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“About Face”
HILT Communications, Inc
His Image Learning Technologies
Facial Behavioral Profiling
 The responsibility of a happy
relationship is two fold. Both parties
concerned must share in this
 In Dating, as well as in any Mutual
Relationship the problem never lies
solely with “the other person.” It lies
with the individual themselves.
Structure / Function is a Methodology. It
is a technique for recognizing specific
Functions related to specific human
Structure. The goal is direction for the
Individual through understanding his/her
Structure / Function.
The unique contribution of Structure /
Function in the field of human
understanding is its approach to
counseling individual differences. The
emphasis of this approach is to
encourage uniqueness of each
individual through conscious self-control.
Table of Contents:
Each trait operates like temperature. Temperature is always in existence.
Likewise, the traits are always in existence in everybody. When there is a
lot of temperature it is considered "high," and when there is little
temperature, it is considered "low." Likewise, when there is a lot of trait, it
is considered "high." When there is little trait, it is considered "low."
People on opposite ends of the trait, High vs. Low, rarely understand each
other, even though their inner intent is always the same.
Through the process of Structure/Function, it is possible to identify the
traits on each individual face and understand how to communicate.
Structure/Function means that each trait has a Structure/Landmark.
Structure Landmark means that by observing a person's physical facial
features, you can read their traits, which helps identify their personality.
Return to “Study of Structure” Table of Contents
Hypocrites, father of modern medicine, and (namesake of the Hippocratic
Oath), published the following statement:
"To diagnose a man, you must know his character and his character is
revealed by his physical features."
Aristotle, Greek Philosopher, Educator and Scientist wrote a book on the
subject entitled "Physiognomy," a study of the outer man and his features,
which indicate aspects of his character.
The study of Structure/Function continues to surface throughout recorded
Example: Roger Bacon, English Friar, Philosopher and
Reformationist wrote extensively on the subject
in the Middle Ages.
Napoleon, Military Genius, chose his generals by
Return to “Study of Structure” Table of Contents
In the 20th Century, research and application was spear headed by a person named
Edward Vincent Jones, who was a Judge in Sacramento, California. Through his
research, he discovered 68 traits that have been statistically validated to the 1%
level. Meaning the chances of a trait proving wrong was 1 out of 100.
In 1938, Mr. Jones made public, his Organization of Material as it related to "Person-
ology." He continued research and validation of the traits until his death in 1957.
Being a Judge, he did much of his research among prisoners of the State within a
controlled environment at San Quentin Prison.
The significance of Judge Jones initial research was magnified by the statistical
validation of the structural factors involved. This was accomplished by Robert L.
Whiteside's, who founded the Interstate College of Person-ology in 1957, to further
substantiate the development of the structuralism approach to the Psychology of
Man. Mr. Whiteside's has been responsible for the drawing together of the
Scientific and Empirical in the Structure/Function relationship. It is with his
modification and augmentation of Jones' research with which we are concerned
today when we speak of Structure/Function.
NOTE: Science = Verified Knowledge....that is, knowledge
that can be verified and communicated to other
Empirical = Knowledge....based on experiment and
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Return to “Study of Structure” Table of Contents
1050 adults measured for 68 Structure/Function relationships
over a four year period. Validated to the 1% level.
10,925 individual judgments by 500 close associates found:
81% Agreement
3% Disagreement
16% Doubtful
492 adults measured for Structure/function with 92% accuracy.
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The best seller book "FACE LANGUAGE", written by
Mr. Robert Whiteside's was, at one time, on the
recommended reading list at the University of Utah and
the U.S. Air Force Academy . A Structure/Function
"CHAIR," has been established at the University of
Return to “Study of Structure” Table of Contents
Structure / Function is a key factor demonstrating that
we are inclined to Function in accordance with our
Structure / Function is specific and exact.
Structure / Function is based on genetics and choice.
Return to “Study of Structure” Table of Contents
To help you understand the natural qualities of your own Structure.
To help you become more effective in communicating with and
understanding other people.
The key is to first know ourselves. Descriptions
of Traits are derived from the knowledge of Trait
Structure validated by the Science of Structure / Function
Return to “Study of Structure” Table of Contents
Each of us is a uniquely individual human being. Regardless of
Race, we all have the same Traits. The intensity of each Trait varies
from person to person - just as the display of traits will fluctuate
from relationship to relationship.
Return to “Study of Structure” Table of Contents
At the very time the broader picture of Principle and Application has been presented by the
Structure/Function principle, companion Sciences have been developing explosively, and that
development, from "DNA" to the "LASER BEAM," has backed up Structure / Function.
The invention of the Electronic Microscope, with the power to magnify a .25 Cent Piece, to the
size of New York's Central Park, has unlocked the Genetic Code in the Human Cell Nucleus, and
made "DNA" and "RNA" common household
"words". It is as easy for the layman to understand that not only your eye color, but many other
things about your build or body, such as your athletic or musical ability, have something to do
with your Individual Structure.
The recent discoveries in "DNA" indicate, as one example, that individuality is inherent,
Structured right in to the Individual from the time of his/her conception. Genetics do play a role
in forming Personality. Who a person who a person is.
The most recent texts on Neurology, "the nervous system," Anatomy, "the structure of Humans,"
and Physiology, "how our Structure fits with the work of other Structure," all attest to the obvious
fact.....Proportion indicates the kind of Function and its Power Potential in the Human Organism.
The "Spirit of the Times", has caught up with Structure / Function and is Favorable to it.
However, other techniques have not yet caught up with Structure / Function in Methodology,
Counseling Techniques, Practical Applications or with a basic Encompassing Philosophy.
Structure / Function is the timely inter-disciplinary science between the outright physical
sciences, such as Biology, and the human sciences.
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Our Individual Structures are the direct result of our Genetic Inheritance, derived from our
Lineage. This Inherent Structure indicates our Basic Disposition, Native Inclinations of Function
and our Limitations. External circumstances may modify or limit our expressions or experiences,
but the lasting effect of any experience is determined by the individual receiving and recording
that experience.....not by the experience itself.
Therefore, individual consciousness is more powerful than circumstance in forming the kind of
life and action a person creates for him/herself.
To understand Human Function, you must understand Human Structure, for Structure equals
Functions. The Trait Factors are inclinations, but direction is established through Total
Consciousness, Not through any Single Trait.
Inside the nucleus of every cell are spiral molecules
called DNA (Life).
DNA is the substance that conveys the genetic
information which tells us how to grow.
RNA carries the instructions from the genes to the
building sites, where it directs the assembly of proteins.
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Scientists classify things into their genera, and then further classify them into species and sub-species, each with
their own particular appearance and attributes.
Structure / Function divides the human species into types and further classifies until a very accurate and specific
description of the subject is the end result.
Tells you what you are like, purely and simply
DALE CARNEGIE admonishes us to "think in terms of other interests."
STRUCTURE / FUNCTION gives us a better understanding of our Mates, Children,
Relatives, Friends, Business Associates, Elected Officials, and Neighbors..... ANYONE
and EVERYONE we meet in our life cycle.
PSYCHOLOGISTS tell us that in order to understand others feelings or motives we
must use empathy or, in other words, walk in their shoes. STRUCTURE /
FUNCTION truly allows the opportunity to walk in others shoes.
Structure / Function, as we know it today is the beginning of New
Human Understanding.
Robert Boyle: 1629 - 1691
Trait Trait Function
•Tolerance •Timing of Emotional Response
•Physical Insulation
•Self Assurance or Self Conscious
•Automatic Giving
•Emotional Expression
•Instinctive Self Reliance
•Automatic Resistance
•Innate Self Confidence
•Basic Timing of Nerve Response
•Generous or Considered Giver
•Emotion or Logic Driven
•Degree of Self Reliance
•Automatic Expression of Speech or Action
•Automatic Resistance to Pressure
High Low
Wide set eyes, more
then one aperture
distance in the
overall space
between the eyes.
