiber ends in an uncured potting liquid; (c) curing thepotting liquid to form a potting resin in which the hollow fiber membranes are potted; (d) cutting the potting resin andfiberends to form a first wall in which thefirst set of fiberends ispottedanda second wall in which thesecond set offiber ends is potted; and (e) heating the first wall and the second wall (i.e.,heatingto facilitatethe migrationofSurface modifying macromolecule to the surface ofthe wall), where the potting liquid includes from 0.005% to 10% (w/w) (e.g., from 0.005%to0.1%(w/w), from 0.005%to 5% (w/w),from 0.1% to 0.3% (w/w), from 0.1% to 5% (w/w), from 0.1% to 10% (w/w), from 0.05% to 5% (w/w), 0.05% to 8% (w/w), from 1%to5%(w/w),from 1%to8%(w/w),from 1%to 10% (w/w), and from 2% to 10% (w/w)) surface modifying mac romolecule. The invention features a dialysis kit including (i)a hollow fiber membraneoftheinvention, apottedbundleoftheinven tion, a dialysis filterofthe invention, and/orblood tubing of the invention; and (ii) instructions forperformingdialysis on a Subject receiving less than a standard doseofanticoagulant (e.g., receiving no anticoagulant). Inany ofthehollow fiber membranes describedherein, the Surface modifying macromolecule is selected from VII-a, VIII-a, VIII-b, VIII-c, VIII-d, IX-a, X-a, X-b, XI-a, XI-b, XII-a, XII-b, XIII-a, XIII-b, XIII-c, XIII-d, XIV-a, andXIV b. In one embodiment, the potting resin includes a surface modifying macromolecule selected from VII-a, VIII-a, IX-a, XI-a, VIII-d, and XI-b. Inanotherembodiment,thebloodtubingincludesasurface modifying macromolecule selected from VII-a, XIV-a, and XIV-b. In any of the extracorporeal blood circuits, hollow fiber membranes (orpottedbundles thereoforplasmapurification membranes thereof), potting materials (e.g., potting resin or potting liquid), blood tubings, dialysis filters, spinning solu tions,methods, systems,andkits,theSurface modifying mac romolecule is described by any of the formulas(I)-CXIV) below. (1) F-(oligo)-F (I) wherein F is a polyfluoroorgano group and oligo is an oligomeric segment. (2) (II) FT C-(Oligo)-(LinkB)-(Oligo)-C wherein (i) F is a polyfluoroorgano group covalently attached to LinkB; (ii) C is a chain terminating group; (iii) Oligo is an oligomeric segment; (iv) LinkB is a coupling segment; and (v) a is an integergreater than 0. (3) F-B-(oligo)-B-F (III)
  • 38. US 8,877,062 B2 wherein (i) B includes a urethane; (ii) oligo includes polypropylene oxide, polyethylene oxide, or polytetramethylene oxide; (iii) F is a polyfluoroorgano group; and (iv) n is an integerfrom 1 to 10. (4) F-B-A-B-F (IV) wherein (i)Aisasoft segment includinghydrogenatedpolybutadi ene,poly(2.2dimethyl-1-3-propylcarbonate),polybutadiene, poly(diethyleneglycol)adipate,poly(hexamethylene carbon ate), poly(ethylene-co-butylene), neopentyl glycol-ortho phthalic anhydride polyester, diethylene glycol-ortho phthalic anhydride polyester, 1.6-hexanediol-orthophthalic anhydride polyester, or bisphenol A ethoxylate: (ii) B is a hard segment including a urethane; and (iii) F is a polyfluoroorgano group, and (iv) n is an integerfrom 1 to 10. (5) F (V) F T F ----Y T M * FT FT, F F (VI) '---- T ? * FT FT, wherein (i) A is a Soft segment; (ii) B is ahard segment including a isocyanurate trimer or biuret trimer; (iii) each Fis a polyfluoroorgano group; and (iv) n is an integerbetween 0 to 10. (6) F-B-(Oligo)-B-F (VII) wherein (i) Oligo is an oligomeric segment including polypropy lene oxide, polyethylene oxide, or polytetramethyleneoxide and having a theoretical molecular weight of from 500 to 3,000 Daltons(e.g.,from 500to2,000Daltons, from 1,000to 2,000 Daltons, or from 1,000 to 3,000 Daltons): (ii) B is ahard segment formed from an isocyanate dimer; (iii) F is a polyfluoroorgano group; and (iv) n is an integerfrom 1 to 10. (7) F (VIII) F T F ---- T M * FT FT wherein (i) A is an oligomeric segment including polypropylene oxide, polyethylene oxide,polytetramethyleneoxide, or mix 10 15 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 tures thereof, and having a theoretical molecular weight of 65 from 500 to 3,000 Daltons (e.g., from 500 to 2,000 Daltons, from 1,000to2,000 Daltons,orfrom 1,000to3,000Daltons): 8 (ii) B isahardsegmentincludingan isocyanuratetrimeror biuret trimer; (iii) F is a polyfluoroorgano group; and (iv) n is an integer from 0 to 10. (8) wherein (i) Oligo is a polycarbonate polyol having a theoretical molecular weight of from 500 to 3,000 Daltons (e.g., from 500 to 2,000 Daltons, from 1,000 to 2,000 Daltons, or from 1,000 to 3,000 Daltons): (ii) B is ahard segment formed from an isocyanate dimer; (iii) F is a polyfluoroorgano group; and (iv) n is an integer from 1 to 10. (9) F (X) F T F ----Y T M * FT FT wherein (i) A is an oligomeric segment including a polycarbonate polyol havinga theoretical molecular weight offrom 500 to 3,000 Daltons(e.g.,from 500to 2,000 Daltons, from 1,000 to 2,000 Daltons, or from 1,000 to 3,000 Daltons): (ii) B isahardsegmentincludingan isocyanuratetrimeror biuret trimer; (iii) F is a polyfluoroorgano group; and (iv) n is an integer from 0 to 10. (10) (XI) FT FT 'a-A-B-A-Y M * FT FT wherein (i)A includes a firstblocksegmentselected from polypro pylene oxide, polyethylene oxide, polytetramethyleneoxide, or mixtures thereof, and a second block segment including a polysiloxaneorpolydimethylsiloxane, whereinAhasatheo retical molecularweightoffrom 1,000to5,000 Daltons (e.g., from 1,000to 3,000 Daltons, from 2,000to 5,000 Daltons, or from 2,500 to 5,000 Daltons); (ii) B isahardsegmentincludingan isocyanuratetrimeror biuret trimer; (iii) F is a polyfluoroorgano group; and (iv) n is an integer from 0 to 10. (11) F-B-A-B-F (XII) wherein (i) A is a soft segment selected from hydrogenated polyb utadiene (HLBH) diol (e.g., HLBH diol), polybutadiene (LBHP) diol (e.g., LBHP diol), hydrogenated polyisoprene (HHTPI) diol (e.g., HHTPIdiol), andpolystyreneandhasa theoretical molecular weight of from 750 to 3,500 Daltons (e.g., from 750 to 2,000 Daltons, from 1,000 to 2,500 Daltons, or from 1,000 to 3,500 Daltons): (ii) B is ahard segment formed from an isocyanate dimer;
