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Lt. Col. Caught In Lies About Jade
Helm: Our Worst Fears Confirmed
Apr, 2015by Dave Hodges
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There are times in life when we need to know when to step aside and let others do the talking. This is
that time. The Common Sense Show, has been deluged with communications which detail
abnormally high amounts of troop and equipment movement across the United States in preparation
for Jade Helm 15. Along the same lines, we are hearing from people who have relatives in Special
Operations that very concerned about what is coming.
The following represents a very small cross-section of email notifications from Americans all across
the country and they are highly concerned with what they are discovering about Jade Helm.
This article begins with a description of an encounter between the Health Advisor to The Common
Sense Show, Katy Whelan and a Lt. Colonel from Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora, Colorado.
Katy Whelan and the Lt. Colonel
Katy Whelan serves as the medical advisor and reporter for The Common Sense Show. As such, she
is privy to much of the information on topics which we have not yet published for one reason or
another. With regard to Jade Helm 15, Katy has had access to some of the most sensitive information
that is in our possession. Therefore, when Katy decides to assert herself in the field by confronting an
official about Jade Helm, she can do so with an air of authority.
This past weekend, Katy had occasion to confront a Lt. Colonel Gallegos in a chance public meeting
and the following represents the summary of her encounter.
“On Saturday April 11, I (Katy Whelan) was coming out of a Denver area Restaurant and saw a
National Guard officer in the parking lot and decided to stop and chat with him about the Jade Helm
training drill going on across the country”.
Buckley Air Force Base
“I introduced myself to a Lt Colonel Gallegos from Buckley Air Force base in Aurora, Colorado. Below
is a summary of the exchange”.
Katy: “I am aware of the Jade Helm drill and I am concerned as to why this drill was being
Gallegos: (He was caught off guard and didn’t have a clear answer as he stumbled around for words
and his body language was extremely nervous). “We have had drills like this before, like one we had
before one 10 years ago”.
Katy: “There has never been a drill to this extent in size and scope”!
Gallegos: (His body language, again, was extremely nervous as he stumbled to find the right words
as he chose to look down, smile and concede that I was correct on that point). “Yeah, that is true but
it’s not a big deal”. (Editor’s Note: Not a big deal? Various factions of the military are preparing
to impose martial law in the Jade Helms drills while extracting dissidents, and death squads
will be planted in order to practice their “infiltration techniques” and this is “not a big deal”?
This is an act of war against the American people and it is not a big deal?).
Katy: “I know the Jade Helm15 drill is in over 30 states”.
Gallegos: (He became increasingly nervous) and asked “How did I know this (as if I should not have
this information)”?
Katy: “Isn’t this a joint a joint military and national guard operation and doesn’t this violate posse
Gallegos: “No, that is not true because the National Guard will be the only ones running the
drills”. (Editor’s note: This is a bold faced lie uttered by Lt. Col. Gallegos! On the original Jade
Helm 15 document, Special Operations Forces state that the 82nd Airborne and Special
Operations Forces such as the Green Berets, Navy Seals will be a part of the drill. Therefore,
Gallegos knows what he is participating in is illegal and is not limited to the National Guard.
We further know that theDepartment of Defense is hiring people to play the role of detainees
and incarcerated Americans under martial law).
Katy: “Then why, if it is a joint operation, why would the National Guard have the authority to be the
organization to be running the drill”?
Gallegos: (Like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar, the nervousness of the body language was
peaking as he stumbled around looked down and was rubbing his keys nervously). Katy took that to
mean that her challenging statement was true.
“But nothing illegal will be done in the drill”, muttered Gallegos. (Editor’s Note: Despite the fact that
the forces of Jade Helm will be extracting people without due process of law, and Gallegos
thinks there is nothing wrong with this?).
Katy: “Our current administration is violating the US constitution every day, so how can you
guarantee that the orders coming down would be any different”?
Gallegos: (Again, displaying nervous body language as exemplified by looking down to avoid contact
and nervously smiling, he stated, “I assure you it would all be legal. The Governor would be in
command of the drill as only the National Guard would be conducting the drills and I cannot say much
more than that”. (Editor’s Note: Since the passage of the John Warner Defense bill, the civilian
authority exercised by the National Guard was transferred from the Governor of a state to the
President and we are supposed to believe that a Lt. Colonel in the National Guard would be
ignorant to that fact?).
Katy: “Isn’t Jade Helm about the extraction drills? In other words, what does the military know that we
don’t know to train for this type of operation?”
Gallegos: (He further displayed more nervous body language to an incredible degree as he became
increasingly and nervously evasive). “I assure you that it is all on the up and up and legal”.
Katy: “If there was an illegal order that came down from the chain of command, what would you do”?
Gallegos: “That would be up to the individual to decide”.
