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european union central asia authoritarianism democracy human rights migration electronic democracy e-participation elections internet geopolitics arab spring china globalisation socio-economic development gdp e-commerce social media digital exclusion the constitution of the republic of poland from 19 term of office parliament senate sejm new social movements myanmar e-politics “seat-winning places” polish parliament electoral formula electoral system citizens municipal elections qualifications competences mayor of a municipality municipal government welfare security developmental security community security social security germany welfare state presidential system amendments constitution republic of turkey us foreign and security policy national security strategy united states of america donald trump doctrine neoclassical political economy commercial sex terrorism drug trafficking human trafficking cis russian federation occupational groups policy armenia emigration gilad shalit media national security fighting terrorism negotiations with terrorist organizations democracy promotion western assistance education uzbekistan cyber-propaganda cross-strait freedom of the press self-censorship taiwan competitive authoritarianism mobilization social movements political protest party system east asia central europe regional development hybridization : democratization advancing economy econometric testing systemic changes strategic discontinuity air quality quality of life health security environmental security ecological security mikuláš dzurinda michál kováč slovak republik vladimír mečiar ukrainians in poland poles in norway assimilation of immigrants migration to the eu simulation of international migration forecasts of international migration flows until 2 civic participation functional areas of large cities urban public transportation management e-tools information and communication technologies political parties regional assemblies quota system women social role theory youth women’s political activity gender political activity shipbuilding industry maritime economy political decisions policy of the government information security state security intelligence services us espionage counter-intelligence intelligence spying activity espionage opposition repression contention protests political demonstration protest movement slovenian national police culture of political violence protest policing communication tools cohabitation municipality catholicism and social phenomena religion and the political system religions in italy religious determinants metodologia abm schelling axelrod symulacja model prawa polityczne system polityczny kobiety afganistán prewencja radykalizacja dżihadyzm antyterroryzm maroko polska konfederacja szwajcarska konsultacje ludowe partycypacja dezintegracja tożsamość polityka etniczna : ruchy separatystyczne logika medialna socjotechnika lek pluralizm wykluczenie włączenie polityczność różnorodność konstruktywny patriotyzm zrownowazony rozwoj polityka energetyczna polityka transportowa pojazdy elektryczne elektromobilność local community citizen public activity citizen participation personalizacja wyborów lokalnych aktor niby-bezpartyjny partie polityczne inkumbent reelekcje prezydenta miasta umiejętność polityczna epistokracja władza wiedza demokracja hitler mussolini stalin individual worship totalitarianism propaganda the specificity of language policies in the post-s the post-soviet region rhetorical aspects of language policy language policy security world powers middle east europe infrastructure initiative belt and road konsensus unia europejska parlament europejski pomoc humanitarna development region regional policy
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