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Project Honey Mustard
The AYISA Team™ will build an easy to understand application to help data handling at
Compuskills. The application will include following five interfaces:
 Contact center
 Finance center
 Schedule Manager
 Guidance Planner
 Grade Book
Honey Mustard Sign in page
When the user opens the application, the sign in screen shows up. After signing in, the user will
be redirected to the splash page.
Splash Page
The user will see the HoneyMustard Splashpage,afterloggingin. Onthispage,the usermayselect
fromone of five buttons.Everyinterfacehasitsownbutton: “Contact Center”,“Finance Center”,
“Schedule Manager”,“Guidance Planner”,and“Grade Book”. Each of these will be describedlaterin
Implementationnote:We will be using theauthorization codebuiltin to MVC.
Honey Mustard Navigation Bar
The HoneyMustard navigationbarwill appearonthe leftside of all screens exceptforthe homepage.
There will be five buttonstodirectthe userto firstpage of the “Contact Center”,“Finance Center”,
“Schedule Manager”,“Guidance Planner”,and“Grade Book” interfaces.
Contact Center
The Contact Centerhas four mainfunctions:recordingasummaryof telephonecalls,retrievingprevious
phone call records,sendingemailsandretrievingpreviousemails.
Phone Record Screen
The phone recordscreenallowsforthe entryof the namesof the callerand the person beingcalledand
the brief summaryof the subjectof the call. Whenthe name of the personbeingcalledisentered,the
numberto dial,if found,isautomaticallyinput. These detailsare recordedandmaybe recalledby
typingthe initial lettersintothe relevantcombobox.
The main sectionof the page iscomposedof an HTML texteditorwhere amore detailedrecordof the
conversationmaybe kept. The texteditorhasall the standard icons:to manipulate the size of the font,
A “SearchCalls”buttonwill showascreenwhere previouscall summariesmaybe foundandreviewed.
Search Calls Screen
The Email Screen
The email screenhasfieldstoinputthe sender(From),Subject,To,CCandBCC. The main sectionof the
email page iscomposedof the same HTML texteditormentionedearlier. A Sendbuttonwill initiatethe
transmissionof the email tothe recipient(s).
A SearchEmailsbuttonwill permitthe userof the programto view oldemailsandtoloadthemintothe
A “Reminder”buttoninboththe Email andPhone screenswill displaythe "RemainderScreen"below,
allowingadate to be set,at whichtime the userwill receive anemail message tellingthemtotake
relevantactionregardinganearlierEmail orPhone conversation.
Finance Center
By clickingon"Finance center"onthe splashpage,anotherpage will open,withthreecomboboxes.The
firstbox will have the namesof the studentsthe secondwillhave namesof the employees,andthe third
will be a listof all the differentoffice expenses.
You will be able tojuststarttypinga name and a list of namesstartingwiththose letterswill appearin
alphabetical order,oryoucan scroll downthe listandview all the namesinalphabeticalorder. Youwill
clickon the name that youwant,and anotherpage will openwithall the contactinformationfor the
name selected.
In the studentwindow,underthe contactinformation,atable witheachcourse the studentisregistered
inwill showupwiththe original price of the course nexttoit,and thenthe discountprice.Itwill also
showhowmuch waspaid and any openbalance.Atthe side there will be three fields.One will havea
Shekel signinitwhere youwill enterthe amountof the paymentbeingmade.The secondwill havea
dropdownwithtypesof payments(check,creditcard,banktransfers,orcash),clickonthe correctone
and itwill appearinthe field.The thirdwill be where youenterthe date.Afterthe infoisenteredclick
on the add paymentbutton,the fieldswillclearandthe table will be updated.
In the employee window,underthe contactinformation,there will be atable withthe five mostrecent
paymentsmade tothatemployee.There will be twocolumns,one withthe amountof the paymentsand
the otherwill have the date the paymentsweremade.There will be anoptionto “see all”.Thiswill pull
up all paymentsmade tothatemployee.Atthe side therewillbe three fields.One will have aShekel sign
init where youwill enterthe amountof the paymentbeingmade.The secondwill haveadropdown
withtypesof payments(check,creditcard,banktransfers,orcash),clickonthe correct one and itwill
appearin the field.The thirdwillbe where youenterthe date.Afterthe infoisenteredclickonthe add
paymentbutton,the fieldswill clearandthe table willbe updated.
