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Intercultural Communication in Business
Assessment-2: Written Assignment
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Task-1: What are the challenges of living in a global community and why
intercultural/transcultural communication is necessary for global business?................................. 3
Introduction................................................................................................................................. 3
Challenges of living in a global community ............................................................................... 3
Importance of intercultural communication in business ............................................................. 4
Conclusion................................................................................................................................... 5
Task-2: How do differences in languages influence intercultural/transcultural communication?
What is the role of Global Englishes in global business and developing global citizenship
identity?........................................................................................................................................... 6
Introduction................................................................................................................................. 6
Influence of difference in language on international communication......................................... 6
Role of Global Englishes in global business and developing global citizenship identity........... 7
Conclusion................................................................................................................................... 8
Task-3: What are essential skills in developing intercultural competence in today’s multicultural
society? ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Introduction................................................................................................................................. 9
Essential skills for intercultural competence............................................................................... 9
Conclusion................................................................................................................................. 12
References..................................................................................................................................... 13
Task-1: What are the challenges of living in a global community and why
intercultural/transcultural communication is necessary for global business?
People from various cultures develop common meanings via a process known as intercultural
communication, which may be characterized as symbolic, interpretative, transactional, and
contextual (Veel and Bredhauer, 2009). Intercultural communication is the technique by which
people from one culture try to comprehend the perspectives of those from another culture. Take
the hospitality industry as an example; hotel owners are tasked with learning about their clients so
they may better serve them (Brunell, 2013). Additionally, customers provide input to the hotel
employees about their needs. In most circumstances, both the sender and the recipient of a message
will be from different cultural and environmental backgrounds, yet they will still need to interact
with one other for various reasons.
Challenges of living in a global community
Information technology and high-speed communication have reduced the distance of the world
and now the entire world is a village. Still, there are number of challenges available for a global
community to move on. The first challenge is that one has to do with the convoluted nature of the
story's plot. Narratives that include characters changing their identities are often seen as
problematic or unsatisfactory by people. It would seem that the majority of debates are limited to
more elite and educated groups. The discussion on the global community is still restricted to
academic debates among a very small number of individuals, which lends an air of elitism to the
topic. The drive for an extension of the spheres within which individual work communicates little
more than a story that is difficult for the general people to understand (Brunell, 2013). The second
challenges is that one relates to the inherent challenge that comes with trying to take into account
different local settings while also functioning on a global scale. Recognizing, rather than
attempting to hide or conceal, our many identities and finding common ground between them can
be thought of as the essence of global community (Schattle, 2008). This can be accomplished by
utilising the various local resources that are at our disposal in order to find solutions to global
problems. It in no way requires a person to become detached from the reality of their immediate
surroundings in any manner. Opponents often view it as a kind of cultural appropriation that is
disguising itself as global citizenship.
The rising tide of nationalism and protectionism that is sweeping the globe is the third big
challenge that global community face (Dower and Williams, 2016). This is due to the fact that the
populist narratives emphasize comfort and the maintenance of the status quo. The practice of
protectionism impedes economic mobility, which, in turn, has a ripple impact on other facets of
cultural and social exchange as well. It is common practise to depict globalism as a negative force,
and nationalist ideology is often promoted as a solution to this problem (Brunell, 2013). This
school of thinking simplifies what is otherwise a complicated and multi-faceted dispute and
presents it in a way that is not just misleading but also damaging.
Importance of intercultural communication in business
The cultural norms and practices of a certain social group are what make up that group's culture.
Because of improvements in transportation and communication technologies, there has been a rise
in the volume of business conducted across international borders, which has resulted in an increase
in the need for competent intercultural communication, also known as global communication
(Washington et al, 2012). Intercultural communication in the global workplace makes it possible
for people to communicate politely and productively with one another. Finding areas of agreement
and respecting one another's unique qualities are both fostered by this practise. It is equally crucial
to communicate across cultural boundaries in person, over the phone, and even via electronic
means such as email or text message.
First, intercultural communication is important to communicate across cultures since the job
output of any single person is affected by their own history, life experiences, and skill sets.
Researchers have shown that businesses that actively encourage and support diversity and
inclusion are almost twice as inventive as their non-diverse counterparts and this is possible when
intercultural communication is rich and active among employees (Spinks and Wells, 1997). The
formation of a diverse and inclusive workplace is hampered if the business culture does not
encourage open dialogue amongst employees of different cultural backgrounds. The firm as a
whole may also see a decline in performance. Evidence suggests that businesses with greater
gender diversity among their top executives perform better than those with less diversity (Hinner,
1998). Secondly, with the advent of the remote work paradigm, companies are able to recruit the
best and brightest from all over the world (Washington et al, 2012). To be successful, a company
must understand and adhere to the cultural and social standards of its global workforce. All the
members of the squad bring their own special qualities to the table.
