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Will	a	Bike	Ride	a	Day	Keep	the	Doctor	Away?		
Evidence	from	the	Calgary	Cycle	Track	Pilot	Project	
Janessa	Linton	
University	of	Calgary	
Government	spending	on	health	care	related	to	chronic	disease	caused	by	inactivity	and	obesity	
is	growing	in	young	adults	(Macdonald,	B.	2007).		Studies	have	shown	that	an	active	cyclist	
commute	leads	to	an	increase	in	physical	activity	that	is	health	enhancing.			Leading	to	the	
question,	does	bicycle	infrastructure	improve	health?		This	study	decomposes	this	question	into	
two	segments;	Will	bicycle	infrastructure	cause	an	increase	in	bicycling?	And;	What	are	the	
health	outcomes	associated	with	increased	bicycling?	My	study	uses	the	City	of	Calgary	Cycle	
Track	Pilot	Project	as	a	laboratory	for	three	reasons:	1)	Prior	to	the	pilot	project	Calgary	had	no	
protected	bike	lanes;	2)	Calgary	winter	weather	conditions	are	different	from	the	existing	
literature;	3)	Calgary	has	an	extensive	bicycle	usage	dataset	that	allows	for	casual	estimation	
strategy	to	be	used.	Preliminary	bicycle	level	calculations	revealed	an	increase	in	bicycle	trips	of	
670,113.		To	generate	estimates	that	capture	the	casual	effect	of	bicycle	infrastructure	on	
bicycle	use	in	Calgary.		First,	I	compare	the	weather	trends	before	and	after	the	Calgary	pilot	
project,	then	I	use	a	difference-in-difference	(DD)	estimation	strategy.		I	find	that	weather	was	
not	an	influencing	factor	on	the	increase	in	bicycle	use,	and	the	DD	produced	close	to	casual	
results.		The	DD	estimated	the	increase	in	bicycle	usage	to	be	592,119	trips	which	resulted	in	
health	savings	of	$11.8M,	this	was	calculated	from	health	care	expenditures	saved	and	the	
value	of	a	statistical	life	saved.		Expressed	in	net	present	value	with	a	5%	discount,	the	bicycle	
infrastructure	resulted	in	$237M	in	health	benefits	over	an	infinite	time-horizon.			
Econ	695/697,	Research	Methods
1 Introduction
Health	researchers	have	found	that	chronic	disease	related	to	obesity	and	physical	inactivity	is	
on	the	rise	(Oja	et	al.,	1998).		An	increase	in	physical	activity	of	30	minutes	a	day	is	considered	
health	enhancing,	leading	to	the	prevention	of	related	chronic	disease	(Rutter	et	al.,	2003).		
Specifically,	studies	have	shown	that	the	primary	health	benefits	that	arise	from	cyclist	
infrastructure	is	reduced	“mortality	due	to	conditions	such	as	cardiovascular	disease	and	cancer	
as	a	result	of	increased	physical	activity”	(Rutter	et	al.,	2003).		Consequently,	bicycle	
infrastructure	is	a	viable	way	for	commuters	to	safely	increase	their	physical	activity	which	will	
lead	to	health	improvements.		Therefore,	it	is	important	to	investigate	if	bicycle	infrastructure	
improves	health.		To	do	this,	I	explore	two	questions:	(1)	Will	bicycle	infrastructure	cause	an	
increase	in	bicycle	use?	(2)	What	are	the	health	benefits	associated	with	increased	bicycle	use?	
	 Young	adults	have	had	a	large	decrease	in	their	level	of	physical	activity,	and	cycling	
trips	have	significantly	declined	as	a	result	of	greater	car	ownership	(Macdonald,	B.	2007).	In	an	
effort	to	curb	this	trend,	bicycle	lane	infrastructure	in	an	urban	city	center	is	used	by	
governments	to	encourage	physical	activity	into	daily	routines.	Rutter	et	al.	(2003)	referenced	a	
study	done	in	Copenhagen	that	supports	the	linkage	of	increased	bicycle	use	in	a	population	
and	health	benefits	associated	with	this.		The	study	had	a	sample	population	of	30,	640;	of	
these,	6,954	adults	(aged	20-60	years)	were	regular	cycle	commuters.		The	study	followed	up	
with	the	population	over	an	average	of	14.4	years.		The	mean	time	of	travel	was	three	hours	a	
week	for	the	cycle	commenters,	and	“their	relative	risk	of	death	was	0.72	(95%	CI	0.57,	0.91),	
after	adjustment	for	age,	gender,	educational	status,	leisure-	time	physical	activity,	BMI,	blood	
lipid	levels,	smoking,	and	blood	pressure.”	(Rutter	et	a.l,	2003,	p.	90).	The	results	suggested	that
a	cyclist	is	28%	less	likely	to	die	from	any	cause	than	a	non-cyclist,	in	any	given	year.		As	the	
above	study	has	shown,	as	well	as	similar	studies,	public	funds	used	by	policy	makers	to	
investment	in	bicycle	infrastructure	can	be	offset	by	a	significant	decrease	in	health	care	costs	
and	expenditures.		They	also	can	result	in	a	reduction	in	external	costs,	such	as	in	air	pollution	
and	noise,	and	personal	savings	in	fuel	consumption	and	parking	fees	associated	with	driving	a	
motorized	vehicle.		In	my	study,	I	will	determine	the	increased	bicycle	use	caused	from	
Calgary’s	new	bicycle	infrastructure,	and	I	will	approximate	the	health	care	savings	and	a	
statistical	life	saved	from	the	infrastructure	investment.	
In	this	paper,	I	use	the	City	of	Calgary	Cycle	Track	Pilot	Project	as	a	laboratory	to	
continue	the	research	in	the	area	of	urban	bicycle	infrastructure.	The	pilot	project	is	a	network	
of	protected	bike	lanes	in	the	downtown	core	of	Calgary.	In	April	2014,	The	City	of	Calgary	
approved	the	Centre	City	Pilot	Cycle	Track	Network	Pilot	Project,	which	was	designed	to	add	
bicycle	infrastructure	to	downtown	Calgary	streets,	where	there	had	previously	been	no	
designated	biking	lanes.	These	bicycle	lanes	were	opened	in	June,	2015,	after	a	public	
information	campaign	advertising	the	project	to	the	public.	The	design	of	the	bicycle	lanes	is	
intended	to	encourage	more	bicycle	trips	into	and	out	of	the	downtown	core,	and	to	reduce	
conflicts	between	people	who	are	walking,	biking	and	driving.		
