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Heel Pain ,
For Differential Diagnosis
Heel Structures :
Calcaneum ( Tubercle )
Plantar enthesis
Plantar Fascia
Long Plantar Lig.
Heel Fat Pad
Subcalcaneal bursa
Achilles tendon & Enthesis
Peripheral Nerves
Crystal Induced
Chronic fluoride intoxication
( Fluorosis )
Endocrine disorders
( DM & Acromegaly )
Causes :
Metabolic disorder
( Idiopatbic )
Crystal Induced
Calcium phosphate
‫مرضية‬ ‫شكوى‬ ‫هناك‬ ‫كانت‬ ‫اذا‬
‫بالتفصيل‬ ‫شرحها‬ ‫الصعب‬ ‫من‬ ‫والتى‬ ‫واالسباب‬ ‫االمراض‬ ‫من‬ ‫قائمة‬ ‫هناك‬ ‫وكانت‬
‫واحدة‬ ‫محاضرة‬ ‫فى‬
‫والتوضيح‬ ‫للشرح‬ ‫بعضها‬ ‫اختيار‬ ‫من‬ ‫البد‬ ‫اذا‬
‫السؤال‬ ‫يأتى‬ ‫هنا‬
‫من‬ ‫اختار‬
‫انتشارا‬ ‫االكثر‬
‫خطورة‬ ‫االكثر‬
‫والحضور‬ ‫الذهن‬ ‫عن‬ ‫بعيد‬ ‫النه‬ ‫االندر‬
Nociceptive Pain
Neurogenic Pain
Referred Pain
Radicular Pain
Heel Area ( Structures ) as a Generator of Heel Pain
Anatomy of the Plantar
Main generator of Heel pain
1- Enthesis
2- Fascia
Protective mechanisms
3- Bursa
4- Heel Fat Pad
Calcaneal Enthesis of the plantar Fascia
Site of origin of the Plantar Aponeurosis
Typical site of injury
Arches are maintained not only with Plantar Fascia
Heel Bursae
Calcaneal Fat Pads
Plantar Fat Pads
Plantar Fat Pads
Are not only Calcaneal
Heel / Metatarsal & Toes
Plantar Fat Pads
Plantar Fat Pads
protect the Bones , Nerves & Blood
Vessels of the feet by absorbing &
dissipating energy from impact &
Plantar Enthesopathy
Plantar Entheses
It represent a firm site of attachment of a tendon, ligament
or articular capsule to bone
In an enthesis :
The fibers of the tendon become more compact , then cartilaginous & finally calcifies as
they the bone
These fibrous connections are often referred to as Sharpey,s
( perforating ) fibers
Causes of Plantar Enthesopathy
Metabolic disorders
Causes of Traumatic Plantar Enthesopathy
• Major Trauma
• Micro Trauma
• Occupational
• Life style
• Lack of protective mechanisms
( Aging )
Soft tissue avulsion
Bone avulsion
Soft tissue avulsion
RA , SLE , HPT , & Renal Osteodystrophy , GCs
Bone avulsion
Diseased bone , osteomalacia or metastatic disease
Manifested as osseous fragment separated from the underlying bone
It is observed at sites of ligamentous attachments
( Plantar Fascia / Long plantar ligament / Spring ligament ) ,
especially with advancing age = degenerative enthesophytes
Degenerative Heel Enthesopathy
Calcaneal enthesophytes in 25% of normal persons
Increase with Age
Associated diseases as DM joint disorders
Degenerative enthesophytes : : They are well defined in comparison to the fluffy poorly marginated calcaneal outgrowths
seen in the SpA
Degenerative Enthesopathy
Developing enthesophytes may be
( 1 ) smooth or ( 2 ) irregular ::: but are usually well marginated
More medial section ,
reveal degenerative
enthesopathy at
osseous attachment of
the long plantar
Sagittal section ,
reveal degenerative
enthesopathy at the
sites of attachment
of the achilles
tendon & plantar
Inflammation … Erosions … Proliferations
Inflammatory Enthesitis
Ill defined bone margins on radiographs are characteristic of early involvement
; subsequently the margins of the affected bone may become more distinct or
better defined
It represent a firm site of attachment
of a tendon, ligament or articular
capsule to bone
In an enthesis :
The fibers of the tendon become more compact , then
cartilaginous & finally calcifies as they the bone
These fibrous connections are often referred to as Sharpey,s
( perforating ) fibers
Metabolic Diseases
Hydroxyaptite crystals
Chronic fluoride intoxication
( Fluorosis )
Endocrine disorders
( DM & Acromegaly )
Plantar Fascia
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Fasciopathy
Tear Partial & Complete
Ledderhose Disease
Plantar Xanthoma
Pain originate from :
Anatomy and function of the PF
It is a CT structure that helps maintain the longitudinal arch of the foot
The Central component
is proximally thick and distally thin and is the thickest of the three.
It arises from the medial tubercle of the calcaneus and extends distally becoming broader and covering the plantar surface
Distally, it divides into 5 digitations that insert into the MTP Js.
Three bundles:
The lateral portion
is also proximally thick and distally thin. It arises from the lateral margin of the medial calcaneal tubercle, covers the plantar
surface of the abductor digiti minimi muscle and inserts into the fifth metatarsal joint capsule.
The medial portion
is thinner than the others. It arises from the midportion of the central bundle, covers the plantar surface of the abductor hallucis
muscle and inserts into the first metatarsal joint capsule
Overall, PF thickness is greater in men
than in women
General features of PF disorders
Plantar fasciitis : is the most common injury of the PF and is estimated to induce > 1 million patients to seek treatment
Plantar fasciitis has a degenerative rather than inflammatory nature
It is related to overuse trauma leading to microtears
Thus, the term “ Plantar Fasciopathy ” is often preferred.
Foot Deformities,
Improper Footwear,
Increased body mass index and
Increased activities that involve Prolonged Walking,
Prolonged Running or
Prolonged Standing
Aetiology of Plantar Fasciitis
It is multifactorial.
Biomechanical Risk Factors include those causing
Repetitive Stress on the PF, such as
All Local Therapy well be failed – If Risk Factors have been neglected
Calcaneal Spuring : have been investigated in great detail as a possible cause of plantar fasciitis , but they are not specific and also occur in
asymptomatic individuals.
Amongst Causes of of Plantar Fasciitis
Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Among the medical conditions associated with plantar fasciitis
Plantar Calcaneal Spurs, also known as calcaneal enthesophytes
Many, but not all, of people experiencing plantar fasciitis have the “unlocked” foot because of failure of the foot to adequately supinate prior to the
push off phase of walking.
