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Boring Usecases
for Exciting Types
Itamar Ravid - FLIP '18
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 1
About me
• Freelance software developer
• Doing functional programming, microservices, DevOps
• Co-organize the Underscore Scala meetup
• Hit me up if you want to work together!
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 2
• Why I wrote this talk
• Three data types and their usecases
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 3
Programming with functions
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 4
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 5
How do we grow
as functional programmers
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 6
Classic "draw an owl" problem
How do we go from this:
quicksort [] = []
quicksort (p:xs) = (quicksort lesser) ++ [p] ++ (quicksort greater)
lesser = filter (< p) xs
greater = filter ( >= p) xs
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 7
Classic "draw an owl" problem
To this:
-- | Fokkinga's postpromorphism
:: Recursive t
=> (forall b. Base t b -> Base t b) -- natural transformation
-> (a -> Base t a) -- a (Base t)-coalgebra
-> a -- seed
-> t
postpro e g = a where a = embed . fmap (ana (e . project) . a) . g
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 8
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 9
We are sorely lacking!
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 10
Actual agenda
Purely functional and type-safe:
• Time measurement and instrumentation
• State machines
• Resource allocation and release
• Let's go!
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 11
Examples ahead assume:
import cats._,, cats.implicits._
import cats.effect._
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 12
Time measurement and instrumentation
Problem: I have a bunch of computations, and I want to measure
def computeCv(data: Data): IO[Double] =
for {
sample <- computeSample(data)
mean <- computeMean(sample)
variance <- computeVariance(sample)
} yield mean / variance
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 13
Time measurement and instrumentation
Non-solution: manually instrument.
def computeCv(data: Data): IO[Double] =
for {
startTime <- time()
sample <- computeSample(data)
sampleTime <- time()
mean <- computeMean(sample)
meanTime <- time()
variance <- computeVariance(sample)
varTime <- time()
} yield mean / variance
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 14
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 15
Time measurement and instrumentation
To start, we define a timed combinator:
def timed[A](fa: IO[A]): IO[(FiniteDuration, A)] =
for {
startTime <- time()
a <- fa
endTime <- time()
} yield ((endTime - startTime).millis, a)
fa is pure, so we can just pass it around.
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 16
Time measurement and instrumentation
We can also name this computation:
def timed[A](fa: IO[A],
name: String): IO[((String, FiniteDuration), A)] =
for {
startTime <- time()
a <- fa
endTime <- time()
} yield (name -> (endTime - startTime).millis, a)
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 17
Time measurement and instrumentation
We can now use our new timed function:
def computeCv(data: Data): IO[Double] =
for {
(sampleTime, sample) <- timed(computeSample(data), "sample")
(meanTime, mean) <- timed(computeMean(sample), "mean")
(varTime, variance) <- timed(computeVariance(sample), "var")
} yield mean / variance
Kinda tedious though!
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 18
Time measurement and instrumentation
To save us from that bookeeping, comes WriterT:
case class WriterT[F[_], Log, Value](
run: F[(Log, Value)]
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 19
Time measurement and instrumentation
To save us from that bookeeping, comes WriterT:
case class WriterT[F[_], Log, Value](
run: F[(Log, Value)]
If Log: Semigroup- we can merge logs.