  • 39. US 8,877,062 B2 (iii) F is a polyfluoroorgano group; and (iv) n is an integerfrom 1 to 10. (12) (XIII) FT 'a-a-b-a - M * FT FT FT wherein (i) A is a Soft segment selected from hydrogenated polyb utadiene (HLBH) diol (e.g., HLBH diol), polybutadiene (LBHP) diol (e.g., LBHP diol), hydrogenated polyisoprene (HHTPI) diol (e.g., HHTPI diol), and polystyrene and has a theoretical molecular weight of from 750 to 3,500 Daltons (e.g.,from750to2,000Daltons,from 1,000to2,500Daltons, or from 1,000 to 3,500 Daltons): (ii) B isahardsegmentincludingan isocyanurate trimeror biuret trimer; (iii) F is a polyfluoroorgano group; and (iv) n is an integerfrom 0 to 10. (13) F (XIV) F T F ---- T M * FT FT wherein (i)A isapolyesterhavingatheoretical molecularweightof from 500 to 3,500 Daltons (e.g., from 500 to 2,000 Daltons, from 1,000to2,000 Daltons,orfrom 1,000to3,000Daltons): (ii) B isahardsegmentincludingan isocyanurate trimeror biuret trimer; (iii) F is a polyfluoroorgano group; and (iv) n is an integerfrom 0 to 10. In certainembodiments,theSurface modifying macromol ecule offormulas (I)and (II) includean oligo segmentthatis a branched or non-branched oligomeric segment of fewer than 20 repeating units (e.g., from 2 to 15 units, from 2 to 10 units, from 3 to 15 units, and from 3 to 10 units). In another embodiment, the Surface modifying macromolecule of for mulas (I) and (II) include an oligomeric segment selected from polyurethane, polyurea, polyamide, polyalkylene oxide, polycarbonate, polyester, polylactone, polysilicone, polyetherSulfone, polyolefin, polyvinyl derivative, polypep tide, polysaccharide, polysiloxane, polydimethylsiloxane, polyethylene-butylene, polyisobutylene, polybutadiene, polypropylene oxide, polyethylene oxide, polytetramethyl ene oxide, orpolyethylenebutylene segments. In certainembodiments,theSurface modifying macromol eculeofformulas (IV)includeahard segment formedfrom a diisocyanate selected from 3-isocyanatomethyl, 3.5.5-trim ethyl cyclohexylisocyanate; 4,4'-methylene bis(cyclohexyl isocyanate); 4,4'-methylene bis(phenyl)isocyanate; toluene 2.4 diisocyanate); m-tetramethylxylene diisocyanate; and hexamethylene diisocyanate; and n is 1 or 2. In certainembodiments,theSurface modifying macromol eculeofformulas (V)and (VI) includea softsegmenthaving a theoretical molecular weight of500to 3,500 Daltons (e.g., from 500 to 2,000 Daltons, from 1,000 to 2,000 Daltons, or from 1,000to3,000 Daltons)and/orthesoftsegmentincludes 10 15 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 10 hydrogenated polybutadiene (HLBH), poly(2.2 dimethyl-1- 3-propylcarbonate) (PCN), polybutadiene (LBHP), polytet ramethylene oxide (PTMO), (propylene)oxide (PPO), dieth yleneglycol-orthophthalic anhydride polyester (PDP), hydrogenated polyisoprene (HHTPI), poly(hexamethylene carbonate), poly(2-butyl-2-ethyl-1,3-propyl carbonate), or hydroxylterminated polydimethylsiloxane (C22). In other embodiments of the Surface modifying macromolecule of formulas (V)and(VI), thehardsegmentis formedby reacting atriisocyanatewithadiol includingthesoftsegment,wherein the triisocyanate is selected from hexamethylene diisocyan ate (HDI) biuret trimer, isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) tri mer, or hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) trimer. InSomeembodimentsoftheSurfacemodifyingmacromol ecule of formula (VII), B is a hard segment formed from 3-isocyanatomethyl, 3.5.5-trimethyl cyclohexylisocyanate; 4,4'-methylene bis(cyclohexyl isocyanate); 4,4'-methylene bis(phenyl) isocyanate; toluene-2.4 diisocyanate); m-tetram ethylxylene diisocyanate; and hexamethylene diisocyanate; and n isan integerfrom 1 to3. In oneparticularembodiment, the surface modifying macromolecule of formula (VII) is VII-a. The surface modifying macromolecules of formula (VII) can be used in an extracorporeal blood circuit ofthe invention, or a component thereof. Such as a hollow fiber membrane,pottedbundle, bloodtubing, or dialysis filter,and in conjunction with any methods, systems, and kits of the invention described herein. Forexample,the surface modify ing macromolecules offormula (VII) can be added to poly vinyl chloride to make an antithrombogenic blood tubing; added to a potting material to make an antithrombogenic potted bundle; and/or added to the base polymer ofa hollow fiber membrane (e.g., a polysulfone, a polyacrylonitrile, a cellulose acetate, a cellulose di- ortri-acetate, apolyimide, a poly(methyl methacrylate), a polycarbonate, a polyamide, a polypropylene, or a polyethylene) to form a hollow fiber membrane that is antithrombogenic when contacted with blood. In certain embodiments ofthe Surface modifying macro molecule offormula (VIII), B is a hard segment formed by reactinga triisocyanate with a diol ofA (e.g., the oligomeric segment), wherein the triisocyanate is selected from hexam ethylene diisocyanate (HDI)biuret trimer, isophorone diiso cyanate (IPDI) trimer, and hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) trimer; and n is 0, 1, 2, or3. In one particularembodi ment, the Surface modifying macromolecule of formula (VIII) is VIII-a, VIII-b, VIII-c, orVIII-d. The surface modi fying macromolecules of formula (VIII) can be used in an extracorporeal blood circuit oftheinvention, ora component thereof, such as a hollow fiber membrane, potted bundle, blood tubing, or dialysis filter, and in conjunction with any methods, systems,and kits ofthe invention describedherein. For example, the Surface modifying macromolecules offor mula (VIII) can be added to polyvinyl chloride to make an antithrombogenicbloodtubing;addedtoapottingmaterialto makeanantithrombogenicpottedbundle;and/oraddedtothe basepolymerofahollowfibermembrane(e.g.,apolysulfone, a polyacrylonitrile, a cellulose acetate, a cellulose di- or tri acetate,apolyimide,apoly(methyl methacrylate),apolycar bonate, a polyamide, a polypropylene, or a polyethylene) to formahollow fibermembranethatisantithrombogenic when contacted with blood. In certain embodiments ofthe Surface modifying macro moleculeofformula (IX),Oligo includes poly(2.2 dimethyl 1-3-propylcarbonate) (PCN) polyol (e.g., PCN diol); B is a hard segment formed from 3-isocyanatomethyl, 3.5.5-trim ethyl cyclohexylisocyanate; 4,4'-methylene bis(cyclohexyl isocyanate); 4,4'-methylene bis(phenyl) isocyanate; toluene
  • 40. US 8,877,062 B2 11 2.4 diisocyanate); m-tetramethylxylene diisocyanate; and hexamethylene diisocyanate; and n is 1, 2, or 3. In one par ticularembodiment,theSurfacemodifyingmacromoleculeof formula (IX)is IX-a. Thesurface modifying macromolecules offormula (IX)canbeused inanextracorporeal bloodcircuit of the invention, or a component thereof. Such as a hollow fiber membrane, potted bundle, blood tubing, or dialysis fil ter, andin conjunctionwith any methods, systems,andkits of the invention described herein. For example, the surface modifying macromolecules offormula (IX) can be added to polyvinyl chloride to make an antithrombogenic blood tub ing; added toapotting materialto makeanantithrombogenic potted bundle; and/oradded to the base polymerofa hollow fiber membrane (e.g., a polysulfone, a polyacrylonitrile, a cellulose acetate, a cellulose di- ortri-acetate, apolyimide, a poly(methyl methacrylate), a polycarbonate, a polyamide, a polypropylene, or a polyethylene) to form a hollow fiber membrane that is antithrombogenic when contacted with blood. In certain embodiments ofthe Surface modifying macro moleculeofformula (X),A includes poly (2.2 dimethyl-1-3- propylcarbonate) (PCN) polyol (e.g., PCN diol)orpoly(hex amethylene carbonate) (PHCN) polyol; B is a hard