In order to provide them with the appropriate amount and kind of assistance they need to fulfil
their function, it is important to recognize, value, and comprehend their unique qualities and
perspectives. Executives and corporate leaders may accomplish successful communication on a
worldwide scale with only a little bit of knowledge about the significance of intercultural
communication in today's workplace (Kei and Yazdanifard, 2015). Thirdly, as a result of effective
intercultural communication, linguistic and cultural barriers in international commerce are reduced
or eliminated. Learning about different cultures and using communication skills like reflective
listening and an open mind may lead to more effective global communication.
The world is not a distance anymore and it has been possible due to the boundless communication
that bypassed difference between nations, groups, races, and cultures. To foster business and rich
cultures that inspire the global community, there is no way to deny the importance of intercultural
communication where everyone is skilled, knowledgeable, and respectful to other culture,
language, and customs.
Task-2: How do differences in languages influence intercultural/transcultural
communication? What is the role of Global Englishes in global business and developing
global citizenship identity?
Language is an essential element of both domestic and global communication. This is also
considered as the prime element of cultural barriers. Expertise in global language makes
individuals global and such individuals also supportive for global businesses too. However, lack
of expertise, experience, and knowledge on global language can create barriers to move on.
Influence of difference in language on international communication
Language is one of the most important aspects of communicating across cultural boundaries.
People from diverse cultural backgrounds communicate with one another and form perceptions of
one another in different ways due to the fact that language is directly linked to a person's identity,
worldview, and stance. Miscommunications based on language, culture, and even identity may be
detrimental to the development of international relationships. If a person does not have a basic
comprehension of linguistic aspects and the communication process, they may confuse language
obstacles with cultural barriers (Chen et al, 2006). It is very necessary to have a firm understanding
of the language aspect of intercultural communication in order to make improvements to
intercultural discourse. For members of a cultural or ethnic group, the significance of language's
impact and power cannot be overstated. Language usage is of utmost significance within each and
every kind of speech group, whether it be based on ethnicity, race, culture, or gender. Every group
of speakers has its own set of conventions, protocols, and procedures for communicating.
Interactions among members of a group of people may differ in a number of ways, including the
frequency and significance of speaking, the interpretation of performances including speaking, and
the common language forms (Kramsch, 2014). The norms and regulations of communication are
upheld by the speech community, although there is a possibility that they may evolve through time.
On the other hand, there is a certain amount of individual divergence from the norms in any group
of speakers of a certain language. There are certain members of the group that communicate
differently from others. The members of the group communicate with one another using a speech
code, which is a set of symbols, signals, meanings, and norms applicable to a particular
circumstance and interaction (Risager, 2007). Communication may be impacted by a number of
factors, including the nature of the relationship, age, gender, social standing, and generation.
In a similar vein, the ratio of verbal to nonverbal communication changes significantly depending
on the community of speakers. The rules of speech govern what is proper and what is not
appropriate to say in a certain circumstance with a specific set of communication partners.
Individuals are intuitively aware of what to say, what not to say, and how to express it in a certain
manner. A person is better able to know how they should behave towards other people when they
have rules of interaction to guide them. In addition to its function as a medium of communication,
language also serves as a marker or indication of the cultural identity of the speaker (Kramsch,
2014). During contact, the usage of a certain language helps convey the identity of the organisation
(discourse markers). Certain sorts of idioms are used to convey membership to a group;
nevertheless, these same terms may also be used to exclude, segregate, or discriminate against
Role of Global Englishes in global business and developing global citizenship identity
Global Englishes encompasses global Englishes, ELF (English Language for Foreigners), and
English as an international language (EIL) (Ives, 2006). It investigates English's role as a
worldwide language. Global Englishes expands the lens of World Englishes, ELF, and EIL to
include globalisation, linguistic imperialism, education, language policy, and planning. In order to
implement change inside the internal structure of global organisations, several companies have
begun developing corporate language strategies specially imposing importance of English as a
communication language (Cavanagh, 2020). To put it another way, companies that have relied
heavily on recruiting non-native speakers while ignoring the need for an official language inside
the company's structure have met with strong criticism from local workers and stakeholders. Yet,
change management is essential for making a company versatile and responsive to changes in the
external economic climate. The ability to communicate effectively in a foreign language specially
English help a company establish a firm footing in the global market and smooth over linguistic
and cultural differences (Weltsek and Medina, 2014). In addition, international businesses attract
individuals from all walks of life and all corners of the globe. They are engaging online even
though they aren't physically working together. The common language like English used here
facilitates the sharing of information and the generation of new ideas, leading to more international
collaboration and creativity (Cavanagh, 2020).