Schedule Manager
The Schedule ManagementInterfacewillallow the userthe abilitytocreate,accessandshare a class
Schedule Manager Homepage.
Afterbeingguidedtothe Schedule Managerpage,one willsee twooptionbuttons,“Create Schedule”&
“Manage/ViewSchedule”dependingonwhatthe userwouldlike todois whattheyshouldpress.
 Create Schedule will allowthe usertocreate a brand new classschedule fromscratchand have
the optionto be savedand storedinCompuskillsDatabase.
 Manager/ViewSchedulewillallow the usertosearchfora specificclassschedule OrViewa
yearlycalendarof the classestakingplace basedonhispre-definedsearch.
Create Schedule Homepage.
The user will be directedtoanewpage withmultiple Requireddropdownfieldsoptionstofill out.Any
fieldthathasnot beencompleted,anError message will be displayednexttothatparticularfieldsaying
“ThisfieldisRequired”.We willnotallow the usertocontinue creatingthe scheduleif there are any
A listof the followingDropdownfields:
 Coursename– The name of the course youwouldlike tocreate the schedule for.
 (Module) –The name of the classunit.
 Gender – will thisclassbe for Male or Female.
 StartDate – the English(DD/MM/YYYY) date youwouldlike tostart the course on.
 End Date– the English(DD/MM/YYYY) date you wouldlike the classtoend.
 Daysof The Week – what dayof the weekwill the classtake place.
 Location/Format –will the course take place atCompuskillsschooloronline.
 Comments – Anunrequiredfieldtofill out.Anycomments(upto50 characters) pertainingto
that particularcourse shouldbe writtenatthispoint.
Aftercompletingoutall the requiredfieldsthe usercanthenclickon the large buttonat the bottomof
the page titled“Create”whichwillcreate andsave the schedule withall the enteredinformation.
On completionthe Userwill thenbe directedtothe detailspage withall the course infoof thatschedule
that userhad justentered.Withabonusaddedfeature of a displaymessage written,“Course…has
Whichin turn leadsusto the Schedule DetailsHomepage, whichwill have all the infoof thatparticular
course (,time,comments…) withinaSearch Resultfield.
There will be twomini size buttons;
 Share- will allowthe usertoshare the schedule viaemail (using theContactCenter’sinterface
Email option).
 Print - will allowthe usertoprintthe page screen.
Manager/ViewSchedule Homepage.
The user will be directedtoanewpage withan optioneithertoclick“ClassInfo” or “Current Course
Schedule”.Once youhave clickedthe ClassInfobuttonthere will be multiple optional dropdownfields
to fill out(byselectingthe ClassInfobuttononlythe relevantfieldswill be shown,the restwill turn
grey).The userwill be able tosearchby one or more fields.
Class Info
A listof the followingDropdownfields:
 CourseName– search bythe course name.
 Semester– searchby the semester.
 Date – search by the course date.
 Daysof The Week – search bythe dayof the week.
 Gender – search bythe gendertype.
On completionthe userwill have the abilitytoclickthe large size Searchbutton.Once clickedthe user
will be directedtothe Schedule DetailsHomepage withagridlike table of all the schedule’sthat
matchedthe userssearch.
The userwill be able toclickon eachindividual schedule whichwill automaticallydirectthemtothe
schedule detailof thatparticularschedule withthe optionsto:
 Edit - whichwill redirectthe useronce clickedtothe Creatorhomepage (whichwill now be
called“Editor homepage”) whichwill have all the currentinformationdisplayedintheircorrect
fieldstherebyallowingthe usertoeditanyof the infoof that particularcourse.Once amended
and modifiedthe userwill have the abilitytoclickthe Create buttonwhichwill thenbe directed
to the detail page withall the course infoof that schedule thathe hasjustfilledout.Witha
bonusaddedfeature of a Flashingdisplaymessage written,“Course…hasbeensuccessfully
createdand saved”.