segment formed by reacting a triisocyanate with a diol ofA (e.g., the oligomeric segment), wherein the triisocyanate is selected from hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) biuret trimer, iso phorone diisocyanate (IPDI) trimer, and hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) trimer; and n is 0, 1, 2, or 3. In one particular embodiment, the Surface modifying macromol ecule offormula (X) is X-a or X-b. The surface modifying macromolecules offormula (X) can be used in an extracor poreal bloodcircuitofthe invention, oracomponent thereof, such as a hollow fiber membrane, potted bundle, blood tub ing, or dialysis filter, and in conjunction with any methods, systems, and kits of the invention described herein. For example, the Surface modifying macromolecules offormula (X)can beaddedtopolyvinyl chlorideto makeanantithrom bogenic blood tubing; addedto apotting materialto makean antithrombogenic potted bundle; and/or added to the base polymer ofa hollow fiber membrane (e.g., a polysulfone, a polyacrylonitrile, a cellulose acetate, a cellulose di- or tri acetate,apolyimide,apoly(methyl methacrylate),apolycar bonate, a polyamide, a polypropylene, or a polyethylene) to formahollow fibermembranethatis antithrombogenic when contacted with blood. In certain embodiments ofthe Surface modifying macro molecule of formula (XI), A is a includes polypropylene oxideand polydimethylsiloxane; B is ahardsegmentformed by reacting a triisocyanate with a diol of A, wherein the triisocyanate is selected from hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) biuret trimer, isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) trimer, andhexamethylenediisocyanate(HDI)trimer;and nis0,1,2, or 3. In one particular embodiment, the Surface modifying macromolecule offormula (XI) is XI-a or XI-b. The surface modifying macromoleculesofformula(XI) can beused inan extracorporeal blood circuit oftheinvention, ora component thereof, such as a hollow fiber membrane, potted bundle, blood tubing, or dialysis filter, and in conjunction with any methods, systems,and kits ofthe invention describedherein. For example, the Surface modifying macromolecules offor mula (XI) can be added to polyvinyl chloride to make an antithrombogenicbloodtubing;addedtoapottingmaterialto makeanantithrombogenicpottedbundle;and/oraddedto the basepolymerofahollowfibermembrane(e.g.,apolysulfone, a polyacrylonitrile, a cellulose acetate, a cellulose di- or tri acetate,apolyimide,apoly(methyl methacrylate),apolycar 5 10 15 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 12 bonate, a polyamide, a polypropylene, or a polyethylene) to formahollow fibermembranethatisantithrombogenic when contacted with blood. In certain embodiments ofthe Surface modifying macro molecule offormula (XII), A includes hydrogenated polyb utadiene diol; B is a hard segment formed from 3-isocy anatomethyl, 3.5.5-trimethyl cyclohexylisocyanate; 4,4'- methylene bis(cyclohexyl isocyanate); 4,4'-methylene bis (phenyl) isocyanate; toluene-2.4 diisocyanate); m-tetramethylxylenediisocyanate;andhexamethylenediiso cyanate; and n is 1, 2, or3. In oneparticularembodiment,the surface modifying macromolecule offormula (XII) is XII-a orXII-b. The surface modifying macromolecules offormula (XII) can be used in an extracorporeal blood circuit ofthe invention, or a component thereof. Such as a hollow fiber membrane,pottedbundle, bloodtubing, or dialysis filter,and in conjunction with any methods, systems, and kits of the invention described herein. Forexample,the surface modify ing macromolecules offormula (XII) can be added to poly vinyl chloride to make an antithrombogenic blood tubing; added to a potting material to make an antithrombogenic potted bundle; and/or added to the base polymer ofa hollow fiber membrane (e.g., a polysulfone, a polyacrylonitrile, a cellulose acetate, a cellulose di- ortri-acetate, apolyimide, a poly(methyl methacrylate), a polycarbonate, a polyamide, a polypropylene, or a polyethylene) to form a hollow fiber membrane that is antithrombogenic when contacted with blood. In certain embodiments ofthe Surface modifying macro moleculeofformula (XIII), A is selectedfrom hydrogenated polybutadiene (HLBH) diol (e.g., HLBH diol), andhydroge nated polyisoprene (HHTPI) diol (e.g., HHTPI diol); B is a hardsegmentformedbyreactingatriisocyanatewithadiol of A(e.g.,theoligomeric segment), wherein the triisocyanateis selected from hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) biuret tri mer, isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) trimer, and hexameth ylene diisocyanate (HDI) trimer; and n is 0, 1, 2, or 3. In one particular embodiment, the Surface modifying macromol ecule of formula (XIII) is XIII-a, XIII-b, XIII-c, or XIII-d. Thesurfacemodifyingmacromoleculesofformula(XIII)can beusedin an extracorporealbloodcircuitofthe invention, or acomponentthereof. Suchasahollow fibermembrane,potted bundle, blood tubing, or dialysis filter, and in conjunction with any methods, systems, and kits of the invention described herein. For example, the Surface modifying mac romolecules of formula (XIII) can be added to polyvinyl chlorideto makeanantithrombogenicbloodtubing; addedto a potting material to make an antithrombogenic potted bundle; and/or added to the base polymer ofa hollow fiber membrane (e.g., a polysulfone, a polyacrylonitrile, a cellu lose acetate, a cellulose di- or tri-acetate, a polyimide, a poly(methyl methacrylate), a polycarbonate, a polyamide, a polypropylene, or a polyethylene) to form a hollow fiber membrane that is antithrombogenic when contacted with blood. In certain embodiments ofthe Surface modifying macro moleculeofformula (XIV), A is selectedfrom poly (diethyl ene glycol)adipate, neopentyl glycol-orthophthalic anhy dride polyester, diethylene glycol-orthophthalic anhydride polyester,and 1.6-hexanediol-orthophthalic anhydridepoly ester; B is a hard segment formed by reacting a triisocyanate with a diol ofA (e.g., the polyester segment), wherein the triisocyanate is selected from hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) biuret trimer, isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) trimer, andhexamethylenediisocyanate(HDI)trimer;and nis0,1,2, or 3. In one particular embodiment, the Surface modifying macromolecule of formula (XIV) is XIV-a or XIV-b. The