Employee morale and productivity both rise when there is less room for misunderstandings in the
workplace. This is predicated on the use of a standard code. As a global language, English bridges
the gap between the company and its customers and clients, as well as the global staff (Pennycook,
2006). This bond may be solidified by open and honest dialogue, which also boosts the reliability
of the company. In international business, having a common language like English is crucial for
fostering cooperation and raising awareness of goals. Relationships are the backbone of every
successful business, and strong communication is essential to maintaining those bonds and today’s
businesses and intercultural communication is dependent on one language; English (Weltsek and
Medina, 2014). One such language is English, which is spoken in many parts of the globe and has
a simpler grammar structure. The formal study of it is an alternative for people who want to
increase their chances of success in this field. Success requires not just the ability to communicate
clearly and fluently, but also to write clearly and concisely. The ability to effectively express
yourself in writing and vocally opens doors to growth and professional advancement.
Language barrier must be removed in order to foster global communication, global business and
global citizenship. Due to the openness of communication, technology, and advance of networking
systems, language learning is easier than ever and individuals from a remote corner of the world
can learn language and therefore, to be a global citizen, one must get skilled in a common language
that is applicable in both global business and culture.
Task-3: What are essential skills in developing intercultural competence in today’s
multicultural society?
An individual today is not limited to his/her domestic area, rather he/she requires to interact with
global citizens for education, business, and intercultural purposes. Due to the advancement of
technology and advance communication system, every individual is a global citizen and needs to
adapt international cultures and communications systems (Leung et al, 2014). Therefore, it is
essential to be expert in essential skills that make an individual a global citizen.
Essential skills for intercultural competence
First of all, we must find the similarities rather than the differences and in order to construct mutual
understanding with the other participant, we need to concentrate on the similarities rather than the
differences between us. Secondly, we must get rid of your preconceptions and stereotypes: We
need to get rid of our false views about members of outgroups that are based on comparisons with
our own in groups. Thirdly, we must cultivate a flexible and open mind: in order to adjust the
manner in which we communicate to the context of a given interaction, we need to cultivate both
a flexible mind and an open mind.
In addition to that, it is important to learn about other cultures and stay current on world events in
order to appreciate the points of view of people from diverse backgrounds (Deardorff and Jones,
2009). Understanding the customs, attitudes, and beliefs of people from different cultural
backgrounds may be useful when interacting with them. For instance, gaining knowledge about
the dialects spoken in their regions, child-rearing techniques, or religious traditions might assist us
in better understanding people and groups from a variety of backgrounds and facilitating more
meaningful interactions with them. Secondly, tolerance of people who come from a variety of
cultural origins is an important step in the right path (Deardorff, 2011). Tolerance, on the other
hand, is not always the best option. In point of fact, tolerance is often understood to suggest that
an individual is only making an effort to accept something that is unfavorable. The ability to
appreciate, validate, and include people of diverse cultural origins is an important part of having
cultural competency (Fantini, 2009). This goes beyond just "putting up with" differences between
people. For instance, in order to improve one's cultural competency, one may ask members of a
cultural group questions that are both open-minded and open-ended, or one could inquire for
further information by saying something like, "I would want to learn more about..." In order to
create an atmosphere that is welcoming to people of different backgrounds, it is important to make
an effort to recognize verbal and nonverbal behaviours, such as shaking hands that members of
specific cultures may not consider suitable (Deardorff and Jones, 2009).
Thirdly, it is vital to demonstrate cultural competency by actively listening to others, expressing
empathy for others, and effectively engaging in conversation when going beyond tolerance. These
three aspects will assist a person in developing an awareness for the similarities and contrasts that
exist across many cultures, as well as in establishing an atmosphere that is hospitable to others.