Katy: She pressed the point and again asked “Why would we need an extraction drill and what are
they specifically training for?
Gallegos: He remained evasive and said “it is all legal”.
Implications of the Gallegos Encounter
Katy’s take away was that Lt Col. Gallegos was completely taken by surprise and was shocked that
she knew as much as she did and he did not know how to respond.
At one time, I was confident that American soldiers would not fire upon American citizens, but
Gallegos weak defense in which he justifies the drill in his mind, accompanied by either his gross
ignorance or his gross distortion of the truth (you decide), is indeed very concerning.
In the past week, The Common Sense Show has received over 200 emails with either accounts of
massive troop and equipment movements within the United States, or the emails were from family
members or friends of Special Operations Forces who are very nervous about the implications of
Jade Helm.
Since the mainstream media will not effectively cover this and are engaged in the obfuscation of the
truth, I thought I would share a brief representation of the 200+ emails received on the topic by The
Common Sense Show.
Massive Troop and Equipment Movements
My wife and I went up to Idaho Falls to visit grandchildren. When we got to North Salt Lake we were
both surprised to see the train of tanks and armored vehicles sided along the tracks.
My phone (with camera) were in the back seat and I wasn’t able to get it in time….Really
enjoyed your article ‘Jade Helms
Use of Death Squads’
Great show and website. You are spot on.
Retired Army Vet (Former MP 21 years active duty, and region 15 leader for Oathkeepers) here in
Western North Carolina.
A little less than 2 weeks ago on a wednesday evening at about 20:30 we had an overflight of our
home of a UH-60 Blackhawk. Running lights were on. Maybe 120 Knots North to South.. Very
unusual to see a UH-60 here especially on a weeknight. My wife remarked how I knew it was one
before it got to us. I have many hours in and around them. Spent 4 years in the 10th Mountain
Division along with 5 overseas tours including OIF.
Yesterday-Two things. I live in a rural area in the mountains near some state parks. I passed a
HEMMIT fueler headed west into the mountains. Very odd as it was headed away from the town.
Could’ve been the reserves or NG monthly drill but I never saw one here before. It was woodland
camo pattern like the old days.
Also yesterday afternoon I heard more than one UH-60 travel nearby the town of Hendersonville,
NC. I was unable to get eyes on due to some trees and terrain but I knew the sounds to be
Blackhawks. Didn’t get a direction of travel..
We need to establish a virtual command post or website to track these reports. Does one already
exist? Is there something else I can do to assist you in getting the word out? I have NO fear of them
since I’m HAPPILY on ALL of their lists anyway. We need to counter them and be vigilant in spotting
them. I’ve briefed my family of the situation and what to look for. The more eyes we get working the
better chance we have to shine the light on this situation. I think that our beloved Republic is now
dead and gone. Thanks for your great research and diligence.
Dear Dave,
Just thought to add to your articles on Jade Helm,
on this past Thursday, My husband and I saw 9
huge planes National Guard (the kind that carry
troops and tanks, I’m thinking out of Martinsburg,
1. WV) flying low, within 15 minutes apart. They were
flying West to a known Fema camp. I’m not saying that’s
where they were headed, just in the direction. Have you
heard anything or know anything about this story?
Thanks, Julie
Typically I keep a low profile given some of my activities but thought I’d drop you a quick note. I’ve
commented quite a few times on various essays you’ve written and while I agree with you mostly
have had some differences with what you. On Jade Helm, well, I think it’s one of the most important
issues you’ve written about.
My brother is retired from US Army Special Forces. He was a Green Beret for nearly 25 years with
multiple deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan. He now works for a military contractor at _____. I don’t
usually talk about certain things with him because I don’t want to jeopardize his clearance which is
pretty high. Yesterday I finally asked him – “What about Jade Helm”. He paused for a moment and
said just a few words – “I’m very concerned”. And then went on to describe how much money will be
spent and how it may play out. I live in rural Maricopa County which may see some people deployed
here. I told him it would be interesting to see what happened if I encountered anyone and confronted
them about what they were doing. I’ve been around these guys enough to know who they are. He
simply said – “These people are so brainwashed and most have a chip on their shoulder. Be careful
or you could get the shit beaten out of you.” I hung up the phone and just shook my head.
Sometimes I get concerned about all the “prepper porn” sites and misinformation out there that is
simply another mechanism of fomenting fear. However, Jade Helm is an authentic exercise and could
be a turning point in history. My brother said he’d never seen anything like it from a planning and
implementation perspective. Furthermore, there is only one reason for it and I’m sure you can guess
what that is – the total subjugation of the American people. As I commented yesterday a lot of
attention has to start being paid to the people who will actually carry this out. Shaming those in the
military publicly. I challenged my own brother yesterday and he got the message.