Close set eyes, less
than one aperture
distance between the
overall space of eyes.
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
•Structure Indicator:
•Structure Landmark:
•High Tolerance:
•Low Tolerance:
•Inner Intent:
The spacing of the eyes
The space between the eyes compared
with the width of the eye aperture
Basic timing or emotional response to
what is seen or sensed
Eyes set wide apart (slow emotional
Eyes set close together (Quick
emotional response)
To do the right thing the right way at
the right time
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High Low
•Sees a broad field of vision, total picture: is laid back, easy going
and is slow to emotionally react.
•Broad minded and appears to be permissive, procrastinate and
irresponsible. Sees things more permissively. They permit, hold off,
and are not threatened.
•Accomplish more under pressure
•Has good leadership capabilities
•Is more acceptable, slower to become upset or irritated
•They see things in perspective
•Slow to respond to what is seen or sensed
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High Low
•Has tunnel vision and do not see the total picture
•Appear to be arrogant, suspicious or narrow minded
•Does not see in perspective
•Willing to interfere
•Will not tolerate delay, tardiness or excuses
•Want things done NOW
•Are quick to respond to what is seen or sensed
•Refuse to accept less than perfect
•Relate to well organized, accurate and efficient people
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Dating partners who are High Tolerant (eyes set wide apart) are
much slower in emotional response to the things they see and
acknowledge in life. They procrastinate and understand the
world's not perfect.
Dating partners who are Low Tolerant (eyes set close together) are
quick in emotional response to things in life. They want prompt
action and perfection.
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
When your Dating Partner is High Tolerant:
•They are Easy going by nature.
•Easy to talk to.
•They are good sports.
•You can appeal to their sense of fair play.
•They become disinterested and bored easily.
•In most instances do not have a sense of urgency.
•Will not tolerate deviation from the ‘Norm”.
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High Low
When your Dating Partner is Low Tolerant:
•Be on time!! Timing is very important to them.
•Don’t Waste their Time.
•Be Direct and Stick to Their Time Table.
•They Demand Performance. Be Accurate and Efficient.
•Meet all Deadlines that They Convey to You.
•Listen Carefully When They Speak and Try to Conform to Their
•Their Personal Opinion is Important to Them – Adhere to it.
•Remember that Little Things Irritate Them – Determine What They
Are and Refrain From Doing Them.
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High Low
When You are High Tolerant and Your Dating Partner is Low Tolerant:
•Make Certain Your On Time to Do the Things You’ve Agreed
•Honor Your Commitments and Follow Through as Required.
•Prepare Well for Your Projects and Make Sure Your Facts &
Information are Accurate Before You Present Them.
•Be Prepared for Quick Emotional Reaction to What May Appear
to Your Dating Partner to Be Wrong or Threatening.
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High Low
When You Are Low Tolerant and Your Dating Partner Is High Tolerant:
•Expect slow response, postponement and procrastination
•Adopt and maintain a courteous, confident demeanor
•Identify the positive purpose of the situation and concentrate on
satisfying your dating partners desires.
•Be sure you ask only result oriented questions
•Don't become upset over little things that might occur
•Force yourself to see in perspective and slow down your reaction
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
Wide face/broad
forehead. Width of
eye sockets =
approximately 2/3
of face length.
Long narrow
face/narrow forehead.
Width of eye sockets =
approximately 1/3 of
length of face.
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
•Structure Indicator:
•Structure Landmark:
•High Innate:
•Low Innate:
•Inner Intent:
Width of face compared to length.
Width of eye sockets compared to the
length of face. Measured from bottom of
chin to forehead.
Innate self-assurance when threatened
or challenged.
Broad face - confident.
Long narrow face - self conscious.
To achieve goals to the best of their
Note: The width of face = the intensity of confidence.
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High Low
HIGH Innate Self Confidence – Broad Square Face:
•Is aware of their own potential. Acts on a large scale
•Wants to be in charge, be the boss. Will do what they want to do
for their reasons, period.
•Often appear to be arrogant and opinionated
•Face decisions squarely and calmly
•Completely courageous about what they will do and what they
will not do
•They are hard to teach and reach and are a challenge to deal
This is the most important of all the traits to understand. It is very
important to be able to identify the extremes of this trait.
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High Low
LOW Innate Self Confidence – Long Narrow Face (self conscious):
•Is aware of their own limitations
•Question their own authority to act
•Very unsure of self in new situations
•More inclined to follow another persons lead
•Will jump from one option to another when it's time to make a
•Will do what they must do only when they must do it
•Appear to lack courage and thoroughness
•They are easy to reach and teach
•Their confidence is learned confidence from past experience
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Dating partners with broad square faces are innately confident,
courageous and thorough. No task is to challenging for them. They
take charge and are capable of making big decisions.
Dating partners with long narrow faces tend to hold back and
generally prefer to follow another persons lead. They are prone to
avoid conflict and decisions.
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High Low
When your Dating Partner is High Innate:
•Be confident, direct and strong
•Be at your very best. They have no respect for weakness
•Look them squarely in the face and become their equal
•Demonstrate leadership qualities of confidence and courage
•Accept their challenge and respond with self assurance
•Talk in big terms
•Avoid direct challenges
•Don’t correct them
•They feel they are in charge, treat them that way
•Get to the point with them
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High Low
When your Dating Partner is Low Innate:
•Go easy on your approach to communicate
•Lower your voice and soften your gestures
•Adopt a slow easy pace. Your dating partner frightens easily
•Be sincere and supportive
•Assume a leadership role and teach, don’t “TELL”
•Take first things first and secure agreement on each point.
•Make discussion sound and feel easy
•Once you cover everything, leave it alone, as reflection may
result in reversal of the decision.
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High Low
•Don’t overpower your dating partner with your commanding
•Don’t interrupt your dating partner in your attempt to gain control
•Patiently listen to their feedback
•Be more open and willing to learn from your dating partner
•Be supportive of your dating partners capability to make
•Resist your temptation to force the issue
•Don’t TELL your dating partner, adopt a leadership role and
TEACH with loving care. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Speak up, put yourself forward and display confidence
•Project a sense of strength, authority and responsibility
•Realistically expect your dating partner to listen to you and
respect your opinions
•Prepare yourself with subject knowledge and visualize what you
are going to do and say before you have to do it.
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
First layer of skin
(epidermis) and hair
is very course.
First layer of Skin
(epidermis) hair is very
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
•Structure Indicator:
•Structure Landmark:
•High Physical Insulation:
•Low Physical Insulation:
•Inner Intent:
Skin and hair
Texture of skin and coarseness of hair
Basic timing of nerve response
Rough textured, extremely insulated
Fine textured extremely sensitive
The same for both high and low. To
deal with what is sensed through the
five senses.
Note: Remember, high insulation means it will take longer to get
under their skin. Low insulation means it will take less time to get
under their skin.
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High Low
•They want quantity
•They are slow to respond to external stimuli
•They are more insulated – thick skinned
•They are very spirited in expression and taste
•They respect a strong and energetic point of view
•They enjoy louder volume, course texture, large
gestures, roughing it out of doors.
•They are less sensitive physically and are turned off by soft spoken
people whose style is more cultured, formal and refined.
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•They want quality
•They are quick to respond to external stimuli
•They are less insulated – Thin Skinned
•They are more refined, quieter in expression and exhibit good
taste in everything they do.
•They enjoy the quality of sound, color, texture, temperature and
•They want to be approached with an attitude of quality, culture
and refinement
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
Dating partners who are heavily insulated need more force before
they react to external stimulus.
Dating partners who are finely insulated react almost immediately
to minor change in environment.