The CAUSE may be anywhere in the body.
9 Causes
of Plantar Fasciitis You Never Thought Of
1.Lack of ankle joint bend
2.Tight calf group
3.Weak butt muscles
1- Lack of ankle bend or tight calf muscle group
2- Limited hip extension
3- Painful or limited big toe extension
1- Loss of upper back motion
2- Insufficient upper back motion can result
in ineffective loading of the core muscles
3- Neck Muscle fatigue/ tightness
The Proximal Third of the central bundle of the PF is classically involved; however, distal plantar fasciitis has recently been
recognised as a cause of recalcitrant heel pain
Uncooperative attitude toward discipline
Diagnosis :
The diagnosis of plantar fasciitis generally relies on clinical history and physical examination.
The main symptoms include pain and stiffness in the morning, or pain at the beginning of activity after rest.
Static Dyskinesia
Physical examination
It reveals tenderness at the origin of the PF and impaired dorsiflexion of the ankle and extension
of the toes .
can aid in the diagnosis, particularly in recalcitrant cases or may rule out other heel pathology
Diagnosis :
Generally self-limiting,
But : It may result in physical inactivity and impact quality of life
On MRI, the normal PF (arrows) is seen as a thin band of low signal intensity on both T1-
weighted (d)
and fluid-sensitive (e) images
Normal plantar fascia.
A schematic representation (a)
lateral plain radiograph (b) show the normal PF (arrows).
On sagittal ultrasound scan, the normal PF (arrows) appears as a fibrillar ligamentous structure (c).
Plantar fasciitis.
Lateral plain radiograph highlights an increase in the
distance between subcutaneous fat and intrinsic
muscles of the foot at the calcaneal insertion of the PF
as an indirect sign of plantar fasciitis (double-head
arrow); calcific enthesopathy of the Achilles tendon is
Achilles tendon is also seen (open arrow) (a).
On ultrasound, plantar fasciitis presents with PF
thickening (dashed line, 6.5 mm), a hypoechoic
appearance and loss of fibrillar pattern (b).
MRI confirms thickening of the PF at its calcaneal
origin (double-head arrow) with intrasubstance areas
of intermediate and high signal intensity on T1-
weighted (c)
and fluid-sensitive (d) images, respectively
MRI confirms the presence of a calcaneal spur
(arrow) and PF thickening at its calcaneal
attachment (double-head arrow) (b).
Bone marrow oedema in the calcaneal spur (arrow)
is demonstrated on the fluid-sensitive image (c)
Plantar fasciitis.
Lateral plain radiograph shows PF
thickening (double-head arrow) and
fine calcifications at the calcaneal
insertion of the PF (arrowhead); a
plantar calcaneal spur at the origin of
intrinsic muscles of the foot (arrow) and
calcific enthesopathy of the Achilles
tendon (open arrow) are also evident
It is a benign nodular formation due to fibroblastic proliferation in the PF.
It tends to involve the distal 2/3 of the PF, usually in its central bundle, although proximal nodules are not uncommon.
Nodular lesions may be multiple and bilateral and typically measure < 3 cm
Plantar fibromatosis or Ledderhose disease
Frequently : isolated disease, but may associate
Dupuytren’s disease
Clinically, plantar fibroma appears as a firm thickening or a
single nodule, generally localised in the medial portion of the
sole, which is occasionally painful
MRI shows a fusiform
thickening (arrows) in
the distal portion of the
PF with low signal
intensity on both T1-
weighted (a) and fluid-
sensitive images (b).
On ultrasound, a well-
demarcated, hypoechoic
nodule is demonstrated
(c) with no increased
internal vascularity (d)
Ledderhose disease.
Tears of the PF
They are uncommon and can be Partial or Complete.
Traumatic Tears are often related to forcible plantar flexion of the foot in competitive athletes, mostly runners and jumpers; these are typically
distal to calcaneal insertion of the PF and chronic overuse is considered an aetiological factor
Spontaneous Ruptures may occur at the calcaneal attachment of the PF in patients with previous history of plantar fasciitis and local
treatment with
GCs injections
Clinical presentation includes :
Acute pain, usually accompanied by a “Snap”
noise, and Local Swelling
Plantar Fascia Rupture.
On ultrasound, a tear in the PF (arrow) is shown; the PF is hypoechoic and thickened as a result of previous
plantar fasciitis treated with local injections (a).
MRI confirms PF rupture (arrow) and highlights marked oedema of soft tissues (b)
They are described in many hyperlipidaemia states;
They typically involve tendons and are occasionally located within the PF.
They are usually asymptomatic and tend to recur after surgical removal
Plantar xanthoma.
On both sagittal T1-weighted (a) and fluid-sensitive (b) images, xanthoma (arrows) appears as fusiform enlargement of the PF and shows
heterogeneous signal intensity
Infectious Fasciitis
Foreign Body
Local Heel Injection
GCs Crystallization
Rupture Plantar Fascia
Plantar Fat Pad Atrophy
Plantar Fat Pad Rupture
Publication of MsK US
Modify Heel approach
Modify Knee approach
( Meniscal Cysts & Calcification )
Modify CT approach
Is plantar Fasciitis
( Plantar Fasciopathy )
Is a cause of Calcaneal spuring
OR Calcaneal Spuring is a cause of Plantar Fasciitis
Types of Calcaneal Spuring
It is a Calcium deposit causing a bony protrusion
on the underside of the heel bone.
On an X-ray, a heel spur can extend forward by
as much as a half-inch.
Without visible X-ray evidence, the condition is
sometimes known as
Heel Spur Syndrome
Heel Spur
Although Heel Spurs are often Painless,
they can cause heel pain.
They are frequently associated with plantar fasciitis,
Causes of Heel Spurs
Heel spurs occur when calcium deposits build up on the underside of the heel bone, a process that usually occurs over a period
of many months.
Heel spurs are especially common among athletes whose activities include large amounts of running
and jumping.
Heel spurs are often caused by :
Strains on foot muscles and ligaments,
Stretching of the plantar fascia, and
Repeated tearing of the membrane that covers the heel bone.
Plantar Bursitis
Bursae around the ankle
Subachillial / Retrocalcaneal
Plantar Bursitis
What Causes Plantar Bursitis ?
Overuse injury
Some people may Walk and Run with excessive heel strike
Others may have a Heel Spur creating extra pressure to the fat pad
Other people may have a thin fat pad.
• Minimal to No pain with first steps
in the morning or after sitting
• Pain worsens prolonged Standing
• Bruised or Swollen Feeling on the bottom of the heel
• Redness to the bottom of the heel
• Pain is worse barefoot or with heeled shoes
What are the Symptoms of Plantar Bursitis?