The	City	of	Calgary	Cycle	Track	Pilot	Project	is	novel	for	three	reasons:	(1)	Prior	to	the	
pilot	project	Calgary	had	no	protected	bicycle	lane	infrastructure;	(2)	Calgary’s	winter	weather	
conditions	permit	my	results	to	be	more	applicable	to	other	Canadian	and	northern	United	
States	(U.S.)	cities;		(3)	The	City	of	Calgary	offers	a	unique	dataset	that	allows	my	research	to	
formulate	causal	results	that	present	a	more	accurate	value	for	the	increased	bicycling	achieved
from	the	new	bicycle	infrastructure.		Thus,	my	study	offers	additional	insights	and	realistic	
results	for	cities	that	currently	have	no	or	little	bicycle	infrastructure	in	a	similar	climate.				
The	existing	literature	that	evaluates	bicycle	lane	infrastructure	falls	into	three	
categories.	The	first	area	of	study	links	the	increase	in	commute	cycling	with	an	increase	in	
health	benefits.		This	literature	aims	to	answer	three	main	questions:	(1)	“Is	there	a	desire	to	
increase	cycling	in	society?”;	(2)	“Will	cycling	result	in	health	benefits?”;	and	(3)	“How	can	
cycling	be	encouraged?”		A	second	area	of	literature	developed	tools	that	can	be	used	in	bicycle	
lane	infrastructure	evaluation.		The	goal	of	this	literature	is	to	streamline	tools	that	make	future	
work	and	policy	analysis	in	bicycle	infrastructure	easier	and	more	effective.	The	third	and	
largest	area	of	literature	used	existing	bicycle	infrastructure	information	from	cities	in	Europe,	
the	United	Kingdom	(UK)	and	the	U.S.	to	establish	the	current	and	future	benefits	of	installing	
bicycling	infrastructure.	However,	I	find	that	the	literature	in	the	third	area	contains	limited	
data	sources	and	focuses	on	speculating	about	future	bicycle	use	based	on	hypothetical	
infrastructure	increases.		The	researchers	in	the	third	area	also	used	different	techniques	to	
establish	a	method	that	is	based	on	their	own	literature	review,	infrastructure	design,	and	
required	research	outcomes,	thus	making	comparisons	between	different	bicycle	infrastructure				
My	paper	addresses	the	question,	what	are	the	health	benefits	associated	with	public	
investment	in	new	urban	bicycle	path	infrastructure?	As	discussed	above,	the	City	of	Calgary	
Pilot	Project	is	novel	in	the	area	of	study	surrounding	urban	bicycle	infrastructure.		To	
determine	the	increased	bicycle	trips,	the	City	of	Calgary	installed	data	collection	meters	to	
track	daily	bicycle	trips	on	the	newly	built	bicycle	lanes.		I	use	the	City	of	Calgary	data	to	
determine	the	increased	bicycle	usage	from	the	bicycle	lane	pilot	project.		To	establish	more
rigorous	results,	I	approach	this	as	a	casual	question,	“Has	the	bicycle	infrastructure	caused	the	
increase	in	bicycle	trips	in	Calgary?”		To	make	a	causal	link	between	the	bicycle	infrastructure	
and	increased	bicycle	usage,	I	employ	a	difference-in-difference	(DD)	estimation	strategy.		
Intuitively	the	DD	estimation	is,	determining	the	difference	between	intersections	on	and	off	
the	bicycle	infrastructure	both	before	and	after	the	infrastructure	is	installed.		Once	you	know	
the	differences	both	before	and	after,	I	find	the	difference	between	them,	resulting	in	the	value	
of	increased	bicycle	use	after	the	installation	of	bicycle	infrastructure	caused	only	by	the	
intersections	on	the	bicycle	infrastructure	roadways.		By	determining	that	Calgary’s	new	bicycle	
infrastructure	is	responsible	for	the	increase	in	bicycle	use	in	the	downtown	core,	I	then	
approximate	the	health	care	savings	and	a	statistical	life	saved	from	the	infrastructure	
investment.			I	determine	the	value	of	a	statistical	life	saved	and	any	potential	savings	in	health	
care	expenditures	by	using	well-established	calculations	and	tools	from	the	literature.			 	
To	preview	my	main	results,	I	find	over	the	first	year	of	the	Calgary	Cycle	Track	Pilot	
Project	being	open	it	saw	an	annual	increase	in	bicycle	use	of	592,	199	trips.		This	resulted	in	an	
annual	health	care	expenditure	savings	of	$441,250.32.		At	the	increased	level	of	bicycling	the	
Health	Economic	Assessment	Tool	calculates	that	2	deaths	are	prevented,	equating	to	an	
annual	valued	of	$11,408,000.		In	aggregate,	the	net	present	value	of	the	total	health	benefits	
over	an	infinite	time	horizon	are	$236,985,006	from	the	increase	in	bicycle	usage	caused	by	the	
new	bicycle	infrastructure	in	Calgary.			
	 My	work	fits	within	this	growing	literature	that	evaluates	government	investment	in	
bicycle	lane	infrastructure,	my	paper	makes	three	main	contributions	to	the	literature.			First,	
typical	work	in	this	area	estimates	how	much	bicycling	has	increased	or	approximates	future
increases	of	bicycle	use	from	a	proposed	bicycle	infrastructure	project.		My	work	is	unique	in	
that	I	am	able	to	make	use	of	a	rich	dataset	from	the	City	of	Calgary,	which	contains	daily	
bicycle	trip	counts	and	historic	counts	of	bicycle	trips	into	and	out	of	the	downtown	core.		Thus,	
I	am	able	to	provide	a	more	accurate	and	casual	relationship	between	bicycle	infrastructure	and	
an	increase	in	bicycling.		Secondly,	previous	studies	only	explored	expanding	current	bicycle	
infrastructure.		However,	my	work	with	the	Calgary	data	will	provide	results	related	to	new	
bicycle	infrastructure.		My	work	will	also	offer	results	that	are	specific	for	cities	that	currently	
do	not	have	bicycle	infrastructure	and	are	looking	to	install	such	infrastructure.		Finally,	my	
work	is	novel	because	Calgary’s	weather	conditions	are	unique1
	and	have	the	potential	to	have	
a	significant	effect	on	the	results,	in	contrast	to	previous	studies	that	have	used	cities	that	have	
a	bicycle	friendly	climate.			