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High Low
When your Dating Partner is heavily insulated (ROUGH SKIN - COURSE HAIR) :
•Be more vigorous in your dealings with them
•Use more volume when you speak - a more down to earth
•Adopt a strong and positive style
•Deal with the basics and bulk - quantity
•Remember, they are a "more of" person
•Understand they are slower to react
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
When your Dating Partner is finely insulated (THIN SKIN - THIN HAIR):
•Be more refined and specific in your mannerisms, dress and
conversation. No bad jokes.
•Use a quieter tone of voice when you speak
•Handle them with care and respect
•Maintain an even pace and project a quality of style
•Be at your very best and appeal to their refined taste and style,
they love fine craftsmanship.
•Treat them like royalty and you will establish an immediate
rapport. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Cultivate refinement in your voice, dress and presentation style
•Speak softly and warmly
•Lower your voice and soften your gestures
•Use subtle variety in your voice modulation
•Provide more quality, good taste, and refinement in all that you
do for your dating partner
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Be more vigorous in your presentation
•Speak out with authority
•Abruptly raise or lower your voice for added emphasis
•Use one syllable words
•Provide more quantity, louder volume, larger gestures, different
types of food and include some kind of outdoor activities when
your with your dating partner. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
Extreme fullness of
lower lip
Extremely thin lower lip
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
•Structure Indicator:
•Structure Landmark:
•High Giving:
•Low Giving:
•Inner Intent:
The lower lip
Fullness of lower lip in relation to the
overall facial proportion
Automatic Giving of self in terms of time,
energy and resources
Full lower lip - spontaneous giving
Thin lower lip - considered giver
To give to what they perceive as the
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
HIGH Automatic Giver – Very Full Lower Lip:
•Will give to the situation even before being asked
•Are very sympathetic of others needs
•Is spontaneous in giving of time and energy
•Tend to be totally unselfish
•Will automatically commit to what is happening in the moment
without thought of cost or consequence.
•Will give freely to those who, from their point of view, really need
and deserve their help.
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
Low Considered Giver – Very Thin Lower Lip:
•Appears to be cold and lack generosity
•Are very precise in what they give
•Will give to the need and nothing more
•Will measure cost and consequence of action, time and energy
•Believes people should help themselves
•Will give only after considering all aspects of the request
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
Dating partners with full lower lip automatically give what they see
to be the need of another.
Dating partners with thin lower lip make a conscious decision
before giving. They are considered givers. They will give only what
they feel is deserving of the situation at hand.
The degree of fullness of the lower lip measures a dating
partner's automatic outflow of expression of time, talent and
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Get them emotionally involved in your project and they will give
what is needed
•Expect them to quickly react to your idea, project or request
•Giving and sharing is a natural instinct to your dating
partner, expect an immediate response.
•Expect your dating partner to spontaneously react to your
request as it appears to them through their eyes.
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Show how your idea, project or request will benefit your dating
•Expect your dating partner to give what is needed and nothing
•Be specific in your requests and give valid reasons for your dating
partner to have a positive reaction.
•Don't waste your dating partners time and be as brief and
concise as possible in the delivery of your request, etc.
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Expect your dating partner to be conservative
•Know your dating partner will evaluate the consequences
involved if they agree to your request.
•Be aware you will receive only what you specifically ask for
•Know their giving is done with true significance and meaning
•Expect your dating partner to give to the degree of the need
and nothing more
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Except your dating partner to be generous with their time, talent
and energy
•Know they tend to be generous in sharing whatever may be
•Know your dating partner is unselfish in their concern for others
•Don’t hesitate to ask your dating partner for help
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
Very large iris
compared to the
sclera (white) showing.
Very small iris
compared to the
sclera (white) showing.
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
•Structure Indicator:
•Structure Landmark:
•High Emotional Expressive:
•Low Emotional Expressive:
The eye aperture
The size of the iris compared to the
sclera (white)
Quantity of emotion expressed in the
Large irises - express emotion
Small irises suppress emotion
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Very warm caring and responsive – expresses emotion easily
•Wants to be accepted on emotionally expressive terms
•Will take things to heart – personally
•Does not like to be ignored – feelings are easily hurt
•Relationship decisions based on how they feel
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Does not believe in open demonstration of feelings
•Shows very little, if any, spontaneous emotion
•Does not feel comfortable sharing emotion
•Performance and results is what their interested in
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High or low emotion has to do with a dating partners depth of
feeling. Dating partners with large irises are very emotional and
view life with their hearts.
Dating partners with small irises express little emotion and take a
dim view of those who do.
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Reassurance and respect are continually needed
•They very often appear super-sensitive
•Their feelings are aroused easily
•Their actions are dictated by how they feel
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•They hold their feelings deep inside themselves – they show very
little emotion
•Decisions are approached in a cool business like manner
•Don’t play on their emotion – they can't be reached
•They will be cool and logical in making evaluations
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Use protocol and formality
•Be business like and factual
•Make your discussion direct, matter of fact and objective
•Present your input to the discussion in a formal and logical way –
not emotionally
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Show your dating partner your emotional approval and support
•Use words in your conversation(s) that describe appropriate
•Use emotional voice modulation in your conversation(s)
•Be sure you understand your dating partners feelings toward the
subject matter of the discussion(s) and the possible end result.
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
Large base of nose,
natural flaring
nostrils, distinct alar
Small base of nose, no
flare, nor alar furrow
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
•Structure Indicator:
•Structure Landmark:
•High Instinctive Self Reliance:
•Low Instinctive Self Reliance:
The nose
The nostrils
Instinctive reliance on self
Wide flaring nostrils, automatic reliance
on self
Pinched nostrils, seeks approval
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Has no difficulty in making their own decisions. Their actions are
based upon their own instincts.
•They will react automatically to what they perceive the situation
to be
•They project and express “their was as the best way”
•They often appear domineering, presumptive or indifferent
•They are reluctant to delegate authority
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Has difficult time making their own decisions
•Hesitant in trusting their own instincts
•They automatically doubt their own ability
•They seek opinion and approval from others prior to taking action
•They often appear hesitant, uncertain or subservient
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
Dating partners with wide flaring nostrils automatically believe in
themselves and display a high degree of reliance on their own
instinctive appraisal of things.
Dating partners with small pinched nostrils seek approval and
reassurance from others. Especially in new situations.
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Know they need to participate in the proceedings
•Know they expect others to do things their way, convince them
your way is the same as their way.
•Be quick to recognize they need to express their opinion
•Determine ways to support their initiative and desires
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Quench their thirst for support and re-assurance
•Show them how they will benefit from doing things your way
•Inspire them with reasons to act for themselves
•Challenge them to act on their own authority
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Support and re-assure their authority to act for themselves
•Provide reasons to trust your way of doing things for the benefit of
both of you
•Provide accurate information which they can safely rely upon
•Reinforce their responsibility to act in their own best interest
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•You must believe in and accept your own ability and authority over
yourself and take charge.
•Learn to rely upon your knowledge and experience when discussing
•Take command of the situations early in your communications with your
dating partner.
•Be prepared to communicate your side of the situation(s) your involved in
to circumvent any misconceptions up front in the discussion(s).
•Acknowledge their need for expression and merge their input with yours in
order to come to a mutual agreement.
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
Mouth and lip
structure extended
forward of the
Mouth and lip structure
recessed behind the
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
•Structure Indicator:
•Structure Landmark:
•High Impulsive:
•Low Impulsive:
Mouth and lips
Viewed in profile, position of mouth and
lips relative to the glabella
Automatic expression of speech or
Lips forward of the glabella, (impulsive)
Lips behind the glabella, (reflective)
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Is very impulsive in speech and actions
•Understand that how they feel is expressed in their speech and
•You must pay attention to WHAT is said or done not to HOW it
said or done
•They tend to interrupt you when you speak
•They will often bring up something from out of the blue. You must
deal with it directly.