Best wishes,
Russians and Chinese Troops On American Soil: Blue
Helmets Anyone?
We have a group of Chinese here in Hannibal MO, the Mark Twain tourist town. This is a small town
of about 40,000 residents. It is odd, to say the least.
I tried to talk to some of them about ducks and duck eggs, as they do love those things. They speak
barely any English, and their school-age children do not speak English. They seem hostile and did
not want to talk. Their children were making fun of Americans openly. (Editor’s Note: Sleeper
Dear Dave,
I know you have covered Russians being in Gatlinburg, TN. in big numbers. It is true. The locals hate
the Russians because they are so aloof. What you may not know is there have been sightings of
Russian soldiers at the base of the Smoky Mtns. by local residents. They park in their white vans and
proceed to change into Russian military uniforms in the parking lot. We think they go on military
missions in the hills. Some of us think that the Russians are boarding trucks that are stored in the
Mtns because they have been seen on remote roads in trucks in full Russian uniforms by people
illegally hunting. Yeah that is right, we have been banned from hunting in the area by the Forest
Service. Many of us think that they are practicing to invade the area.
Love your radio show. Please keep reporting on this
Hello Dave,just wanted to let you know last week on Saturday my buddy who is a prepper and ex
military called me.He lives off the grid here in AZ, told me that a flight of 8 A10 Warthogs were flying
in formation over his property. One of them broke formation and headed right for him.T his guy has
been in serious fire fights in the middle east. He really thought they were gonna open up on him. It
didnt but then a second one broke formation and also did a run on him. After there run they did
evasive manuvers,like they were avoiding ground fire. Please keep the intel comin in.
Extractions/Death Squads
Hi Dave,
I think I played basketball against you in college. I played at Rockmont College, in Lakewood, and
now the college is known as Colorado Christian. Anyway, I am pretty sure that this is you. The reason
I am writing to you is because my brother in law is in the Navy Seals and trains recruits in California.
He was here last week and I showed him your articles. He said that he will be a part of Jade Helm
beginning June and they are absolutely going to be pulling actors out of their homes in what you
referred to as extraction drills. He is very, very nervous about this. He said that he did not enlist to do
this to American citizens. I asked him if the Red list thing is true would his people kill Americans? He
said that was probably true and that is why he is concerned. Please do not use my name because I
don’t want get him in trouble.
Dave, located just NW of Perry, GA is an Urban Warfare Training Facility. It is just west of I-75,
behind the Guardian Center. Access is restricted and is constantly patrolled. Several weeks ago low
level insertions were being made using Blackhawk Helicopters. Standard military type procedures
were employed. I watched from alongside the road. I served 25 years in the military and retired in
1993. I know what is going on and am preparing for it. I’ll either E&E or DIP. Not going to surrender
without a hellava fight.
Did you ever think you would see this in America? This is an extraction of dissidents drill in Florida.
A secret like this is too big to keep quiet. However, the only remaining question is whether or not Jade
Helm will go live or is it a dress rehearsal for something to come on its heels? Only time will tell.
However, it is clear that Jade Helm is an open declaration of war against the American people. There
is not one valid reason for this administration to use taxpayer money in order to prepare to go to war
against the American people. And how dare they declare Texas and Utah to be “hostile states”?
The following will not happen, but it should: The country needs to rise as one and say no more. Every
politician needs to be recalled from office. Every officer who gives orders to carry out Jade Helm
needs to be purged from the military. The only thing that is missing from Jade Helm are the Swastika
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In large part, The Common Sense Show is listener/reader supported, we thank you for your
kind donations which enables us to carry out our research, reporting and broadcast efforts.
This Week On The Common Sense Show
This week on The Common Sense Show, you will hear about the first case of the medical kidnapping
of an American talk show host. We will have the host, Joshua Coy, live and alive in the second hour.
In the first hour of the show, Dave will be interviewing Joseph Meyers, rearding the failed state of the
economy and what you can do to protect yourself.
Katy Whelan and Annie DeRiso will be bringing us the Health Report and the News, respectively in
the third hour.
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Colonel Kurt J. Gallegos is the Commander, 944th
Fighter Wing, United States Air Force Reserve,
Luke Air Force Base, Ariz. As commander, he is
responsible for an expeditionary combat support
and F-16 Total Force associate wing. The 944th
Fighter Wing is tasked to support worldwide
mobility and combat employment operations in
conjunction with supporting the Air Education and
Training Command, and Air Combat Command
mission to train F-16, F-15E, F-35, and A-10 pilots
for the United States Air Force, Air Force Reserve,
Air National Guard and other participating nations.
Colonel Gallegos was born and raised in Layton,
Utah. He graduated from Layton High School and
was commissioned in 1985 from Utah State
University's Air Force Reserve Officer Training
Corps program and earned his pilot wings in 1987.