  • 41. US 8,877,062 B2 13 surface modifying macromolecules offormula (XIV) can be used in an extracorporeal blood circuit ofthe invention, or a componentthereof. Such as ahollow fiber membrane, potted bundle, blood tubing, or dialysis filter, and in conjunction with any methods, systems, and kits of the invention described herein. For example, the Surface modifying mac romolecules of formula (XIV) can be added to polyvinyl chlorideto makeanantithrombogenicbloodtubing; addedto a potting material to make an antithrombogenic potted bundle; and/or added to the base polymer ofa hollow fiber membrane (e.g., a polysulfone, a polyacrylonitrile, a cellu lose acetate, a cellulose di- or tri-acetate, a polyimide, a poly(methyl methacrylate), a polycarbonate, a polyamide, a polypropylene, or a polyethylene) to form a hollow fiber membrane that is antithrombogenic when contacted with blood. For any ofthe Surface modifying macromolecules of the invention formed from an isocyanate dimer, the isocyanate dimers can be selected from 3-isocyanatomethyl, 3.5.5-trim ethyl cyclohexylisocyanate; 4,4'-methylene bis(cyclohexyl isocyanate)(HMDI); 2.2-, 2,4'-, and 4,4'-methylenebis(phe nyl) isocyanate (MDI); toluene-2.4 diisocyanate; aromatic aliphatic isocyanate. Such 1.2-, 1.3-, and 1,4-Xylene diisocy anate; meta-tetramethylxylene diisocyanate (m-TMXDI): para-tetramethylxylenediisocyanate(p-TMXDI); hexameth ylene diisocyanate (HDI): ethylene diisocyanate; propylene 1.2-diisocyanate; tetramethylene diisocyanate; tetramethyl ene-1,4-diisocyanate; octamethylene diisocyanate; decamethylene diisocyanate; 2.2,4-trimethylhexamethylene diisocyanate; 2,4,4-trimethylhexamethylene diisocyanate; dodecane-1,12-diisocyanate; dicyclohexylmethane diisocy anate; cyclobutane-1,3-diisocyanate; cyclohexane-1,2-diiso cyanate; cyclohexane-1,3-diisocyanate; cyclohexane-1,4-di isocyanate; methyl-cyclohexylene diisocyanate (HTDI); 2.4- methylcyclohexane diisocyanate; 2.6-methylcyclohexane diisocyanate; 4,4'-dicyclohexyl diisocyanate; 2,4'-dicyclo hexyl diisocyanate; 1,3,5-cyclohexane triisocyanate; isocy anatomethylcyclohexane isocyanate, 1-isocyanato-3.3-5-tri methyl-5-isocyanatomethylcyclohexane; isocyanatoethylcyclohexane isocyanate; bis(isocyanatom ethyl)-cyclohexane diisocyanate; 4,4'-bis(isocyanatomethyl) dicyclohexane; 2,4'-bis(isocyanatomethyl)dicyclohexane: isophoronediisocyanate (IPDI); 2.4-hexahydrotoluene diiso cyanate;2,6-hexahydrotoluenediisocyanate:3,3'-dimethyl-4, 4'-biphenylene diisocyanate(TODI); polymeric MDI; carbo diimide-modified liquid 4,4'-diphenylmethane diisocyanate; para-phenylene diisocyanate (PPDI); meta-phenylene diiso cyanate (MPDI); triphenyl methane-4,4'-, and triphenyl methane-4.4"-triisocyanate; naphthylene-1,5-diisocyanate; 2,4'-, 4,4'-, and 2.2-biphenyl diisocyanate; polyphenyl poly methylene polyisocyanate (PMDI); mixtures of MDI and PMDI; mixtures of PMDI and TDI; dimerized uredione of any isocyanate described herein, Such as uredione oftoluene diisocyanate, uredione of hexamethylene diisocyanate, and mixtures thereof, and Substituted and isomeric mixtures thereof. For any ofthe Surface modifying macromolecules of the invention formed from an isocyanate trimer, the isocyanate trimer can be selected from hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) biuret trimer, isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) trimer, hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) trimer; triisocyanate of 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,6-hexane diisocyanate (TMDI); a trimer ized isocyanurate ofany isocyanates described herein, Such as isocyanurate oftoluene diisocyanate, trimer of diphenyl methane diisocyanate, trimer oftetramethylxylene diisocy anate, and mixtures thereof a trimerized biuret ofany isocy 10 15 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 14 anates described herein; modified isocyanates derived from the above diisocyanates; and Substituted and isomeric mix tures thereof. In any offormulas (I)-CXIV), theabove surface modifying macromoleculeincludesthegroup F thatisapolyfluoroalkyl havinga theoretical molecularweight ofbetween 100-1,500 Da. Forexample, F may be selectedfrom thegroup consist ing ofradicals ofthe general formula CF (CF),CHCH wherein ris 2-20, and CF (CF).(CH2CH2O) wherein X is 1-10and s is 1-20.Alternatively, F may be selectedfrom the group consisting of radicals of the general formula CHF (CF),CHCH- and CHF.s. (CF2), (CH2CH2O) , wherein m is 0, 1, 2, or 3: X is an integer between 1-10;ris an integerbetween 2-20; ands is an integer between 1-20. In certain embodiments, F is selected from 1H,1H,2H2H-perfluoro-1-decanol: 1H,1H,2H2H-per fluoro-1-octanol; 1H,1H,5H-perfluoro-1-pentanol; and 1H,1H, perfluoro-1-butanol, and mixtures thereof. In still other embodiments, F is selected from (CF) (CF). CHCHO , (CF)(CF). CHCHO , (CF)(CF). CHCHO CHF (CF)-CHO , and (CF) (CF),CHO-. Inanotherembodiment,theaboveSurface modifying mac romolecule has a theoretical molecular weight of less than 10,000 Daltons(e.g., from500to 10,000 Daltons,from 500to 9,000 Daltons, from 500 to 5,000 Daltons, from 1,000 to 10,000Daltons,from 1,000to 6,000 Daltons,orfrom 1,500to 8,000 Daltons). In still another embodiment, the above surface modifying macromolecule includes from 5% to 40% (w/w) ofthe hard segment (e.g., from 5% to 35% (w/w), from 5% to 30% (w/w),andfrom 10%to40%(w?w)),from20%to90%(w/w) ofthe soft segment (e.g., from 20% to 80% (w/w), from 30% to 90% (w/w),and from 40% to 90% (w?w)),and from 5% to 50% (w/w) ofthe polyfluoroorgano group (e.g., from 5% to 40% (w/w), from 5% to 30% (w/w), and from 10% to 40% (w/w)). In one embodiment, the above Surface modifying macro moleculehas aratio ofhard segmentto soft segment offrom 0.15 to 2.0 (e.g., from 0.15 to 1.8, from 0.15 to 1.5, and from 0.2 to 2.0). As used herein, the term “antithrombogenic’ refers to an extracorporeal blood circuit, or component thereof (e.g., a hollow fiber membrane, blood tubing, dialysis filter,and/or a potted bundle ofhollow fiber membranes) forwhich the rate at which thrombosis occurs upon exposure to whole blood under is reduced in comparison to an otherwise identical extracorporeal blood circuit, or component thereof, that dif fers only by the absence ofa Surface modifying macromol ecule tested under the same blood-contacting conditions. A reduced rate ofthrombosis can be determined by any ofthe assays and methods described herein. For example, anti thrombogenicity can be determined by radiolabeling blood components and measuring the formation ofthrombi using, for example, a Y-count to assess the amount of thrombosis occurring at a Surface. Forthe extracorporeal blood circuits, or components thereof, ofthe invention an average decrease in thrombosisbaseduponthe y-countcanbe70%, 60%,50%, 40%, 30%. 20%, or 10% ofthe average thrombosis as deter minedby Y-countofa referencehollow fibermembranelack ing the Surface modifying macromolecule). Alternatively, antithrombogenicity in a filteror hollow fiber membranecan be determinedbya reducedoperatingpressure (e.g.,anaver age decrease in operating pressure at the header ofa hollow fiber membrane being reduced by at least 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, or 60% in comparison to the average pressure at the header of a reference filter or hollow fiber membrane lacking the Surface modifying macromolecule.