Fourthly, it has been proven that the capacity to empathize with others and the ability to control
anxiety both contribute to the decrease of prejudice, and that these two abilities boost the overall
effect of intercultural encounter even more than the acquisition of cultural information does
(Deardorff and Jones, 2009). Intercultural expertise allows a person to realise that empathy is
necessary in every setting in order to grasp what others are genuinely experiencing and what they
are attempting to say. This is something that can be learned by anybody. These kinds of empathic
gestures, together with the capacity to tolerate discomfort, create an atmosphere that is hospitable
to the development of productive and long-lasting relationships that extend beyond the confines
of the professional and the workplace. People are able to engage in any difficult scenario via the
development of their capacity for empathy. Fifth, respect is very necessary in any and all social
interactions, but it is particularly important in multicultural discussion (Fantini, 2009). It might
also determine whether or not we participate in a discussion with someone who is different from
ourselves. Due to the fact that each person in this globe is born equal, respect ought to be a given.
People have the capacity to feel threatened by certain cultural groupings for a variety of reasons,
both positive and negative, and it is from this place that biases originate. However, the ability to
consider critically and recognize that one's previous experiences do not always constitute a rule
when applied to a new setting is required. As a result, treating other people with respect in every
contact you have with them in a new context should always be given. Sixth, it is essential for every
single person to be adaptable and flexible in all of their social interactions, particularly if they are
taking place in a multicultural environment (Leung et al, 2014). Individuals need to recognize and
respect the distinctions between them, but they also need to look for areas in which they have
something in common with one another and overlap. Because of this, people will be seen as more
accessible by others if they demonstrate flexibility and adaptation in the context of a new cultural
situation. Cultures do not become stagnant throughout time but rather are continuously evolving
in some form or another. Therefore, people should strive toward lowering cultural barriers and
demonstrating a readiness to collaborate with one another in order to establish a new identity for
the society they help construct (Deardorff, 2011).
It is very necessary for people to develop intercultural abilities that will assist them in bridging
cultural divides in today's society, which is both highly globalized and intensely divided.
International travel has resulted in a shrinking globe, and as a result, it is more important than ever
for people of various cultures to be able to coexist peacefully. In order for people all over the globe
to be able to coexist peacefully and reap the advantages of living in a diverse society, they need to
demonstrate a variety of skills, some of which are listed above.
Brunell, L. A. (2013). Building Global Citizenship: Engaging Global Issues, Practicing Civic
Skills. Journal of Political Science Education, 9(1), 16–33.
Cavanagh, C. (2020). The role of English in global citizenship. Journal of Global Citizenship &
Equity Education, 7(1).
Chen, S., Geluykens, R., & Choi, C. J. (2006). The importance of language in global teams: A
linguistic perspective. Management international review, 46(6), 679-696.
Deardorff, D. K. (2011). Assessing intercultural competence. New directions for institutional
research, 2011(149), 65.
Deardorff, D. K., & Jones, E. (2009). Intercultural competence. Developing intercultural
competence and transformation, 82, 32-52.
Dower, N., & Williams, J. (2016). Global citizenship: A critical introduction. Routledge.
Fantini, A. E. (2009). Assessing intercultural competence. The SAGE handbook of intercultural
competence, 456-476.
Hinner, M. B. (1998). The importance of intercultural communication in the global world (No.
1998/06). TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.
Ives, P. (2006). 'Global English': Linguistic Imperialism or Practical Lingua Franca?.
Kei, S. S., & Yazdanifard, R. (2015). The significance of intercultural communication for
businesses and the obstacles that managers should overcome in achieving effective intercultural
communication. Global Journal of Management and Business Research.
Kramsch, C. (2014). Language and culture. AILA review, 27(1), 30-55.
Leung, K., Ang, S., & Tan, M. L. (2014). Intercultural competence. Annual Review of
Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 1(1), 489-519.
Pennycook, A. (2006). Global Englishes and transcultural flows. Routledge.
Risager, K. (2007). Language and culture pedagogy. In Language and Culture Pedagogy.
Multilingual Matters.
Schattle, H. (2008). The practices of global citizenship. Rowman & Littlefield.
Spinks, N., & Wells, B. (1997). Intercultural communication: a key element in global
strategies. Career Development International.
Veel, L., & Bredhauer, M. (2009). 'Living Local, Thinking Global': Creating and Sustaining
Pedagogies. International Journal of Learning, 16(9).
Washington, M. C., Okoro, E. A., & Thomas, O. (2012). Intercultural communication in global
business: An analysis of benefits and challenges. International Business & Economics Research
Journal (IBER), 11(2), 217-222.