2	Literature	Review	
This	section	details	three	main	categories	of	literature	in	the	area	of	bicycle	infrastructure	
identification	and	evaluations,	that	were	outlined	in	the	introduction.	
2.1	Health	Benefits	from	Bicycling		
Oja	et	al.’s	(1998)	paper	is	relevant	because	it	provided	the	evidence	and	research	that	
validated	the	need	for	future	work	in	the	literature	on	the	health	benefits	of	having	bicycling	
infrastructure	in	place.		Oja	et	al.	(1998)	ran	three	different	studies	to	examine	the	utility	
achieved	by	commuting	to	work	by	walking	or	cycling.	The	first	study	was	a	questionnaire	
	Throughout	the	winter	Calgary	can	have	severe	cold	snaps,	although	rarely	lasting	more	than	a	week.		The	
weather	can	change	very	quickly,	from	day	to	day	and	even	hour	to	hour.		Winter	can	be	long	and	autumn	can	
short,	as	Calgary	can	see	frost	and	snow	falls	starting	in	mid-September	(Calgary	Weather	&	Climate	|	Visit	
Calgary.	2016).
survey	used	to	evaluate	the	study	populations’	desire	to	walk	or	cycle	to	work	if	cycling	
infrastructure	was	in	place,	or	if	they	would	continue	to	use	current	modes	of	transportation.	
The	safety	of	pedestrian	and	cyclists	was	found	to	be	a	major	issue	that	prevents	people	from	
an	active	commute.		This	is	categorized	as	a	critical	impediment	for	changing	one’s	behaviour	to	
include	an	active	commute	as	a	form	of	health-enhancing	physical	activity	(HEPA)	into	his	or	her	
routine.		The	main	focus	of	Oja	et	al.’s	(1998)	study	was	a	randomized	trial	that	delivered	the	
following	results:	
Regular	walking	and	cycling	for	a	one-way	average	of	about	30	minutes	during	
commuting	to	work	with	self-paced	speed	improved	aerobic	fitness,	decreased	
cardiovascular	strain	in	submaximal	standard	work,	increased	the	use	of	fats	as	
an	energy	source	in	physical	activity,	and	caused	slight	favorable	changes	in	
blood	HDL	cholesterol	in	healthy	young	to	middle-aged	adults	of	low	to	
moderate	physical	fitness.	(Oja	et	al,	1998)				
Overall	the	results	showed	that	physical	activity	from	active	commuting	is	considered	to	
be	health	enhancing.		The	final	survey	study	found	that	workplace	promotion	of	an	active	
commute	would	be	widely	accepted	by	employees,	but	safety	of	these	activities	was	a	
prerequisite.		My	paper	will	specially	address	this	concern	as	the	City	of	Calgary	project	has	
installed	protected	bike	lanes.		Oja	et	al.	(1998)	found	that	walking	and	cycling	to	work	are	the	
easiest	routine-based	ways	for	the	community	and	general	population	to	increase	their	physical	
activity.		Although	this	paper	does	not	determine	the	specific	benefits	that	are	achieved	by	an	
increase	in	bicycling,	it	provided	the	underpinning	of	future	work	and	the	validity	of	the	results.
2.2	Health	Economic	Assessment	Tool	(HEAT)	
Rutter	et	al.	(2003)	evaluated	how	increased	physical	activity	from	cycling	can	change	health	
outcomes	in	society	and	found	similar	results	to	Oja	et	al	(1998):	not	only	does	it	help	in	
physical	and	mental	health	wellness	but	it	also	reduces	the	risks	of	chronic	health	diseases.			In	
this	literature,	Rutter	et	al.	(2003)	identified	the	need	for	effective	interventions	to	promote	an	
increase	in	active	commuting.		The	type	of	policies	needed	to	intervene	require	economic	
evolution	and	a	sophisticated	way	to	evaluate	the	benefits	realized	from	new	bicycling	
infrastructure.		This	paper	developed	a	tool	called	the	Health	Economic	Assessment	Tool	(HEAT)	
for	walking	and	cycling.		The	tool	models	the	economic	value	of	reduced	mortality	from	cycling.	
Although	Rutter	et	al.	(2003)	developed	the	tool	to	help	create	more	complete	economic	cases	
used	to	justify	spending	on	infrastructure	that	would	increase	community	physical	activity,	they	
do	not	use	the	tool	in	their	paper.		My	work	uses	the	tool	and	identification	strategy	described	
by	Rutter	et	al.	(2003).		This	tool	is	important	as	it	allows	for	bicycle	infrastructure	studies	to	
use	a	consistent	approach	to	obtaining	results.		My	paper	is	also	able	to	use	a	unique	dataset	
and	infrastructure	model	to	complement	this	literature.				
2.3	Bicycle	Infrastructure	Analysis	
The	two	paper	in	the	literature	that	are	most	closely	related	to	my	paper	are,	Saelensminde	
(2004)	and	Gotschi	(2011).		Both	papers	presented	studies	that	evaluated	the	benefits	of	adding	
additional	bicycle	lanes	to	existing	bicycling	infrastructure.			Saelensminde	(2004)	studied	three	
cities	in	Norway,	and	the	goal	of	the	research	was	to	influence	government	spending	on	bicycle	
infrastructure	to	promote	an	easier	and	safer	way	for	people	to	choose	to	bicycle	as	a	means	of	
transportation.	In	each	of	the	three	cities,	the	benefits	substantially	outweighed	the	costs.		In
particular,	it	was	seen	that	the	benefit	from	reduced	costs	of	less	severe	and	severe	diseases	
and	ailments	are	substantial.		The	results	showed	a	benefit-cost	ratio	of	magnitudes	greater	
than	one,	for	each	individual	city.			