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 20
Time measurement and instrumentation
We modify timed to return a WriterT:
type Timing = Map[String, FiniteDuration]
def timed(name: String, fa: IO[A]): WriterT[IO, Timing, A] =
WriterT {
for {
startTime <- time()
a <- fa
endTime <- time()
} yield (Map(name -> (endTime - startTime).millis), a)
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 21
Time measurement and instrumentation
And we can call this Timed[A] for nicety:
type Timed[A] = WriterT[IO, Map[String, FiniteDuration], A]
def timed(name: String, fa: IO[A]): Timed[A] =
WriterT {
for {
startTime <- time()
a <- fa
endTime <- time()
} yield (Map(name -> (endTime - startTime).millis), a)
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 22
Time measurement and instrumentation
Our original program is only slightly changed:
def computeCv(data: Data): Timed[Double] =
for {
sample <- timed(computeSample(data), "sample")
mean <- timed(computeMean(sample), "mean")
variance <- timed(computeVariance(sample), "var")
} yield mean / variance
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 23
Time measurement and instrumentation
To unpack the timing data, we can define another function:
def logTimings[A](timed: Timed[A]): IO[A] =
for {
(timing, a) <-
_ <- IO(println(timing))
} yield a
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 24
Time measurement and instrumentation
And use it:
def computeCv(data: Data): IO[Double] =
logTimings {
for {
sample <- timed(computeSample(data), "sample")
mean <- timed(computeMean(sample), "mean")
variance <- timed(computeVariance(sample), "var")
} yield mean / variance
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 25
• You can add infix syntax using implicit class for nicety:
• WriterT is a Monad and an Applicative
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 26
Safe state machines
Problem: I want to safely model an authentication protocol:
case class Connection()
trait Authentication {
def connect(): IO[Connection]
def handshake(connection: Connection): IO[Unit]
def sendCreds(connection: Connection): IO[Unit]
def authenticate(connection: Connection): IO[Unit]
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 27
Safe state machines
Sure, I can just use the functions:
val api: Authentication
import api._
for {
conn <- connect()
_ <- handshake(conn)
_ <- authenticate(conn)
_ <- sendCreds(conn)
} yield data
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 28
Safe state machines
Sure, I can just use the functions:
val api: Authentication
import api._
for {
conn <- connect()
_ <- handshake(conn)
_ <- authenticate(conn)
_ <- sendCreds(conn)
} yield data
But there's a bug here!
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 29
Safe state machines
Two problems:
1. Nothing enforces the proper call order
2. Carrying the connection around is not ergonomic
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 30
Safe state machines
Static types to the rescue! We will modify Connection:
case class Handshake()
case class Credentials()
case class Auth()
case class Done()
case class Connection[S]()
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 31
Safe state machines
And the API:
trait Authentication {
def connect(): IO[Connection[Handshake]]
def handshake(connection: Connection[Handshake]): IO[Connection[Credentials]]
def sendCreds(connection: Connection[Credentials]): IO[Connection[Auth]]
def authenticate(connection: Connection[Auth]): IO[Connection[Done]]
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 32
Safe state machines
Now we need to carry even more connections around:
val api: Authentication
import api._
for {
connHandshake <- connect()
connCreds <- handshake(connHandshake)
connAuth <- sendCreds(connCreds)
connDone <- authenticate(connAuth)
} yield connDone
Safe, but ugly.
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 33
Safe state machines
FP saves the day! This is IndexedStateT:
case class IndexedStateT[F, SA, SB, A](
run: SA => F[(SB, A)]
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 34
Safe state machines
FP saves the day! This is IndexedStateT:
case class IndexedStateT[F, SA, SB, A](
run: SA => F[(SB, A)]
For example:
SA = Connection[Handshake], SB = Connection[Credentials]
F = IO, A = Unit
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 35
Safe state machines
val handshake: Connection[Handshake] =>
IO[(Connection[Credentials], Unit)]
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 36
Safe state machines
We can modify our API to use it:
trait Authentication {
def connect: IndexedStateT[IO, Unit, Connection[Handshake], Unit]
def handshake: IndexedStateT[IO, Connection[Handshake], Connection[Credentials], Unit]
def sendCreds: IndexedStateT[IO, Connection[Credentials], Connection[Auth], Unit]
def authenticate: IndexedStateT[IO, Connection[Auth], Connection[Done], Unit]
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 37
Safe state machines
And this is how the usage looks like:
val api: Authentication
import api._
val authenticate: IndexedStateT[IO, Unit, Connection[Done], Unit] =
for {
_ <- connect
_ <- handshake
_ <- sendCreds
_ <- authenticate
} yield data
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 38
Safe state machines
The original example, by the way, errors out:
val api: Authentication
import api._
for {
_ <- connect
_ <- handshake
_ <- authenticate
_ <- sendCreds
} yield data
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 39
Safe state machines polymorphic expression cannot be instantiated to expected type;
found : [B, SC]IndexedStateT[IO,Connection[Auth],SC,B]
required: IndexedStateT[IO,Connection[Credentials],?,?]
_ <- authenticate
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 40
• IndexedStateT is very cool for type-safe transitions
• It is a Monad and an Applicative when SA = SB
• For non-linear transitions: shapeless.Coproduct and
• IxStateT in Haskell is in the indexed-extras package
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 41
Resource allocation and release
Problem: I have many resources allocated in my app.