  • 42. US 8,877,062 B2 15 By “basepolymer is meantapolymerhavinga theoretical molecularweightofgreaterthan 50,000Daltons(e.g.,greater than 50,000, 75,000, 100,000, 150,000, 200,000 Daltons). As used herein, “C” refers to a chain terminating group. Exemplarychainterminatinggroups includemonofunctional groups containinganamine,alcohol,orcarboxylicacidfunc tionality. By “dialysis filter is meanta filterconfigured foruse in a dialysis machine which can be used by patients Suffering from impaired kidney function. By “hard segment” is meantaportion ofthe surface modi fying macromolecule oraportion ofan oligo segment, where theportion includesaurethanegroup—NH-C(O)C)—(e.g., a urethane group formed by reacting an isocyanate with a hydroxylgroup ofa soft segment diol orahydroxyl group of a polyfluoroorgano group). As used herein, the term “increased average functional working life” refers to an average increase in functional working life for an extracorporeal blood circuit, or compo nent thereof, ofthe invention in comparison to the average workinglife ofanextracorporealbloodcircuit,orcomponent thereof, usedunderthesameconditionsanddifferingonlyby the absence ofSurface modifying macromolecule, where the working life is determinedbythe length oftime the extracor poreal circuit, or a component thereof, can be used without having to flush thrombi deposits from the extracorporeal cir cuit, or a component thereof (e.g., working life without a saline flush, or flush with an anticoagulant). The increased average functional working life for an extracorporeal blood circuit, orcomponent thereof, ofthe invention can beat least 110%, 125%, 150%, 200%, 250%, 300%, or 400% longer than the working life of the reference extracorporeal blood circuit, or component thereof, lacking the Surface modifying macromolecule. By "less than a standard dose ofanticoagulant' is meant a reduction in the anticoagulant administered to a Subject dur ing hemodialysis when usingthe dialysis filters ofthe inven tion in comparisontotheamountused foradialysisfilterthat differsonlybytheabsenceofaSurface modifying macromol ecule.A standard dose is generally identifiedby each institu tion in a standard operating procedure for a clinical setting, Such as for use ofan extracorporeal blood circuit, and com ponents thereof. The standard dose ofanticoagulant refers to a dose or a range of doses determined by reference to a standard operatingprocedure ofan institution, anda reduced dose is determined as compared to that standard dose. The reduced dose ofanticoagulantcan be80%, 70%, 60%, 50%, 40%,30%,20%,or 10%ofthestandarddoseofanticoagulant (e.g., heparin or citrate). As used herein, "LinkB” refers to a coupling segment capableofcovalentlylinkingtwo oligo moietiesandaSurface active group. Typically, LinkB molecules have molecular weights ranging from 40 to 700. Preferably the LinkB mol ecules are selected from the group of functionalized diamines, diisocyanates, disulfonicacids,dicarboxylicacids, diacidchloridesanddialdehydes, wherein the functionalized component has secondary functional chemistry that is accessed for chemical attachment ofa surface active group. Suchsecondarygroupsinclude,forexample,esters,carboxy licacidsalts,Sulfonicacidsalts,phosphonicacidsalts,thiols, vinyls and secondary amines. Terminal hydroxyls,amines or carboxylic acids on the oligo intermediates can react with diamines to form oligo-amides; react with diisocyanates to form oligo-urethanes, oligo-ureas, oligo-amides; react with disulfonic acids to form oligo-Sulfonates, oligo-Sulfona mides; react with dicarboxylic acids to form oligo-esters, 10 15 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 16 oligo-amides; react with diacid chlorides to form oligo-es ters, oligo-amides; and react with dialdehydes to form oligo acetal, oligo-imines. By "oligo' is meanta relatively short length ofa repeating unit or units, generally less than about 50 monomeric units and theoretical molecular weights less than 10,000 Daltons, butpreferably<7,000Daltonsand in someexamples, <5,000 Daltons. In certain embodiments, oligo is selected from the groupconsistingofpolyurethane,polyurea, polyimide,poly alkylene oxide, polycarbonate, polyester, polylactone, poly silicone, polyetherSulfone, polyolefin, polyvinyl, polypep tide, polysaccharide, and ether and amine linked segments thereof. By “polyethersulfone' is meanta polymerofthe formula: O o–O)-O Polyether Sulfone (PES) Thispolymeriscommercially availableunderthe trade name RadelTM from Amoco Corp. By "polymeric component' is meant any component within an extracorporeal blood circuit, wherein the compo nent includes a base polymer, as described herein. For example,polymeric components includeahollow fibermem brane, a potted bundle ofhollow fiber membranes, a dialysis filter, an oxygenator device, and a bloodtubing. By "poly(oxy-1,4-phenylene Sulfonyl-1,4-phenyleneoxy 1,4-phenyleneisopropylidene-1,4-phenylene) is meant a polymer ofthe formula: --------K) Thispolymeriscommercially availableunderthe trade name UdelTM P-3500 from Solvay Advanced Polymers. For use in thehollow fibermembranes oftheinvention,aparticularsize forthis polymer may bepreferred (i.e., in the rangeof30-90 kDa; 45-80 kDa; or 60-80 kDa.). As usedherein, the term “polysulfone' refers to a class of polymersthatincludeasarepeatingSubunitthe moiety -aryl SO-aryl-. Polysulfones include, without limitation, poly etherSulfones andpoly(oxy-1,4-phenylene Sulfonyl-1,4-phe nyleneoxy-1,4-phenyleneisopropylidene-1,4-phenylene). By “prolonged working life' is meant a dialysis filter for which the rate at which the filter becomes clogged during a hemodialysis procedure (e.g., and then requiring a saline flush to unclog the filter), is reduced in comparison to a dialysis filter that differs only by the absence of a surface modifying macromolecule used under the same conditions. Theprolongedworking life fora dialysis filtercan beat least 110%, 125%, 150%, 200%, 250%, 300%, or 400% longer thantheworkinglifeofthereferencedialysisfilterlackingthe Surface modifying macromolecule. As used herein, the term “reduced thrombi deposition' refersto an averagedecrease in Y-countfollowingaperiod of use (e.g., 60.90, 120, 360, or 720 minutes), for an extracor poreal bloodcircuit,orcomponentthereof,oftheinventionin comparison to the average y-count observed for an extracor
  • 43. US 8,877,062 B2 17 poreal blood circuit used under the same conditions and dif fering only by the absence ofSurface modifying macromol ecule. The y-count is obtained by incorporating Surface modifying macromolecule into the extracorporeal blood cir cuit to provide an antithrombogenic interface between the membrane and the flow ofblood passing through the mem brane, where y-countis measuredatanytreatedSurface ofthe circuitand is measuredunder conditions in which theamount ofanticoagulant included in the blood is insufficient to pre vent the formation ofthrombi in the absence ofsurface modi fying macromolecule.A y-countcan be determinedbyany of the assays and methods described herein. For example, Y-count can be determined by flowing blood or plasma con taining radiolabeled platelets (or other blood components, such as red blood cells) into an extracorporeal blood circuit and measuring the radiation from the radiolabel within the extracorporeal blood circuit. These assays and methods can be performed multiple times to obtain an average y-count or anaverage decreaseinY-count. Thethrombi deposition foran extracorporeal blood circuit, or component thereof, of the invention can beon average reduced by 10%, 20%,30, 40%, 50%. 