•These dating partners often Buy on impulse, Speak on impulse
and they are just as likely to change their minds on impulse.
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Uses considered, calculated thought or action
•Is very attentive to the specifics of your conversation(s)
•They are known to be deliberate and not prone to quick or
impetuous decisions
•Their questions or discussion will be pertinent to the subject matter
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Dating partners who are impulsive speak and act spontaneously
before they really think through what they will say or what they will
do. Their impulsiveness expresses their emotions in the moment.
Dating partners who are reflective, (non-impulsive) over-ride their
emotional impulse and consciously decide what they will say or
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Expect them to be impetuous – to interrupt
•Know they will impetuously share their feelings
•Stay alert to their questions or comments and act appropriately
•Be prepared for them to speak or act hastily – without thinking
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•You must be prepared to be complete and orderly in your
•Expect to work hard to obtain their approval
•Be patient and persistent
•You must respect their opinion
•Understand their response is a result of thoughtful appraisal
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Do not impulsively interrupt them
•Don’t allow yourself to act impulsively without thought of
•Maintain firm control over your feelings
•Discipline yourself to listen to their evaluation and response
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•You must be spontaneously responsive to their questions and
•Actively lead the content of the conversation(s)
•Accept their impulsive style of interruption and quickly get back
on track
•Project a sense of quickness and enthusiasm into your
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
"V" Shaped Face
Sunken In Cheeks
Rounded Face
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
•Structure Indicator:
•Structure Landmark:
•High Impulsive:
•Low Impulsive:
Shape of the face
Wedge shaped lower face
Automatic Resistance to pressure
Wedge or "V" shaped face. Automatic
without thought.
Round face, appears more compliant -
agreeable in the moment
•Inner Intent: To show in outer expression a positive or
negative feeling
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Automatic resistance to pressure without conscious thought
•Automatic no to things they do not like
•What is felt as pressure will be resisted
•Built to resist any pressure felt automatically
•When forced to do anything, they hold back and fight back
•As long as pressure is felt they resist like a stubborn mule
•Automatic resistance is triggered by a sense of being pressured
•When negative thoughts are felt about someone, something, or
some place, their automatic resistance reaction comes on strong.
•Their usual reaction to life is no. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•More agreeable in the moment. More tractable. (easier to control)
•Gives in more gracefully to pressure in the moment.
•More open to direction.
•Skilled in maneuvering through stressful situations.
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
Dating partners with a wedge shaped lower face are built to resist
any pressure they feel, automatically, without any
conscious thought.
Dating partners with a round face are much more compliant and
agreeable in the moment. Much easier to deal with.
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Do not apply any pressure whatsoever.
•Don't force your issues, use tact and diplomacy.
•Do not allow them to think negatively towards your point of view
or thought patterns.
•Project only positive situations throughout your conversation(s)
•Expound on the positive principle of your point of view
•Gently help them make a positive decision.
•Keep them cool, calm and relaxed.
•Give them time to think about what they should really do.
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Apply only positive pressure.
•They are more agreeable in the moment but readily feel pressure
they deem negative and will resist such pressure.
•Get feedback by allowing them to fully express themselves
regarding the topics being discussed.
•They are more open to direction.
•Carefully guide them through the conversation and discussion
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Project only open mindedness and they will follow suite.
•Maintain dominion over this trait, don't allow yourself to feel
•Do not project a negative reaction when challenged. Think
before you automatically say no.
•Don't allow yourself to feel threatened.
•Do not resist good positive compromise, listen before you act.
•Remember it's okay to resist negative pressure, what's rigid is rigid
and what's wrong is wrong.
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
High Low
•Choose your words carefully before speaking.
•Use only positive language.
•Avoid pressure of any kind.
•Answer their questions and objections thoroughly and
•Allow them plenty of time to react.
•Don't give them the opportunity to say no.
•If they begin to hold back or resist, soften your approach
•If they resist and become negative, revert to a new approach.
Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
• Determine where you are on each of the traits.
• Determine how you will approach the high and low from where you are on each trait.
• Learn the structure indicator, structure landmark and function of each trait until they
become second nature for you to recognize.
• Use the knowledge you have learned daily. Look at the people every where you go and ask
yourself how you would approach them.
• When you look for traits, look only for the extremes to jump out at you. When they do,
you will know the direction in that first, all-important, 20 to 30 seconds of the encounter.
• Study yourself each day, analyzing how you receive and perceive the information given to
you in the various daily situations and make a mental note of how the intensity of your
driver traits act and react to the stimuli received in these situations with other people.
• In the beginning, study and use one trait per week (the first one in the series) and analyze
this trait as it relates to your personality.
• Understand what the trait is and what it means. Identify this trait in other people as you
interact with them and adapt your personality to fit this particular trait and notice how it
effects your communication with them. The next week, use the first trait you have learned
plus the second trait in the series and the same scenario each week until you have
mastered all of the traits.
• Use it or lose it. PRACTICE – PRACTICE – PRACTICE.
His Image Learning Technologies
Don’t just look at it - UNDERSTAND IT
• Treating people the way they want to be
treated, understanding them the way they
want to be understood.
• Inter-personal Relationship Excellence

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Dating Couples

  • 1. “About Face” HILT Communications, Inc His Image Learning Technologies Facial Behavioral Profiling
  • 2.  The responsibility of a happy relationship is two fold. Both parties concerned must share in this responsibility  In Dating, as well as in any Mutual Relationship the problem never lies solely with “the other person.” It lies with the individual themselves.
  • 3. Structure / Function is a Methodology. It is a technique for recognizing specific Functions related to specific human Structure. The goal is direction for the Individual through understanding his/her Structure / Function. The unique contribution of Structure / Function in the field of human understanding is its approach to counseling individual differences. The emphasis of this approach is to encourage uniqueness of each individual through conscious self-control.
  • 5. Each trait operates like temperature. Temperature is always in existence. Likewise, the traits are always in existence in everybody. When there is a lot of temperature it is considered "high," and when there is little temperature, it is considered "low." Likewise, when there is a lot of trait, it is considered "high." When there is little trait, it is considered "low." People on opposite ends of the trait, High vs. Low, rarely understand each other, even though their inner intent is always the same. Through the process of Structure/Function, it is possible to identify the traits on each individual face and understand how to communicate. Structure/Function means that each trait has a Structure/Landmark. Structure Landmark means that by observing a person's physical facial features, you can read their traits, which helps identify their personality. Return to “Study of Structure” Table of Contents
  • 6. Hypocrites, father of modern medicine, and (namesake of the Hippocratic Oath), published the following statement: "To diagnose a man, you must know his character and his character is revealed by his physical features." Aristotle, Greek Philosopher, Educator and Scientist wrote a book on the subject entitled "Physiognomy," a study of the outer man and his features, which indicate aspects of his character. The study of Structure/Function continues to surface throughout recorded history. Example: Roger Bacon, English Friar, Philosopher and Reformationist wrote extensively on the subject in the Middle Ages. Napoleon, Military Genius, chose his generals by Structure/Function. Return to “Study of Structure” Table of Contents
  • 7. In the 20th Century, research and application was spear headed by a person named Edward Vincent Jones, who was a Judge in Sacramento, California. Through his research, he discovered 68 traits that have been statistically validated to the 1% level. Meaning the chances of a trait proving wrong was 1 out of 100. In 1938, Mr. Jones made public, his Organization of Material as it related to "Person- ology." He continued research and validation of the traits until his death in 1957. Being a Judge, he did much of his research among prisoners of the State within a controlled environment at San Quentin Prison. The significance of Judge Jones initial research was magnified by the statistical validation of the structural factors involved. This was accomplished by Robert L. Whiteside's, who founded the Interstate College of Person-ology in 1957, to further substantiate the development of the structuralism approach to the Psychology of Man. Mr. Whiteside's has been responsible for the drawing together of the Scientific and Empirical in the Structure/Function relationship. It is with his modification and augmentation of Jones' research with which we are concerned today when we speak of Structure/Function. NOTE: Science = Verified Knowledge....that is, knowledge that can be verified and communicated to other people. Empirical = Knowledge....based on experiment and verification. Return to “Study of Structure” Table of Contents
  • 8. Return to “Study of Structure” Table of Contents 1050 adults measured for 68 Structure/Function relationships over a four year period. Validated to the 1% level. 10,925 individual judgments by 500 close associates found: 81% Agreement 3% Disagreement 16% Doubtful 492 adults measured for Structure/function with 92% accuracy.