Gotschi	(2011)	is	the	first	study	of	its	kind	in	the	U.S.		This	study	evaluated	three	
different	future	bicycle	infrastructure	scenarios	potentially	being	added	to	Portland,	Oregon’s	
current	bicycle	infrastructure.		This	analysis	was	conducted	using	data	on	bicycle	counts	in	
Oregon	and	utilized	a	discrete	choice	model	that	converted	trips	into	miles.		The	benefits	this	
analysis	considers	are	the	health	care	savings	from	reduced	mortality	and	the	saved	value	of	
statistical	lives.	The	results	from	the	three	difference	investment	plans	all	have	a	ratio	greater	
than	one.		Gotschi	(2011)	found	that	as	the	investment	plans’	costs	increased	significantly	
across	the	three	plans,	the	bicycle	miles	and	annual	trips	do	not.		My	work	will	build	on	this	
area	of	literature	and	determine	causal	link	between	health	benefits	and	bicycle	infrastructure.		
3	Data	
This	section	provides	further	details	about	the	study	location—the	Calgary	Cycle	Track	Pilot	
Project.		This	is	followed	by	a	preliminary	description	of	the	data	and	the	data	limitations.			
3.1	Description	of	Study	Area	
This	study	utilizes	the	unique	cyclist-count	database	the	City	of	Calgary	has	been	compiling	both	
before	and	after	the	Cycle	Track	Pilot	Project	implementation.		The	database	consists	of	data	
collected	by	Eco-Counter	machines.		These	are	automated	bicyclist	counting	machines	placed	
on	the	cycle	track,	as	well	as	on	Stephen	Avenue	and	the	Peace	Bridge.		The	database	also	
includes	annual	data	from	the	City	of	Calgary’s	cordon	traffic	counts	that	are	conducted	in	May,	
bicycle	counts,	and	centre	city	bicycle	volume	maps.		This	extensive	database	makes	Calgary	a
good	laboratory	to	study	the	health	outcomes	generated	by	the	implementation	of	new	bicycle	
infrastructure.		Similar	to	the	majority	of	Canada’s	provinces	and	Northeastern	U.S.	states,	
Calgary	experiences	cold	wintery	months	and	a	short	summer	season.		Unlike	current	literature	
that	evaluates	the	outcomes	of	urban	bicycle	infrastructure,	my	study	on	Calgary	will	provide	
results	specific	to	Calgary’s	unique	weather	conditions	and	the	cycle	track	pilot	project	that	has	
introduced	Calgary	to	its	first	set	of	protected	bicycle	lanes	in	the	downtown	area.			
Approximately	a	year	ago,	Calgary	implemented	its	first	set	of	physically	separated	
bicycle	lanes	in	the	downtown	area.		Previous	to	this,	Calgary	had	installed	many	kilometers	of	
multiuse	pathways	around	the	city	and	has	had	unprotected	designated	bike	routes	in	the	
downtown,	making	the	Cycle	Track	Pilot	Project	the	first	of	its	kind	in	Calgary.		The	cycle	track	
includes	bicycle	lanes	on	5th,
	St.	from	3rd
	Ave.	S.W.	to	17th
	S.W.,	on	12th
	Ave.,	from	11th
	St.		S.W.	
to	4th
	St.	S.E.,	and	on	8th
	Ave.,	from	11th
	St.	S.W.	to	3rd
	St.	S.W.	and	Macleod	Trails	to	4th
S.E.			Figure	1	below	shows	the	new	cycle	track	route	and	10	Eco-Counter	machines	installed	to	
collect	daily	bicycle	trip	data.			The	pilot	project	contains	over	5	km	of	protect	bike	lanes,	with	
the	5th
	Street	section	being	1.4	km	and	the	12th
	Ave.	section	being	2.5	km	in	length.
3.2	Data	
To	gain	an	understanding	of	previous	bike	trends	in	Calgary	before	the	pilot	project,	I	review	the	
census	data	and	bicycle	volume	maps.	I	use	the	2014	Civic	Census	to	collect	data	to	formulate	a	
preliminary	understanding	of	bicycle	use	and	patterns	within	Calgary	and	the	different	wards.			
In	addition	to	this,	I	have	access	to	bicycle	volume	maps	that	started	in	2012	until	2015.		The	
maps	provide	in	depth	details	of	the	number	of	bicyclists	at	multiple	corridors	throughout	the	
city	centre.		I	extract	the	data	points	on	the	maps	from	2013	to	2015,	I	use	this	data	to	
understand	the	bicycle	use	trends	in	Calgary	both	before	and	after	the	Calgary	Cycle	Track	Pilot	
Project	started.		I	then	construct	a	panel	dataset	to	be	used	in	the	difference-in-difference	
estimation,	with	the	2013	to	2015	volume	map	data	points.		
The	automated	bicycle	trip	counters	provide	a	reliable	method	for	me	to	collect	and	
analyze	Calgary’s	bicycle	infrastructure	usage	into	and	out	of	downtown	during	weekdays	since	
the	pilot	project	opening	in	June	2015.		The	data	is	publically	available	daily,	and	Eco-Counter	
says	that	the	counters	are	97%	accurate	(The	City	of	Calgary	-	Bike	Data,	2016).		The	analysis	of	
the	bike	data	will	incorporate	data	from	June	2015	until	July	2016.		Unlike	other	studies,	I	am	
able	to	include	winter	months	because	the	City	of	Calgary	maintains	the	bicycle	infrastructure	
year	round.		Both	the	census	and	volume	map	data	combined	with	the	recent	trip	counter	data	
are	used	to	determine	the	increase	in	bicycle	trips	achieved	from	the	new	infrastructure.			
In	addition	to	the	City	of	Calgary	bicycle	data,	I	collect	and	analysis	Calgary’s	historic	
weather	data	provided	by	Environment	and	Climate	Change	Canada.		I	collect	quarterly	data	for	
Calgary	both	four	quarters	before	and	after	the	pilot	project	opening.		The	metrics	I	collect	are	
rainfall	(mm),	snowfall	(cm),	precipitation	(mm),	mean	temperature	(C),	snow	on	ground	(cm),
number	of	rain	days,	number	of	snow	days,	number	of	precipitation	days	and	number	of	wind-
chill	days.			
3.3	Data	Description	
Figure	2	below,	demonstrates	that	bicycling	as	a	mode	of	transportation	to	work	in	2014	is	
relatively	small.		Bicycling	accounts	for	1.39%	of	city	wide	mode	of	transportation	to	work	in	
2014,	this	is	up	slightly	from	0.87%	in	2011	(2014	Civic	Census	Results.	2014).		Consequently,	
the	natural	increase	from	2011	to	2014	is	insignificant	for	bicycle	transportation	to	work.		