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, or 95% in comparison to the average thrombi deposition ofthe extracorporeal blood cir cuit, or component thereof, lacking the Surface modifying macromolecule. By “reduced operating pressure' is meant an average decrease inoperatingpressurefollowingaperiodofuse(e.g., 2 hrs, 4 hrs, 8 hrs, 12 hrs, or 16 hrs), for a hollow fiber membrane, or filters or potted bundles thereof, ofthe inven tion in comparison to the average pressure observed for a hollow fiber membrane used under the same conditions and differing only by the absence ofsurface modifying macro molecule. The reduced operating pressure is obtained by incorporatingSurfacemodifyingmacromoleculeintothehol low fibermembranetoprovideanantithrombogenic interface betweenthe membraneandtheflowofbloodpassingthrough the membrane, where pressure is measured at the header of the membrane. Foran array ofhollow fiber membranes hav ing apotting resin at an end ofthearray, a reduced operating pressure can be obtained by using a surface modifying mac romolecule to provide an antithrombogenic interface between the membrane and/or thepotting resin and the flow ofblood passing through the potted bundle. Operating pres Sure can be determined by any of the assays and methods described herein. For example, operating pressure can be determined by flowing blood into a hollow fiber membrane and measuringthechange in pressurewithin thehollow fiber membrane over a period oftime. These assays and methods can be performed multiple times to obtain an average oper ating pressure or an average decrease in operating pressure. The reducedoperating pressure fora hollow fiber membrane (or filters or potted bundles thereof) ofthe invention can be lessthan 10%,20%,30%,40%, 50%,60%, 70%, or80%after 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16 hours ofuse in comparison to the average pressure observed for a reference hollow fiber membrane, filter, orpottedbundle lackingthe Surface modifying macro molecule. As used herein, the terms “reduces adverse events’ and “adverse events experienced by a subject” refer to a number or extent of adverse events experienced by a subject con nected to an extracorporeal blood circuit, or component thereof, of the invention, where such adverse events are reduced or decreased during oraftera period ofuse, in com parison to an extracorporeal blood circuit, or component, used under the same conditions and differing only by the absenceofsurfacemodifyingmacromolecule.The numberor extent of adverse events can be determined by any useful 5 10 15 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 18 method,includingtheuseofanimal models(seeLivignietal. CriticalCare 10:R151 (2006); Walkeretal.,Artificial Organs 8:329-333 (1984); Cheung, Blood Purification 5:155-161 (1987); Kamleretal.,JournalofThoracicandCardiovascular Surgery 49:157-161 (2001); and Kamler et al., European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 11:973-980 (1997)). Adverse events include bleeding (e.g., measured by the acti vated clotting time), hemolysis, reduced blood cell counts, severe hemodynamic instability, embolism, thromboembo lism, a thrombi-related event, and any other event requiring thattheSubjecttakeanerythropoiesis-stimulatingagent(e.g., erythropoietin and/or intravenous iron). The presence ofone or more adverse events can be indicative ofthe presence of thrombi ortheactivation ofbloodcomplements inthecoagul lation cascade. By “soft segment' is meant a portion ofthe surface modi fying macromolecule oraportion ofan oligo segment, where the portion includes an ether group, an ester group (e.g., a polyester), an alkyl group, a carbonate group, a siloxane group,ora mixturethereof. Forexample,theSoftsegmentcan have a theoretical molecular weight or average molecular weight from 500 to 3,000 Daltons (e.g., from 500 to 2,000 Daltons, from 1,000to 2,000 Daltons, orfrom 1,000to 3,000 Daltons). As usedherein,“surfacemodifying macromolecule' refers to the macromolecules containing polyfluoroorgano groups and describedherein by formulas (I)-CXIV) and in U.S. Pat. No. 6,127,507; in U.S. Patent Publication No. 20080228253; and in U.S. Provisional Ser. No. 61/092,667, filed Aug. 28, 2008, each of which is incorporated herein by reference. Surface modifying macromolecules can be prepared as describedin U.S.Pat.No. 6,127,507; U.S. PatentPublication No. 20080228253; and PCT Publication No. WO/2010/ 025398, filedAug. 28, 2009. Briefly,surface modifying mac romolecules, such as XI-aandX-a, may be synthesized from a polyisocyanate (e.g., Desmodur N3200 or Desmodur Z4470) reacted dropwise with a fluoroalkyl alcohol in an organic solvent(e.g., anhydrous THFor DMAC) in thepres ence ofa catalyst at 25°C. for 2 hours. Afteraddition ofthe fluorinated alcohol, stirring is continued for 1 hourat 50° C. and for a further 1 hour at 70° C. These steps lead to the formationofapartially fluorinatedintermediatewhichis then coupled with apolyol soft segment (e.g., polydimethylsilox ane diol or poly(2.2 dimethyl-1-3-propyl carbonate)diol) at 70° C. overa periodof14 hours toprovide the surface modi fying macromolecule. Because the reactions are moisture sensitive, they are typically carried out under an inert N. atmosphere and under anhydrous conditions. The reaction product is precipitated in 1% MeOH/water mixture and then washed several times with water, and the Surface modifying macromolecule is driedpriorto use. The Soft segment ofthe Surface modifying macromolecule can function as an anchor for the surface modifying macromolecule within the base polymerSubstrate upon admixture.TheSurfaceactivegroups are responsible, in part, for carrying the Surface modifying macromolecule to the surface of the admixture, where the Surface activegroups areexposed on the Surface. The migra tion ofthe Surface modifying macromolecules to the Surface is a dynamic process and is dependent on the Surface envi ronment. The process ofmigration is driven by the tendency towards establishing a low Surface energy at the mixture's surface. When the balance between anchoring and surface migration isachieved,theSurface modifying macromolecule remains stable at the surface ofthe polymer, while simulta neously altering Surface properties. This invention features blood circuits which can be useful for reducing platelet adhesion, reducing occlusion, reducing
  • 44. US 8,877,062 B2 19 the needforheparinand/orotheranticoagulants,reducingthe costs associated with certain medical procedures, such as dialysis, prolonging the working life of the blood circuit, improving patient safety, and reducing waste. Other features and advantages of the invention will be apparent from the Drawings, Detailed Description, and the claims. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 isa schematicofanexemplaryextracorporealblood circuit. FIG. 2 is an illustration depicting Surface modifying mac romolecule VII-a ofthe invention. FIG. 3 is an illustration depicting Surface modifying mac romolecule VIII-a ofthe invention. FIG. 4 is an illustration depicting Surface modifying mac romolecule VIII-b ofthe invention. FIG. 5 is an illustration depicting Surface modifying mac romolecule VIII-c ofthe invention. FIG. 6 is an illustration depicting Surface modifying mac romolecule VIII-d ofthe invention. FIG. 7 is an illustration depicting Surface modifying mac romolecule IX-a ofthe invention. FIG. 8 is an illustration depicting Surface modifying mac romolecule X-a ofthe invention. FIG. 9 is an illustration depicting Surface modifying mac romolecule X-b ofthe invention. FIG. 10is an illustration depictingSurface modifying mac romolecule XI-a ofthe invention. FIG. 11 isan illustration depictingsurfacemodifying mac romolecule XI-b ofthe invention. FIG. 12is an illustration depictingSurface modifying mac romolecule XII-a ofthe invention. FIG. 13 is an illustration depictingSurface modifying mac romolecule XII-b ofthe invention. FIG. 14is an illustration depictingSurface modifying mac romolecule XIII-a ofthe invention. FIG. 15is an illustration depictingSurface modifying mac romolecule XIII-b ofthe invention. FIG.16is an illustration depictingSurface modifying mac romolecule XIII-c ofthe invention. FIG. 17is an illustration depictingSurface modifying mac romolecule XIII-d ofthe invention. FIG. 18is an illustration depictingSurface modifying mac romolecule XIV-a ofthe invention. FIG. 19isan illustration depictingsurfacemodifying mac romolecule XIV-b ofthe invention. FIGS.20Aand20B show anexemplary hollow fiberandan exemplary bundle offibers. FIG. 20A is a scanning electron micrograph ofa single hollow fiber depicting the outer Sur face,theinnersurface,andthefiberthickness. FIG.20B isan illustration ofbundle ofhollow fibers arranged in the header part of the dialyzer cartridge with the potting area (areas indicated by arrow labeled “Potted area untreated in the inner lumen of the dialyzer cartridge, including the thick dotted line within the inner lumen ofthe dialyzer cartridge and the areas marked with an X) exposed. FIG. 21 is a photograph ofan exemplary configuration for in vitro blood loop analysis and gamma probe reading. FIG. 22 is a photograph ofhemofilters after a blood loop procedure. FIG. 23 is a graph showing average header pressure (APr) and Y-count profiles forcontrol versus VII-a and XI-a (n=6). FIGS. 24A and 24B are photographs ofhemofilters from Experiment 4 in Example 5, as described herein. FIG. 24A 10 15 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 20 shows thrombi formed at the inlet of the hemofilters. FIG. 24B shows thrombi formed at the outlet ofthe hemofilters. FIGS. 25A-25C are photographs from Experiment 4 in Example5,asdescribedherein,which show extensivecoagu lation. FIG. 25A shows thrombi formed at the inlet of the controlhemofilter(nosurfacemodification). FIG.25B shows thrombi formed at