 Share– will allowthe usertoshare the schedule viaemail (using theContactCenter’sinterface
Email option).
 Print - will allowthe usertoprintthe page screen.
Current Course Schedule
The other optionyouhave isthe Current Course Schedule button.Once clicked,there will be multiple
optional dropdownfieldstofill out(byselectingthe CurrentCourse Schedule buttononlythe relevant
fieldswillbe shown,the restwillturngrey).The userwill be able tosearchbyone or more fields.
A listof the followingDropdownfields:
 CourseName– search bythe course name.
 StartDate – The start date to youryearlyschedule.
 End Date– The end date to youryearlyschedule.
 Semester– searchby the semester.
 Gender Type– searchby the gendertype.
On completionthe userwill have the abilitytoclickthe large size Displaybutton.Once clickedthe user
will be directedtothe CurrentCourse Schedule Detailspage withayearlycalendarof all the schedule’s
that matchedthe userssearch:
The user will be able toclickoneach individualcourse whichwill automaticallydirectthemtothe Class
Info detail of thatparticularschedule.
 Print - will allowthe usertoprintthe page screen.
College Guidance Planner Interface
The college guidance plannerinterface allowsacounselororadministratortoputtogethera planwitha
studentinorderto helpthe studentreacha degree orcertificate goal ina specifiedperiodof time.
The user will choose toeithertype inthe studentIDnumberina combobox and the firstname and last
name fieldswillautomaticallybe filledinwiththe correspondinginformationortype inthe firstname
and lastname in theirrespectivecomboboxeswiththe correspondingstudentIDappearinginitsfield.
The user will thenchoose eitherthe firstbuttonfor“New”guidance planorthe secondbuttonto
“Review”anexistingguidance plan.
The firstthingthe userwill see isnumberof fieldswithonlya few thatneedtobe typedin.There isthe
studentIDnumber,firstname,andlastname whichwill automaticallybe filledinbasedonthe
informationenteredonthe splashpage.The date whenthe guidance planisputtogetherwill be filledin
as well fromcomputer’sdate andtime.The userwill needtochoose fromadrop downmenuinthe
fieldforthe name of the degree/certificate thatthe studentwishestopursue andthiswill automatically
fill inthe fieldwiththe numberof creditstocomplete the degree/certificate program.The userwillalso
fill infieldsforthe periodinwhichdegree/certificate programbegins,the periodwhenthe student
wishestoenddegree/certificateprogram, andtheirname asthe authorof the guidance plan.
ImplementationNote: If the user chooses“New”,thenthe guidance planrecordwill automaticallybe
savedagainstthe studentIDnumberbut withoutthe IsSavedbox checkedoff inthe database.Thiswill
allowthe guidance planinformationtobe savedonce the guidance planiscompleted.
Once the user choosesthe name of the program, a listof classesnecessarytocomplete the programwill
appear.The top of the listwill have coursesrequiredtocomplete the programfollowedbyaspace and
thenthe listcontinueswithpossibleelectivesthatmightbe chosentoreachthe total creditgoal.
Afterthe basicinformationiscompleted,the userwill now be able tocreate the actual guidance planby
typingina givenperiodandthentypingina name of a course and the creditsassociatedwithitthatis
on the listthat wasmentionedearlier.There willbe anumberof periodstofill inwithfourcoursesin
each period.There willalsobe atallyat the bottomwiththe sum of total numberof creditsthathave
beenenteredinbythe user.
At the bottomof the screen,the usercan clicka buttonto eitherchoose to“Save” the guidance planor
to “Print& Save” the finishedguidance plan.
If the userchooses“Review”inthe splashpage,thenuserwillsee the mostrecentguidance planbased
on the studentIDnumberthat wasenteredin.There will be noeditable fieldsandthe usercan only
choose to “Print”the guidance planbyclickingthe buttonat the bottom.
Grade Book
Thisis an interface tograde eachstudentina class. There will alsobe away to searchfor classes,and
youwill geta page whichdisplaysthe classinfoandtheirgrades.
