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Mocks, Spies, and Timers
Oh My!
Lisa Backer
Senior Software Engineer
Ambitious Applications
Ambitious Tests
Thoughtful Tests
Unit Tests
Unit Tests are useful for testing pure functions
where the return value is only determined by its
input values, without any observable side
Unit Tests
export const isMagicShoes = (shoes) => {
Unit Tests
export const isMagicShoes = (shoes) => {
return shoes !== undefined && shoes.type === 'ruby';
Unit Tests
module('Unit | Utils | shoes', function() {
module('isMagicShoes', function() {
test('returns true only for magic shoes', function(assert) {
export const isMagicShoes = (shoes) => {
return shoes !== undefined && shoes.type === 'ruby';
Unit Tests
module('Unit | Utils | shoes', function() {
module('isMagicShoes', function() {
test('returns true only for magic shoes', function(assert) {
assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes({ type: 'ruby' }), true);
export const isMagicShoes = (shoes) => {
return shoes !== undefined && shoes.type === 'ruby';
Unit Tests
module('Unit | Utils | shoes', function() {
module('isMagicShoes', function() {
test('returns true only for magic shoes', function(assert) {
assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes({ type: 'ruby' }), true);
assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes({ type: 'silver' }), false);
export const isMagicShoes = (shoes) => {
return shoes !== undefined && shoes.type === 'ruby';
Unit Tests
module('Unit | Utils | shoes', function() {
module('isMagicShoes', function() {
test('returns true only for magic shoes', function(assert) {
assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes({ type: 'ruby' }), true);
assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes({ type: 'silver' }), false);
assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes(), false);
export const isMagicShoes = (shoes) => {
return shoes !== undefined && shoes.type === 'ruby';
What Are We Testing?
Container Tests
Test the functionality around an Ember class
instance by setting up the application's container.
Container Tests
export default class Magic extends Service {
makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) {
Container Tests
export default class Magic extends Service {
makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) {
if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) {
Container Tests
export default class Magic extends Service {
makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) {
if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) {
module('Unit | Service | magic', function(hooks) {
test('makeWish', function(assert) {
Container Tests
export default class Magic extends Service {
makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) {
if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) {
module('Unit | Service | magic', function(hooks) {
test('makeWish', function(assert) {
let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic');
let wish = () => {
assert.ok(true, 'Wish was made');
Container Tests
export default class Magic extends Service {
makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) {
if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) {
module('Unit | Service | magic', function(hooks) {
test('makeWish', function(assert) {
let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic');
let wish = () => {
assert.ok(true, 'Wish was made');
service.makeWish({ type: 'ruby', clicked: 3 }, wish);
Container Tests
export default class Magic extends Service {
makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) {
if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) {
module('Unit | Service | magic', function(hooks) {
test('makeWish', function(assert) {
let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic');
let wish = () => {
assert.ok(true, 'Wish was made');
service.makeWish({ type: 'ruby', clicked: 3 }, wish);
What Are We Testing?
Rendering Tests
Test the interactions between various parts of
the application, such as behavior between UI
{{#if isHappy}}
<p class="happy">Dorothy is Happy</p>
<p class="scared">Dorothy is scared and wants to go home</p>
Rendering Tests
{{#if isHappy}}
<p class="happy">Dorothy is Happy</p>
<p class="scared">Dorothy is scared and wants to go home</p>
Rendering Tests
<button class="shoes" {{on "click" this.theresNoPlaceLikeHome}}>
Rendering Tests
{{#if isHappy}}
<p class="happy">Dorothy is Happy</p>
<p class="scared">Dorothy is scared and wants to go home</p>
<button class="shoes" {{action "theresNoPlaceLikeHome"}}>
Clicked {{}}
export default Component.extend({
magic: inject(),
isHappy: false,
onMakeWish() => {}
actions: {
theresNoPlaceLikeHome() {
Rendering Tests
{{#if isHappy}}
<p class="happy">Dorothy is Happy</p>
<p class="scared">Dorothy is scared and wants to go home</p>
<button class="shoes" {{action "theresNoPlaceLikeHome"}}>
Clicked {{}}
export default Component.extend({
magic: inject(),
isHappy: false,
onMakeWish() => {}
actions: {
theresNoPlaceLikeHome() {
set(this, 'shoes.clicked', + 1);
Rendering Tests
{{#if isHappy}}
<p class="happy">Dorothy is Happy</p>
<p class="scared">Dorothy is scared and wants to go home</p>
<button class="shoes" {{action "theresNoPlaceLikeHome"}}>
Clicked {{}}
export default Component.extend({
magic: inject(),
isHappy: false,
onMakeWish() => {}
actions: {
theresNoPlaceLikeHome() {
set(this, 'shoes.clicked', + 1);
this.magic.makeWish(, () => {
Rendering Tests
{{#if isHappy}}
<p class="happy">Dorothy is Happy</p>
<p class="scared">Dorothy is scared and wants to go home</p>
<button class="shoes" {{action "theresNoPlaceLikeHome"}}>
Clicked {{}}
export default Component.extend({
magic: inject(),
isHappy: false,
onMakeWish() => {}
actions: {
theresNoPlaceLikeHome() {
set(this, 'shoes.clicked', + 1);
this.magic.makeWish(, () => {
set(this, 'isHappy', true);
Rendering Tests
{{#if isHappy}}
<p class="happy">Dorothy is Happy</p>
<p class="scared">Dorothy is scared and wants to go home</p>
<button class="shoes" {{action "theresNoPlaceLikeHome"}}>
Clicked {{}}
export default Component.extend({
magic: inject(),
isHappy: false,
actions: {
theresNoPlaceLikeHome() {
set(this, 'shoes.clicked', + 1);
this.magic.makeWish(, () => {
set(this, 'isHappy', true);
test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) {
this.set('shoes', { type: 'ruby', clicked: 0 });
Rendering Tests
{{#if isHappy}}
<p class="happy">Dorothy is Happy</p>
<p class="scared">Dorothy is scared and wants to go home</p>
<button class="shoes" {{action "theresNoPlaceLikeHome"}}>
Clicked {{}}
export default Component.extend({
magic: inject(),
isHappy: false,
actions: {
theresNoPlaceLikeHome() {
set(this, 'shoes.clicked', + 1);
this.magic.makeWish(, () => {
set(this, 'isHappy', true);
test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) {
this.set('shoes', { type: 'ruby', clicked: 0 });
await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
Rendering Tests
{{#if isHappy}}
<p class="happy">Dorothy is Happy</p>
<p class="scared">Dorothy is scared and wants to go home</p>
<button class="shoes" {{action "theresNoPlaceLikeHome"}}>
Clicked {{}}
export default Component.extend({
magic: inject(),
isHappy: false,
actions: {
theresNoPlaceLikeHome() {
set(this, 'shoes.clicked', + 1);
this.magic.makeWish(, () => {
set(this, 'isHappy', true);
test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) {
this.set('shoes', { type: 'ruby', clicked: 0 });
await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes');
await click(shoes);
await click(shoes);
await click(shoes);
Rendering Tests
{{#if isHappy}}
<p class="happy">Dorothy is Happy</p>
<p class="scared">Dorothy is scared and wants to go home</p>
<button class="shoes" {{action "theresNoPlaceLikeHome"}}>
Clicked {{}}
export default Component.extend({
magic: inject(),
isHappy: false,
actions: {
theresNoPlaceLikeHome() {
set(this, 'shoes.clicked', + 1);
this.magic.makeWish(, () => {
set(this, 'isHappy', true);
test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) {
this.set('shoes', { type: 'ruby', clicked: 0 });
await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes');
await click(shoes);
await click(shoes);
await click(shoes);
What Are We Testing?