•Ice massage
•Anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin
•Horsheshoe shaped heel pads
•Cortisone injections
•Accommodative shoe inserts
•Rarely surgery is needed to excise the bursa or remove an associated heel spur
How is Plantar Bursitis treated?
Heel Fat Pad Syndrome
Honeycombed pattern of fibroelastic septa
These spaces are enclosed and contain fat globules
The tissue septa form in a U-shape and attach to the calcaneus & skin
Elastic transverse and diagonal fibers help reinforce the chambers
The fat pad provides cushion to the hindfoot while keeping
mechanical integrity for its shock absorption
The force and impact that our feet absorb when we walk is 2.5 times the weight
of our body.
When you run or jump, that impact increases even more!
What Is Heel Fat Pad Syndrome?
It develops when the entire fat pad, or smaller sections of the heel fat pad, become thin and damaged.
In HFPS : the HFA failed to absorb & redistribute force & impact : with resultant dysfunction
. Increased age due to fat pad deterioration
• Obesity and subsequent increased pressure
• Genetics
• Steroid injections
• Prolonged standing or walking on hard surfaces
with inappropriate footwear
• Excessive heel strike with poor footwear
Risk Factors:
Improper Gait
If : overpronate or underpronate while walk or run,
Plantar Fasciitis
As the arch of the foot breaks down and struggles to absorb and distribute impact, the fat pad of the heel can be strained, worn, and injured much
more quickly than usual.
Inflammation of the Fat Pad
After repeated, forceful, and prolonged activity, like jumping during basketball or gymnastics.
Fat Pad Displaced or Thinned
exposing the heel bone and causing a bruised feeling.
Force or Walking on Hard Surfaces
Walking or running on hard surfaces while barefoot can quickly lead to a thinning, strained heel fat pad or bruising to the heel bone.
Common Causes of Heel Fat Pad Syndrome
• Pain that is a little duller (more like a bruise), and felt closer to the middle of heel
• Pain by pressing finger into the middle of heel pad
• Pain that is made worse when walk on hard surfaces
Both plantar fasciitis and heel fat pad syndrome are made worse by weight gain and as we age.
Heel Fat Pad Syndrome
The hallmark symptoms of heel fat pad syndrome are a little different:
Palpation of the fat pad
•softened and flattened surface
•erythema and inflammation over plantar aspect of the heel
Diagnostic Imaging (Ultrasound or MRI)
•Decreased thickness and height of fat pad
Central pain of the heel
• Deep, non-radiating pain at the weight bearing portion of the calcaneus
• Symptoms worsen with walking barefoot or on hard surfaces
• Symptoms are relieved in the absence of heel pressure
• Tenderness over the calcaneal tuberosity
• Swelling can be present
• Pain does not occur with passive motion of the ankle or toes
• History of trauma to the plantar surface of the calcaneus
(hard fall or jump landing on the heel)
Calcaneal Fat Pad Atrophy
The overall thickness and height of the fat pad decrease
•Each heel strike generates force equal to 110% of the body weight
•During running, heel strike can generate force equal to 250% of the
body weight
After approximately age 40,
the fat pad begins to deteriorate
- Loss of collagen
- Decreased elastic tissue
- Decreased water concentration
Long Term Effects of Fat Pad Deterioration
Foot Fat Pad of a 20 Year Old
Foot Fat Pad of a 60 Year Old
Bruised Heel (Fat Pad Contusion)
Because the calcaneus is the largest bone in the foot and the primary weight bearing bone, it is subject to injury.
• Excessive body weight
• Age
• Poorly cushioned or worn-out running shoes
• Increases in training
• Hard, uneven training surfaces
• Walking or training barefoot
What causes a bruised heel?
A heel bruise can be caused by a one-time incident of the athlete landing on his/her heel from a height (or in poor shoes) or from repetitive trauma over time (running on
the beach without shoes).
Sometimes heel fat pad syndrome can be mistaken for plantar fasciitis. And while it’s true that many people have plantar fasciitis and heel fat pad syndrome at the
same time, it’s helpful to understand the difference between the two conditions:
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis (or plantar fasciosis) is caused by damage or deterioration to the arch of the foot, the fibrous band of tissue that runs between your heel and the ball
of your foot.
Healthy arch acts as a spring, absorbing and distributing the impact of physical activity properly. However, a flat, damaged, or overused arch begins to break down–
which can lead to HFPS as the heel fat pad sustains more wear and impact. Heel spurs, which may develop as the body tries to prop up the damaged arch, can also
dig into the fat pad of the heel and cause pain.
The hallmark symptoms of plantar fasciitis include the following:
•Pain that’s most severe toward the front of the heel (closer to the toes) and instep
•Sharp pain or dull, aching pain that is usually worse in the morning
•Pain that improves with rest and stretching
Plantar Fasciitis Vs. Heel Fat Pad Syndrome
Plantar Fat Pads
Where do many everyday foot aches and pains come from?
Research shows that the fat pads on the bottom of our feet get thinner with time and activity, and gradually lose their protective properties. Research
further shows that by age 50, many people—especially if they’re active—have lost half the fatty padding under the balls and heels of their feet.
Thorlos clinically-tested padding provides dense cushioned support to help make up for this natural loss of fat pads. Padding is positioned in exactly the
right anatomical places to provide protection for the ball and heel so your feet feel well cushioned and comfortable. Many wearers report their feet feel
years younger when wearing Thorlos clinically-tested padded socks that have been fitted properly with their shoes.
We destroy our Fat Pads by walking and running on hard surfaces without adequate protection.
1) This loss of fat pads is due primarily to damage from shearing forces from waling and running on smooth
unyielding man-made surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, and even hardwood flooring.
2) The damage is compounded by poorly designed, poorly fitted socks and shoes.
3) Thorlos protect the fat pads of your feet from shear forces by transferring these forces from the inner
tissues of your feet to the cushion fabrics of your socks. And, where degredation of fatty tissue has already
occurred, Thorlos engineering will help replace the function of the natural fat pads.
4) Proper protection is the best source of your comfort.
Os Trigonum Syndrome
It is a small, accessory bone that forms at the back of the foot behind the ankle joint.
The talus bone forms part of the ankle joint.
As the talus grows during childhood, a small piece of bone develops just behind it, known as the Os Trigonum.
This usually happens around the ages of seven to eleven.
Os Trigonum is a small, extra bone at the back of the heel
This small bone is initially joined to the talus by fibrous structures and within one to three years, usually fuses i.e. joins with the talus bone forming part of the lateral tubercle, a
small lump on the talus.