Figure	2	also	shows	that	people	who	drove	alone	to	work	as	transportation	mode	holds	the	
highest	share,	at	67.39%	in	2014,	which	is	down	from	69.58%	in	2011(2014	Civic	Census	Results.	
2014).		Accordingly,	there	is	substantial	opportunity	for	growth	within	the	category	of	bicycling	
to	work	in	Calgary.
Table	1	represents	the	top	five	wards	in	Calgary	where	people	use	a	bicycle	as	the	mode	
of	transportation	to	work.		(See	appendix	A	for	a	detailed	map	of	ward	position	in	Calgary).		The	
top	five	wards	out	of	14	total	wards	represents	78%	of	the	total	bicycle	commuters.		These	
areas	are	located	close	to	the	downtown	core	and	are	likely	to	be	impacted	the	most	by	the	
Calgary	Cycle	Track	Pilot	Project.	
Figure	3	below,	exemplifies	the	significant	increase	in	average	daily	trips	from	2014	to	
2015.		This	information	combined	with	Figure	2	and	Table	1	lead	me	to	conclude	that	there	was	
an	increase	in	bicycle	use	from	2014	and	2015	because	of	the	new	bicycle	infrastructure.
Table	2	provides	a	few	summary	statistics	of	the	data	from	six	of	the	counters	along	the	
new	bicycle	infrastructure	paths.
4	Methodology	
After	reviewing	several	studies	including,	Saelensminde	(2004),	Macdonald	(2007),	and	Gotschi	
(2011),	I	find	that	health	care	savings	and	saved	value	of	statistical	lives	are	most	significant	
outcomes	achieved	by	bicycling	infrastructure.		To	calculate	the	value	of	health	care	savings	and	
saved	value	of	statistical	lives	I	will	use	both	estimates	developed	in	previous	studies	and	the	
bicycle	level	estimates	I	constructed	empirically.			I	first	build	preliminary	bicycle	level	estimates	
using	the	data	described	in	the	above	section.	Leading	to	the	empirical	question	to	be	
answered:	Did	the	bicycle	lane	infrastructure	actually	cause	the	increase	in	bicycling?		The	
papers	main	objective	is	to	understanding	the	causal	relationship	between	the	bicycle	lane	
infrastructure	and	bicycle	trips,	then	determine	the	health	outcomes	of	this	increase	in	bicycle	
use.		The	two	caveats	in	determining	the	actual	increase	in	bicycle	use	from	the	bicycle	
infrastructure	are:	weather	influences	and	bicycle	traffic	being	re-routed	to	the	new	bicycle	
lanes.		Steps	are	illustrated	in	this	section.			
4.1 Estimation Strategy
To establish the preliminary levels of the increase in bike usage, I first use the bicycle volume
maps from 2012 to 2015, and collect data points from six locations on the map that match with
the current counter location along the new bicycle infrastructure. The six points are
predominantly end points of the routes, they provide an understanding of the volume coming into
or leaving the downtown core on the new bicycle infrastructure. I then determine the percentage
increase of bike trips from 2014 to 2015. I find that 2012 to 2014 showed little to no growth,
therefore I take the percentage increase from 2014 to 2015 to be exclusively because of the new
bicycle infrastructure. I then use this percentage increase, combined with the actually bike
volume from July 1st
2015 until June 30th
2016 (one full year post bicycle infrastructure opening)
to	determine	the	actually	increase	over	this	time	period.		The	final	step	is	to	aggregate	the	
increased	bicycle	use	from	the	six	counter	locations	to	get	a	final	value	of	increased	bicycle	use.			
	 The	next	step	is	to	determine	if	weather	had	an	influence	on	the	possible	bicycle	usage	
increase.			To	verify	this,	I	compare	four	quarters	both	before	and	after	the	Cycle	Track	Pilot	
Project	opened,	as	of	July	1st
	2015.		I	identify	eight	metrics:	rainfall	(mm),	snowfall	(cm),	mean	
temperature	(C),	precipitation	(mm),	snow	on	ground	(cm),	number	of	precipitations	days,	
number	of	rain	days	and	number	of	snow	days.			
	 Finally,	I	use	a	difference-in-difference	(DD)	estimation	strategy	to	determine	if	there	is	
an	increase	in	bicycle	use	along	the	new	bicycle	infrastructure,	if	so,	is	it	caused	from	the	
bicycle	infrastructure	itself?				I	estimate	a	series	of	regressions	to	evaluate	the	difference	
between	bicycle	trips	on	roads	with	bicycle	infrastructure	and	roads	with	non-bicycle	
infrastructure	formally	across	time.		The	regressions	are	based	on	model	of	the	general	form,	
BicycleTripsit	=	b0	+	b1Dummy_NewBikeRoutei	+	b2Dummy_2015t	+	bDDInteraction2015t_NewBikeRoutei	+	eit			(1)	
where	i	indexes	count	location	on	volume	map;	t	indexes	years	(2013,	2014	or	2015);	
BicycleTripsit	is	dependent	variable	included	in	the	panel	dataset	that	I	extracted	from	the	
bicycle	volume	maps;	Dummy_NewBikeRoutei	is	a		dummy	variable	that	takes	the	value	of	1	if	
bicycle	count	intersection	is	on	the	new	bicycle	infrastructure	route	and	0	otherwise;	
Dummy_2015t	is	a	dummy	variable	that	takes	the	value	of	1	in	post	bicycle	infrastructure	time	
periods	(2015)	and	0	otherwise(2013	and	2014);	Interaction2015t_NewBikeRoutei	is	the	
interaction	term,	generated	by	multiplying	the	two	dummies;	and	eit	is	the	error	term.
	 Intuitively	the	DD	estimation	is,	determining	the	difference	between	intersections	on	
and	off	the	bicycle	infrastructure	both	before	and	after	the	infrastructure	is	installed.		Once	you	
know	the	two	differences	both	before	and	after,	I	find	the	difference	between	them,	resulting	
in	the	value	of	increased	bicycle	use	after	the	installation	of	bicycle	infrastructure	caused	only	
by	the	intersections	on	the	bicycle	infrastructure	roadways.		All	intersections	that	are	not	
included	on	the	bicycle	infrastructure	roadways	act	as	the	counterfactual	to	the	treated	points	
after	the	pilot	project	was	initiated.		The	DD	counterfactual	comes	from	the	strong	common	
trends	assumption	that	I	make	to	imply	the	DD	estimation	strategy.		This	presumes	that,	absent	
of	bicycle	infrastructure	difference,	both	the	bicycle	infrastructure	and	non-bicycle	
infrastructure	intersections	should	follow	the	same	trend.			