I need to manage their acquisition and release.
def createKafkaConsumer: IO[KafkaConsumer]
trait KafkaConsumer {
def close: IO[Unit]
def createDBConnection: IO[DBConnection]
trait DBConnection {
def close: IO[Unit]
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 42
Resource allocation and release
How should my initialization look like?
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 43
Resource allocation and release
How should my initialization look like?
def runApp(): IO[Unit] =
for {
consumer <- createKafkaConsumer
conn <- createDBConnection
_ <- doSomething(consumer, conn)
_ <- conn.close
_ <- consumer.close
} yield ()
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 44
Resource allocation and release
How should my initialization look like?
def runApp(): IO[Unit] =
for {
consumer <- createKafkaConsumer
conn <- createDBConnection
_ <- doSomething(consumer, conn)
_ <- ignoreFailures(conn.close)
_ <- ignoreFailures(consumer.close)
} yield ()
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 45
The smell is strong with you!
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 46
Resource allocation and release
If you know Java, you're probably aware of try-with-
try (BufferedReader br =
new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path))) {
return br.readLine();
This works for any T <: AutoCloseable.
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 47
Resource allocation and release
Our example would look like this:
try (Consumer consumer = new Consumer()) {
try (DBConnection conn = new DBConnection()) {
doSomething(consumer, conn);
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 48
Resource allocation and release
These are not the abstractions you're looking for!
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 49
Resource allocation and release
IO monads offer us the bracket operation:
object IO {
def bracket[R, A](acquire: IO[R])
(release: R => IO[Unit])
(use: R => IO[A]): IO[A]
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 50
Resource allocation and release
But this gets us to the same place:
def createConsumer: IO[Consumer]
def createDBConnection: IO[DBConnection]
bracket(createConsumer)(_.close) { consumer =>
// use consumer
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 51
Resource allocation and release
But this gets us to the same place:
def createConsumer: IO[Consumer]
def createDBConnection: IO[DBConnection]
bracket(createConsumer)(_.close) { consumer =>
bracket(createDBConnection)(_.close) { conn =>
// use both
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 52
Resource allocation and release
There's an interesting data type called Codensity in Scalaz:
abstract class Codensity[F[_], A] {
def apply[B](f: A => F[B]): F[B]
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 53
Resource allocation and release
When we set F = IO, A = R, B = A, apply looks like this:
def apply(f: R => IO[A]): IO[A]
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 54
Resource allocation and release
This is remarkably similar to part of bracket!
def bracket[R, A](acquire: IO[R])
(release: R => IO[Unit])
(use: R => IO[A]): IO[A]
def apply (f: R => IO[A]): IO[A]
Remember: type signatures are never a coincidence ;-)
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 55
Resource allocation and release
Let's adapt bracket to fit Codensity:
def resource[R](acquire: IO[R])(release: R => IO[Unit]) =
new Codensity[IO, R] {
def apply[A](use: R => IO[A]): IO[A] =
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 56
Resource allocation and release
So now, when we write a resource, we get back a value:
val consumer: Codensity[IO, Consumer] =
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 57
Resource allocation and release
So now, when we write a resource, we get back a value:
val consumer: Codensity[IO, Consumer] =
And we can use it:
val things: IO[List[Thing]] =
consumer { c =>
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 58
of resources, using Codensity
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 59
Resource allocation and release
It just so happens that Codensity is a Monad.
So I can do this:
val resources: Codensity[IO, (Consumer, DBConnection)] =
for {
consumer <- resource(createKafkaConsumer)(_.close)
dbConn <- resource(createDBConnection)(_.close)
} yield (consumer, dbConn)
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 60
Resource allocation and release
Finally, I can do something with these!
val something: IO[Something] =
resources { case (consumer, conn) =>
doSomething(consumer, dbConn)
Finalizers will run in reverse order of acquisition.
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 61
Resource allocation and release
• Codensity is 18 lines of code in total
• I wrote a post on this
• cats-effect includes Resource[F, R]
• In Haskell, you can use ResourceT or Managed
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 62
• Don't be afraid of the exotic data types!