He served on active duty from 1986 to 2000 and
joined the Air Force Reserve in 2000. He was the
first F-16 pilot to drop bombs in Afghanistan after
Sep. 11, 2001. He has had flying experience in
Operation Southern Watch, Operation Allied
Force, Deliberate Forge, Operation Enduring
Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Red Flag, Green Flag, Maple Flag, Ulchi Freedom Guardian and Cope
Jade Exercises. He has flown F-16 Combat aircraft in Air Combat Command, Pacific Air Forces and United
States Air Forces in Europe and Air Force Reserve Command.
Colonel Gallegos is a command pilot with over 4,200 F-16 flying hours and over 5,600 total hours. He has
462 combat hours.
1985 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Utah State University, Utah
1990 Squadron Officer School, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.
1995 Master of Aeronautical Science, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Fla.
2000 Air Command and Staff College by correspondence
2005 USAF Aircraft Mishap Investigation and Safety Board President Course, Kirtland AFB, N.M.
2007 Air War College by correspondence
2012 Space Operations Executive Level Course, Peterson AFB, Colo.
2012 Joint Air & Space Operations Senior Staff Course, Hurlburt Field, Fla.
1. March 1986 - May 1987, Student, Undergraduate Pilot Training, 64th Flying Training Wing, Reese AFB,
2. May 1987 - July 1987, Student, Pilot Instructor Training, 559th Flying Training Squadron, 12th Flying
Training Wing, Randolph AFB, Texas
3. July 1987 - July 1991, T- 37 Instructor Pilot, Check Pilot, Wing Flight Examiner, Chief Spin Pilot, 35th
Flying Training Squadron, 64th Flying Training Wing, Reese AFB, Texas
4. July 1991 - November 1991, Student, Fighter Lead-in Training, 433rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, 479th
Tactical Fighter Training Wing, Holloman AFB, N.M.
5. November 1991 - February 1992, Student, F-16 Replacement Training Unit, 311th Fighter Training
Squadron, 58th Fighter Wing, Luke AFB, Ariz.
6. March 1992 - August 1994, F-16 Scheduler, Standardization Evaluation Liaison Officer, 421st Fighter
Squadron, 388th Fighter Wing, Hill AFB, Utah
7. August 1994 - March 1997, F-16 Instructor pilot, Mission Commander, Standardization Evaluation Flight
Examiner, 12th Air Force Demonstration Pilot, 34th Fighter Squadron, 388th Fighter Wing, Hill AFB, Utah
8. March 1997 - March 1998, F-16 Assistant Operations Officer, 80th Fighter Squadron, 8th Fighter Wing,
Kunsan Air Base, Republic of Korea
9. March 1998 - May 2000, F-16 Block 40 and Block 50 Chief, U.S. Air Forces in Europe Standardization and
Evaluation, 24th Air Operations Squadron, Headquarters U.S. Air Forces in Europe, Ramstein AB, Germany
10. May 2000 - June 2010, Chief of Scheduling and Training, Chief of Safety, Chief of Standardization and
Evaluation, Operations Officer, 466th Fighter Squadron, 419th Fighter Wing, Hill AFB, Utah
11. June 2010 - February 2013, Commander, 301st Operations Group, NAS Fort Worth JRB, Texas
12. February 2013 - present, Commander, 944th Fighter Wing, Luke AFB, Ariz.
Rating: Command Pilot
Flight hours: more than 5600
F-16 Hours: more than 4200
Combat Hours: 462
Aircraft flown: F-16, T-38, T-37
Legion of Merit
Distinguished Flying Cross
Meritorious Service Medal with five oak leaf clusters
Air Medal with five oak leaf clusters
Aerial Achievement Medal with three oak leaf clusters
Air Force Commendation Medal
Joint Service Achievement Medal
Air Force Achievement Medal
Air Force Combat Action Medal
Combat Readiness Medal with ten oak leaf clusters
National Defense Service Medal
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
Southwest Asia Service Medal
Kosovo Campaign Medal
Iraq Campaign Medal
Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
Korean Defense Service Medal
NATO Medal
Second Lieutenant Oct. 21, 1985
First Lieutenant Oct. 21, 1987
Captain Oct. 21, 1989
Major Aug. 1, 1997
Lieutenant Colonel Sep. 13, 2001
Colonel Mar. 2, 2011
(Current as of 10 February 2013)

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Lt. col. caught in lies about jade helm our worst fears confirmed

  • 1. Lt. Col. Caught In Lies About Jade Helm: Our Worst Fears Confirmed 14 Apr, 2015by Dave Hodges Print this articleFont size -16+ There are times in life when we need to know when to step aside and let others do the talking. This is that time. The Common Sense Show, has been deluged with communications which detail abnormally high amounts of troop and equipment movement across the United States in preparation for Jade Helm 15. Along the same lines, we are hearing from people who have relatives in Special Operations that very concerned about what is coming. The following represents a very small cross-section of email notifications from Americans all across the country and they are highly concerned with what they are discovering about Jade Helm. This article begins with a description of an encounter between the Health Advisor to The Common Sense Show, Katy Whelan and a Lt. Colonel from Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora, Colorado. Katy Whelan and the Lt. Colonel Katy Whelan serves as the medical advisor and reporter for The Common Sense Show. As such, she is privy to much of the information on topics which we have not yet published for one reason or another. With regard to Jade Helm 15, Katy has had access to some of the most sensitive information that is in our possession. Therefore, when Katy decides to assert herself in the field by confronting an official about Jade Helm, she can do so with an air of authority. This past weekend, Katy had occasion to confront a Lt. Colonel Gallegos in a chance public meeting and the following represents the summary of her encounter. “On Saturday April 11, I (Katy Whelan) was coming out of a Denver area Restaurant and saw a National Guard officer in the parking lot and decided to stop and chat with him about the Jade Helm training drill going on across the country”.