For	my	regressions	I	employ	both	log-linear	and	non-log-linear	specification	to	the	Trips	
variable,	this	enables	me	to	find	the	best	fit	for	the	data.		I	estimate	each	regression	with	only	a	
simple	standard	error	formula.			The	coefficient	on	the	interaction	term	is	the	DD	casual	effect,	
it	captures	the	effect	on	new	bicycle	infrastructure	on	bicycle	trips.		I	use	this	percentage	
increase,	combined	with	the	actually	bike	volume	from	July	1st
	2015	until	June	30th
	2016	(one	
full	year	post	bicycle	infrastructure	opening)	to	determine	the	bicycle	trip	increase	over	this	
time	period.		Similar	to	the	aggregation	in	the	preliminary	results,	I	aggregate	the	increased	
bicycle	use	from	the	six	counter	locations	to	get	a	final	value	for	the	increase	bicycle	use.			
4.2	Health	Care	Savings	
To	calculate	the	health	care	savings,	I	will	follow	Gotschi	(2011).		First,	Gotschi	(2011)	
formulates,	an	average	estimated	health	care	costs	per	inactive	person.		Two	of	the	estimates	
take	the	total	estimated	health	care	costs	attributed	to	inactivity	in	the	US,	divide	by	total
population,	divide	by	0.75	to	adjust	for	adult	population,	and	divide	by	0.48	to	adjust	for	
proportion	of	inactive	people.		The	adjustment	of	48%	is	for	the	prevalence	of	inactivity	and	
allows	for	the	results	to	be	more	conservative.		The	average	cost	estimate	is,	$544	per	inactive	
person	per	year,	inflated	to	2008	dollars	(Gotschi,	2011).		For	the	second	step	Gotschi	(2011)	
assumes	that	the	difference	between	an	inactive	and	active	person	in	30	minutes	of	physical	
activity	per	day.		Therefore,	it	is	assumed	that	30	minutes	of	bicycling	will	give	an	annual	credit	
of	$544.			
In	the	final	steps,	I	make	the	assumption	that	each	trip	is	15	minutes	in	length,	based	on	
the	bicycle	track	length	and	the	2014	Civic	Census	Results.		
Annual	health	care	savings	=	[daily	30-minute	segments]	*	$544[annual	credit	for	daily	segment]	(2)	
4.3	Saved	value	of	statistical	lives	
I	will	use	the	Health	Economic	Assessment	Tool2
	(HEAT)	to	determine	the	value	of	reduced	
mortality	due	to	bicycling.			As	discussed	in	the	literature	review	section	2.2,	HEAT	was	
developed	to	support	bicycle	infrastructure	and	policy	discussions,	making	it	the	appropriate	
tool	for	my	study.		The	inputs	it	requires	are,	annual	bicycle	trips	and	the	average	distance	
traveled.		As	stated	previously,	I	assume	that	each	trip	is	15	minutes	in	length.		The	HEAT	
estimates	the	amount	of	saved	lives	and	the	value	associated	with	each	saved	life	according	to	
the	inputs.		Therefore,	this	tool	generates	results	for	the	value	of	a	statistical	life	saved	exclusive	
to	my	study.			
4.4	Validity	of	results	
One	important	caveat	to	mention	is	that	other	factors	are	involved	that	are	contributing	
to	the	increase	in	bicycle	usage	other	than	the	bicycle	infrastructure.	To	ease	these	concerns,	I	
use	the	DD	estimation	strategy	to	construct	bicycle	level	estimates	that	answer	more	accurately	
if	the	bicycle	lane	infrastructure	actually	caused	an	increase	in	bicycling,	unlike	other	studies	
that	guess	the	percentage	increase	that	will	be	achieved	from	bicycle	infrastructure	projects.	
The	validity	of	the	DD	approach	is	governed	by	the	strong	common	trends	assumption	
that	is	made.		Signifying	that,	the	bicycle	trips	trend	in	non-bicycle	infrastructure	intersections	is	
similar	to	the	bicycle	trips	trend	in	bicycle	infrastructure	intersections	before	the	bicycle	
infrastructure	installation.			If	this	holds	then	non-bicycle	infrastructure	intersections	provide	a	
valid	counterfactual	for	intersections	on	bicycle	infrastructure	roads	post	bicycle	infrastructure	
installation.		This	assumption	is	debatable	if	trajectories	prior	to	the	new	bicycle	infrastructure	
were	different.			The	trajectory	can	be	verified	graphically	or	with	a	regression	based	test	using	
pre-treatment	periods.		My	data	only	has	two	pre-treatment	periods,	therefore	I	am	unable	to	
verify	the	common	trends	of	the	treated	and	control	bicycle	paths	in	the	pre-treatment	period.		
I	can	make	a	realistic	assumption	that	there	is	no	reason	to	believe	that	the	control	and	treated	
pathways	were	on	different	trajectories	prior	to	the	new	bicycle	infrastructure	implementation.		
Nevertheless,	the	common	trends	assumption	cannot	be	verified	by	the	data,	indicating	the	
results	may	be	biased.			
The	estimates	calculated	in	this	study	for	health	care	savings	and	saved	value	of	
statistical	lives	are	very	conservative.		To	achieve	the	conservative	results,	I	did	a	critical	review	
of	three	studies	that	calculated	estimates	for	similar	health	outcomes.	The	health	care	savings	
value	is	very	conservative	and	is	constructed	by	averaging	three	different	high	quality	studies.
The	HEAT	is	customizable	to	individual	case	studies,	and	has	been	developed	as	an	accurate	and	
streamline	interface.	Overall,	the	careful	consideration	of	the	methodology	design	leads	to	the	
generation	conservative	and	practical	results.			
5	Results	and	Discussion	
To	answer,	what	are	the	health	benefits	associated	with	public	investment	in	new	urban	bicycle	
infrastructure.		First,	I	determine	the	increased	amount	of	bicycling	in	Calgary,	post	bicycle	lane	
infrastructure	installation.		This	is	a	causal	question	that	needs	to	be	identified.		Did	the	bicycle	
lane	infrastructure	cause	the	increase	in	bicycle	use	on	the	pilot	project	laneways?		Second,	
once	the	levels	of	bicycling	are	known	I	determine	the	health	care	savings	and	the	value	of	
statistical	lives	saved.		Results	are	presented	in	the	following	section.			