Application Tests
Test user interaction and application flow in
order to verify user stories or a feature from an
end-user perspective.
Application Tests
{{dorothy onMakeWish=(action "goHome")}}
Application Tests
{{dorothy onMakeWish=(action "goHome")}}
export default Controller.extend({
  actions: {
    goHome() {
Application Tests
test('Make a wish', async function(assert) {
Application Tests
test('Make a wish', async function(assert) {
this.owner.lookup('route:oz').model = function() {
return {
shoes: {
type: 'ruby',
clicked: 0
Application Tests
test('Make a wish', async function(assert) {
this.owner.lookup('route:oz').model = function() {
return {
shoes: {
type: 'ruby',
clicked: 0
await visit('/oz');
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/oz');
Application Tests
test('Make a wish', async function(assert) {
this.owner.lookup('route:oz').model = function() {
return {
shoes: {
type: 'ruby',
clicked: 0
await visit('/oz');
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/oz');
await click('.shoes');
await click('.shoes');
await click('.shoes');
Application Tests
test('Make a wish', async function(assert) {
this.owner.lookup('route:oz').model = function() {
return {
shoes: {
type: 'ruby',
clicked: 0
await visit('/oz');
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/oz');
await click('.shoes');
await click('.shoes');
await click('.shoes');
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/kansas');
What Are We Testing?
Unit Tests
export const isMagicShoes = (shoes) => {
return shoes !== undefined && shoes.type === 'ruby';
Unit Tests
export const isMagicShoes = (shoes) => {
return shoes !== undefined && shoes.type === 'silver';
Unit Tests
module('Unit | Utils | shoes', function() {
module('isMagicShoes', function() {
test('returns true only for magic shoes', function(assert) {
assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes({ type: 'ruby' }), true);
assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes({ type: 'silver' }), false);
assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes(), false);
Unit Tests
module('Unit | Utils | shoes', function() {
module('isMagicShoes', function() {
test('returns true only for magic shoes', function(assert) {
assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes({ type: 'ruby' }), false);
assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes({ type: 'silver' }), true);
assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes(), false);
Container Tests
module('Unit | Service | magic', function(hooks) {
test('makeWish', function(assert) {
let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic');
let wish = () => {
assert.ok(true, 'Wish was made');
service.makeWish({ type: 'ruby', clicked: 3 }, wish);
Container Tests
module('Unit | Service | magic', function(hooks) {
test('makeWish', function(assert) {
let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic');
let wish = () => {
assert.ok(true, 'Wish was made');
service.makeWish({ type: 'silver', clicked: 3 }, wish);
Rendering Tests
test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) {
this.set('shoes', { type: 'ruby', clicked: 0 });
await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes');
await click(shoes);
await click(shoes);
await click(shoes);
Rendering Tests
test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) {
this.set('shoes', { type: 'silver', clicked: 0 });
await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes');
await click(shoes);
await click(shoes);
await click(shoes);
Application Tests
test('Make a wish', async function(assert) {
this.owner.lookup('route:oz').model = function() {
return {
shoes: {
type: 'ruby',
clicked: 0
await visit('/oz');
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/oz');
await click('.shoes');
await click('.shoes');
await click('.shoes');
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/kansas');
Application Tests
test('Make a wish', async function(assert) {
this.owner.lookup('route:oz').model = function() {
return {
shoes: {
type: 'silver',
clicked: 0
await visit('/oz');
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/oz');
await click('.shoes');
await click('.shoes');
await click('.shoes');
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/kansas');
What Are We Testing?
System Under Test
"Short for 'whatever we are testing' and is always
defined from the perspective of the test."