  • 2. Buckley Air Force Base “I introduced myself to a Lt Colonel Gallegos from Buckley Air Force base in Aurora, Colorado. Below is a summary of the exchange”. Katy: “I am aware of the Jade Helm drill and I am concerned as to why this drill was being conducted”. Gallegos: (He was caught off guard and didn’t have a clear answer as he stumbled around for words and his body language was extremely nervous). “We have had drills like this before, like one we had before one 10 years ago”. Katy: “There has never been a drill to this extent in size and scope”! Gallegos: (His body language, again, was extremely nervous as he stumbled to find the right words as he chose to look down, smile and concede that I was correct on that point). “Yeah, that is true but it’s not a big deal”. (Editor’s Note: Not a big deal? Various factions of the military are preparing to impose martial law in the Jade Helms drills while extracting dissidents, and death squads will be planted in order to practice their “infiltration techniques” and this is “not a big deal”? This is an act of war against the American people and it is not a big deal?). Katy: “I know the Jade Helm15 drill is in over 30 states”. Gallegos: (He became increasingly nervous) and asked “How did I know this (as if I should not have this information)”? Katy: “Isn’t this a joint a joint military and national guard operation and doesn’t this violate posse comitatus”. Gallegos: “No, that is not true because the National Guard will be the only ones running the drills”. (Editor’s note: This is a bold faced lie uttered by Lt. Col. Gallegos! On the original Jade Helm 15 document, Special Operations Forces state that the 82nd Airborne and Special Operations Forces such as the Green Berets, Navy Seals will be a part of the drill. Therefore, Gallegos knows what he is participating in is illegal and is not limited to the National Guard. We further know that theDepartment of Defense is hiring people to play the role of detainees and incarcerated Americans under martial law). Katy: “Then why, if it is a joint operation, why would the National Guard have the authority to be the organization to be running the drill”? Gallegos: (Like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar, the nervousness of the body language was peaking as he stumbled around looked down and was rubbing his keys nervously). Katy took that to mean that her challenging statement was true. “But nothing illegal will be done in the drill”, muttered Gallegos. (Editor’s Note: Despite the fact that
  • 3. the forces of Jade Helm will be extracting people without due process of law, and Gallegos thinks there is nothing wrong with this?). Katy: “Our current administration is violating the US constitution every day, so how can you guarantee that the orders coming down would be any different”? Gallegos: (Again, displaying nervous body language as exemplified by looking down to avoid contact and nervously smiling, he stated, “I assure you it would all be legal. The Governor would be in command of the drill as only the National Guard would be conducting the drills and I cannot say much more than that”. (Editor’s Note: Since the passage of the John Warner Defense bill, the civilian authority exercised by the National Guard was transferred from the Governor of a state to the President and we are supposed to believe that a Lt. Colonel in the National Guard would be ignorant to that fact?). Katy: “Isn’t Jade Helm about the extraction drills? In other words, what does the military know that we don’t know to train for this type of operation?” Gallegos: (He further displayed more nervous body language to an incredible degree as he became increasingly and nervously evasive). “I assure you that it is all on the up and up and legal”. Katy: “If there was an illegal order that came down from the chain of command, what would you do”? Gallegos: “That would be up to the individual to decide”. Katy: She pressed the point and again asked “Why would we need an extraction drill and what are they specifically training for? Gallegos: He remained evasive and said “it is all legal”. Implications of the Gallegos Encounter Katy’s take away was that Lt Col. Gallegos was completely taken by surprise and was shocked that she knew as much as she did and he did not know how to respond. At one time, I was confident that American soldiers would not fire upon American citizens, but Gallegos weak defense in which he justifies the drill in his mind, accompanied by either his gross ignorance or his gross distortion of the truth (you decide), is indeed very concerning. In the past week, The Common Sense Show has received over 200 emails with either accounts of massive troop and equipment movements within the United States, or the emails were from family members or friends of Special Operations Forces who are very nervous about the implications of Jade Helm. Since the mainstream media will not effectively cover this and are engaged in the obfuscation of the truth, I thought I would share a brief representation of the 200+ emails received on the topic by The Common Sense Show. Massive Troop and Equipment Movements Dave, My wife and I went up to Idaho Falls to visit grandchildren. When we got to North Salt Lake we were both surprised to see the train of tanks and armored vehicles sided along the tracks.