Search Page
The firstpage iswhere yousearchfor the classyou want.You can search forclassesbyclass name and
year. By selectingthe checkboxes, the relevantsearchfieldsbecomegreyorblack.The teacherwhois
loggedinwill be able tosee onlythe classesthathe teaches,makingiteasiertofindhisclasses.
To implementthe 'teacherseeshisclasses'feature,the Userstable inthe database will have a
columnwitha personIDtosee if he is a teacher,andwe will have aCourseTeachertable,to
assigna course to a teacher.
Afteryousearch,you geta listof searchresults,fromwhichyoupickthe classyou wantto view/grade.
Clickingona classrecord bringsyouto the class detailspage.
Class DetailsPage
Aftersome information,there isalistof studentswiththeir grades.Afterclickingthe "Grade"button,
there will be abox in whichyoucan fill ina grade nextto eachstudent.
Data Source
All fieldswill getitsdatafromthe Compuskillsdatabase basedonthe correspondinginformationthatis
Later Versions
Honey Mustard NavigationBar
The buttonsof the Compuskills navigationbarwill expandtoincludethe optionof internalpagesof the
interfacesandnotjustthe firstpage.
Finance Center
In the studentwindow nexttothe name of the course there will be asmall box witha+/- in it.Whenyou
clickon + the line will widenandyouwill seethe originalagreementof how oftenpaymentsare
supposedtobe made,type of payment(check,creditcard,banktransfers,orcash) and whoissupposed
to be makingthe payment(student,familymember,friendoran organization).Now youcanclickonthe
- and the line will returntothe original size.
There will be abuttonwiththe wordhistorywritteninit,whenyouclickit,awindow will openupwith
the historyof all the paymentsmade sofar. You will have the optiontodelete ormake changestoa
payment.A message willappear,"are yousure youwanttoalterthispayment",clickyesorno.When
youclose the window,youwillagainbe backon the studentpage,andthe table updated.Whenyou
close the student’spage youwill be backonthe page withthe three dropdowns.
Whenyouscroll downthe listof office expensesyouwillsee the namesof utilitycompanies,andother
expenses(water,electricity,rent,arnonaetc.).There will alsobe namesof suppliers,forexample, paper
goods,snacks,computers,andsoftware. Whenyouselectone of the companiesapage will come up
where youwill recordmoneyowedandmoneybeingpaidforeachbill.
Schedule Manager
 Will include participantsinthe classtothe schedule.
 Start Date & End Date will have acalendarbasediconobjectforthe userto clickinsteadof
typingindirectlythe date.
 We will includeaMultiple searchfeature inallowingthe usertosearcha few schedulesata
 A calendartype feature toviewall schedulesata glance.
ImplementationNote: We will use backgroundAJAXrequeststothe servertoretrieve datafromthe
database. The serverwill use anEF queryto connectto the actual database.
Guidance Planner
Later Versions
 The name of the course that is on the listof coursesneededwill have aline throughit,once that
classis enteredintothe guidance planitself.
 There will be dragand drop capabilitiestomove the name of the course on the listintothe
guidance planwiththe original name of the course beingshadedandunable tobe movedagain.
 If there is a previousguidance plan,whenastudentIDnumberisentered,the informationinthe
mostrecentplanwill automaticallybe filledinallowingthe usertoeditthe informationand
save the guidance plan.
 The tallyof total creditsforthe guidance planwill be highlightedif itisequal toor greaterthan
the total numberof creditsnecessarytocomplete the degree/certificate programthatisstated
inthe basicinformationarea.
 Shouldthe userchoose one of the “Save” optionbuttons,theywillsee adialogbox askingif
theywishtosave an additional copyof the guidance planfileasa .pdf and where theywishto
save it to.
 In the guidance plan,there will be onlyone fieldaftereachheaderwithaplus(+) buttonto add
an additional fieldstoenteradditionalcourse namesanda minus(-) buttonincase the user
pressedthe + inerror and wishestoremove afield.Thiscanonlybe completedif there isno
informationinthe field.
 Once the name of a course ischoseninthe guidance plan,the numberof creditscorresponding
to it will automaticallybe filledin.
Grade Book
In the future youwill be able to calculate GPAs,printtranscriptsforstudents,andgetaverage gradesfor
classesor students.