Weltsek, G. J., & Medina, C. L. (2014). Global markets/Global Englishes: Drama and discourses
in colonial spaces. Youth Theatre Journal, 28(1), 18-31.

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  • 1. 1 Intercultural Communication in Business Assessment-2: Written Assignment Student ID:
  • 2. 2 Contents Task-1: What are the challenges of living in a global community and why intercultural/transcultural communication is necessary for global business?................................. 3 Introduction................................................................................................................................. 3 Challenges of living in a global community ............................................................................... 3 Importance of intercultural communication in business ............................................................. 4 Conclusion................................................................................................................................... 5 Task-2: How do differences in languages influence intercultural/transcultural communication? What is the role of Global Englishes in global business and developing global citizenship identity?........................................................................................................................................... 6 Introduction................................................................................................................................. 6 Influence of difference in language on international communication......................................... 6 Role of Global Englishes in global business and developing global citizenship identity........... 7 Conclusion................................................................................................................................... 8 Task-3: What are essential skills in developing intercultural competence in today’s multicultural society? ........................................................................................................................................... 9 Introduction................................................................................................................................. 9 Essential skills for intercultural competence............................................................................... 9 Conclusion................................................................................................................................. 12 References..................................................................................................................................... 13
  • 3. 3 Task-1: What are the challenges of living in a global community and why intercultural/transcultural communication is necessary for global business? Introduction People from various cultures develop common meanings via a process known as intercultural communication, which may be characterized as symbolic, interpretative, transactional, and contextual (Veel and Bredhauer, 2009). Intercultural communication is the technique by which people from one culture try to comprehend the perspectives of those from another culture. Take the hospitality industry as an example; hotel owners are tasked with learning about their clients so they may better serve them (Brunell, 2013). Additionally, customers provide input to the hotel employees about their needs. In most circumstances, both the sender and the recipient of a message will be from different cultural and environmental backgrounds, yet they will still need to interact with one other for various reasons. Challenges of living in a global community Information technology and high-speed communication have reduced the distance of the world and now the entire world is a village. Still, there are number of challenges available for a global community to move on. The first challenge is that one has to do with the convoluted nature of the story's plot. Narratives that include characters changing their identities are often seen as problematic or unsatisfactory by people. It would seem that the majority of debates are limited to more elite and educated groups. The discussion on the global community is still restricted to academic debates among a very small number of individuals, which lends an air of elitism to the topic. The drive for an extension of the spheres within which individual work communicates little more than a story that is difficult for the general people to understand (Brunell, 2013). The second challenges is that one relates to the inherent challenge that comes with trying to take into account different local settings while also functioning on a global scale. Recognizing, rather than attempting to hide or conceal, our many identities and finding common ground between them can be thought of as the essence of global community (Schattle, 2008). This can be accomplished by utilising the various local resources that are at our disposal in order to find solutions to global problems. It in no way requires a person to become detached from the reality of their immediate surroundings in any manner. Opponents often view it as a kind of cultural appropriation that is disguising itself as global citizenship.
  • 4. 4 The rising tide of nationalism and protectionism that is sweeping the globe is the third big challenge that global community face (Dower and Williams, 2016). This is due to the fact that the populist narratives emphasize comfort and the maintenance of the status quo. The practice of protectionism impedes economic mobility, which, in turn, has a ripple impact on other facets of cultural and social exchange as well. It is common practise to depict globalism as a negative force, and nationalist ideology is often promoted as a solution to this problem (Brunell, 2013). This school of thinking simplifies what is otherwise a complicated and multi-faceted dispute and presents it in a way that is not just misleading but also damaging. Importance of intercultural communication in business The cultural norms and practices of a certain social group are what make up that group's culture. Because of improvements in transportation and communication technologies, there has been a rise in the volume of business conducted across international borders, which has resulted in an increase in the need for competent intercultural communication, also known as global communication (Washington et al, 2012). Intercultural communication in the global workplace makes it possible for people to communicate politely and productively with one another. Finding areas of agreement and respecting one another's unique qualities are both fostered by this practise. It is equally crucial to communicate across cultural boundaries in person, over the phone, and even via electronic means such as email or text message. First, intercultural communication is important to communicate across cultures since the job output of any single person is affected by their own history, life experiences, and skill sets. Researchers have shown that businesses that actively encourage and support diversity and inclusion are almost twice as inventive as their non-diverse counterparts and this is possible when intercultural communication is rich and active among employees (Spinks and Wells, 1997). The formation of a diverse and inclusive workplace is hampered if the business culture does not encourage open dialogue amongst employees of different cultural backgrounds. The firm as a whole may also see a decline in performance. Evidence suggests that businesses with greater gender diversity among their top executives perform better than those with less diversity (Hinner, 1998). Secondly, with the advent of the remote work paradigm, companies are able to recruit the best and brightest from all over the world (Washington et al, 2012). To be successful, a company must understand and adhere to the cultural and social standards of its global workforce. All the members of the squad bring their own special qualities to the table.