  • 4. My phone (with camera) were in the back seat and I wasn’t able to get it in time….Really enjoyed your article ‘Jade Helms Use of Death Squads’ Jim __________________ Dave, Great show and website. You are spot on. Retired Army Vet (Former MP 21 years active duty, and region 15 leader for Oathkeepers) here in Western North Carolina. A little less than 2 weeks ago on a wednesday evening at about 20:30 we had an overflight of our home of a UH-60 Blackhawk. Running lights were on. Maybe 120 Knots North to South.. Very unusual to see a UH-60 here especially on a weeknight. My wife remarked how I knew it was one before it got to us. I have many hours in and around them. Spent 4 years in the 10th Mountain Division along with 5 overseas tours including OIF. Yesterday-Two things. I live in a rural area in the mountains near some state parks. I passed a HEMMIT fueler headed west into the mountains. Very odd as it was headed away from the town. Could’ve been the reserves or NG monthly drill but I never saw one here before. It was woodland camo pattern like the old days. Also yesterday afternoon I heard more than one UH-60 travel nearby the town of Hendersonville, NC. I was unable to get eyes on due to some trees and terrain but I knew the sounds to be Blackhawks. Didn’t get a direction of travel.. We need to establish a virtual command post or website to track these reports. Does one already exist? Is there something else I can do to assist you in getting the word out? I have NO fear of them since I’m HAPPILY on ALL of their lists anyway. We need to counter them and be vigilant in spotting them. I’ve briefed my family of the situation and what to look for. The more eyes we get working the better chance we have to shine the light on this situation. I think that our beloved Republic is now dead and gone. Thanks for your great research and diligence. ________________ Dear Dave, Just thought to add to your articles on Jade Helm,
  • 5. on this past Thursday, My husband and I saw 9 huge planes National Guard (the kind that carry troops and tanks, I’m thinking out of Martinsburg, 1. WV) flying low, within 15 minutes apart. They were flying West to a known Fema camp. I’m not saying that’s where they were headed, just in the direction. Have you heard anything or know anything about this story? Thanks, Julie _______________ Dave, Typically I keep a low profile given some of my activities but thought I’d drop you a quick note. I’ve commented quite a few times on various essays you’ve written and while I agree with you mostly have had some differences with what you. On Jade Helm, well, I think it’s one of the most important issues you’ve written about. My brother is retired from US Army Special Forces. He was a Green Beret for nearly 25 years with multiple deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan. He now works for a military contractor at _____. I don’t usually talk about certain things with him because I don’t want to jeopardize his clearance which is pretty high. Yesterday I finally asked him – “What about Jade Helm”. He paused for a moment and said just a few words – “I’m very concerned”. And then went on to describe how much money will be spent and how it may play out. I live in rural Maricopa County which may see some people deployed here. I told him it would be interesting to see what happened if I encountered anyone and confronted them about what they were doing. I’ve been around these guys enough to know who they are. He simply said – “These people are so brainwashed and most have a chip on their shoulder. Be careful or you could get the shit beaten out of you.” I hung up the phone and just shook my head. Sometimes I get concerned about all the “prepper porn” sites and misinformation out there that is simply another mechanism of fomenting fear. However, Jade Helm is an authentic exercise and could be a turning point in history. My brother said he’d never seen anything like it from a planning and implementation perspective. Furthermore, there is only one reason for it and I’m sure you can guess what that is – the total subjugation of the American people. As I commented yesterday a lot of attention has to start being paid to the people who will actually carry this out. Shaming those in the military publicly. I challenged my own brother yesterday and he got the message.