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Honey Mustard Project Spec

  • 1. Project Honey Mustard The AYISA Team™ will build an easy to understand application to help data handling at Compuskills. The application will include following five interfaces:  Contact center  Finance center  Schedule Manager  Guidance Planner  Grade Book Honey Mustard Sign in page When the user opens the application, the sign in screen shows up. After signing in, the user will be redirected to the splash page. Splash Page The user will see the HoneyMustard Splashpage,afterloggingin. Onthispage,the usermayselect fromone of five buttons.Everyinterfacehasitsownbutton: “Contact Center”,“Finance Center”, “Schedule Manager”,“Guidance Planner”,and“Grade Book”. Each of these will be describedlaterin theirownsection. Implementationnote:We will be using theauthorization codebuiltin to MVC.
  • 2. Honey Mustard Navigation Bar The HoneyMustard navigationbarwill appearonthe leftside of all screens exceptforthe homepage. There will be five buttonstodirectthe userto firstpage of the “Contact Center”,“Finance Center”, “Schedule Manager”,“Guidance Planner”,and“Grade Book” interfaces.
  • 3. Contact Center The Contact Centerhas four mainfunctions:recordingasummaryof telephonecalls,retrievingprevious phone call records,sendingemailsandretrievingpreviousemails. Phone Record Screen The phone recordscreenallowsforthe entryof the namesof the callerand the person beingcalledand the brief summaryof the subjectof the call. Whenthe name of the personbeingcalledisentered,the numberto dial,if found,isautomaticallyinput. These detailsare recordedandmaybe recalledby typingthe initial lettersintothe relevantcombobox. The main sectionof the page iscomposedof an HTML texteditorwhere amore detailedrecordof the conversationmaybe kept. The texteditorhasall the standard icons:to manipulate the size of the font, bold,italic,underline,numberedorbulletedlists,etcetera. A “SearchCalls”buttonwill showascreenwhere previouscall summariesmaybe foundandreviewed.
  • 4. Search Calls Screen The Email Screen The email screenhasfieldstoinputthe sender(From),Subject,To,CCandBCC. The main sectionof the email page iscomposedof the same HTML texteditormentionedearlier. A Sendbuttonwill initiatethe transmissionof the email tothe recipient(s).
  • 5. A SearchEmailsbuttonwill permitthe userof the programto view oldemailsandtoloadthemintothe texteditorfordisplay. ReminderScreen A “Reminder”buttoninboththe Email andPhone screenswill displaythe "RemainderScreen"below, allowingadate to be set,at whichtime the userwill receive anemail message tellingthemtotake relevantactionregardinganearlierEmail orPhone conversation. Finance Center By clickingon"Finance center"onthe splashpage,anotherpage will open,withthreecomboboxes.The firstbox will have the namesof the studentsthe secondwillhave namesof the employees,andthe third will be a listof all the differentoffice expenses.
  • 6. You will be able tojuststarttypinga name and a list of namesstartingwiththose letterswill appearin alphabetical order,oryoucan scroll downthe listandview all the namesinalphabeticalorder. Youwill clickon the name that youwant,and anotherpage will openwithall the contactinformationfor the name selected. In the studentwindow,underthe contactinformation,atable witheachcourse the studentisregistered inwill showupwiththe original price of the course nexttoit,and thenthe discountprice.Itwill also showhowmuch waspaid and any openbalance.Atthe side there will be three fields.One will havea Shekel signinitwhere youwill enterthe amountof the paymentbeingmade.The secondwill havea dropdownwithtypesof payments(check,creditcard,banktransfers,orcash),clickonthe correctone and itwill appearinthe field.The thirdwill be where youenterthe date.Afterthe infoisenteredclick on the add paymentbutton,the fieldswillclearandthe table will be updated. In the employee window,underthe contactinformation,there will be atable withthe five mostrecent paymentsmade tothatemployee.There will be twocolumns,one withthe amountof the paymentsand the otherwill have the date the paymentsweremade.There will be anoptionto “see all”.Thiswill pull up all paymentsmade tothatemployee.Atthe side therewillbe three fields.One will have aShekel sign init where youwill enterthe amountof the paymentbeingmade.The secondwill haveadropdown withtypesof payments(check,creditcard,banktransfers,orcash),clickonthe correct one and itwill appearin the field.The thirdwillbe where youenterthe date.Afterthe infoisenteredclickonthe add
  • 7. paymentbutton,the fieldswill clearandthe table willbe updated. Schedule Manager The Schedule ManagementInterfacewillallow the userthe abilitytocreate,accessandshare a class schedule. Schedule Manager Homepage. Afterbeingguidedtothe Schedule Managerpage,one willsee twooptionbuttons,“Create Schedule”& “Manage/ViewSchedule”dependingonwhatthe userwouldlike todois whattheyshouldpress.