However, sometimes it fails to join the talus and remains a separate piece of bone.
It is usually small, less than one centimetre, and varies in shape from round to oval to triangular.
Usually, if the bone fails to fuse it doesn’t cause any problems, but if the ankle is injured, either through a specific incident or recurrent trauma, Os Trigonum Syndrome can
It is also known as posterior talar impingement.
What Is Os Trigonum?
When the presence of the unfused bone is combined with an ankle injury,
Os Trigonum Syndrome can develop.
It is usually caused by either:
Ballet dancers
Over-Use: from repeated plantarflexion (foot pointing downwards).
Os Trigonum Syndrome commonly affects ballet dancers, runners and football players
Trauma: an ankle injury where the foot is forced into excessive plantarflexion
Either of these can cause what is known as a “nutcracker injury”, where the unfused Os
There is no specific age or gender that is more susceptible to Os Trigonum Syndrome, it is purely related to activity.
What Causes Os Trigonum Syndrome?
Location of Pain in relation to Generator
Plantar fascia
Calcaneal spuring
Calcaneal Fat Pad
Subcalcaneal Bursa
Heel Pain of plantar origin :
Sever’s Disease
Sever’s disease occurs in children when the growth plate (which is the growing part of the heel) is injured.
The foot is one of the first body parts to grow to full size. This usually occurs in early puberty.
During this time, bones often grow faster than muscles and tendons. As a result, muscles and tendons become tight.
The heel area is less flexible. During weight-bearing activity (activity performed while standing), the tight heel tendons may put too much pressure
at the back of the heel (where the Achilles tendon attaches).
This can injure the heel and cause Sever’s disease.
Young athletes typically sustain the injury due to repeated stress caused by
running and jumping. Partaking in any high speed sports can thus partly
provoke the condition, such as football, rugby, basketball, hockey or track
Of the Hell Area
Ultrasound with bursa
Subcalcaneal Bursa
Human Foot
Young women
Calcaneal Tuberosity
Medial Process
It is a type of calcaneal fracture.
They are fractures of the calcaneal body and may be
intra- or extra-articular.
History and etymology
The name "lover's fracture" is derived from the fact that
a suitor may jump from great heights while trying to
escape from the lover's spouse 2.
Lover’s Fracture :
also known as Don Juan fracture,
There is an important association between lover's fractures and burst fractures of the lumbar
Lover’s Fracture :
Over Plantar Flexion
Radiograph Of Normal 8 Year Old Female
Couple pics below - first is of a normal heel - second is Calcaneal Spuring
nice erosion
on the posterior tuberosity
in a patient with
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Lateral calcaneus view
Lateral x-ray of foot showing Needle in heel
X-ray showing small Heel bone Spur.
Lateral Heel Radiograph
showing the Spur Length.
(a) Oblique line demarcating the calcaneal
(b) (b) Horizontal line from the tip of the
spur to the calcaneal..
(A) Weight-bearing lateral view of foot and
(B) (B) method of obtaining weight-bearing lateral view of foot
Both PA (dorsoplantar) and lateral views of the foot are required to assess alignment.
The importance of obtaining FULL weight-bearing views cannot be overly emphasized.
The non-weight bearing position may mask significant abnormalities that only manifest in the position of function, and measurements will therefore be totally invalid.
Full weight-bearing AP and lateral views in the natural base and angle of stance, have been shown to closely approximate the position of dynamic gait (1).
Effect of weight bearing.
Non–weight-bearing (A) and weight- bearing (B)
lateral views of the ankle show the value of functional loading.
Weight Bearing
Direction of the Spur
The heel pad thickness was measured on the non-weight bearing foot lateral plain radiograph from the lowest point
of the calcaneal tuberosity to the plantar surface
Heel pad thickness was measured from medial calcaneal
tuberosity of calcaneus to the boundary between superficial
fat pad and dermis on sagittal T2-weighted MRI
Heel Pad Thickness
Non weight-bearing :
Normal alignment
Simulated weight-bearing :
Mild pes planus (flatfoot)
Full weight-bearing :
Severe pes planus
Pes Planus
Effect of weight Bearing on Foot Alignment
Full weight-bearing.
The tibia is perpendicular to the floor.
Partial weight-bearing.
Note that the tibia is angled relative to the floor.
Partial weight-bearing.
Note that the tibia is angled relative to the floor.
Lateral views of the same patient with different degrees of weight bearing.
The true extent of the alignment abnormality is revealed only on the FULL weight-bearing view.
Often when patients have a painful extremity almost 70-80% of their body weight is placed on the Less Painful Side.
Therefore, full weight should be placed only on the affected leg.
One radiographic clue that a lateral view is not fully weight-bearing is that the tibia is < vertical.
Foot Alignment with Painful Limb & full Weight Bearing
Kager's triangle with a normal appearance
Normal Kager’s Fat Pad
A. Kager's triangle with a normal appearance.
B. The triangular lucency with sharp, smoothly curving borders is indicated with the dotted line.
C. The arrowhead indicates the retrocalcaneal recess : the “bursal wedge” of Kager's fat pad, which normally forms a radiolucent corner posterosuperior to the calcaneus.
A patient with a chronic retrocalcaneal bursitis. The retrocalcaneal
recess has disappeared because of the less radiolucent fluid in the
distended retrocalcaneal bursa.
Lateral conventional radiograph of a normal ankle demonstrating a well-defined
anterior margin of the Achilles tendon (arrowheads), the pre-Achilles/Kager’s
fat pad (*), and the retrocalcaneal bursal recess (solid arrow).
Differentials of Periosteal Reactions at Heel
Reiter's disease –
At the calcaneus, erosions, fluffy periostitis
Erosions, fluffy periostitis, and soft tissue swelling are visible in up to 50%
of patients at the Achilles and plantar insertions
Lateral radiograph of the right foot showing a prominent posterosuperior osseous calcaneal protuberance (arrow), loss of lucency in the retrocalcaneal recess
suggesting retrocalcaneal bursitis (*), convex superficial soft tissue swelling at the insertion of the Achilles tendon (curved arrow) and ossification in the thickened
Achilles tendon (arrow heads) .