  • 5. 5 In order to provide them with the appropriate amount and kind of assistance they need to fulfil their function, it is important to recognize, value, and comprehend their unique qualities and perspectives. Executives and corporate leaders may accomplish successful communication on a worldwide scale with only a little bit of knowledge about the significance of intercultural communication in today's workplace (Kei and Yazdanifard, 2015). Thirdly, as a result of effective intercultural communication, linguistic and cultural barriers in international commerce are reduced or eliminated. Learning about different cultures and using communication skills like reflective listening and an open mind may lead to more effective global communication. Conclusion The world is not a distance anymore and it has been possible due to the boundless communication that bypassed difference between nations, groups, races, and cultures. To foster business and rich cultures that inspire the global community, there is no way to deny the importance of intercultural communication where everyone is skilled, knowledgeable, and respectful to other culture, language, and customs.
  • 6. 6 Task-2: How do differences in languages influence intercultural/transcultural communication? What is the role of Global Englishes in global business and developing global citizenship identity? Introduction Language is an essential element of both domestic and global communication. This is also considered as the prime element of cultural barriers. Expertise in global language makes individuals global and such individuals also supportive for global businesses too. However, lack of expertise, experience, and knowledge on global language can create barriers to move on. Influence of difference in language on international communication Language is one of the most important aspects of communicating across cultural boundaries. People from diverse cultural backgrounds communicate with one another and form perceptions of one another in different ways due to the fact that language is directly linked to a person's identity, worldview, and stance. Miscommunications based on language, culture, and even identity may be detrimental to the development of international relationships. If a person does not have a basic comprehension of linguistic aspects and the communication process, they may confuse language obstacles with cultural barriers (Chen et al, 2006). It is very necessary to have a firm understanding of the language aspect of intercultural communication in order to make improvements to intercultural discourse. For members of a cultural or ethnic group, the significance of language's impact and power cannot be overstated. Language usage is of utmost significance within each and every kind of speech group, whether it be based on ethnicity, race, culture, or gender. Every group of speakers has its own set of conventions, protocols, and procedures for communicating. Interactions among members of a group of people may differ in a number of ways, including the frequency and significance of speaking, the interpretation of performances including speaking, and the common language forms (Kramsch, 2014). The norms and regulations of communication are upheld by the speech community, although there is a possibility that they may evolve through time. On the other hand, there is a certain amount of individual divergence from the norms in any group of speakers of a certain language. There are certain members of the group that communicate differently from others. The members of the group communicate with one another using a speech code, which is a set of symbols, signals, meanings, and norms applicable to a particular circumstance and interaction (Risager, 2007). Communication may be impacted by a number of factors, including the nature of the relationship, age, gender, social standing, and generation.
  • 7. 7 In a similar vein, the ratio of verbal to nonverbal communication changes significantly depending on the community of speakers. The rules of speech govern what is proper and what is not appropriate to say in a certain circumstance with a specific set of communication partners. Individuals are intuitively aware of what to say, what not to say, and how to express it in a certain manner. A person is better able to know how they should behave towards other people when they have rules of interaction to guide them. In addition to its function as a medium of communication, language also serves as a marker or indication of the cultural identity of the speaker (Kramsch, 2014). During contact, the usage of a certain language helps convey the identity of the organisation (discourse markers). Certain sorts of idioms are used to convey membership to a group; nevertheless, these same terms may also be used to exclude, segregate, or discriminate against individuals. Role of Global Englishes in global business and developing global citizenship identity Global Englishes encompasses global Englishes, ELF (English Language for Foreigners), and English as an international language (EIL) (Ives, 2006). It investigates English's role as a worldwide language. Global Englishes expands the lens of World Englishes, ELF, and EIL to include globalisation, linguistic imperialism, education, language policy, and planning. In order to implement change inside the internal structure of global organisations, several companies have begun developing corporate language strategies specially imposing importance of English as a communication language (Cavanagh, 2020). To put it another way, companies that have relied heavily on recruiting non-native speakers while ignoring the need for an official language inside the company's structure have met with strong criticism from local workers and stakeholders. Yet, change management is essential for making a company versatile and responsive to changes in the external economic climate. The ability to communicate effectively in a foreign language specially English help a company establish a firm footing in the global market and smooth over linguistic and cultural differences (Weltsek and Medina, 2014). In addition, international businesses attract individuals from all walks of life and all corners of the globe. They are engaging online even though they aren't physically working together. The common language like English used here facilitates the sharing of information and the generation of new ideas, leading to more international collaboration and creativity (Cavanagh, 2020).