  • 6. Best wishes, _____________________ Russians and Chinese Troops On American Soil: Blue Helmets Anyone? We have a group of Chinese here in Hannibal MO, the Mark Twain tourist town. This is a small town of about 40,000 residents. It is odd, to say the least. I tried to talk to some of them about ducks and duck eggs, as they do love those things. They speak barely any English, and their school-age children do not speak English. They seem hostile and did not want to talk. Their children were making fun of Americans openly. (Editor’s Note: Sleeper cell?). _______________________ Dear Dave, I know you have covered Russians being in Gatlinburg, TN. in big numbers. It is true. The locals hate the Russians because they are so aloof. What you may not know is there have been sightings of Russian soldiers at the base of the Smoky Mtns. by local residents. They park in their white vans and proceed to change into Russian military uniforms in the parking lot. We think they go on military missions in the hills. Some of us think that the Russians are boarding trucks that are stored in the Mtns because they have been seen on remote roads in trucks in full Russian uniforms by people illegally hunting. Yeah that is right, we have been banned from hunting in the area by the Forest Service. Many of us think that they are practicing to invade the area. Love your radio show. Please keep reporting on this ________________________ Hello Dave,just wanted to let you know last week on Saturday my buddy who is a prepper and ex military called me.He lives off the grid here in AZ, told me that a flight of 8 A10 Warthogs were flying in formation over his property. One of them broke formation and headed right for him.T his guy has been in serious fire fights in the middle east. He really thought they were gonna open up on him. It
  • 7. didnt but then a second one broke formation and also did a run on him. After there run they did evasive manuvers,like they were avoiding ground fire. Please keep the intel comin in. Sean _______________________ Extractions/Death Squads Hi Dave, I think I played basketball against you in college. I played at Rockmont College, in Lakewood, and now the college is known as Colorado Christian. Anyway, I am pretty sure that this is you. The reason I am writing to you is because my brother in law is in the Navy Seals and trains recruits in California. He was here last week and I showed him your articles. He said that he will be a part of Jade Helm beginning June and they are absolutely going to be pulling actors out of their homes in what you referred to as extraction drills. He is very, very nervous about this. He said that he did not enlist to do this to American citizens. I asked him if the Red list thing is true would his people kill Americans? He said that was probably true and that is why he is concerned. Please do not use my name because I don’t want get him in trouble. _______________________ Dave, located just NW of Perry, GA is an Urban Warfare Training Facility. It is just west of I-75, behind the Guardian Center. Access is restricted and is constantly patrolled. Several weeks ago low level insertions were being made using Blackhawk Helicopters. Standard military type procedures were employed. I watched from alongside the road. I served 25 years in the military and retired in 1993. I know what is going on and am preparing for it. I’ll either E&E or DIP. Not going to surrender without a hellava fight. Conclusion
  • 8. Did you ever think you would see this in America? This is an extraction of dissidents drill in Florida. A secret like this is too big to keep quiet. However, the only remaining question is whether or not Jade Helm will go live or is it a dress rehearsal for something to come on its heels? Only time will tell. However, it is clear that Jade Helm is an open declaration of war against the American people. There is not one valid reason for this administration to use taxpayer money in order to prepare to go to war against the American people. And how dare they declare Texas and Utah to be “hostile states”? The following will not happen, but it should: The country needs to rise as one and say no more. Every politician needs to be recalled from office. Every officer who gives orders to carry out Jade Helm needs to be purged from the military. The only thing that is missing from Jade Helm are the Swastika armbands. Donate to The Common Sense Show In large part, The Common Sense Show is listener/reader supported, we thank you for your kind donations which enables us to carry out our research, reporting and broadcast efforts. This Week On The Common Sense Show This week on The Common Sense Show, you will hear about the first case of the medical kidnapping of an American talk show host. We will have the host, Joshua Coy, live and alive in the second hour. In the first hour of the show, Dave will be interviewing Joseph Meyers, rearding the failed state of the economy and what you can do to protect yourself. Katy Whelan and Annie DeRiso will be bringing us the Health Report and the News, respectively in the third hour.