If you exclude the previously mentioned causes of Heel Pain
Therefore ,there is great possibility of Heel Soreness
( One of the prodromes pf Gout )
Heel pain

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Heel pain

  • 1. Heel Pain , For Differential Diagnosis Safwat EL-ARABY Rheumatology EGYPT
  • 2. Heel Structures : Calcaneum ( Tubercle ) Plantar enthesis Plantar Fascia Long Plantar Lig. Heel Fat Pad Subcalcaneal bursa Achilles tendon & Enthesis Peripheral Nerves Metabolic Crystal Induced Alkaptonuria Chronic fluoride intoxication ( Fluorosis ) Endocrine disorders ( DM & Acromegaly ) Causes : Traumatic Enthesopathy Metabolic Inflammatory Infectious Neuropathic Enthesopathic Trauma Degeneration Inflammation Metabolic disorder ( Idiopatbic ) Crystal Induced Calcium phosphate (Hydroxyapatite) CPPD MSU GCs Inflammatory SpAs AS ReA PsA EA
  • 3. ‫مرضية‬ ‫شكوى‬ ‫هناك‬ ‫كانت‬ ‫اذا‬ : ‫بالتفصيل‬ ‫شرحها‬ ‫الصعب‬ ‫من‬ ‫والتى‬ ‫واالسباب‬ ‫االمراض‬ ‫من‬ ‫قائمة‬ ‫هناك‬ ‫وكانت‬ ‫واحدة‬ ‫محاضرة‬ ‫فى‬ ‫والتوضيح‬ ‫للشرح‬ ‫بعضها‬ ‫اختيار‬ ‫من‬ ‫البد‬ ‫اذا‬ – ‫السؤال‬ ‫يأتى‬ ‫هنا‬ – ‫من‬ ‫اختار‬ : ‫انتشارا‬ ‫االكثر‬ / ‫خطورة‬ ‫االكثر‬ / ‫والحضور‬ ‫الذهن‬ ‫عن‬ ‫بعيد‬ ‫النه‬ ‫االندر‬
  • 4. Nociceptive Pain Neurogenic Pain Referred Pain Radicular Pain Heel Area ( Structures ) as a Generator of Heel Pain
  • 5.
  • 7. Anatomy of the Plantar Main generator of Heel pain Origin 1- Enthesis 2- Fascia Protective mechanisms 3- Bursa 4- Heel Fat Pad
  • 8. Calcaneal Enthesis of the plantar Fascia Site of origin of the Plantar Aponeurosis Typical site of injury
  • 9. Arches are maintained not only with Plantar Fascia
  • 12. Plantar Fat Pads Plantar Fat Pads Are not only Calcaneal Heel / Metatarsal & Toes
  • 13. Plantar Fat Pads Plantar Fat Pads protect the Bones , Nerves & Blood Vessels of the feet by absorbing & dissipating energy from impact & shear
  • 15. Plantar Entheses It represent a firm site of attachment of a tendon, ligament or articular capsule to bone In an enthesis : The fibers of the tendon become more compact , then cartilaginous & finally calcifies as they the bone These fibrous connections are often referred to as Sharpey,s ( perforating ) fibers
  • 16. Causes of Plantar Enthesopathy Trauma Degeneration Inflammation Metabolic disorders Idiopathic
  • 17. Causes of Traumatic Plantar Enthesopathy • Major Trauma • Micro Trauma • Occupational • Life style • Lack of protective mechanisms ( Aging ) Soft tissue avulsion Bone avulsion Contusion Soft tissue avulsion RA , SLE , HPT , & Renal Osteodystrophy , GCs therapy Bone avulsion Diseased bone , osteomalacia or metastatic disease Manifested as osseous fragment separated from the underlying bone
  • 18. It is observed at sites of ligamentous attachments ( Plantar Fascia / Long plantar ligament / Spring ligament ) , especially with advancing age = degenerative enthesophytes Degenerative Heel Enthesopathy Calcaneal enthesophytes in 25% of normal persons Increase with Age Obesity Associated diseases as DM joint disorders Degenerative enthesophytes : : They are well defined in comparison to the fluffy poorly marginated calcaneal outgrowths seen in the SpA
  • 19. Degenerative Enthesopathy Developing enthesophytes may be ( 1 ) smooth or ( 2 ) irregular ::: but are usually well marginated
  • 20. More medial section , reveal degenerative enthesopathy at osseous attachment of the long plantar ligament Sagittal section , reveal degenerative enthesopathy at the sites of attachment of the achilles tendon & plantar aponeurosis
  • 21. Inflammation … Erosions … Proliferations Inflammatory Enthesitis Ill defined bone margins on radiographs are characteristic of early involvement ; subsequently the margins of the affected bone may become more distinct or better defined
  • 22. Anatomy It represent a firm site of attachment of a tendon, ligament or articular capsule to bone In an enthesis : The fibers of the tendon become more compact , then cartilaginous & finally calcifies as they the bone These fibrous connections are often referred to as Sharpey,s ( perforating ) fibers
  • 23. Metabolic Diseases CPPD Hydroxyaptite crystals Alkaptonuria Chronic fluoride intoxication ( Fluorosis ) Endocrine disorders ( DM & Acromegaly )
  • 24. Plantar Fascia Plantar Fasciitis Plantar Fasciopathy Tear Partial & Complete Ledderhose Disease Plantar Xanthoma Pain originate from :
  • 25. Anatomy and function of the PF It is a CT structure that helps maintain the longitudinal arch of the foot The Central component is proximally thick and distally thin and is the thickest of the three. It arises from the medial tubercle of the calcaneus and extends distally becoming broader and covering the plantar surface Distally, it divides into 5 digitations that insert into the MTP Js. Three bundles: The lateral portion is also proximally thick and distally thin. It arises from the lateral margin of the medial calcaneal tubercle, covers the plantar surface of the abductor digiti minimi muscle and inserts into the fifth metatarsal joint capsule. The medial portion is thinner than the others. It arises from the midportion of the central bundle, covers the plantar surface of the abductor hallucis muscle and inserts into the first metatarsal joint capsule Overall, PF thickness is greater in men than in women
  • 26. General features of PF disorders Plantar fasciitis : is the most common injury of the PF and is estimated to induce > 1 million patients to seek treatment annually Plantar fasciitis has a degenerative rather than inflammatory nature It is related to overuse trauma leading to microtears Thus, the term “ Plantar Fasciopathy ” is often preferred.