  • 8. 8 Employee morale and productivity both rise when there is less room for misunderstandings in the workplace. This is predicated on the use of a standard code. As a global language, English bridges the gap between the company and its customers and clients, as well as the global staff (Pennycook, 2006). This bond may be solidified by open and honest dialogue, which also boosts the reliability of the company. In international business, having a common language like English is crucial for fostering cooperation and raising awareness of goals. Relationships are the backbone of every successful business, and strong communication is essential to maintaining those bonds and today’s businesses and intercultural communication is dependent on one language; English (Weltsek and Medina, 2014). One such language is English, which is spoken in many parts of the globe and has a simpler grammar structure. The formal study of it is an alternative for people who want to increase their chances of success in this field. Success requires not just the ability to communicate clearly and fluently, but also to write clearly and concisely. The ability to effectively express yourself in writing and vocally opens doors to growth and professional advancement. Conclusion Language barrier must be removed in order to foster global communication, global business and global citizenship. Due to the openness of communication, technology, and advance of networking systems, language learning is easier than ever and individuals from a remote corner of the world can learn language and therefore, to be a global citizen, one must get skilled in a common language that is applicable in both global business and culture.
  • 9. 9 Task-3: What are essential skills in developing intercultural competence in today’s multicultural society? Introduction An individual today is not limited to his/her domestic area, rather he/she requires to interact with global citizens for education, business, and intercultural purposes. Due to the advancement of technology and advance communication system, every individual is a global citizen and needs to adapt international cultures and communications systems (Leung et al, 2014). Therefore, it is essential to be expert in essential skills that make an individual a global citizen. Essential skills for intercultural competence First of all, we must find the similarities rather than the differences and in order to construct mutual understanding with the other participant, we need to concentrate on the similarities rather than the differences between us. Secondly, we must get rid of your preconceptions and stereotypes: We need to get rid of our false views about members of outgroups that are based on comparisons with our own in groups. Thirdly, we must cultivate a flexible and open mind: in order to adjust the manner in which we communicate to the context of a given interaction, we need to cultivate both a flexible mind and an open mind. In addition to that, it is important to learn about other cultures and stay current on world events in order to appreciate the points of view of people from diverse backgrounds (Deardorff and Jones, 2009). Understanding the customs, attitudes, and beliefs of people from different cultural backgrounds may be useful when interacting with them. For instance, gaining knowledge about the dialects spoken in their regions, child-rearing techniques, or religious traditions might assist us in better understanding people and groups from a variety of backgrounds and facilitating more meaningful interactions with them. Secondly, tolerance of people who come from a variety of cultural origins is an important step in the right path (Deardorff, 2011). Tolerance, on the other hand, is not always the best option. In point of fact, tolerance is often understood to suggest that an individual is only making an effort to accept something that is unfavorable. The ability to appreciate, validate, and include people of diverse cultural origins is an important part of having cultural competency (Fantini, 2009). This goes beyond just "putting up with" differences between people. For instance, in order to improve one's cultural competency, one may ask members of a cultural group questions that are both open-minded and open-ended, or one could inquire for
  • 10. 10 further information by saying something like, "I would want to learn more about..." In order to create an atmosphere that is welcoming to people of different backgrounds, it is important to make an effort to recognize verbal and nonverbal behaviours, such as shaking hands that members of specific cultures may not consider suitable (Deardorff and Jones, 2009). Thirdly, it is vital to demonstrate cultural competency by actively listening to others, expressing empathy for others, and effectively engaging in conversation when going beyond tolerance. These three aspects will assist a person in developing an awareness for the similarities and contrasts that exist across many cultures, as well as in establishing an atmosphere that is hospitable to others. Fourthly, it has been proven that the capacity to empathize with others and the ability to control anxiety both contribute to the decrease of prejudice, and that these two abilities boost the overall effect of intercultural encounter even more than the acquisition of cultural information does (Deardorff and Jones, 2009). Intercultural