xUnit Patterns
Usage: SinonJS
Usage: SinonJS
SinonJS: Spies
if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) {
test('makeWish', function(assert) {
let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic');
let wish = () => {
assert.ok(true, 'Wish was made');
service.makeWish(myShoes, wish);
SinonJS: Spies
if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) {
SinonJS: Spies
test('makeWish', function(assert) {
    let wish = sinon.spy();
    let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic');
if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) {
SinonJS: Spies
test('makeWish', function(assert) {
    service.makeWish(myShoes, wish);
    let wish = sinon.spy();
    let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic');
if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) {
SinonJS: Spies
test('makeWish', function(assert) {
    service.makeWish(myShoes, wish);
    let wish = sinon.spy();
    let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic');
import * as ShoeUtils from 'oz/utils/shoes';
test('shoes are validated with each heel click',
async function(assert) {
SinonJS: Spies
import * as ShoeUtils from 'oz/utils/shoes';
test('shoes are validated with each heel click',
async function(assert) {
SinonJS: Spies
const spy = sinon.spy(ShoeUtils, 'isMagicShoes');
await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
import * as ShoeUtils from 'oz/utils/shoes';
test('shoes are validated with each heel click',
async function(assert) {
SinonJS: Spies
const spy = sinon.spy(ShoeUtils, 'isMagicShoes');
await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes');
await click(shoes);
await click(shoes);
await click(shoes);
import * as ShoeUtils from 'oz/utils/shoes';
test('shoes are validated with each heel click',
async function(assert) {
SinonJS: Spies
const spy = sinon.spy(ShoeUtils, 'isMagicShoes');
await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes');
await click(shoes);
await click(shoes);
await click(shoes);
assert.equal(spy.callCount, 3);
SinonJS: Stubs
SinonJS: Stubs
export default class Magic extends Service {
makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) {
if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && clicked === 3) {
let clicked = shoes.clicked;
SinonJS: Stubs
export default class Magic extends Service {
makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) {
if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && clicked === 3) {
let clicked = await this.ajax.request('
SinonJS: Stubs
test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) {
SinonJS: Stubs
test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) {
const magicService = this.owner.lookup('service:magic');
const stub = sinon.stub(magicService.ajax, 'request')
await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
SinonJS: Stubs
test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) {
const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes');
await click(shoes);
const magicService = this.owner.lookup('service:magic');
const stub = sinon.stub(magicService.ajax, 'request')
await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
SinonJS: Stubs
test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) {
const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes');
await click(shoes);
const magicService = this.owner.lookup('service:magic');
const stub = sinon.stub(magicService.ajax, 'request')
await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
await click(shoes);
SinonJS: Stubs
test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) {
const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes');
await click(shoes);
const magicService = this.owner.lookup('service:magic');
const stub = sinon.stub(magicService.ajax, 'request')
await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
await click(shoes);
assert.equal(stub.callCount.length, 2);
SinonJS: Fakes
SinonJS: Fakes
if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) {
test('makeWish', function(assert) {
    service.makeWish({ type: 'ruby', clicked: 3 }, wish);
    let wish = sinon.spy();
    let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic');
SinonJS: Fakes
if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) {
test('makeWish', function(assert) {
    service.makeWish({ type: 'ruby', clicked: 3 }, wish);
    let wish = sinon.fake();
    let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic');
test('no magic wishes for non-magic shoes', async function(assert) {
const spy = sinon.spy(ShoeUtils, 'isMagicShoes');
SinonJS: Fakes
const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes');
await click(shoes);
await click(shoes);
await click(shoes);
await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
test('no magic wishes for non-magic shoes', async function(assert) {
SinonJS: Fakes
const fake = sinon.fake.returns(false);
sinon.replace(ShoeUtils, 'isMagicShoes', fake);
const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes');
await click(shoes);
await click(shoes);
await click(shoes);
assert.equal(fake.callCount, 3);
await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
SinonJS: Mocks
SinonJS: Mocks
test('clicking three times with magic shoes', async function(assert) {
SinonJS: Mocks
test('clicking three times with magic shoes', async function(assert) {
const mock = sinon.mock(ShoeUtils);
await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
SinonJS: Mocks
test('clicking three times with magic shoes', async function(assert) {
const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes');
await click(shoes);
await click(shoes);
await click(shoes);
const mock = sinon.mock(ShoeUtils);
await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
SinonJS: Mocks
test('clicking three times with magic shoes', async function(assert) {
const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes');
await click(shoes);
await click(shoes);
await click(shoes);
const mock = sinon.mock(ShoeUtils);
await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
Usage: SinonJS
Usage: SinonJS
Spies When you want to verify a callback or
ensure a function was called with specific
Usage: SinonJS
Spies When you want to verify a callback or
ensure a function was called with specific
Stubs When you need to simulate different
responses from systems that are complicated
to initialize.
Usage: SinonJS
Spies When you want to verify a callback or
ensure a function was called with specific
Stubs When you need to simulate different
responses from systems that are complicated
to initialize.
Fakes When you can't remember whether to use a
spy or a stub.
Usage: SinonJS
Spies When you want to verify a callback or
ensure a function was called with specific
Stubs When you need to simulate different
responses from systems that are complicated
to initialize.
Fakes When you can't remember whether to use a
spy or a stub.