• Be on the lookout for examples
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 63

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Boring Usecases for Exciting Types

  • 1. Boring Usecases for Exciting Types Itamar Ravid - FLIP '18 Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 1
  • 2. About me • Freelance software developer • Doing functional programming, microservices, DevOps • Co-organize the Underscore Scala meetup • Hit me up if you want to work together! Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 2
  • 3. Agenda • Why I wrote this talk • Three data types and their usecases Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 3
  • 5. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 5
  • 6. How do we grow as functional programmers Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 6
  • 7. Classic "draw an owl" problem How do we go from this: quicksort [] = [] quicksort (p:xs) = (quicksort lesser) ++ [p] ++ (quicksort greater) where lesser = filter (< p) xs greater = filter ( >= p) xs Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 7
  • 8. Classic "draw an owl" problem To this: -- | Fokkinga's postpromorphism postpro :: Recursive t => (forall b. Base t b -> Base t b) -- natural transformation -> (a -> Base t a) -- a (Base t)-coalgebra -> a -- seed -> t postpro e g = a where a = embed . fmap (ana (e . project) . a) . g Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 8
  • 10. Examples We are sorely lacking! Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 10
  • 11. Actual agenda Purely functional and type-safe: • Time measurement and instrumentation • State machines • Resource allocation and release • Let's go! Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 11
  • 12. Examples ahead assume: import cats._,, cats.implicits._ import cats.effect._ Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 12
  • 13. Time measurement and instrumentation Problem: I have a bunch of computations, and I want to measure them. def computeCv(data: Data): IO[Double] = for { sample <- computeSample(data) mean <- computeMean(sample) variance <- computeVariance(sample) } yield mean / variance Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 13
  • 14. Time measurement and instrumentation Non-solution: manually instrument. def computeCv(data: Data): IO[Double] = for { startTime <- time() sample <- computeSample(data) sampleTime <- time() mean <- computeMean(sample) meanTime <- time() variance <- computeVariance(sample) varTime <- time() } yield mean / variance Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 14
  • 15. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 15
  • 16. Time measurement and instrumentation To start, we define a timed combinator: def timed[A](fa: IO[A]): IO[(FiniteDuration, A)] = for { startTime <- time() a <- fa endTime <- time() } yield ((endTime - startTime).millis, a) fa is pure, so we can just pass it around. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 16
  • 17. Time measurement and instrumentation We can also name this computation: def timed[A](fa: IO[A], name: String): IO[((String, FiniteDuration), A)] = for { startTime <- time() a <- fa endTime <- time() } yield (name -> (endTime - startTime).millis, a) Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 17
  • 18. Time measurement and instrumentation We can now use our new timed function: def computeCv(data: Data): IO[Double] = for { (sampleTime, sample) <- timed(computeSample(data), "sample") (meanTime, mean) <- timed(computeMean(sample), "mean") (varTime, variance) <- timed(computeVariance(sample), "var") } yield mean / variance Kinda tedious though! Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 18
  • 19. Time measurement and instrumentation To save us from that bookeeping, comes WriterT: case class WriterT[F[_], Log, Value]( run: F[(Log, Value)] ) Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 19
  • 20. Time measurement and instrumentation To save us from that bookeeping, comes WriterT: case class WriterT[F[_], Log, Value]( run: F[(Log, Value)] ) If Log: Semigroup- we can merge logs. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 20
  • 21. Time measurement and instrumentation We modify timed to return a WriterT: type Timing = Map[String, FiniteDuration] def timed(name: String, fa: IO[A]): WriterT[IO, Timing, A] = WriterT { for { startTime <- time() a <- fa endTime <- time() } yield (Map(name -> (endTime - startTime).millis), a) } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 21
  • 22. Time measurement and instrumentation And we can call this Timed[A] for nicety: type Timed[A] = WriterT[IO, Map[String, FiniteDuration], A] def timed(name: String, fa: IO[A]): Timed[A] = WriterT { for { startTime <- time() a <- fa endTime <- time() } yield (Map(name -> (endTime - startTime).millis), a) } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 22
  • 23. Time measurement and instrumentation Our original program is only slightly changed: def computeCv(data: Data): Timed[Double] = for { sample <- timed(computeSample(data), "sample") mean <- timed(computeMean(sample), "mean") variance <- timed(computeVariance(sample), "var") } yield mean / variance Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 23