5.1	Bicycle	Levels	
Preliminary	Results	
Table	3	below,	shows	there	is	an	overall	increase	in	bicycling	levels	from	2014	to	2015,	these	
values	are	based	September	and	October	average	volume	data	from	the	City	of	Calgary	bicycle	
volume	maps.		At	six	of	the	counter	locations	along	the	new	bicycle	paths	there	has	was	
approximately	1320	trips	a	day	in	2012,	1840	in	2013	and	in	2014	a	small	decrease	down	to	
1780.		Based	on	these	values	I	predicted	that	without	the	bicycle	lane	infrastructure	the	2015	
value	would	have	had	no	growth	from	2014.		Therefore,	in	table	3	I	was	able	to	show	that	the	
six	counter	location	along	the	new	bicycle	paths	all	have	over	a	200%	increase	in	bicycle	trip	
traffic,	except	counter	1.
Table	3	presents	the	data	collected	from	six	of	the	eco-counter	on	the	new	bicycle	
paths,	and	shows	an	increase	of	670,113	trips	above	what	would	been	expected	along	those	
routes	without	the	new	infrastructure.	Table	3	provides	a	clear	understanding	of	the	increase	
bicycle	levels	over	a	one-year	period	after	the	bicycle	infrastructure	was	installed	in	Calgary.		
Although	I	find	there	is	an	increase	in	bicycle	usage	along	the	new	bicycle	infrastructure,	table	3	
does	not	provide	a	causal	link	between	the	increased	bicycle	usage	and	the	new	bicycle	
Weather	Influence	
Figure	3	shows	that	overall	weather	from	quarter	three	and	four	in	2014	and	quarter	one	and	
two	in	2015	do	not	vary	significantly	from	the	four	preceding	quarters	2015	and	2016.		The	
weather	data	from	before	and	after	the	pilot	project	bicycle	path	opening	shows	minimal
variation.		Therefore,	I	can	conclude	that	weather	effects	had	minimal	influence	on	the	
increased	bicycle	trips	along	the	new	paths	in	downtown	Calgary,	as	seen	in	table	3.
Difference-in-Difference	Estimation			
Table	4	represents	the	results	generated	by	running	two	separate	DD	regressions,	(1)	uses	non-
log-linear	specification	of	trips	and	(2)	uses	a	log-linear	specification	of	trips.		Regression	(1)	DD	
interaction	coefficient	is	significant	at	0.1%	and	the	new	bicycle	infrastructure	has	a	positive	
influence	on	trips.		The	DD	interaction	coefficient	provides	an	average	increase	of	455	trips	on	
the	count	location	found	along	the	new	bicycle	infrastructure	roads.		Regression	(2)	reveals	that	
the	DD	interaction	coefficient	is	significant	at	0.1%	and	the	new	bicycle	infrastructure	has	a	
positive	influence	on	trips.		The	DD	interaction	coefficient	in	regression	(2)	implies	that	there	is	
a	219%	increase	in	bicycle	trips	on	the	average	count	location	found	along	the	new	bicycle	
infrastructure.		I	find	that	the	total	increased	trips	are,	592	119	(see	Appendix	B	for	full	
calculation),	this	is	comparable	to	670,	113,	which	I	calculated	as	the	increased	trips	in	the	
preliminary	analysis.
Both	DD	interaction	coefficients	provide	evidence	that	the	increase	in	bicycle	use	along	
the	new	bicycle	infrastructure	is	likely	caused	by	the	new	bicycle	infrastructure.		Although	the	
DD	estimation	strategy	allows	me	to	make	a	close	to	causal	link,	there	is	still	question	of	the	
validity.			My	two	main	concerns	are:	(1)	The	robustness	of	the	results	as	the	strong	common	
trend	assumption	made	with	the	DD	estimation	is	unverifiable	with	my	data.		The	common	
trend	assumption	intuitively	means	that	in	the	absence	of	the	bicycle	infrastructure	the	non-
bicycle	infrastructure	intersections	follow	the	same	trend	as	the	bicycle	infrastructure	
intersections.		Therefore,	normally	the	DD	common	trend	is	verified	before	the	installation	of	
the	bicycle	infrastructure	and	if	it	holds,	the	DD	uses	the	non-bicycle	infrastructure	
intersections	as	a	reference	point	for	what	path	the	bicycle	infrastructure	intersections	would	
have	followed	if	the	bicycle	infrastructure	wasn’t	installed.		As	a	consequence	of	not	being	able	
to	verify	the	common	trend	assumption	my	results	may	be	biased	in	two	ways.		(1)	The	results	
may	be	upward	biased,	if	for	example,	the	City	of	Calgary	choose	12th
	Avenue,	5th
	Street,	8th
Avenue	and	9th
	Avenue	as	bicycle	infrastructure	roads	because	they	were	experiencing	a	larger	
increase	in	bicycle	usage	than	other	roads.	Conversely,	if	the	City	of	Calgary	choose	12th
Avenue,	5th
	Street,	8th
	Avenue	and	9th
	Avenue	as	bicycle	infrastructure	roads	because	they	were	
experiencing	a	smaller	increase	in	bicycle	usage	than	other	roads.		(2)	There	potentially	could	
have	been	other	policies	during	the	time	frame	of	my	study	that	influenced	the	increase	in	
bicycle	use.		For	example,	if	work	places	set	up	incentive	to	encourage	employees	to	bicycle	to	
work,	this	would	cause	the	results	to	be	overestimated.
5.2	Health	Valuation	Results	
Two	health	outcomes	associated	with	public	investment	in	new	bicycle	infrastructure	are	health	
care	savings	and	value	of	a	statistical	life	saved.		Valuing	these	two	health	outcomes	is	the	final	
step	of	this	paper,	the	results	are	presented	in	table	5.		It	quantitatively	provides	meaning	to	
the	increase	in	bicycle	usage	from	the	new	bicycle	infrastructure	in	Calgary.	See	appendix	C	and	
D	for	the	detailed	calculation	of	saved	health	care	expenditures	and	input	data	used	in	the	
HEAT,	respectively.			I	will	discussion	the	results	under	the	DD	estimation,	as	they	provide	the	
most	accurate	results	of	the	increase	in	bicycle	use.				