Mocks If you like to set up your assertions at the
beginning when you define your mocked
SinonJS: Timers
SinonJS: Timers
SinonJS: Timers
actions: {
goHome() {
SinonJS: Timers
actions: {
goHome() {
// ooohhh suspense
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
SinonJS: Timers
actions: {
goHome() {
// ooohhh suspense
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
test('Make a wish', async function(assert) {
  await visit('/oz');
  assert.equal(currentURL(), '/oz');
  await click('.shoes');
  await click('.shoes');
  await click('.shoes');
  assert.equal(currentURL(), '/oz');
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/kansas');
// ¯_(ツ)_/¯
SinonJS: Timers
actions: {
goHome() {
// ooohhh suspense
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
test('Make a wish', async function(assert) {
const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
SinonJS: Timers
actions: {
goHome() {
// ooohhh suspense
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
test('Make a wish', async function(assert) {
const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
await visit('/oz');
await click('.shoes');
await click('.shoes');
await click('.shoes');
SinonJS: Timers
actions: {
goHome() {
// ooohhh suspense
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
test('Make a wish', async function(assert) {
const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
await visit('/oz');
await click('.shoes');
await click('.shoes');
await click('.shoes');
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/oz');
SinonJS: Timers
actions: {
goHome() {
// ooohhh suspense
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
test('Make a wish', async function(assert) {
const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
await visit('/oz');
await click('.shoes');
await click('.shoes');
await click('.shoes');
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/oz');
await settled();
SinonJS: Timers
actions: {
goHome() {
// ooohhh suspense
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
test('Make a wish', async function(assert) {
const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
await visit('/oz');
await click('.shoes');
await click('.shoes');
await click('.shoes');
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/oz');
await settled();
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/kansas');
Usage: SinonJS
Usage: SinonJS
Usage: SinonJS
Usage: SinonJS
Usage: SinonJS
Usage: SinonJS
• Combines all into single test double function
• Combines all into single test double function
• Allows for dynamic object stubbing
• Combines all into single test double function
• Allows for dynamic object stubbing
• Simple replace functions
• Combines all into single test double function
• Allows for dynamic object stubbing
• Simple replace functions
• Always replaces functions rather than wrapping
• Combines all into single test double function
• Allows for dynamic object stubbing
• Simple replace functions
• Always replaces functions rather than wrapping
• Nice introspection
• Combines all into single test double function
• Allows for dynamic object stubbing
• Simple replace functions
• Always replaces functions rather than wrapping
• Nice introspection
• ember-cli-testdouble (-chai, -qunit)
• Full set of assertions using a chai-like syntax
• Full set of assertions using a chai-like syntax
• Allows automatic mocking
• Full set of assertions using a chai-like syntax
• Allows automatic mocking
• Allows manual mocks
• Full set of assertions using a chai-like syntax
• Allows automatic mocking
• Allows manual mocks
• Snapshot tests
• Full set of assertions using a chai-like syntax
• Allows automatic mocking
• Allows manual mocks
• Snapshot tests
• Can include test coverage
• Full set of assertions using a chai-like syntax
• Allows automatic mocking
• Allows manual mocks
• Snapshot tests
• Can include test coverage
• Does not run in browser
Mocking makes
refactoring harder
Mocking makes
refactoring harder
Mocking is a Code Smell
Mocking makes
refactoring harder
Mocking is a Code Smell
Mocking violates DRY
Mocking makes refactoring harder
"the process of changing a software system in such a
way that it does not alter the external behavior of the
code yet improves its internal structure"
Martin Fowler
Mocking is a Code Smell
"A code smell is a surface indication that usually
corresponds to a deeper problem in the system."
Martin Fowler
Mocking violates DRY
"Every piece of knowledge must have a single,
unambiguous, authoritative representation within a
The Pragmatic Programmer
Don't mock what you don't own
Don't mock what you don't own
Don't mock what you don't own
Don't mock what you don't own
Don't mock what you don't own
Don't mock what you don't own
Service Mock
Don't mock what you don't own
export default class Magic extends Service {
makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) {
if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && clicked === 3) {
let clicked = await this.ajax.request('
Don't mock what you don't own
export default class HeelClick extends Service {
ajax: service(),
async getClickCount() {
return this.ajax.request('
Don't mock what you don't own
export default class HeelClick extends Service {
ajax: service(),
async getClickCount() {
return this.ajax.request('
export default class Magic extends Service {
makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) {
if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && clicked === 3) {
let clicked = await this.ajax.request('
Don't mock what you don't own
export default class HeelClick extends Service {
ajax: service(),
async getClickCount() {
return this.ajax.request('
export default class Magic extends Service {
makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) {
if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && clicked === 3) {
let clicked = await this.heelClick.getClickedCount();
heelClick: service(),
Don't mock what you don't own
test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) {
const magicService = this.owner.lookup('service:magic');
const stub = sinon.stub(magicService.ajax, 'request').returns(3);
await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes');
await click(shoes);
Don't mock what you don't own
test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) {
const heelClick = this.owner.lookup('service:heelClick');
const stub = sinon.stub(heelClick, 'getClickedCount').returns(3);
await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes');
await click(shoes);
Don't strive for 100% coverage
"I expect a high level of coverage. Sometimes managers
require one. There's a subtle difference."
Brian Marick
What Are We Testing?
Test behavior, not implementation
"Implementation details are things which users of your
code will not typically use, see, or event know about."
Kent C. Dodds
Lisa Backer, DockYard
Thank you!

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Mocks, Spies, and Timers - Oh My!

  • 1. Mocks, Spies, and Timers Oh My!
  • 2. Lisa Backer Senior Software Engineer DockYard
  • 6.
  • 7. Unit Tests Unit Tests are useful for testing pure functions where the return value is only determined by its input values, without any observable side effects.
  • 8. Unit Tests export const isMagicShoes = (shoes) => { }
  • 9. Unit Tests export const isMagicShoes = (shoes) => { } return shoes !== undefined && shoes.type === 'ruby';
  • 10. Unit Tests module('Unit | Utils | shoes', function() { module('isMagicShoes', function() { test('returns true only for magic shoes', function(assert) { }); }); }); export const isMagicShoes = (shoes) => { } return shoes !== undefined && shoes.type === 'ruby';
  • 11. Unit Tests module('Unit | Utils | shoes', function() { module('isMagicShoes', function() { test('returns true only for magic shoes', function(assert) { }); }); }); assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes({ type: 'ruby' }), true); export const isMagicShoes = (shoes) => { } return shoes !== undefined && shoes.type === 'ruby';
  • 12. Unit Tests module('Unit | Utils | shoes', function() { module('isMagicShoes', function() { test('returns true only for magic shoes', function(assert) { }); }); }); assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes({ type: 'ruby' }), true); assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes({ type: 'silver' }), false); export const isMagicShoes = (shoes) => { } return shoes !== undefined && shoes.type === 'ruby';
  • 13. Unit Tests module('Unit | Utils | shoes', function() { module('isMagicShoes', function() { test('returns true only for magic shoes', function(assert) { }); }); }); assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes({ type: 'ruby' }), true); assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes({ type: 'silver' }), false); assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes(), false); export const isMagicShoes = (shoes) => { } return shoes !== undefined && shoes.type === 'ruby';
  • 14. What Are We Testing?
  • 15. Container Tests Test the functionality around an Ember class instance by setting up the application's container.