  • 8.  Create Schedule will allowthe usertocreate a brand new classschedule fromscratchand have the optionto be savedand storedinCompuskillsDatabase.  Manager/ViewSchedulewillallow the usertosearchfora specificclassschedule OrViewa yearlycalendarof the classestakingplace basedonhispre-definedsearch. Create Schedule Homepage. The user will be directedtoanewpage withmultiple Requireddropdownfieldsoptionstofill out.Any fieldthathasnot beencompleted,anError message will be displayednexttothatparticularfieldsaying “ThisfieldisRequired”.We willnotallow the usertocontinue creatingthe scheduleif there are any emptyfieldsorwithunrecognizedcharacter’s. A listof the followingDropdownfields:  Coursename– The name of the course youwouldlike tocreate the schedule for.  (Module) –The name of the classunit.  Gender – will thisclassbe for Male or Female.  StartDate – the English(DD/MM/YYYY) date youwouldlike tostart the course on.  End Date– the English(DD/MM/YYYY) date you wouldlike the classtoend.  Daysof The Week – what dayof the weekwill the classtake place.  Location/Format –will the course take place atCompuskillsschooloronline.  Comments – Anunrequiredfieldtofill out.Anycomments(upto50 characters) pertainingto that particularcourse shouldbe writtenatthispoint. Aftercompletingoutall the requiredfieldsthe usercanthenclickon the large buttonat the bottomof the page titled“Create”whichwillcreate andsave the schedule withall the enteredinformation.
  • 9. On completionthe Userwill thenbe directedtothe detailspage withall the course infoof thatschedule that userhad justentered.Withabonusaddedfeature of a displaymessage written,“Course…has beensuccessfullycreatedandsaved”. Whichin turn leadsusto the Schedule DetailsHomepage, whichwill have all the infoof thatparticular course (,time,comments…) withinaSearch Resultfield. There will be twomini size buttons;  Share- will allowthe usertoshare the schedule viaemail (using theContactCenter’sinterface Email option).  Print - will allowthe usertoprintthe page screen. Manager/ViewSchedule Homepage. The user will be directedtoanewpage withan optioneithertoclick“ClassInfo” or “Current Course Schedule”.Once youhave clickedthe ClassInfobuttonthere will be multiple optional dropdownfields to fill out(byselectingthe ClassInfobuttononlythe relevantfieldswill be shown,the restwill turn grey).The userwill be able tosearchby one or more fields. Class Info
  • 10. A listof the followingDropdownfields:  CourseName– search bythe course name.  Semester– searchby the semester.  Date – search by the course date.  Daysof The Week – search bythe dayof the week.  Gender – search bythe gendertype.  On completionthe userwill have the abilitytoclickthe large size Searchbutton.Once clickedthe user will be directedtothe Schedule DetailsHomepage withagridlike table of all the schedule’sthat matchedthe userssearch. The userwill be able toclickon eachindividual schedule whichwill automaticallydirectthemtothe schedule detailof thatparticularschedule withthe optionsto:  Edit - whichwill redirectthe useronce clickedtothe Creatorhomepage (whichwill now be called“Editor homepage”) whichwill have all the currentinformationdisplayedintheircorrect
  • 11. fieldstherebyallowingthe usertoeditanyof the infoof that particularcourse.Once amended and modifiedthe userwill have the abilitytoclickthe Create buttonwhichwill thenbe directed to the detail page withall the course infoof that schedule thathe hasjustfilledout.Witha bonusaddedfeature of a Flashingdisplaymessage written,“Course…hasbeensuccessfully createdand saved”.  Share– will allowthe usertoshare the schedule viaemail (using theContactCenter’sinterface Email option).  Print - will allowthe usertoprintthe page screen. Current Course Schedule The other optionyouhave isthe Current Course Schedule button.Once clicked,there will be multiple optional dropdownfieldstofill out(byselectingthe CurrentCourse Schedule buttononlythe relevant fieldswillbe shown,the restwillturngrey).The userwill be able tosearchbyone or more fields. A listof the followingDropdownfields:  CourseName– search bythe course name.  StartDate – The start date to youryearlyschedule.  End Date– The end date to youryearlyschedule.  Semester– searchby the semester.  Gender Type– searchby the gendertype.  On completionthe userwill have the abilitytoclickthe large size Displaybutton.Once clickedthe user will be directedtothe CurrentCourse Schedule Detailspage withayearlycalendarof all the schedule’s that matchedthe userssearch:
  • 12. The user will be able toclickoneach individualcourse whichwill automaticallydirectthemtothe Class Info detail of thatparticularschedule.  Print - will allowthe usertoprintthe page screen.