  • 24. Time measurement and instrumentation To unpack the timing data, we can define another function: def logTimings[A](timed: Timed[A]): IO[A] = for { (timing, a) <- _ <- IO(println(timing)) } yield a Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 24
  • 25. Time measurement and instrumentation And use it: def computeCv(data: Data): IO[Double] = logTimings { for { sample <- timed(computeSample(data), "sample") mean <- timed(computeMean(sample), "mean") variance <- timed(computeVariance(sample), "var") } yield mean / variance } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 25
  • 26. Summary • You can add infix syntax using implicit class for nicety: computeSample(data).timed("sample").logTimings, etc. • WriterT is a Monad and an Applicative Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 26
  • 27. Safe state machines Problem: I want to safely model an authentication protocol: case class Connection() trait Authentication { def connect(): IO[Connection] def handshake(connection: Connection): IO[Unit] def sendCreds(connection: Connection): IO[Unit] def authenticate(connection: Connection): IO[Unit] } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 27
  • 28. Safe state machines Sure, I can just use the functions: val api: Authentication import api._ for { conn <- connect() _ <- handshake(conn) _ <- authenticate(conn) _ <- sendCreds(conn) } yield data Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 28
  • 29. Safe state machines Sure, I can just use the functions: val api: Authentication import api._ for { conn <- connect() _ <- handshake(conn) _ <- authenticate(conn) _ <- sendCreds(conn) } yield data But there's a bug here! Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 29
  • 30. Safe state machines Two problems: 1. Nothing enforces the proper call order 2. Carrying the connection around is not ergonomic Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 30
  • 31. Safe state machines Static types to the rescue! We will modify Connection: case class Handshake() case class Credentials() case class Auth() case class Done() case class Connection[S]() Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 31
  • 32. Safe state machines And the API: trait Authentication { def connect(): IO[Connection[Handshake]] def handshake(connection: Connection[Handshake]): IO[Connection[Credentials]] def sendCreds(connection: Connection[Credentials]): IO[Connection[Auth]] def authenticate(connection: Connection[Auth]): IO[Connection[Done]] } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 32
  • 33. Safe state machines Now we need to carry even more connections around: val api: Authentication import api._ for { connHandshake <- connect() connCreds <- handshake(connHandshake) connAuth <- sendCreds(connCreds) connDone <- authenticate(connAuth) } yield connDone Safe, but ugly. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 33
  • 34. Safe state machines FP saves the day! This is IndexedStateT: case class IndexedStateT[F, SA, SB, A]( run: SA => F[(SB, A)] ) Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 34
  • 35. Safe state machines FP saves the day! This is IndexedStateT: case class IndexedStateT[F, SA, SB, A]( run: SA => F[(SB, A)] ) For example: SA = Connection[Handshake], SB = Connection[Credentials] F = IO, A = Unit Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 35
  • 36. Safe state machines val handshake: Connection[Handshake] => IO[(Connection[Credentials], Unit)] Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 36
  • 37. Safe state machines We can modify our API to use it: trait Authentication { def connect: IndexedStateT[IO, Unit, Connection[Handshake], Unit] def handshake: IndexedStateT[IO, Connection[Handshake], Connection[Credentials], Unit] def sendCreds: IndexedStateT[IO, Connection[Credentials], Connection[Auth], Unit] def authenticate: IndexedStateT[IO, Connection[Auth], Connection[Done], Unit] } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 37
  • 38. Safe state machines And this is how the usage looks like: val api: Authentication import api._ val authenticate: IndexedStateT[IO, Unit, Connection[Done], Unit] = for { _ <- connect _ <- handshake _ <- sendCreds _ <- authenticate } yield data Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 38
  • 39. Safe state machines The original example, by the way, errors out: val api: Authentication import api._ for { _ <- connect _ <- handshake _ <- authenticate _ <- sendCreds } yield data Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 39
  • 40. Safe state machines polymorphic expression cannot be instantiated to expected type; found : [B, SC]IndexedStateT[IO,Connection[Auth],SC,B] required: IndexedStateT[IO,Connection[Credentials],?,?] _ <- authenticate ^ Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 40
  • 41. Summary • IndexedStateT is very cool for type-safe transitions • It is a Monad and an Applicative when SA = SB • For non-linear transitions: shapeless.Coproduct and shapeless.HList • IxStateT in Haskell is in the indexed-extras package Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 41