  • 16. Container Tests export default class Magic extends Service { makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) { } }
  • 17. Container Tests export default class Magic extends Service { makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) { } } if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) { wishCallback(); }
  • 18. Container Tests export default class Magic extends Service { makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) { } } if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) { wishCallback(); } module('Unit | Service | magic', function(hooks) { setupTest(hooks); test('makeWish', function(assert) { }); });
  • 19. Container Tests export default class Magic extends Service { makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) { } } if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) { wishCallback(); } module('Unit | Service | magic', function(hooks) { setupTest(hooks); test('makeWish', function(assert) { }); }); let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic'); let wish = () => { assert.ok(true, 'Wish was made'); }
  • 20. Container Tests export default class Magic extends Service { makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) { } } if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) { wishCallback(); } module('Unit | Service | magic', function(hooks) { setupTest(hooks); test('makeWish', function(assert) { }); }); let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic'); let wish = () => { assert.ok(true, 'Wish was made'); } service.makeWish({ type: 'ruby', clicked: 3 }, wish);
  • 21. Container Tests export default class Magic extends Service { makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) { } } if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) { wishCallback(); } module('Unit | Service | magic', function(hooks) { setupTest(hooks); test('makeWish', function(assert) { }); }); let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic'); let wish = () => { assert.ok(true, 'Wish was made'); } assert.expect(1); service.makeWish({ type: 'ruby', clicked: 3 }, wish);
  • 22. What Are We Testing?
  • 23. Rendering Tests Test the interactions between various parts of the application, such as behavior between UI controls.
  • 24. {{#if isHappy}} <p class="happy">Dorothy is Happy</p> {{else}} <p class="scared">Dorothy is scared and wants to go home</p> {{/if}} Rendering Tests
  • 25. {{#if isHappy}} <p class="happy">Dorothy is Happy</p> {{else}} <p class="scared">Dorothy is scared and wants to go home</p> {{/if}} Rendering Tests <button class="shoes" {{on "click" this.theresNoPlaceLikeHome}}> Shoes </button>
  • 26. Rendering Tests {{#if isHappy}} <p class="happy">Dorothy is Happy</p> {{else}} <p class="scared">Dorothy is scared and wants to go home</p> {{/if}} <button class="shoes" {{action "theresNoPlaceLikeHome"}}> Clicked {{}} </button> export default Component.extend({ magic: inject(), isHappy: false, onMakeWish() => {} actions: { theresNoPlaceLikeHome() { } } });
  • 27. Rendering Tests {{#if isHappy}} <p class="happy">Dorothy is Happy</p> {{else}} <p class="scared">Dorothy is scared and wants to go home</p> {{/if}} <button class="shoes" {{action "theresNoPlaceLikeHome"}}> Clicked {{}} </button> export default Component.extend({ magic: inject(), isHappy: false, onMakeWish() => {} actions: { theresNoPlaceLikeHome() { } } }); set(this, 'shoes.clicked', + 1);
  • 28. Rendering Tests {{#if isHappy}} <p class="happy">Dorothy is Happy</p> {{else}} <p class="scared">Dorothy is scared and wants to go home</p> {{/if}} <button class="shoes" {{action "theresNoPlaceLikeHome"}}> Clicked {{}} </button> export default Component.extend({ magic: inject(), isHappy: false, onMakeWish() => {} actions: { theresNoPlaceLikeHome() { } } }); set(this, 'shoes.clicked', + 1); this.magic.makeWish(, () => { });
  • 29. Rendering Tests {{#if isHappy}} <p class="happy">Dorothy is Happy</p> {{else}} <p class="scared">Dorothy is scared and wants to go home</p> {{/if}} <button class="shoes" {{action "theresNoPlaceLikeHome"}}> Clicked {{}} </button> export default Component.extend({ magic: inject(), isHappy: false, onMakeWish() => {} actions: { theresNoPlaceLikeHome() { } } }); set(this, 'shoes.clicked', + 1); this.magic.makeWish(, () => { }); set(this, 'isHappy', true); this.onMakeWish();
  • 30. Rendering Tests {{#if isHappy}} <p class="happy">Dorothy is Happy</p> {{else}} <p class="scared">Dorothy is scared and wants to go home</p> {{/if}} <button class="shoes" {{action "theresNoPlaceLikeHome"}}> Clicked {{}} </button> export default Component.extend({ magic: inject(), isHappy: false, actions: { theresNoPlaceLikeHome() { } } }); set(this, 'shoes.clicked', + 1); this.magic.makeWish(, () => { set(this, 'isHappy', true); }); test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) { this.set('shoes', { type: 'ruby', clicked: 0 }); });
  • 31. Rendering Tests {{#if isHappy}} <p class="happy">Dorothy is Happy</p> {{else}} <p class="scared">Dorothy is scared and wants to go home</p> {{/if}} <button class="shoes" {{action "theresNoPlaceLikeHome"}}> Clicked {{}} </button> export default Component.extend({ magic: inject(), isHappy: false, actions: { theresNoPlaceLikeHome() { } } }); set(this, 'shoes.clicked', + 1); this.magic.makeWish(, () => { set(this, 'isHappy', true); }); test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) { this.set('shoes', { type: 'ruby', clicked: 0 }); }); await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`); assert.notOk(this.element.querySelector('.happy')); assert.ok(this.element.querySelector('.scared'));
  • 32. Rendering Tests {{#if isHappy}} <p class="happy">Dorothy is Happy</p> {{else}} <p class="scared">Dorothy is scared and wants to go home</p> {{/if}} <button class="shoes" {{action "theresNoPlaceLikeHome"}}> Clicked {{}} </button> export default Component.extend({ magic: inject(), isHappy: false, actions: { theresNoPlaceLikeHome() { } } }); set(this, 'shoes.clicked', + 1); this.magic.makeWish(, () => { set(this, 'isHappy', true); }); test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) { this.set('shoes', { type: 'ruby', clicked: 0 }); }); await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`); assert.notOk(this.element.querySelector('.happy')); assert.ok(this.element.querySelector('.scared')); const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes'); await click(shoes); await click(shoes); await click(shoes);
  • 33. Rendering Tests {{#if isHappy}} <p class="happy">Dorothy is Happy</p> {{else}} <p class="scared">Dorothy is scared and wants to go home</p> {{/if}} <button class="shoes" {{action "theresNoPlaceLikeHome"}}> Clicked {{}} </button> export default Component.extend({ magic: inject(), isHappy: false, actions: { theresNoPlaceLikeHome() { } } }); set(this, 'shoes.clicked', + 1); this.magic.makeWish(, () => { set(this, 'isHappy', true); }); test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) { this.set('shoes', { type: 'ruby', clicked: 0 }); }); await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`); assert.notOk(this.element.querySelector('.happy')); assert.ok(this.element.querySelector('.scared')); const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes'); await click(shoes); await click(shoes); await click(shoes); assert.ok(this.element.querySelector('.happy')); assert.notOk(this.element.querySelector('.scared'));
  • 34. What Are We Testing?