expertise allows a person to realise that empathy is necessary in every setting in order to grasp what others are genuinely experiencing and what they are attempting to say. This is something that can be learned by anybody. These kinds of empathic gestures, together with the capacity to tolerate discomfort, create an atmosphere that is hospitable to the development of productive and long-lasting relationships that extend beyond the confines of the professional and the workplace. People are able to engage in any difficult scenario via the development of their capacity for empathy. Fifth, respect is very necessary in any and all social interactions, but it is particularly important in multicultural discussion (Fantini, 2009). It might also determine whether or not we participate in a discussion with someone who is different from ourselves. Due to the fact that each person in this globe is born equal, respect ought to be a given. People have the capacity to feel threatened by certain cultural groupings for a variety of reasons, both positive and negative, and it is from this place that biases originate. However, the ability to consider critically and recognize that one's previous experiences do not always constitute a rule when applied to a new setting is required. As a result, treating other people with respect in every contact you have with them in a new context should always be given. Sixth, it is essential for every single person to be adaptable and flexible in all of their social interactions, particularly if they are taking place in a multicultural environment (Leung et al, 2014). Individuals need to recognize and respect the distinctions between them, but they also need to look for areas in which they have something in common with one another and overlap. Because of this, people will be seen as more accessible by others if they demonstrate flexibility and adaptation in the context of a new cultural
  • 11. 11 situation. Cultures do not become stagnant throughout time but rather are continuously evolving in some form or another. Therefore, people should strive toward lowering cultural barriers and demonstrating a readiness to collaborate with one another in order to establish a new identity for the society they help construct (Deardorff, 2011).
  • 12. 12 Conclusion It is very necessary for people to develop intercultural abilities that will assist them in bridging cultural divides in today's society, which is both highly globalized and intensely divided. International travel has resulted in a shrinking globe, and as a result, it is more important than ever for people of various cultures to be able to coexist peacefully. In order for people all over the globe to be able to coexist peacefully and reap the advantages of living in a diverse society, they need to demonstrate a variety of skills, some of which are listed above.
  • 13. 13 References Brunell, L. A. (2013). Building Global Citizenship: Engaging Global Issues, Practicing Civic Skills. Journal of Political Science Education, 9(1), 16–33. Cavanagh, C. (2020). The role of English in global citizenship. Journal of Global Citizenship & Equity Education, 7(1). Chen, S., Geluykens, R., & Choi, C. J. (2006). The importance of language in global teams: A linguistic perspective. Management international review, 46(6), 679-696. Deardorff, D. K. (2011). Assessing intercultural competence. New directions for institutional research, 2011(149), 65. Deardorff, D. K., & Jones, E. (2009). Intercultural competence. Developing intercultural competence and transformation, 82, 32-52. Dower, N., & Williams, J. (2016). Global citizenship: A critical introduction. Routledge. Fantini, A. E. (2009). Assessing intercultural competence. The SAGE handbook of intercultural competence, 456-476. Hinner, M. B. (1998). The importance of intercultural communication in the global world (No. 1998/06). TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. Ives, P. (2006). 'Global English': Linguistic Imperialism or Practical Lingua Franca?. Kei, S. S., & Yazdanifard, R. (2015). The significance of intercultural communication for businesses and the obstacles that managers should overcome in achieving effective intercultural communication. Global Journal of Management and Business Research. Kramsch, C. (2014). Language and culture. AILA review, 27(1), 30-55. Leung, K., Ang, S., & Tan, M. L. (2014). Intercultural competence. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 1(1), 489-519. Pennycook, A. (2006). Global Englishes and transcultural flows. Routledge.
  • 14. 14 Risager, K. (2007). Language and culture pedagogy. In Language and Culture Pedagogy. Multilingual Matters. Schattle, H. (2008). The practices of global citizenship. Rowman & Littlefield. Spinks, N., & Wells, B. (1997). Intercultural communication: a key element in global strategies. Career Development International. Veel, L., & Bredhauer, M. (2009). 'Living Local, Thinking Global': Creating and Sustaining Pedagogies. International Journal of Learning, 16(9). Washington, M. C., Okoro, E. A., & Thomas, O. (2012). Intercultural communication in global business: An analysis of benefits and challenges. International Business & Economics Research Journal (IBER), 11(2), 217-222. Weltsek, G. J., & Medina, C. L. (2014). Global markets/Global Englishes: Drama and discourses in colonial spaces. Youth Theatre Journal, 28(1), 18-31.