  • 42. Resource allocation and release Problem: I have many resources allocated in my app. I need to manage their acquisition and release. def createKafkaConsumer: IO[KafkaConsumer] trait KafkaConsumer { def close: IO[Unit] } def createDBConnection: IO[DBConnection] trait DBConnection { def close: IO[Unit] } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 42
  • 43. Resource allocation and release How should my initialization look like? Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 43
  • 44. Resource allocation and release How should my initialization look like? def runApp(): IO[Unit] = for { consumer <- createKafkaConsumer conn <- createDBConnection _ <- doSomething(consumer, conn) _ <- conn.close _ <- consumer.close } yield () Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 44
  • 45. Resource allocation and release How should my initialization look like? def runApp(): IO[Unit] = for { consumer <- createKafkaConsumer conn <- createDBConnection _ <- doSomething(consumer, conn) _ <- ignoreFailures(conn.close) _ <- ignoreFailures(consumer.close) } yield () Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 45
  • 46. The smell is strong with you! Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 46
  • 47. Resource allocation and release If you know Java, you're probably aware of try-with- resources: try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path))) { return br.readLine(); } This works for any T <: AutoCloseable. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 47
  • 48. Resource allocation and release Our example would look like this: try (Consumer consumer = new Consumer()) { try (DBConnection conn = new DBConnection()) { doSomething(consumer, conn); } } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 48
  • 49. Resource allocation and release These are not the abstractions you're looking for! Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 49
  • 50. Resource allocation and release IO monads offer us the bracket operation: object IO { def bracket[R, A](acquire: IO[R]) (release: R => IO[Unit]) (use: R => IO[A]): IO[A] } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 50
  • 51. Resource allocation and release But this gets us to the same place: def createConsumer: IO[Consumer] def createDBConnection: IO[DBConnection] bracket(createConsumer)(_.close) { consumer => // use consumer } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 51
  • 52. Resource allocation and release But this gets us to the same place: def createConsumer: IO[Consumer] def createDBConnection: IO[DBConnection] bracket(createConsumer)(_.close) { consumer => bracket(createDBConnection)(_.close) { conn => // use both } } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 52
  • 53. Resource allocation and release There's an interesting data type called Codensity in Scalaz: abstract class Codensity[F[_], A] { def apply[B](f: A => F[B]): F[B] } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 53
  • 54. Resource allocation and release When we set F = IO, A = R, B = A, apply looks like this: def apply(f: R => IO[A]): IO[A] Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 54
  • 55. Resource allocation and release This is remarkably similar to part of bracket! def bracket[R, A](acquire: IO[R]) (release: R => IO[Unit]) (use: R => IO[A]): IO[A] def apply (f: R => IO[A]): IO[A] Remember: type signatures are never a coincidence ;-) Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 55
  • 56. Resource allocation and release Let's adapt bracket to fit Codensity: def resource[R](acquire: IO[R])(release: R => IO[Unit]) = new Codensity[IO, R] { def apply[A](use: R => IO[A]): IO[A] = IO.bracket(acquire)(release)(use) } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 56
  • 57. Resource allocation and release So now, when we write a resource, we get back a value: val consumer: Codensity[IO, Consumer] = resource(createKafkaConsumer)(_.close) Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 57
  • 58. Resource allocation and release So now, when we write a resource, we get back a value: val consumer: Codensity[IO, Consumer] = resource(createKafkaConsumer)(_.close) And we can use it: val things: IO[List[Thing]] = consumer { c => c.consumeSomeThings } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 58
  • 59. Composition of resources, using Codensity Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 59
  • 60. Resource allocation and release It just so happens that Codensity is a Monad. So I can do this: val resources: Codensity[IO, (Consumer, DBConnection)] = for { consumer <- resource(createKafkaConsumer)(_.close) dbConn <- resource(createDBConnection)(_.close) } yield (consumer, dbConn) Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 60
  • 61. Resource allocation and release Finally, I can do something with these! val something: IO[Something] = resources { case (consumer, conn) => doSomething(consumer, dbConn) } Finalizers will run in reverse order of acquisition. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 61
  • 62. Resource allocation and release • Codensity is 18 lines of code in total • I wrote a post on this • cats-effect includes Resource[F, R] • In Haskell, you can use ResourceT or Managed Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 62
  • 63. Summary • Don't be afraid of the exotic data types! • Be on the lookout for examples Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 63