  • 13. College Guidance Planner Interface The college guidance plannerinterface allowsacounselororadministratortoputtogethera planwitha studentinorderto helpthe studentreacha degree orcertificate goal ina specifiedperiodof time. SplashPage The user will choose toeithertype inthe studentIDnumberina combobox and the firstname and last name fieldswillautomaticallybe filledinwiththe correspondinginformationortype inthe firstname and lastname in theirrespectivecomboboxeswiththe correspondingstudentIDappearinginitsfield. The user will thenchoose eitherthe firstbuttonfor“New”guidance planorthe secondbuttonto “Review”anexistingguidance plan. New The firstthingthe userwill see isnumberof fieldswithonlya few thatneedtobe typedin.There isthe studentIDnumber,firstname,andlastname whichwill automaticallybe filledinbasedonthe informationenteredonthe splashpage.The date whenthe guidance planisputtogetherwill be filledin as well fromcomputer’sdate andtime.The userwill needtochoose fromadrop downmenuinthe fieldforthe name of the degree/certificate thatthe studentwishestopursue andthiswill automatically fill inthe fieldwiththe numberof creditstocomplete the degree/certificate program.The userwillalso fill infieldsforthe periodinwhichdegree/certificate programbegins,the periodwhenthe student wishestoenddegree/certificateprogram, andtheirname asthe authorof the guidance plan. ImplementationNote: If the user chooses“New”,thenthe guidance planrecordwill automaticallybe savedagainstthe studentIDnumberbut withoutthe IsSavedbox checkedoff inthe database.Thiswill allowthe guidance planinformationtobe savedonce the guidance planiscompleted.
  • 14. Once the user choosesthe name of the program, a listof classesnecessarytocomplete the programwill appear.The top of the listwill have coursesrequiredtocomplete the programfollowedbyaspace and thenthe listcontinueswithpossibleelectivesthatmightbe chosentoreachthe total creditgoal. Afterthe basicinformationiscompleted,the userwill now be able tocreate the actual guidance planby typingina givenperiodandthentypingina name of a course and the creditsassociatedwithitthatis on the listthat wasmentionedearlier.There willbe anumberof periodstofill inwithfourcoursesin each period.There willalsobe atallyat the bottomwiththe sum of total numberof creditsthathave beenenteredinbythe user. At the bottomof the screen,the usercan clicka buttonto eitherchoose to“Save” the guidance planor to “Print& Save” the finishedguidance plan.
  • 15. Review If the userchooses“Review”inthe splashpage,thenuserwillsee the mostrecentguidance planbased on the studentIDnumberthat wasenteredin.There will be noeditable fieldsandthe usercan only choose to “Print”the guidance planbyclickingthe buttonat the bottom. Grade Book Thisis an interface tograde eachstudentina class. There will alsobe away to searchfor classes,and youwill geta page whichdisplaysthe classinfoandtheirgrades. Search Page The firstpage iswhere yousearchfor the classyou want.You can search forclassesbyclass name and year. By selectingthe checkboxes, the relevantsearchfieldsbecomegreyorblack.The teacherwhois loggedinwill be able tosee onlythe classesthathe teaches,makingiteasiertofindhisclasses. Implementationnotes: To implementthe 'teacherseeshisclasses'feature,the Userstable inthe database will have a columnwitha personIDtosee if he is a teacher,andwe will have aCourseTeachertable,to assigna course to a teacher.