the outlet of the control hemofilter (no surface modification). FIG. 25C shows residue on the sieve after draining blood. FIGS. 26A-26D are photographs of hemofilters from Experiment 5 in Example 5, as described herein. FIG. 26A shows thrombi formed at the inlet of the hemofilters. FIG. 26B shows thrombi formed at the outlet ofthe hemofilters. A control hemofilter showed complete occlusion, where close ups are provided for the inlet (FIG. 26C) and outlet (FIG. 26D) for control. FIG. 27showsphotographsoftheinletofhemofiltersfrom Experiment 1-6 in Example 5, as described herein. Photo graphsareshownforcontrol(C,toprow),VII-a(middlerow), and XI-a (bottom row). FIGS. 28A and 28B are photographs ofhemofilters from Experiment 1 in Example 5, as described herein. FIG. 28A shows thrombi formed at the inlet of the hemofilters. FIG. 28B shows thrombi formed at the outlet ofthe hemofilters. FIGS. 29A and 29B are photographs ofhemofilters from Experiment 2 in Example 5, as described herein. FIG. 29A shows thrombi formed at the inlet of the hemofilters. FIG. 29B shows thrombi formed at the outlet ofthe hemofilters. FIGS. 30A and 30B are photographs ofhemofilters from Experiment 3 in Example 5, as described herein. FIG. 30A shows thrombi formed at the inlet of the hemofilters. FIG. 30B shows thrombi formed at the outlet ofthe hemofilters. FIGS. 31A and 31B are photographs ofhemofilters from Experiment 6 in Example 5, as described herein. FIG. 31A shows thrombi formed at the inlet of the hemofilters. FIG. 31B shows thrombi formed at the outlet ofthe hemofilters. DETAILED DESCRIPTION The methods and compositions of the invention feature antithrombogenic, extracorporeal blood circuits and compo nentsthereof(hollow fibermembranes,potting materials,and blood tubing, etc.) including a synthetic base polymer admixedwith from 0.005% to 10% (w/w)surface modifying macromolecule. The extracorporeal blood circuit compo nents ofthe invention can beused in therapies suchas hemo dialysis, hemofiltration, hemoconcentration, hemodiafiltra tion,andoxygenation, forthetreatmentofpatients withrenal failure, fluid overload,toxemic conditions, cardiac failure, or cardiac distress.They canalsobeused forprotein separation, plasma filtration, and blood separation. The selection of the combination ofa particular surface modifying macromolecule(SMM)andaparticularbasepoly mer can be determined by the methods and protocols described herein. First, the type and amount ofSMM to be added to base polymer is determined in part by whether the admixture forms a single stable phase, where the SMM is soluble in thebasepolymer(e.g., separation oftheadmixture to form two or more distinct phases would indicate an unstable solution). Then, the compatibility ofthe admixture can be tested by various known analytical methods. The sur face oftheadmixtureasa filmoras afibercanbeanalyzedby any useful spectroscopic method, Such as X-ray photoelec tron spectroscopy (XPS) with an elemental analysis (EA). Data from XPS could indicate the extent of modification of the surface by migrating SMMs and data from EA can indi cate the extent of modification of the bulk material. Stable
  • 45. US 8,877,062 B2 21 admixtures can then be tested to determine the thromboge nicity ofthe Surface under various conditions. Extracorporeal Blood Circuits The invention features compositions and methods for reducing the activation ofblood components in contact with any ofthe parts ofan extracorporeal blood circuit (e.g., the blood tubing, the hollow fibermembrane, thepotted surface, orthe ends ofthe filterinto which the blood tubingattaches) by including a Surface modifying macromolecule in one or more of the parts of an extracorporeal blood circuit. The hemodialysis machine pumps the dialysate as well as the patient’s blood through a dialyzer. The blood and dialysate are separated from each other by a semipermeable hollow fibermembrane,thebloodpassingthroughtheextracorporeal blood circuit of a hemodialysis machine and the dialysate passing through the dialysate circuit of a hemodialysis machine.Anyoneormoreoftheblood-contactingSurfaces in theextracorporealblood circuitofa dialysis machine may be treatedwithasurfacemodifyingmacromoleculeas described herein to produce an antithrombogenic Surface. The medical separatory device ofthe invention can be an artificial kidney ofthe hollow fibertype, ora related device, such as hemofil ter, blood oxygenator, orotherseparatorofimpurities from a body. The devices include a dialysate chamber, and a pair of spaced apart drip chambers attached to each end ofthe dialy satechamber. Each drip chamberterminates in aport leading to blood tubing, which ultimately exit and enter a subject undergoinghemodialysis.Thedialysate chamberisprovided with conventional inlet and outlet dialysate ports and Sur rounds a bundle ofaxially extending hollow semipermeable fibers. Thefiberbundle containsthousands(e.g.,3,000to30,000) individual fibers which may formed from cellulose (e.g., madeby deacetylating celluloseacetateastaughtin U.S. Pat. No. 3.546,209), celluloseacetate, celluloseester, polyesters, polyamides, polysulfone, or any other hollow fiber mem brane known in the art. Typically, the fibers are fine and of capillary size which typically ranges fromabout 150to about 300 microns internal diameter with a wall thickness in the range ofabout 20 to about 50 microns. Referring to FIG. 1, a typical extracorporeal blood circuit 100 includes tubingthrough which theblood flows andcom ponents for filtering and performing dialysis on the blood. Bloodflowsfromapatient105 througharterial tubing110. Blood drips into a drip chamber 115 wherea connectingtube from the drip chamber 115 attaches to a sensor 125 on a hemodialysis machine that determines the pressure of the blood on the arterial side ofthe extracorporeal bloodcircuit. A pump 120 forces the blood to continue along the path throughtheextracorporealbloodcircuit.Adialyzer130sepa rates waste products from the blood. After passing through the dialyzer 130, the blood flows through venous tubing 140 into a second drip chamber 150. The drip chamber 150 can function as an air trap. Free gases in the blood may beable to escapeinto the drip chamber 150 before the blood continues to the patient. A sensor 170 is in communication with air in the drip chamber through tube 165.Thesensor170candeterminethepressureonthevenous side ofthe extracorporeal blood circuit. Heparin 160 canbeadded to the bloodin the dripchamber 115. When blood is exposed to oxygen, the blood begins to clot.Thedripchamber150 may includea filterforpreventing any clots from exiting the drip chamber 150 and entering the patient 105. The blood continues from the drip chamber through venous tubing180andthroughabubbledetector175 before returning to the patient 105. 10 15 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 22 Any ofthe blood contacting components ofthe extracor poreal bloodcircuitcanbemodifiedwith a surfacemodifying macromoleculeas describedherein to producean antithrom bogenic Surface. Theextracorporealbloodcircuit canbe use ful for hemodialysis, as explained above, and can also be applied for other therapies involving hemoconcentration, oxygenation, protein separation, plasma filtration, and blood separation. Surface Modifying Macromolecule Illustrations ofVII-a to XI-b are shown in FIGS. 2-19. For all of the SMMs, the number of soft segments can be any integer or non-integerto provide the approximatetheoretical molecule weight ofthe soft segment. For compounds offor mulas (XII) and (XIII), the number of hydrogenated alkyl moieties can be any integer or non-integer to provide the approximatetheoretical molecule weightofthe Softsegment. Examples ofXII-a, XII-b, XIII-a, XIII-b, and XIII-c include SMMs, where x=0.225, y=0.65, and Z-0.125. For com pounds offormula (XI), the number offirst block segments and secondblocksegments canbe any integerornon-integer to providetheapproximate theoretical moleculeweightofthe soft segment. Examples of XI-a and XI-b include SMM’s, where m=12 to 16 and n=12 to 18. Table 1 shows theSMM distribution ofhardsegments,soft segments,andfluorinatedend-groups (Fendgroups).Table 1 also shows the ratio ofhard segment to soft segment, which range from 0.16 to 1.49. TABLE 1 Ratio: MW % Soft Seg % Hard Seg % F End Hard/Soft SMM’s Theo (Diol) (Isocyanate) Groups segment VII-a 2016 47.21 16.68 36.11 O.35 VIII-a 3814 25.78 30.59 43.63 1.19 VIII-b 3545 27.73 31.18 41.09 1.12 VIII-c 3870 25.64 37.01 37.35 1.44 VIII-d 4800 39.59 30.07 30.34 O.76 IX-a 3515 56.89 22.39 20.72 O.39 X-a 4075 23.74 35.42 40.84 1.49 X-b 4861 40.35 29.69 29.96 O.74 XI-a 5562 S3.94 19.87 26.19 0.37 XI-b S900 50.85 24.46 24.69 O.48 XII-a 3785 64.60 13.90 22.OO O.22 XII-b 6372 76.2O 12.40 1140 O16 XIII-a 5259 46.18 22.18 31.64 O.48 XIII-b 5536 43.87 26.07 30.06 O.S9 XIII-c S198 46.72 21.26 32.01 O46 XIII-d 5227 4.O.S.S 27.61 25.38 O.68 XIV-a 5097 38.76 28.59 32.65 O.74 XIVb 5450 46.79 26.48 26.72 0.57 Hollow Fiber Membranes Hydrophobicpolymershavebeenapopularchoiceaspoly meric materials in hollow fiber spinning e.g. polysulfones, aromatic polyimides, and amides. Any base polymers described herein can be used as a hydrophobic polymer for hollow fiber spinning. For hemodialysis, hollow fiber mem branes are often made from natural cellulose, cellulose derivatives (e.g.cellulosedi-ortri-acetate),orsyntheticpoly mers (e.g., polysulfones, polyacrylonitrile, or polyamides, amongothers), which are selected fortheirbiocompatibility. However, noneofthese materials have proven toprovide the desired antithrombogenicity that is needed to reduce the reli ance upon anticoagulants. In particular, polysulfones (PS)are synthetic hydrophobic polymers thatarewidely usedinhollow fibermembranesdue to theirexcellentfiberspinningpropertiesandbiocompatibil ity.However,purehydrophobic PScannotbeused directly for Some applications, e.g., dialysis membranes, as this will