  • 27. Foot Deformities, Improper Footwear, Increased body mass index and Increased activities that involve Prolonged Walking, Prolonged Running or Prolonged Standing Aetiology of Plantar Fasciitis It is multifactorial. Biomechanical Risk Factors include those causing Repetitive Stress on the PF, such as All Local Therapy well be failed – If Risk Factors have been neglected
  • 28. Calcaneal Spuring : have been investigated in great detail as a possible cause of plantar fasciitis , but they are not specific and also occur in asymptomatic individuals. Amongst Causes of of Plantar Fasciitis Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies Rheumatoid Arthritis Among the medical conditions associated with plantar fasciitis Plantar Calcaneal Spurs, also known as calcaneal enthesophytes
  • 29. Many, but not all, of people experiencing plantar fasciitis have the “unlocked” foot because of failure of the foot to adequately supinate prior to the push off phase of walking. The CAUSE may be anywhere in the body. 9 Causes of Plantar Fasciitis You Never Thought Of SAME SIDE LEG : 1.Lack of ankle joint bend 2.Tight calf group 3.Weak butt muscles OPPOSITE SIDE LEG : 1- Lack of ankle bend or tight calf muscle group 2- Limited hip extension 3- Painful or limited big toe extension TRUNK / CORE 1- Loss of upper back motion 2- Insufficient upper back motion can result in ineffective loading of the core muscles 3- Neck Muscle fatigue/ tightness
  • 30. The Proximal Third of the central bundle of the PF is classically involved; however, distal plantar fasciitis has recently been recognised as a cause of recalcitrant heel pain Uncooperative attitude toward discipline
  • 31. Diagnosis : The diagnosis of plantar fasciitis generally relies on clinical history and physical examination. The main symptoms include pain and stiffness in the morning, or pain at the beginning of activity after rest. Post Static Dyskinesia Physical examination It reveals tenderness at the origin of the PF and impaired dorsiflexion of the ankle and extension of the toes .
  • 32. Imaging can aid in the diagnosis, particularly in recalcitrant cases or may rule out other heel pathology Diagnosis : Generally self-limiting, But : It may result in physical inactivity and impact quality of life
  • 33. On MRI, the normal PF (arrows) is seen as a thin band of low signal intensity on both T1- weighted (d) and fluid-sensitive (e) images Normal plantar fascia. A schematic representation (a) lateral plain radiograph (b) show the normal PF (arrows). On sagittal ultrasound scan, the normal PF (arrows) appears as a fibrillar ligamentous structure (c).
  • 34. Plantar fasciitis. Lateral plain radiograph highlights an increase in the distance between subcutaneous fat and intrinsic muscles of the foot at the calcaneal insertion of the PF as an indirect sign of plantar fasciitis (double-head arrow); calcific enthesopathy of the Achilles tendon is Achilles tendon is also seen (open arrow) (a). On ultrasound, plantar fasciitis presents with PF thickening (dashed line, 6.5 mm), a hypoechoic appearance and loss of fibrillar pattern (b). MRI confirms thickening of the PF at its calcaneal origin (double-head arrow) with intrasubstance areas of intermediate and high signal intensity on T1- weighted (c) and fluid-sensitive (d) images, respectively
  • 35. MRI confirms the presence of a calcaneal spur (arrow) and PF thickening at its calcaneal attachment (double-head arrow) (b). Bone marrow oedema in the calcaneal spur (arrow) is demonstrated on the fluid-sensitive image (c) Plantar fasciitis. Lateral plain radiograph shows PF thickening (double-head arrow) and fine calcifications at the calcaneal insertion of the PF (arrowhead); a plantar calcaneal spur at the origin of intrinsic muscles of the foot (arrow) and calcific enthesopathy of the Achilles tendon (open arrow) are also evident (a).
  • 36. It is a benign nodular formation due to fibroblastic proliferation in the PF. It tends to involve the distal 2/3 of the PF, usually in its central bundle, although proximal nodules are not uncommon. Nodular lesions may be multiple and bilateral and typically measure < 3 cm Plantar fibromatosis or Ledderhose disease Frequently : isolated disease, but may associate Dupuytren’s disease Clinically, plantar fibroma appears as a firm thickening or a single nodule, generally localised in the medial portion of the sole, which is occasionally painful
  • 37.
  • 38. MRI shows a fusiform thickening (arrows) in the distal portion of the PF with low signal intensity on both T1- weighted (a) and fluid- sensitive images (b). On ultrasound, a well- demarcated, hypoechoic nodule is demonstrated (c) with no increased internal vascularity (d) Ledderhose disease.
  • 39. Tears of the PF They are uncommon and can be Partial or Complete. Traumatic Tears are often related to forcible plantar flexion of the foot in competitive athletes, mostly runners and jumpers; these are typically distal to calcaneal insertion of the PF and chronic overuse is considered an aetiological factor Spontaneous Ruptures may occur at the calcaneal attachment of the PF in patients with previous history of plantar fasciitis and local treatment with GCs injections Clinical presentation includes : Acute pain, usually accompanied by a “Snap” noise, and Local Swelling
  • 40. Plantar Fascia Rupture. On ultrasound, a tear in the PF (arrow) is shown; the PF is hypoechoic and thickened as a result of previous plantar fasciitis treated with local injections (a). MRI confirms PF rupture (arrow) and highlights marked oedema of soft tissues (b)
  • 41. Xanthomas They are described in many hyperlipidaemia states; They typically involve tendons and are occasionally located within the PF. They are usually asymptomatic and tend to recur after surgical removal
  • 42. Plantar xanthoma. On both sagittal T1-weighted (a) and fluid-sensitive (b) images, xanthoma (arrows) appears as fusiform enlargement of the PF and shows heterogeneous signal intensity
  • 44. Local Heel Injection GCs Crystallization Rupture Plantar Fascia Plantar Fat Pad Atrophy Plantar Fat Pad Rupture Publication of MsK US Modify Heel approach Modify Knee approach ( Meniscal Cysts & Calcification ) Modify CT approach
  • 45. Is plantar Fasciitis ( Plantar Fasciopathy ) Is a cause of Calcaneal spuring OR Calcaneal Spuring is a cause of Plantar Fasciitis
  • 47. It is a Calcium deposit causing a bony protrusion on the underside of the heel bone. On an X-ray, a heel spur can extend forward by as much as a half-inch. Without visible X-ray evidence, the condition is sometimes known as Heel Spur Syndrome Heel Spur
  • 48. Although Heel Spurs are often Painless, they can cause heel pain. They are frequently associated with plantar fasciitis, Causes of Heel Spurs Heel spurs occur when calcium deposits build up on the underside of the heel bone, a process that usually occurs over a period of many months. Heel spurs are especially common among athletes whose activities include large amounts of running and jumping. Heel spurs are often caused by : Strains on foot muscles and ligaments, Stretching of the plantar fascia, and Repeated tearing of the membrane that covers the heel bone.
  • 50. Bursae around the ankle Tendoachilles Subachillial / Retrocalcaneal Retroachillial Subcalcaneal
  • 51. Plantar Bursitis What Causes Plantar Bursitis ? Overuse injury Some people may Walk and Run with excessive heel strike Others may have a Heel Spur creating extra pressure to the fat pad Other people may have a thin fat pad.