  • 35. Application Tests Test user interaction and application flow in order to verify user stories or a feature from an end-user perspective.
  • 38. Application Tests test('Make a wish', async function(assert) { });
  • 39. Application Tests test('Make a wish', async function(assert) { }); this.owner.lookup('route:oz').model = function() { return { shoes: { type: 'ruby', clicked: 0 } }; };
  • 40. Application Tests test('Make a wish', async function(assert) { }); this.owner.lookup('route:oz').model = function() { return { shoes: { type: 'ruby', clicked: 0 } }; }; await visit('/oz'); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/oz');
  • 41. Application Tests test('Make a wish', async function(assert) { }); this.owner.lookup('route:oz').model = function() { return { shoes: { type: 'ruby', clicked: 0 } }; }; await visit('/oz'); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/oz'); await click('.shoes'); await click('.shoes'); await click('.shoes');
  • 42. Application Tests test('Make a wish', async function(assert) { }); this.owner.lookup('route:oz').model = function() { return { shoes: { type: 'ruby', clicked: 0 } }; }; await visit('/oz'); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/oz'); await click('.shoes'); await click('.shoes'); await click('.shoes'); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/kansas');
  • 43. What Are We Testing?
  • 44.
  • 45.
  • 46. Unit Tests export const isMagicShoes = (shoes) => { return shoes !== undefined && shoes.type === 'ruby'; }
  • 47. Unit Tests export const isMagicShoes = (shoes) => { return shoes !== undefined && shoes.type === 'silver'; }
  • 48. Unit Tests module('Unit | Utils | shoes', function() { module('isMagicShoes', function() { test('returns true only for magic shoes', function(assert) { assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes({ type: 'ruby' }), true); assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes({ type: 'silver' }), false); assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes(), false); }); }); });
  • 49. Unit Tests module('Unit | Utils | shoes', function() { module('isMagicShoes', function() { test('returns true only for magic shoes', function(assert) { assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes({ type: 'ruby' }), false); assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes({ type: 'silver' }), true); assert.deepEqual(isMagicShoes(), false); }); }); });
  • 50. Container Tests module('Unit | Service | magic', function(hooks) { setupTest(hooks); test('makeWish', function(assert) { assert.expect(1); let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic'); let wish = () => { assert.ok(true, 'Wish was made'); } service.makeWish({ type: 'ruby', clicked: 3 }, wish); }); });
  • 51. Container Tests module('Unit | Service | magic', function(hooks) { setupTest(hooks); test('makeWish', function(assert) { assert.expect(1); let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic'); let wish = () => { assert.ok(true, 'Wish was made'); } service.makeWish({ type: 'silver', clicked: 3 }, wish); }); });
  • 52. Rendering Tests test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) { this.set('shoes', { type: 'ruby', clicked: 0 }); await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`); assert.notOk(this.element.querySelector('.happy')); assert.ok(this.element.querySelector('.scared')); const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes'); await click(shoes); await click(shoes); await click(shoes); assert.ok(this.element.querySelector('.happy')); assert.notOk(this.element.querySelector('.scared')); });
  • 53. Rendering Tests test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) { this.set('shoes', { type: 'silver', clicked: 0 }); await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`); assert.notOk(this.element.querySelector('.happy')); assert.ok(this.element.querySelector('.scared')); const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes'); await click(shoes); await click(shoes); await click(shoes); assert.ok(this.element.querySelector('.happy')); assert.notOk(this.element.querySelector('.scared')); });
  • 54. Application Tests test('Make a wish', async function(assert) { this.owner.lookup('route:oz').model = function() { return { shoes: { type: 'ruby', clicked: 0 } }; }; await visit('/oz'); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/oz'); await click('.shoes'); await click('.shoes'); await click('.shoes'); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/kansas'); });
  • 55. Application Tests test('Make a wish', async function(assert) { this.owner.lookup('route:oz').model = function() { return { shoes: { type: 'silver', clicked: 0 } }; }; await visit('/oz'); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/oz'); await click('.shoes'); await click('.shoes'); await click('.shoes'); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/kansas'); });
  • 56.
  • 57. What Are We Testing?
  • 58. System Under Test "Short for 'whatever we are testing' and is always defined from the perspective of the test." xUnit Patterns
  • 59.