  • 46. US 8,877,062 B2 23 decrease the wetting characteristics ofthe membrane in an aqueousenvironmentandaffectthewettingpropertiesessen tial for the clearance of toxins. To address this problem, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) is typically added to the PS as a pore forming hydrophilic polymer, most ofwhich dissolves and is lost during the hollow fiber spinning process and hydrophilically modify the PS to make it suitable as a semi permeable membrane.Although someofthe PVP remains in the fiber this is not sufficient as clotting still occurs during dialysis requiring heparin anticoagulants orsaline flushes of the dialyzer to clear the blockage. The methods and compositions of the invention address theseissuesbyincludingasurfacemodifyingmacromolecule in the hollow fiber membrane. The surface modifying mac romolecule migrates to the surface ofthe hollow fiber mem brane(bothinnerlumenandouterSurfaceduringthespinning process) to occupy the top 10 microns ofthe hollow fiber. Manufacture of Hollow Fiber Membranes A porous hollow fiber membrane adapted for use in the methods of the invention, e.g., kidney dialysis, should be capableofremovinglow molecularweighturemicSubstances while retaining useful Substances such as albumin. Such porous hollow fibermembranesareproducedusingprocesses adapted to accurately control the porediameterin theporous hollowfibermembrane.Theporediameterofthehollow fiber membrane can depend upon the composition ofthe spinning Solution, composition ofthe core solution, draft ratio, liquid composition formembranecoagulation,temperature,humid ity,amongotherfactors.Thecompositionofthecoresolution is an importantfactoras thecombinationandthe mixingratio ofthesolventandthe nonsolventin relationtothe membrane constituting polymer determine the coagulation rate, and hence, the morphology ofthe interior surface ofthe hollow fiber membrane. Variousprocessesareknownintheartfortheproductionof hollow fiber membranes (see, for example, U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,001,288: 5,232,601: 4,906,375; and 4,874,522, each of which is incorporatedherein by reference) including (i) pro cesses wherein a tube-in-tube type orifice is used and the spinning solution is extruded from the outer tube (i.e., from theannularspace defined between theinnerand outer tubes) and the core solution is ejected from the inner tube; (ii) by extrudingthespinning Solutionintoair, allowingthefilament to falldownbygravity,passingthefilamentthrough acoagul lantbathforcoagulation,andwashingand dryingthefilament (dry-wet spinning); (iii) by using a bath including an upper layer of a non-coagulating Solution and a lower layer of a coagulating Solution, and extruding the spinning Solution directly into the non-coagulating solution and passing the filamentthroughthecoagulatingsolution; (iv)byusingabath includingan upperlayerofacoagulatingSolutionandalower layer ofa non-coagulating solution, and extruding the spin ning solution directly into the non-coagulating Solution and passingthe filamentthrough the coagulating solution; (V) by extruding the spinning Solution directly into a non-coagulat ing Solution and passing the filament along the boundary between the coagulating Solution and the non-coagulating Solution; and(vi) by extrudingthespinningSolution from the orifice Surrounding a non-coagulating solution and passing the filament through a coagulating Solution. In such processes, pore diameterofthehollow fiber mem brane is controlled by adjusting the rate and theextentofthe coagulation oftheextrudedspinningsolutionthroughtheuse ofa coagulation Solution which promotes the coagulation of thespinning Solution (a nonsolventforthespinningsolution) andanon-coagulationsolutionwhichinhibitsthecoagulation 10 15 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 24 ofthe spinning Solution (a solvent for the spinning solution) eitherseparately or in a mixture. For use in the compositions and methods ofthe invention, atypical spinning solution will includea basepolymer(e.g., apolysulfone), a hydrophilic pore formingagent (e.g., poly vinylpyrrolidone, ethylene glycol, alcohols, polypropylene glycol, or polyethylene glycol), a solvent for the polymer (i.e., dimethylformamide, dimethylsulfoxide,dimethylaceta mide, N-methylpyrrolidone, or mixtures thereof), and a sur face modifying macromolecule. The hollow fiber membranes ofthe invention can be pro duced, forexample, by extruding the spinning Solution from a tube-in-tube type orifice of the spinner in a coagulation solution to form the hollow fiber membrane. The polymer containing spinning Solution is extruded from the outertube (i.e.,annularspacedefinedbetweentheinnerandoutertubes) to form a cylindrical filament having an inner bore and the core solution for coagulation of the spinning Solution is extruded from the inner tube ofthe orifice into the inner bore ofthe filament. In this process, the filament may be directly extruded into the coagulation Solution, or extruded into air and then drawn to the coagulation solution. As noted above, thespinningSolutionisSupplementedwithahydrophilicpore forming agent and a Surface modifying macromolecule and the resulting hollow fiber membrane contains the surface modifying macromolecule on its Surface. The viscosity ofthe spinning solution can be modified as needed. For example, by adding a thickener (e.g., polyvi nylpyrrolidone (PVP), polyethylene glycol (PEG), or polypropylene glycol) to increase viscosity, or by adding an aprotic low boiling solvent (i.e., tetrahydrofuran, diethyl ether, methylethylketone,acetone,ormixturesthereof)tothe spinning Solution to reduce viscosity. An aprotic low boiling solvent may also be included to increase the solubility ofthe Surface modifying macromolecule in the spinning solution. The spinning Solution is extruded to form the shape ofa filament which is precipitated using a coagulating solution, resulting in formation ofthe desiredporous hollow fiber. The coagulatingsolution mayincludea nonsolventora mixtureof a nonsolvent and a solvent for the base polymer ofthe spin ning solution. Typically the nonsolvent used for the coagul lating Solution is an aqueous solution. After the porous hollow fiber is formed, it may be passed through a second rinsing bath. The porous hollow fiber may then beprocessed further,e.g., cutting,bundling, anddrying, and made intoaporoushollow fibermembraneSuitable,e.g., for use in a dialyzer. Potted Bundles ofHollow Fiber Membranes The invention features compositions and methods for reducing the activation ofblood components in contact with the potting material ofa filter (e.g., as part ofa blood purifi cation device, such as a hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration, hemofiltration,hemoconcentration, oroxygenatordevice)by including a Surface modifying macromolecule in the potting material at the time that the hollow fiber membranes are potted. Inordertofilterorpermeatewithhollow fibermembranes, alargenumberofthinhollow fibers mustbepotted(i.e.,fixed) to aheaderofan encasementSuch thattheirinner Surfaces are each completely sealed to the inside ofthe encasement but theirlumens are open to pass blood from a firstpotted end to asecondpottedendofafilter. Potting materialsarean impor tantintegralpartofbloodpurification filteras thesearecured polymer materials (usually a polyurethane) thatactas a glue to hold the hollow membrane fiberbundles (e.g., numbering up to 20,000) firmly at the ends inside the cartridge ofthe dialyzer,whileatthesametimeleavingtheendsofthehollow