  • 9. Return to “Study of Structure” Table of Contents The best seller book "FACE LANGUAGE", written by Mr. Robert Whiteside's was, at one time, on the recommended reading list at the University of Utah and the U.S. Air Force Academy . A Structure/Function "CHAIR," has been established at the University of Hawaii.
  • 10. Return to “Study of Structure” Table of Contents Structure / Function is a key factor demonstrating that we are inclined to Function in accordance with our Structure. Structure / Function is specific and exact. Structure / Function is based on genetics and choice.
  • 11. Return to “Study of Structure” Table of Contents To help you understand the natural qualities of your own Structure. To help you become more effective in communicating with and understanding other people. The key is to first know ourselves. Descriptions of Traits are derived from the knowledge of Trait Structure validated by the Science of Structure / Function
  • 12. Return to “Study of Structure” Table of Contents Each of us is a uniquely individual human being. Regardless of Race, we all have the same Traits. The intensity of each Trait varies from person to person - just as the display of traits will fluctuate from relationship to relationship.
  • 13. Return to “Study of Structure” Table of Contents At the very time the broader picture of Principle and Application has been presented by the Structure/Function principle, companion Sciences have been developing explosively, and that development, from "DNA" to the "LASER BEAM," has backed up Structure / Function. The invention of the Electronic Microscope, with the power to magnify a .25 Cent Piece, to the size of New York's Central Park, has unlocked the Genetic Code in the Human Cell Nucleus, and made "DNA" and "RNA" common household "words". It is as easy for the layman to understand that not only your eye color, but many other things about your build or body, such as your athletic or musical ability, have something to do with your Individual Structure. The recent discoveries in "DNA" indicate, as one example, that individuality is inherent, Structured right in to the Individual from the time of his/her conception. Genetics do play a role in forming Personality. Who a person who a person is. The most recent texts on Neurology, "the nervous system," Anatomy, "the structure of Humans," and Physiology, "how our Structure fits with the work of other Structure," all attest to the obvious fact.....Proportion indicates the kind of Function and its Power Potential in the Human Organism. The "Spirit of the Times", has caught up with Structure / Function and is Favorable to it. However, other techniques have not yet caught up with Structure / Function in Methodology, Counseling Techniques, Practical Applications or with a basic Encompassing Philosophy. Structure / Function is the timely inter-disciplinary science between the outright physical sciences, such as Biology, and the human sciences.
  • 14. Return to “Study of Structure” Table of Contents Our Individual Structures are the direct result of our Genetic Inheritance, derived from our Lineage. This Inherent Structure indicates our Basic Disposition, Native Inclinations of Function and our Limitations. External circumstances may modify or limit our expressions or experiences, but the lasting effect of any experience is determined by the individual receiving and recording that experience.....not by the experience itself. Therefore, individual consciousness is more powerful than circumstance in forming the kind of life and action a person creates for him/herself. To understand Human Function, you must understand Human Structure, for Structure equals Functions. The Trait Factors are inclinations, but direction is established through Total Consciousness, Not through any Single Trait. "CHOICE ALWAYS SUPERSEDES STRUCTURE" NOTE: DNA = D(EOXYRIBO)N(UCLEIC)A(CID) Inside the nucleus of every cell are spiral molecules called DNA (Life). DNA is the substance that conveys the genetic information which tells us how to grow. NOTE: RNA = R(IBO)N(UCLEIC)A(CID) RNA carries the instructions from the genes to the building sites, where it directs the assembly of proteins.
  • 15. Return to “Study of Structure” Table of Contents Scientists classify things into their genera, and then further classify them into species and sub-species, each with their own particular appearance and attributes. Structure / Function divides the human species into types and further classifies until a very accurate and specific description of the subject is the end result. STRUCTURE / FUNCTION Tells you what you are like, purely and simply DALE CARNEGIE admonishes us to "think in terms of other interests." STRUCTURE / FUNCTION gives us a better understanding of our Mates, Children, Relatives, Friends, Business Associates, Elected Officials, and Neighbors..... ANYONE and EVERYONE we meet in our life cycle. PSYCHOLOGISTS tell us that in order to understand others feelings or motives we must use empathy or, in other words, walk in their shoes. STRUCTURE / FUNCTION truly allows the opportunity to walk in others shoes. Structure / Function, as we know it today is the beginning of New Human Understanding. "IT IS HIGHLY DISHONORABLE FOR A REASONABLE SOUL TO LIVE IN SO DIVINELY BUILT MANSION AS THE BODY HE/SHE RESIDES IN...... ALTOGETHER UN-ACQUAINTED WITH THE EXQUISITE STRUCTURE OF IT" Robert Boyle: 1629 - 1691
  • 16. Trait Trait Function •Tolerance •Timing of Emotional Response •Physical Insulation •Self Assurance or Self Conscious •Automatic Giving •Emotional Expression •Instinctive Self Reliance •Impulsiveness •Automatic Resistance •Innate Self Confidence •Basic Timing of Nerve Response •Generous or Considered Giver •Emotion or Logic Driven •Degree of Self Reliance •Automatic Expression of Speech or Action •Automatic Resistance to Pressure
  • 17. High Low Wide set eyes, more then one aperture distance in the overall space between the eyes. Close set eyes, less than one aperture distance between the overall space of eyes. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 18. Traits: •Structure Indicator: •Structure Landmark: •Function: •High Tolerance: •Low Tolerance: •Inner Intent: The spacing of the eyes The space between the eyes compared with the width of the eye aperture Basic timing or emotional response to what is seen or sensed Eyes set wide apart (slow emotional response) Eyes set close together (Quick emotional response) To do the right thing the right way at the right time Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 19. High Low HIGH TOLERANT - EYES SET WIDE APART: •Sees a broad field of vision, total picture: is laid back, easy going and is slow to emotionally react. •Broad minded and appears to be permissive, procrastinate and irresponsible. Sees things more permissively. They permit, hold off, and are not threatened. •Accomplish more under pressure •Has good leadership capabilities •Is more acceptable, slower to become upset or irritated •They see things in perspective •Slow to respond to what is seen or sensed Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 20. High Low LOW TOLERANT - EYES SET CLOSE TOGETHER: •Has tunnel vision and do not see the total picture •Appear to be arrogant, suspicious or narrow minded •Does not see in perspective •Willing to interfere •Will not tolerate delay, tardiness or excuses •Want things done NOW •Are quick to respond to what is seen or sensed •Refuse to accept less than perfect •Relate to well organized, accurate and efficient people Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 21. SUMMARY: Dating partners who are High Tolerant (eyes set wide apart) are much slower in emotional response to the things they see and acknowledge in life. They procrastinate and understand the world's not perfect. Dating partners who are Low Tolerant (eyes set close together) are quick in emotional response to things in life. They want prompt action and perfection. High Low Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 22. High Low When your Dating Partner is High Tolerant: •They are Easy going by nature. •Easy to talk to. •They are good sports. •You can appeal to their sense of fair play. •They become disinterested and bored easily. •In most instances do not have a sense of urgency. •Will not tolerate deviation from the ‘Norm”. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 23. High Low When your Dating Partner is Low Tolerant: •Be on time!! Timing is very important to them. •Don’t Waste their Time. •Be Direct and Stick to Their Time Table. •They Demand Performance. Be Accurate and Efficient. •Meet all Deadlines that They Convey to You. •Listen Carefully When They Speak and Try to Conform to Their Wishes. •Their Personal Opinion is Important to Them – Adhere to it. •Remember that Little Things Irritate Them – Determine What They Are and Refrain From Doing Them. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 24. High Low When You are High Tolerant and Your Dating Partner is Low Tolerant: •Make Certain Your On Time to Do the Things You’ve Agreed Upon. •Honor Your Commitments and Follow Through as Required. •Prepare Well for Your Projects and Make Sure Your Facts & Information are Accurate Before You Present Them. •Be Prepared for Quick Emotional Reaction to What May Appear to Your Dating Partner to Be Wrong or Threatening. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 25. High Low When You Are Low Tolerant and Your Dating Partner Is High Tolerant: •Expect slow response, postponement and procrastination •Adopt and maintain a courteous, confident demeanor •Identify the positive purpose of the situation and concentrate on satisfying your dating partners desires. •Be sure you ask only result oriented questions •Don't become upset over little things that might occur •Force yourself to see in perspective and slow down your reaction time Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 26. High Low Wide face/broad forehead. Width of eye sockets = approximately 2/3 of face length. Long narrow face/narrow forehead. Width of eye sockets = approximately 1/3 of length of face. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 27. Traits: •Structure Indicator: •Structure Landmark: •Function: •High Innate: •Low Innate: •Inner Intent: Width of face compared to length. Width of eye sockets compared to the length of face. Measured from bottom of chin to forehead. Innate self-assurance when threatened or challenged. Broad face - confident. Long narrow face - self conscious. To achieve goals to the best of their ability. Note: The width of face = the intensity of confidence. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 28. High Low HIGH Innate Self Confidence – Broad Square Face: •Is aware of their own potential. Acts on a large scale •Wants to be in charge, be the boss. Will do what they want to do for their reasons, period. •Often appear to be arrogant and opinionated •Face decisions squarely and calmly •Completely courageous about what they will do and what they will not do •They are hard to teach and reach and are a challenge to deal with IMPORTANT NOTE: This is the most important of all the traits to understand. It is very important to be able to identify the extremes of this trait. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 29. High Low LOW Innate Self Confidence – Long Narrow Face (self conscious): •Is aware of their own limitations •Question their own authority to act •Very unsure of self in new situations •More inclined to follow another persons lead •Will jump from one option to another when it's time to make a decision •Will do what they must do only when they must do it •Appear to lack courage and thoroughness •They are easy to reach and teach •Their confidence is learned confidence from past experience Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 30. SUMMARY: Dating partners with broad square faces are innately confident, courageous and thorough. No task is to challenging for them. They take charge and are capable of making big decisions. Dating partners with long narrow faces tend to hold back and generally prefer to follow another persons lead. They are prone to avoid conflict and decisions. High Low Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 31. High Low When your Dating Partner is High Innate: •Be confident, direct and strong •Be at your very best. They have no respect for weakness •Look them squarely in the face and become their equal •Demonstrate leadership qualities of confidence and courage •Accept their challenge and respond with self assurance •Talk in big terms •Avoid direct challenges •Don’t correct them •They feel they are in charge, treat them that way •Get to the point with them Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 32. High Low When your Dating Partner is Low Innate: •Go easy on your approach to communicate •Lower your voice and soften your gestures •Adopt a slow easy pace. Your dating partner frightens easily •Be sincere and supportive •Assume a leadership role and teach, don’t “TELL” •Take first things first and secure agreement on each point. •Make discussion sound and feel easy •Once you cover everything, leave it alone, as reflection may result in reversal of the decision. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 33. High Low WHEN YOU ARE CONFIDENT AND YOUR DATING PARTNER IS SELF CONSCIOUS: •Don’t overpower your dating partner with your commanding personality •Don’t interrupt your dating partner in your attempt to gain control •Patiently listen to their feedback •Be more open and willing to learn from your dating partner •Be supportive of your dating partners capability to make decisions •Resist your temptation to force the issue •Don’t TELL your dating partner, adopt a leadership role and TEACH with loving care. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 34. High Low WHEN YOU ARE SELF CONSCIOUS AND YOUR DATING PARTNER IS CONFIDENT: •Speak up, put yourself forward and display confidence •Project a sense of strength, authority and responsibility •Realistically expect your dating partner to listen to you and respect your opinions •Prepare yourself with subject knowledge and visualize what you are going to do and say before you have to do it. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 35. High Low First layer of skin (epidermis) and hair is very course. First layer of Skin (epidermis) hair is very fine. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 36. Traits: •Structure Indicator: •Structure Landmark: •Function: •High Physical Insulation: •Low Physical Insulation: •Inner Intent: Skin and hair Texture of skin and coarseness of hair Basic timing of nerve response Rough textured, extremely insulated Fine textured extremely sensitive The same for both high and low. To deal with what is sensed through the five senses. Note: Remember, high insulation means it will take longer to get under their skin. Low insulation means it will take less time to get under their skin. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 37. High Low HIGH PHYSICAL INSULATION - ROUGH SKIN - COURSE HAIR: •They want quantity •They are slow to respond to external stimuli •They are more insulated – thick skinned •They are very spirited in expression and taste •They respect a strong and energetic point of view •They enjoy louder volume, course texture, large gestures, roughing it out of doors. •They are less sensitive physically and are turned off by soft spoken people whose style is more cultured, formal and refined. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 38. High Low LOW PHYSICAL INSULATION - FINE SKIN AND HAIR: •They want quality •They are quick to respond to external stimuli •They are less insulated – Thin Skinned •They are more refined, quieter in expression and exhibit good taste in everything they do. •They enjoy the quality of sound, color, texture, temperature and seasoning •They want to be approached with an attitude of quality, culture and refinement Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 39. SUMMARY: Dating partners who are heavily insulated need more force before they react to external stimulus. Dating partners who are finely insulated react almost immediately to minor change in environment. High Low Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 40. High Low When your Dating Partner is heavily insulated (ROUGH SKIN - COURSE HAIR) : •Be more vigorous in your dealings with them •Use more volume when you speak - a more down to earth approach •Adopt a strong and positive style •Deal with the basics and bulk - quantity •Remember, they are a "more of" person •Understand they are slower to react Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 41. High Low When your Dating Partner is finely insulated (THIN SKIN - THIN HAIR): •Be more refined and specific in your mannerisms, dress and conversation. No bad jokes. •Use a quieter tone of voice when you speak •Handle them with care and respect •Maintain an even pace and project a quality of style •Be at your very best and appeal to their refined taste and style, they love fine craftsmanship. •Treat them like royalty and you will establish an immediate rapport. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 42. High Low WHEN YOU ARE HEAVILY INSULATED AND YOUR DATING PARTNER IS FINELY INSULATED (THIN SKIN - FINE HAIR): •Cultivate refinement in your voice, dress and presentation style •Speak softly and warmly •Lower your voice and soften your gestures •Use subtle variety in your voice modulation •Provide more quality, good taste, and refinement in all that you do for your dating partner Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 43. High Low WHEN YOU ARE FINELY INSULATED AND YOUR DATING PARTNER IS HEAVILY INSULATED (ROUGH SKIN - COURSE HAIR) : •Be more vigorous in your presentation •Speak out with authority •Abruptly raise or lower your voice for added emphasis •Use one syllable words •Provide more quantity, louder volume, larger gestures, different types of food and include some kind of outdoor activities when your with your dating partner. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 44. High Low Extreme fullness of lower lip Extremely thin lower lip Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 45. Traits: •Structure Indicator: •Structure Landmark: •Function: •High Giving: •Low Giving: •Inner Intent: The lower lip Fullness of lower lip in relation to the overall facial proportion Automatic Giving of self in terms of time, energy and resources Full lower lip - spontaneous giving Thin lower lip - considered giver To give to what they perceive as the need Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 46. High Low HIGH Automatic Giver – Very Full Lower Lip: •Will give to the situation even before being asked •Are very sympathetic of others needs •Is spontaneous in giving of time and energy •Tend to be totally unselfish •Will automatically commit to what is happening in the moment without thought of cost or consequence. •Will give freely to those who, from their point of view, really need and deserve their help. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 47. High Low Low Considered Giver – Very Thin Lower Lip: •Appears to be cold and lack generosity •Are very precise in what they give •Will give to the need and nothing more •Will measure cost and consequence of action, time and energy •Believes people should help themselves •Will give only after considering all aspects of the request Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 48. SUMMARY: Dating partners with full lower lip automatically give what they see to be the need of another. Dating partners with thin lower lip make a conscious decision before giving. They are considered givers. They will give only what they feel is deserving of the situation at hand. High Low The degree of fullness of the lower lip measures a dating partner's automatic outflow of expression of time, talent and energy. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 49. High Low WHEN YOUR DATING PARTNER IS AN AUTOMATIC GIVER (FULL LOWER LIP): •Get them emotionally involved in your project and they will give what is needed •Expect them to quickly react to your idea, project or request •Giving and sharing is a natural instinct to your dating partner, expect an immediate response. •Expect your dating partner to spontaneously react to your request as it appears to them through their eyes. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 50. High Low WHEN YOUR DATING PARTNER IS A CONSIDERED GIVER (THIN LOWER LIP): •Show how your idea, project or request will benefit your dating partner •Expect your dating partner to give what is needed and nothing more •Be specific in your requests and give valid reasons for your dating partner to have a positive reaction. •Don't waste your dating partners time and be as brief and concise as possible in the delivery of your request, etc. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 51. High Low WHEN YOU GIVE AUTOMATICALLY AND YOUR DATING PARTNER IS A “CONSIDERED GIVER” (THIN LOWER LIP): •Expect your dating partner to be conservative •Know your dating partner will evaluate the consequences involved if they agree to your request. •Be aware you will receive only what you specifically ask for •Know their giving is done with true significance and meaning •Expect your dating partner to give to the degree of the need and nothing more Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 52. High Low WHEN YOU ARE A “CONSIDERED” GIVER AND YOUR DATING PARTNER GIVES AUTOMATICALLY (FULL LOWER LIP): •Except your dating partner to be generous with their time, talent and energy •Know they tend to be generous in sharing whatever may be needed •Know your dating partner is unselfish in their concern for others •Don’t hesitate to ask your dating partner for help Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 53. High Low Very large iris compared to the sclera (white) showing. Very small iris compared to the sclera (white) showing. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 54. Traits: •Structure Indicator: •Structure Landmark: •Function: •High Emotional Expressive: •Low Emotional Expressive: The eye aperture The size of the iris compared to the sclera (white) Quantity of emotion expressed in the moment Large irises - express emotion Small irises suppress emotion Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 55. High Low HIGH EMOTIONAL EXPRESSIVE - LARGE IRISES: •Very warm caring and responsive – expresses emotion easily •Wants to be accepted on emotionally expressive terms •Will take things to heart – personally •Does not like to be ignored – feelings are easily hurt •Relationship decisions based on how they feel Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 56. High Low LOW EMOTIONAL EXPRESSIVE - SMALL IRISES: •Does not believe in open demonstration of feelings •Shows very little, if any, spontaneous emotion •Does not feel comfortable sharing emotion •Performance and results is what their interested in Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 57. SUMMARY: High or low emotion has to do with a dating partners depth of feeling. Dating partners with large irises are very emotional and view life with their hearts. Dating partners with small irises express little emotion and take a dim view of those who do. High Low Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 58. High Low WHEN YOUR DATING PARTNER IS HIGH IN EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION (LARGE IRISES): •Reassurance and respect are continually needed •They very often appear super-sensitive •Their feelings are aroused easily •Their actions are dictated by how they feel Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 59. High Low WHEN YOUR DATING PARTNER IS LOW IN EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION (SMALL IRISES – RESERVED): •They hold their feelings deep inside themselves – they show very little emotion •Decisions are approached in a cool business like manner •Don’t play on their emotion – they can't be reached •They will be cool and logical in making evaluations Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 60. High Low WHEN YOU ARE EMOTIONALLY EXPRESSIVE AND YOUR DATING PARTNER IS RESERVED: •Use protocol and formality •Be business like and factual •Make your discussion direct, matter of fact and objective •Present your input to the discussion in a formal and logical way – not emotionally Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 61. High Low WHEN YOUR ARE RESERVED AND YOUR DATING PARTNER IS EMOTIONALLY EXPRESSIVE: •Show your dating partner your emotional approval and support •Use words in your conversation(s) that describe appropriate emotions •Use emotional voice modulation in your conversation(s) •Be sure you understand your dating partners feelings toward the subject matter of the discussion(s) and the possible end result. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 62. High Low Large base of nose, natural flaring nostrils, distinct alar furrow Small base of nose, no flare, nor alar furrow Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 63. Traits: •Structure Indicator: •Structure Landmark: •Function: •High Instinctive Self Reliance: •Low Instinctive Self Reliance: The nose The nostrils Instinctive reliance on self Wide flaring nostrils, automatic reliance on self Pinched nostrils, seeks approval Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 64. High Low HIGH INSTINCTIVE SELF RELIANT – WIDE FLARING NOSTRILS: •Has no difficulty in making their own decisions. Their actions are based upon their own instincts. •They will react automatically to what they perceive the situation to be •They project and express “their was as the best way” •They often appear domineering, presumptive or indifferent •They are reluctant to delegate authority Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 65. High Low LOW INSTINCTIVE SELF RELIANT – PINCHED NOSTRILS: •Has difficult time making their own decisions •Hesitant in trusting their own instincts •They automatically doubt their own ability •They seek opinion and approval from others prior to taking action •They often appear hesitant, uncertain or subservient Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 66. SUMMARY: Dating partners with wide flaring nostrils automatically believe in themselves and display a high degree of reliance on their own instinctive appraisal of things. Dating partners with small pinched nostrils seek approval and reassurance from others. Especially in new situations. High Low Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 67. High Low WHEN YOUR DATING PARTNER IS HIGH SELF RELIANT (WIDE FLARING NOSTRILS): •Know they need to participate in the proceedings •Know they expect others to do things their way, convince them your way is the same as their way. •Be quick to recognize they need to express their opinion •Determine ways to support their initiative and desires Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 68. High Low WHEN YOUR DATING PARTNER IS LOW SELF RELIANT (PINCHED NOSTRILS): •Quench their thirst for support and re-assurance •Show them how they will benefit from doing things your way •Inspire them with reasons to act for themselves •Challenge them to act on their own authority Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 69. High Low WHEN YOU ARE HIGH SELF RELIANT (WIDE FLARING NOSTRILS) AND YOUR DATING PARTNER IS LOW DEPENDENT (PINCHED NOSTRILS): •Support and re-assure their authority to act for themselves •Provide reasons to trust your way of doing things for the benefit of both of you •Provide accurate information which they can safely rely upon •Reinforce their responsibility to act in their own best interest Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 70. High Low WHEN YOU ARE LOW, DEPENDENT (PINCHED NOSTRILS) AND YOUR DATING PARTNER IS HIGH SELF RELIANT (WIDE FLARING NOSTRILS): •You must believe in and accept your own ability and authority over yourself and take charge. •Learn to rely upon your knowledge and experience when discussing situations •Take command of the situations early in your communications with your dating partner. •Be prepared to communicate your side of the situation(s) your involved in to circumvent any misconceptions up front in the discussion(s). •Acknowledge their need for expression and merge their input with yours in order to come to a mutual agreement. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 71. High Low Mouth and lip structure extended forward of the glabella Mouth and lip structure recessed behind the glabella Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 72. Traits: •Structure Indicator: •Structure Landmark: •Function: •High Impulsive: •Low Impulsive: Mouth and lips Viewed in profile, position of mouth and lips relative to the glabella Automatic expression of speech or action Lips forward of the glabella, (impulsive) Lips behind the glabella, (reflective) Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 73. High Low HIGH IMPULSIVE – LIPS/MOUTH FORWARD OF GLABELLA (AREA BETWEEN THE EYES): •Is very impulsive in speech and actions •Understand that how they feel is expressed in their speech and actions •You must pay attention to WHAT is said or done not to HOW it said or done •They tend to interrupt you when you speak •They will often bring up something from out of the blue. You must deal with it directly. •These dating partners often Buy on impulse, Speak on impulse and they are just as likely to change their minds on impulse. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 74. High Low LOW, NON-IMPULSIVE – LIPS/MOUTH BEHIND GLABELLA (AREA BETWEEN THE EYES): •Uses considered, calculated thought or action •Is very attentive to the specifics of your conversation(s) •They are known to be deliberate and not prone to quick or impetuous decisions •Their questions or discussion will be pertinent to the subject matter Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 75. SUMMARY: Dating partners who are impulsive speak and act spontaneously before they really think through what they will say or what they will do. Their impulsiveness expresses their emotions in the moment. Dating partners who are reflective, (non-impulsive) over-ride their emotional impulse and consciously decide what they will say or do. High Low Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 76. High Low WHEN YOUR DATING PARTNER IS HIGH IMPULSIVE: •Expect them to be impetuous – to interrupt •Know they will impetuously share their feelings •Stay alert to their questions or comments and act appropriately •Be prepared for them to speak or act hastily – without thinking Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 77. High Low WHEN YOUR DATING PARTNER IS LOW IMPULSIVE (REFLECTIVE): •You must be prepared to be complete and orderly in your conversation(s) •Expect to work hard to obtain their approval •Be patient and persistent •You must respect their opinion •Understand their response is a result of thoughtful appraisal Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 78. High Low WHEN YOU ARE HIGH IMPULSIVE AND YOUR DATING PARTNER IS LOW (REFLECTIVE): •Do not impulsively interrupt them •Don’t allow yourself to act impulsively without thought of consequence •Maintain firm control over your feelings •Discipline yourself to listen to their evaluation and response Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 79. High Low WHEN YOU ARE LOW REFLECTIVE AND YOUR DATING PARTNER IS HIGH IMPULSIVE: •You must be spontaneously responsive to their questions and actions •Actively lead the content of the conversation(s) •Accept their impulsive style of interruption and quickly get back on track •Project a sense of quickness and enthusiasm into your conversation(s) Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 80. High Low "V" Shaped Face Sunken In Cheeks Rounded Face Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 81. Traits: •Structure Indicator: •Structure Landmark: •Function: •High Impulsive: •Low Impulsive: Shape of the face Wedge shaped lower face Automatic Resistance to pressure Wedge or "V" shaped face. Automatic without thought. Round face, appears more compliant - agreeable in the moment •Inner Intent: To show in outer expression a positive or negative feeling Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 82. High Low HIGH, AUTOMATIC RESISTANT, WEDGE SHAPED LOWER FACE: •Automatic resistance to pressure without conscious thought •Automatic no to things they do not like •What is felt as pressure will be resisted •Built to resist any pressure felt automatically •When forced to do anything, they hold back and fight back •As long as pressure is felt they resist like a stubborn mule •Automatic resistance is triggered by a sense of being pressured •When negative thoughts are felt about someone, something, or some place, their automatic resistance reaction comes on strong. •Their usual reaction to life is no. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 83. High Low LOW, COMPLIANT, ROUND FACE: •More agreeable in the moment. More tractable. (easier to control) •Gives in more gracefully to pressure in the moment. •More open to direction. •Skilled in maneuvering through stressful situations. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 84. SUMMARY: Dating partners with a wedge shaped lower face are built to resist any pressure they feel, automatically, without any conscious thought. Dating partners with a round face are much more compliant and agreeable in the moment. Much easier to deal with. High Low Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 85. High Low WHEN YOUR DATING PARTNER IS AUTOMATIC RESISTANT (WEDGE SHAPED LOWER FACE): •Do not apply any pressure whatsoever. •Don't force your issues, use tact and diplomacy. •Do not allow them to think negatively towards your point of view or thought patterns. •Project only positive situations throughout your conversation(s) •Expound on the positive principle of your point of view •Gently help them make a positive decision. •Keep them cool, calm and relaxed. •Give them time to think about what they should really do. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 86. High Low WHEN YOUR DATING PARTNER IS COMPLIANT (ROUND FACE): •Apply only positive pressure. •They are more agreeable in the moment but readily feel pressure they deem negative and will resist such pressure. •Get feedback by allowing them to fully express themselves regarding the topics being discussed. •They are more open to direction. •Carefully guide them through the conversation and discussion Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 87. High Low WHEN YOU ARE AUTOMATIC RESISTANT AND YOUR DATING PARTNER IS COMPLIANT: •Project only open mindedness and they will follow suite. •Maintain dominion over this trait, don't allow yourself to feel pressured. •Do not project a negative reaction when challenged. Think before you automatically say no. •Don't allow yourself to feel threatened. •Do not resist good positive compromise, listen before you act. •Remember it's okay to resist negative pressure, what's rigid is rigid and what's wrong is wrong. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 88. High Low WHEN YOU ARE COMPLIANT AND YOUR DATING PARTNER IS AUTOMATIC RESISTANT: •Choose your words carefully before speaking. •Use only positive language. •Avoid pressure of any kind. •Answer their questions and objections thoroughly and immediately. •Allow them plenty of time to react. •Don't give them the opportunity to say no. •If they begin to hold back or resist, soften your approach immediately. •If they resist and become negative, revert to a new approach. Return to “Trait Identification” Table of Contents
  • 89. HOW TO USE TRAITS • Determine where you are on each of the traits. • Determine how you will approach the high and low from where you are on each trait. • Learn the structure indicator, structure landmark and function of each trait until they become second nature for you to recognize. • Use the knowledge you have learned daily. Look at the people every where you go and ask yourself how you would approach them. • When you look for traits, look only for the extremes to jump out at you. When they do, you will know the direction in that first, all-important, 20 to 30 seconds of the encounter. • Study yourself each day, analyzing how you receive and perceive the information given to you in the various daily situations and make a mental note of how the intensity of your driver traits act and react to the stimuli received in these situations with other people. • In the beginning, study and use one trait per week (the first one in the series) and analyze this trait as it relates to your personality. • Understand what the trait is and what it means. Identify this trait in other people as you interact with them and adapt your personality to fit this particular trait and notice how it effects your communication with them. The next week, use the first trait you have learned plus the second trait in the series and the same scenario each week until you have mastered all of the traits. • Use it or lose it. PRACTICE – PRACTICE – PRACTICE.
  • 90. His Image Learning Technologies “ABOUTFACE” Don’t just look at it - UNDERSTAND IT • Treating people the way they want to be treated, understanding them the way they want to be understood. • Inter-personal Relationship Excellence

Editor's Notes

  1. Read details about second bullet from about face training center, or from memory