  • 52. • Minimal to No pain with first steps in the morning or after sitting • Pain worsens prolonged Standing • Bruised or Swollen Feeling on the bottom of the heel • Redness to the bottom of the heel • Pain is worse barefoot or with heeled shoes What are the Symptoms of Plantar Bursitis?
  • 53. •Rest •Ice massage •Anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin •Horsheshoe shaped heel pads •Cortisone injections •Accommodative shoe inserts •Rarely surgery is needed to excise the bursa or remove an associated heel spur How is Plantar Bursitis treated?
  • 54. Heel Fat Pad Syndrome
  • 55. Anatomy: Honeycombed pattern of fibroelastic septa These spaces are enclosed and contain fat globules The tissue septa form in a U-shape and attach to the calcaneus & skin Elastic transverse and diagonal fibers help reinforce the chambers internally The fat pad provides cushion to the hindfoot while keeping mechanical integrity for its shock absorption The force and impact that our feet absorb when we walk is 2.5 times the weight of our body. When you run or jump, that impact increases even more!
  • 56. What Is Heel Fat Pad Syndrome? It develops when the entire fat pad, or smaller sections of the heel fat pad, become thin and damaged. In HFPS : the HFA failed to absorb & redistribute force & impact : with resultant dysfunction
  • 57. . Increased age due to fat pad deterioration • Obesity and subsequent increased pressure • Genetics • Steroid injections • Prolonged standing or walking on hard surfaces with inappropriate footwear • Excessive heel strike with poor footwear Risk Factors:
  • 58. Improper Gait If : overpronate or underpronate while walk or run, Plantar Fasciitis As the arch of the foot breaks down and struggles to absorb and distribute impact, the fat pad of the heel can be strained, worn, and injured much more quickly than usual. Inflammation of the Fat Pad After repeated, forceful, and prolonged activity, like jumping during basketball or gymnastics. Fat Pad Displaced or Thinned exposing the heel bone and causing a bruised feeling. Force or Walking on Hard Surfaces Walking or running on hard surfaces while barefoot can quickly lead to a thinning, strained heel fat pad or bruising to the heel bone. Common Causes of Heel Fat Pad Syndrome
  • 59. • Pain that is a little duller (more like a bruise), and felt closer to the middle of heel • Pain by pressing finger into the middle of heel pad • Pain that is made worse when walk on hard surfaces Both plantar fasciitis and heel fat pad syndrome are made worse by weight gain and as we age. Heel Fat Pad Syndrome The hallmark symptoms of heel fat pad syndrome are a little different:
  • 60. Tests Palpation of the fat pad •softened and flattened surface Observation •erythema and inflammation over plantar aspect of the heel Diagnostic Imaging (Ultrasound or MRI) •Decreased thickness and height of fat pad Diagnosis/Classification: Central pain of the heel • Deep, non-radiating pain at the weight bearing portion of the calcaneus • Symptoms worsen with walking barefoot or on hard surfaces • Symptoms are relieved in the absence of heel pressure • Tenderness over the calcaneal tuberosity • Swelling can be present • Pain does not occur with passive motion of the ankle or toes • History of trauma to the plantar surface of the calcaneus (hard fall or jump landing on the heel)
  • 61. Calcaneal Fat Pad Atrophy The overall thickness and height of the fat pad decrease •Each heel strike generates force equal to 110% of the body weight •During running, heel strike can generate force equal to 250% of the body weight Overview: After approximately age 40, the fat pad begins to deteriorate - Loss of collagen - Decreased elastic tissue - Decreased water concentration
  • 62. Long Term Effects of Fat Pad Deterioration Foot Fat Pad of a 20 Year Old Adult Foot Fat Pad of a 60 Year Old Adult
  • 63. Bruised Heel (Fat Pad Contusion) Because the calcaneus is the largest bone in the foot and the primary weight bearing bone, it is subject to injury. • Excessive body weight • Age • Poorly cushioned or worn-out running shoes • Increases in training • Hard, uneven training surfaces • Walking or training barefoot What causes a bruised heel? A heel bruise can be caused by a one-time incident of the athlete landing on his/her heel from a height (or in poor shoes) or from repetitive trauma over time (running on the beach without shoes).
  • 64. Sometimes heel fat pad syndrome can be mistaken for plantar fasciitis. And while it’s true that many people have plantar fasciitis and heel fat pad syndrome at the same time, it’s helpful to understand the difference between the two conditions: Plantar Fasciitis Plantar fasciitis (or plantar fasciosis) is caused by damage or deterioration to the arch of the foot, the fibrous band of tissue that runs between your heel and the ball of your foot. Healthy arch acts as a spring, absorbing and distributing the impact of physical activity properly. However, a flat, damaged, or overused arch begins to break down– which can lead to HFPS as the heel fat pad sustains more wear and impact. Heel spurs, which may develop as the body tries to prop up the damaged arch, can also dig into the fat pad of the heel and cause pain. The hallmark symptoms of plantar fasciitis include the following: •Pain that’s most severe toward the front of the heel (closer to the toes) and instep •Sharp pain or dull, aching pain that is usually worse in the morning •Pain that improves with rest and stretching Plantar Fasciitis Vs. Heel Fat Pad Syndrome
  • 65. Plantar Fat Pads Where do many everyday foot aches and pains come from? Research shows that the fat pads on the bottom of our feet get thinner with time and activity, and gradually lose their protective properties. Research further shows that by age 50, many people—especially if they’re active—have lost half the fatty padding under the balls and heels of their feet. Thorlos clinically-tested padding provides dense cushioned support to help make up for this natural loss of fat pads. Padding is positioned in exactly the right anatomical places to provide protection for the ball and heel so your feet feel well cushioned and comfortable. Many wearers report their feet feel years younger when wearing Thorlos clinically-tested padded socks that have been fitted properly with their shoes.
  • 66. We destroy our Fat Pads by walking and running on hard surfaces without adequate protection. 1) This loss of fat pads is due primarily to damage from shearing forces from waling and running on smooth unyielding man-made surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, and even hardwood flooring. 2) The damage is compounded by poorly designed, poorly fitted socks and shoes. 3) Thorlos protect the fat pads of your feet from shear forces by transferring these forces from the inner tissues of your feet to the cushion fabrics of your socks. And, where degredation of fatty tissue has already occurred, Thorlos engineering will help replace the function of the natural fat pads. 4) Proper protection is the best source of your comfort.
  • 68.