  • 63. if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) { wishCallback(); } test('makeWish', function(assert) { }); let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic'); let wish = () => { assert.ok(true, 'Wish was made'); } assert.expect(1); service.makeWish(myShoes, wish); SinonJS: Spies
  • 64. if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) { wishCallback(); } SinonJS: Spies test('makeWish', function(assert) { });     let wish = sinon.spy();     let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic');
  • 65. if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) { wishCallback(); } SinonJS: Spies test('makeWish', function(assert) { });     service.makeWish(myShoes, wish);     let wish = sinon.spy();     let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic');
  • 66. if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) { wishCallback(); } SinonJS: Spies test('makeWish', function(assert) { });     service.makeWish(myShoes, wish);     let wish = sinon.spy();     let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic');     assert.ok(wish.calledOnce);
  • 67. import * as ShoeUtils from 'oz/utils/shoes'; test('shoes are validated with each heel click', async function(assert) { }); SinonJS: Spies
  • 68. import * as ShoeUtils from 'oz/utils/shoes'; test('shoes are validated with each heel click', async function(assert) { }); SinonJS: Spies const spy = sinon.spy(ShoeUtils, 'isMagicShoes'); await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
  • 69. import * as ShoeUtils from 'oz/utils/shoes'; test('shoes are validated with each heel click', async function(assert) { }); SinonJS: Spies const spy = sinon.spy(ShoeUtils, 'isMagicShoes'); await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`); const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes'); await click(shoes); await click(shoes); await click(shoes);
  • 70. import * as ShoeUtils from 'oz/utils/shoes'; test('shoes are validated with each heel click', async function(assert) { }); SinonJS: Spies const spy = sinon.spy(ShoeUtils, 'isMagicShoes'); await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`); const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes'); await click(shoes); await click(shoes); await click(shoes); assert.ok(this.element.querySelector('.happy')); assert.equal(spy.callCount, 3);
  • 72. SinonJS: Stubs export default class Magic extends Service { makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) { if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && clicked === 3) { wishCallback(); } } } let clicked = shoes.clicked;
  • 73. SinonJS: Stubs export default class Magic extends Service { makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) { if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && clicked === 3) { wishCallback(); } } } let clicked = await this.ajax.request(' num=1&min=1&max=5&col=1&base=10&format=plain&rnd=new');
  • 74. SinonJS: Stubs test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) { });
  • 75. SinonJS: Stubs test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) { }); const magicService = this.owner.lookup('service:magic'); const stub = sinon.stub(magicService.ajax, 'request') .onCall(0).resolves(1) .onCall(1).resolves(3); await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
  • 76. SinonJS: Stubs test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) { }); const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes'); await click(shoes); assert.notOk(this.element.querySelector('.happy')); const magicService = this.owner.lookup('service:magic'); const stub = sinon.stub(magicService.ajax, 'request') .onCall(0).resolves(1) .onCall(1).resolves(3); await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
  • 77. SinonJS: Stubs test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) { }); const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes'); await click(shoes); assert.notOk(this.element.querySelector('.happy')); const magicService = this.owner.lookup('service:magic'); const stub = sinon.stub(magicService.ajax, 'request') .onCall(0).resolves(1) .onCall(1).resolves(3); await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`); await click(shoes);
  • 78. SinonJS: Stubs test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) { }); const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes'); await click(shoes); assert.notOk(this.element.querySelector('.happy')); const magicService = this.owner.lookup('service:magic'); const stub = sinon.stub(magicService.ajax, 'request') .onCall(0).resolves(1) .onCall(1).resolves(3); await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`); await click(shoes); assert.ok(this.element.querySelector('.happy')); assert.equal(stub.callCount.length, 2);
  • 80. SinonJS: Fakes if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) { wishCallback(); } test('makeWish', function(assert) { });     service.makeWish({ type: 'ruby', clicked: 3 }, wish);     let wish = sinon.spy();     assert.ok(spy.calledOnce);     let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic');
  • 81. SinonJS: Fakes if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && shoes.clicked === 3) { wishCallback(); } test('makeWish', function(assert) { });     service.makeWish({ type: 'ruby', clicked: 3 }, wish);     let wish = sinon.fake();     assert.ok(spy.calledOnce);     let service = this.owner.lookup('service:magic');
  • 82. test('no magic wishes for non-magic shoes', async function(assert) { }); const spy = sinon.spy(ShoeUtils, 'isMagicShoes'); SinonJS: Fakes const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes'); await click(shoes); await click(shoes); await click(shoes); assert.ok(spy.calledOnce); await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
  • 83. test('no magic wishes for non-magic shoes', async function(assert) { }); SinonJS: Fakes const fake = sinon.fake.returns(false); sinon.replace(ShoeUtils, 'isMagicShoes', fake); const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes'); await click(shoes); await click(shoes); await click(shoes); assert.equal(fake.callCount, 3); await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
  • 85. SinonJS: Mocks test('clicking three times with magic shoes', async function(assert) { });
  • 86. SinonJS: Mocks test('clicking three times with magic shoes', async function(assert) { }); const mock = sinon.mock(ShoeUtils); mock.expects('isMagicShoes').exactly(3).returns(true); await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
  • 87. SinonJS: Mocks test('clicking three times with magic shoes', async function(assert) { }); const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes'); await click(shoes); await click(shoes); await click(shoes); const mock = sinon.mock(ShoeUtils); mock.expects('isMagicShoes').exactly(3).returns(true); await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
  • 88. SinonJS: Mocks test('clicking three times with magic shoes', async function(assert) { }); const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes'); await click(shoes); await click(shoes); await click(shoes); assert.ok(this.element.querySelector('.happy')); mock.verify(); const mock = sinon.mock(ShoeUtils); mock.expects('isMagicShoes').exactly(3).returns(true); await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`);
  • 90. Usage: SinonJS Spies When you want to verify a callback or ensure a function was called with specific inputs.
  • 91. Usage: SinonJS Spies When you want to verify a callback or ensure a function was called with specific inputs. Stubs When you need to simulate different responses from systems that are complicated to initialize.
  • 92. Usage: SinonJS Spies When you want to verify a callback or ensure a function was called with specific inputs. Stubs When you need to simulate different responses from systems that are complicated to initialize. Fakes When you can't remember whether to use a spy or a stub.
  • 93. Usage: SinonJS Spies When you want to verify a callback or ensure a function was called with specific inputs. Stubs When you need to simulate different responses from systems that are complicated to initialize. Fakes When you can't remember whether to use a spy or a stub. Mocks If you like to set up your assertions at the beginning when you define your mocked behavior.