  • 16. ResultsPage Afteryousearch,you geta listof searchresults,fromwhichyoupickthe classyou wantto view/grade. Clickingona classrecord bringsyouto the class detailspage. Class DetailsPage Aftersome information,there isalistof studentswiththeir grades.Afterclickingthe "Grade"button, there will be abox in whichyoucan fill ina grade nextto eachstudent.
  • 17. Data Source All fieldswill getitsdatafromthe Compuskillsdatabase basedonthe correspondinginformationthatis entered. Later Versions Honey Mustard NavigationBar The buttonsof the Compuskills navigationbarwill expandtoincludethe optionof internalpagesof the interfacesandnotjustthe firstpage. Finance Center In the studentwindow nexttothe name of the course there will be asmall box witha+/- in it.Whenyou clickon + the line will widenandyouwill seethe originalagreementof how oftenpaymentsare supposedtobe made,type of payment(check,creditcard,banktransfers,orcash) and whoissupposed to be makingthe payment(student,familymember,friendoran organization).Now youcanclickonthe - and the line will returntothe original size. There will be abuttonwiththe wordhistorywritteninit,whenyouclickit,awindow will openupwith the historyof all the paymentsmade sofar. You will have the optiontodelete ormake changestoa payment.A message willappear,"are yousure youwanttoalterthispayment",clickyesorno.When youclose the window,youwillagainbe backon the studentpage,andthe table updated.Whenyou close the student’spage youwill be backonthe page withthe three dropdowns. Whenyouscroll downthe listof office expensesyouwillsee the namesof utilitycompanies,andother expenses(water,electricity,rent,arnonaetc.).There will alsobe namesof suppliers,forexample, paper goods,snacks,computers,andsoftware. Whenyouselectone of the companiesapage will come up where youwill recordmoneyowedandmoneybeingpaidforeachbill. Schedule Manager  Will include participantsinthe classtothe schedule.  Start Date & End Date will have acalendarbasediconobjectforthe userto clickinsteadof typingindirectlythe date.  We will includeaMultiple searchfeature inallowingthe usertosearcha few schedulesata time.  A calendartype feature toviewall schedulesata glance. ImplementationNote: We will use backgroundAJAXrequeststothe servertoretrieve datafromthe database. The serverwill use anEF queryto connectto the actual database.
  • 18. Guidance Planner Later Versions  The name of the course that is on the listof coursesneededwill have aline throughit,once that classis enteredintothe guidance planitself.  There will be dragand drop capabilitiestomove the name of the course on the listintothe guidance planwiththe original name of the course beingshadedandunable tobe movedagain.  If there is a previousguidance plan,whenastudentIDnumberisentered,the informationinthe mostrecentplanwill automaticallybe filledinallowingthe usertoeditthe informationand save the guidance plan.  The tallyof total creditsforthe guidance planwill be highlightedif itisequal toor greaterthan the total numberof creditsnecessarytocomplete the degree/certificate programthatisstated inthe basicinformationarea.  Shouldthe userchoose one of the “Save” optionbuttons,theywillsee adialogbox askingif theywishtosave an additional copyof the guidance planfileasa .pdf and where theywishto save it to.  In the guidance plan,there will be onlyone fieldaftereachheaderwithaplus(+) buttonto add an additional fieldstoenteradditionalcourse namesanda minus(-) buttonincase the user pressedthe + inerror and wishestoremove afield.Thiscanonlybe completedif there isno informationinthe field.  Once the name of a course ischoseninthe guidance plan,the numberof creditscorresponding to it will automaticallybe filledin. Grade Book In the future youwill be able to calculate GPAs,printtranscriptsforstudents,andgetaverage gradesfor classesor students.