	 Over	the	first	year	of	the	Calgary	Cycle	Track	Pilot	Project	being	open	it	saw	an	annual	
increase	in	bicycle	use	of	592,	199	trips.		This	results	in	annual	health	care	expenditure	savings	
of	$441,250.32,	meaning	the	increased	bicycle	trips	saved	tax-payers	from	putting	$441,250.32	
additional	funds	into	health	care.	At	the	new	current	increased	level	of	bicycling	the	HEAT	
calculates	that	2	deaths	are	prevented,	equating	to	an	annual	valued	of	$11,408,000.
	Overall,	the	net	present	value	of	the	total	health	benefits	over	an	infinite	time	horizon	are	
5.3	Discussion		
In	summary,	over	the	first	year,	Calgary	has	seen	a	health	savings	of	$11.8M,	by	providing	
approximately	5.4kms	of	new	protect	bicycle	infrastructure,	with	an	investment	cost	of	5.75M	
(The	City	of	Calgary	-	Cycle	Track	Network.	2016).			I	calculated	the	net	present	value	of	the	total	
health	benefits	to	be	$236,985,006.		This	net	present	value	represents	the	value	of	the	
infrastructure	in	future	years	in	present	dollars.		I	used	a	discount	factor	of	5%	for	the	
calculation,	this	discount	aligns	with	Saelensminde,	K.	(2004),	Saelensminde	used	a	5%	discount	
but	over	a	25-year	lifetime	of	the	project.		Defining	the	net	present	value	is	important	to	
recognize	the	future	value	of	the	bicycle	infrastructure	project.			
Most	importantly,	I	was	able	to	determine	a	close	to	causal	relationship	between	the	
new	bicycle	infrastructure	in	Calgary	and	the	increase	in	bicycle	usage.		I	also	verified	that	
weather	pre	and	post	bicycle	infrastructure	was	not	a	contributing	factor	to	the	increase	in	
bicycle	use.		The	DD	found	a	219%	increase	in	bicycle	usage	along	the	bike	paths	that	contained	
the	new	bicycle	infrastructure.		Finally,	I	was	able	to	use	this	determination	of	the	casual	
relationship	to	link	the	new	bicycle	infrastructure	with	health	outcomes	and	derive	a	monetary	
value	between	the	outcomes	and	the	new	bicycle	infrastructure	in	Calgary.		Using	the	DD	
estimation	strategy	is	the	important	step	to	produce	results	that	are	particularly	influential	for	
future	bicycle	infrastructure	projects	both	in	Calgary	and	other	cities	under	similar	conditions.
6	Conclusion	
To	conclude,	my	research	reveals	that	The	City	of	Calgary	Cycle	Track	Pilot	Project	resulted	in	
better	health	through	the	increase	in	bicycle	usage.		It	generated	a	net	present	value	of	$237M	
from	two	health	benefits,	health	care	expenditure	savings	and	the	value	of	a	statistical	life	
saved.		This	study	is	able	to	provide	close	to	causal	results	that	tells	us	that	the	bicycle	
infrastructure	that	Calgary	installed	caused	an	increase	in	bicycle	use.		I	hope	this	evidence	from	
Calgary	motivates	new	policies	and	funding	for	bicycle	infrastructure	in	Calgary	and	other	cities	
that	are	eager	to	reduce	obesity	and	inactivity,	by	encouraging	an	active	commute.
Appendix	A.	Ward	Map	from	Calgary	Census
Appendix	B.	Difference-in-Difference	Aggregation	Results	
Notes.		Detailed	table	of	increased	trips	per	counter	location	and	aggregation	of	trips.		
Comparing	both	preliminary	results	and	DD	estimation	results.			
Appendix	C.	Calculations	for	Annual	Health	Care	Savings	
Annual	health	care	savings	=		[daily	30-minute	segments]	*$544[annual	credit	for	daily	segment]	(1)	
Preliminary	Results	
Step	1:	Annual	Increase	Trips:	670116	(15	minute	segments)	
Step	2:	30	minute	segments,	annually:670116/2	=	335058	segments/year	
Step	3:	number	of	30	minute	segments	daily:	[(335058segments/year)/365day/year)]	=	917.97	
Step	4:	each	daily	segment	gets	a	$544	credit	annually=$499,375.68	
Difference-in-Difference	Estimation	Results	
Step	1:	Health	enhancing	increased	trips:	592119	
Step	2:	30	minute	segments,	annually:	592119/2	=	296056	segments/year	
Step	3:	number	of	30	minute	segments	daily:	[(296056segments/year)/365day/year)]	=	811.11	
Step	4:	each	daily	segment	gets	a	$544	credit	annually=	$441,243.84	
Route Counter
(July 1st
June 30th 2016)
Avenue #1, West of
69,577 0 37807
#3, East of
180,637 140135 98154
Avenue #5, West of
Street W
198,827 144354 108038
#7, West of
Street E
69,004 47028 37495
Street #8, North of
217,946 127512 118427
#9, CPR
353,709 211084 192198
670113 592119
Appendix	D.	HEAT	Input	Data	
Preliminary	Results	
Input	data:	
Cycling	from	a	single	point	in	time.	
Total	number	of	trips	observed:	670113/365	=	1836,	100%	are	cycle	trips	
90%	are	return	trips	
average	distance	of	4km	(15	minute	trips,	speed	of	16km/hr.)	
Evaluate	the	benefits	of	this	current	increased	cycling		
Average	population:	(about	20-64	Years)	
Crude	death	rate	Canada	per	100000	=	739	(world	bank)	
5,800,000	–	value	of	a	statistical	life	(ignoring	currency)	
Difference-in-Difference	Estimation	Results	
Input	data:	
Cycling	from	a	single	point	in	time.	
Total	number	of	trips	observed:	592119/365	=	1622,	100%	are	cycle	trips	
90%	are	return	trips	
average	distance	of	4km	(15	minute	trips,	speed	of	16km/hr.)	
Evaluate	the	benefits	of	this	current	increased	cycling		
Average	population:	(about	20-64	Years)	
Crude	death	rate	Canada	per	100000	=	739	(world	bank)	
5,800,000	–	value	of	a	statistical	life	(ignoring	currency)
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