  • 69. It is a small, accessory bone that forms at the back of the foot behind the ankle joint. The talus bone forms part of the ankle joint. As the talus grows during childhood, a small piece of bone develops just behind it, known as the Os Trigonum. This usually happens around the ages of seven to eleven. Os Trigonum is a small, extra bone at the back of the heel This small bone is initially joined to the talus by fibrous structures and within one to three years, usually fuses i.e. joins with the talus bone forming part of the lateral tubercle, a small lump on the talus. However, sometimes it fails to join the talus and remains a separate piece of bone. It is usually small, less than one centimetre, and varies in shape from round to oval to triangular. Usually, if the bone fails to fuse it doesn’t cause any problems, but if the ankle is injured, either through a specific incident or recurrent trauma, Os Trigonum Syndrome can develop. It is also known as posterior talar impingement. What Is Os Trigonum?
  • 70. When the presence of the unfused bone is combined with an ankle injury, Os Trigonum Syndrome can develop. It is usually caused by either: Ballet dancers Over-Use: from repeated plantarflexion (foot pointing downwards). Os Trigonum Syndrome commonly affects ballet dancers, runners and football players Trauma: an ankle injury where the foot is forced into excessive plantarflexion Either of these can cause what is known as a “nutcracker injury”, where the unfused Os There is no specific age or gender that is more susceptible to Os Trigonum Syndrome, it is purely related to activity. What Causes Os Trigonum Syndrome?
  • 71. Location of Pain in relation to Generator
  • 72.
  • 73. Plantar fascia Calcaneal spuring Calcaneal Fat Pad Subcalcaneal Bursa Heel Pain of plantar origin :
  • 74.
  • 75.
  • 77. Sever’s Disease Sever’s disease occurs in children when the growth plate (which is the growing part of the heel) is injured. The foot is one of the first body parts to grow to full size. This usually occurs in early puberty. During this time, bones often grow faster than muscles and tendons. As a result, muscles and tendons become tight. The heel area is less flexible. During weight-bearing activity (activity performed while standing), the tight heel tendons may put too much pressure at the back of the heel (where the Achilles tendon attaches). This can injure the heel and cause Sever’s disease.
  • 78.
  • 79. Young athletes typically sustain the injury due to repeated stress caused by running and jumping. Partaking in any high speed sports can thus partly provoke the condition, such as football, rugby, basketball, hockey or track athletics.
  • 84. It is a type of calcaneal fracture. They are fractures of the calcaneal body and may be intra- or extra-articular. History and etymology The name "lover's fracture" is derived from the fact that a suitor may jump from great heights while trying to escape from the lover's spouse 2. Lover’s Fracture : also known as Don Juan fracture, There is an important association between lover's fractures and burst fractures of the lumbar spine.
  • 87.
  • 88. Radiograph Of Normal 8 Year Old Female
  • 89. Couple pics below - first is of a normal heel - second is Calcaneal Spuring
  • 90. Showing nice erosion on the posterior tuberosity in a patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis Lateral calcaneus view
  • 91. Lateral x-ray of foot showing Needle in heel
  • 92. X-ray showing small Heel bone Spur.
  • 93. Lateral Heel Radiograph showing the Spur Length. (a) Oblique line demarcating the calcaneal border. (b) (b) Horizontal line from the tip of the spur to the calcaneal..
  • 94. (A) Weight-bearing lateral view of foot and (B) (B) method of obtaining weight-bearing lateral view of foot Both PA (dorsoplantar) and lateral views of the foot are required to assess alignment. The importance of obtaining FULL weight-bearing views cannot be overly emphasized. The non-weight bearing position may mask significant abnormalities that only manifest in the position of function, and measurements will therefore be totally invalid. Full weight-bearing AP and lateral views in the natural base and angle of stance, have been shown to closely approximate the position of dynamic gait (1).
  • 95. Effect of weight bearing. Non–weight-bearing (A) and weight- bearing (B) lateral views of the ankle show the value of functional loading.
  • 97. The heel pad thickness was measured on the non-weight bearing foot lateral plain radiograph from the lowest point of the calcaneal tuberosity to the plantar surface Heel pad thickness was measured from medial calcaneal tuberosity of calcaneus to the boundary between superficial fat pad and dermis on sagittal T2-weighted MRI Heel Pad Thickness
  • 98. Non weight-bearing : Normal alignment Simulated weight-bearing : Mild pes planus (flatfoot) Full weight-bearing : Severe pes planus Pes Planus Effect of weight Bearing on Foot Alignment
  • 99. Full weight-bearing. The tibia is perpendicular to the floor. Partial weight-bearing. Note that the tibia is angled relative to the floor. Partial weight-bearing. Note that the tibia is angled relative to the floor. Lateral views of the same patient with different degrees of weight bearing. The true extent of the alignment abnormality is revealed only on the FULL weight-bearing view. Often when patients have a painful extremity almost 70-80% of their body weight is placed on the Less Painful Side. Therefore, full weight should be placed only on the affected leg. One radiographic clue that a lateral view is not fully weight-bearing is that the tibia is < vertical. Foot Alignment with Painful Limb & full Weight Bearing
  • 100. Kager's triangle with a normal appearance Normal Kager’s Fat Pad
  • 101. A. Kager's triangle with a normal appearance. B. The triangular lucency with sharp, smoothly curving borders is indicated with the dotted line. C. The arrowhead indicates the retrocalcaneal recess : the “bursal wedge” of Kager's fat pad, which normally forms a radiolucent corner posterosuperior to the calcaneus.
  • 102. A patient with a chronic retrocalcaneal bursitis. The retrocalcaneal recess has disappeared because of the less radiolucent fluid in the distended retrocalcaneal bursa.
  • 103. Lateral conventional radiograph of a normal ankle demonstrating a well-defined anterior margin of the Achilles tendon (arrowheads), the pre-Achilles/Kager’s fat pad (*), and the retrocalcaneal bursal recess (solid arrow).
  • 104. Differentials of Periosteal Reactions at Heel
  • 105. Reiter's disease – At the calcaneus, erosions, fluffy periostitis Erosions, fluffy periostitis, and soft tissue swelling are visible in up to 50% of patients at the Achilles and plantar insertions
  • 106. Lateral radiograph of the right foot showing a prominent posterosuperior osseous calcaneal protuberance (arrow), loss of lucency in the retrocalcaneal recess suggesting retrocalcaneal bursitis (*), convex superficial soft tissue swelling at the insertion of the Achilles tendon (curved arrow) and ossification in the thickened Achilles tendon (arrow heads) .
  • 107. If you exclude the previously mentioned causes of Heel Pain Therefore ,there is great possibility of Heel Soreness ( One of the prodromes pf Gout )