  • 9. How to Listen to The Common Sense Show LISTEN SUNDAY NIGHTS FROM 9PM-MIDNIGHT (CENTRAL) LISTENING INFORMATION Listen live on Web Stream To Listen By Phone: 832-999-1763 To be a part of the show please call: 1-888-420-9890 Windows Media – Winamp – Real Player – Mobile Devices – THE COMMON SENSE SHOW “FREEING AMERICA ONE ENSLAVED MIND AT A TIME!” COLONEL KURT J. GALLEGOS 4743 N Litchfield Knl E Litchfield Park, AZ 85340-5049
  • 10. U N I T E D S T A T E S A I R F O R C E COLONEL KURT J. GALLEGOS Colonel Kurt J. Gallegos is the Commander, 944th Fighter Wing, United States Air Force Reserve, Luke Air Force Base, Ariz. As commander, he is responsible for an expeditionary combat support and F-16 Total Force associate wing. The 944th Fighter Wing is tasked to support worldwide mobility and combat employment operations in conjunction with supporting the Air Education and Training Command, and Air Combat Command mission to train F-16, F-15E, F-35, and A-10 pilots for the United States Air Force, Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard and other participating nations. Colonel Gallegos was born and raised in Layton, Utah. He graduated from Layton High School and was commissioned in 1985 from Utah State University's Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps program and earned his pilot wings in 1987. He served on active duty from 1986 to 2000 and joined the Air Force Reserve in 2000. He was the first F-16 pilot to drop bombs in Afghanistan after Sep. 11, 2001. He has had flying experience in Operation Southern Watch, Operation Allied Force, Deliberate Forge, Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Red Flag, Green Flag, Maple Flag, Ulchi Freedom Guardian and Cope Jade Exercises. He has flown F-16 Combat aircraft in Air Combat Command, Pacific Air Forces and United States Air Forces in Europe and Air Force Reserve Command. Colonel Gallegos is a command pilot with over 4,200 F-16 flying hours and over 5,600 total hours. He has 462 combat hours. EDUCATION: 1985 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Utah State University, Utah 1990 Squadron Officer School, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. 1995 Master of Aeronautical Science, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Fla. 2000 Air Command and Staff College by correspondence 2005 USAF Aircraft Mishap Investigation and Safety Board President Course, Kirtland AFB, N.M. 2007 Air War College by correspondence 2012 Space Operations Executive Level Course, Peterson AFB, Colo. 2012 Joint Air & Space Operations Senior Staff Course, Hurlburt Field, Fla. ASSIGNMENTS: 1. March 1986 - May 1987, Student, Undergraduate Pilot Training, 64th Flying Training Wing, Reese AFB, Texas 2. May 1987 - July 1987, Student, Pilot Instructor Training, 559th Flying Training Squadron, 12th Flying Training Wing, Randolph AFB, Texas 3. July 1987 - July 1991, T- 37 Instructor Pilot, Check Pilot, Wing Flight Examiner, Chief Spin Pilot, 35th Flying Training Squadron, 64th Flying Training Wing, Reese AFB, Texas 4. July 1991 - November 1991, Student, Fighter Lead-in Training, 433rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, 479th
  • 11. Tactical Fighter Training Wing, Holloman AFB, N.M. 5. November 1991 - February 1992, Student, F-16 Replacement Training Unit, 311th Fighter Training Squadron, 58th Fighter Wing, Luke AFB, Ariz. 6. March 1992 - August 1994, F-16 Scheduler, Standardization Evaluation Liaison Officer, 421st Fighter Squadron, 388th Fighter Wing, Hill AFB, Utah 7. August 1994 - March 1997, F-16 Instructor pilot, Mission Commander, Standardization Evaluation Flight Examiner, 12th Air Force Demonstration Pilot, 34th Fighter Squadron, 388th Fighter Wing, Hill AFB, Utah 8. March 1997 - March 1998, F-16 Assistant Operations Officer, 80th Fighter Squadron, 8th Fighter Wing, Kunsan Air Base, Republic of Korea 9. March 1998 - May 2000, F-16 Block 40 and Block 50 Chief, U.S. Air Forces in Europe Standardization and Evaluation, 24th Air Operations Squadron, Headquarters U.S. Air Forces in Europe, Ramstein AB, Germany 10. May 2000 - June 2010, Chief of Scheduling and Training, Chief of Safety, Chief of Standardization and Evaluation, Operations Officer, 466th Fighter Squadron, 419th Fighter Wing, Hill AFB, Utah 11. June 2010 - February 2013, Commander, 301st Operations Group, NAS Fort Worth JRB, Texas 12. February 2013 - present, Commander, 944th Fighter Wing, Luke AFB, Ariz. FLIGHT INFORMATION: Rating: Command Pilot Flight hours: more than 5600 F-16 Hours: more than 4200 Combat Hours: 462 Aircraft flown: F-16, T-38, T-37 MAJOR AWARDS AND DECORATIONS: Legion of Merit Distinguished Flying Cross Meritorious Service Medal with five oak leaf clusters Air Medal with five oak leaf clusters Aerial Achievement Medal with three oak leaf clusters Air Force Commendation Medal Joint Service Achievement Medal Air Force Achievement Medal Air Force Combat Action Medal Combat Readiness Medal with ten oak leaf clusters National Defense Service Medal Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal Southwest Asia Service Medal Kosovo Campaign Medal Iraq Campaign Medal Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal Global War on Terrorism Service Medal Korean Defense Service Medal NATO Medal EFFECTIVE DATES OF PROMOTION: Second Lieutenant Oct. 21, 1985 First Lieutenant Oct. 21, 1987 Captain Oct. 21, 1989 Major Aug. 1, 1997 Lieutenant Colonel Sep. 13, 2001 Colonel Mar. 2, 2011 (Current as of 10 February 2013)