  • 96. SinonJS: Timers actions: { goHome() { this.transitionToRoute('kansas'); } }
  • 97. SinonJS: Timers actions: { goHome() { this.transitionToRoute('kansas'); } } // ooohhh suspense setTimeout(() => { }, 5000);
  • 98. SinonJS: Timers actions: { goHome() { // ooohhh suspense setTimeout(() => { this.transitionToRoute('kansas'); }, 5000); } } test('Make a wish', async function(assert) {   await visit('/oz');   assert.equal(currentURL(), '/oz');   await click('.shoes');   await click('.shoes');   await click('.shoes');   assert.equal(currentURL(), '/oz'); }); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/kansas'); // ¯_(ツ)_/¯
  • 99. SinonJS: Timers actions: { goHome() { // ooohhh suspense setTimeout(() => { this.transitionToRoute('kansas'); }, 5000); } } test('Make a wish', async function(assert) { const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); });
  • 100. SinonJS: Timers actions: { goHome() { // ooohhh suspense setTimeout(() => { this.transitionToRoute('kansas'); }, 5000); } } test('Make a wish', async function(assert) { const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); }); await visit('/oz'); await click('.shoes'); await click('.shoes'); await click('.shoes');
  • 101. SinonJS: Timers actions: { goHome() { // ooohhh suspense setTimeout(() => { this.transitionToRoute('kansas'); }, 5000); } } test('Make a wish', async function(assert) { const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); }); await visit('/oz'); await click('.shoes'); await click('.shoes'); await click('.shoes'); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/oz');
  • 102. SinonJS: Timers actions: { goHome() { // ooohhh suspense setTimeout(() => { this.transitionToRoute('kansas'); }, 5000); } } test('Make a wish', async function(assert) { const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); }); await visit('/oz'); await click('.shoes'); await click('.shoes'); await click('.shoes'); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/oz'); clock.runAll(); await settled();
  • 103. SinonJS: Timers actions: { goHome() { // ooohhh suspense setTimeout(() => { this.transitionToRoute('kansas'); }, 5000); } } test('Make a wish', async function(assert) { const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); }); await visit('/oz'); await click('.shoes'); await click('.shoes'); await click('.shoes'); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/oz'); clock.runAll(); await settled(); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/kansas');
  • 112. TestDouble.js • Combines all into single test double function
  • 113. TestDouble.js • Combines all into single test double function • Allows for dynamic object stubbing
  • 114. TestDouble.js • Combines all into single test double function • Allows for dynamic object stubbing • Simple replace functions
  • 115. TestDouble.js • Combines all into single test double function • Allows for dynamic object stubbing • Simple replace functions • Always replaces functions rather than wrapping
  • 116. TestDouble.js • Combines all into single test double function • Allows for dynamic object stubbing • Simple replace functions • Always replaces functions rather than wrapping • Nice introspection
  • 117. TestDouble.js • Combines all into single test double function • Allows for dynamic object stubbing • Simple replace functions • Always replaces functions rather than wrapping • Nice introspection • ember-cli-testdouble (-chai, -qunit)
  • 118. Jest
  • 119. Jest
  • 120. Jest
  • 121. Jest • Full set of assertions using a chai-like syntax
  • 122. Jest • Full set of assertions using a chai-like syntax • Allows automatic mocking
  • 123. Jest • Full set of assertions using a chai-like syntax • Allows automatic mocking • Allows manual mocks
  • 124. Jest • Full set of assertions using a chai-like syntax • Allows automatic mocking • Allows manual mocks • Snapshot tests
  • 125. Jest • Full set of assertions using a chai-like syntax • Allows automatic mocking • Allows manual mocks • Snapshot tests • Can include test coverage
  • 126. Jest • Full set of assertions using a chai-like syntax • Allows automatic mocking • Allows manual mocks • Snapshot tests • Can include test coverage • Does not run in browser
  • 127.
  • 130. Mocking makes refactoring harder Mocking is a Code Smell Mocking violates DRY
  • 131. Mocking makes refactoring harder "the process of changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external behavior of the code yet improves its internal structure" Martin Fowler
  • 132. Mocking is a Code Smell "A code smell is a surface indication that usually corresponds to a deeper problem in the system." Martin Fowler
  • 133. Mocking violates DRY "Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system." The Pragmatic Programmer
  • 134.
  • 135. Don't mock what you don't own API Data Files HTTP
  • 136. Don't mock what you don't own API Data Files HTTPService
  • 137. Don't mock what you don't own API Data Files HTTPService Codebase
  • 138. Don't mock what you don't own API Data Files HTTPService Codebase
  • 139. Don't mock what you don't own API Data Files HTTPService Codebase Tests
  • 140. Don't mock what you don't own API Data Files HTTPService Codebase Tests Service Mock
  • 141. Don't mock what you don't own export default class Magic extends Service { makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) { if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && clicked === 3) { wishCallback(); } } } let clicked = await this.ajax.request(' num=1&min=1&max=5&col=1&base=10&format=plain&rnd=new');
  • 142. Don't mock what you don't own export default class HeelClick extends Service { ajax: service(), async getClickCount() { } } return this.ajax.request(' num=1&min=1&max=5&col=1&base=10&format=plain&rnd=new');
  • 143. Don't mock what you don't own export default class HeelClick extends Service { ajax: service(), async getClickCount() { } } return this.ajax.request(' num=1&min=1&max=5&col=1&base=10&format=plain&rnd=new'); export default class Magic extends Service { makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) { if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && clicked === 3) { wishCallback(); } } } let clicked = await this.ajax.request(' num=1&min=1&max=5&col=1&base=10&format=plain&rnd=new');
  • 144. Don't mock what you don't own export default class HeelClick extends Service { ajax: service(), async getClickCount() { } } return this.ajax.request(' num=1&min=1&max=5&col=1&base=10&format=plain&rnd=new'); export default class Magic extends Service { makeWish(shoes, wishCallback) { if (isMagicShoes(shoes) && clicked === 3) { wishCallback(); } } } let clicked = await this.heelClick.getClickedCount(); heelClick: service(),
  • 145. Don't mock what you don't own test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) { }); const magicService = this.owner.lookup('service:magic'); const stub = sinon.stub(magicService.ajax, 'request').returns(3); await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`); assert.notOk(this.element.querySelector('.happy')); const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes'); await click(shoes); assert.ok(this.element.querySelector('.happy')); assert.ok(stub.calledOnce);
  • 146. Don't mock what you don't own test('Dorothy is happy when magic happens', async function(assert) { }); const heelClick = this.owner.lookup('service:heelClick'); const stub = sinon.stub(heelClick, 'getClickedCount').returns(3); await render(hbs`<Dorothy @shoes={{shoes}} />`); assert.notOk(this.element.querySelector('.happy')); const shoes = this.element.querySelector('.shoes'); await click(shoes); assert.ok(this.element.querySelector('.happy')); assert.ok(stub.calledOnce);
  • 147. Don't strive for 100% coverage "I expect a high level of coverage. Sometimes managers require one. There's a subtle difference." Brian Marick
  • 148. What Are We Testing?
  • 149. Test behavior, not implementation "Implementation details are things which users of your code will not typically use, see, or event know about." Kent C. Dodds